Kingston News (1868), 29 Aug 1868, p. 2

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Trnino Irznre nnd depart from the Kmgsm Station as follows ' unlly :51 cnu cnrcuml may order I Ky. Al the will data-rm Ju:y_ who ii void, and In If corrupt 1 he must repc in the know guilty of the tor be see: I questions In ,...,....u._y um Iullul Innuenllnl, OI me M)` nrgana, attacking the veteran lvader of juuy in Nova Scolia, tor his leller publi lhnnuvn nf` !|.n ...-.-..I ...r.|._ n, .. nut: cvu u. ulu nrnviu or me Uanndinn Ministers, nil in which he rebuked the cowardly saggin- tion of the` Recorder, that those gentlemen should receive tough handling" when they reached llalifu. The sentiment of that letter, `-if we hue lost our constitution, let us at lenlt preserve our manners," will pass into 1| IMHO among our fellow coloulsln on the seaboard. A number of correspondents assailed him many- mously, hinting nl all possible motives for the letter, and ilotnanding from him distinct un- swers to certain categorical qm-attous. llnwt2's lam-r in r: ply to these assailants doe: bin: innite crodll. He draws a line, too nfll Mr" overlooked, he-twrcu the man standing in the ` |Il`l'50.'l1t(' of olliclal responsibility and he who has no such rt-sports-ibility; and he points out that the former is entitled to tiiir consideration lhrhis conduct, mud to at least a generous inter- pretation of his motives. This may be said to be the great prlnclple cf this letter from Mr lluwc, nnd, if it llllll succeed in that principle not simply upon lhu peopls of No- icnpressing I vn Scotin, but upon those of the other Province: ` of the Dominion, it will not have been written in vain. A second leuer has been nddroued by Mr Howe to the Halifax Chronicle. The occasion for this letter was an Inonymnua communica- Iion in the I|'(rura'r*r, Ihe most violent, as it is probably the lens: Inuential, of lhe anti-unlon nrcmnn slllur-lrlnu II... -.....-....1.._.u., .1 -L _ , -1. ----4 uuyytlcil Ill- ready topped by the Darling dispute, and does not see what to do next to coerce the Governor and the Council. There is no chance of the , Assembly yielding, and another dissolutionge would be useless ; but we have yet. to learn the I ; etfect which will be produced by Sir Charles. ' Darling s renunciation of the grant. It is not certain that it will produce any, the Assembly __ _______ ..\.....uuuu:u cu.-cuuua and l pronounce Ihe (Inc of an election pelilion. In lulure u polilinu will be presented to the Court l uf Common Pleas, by some person who was} either a candndne or had a right to volts at the I election lu which such pelilion refers. The pa- 1 Iilioner must procecd wilhiu 2| dug I after reluzn of writ, and give security in the sum of $5,000. The petition: will be lricd in the order they are prtieuled. The Irial WI be conducted by 3| Judge of one ofthe Superior Court: of Common J Law, selected bv Ieninrilv .-...,......-._--- r--~ -- perjury, while those refusing to attend ere pun- ieheble for contempt of Court, and new witnee lei perrniaeive. No petition can be wlthdrnwn without the consent of the Judge, or without leave of Court of Common Pleas; and notice of withdrawal being given, any person who might have been a petitioner may ask to he aub- etiiuted. The cool: to be awarded an the Judge eeee lit. When the Judge reports bribery by or with the knowledge end consent of any can didete," euch oandidnte Ihnll be deemed to have been personally guilty of bribery, and be inca- pable during the seven yearn next after his being found guilty, of being elected to or sitting in the House of Commons ; of being registered as a voter ; of voting at any election ; or holding the oice ofJuetice of the Peace, or or municipal cice. If a candidate employ: an agent who had been found guilty of corrupt practices within the seven years` disqualication, the election of the candidate is void. Candi.- dntee guilty of corrupt practice: other then bri- ; bery are liable to the "Corrupt Practices Pre- vention Act on the report of the Judge. Such are the general provisions of this eelutnry mea- sure. Those, only, who have encountered the lnequelitice and disabling forms of our law can appreciate the annoyances nnd injustice to which petitioners are Iubject. The Speaker in master of the poilion, and can with impunity reject the soon!-itv Inn--.._- ---t`- -- """ ` ,........w -uu uwuru, are autueet to penalties for % any judicial 1 ......_... .....;. ynuvccu wuum `.:l dulafter Wlll of Law, by seniority or agreement from the turn. The rum will c-insist of a Puisneludge _ {min each of lhe three Superior Court: - if rm- I It is a mistaken inference to suppose that Meosrn. Wilkins and Howe will get ex- upernted over this legal opinion, or at- tempt to crush the logic of its authors. Mr Attorney-General W'ilkins has come to the worst, and suffered a great defegt at` the hands of the Unionist champion, Ml` Blanchard, by being compelled to give publicity to the opinion obtained in Eng- lnnd, after it |lnelf`FS attempt to conceal its damaging etlect upon the cause of Repeal. Furtlzcr. it Hi it iuiatakcio imagine that there is going to be a revolution in Suva Scans. The American prus has given every encouragement to the ll.D[l&X_.8l.lODl8l. an-l revolutionary tendencies of a law resi- dent Al`lltl'lL`l1l:5; but their nmvemeut failed lrom the moment tlmt the Legislature of Nova Soc-liar pledged itself to confine its en-riinns fur lirpeul to legitimate measures. There will lnf no Boetnu tea party" in Helilnx liarlmur, however rnucli Yankee ayuipatliiea would reiriice at such 3 primary act til <.lcfl.inct:. _,._. ...o nun: wul 010923! or Fuisneludge Superior Courts; if ne- ! Ceify, the list will be increased by appointing | e eecond Judge from the Superior Court. The Judge who trite the petition will sit in the ho- rough or county to whichit reletea-moving ftotn place to place :5 he sees 6:. Under ape- ciel circurnetencee the Court of Common Pleas the cue 10 be tried outside the coun- I n- n. u... -,-e shall keep his ministers in spite of the vote, as a. temporary arrangement. This really puzzles the Assembly, which can onl _snolher dissolution! wnnh-I In ..-..|--- , . .-.-.... ..-up uvluplllltea. itself. The ministry not choosing, under instruc- tions from England, to propose the grunt to Lady ` Darling, except in 5 separate Bill, the Auembly has passed a. vote of want of condence by a two-thirds maim-in: '|"|~-----/ " " TH E ENGLISH BRIBERY -..,,...... mcgur nu uncovered the remains of an enormous animal at Kooringa, South Austra- lia. Among the bones discovered in a part of the lower jaw in which the teeth are imbedded voincbes. The teeth measure um and a. half inches across the surface each way. "I"!-u u.I.--I I--' "' The dead lock it itself. ministry: Dfli, RI:-nnr in - ...,.,...... IUD ueciaion or the Committee may be, no member can bring the subject before the House. The rep- rt of the Committee kills dis cussion. If we turn to our law regulating con- troverted elections, we nd that the member who openly bribed voters is not subject to any penal- ty beyond the loss of the vote proved to have been bought. May we indulge the hope that when the framework of Confederation has been I lled up, our Commons will emulate lhe patriol.- ism and noble spirit of reform with which the British Parliunent attempts to extirpate a. foul h abuse and purge the electoral system of demora- lizing inueneea? If we are poor, let our poor not be trained to dishonesty, and tempted to sell the privilege of voting by immunity to the tempter.--Alontreal New.9, -_-,..-.. .uc uycumu ll masler the security, however perfect. There is no ap- peal--n0 redress. If the petitioner escape wreck in. alerting and reach in Committee, any one familiar with the state of parties can pre- dict with tolerable accuracy what his fate will he. The majoriiy of the Commilteeare intense- ly ignorant of the first. principles of luv, and li- able to be bamboozled and fooled by the Chair- man ulected for his legal knowledge, Deci- sions are pronounced ' ` legalil_v,nnd precedents. We might cit aftel'_c&B0 demonurntin words. Ilia noto Ohalr an, I e case g the accuracy of these rlonl in Parliamentary circles ..,5....._.,-nu preceoouta. We cite demonurnting It is notation: in Parliamentary that a peI.Itioner's fate is decided lens on the merits of his petition than his political proclivi. tiea ; but it is not generally known outside Par- linment that no fnrrnnha oh- l-A3~5 - matter bo_w wrongful or out- . ANOTHER l.E'l"I`Ell PROM Mu HOWE. papers, Jenlinw: wuulcl he morn a Sun has been in b-:ar witness to I ( Captain Gregor has discovered the an Koo:-inn Rm.-h ;..-._, ----v- ----nun-um-I uu l.lII'J n|_.||I-uulull licking l-I-ne the run. `low. published on ' the nrrivnl of the Canadian Ministers, Ilrh he I-nl-u.I.u.I ul... ..,..._,_n_ _..__,,_ ll AND ELECTION . guru nut: nlllly upon the Governor, , iende down a men- mniee has been held the two Houses be JHB the van. n- - ' .-nu u nnuuul '5'" a my xd Lir a man... ...._ uvu lulu lluUuJ' tim \ a ` who! Ufll 1 I I deep. urns! onus mam-an xx NEW YORK] DiuaA13ia'UL l;ORNzADO(IN \7vIsc;)1I- H1 _,,_,,,_,,J impnrtrzainy of the H-m (whicb,_undeu present management. is one of the 1 readable 0! .\.mL-ncnn papers). but we few we xcueivc a elm-';k to our apprccia Dr. B. Howard on Thursday experimented on line four animals at Commuriipaw which have recovered under lroatment. The result proved satisfactory In every respect. Dr. Howard visit- nd llull s [lead on Tuesday and found two dis- eased rattle, one of which was quile sick and Ilia other just beginning to be affected. The former was immediately slaughtered and a post _ ` mortem examination made. The other was placed lu quarantine, and will remain under careful inspection. Thedaily arrivals at Bull's : Head have fallen 01'!` greatly, and hardly average ` half what they used to be. On Tuesday night 600 arrived, rind were received and carelully in- specrecl by Dr. Morris, Assistant Stale Commis- sioner, assisted bya squad ofslx sanitary police. All Of Hiram worn In rrnnrl r-nndillnn - lhnnwh JIUI-|C|' uaauncu U [L squat], D! 311 Ill|lll.Il" pulluu. All of them were in good condition; though shortly Ilflervrard Q sick 0] W!!! found running ' loose in Third Avenue, which was Iuppoaed to `have beionged to one oi the droves, but had ` been turned outby the owner for fear of impli- cating the rest. The examination: at Albany are very thorough, And all animals which appear to be aubring even from over-fatigue are de- tained by order oi'Governor Fenton for observa- tion nnd rest before being allowed to proceed. , Lurge tpmntilittl of disinfectants have been or- `dered Irurn the manufacturers, and are being jfnrwurded to various depots for sanitary pur- puael. _ -...<...-o 1\I.uu1~:E MONSTER.--A marine monster, which was captured off Eastport, Me_, recently, is thus described by the St. Croix Courier :-After being towed ashore he was found to measure thirty-ve feet in length and seven feet across. Hie head is shaped like a bu1lfrog s, and his skin resembles the hide of an elephant. It possesses two legs or paddles about five fcetfrorn the tail. Soon after it was caught it was seen by Rev. H. A. Philbrick, L. L. Wadsworth, Esq.. agent of the Pembroke Iron Works, and others. In conformity with the shrewd Yankee enterprise which distinguishes our neighbours, it is to be stuffed and exhibited, so that the cu rious will have an opportuni- ty of seeing this wonderful creature. Of course there are various conjectures as to the nature of the nondescript. Some think i it I species of the shark, but. the shape of its head and the size of its month are 0 - posed to the theory. Other! think it a [ whale, but it does not seem to possess the = breathing apparatus of that denizoniof the I deep. i The business disagreement: between Llcura J. i '1'`. Lloyd, lean-e of the New York Theatre, and i D. II. Hnrkins, of the Broadway Theatre, each ' of whom claim the exclusive right to produce the drama of "Foul Play," at obtained from Mr Harry I). Palmer, were brought to n disgraceful iaaua last night. It lppcttra that Mr Lloyd ap- plied to Justice Bnrnmd,of the Supreme Uourt, for an injunction restraining Hnrkinl from pro. :ducing the play, and also An order of nrrettt for HAl'klD5. This was placed in the hands of I Sheri U Brien for service, and it is Alleged by ` the bheriffe ofcers that lhrkvna kept out of the way and avoided arrest, and the only alternative , It-it tor them min to urrelt him at the theatre. 3 At about 9 dciuck last night, B party of the de- '3 mttv nherili, nnnnimino nf (3.-n Fla.-tmu 1...... us utrcuuug urumue. it In '-IIBKEQ Uy the al- mclua or the theatre that the deputy sheriff. made their nppettrnnce at the stage door of the `Broadway Theatre, accompanied by an usher `From the New York Theatre, to whom alone uftlto putty Hurkins was known They at once seized btephen Wttllect-, the aged door-keeper, and, BB is, pluccu a pistol to his head i and threatened L0 blow his brain: out if he in- tc-rfered or gave an alarm. They pushed the ` oittnnu aside and rushed on the stage. At this - lime the curtain was down, it being the interval DCLWCHJ the tirst and second act: of the piece. The deputy sheritfs made a rush for the stairs leading to ti e dressing ruoma, which are under the stairs. At the head or the stnirs they were met by Stephen Wituon, the property nun of the theatre, who demanded their business and the reason for their aggressive conduct. Hickey, the deputy sheriff. who seemed to be the lender _ oi` the party, seized Wilaun by the throst, unit, forcing him back over he railing, find two shots at hirn,both of which took effect, one in the head end the other in the right leg, causing in~ juries of I highly dangerous nature. Jan. Ward, another of the deputy nheris, drew a revolver and tired three shots at Wilson, and unfortunate- ly one of the bullets took effect in the body of Leslie Chamberlain, a boy about sixteen years of ` nga, who was coming up stairs at the time, in- tcting a wound which, it is feared, is of a fetal nature`-I TDD nnian nf rhg nnnln -..A oL.- l:_:_._ ...\..u..5 n wvuuu Ivutcu, It ID 168780, 18 Ol llll nature. The noise of the scule and the ring of the shots, in may be imagined, created an in- i tense excitement behind the scenes, as well as 1 before the curtain. In the meantime, Hnrkine, i who had been warned by the appearance of the Sheriff's posse and the ring of the shots, vrsllted out into the auditorium and into the `street. The pistol ring sttrsehed oicers Fognrtyand Hen- det-son,ot the Eighth precinct to the theatre,who, on learning what had occurred, arrested Hickey, Wnrd, Moore, Leary, and Quinn, and took them to the Prince street police station, where they were locked up for the night. Wilson, the pro- perty man, and the lad Chamberlain were taken to the New York Hospital. Wilson`: wounds, though of a serious nature, are not considered ne cessarily fatal. The bullet from Ward s pistol entered the right arm of the lad, and, passing through, penetrated the right breast, and is sup- posed to have lodged in the lungs. Considerable internal hemorrhage resulted, and the attending surgeon gave no hopes of his recovery. The lad was employed as a gas lighter in the theatre. He resided with his parents at 101 Seventh HVCUUE. I mg- -s_-_, 5 nviuu. The above nan-ntive was obtained by our re- porter, through the police, from the attaches of the thentre, who all units in use:-ting that the conduct of the sheriff '3 posse was entirely nu- called for, as no resistance was offered. The depnty-sheri`s did not exhibit any document or Biule their business when they entered the theatre. IIYL, ' ` ` an nuuun u un.uu\.n uuv. ulgut, ll party Ul me He. '~ wily aher1`u,consisting of Geo Hickey, Jame; ` Moore, James Ward, Dennis Leary and Thomas ` Quinn, proceeded lo the theatre for the purpose of arresting Bax-kins. It is alleged by me at- l fvaclun of lhe Lhmum llml lhn .1-nnm .1.-.:n` There were a number 0 nuuca nuuvu uualllam, on the Thames, ex- ploded and did considerable damage be- sides inicting personal injuries. The en- gine and boiler was all ` had a pressure of 80 pounds of steam. f men in the vicini~ ty, and 14 were more or less injured, The machinery was blown in almost all direc- tions, striking every thing in the way. A son of Mr McIntyre was badly acaltled, so he would not survive. lord was blown twenty or thirty feet and alighted on a hog pen, but without receiv- ing any injuries of a. serious nature. The other twelve were bruised and sr-ratched considerably. Their escape from death was certainly miraculous. A man named Bed-i unruuu. When search: var with two 4 no. 01.- --_._, MIL nu Scuool. -Nnnea of Cadet: who have obuiued certicates during the put week , -lu class, George E. Hatnwhll, Bellevillm! Jud clnu-I-`itchenberg Werner, Kingston. I _..-r ._.A_ --o-r Lindsay, August 2S.--'l`he silver ques- tion has come to grief and proved a. failure. The merchants of this place decided to drop it. A meeting was held here last evening, and, after fairly discussing the matter, it was decided that, after all, taking silver at par was the lesser evil of the two. -_ --- an U. Some time ago the teachers of the Pros- byterian Sabbath School, St. Mary s, raised a subscription and purchased a melodeon for use in the scool. Some of the members of the cnngregation objected and wanted it removed; the teachers refused, but said they would abide by the decision of u cou- gregutional meeting. The point was sum- marily ducided by some parties who enter- ed the church and removed the obnoxious organ, and it. has not since been seen. n.. II`-A-- V` "' I On Tuesday afternoon the boiler of a steam threshing maclnne, which was being used on the farm of Robert Mclntyre, a few miles above Chatlmm, tho considerahla .1.........- - FOUL PLAY IN NEW YORK. n searched at the police station, a revol- h chntnbrn din.-h.-..-.: .__- 4--,,_, .1 Lll|l.`JA1LlJ.L' uu l.\JllL1CllJ\J AL` I! lUvULV- SIN. The Janelville (Wi|.) Gtuetta ct:)l' 17th, ` says :-On Saturday evening a out 6 .lo`clock, a moat dilutroul torimdo passed over the towns of La: Prairie and Clinton, in I this county. On visiting the acene yester- (lay, we learned the following particulars; I A few light low cloud_a were seen flying from a north-westerly direction a greater purt- of the afternoon, no one in that vicin- ' ity fearing any danger from the storm. At ' about 6 o clnel: is light cloud was observed `coming from the south-east, moving ata very rapid rate. At the same time a large black cloud paued over the orchard of Mr l Jacob Shencks. It seems that an theae two I clouds approached ench other they settled D l down to the earth, a low heavy noise was heard, resembling the moving of a heavy truiu of care, accompanied by heavy peala of thunder. The cyclone formed in r shape something `similar to I. large bal- - luou. with a large trunk pxtnnrlhm ... uu. V Hinds. and Qr. Cukn Brandy, "Julian Robin: _ Gases Brandy, Henneaaey Gases Brandy, Utard, Dupny and 00. Cases Brnndy, "Julian Robins Qr. (Junk: Sherry Pemnrtin" Qr. Osaka Sherry, Dozens Qr. Osaka Sherry, Dulfordon Qr. Geeks Marnla Wine Qr. Osaka Snuterne Wine Gases Olnret, Burton and Gueilier Cases Claret, St. Eutepho Once Claret, St. Jpllen Qr. Cask: Old Port, Graham: Qr. Cask: do. Snndernnnn Qr. Cuko do. Mudn Qr. Oaks Burgundy, Crown Brand Bags Priunrwnlnuu Bug: Prime Filberts ` Bugs Prime Br-uil Nuts Bags Soft Shell Almonds cases J nrdnn Almonds Boxes Fresh Biscuits, McKinnon'I Gales Florence Olive Oil in Flute Guunlnd Oil, Burton and Gautier Bbln. Mixed Pickles, (irons and Blackwell: Bbiu. Onions, Crane and Blnckwelll Bblu. Chow Chow, do. Bbla. Gherkinl, - 10- uu-nya auuscuusus u.I.uuu bu I large DI! luon, large trunk extending to the ground. At this time it had reached the farm of Mr Holmes, occupied by Mr Thomas Monaban. The first dem- nge done was the tearing down ofs. few rods of fence ; then a small granary, liftingit some twenty feet in the air, landing on the opposite side ofa. fence. Next came the barn, twelve by twenty-ve, which was taken up and torn completely to pieces, the most complete wreck we ever saw. Just before the tornado struck the barn, Mn Ellen ylllonuhan, an inrm lady. eeventyeight years of age, went nut to take care of a lit- tle boy, who was in the barn with his sister, about 9 years of age. Mrs Monahan was taken up in the whirlwind and in- elnntly killed. The girl was taken up el- so (incredible as it mayzaeem) toa height of fty feet (EIOLIIC who witneseed it say one hundred feel), her clothes were torn com-. pletcly off and carried quite a distance, doing her no bodily injury. When asked how high she was blown, she answered, "0 sir! I was almost up to the sky." The storm then took an easterly direction, dropping quite down to the earth, so low that men stacking a short distance away could see over the whole of it, and in -its plngrcu lifted some eighteen stacks of grain, carrying sumeof its distance offorty rods, undoing the bundles and completely threshing the greater part as it went. The nlnnri wan nhnnr Hun dam ..4'.. In--- A-:.. In Kingston, on the 28!]: instant, Ann Nelloa relic! at Joseph Nallon, aged 81 years. Friends and wqnainuuces are rupectfully invited to attend the tum-ml from the residence of her Ion-in-law, Mr John Jones, Division ltrcat, on Sundaygnt 4:30 p.m., to Wntarloo eeuotaq. everal of the American barges now in Montreal are showing the political procliv- .ities of those connected with them, by hoisting the stars and ,at.n-ipes, And the names of "Seymour and Blair." :4A ITR u.-u;-nuns |.|.IC Hnzzucl purl. In It went. The cloud was about the size of: large cir- cus.tenL, and alter leaving the farm of Mr Hnlmes did not again strike the earth until it reached the farm of MrBriggs, nenr Turtle `Creek, where it met terrajirma for the last time, scattering e fa.-w stacks or wheat, doing no particular damage, From Mr Briggs mm the cyclone took an aerial ight, mak- ing In nppenrance a grand balloon (as near as cnnbe described) ascension, passing rapid- ly to the southeast. The results of this mtutrophe are now nnt. known. Mr Moul- hen'a loss, hea'mes_ the family a1ictions,ia very great, losing his entire crop and every building on the farm save the fnrmhonse. The lunernl of Mrs Moushnn was to have been t0-dny at the Catholic church. At no place in its path did it cover more than three rods in width, and when at 3 distance nf thl-an rnilmn from I... an... -4` :.- _,_.Ln. It is an nmuaiug sight to see 3 row of young ladies all eating cornuthey would perLorm on 3 ute. - n 4' Half Chests Choice Gunpowder Tea Half Gbeau Choice Young Hyeon Tea Half Cheats Choice Souehong Halt` Cheats Choice Oongou Half Cheats Twankay Halt Oheata Fine Japan Hbde. Cuba Sugar Bbls. Porto Rico Sugar Cane: Brown Sugar, cheap Bbls. Dry Crushed Bbll. Granulated Sugar Bbls. Ground Sugar Bbls. Yellow Rened, all numbers Bbla. Amber Syrup Bbla. Golden Syrup ` Cases Prime Smoked Salmon Gases Fresh Lobalera, llb and 21h tine Oaeel Pickled Lobalera Oaaee Sardines, fresh, i and i tine Oasee Prime Gone Oyatere, in tine Cases Marmalade, Oman and Blackwell : Oasee Marmalade, "Du ndee" Cases Bernard : Old Ton Gin` Ones Booth : Old Tom Gin Case: Green Gin. De Kuyper and Son Cases Red Gin, De Kuyper and Son Caren Ginger Wine, Bernard's Cases Ginger Wine, "ThompI0n n" Case: Ginger Brandy Gases Orange Bintera Cases John Bull Bitter: Gases Italian Bitters Qr. Duke Old Scotch Hall Whiskey Bhlaglononh Family Proof and Common Whin- 9! uuuc Iuua lu Wlulill, 8(I Wllen It distance uf three miles fr the scene of its earthly career, it seeniecgzy roll over on the side of the huge balloon, now and than sending out a volume of chained lightning, accom- panied with loud and long penis of henvy thunder, and passing away in the distance, leaving little or no rain. unuu uurl key Hhds. Int Hbds. am FRESH ARRIVALS. FOR SALE BY W- R. MBRAE &. GO. GBOOERS AND TWINE IIIBCEANTB, Bmck t P1-luau linen r. B. Munae &. 0. .w:nd Qr. Cash Brandy, Benuquoy . and Q1` Onkl Brandy, Dana, Dupny and Jo. . J1l.lil1l Robina ', ` Ut rd, D ' I "J:li2s I!``ol::g:-.:nd ID:-v `IDA...--4:- ll` 7 -< vv-"-~ '-~ -<--- P;-:.\nc.-Tbe atenrner Puerrepont left this normng for llitchcockk, Wolfe Island, with I. nnmber of the employees of the Grand Trunk Railroad Cornpnny, bound on I picnic excur- sion. `rho number wu nornuvhnieuanod by thnonxhucu of the lake. DIED. \DRY G005? B we lutcnd - . that Ipocionugu, "57:; occllled by Georg; ohm`: Hub! 3: 1. v the relnind:-: 3; .3513.` to "g gntire stock of Fancy 3;": ` `I unpreoedentcdly log, Mu.` Plan, A jfifnlln --1o . , .,.....u .. n on June: and an 9 iinpreoedufnmlly F call rolpeclfully scum`. i J 0 II N I T 0 I *& ..-.-. 5'>"r 9' nu TI%I.m: _ sunnmuamg` rALu?tI1Ai NEW mun nmgtl readubieol con. appreciation I uf this jnurnai by its ippant and inac-I cul nlr- manner oi dealing Wilh the akirs of! .\'ovn. Sc utia and the (Jaundian Dominion. FERGUs01g? August 20; Corner Princess and Ho. {August 14. `ill, ` ssz The AT THE-ST0RI15fE_ii .11` `ml - im "York Angut III.---'l`l`v-iteu FfParis,'from Europe, has srrived. aommzauz. xnids-ro'x Iunxxrs. _ ` I Sammy, 1.ugu:'27. ` . S 0- ho. ` pbb1., em-nsup... o oo o 7 oo . lbs:-n. - , '1 m , '2 an ,. ...- ---------v -vv-nu uulr to thirteen months imprisonm e1it ' and a ne of ten thqunnd frnncs in mud action brought agtinlls him fof ` ' of the Press Law. ` ,.Angnst 28.-The Ieir army law `I In: been put into prsctiqafopqr-_ ' 1'15; Lnndwebr were out far . ;Angust 28.-Lnter ndvicgiirom the country it still in in nniet" ` gdition. The llikldh td driven north. Foreign troops were still the city of Yokoha-mt. A ' ""-,.,L- I __..__- an nu. _ r you . Wu} -.-v---_D _- -_- ---aunwuu WI. ._.j`h!;. But few ca_hs are to be gem; ` `gujl. The meeting resolved to Hi purest against the conduct of the ' chmponies, and that 1 pa:-tig] yum-s state that the Emir humgd. " with [the Rnsainn Conjmsndor, 3c. the terms oered by the Impcrid t, and thnt the Ruaoinn troop: ted Samnrcnnd. ` W. . nn `ll `I-I__.1 u - . _- '_ 1d begin st. qnce, which in to `yup.--._-_ __... --- ----ow, wuu an the; thought the fire In; in mg no, they were unsble to gee 3 yard ad they_ left the scene, nngwug ., aegths hsd occurred. The in. '|| then adjourned until to-marrow. `humus meeting of the csbmen was l_LL Dual `nu: nah: an` 6.. L- -_-_ 7 gen on the train. testiod int! vD '_____,_, _ 0"|. laws. I Anggu 28,-The coroner's iu- ; ,1 remains of the victims of] . . R `*`_ru,1. nilrotd cnlnmity at Ab- l M ,1, was commenced in that` _ 5, `women nemed Dickens, 9,. gpot where the disaster oc. .7 gho new the accident, depoeed `.9; go ueiet the persons in the M ff, end that some might bevel . but for the fact thetaid Ill re- | Littler, the compenfl agent. M the Itetementof the witneu; '30 were on board the tutu, to J or. the jury, which were `rug. `' 1_'og`niend end Mr Hone, ho ,_-......n nn the train, Leltind or... L EIouL_ um uounnoiin. '7 Alum 29, 1:20 p.uT|.-Oo'uulI 94 5! N1 Ieeoun; American neuritic Witt Ind study ;_Bondo 72}. ~ , "P001. `Illlt 20 I-90 in no _n.n... ;;..,,...."" "s;::}:.`;:...:vi..., this city thodny bctoye yu- 253).: '-".'*UI.%"!l:y several errors. ug. '2s.--11*.` i=.fe_p-1-'1 nocheron, the` 2-4 7.. Tluno.-..- I.-- I.-__. -4.- : Bosch 72 . $33,313:? 23',_ 1:29 If-3'-'f`"' Olhu-I unchanged. 2` ;,`y JWINING. AUGUST 29, _ ' 5431' PAGE. "L...--------===. -u u av n`. ""_*IOnt. the market continuin Ihu:`;|`l'iIIg more freely; in burle u for $1, and null also my I m P`-`inc; no change in th rm u~`$*-..:`.a*~.. -.:~"`'...`:'%:z a?_'f`V||'!vBM]a Ilvmzgnnii iinople, August. . h Admiral Fntrggut, on Jag ship Fnnklim: harm- -.. i-.. _.._I..__ __j ' A, 9 I I'**' `- """:..:::"':u":..::*:;; hlitel:--0 good an` n`q",z ` in `quickly at as com ._ ~_~_ I in market, and sailing us to x In TEI:EGRI:fPT I Daily Nzm .__g ---t ---...._.----- into--u ties were exchsngud,' Ind much i manifested. ngunt 28.--King Wiiliun has -. L2- 4-21`- `I`I A A _ . _ ,, (mu tn the furmer._ur:|c'. ow leaves this pun M ('4 _.I..-..f,,` -\,--a D-" "" "-B " """" 1 his visit to Potndunth In-. A LI` PI! :2 I It RR: . ..n:-_ -a. an I-I -anus qlomnt. Al IINBI; u1!ingsH9. '[`rn\ t`|I('rn' Gulch-. xwsnd of :4. I'Z\'l-Z.\'I.\'(`-M he ` g with cnluniul matters` can-ml ml" the facts than the this instance. We gladly the custumury nccuracy and (which,_under its glad if American news- _\ \ Parugmpb cub . J I ` 0 \v |`l{1.\'TlNG_ Ul-'F`lL`E. luv to hack 1: up. than Inn ? Lucn Jnm and upedh |\|.Ix-1!!`-.\ ch dz-lu 11....-. Cu:Gnr AT LA?-`l'.-TbE man H. P. '1`n_vIor. who robbed another thief at Henderson, f`_f~`., 0" I "$ i50_ was to-thy ax-res:ed by deleclire .\lL-Auley. xsince his departure hence he has been staying `at Ernestown He appeared to be very penile-nl, ' nnd says he returned to Kingston for tbr purpor- *` Of giving himlelt up to the authorities here (0 be `` returned to the U. States. He attributes his con` duct to the inuence of drink at the time of the theft, I habit of drinking to exceu having been Acquired by him during n term of service in the L American Inn]. The conllnble from Henderson After Ilayinghere come day: returned home on Thursday last, having relinquished all hope of an nrrest. His return has been telegraphed by Ih D(\lin`Dn:nhri'rI...s on 4.... _.__ ( j__ {g {W i:_. The Ward Brothers! have ndd'e.-sed 5 11019 to the editor 0! Bel('- LN; in I.ond-m, proposing to row may four English bontmen a race of re or l`x miles for 335,00`) a side; the race to lake place in England 01' America. :5 mail be agreed upon. The La1'a('..' (Tenn) (.'ummer'r'[a[ learns lbs! ` the cotton worm bus appeared in countless mil. . `lions, And is deeiroying Lhe crops along the Gundnlupe river. to be &l;1t.`h: f lislners Inave ,,/_i-... --.. .....-4x pun a two mile race for $200 bour some time next month. unknown to both, and that is ha: been selecled. Just after in Ottawa, Berry challenged . the police aulhritie-3 lo-day. 1 A bus weighing 40 lbs was re cmI_r caught by I Newport (RI ) sherman, but when land - iog it I Iblrk soiled sud went 06 with the better` part ofit. ` Preparation: are being made in Montreal to ` accommodate 2.000 persons who are expected L0 `- be present at the coming great r e much. Mu. n|:._s.-... -L4 -7 u '- -- r._-...... u. Luv \.\lILliI-ls grunt F [18 IIIIICU. Mrs Oliphant, the smhorvu of many clever domestic novels, has received from Disraeli : go- vernment I pension of 1.100. I'\_, ,n.n I .._ .,... ..,, .. ,\'|vu1. vnnln mug llu had iu Irnpprrs fux N.-med tvery I-`ndny, , L There Is an industrious mar. Ii ` who bu his garden lighted win 3 him to weed bis vegetables. .7_._.__. - run:-IIJLJ \ll A-IUU. One of the richest man in 3 25 years ago, now saws woo: one oflbe ricbell men :10! w 10 years ago. `._ ri]_ rn-... _ _,-_..--,... Mr Walter Williams, formerlg of Paince Edward, was shot ttn while naming in capturing a. Hill, Nevada, on the 26th July. n_3_ ,, II . _., . 6 Prince Metternich expects to obtain this year from h 9 vineyards at Jobanniaberg as marvel- `~ loua A quantity of wine as that of the celebrated yes: of the comet, 1811. It may be valuable knowledge to ladies in the 1 kitchen to learn that John Chinamnn taken a carving knife, cut: 3 potsto in sections, plnoes I one on lhe point of hi_: ca.rver,nnd with Ibel blade pears his onion With his eyes. L-,, 1 out inconvenience to k I . 1` has been decided far the first Mme that " picketing is an ohnca a nine: the criminal K 1 lnw. Three Itone-masons at Leeds have been N found guilty, nnrl sentenced to four months im- , prisnnuent. men had struck, and shout out ataome new bands, " Bah, bah, black sheep 1"` Mr.Jnatice Lush` And the jury held that lbii was intimida- mm. The necessity for 3 law clearly den- ing intimidation becomes more urgent every year. * All they did was to plant lhcm- ` when in the toad clese to a building where the ` V V v y I I __J---- Speaking about dishonesty in New York, A! correspondent mentions a sample of the petty E losses to which the business men of the city are 1 subject. This sample was that of I tobncconiet E who employs 300 hands, and eslirnales that by 1 l l I tberl they smoke and carry away xo sell surrep uiomly, he lose: about $15,000 an- nually. _ -_--. -.-..-uuna un lnuhuil. i The telegrams still constantly mention dis-1 turbances in Spain. A1-agon in troubled by' band: of inmrgenia, and troops have been sent ` in pursuit. Local movements of that kind come to little, but it is nirmed that the rural and J civic guard has been called out throughout Spain as n cneck on the soldiery. That indicates real i danger, and so does the vigonrous prulesl oflbe . Duke ule Montpensier. The Duke would not risk the conscation of his revenues unless well assured lblt the present n-_r/mvc were coming 10 l an end. 3 The hnnnura fur Abyssinia are at last out, and ; it can hardly be said that they are not liberally j i bestowed. That due discrimination has been ` 1 shown in the at-lections is a matter about which ` L we shall, doubtless, hear conflicting opinions l nml remonstrnnces from those left out in the cold. `, Be that as it may, the batch is a large one, cow. - {prising two K.C.l5 `s and twenty-six C.B s, and, tin the way of promotions, one major-general,` 1 six A.D.C.`u to the Queen, three of them iuvolv- I ' 1 l l promotions to that rank, seventeen breve: lieu- tenant-colonelcies, and thirty breve: _majori-t` ties. Few people would suppose that the fact of? this being `Imp-year` has added over 15,000 to 1 the estimates. This is about one day : pay for : the forces.-EngIi:h paper. ` An old citizen of Junction City, Kansas, nnmd Thomas Reynolds, was taken by unknown M I pnies on Saturday night and hung to 3 tree. \ His back was placarded, "Horse thieves, beware! ; we know you." |_ I . . . . n . u . _ nu ..-4.. vxirzlglv u.-..--v-. -1 All ul-. vvc`, hope tllcy will he equal to the occasion. l The least we look for is the exzinguishment -)I the Crown lawyer: under the thundering logic of Wilkins and Howe. As to fight- ing, we dn not believe they have gut up to 4 lbs: point yet; but the kettle is lmiling luriou.-ly, and there : no knowing when it mny boll over. If the President would only go down there on his approaching summer excursion. we should soon see :1 Boston tea party in the tcn-mile long anll ten-fathom deep harbour of Halifax." It is I mistake to assert that the Imperial Hovernment employed Messrs. Palmer and llnrcoun. They were employed by the Nova Scolian delegnes, and paid with: money that came out of the Nova Scotinn i treasury. | The plum crops of Albany and" Rousselaar counties will be very large this year. Mr Van Benaaelaer, A short distance from Greenbustg, has four hundred and eighty plum trees. The trees will yield ve hundred bushels oi` plums. dis- Snain A1-aurnn -'4. 9-.-...|...I-..a L... honnursl Ab ssinit I [FAD hunnv he nniri II-\-I ul cm I .\'PEL'I.( I. 7`I:`l.I1. (}h'.1.|l.S. elecled. the champion r-ace , Johnson, and thin -robablj the re.-u1L_ Ed thy: -.... anuuylu nus mm. or tomcconiat 5 aye 1 nmly, 30-} Fl{0.\I 'l`()l{ON'l'0. -4. ...- L] m .:Iuul.LlEE!LEl'. 3. IL . ' wood fur a living, and i not win a nilv Igvmu--. I, through the heart L robber at Goid ha 2(`.rh mu. ! Iiaml, formerly of the County I I I , _.. I It is aim .\ mistake to summarize the` opinion of these eminent constitutional lawyers by saying that they have "Cun- cluded that the Blue Noses have no rights which the Imperial Government is bound In rs.-spcct." Their opinion shows, it is} true, that the Imperial Puliunent had nb- I solute authority in passing tho British North America Act, but they point out what is an obvious fact. that while thr [tn- perial Parliament did not require tn have Ila`. nnnn A... ._L'gL-_,l- ` II ith sin -Inn living at Bangor, ed with gas to ennbfe H vuu Aun n nuug, nuu was 3 daily labourer 1 nl lln xv! nnchester. N. H. 3 .-`A I.- _1:_:,, - V\'c JFI tron`. has been muliljt ng pn- Thu `rel Tho retmn match hem:-en the Hiiigaton and Grafton clubs, which commence-d on Fri.la_v, win one of lha moat exciting games which have been exhibited in Kingston for many a duty, wind the interest was participated in by a larger number of spectators tlmn lmt-1-been seen on the ground during thv present season, The ladies filled the pnil-ion With the beauty and fashion of King- aton, and in addition many carriages were pre- s.-nt fr-riglitrd with similarly fair and interested 51-;-Clrtltlltl. The |H|TlllUn steps, the benclu-B, llif` swnrd front of the p5\Yili0D, and the ground by the snrrmindwg fenct-a Wt'l't' lined with spec- t.-ttnrs, who watched the grunts ihrnugliuut with u A __ _. ix-n, , V -I " additir >`1It'ClalUl$. '1 oft lJULU'.|L.` L) I Ill6l'3Dl] . 1:. W. Barrow, b Patterson . 1'5. Pbippen, run out. . Hyes .. Leg Eyes Wide: uuuuulv K. n<"uL|IL'. u 1': Burns b Willougbby. . Brown,no1 om. Corbett, b Patterson 11 11'.` D..._.._ L n_.._ I --1-~..-~J -...-. ...n clubs, the result ol which mtg give. in hut evening`: .\ eu`.s, the Kingston again took their station at. the wickets, and after !Ot;'.e splendid ploy when the wickets were drawn at T uk-lock, they had ran up 3 Icotc 0! 14.`, iii: seven wiclmts down with Brown and Corbett . batting, and doing much damnge to l!.t=tr op}-om`-nts chance of the game, Thv game was resumed at eleven o'clock this man in_.'; Brown and Corbett took the place Chv_r!::tI1 relinquished last night, Ind Iucceeded LO ma}-tn 3 ll respectable addition to their Icoret At thc. close the Kiugstoninns left their oppo. manta the nice little job ofmnking up 244 to win KINGSTON. SECOND 1.\'ll%vt. llril innings ofthe G Barrow b Patterson Johnston I b w . Bninr-S b Patterson . . s...,... I I ._ SICOHD 1:-2 `|Dr Willougbby b Brown Burnett b Agnew .. 0. Roger: I b w .. R. Z. Rogers b Agnew Bruve b T -'own Cummings not out Patterson b Elornby ; Beany b Burns . . ' .1. Willoughby b Brown Boswell c R. W. Burowl Johnson b Brown Eyes . . Leg byes . . Wides . . . . ., --........-.c. i The commtmily of brokers were thrown into a state of excitement yesterday at the intelligence ! of the abaconding ot |1essts.Jonett and Sanford. 1 two parties doing business under the title of j bankers and brokers, corner at Little St. James , street and Place D'Armes Square. By many , the rumour was not believed, while many others I said it was only what they expected. A visit to ; the place of business set. all doubts at an end. 1 The sign boards were.there; the placards stating that current funds were bought and sold were there; but the door was found rmly secured, , and the moat eager inquiries could not discover 5 the wh-reaboute of the two business men. The ,facts, as far as can be learned at present, are I those: The principal in the rm, e Prussian by tbirth, but who adopted the ordinary alia.-: of 1, Jones, and who was as much like B Jones as like t Jonah, left Baltimore under very suspicious cir- , cnrnatances, end carrying,it is said, a good deal ! of other people's money with him, arrived in this `, city otne time ago, and began a broking and j banking business in Place d Armes Square, in partnership with his step-son Sanford, under the 1 title of Jones at Sanford. Fora while past it , but nothing occurred in their business l.l`anI(:ll0`.`lB to create any sus- picion until last evening, when they bulied them. ;selves b0l`l'0'Wl[lZ money from hm. ..t.. _--- 561 K LVYIJ um ; cing b i Mr Dickenl picked up this story during his `last visit to America: A mun in the United States knew everybody. Name what celebrity `I you could, Palmerston. Guizot, A1-ago, Lnnd. seer, Livingston, Mario--no matter. " Ob, yes! I knew him very well indeed. At last I provoked cynic asked, Did you happen to [ know the Siamese urinn !" The omniscient but 1 conacienlious speaker In once rcplied, Well, one of` them I knew exceedingly well, but I am not quite sure whether I ever happened to meet ` the oiher. we do t yet; lb only I excursit party ynntuu uutu Illll evening, WDECI U10] bulied -selves borrowing money from those who were ! good enough to lend. All night the neighbours ' beard preparations for departure being made, but ! suspected nothing. The rm, it is supposed, 5 took the ve o clock train for the land of liberty. ; Some time ago a party arrived from the United giitates, and every night since the head of the es- i lnblishmeul. nnd himself have been noticed deep I in the calculation of gures, with either the in- tent of settling up old scores, or opening new ones. It in also said that the abaconding parties have succeeded in passing a number of forged drafts to a considerable amount, but nothing de- ,f:ni1e is known as to this. The amounts bor- `towed from Ibo brokers were in small sums. `Further particulars will anon n-..-....:.,. -4-, ----------%------------ E Miss Siddous, n great-gmnddau 5 great English actress, is about to 2 ` stage in New York. 1 u u|u.|I.'.| u; n vuuaauunlule EBC . fmiie Ir Further particulars mil so< rreal Gazette. ' bluahi I0 y fenct-a slurs, I nagging nnontion, whi.'r Tu m . u ..- 1.. u It had been arranged that the match should 2 :1 [Wu days ahir, consequently after the two -31 no nun `(er , .-.1 - THE DAILY NEWS---SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 29. `J' T. ABSCONDING OF TWO BROKERS. Majority in 1 u n ,, 2 Palterlon . . Beanie I: Patterson ('Illa...,.l.k.. O""_-"" I It is a mistake to call theee advocates the Crown lawyeru, or to imagine that they were acting for the Crown. Kuu_v U DFUWU R. Burow l.)`Br0W1. 1 Hanan (i'RIC`KE'T .1].-I TCII. \-...... A\JA.V. SICOHD 12551505. . L D--.__ bnml ofthe R. C. Ries came on the afternoon uf yesterday, and g.-uuiua was Another, and not the '. re.-uure of the gay scene of the GRAFTON. ,--A..- . x favour of Kingston, 133. __?,/.:.. v Hl'!ll~gmnddaughter of 1 253.13 about in .n....... -_ . - ....... nu sunu aums. soon transpi:e.-J}on- Lory nnhmn u nu. aughter the n appear on the . , ,, _ __ .__....._... .--u. uuu l\l\`|IIIKJ lull 1113'`; the consent of the colonial legislatures, yet they took care to proceed as if mung upon such cunsent. The preamble of the Act tends :-Wbereaa the Provinces of Cans- dl, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick have expressed their desire, etc., to be con- Iederued; from which it is plain that the Imperial Parliament was studious]; acting in mild defrrence to the wishes of the colo- nies. and not with the tfrnuny of power that is insepnrabiy nssocitled with the American school-hook idea of British colo- nial government. `A A . _ .. . -

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