HVD W } WARDS AND TICKETS - Business (1 Cards n[ all (lescripti0na.` Tickets for Concerts, Excursions, Sunday School pic- nics, etc. May be had upon short notice at the Daily News Oicc. The best remedy known for Summer Complaint, Colby`a Pills. unudlaun Nm`l;.:al.|0n \ ' ILL leave me of Johnson a..`|lZ..._. _ I (X EN] For. I`un::dfaI1 iiivlgatloli {C0bnAn- DAILY LINE 01-` l<}.\'1 R ESS STFA M ERS. Kingston, June ?0, 1863. CJ()L'l. . For Freight or Passage EPPIY `0 ~ JAS. SWIFT & CU., Us I ....._....-- `I11: Kingston, Aug. Kingston, Aug. '26, 1868. Kingston, April 20, 1823;. May 20, secs, we )1: 1\IQ '1 : :.il4)/(1.:/.` K7ILL LEAVE THE ST. LAWRENCE u7n;n:n:- r.-. ..c r,,1.- M- a._--. rA-'.u.- uynl Mail 'l`ln'0ugl1 Lil Fm` Turunlo and llaunlllon. VIILL leave Kingston fox` Oswepn Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday evenings, at 12 nnb HIJ. Bath Pict0n_ and Bellevllle. THE ROYAL MAIL S'I`FI.~\MEI{ CAPTAIN FRANK w?rAPrIan-?Arn.. Bay of Qninle, '||l'II I unit I -1- ll use of Tailors and Milliners. At HENDERSONS Book Store, Princess Street. ROCIIESTER, Can`. J. Dnsrnv, THE STEAMER aux. |)vv1|' I ll: LU., St. Lawrence Wharf`. DUO apply at the oice of in Sue:-I, or at the Lake (Mice, SI, Lawrence H9l't`M' J. SWIFT & Co., IZ`_..Z..LL A an... L. llnwium. Lmwrence wharf, foot; J I"-.. IlA\KY'I"I'IlZ`lI H. HATCH, A _-, xv C H. HATCH, Agent. IJIILIJ 1 ID uu., Freight Agents. Comps, CoI|i[)uIIy. \-Ill Agent, n vu, Agent. lli I I 1`. ENING. AUGUST 26, 1868. prn uul.r:LI. For Sale at the CITY BOOK STORE, King Street. JOHN CREIGHTON. Ann ll IRRQ ARGE Assortment suitable for 3.11 buss-` nesses, arrived at Hendersotfs Book Store, Princess Street. "IVI-..\_ ._!II L- -4!) _,,, | " * ` -.1-.4.-A.-_.-.1 .-. \/A.1.L4 J. \./A.U kJL.I..lJ'_I_'J. LIAIESTONE, t for Lime, Building purposes, or Bnliast, for sale at all tinol at Ban-ieeld-, near Kingston, one mile from Ustaraqui Bridge. Convenient wharf for shippers, easily made out from the draw at Cataraqui Bridge, from which it lies in a. north-eaaterly direction. Apply to M. STRACHAN. April 24. 13ETR0LEuM GAS SEEVES. BE'.':v'T .... -an--I1 u_, IVIIITE, Chemist dc I)rllgglsI., 4'2 PRINCESS STREET. 1:110 11'! l-`ll ONTENAC BREVVERY RING STREET WE5T,_ KINGSTON, c.w. \ ILL leave Kingston daily (Sundays ex- cepted), At 7.45 AM, to meet the train coming from Rome & Oswcgo. At 2 PM. on arrival of the Grand Trunk Trains from the West to meet the Train leaving Capo Vincent for Rome, Oswego, &c., and the Northern Transportation Company's Pro- pellers for Uswogn and Western Ports; and M. 7.30 l'..\l. to meet the early Morning Train from Cape Vincent for Rome, Uswi-go, Aw. I ' RETURNING, liil lmum 0-... \r:......... `I COLEMAN Hmcm.n~_. '-1:u., Mas-run, Will leave Capo Vincent. [At 5.01) AM. and 10.00 A.M. on arrival oflrain `from Rome and Uawego, meeting the Grand |']`runk Trains going East. and West, and the I Bay of Quinta steamer; and at 5 00 P.M., so as {to give parties on both sides of the River the opportunity of n trip, and be home at a season- able hour. [)`_ 1~__:_I - , I nnxuumnu, CREIG HTO N78 Superior Headline Copy Books, Nos. 1 to 10, at 90 cents per dozen. Payson, Danton, & Scribuefs do., Nos. 1 to 12, 60 cents per dozen. The Progressive Copy Book, with engraved Headlines and Tmciogs, Nos. 1 1018, 38 cents per dozen. Ore-igbton's City Book Store Copy Book, extra. superne paper, without Headlines, 85 cen 13 per dozen. `m- .qa`n .n cl... fVl'I`V nnnr umnnm v:__ OR THE EXTRACTION of METALS, and "the DETERMINATION of the VALUE of URES and MINERALS, corner of Jordan and Malinda Streets, Toronto. Rnar-imr-nu nf Rn.-I: Exp Accnn Pr... r,`..I,-1 ..I.....u,1 uunuuun LJLLCBIB, LUFUULU Specimens of Rock for A.=sny for Gold should not be less than from 10 lo 20 lbs. E` Charges Moderate. Send Parcels by Ex- press. HENRY WHITE, PL 3., Toronto, June 8, 1868. Assayer. nu--. uuul For freight or passage apply to the Purser on board, or to ` r1 ll 1-..~rnr-n-..- V ILL resume her trips for the Season on FRIDAY, 22nd May, leaving the Ferry Wharf`, foot of Brock Street, on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 3 P. M. for Ottawa, calling at all the intermediate stopping places on the way. `L`n.- l'.-.:.:.1.n .. ............... -....I_-.. L-.._A -_ .- [ESPY _BO0Ks.] Wl$API lNG AND PRINTING PAPERS. FnrFreigl1Lr.vr Passage apply to Captain an board, or to 3?: `4: n 3: YVv\'vI\rI/\-.10 Kimzstmn and Cam: Vincent Ferry. I-\'in_:;stou and Ottawa Route. ....... - .. -.-nan;-n\J\.(urA. (in We.-dnesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, at (5 AM. AY BOOKS AND BLOTTERS. JOURNALS. LEDGERS. CASH BOOKS. MINUTE BOOKS. COPYING LETTER BOOKS. POCKET MEMORANDUM BOOKS. PASS BOOKS. BILL POOKS. INDEXES. POCKET BOOKS AND PURSES. Large stock now on hand for sale very cheap. Blank Books made up to pattern, it not in stock. Int1\1 'I'I'l"I\Il\I-Iv-.1-u\-_ VIVHE Steamer JNERREPONT, O. Hinckley, Jr.. Muster. will run an undnr - Klnngslou -and Ganauoque Route` Ill-ICFZDD LUIICU 'I;lhey will sold very cheap, and only for as . Aug. 11, 1868. .11 IV Lvul all Kingston. Feb, 1 3. other Household purposes. A few for sale by Iiitxirxuu ;-.- - - A [X VERY nice arrangement for Cooking and iDnilI_n July 16. FIIJ n For freight or passage apply on board, or to G. M. KINGHORN, Ferry Wharf, Foot of Brock Street. ITS-angina ll... 01.; 19410 us 04 Kingston, May 21at,1868. .......' an no "' G. M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, fool Brock Street. Kingston, 13th Aug. 1868. IIICQLI, va L`) G. M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, fool. Brock Street. Kingsum, July 22nd, 1868. cm BOOK STORE, n- 1 \I"Ir\rn CANAM Assn umum: August 8. LIMESTONE Fq1;__s;AI,E. TIIDQTKWKYD u l'-_ I z__ unmm 1muUU'r_n0N IN PBIOE E\'EN1.\'k KINGSTON Tuesdays. Wednesdays, and Fridays nt 4 PM LEAVE UANANOQUE. \U...l......,I_..... I.`_:_:,,- 1 Accouul BOOKS. .- .~. uusumrr { ll1aI1.l\.l"1l'Ul C I , U Jr., Muster, run an under. THE UPPER CABIN. STEAMER H) nm] after Wmlneaulny, 15! July next, Tun an-:unm GEO. w. o_ni1em'roN. DDFIITDD (10 TLID V VI`! I/III.'ll\lIll`]L`l 13'1iEwER OF THE PALE ALE AND Pom rm IN mrsrmuv CANADA. at.-.- `Hal. 1 0) City of Ottawq, V xvA'1'E1:`r{) W7 N, J. B. RYAN, HA3-rrn. P`[i`, looting with all ` Pufposo of conveying ".5114: that 5-wedding Invmng them to enter `U Lhnir .-n.-.._....1_.:..__ KLNG STREET. _r .. r--wv`'nnu' -I save an olrlliui JOHN HENDERSON, Princess Street. I|L|J,Ll.l\ A ssayer. -..\......c..u-- n.1.xn:np1nvIU|l. [VI 10110 (Open to competitors from an parts of the Do- minion of Gnnada_,) ` ILL be held at the City of Montreal on Tuesdn Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the I5th,y'16th, 17th, nndlth September next, in the Exhibition Building, St._0atherine Street and upon the grounds known on the Priest} Fnnn, fronting on Guy and St. Catherine E Sreets. " "-"` '*" `"3 1r'-`.!`"` `V 17:-6,1:-var. The Prize _List and Rules of the Agriculnn-31 Department, and Blank Forms of Entrieannay be obtained upon application to the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, No. 615 01-gig. aunt` Montreal, or from the Secretaries otithe County Agricultural Societies. zxgucuuunu DoI..'.n:I.u::|_ The Prize Lists, &c., and Form of Entry of the Industrial Department, may be obtained from tha Secretary of the Board of Arts and Manufactures, Mechanics` Hall, Great St. James Street, Mon- tresl. 1:|-:_:-_ -3 GL-,.I. __...g L, k, , 1 . - LIUB Entries of Stock must be made on or bgfm-3 Saturday, the 22nd of August, at the Oice of the Secretary, No. 615 Craig Street, Montreal. `Rnls-inn nf lhn A0-I-innhnu-nl D.-nan- .....| 1'... .:-- Science and Christian Thought, by John Duns, D.D., F.R.S.E, crown Svo. God : Written Word, by Rev. E. Gu-belt, M.A., crown 8vo. The Novelties of Romanism, by Charles Hist- ings Collette, second edition. The Bible and Modern Thought, by the Rev. T. R. Birka- M.A.. Remap nf' Hnlu rr-..:..:... n.._ n HE Subscriber is authorised to sell the fol- lowing LANDS at low prices and on fa- vourable conditions, viz.: Lot 14 on Bagot Street. ` Lots 63 and 64, Sydenbarn Sh-net. 3 Lots, forming one Block, on the east side of Ooilingwood Street, fronting the Bay. 10 Acres on Waterloo Road. 30 Acres north side of` Forty Feet Road, part of Lot 17, 2nd Concession, Kingston. I? ll Dnun The Provincial Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition for 1868. (man In nnrnnnlilnrn fun. .11 .4-.- -9 u.- n- XVII. Uluuuual on AlUI.l.| IUD I.) Agricultural 'I`hA pl-irln T.i=Ic hn uuc uI:u.:u:u::_y, uv. ULU urulg Dunes, noun-ea|_ Entries of the Agricultural Products and lin- plemenla must be made at the same place on or berore Saturday, the 5+1: of September. I Enlriea in the lmiunn-in! `D.-mi:-cm...o .-......a L... UI:Iu|.D u:u~Iu'un_y` ulv I71-`ll 0|. BBPIUIDIRL Entries in the Industrial Department must be made previous to the 15th of Seplengber, at the Oice of the Board of Arts and Manufactures. Ffnnh Mrhihitnr will hlnnln nnw - I ... -1 n_- HACHINE NEEDLES or all kinds,'.nd the best of MACHINE OIL, for sale at R. I. JOR- DAN`S Sewing-Machine Sale-Room, nnilfa Block, Princess Street, Kingston. A02. 22. nu Pl Inca. For further information, application should be made to the undersigned, Joint Secretaries of the Lower Canuda. Agricultural Association. A A nlllintrvnn-rm:-u an Iluu nu nu |.'l:BpECIS_ Best selected Soft Coal for g: on band, also Lehigh Lump I'- and Blossbnrg for Blacksmiths. Terms Cash. 1 .u.u-.- .- % Sta.cey }3k Store. BOOKS FUR THE TIMES. u. uunu, .l.I:l.J1., ILECIOI OI U01 TI'i.i{y, bridge. . Aonio Pnleario, History ofthe Italian Re! lion ; from the French of M. Bonnet. The Exodus of Israel, by the Rev. 1`. R. M.A.. Svo. nuu muuus U1 nu-nu, oy me new. '1`. R. Birks M.A., Svo, Pnieyka Horas Paulina. Pnlefs Evidence of Christianity. Memories of Ulivet, by J . R. Macdn, D D, The Awakening of Italy and the 01-iaisof Raine, by J. A. Wylie, LL.D. Cbil|ingW0tb'd Ileligionof Protestants, 2 vols. The Works of John Howe, 6 vols. The Life of John Howe, by H. Rogers. - Unspoken Sermons, by George MacDonald, ILA. The Divine Teadier. Mason : Select Remains. F]nre1 n Fountain of Life. Flnvnl'n l{.-thud of Grace. V Flavelb Christ Knocking at the Door. | Paley : Nntionsl Theology, and Hora Pnnline, I` A _with plates. The Oelebnted Um-ivnlled Aluminum Pen, patented. Suitable for Bankers, the Counting House, Schools, and ne and smooth writing. Sole Agent A 0 911 A nnvvo nn_-up nun-._' Nttws. Kingston, August. 14, '68. To B. I. Jordan; EH11" SI R-'l'he Irvine Sewingsllncine" I purcha3- 4 ad from you Iud to auirme better for mnnufncmring purposes than any other machine I have ever used, doing eitbe: "light. or heavy" work. It runs easy, and there is no trouble in keeping it in order. I would recommend it to the public for either manufacturing or family work.- _i "I'-i'i-(-as orre:-ed, $10,000 to $12,000, |'l`lr..~ Doinn T {no and 1).]... -0 `L- A __:__.n.. u uuum Ul. l.I.II7 Dunn: Ul Art: Bllu I!ll,n[`|Ic;u|'e5_ Each Exhibitor will please pay a. fee of one Dollar for membership, and will be entitled to 3 ticket giving him free entrance to the Exbibitlou_ Arr-nnapmnnhl `ultra hnan mud- -.:n. A... ._n_ u\..ncv. `nuns uuu Ilvcvllttuut ID U10 nixnlnluoll. _ Arrangements huh been made with the prin. mpal _lmes qt Railways and Steamers to return to their desllnntion unsold goods from the Exhi- tion, free of charge. Wnl-nia-n Erhihiinl-c in nu. `I ...-1..-:_:,| n. . LIIJLI '['ICC U] lilllllycg Fzm.-ign Exhibitors in the Industrial Depart- ment will be allowed space, so far as practicable, to display their products, but cannot compete for any prizes. wnr fur-than 3|-|I'n.-u-n-5-01.... ___`I:__.._ _ _u __.|: 1 _ ILL Sell until further notice, the belt qua- lhies of Hard and Soft Cool for Family use at the following price: per ton, 2,000 lb, de- livered in any part of the City ~ Lump . . .. . . $6 60 Grate .. . . .. 6 50 Egg . . . . . . 6 60 Stave .. .. . . 6 60 Ohentnut .. .. .. 6 60 Our Goalja Pure Lackawana, being mined in the very heart. of the Lackunnn Valley, ut Scranton, Piuaton, and Wilkes barre, from the best selected mines, and is prepared with great (`urn Avnrnaaleu 1'... .--1I- _ _ . . . ~ luv!-ull uuucu, uuu I! prepared Wlln care expressly for Family use, and will be xrrcaned and delivered in the best. possible can- di1i0n4 No pain: will be spared to give good satisfac- tion in all respects. Rent olnnln K .-J`: l`|'....I 3'... ___AA- - ~ - -` I .. an! n unuonu 11100103], I with Aiicted Han`a`0ompanion. Vital Godliness, Plumer. The Christina Teacher in S Du- I`- QA_,l J ` ;. Zf+Ei73TW Secretary of the Board of Arts & llsnufactnrea.` G. LEOLERE, ' Qnrlrnfnrv nf Ihn Rnar AT A nnnlfllnn rnu T. I`. K __ - - ---uric: I 1 C131 I flllp |0Illce--SI. Lawrence Wharf, l Foot of Johnson Street. ..._..\u an- :1 uiall.-, took 110 Thr (L11 m'\.~' \\':-Ile. n ' \\ an rz'L`vntl_\' us zlnxnvdmlv :.: Hw l`nm \- 1: |:n`\'?l'1l Ill :x:.\r's|u~r!i-\1n `: .- Inns Inn-I1 mnmnt pntnonger elevators, I structcd, conveys guests to 1| the house in one minute; the newly and richly carp:-led, an: thoroughly replenished and I` u, in all in appointments, mu the country. Telegraph Uioc, lhlli-ml R: the res Hour. l.E\\'IS R I Hana! Q A1868. no __A_ L. 1868.] Kingston, August 14. August 21,1868. '-WA, I I up Aug. so I . UK . Teachers, Ln: ululc null ll.lUl R.Bi1-ks, hcl.A., 1 bridge, - u. unuun-nu, Secretary of the Board of Agriculture for LG Montreal, June 22, 1868. L A N D S, IN THE CITY AND TQWNSHII , FOR _SALE. AN'|'HA0|TE-c0Al.` vgnn. mp`__| In:-v-n_. -. I I 'xi?i'{i';Z"'fe'$'in Sunday Schools, by Dr. Steel, dedicated to Sunday School there, -I.\'H l.A.\'l). TESTIMONIAL. W. J. PERCY, Merchant Tailor, ; Brock Street, Kingston, Ont. =4 `Tc smears BOOK areas, 80, King Street. At STAOETS BOOKSTORE. 1 Soft grates conuhutly for Foundry use, , Rector of Holy Trinity, Osm- JAMES SWIFT 8: CO. VI .-ave lJIlIIV' IIULI-I |LlC nilv mm and -ill I... n Reiormg. Ran nnl slrllll ' R. M . ROSE. ftil'b`T Birks an JJDLSVIQ} Boosefa Household Music Boob, 30 eqnttouh At REYNIWB. Novella : Edition of Church Service, by'Jnckl0II, King, and othon, At REYNENB. The latest Canadian and American Ionic, At BBYNERE. In fact, everything connected ymh. the [mic Trade, ` At REYNIES. Old Pianos made as good aaNeIr, if taken in time At RliYl'EB'8. Piano Hammers Ooverod with impartmt Pntont Leather, At RlIYNIR'8. Parlour or Uhuroh Organs, Eannoniunl, Halo-, deans, manufactured By BEYHIR. Tuning in Town or Country. J. REYNER, Marble Black Music Store, I).:...;... 4:1,--. mom. mo lMPOB'l`AN'l.` "NOTICE T0 CASH cus'r0MJ;:Bs. _ ` JA1`9.*?.:.11M913:E; :._g\;:..--- Dealer In Boovls and shoes. No. 36 Princess street, Kingston. ESIRES most respectful]: to Hunt his nu- ` merous Customers for a liberal patronage extending overnFlF l`EEN- YEARS. In nlnninn his nnnlhnl-|'Ql ilnr Ila` nan} -._._ :1- lqalcuulug uvcrr us l.'l:Il|' In-Ana, In closing his accounts for the put ya 1],. advertiser hns determined to absndon the 0-nag ; system altogether, and he wishes his Oustomeu to understand this announcement in the mo positive sense. Determined not to bsoutdono in the price or quality of his Stock, be .h pfe- pared to sell BUUIPS and SHOES of nurivaed rmanufacture at the lowest remnnerstive prices on strictly cash terms. "nnii innnrlnta run-It he -a.s6I...l :_._.-.I:-a- aux U71 LU. All ice uccounts no paynblo on In July. Monthly accounts nah-in sdvmoo. ' 1:, u uctwuw Lucy IvI_I| 06 pl]! ID Ill. f The patronage of Gash Outtomers eoticmd. JAIIES HOPE. Kingston 22nd January, 1868. Ileadi Win for Canada: Mol'ralu.,--S'l'ANI_)ARD CO S. BUILDINGS, No. 47, Gram St. James Street, unj- Manage:--W. ll. Runny. In:pect_or-R. Bull. THIS Company lnving deposited tho Inn: of One Hundred and Fifty Tboulnnd Dolarl with the Receiver Genernl, In uontorpnily with rates and on all the diatent system: in C. F. GlLDERsLImvn ICE suppllod by the llonth. Gentleman living _ inihe country can always have lea` lI_rpn- viding I [urge box, and getting 100 lbs at l.li_D,' and oovring up with nw-dun. It will then- IIJI: a feat or man, ' ' new Act, 0l'\`CTt`\` in --II. A -uu wyunng up wun nw-aunt. It will thu- lut week or more. All ordan left at 42 P-rinoa Shut. iii! In attended to. All 2.. . . A A V - - A- " ` ` u r.-saucy Iu.to,G:lop, tqif ya. '1 English Gomic Songs in abundance, If DF.V.1BD' _-.._,---- V`.-..u.. navllsu In nuuuunuua, At Boozer: Musical Gnbinet and Orntoriul, At. Rnvrnmsn on l[..I`ll:I.lJ' caau usnns. , Unpaid accounts must be settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put in suit. W Th ntrnnncrn nf "nah flnnh-mug... nun Wl::llUl:l L3` The Colonial Llro 4 ENGLISH ,M,|l8|B! % ENB|.`|8%H% Mll8l0!' -2- ARBLE MANTELPIECES, llonnnant M of every mntexinl and delign, Hendatonol or every time and style, Post: for Lot Eneloaur. and Stone work of every description, promptly execut.ed"with the very best worlnnsnnhip and at reasonable prices. Refetenoel permitted to John Creighton, Eaq., Edwin Ghown, Esq, and Wm. Ford, Jr., Esq. Inspection of Stock respectfully sollcitod (Established 18 urance 130'], 25,) WITH WHICH IS NOW UNITED The Colnninl I.|r.. A-------- - -- uns.rtoua's -lnhoriunee, a. Iequol to Bird: (Pay, by His! Brtddon. T ` Hintory of n Mouthful of Brand, by Iain Incl. The Serisnu of 110 Stomnch, The old World in m Now rm, by n; w". Boi- lown. ' The Huguenot Funily, by Ssrah Tytlsr. _ `Tho lhuacra ot"8t.' Bartholemevbj by E; White. The Hugnanotn, bysuaual Smiles. - Received this ch; moi: my ST. LAWRENCE ICE _ HOI__J__S.ES. ..- __._._ __._ u..- .......vu- guas-nus ILIILI. The Tnccnn ire o'.-red with the fullest con- i dence in theireicacy ; they have been thorough- E ` ly rated and maintain the good reputation they tl have jnuly acquired. For Publi-_c Speakers isingers, Military Officers, and those who over- ! tax the voice, they nre useful in relieving an ir- l ritntod Throat, nnd will render articulation es.s_v_ . Being of true merit, and having [Ir01`J their etTi- 1'-, cacy by 3 test of many years, each year nds _ them in new localities in various parts of the, - , world, and the Trurlxes are universally pronoun- l ced better than other articles. _ l n I I 9 Not a 1.i1;x1m'."n't a Imenssln ' dnrlngthe Summer Months. 7 STEAM PRINTING; HOUSE, Princess ' Street, Kingston. Printing of all T kinds at_the DAILY Nnws STEAM Pnmwma Homn. T .. u . uauunnuun-llilli, Agent -for Kingltou. W. M. RAMSA}', Mnnager, Oanadn. NEWBOWOKS, U gum: quiet 14110, by the Author G 30. Olaves. A h !_G,_ i Brakespeare by the m_ 01-0 in L vinpuoo. Love or Mu -tinge, by Wm. Black. My Husband : G1.-inn, by K. R. Housekeeper . The Enrly Years of H.B..H. the Prince Oalllltt, Vpnper covet. GENERAL s'roNI: ___ .--.-J .u-so us l.l..nn.lA. HIE rnnee `M pm Dead Fruit, hylliu Bmddon. ` Charlotte : Inheritance, nequol of P203, His: I Kingston Marble n At the CAITE-Y . BOOK STORE,` K I NH 8,1` I! EK;'I'. June 29. : Pllllosophy of lllurrlnge. , A new Course of Lectures, as delivered at the i New York Museum of Anatomy embracing the , l subjects:-Eow to live and what to live for; 'r Youth, Maturity, And old Age; Manhood giener~ t ally reviewed; The cause oflndigestion; Fistu- Ienoe and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Mar- : ` rilge philosophically considered, &c.,&c. Pocket . ~ volumes containing these Lectures, will be for- warded post-paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by ad- ` dressing SECRETARY, New York Museum ` of Anstomy sud Science, 618 Broadway, New I York." I i I . JOHN4D;i'.IGH'l`0i. Kingston, 4I.h.Angu|t, 1868. 3- WHITE, . ~ anemia and nngghc, Proprietor of the 81. Lauren Ion Hanna. Kingltpng July` 16, 1868. T ` Aug. 20, 1868. UST RECEIVED, at J; Reynefs, Saucy KIt0.Gll0p, tqi, &c.,n._` A 9 ` NOON} \ r . IONER on LATER, by Shirley Brooks Jennie : Quiet Life, by the Author '15:. CITY BOOK STORE. _NUMBER 273. BARBIE STREET u um amateur BYIIODI in F`. GILDERSLEEVI, Agent -for Kinntnn A Gentleman who sulfered for years from Nervous Debilily, Premagure Decay, and all the etfccts of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake ` of suering humanity, send free to all who need * it, the recipe and directions for making the aim. lple remedy by which he was cured. Sulferers wishing to prot by the advertiser : experience can do so by addressing, in perfect conlidpucv, In!-ls! R nnmzn 4')~l'.mI... ..+ x.',.... v,._L AT` Anny urt House. sollcitod. R. TANDY. I! U LVl`l"U u Run:-an`ee Co y. : music Store, Priaeu Street. YARD, Dr Recon-d s Essence of Life, The only unqueuiotuble and absolute remedy :for Seriousness, Dehilily, and Restoration to I Mnnhood. The medicine, taken for four weeks, I care: as certain as water quenchea thirst. Sold V in Boltles at $3 (in gold), or four times the quan- lit] for $3. To be had from the Agent, E. BAYLIS, Aug 4. 38 Bond Street, New York. Mrs Winslow`: Soothing S_\`r.1pi4 the presrrip- non of one of the oldest Female Ph_\'~`iciun3 and Nurses. in the United Slates, and has loovu us:-I for lhirly years with never laiiiug safety and` success by millions ot mothers and chih!reu,I'ru,41 the feeble intknt of one week 013 to the adn`.L_ ` I5 corrects acidity of the stomach, reli`-~ves wind I ..._ I Iv\.l.\JII YIIIIJ LIIEILIJCLI U: Uljcll I in his hand 3 short sword.l ch in a similar manner, with ya. that his but was red end his Em _ 19. These were followed by SM` frog 1 roasted hog upon rs Sun 3 tame a table covered with 5", , _ rthird one covered with fruits, g 31.`. *" routed cult of ev de- ` . p .: lth with rfsheerg, the ml of; Bills till H v `hushuved 011", which ever end ' ' Pnneli ' '-- in a most melancholy manner. : . - ~ In: carried by persons dl l.`S8-t ~~- gown, with the skull cap as China. one hundred persons followed, gt] colours. end then came it ~ of the most gorgeous descrip- carried by four virgins dress- _IlI1 ted. Immediately behind ed the bride, carrying in her _ gclrnge. the was herehead- . 2 ` - ' Ic upinthe at le worn b _'J' '"b'`l`""" , _v_3he kept her eyesy bent upoh ! '9": 7 P" -7 inking neither to the right nor '7'"-' 9"" ` ly behind her followed two "; small pbckalges in their `Hzind were 3 dozen virgins psper in every direction. e- - by the bride's parents, V in chairs, and surrounded ,1I'ho scattered bits of pa- _ Ian.-ct. A number of othcrl up the rear. Every few Iii`? 'on would halt for I mo- one in ed3CG'hl'." t in the congratulations of rm:-noro& feet; It would then move vtiividlllli " ` - `lust of the horns. ` I novel one, and I deter- termination; therefore I hide of my tleteruiinution, " Ind followed the procee- . lhrougli a number of streets, lllength halted in front of `Ulrich I afterward learned `*5 the bridegroom. The in Ind the parents of the Jtompanied by I number ` 6'15 In blue, and, taking the 1:. led her into the house, V 30 room, in the centre of P00 I mat, was the bride- l.:l'rooeive her. She tented Work done run`! o-nun I'.|I.!I, 71 or N0 `G [N GOLD ANDCOL DVEBTICNG. 2- Fun: yonA - _ an-:!er,$lfornl& J. " insertions not -A J 4 cent! per line. rths. . .50 (1.-uni ' rcial how " l of cornrne dtoiucmdt. ' the he! I . . ~ of stair-n.l`""" . "me him. and remained .`_l__ I-,i,_.m. ,4:l~r"'3""';" <"-ling a word until the eu- ib. r-.'ol' J-"1.-ma, Boa"- Crowded into the rooms. hm` happy couple then hnd _d"_v. which 1 could not *5 `inch the guide could not ::nls of the bridegroom f money to the parents Mrs \\'|nsIow s Soothing Syrup," L having the fuc-:imi! of Curtis & Perkins" V on the outside wrapper. All others are base im- 31-4}.-.-.n Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon abald bend or beardlesa face. also 3 receipefor the removalof Pimplee Blolcbea, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, catrbe ob tained without charge by addressing THOR F RHAPMAN r'....u.m- -----u.~-- V - w - - - --v-- --5 '- Tbis splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world ; the only true and perfect Dye ; harmless, reliable, inalnnlaneoua; no disappointment; no ridiculous tlnta; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes; invigomnea and Ieaws the Hair soft and beautiful black or brown, Sold by All Druggiste and Perfnrnen; and properly applied at Batche- lor`s Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New York. Iue nlv. nuvvnuu A. vvnuaun win utnu (free of charge) to all who desire it, the pro- scriplion with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by which he was curt-ti of a lung affection and that dread disease Cou- aumption. His only object in to benet the ur. ictod, and he hopes every suerer wiil try this prescription, sa it'w_i|\l cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please address Rn. EDWARD A. WILSON, No, 165, South Second Street, Williomsburgh Hum`: -i3:npire Hair Gloss in put up in large bottles for 25 centa. `l.u-n}m' Rhpnmntin Linlli Cures Rheu- ,, __,,_ __.....,, -....._, ...... children, frmn l 013 colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, l health, and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the best and surit remedy in the i W orld, in all cases of DYSENTKBY an-1 .DlARRHll:ZA IN CHILDREN, whether it nrilwj from teething, or from my other (.~`.:`93 Ful! &]|. L`.('llm)D5 for using is ill Accompany each bottle, None gs-nuine unless the fac-3irnile ol CYRTIS & PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold I by All Medicine Dealers. 25 cents a lnottle. l V (ltiica, 215 Fulton Street, New York, and '.`<':3 l mgr; Holborn, London. | * Be sure and call for l Sore Throat, Cough, Cold, l and similar troubles, if suffered to progress, rP-7 `suit in sarious Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Astli- l ` rustic ntfecliona, sometimes incurable. ` BROWNS BRUNCBIAL TROCHES are compounded so u to reach directly the seat I of the disease nnd give almost instant relief. PFL- 'F_-....___ -_. -5 I - '- ' " " Spoclal Noucou. .\lIllltlCA.V IIOITSIZ, ` uusnw, mss, Thv lnrgvsl rshchss Hotel in New Eughxnd, ! otfu-rs to Tourists, Fnlxlilux-1, and the Trnvvlliug 1 Public. nccommodnlions and conveuienre supe- `nor In any oiher Hotel in the oily. During 1110 ; put It-noon additions hm-o been made 0! numv- `mun aunts of npanmentu, Wilh bathing rn0lu:=, water closets, Mn, nttnchad ; one of Tuu s mag- mcent the heat over (`on- structed, to H123 upper storey uf n-mm-s hnvo be:-n richly cnrpolod, and Ihv rvlitv houau thoroughly and l'urui_~'ln~sl, making in all nppoiulmcms,cquz\1 In any 110191 in countrv. lh_I: ulr urn. I muting lnfeleu, and glossy. I`.-;..- :1 ma I l ILU | .\'U. R. P. BALL & I 5 Orru: only BRow.\"s BRONCIHAL Ta 1 and do not take any of the Worthlaa In; 1 that may be ocred. Ilrg UUELJX IUI 0 `UUIJLI Jacobs` Rheumatic Liquid Cures Rheu- matilm. Thlrly `l'(`ar.s" I-`.xp('ri(`Iu-0 of an old Nauru`. |r,_ rI-- - To Conslinlgptlven. The Rn. EDWARD A. WILSON will send _t _L--._..\ A... ..II -I.-. A..-:... :. 4|... -_- August 3. H UU BIJ II f.IEllUBHls II-I Pl`-|l\'UL CU[]llUPUCF' JUHN B. OGDEN, 42`Ueda.r-st., New York H A L US VEGETABLE SlC||.JAN HAIR RENEWER. l'!c;:>&(l_\`$ WHO ARI-`I (il{\\ have their hnir restored lo its unlu and if in h... r..n.... ..... -_-... ,, ,, Bal(-iIJcl;;Vl`l;sIr Dye. _4:, nus. u n. u-5 lnllt . by iu use . he best HAIR DllE>`' |.r_.I_...- _.,a- L , `ILHUUI Ll-IBISU U] ELLUICSSI THOS. F. CHAPMAN, u;HlIIS1', nnn D__-.I_.._. 17.7 tr, 1 -RNAIH Errotn of Youth, .I,_ _ _,,-, 1 .- lnl';|-mutton. For mlie by all druggisls Co- Nashua, .\'.lI,, l r--prielors n|.\Il\ nun.` l.\Ll Ill , ah] brash)` hair, be ---II II`! I his fallc | , \j|A[lA. g`.Il.[l&`I, \.JI II-l3l, 823 Broadway, New York. RICE _., -v ~ -, __ _ ... ... ... -ruIu|.I'\.IlJ uI:l`nl'g63, Wllkll BI- [`.m\riu-mrs fact. does it produce upon your general health `I Do you fen-1 wrnk. dt-bilntuled, easily tired 7 _l `I Doe-9 n liuiv v\lrn v xcrliou produv \ pulpmuiou of the hvurt :` Hots your liver, or ur.u.1ry ur- gnus. or your kidneys, fruquonlly gul. out of uni.-r'. la your urine sometimes thick, milky, or1lork_\,urisi1. ropy on settling`? Ur does . a thnck smrn rise to me lop? Ur is n sudimulnl at the bottom um-r it has stood awhile? Do \ ` ~ ' you have apt-11:1 of short breanhing ur dy.~'pe1-- am ? A re your bowel: vouslipaled 7 Doyou ~s!or:=n| ix: muuml have apells of fainting, or ruahoa of blood to cn mil. frwlic` n WW the head .` I530 nr memory impaired `B Is your lmiunl l`u'.l3!l|ll)'t1Wt`Hi[lK upon this subject? E5` l.\'G in tlm worl-1, l)o you luel dull. iiuk-es, moping, tired ol (`om- uy bcnllhy. soft, I` p:s:r_\`, of life `P No you wish to be left alone, Io gut away from everybody ? Does any little thing mnke you start or jump`? Is your sleep ua, l`r-prielors `broken or reslloss 7 Is the lustre of your 05a :13 bnllmnt 7 The bloom on your cheek as u'ri(`lIl'(` lbrigbt Do you enjoy yourself in `society as rsc. Ewell ? Do _vou pursue your buainc-.-'3 with the uy _V_ - . _ nrullug Ill 1 nunw room: ne Tull's mag 9 (`on a u nl-rn..n h-.... |.- 01']-1, ..;. KINGSTON. i If no treatment is Iubmitted to, Consump- tion or Insanity may ensue. Our esh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of P08- terily, depends upon prompt use of 9. relinble remedy. Ue1mbold a Extract Bucbu,eatabliehed up- ward of 18 years, prepared by H. T. HELM- BOLD, Druggist, 49-4, New York, and 104, South l0l.b Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pam: -$1,25 per bottle, or six bottles for S-L50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Drug- gists everywhere. None are gennine unlea done up in steel- emzraved wrapper, with fac-aimile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed . lls 1129 great Diuretic, and in a. certain cure {for disease: of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, [Drops], Organic Weakness. Female Com- ` plaintl, Genernl Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whntover cause origi- nating, and no matter of how long standing. .-.L.. 4 Q I (3.11, protracted from hi oases require prom p Once desirable ll aui-red from nnvulu fact Vull fm-1 m;...l., I F ,,.,_. J-......--1.-.nJuu1y| I3 yUlll'BlI`I`.p`[ 05. '39 bnllmnt? as` |b:-igbt as; l well {same om-rgv 1 Do you ft-0| as much colldvncul an yourselt? Am your spirits dull and thggiug. given lo Iits ofmelauchuu` ? If so, do not lay 7it In wnnr li:..r .~..- .l........,.:_ N un uc--:5 um:-ucumy, 01 nervousness, Dt palpi- - ution of this heart. They are never nfrnid they cannot succeed in businosa ; they don tbecomo `Bad and discouraged; they are always polite tand pleasant in the company of ladies, and I look you sud them right in the fnce--none of ;your downcaat looks or any other meanness laboul. them. 1 do not mean those who keep ` the organs inated by running to excess, These will not only ruin their constitutions, but aiieo i those they do busint.-e`s with or for. I l i I u I l l I How many men, from badly-cured diseases, from the eecu of soltlabueo and excesses, have broughtabout that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other dxaease--idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal ahctions, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real c-use of the trouble scarcely ever auvpected, and have doctored for all but the right one. ` miliual Pn Silt : Ca, 24! Ll.'i_\.` Di.-Eases of these organs require the use of B Diurelir-. H, _ ... ...... \ll an--an-\.uL`|_v l H bU, U0 DUI lly` `it to your Iin-r qr d_vs[-epaia. Have you rem less nights '7 Your back weak, your knew` (Weak, and hnve Lut*.ir1le appetite, nud you 31- I [tribute Ihis to dram-usia or l:n=r-.~nmnI..;... -a HELUBO-LD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU I l(`lIL lltlff` 1 l lil ._r_u I .,.. .-,...: JuI|| uvul, or nus. or `J.-r'. milky,` '1lm~k_\,uri.~1i1. sudimulnl` tthe b:)ll0tI1ul'te=r Do` an shortbreu1bi1ngu:rdyspe;--' 2! Are Doyoul we IE Is 30:1 I ind 0 dull.iin1(-ea, n1oping,1iredol('om- ' s::_\v', wish alone, ugn-tawnyl'rn1n Hula; ling orjump? 'okm1 (`-}n; I Ix-.II...-.-9 ""L- " ' DDRESS TU THE NERYUU3 HlLI'I`ATl-`_I) ...1.........n~.-;.__- -uuuxsu |\! ltlu NIll\l HlLI'I`ATEI), whuseauffe art-.i 1`.-n... |..:.:1__ -, , , ..:--.\1\-' L1AILl LII" FAT E1), whose sufferings have been hidden causes, nun! wboau ro prompt treatment to render exist Lble you me suffering, or have m unvuluulary discharges, w1mI.eI- , 1 7; r pulpnlaliou` P U13 YUIH` VHF. r nr n\r\' nr ` ....u mu. nun: uppeule, nuuymz at d_rap4-psia or l:vcr-cornplniul'? H. '1`. I} FILMBOLD. (`OMPI (CANADA). VVEDNESDAY EVE] `us U` uuv`. _:.......n ... :uu.\.||u\`uNiIl lIQ|'[5 ( res, mm. on `T!iU_[{S|)AY AFTE 31'I\lh8!tHh'( "\_"1l~5-1 1' bl.\ oc-lurk. ronuectin \gi]y Nd ; wll I I 1:` Port Hope nn-I Polerbnr` ` FlI`M;llh`hr .\\'0rSlIl'm.`lIl for ltm-I11-M91: _'H ll L` xvnfl u`l'h ]:SlilI`l)1\d jrl or" '!n:i(:`~rr;],l mi; sleanwr fur Niug hick mdky nm in! .1 n_ 1', Anal M. llum '3 (yr do; 1 Hruv.-It \\':~'l<-rn llnil_ruml for Land 5- fJ$lrIdgv, l)cu(:1t, Ulm-n;rn_ S1, ['51. while? [I area west and . rut d_hPt.1__5 ` For I'n.ssugn 'l'ivk--la a J ` [`0lgt'l` find llr0n., Uulnriu 1 Blftl *l{1'er h`L:-unubont mi lsyour [ \\ hart, loot. 0| Johnson .S'.I'eel.. ais subjert `H 1.` H I-.l ..A ,./_.._ AND DE- H *3: 4-nllhu. .. uujzv tAkA:|ucu} an 1' UU n. U Lzuuun, Returning, leaves Bellevillo every morning (Sundays excepted) at SIX n cl0ck, am. Pnr rnlnn nr` II`:-nin-In nvul Dnnnnnnn nnnluv on elm \ /luu uu-zxvn JLIDI D1. lAl1I'I'IidVL'n / WHARF`, foot of Johnson Street, forrthe above and intermediate ports. every day (Sun- days excepted) at FOUR. () CLO0K, RPIl`H"l1if'II7 Itiuvnll Rn:-.n1:Hn nun:-tr rnnrnfnnv `LIULIU-`IJB UAUVPLCIJ) III. Oh` ,[lI_ For rates of Freight and Passage apply to the Captain on board, or to I QITF"'I" Ir n ATHENIAN, ! CULUMBIAN, Captain J. J. Morley Captain J. B. Estes. One of the above Slearnc-rs will leave Kingston for Alexandria Bay, Brocliville, and 0gdens- burg, at 3:00 am. daily (Mondays excepted), conueciing at Ogden sburg with the elegant River Steamers C-HA PION, Captain Carmichael, and BANSHEE, Captain Bailey. Lnnvincr Rinrrqlnn fnr {`.hu-Inlln nf 9-nn UJSAVAJLJLILZ, \JE|Pl.l`llLl Dllfy. Leaving Kingston for Charlotte at 8:00 pm. daily (Sundays excepted), arriving at Lewiston the following morning at 9:30, con- necting at. Charlotte and Lewiston with the New York Central Railroad for NIAGARA FALLS and BIJ-`FALO--l1l8|'Eby forming a close connection with sthe Railroads West and South, r.!__Y\_ nu: 1 )U\llII, For Passage Tickets, apply at the ofce of Folger & Bro., Ontario Street, or at the Lake sud River Steamboat Uice, St. Lawrence Wharf, foot of Johnson Slrot. A an-w.-.6`.-....-.Li.1 -LJ . . _ _ . _:__a Il7_'4' rs C. H. HATCH, Passenger Agent. Kingston, April 20, 1868. o'clock. V1,. -uu |ca.'IK: Inc sit. 1JXlWl'CuK3(! \'|'lll'I, II|UI.' V Street, for MONTREAL, calling at intermediate ports, on FRIDAY iMUR.\'lh'lJ next, the 28th Aug, at half-past ve ;o'cl0ck, connecting: at Bruckville with the Brock- 5 rilln and Ottawa R 1?. for Perth, Smith's Falls, I I and at Prescott with the l n=scott and Ottawa` R. 1 . for UttnwaC'tty; and with the Northern R R for liou.-Vs Point, Boston, &c., and at Mon- treal with the 5te:tmt'r3 for Quebec, passing through the dvlightful scenery of the Thousand Islands, and All the Rapids of the St. Lawrence thy daylight. l Fnr puaanrrn Th-L'nIta nnnlva at tho nhn. of `Ll lllllllslll. JF0r Passage Tickets apply at the oice of. Folger and Bros... Unmrio Street, or at the Lake and River Smnmbont Oicn, St. Lawrence Wharf, fool of Johnson Street. R I] l 1 ArI'Ir1I1 u.un5.-nun, uutu|Ulu:, unu JJEWISLOD. The Line is carnpcsed of the large, staunch, and commodious side wheel Lake Steamers nvuv. u: uuuusuu LJITBCL. A comfortable aiul convenient Waiting-Room for Ladies and Gentlemen on the Wharf. C. H. HATCH, Annnl u.u1.\' now For UCIUCK. Returning, will leave Kingston for Picton, Mill Point and Bellevilfe on Tuesday and Thurs- day eveningfx, at 8 o'clock; Snmrdnya at 11 n`r-1n.-Ir VIVHIS Company will, during lhe Season of Pleasure Travel, commencing June 22:16, run 3 Daily Line of Steamers for Pleasure and Business Travel between Montreal, Ogdenaburg, Kingston, Charlotte, and Lewiston. 'l"h.. Linn as .....-."..-....-l ..r .L... 1--.... ..o........:. `calling ` tinu-. n .\I.-KR!