lbalunce of the e 1242 Plus. I 1mruu1u.n1V'1' wanted for a. boy of fteen. Wages not so much an ob- jectu an opportunity of leu-ning a trade or business. Addreu W. J. this oice. Feb. 24th. | ANTED, AN AGENT for B first-class ' British Fire Insurance Company. Apply st once by letter addressed to A.\V., office of this paper. Au u-..u A nxumunn 1' uuv nnmnaa W to take charge of 3 boy ve years old. Agiyl to C" box`l46, 1 .0., Kin ston. e rum-v. 24th I873, WANTED A GOOD GENERAL SER- VANT, to whom liberal wages will be ` given. Apply at this oice. 1 Feb. 24th. I . . .._-...... I ANTED A GOOD GENERAL SER- V}NT. Apply to Mrs. Macpherson, 3 Clyde Terrgce, Sydunham street. . Feb. 2451:. : An 1131) aux 5Ahb'5MEN-four expe- ! \ ' rienced and two junior. To compe- | tent parties, well acquainted with the retail I dry goods trade, a liberal salary will be paid. Also two boys to learn the business. I F. X. C()USINF.AII Ar nu Rnv -am | V ANTED A MAN SERVANT to attend to horses and do work about the house ; or, a mm and his wife, without chil- dren, the wonnnco do cooking and make her- self generally useful. Apply at this oice. Feb. 18. . - -.-vv-- ANTED A RESIDENT GOVERNESS Annlv 1-. Mn" I`...-Lu: v n 1.':.. .+.... t at (`olonoll lb 6 ' ..-f.. .`.-'."i`3 ANTED TEAM OF DRAUGHT ` .. u-uuav\r\Q. HORSE about 15 or 16 hands high, Petween six and eight years old, and must be warranted sound. Apply to D. McIntosh, City Hotel. ` . | February, 19th. VI IAIIJUUILI WANTED Board and Lodging, in a pri- vate family, for/two ggntlemen. Two bedrooms and a parlour reqmred. Apply at this oice. ma. 1 o An [nu A UAl<.1i.11'J. l$UX-one living in Portsmouth. Apply at the DAILY N EWS oice. w..1. I-1 ---v cw --vvu o LET, ON CHATHAM STREET, . small comfortable House with Stable and Garden. Rent moderate. Apply st this 1 office. I and (id um. U HE subscriber o'ers for sale the House I and Lot now occupied by him on Earl Street, adjoining Chalmer s Church. The House has a Bath Boom furnished with hot and cold water, good Cella. , and a. Cistern of Soft Water, and is well rained. In the rear inn onnd Wand Sho and Stahln nrnnnnf I 01 Bolt water, and 13 weu aramed. 1n the I tear in 9. 00d Wood Shed a.nd_Sta.ble. Croquet Ground, lower Beds and Fruit Trges. The ' lot contains One-Fifth of an acre. Alan en I-our nf thin Int. uni ..-...4-:..... .. urn uam oureev 3 Jon convaxmng Une-nnn or an acre laid out as 3 garden. - The above can be sold together or separate. Apply to G.` M. Kiughorn or to James Shannon. \ Kingston, Jan. 27th, 1873. xov conunns une-nnn or Also in rear of this lot and fronting on `N11- uliam Streets lot containing One-Fifth of ' garden. '1` 3 bargain. All the furniture belonging to the:Wolfe Inland CHEESE FAC- TORY, Vata, Presses, Hoops, Crane, W'eigh- ing Can, &.c. Add:-_eaa, 1' T. S. BENNETT, _L W111 D6 801G on SCI 3811118- J nmes Shmnon, Dun hxws office.` Jan. 24. `Retiring from the Retail Trade | 1 Great Clearing Sale I > myue ;1ven. Appl; 24th . use two boys to learn the business. l`F. COUSINEAU & C0,, Box 302. `ch. 20. ' Macnee Q Waddcll s. W LARGE portion of the Stock has been . . we G . Th sold dnrigg tlkne ;nBnth of stl further mdnoedodnrlrnyn Jnmnrv. and In nmmmng auocx ox ury uooua Inn be stl further Induced during January, and Grant will be given. ` JUST RECEIVED, by Allan Steamer. vi: Portlnd, 3 zoloct assortment of the Newest gale: otvuingbnu-on and FmcyGrens- "Z. PARTMENTS, Parlour, Dining and Bed- A_ room. Apply at this oicq, ' Feb. 24th. ' uaws omce Feb. 17. ll ce . Feb. 24th. W Oct. 17. . . --.-vu.- [VMI_ LOYlLENT wanted for boy of J hfteen. Wane: much an ob- 1?: no "u oox no, I Imgruary, 24th 1873. 3 FIIII4` .up.u..-ly.A- ..6`.._. 6.... ....l.. 1.1.- I]-.. FFICES TO LET.-'I`wo large and plea- sant Rooms lookimz on Princess Street, HHE FINLAY PROPERTY, Barrieeld, L will be sold on any terms- Apply to nmea Slnnnon. otce. T1 :5 1 Cgys. 3`I'im-no 3%-I DRY GOODS L ramcnss xsnpm, Jan. 3, ms. rr ugna 1U Ln 1`.-'1wo large anq plea- looking Princess Street, r my store. 12. WHITE! . . wvn-Q uv-on fANTED SIX SALESMEN-four iunior. comm- THE DAiLY NEWs-M< )NDAY EVENEING; FEBRUARY 24. TAN TED A CARRIER BOY--one living Anolv DAILY wilwclee JWaddell, y uvoru. R. WHITE, Wholesale Druggist, 43 Princess-st. Agent Wanted. 'I`E`h Am` AI`1I5`\V'I'! p,,, , 1i2us<:.t I.@t:_ hp J . I . ` Me notice. Boy Wante11_._ 'F`I'| A {VADDYDD DAV For: SALE. WANTS. JYante [ VY=a:11tef mmd. Wanted. _VV."."_1Fd:i nun wwi .Vi'.*'=>*ae_<%-,, J-:\`s, , . 8lu\\'1s, net-. ` To -Let. `Phi: $8-16 For Sale. "L s. BENNETT, Wolfe Island, Out. `City -Book Store. Tll0S.- MCAULEY & 00. N RE EW~ MAGAZINE FOR SUNDAY ADING, ' MALAGA GRAPES, ORANGVS, LEMONS, (JRANBERRIES, APPLES, DATES, . SELECT AND XXX OYSTERS, Also MINERAL WATERS, 20 Barrels of POP CORN BALL3. km`. xxxusw AT R. 'rowN'sl M-AXWELL W. STRANGE, AGENT. Oice, Clarence Street, opposite the Post ()tce_ Capitali-if-1 - '6o*d,'ooo. @" The Thermometrical Question Sgttled 1 nommmu THERMUMETERI lspoons, Forks, `Table or! i Dessert Knives, At Cheap Rates, ` E First` Class Razors \*9hr1s <*_r_i_89r sl Princess Street, Kingston, and Rideau Stregt, Ottawa. van 1 u FRIENDSHIP, LOVE AND TRUTH. WV PSON, !GRANn CONCERT! WE 8 TE RJV ASSURANGE GOMPANY.% FAMILY HERALD, EVERY MOIYFH, BOYS OF ENGLAND, Independent order of odd Follows. YOUNG MEN 01:` GREAT BRITAIN, And PENNY ILLUSTRATED PAPER, FOR FEBRUARY. CITY HALL, Monday Evening, 24th Feb y. Feb. 26th, 1}s73. FRUIT AND OYSTER DEPOT, Feb. 20th, 1873. Jmce. _ Kingston, 27th Jan. 1873.` utnawa Feb. 19. "THE DAY OF REST, YOUNG LADIES JOURNAL FOR MAR.CH.. - HEAD 0EFIE,' TORO1'1`0. VOU can depend upon getting a good articlein ' commgnce 8 o cl .' fl. a'u'r Awnnizwnf Feb. 19. ` . Ode by Members. Address by D. D._G. M. Dr. Fowler. n-...: , ` mm: AND BUTCHEIPS unnlu. V `Piano Duet--C. Mee and Miranlt. . Song--C. Kme. 4 " , Recitation--Dl'. Jarvis. . Song-F. Hayward. . Song--Maven Family. . Duefr--TAndy Bros. . song+A'._ Robb. SELEGT uvsmzs. x xxx uvsrens. At the CITY I-300K STORE Shemeld House. Shefeld House. Kingstoii Lodge No. 59, RECEIVED AT THE By the arrival oi the .PROGRAMME. JUST RECEIVED, nu-. . -u-.-n J ust reeived at the `; lacilirieq`, Spanish Wines, Sherries THE undersigned is prepared to receive Tenders for HARD and SOFT VVOOD, for the use of the Kingston Brewery and Distillery, in such quantities as may be agreed on. Full p rticulars will be given on application at thiso ce. 1?` HDOPFP is now being proceeded with, and will con- tinued to the end of February. Every artiele throughout our Estaolishnfent `is offered at Greatly REDUCED PRICES. We have nothing in stock but what is per- fectly new and in good con- dition, all of our own importing. Our customers may rely that the present is an unusual opportunity for securing Cheap Goods. Our-`stock being large and well assorted-, we are snxious TO REDUCE IT BEFORE THE V ARRIVAL OF NEW SPRING GOODS. We are oering `I'iA1'\IIAv\ R. ND J. GARD|NER S gonv GOODS ri 1 nuyucag lblllllullag I'lllIVlJl'Bg Trimmings, F1-inges and orna- ments, ' Shawls and Iantles, Blankets and I-`lanncls, llouse-Furnishing Goods. English, Scotch and -Canadian 'lweeds. But One Prit/:e made. Sales for Read` Money only. `In (1 I A\l in -ww we wt unsw- Princesa Street, Kingston, Feb. 14, 1873. EVERYTHING DOWN! 00WNg 100 est. - 1 Case Self-Raining Patent Flour. ` Cracked Wheat, Granulated Wheat, Wheat Meal, Split Peas, and Scotch Brose Meal. Feb. 19th. 1873. nan uneau xoung quality, just to hand. nyson `tea, snpenor Dove:-I ef Good To: come to Mon-ison n. Lover: of Choice Sag to Morrison ; ar-Cured Hun: comg `lawn . nl Finn Whit. That 'l.l..-...l ......... .5- Feb. 11, 1873. Half `Chub English Breakfast Tea, very fine, just tohand. ` Half Cheats Young Hyson Tea, superior qunlity, just uo mornsoni. " Lovers of Fine White Loaf Bread colneto Morrison ; `. W R __Wf+nnn fan: WI-u-4: `lfhgnl `R-..._ 3.... Il0lI'lSOll'I. C N.B.--Fifteen tons White Wheat Bran for ule at Morrison's. `M Mnnnmnwr T lowest current rates, A ly to CAMPBELL AND MACDOELL, Street, Kingston. - ' e . 19. i Notice to Contractors. ENDER8 be received by the under- lignedtllnjal TUESDAY, the 25%): inch, st noon, for the Ma;hn e, Carpenter's, Paint- er : end 'I.`insnitlg'I Work r?uired for the arnatimr nf THREE Rnm mnI.nnunn UNI. SP8 '13} i?:.."S.aa.`=:' 3;;-.~..,c. ., . ....., auction of mum BRIO red 0? R. Mccnmmon. Finn` BUILDINGS Black Silks, Wants`: Rlllzn nrlavn GIIIIB; Fancy Silks, Jhpanese Silks, `Irish Poplins, Silk llaqtle Velvets, P683 Goods for eve:-v Laces, Ribbons, Flowers, 'I`l-inlnnlnn-a If-Inna: aunt. auction: or rnnms DIUUL BUILDIN for R. Mccunmon, P;l:nsa.ndspecicst1ons can bu seen :1: 1 0 . ` 3 lIlIII.$IIIC VCIVCISQ Dress Goods for every description of vear. BARRELS XXX WHITE ROSE [O MILLS FLOUR; 400 Bags Family Flour, beat in Kingston. 50 Barrels Kiln-dried Oatmeal. 100 Choice Sugar-Cured Hams. 5 Rnvpn Ruined R.nll Rnnnn CCIDENTALLY dtoppod out of pocket, or minlaid vqthin tweak, I ' of None '0IIauI`in torloiooahall frnliu. R: in dark uv a.r-u; Lsunru-nvu. uaumval. 00 5 Boxes S iced Roll Bacon. 40 Bags Buckwheat Flour. 70 Barrels Goderich Salt, best and cheap- ast. Morrison s Toronto Flour Store, / Provisions and A Groceries. \, printed thonon. Luormnu odvodstthollawsorncn. FINS DE PASTO, PALIDO, ALMUERZO, ' __ MANzAi~I1LLA, CHEAP CLEARANCE SALE 46 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. arback & 0 Feb. 19. m'1:; lowest or any Tender not nooouu-ily ` ' ` n. GAGE, Al-nhifant, ' Feb. 21. ./mouncement. .T9a.! Tea! Tea! Fancy and Staple Money to Lid; Lost .01: ' ' ' ' ' * ' "- = BARGAINS in TENDERS. AMBAiR, 01:0, F_R (SM 4` SICILY, Fun. M. MORRISON. F. HOOPER. MARSKLLA. sToaKw.y; EXTIIAMACIIINE 011,3 S acknowledged by all who have need it i to be at once the best and chespest Oil in the market. It will run the fastest and heaviest machinery with perfect satisfaction, and will not conged in the coldest weather.- {NAVAL STORES. EPAINT !; PA|N_T! ;.vn4\JJ.1 uuu nn vv ULLI, 1 BRANDRAM S GENUINE WHI` LEAD, `JAMES GENUINE WHITE LEAD, UIITDTTRQ at Alvnncv .......I.. ......I -L...a.. Sign qr the Golden Lion. | MAuffLK"HnaoIs. C0, 200 la? und cmi ,v upuu` ,1, imported for familyo nse.. Po? sale cheap __a.t the GOLDEN LION. luucnmumn JAPAN ml 10 SACKS PEA NUTS at: the GOLDEN` LION. W. R. McRA.E S: 00.; NEW STORE. |PEA NUTS! PEA NUTSII SUGAR-GURED HAMS. ', 2,000 lbs. suggncugea mm, 41.000 11. I Cumberland Cut Bacon, 2,W0 lbs. Shoulders, 1,000 lbs. Breakfast Bacon, out in unntitieu to suit funiliu. For sale at the LDEN LION. W; R. Moms & 00., Ia selling it at the following scale of >1-ices :- Less than a barrel. . ...75 cents pertgallon. One to five barrels Over ve barrels ... .50 Sa.mple_ Bottles Gratis. {amen BARGAINS At the GOLDEN LION in PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, PINEAPPLES, Gmmv coax; GREEN PEAS, -Tpl(A 1`0ES,`PIE FRUIT, mum) APPLF8, emu. & Black- well : Pickles and Sauces. _ ~ ~ lh! ]T0"THE mar. "I`OCKHOLM 5113, PINE PITCH, SOUTHERN TURPENTINE, ? PRESSED AND wnouanr SPIRES.` BOLTS, WASHERS, &c., &.c., At Jalhe S; Ya:-ker s. BLUNDEL S RAW OIII~ 1` RR Anhn A MYQ (11:-uniu In anus; uu11u111u 11111112 14141111, -(:}`(;LOURS of every grade and shade, BRUSHES of all descriptions, &.c., #0., At mS'.Yti~1:l'(er s. F :11 , 1.143 Bushals DRIED APPLE, .c 3:. G3L1mN LION. . W. R. *McB.A.E &`-00., NEW swans.` BENT STUFF. At James S. Yarker s, PRINCESS STREET. Kingston, Feb. 14:11, 1873. - AIN _E PUBLIC no notied that tip pro- prietors of thn BABBIEFIELD STEAM MILLS we prepared toowallkindnof Lumber to order, And Custom Work unda- takeninsswing of Lnmhgr and Blinds. 5Feb. 7. 1878. , - STAR GR OCERY;l Which'weuu ' my other home 111 Town. Also 3 mar supply of N0. 1 LABBADGB nnnmds, No. 1 mmunon mantras, - N0. 1 umunon nnxnms,_ ' b.m1..nannrbun1-,toguehc.-'w`ih gall ulorud stock of Gmoo:-in, ah.-aura: thecityfruoofelntpi` %LUN_DEL S DOUBLE BOILED OIL, K MERICAN OAKUM. m..,s[ s. mf.;; VERY ] VERY I VERY ] VERY ] VERY ] VERY ] DRIED Al- PLES, DRIED APPLES, DRI_ED- APPLE, u--wane UST RECEIVED A CONINMENT of tking their nu- hn clufnre dual caution in | k . ,.-3: :33:-.!:u W. R. M_cRAI:`. & 'co[,` `rt (`:0 GENUINE ` W. R. Mom '& 00.. __-v 1*, ' BEST Rims, ' BEST saarrs, BEST CIRCLES, ' BEST poms, ' BEST sPoKEs, r BEST nuns, Nocs. j NEW STOKE. NEW STORE. NEW STOIRE. mew sroign. vnible _ rival fans. 1.. WHITE ;'Italian Warh'ouo E BROOK STREET. -- ] WE beg tdcall s1=EcIAL}A'r'rE1<'rIo..\', ` `O 0111 1 NEW swan" or TEAS Arriving `direct by Pacic}1 stuno Overlnnd Route. > I "` The-.seTeaswe can ' as something superior to anything 07 " in this market. ' Fine Souchong, - 9 _ ' English ORANGE? AND LEMONS. FIGS IN 2}b. BOXES. ` , PAPER SHELL ALMONDS. . BIDATER8. FRESH SALT-WATER HERRJNG. FINNAN -nmnlm w. BEGQ85 c;g;.`? James Huty &. Co. have kindly ` 7 nu uncle ea to 1` m.ehe'i`Z'g..'lw, :..a-eanefynai mama % the celebrated - y 7 MOR'l`0_N S FAMILY/,PB00F'WHIS.KIY7. _ .PB.00F _ ' = ' BYE .g"".u_Z-SJ PURE SPIRITS, 50.NI. ~ ALCOHOL. . " T` To acoomInodn.toAthe City Trude, allow orders to be 'left at their ` , will he cnlled for hv n mnnmnnar zumw omen to be `let: :1: their union, called for by a Distillery twice dailv. ` win be cnuea tor by Distillery twice daily. Feb, Ii, 1873. SALE `OF Esme orfup The following Inn ' will his "-ii:-i Auqtion st the places and an thb " after named. ` ` ` ` _ . . . E (V 1' '1'ERM8-0ne-fth cub-; ` equal annual inutdmontn at :7 est, secured by: mortgngo on * 4 . vuv-1| -'.-. palm-1'1. on; J ON 'I'o`mDA*ir, _ % % _M NEXT, at 12 o'clock, um == _ Hotel, ~ . 5;; flliglgf-' * ma prottblo tndc. Anouuk " M tween 4 and 15,150. ` S ' given for noliing. Ful purtiultl on or addressing, 7' Inusm.-3 gxven 191' I011 on-addressing, mg. 13.. X ` Feb. 12. Mmmnrs D|STlLLERY.'f Undtv-,`velo`pglA% ' `-_ U'?1:"rl 1&3` :3; _ yam:-"'-`~,`, A}-.. _[_ menuwlmuamzpdtnd `x:-oby gives notweui . ' reeive proposals from 5% hpvov:ny'.w was undersigned begs to ` that he is now nrenu-ed to I! n'hii')f ALL To":-onto, J an. 1878: PUB:-Io u v can uvw, Z1 llla AdI:nauo' `n25 tn, P:-onnmcninncw_Md'syg., Feb. 18. ~ _"_ ` ` ' Doo,).l87V2.: Arrived this `Day, Sacred By: '"1'v'.."x. cousnvnkurfd 451% A, 3` Moore. I'orse.1e,_ nun`: Inn n..n"v b. Yoinig Hys_0n al. BROOK F. vu- Loudeu, Feb. 22.-Mr Disraeli, Lord v~\.Ceitns, and Mr Gsthox-no Hardy, member fer Dxfonl university, will meet members of the House for Dublin to-day, for the purpose of discussing and determing the eeu tu be pursued by Conservatives in Pa iuleut 9n the university, Tests Bill. Mr Robert Vane Agnew, the Conservative idste,'hn been elected te Parliament 1.. \1I:._A,.._ II. I __ ,, 1 um... ....-. ...-... J... u.... ..... .........wuu Govermne t in placing I->c1>r\-. all the fur. eign puwe the true hearings uf tho three nlu of th Treaty of Waishington. I).._2- f I. III I`l... . ....-- J I...5......... LI... --.v- --- ---v -.v.-.4 .7. ...-v............ Paris, Fab. `.'.`l.~-~'l`lic qii.-irrel between the Legitiiuiats and Orlezuiists has hriikeii out afresh Wltllttcf-'\8;.`il hittornoss. L'Uiiiru'x . accuses the lIkQ8(ll.' Iimglia.-, .-uiil Dzindulfet Puqiiiero, of iiiakiiig .1 cniiipact with Presi- dent. Thief: and betraying the Assembly, their mi-ti c heing nnlely to ubhllu oioe for helllOt`l\'t:i:||ld their frieiiils. The Marquis ile Frsinci has addrouod 3 letter to Diic d'.\iiniale, awiiqing _him of dividing the Home of Orleuig, by poking to net. 11; a younger lonnch with'..' Lll. the heail. lniiilon, Feb. 22.--Advices from Madrid repruciit ilhat the Cauliai iiiowineiit is iii- creitsiiig in. strength and aggressiveiiess. The Tiulex has ulvicea from Spain to the eect that piirtimii agitzitiuii isgi beginning t0)IIiIli:.l If felt in the new republic. and tliruiighoul the Iberian Peniiisiil.-i. Portu- gd in arm g in aiiticipatioii of civil cuinino- lion. Th ` views of the Federalist: are overywhe in the ascciiilzuit. The Spanish mails sroEvoral days overdue. um A\_\ n u u nun..- -uw v~..u-. -u-J-x IIv\.l\AI-|v- Paris, eb. 2'2.-Repuns hzwc reached here of me ions dist\ll`b:\lIct-3 at llarcelona,` the cause nd extent of which arennknown. No partial hrs of the nature of the trouble have been received bay--ml tho stattelllent that they nvulve but the citizens of Barce- lona unLt a troop: at I be regular army in garrison tlpera, and ml the red ag of the Commune has been V Hplayed, not only at Bu'c ona,' but at se"u'r-.;l other towns in the ' province. 9...}- I'n`..L `DID '1"... ,l-..I.I.1..l.`.\.. .,E D.__2. Inle notice. bed from It nus. bqst. .........-. I r Paris, Feb. 22. -The Arclnloiahbp of Paris tendered the hoapitaligies, his hpme and fnleruni \\'elcuIu.e to the Rev. Mrllarmillod, who was recently expelled {rum Switzer- _ mu. / \ `In I `I rs I _._u r. `vi Madrid, Feb. :.". .-Senor Nicolas "Salm- qron, Minister of Justice, `will shortly prescm. to the Assembly a bill for the abolition of capital punisment for dl ulf-uces whatever. In the Assembly yestur-lay Senora Castclur, Minister of Fur- eign .\.fairs, and Euhegzu-y, Minister ol Finance, nude ststenients with reference to the condition of the repubiic, tending to allay the apprehensions conceming the movements of the Csrlists and the course of reectionsry pertizsns. The Ministry presented a proposal to apply 10,000;000 reels from the war fund for the purpose of securing improved small arms. They_ also declared thst the government will punish with proper severity all excesscson the pan .,of those who persist in iunrrecfionary vio- lence. The discussion of the bill for the Klbolitlolf of slsvery in Porto Rico was con- 'nued yestonlsy. No progress was report- .` . I _ lV.1l\II Q3 UIIIUIUIIBIJ V0 in Spaniel: `politics. _ ndon, _Feb. 24.-C--u-it Van Benet, ti Auntrinn Alnbellailer, has returned ta hi poet sfthe Court of St. J amen. meeting of the Conservative leaders to I unanimous I detcrxninzstion to oppose the ministerial education bill. The euurse to 50 pursued in cnfrying rm --ppositiun in the Government. VII nnt dutiuiuly dn.-cinieci upon. ~ - 4 - 1 , The strike of Hm noun. \\.'..1.... ...;....... ...:n upon. ` The strike of the Iouth \ V.-sh-:4 mine-rs will `pmbgbly borbrought. to AS .-ml by an mm- promiu to-thy. It in thuuglll. that 60,000 of tho striker! will rtum tn t|.o-mines tn- _.-_.._ London, Feb. 24, ll a.m.--Uuuanl.1 at 9`.' for money; 92 to 92: for nccuunt. Bond: of '05, old, 92; ; '67, 931, Ten-forties 89;. Row Five. 90;. Eric 52. -Race for money- st Stock Exe _ on Government tecuritiea in lower thnn of England rate bp 1 per amt The `Rev. Thoma: Guthrie, the.` Engli:-zh Author, in dead, ' __V_ - Liverpool, Feb. `. -1`, I am. - Cotton atoady ; Uplnndl 91d. Orleuu 10. Brad skull quiet. Cumin:-land cut huson at 3.: 6.! uoany U plum: 92:1. Urleuu 10. Broad- stnu quiet. Cumberland cut bacon at 3: 6d. new {vonx`nspAIcHs. E & DRAW]! Bnfslo, Fob. - 24.--At the residence oif Hrs. Fargo, Jr., yesterday, while Maggie Mcow, the nurse, Ins kindling s re her clothes eusght re, musing her death 3 few moments sitar. She wss formerly resident in London, Ont. Ohicsge. Feb. 23.--The thermengeter this suing ranged from 16 to 20degrses below . ' new at 31 nu A -_..:-I 1...... ho appeal of Edyin James for re-iaalmim to the English bar has been refused. rid, Feb. 24.-The excitement is in- " , particithrly among the working- . There is an apprehennion of barricades ' g, and the red republicans inau- ting extreme measures. The Can-lists eir operations and intrigues are very Va, and the nrmy is dissatised. Wash- n : birthday reception by the `American ' inur became republican demonstration. roactionigta are extravagant in their K I-union: ofwioutility lo the American {noun -.|...... oL'.... _-____I -_ ,m ......--, j vvcu `nun-vu -av ; anualllclu. .Wigton. Hr Agnew succeeds Mr a Young, the Liberal, who win defeat- t the last election by 120 in a 13011 of 848 -v---- v- --v--um; w UIII .-uuIncaI.n in-tor. whom u_-by rognrd ls oiciously ` VI in Smlninli `msliling *--- FINANCIAL AND cum .u i~;r.c1AJ.. . uuvernmens tecuritiea x ho Huuse of Cum` t Hun. `xnlhur no slllrjcut of lhui the gt-tiund that: ....I l....l'l ____ .. l)m'I_4 Jews.) . stop. ` induced Amadeus to abdicate, the possible {declaration of a Spanish republic was never Vfunr e moment contemplated. It was a com- : ulete surprise -a veritable coup d efat. huadeus would not have a.bdic:i'tcd had he . 1 dcclued the consequence of his act in any _ilogrue probable; inasmuch as two Latin : m\tinus---France and Spain-having each a Republican -Government would have an i cuursmus inuence on the thi:$in na- tion, thus directly endangering his father's throne. Amadeus abdicated in expectation ' that he would be recalled by the sriny, whose side he has taken against the minis_ try. For this he rhnisiued in Portugal. The Artillery Oicers are all Mons.rchists- all members of old nnilies. He believed that as he cast away the throne ran her than i act with the Ministry, who date ` ined to I humiliate the army, they would pronounce in his favour and he would return` at their head, his hands being free then drum coll- ' stitutional trammels, but he was completely- checkmatod by the turn of events. Ap- i patently it was some suspicion of this that induced many members of the Cortes not republicans to vote with "the republican party in order to overreack the royal man.c.1vrc. Amadeus, 37 how- ever, seems not to have relinquish- ed his hope for recall. The Span- ish republic isa source of uneasiness at Berlin. The Emperor now regrets his false step in Fmnce, and is sorry he did not re- establish Napoleon or some other Monarch, and accept the payment of a. slight iudem~ uity rather than let things take their course. He regards the Spanish republic as the cen- sequ.-nce of the French republic, and is un- certain where this desire for republics will '.\':uil.iiurhm I75-ls `)4 -In fhn hnunp tn- Nsheetingh 1 S10 ). I 'i\':tshingt.m, Feb. 2-1.-In the house to- -l|_\',Alll6 Speaker laid before the house a I Illcnsngn from the President reminding Ci-ingress of that portion of his annual mes- iag:-, wliiuh recommended legislation to u bring into nperltill the articles of the Treaty of Washington of May 8th 1871 relative to the Fisheries and other matters ' Launching the relations of the United States | with the British North American posses- si--ns, and calling attention urgently to the impoxtance of thnt logislstion. unit s vxunx Anxxnulxu In. (Special Telegram to the Daily News. )- New York, Feb. 24, 2 p.m.-Gold 1143. Cotton 20c for Middling Uplmds. Flour lull anal heavy; receipts ll,000 bbls; 88.138 4,000 bbls ; st 6,25 to 7,00 superne state, western ; 7.30 to 8,35 for common to extra state ; 7.20 to 8,75 for cummnn to clioe extra western. Rye our quiet at 4,50 to 6,253. Wheat dull and unchanged; sales 17,000 bush l,58tn 1,70 No. 2 spring aoat ; latter. choice ; l.75to 1,80 for No. 1 do ; 1,80 to l`,95 win- ter red western; 1.90 to 2,00 for amber wes- tern; 1,801 to 2,25 for white western, latter fancy. Rye dull. Corn steady ; receipts 15,000 bush ; sales C,0(X) bush ; at 65 to 66 for new mixed western; 66 to 66c for old do. auat ; 632 to 64:: for do in store ; 65 to 66 for yellow western. Barley dull ; receipts 5,000 bush.()ats unchanged ; receipts 50,000 bush ; sales 31,000 hush; at 53c to 54c for new mixed western ; 53$ to 54 for old do. in store; 53c to 55c for white western ; 52 to 53 black western; 53 to 54 for mixed state. Pork rm; at 14,75 to 14,87 for new mess. Lard steady ; at 8} for steam ; 85 for kettle render- ed, 32 to 424:. Cheese 12a to 17c. mun 1 ruuah mazuuua. (.\'peciaI Despatch to Daily News.) Montreal, Feb. `. 4.-.Flour receipts 1,400; market quiet and steady, with (ow transac- tions to note ; 200 bbLs ordinnry supors placed at 6,00, and medium at 6.02% Grain, no transactions. Provisions-Por rm, with fair consumptive demand. Butter--ssles at in-egulnr rates, ranging from 8 to 20: accord- ing to quality. Ashes, fairly active at quota- tions. neatly 35 at tor SIEBIII Of [Dr Kecue T811118!`- ecl. Butter 32 to 424:. Cheese 17c. Pestrolenm, crude, 9c-, retinyd `.20. (`hit-nan Funk `14 --|{aneints hnas three Java l'o:tr.)lenm, crude, uc; rennpu `.. U. Chicago, Feb. 24.--l{eceipts hogs three days 19,889; shipments 12,787. Eztatoea, per bus 5 Oats Ben-Icy live ` I I-II"lI|l Onions Beef per 1.12 lbs.. $3.00 : ner MD M I'll .' . . . . . . . . . Mutton per lb... Flour per 1 12 lbs. $.70 : oer Ill) (Eli 'l`umips ms. . . . . . . . . . Butter per 1b.. Cheese per lb. . Emu mt doz. _ vu. ll'!'l\ & Silver Lid 1 rtber induce- uneeae 1 Eggs per d_oz.I Fowls nar emu uucn per couple Geese, each . . Turkeys. each.. Hay `per ton of 2.2-1(llba__ 9 2 Stnw pen-load" Woodperconl.` per (102. . Fowls per coup e Duck: per couple Geese. . I Sum of the rates hall nan? -Average rate per cent of inc:-mu Montreal, Feb. s Bank of Montreal--l8li, l82, 182. Merchants Bt.nk-ll3}, 113;. I13}. B-mk of Commerce-ll9}, 120. ' UntarinBank-l0l, l0I. Rank of '['omnfn-l97. I98. Servsntu wage: per month . Labour-en 1ngea in town .. Agricultural la- bourers wagon per month . . liuynl mun ua.nk-w3, lU0. ('ity BaL$`-88, s9. _ Montresl-T egraph Compsny-l86}, 1861;. ].l0lH' peruznns. l}II('ll`ll) D8llK-1U.|, llllx. Bank of Toront.oB:l::7, 198. ll 1 -99, 100}. l'ilxraR:m`-88L 89. Local Oixaonsonl I II 1 _ a,_In._, . 24, 1873. 2,2-1(llbs,, $9 ; nay per ton 01 per ton of2,000 \ -sompau-ison of the prices of the principal. necessaries of life, in Kingston market, at the beginning and end of twenty years :- .u luv in pi-icu., Articles. Bnngo--nu. 8; min. -5. B-Ainfpl1_0.(N MONTREAL STOCK MARKET. NEW YORK MARKETS. a.-:11] H`.-Ion-rum In Hm n..;I.. A . }DY. Otuvn P.` MONTREAL MARKETS. .;,.: .n.....,.m. M n,..').. `IV. Local \-ITe:5&or InQoI:t. Commercial. rrwes Jan. 7, ` 1868. vv ;- u.u.;;.-:x u A . 24. vnud II\.`|I inn I Pr1'cu'A , Jan16l 10 V0 1a_;`oo I Rate per `cent 0/ alteration 1 in nrice.