jAuM>lK*3RIC.\-P71 .C}iI'CHES~DlS COURSE BY [HE REV. l R()Fl']S~ ` SOR SMITH, D.D. .u.. r 11.16 \Jl.I..l.IJl..l1\I1(3 uauu Lvqvvn I 1;. the weekly erlitinn of the Dun Nzwa. It } has 3 large an! zum-casing circulation in the Diocese of Ont;u-in. Price $1.50 in advance. | Nuntices intended to rc:u:'z rlm country po uln- tiun should be published in this the odest , paper in the district. Establislml l`~l0. I ` {____ Th Best Pei'iddib.l 6f the Day [Tun GREAT ENGLISII QIIARTERLIES - ~-A.\'l)-- Bun-kwood"s Edinburgh Magazine, nvbnx u'I'*I:-n . w"i"5o Nxws is the 01;? CONSERVATIVE ` PAPER published in in It is -we ! medium of communication between the Bishop I The Chronicle and Newg l.. 9|... 1|-nnhlir .u1H-Snn nf #1.`: AI! v Nuwu FUN ["1 Kl\lA'J.'lUiV UA Ii UH ann |)1`lU l'il'l1 ' l<`()RMS of every description printed neat! .-uul cheaply at the Hum Nlcws S1'mn I uI.\'rnw Un-`u-1;, l rinc(-..~vs Street, Kingston. .I A'Ml`..\` SHANNAN, Pnhiiihnr I an; nu` 1 nu ' `By THE LEONARD soon` PUBLISHING uommxy, .104 FULTON S7'I.`EI]7`, NEW YORK, At. about one-third the price of the originals. 'l`Hl-`. 1i`.I')INRURr:n nmvnvmv ..u uilullv vn\i'ulllIu vuc puuv ul H18 Orlglllll. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW , \VESTMINSTEL. REVIE\V, LON DUN QUARTER LY REVIEW , , BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, } ublish_ed'Qusrtcrly-January, April, July October---and ' = n` , ,,A, . .. - A vvuvuwl --auu Bucxwoolfs Eommrnon MAo.az1xx, (A {ac-similc of the original) published monthly. 'lIL`D Inn rut.` Ql'Y'I)n{`1r\ `ltunutrxxr . LAJLIAIILY UL` DU DuV\;I\.1l'1lUJV. For any one of the Reviews... $4 per annum. For any two of the Reviews... 7 V For any three of the Reviews 10 For all four of the Reviews .. 12 For Blackwood s Magazine .. 4 For Blackwood and onelieview 7 For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . 10 For Blackwood and three of the . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 , For Biackwoocf and the four I Reviews,.......... .. 5 Postage two centsa number, to be prepaid ` by the quarter at the oice of delivery. CLU ,. A discount of twenty er cent will be al- lowed to clubs of four or more persons Thus :--Four copies of Blhckwood or of one Review will be sent to one address for $12.80 fmir copies of the four Reviews end Blackwoo` for 348, and- soon. ' Tn 1-Iuha nf hm nv- m...... :.. ...u|:n.:-_ L. n II / 1`R.uNs wu.1. RUN AS FoLLows :- Inu GI-lIpI.7l' JIIIIIIIIIIYQ IVCC4 3 to commence 1 conversion with :9 vi- 5 a hotel. In the count of our tslk he Ie'Il-I all divinity myself. ad." said I nonowhnt surprised that I rev} talking to a divinity student : for mr ua, anu- To clubs of ten or g.nox-e, in addition to the above discount, 2. copy gratis will be dlowed to` the getter up of the club. PRRMIUMS. New nluhnnrilmnn inr H... .n..... an-in ...,... Ylihll U MS. New subscribers for the year 1872 may have, without charge, the numbers for the last quarter of 1871 of such periodicals as they . may subscribe for. ' Or instead nf the nhnvn nnur .~...l.......:1..... - Anny suuscrwe I01`. instead of the above, new subscribers to any two, three or four of the above riudi- cals, may have, as premium, one of t e four Revienq for 1871 ; subscribers to all live may have two of the four Reviews for 1871. Neither Drmiums to anhu-.1-ihnrn nnr .I:.- nave two or the tour Reviews for 1871. premiums to subscribers nor dis- count to clubs can be allowed unless the mo_uey is remitted direct to the publishers. N o premiums can be given to clubs. To secure pemiums, it will be necessary to makeearly applicftion, as the stock available for `that purpose 18 limited. Circulars, with further particulars, may be I had on application. ! mrcumrs, WWII [111 l up lication. THE 1 ,l~a.N|' AP n 1 nu. 1.n.unA.n.u uuurl` Publishing Co., 140 Fulton Street_ New York. The Leonard Scott Puliahing Company also publish 'l`III:1 1.1 A I')lt nnn. new:--..-. -..u a.-_:;u.u:uoLu3 uU1lJl'.`4, To Scientxc and Pra.ctica.l Agriculture, b; llpnry Ste hens, F.R.S., Edinburgh, and thc. Jute U. P. orton, Professor of Scientic Agri- cu'|turc in Yple College, New Haven. Two vols., `Royal octavo 1.600 names. and LWU vuna., noym ocnavo . 1,600 pages inumeroua engravings. Pnce 87; by ` | postpai ' - _?: Great Brim`! Gauge Route to Ottawa. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA BROCKVILLE. on and after many, December 9, I S ` . . P. Wen-net,-. LICENSED AUCTIONEEB, Commission Merchant. All kinds of Seeond`-hand Goods, Furniture, Clothing and Jewelry -bought and sold. Mnney up Loan in small sums on satis- f . Security. Martin's Block, Princeu S _ Kinlton. ' I ` , . . , . Llmrchcs and Llnnsnznua, and, In fact will I not hold cnnnmnninn with nun `mp.-.-.....| ugjzuj--$-- `Canada Central & Brockville &FDttawa._R{a.ways. Ott wa.| Sand Point an res: trams. 7 1-eight loaded with dispatch, and no trun- shipment from points on the Grand Trunk to points on the Brockville and Ottawa Rail- w=y- . . . T [1 ' A Dnauruvn Arrive Brock- ville BRO(/EKVILLE &. 0TTA\VA RAILWAY l Leaveg Brock- ville rerun Carle- inn I,IlIIl'CE|U5 aim \;unsn.-uni, and, fact will communion with any persons who have not been lmptiseil liy iinniersiuu. While 1 was in Anicricn a Baptist lIlllllSCx'l' of the open communion tlelllllllllltlon was mak- ing :1 speech at a pulilic iiiectiiig with rl`l--.'l'- 1 rice to the cliaractcristicn of sects, and in il- i.l.\tlrltL` his subject he told how on one occa- `.i.: as sitting on the lurx scat beside the co:i-:|i- Itialll on it stage in the \Vc.,-st. He I"L'lll3Tl\'\:ll that the cmsciimnn drove fuur guml horses, but ihvy did not sec.-ni tu be perfectly inatchcd, or = ii:-it;-al, asthey any iii.-lmerica. They are gm-d .--iiiiials to go," s:i.id the driver, but I li:i.\'.s my n\\'1I 2l'l>Xll)lu with them after all. 'l`ii.it 1. .ulrl` there on the right is called l\li-ilimli.-'t.; is spirited and iiury, mid likes to be well ...;i to his traces, but he is noisy in his st-:;i. l hat lpudcr licsidc him is called EpiS\'I>|`:}.li.'IlI : ` L`.'|l'I`ll'S his head high, goes very stc.ulil_\ if \ i|Ll let him st:i.\' iii hisnwii iilima in Llm ti-mu, _j-_-- No. 1 a.ml2 C. C. connect at Brockville with the Grand Trunk Eastern and Western Ex resa trains. reiohf. Inn.l..1 ....'n. .::..--L-L - I Leave I Perth Pg -1.: ton Place Arrive rupy. _ The N xws 1s 3 A "MR. nnhlinlw (TONFIRMATION cgfnns and l)HUP.('H E <`1\|?\/IQ nf Alvnivxv .l..u.~u-in!-hnu nu-in4:n.I no-nl. U [S PUBLISHED every evening, $6 per an mun in advance, 01' two cents each single ..nu I1 8 ll - frew -/...,........, vvnvn nu uucl. parI:u.=uuu`l, may ad THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., Fulton Street Yor --.-..`.. - .,., Met ZI. iricllil on the street; asked me to juin the ($0041 'I`cu1plar.~', have :1 tirst-rzitc time get acquaiiited with huts of pretty girls, aiufgo home with them ; asked me if he should take my nauic, Don't care if you du." ,Got a let- t.-.r saying that [had becn elected ; thought, H11 jnincd, start. up Division street, thought |H'i1 go to Rohlfs and look in glass, saw sugar in gin.-s, went to Quaker : looked in glass, to fix , necktie :'sta.rlbll to nd hall, sulzml 1: ran..." :: ulcurc In xple College, New 1,600 pages, and xlII|18l Ol1B -engravings. $7 : bv mail: Brockville, Dec. 9. 1872. , , ANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY. u."l`.ER1\rIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. nu .-u... I\` 51... b-..:,___, _ No. 2N0. 4 IExpn. iExpra. | . 10 45 10 nun THE AI-`AIRMERS GUIDE, no.4 -:,. -..:I `n_-..A.n-1 A ` `V urn-`u'zr., rnnct-.:'s nureeta, Iungstol JAMES SHANNAN, Publiihcr. | gums, went to Quaker looked lll glass, fix ;' starved rind hall, asked a fellow if he knew where it was, said he didn t, saw the girls going up stairs, thought that.must be the place ; went up two pair of stairs, knocked at the door, man inside put his ear to the hole, asked him what he wanted, said he wanted I the passsvord, tuld him I didn t want to pass zany words with him, said I had come to join, he let me in a little room an d told me to sit down. Bimeby a. fellow cam out and asked me if there were Buy one to he initiated and went in ; then two fellows withgred collars on came out, one asked me if I'd be obedient to the rules of the order, and take the pledge against the, use (as 3 beverage) of all that would iptoxicate. and 3 number of other qus- tions ; the other asked me for stamps, plank- ed down the cash and they departed. )Soon .\'o. I returned, told me they were all needy and to follow him. He. knocked at the door, fel- low inside wasn't going to let us in-cha.nged his mind and opened the door, girls and buys all jumped up and commenced eingin , soon got done and. set down, walked me be ore an uicer with a vouniz ladv on 911911 side A` 1..'.... AUCTIONEERS: Sand Point |Leav `3 Carle- 1-An Perth I Br9ck- v1lle I iLea've Brpck- null- Arrive ton l P1ace1 M y frew nun..- No. 2N0. 4 `` Ernrn 113'.`-tn-a 104-5 nun Z16) 1'23 T, . I. Expra. 810 -. .... ....-....-. ...--T. I ARRISTER. and Attynlney-at-Law, So-I I3 licitur in Chancefy. Rotary Public, Uunveyancer, 32 King Street, Kingston; Out. At Ganauoque; over S. MoCn.mmou I Drug Store, every Tuesday and Friday. Jan. 14, 1873. Jun 1 I unuvv J.` A1. .l`UI.Y1V1.I141 amt Ulel B (J of the Peace for the County/of Fronte- nac, Ontario Stray-t, Kingston, dimctly 0 yo site the Montreal 'l`elgg1-aph Company : 0 3(-:. Kingston, July 19, 1157!. gm. nuns and. us: down, walked before young lady on each side of him, thought I'd like to `change places with him ; next took me around and halted me before a young lady on the other side of the room, do t know what she said, was loukin st her all the time. Matched me aroum again, heard the girl: whispering and talking` won- der if he is man-ied-he is retty good lowli- iug-perfect.ly horri(l-splen id, I m just going for him," etc; halted before another picur who came down and shook la.-ma. -en. ..... r wouwrv CROWN ATEFORREY a.nd(3le-ml: J ....,. l|..4....i,\ 1.-L......a. 1I:-......;_. _1:..--n,_ ,,, Kingston. ww-nu J. vvvclg BCEIITECT AND BUILDING SUR- A VEYOR. Q1ce_ and Residence Queen Street. .- nnl OA S. Diccammo, Gananoque, CLERK OF DIVISION COURT, Not_:njy Public, Conveyancer, Commissioner nu Queen s Bench, Etc. Nov. 27. Army, Wa.smugto1;, and later, Attendant at the Massachnsettl In(l.City Hospitals, and Eye and Ear Inrmary, Boston). OFFICE AND RESIDENCE-in the pre- mises recently ,occupied.l)y, Dr. Jarvis, and previously byDrs.`Eva.ns and Maclesn, NA 1:z:`DD1un1:vou' Clrnhrfvrnnr prevxoualy by-DArs.`Eva.ns No. 155 I. R1NCESS. S TREET; nearly opposite Tandy Bros Marble Won-k. s. August 7. , M. CLARK, 1.11s, bum; 1zoou.s,! F. No. 4 \Vi1son s Block, \Vel1ingt.on Street,'Between Princess and Brock Sta. SaA.isiactionGuan.ntoed. J ulv 31. rrom U `I: the poor. V __ __-_.,._, ....w .._uuv I By, IIIVID 5.... .n;ogoa, usual J ~m:n*mmed thig season. First-class Sam la Rooms and ample accommodation. Omni uses meet all trams and boati. nccomlnoua mr mm, etc ; halted before shook hands with me, I said how do you do, how are a.ll the folks 1' He kept on talking and told me to sign the pledge, did so and marched up before the x-st oicer who gave me a. lot of signs,-don't know what they were, was looking at the girl: on each Iide of him. Soon all the boys and girls jumped up and joined hands ; one of the girls gave me a glass of water, it wa.sn t _ very bad but_p_retty thin ; the other girl put her arm round my neck and put a white unl- l:u~ on mo-l'.hought she was agoing to kiss me, but she didn t. Then they pnt_ n:_1e in the ..:.-..l.. :.\I.....: I.-...I- - --- EMBER of the Royal College of Surgeons, England. Residence and Uice :- Dumb1e's Block, VVelliugton Street, Kingston. J une 29 , {____j.___, _j_.._..j__.._._a..` Thos. R. Dupuis. Dill, F.B.C.l .S OMETIME Assistant Surgeon U. S. ` Army, \Va.shiugto1;, and later, Massachusetts id Citv F-fnmuf.a'ln and ATE OF LONDON, England, Hammo- pathic Physigiau, Sn eon, &c. Oee And Residence removed to ellington Street, nearly opposite the Post Oice. Calls invi or country, night or day, promptly attends: J. JARVIS- M_D, , . _._-_... --vvv.-y BROPHY, PROPRIETOB..- 1'Iiih`First centrsll locswd in the * *1 % `cc, and in. - iloae `proximity to the Filhinv ma I-I....o;-;.. Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. ' UFFICE HOURS,from 21 A.M. to 5 P.M. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devoted to .._-v. -u-w-vuul III! I/Clo 08. 175 and 177 Main Street, Brockville, _ 0nt.-Jom: Jung, - J:-.`, ` Proprietor. C 99 Oumbns to and ft-ogihe boats and uriages or part!" bwia `ugh: vixitplsees interest can be secured at the oce. A Fin-at Class Livery attached. ' May 27.v _ w , L ;nousum unndu o!"the'S.`I4Vfeii'ce, ':loae. roximity Fishing and Hunti: 9-0311 3' B0&tI_ and Oarsmen I was in2;`l:1:andAncegar'Fi:I|mgPu-tieg, 1 . 7.. .V_.._ -. ._- -- ...--_v.--, WOLICITOR IN GHANUERY. Oiue b Clarence Street, Kingston, Unt. . J , P. G1LnEnsLm-zvz, L. L.B. RICHARD '1`. \V.u.Kmx. - __ .._ uunv, 1 ARZRISTER-AT-LAW, Soliclitor in cm..- . cery, &c., Clarence Street, between ` King and Wellington Streets. . __ 1 PLUM"i UDDING 12: THE Wonxaousz.--rA question which recently ngitatexl the Scur- burongh (Eng.) Board of Guardians was whether the pa.upers' in the workhbuse sliould have brandy sauce with their plum pudding at ,Christ.ma.a? It _having been voted t0 but (AT the brandy, Dr. Rablzth, the medical oicer of the um-lzlmnm .....,.,. Jummes n nswaouanu Aug. 22. oa.ustact1 July 31. _-v no-uogvy RC1-IITECT, MARBLE BLOCK, Princes A Street. Kingston, May 25:1), 1372. _ _: May 23._ V M.-'1un.' AND KFJSIUENCE oppoa U Post Office, Wellington Street. Established in Kingston in 1857. Aug. 22. 8. Feb. 7,! 1373. Mncd onald & Patton. {AR.RISTER.S,' 8563., Trust and LoanBnilk'1- inn, corner of Toronto and Adelaide Albion Ilotel, Mill-st, Stirling. TOWN Al`.I?l'a`_RQ ll ---- -- 1 -` ' nu on uu-r.uougnn she ageing Then put me circle, jolned hand: with the girl who said I was splendid, then they had intermission, all came up And shook hands with ne-callcd mu brother ; didn t know I had so many brothers and sisters before. In the latter part of the evening, asked the girl who said she um. Ha..:.... L... ....,. n 1: I V V AI -u-u;;;;, ;.a...-. I Rev. Dr. Smith conducted the en-nin-L; ' service on Sunday last, in Great Junaus street Presbyterian Church. Lnmlmnlcx-r_-,'. nnd on that occasion delivereui a very in- teresting discourse on the condition at` the Churchcs and Church life in the `vllit-1`:! States:-E North Am-.-rim. The cougre;.;:\.- lion present um very large, the church` being literally cmnmu-.1 in every part.- Ruv. Dr. Smith. at` 1-~ .: fmu nn>,limin.-Irv I ARRISTERS and Attorneys-at-Law, So- licitors in Chancery, &c. A. S. KIRKPATRICK. 4n.u|Ir'AI.II.7I Jl:l-. noun. omvson Jam UNTARIO STREETS, ,Kingaton, Csnad.-L. ` E. MIISAP .9. an v.-..-.-:..oA-- Giidersleeve & Walkcm, T AHRISTERS and Attorneys-at-Law, Can-K vevanr-.91-s, Nntar-1'9: Pulxhn ' _ ......v.-u -nvwvno VENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA.- ) is entirely new in Ev res] an onlntaed. reuil marr- rrbvinaiun` iIo1;.-caannoqie. PROPRIETOB.-Tliii First 3. . Clsuotel in centnllv Irv-_1huI an H.- V v.......... --. u `-I/-- TTORNEY-AT-LAW , Solicitor in Chau- L ery, Notary Public, 33 King Street, ugston. __-__ , ._. _. . .-.--.;- R HENRY B. EVANS, M.R.C.S., Lon- don. Otce, 156 Princesia Street. -_. ---14-\/Iv-I nu `runnvv )EMOVEI) T0 MACLEAN &. CO S Drug |_. Store, Princess Street. Mav 23. V _v:--up, -r unnuna Ia- )FFICE AND RESIDENCE opposite the Oice, Wellinzton Street. 1; 114-1533) I- n. rn to, April 16, 1872. vuwu to cut on me brandy, Dr. Rablali, the workhouse, Wrote a letter to the Board containing the follow- ing professional opinion :-As your medical oicer, allow me to say that *plum pudding without brandy sauce is decidedly indigestible, but with it is very good and wholesome." The Doctor was so much in earnest in this opinion, that he sent alto a. donation of half 9. gallon uf brandy to be used for the sauce. Another benvolent gentleman hearing of the dread- ful deprivation to which the paupei-s were to be slbjected, also sent a bottle of b ndy. So the panpers of Scarborough had randy sauce after all, and escaped (if Dr. Rablah was right) the gnawing pangs of indigestion. The llfauitoban notics the arrival in VVinnipeg of a. leading memlmr n" H. 1...... u{.1{.15'1'J.'1.5,` 550., `H151: nnu Loan Dunn- ing, corner of Toronto uud,Ade1aide aha. ' I Iuu D 1 Lynn and Attorney; veyancers, 1\ota.ries Pul:li J ames Mccammon, lIl.lD., DIIDDD ..tA.I__I),,,,I rc `I an Ixngpaii-iaTsm,-the. ruI\v.urnv.\rur `J. 1.. uacaonala, 1..n.$, M"I`I l'l` u.............._ L. n" Kiglo-American noun. runny Axn ..~um.n1n n........ Alex. s. lm-Igpau-ick, . nrnxv rn'I\t\Ivv\Y AtI1rI'I(.I\`kv'IVIr ;AI_._--.-1Ilachar, MA-. Richard '1`. Walkem, VY'I`l`|I"h Viv rm-r A `-..n..xv uluuucla auu uuuers oerere. 1n the latter wa.s_guing for me, If I could see her home, she said I coufd if her husband was willing-- zli\ln t wait to age, but took my hat and luft whistling :- Nor shall the pledge be ever forgot, That so much bliss creates ; VVc ll touch not, taste 1.-ot, hamlle nol;,,~ Wha.to er intoxicates. V L. Clements, Dentist. `nu A xvn Y\`l(!`I'f\ n-nan`. In-. llem-y 3. Evan: r`I"l'\\I`r|1r -n nvv . -1-,-.. -.- _ ,. T ARCIIITEGTURE: Dr. lllacleunfs oice -`:7-ru-. run/\ -- . A- -- . -- . _,_ ngswn, uanaa.-1.. ` E. MILSAP & CO., Proprietors. %__ International Hotel. 1-7: .__1 um -1 - r. n. Clark. L.n.s. rur A-nrr v -r. n -. Joseph Bawdcn. '\Y'I'1IY ArI1~r A11? 1` .. .. DENTISTRY. Danie-ls lliitel. I mnnrxv run.-u . Ca. . _, a __a r_...b.. .. ...us,gc-uuu VVinnipeg leading member of a. large Ontario lumber rm which has machinery on the way for the erection of a large saw mill. The firm has received a. lar ge grant of timber land from the Dominion Govern- ment, on thecondition of selling lumber at the mill at 3 price not exceeding 830 per thousand feet." . ` Dr. J. John Power. FlV'I\ A \Y'l\ `I'II'Yrv r MEDICAL. J ohnr if-Indie, -xn. AIIV 1'!` S. DANIELS, Pnnnmrron. 73. Jonx A MACDONALD, QXC. JAMES IPATTOX, Q.C. ..II I 1! 1 0'7`) HOTELS. I " H . ULJA W A.-'r1ns house 5' `'._in 9' re-peat. III-Ving -mtnmiahed this class Samnla Ram... and .......n., R. Gage, n nn;u-us-.9.-- lcery, one. A. S. Kmxrumxcx. E. H. Smrmz, M.A. I About 4,000 bottles of very superior red wine, the pmpertymf the ex-Emperor Na- poleon, which were removed during the I burning of Porn from the cellars of the Tuileriu, were sold, lutmonth, in the suc- tion-roomn of the Pall-Mall, London. The highest prices were paid for I Chateau Latte of 1858, which brought 8103 bottle. (III. Ohio` 'Il\.:IuA ..-L A~ ' ` " l ;;.;`>;Vo;nptiJyu;";tLe|;1t`1F:: I J._ JARVIS, M.D.` ;.-This house nnnnnf. In Q1r:1nn- ANIEL McIN'l`0SH, Veteuilinry Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario;\{eterinary C019 lege. 'l`o1-`onto.`~ Office. City }'Idel, _Kingston. John V. Noel; `INSURANCE Ag'ent,_ Notary Public, Ac- countant, 829. Office over Mr Parker - Drug Store. \ Kingston, Oct. 151:, 1872. ~ I A`\{r|1'1ll and g l :3 Ouuwcgoanu BRITISH MAIIS will be closed :15 follows: P 1)1`REc'r'L1NE`(vi. Ne"wYoi-k)`ev ry th, 3...,; .. Lloxgllny at` 711.30 5.111, Postsge 8e. :3:-,mn yam IJVERPOOL` half ounce. ~ . lily 6. _ -. '. Per l ?sANADIAN- LINE Portland) -------_-7-- . . V, 1- `dz tll.30 . . Cc. ' 2 '~ `. ' :::H.,...,.:e_ Y * `P P" T R0 gd__ < Registered. Imiteu llxould be mailed hm an hour previous Co the than of clnnina H... negate j M..'|. I negnstereu Letter: should be halfl previous Ip of cloning the Mails. Registration Fee 8c. . l l1n\1-nvv nn-.-.. .. , - _, .. .0-.. nvnvusllll Qxuls UOEHS. I Cut this` notice ms and bring it with you. ` We are aubhori to refund the cash to my person or poI_-Iona who nhall` buy u_1d use Par- MONEY 01:01:12.3, on Money oral. Oices throughout the Dominion. Grant R-i.;.. ' daily, sundiy. excepted. utL'1`USITS re/dived uudm; th regulation of the Post Oce Savings Bu_1k, tween the hours of 9 mm. and. 4 p. Oice hours from 7. am. to 6.1!.Lp.m., R. DEAUOH, ' _ 7 . Pootnuter. Post Oice; Kimnlnm ) ` . 7- at 4 U' .F 1" HoTu.-Sti ' place as follows` From Pictqp, dxlly, 5 pa! 8 den dul ll 8.! Hi"-..l '4'? duly. Bnunxfs Eo'l'IL.-Bl`Iih an-ivea u 112% am, on_ Thadny, undny Ind gitux-uh ;:1oavesjsI:' n_> clock the `saga r.` _ up, 'y,sn-ivonst 1- 1.11%.-;'leI.v_ :2 8:30-f).m. Cape Vineoxr, 1- nnive at 1-1:30s.m.; one 31:8 a.in., 1 and A 2 pjm _ ` ;'rAai Onicn.-Onpq Vincent stages arrive L 75. M: gleayo :88 q,p.-,_}nud 2 p.m. ,, `Gaunt :-; drll.--Hont4n.'-huh-'--='n- - Oice, Kin I83-F045 I I ; ragnl an-nvg ma` up] station as follows :- n nrsrn Mixed '1`m' ' "'n' '. s l 2 '--.)u nufyvao I` :4 Ho'rEI..---Sti"g!:a arrive and depart ' follows `:-- ` my, pan`. ; leave at 8 s.m ` d.0II um. ; leave 1.124 p.m ` ` ', 111.13. ; leave at 4 ' lit 1 .p. _ `-.- 11.; ea.vea.t4 En-.q' _ atrashudq. Jlfgundny and- at __ am. - leave sane bgnt. 419.353 gtburgh.-.thily, 11 can. ; vs at 4 , _Vinoan._dn.ily, 1 p.m. ; leave 18 3 p.m. Bnminxfs Eo1'x'I.-Batli gm; an 1`hn-clan ---l-- --3 l.\'I'I`.-\'I`IUI\' (NOT \\'I'l`H THE. - .~\.0.(.'.'1"s_) .GIaA'kn1 s'}i1arI1?-3F9';aIi; =M ,,.waa.n.-an. I ` ` d `I.1i.:..'f'd inoentttlgit at nun IS )1 on DE throughout ti and Innlonn` nuunx ununtu, Money Order Dominion, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundland .Il1d Prince Edward Island. can be ohfdinui ug n.:.l Grami F1-nT-.kxa1' way.` 4 Trains an-ivq and from the Kingston station fpllorws ...... ;.u...uu, nawrounululll and rucel Isla.nd,~can be " eaaumal 0ie.A1loPoa S dPoat **Mm~" I )0 T OFFICE KINGSTON. urgnuve I 1. -6-A dv. This Coman hasbeendo' bunincssincanadsot` 50 ' H thnt time phuy secired tho lgttgblic czmdence b every fair claim. It has fully complied with the wt Cnnqds by depogig ' Government of Stocks to the extent of $50,000,, and is prepared to iuuo Pm terms as low as the safety of the Assured will nnit. ~ 5 T V JAMES s. IFT Aolnr St. 1` Kimzston. Jnlv 20. 1871. ' ""` 1 maniac` Cash on isand mdin `Raul `HA4 n B n LOSSES PAID IN 52 YEARS... V .,, ... } ... ' Assets:-Jul! I. I871 (at _-an-ket value). 11...`. .. i......: ....: :. 11.... - nun: stock _ United States, State and city Stock and other Public Securities LIABILITIES.-Clainu not due, and nnndjulted . Kingston. July .20; um. .zE'rNA INLSIJRANVCE COMPA.-I .'`!"`!"F ssgg _1lj_S_URANCE `AGENT. _ I To be conlimml.) iiiifificiiifisnii $ E'rEiufm\R[._ ` 8 `co 9. Nw .8838. Ixtrohrburm 1319, Omnnn Prnn-run. % can Capital, ss,ooo,ooo.oo." oi: llui_Is.f 1.':s P. . 2.40 A.M`. nan-In not uocgu-ed or rzgh' t or other Inionlui ' Portland to J. 'L. Fgillt, or And:-ewA1lm; in Qnobeo 15 &. Co. ; in Ha-re to John H. Iforleana ; in Pu-is to Gudivd Rue dz: 4 Soptembn ; in " Schmitz & Co. , or Richard _`. dun to S. P. Ittmnnn & Zooii ; 190 `V. Gibson &. Hmm - in `I-'l.lc..L In as uueonm; In Lontlelj to _; Grernmorne, 17 Gnoe-chm-e1: '~ Glugow to Juiee and Alex. 2 ' Clyde Street ; in Live:-noel M 3:6 Tten`;a:r-to`nnil.hetweerth`:i Portland 3|: intends during the ,1; W-intter Nnvitptiom. " An v.w....:........I u.._..-._ >7 5 urn:-gvw W JIIIIOI Illll JLICX. ; Liverpool tn` 1 June: Street; or t9 H. &,A. of Yonvillo and common amen; Jan. 22. 9 4 --' W; n 1-ll I IIHIIIICEIII.` {U yull I L'lli|l'|' HI ilIC lilillli Nil N for nlysulf vl` received by word of month from persons upon ulmse CHlll|.u'lcXIL'_\' and credibility I had ex cry reason to :'Fi_v. A stranger ts not long in the l7nite Statis- until he is struck with zit-.4,<',rrt-re. munhcr of sects into which the Clm~+:i.-m Church is divided in that country. The S(`Ct31lI'C In ; be counted not by tens but by hundrmls. Wliether it '.\l'i:~'cs Ir--in so tmuiy ulik-rt-nt * modes of thought and mental pl`-N.'li\'itius. or whether it is from the ccntriiug:i.l ten- dency of their political systmni \\lllL`l` ll.'lS elevated the idea. of local govcrnuieut into :1 universally~recognised political doctrine, or whether it is from that iiiipatieiire of re- , stnint which 1-revxtdes the whu ole c--nnuu1IIt_\', or from all these causes combined. the result ` is clearly ascerutined that :i new c4:clesi.\s- tical sect, with its disfiilct ;,-uvernxnent and written or unwritten cmistitution. mu be as easily formed in America. as :1. litc.-r:u'_v club or a. mutual ill)p1`n"-\'\:l\Iellt st-c.iety. 'l'l1ix tendency has a serious (lis:id\'zni`t.-ig-:, but l am not sure that it is wholly objection-.tllu An evil. Division without just cause, or 1 without grave cause, is bad mid disastrous : but when union has ctalsctl to be real it is . time for it to cease to be app:-.1-cut. I do not think that it is good or useful to have at Rationslist, a Ritualist, and a. Calvinist all tied up in the same sheaf, and! t strap la- belled with the word Ort 10' ox." In America, when any doctrinal (lircrgence occurs amon; members of the Church. they part company: and say to one another, "If you go tothe right hand we shall go to the left." I believe, however, they carry the idea of independent action to excess ; for. though for facility of cultivation a. farmer msy break up his farm into a good many distinct elds, I do not think he would be promotlilrig the interests ofh agriculture or ii ' ' own pockets if e brotrht the hedungs so close together, by subdividging and diminishing the size of tho elds, that there would be hardly any room for ridges be- tween, or for a. furrow longer than the bea.m of the plough. A wise agriculturist will 1 tsko care not to have his farm all fences , and no elds, and I think the tendency to turn the Christian Church into a system of {enoosisone that requires to be watched with some jealousy ; for we may have our 11011208 well and thicklv nlsuihad and Mn: }ALLA_ N Lt! This Company : Lmeu In nndernoted Fintnclau, Full-ptl built, Double-Ellgille IIDI 8u% v....1' m.--- V -` .,....., arvurulv-AIIISIHU JIIII H - Veuel. T g ' Q. SARDINIAN ...... ..41oo ( c1RcAss1AN...........34oo (. CANADIAN PULYNESIAN ......41oo SARMATIAN ...... ..36oo HIBERNIAN ...... .3434 UASPIAN A scAND1NAv1AN.....3ooo PRUSSIAN ........ ..3ooo ,v AUSTRIAN ...... ..27oo ' * NESTORIAN ...... . .2700 MURAVIAN ...... ..2e5o ., PERUVIANA _ MANITOBAN .... ..a1ao~uw j NOVA SCOTIAN 0 NORTH AMERICAN 1734M A ARCADIAN .. ST. DAVID . . . . . . ..l60 F ST ANDREW . . . . .1432 F ST PATRICK IW7 THE S LIVERPOOL MA . 9- Sailing from Liven-nool OYIITL ` -uvvvs-5u..... THE ST .GI= A 8 G.9w :1 .._.. :...|.-_j_j L, Under contract -with ` G' ' Cnnida. for the 33...: Unnada for the Coilvyu Cangdiuy and lllml sh 1372-3.- Wima Arrangangu I-l v I-III %E Mil Sailing Livcrpool ' and aaungentouid` -from ortlmd every Saturday;-' Lo 11 Fa la to 1-eceive_on Scotland , u-eiutundedtolie ' " ` Pox-tlsnd':- - . ~ SARHATIAN SCANDINAVIAN POLYNESIAN PERUVIAN ' nusines7;zu?1"i Fire Premiums, 11...... 51.. `l.....n. ...:....__.m __ ,. *2`; W"-*--= W-"'-"' gr`: '.'c'.-'- ~ -- M-.<:.; * *i Afterqaymont of the and providing for all loqeI,"cls_1'|m: _' the sum of $905,905 In put ' the Fundain hina, which naw_ ` lrn I exec. R _f "*2" N P9lid& issued for Total ud Life Preininml, : deductinz Ron-urmnn. ;...- \.v . _WI1`H UNLmI'i'nD- - SHAREHOLDERS-1 Dwelling: Contents ..;.'* *;:"*" 'bymsil_ are charged Fi vg' , -rm; chro;uc1`.`i_:ij:ij my I 1.xx.L_V .. -;R-.&to P r........_...P... r.|.;.. V _`:~`..-g-`.1 -.. -- ... wag on1cn--cupIua 3 ` (Opp-83` T"."T"`5",`f' --10:51.5 ouu nxixp xujy reoexved by-o-,_~3~ogpsny i Iinuln van:-, SUBSQE u- Ll`, ._.., .....-an.-u. Boots and Shoes. 111 NE, ED\VIN, Princess-st. foal 0i] Dlcrclnant. `IIlE[..\`, .mn.\', King-st. ` `m|f(-Niulu-r.~e dud Fruit Stores. |lU.\lBLJ`l. H.. Brock-st. l`U\\'.`-", R.. 1\I:Lrk]:t.S`q11arc. lililih` `1iKU.\'., l rinco.~ssvst. In-.nti.s`ts. <'l..\l{i{, 1-`. .\I., \\'cllin;;t,un-st. 4'l.|'l.\ll.\"J', L., \VL:l1ilIgtul\-St. .\lAL`DUN.-\LI). J. 1... l l`iI|t`.p:as.':f: 8 PUliLI(SHil:;-wcq and qontgini tho nay: ambncm I. lnnrn uuu'miu'n u: . !NSU[W=6L: . contract with thg G ' for the Convey _ V [inn and. lhmoj um The Da.'i1y,..Hq 3111)! 'I I'lIl'l\ *iV9+9%f I 1 \TI IIlYIII`B1'\ vuv ; nu- C1 >.I;eed Surgeon list not secured DRUG I . \~- _ 1": - 9? Mun::l um I: BusinessDiri?>?y} wl Lune tg` Cheat N aural.` 01-9 I us ugnswaa Hi'IA'l'H 8; GUNN, Princess-st. HUB,-\l{T, GEU., Princess-st. M .-\ULl`I_~\I\ &. (`(12 Princess-st. l';\|H{El{, E. H., Market Square. \`'lH'l`E, IL, Princess-st. YULTNU. SILLS 00., Bath. Doctors. m'I>'nR TLIHQ D 0..-. 7 ff . :1. IS, J., 1'. . rnncess-st. \VelIiugton-st. 9 MUN, J AM ES , Vvellingtnu st III-v nnzlc Au,-.\1.\ ::..-\u, 1'. .\. 6: ()U., Princess-at. iIl{lA', L. J., l'l'i1lCL`8S-St. H \l{D1NEl{, ll. 8: J., Princess st. ` H1! 1ClCI\'FlELl), JAn\lES, Princess at Ii.\t`IEl 3; \\'.-XUDELL, Princess-at. .`.l.\UPHERSOI\', A. B. .1: CO., Princess-st. _ \lcD5Z\' ELL. A. B., Market-square. .\l(9Ui{.E, JAMES, Princess-at. .\Ic.\',-\UU]:{TON 6: C0,," corner of King an PI-n.~.:aa_ul>a .uc.\,-[UL-]:l1U;\ 2 UU., I Princess-sts. |U)b'3', ALE.\'., Princess-st. SIIAW 8: MINNES, Princess-st. \\'ALDll.UN, IL, \Vilson a Buil. liugton-st. I` MURR[.\,`().V', msuu, wm. HI |\7 N HI I \ nuuu, H M. a. U1 DU.\`NELLY JOSJ SCUBELL, BROS. tario streets, ovum: com-rct to avoid alumst on formation which ( books. such as dc! `principles : my 01 possession --I it it obsurvntiuzx and in NIL I\I\.'\ I. |VlIllJI.'\..II, :11 .\l:u`l;.~L .\fqu;n'u. "(N Eli, F., l rinuc~:s-st. ., `.\' I` I u. .L uor_.1_.|..., nnuq. corner of Jim tario streets. l[Al-{BACK &. CO., Princess-st. .\lcKAE & 00,. \V R M.-..-. urxnnx-\Lzl\ at. UU., rum C0,, `V. R and Rrn:-I: ufu ucxutr. dz UU., W. and Brock sts. PAILKHILL, JOHN, Princess-st. REES & (.30., Princess-st. :>'UUT'l` & DALTON, Princess-st. kt, comer V .-nu: !l:il.lH*I`.. I`-ENJ`, \I|`|.'I.`\\' \\'III 3 l4.\l\l\, I`. 3]., .x1 AL` uuzu LI), llotels. .v\.\'HL()-A.\lERlCAN, Ontario-st. .-\l.l:lU.\' LIOTEL. Stirling. DANIELS HOTEL, Ottawa. `IN I`ERNA'l`IONAL, Brockville. `i ~l{UVIN_UIAL, Gananoque. -, _........1..-.. Insurance. ~E'l`.N'A FIRE, Jmueb swift, St. La. Wharf. HAl:'l`FORD, J. V. Noel. ILUYAL, M. W. Strange, Ularence-st. I{}`}l.lANUE. J. V. Nnnl nun AL, M. W. Strange, Ii}`}l.lANUE, J. V. Noel. \\' ES 1`EtiN-M. \V. STRANGE, Agent. ,'nI.I.vnInuy --..l I)-.. __. n4 -. . . ----...u uu, ngcuu. Jewelry and Fancy Store, :mu1Fu1u), JUHN, King-st. HILIHUR, C., Sheield House. Princes:n.nf. witn some Jeuousy; tor we may have hedges thickly planted and the ditches deeply dug, and yet the cultivation between might be of little benet ' to the muse of truth nd. the conversion {of the world. Still, after all, it is better have the Church like s forest with a. great var- iety of trees, like a flower garden with a greet vsriety of owers, like s fruit gsrden with s great variety of fruit, than hsve the life squeezed out of it by being pressed to- gether ss tight as _s trues of hay, or beat own by minute legislation into the smouth end haul herrenness ef a macadaanised read. And yet, notwithstanding the multitudes uf sects in Americs, there is not nesrly so much blind bigotry aind, sectsrianism as on this side of the Atlantic. Christian people do not light much across the fence, and one Church seems to think of another very much as one state er s city thinks of aiiother : that it hss 3 right to govern itself without undue interference from its neighbours. I cannot. of course, review `the position nf e\ ery evsngelicel sect, but must conne my- eelf rather to those large bodies, with minut- subdivisions, which are monldmg the reli- 'onslife of thegreatestrepublicin the world. skin; them in the order of numerical pre- ponderenoe, I think the first ought to be THE RAVI!!!` nivnseru A'I'lr\\l -n1u11`UI.tU, auunl, King-st. House, Princess-st. REES BRUS., Princess-st. Lawyers. . ugxvvax, JOSEPH, Km --st. HLDERSLEEVE & WALAKEM, Clarence-st. KIIKKPATRICK, A. S., County Crown At- torney, Ontario-st. r\1uI\r;xL11.1Ul\, A. 5., Uounty Kl l:l{PA'l`RIUl{ & SM YTHE, Ontario-st. KIRKPATRICK & ROGERS, Ontario-at. \l .-\(.`,])()NALD 8: PATTOJN, Trust and Loan Building, corner of Toronto and Adelaide ` Streets, Toronto. .1 U1)! E, JOHN, Clarence-st. .VALKEM, R. T.,' Clarence-st. ` Liquor store. [`HOMPSON, GEO., King-st. Notary Public. &e. ;\l<:UA.\ll\I\JN, S., Gananoque. rival: IInI.....- Irrgiyll. Ll .\IEE &. C0,, Gore-st. RICYNER, JOSEPH, I - r Iauul orw Isepalrers. B [-10 WN, GEO. , \Vellington Terrace. REYES ER, J., Princess-st. ausalu saw Jlllls. STEAM SAW MILLS, Ba.rrietield.' E. B. EDDY, &. 00., Hull, Ottawa. Ticket Agency. FODGER BROS., foot of Brock-st. Veterinary Surgeon. 1\IcINTOSH. DANIEL, City Hotel, Princess- st. GHEST AND Lun lunch A Painters. I ['.()BI.\'.s`ON, BROS, Clarenc l'rint.er and Publisher. RHANNON, JAMES, Princess-st. ginning Sn... `Iain _ For Ladies and Gentlemen with Weak Lungs, they are in_valna.ble. None should be without them. nI`n- -nu. I15: un.Vu-uIAI'IULV. It has not so many of the inuential lcatlrrs of socinl And public life as some. other de um- inotious, but it probably carries on the palm in point of number: even from the Metho- dists. Its `inuence among the negroes is inlnense. The negro mind is readily aeutul by anything that in demonstrative, palpnhl, and exciting; consequently the ceremony of immersion in some public place in baptism has oonoilisted the friendly regards of a large nullber of the coloured population in the Southern States. I do not mean exactly to imply that the negroes have failed to give the q tion of pedo-bapti.su.i and of immersion ll niuc study as enables themjto reachhn in- telligent conviction on the points raised in the tint controversy ; but what I mean is that the excitement which is generated by the imposing ceremonial of public immersion has a certnin fascination for the emotional African, and for this reason nds readier access to his- jndgment. I It is wonderful how the judg- ments of even the most cool-brnined are alfcct- ed h their sympathies, we need not specially r if it should be so with the freedom of America. Then there no not in mg .1:m r W EBEK 8t. 00., afu -mm, aim the Iormation 01 uczuniy nuxm. u H`. \'\ I|och.:r's Cuinpound Elixir of Phuspbatun `lI`l Calisaya contains the only agents knmvn hut act directly as cxcitants uf nutrition, by 3 mlmrting tum: to the Stomach, Liver mull '.'l.llCl`CP:'.S, the grezit tripod that preparus nour- for building up the organs and tissues 4' the body. The actinn of this remarkable wcparzntimi is extraordinary in ~strengthcning and \'it.'|iizing the cnnstitution, whether iIn- ` ..~.iv-cd by age, exhmlstexl by e `cusses, l;ul| mi-its, pr run down by QM cmnplaints that`. :n'c resisted all mlinu.ry methods of trcnt- Hunt. I 4:: I aunt: utm- .4` 1_\{. t`._ 1iUb'l'Ili' `, I rim:uss-sL. `( I\\' Hi\`, JUHN , Quuen-`~5t. .-I In-1 iom-01-5. nu nun lVl.`\'l n_,... . , ,. PHH central idvn. in the t-rcatuneut of : l`|..-. . \\'.,...o;. n:.....e... .-.....l hm ulr. central xuvn In the t-rcatulenu 0! :Lu l Chronic \\'astiug .Disea.ses, resulting in crvnus l mstmt.inn and Gcneral Dchilit) . 53 - improve the Digestion and ;Assimila.ticm bf nod, and tlnu-"formation of Healthy Blood. `r. 'I|m:!:sr'a Pmnnmiml Plixir nf Phnsuh:|`t.:n Kingston, Nov. 28, 1872 -nt. Using :1 clcliuinns cunlial to take, and pm ~Ll_v h:mnlc~'s under all circunxsl:uu':es, it i Iincntly ml:1]Jt.:-I (.0 1-rustr:xLc,:un:u1nic wmuc ul In-licntc clnihlrcln. - uI\.VL4|\, 1., ;xuu.\.wn~au. itooksellt-rs and Stationers. '.I\' Hiill. JN, JUHN, l riuc,-ss-st. \i'l l.`\' 'I'Iln|\` |`~A`l\ I }issgiA`; wnnanr I! u: would be with N . not so many diffu- eulties to be got over in reaching the position of a minister or preacher in the Baptist de- nolninntion as in some others; for whilst unny ot" the ministers of that sect are fully threat of the front rank of learned men in America, there no vast numbers of the 10,000 Bo pnuhen of _the United States who luv": received no collegiate education, and who are but indiercutly qualied for holding their ground in the high places of the field. T9 illustrme this :-One day, in a large hotel, I Hack waiter, pergeiving that I presented some symptoms of the clerical order, aslfcd me some question about Church stfairs--for block and white waiters in America do not hints to a_ inpt u otmlle of nnr an 1.. 42 Princess Styeet. Kinzstdlo _ __.,_ -_ V-. , .. .-.-. 1.4K), u cuuxguvu SD Dry Goods. USINE.-\U, F. X. & 00., Princess-st. LY. J.. Princess-st, NOTHER SUPPLY OF L Cclebnted ` IS, THOS R., Princess-st. H_ B_. l)l'i(`6 9-f 1*m`, DAILY .NEv MONDAY , EV-EN`I1$T_G FEBRUARY. 24;. F`{ The Daily News M, %,_'*E"'-7 -__% 'IIIIIl'I'l| Nnrutru-itllnn, - unnl vquvn .... .... ...mn:.m QR nor an - Machars Pianoforte Repairers. N. GEO_. \\n=.II:....un.. r:-.._.--- I (Late R. \Vhite), n,a.gg:.t., in.m3m7c xiuiiritiou. Just Received ,- \J.\, J\Jl'1.\, ['l`ll'|CCSS'SC. Y. 'I'HU.\'. & UU., ]\'ing-st. 15., King-st. "Indeed." and 1 au: had been divinity I wilt Church I-P6 you Itudyjng Baptist." replied he. Hnve ; any vet 3" Oh. van 2 and 1... . .1 , u nxvxnnm, rnncess-st. Steam Saw Mills. luv Mute n.._~uL-A ' Flour Merchant. x\T `M ll..;......m. ..L U., uore-st. , Priuycess-st. .14, 5., uananoque. organ Makers. D , (lm-.=.. Grocers. & U0. , Brock-st. JOSEPH Princess-st. BROS. corner nf R-...-I: - ....~.n.;., unasycnue sweet. Pianofortes, 0., corner Princas and Ontario- A}.-,:`m.-t-a%..~. Inn n, - , u. n., zxnupca: llruggists. T\'\' , .o, rnucess-st. Buildings, \\'cl- LUNB% PRUTEGTORS. __..... ._.. . -u--um-u. uurpnseu that 1 student ; for 1'" For. the you preached any yler" OII: yes; and by thu end of the yur opeto recognued' . Audit maybe at he Iiillbe sn effective preacher; but I In pntty sure he does not know alpha from 0 ur one Latin word from another, and ` be very much utouished to hear that the: aver hved great Christian rancher: cal-` ledAmbro-o and Chrynostom, tephen Char- Ioek Ind Thomu Clnlmers. The Baptist: in thus Satan are divided into nveral commun- ion. There are the Regular Baptists, whose I I . uni order are similar to those of the Church to which Mr S n and Mr Brock ........ u. m....-..5....., ...a stitution, ! -lied my uxry I I Min] per- nll is 'ustrn.tc,:m:u1nic: wmucu nwol Do I , Clarence Street. nfn -1 Au [ and ms-st-. Am-lmr Builtlillgs, JE4'3H'S5. Wellington l AT'1`ISON S Lawrence 3'11 ` PAPER published in Kmgason, 1: 1! -171: l Bisho of Ontario and the Ulergy and Laity. Al the oiuial receipts for subscriptions, collec- : tzinns and donations for Diocesan objects W" | be acknowledged in the NEWS. - I AI\VltR.1`lSl.\ll} l`1-;kMs.-Ei2ht cents oer hue | he acknowledged In the LVEWS. -/' Anvznrlslsu 'l`1-:kMs.-Eight r fur rst insertion; four cents per ine for every subsequent insertion. Special rates for munthly, half -yearly, or yearly advertise- ments made on moderate terms.