Kingston News (1868), 10 Sep 1868, p. 3

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uuu puuttu rurllll UK I'BIuQf0D10d. No Tender will be noticed unleu made on the prescribed printed forms, and they in mch bear the original Iignntures of two persons of undoubted means, willing to bind tbennelvu with the party tendering in the pennl mm of 400 uerling, for tho dmlllcltof the Con- 1110!. D__4..'__ __;:.|.'A, ,- |' - ` ` ` unpl. Psrtiu raiding It I distance from St. John, whose lender may be accepted, will be required to appoint n resident agent duly authorised to not at St. John for the principal in all mutter: relating to the contrfct, nnd who should be ac- ceuible at all time! with this object. The Demnv Cnmmluu-v r`..n..-.1 :. ..u.-_.... y\llUlIl as an lilutl Wllll Ills DUJCBL The Depuly Cotnmissnry Genernl in charge at Halifax reserve! the right of rejecting all or any of the Tender: received. .\n- I...o'L..._ .-'-...._ _ - . A - - A# I '- ` ` Queers University and icollege Kingston, Ontario. nu] ul nu: Acuudil FIGCIYOU. Any further informstion may be obtained upon npplicuion at this omce. Comtnissarint Uoe, St. John, N.B., 3rd September, 1863, g BE Twenty-seventh Session will open on the T 7l.I'.I d .&lohnI . Iatrieuhliol enminntionl, and competitions for Scholnrships, will begin on the following day. The Calendar for l868-9 contninsfull information Afto Onrrihnlnm, Sub- ject: of Study. Gradunlion, Fees, sud Scholar- ships, nnd may be obtnined on Ipplicntion to the Registrar, Professo: Moist, Kingston. Queen s College, 25th July, 1868. 1-. SEALED TENDERS (in duplictte) will be re. ceived bv the Ansiauut Pnrm.-.;..--.. (\..__ Insolvent Ac__9r184 ' and Amend- ments thereto. In the matter 6!` JAMES BOYD, HUGH ROSS. WILLIAM CALDER, nnd WILLIAM FERGUSON , trading under the firm of JAMES BOYD A: Co.-1nsolventa. 1)UBLIC notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power invested. in no 35 Ayignee of lhe above Inaolvents, I aha]? 'c er for 3:10 by Public Auction, on THURSDAY the fteenth OCTOBER next, at Twelve o'clock, noon, :1: J .7 [.inlnn'n An:-Iinn `D.-nu... ..I1 oh... : ____ -. uu1`ub|:.'t: next, at Twelve o'clock, J. J. Linlon's Auction Booms, tall the interest and estate of Hugh Ross, one of the insolventa, in thg lands a_nd tenements undermentioned, be- longing to the estate of said insolvent. luv __Dm-0 Ar T .-.1 |`l.u...I....- 1'7 :_ .1... n_.: _-_ IIJIJEILIE lU Luc (stall: Ul Illu IDSOIVBIJI. .lst.-Part of Lot Number 17 in the 2nd con- ctsvion :5! lbs Township of Kingston, and which part may be better known and described an fol- lows: that is to say, bounded on the East by the forty-foot road, on the West. by the Analog Farm, on the South by the land of George An- drews, and on the North by land which belongs or belonged to William Ely. 2nd ._'I`lmt Mu-min m......| m. o.-...o .4 1--.: VI IJGIUUSCIJ |U VV Illllllll 1'11]- 2nd.-Thst certain parcel or tract of land known as a. part of Lots Numbers Sixteen and Seventeen in the Second .Conoession of the Township of Kingstonfltnd bounded as follows : that is to say, commencing in front of the said Concession, At the Southeast angle of said Lot Number Seventeen, thence Noztherly along the East limit of the said Lot ten chliins fty-two and a half links to a stone monument. Thence Westerly parallel with the front of the said Can- cession nine chains fty links, more or less, to a stone monument placed in the centre of the said Lot Number Seventeen. Then Northerly along the line between the East and West halves of the said Lot twenty-one chains thirty-seven and a bull` links, more or less, to a cross cut in 1 Limestone Rock. Then South,-westerly at an angle osbout Seventy.three degrees and Thirty- seven minutes from the last mentiopegl aide in a. direct line through a Beech tree `that is winding near the (`.Pnl]' M` the nfnrmmirl l'.nt Nnmhnr UILCUU IIIHJ lI.llIJUEU II JJCCDIJ LIED llll ID HICLILIILI near the centre of the aforesaid Lot Number Sixteen, nineteen chains sixty-three and a. halt links, more or less, to the centre of said Lot Number Sixteen. Then Southerly along the line between the East and West halves of the last mentioned Lot, twenty-eight chains tweu. ty-eight links, more or less, to the front of the said Concession, and then Easterly along the front of the same, twenty-eight chains fty links, more or less, to the place of beginning containing by admeasurement Sixty-six acres two;quarIera and fteen square perches of land, be the same more or less. n,J I -.- nnn __.1.\nrv ,_ `|1'_,.| I -1 .- 81.`! UL! nlus uuccu. 5lh.-ThnI. parcel of Ilud being composed or part. of Lot 24, formerly in the first Concession Qt Kingjton, nowjn the City of Kingggon, com- prising part of plot laid out. by Jolm Dunn on a portion of said Lot. 24, 15,94 which may be de- scribed as Lot. No. 1, and part of Lot. No. 4 of the town plotlaid oulby John Dunn on part of snid`townsbip Lot 24. ` RII1 411') . I and '2 Ialnntronl mud in Oh` GNU IJU ILIC EHLLUC LLIUIC U1 srea. 31-d.-Lola 224 and 227 an Norlherly side of Queen street, in the city of Kingston. Alh _._pnI-In nf T.nfn 1'27 nnri IQA nn IL; nn-_ quccu :!uc1:|,|'| uuu cu un nlugauju. 4lb.--Paris of Lots 127 and 134 on the cor- ner ofKing and Earl streelsjn the City of King. ston, and being 88 feet on Earl street and 78 feet on King street. Kol-. Th`! n.-n..1.-J` inn.` '-u-.:..nn..o...._-...I -5 Hlllu LUWIIBUIP IAUI 1- 6lh.-Lots 1 and 2, Montreal;-oad,~in tbp Qity of Kingston, containing by `ndnieaau'rnxe'i1tTio acres and Twenty pol , I1Qvo_.q_r lug, M indi- cated on 9. plan in my dssession, drawn by A. B. Perry. P. L..Su:vp;o:. dated 31ltSepteInbcr, 1884. D `U txnnul ARM Y CC_)l\ TRACT. -- ~v u-utuu. hi."HORSEY, Captain. mg, 2 Company P.W.0. Rith-`s,--l1`.Vel'y men '0!` No :1 `.nm..-..., :- ---------7' ` KinImh,l1& July, m5." L000 1m:nI:1.s or now: SALE UELANDS. _ V- ----- -- nu` llfll .-ning nul, at 7:30 sharp. Jumpnuy are expected to n .1 .u.___, ,... , . .rv.u. mm-Ms,-|cvery mem- I >. 2 Company is requested to be present ling of the Company, at the Drill Shad,l my evening non, nu h.lf.n..o u..--..- ATTENTION! D __ . . . AILY NEWS THURSDAY EVEIHNG. SEPTEMBER 10. A L _ `"1 -2:-::..T,_ uuollltas unporlnnl. .1 1:. MACAULAY,OIplI-iI1- ..... \,.,...,--u;, --. nu-. urul anaa, aiug next, at half-past Seven. TOSSELL, Clplnin` 9. B THI HUDU, Caplnin. -j--- a sun uclruy Ul'uB'.'E I0 , on Friday evening, at 1 vl nu-u uuuru DLIIEI in the proportion of ~ growth of the year R. H. Ross, 0lciIl;As|ignee. S8. --u uuuu, Ull l'I'I- p. 0ld1nomber| n attend. n--.. _ _- -.- -. .-au : VJEIIUI JIVIII-II` of Ontario and Olerenoo Streets. -nndh$ OYSTER! ! 0YI'I'EII! XXX end L.0.8. UYBTEIIB received daily by Ixpnle. TOWN is prepared to en ply Country Her- Re I33 In with OYBTE (wbolcnle) at 1 cent per Oen than Pslrhavun prloel. Jun received, a hub eupply of Orengee, Le- monl. Oranberriel, end Sweet P0111000. Puchee and Plume for preserving. Kingston, September 7. BUMHONSES. NOTICE OF EXAMINATION. NOTICE TO ADMIT. NOTICE or TRIAL. NOTICE TO PRODUCE. suruwoav LEASES, OF -_J...B .'_-J -.vuu nu-I uuuiu Wu uni: nuvlil EU I Black Glnoq and Oral Grain Bilkl _ Oolourod Glace and Gus Gniu Vary hnndoomo Fume] Silk: Rich loin Anlneu And Poplino French Ierinon and Empnln Ololhs, choice colours - .-mun; ncruluu Ina nlnpli Ulolnl, Poplin: and Popiinatuu, in (Inst variety Fnncy Dress in endlou nriety, quit: varv chant, and unit: . nu; uscarwi nu cuulvil VIIIUIJ Ill-llll IIDW, I very cheap, ud pretty | New Binding: in Oobmjgl, Lama, nnd Wine}: .| Velvet: and Velveteen! Cloning Instill, vnrionl styles ' Jouophine and Dockets Kid Glenn, but quality and :11 column, one dollar per pair Ii-a-llnl. 04.4.1.-.I. _..a n__--Il -- nIoLIsn_ um I-anion i -V W ' BOARDING AND [DAY ICIIOOI. FOR YOUNG LAKES, NORTH SYDENHAII IIINGSTON, ILL an-urn (n.v.) am tlu Sumner Vuesdon, on TUESDAY, us Sapien- hot.1888. [I ADMIBIE _|EVEBYTH|NliI AL:-nd lo-day. I will venture to say that{ 3 better lot of Sugar-cured Halal were never before obre in this city. in younordera early, they won't. last long. imon 0be1gndor'er,\ HAVING engaged thevnrrices of I rlt-clan Swisl Wntchmaknr, in now propdrod to efelculo All work in` his line in the very but u y a. nu I-Ina nlunnun (`-1 Hunt` - I-`Inn A-suntan--.0 -1 September 7. At-McnoNELL$4 "1111: has always on htnd 1 ne usprtmont of Watcba: and Jewelry. wancjmns. OBERNDOBFFER informs the pnbiic lbs! t _ 0 he in Sale Agent for the German Ohu-coal Manufacturing Company for the tale of the PATENT PLASTIC POROUS GOAL PIPE, and in therefore enabled to sell cholpor then any house in the Dominion. All of these Pipes are W1l.'l'8n!d,Ill)d if broken with fair uuge, will be repaired free of cost. Clnrconl Pipes from 60 cent: upwnrdl. - All ACCOUNTS due After tho 12th instant will be placed V Soptcmber 5. -11:16. and Inns do 8:. % nears tn-1-nu vars . -9-` ---s--- THIS hunch of the bnslnou is nil! continued, and the public and the trade an be fur. nldsu-I with Gian-I nu! Thu-on An 05.. ...-..a LL `be but Hnchiuu in the World adapted to the wants of S nutresael. Sboennkerl, Tnilora, and Funiliei, t rieu ranging from $10 upwurdn. Ihy be-h pt * ll.|D I-1IuI-I in sun Iru-IHUII ID lllll UUH \uIIIUU ` rm-3 nlahad with 033111 and Tbaeco on ma mug liberal terms. . Q__I I "~'fPlember 9.--At Doncuter to- lll aunt of the day In the it 8:. Legal nukes, the result mrpr'uod everybody gnd caused \ ' L The St. Leger was 1' for three year ulds, one mile , and Ira won by Fonnou ,the at the Oaks At. the Epsom sum- cum or M-. V` ""'" L:nJ 1nlpeoUon _ Bpodial Ittcnllongiun to Repairing Inching of all kinda. 3' Exchange: `ado (`an inonnblemm August 29. - n EEDB. H0 ETGAG ES. MINING LEASES. DISTRESS WA RRANTS, BU BPOSNAS. SUMHONSES. NICE NOTICE vrn `mum VI VIII ALL GOODS BOLD FOR READY MONEY ONLY. or, 1868. Tobacco and clamp Ilanuructory. Kins-ton, cu: Sept, nos. I14 ;na.n-D uuu, IIUIHI III III 3 Single or Double. Apply at the Kingston Brewery. JAHIH mu nnsunvns nnnlumu, MARE" FOR _ SALE, `IIY VEADL: n n n-_.|_ - _. _._ .__._P--..` :1}FirnIi::)L5: Gnu. in Burnout, o_um l Hiram`: Ar nnnhla _. "--' -."'-'!~ - ` ,;poiuscd by the .\'unb Herman ` :.~m:at with the u.uLhoriLies' - on for the uublishment of: gn-gulntmns for the protection ` from Ge-uunn ports, sailed tnr : en baud the Hemmer Hernunn. sgpt. 6, via London, Sept. 9-~ I olnhu city. And ol Calcuugi F-uof India us far :9 hard: sucepdon condemn the re- I A I .,_>__. ,:.L , rs c - -- N.B.-I could only cute 52 of them. Send! Augult 18. ____- -.. -__.-.. ........,, 1---u awn, u u-nu-n uuuuruu place: L-|'|.'Iy um Wnlte Uott,Qn|. chap ur Coburgl, Wincoyu. Lace and Inslin Ourtllnl [vets Velveteeni Dunuk and Ololh -Tabla Conn ` puking Nnphu, Towolllngu, Tickingn, Shirtingn, with nphine 3 very In-gs uoortmcnt of Houu Furnish- lug Good: English Smith. and Cavlagl `Needs for Boys and Hen : AT}. annm: nnrn nnn D1:-A nv unnruv Am-r up u..._ ..-.._ .___ _._ , N!) I really admin thou HANS that how I LAW B__LANKS. FANCY AND STAPLE IHH GOODS, pamcmss srnmnr, M. MORRISON. 1 Case Bradlers Celebrated Elliptical noon Skirts. Laanesmann. Plastlque. and Gored do do Misses do do do do (`hl|dren s do do do ` do JOHN HENDEBSON. 3,; I.---The duty on sugar im` 3:9 Fnnce has been reduced tn Josie 0' Nmxemu-s, . . in; Strut, Kinyion, I 7;-ix: . PRINCESS STREET. FALL IMPORTATIONS \.\JIJU\J LEASES, an. ho. to. rvuwry. JACOB BAIU8. ARE NOW SHOWING THEIR -n-us '1. quit. now, ' J." GARbi: Bankrupt Stock of u UIIIIZHI-III] 050:: 0! run: [Id FDIC FRIED]! and Blnnkeu M Induced prloea Several hundred pioeu G1.-Iy And White Oottonl, I elnnn folapu, Iiichigumsnd Chicago. A. !`Ph on Monday night with . F`! puuengera Ind I full crew, 11 _ time nothing bu been heard \ " fetred she foundered during " Ioadny nightand ull on bonrd , . A dapuch from Benton Har- 1r Inn. the cargo conlisted 0! pucbet, mostly on the ` Ill 5 - ..".".`f_`E'fE`_=-.. T3._*rv.'9. :1: I THE Bnhurihu an appointed Agent: for tha- Dnrillo School Slaw Goupany, and will I all by its One at Oompurtpriou. FRASER A annnnn THE WAREHOUSE and Pmniul on Prin- oau Bum, lam]: occupied by Hugh Frner, (who is retiring from bnninou). Annlv tn Pricel. NEW BOOKS.] Joan onntearon` lmjm opened u. lot of NEW omup BOOKS, It the CITY noon irons, KING STREET. The Young Stepmother, by Mia Young. Tho_'1`rinl .. (low A Hop: and Pearl, new edition, 7 do. The Eilynrl and Buttons, by Ohu-lei Kingnley. Westward Ho !--now edition, do. Little Fgzup, by Mrs H. B. Stowe. Infant Nursing nnd Ilnnagcnaom of Young Chil- dren. bv Hr: Pndlat ` 1uInulr nun-slug Illll llllililllll O1 IOIIDE unu- dren, by In Pedley. The Moonstona, u new novel, by Wilkia Collins. Arts and Artists, 5 book of curionc hen-`sud skin I nhnn , anu nun Arulu, I non: sketches. Clorgytnen and Doctors. Invention Maud Discovery. Omens nlii Snporntitionl. The ChndoI_ Edit_ion,l `-8-. Ell nu`.- Kingston, September 8. vulvuu -Ion L1uyuIIuI.-IuI-II- - The Chndps_ Editiqmhokoapurn, complete, 5'i':liii`t.I'onLongr-no; ' pti The Inn on .1! coao cents. 'D_"` - u fill". Thaf Guts lidiziomoott, $1,. - *- M [ -` ` D9 . . no Ltonhokurrlneo _ The Oopyrlgh ldltlf` \ ' ` . A , in cloth, 31,18 per Volnno-_--7 Iwveb in each M volume. ` ' . L In-qt Anon-tnom ofniw Toy Bookl. New Data Back; . ' - I;nllNl'llLD'll Q Jnrv J23`!-THEE Ul"IIU"W Io1WDatB(?-lckl.` ha 1` . owned :1 u, t qnn 'ty. 3::-king Igk, ,0 " 5 ewrlsnk ED131343`! n1}`,k.jndm - 1;`_B-ad. app, T.. . New u;_d Ohpup, ~- ~ A; the CITY BOOK s Toy noon. , l KING STREET. STOCK OF 403- 21, me. flIR8HAW B PA'rinrr rm: AND num- LAP. PROOF BAFB8 at Hanufuu_1tor`I ricea. ' Augnlt 21. K|iEIIi\Kv_s cmuu. Angul 21.- This in the most 1 SCHOOL __LATEs. ~:' - JOHN OREIGBTON. Kingston, In September, 1888. I-pc. to, 1.10 p.m.-OonsolI 94! honey udueonl; Bondun; I1- 91] ; Iris 30!. ` Supt. 10, Irndy. ] `all and unchanged. Tallow quiet. In. Linseed oil nnuly. I \ TOLUME SECOND expoctod immedintoly, u a "into u in v.1:';.s:u NUIBIB of IEOIHAKIBS capable of .E_uliu and l'hhI:inc'llunnu1z..a...n nrmmsom % Booxstonn. Illllll: '. nutoiaa srnnr, ELY. BUT on men mum. R. & J. GARDINER. 8AFE8_.___8AFE8. nvtulils IIUI Apply to TO LET, in unit for immedinte collection. g mun saws. l .` ML Mulldgy nigh` `he ' `pd I an named Auguume `lwiigl in lllil Cil_ an .u._ i gcction with lhe Peuinn or, an IIi_Irr|igued Io: p,emi_ . and the policennn win, my: Iesurd to nding . lug` {pull srms sud ammunition , an prrmm`:-. The priwu" for lrinl. ` [hvis bu srrivml in London ` i ng---uni ploylnen I. Gnononugnrronng O0. J ARES B. YARKER, Prineul Slmot, Kingiton. volnpuurl ' pneu. fins!!! 8 GBOBGI. -_- -_:-aa.v 4 0mm Mon mam A.l!- T0 1_ 1_*3t_{_ smlmms fJ."u.l;. min GOODS SOLD FOR CASH ONLY. HUGH rrusna, Or nuns YARKER. : extensive nnd best part of the Stock, GREAT BARGAINSIN A SATURDAY.12'rH SEPTEMBER, CYDDII IIII-In 1- .1-..-._ _,__ , GREA F r CLEARING SALE lloj-It PI;eu Dequuchoo. WHBN THE LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED FALI. AND WINTER B0008 nu run.-......... "` ""' `"9" P`."l'3. in `llonndlu W TA,IL0_mNG Dnwunnxr .. staged a Smennc CUTFER from New o-. in Which cannnt ha nurnnnnul :. `L- n-_ 5:51:55 - ouwnunc U U'l'.' ll. Il.'O|1l 1 `ing cannot be Iurpoued in- = E but lmch 1 ' TAILORIN?}D.;';AI anand g Q.:....:4:- hrnn .-mi`-.'. To which we will continue to give out but iunon ;,Q nent of Goods, the Depurtihauu #01 he found not: ' everything requisite: for the npproucIIihg`Baih`6n. I ' 1:77. Wnntotf, TWO am JOUE the Bingo: Sowing-Ilachine; __________ The choicest nssortmant of |snEFF1ELn `PHI STORE WILL BE RE-OPENED ON? --wu wu1p|'0DIDl] be in nation I days, , Se tember 9.-'l'he bridge on: _ k Island and Pacic nil- `-llheut of Iowa City, we: weal l I llondny night. The trein gu- ; '-lien reaching tbs: point st` . fdny the engine was precipitat- tton of me `rtvine, dragging cmwdod came can. The VII killed and the reman so that he died Ihortly after. |.`TIeompin, 3 propeller plying h, Iiichi o.n,nd Chic: 0. qi. On Hnneiv nhrhf Ingth A CHEKP JOBBIJZV G;SALE`*OF DRY, GOODS.` 1 FOR on: T V * ur'i9mI= ) ` E will clear out all Summer, and all Surplus Bgock st Gcnyino Reductions. Qhoicu gnina each day in Black Skl, _Bl1_ek, Grol GIi;HiII)ii'BIl'h, TIIII Antiques; Fancy Dresses and Drum Gootliy [ho fad; ud.0h|lin; Alpacas; Linen Napkins, Tabla Cloths, Din rI',.' A `:93, Cotton _, gd : 5 Singittnd Double Fold`l'icking`; 1,500"p'ioii rr sll down in Prior -` Luce Sharla. Lots at atlas: Goods will he of gut Onrpet Block 0.: Cost Price; 0Il_II_iII~; f Reuembtr u; Dhqapglc iqut 1 THE` IMONTRE vHOUSE_._ 17': n.-._t..u. T-I_ GR 1 one BARGAINS AS USUAL FOR THUSEfHA.VmTHE dAsLH_ ~M0N'1`RE1i f.%% % V HIIUSE. DR I=RasH_Ig|_Au's LlFE`.k'V `"5? "'- .`-`*3"i5D- _.____- _ J- ANTI inn uAt,u "Am mu-u rnnsmun, Into Rabbi Vor an Jam: ynngogue at `Quebec ; at present Wuleyu lininer at Preston. `D_:_... h_- I\-II AUTOBIOGRAPHY of tvho Rev. CHARLIE September 5. mu null 01 only uuuqn. puyuna I9 JIIIII I'll! orbunnmImmtlmudqlndhmd nbout the 26th day of August, 1868, 0.A[CLARKE Rant, 3 CAUTION. HEREBY forbjdppy chinf I Pro _' . How much; noffor the Inn: 0 `Sin; DollIl'I.pOJIb1o to John`Puh or `Inll:-, u-an lnnnln altar dgln and 4....) Raine?! N; 9.- lkspntclun 1 m Cnwerunlcnt is I "cannons to guard * [my disaffected n` F has removed. at Sap umber, 1868. Views and Kingntou, J nly 25, 1-868. Al: the lung limo, N ulortment of ale Photognphufn SHOW l`l'!'d, kc, kc Run IRAIES and PA SSBIABIGVDB ` ., hr II]! at vary V '~~ 10'DrI$_ . J dly 23. Sept. 8. . 17. -EE.\lI\c., S1}-]~_ I0` _, WILL BE OFFERED. men ~ AND ON EXHIBITION AT HIS Nsfntonlna nmnrusnr, k, ;;1 the Goods are marked at prion which mus ' ' " t uuun lpoody 31, -{KT A71" rI'\I'I`1'\ -Ix---.\-___, The Annual sale 0190 laaji9`.t8i-..tno` One Dollar; JOHN HENDERSON, * D.I....__ n... OF V4 . , . 7-" -- .._,.,........._., ...,.~pu_ can-puma; Inc as 10 hncao 31` PER `Yuck, In any with condoneo that In willnn nurpuaed the Dominion for ELEGANCE, 81`?-LI, at APIRJIOT JTIT. _ .. L .--__- -,.,;g 3 . :**.:i*;_ ""J'" 0, wviyould remind the Lidia it}!!! oil! nnrcooba 5in:_.,._ T LL _THEp DEPARTMENTS. ._::_. _Bt'pL 9.---The National Tele- wmmenced its sixth annual gt the Dcllnn House to-dny. Ion Inll probably be in session dun, ' ; in siuonndng that on llondny next In iiill open; ,A8T_l_lI l.`L9n nlxooeond -lht-oi -our lamina: and .. _. I--- .- cnnnnzp e(3_I&Jo.n., _ _ LARG-E` s%1z.g_;p% nun UBIIDUN Princes: suu. an` Illlln Cu _0lII D033 Will OPCII on .1ho;Soeon_dV -llgtjol "on: pain; otk, uni Dnminlon for EI'.ln.Au'nn unrvr II - In ii..i#. Ir Wilhlvl Dry Gods. "Book STORE, an: or -oonvnnsiox as . ai i`... A Ste:-lii|,Gurru'ncyg'ugd Dollars un 1l`Oom:; - also,` of Donna and Gum into Onuney and Stalin. - . . ' . - wan cnmnmu.` ` manual CA 1 - w-v- --.---a---, -'-v 2`: Q4505: bouinodson; and wama Brain 4.. V tbs-cotiulof King ls" . _ edh lulu ..**.:a.`:_....*" .::. ..i...{"::'...-:'..'m 1.1- ._.~uL4sz :FORSALE_ ORATQ Luguu :4 J :.".mr:"_..." my 25. J. BAWDIH. I $03 341.: `M: rm: FIIGUSGN BIOS. PRINCESS s1'nm.='.'r. 5 u-,-ndwou V` an bias 813]]-r , _ -0- -Anuavullui I; nnduwohnea. ya -4!!! mpg. :...n_nn..:_ `name nA.v'I. ICIAL AND COIIERCIAL. ';Ti;1kl:l.(i 1:.\ PH. Sept 9.~An intemnlionel (`on _Lhe nnenduice is hrge and the ` but been harmonious end or- mohjeet of the meeting and re ' me; be best summed up in c which were edophed to-day, ' were in enbetence as follows :- thet in the opinion of the Con- . nklngmen ctnnot euein com- `gplion {mm the oppnseion of h through the mesa: merely oflo- I , um .11 strikes ehould be snb- E " and: of uniform rule: and regnlr = councils of erbiu-ntion be form- ` tdierencu hens-een the employ- } ayed, and nally, that trade ; `ueuabliebed in those countriel T Qda not now exist, and that all 1 Lbeorgeniiuleouwbeeble feueounectjgnendeoneert with F gm for the generel improvement l '=_`LoI the workingmee |hmugh~ H - ---:,y,:m ID n,.1U ' nnpur 0?`: 0.00 In 0,00; Bupolr Ho. 2 . -50 to 0,00 ; bug our 3,00 to hn-In nu 0,00 to 0,00. 3 ..i'I-nan, 13,00 to 0,00; 90 In 00. Bulcy-por G8 ' "0-Duiry 20 to 220; mm W pom, 45,75 to 5,00. , -- Golnlov Yorku I2 .:*v'lII._00.o0no 0o,o0;Prim 00- Pnmo, 00,00 to 00,90. Dailtg Ntms . from Madrid I: liking extrr U. ml against nuy , 1 ntlieera in the ` nernl Raging, .....|. .~ -_A, Pcu. per 68 lb: 1,071 to 1.121. to fiye Fiour, 0.00 0,00. ` F`lonr--mu-ket weaker ; i win told on private 1,200 bbll city brnnd I dc 6,95 truuallon. nppoped un- ;' olllll tnnncou of: Mull chanc- chi- gun. Rye dull ; receipt: IPO 11,000 bush ; mules -`IN 6_00U bush Iutun at l,45. lorn dull` 1 and declining; rv.-oelpn an 20,000 bush; ules - x 1.24 for sound mixed woalorn; "Um! 67 Iii` '.".`lc for new no cuolce extra Illlo`, _ on to cboico extra western. l \ I 33'` for comm RIG 0 ; dour quiet :1 7,00 0 8,80. When dull; receipt: 1 an 64 000 bush ; tales An 28,000 bush st 2,85 for flu`! choice white Iichi for .\'o. `1 Spring; 2,50 fri` 2,60 for while Ml Pun: 53,000 bush at l,l9 rd l,'.`3 for unsound; l"lt3l for western gyellow. Barley nominal 0:1: mm: !tad_v' [ receipts no 54,000 bush ; sales are 49,000 [mall we-stern in store and Itlont. Pork dull sud heavy It 29,25 '13 '29 35 for new menu; 29,25 for old do. Lard `rm at 19f 0 lulc for steam; 20; HD 201 for kettle rcndored. pm; 1,929 r 1,213; ,;.,,-,--rs, vnulul curly , bushel . . ' Apples, per bbl .. _ ,IIuk melons, etch. . Wuer melons, ench.. ` _ Pmnkins, nah . . ` Patches, per dozen t Para nAb- l....|. i raw 1038 uuuurrs. i (Spend Tcley-ran lo Daily Nnu. I New Yorieptembet l0-Sloch atom Ion nouiunl. Flour dull; roceipu An lbbln; ulu no 7,300 51:11 n 7,10 I for nuperno mus Ind Iruteru; 3,20 for common to choice : `.* .-in common In rhninn -... _ . _ . -- E--v.a.n,uvu uutn 1,19 worm yellow. .1! (Rs ':"1n v`-- --- 29 Niel I381- I EGG, D n n - leis Pork, per bbl. . 1 ` Prime do., per bbl. . Salmon, fresh, uch Pike, fresh do _ Whig. 5.5 J.- Flour. per bbl._-xtrn Sup. 50. 1 Superne Du per cenlnl ; (`om Hal, per CeI; Rn!-lav rmr hnnhnl I UK u 1.`! )9 Barley per1` | gag, U0 an [ Buckwheat do . . . '* Spring Wheat, per 60 lbs. l`n|-n " 5 Timothy Seed, per bushel . . jClover, do _.. ., Pontoon, per bushel .. Turuips, per huh . . . . Unions, new dry per huih. . Beans, per bushel . . .. ` Tomnloes_ per pack. . ,Apples, Canada duly, per i uunucn rnover, ' Ggny do " 'AuulI, tul Plunu. par peck lz,doperqnn.n.. .. Gngen. do . . . . Csbbngc, ouch . . . . GIIEII corn, par dozen Vegeuble marrow, etch ! Celery, per head . . * Beef, per NO lbs 14...: M. n. ~ I ~ 9.-Tho Archbishop ofl . Ilvisiutioa in his dioeue pn- - ladisaublishmentof the Irinh 4 -fbdlmuso s diaolnlion of the JAB. main Inlsnd 3 aepsrnta Foils, per couple Wild duch, per pair ` Pu-m'dgn_ per brace wtlndamk rv u-uucucs, " Snipe, " Golden Plover, " ll... 1. ; Woodcock, Suing. II no " . Wild pigeons, var couple . n Potash; nu Inn Ihn vv Iwqlnivll I01 (ICU. The Plan: and Bpocieszion may be examin- ed at the oicc of the undersigned from 10 o clock an. to 3 o'clock p.m. 11.71! A Duuvibn-n ivvuu pIguoul,pIl c( 'Potuh,p-rloolba. `Salt n-ulna Hides, per 100 lbl. Sheep's Pelu each . Lamb Skin: . , Wool, per lb . Calf lkih, pa:-lb . ! ENDER8 will be received by the Common School Board, up to loudly next, the 14th September iutanI,nt 12 o`clock noon, for cer- tain work to be done in the yard of Ca ul Bcboolhouu. `l'_bo work being of two clums- I namely, Carpenter work ; ma Executing, Build- ` in; Pit, Levelling, tc.-epu-ate Tenders will I be reqnind for each. "`hn Plan: and E-gn:H.4o:-_- a-.- L. -----!- v nun: Anuul. nxvu L4UL'.I UUIFAN L EIIVB j 1 Funds for Inveumunt at their usunl nae of ' Interest. on the Security of improved Blosl Es. } tale. I A--- _.-.I. f_- 1..-.` ._,_'_.I, _ , #,, _\I I Loans nude for xed periods, or repqnble by nnnunl innulmonll. Full information can be had at the Oico of the Company. Sept. 5. IALL GOO] ifioilce to Bnliders. Carpenters. ac. wp qu --:-- [ HE; 3631' RECEIVED . \ SUPPLY of Feeding Bottles of vnrinul i pntletnl. , A supply of Ridge : Food for Infants. , A Iupply of Pncreuic Emulsion, for Can- aumplion; A nnnnlv nf `Pant-rnnnn {fun run: I-nnrlinrn BUIIIP (IUD- A supply of Pnncxutine, the new medium for taking Cod Liver Oil, and remedy for Indi- geation. A Inpply of Cnlve-rt'| Glgbolio Acid. A supply of Candy : Dininecling Fluid. For III: at his Drug Store, ` Y `ENDBRS. nddreued to the Postmaster Gene- ; ral, will be received at Otuws until Noon, `_~ on Friday, the 9th October next, for the convoy- Inca of Her Ilnjutym Iuiln, on 1 proposed Con- tnet for four years, Ii: times per week each way botvoon from the In December next. Conyeypnoe to be nude in I Public or other Vehicle. NIL, |l-:I_ I- IA.-- YE-tlnn A-an gnarl`-- QIJIEIE. The Mail: to Ian Kingllan dniiy,Buudnyu excepted, at 7:30 n.m., I.nd_to u-rive at Piclon st 6 pm. | Tn lnavn Pinmn d-ilv- undntl excenlod- at ' 10 1.111., mm to u-nu as muvwu I5` 4 p.uu. _ Printed ngtinll oontslning nrthur informnuon u to condition: or pzzromi Cor-tnct any _bo i seen, nnd blank fornll, Tcpdef ml} be obtlID- ed at thq Pou Oqu afxinptog, B1313. Guppy, ` and Plctou. IATTHIW SWIBTIIAII, Pan Ooo lupootor. I)..I DE`: Inmnnnln-`Q Mnn ) u o } _To leave Piciou daily, uadnn exceplod, at 10 and to strive at lot: it 7 pm. ` Pfinjed n_9tinII nrthurinformnon , ,5 -_----_j J'!--s....4 ._-_ L- accnsnry D.U Kingston, September 10, 1888. -nmns iron 1n1vEs;nE1\i'r. rm: 1-12:51` AND LOAN coupuv have Punt`: I..- 1..-..4._-_o .5 n.._:. ...._.-1_ ., _r I111; srrouzs Sept. 9. ;,g_" .01.: Pout Oico Inppoctoflr;-fe:,"i Kinguon, 9th Supt, 1968. MAIL CO_1`ITRACT. `i:}`u. PARKER I1 . n vrvnan V\VIr!I'lCuv-Inr\ KINGSTON and PICTON, .` yrs tel bushel mxi~6.~{Iua:{s. 1 - -no u'|U rd 9,015 SA25 I43 non L00 1 sh ; 2,8: ` F! Hichimn- l 0-H r.: I ...-. ` (fresh) (packed) `MARKS ; idnnn. Tburndny. '"'wx. mnsmoua, Secretary B.C.S_ Trustees. Inhnr In `I IRE Nnon_) -Sloch Itoady. ('?ot- I ; are 17,500 till ml '31.: /noun 10_ 'l`HE members of Nm 1 notied to moat It day evening o! lha Company expec I --- `v-- V: .10. gut n moelil :1:-u II'_.'.I, p.:.:-1" % No. 3.06-mpany P.W.U. Ries is hereby order ied to meet nl the Drill Shed, on Fridny even- ing next, at 71!!) sharp. Every man must he j prvsent. ...~- V . . . [ The non-cotnrnnsamned onoel-I and men of No. V l 5 Compnny l'.W.0. Rie: are hereby ordered to `meet at the Drill Sl1ed_nn F`n'.!.n.--nm:.... .,. ` .. ~.....,._u_y . .u .u, nlfl L . meet Shed, | hnlf'-pnsl Seven o'clock. llTI'\ ..... .......- {In uupncue) will be D by the Aasisunt Comminsnry Geno- rnl,at1hia Utlict-, until noon on TLTESDAY, 15th September next, from parliei desirous of con- lracng to supply .av-: 10 LR oeal aupernne I" ed from wheat. the produce of or of Cnnada, if rv=quirrd_ 1 one half of each, and of the g: 1888. I GI-ID. Partial inIPndin2` to offer are invited 10 C31! ` It the omceu nf lhe Senior Uommiaurint Olcer at the following Stations, viz- Sr. JOHN, 14.3 , HALIFAX, N.S., qunasu, 1 MONTREAL K[Nt`xSTQN,:o, '- TORONTO, J ,-~ V- _-a\.rI..'lI I to be delivered st Ibis Station, in such quanti- I lies as mny be requirnd from time tolime, be- ' tween me lit October, 1868, ind 3lIl March, T80`-to To be beat Superne Flour, manufactur- | `[1031. I111! nrndnng nf aka r1..:.-,: D.,AV- _v--v...x-, J `Vhere sunplel of the quality of Flour required, `ad the Condition: of Contract may be neon, and printed Fomll at Tendot obtained. No Tendar -ill ha nu-nin.A ....I-.. _-.I- __ -L-

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