,,_.-J uul 3,600 bum .1 73; at .{or dolont ; 731 I .,,Boaf nlnnrlu T --- R. I. ROSE, Oicinl Auignee. 7,15 for super- D 8,05 for oom- ,7o 0 9,75 for '1; D`. H-~~ .... nuu-I , 4.;/(D r steady. Lard ` Ht l0c .- TABLE OF CONVE A Slor`ling,0urrancy,1 also, of Dollar: and 00 Sterling. [ _ . .--nu; llcll, III '3 The Pavilion has been rem: i rear oflbo " Bay of Quinta H( I whc,-re he will he mosl bapp : persons iulurt-sled In the an V I V I . .. ,.u.-prmuru and lovers of horses in this city wish to acquire a simple, effectual nnd kindly method of educn1iug,m:nnging and cur- ing of bad habits of this useful animal, they should embrace the opportunity now nfforded them by Mr Mc(`ur-sror an 21, um. ...` ul um namts oflbis uool opportunil Mc(`nr-gor I... L- [CITY ._..\ .1. un null I IJIILB I C-urnhill Magazine for ` Englishwomaxfs Domestic L Army List for August. Scott`: Fair Maid of Perth, -` Woodstock, A LrauV||l8 DCUO0 sell by the Case at HE WAREHOUSE And Premises on I ceus Street, lately occupied by Hugh Fn (who is retiring from business). Apply to llrwn I-Ir. A .-.---~ ANTED, an experienced COOK to whom good wages will be given, mult have good references. Apply st. R. Beaupreh Hotel, No. 4, uke: Squsne. Ana 14 111:9 THF msuor smcm scam I FDR THU! . u. -----v- v u uruvul-III IIVIIVVL FOR THE HIGHER EDUOATMN 0F GIRLS. Founded 1867-Incorporated 1868. _.j_ THIS Corporation having secured possession of the Residence of the late Bishop. on Front Street, Toronto, and the adjoining pre- mises formerly occupied by Captain Strachan, the Institution is enabled to afford largely increas- ed accommodation for both Boarders and Day Pupils. it is hoped that msny of those who were necessarily excluded in consequence of the smaller number of rooms at Pinehurst, may now enjoy the advnntnges of the School ; to prevent disappointment, however, an early application Ls recommended. 1l':a.l.--I...-- '11-... _:n -___._, TH 1 IPOITATIII HE Colunodioul and Well-tted STORE on T the comer of King sud Princeu Streets, luely occupied by Henri l"erg1non at C0. Im- ~ mediate poaseulon given. Apply to July 25. J. BAWDEN,So1ic.:itor.. ; upau.:nnn--Auu ulguu IWV. U16 hDl'(l DISDOP 01} Toronto. Vic:-Pnu1Dun's-Tbe Venerable the Archdea- con of Toronto ; the Rev. the Provost of Trinity College. I-3 TEUUUJLUCUUCU. Michaelmas Term will commence on Wednes- day, the 2nd of September, when the School will (D.V.) be re-opened, with 1 full and competent uta` of Teachers, at the place above mentioned. Punctunl attendance on the 111! day of term is regarded as essential. It in aannnfnlln A.-.a:...A AL... 15-----_ _L- --# Pau1nIx1*-Tbe Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of - irgzuueu H3 EBSBDUBI. It in especially desired that Parents who may wish to send their daughters to the School will previously read the Prospectus containing the General Regulntionn, the Course of Studiu, the Terms, and the List of Instructors, which my be obtained on application to the Secretary, `DD\T I I AUIVVIVDIP LII L`- lJVJ.`ll\l1DLJ-`\J'.--.rlC)l'?5Ue A Greeley, of New York, says ;-The mbst successful business men in this city are those who have advertised liberally and constantly. A small advertisement cou- stantly appearing is better than a display column occasionally. EW STYLES OF TYPE HAVE been added to the DAILY NEWS .1013 PRINTING OFFICE. Our two Steam Presses and Automatic Platen Printing Machin- ery enable us to turn out work in good style, with quick despatch, and at cheap shes. Inquiry solicited. ' '\4' LL .I K/IJV\-I JJI.J.HJ.|v'\./J.LLA` I? 1' _I_ pay more for the rent of your business house than for _n.dvertising your business, you are pursuing a. false policy. If you can do bus1ness,1ecit be known.--FRANK- 4 FFECT UF ADVERTISING.-It is amusing at times to observe the stores of the merclnaots who (lon t adver- tise; to see tho anxious proprietors look- ing into the Itreets and see the peoples go by, wondering why they don't come in, while the stores of their neighbours who do advertise are tbronged with customers. Some people will lenm by observation, others will not.--Daily Palladium. Jl7ST RE(`El\'ED I-`UR SALE AT THE GOOD: U V I115]. IDIIMIJLV ID I01 IIIJU DAILY N IVE. intended to appear the same evening, nhould be lent In us an on-1y tn hour in mg dn an nanlhh - LLl': F115.` Subscribers are appointed Agents for the Uanville School Slate Company, and will PM by Comnnnvwz mime Augult 1'.-L August 24. Kingston, Aug, 24 August `.14. A 005]; _i_?rANT_EDf KINaLAKE*s`cIMA. |-A MCI LNUIIC. Aug. 14, 1868. JOODS, tbs bnhnuil` J 1 TI?`. Mv( Aug. '21, 1363` _--_ " ERSHAW'S PATENT FIRE AND BURG- :\ LAR PROOF SAFES at Manufacturer`: rices. August 21. Toronto, Aug. 5, 1868. SCII()()L sLA'i`I;s. VOLUME `O A YOUNG MERCHANT-\Vhen you nqv more fnr the rent nf vnnr hnainmm JDELL & RT OF. tW_-,I___ DVERTISEMENTS for the mm Nuts, l intended nnneu name mmnina, HENDERSON 8 BO0KS l`0!iE. pmncsss STREET. uzusl 21. TIIE IIORSE TAMER, ix VSTRATED TIMES for August. Ynrnhill Magazine Anon-I ll` proprietor: and lovers of sh acquire simnln an-.......-1 -_.- sAFELAFj AND/7 T 0 L 1"1`{. .7. _rr..-_.._-- v- ..... o...-u~u-J, REV. J. LANGTRY, No. 380 Church Street, Toronto. A..- r `nah L N OTICE., ' next. line -um lnunm, nn has hngn .. .... ...a SEC OND expected immediately, B01 K HS -1-`l()RE, Hi` nnuxnuu-..,... 4 ~/ron sun AT THE CONVERSION oft` n. Purrencv. Anal n..n--- ~~ -. ---- ----- -II-tlllll. removed to the yard in rof House," Bngol Street, happy lo instruct those rd me an whinh I... o.....:..... ADVERTISING. - Hora_ce-2 {\` KY..`u `T.-...l ...._..- . 1"L- JAMES B. YARKER, Princes! Street, Kinguon. -u ._-mm uuuzpany, Company's prices, FRARFD A. nvnv vnunnuc Ina urea: weowrn, lhnclooonjonnndnlh nIeann.dvunced1lid. uu|.ul,1uu PHCCS, FRASER & GEURG E. uccm FRASER, Ur muss YARKER. 0!` THE DAILY NEWS. v - -n-onun or L (1. into ucy, and Dollul Ind Cents; Uenu into Currency and JOHN CBEIGBTON. Hm z Cheap Edition. JOHN cnsxumox. lam, &o., Du.-uLn .'\v[A<`LnN ._..a nu nuguul. August. tic Magazine for August. Hg Iu xuasrucl H.108` I. which he teaches. M. ML`GRE(}UR. A1` THI IS THE PLACE FOR THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS. Remnants of Tweedy, Doeskins, Black Broad- cloth, Silk Mixtures, and Cloukingn. Remnants of Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black and Coloured Alpaca: and Ooburgs. Remnants of Prints, in Light and Dark Colourl. Remnants of Grey and White Colloni. Remnants of Linen Damask, Bleached and Unbleached DA--.-.....-- -n' ' ` ` ' WIIIUU Damaged Kid Gloves, In all prices. The balance of our White Cotton Hosiery at spring prices. ` P-i-n FA-.- :_ rrru 2. - - - - A-GREAT SALE of Remnnnll will commence on Monday, 1'.`lh August, Ind will con- tinue for two weeks, and will be oered to our numerous cuslomrrs at fully 25 per cent under presnt cost value, and will coats! of the fol- lowing Goods :- n -_ ncnuuuulrd DI IFISIJ Linens, and Grnss Cloths. Remnluls of Red, While, Flnnnell. :1.r\ I ),:_- ll'V'. --- /_- eve`;-'3} as follows : Bleached snd unbleached Domestics, Ginpzharns, Cnlicoes, Blankets, Mexican Quilts, Table Cloths, Nspkins, Towels, Handkerchiefs of all kinds. A large assortment of Silks, Irish Linen, Hosiery, Cusimeres, Clotbsykc. Remem- ber. HONEST JOHN will na... ....na. -...-.. A-.- mnen, uoeuery, Unsalmereu, Clotbsrkc. ber, HONEST JOHN will give goods sway for very little pay. N.B.-The sale will be continu- ed from dsy to day until the uock is c1oud_out. HONEST JOHN, Auctioneer. TERMS OASH-Silvor taken at par. * The Boarding and Day school for YOUNG LADIES, 500 Pairs Wiluey Bhmkets, be sold I decided bqrgnin, 50 Doieu Hoop Skirts, fro wards. otulus .JIlCl.'-U. ` 500 Pairs Corsets, in White and Coloured, mnde of superior French Coulille, at full} 20 per cent under regular prices. 500 Bundlm-I heat Rnnol-..-.-. F.-.04-.- V--- - OMMENCING at 19 o clock, 5.111., at BROOK STREET, corner of King-street, on FRI- DAY, 10 o clock, 1.11:. f` Silver taken at put. The undenigned would respectfully invite the citizen! of this place and surrounding coun- try to cull at the gljent AUCTION SALE, And procure bargains, an In_ loll without reserve 3 In-ge stock of DRY GOODS, In fnllnnn - Dla...l...a _-..I .._u.1_--I.-: n V CONDUCTED by MISS PRICE, assisted by her sister MISS F. PRICE, will be RE- UPENED on MONDAY, 3131. ofAugu|t. A vacancy for two boarders. | Kingston, August 19th, 1868. --u- uuucl scgulnr prlce. Bundles best Southern Cotton Yarn, wu- ranted full 5 lb: to the Bundle, and to hold by two threads. AUcT1Q_i\f SALE! CANADIAN NAv1AT10N O0MPANY. TENDERS F0__Flll. W000. HONE ;1j` .1 0HN S '`'_'I for supplying the Steamers of the CANADIAN NAVIGATION COMPANYwilh FUEL WOOD at the Port nf Kim-nmn Am-:.... A... n'.r--:_-L1- ua; v L\JlLl\l.|.V UULI the Port of King Sauna of 1869, viz. onnn r 3,000 CORDS HARD. 3,000 " SOFT: The Wood to be of a GOOD, SOUND, MER- CHANTABLE QUALITY, and FOUR FEET IN LENGTH from point to point. To be delivered to the Steamers in such quan- tities nnd on such Wharf an the Company mu indicate. Wharfage to be paid by Contractor. To be well corded in nine cord piles, viz. :- Forty-eight feet in length, and six feet in height. The whole to be subject. to the approval of the Oomp`a.ny or their Agent. Saufactorv Benn:-itv rm 4}... .1... .....1 r.m.r..1 uumgnuy U1` luCll' Agl. Satisfactory security for the due and faithful performnnca of the Contract will borequired, and the nature of such security to be stated in the Tender. `D.._.:.... g... ,_. . .. 1. -- - OI lI.IU I.UI.IlJCr. Parties tendering to state what proportion of t ` Dry Wood they can furnish. ` u DY" un I nv o-......--_ Turpin an Co. and other favour- ite Brands. Delivered at Kmasm-on, Oruvu Ilourxur. I 1 or Qcnnc. FOR SALE. 1800 BRLS. cmcnao `MESS PIJBK uvuan A ; uuuxbx DUnulL`UJ.\DaD.- adapted for use in the County of Fron- tenac, for sale at the Daily News Oice. All kinds of Law Forms printed to order with accuracy and expedition. AT T HE LIVERPOOL HOUSE .._a_ August ]2_ August 14. ,7 II vuu Inc] can l|ll.'l:lll.I. ALEX. MILLOY. Secretnry. Company : Otce, 73 Great St. James Street, llonireal, 7th August, l868. OF PIIINPESS STREET. I(|N(:lS'I'0N. Montreal, August 12, 1868. \ENDER.S, addressed to the undersigned, will be received until the OUNTY COURT sUMMoNsEs.L lnr`nnInr` Far nun :n Olxn (Vnn-.L.. J 1.1--.. J. GREENFIELD. l5F.F()RE THE 1: limit I`) IN BOND OR DUTY PAID. In September next, $10,000 WORTH TO BE SOLD LESS THAN COST Ilonlresld-ll of Irish Linens, I.-uh- LAING & COUPAB. Earl Street, 1?EA'T ` " COMPRISING :\JA|1J nu; nnulrunu WUUU viz.: Iinguon, during the Navignblel MCDONELL S from ION and up- ,slighlly soiled, , Brown Hollands, o(li'ALL| Blue, also Fancy E FIRST OF SEPTEMBER. ueu-gates, members of the Association, and Members of the Profession intending to join the Association, are requested to take notice that, in order to secure a. double journey Ticket for one fare, they must obtain from the Secre- tory of the Province to which they belong, in Certicate, to be presented at the commence- ment of the journey. The following Companies will grant Tickets to the holder: of Certicates, :3 follows 1-- Graud Trunk Roilway Compony---A double journey to Montreal for 3 single fare. Canadian Navigation Company--Ono full fare to go and return ; Mcnls and Bertha extra. Richelieu Cnmnnnv._'l"nm T'|mII--- -A-L -~- I nus u.Il:IuLl8U. Great Western Railway Oompa.ny-A double journey ticket to Toronto for It single fare. The following are the Secretaries to whom imnlicalion muslhnmndn-_W I-I I-I=------- " IIII Aitllil I'll` MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CANA. DIAN MRDIHAI. lHQlIf1lA'l"l(\\l' _:u L... -uc nuu U1 oeplelnoer next. Members of the different Committees are re- quceatecl to meet. on the 3113!. August, and 13! September, 1868, for the purpose of completing their Reports to be submitted to the Association. Delegates, Members of the [he Prnlnninn img.-..I:.... o- :-=-- I -110 ADNUAM MEE'l`lNU UF THE J. DIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION wil be held in the city ofblnntreal, on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd ofseptember next. Memhm-n nf Hm A:'.........o n-.._..,=.-H ....c .u gu nuu return menu and Bertha em Company--Two Dollars each * or Four Dollars for the return ticket. ; Meals Bertha included. am... 117--.--- n -- '- ,.......o, new: to `1.'0l'0Dl0 {or single fare. application must be made :--W. H. Hingston, M. D., Montreal ; W. Uannitf, M.D, Balleville, Ont.; J. R. l)eWolf, M.D., Halufux, Nova Scotia; W. S Harding, M D, St. John, New Brunswick. A. G BELLEAU, M.D., 11.-.: ca ...... _- Note I J J. LINTON has received instructions to sell , on THURSDAY next, the 27th inst., at the residence of Mr: Craig, corner Johnson and Sydenham Streets, opposite Irons Buildings, all the Furniture kc. therein contained, compris- `lng-l Excellent Piano Forte, (nearly new), Tapestry Carpet, Heir Seated Sofas and Chairs, Easy Chairs, Centre, and Dining and Work Tables, Whaluot, Ornaments, Chitfonier, Book- case, a quantity of Standard Books, 1 National Atlas, Telescope, Plated Tea Sett,-Cruets, &c., Glass and Crockery Ware ; the contents of five Bed Rooms, viz., Black Walnut Bedsteads, Pal- liassu, Mattresses, Feather Beds, B. W. Bureaus, Wardrobes, Washstauds and Furniture, Excel- lent B . R. Carpets, Box, Parlour and Cooking Stoves, with Pipes and the usual assortment of Kitchen Furniture. Terms Cash, in Bankable Fonds. Sale at 10 o clock, sharp. J I I ,`l.\`l"I'`f\\l . FURNITURE. nonss, HARNESS, cnnmas, PLATED, amass, CHINA and CBOCKERY WARE, FOR SALE To-Mg_R1i()W. SALE BY AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE --`_._ ____- _. -.. xv ~-vyn-, nanny. J. J. LINTON, - Auctioneer. N .B.-The above premises are to Rent. Pos- session given In September. Kingston, Aug. 19th, 1868. j)- 7 uu uu uuuulunn LII! IYCEIVBU IDIIFDCUODI to sell on TUES )AY, SEPTEMBER lit, at the Residence of A. T. WEST. Esq , (who il Lbout to proceed to England on leave) No. 1 Wellington Terrace, near the Artillery Park, all the Furniture, Arc. &c., contained therein, comprising in part--Ea.sy Chairs, Lounges, Carpets, Curtains, Ornaments, Centre, Dining, and Side Tables, with Covers, Whntnot, Chif- fonier, Glass and Chine Ware; an nssottment of Plnted do.; Cutlery, kc. ; Hull Stoves and Pipes, Floor Cloth, Stair Carpet and Roda; Bedateeds, Feather Beds and Bedding; Wash. stands and Furniture, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Cooking Stove complete, and a quantity of Kitchen requiaitel. Also, 1 splendid HORSE, rising 5, quiet either to drive or ride; 1 Sett New SILVER-MOUNTED HARNESS; 1 Set! Plait] do. : l arr-nllnnt Family (`.--m'-.-.. PIANO Foi'r"E_. w Glass, Plated & Crockery Ware. ncw o1.uvnn-n.lUULV.llilJ nnnt-`.55; 1 E do. ; 1 excellent Family Carriage. TERMS--Uaah in Bnnknble Funds. SALE precisely at TEN dclock, AM. J. J. LINTON, A nnlinn-nu Kingston, Aug. 19, 1868. Upper Canada GoTghe HEN all Pupils, resident and non-resident, are particularly requested to be present. New Pupils will then be enrolled, and those who failed to pass the midaumrnet examination will be re-examined between 10 and 12:30 o'clock. Arlditinnnl f'.u-ilhiaa ..... _.._ ..u'n_..A 4- 41.--- thu an n:-cmuuineu uetwcen 1U Mild 12:30 o'clock. Additional facilities are now olfered to those Pupils who do not desire a high classical training to join the English and Moderti Departments, in which they are thoroughly prepared for Mer- cantile pursuits, snd for the Civil an__d 'li`3'_,,_. . . . - . l\.Js - |m;1`;p'ecin1 class will also be formed a}Japied to the requirements of junior boys at from 7 to 8 years of age and upwards. Thn fnnt Ihlt Hui-inn {Ha 1:10 3:-v Iannnal ll ALI `foul! on age nuu npwarus. The fact that during the last six years " old College boys" have carried o' three out of every four Scholarships offered at tho Matriculation Examination of the University of Toronto, and a. large proportion of those otfered at Trinity College, is a sufficient guarantee that Scholarship hu not declined. `I7-.. ....a...-:_1 _I.__._-- L , , I - uclus ul tuu l.?BluCl.ll. fllplll. Every boarder is required to bring with him I. certificate of good conduct from the master or tutor under whom he has been previously edu- cated. ,,._ . `..!-_l-- .IA__ . . -. \ -. blllutuc Tuition fee, $10 per term ; tnitionfnnd board, including washing, sent in church, and ordinary medical attendance, $45. The commencement of the next session on Sep- tember In is the best time to enter Oolle . For prospectus. mnlr to am P.-im-inn n n Llll l.|UI IICUIIIIUU. Very material changes have been made in the internal arrangements of the boarding-house, to increase the comfort and secure the general well- being of the resident Pupils. Everv hnm-dnr in rnnniraul {n k.-:...- ....:n. L.:_ _ wmular um 13 ma non: tune to enter Uollego. prospectus, apply to the Principal, U. 0. College, Toronto. Tnrnnfn Annual on August 12, 1868 WILL RE-ASSEMBLE ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13!, 41' NINE O'CLUCK A.M., IVI ussu, I III. UI-I LU . Toronto, Augvul. 20. `HE SUBSCRIBER has received instructions In mall nn "l"TTF.1 )AV RIl"D'I"DI1D`I:.1n ._. BY AUCTION, BY J. J. L1NT0iv. L AUGUST 26. CA NA|;IL17vH -Two eaci:_;r;_y, 2 and uL1IJlJlM[\U,W]uU.' General Secretary, G Ll A 1.11;` 1 U1! Auctioneer. We will want next. month M nn aupex-intend a rs!-clus '1` August 22. WILL FIND The choicest Assortment of Rich Fancy Goods, [York Press Dcnpatches. SHEFFIELD HOUSE. will clear out all Summer and all Bu:-plus Stock In Genuine Reduction. Ohoioe Inn- E U guns each day in Black Bilh, Bleak Grol Gnine, Blripod Silks, Phil Bilkl, Qld loin Antiques; Fnney Dreuu and Dreu Good: by the yard; Honnblqueu and Ohnlliel; Llmilell Alpacas; Linen Napkins, Table Cloth, Diapers, Linen end Cotton Bbeetingl; Hudnlllckl; Single end Double Fold Ticking; 1,500 pieces Prints, all down in Price; Skirlinp; the lashnee of our Carpet Block at Goa: Price; Leoemn Lace Shawn. Lot: of other Goods will be cleared 0!. H Remember that this Cheap Sale in at ' ' THE MONTREAL HOUSE. Il'inn-coma `run. CIR 1000 d Iluslln Cumin; Bleak Silk Inntleennd DIME, The most convenient and` j__._.j.,____.__. A CHEAP JOBBIAG SALE OF DRY Goons. K FOR ONE MONTH: 2 .n-u--u-w-.-. and neatest style of Miniature Photograph- yet introduced here. ` M Larger Sizes of Portraits and G1-imp or Landscape Pictures as forleriy. PRICES MODERA TE. ` ;M0N'1`1:EAi; HOUSE. BARGAINS AS USUAL FOR THOSE HAVING THE CASE 3 better lot of Sugar-cured Hams were nave:-I I ADMIBE evenvnlmai .L.L arrived to-day. I ark. August 26.-An Accident oc~ on the Hulem rnilrond by VA: inauntly killed, md dnnrvnrnnnlw Ln before o'ered in this citg. in your orders early, they won't Inst long. UTOBIUGRAPHY of the Rev. CHARLES FRESHHAN, late Rabbi of the Jewish Synagogue at Quebec; at present Wesleyan Minister at Preston. ` Price One Dollar. JOHN HENDERSON, Princess Street. Julv 23. >93 |=RasHyI_Au's LIFE.` (mews MGDEL qulnnmi rmum. FIWFIE nhannnni --41 13-..; .....- ..'.....I 4.. al.. -------U UL`-Illllll I`Ul.I.lI.Il.`Il Iflllig TEE Cheapest and Best ever oerod to the public. To be seen at the shop ofll. Gage, Wfltchmnker. All orders left with the than will ho promptly attended to. Ilnflhl (I I III: Aug. 17. THAT DESEBVEB Al)MIBA'l`l0Na Rigney 6' Sltwiwa Kingston, July 25, 1868. :j _ _"__ _`__,-_`:---"" *""`b ujetubln ulna hours. The = much excitement among` ad others, and large crowd; fr-otn Loualon, Portsmouth ton througed the shore. null craft were guber- H the plnco of~ starting, - . eet of Lugs, excursion `sum yachts followed the ms :11 the wt) Around bucene wn very ne. The tuna: and brisk, with north- ` Sowing. At ten o`clock M us red, nnd the yscht! :2 cheers from the people crowds on the steamers `clone behind. The Alive "ad, but she was closely `_ rV-,| - NH lat Aagnlt, 1868. u1u`u: ur UDIIDII. A I ttbo K` to B . ppya mg: n ruJw`err}ynM N .B.-I could only secure 62 of them. Sandi TIY VTEADH nfn n _ ru- ;un.J.\.D1 JIUIL DALE), | ux YEARS OLD, Gentle in Human, either! Single or Doubla- August 18. July 23. Kingston, August 1. I ND I realty admire those HANS that hue] AL LDARD Uuu, U Single Double. rmlv gt oh. `R'i-m-n-- """"3l|` `IS IDUIIDIIJ KIHCO, Minna dangerously hurt, "bf" mud] injured. Whingmn special uya offi- EWSCI In making prepurr ""l_?. tad everything is being '5 if the meeting wt: to be Jun opened, including all the 1---, STRANGERS VISITING THE We are offering all SUMMER GOODS M. cont price, I .-\_../ M. MORRISON. HEN DERSON S` The Annual Sale once llloro tor, theT_PublIe! ._j__ 17 PIECES 0F NE;-WA'l'ERPll00F UIAITHS will venture to my that Aug. 23, 3 p m-)1u'ino dir r iireoent. glle nre still report- I-`nourito from Liverpool , wn been by nn iucomin coat. of Irelnnd, dinmutd condition. The crew re- the ship. Lug. 251-The ship Favouri n-|--__ ..-_--1-J --l --- ARE ALSO OPENING A LARGE STOCK DRESS Gobbs ROBERT GAGE, Patenleo. CHARLES GRIGOR, STILL CONTINUES AT h an experienced TAILOR. One who 9 Tailoring Department, will receive a g ".r'AEi'c'B nuns. CHEAP SAL Suitable for ' from 33 to 8: 3d a yard. Cambrin. The inter- eoe two. Tho Cunbrio you the Alive, and nally the race in 6 houn, 15 Tl:-Ihlive cum: in only two EM. Th Condor Wu third; -~ Tllolllnhrt in not placed. F"-bula! uh tdliht. I . " 8* 38 NEW SHADES, from 3: 6d to 7| Gd I yard. -AT TH-1;: the present Benton. AT ILOR. would be competent to cut for at, good ullry. _ ` ROYAL Fire &. Life Insurance 00. { _ _ ._ ._ --.._.-uv nu; 3:114` st as low nteo as anypther x-at-cllu Company. It would nllo on-onyly invite Attention. to the favourable terms on which POLICIES no -2% &IU :I'w Pl|':i::I-I1-1:1-;f-which can be hm! on application to HIS O0KP.ANY,'hnving depooited the Sun of $150,000 with the Ilininler of finance for the Dominion of (lands, in compliance with the New Insurance Act, nnd conformed tom`? other reqniremontl, will continue to Insure d_l deucriptionn of P1,-open}, - Against Loss or Damage by Fire. .0 an In- _.A.. .. -_., , H. HENDERSON. August. 26.-Oonso1s 94} M to i for account; nnnunl - n.....-I. '91] . D_'- -_-_. _ J. OABRUTHEBS I Oo., _ Agents. Kingston, lath Augmt. GRANTED Brfiuvss. nu-aim-.-1.... -4` _I.:-|. --_ L- L-) _ .. -. vvu ullhnb Kingston, 170: August, 1868. REFIN ED PETROLEUM OIL Assocmnou. )RICE hero to the Trad Barrels free. e, 31% com: cub.- CAPITAL Two uuuogg smuuo. , Including some nice M. w. s-rmxen,A .m. Ana-nut Inna ' .1 PRINCESS STREET. PRINCESS 8'l'E_Il`1'. I'.W1ng's,M(}reemx1k: Cullen: ,1 emenxi by .\[r C. J. Ten- gxr Aim-. `-`H tons. owned by of Pnrtsmoutln Schooner OF CITY nuns nlvls u 7 --+, (irleas, in the Irish. cont, will probably the tug: son: to her assistance .. -w\u ;mng'e I\i\it`\L Tue Sgppbo rs area, but gave the Cum. !min.1`.' sec. , mm! the Con. The nurse was from (`owes `me Islanul to the starting _.I-r.vh.n run.` 1. ..._.. 'I`L, HAL AND GOIIERCIAL. no bu | MN. uquuuul; Illllull le- Iyt Bond! 711; Eric quiot but Lmnntic Ind Great Wearn, 38} ; `m .d'AIIPAi 1 I Id I Washington special aaya that a large defalcation, _I many thousands, has been accounts of a collector of Pwho has recently been an- Qcunonnt in xed at $200,000, ll] much exaggerated. state that General Ala- been defeated in the Puebla Fitting toward: Vera Cruz. _ from Hayti uahe that Sal- : loan of $200,000 from of Port-an-Prince. Most of Engllahmen and refused ta, but. after a few hours Igreed to his demand. The 1. ort-au-Prince were required _|b0pa on penalty of being Iu or the Government. nruhg 6'-..... I1------` '--- SON BROS_., E88 BTIIIT. R .\_ ['1 L 1",/gs-iiilxxi. A uarsr '20`. 7-. U1 tuc uovemment. HICnbn, from Liverpool, has n"9` K ,-ggltni`-" I ` . _ Wnlts. wen` Vllailp Ncum the Qt .ent::red by J, A-sh "u;n:pxhe .he champions Z){ The Cutters "had i\i`\L ` I... .--..- `L. A` - Nl~`.\\'. the thirty [W0 lvny accident buric-.1 to dly. grnud feslivnl . role!-rule the at War mad vletc the series cured In 1866. rThe inl8l'Dl- \\'1ght.parli- yaclnt :'-appbo M British sqlmd mling the inn nf th(* I the Eu! SKIN! {of 1 of India, He 0; `ru lth`! nth those! of his the for SON BRO nae ms I an 3,200 'boah; u'\lu on 21,000 bani: at i for choieo new tuber auto. opened rmer and clooed dull , `6,000 bulb ; _ ulh at 1. ` ff In-nnJ -'/ ' ...v :01` mum ` Una lc better ; ' 29: for western ; 7.5 for new do. A rmer` I n1\"I .._ I\_ NIWSPAPIRB. Tnnsient Paper: in the l)omimon, to Britain, United Sula, I`. E. lslsnd and Newfoundland .. .. .. . . .. '. c ' To Subs:-tibers. - Weekly .. ..per quart:-r 50. Semi-Weekly _ -- `- We 'l`riWekl_v . . .. .. " " I.'~c Daily , . . . . . , . . " 30 H Subscribers residing in Britain, United Sun-.1, Ptince Edwud Inland, Newfonmllnnd. It. must prepay tbgir Canadian postage As above through the Onnndian publisher. I 1 Newspapers coming inlo Cannds. I"-`rum Britain, by Unnndinn Mail Stum- era .. . . V " The terrible ebcts of absinthe, u used by the oiccr: oflbe Frv.-nch Army, has incited Lhe Gov- ernment to plsce an inlerdict upon it. The re- aulti of In use are more fesrful than those Aris- ing from opium. The strongest kind is nude 1:: Swiuerland, which sends to millions of gallons to Paris Annually. The Dean of Canterbury hes expleined, in a letter to the Guardnan, his idea of 1 " comprehen- ` site church." We cannot, he says, hope to rub- sorb the Nonconformiste. But we cah lay Aside jeeloueiee. We any lower oareelvee by exclu- eirenesa end unchnritebleneu, no as to become a mere sect among seen; but we may eleo so lift in our esteem our Cbristien brethren. u to nd ourselves, when deprived of the aid of the slain, I church stnong churches." - uuru n\IlP! . . . . . . . Local or D1-up Letters, in, for by same (`mice :1 which 1 pre-payment compulsory Hut-oz l.rr1'ms-l'R:Pn`u Bnuin, by (`nnudn Slenmsbipe ..._. |l-I;.`. _ ' moi Newfoundland British Columbi R-d River . . u.) r. n. L, .\m1.,|nd l' S. .. per oz 10 Periodicals, us than _ pet 4 oz 1c Parcel Post .. .. .. ..peI'8o1. 12}: New Slnmpa Ire issued of ic, lc., 2c.. 3c., lgc. 15c. The Cnucaeien Alps have been the scene of. new climbing sdrenmre by Englishmen. Three gentlemen here medexhe Ascent of the Kubek lonnuin, which risen to 1 height of 16,500 feet, coneidembly ebbve the level ot the bigbeet ofthe Swiss renge, end beside which the " launch" of European monnteine itself is dwerfed. On the eecond dey they reached the extreme summit, end it in aid to be the rs! lime that the ucent we ever et tempted. Inn: STORES` Cosacuv.-r1-This is I new transparent ce- ment. it sppeere, the production of operntive chemists in Stockport. Its edhesiveneee nnd tenacity sre end to be extraordinary. Glus. leather, wood, stone, ivory, bone, or tninersls, can be pieced or joined by it; end I0 tenscionsis it. thst, when thus need, it will resists strsin of 224 pounds or more. Best snd cold, rs nnd water, Ax-esncoeufnlly resisted by iL In piec- ing glen or crystal with it, its trsnspsrency ren- ders the junction imperceptible, and its adhesive- nees, says the Bualder, in feet, nukes the broken glen or crystal In good as new. Its usefulneu bu led to the introduction of n leather line for window cords, the splice: of the cord beingjoin- ed by the cement. and thus en endleee, smooth, end regular bend is prodneed. Its|uee| sre de- scribed ss being innnmersble. The producers (sud disooverers, we presume) of this new ee. meal are u.id to be Messrs. Key Brothers, of Stockport, operative Zchemiets.-Engla'al: paper. A letter from Kisaingen of the 30th July says:-The Emperor of Russia in coming here travelled under the name of Count de Borodinaki. The King of Prussia was ex- pected. but the projected interview is to take place at Darmstndt, King YVilliam declining to go to Bavaria, and especially to Kissingen, which place reminds him of the obelinute resistance opposed to his troops on the 10:11 July, 1366. The Bava risns continue to be hostile to Prussia, and 1 large number have gone to the rie com- petition nt Vienna. The campagin of 1866 In nnt vet fnronnn Th: are-HIP n--` A` unuu mu. 1 scuua. sue Uuluplglll OI LUDU is not yet forgotten. The greater part of the houses here Ire marked with Prussian balls, but the inhabitants refuse to repair the facades of their residences, which still display to tourists the damage they suffer ed. The Emperor Alexander goes every morning to the Pump room with the Em- press and walks for an hour in the envi- rons of the establishment. At eleven their Majestic: are driven to Salt Springs. the Empress returning in the carriage end the Emperor on foot. Both are remarked for their extreme simplicity. The plsnters of Jsmsice are much alum- ed owing to the violent speeches made by Judge Mashedor in the parish of St. Thomss, the inhsbitsnts of which proved themselves the most dangerous ' vious rebellions. The Judge declared that 1 he did not come to administer any planters law, but English justice. He also exposed the system of jurisprudence in such a way that the negroes misinterpreted his remarks and commenced to insult the whites and demand satisfaction of their employers for past slleged grievances. Highwsymen abound on the island. REE LECTURE in S1`. MARY'S GATHE- DBAL, on THURSDAY Evening next, by the celebrated Jesuit, Father SMARIUS, at `H o'clock precilely. Aftnr Ihn Lao-Inna n l".nl|u-Hnn will L4 -1.-- C Iillib ynzclucay. After the Lecture, I Collection will be taken up in mid of the poor. August 24. work. In the matter of SAMUEL BLACK, Insolvent. EJE Creditors oftbo Insolvent are notied to meet at my oice, Anchor Buildings, in the City of Kinguon, on THURSDAY, the Tenth dny of September 1868, at Three o c!ocI: in the nflornoon, for the public onminntion of the In- uolvont, and the ordering of the niirl of bil- ecule genenlly. I. ROSE. ' V. ...g o'I0 IU|' ......-on (0 choice uln went: HI. 1131 our met at 7,25 an 9.85. when rmer urn bush; ulna 2 24] `or rpened :4,0oo bush; ulec are 59,000 mi. 1,15 as 1.20 for wound m!xod weatggrn. Barley dull. Jnu ; uleo are 63,000 1178] F115 !9c in store` ,81for do aoat 7?`-(D I '5 for do 1`-~-`- '` ILL HEADS and other kinds of Jo); Pnm'rI_1a executed with nestness and despstch st the Daily News oice, Princes: Street. T05 [hu--on FATHER _MAR1Us. Aug. 26. Kingston, Aug. 24, 1868.. -' new lork Failed Slates .. .-ulnrs, Price:-Curreu.t,. U`a-nd . -Bi Books, Pamphlets in the Domini to P. 1-2.. 1., Nd.,nud l per ll nhnra ' " ` YOUNG MAN who understand: tnking care of A horse, and LI able and willing to P INSGLVINT ACT 01" 1864. - --.. . . -na--3 uII'A\`lI.\ , Sleamsbipa rm Halifax . . . . " New York Indian-\.I Apply to -nun-ull . . Jolumbin sad Vancouver Tl . - f;xLI, G00/1} WANTED Nlvrsnrnaa. , E mdland .. store; at for do Poxk quiet.` Jioof I x.`-Q Y'o-rk % Yul..- I HCKELVEY I: BIRCH, Oanndinn Stove Depot, No. 75, Wellington Street. Pklrnuun OPTIONAL. Prepaid. Unpnix . . . . 3c . . '~~ I-Avuxsr Com-rl Idhinn ;for ;ielin-Q-y. nch poglg-d_. DI`? yn,` U`a'nd .Bil1.a-, Dominion, I ~: --- A- inolucdn voryluul