Kingston News (1868), 15 Feb 1873, p. 2

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REMINDERS. Second lecture of Prof. `Pepper : in the city hall this evening.. - Uabmen's races on Monday. Concert in aid of St. George's Home, in St. George's Hall on Monday evening. City Council .on Monday evening. _____.:__:/-_._._:-j-- . unarles uvmgswn. , ; Excellent Companion in CoInmand-Bro. i William, Corbett. Compsniou Scribe-Bro. 'illism Elliott. Companion 'l'reasurer-Bro. John Lovick. ; Outside and Inside Heralds--Bros. 'illi.-nu I Clark and Davey. ' (,'haulain-Bro. James Counnrn 1 Tax M|:m'-Wm:TnzR on NOT. - The cause of the apposition of some to the purch:.Lse Q! the Men-yweather Engine is said ' to be because it cannot veto the Grit ticket. Tm: MMuu:'r.-There was a aplndid m_arket to-day-a large attendance and an abundance of commodities of every descrip- tlon. o `V. IJILIJ. 'In this city, on the 15th Feb., 1873, Mr George Burns, aged 45 years. The. funeral will take nlnna t...... 1.:. 1,4. f 31* I V.i{"1\l' ' ---.___._ llliovu. S(`ABLE'l;77(.'ll.\~lV Al`ABl-:V.`--Aht'Ee annual convocation of the Royal Scarlet Cbnper, held ` in the Ornugc Hall last evening, the following i were chosen and elected office-benrers: I 1t'-__L:-r..I ru___,_:_,, : I u v\ nylv uuuacu auu cncuvcu w|.u\:c'uclrcru : forshipful Companion in Comm:u:d-Bro. 5 Charles Livingston. I L'nmm.nion in f`/nI'nmanaI_R:-a i Onuicii FL'2u:nu..-'-Mr John Elmer, who idied yesterday morning, will be buried with 5 the customary honours by L.O.L. No. 6. He I ha: been for many years a. member of the LO. `Institution, and well deserved this mark of I respect. ueorge Iiurns, aged take place sesidence, J ohuston street, on t day) at 1:30 p.m. Friends and are respectfully invited to attex I In Kinnnom. .... n.- -nu H uuw uuumg nun, um elcaplngum The lecture! concluded by saying & the experiment: of to~monow1 evening visit! all be ontirely dierent. Although 30 in Inthing in t ture very extraor- Iry to those acqn ' with chemistry, ` ll Plbfjtw P-nnnr his..- --: I v nusoy, aged .55 years and four months. The funeral will take place tomonow (Sun- day) naming at ll o'clock, from her aon-in- `, law, Mr Thompson's residence, Wliam street. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invitedto atgend. Died this morning early, Sank Amea,`wif of .\Ir Mathew Kemp, aged 77 years. At his rpszidnnm. .-... r-..n`.___ _., . .. . um, aonu mmer, aged 50 years. ' ' Funeral takes place on Sunday, l6th,.inst., at 2:30 .m., under the auspices of LOL, No. 6. rethren of city lodges, are cordially invited to attend, in regalia. without fm-the: notice. Friends and acquaintances an re- spectfully invited to attend. } TILL be sold by Auction, on Thursday, `` 20th day of February, at the resi- dence of Mr Thomas McKeever, Market Square, aquantity of Furniture, &c., consist- ing of Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Cnrpeta, Bed- steads and Bedding, Stoves, \Vanlrobe, Sew- ing Machine, &c., together with 1 lot of articles not necessaryto mention. Sale at 1 o'clock. Sale of Furniture, ...... ..__s; ynuzu Iron] sesidence,W.VIV::_uston tomorrow (Sun- and acqnaintanc-as attend. In Kingston. on the 14th Feb., 1873, Mrs Kilsby, aged 55 I take nlama tmm......... Ia.-- .. .-.. uuouucn nemp, aged '17 his residence, on Colborne street, Feb. Hth, John Elmer, takes place Sundzv, Ith in-9 Feb. 14. Feb. 15. .JUlAlI'1\413-` r (me Claurrh. vr;._|..., .1- sans zum uavey. (,'haplain-Bro. Janos Cannon. --_ ...u -u-up-, ynuuucvu I-IIU nun: COIOIIT, Thu gnatat part of the evening was tak : up, in tho (lieu-ion of fire. Pooplo might have the pawn of handling hot -otal in three waya. lat. Naturally. some persons have Vt] akin on their hands, which would, J coupe, protect them from the action of heat; hot as all had not this natural protec- Iin, he would about that it night he nipple- hated, rut by friction, that in by rubbing Sb hands tagvther and destroying the cuticle, which grow: tougher than hefore; by continuing this operation it at length becomes Dhldltohinagcteil by heat. 2nd. By avail` the hand with a poor conductor of haat. Inch an pumice-stone, which being itself alaetod very slowly bytha rcdhot metal $11!: the hand for a eonniderable time. The pvduaor allowed this hy coating his hand with [amino and holding a burning piece of jl in it. The professor also having bod his hands. washed them in spirits ` Ilflltin. and than in onmu .....I rncles not necessa Kingston, Feb. 15th, 1373. [Asmas and Bretl:en of City Lodges are litely requested to meet at the tor_iA nsic Hall, in Rezdin. tn Atbm` '0 --uuauuauvg of the Funds of the`St. Vincent de iociety. ' To Contractors. '... 0. Association. DIED. \V. CORBETT, Distyiut Master. :0 from his ht: L street. 0!] fnlnnrv-nu: IQ--n - - v-vu..v- - `fry. ~ The nt of thin gentleman's lectures wa delivend lut light in tho City Hall. The Iowa in lled to overowing, all the reserv- od cosh hving been taken before-hznd. The loeulnr vnintroduoed by Principnl Snodgrnsa and begun by uying. that to those who were Iotvened ` , any science, it would gppenr to 0313} ' tndictions, but'that` when ex- d in dlouly, it would be found that all unehnouning contradictions were merely hem of xed And Iatnnl laws. The Pro-- ior pocoedodto uhovr thin by rubbing some W ollilu over I large piece of paper, cm which wuwrithn tln word PI-oteus" in two ways, thooneoo utobcalmostin. 7551:, the oer in bright blue letters; the blue letters were immediately erased, but the Yt latte:-Ibotxe dark blue. Now how was it list the Inna thing produced and dc` lyod colour? The Profo-or explained this it saving, tint. tho hlnn -.. --:u.... _.:u. ;_ VVM. MURRAY, An:-h'n-.34. an essential marl qf .-ceived by the under- day, 201.}: inntant, at a Mausoleum for D. M. GAGE, Architect. r not necessarily u U r-ISA X , Anctwneer. ml Prim: Strut, Kingnton, Street, l Othvn. Marbles WI: olesdle ! BLUNDEUS DOUBLE. BOILED BLUNDEUS RAW OIL, BI:ANDRAM S GENUINE WHITE LEAD, JAMES` GENUINE WHITE LEAD, COLOURS of every gradoind shade, BRUSHE of all descriptions, &c., &c., C W In} Ill` IIIIZ WC! wnlwn Wit In. `h which wan decolnpoud by the chloride u( tint. the invinible writing W3. of potuuinm md starch. and thn. Gin chloride not free the iodine, which mingling til the Itarci, produced the blue coiour, `I`.. _...o.. .__n -3 LL- -..-..:-._ _.-_ A4! A L wueuoncetnenestandc.-heopest0il in the market. It will run tin; fastest and heaviest machinery with perfect satisfaction, and will not congenfin the coldest weather. Price; :\ NAVAL __T0REs.| PAINT !__PA|NT'!i is olferod at Greatly REDUCED PRICES. VVe have nothing in stock brat what is per- fectly new and~i1; good con- . dition, all of our own Our customer: may rely that the present in an unusual opportuinity for secnring Cheap Goods. Our stock being large and well assorted, we are anxious " STOCICS EXTRA MACHINE _ 0I_L ic now being proceeded with, and will con- -Juwuvng 1lIll!IlIlB9 l'II.I'VI`I_'Sg Trimmings, P1-inges and orna- nents, Shawls and llantles, Blankets and I-`lannels, Ilouse-Furnishihg Goods. _`'- ~ EI"Ih- mh and l`n-noall--n ngnsn. '1 vlveeds. But One Price Money only. 1-`I TOIIIIIIICIVLIIIE; \'\4I .'|Il II\ IIIIRII going Co show us hoi lu grow our p lid with what :|SS`if`II:` V we sbuuhl _ .u n u . .- .... Princess Street, Kingston,- Feb. 14, 1873. In. All!) .1. nAnnmEn'si [DRY `Goons: , Black Silks, Fancy Silks, Japanese Silks, Irish Poplin, Silk Iantle Velvcts, [Dress Goods for every description of wear. ' L Less than a ban-el.....75cei1 per gallon. One to ve barrels. . Over ve barrels ....50 `Sample Bottlu Gratin. AMERICAN OAKUM. STOCK I-IOLM` TAR. PINE PITCH, SOUTHERN TURF TINE, PRESED AND-WB UGBT SPIK]./ BOLTS, WASHERS, c.. &c., ,1 ' PBINCES STREET. Kingltn, Feb. 14th, 1873. 3 At James L At James MARBLES uncut: vi Ill.` \,u'Iu r`.--.-.1 -- \-v corn. What shall we have next @ Tech- Collegu. model farms. ssylii n. for Cool, Ilulnh. sud blind. rogues and fm ls. and rsrious othor ingeniuus devices. liauvr boon invonted for swallowing up the un- happy surplus which is|the bane of the Ontario Cshinets. 'hst inure can he dI>!!c ` "o would suggest an n.s_\'lum I`-Ir su;cr- snnusted sud rstired_L abinei Ministers and monsbors ol',Parlismmt. \Ve feel sun: that snchsprop--sitiun will nicer with mr.1.a`. snpport. fr-nu tho prcsunt Legislature of Untsrin. and ll wmil-,l servo :5 in-.1 nsoful purpose. if the regulatiuu. \\':3I"L~ at av Jho proper kind. It should `he mile s oondition of sdinissi--ii that no qsndidste should afterwards 3;-ck _tu iotorneddlo in any way with l )l'0\'lH.\{i`-kl\ politics, sndspocial provisions should be dorioon` to meet the case of members of the cholcorybrigsde. Jnkingaisixle, we li:.r.- pollyfoo, much money to spcnvl. and -'.`.Vlr rllers dont know whst to Jo with it. We dont soc whst good rosnlts can be expeczed to ow from the ostsblislnnoiit of a mule] Isrln. Wo think the past history of the country will show thst the best farmers :irs thoso who havo by imlustry slid eiiergy worked their way up from vary sunll without any aasistaiice fr--in govornnont, snd we haw no tho thing thst "hath been is that which shall he." Young men uhu go to eollsgo to losrn farming. don": gener- slly tnrniont snocoufnl farmers. The little which they scquire turns out to hos nost dsngerous thing, and. whst is wono, s vary exponsire thing, and it is Vt)` opt to ond in mortgsges sud shot-i"s also. There is no royal road to farming- no such ss sgriculture made easy. It ih Iluch hottaor thst. s young man should ilouli: - tlko ofroo gnnt"snd buy him an :ixe_ `old Ilriko out into the forest for himself. thsn wash his time sitting at Mr Hlcliellai-s` foot, whilst he lesrnodly discourses yr-f the days who: he wont s-fsll-ploughing, a long ing. tinned to the end of Februui-y. Every article-tlu-oughont our Ectablishmcnt S acknowledged by all who have; used. it to be sconce thebest and cheopestoil u the and At Ja1i1eYarker s. Laces, Ribbons. Flowers, `I 'I'l-innnlnaa `I?-Ina..a .... BENT STU FF; )LAIN, PAINTED, . TGHEAP CLEARANCE SALE TO REDUCE IT~' BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF NEW SPRING GOODS. 'e are o'dring B A R G A I N 8 in snirnuni House, R. &A J. Gardiner. ---yuu vs-nu 2 IIIU I ruljur expumeu tms iy ying. tint the blue was written with in 3.. _L;.|. ..- .3 ._....J L__ AL- ,1: ~- selling it at the following scale of 3 . . J time-s} S. ' l;;i{er VERY I VERY rrnnxr < vuux I VERY ] VERY J VERY J X nnozm cement. GLASS, CHINA, To Fancy and Staple At Montreal Rates. BEST mus, ' RDQG` an Atvrn llonlx. FAl)I.l.-ThI.` um.-u-i.. um. ru- ncnt is going to teach the c--nun-`_v a;rivul- tun. Not content with Innaking our laws. H nd ulmivristeting our pubhc .-xtfaim. it is -2... 0- -|...... .-- L-.- . _-__ -..__ .-- uA:AJL S ' B$T ( ' BEST 1 BEST E ' BEST ] rozilx BlSCUlTqgf,.. made. Sales for Ready ' SEIAFTS, ' CIRCLES, ` POLE, .` SPOKIB, .` HUBS, . oxgx GLAZED First Annual G-Ercien Island'I:Iy_a Blu At uie uncumucs lNS'l'l'l'U'l'E, an m.~.u.1, on 'rU1-;~so,u' IWENING, rem lsth. ` l;lc.utgomcry n Qundrille Band sent. . ___ ...... --.._. _...~.-.... - vvv ouu-.-nu I\\I I|\a in nu!` hi!-`Y-v:x,`.|...g." Whnt a highly favoured country in ours. We never yo! _houdo-f guy part of the '.'.:`.in-me hinv__' blamed with an Apostle of u-"ue method of agriculture, or a missionzlry to convert the farmer from the cnjvrs of his c;sbim;e--_vruw- in`. But Mr McKell.1r has ilmugurzst.-.3. the nov. on, and his name will gq Jenn vu pooterity II the father of his cu'1n'r_v1_~ ...._ EL-` -|_-n , L _ _ . vr 1, Auv nswuti nllllly. 5. So --Th'S " Aid Hr] `. Il)1ownd. . t"n`u ( 1)- s. Quartette(Iolectod)---_Th>e 7. b ` ' ' " S.'i'EdJ.?;.""" 'r=-e--1-.- -3. -" n no Eh 1-buds ;:ngxth"-'-vMr."Thonn G:ylli. _ ~' 5. Piano Duet-Qni Yive-HiII I md MiuJ.`Pennor. . 6. S --Th 31" andhisBoy(G `$5 w: -r..ay'."' } 7. Son - "fwu Qnhund Fa-o(E HE Edgar Dovntd. an-. ...__ _> L001), 2: beer rumpn, nearly new, one (1 one` Heifer, one Pig, and 3 quantity of Kiu_ Furniture. Halo .0 In ..'..I....I. um prumzanie Jrnde: Amount of tween. 4 and 85,11. Sltitfacto given for selling. on or addreuing, f F; X. COUSINEAU Q ` ' ~ `Box am, 11" 'r'.Sl`DEKCE of Mrs Lani`; R Exchnnge (mice, on Ontario I \\'e-lnesday, Feb. I9 ; all the Hnmalloltf niture, comprising Sofa, Chain. '1' \Va.shstanl Beulsteidn, Stores (for Willi N C00. 2 Beer Punnxn nag:-Iv um. nna Fl uru uuuuu utnbliln 3 oomiginnblo ne And I and protable .trade;' do: 4 $511!). Rgt:.r...4...._ - Enterprising Town 4 E Ilousr/c ()l(-1o5"l:;' The Ancient Ordeal By j rnrru nhnn n I An `l\t\'w - _ TE 1:! weekly rehearsal of St. Pauli kd chip -m 9.1.. .1-.. -. --, - waned n-om the ode Messrs Weber& Co.,i The Handling of Red Hot Metals. THE ORDEALOF BOILING W Experiment: with Flu}: and 15. Friday and Saturday, Feb. I4 4 Z ' svnmcws: _ Apparent Contradjctlonlors 'I:ickets 25 cents." Reserved Seats Q1 Tickets for abut the Bookutoyq, my be reserved at McAuley I: Cb ; .Feb. 7. ' Y 'th land` pen-m:snon' " f Colounl B andegioers, the Iplengid Band of Battery vnll be _ P R 0 G R 3,A M M E . } um` I. ` , . 1. B-and-Cava.tina from I l Ion ranged by`4A.` H. Racket: (Vgrdi). 2. 8ong-"ThcSt_ormy Petnl"(Hnrv _ H; Saunders. 3. Song (Ieh-tod)--Milo K. 4. Duet-4CnI this the orybe( ` The Mann Tandy. 5_ _q`.'___al'l'In-' Q4-........_n` 1 A:-|,,. -- PROF. Til"-:PP| Fire and its Azit And concluding with _ _ Burning to .:1['TL"I.'1)}4) 1.'r1..\'1.\`i:_ r1. congn Tickets $1.50.` 'l`I-.-4J-- -- * - ..._..un '1-UV. Dmwing to commence at s o c/lpck ~s n :n.n.(u-.o ,,,_ .. vv--can-wanna!) -u u uugn. > 12. MARSHILL. ` Inland, Feb. 13th, 1873. 7 _ 'iIl glve two Gnnd Polytechnic Bnteljtain .` ll fllllllfe. Sale gt no o'clock. Feb. 13, 1_s73. illustrated by numfonn, startling experiments in CHEMISTRY AND NATII PHILOSOPHY. . - -IvUw auuluul-Ucu WILD cnelmstry, u Profunor Pepper himself nid hlninat can In onnlug ---- -.rr ' ` )B.ANGI-VS ! OBANGES !~ ` Auioe lot at the BAZAAR ` T0-DAY, Only 40`entI 1%:-i , AT 11}; FSIDEKCE Mn` I.un: :. Ext-hnnnn (MIL... ._ 15.4-- DRY Goons -T oonndan`b' 1:am. ......a' St. `George s H01; (All 1 VI... 0. 1.. No. I269. CITY A;:t:ion Sale On the above evninp, can for Sale ._..-5-curl. _ '4' mos. GBYLLI; B. Hpnn, villi! normng Service I Rnuoxous Tn: Sons of Tempe:-an every Sunday `Pa.- ! t tour through the . `uh I viii of . wstll I V19" of tl_1e two ] ma. 1-"".z.....'`!.'i`? CONGBIGATIONA Morning Service 1 Vans: cnoox. 80:00] 9:00 n.m., urn 0 use ing I {inn Professor Pepper. .4 -1 -x:- Pnuow can-:1. Hmninn -an-vi..- -5 Gnu Service um, Ev Bane: Sesrrnzn om} rviee ll Wzsuvrc M no "8 Wguvg M mm: )--2- p.m. Pxnn-A-Iv: I 3GlB6i5)~Morning vice 6:3). . Co1wnza.n'1oxu Orninu Ha-win. I uyrnouc A Hormng Service 1:`! Bluoxous 'l`2u nee 0:311. Wlsuirnx 1 _nn` Street)-llommg 1 Vice 6:1). urli Il`I'IinIu-rive: ` nation as follow [At nu nun .. 11431111 : H from thilpholll From Pncton, dul gydenlmm, dun nrrnwmnun , ._.__.--- -1 favour of `: ropn 1 mill, 1'85)./1 Lhdrid are due ing was noontl Duke D An n..u .,-,i cell) 81'. Jun:s's`Cn u my Sm-vim II no boating Portugal. Ho constitution. LI..;' 1 ` mil properties which do hedge in any concerning it that it has certain to a certain extent, for society will not mi- mit into its charmed circle any one who out- rages the lawn of propriety and I1.-Cititudu; there are laws which keep within a certain 5 limit the conduct and therefore ` though the seeds of evil may be sown in the 2 circle of every day lilc, though in these 3.. :' cial seems, thousands of terrible evils may! first make theirimpresxuiou upon the human ; heart; it is in the rude cverithing reaches terri le proportion. lnnn ..n i - 2 I \ perfection and swells into 5 \Ye will then, voun-_v! `A-I:ad.c:1s:i`l'l I :3 the Quinn _ -TI u-II: quit! G lung. The idea `I>...a..._.1 2, uayu. usnlnoq um. ; leave: at arrive at 11:30: 211.13. I_.._. A _..- .,......, roeonciliatial . two bnnchel uurt: t.h':{: no 11:31! mm. .o Ssturda ; 103111 a` , 7 _: Ll: p,, manta of` thg er Jnmg reaches perfection \\'e then, young men. go down town, and see life there -, leav- - ingthe havoc} room: and scenes of .m.;.1 ;.. 1 cauofPrinc'o hullcs I _ _ your`-ll, `ya on of the ( intimidation I -`I_..L__ B,;;:.".:;.=' *4 ox-dared to L The jur,y fail Paris, Fob. than` at `D.:_ _- 07531 [I.l. 13`; $2 Ilium ram: 3; n __.v-u -n Bicn Pw Inndog, F1 l.3L:-L `Il'_J:L i)'nblin, ._- -8 LL- anu awnrm ml] of evil. \\'c have siroken ` about social life and therefore shall not lil)':'I:r \ upon that subject tonight. I will simplyl say concerning it that bounds ? helu.- in +1.- .._.., `(Special T] luutpluiu Grand F , `Feb. because ue loves his little goal and wi light 3 for it, bocouse it is a treasure. Now we pru- rose this e\'cning to go down town, quieth ooking about us, just ubserving the wor?l', and seeing men, manners, and business. It` is anoisy world, we may saw at the \-..n- H .... 2 mu arcing men, uxzmnen 3 noisy may and awnrld full of evil. lbollt snninl lit]: -n..l oh--. constant care, really claim: so deep an inter- est, and no profound a care, as tlnt being in whose eternal interests you must be In-apt up. Now upon the threshold, we meet with this fact, that while we are careful about ur gu- dens, whil. we are careful about our houses, we are nut always so careful about the people I we allow to instruct our young men ; but as l I stand here tonight, I know I see 80mc- what of the position. Une man \- ill permit ` me to (ll:c0\':r his no.-ighboufs i-lul. mnul will , clap his lmmls as he sees his ucighb-)ur'a lq-it_v ` come down, but when I turn to his owu-tn some little gn-I that he keeps within the 6.12:: . j tuzxry oi hisowu eoul, he will wax imlign.-inc, ; because he loves his goal will ` treasure. nnxp old. ...- whatplant nourished and cultuV;o(i.\:i;:i.:. constant really claims es_t, so a care. bt-ilur in necouu. and now we shall see also temptatins in the third ; and lot us for a moment look at the text--My son, if sinners ontico thee, consent thou nut." There is no doubt shout I the temptations; the diiculty is to meet! and overcome thom. and one thing is certain, I '0 , young man, rush into tempta- tion, unless the power of God rescue you, you must fall. What indu you, said a holy man to Satan, tu ruin th 1: young man? V Might you not have left him alone`! 'l'nen said &tan, 1 found him on my ground and l I took him ; and so it is with Sntau today, that i if ho timls the young man nn his ground I he will take him ; therefore my son, &e. In g the tint place with regard to public tempta- ` tions, let no say, over thing that can be done r should` 5. done to he 2 in his path, ma save him from evil. \\'hat plant groxs in yuur gardon of equal value to the soul of your son? whatnlant ulllrishml and ....u....: ...:u garden 0! equal value soil of whatplant culturod with care. roallv claim: an 11.... .. :. _. ,....u nu nu -wu.noiaAuLcga arc m;mui.'mt1Ire.i these ire pr:-servers. It has been rennrkay tha: it is the same busiiissa that was formerly carried on within it. The chicfu-nttrzurtion of St. George's is the eloquence of _\IrCaru1ich;1el, and he ucrttsinly is one of the bus: preachers in the Dominion. \\'hen we have said that, we have said all, for the singingis bad, and th _org;m is played nearly as bad as the one an Brockville. Wheiievcr .\Ir Carmichael preaches the church is crowded- -rnr 1`n'rl::~I.r. . . ._.. Iullnlolkln . ' I His text was the 18th verse of the lstclmpter of Pro\'_erhs : My son, if sinners entice "thee. consent than not." On the last occasion when we addressed you upon this important sub- ject. we spoke about those temptations which are incidental to young men, arising out of the depravity of the human heart; in the next I place we considered those temptations which { ssten upon young men in social life, and nul`, this evening, it shall he ours to consider those temptations which meet the young man in busy public, which he is ever engaged in. There are temptations in the first and in the second. and shall There is nil nlnnlxf -l.....o I Iur. (`Al`l.lEl!P.AL. _ This a magnflicent building and rerlects gr.-at creulit on the archite:.`.. .\ -3.`. only l|;l\'c 113 congresntion been lavish in their expendi- l ture on the Church, .hut ]e\' is con : plete4-(`hapter Housh, Bishop's Palace, School I R-_.m_ Svnnd H-dl 1-.~ 1'3... .. -D..| x , - --...,., .u.u..w` u sue om msnop ox `furni- to had bcel present last Sunday evening. when every liar-oh , an_d corner was cramme-1, chairs in the aisles, people standing up at the lonrs, all gathered ogether, a mass of more tha.n,three thousand souls, to hear Canon Ba!-lwin, he wnuld have been convinceal that ' his trip to Enziand in 1.550 and 551 had not bern without its fruits. A ..,...-_ I ` r,..- ,....,,.-. ..-us-, uuuup s raxacc, -`.ch( P.-_.m, .S_'.'nod Hall, kc. Canon `Bal-lwxu :h: Rector, an-1 .\Jx`E.:m:', l.'urI1[C-`bU:lI l per Canada men, and bath alumni of Tun) Colinge, Torontcu If the old Bishop of T--ru bresent Ind s.m.I.... ........ .... ......;. A course if lectures is being given I-_\- Rotor, and thi.~Iw.1s the third lecture. .\ was upon what is denominated (aini We 1 with truth) the curse of ('ana we du think we can do better than girea pr: full extract : kl (rm-u or .|lcmlr-al Affairs. _ _... noun!!! or social in- suae our eye: and let an 4 I ' ' L ut ounz man. arising amt of LA ua, auu UIISHICSS. It ' say the very lixst il. spoken refore ling.-r sue me tnere ; leav- L scenes of social In- even and 1.9 .... --J: .1 vIA|l\l BIIII I an -0 to. g I ` nt : 1 ulturod your 5 I e, in re Q eful Emr * a I I D up 3 Palace, School there is ianuu i. ` II] n: aim l'I.- I `I 3"- v7/umni Trlhih :rg:r:n`: ' I 1 'l.'nr1)I- Eneudgy ti:-term in er [h`m_ fr ....a:_.. ._ ,. .. lluthlna y is. meet 5` pg ts _. ._____ mto `Wu Tn-:rr1.\`c': Run-;s.-Two tro , will be held at Odessa on Tuesd 3'`` ',",f`7 nst. for purses amuuuting to Llone`! 1 mm ` and! `spurts' of this village arc trn ; uvuuu lnulll ' V I I 1; 1-fty the . unn 1. an: r..-'l crow ed lists of entertz there is an unfortum 5 dates by which the amu lisiuu to the injury uf e liminaries cannot easily Too `bad. THE DAILY NEWS-S\TUgRDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 15. ,__.__(j.._._.> , A V Exm-:n1'.~'.-Since{l|e24Lh of Feburary 14 8425 lbs. of butter, equivalent to $3,157 48 have bsen exported to the L7nited States: and mink skins valued at $1,284. ` i Ponce CuUar-S.u'cRD.n'.-(Bef6re Mr Strangef P..\I).--John and Mary Sence, an unhappy cuuple, whu are sutfering from f 5 pnvi-rt_\' and distress, chiefly arising from ; i intemperancc, were committed to goal for 3 I ,` days for drunkenn.-ss and vagrancy. They am homeless and penniless, and in nch 13- i i mentalrle circumstance will be cuu1p;Lr:Lti\'c- H ' ly c-m1f rt.1hle in the residence to which ; gthey `nave been sent for the next month. 1 Both would be good candidates for the Inc - _ hriute Asylum. 3 I I trotting races I Tuesday the `.?.'nth E Fnst. $200. The ` spurts" true ta th.-ir . profession. and have advanced a step ahead of the Kingston fraternity, who are 1.-in I ! " mitting the nluighiug to draw to a termi1u- tion without an effort to create 3 little ex- citement and amusement in this dim-action, The cabmon try their steeds mettle in a} series of races on Monday. 1 -\|k' `,{I' L0 un;hl1.~'_\' IIIL`, \V'l|L`l`t3ll| \\ urld shews its face. and hero. j m:my tr:\\`-sllers hunting fvr pr:-y, .~'m`I| the temptations of life. lnok look at this sign post. if you please. "Lie:-1xs'r-I tn sci! Snirituuus Linn ualu uriuxer, wne now and then makes an ex- uu=e to leah: his business, goes out and just slips in- that is all. Then there is the man who just "slips in" before he returns to his home at ni"ht-that is all; he goes in, and a gush upun his cheek and an excite- about his manner. \Vhere did he get it the licensed to sell. He got it` where one was-licensed to win his soul. If yuu understood your duties, my beloved rrieurls, you wuulni rise up in the power of inqi will and do your utmost to sweep thnm frnm the city. They will encourage nothing but what will degrade and delxauch Ill: smxl:-:uid yet they are licensed. There is no doubt that these places Licensed tn .\':ll Spiritugus Liquurs" should be closed but while we. wuul-1 close them, we would :1 lo beer and wine to he sold in respectable sa lus. It whiskey and liquor that is the ' xurse of Canada, and if people could not get whiskey they would soon not drink it any more tharfthey drink Alchol or coal oil. The ln:-nnw nf (huh-n.-.o;n..." ....... L- _n ,, -- ....,.., ....... um, unuli mono: coal oil. The besom of destruction" may be all very well, but it appearsjto us it vculd be better to do things by dcgrees. First do away with the drinking of spirits, and let us see how much harm the drinking of ale and beer and light Wines would do for a country. In order to do away with the drinking of liquor the Parlia- ment of Canada should take it up, and pass an } but making it criminal for a man to sell liquor ` of any kind at a saloon or bar. No person allowed to buy in smaller quantities than ve gallons, except from a druggist, and on pre- sentation of a certicate of a physician. 7 \\'c have not got through the churches yet, lbuc fear this letter is too long already.- Yours, &c., II. Glolum Ho)lI:.-Th' excellent pru- fjo to In found in another column for the ft Ill Holiday e\'e|iIg will indicatc In 1 &itnIIIo and humane that an opportuni- im in patented on that occasion to help I j (Inching cinrity by the presence of th-ulvu and their friend: at the concert,- all to hope to no 3 crowded house. The ml-` Sin: In it only I5 eentu. iu:ui}' n-.i\'-suers uunuug lvr are tn he I about and please, and read "I.icr.-ins :-1 spirituous Liquors." what does it mean: no do not knew. \\'-=. \\'iH pass nu .1 liztic distance farther : Li;-elscul to Lu-ll spirituous liquors. Giving on wt: meet it again. last of all, we become oiiriuiishnd wrint tn know what it mi-zuis. It must be same- thing terrible, I meet an honest shop hi-rv fun] flu`-rt: `nut Ii:-onan tn an" I unng ITIDII`, I meet non;-st shop ha.-re and there, but licensed to sell I meet cvu`_\`u'ln-re, here /mm.-rt men can- I1--X . liw, it so:-xxxs utinr men can live. \\ e u .'.tch it in every plaw and in every street we riml tilled with licensed tn sell. Let us gun in zunl luok amuml and Kind nut. K: go in, and nn.l crowde-l nrounul a mi.~`er:sl)le counter :1 uuml.-r of idly-rs, Y. ftnlmncis and rut:m.~t, nit}: no object in life x-Me;-I to idle and till life : term with tlu.-ir pcruiulolls wickedness an-l Je- -.:lr_\'. an-l why are they here? because lnro tn;-_\` are lnslned to a fo.-nu. herv the grave is ln-zltul into an intense heat, till it glows EU I u- iurnancc oi the king. silnply to carry out tin ul-jccts thu levil ma-le it to do to increase \ hi`. tu (-ll.-nllrmm mirv 9.. I.` -. .~I|I-.xn an. _ in, Wm; irequem. them? The young men L may go through suciet_\' being decent, because ~ocict_v will frown u on him if he outrages its , cait-iron laws. gut look at him who has been treated the night before ; his brain reel; in the morning, and he goes down the ~ti-eets feeling that he wants something. He hu :1. decent home, and does not like to A alrink hard before the hour strikes twelve ; and so he yasses by one licensed to sell," and a second; and :1 third, till at t e last of all he has reached his place of business. He knosrs what is kept there, and feels he must do something ; he just turns the handle of I the dour, and so the last licensed to sell" istops him; he goes in, but what for'.`-to stemrly that heated brain ; to give a stimulous tn the exhausted powers, which have been enmuiated through intempcrance. Then again, who are the others? There is the hard drinker, who and then makes ,L'u:e lent`: his lnisinnas anoa nnr uh.` hm. .-rim. JUEL ll|l.llZ1KC Inc cuucrs be mu 0! gnld; it zi curse,;in-.1 sucivty will be comlenine-l for it. Now what are the excuses otfefed `. There are no c.\ Cl`-Sea which are really good---u--ue. 4-me1-euplewillsay,reformthesepublichousse; l'ciul`u.l them? You might as well say, burn \_v the clross from alcohol. If alcohol he ` iiun-. it would burn itself nut; you cannot ' ave :1 rcsi-lue. No improvement can he . t -uu-l; any etfnrt which goes to make tl.-.-5: 5 better will he futile. There is but one rune- ] -ly. Sweep them away with the besom of le- l I ~:ructiun. These are the curse uf our n-it) ; . they have an good in them ; no sciutilla of use- ll'ilneSS. They are just the feeders of hell, `an-l tlie.c-urscs of :1 civilized community. .\':falll, Whu frequent them? The men 1 thruugh societv being decent. bevause \_I-.1 . nu encourage llihllllty. to be a curse and .1 pestilence and :1 wrong in the midst of our .~.,unnnxuit_\'. The question thou is who licen- ~--.l these cstul-lishments? I"/vu gave the right I ~ any one to create a plague H1 our llllnlst T ':l\-c the right to allow any ullc tn draw ~9...u:. into a deeper hell, the thousan-.1: Ilia: gr.-ml our streets licensed to sell. The l.:l\'c the dv:\`ll'S license - that is certain. l-ut the quest`:--u is, who licensed them here`: lue glcvil would license every place in : 1.: city for that I-hjc\:t,l)ut who licensed them imru`! (".111 _\`ull point to the city anal-say, it -'1:-lit. lt is unfair to any body of men to be su_:gl'ed an-l pointed out as objects of scam. 'l`ho_v are licensed to sell by you al[--by the c-vmninzilty at large ; not any one corporation, but by the culnmunity. by the public at large, ' _v the grunt mass of the people, who consti- tute society in general. Now the question: is, \\`h_v is it alone? Arc these: places licv.-use-l to .~cl1, to p.l_\".' ls this nu-ess;ir_\".' Does it mean E-l--ml-nmm-_v`. Dues it mean that this such.-ty `:':u_- s-u,ict_v of the entire city) is to be kept .-__--. by the blood of souls`: By this ab- ~-'r\.~ of iniquity which only `can Llalight lu.-ll zt -elf. just tn make the cutfcrs be full of gnld; sucivl)` ExrER1'.<.-SiInce{1xe24; ,1`! IL. :|,,.. ` .,m'rL'.\'A'r|~:.-In the ..n:-.:V- -- -__ ..... uukIlvCU|.lBIlIIy | entertainments this month i unfortunate arrangement of i amusement: come In col 1 each other. The pre: 3 easily be changed now_ I nI;TCedentIy EIALI {'13: -n....LL 1152312111`. Plot Pcpyct will have I. young wunum to though tho lire M: the lecturr this eve.- hu. ,au.uuugn In I Irozen state. The parties ' placed them'there are not known ; they \ E ! not handled so mysteriously by the ' nemi \ _.... no myawrnouu I: of the fire brigade, and the to the int n being the tru It Police were stationed on_seI but no one tut-nod up to cl ... ._ Uunurlll vac` !: 1 I <:`L: 0,, 1 , ,_< ._...._, ...... uuu-crVl(I me nose 9 `V in a pile under the second culvert rolled in such a position as to easily rmovod ,althuugh in frozen state. The who I placed them'there Ara um. Irnnuvn . n-.~-- - :--:1-;-::_:_:. ? 9 Arrznrrln 'l`nEi'r.-Yestenlay after-noun! _ after the test of the Merryweather steam en- } gine on Mefsrs F olger & Njckle s wharf, three V lei/ngths of hose were left temporarily at the foot of Brock strest. \\'hen wanted for service they were missing, but in the bustle and ex. I citement of the occasion, no thought of 3 theft entered the minds of the remen, and no special search was instituted for their reoovery_ I 3 Not long afterwards a. gentleman passing along ; g the railway track observed the hose :in uile under the tar-nu.` ....u..-_. _,n - I . ---$----------_("'-""--.- Nrrw Paerlmnnns.--TlIero will be an im~ mense increase in the number of steam cmft trading on the inland waters next season of I , navigation. Sailing vessels are in a way use- _| iul and indispensable, hurt for rapid passages ' and quick transit of freight,stea-m is fat gain- ing popularity and favuur-a fact demontttab ed by the numerous` new propellers and steam barges now being constructed at diereut [points on Lake: Erie and Ontario. In the Eneighborhood of Kingston shipbuilding int j driving, but not in,a scale of comparison to ` Port Dalhousie, \Vell3ml, and other places, iwest, the yards of which were never in a igreater state of activity. Fullya score of ` J propellers are on the stocks in the Province of ' Ontario. I l I Iv nnn nuuuly Ur |nn.v.\lLl .\I\\'.\`. Mr .\'evs,--l am sorry that Mr \\'oods has taken my criticisms of the weatlier record so I closely to heart. I did not desire to reflect upon him, he-cause I believe him to be doing i an interest in the cause of science, which I - would bevery sorry to check hy anything I may ivrite. And I may ml-l that there is no 1 other person in Kingston who would willing- 3 ly undertake the task which he has assumed. ` [speak thus because I am informed the re- muneration he receives is quite inadequate to the service he performs. This, by the way. My last letter at which Mr \\'ood.s has taken umhrage, was drawn out by the fact that the 5 published records were not in agreement with 3 my observations. Presently I will refer to i this matter. I have noticed since my former criticivm that his record as published agreed with my own, till the night before last, when I found a discrepancy - a grave one in my cstimatiun. The purport of 1 my communications hitherto and recent was moro to nd fault with the printers of the l).uL\' Saws for inaccurate transfer of the l I figures funiished from the Observatory. I do not know what gures .\Ir \\'oods furnishes for publication, and therefore I am govhrued hy the published reports alone. Concerning this inaccuracy of the printers I noticed that in Mr \Voods' last letter he gave a tabular tatement of the woek s record. That tabular statement did not agree with the NEWS pub- lished reports. I-`ur instance, when the Oh- servatory recorded 24 below zero. I ma. kod I2`. Theprevimfx right while the .\'i:\\'s re- ported -17: I had - 22`. Now to anyone who has paid attention to such matters these dis- crepancies ars too wide to be explained by any other m-;-tho-I of reasoning than Mr 'oods, to wit, that I acknowledged to an error of read- ing in one of my letters, and tliyat therefore it I-0IIO Well that once wrong, always wrong. I lon't think .\Ir 'oods will subscribe to such an argument. Mr Foods claims that he recorded the temperature at 53 below /.-.-ro on Monday morning. I take his word as correct. but it ditfers very much from mine ' 2 he must have had :1 very cold stratum of air passing over his school and chilling his scholars ~snch a stratum as did not touch my locality. To show that I don t put my thermometer at the outlet of a flue. I may state that my re- cord yesterday morning {ms 8 below zero. .\Ir Woods - 6`. The difference I take to be one arising from locality. The previous day my record-7`, Mr Womlsls -5`. To wind up, I do not accuse Mr \\' of care` loasness in making his records : I the rather think your printers are at fault I say no- thing about the 34 referred to because it was so palpable that I could not for a moment sup- pose snch gures were given for publication. My whole ebrt in writing is to accomplish one thing, viz, that the gures given from the observatory shall be correctly conveyed to the public. If I can accomplish this, my la- honr is not in vain. l`2.s-\l2m'xxa.--A tea-meeting _iu <; tion with the \\'il1iam's\'iHe Sunday Sclmol, will take place on \\v'cxlu:'m1:\y evening. K "j*'Z- I lillll. February, l4th. [We thank Thermo" for his camluur in stating that his communication was more to kind fault with the printers of the DAILY News for inaccurate transfer of the gures furnished frnmithe observatory. '2 know the printers` they are often at fault, but they have not been so on the present occasion as Mr Woods letter sbewed conclusively.) _ I j VALENTINE D.-\Y.-Yesterday was the day dear to All young people}: the anniversary of that saint at whose shrine they delight to worship. Th falling offof the tender missives is said to be very` great, much to the relirf of the pout-dice clerks whose avucatiuns relldcr F them callousto the tenderer feelings of our na- ture perhaps the fact that they must now be , prepaid has something to do with the dc - 2 cline. " vvvv u. ecu I-vyll )3 UIIIICI CLIEIIIUN. Should they not intend to be in the eld at Vienna against so many competitors, I may say that I hope soon to have a small $2,600 engine in their neighbourhood, when the trial may be seen without the necessity of asking a rival rm to pay half of their expenses. A (1 1'........_ To Tm: EDITOR 01-` Ta}: DAILY .\`E\\'.-i. Dear Six-,--ln reply to the challenge frnm Messrs Hyslop & Ronald, containetl iu'the Whig of Wetlnesday last, allow me to say that in May next there will be an international contest of steam tire engines at .Vienna,' at which I have no doubt Messrs H yslgp & Rou- ald will be present, as well .-u the other emi- nent American and Euroean rms. There will be a. more thorough and exhaustive trial there than is possible in a small town on a short no- tice, and they will then have an opportunity of proving their superiority over the Merry; weather as well as other engines. .\`l-mnlcl fhnv nnf ..+.;...l 4... L- :- u._ 2,. 1 A! u. u: ustzl-11`. Agent Merryiweather & Sons. Kingston, Feb. 15. TE-}e;iondeno'ef nere known were I myteriously by ' members Ade. and the .-;..~........o_....A ' onjsentry over the hose; claim the proport y circumstances point transaction of thieves I nn oantvu n...-.- I-L- L, V ' | ,4 __.- _.....-nan I -..r\....u.a. A. G. GILBERT. .-..-........;L __ L :\ Tmzmm. nu uv. ulllll I'll. `Tickets 25 cents, to he had from the mem- bers and at the door, I Legmu-etc commence st half-put level. i Doors open at 6 o'clock. E. BICKEY, Sec tary. re hi object was to make wme seemingly ning phenounen plain to the masses, and In in nu clout and explicit as to he umlentwd Bylll. We hopothat his will get jnstu full a in this outing. V ilhol ,1n and of the 01 | Paul Society. I SUBJELT ;_~U;..-e_., } the BY THE REV. FATHER O BRI;1J.\T, of Brockville, in St. Mary's Cathedral, on {Wednesday I.-Jvening next, 190: 5 mstant, Lin aid nl H... I:-.__:_ ,2 .. .-. --- . . 11:.` unno wul he received mu] I signed on VVednesday, noon, for the erectiouhf W . Allison, Fxq. .' Plans and specications to be seen at 1 ; otce, Marble Block. The Inunm n- ----- "'~--`V ! omce, Marble The lowest at any Tendcr I accepted. \.I I TENDERS will be received hnnn 6.... ;L,. ,.-_.4: V ' VVednesday,_20th` ! Uxrn' E:l\'l'.'.\'Tl.\L Minx or Tn TRUE C1lL'Rcu.-I .ev. Father O'Brien, of i Brockville, willlnot lecture to-morrow, as an- ` nnunced in 3 previous issue, but on \Vednes. `. day evening, in St. Mary`: Cathedral, when 1 he treats of the subject : Unity-an esaentinl mark of the true Church. Father O Igrien is V no stranger to Kingston ; he hm visited here 2 many times and displayed talent and ability, .which were both admired and npprecinted, 1 anal which cannot fail to draw lnrg audiences. I The object of the lecture commends itself with i strung claims upon the public, who by a libe- ral patronage will be beneted much intellec- tually. and at the same aid the charitable i fund of the St. Vincent de Pnul Society under `: whose auspices the Rev. Father 0 Brien ap- pears. ` ` g l funeral of Bro. John Elna Fch., at 10 p.m., shtrp. By order. \t.'r _. ..-nu uncvultu ` nested Victoria Mltzic Halliegn Ulb _to r, on lf|II`l\V'\'I\ruI : vnllrdu h._rn.n--.-.u- .. SPECIAL SI-:R3!0N5.-F0r `several Sabbath t:VcnilIgS past the Rein George Lewis, B.A., the popular clergymati of the Primitive Metho' (list Church has been engaged in the delivery of a series of special sermons on the night scenes in the Bible. The subjoct of his dis I-'l`kn -...`I.l.._ 1...... -t - ` _--...... . . . . u v u .... .. gnu. wuvJvv|u un nu: nun ; course to-marrow is "The sudden leap of a fool at night." The services are free to the ' public, and the edice has ben well attended , of which is eloquent in diction as well as in- strnctiveiu the collection of interesting de- I l on the above thcmcs~- the learned cxposiuou I `. 5 tall. ` on occasions that the rev. gentleman preached _ _.-... .... -uuu-, wuuucu uncm Ill aplnts tlujgcatino, And then in fther, and anged `them into An iton vusel full of Idling men. He then repeated the operatjrn viii-an-is only varying it by plunging had into boiling lead, and escaping un- jhul. The In-turn: m....1...|...| 1... .-..;....

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