not `? 11-1 IIUI. . Poll the counties of Nova Scolia in aucceuion, and which one of them will rntify this Act? No: one. Robert-Robertson, Chnirmtn o(_ Blanch- ard`: CommitLee,wbo made the report that un- named him, Robertson 1'-etnrnd without opposi- tion A year ago, could not defend this iota, ndd run A seat in Shelburne next week. *5 nnn nan:-`I1 nnA_|Lv3-A 1-J uh- --.ol.4 151.1, , I=V'UUlUIL I. uuu Ill WI]. . With a Huntingdon in his prime in that House of .5.se_amb_ly, would David Dickie have dared to propose` such so ogtrgge upon the rights of the people of Nova Scotia? Who does not remember the outcry raised I year ago about a. lime green fringe, which cost, it was said, 50 cents in yard too much of the people : money ? Where was that Halifax patriot, Jere- miah Horthup, Esq, one should like to know, | when not fty cents, bdt $50,909 were grabbed I by the government, with'un_holy hnndi, to be | converted to their own use? When: was: "I"}-u-um-.. ll--_2__- -I V W I -' \ Jl-I G u.;nauz-In couulry. , I Only a few of the qamterg Attending the sev- eral conventions held from \imo to time within the last twelve month: have boenv"pa.i&,-it `is 1 said, and that this money in to bo divided up ] unongst them. And bu it then come to this ? u ` ~ pm; I-guns nu rrugmusly r Un wn re`! | Sureiy this in about the beginning of the and ` pf one of the wickedest farce: ever perpetrated An 3 Christian country. T 0011 a fair nf Ihn r,-em!-mu: -u.._.1:__ .|__ _,._ Drums are not omulente with uiikneu of Grant. A better man tb boa; dogtpic exlu. 4- -Amn1'can paper. `|I' Suucuwut of the Pilot. on board the Ir! -_ uuuvcn mu nu llJClI' UWIJ use T Where was Thomas Morrison, the Emigration Agent ? the man who affects to guard the peo- N pl.e u rights so religiously "2' 011 wt; re? Surelv this in Ahnnt ah. r..-:.....:.... ..c .n... .._.a Her- nu in-nu-u.-a -- u... ...- ........... The Comsloek lode in Nevada, ulued now At. 330,000,000, was Iold by me discoverer for I `,_ home. I The Rev. W. Morley Punahon lecture: on I Dnulel in Babylon, in lt.e New York Academy 4 of Music on the evening of Uct. 811:. . . .. . . ..___....-.-_ | l n r"'*i z- I ture, and but for his appenrzmce at the meetings called Ly .\lr Calvin. it wuuld not be known that he was in the eld. But i this taking advantage of the organization of an opponent eiicits unfavourable remarks. and it in 5 course which cannot be pursued with impunity, or with any pin to the re- spect of the parties who {allow it. It Wullid be far better For Mr Britten to come out in n manly. strnigbtanrud manner. appoint his own meetings, state his own case. and de- pend upon his own ebrts for the success he may aspire to in; this cunpsign. Above all. we would recommend him. if he has any se- rious intomion dpf going to the polls, to put his political faith before the people in the funn of I. printed address. . V The number oftbleves of all kind: in New York I in Cllllnnled at ten thousand. 1 IvoI- v'-|I|uu a Before the war we 1'ml.i1iIies ol` the ,'l'enm-snee were $19,547,106; now the debt has } increased to $24,271,763. This is by no means `An excepuunal cue. In ntber States the debt has increajed to n Hllle larger Pxlent. \ _. -. _ . ... |vI'u- nvs my--~v 31;} of I Iv: ..n--an. V... \LL\4 yuan-H` v. V... -- -- It_i| reported that the steamer Dumburlon, | which was reported a few days uiucu an leaving iNew York on a slaving crurec, was l'::Il'j'.Ilde|il I with warhke More: lor Spanish revuluuonlsta. I n r .| . 1- I`I'.:_- -1` IL- L|n..o.. nf ..... nan.-.s.---.-. av .. --- -- ---7 The ndvranuge of having rs tenor voice which can reach 0 above is -illustrated in who: c.5c- of Wulchel, who hujusl bought a. handsome villa near Wieabadsn for fifty lbuusnnd orius. It is said thnt Wntcln-1 was a cabulrivr-r utew years I uAI:|ll` as V: nun. n eml of the band. M. Ruphuel Felix, A French theatrical mann- | g-;-r,hna been comp:-H--d to pay the sum of$5,04O in gold to two dams:-uses fu huvlng let; Lhem 1-tPa.asy wixbout means, and from whence they I were sent to 1-`ria by the French Consul. 1. ._ - General Pnlhnvicini, the Italian lwrignnrl exter- mlcmxor, reports a moat desperutv encounter at Cueru, ne-ur Naples, during which lht.` two dread:-d chiefs, Guerrl and Ciccrme, with the misting oflhe10.mer,Were knlled, bU.:idf`3 sev- nunl -.5 0|... L...-A 1 A workman at Antwerp, a ftw days ago, laid ' a wager that he wouid en! ltr=6= hundred raw mussels. He won, but was shortly nfwer sized i wilh frightful pain! in his at.omacb,uud~d1ediu [in few hours. A nwindler has been caught in SI. Louil who has been travelling us Mr Noble, of the great ; Lisb rrn ofScou, Not-1-s at Co In this capa- ` city he is hid Io have imposed himself upon tho hospitality of Mr A. T. blewart. A committee, having its centre in Poitier: and operwiag throughout all the western part of France, has been COTlI`CliDg subscriptions for tb0 lupply of an immense number of mules lo the` Papal Army. Funding its rffurla crowned with success, it has recornmenced operations for the supply of IHDB. nu . - A ~- Tn Rn-LI In-en.--`!`cHnon-ow the match of ma `Princes: of Wales Own Rie Anoth- run will commence. The bannliou will meet I! 8 o`c|oek in the Drill-shed, sud proceed at about 9 o'clock to the nnge: st Burieeld C: name; The Botuhon match will commence tomorrow morning on Si dclock sharp, when on courpetitora nun be present and entered. The All Comer! mold: will commence at 2 o`clock or as soon after u pouilo. '* rrv --`---- Private correspondence from Norderney men- tions the presrnce of: French war steamer whzch tor several days was busily engaged in lakmg soundings It the mouth ot Ihe E1119, and afterwards in the-small pnrt cf Delfzgi, Helm .I=|l:id_ Sun-Iv Ibis! in unnlhrr ini:-nlinn LT I Queen Victoria made an ascent of one moun- tntu classed ns dangerotu, during her way in Switzerland, but as she went up the whole dis- tn. .ce on her Higbhanti pony, it is to be presum- ed that the ptril was not very great. The Eng- lish papers record with much sntnsfuction a re- port that Her Majest) '3 Scotch attendants uutdid the Swiss guides in climbing and en iumncc, .n_ __I_,:-.4, |_,- I.` - 2 A Brussels editor, raving lab 1_v gained a suit for defamation of character, rrquesled his coun- B9110 send his note ofcburgr-5,10 which Ihe lat- ter replied: Such Iorvices are not paid for; I cuuid no more send a. bill tor my asaistance than I could make you a. ctarge for acting as your second in n. ch.-cl." Dr'Frnncis F. Spring, probably the heaviest mnn_in Bsn 11, dlfd of .-popwxy last Salurday evening in that cit)`. The dectnsed wnsfur1y- Hfven years of age, Ind when standing mcgmrod six feet nnd five inrbea ;n height, H53 w. ggm at me time 01 my drl'Ll was about re huujred and fty pounds. A portion of the rniirmd west of Be1iefon- taiuc, Ohio, want out of sight list week. The land around me sink is buggy. and has [breat- elxed to go down for some time. The earth anund the sink bal bulged up six (I eight feet in height. Fish lrlil Io twelve inches in 1-ngeh are laid to jump out of the water that has up. penned where the ground sunk. I- -_.__In,, . - Au excellen: apparatus for the purpose of in- forming tnvcllers an to the name: of stations, in in use on the Ogdenaburgb and Lake Uhnmplain Railroad. It consilts externally fn box, sur- mounted by l bell, and having a glass plate in front, under which the name of: sution nppann in letters of about three, incbts in l6-ngtb; on nrrinl at the nation named on the indicator, the bell on the top of the box rings, and at the same moment the name of the next station on the line appear: under the glass plate l`......t. ...--...- . .. ._.____._ , . . . . _`r-_-- _.._ .. -uv -1.010: run!-U. French paper! are intetesttd and unarmed at some of the details of the Prussian armament. The city of Trevea has :1 garrison of twelve thousand men. A telegraphic drspalcb to Ber- liu would nd 40,000 soldiers ready at a mo- ment : nozipe to start for Luxembourg and re- store the fortications. The Hon. J. Snnrleld .VIacdonal(l"s organ, the Cornwall Freeholder, takes striong ground on the " titular nonours" question, holding that the application of the title His Honour tn the LlCl.lLUuVe1[|()rsof the Provinces is an attempt to elevate the dignity of the Dominion Government, and correspondingly belittle the position of the Lieut. Governbrs. The occupation of Rome by the French troops in still the sulrjecr ufdiplumatic com- munication: between the French and Italian Governments. It is uaserted that the It;- lian Government has recently sent a. formal demand upon the French Government for the recall of the Imperial troops, as the ne- cessary consequence of the accomplishment by Italy of all the obligations imposed up- on her by the September Convention. An HQ --- -......-.____'1 2 .1 -- vuu v uuuull. An afirny occurred in the French Market, New Orleans, tile other day in which one, white man was attacked by three negroes. They were allarmed With pistols. One ne- gro was killed instantly. The white man ee- caped, but will probably be arrested. Go- vernor Warmonth iusued a proclamation this evening, calling upon the citizens to remain at home, and abstain from excitin acts or conversation, stating that the civil authorities are capable of suppressing all diicullies that may arise nndv'nrresti'ng all offenders, or if found insufrtient, will be promptly assisted by by the military. He also calls upon all political clubs to abstain from any public demonstration for t be pre- sent. Single copies of the Dun Sun rnuly be had '_ I the counter of the publuhiug uce. Price .1. The New York World refers to the Mong treal Provincial Show in Complimentary terms It says :-'l`be show of pure blood- ed horned cattle was really remarkable, and is evidence of more enterprize among Ca- nadian farmers than a stranger would su - pose. In this respect the Provincedf Que- bec is not inferior to her sister Province of Ontario, and not behind anv State fair in `Arnericn. The display of cattle was really splendid, and would have made nhy`Ameri- can cattle-buyer infringe the tenth com- mandment. and rave against the short-sight edness of the statesmen who will try to hinder free trade as much as possible. By the time :1 Reciprocity treaty is again agreed upon between the two countries, the live stock of the Dominion, greatly thinned by American buyers during the War; will have regained ire original propor- tions, and be of a for superlor'quali*ty." u:nu:u crgalpelag yyru intervene. the `regular sportsmen and their there were a. number, of outiideri armed with guns, whose abject it. secure the lnirrin Hm}. Rum Im-n nu: an ulc olunll Prll L`! Utlll) 1, DUI` Suirly this it unmhrr indication of D1sTU1inANcEs IN NORTHERN I INDIA. Bombay, Auguut 18.-(Via BrIndiii.)- Disturbance; hue broken out in tho Haz- aru. cnuntry on the North-Wu: Frontier. The Punjaub independent tribe: gttncked the police postl. Appunntly th British ixillonnn nitlnr` with them. Tha [the PUIICC ])0I[vI. ILPPIFULIHJ LIIU ullvluu xillages sided with them. The Britiah forces, under Genernl Wilde, marched to punish them, composed or a company of the 16th Bengal Cavalry, the 2nd Ghoorka } Regiment. under Culunel Anderson, a bat- fnru nf nrfIDl'11 and Of REEL ]`l'gI"]U[][. UULIET LIUIUIICI LILIUEJUUU ll Uni.- ta-ry of artillery, and 500 of the`85tl 1 Regi- ment. The Eurnpesns were Irlnecl with Snider ries, and the effect was manur- ing. The _number of Armstrong I.,.nm-inn 3.: India in On ha increased. I lllg. lllls Iluulucl ul gnuu-nu- Imtteriea in "India is to be increased. The Honourable Mr Shaw Stewart has been appointed an additional member of the Viceroy : Council . Severe oods have taken place, and the Bombay and Bands Railwny through communication has been interrupted, and serious damage done to the works on the Nerbuddu River, and also on other portions of the line. Ad- v7ces from Aghaninun state that Chuznee had been occupied by Yul-:oof'Khan, to wholn the gates were 0 ened. Surwnr Khan had ed, and Azim hen had left for Chuznee with 7,000 men. Business at Cn- buol was suspended. ' The Governor of Bombay be: gone to Sho1_:po_re'to witness the eclipse which in visible to-day. The weather at Bombay was nnfuvourpble for scientic purposes, as rain fell at the time when the obscuration was greatest. 7 , Some of lhe Virginie newppepere em discus- sing the question of eeteblishing in that State 3 a; stem or free public echoole. Before the rebel- linn broke out there wee no edeqnue provieion for educating the children of the poorer chance, and since then what little facilities there were have ceased entirely. A Complaints are made that the Indiana on the plains are furnished by the U.S. Government with improved arms and sus- munhiou, besides getting better provisions than the soldiers who are to ght ngsinst them. The late slaughter of fty soldiers by seven hundred Indiana has created some irrirminn, and General Sherman has reman- strute, it is said, with the Department of the Interior, for the insuicient force at his disposal. ' r\_- -1` AI... ,|- 'l)..:`I.-.1... f?~n..-.-.....In- Bnnrr.-Tho high"! price paid for barley to-day cu 81,15. Yeuerdsy holders were un- oblc to realise more lhtn 31,10. There appurl In rs. _- ..--:IIi__..- _____L,____, ._ _-_ One of the greatest Railway Companies of England is about to defend itselfngainu several suits for damages in having not tire to cropavaloug in: route by npu-ks from n lncomotive, by disputing its linbilityin such cases. The ground taken is that all neces- sary precautions were taken, but that the prolonged drought rendered them all use- less. It is therefore contended that no re- apnnsibilily attaches to the Company. The onher lines, which have also many suits of this kind to answer, are awaiting the reault M with much interest. The rumours of -the contemplated with- drawal of the French corps of occupation, l I acquire, says the Roman correspondent of : the Pall Mall Gazette, more consistency, and cause great uneaaineaa in the oicial_ \'.`t)rld of Rome. The other day Cardinal .`\!:l0tn:lll received a dtspatch forwarded txpn.-as from Paris, which induced him to write to Monsignor Chigi to protest againat the termination of the occupatmn. The (,':ndiual a unto was divided into two parta -onc treating of the condition of thv Pontical States, and the other on that of the Kingdom of Italy. He dwelt particu- lully on the latter anbject at great length and in all its bearings, ahowing that the pminsula was quite disorganized, that the parly of action kept up an incessant agit- tatioh, and that the Italian Government, harassed on every aide, was powerleaa to n-press the aspirations of the pie after Rome. Monsignor Chigi in charged to read this deapatch to the Marquia de Mona- Iier, and to leave him a copy of it, in order that the Imperial Government may be in possession of all the facta, and that know that the recall of the troopa would now be very innpportnne, and infallibly lead to a calm-ttrnnho ~ ,...y .u-; an|IlrrV1 i toacalastrophe. nauuusnl Sept. 13, It Buy, near. Dublin, thu with of Alexander Gunn, or Kingwou, Cnnuda, of a daughter. up . -u-\v-- MARRIED. On the 29th inn, III the resident of tin bride : father, Queen Street, by the R". W. I. Inglis, M A., the Rev. ll. W. Mlclenn, B.A., 0| , Paisley (Out), to Isabella Euheth, `eldest daughter or Mr George Davidson. ` T 0 THE pnorLz:.! W. B. McBAE nnocx dc rnmonss sin g us. T septmpu 1;. % j G REAT REDUCTION 0| PRINTING. General Groceries. B13157 AND IN --- v v-' "J. " oval) tothc Pug HAZEPEE1, 9.?-13.0 Old! ow 09,919` a grip 0 SJ BLANKETS$ BLAN;Ii DU "9 Pieoe:o,{`wu.` * Worth ed `~ - Alenndpe. Kg 3 hit. 1-999 Yhniaa. .. ,_.. T don, Sept. 28, II'1dnight.--The fol- isthovuylnteotimuspnin. The : oumgm has by_ % .aen.n:1>rinuugnae to oil..- The Ila-quit of Ncniichez. . :nd_er*`of thoroynl troopo in the eld; .. ~ ._IIIfon the advance of lunhal ; `don, Bi, ` _'_ :- 5-1.. ....1 lgbagb 4'-4... n- "I'L- nmsuon In Bplul II grxvu. '1! nu)!-I pining Itrungth every dry, while the of the Gounmant to withstand the are evidently beooining weaker, A I-_.|. _I_l.._ _f AL- E_-_Z-'I_ .__ I.-- __; ,_ _.,__. __v--_r'--.- to be an 0DWi||il;`D;II unoug buyer; to 08:1 the high pricu of in! week. 1 our Inna `l_a'$I;`l`I" city In price or All othn Good: not , um. um win T '""*'*'~` Bopmnbar 9. 8pee' curl! Df FLA NIL E HAS TABL KIN8?s' A lugs Block J? ` `pe'aar,, Imperial, ' "I"l|V VV UV! I Ill-II VV UV Lv U .. over 96 lb: o,'9n \o`1,Q0. Bk mom, 0 0. "` `-0- A - v - Mb 7,300 bbll; hnvy ll` '1 - !'9It,I\-`at; trngagtiond` iigmopf to 0'! Input -1. ma. `"9 Nil Iiutm-at 1,15; nuke: dun. -. ":1::: Provisions undnngod. AI The FALL aid WINTIEB: -v cofnpriub `the non extoticlvu ltd - M Black will be__o at p1'i__ >1 '. '. ' ` -7 5 H Great" BARGAINS _wl1l I tho'_Dapuumnu. . _ Open train 8 an. to GP.- 9p.m. Coprn or Florrnnc Eucnox`-A large Ind inuential meeting of the electors Wll held in Inglilheh tavern, Westbrook, on Monday cverng. Ir Lzonurd, J.P., in me chair. Mr Calvin In present sud sddx-sued the meeting It c.u-uidenbla length, after which Dr. Benmioh. Must: Hcliun, lilo, hhchu and Thibodo, nude Oddrrlsel in support of the popular candidate, nfur-Ihich_Lggs9luIion wu passed Ipproving of the view: enudnfid by It Cnlvn. After thanking tho chairman for his conduct In the chair, the nesting adjournei. IFERGU s01;;i;3 IDRY Boptnh: I1, Goons um km: ml "N09130: lg, Kingston, 1, __jj__j._mJ A BANKRIFF {:11 Jouusm _; 11- pi-nnvnn .- .. H` 5151? FIRST PA G E. in lawn- Nur All-Wo; `H-1. l1`I-_-. ._`.I I ant] pa-I`_ _ ` -:-t _.-__~..:.__ :3 AT Puannno:.-lr 1!. Stacey, Grand Worthy Babe of the Grsnd Division of the Sons of Tem- perance oi Ontario, hes just received from the Hcn. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United Btntee, na 3 present from the United Shun Government to the Order, n bnadnome quarto volume, entitled Tribute: of the Na- tions to the Ieanory of At-uham Lincoln. The W011`, tent at on acknowledgment of n condo- lence from the 0rder,i| got up in handeonteetyle, and contain: in its 950 pages an account of the unaulution of Prrlident Lincoln in 1865, and tho nttetnpt upon the lives of It Seward, and H5 son, Mr F. W. So1u.rd,end expressions of condolence end Iympathy innpired by then event: from nil part: of the civilized world, A ng ee] engnvgd pot-tx-nil of Abraham Lincoln {coma the title page. The presentation will be male to the Order no public meeting in Octo- ber negl, on the occuion of the Gt-end Division Sn ion being held in [bid city, at whtcb time it In expected that the Hon. S. L. Tilley, the Hon. lnlcoltn Cameron, Edward Cauwell, Esq, the Rev. A. Dal, and John S. Hall, EIq., from the Province of Quebec, will partici; 3:: in the pre- ceedingl, and nddreu the meeting. V lat. ship of tho Spanish any has now the rebels, Ind I reports indicate public opinion thtpnghout ;.he king- fuouu the revolution. The portion any which will tannins faithful to , ,_ 2. A!-___._S_..j A._ j- I=AA`_ J- T'ESDAY EVEN ING, SEP:I`_.-_ Iuonul uuly. cheaply, IV;'lVv:i7gIV[`vOdi1iOl)31_V 3 ` `HO DAILY NEWS JUB_PRl.\'TlNG OFFICE. I Ulllup . ...;:'b.c'..`.';.` ii. i"1'i"iZ'T`.i'.. and thq United Bates 28 comm on time tugcallod thuhg ..- ,.: (law on-v-I nu.-tnill U|lllllEIIIC,ll_1I.I_Wl III dog. ~ Cincinnati, Sept. 88.--'I'he Pitcher to __a the llorietto and cincumui nil iehcnught re some days :5 and i ` & erduy nod buried women. V ilo th -- -- tionmigino plo~ --ofdinstor itnnover two `End the l uehnhq R th focei 1?! ` or ':|one?i.t i: 33: n'?r.d, Pam the dead org at hi-g under . mu `i.-9.-`Q.-`I?Id.I.' A ' -`- ' lye sir, wh"|'ch,.itil thong ;:=:. " .P'd|!-8 peatil-on Hindu! I Ire roaming through t ~:-wins, M` W ' Gvermno who husnything left. ` Hanuopt. IO.-A. u Int Cvngingfd K `i ' tinglnd run-roomo pgilnl-the om: tupther vi , 3180 01- the paper and mony ulna M Ggnph sud stereotype lots wh' ' ` Lou ...., ..-..-- --. ------- --- _-...--- of~=RI:uiI. vilied the King of ' yatcrdty st Potldsm, and to-day `L __ for Warsaw. The Kingof Prus- left for Budcn. .~ fa-`u, Supt. 28.--IL Pints, Minister Inca-ior, has forbidden the pang: of through France on their any to ww- -.-.-- -..--__-.., .-.-_ --77-` an: be pulea on it. ` cf uni Tun. Iyni arrived. _]i_i'IIl.l1oIAL an oounnonn. Supt. 29.-__-Yup and fnllcicn st `H In. Oonon Iran: in! In Luduu Int. Ed that 10: 1011. Pork quot. ~ ` Iaqdnn, Stpt. 03, 1:20 pn.-0ouo|s ahth honey and uoeomu; Idols: 11.33` u-is-4| sno at OI} Supt. I9.---Th Iunnan America, ` Sept. 28.-Advicee alum Bpeinl ~ gonrm all the previous reports that 5 hgnrgentl ere mnrching in force upon '. iul of the nntion. The royal troops gent Bnntender, and lime ',,P1;ux-e of thnt city hue been engaged ~ in; the rebel: inthet quarter, hnve gd order: to return toltndrid for the of protecting the capital.` The re- ` iernpidly progressing in the inte-' ' The city of Velinedo bu pronounced ulna Queen, end the revolt hu nl_-` ` extended to most of the provincee in- B: Old and New Gentile ere divided. , Sept. 28. evemng.-'l'he hlperot `jg;-I-.-.. -v-- -- -- _ I gs,--0onnt Wnew-ki died - .`.d 59 yarn. ' Mr 11:: the forlowing news` .. ,_Lleoy, 3 city of rbout30,000 - mg provlnco of Aliclnte, has re- Ihipo appeared of Garth. aj " 1. 1. guppoood they formed put of ' ppm : eet. llsnhsl Pairs of the 1. .5111 -glut!-I:I:c|1I TO :1 A331` - low P:-on lleupslchou. hba CI-..` CO v 01.4% lAI.,____-l"___ -- * vgn LAST PAGE. %=3~:w:11`2 ;I:3wo l Kiln; . _____ I931! um ..;;i`. -~-~~ -- -_, yown of Ito "'u~'8- It i] um `blutionhu, .1; ::`:o':.l:ouued. for ; and that 1P"1`y Count 0 `I chuhs Wu , ~ -!+R?='!v~ 33 Ix-2--; Q5"-`"0-l'g; ::tr"-50.00! 0.90; Funny. 5:19 S Illan C Q (1 ans! Super, 5,5: to_0 - , 1,1101% .5030 L513 'V'5e|t; 5.50 1930,00 ;'Sui)ur _ `Ihut; 5.00 to 5,10; hog our 3, W_hut-0unsda lull L25 to In 1,!!! to 0,00; Weston, 1,25 to- - 32 III. 00' 00. 3u'1oy-pe `a0to0,00. BImnI--Dtiryooto 00c;I FE`: 00 ta 00. Anbu-pou, 5,625 to ~ 5.35 to 530. Gold in New York ` 1'33}. Pork, Hun, 00,00 to 00,00; 00 do oo,oo: Prilio, 00,00 to o 03!! 0,97; Byi . 1 DAY cAlLB NEWI. l1-....s 11711-. I-__ ` Q nun-iulv T III I |_IllI Iu;5oumum_;2-:1 hnlfchpsutou; limit; 1 bbls syrup; :0 boxes soap !f8IoyIoup;lcIloealh_;27bag| 13:11:`, 11_ bounin; as TELEGEPH. it `b3 :37 '1 c; `Daily Nam Pcucl Covlf, Hondaya-Thrre was a heavy docket at the court this morning, and some tim, prevloua to the arrival of the magiau-ale the `allay benches wara lled with a. deeply lym- pmhiaing crowd. Katy Henley, a valoran pros- Iiuuv, n-at appaand at the dock and recaived has nuance of 60 days in gar! with matter-ob ht! allcnca. In-y Rndfcna, one of vita lung choc, aaxt appeared, having failad to kg, 1...- EVENING, SEPT. 29. put ufllu; rrunt ` urn}- on.-100 gar [331 D lth: 1: 271 hnlf phnnll tn: 2 nu. 19.:-Oot . 3 dull and I307]; H1 nun D A ..__- py---- -- Lusdr mu. 5.` Ml Pouc: Oocrr, Tuesday -`l'bero were no pl! loner: ltforc Lt: court this mu-ning. 'l`raI'_c-Ilen (iuldc. 0' I'll! IXIIPTIOI nl'I.1I IUII . I30 pm. Mixed I II 1 Sn ~- ire and depart from the din.- ___-J _..--...u, uuv Vl I'll! IIEIQ VIIIII. | Mixed train 6:45 1. m u 1.1.. n .. "Si:\gh- copies of the (`nomcu nml Suns. coutmning the news of the wreck, may be bud In wrappers fur mailing. Prim 3d. each}. llaued every Friday. .1-tance cunsist- I it showed the u n ., ll Kinguon promiu of luiiag the city. The bench inform- ` oi her arm intention of sending her to -ol for 1 two months, when she replied, :0 reply 9110, Inxulal :8 Q vn-I-- -1` . _ . . _ -4 L r-- A -= ` A-- l . - - --r-v--~y -- -`|"J --" would 1:5 I matter of course, being n girl con- I Iidored by "the fancy ` of Kingiton u "smug -and with no nonsense about Eu-r,'ulthough ruth- ie` too fond of A red cont, that for all she cured 3 hu Wuuhip could make it three, and being in- ' I tvrrned that the uuggestion was adopted request- e-.l nn 5 ldition ofnnothar month, as she required l fl st ate: " knocking -.o'md' lately; we are no` n.vnne whethrrlthe |~.l`ltllura`. month val impos- ei Elton Un-en, not quite ul old a hand In the two former. n Entire of Wuter.own, was given 5 wet to the police to be shipped to her active 1 p-ace; Kingston not rt-quit-irg A-my nddilion to '` that clnu in the shape of foreign imporutionl. * Mary Duke, an old and hardened prostitute, with drinlnng g-rrcl'1vifiu added to her other vices, `and wel known in one of the Ilundiug` in-.:i_unc:n of the city, was sent with the rest to her accustomed quurten`. the coun- ' t_v gnol. These we-1'-known chlraclera ofrr yo fnir eld for the exercise of the rolling of those chriat Ln philnntbrophists who consider 3 ` black skin and t1~r:-ign hinh not waolutely ne- cessary in the object of their ntlentions to en- I . 1 1 1 I ..L-:,_-_4,J -l- _` __ V-- -.J... -. -..-.. _..-......,..... Iv \|.I `Lust their wmm and and earns! symputhxel. The `. repcnxod gaol recipes of the magisu-ale bun! " been ofun enough zried and have aignally failed 1` ii-~ A"nI:..n_ ...._. ....I -L... :_L_u_-- ._ n ,. l ,, ,_ ,,_- __.-._..,. -.- `nu unnu- Eu! Lining these unfortunate women from their ` present life of degvalation Robert Duniop, Trmmu Higgins, Thomas McAllinter and Thorn- `t u Moan, were charged with disorderly conduct performance of their duty. There were two or three ozbere known to be implicated in the row who b1\`S not yet betn art-eued_ Polirenaen `Stacey and Cunningham were on duty late Sn- t".tdn_v nigh . when they were in`o:'nod that an nsatult. had been Cku1ll]iliCd by `Wm. Ausem, 3 fat young man in Ontario street, wuom they at once nrrt-sled The othe young men being nv.unta-.I 1.1.1. ._...1,) - V `and with oi: ructing the polic.t'.nen in the` I I ,1, _______ .,.__ ..__. ....v\. --ennui Ailnflli in eecliug 3 cure, and the inhnbitanll of the I 4 \ `ctr would be laid ucd:r great oblignrioc to M lhvlt person or persons who should be lbs mun: IIn..`_.L,, - -- ---u ll sauna nu hurl! |.IC|J' long trio?` for his welfare were more likely to l endanger bl personal safety tl.aa were the gnu-dinns ol the night in when care he was, L `consented 10 pm: on ileum and run (0 the nation ` house with them 101- shelter, followed by thel on De! fast uni lbiclz, accompanied by the yells ` Ilof the delighted snarl are, who were itmnomely I I I lam.-ac--J: to sea the "bobble: run ` These steel the particulars of the uhir in brzcf, end the ac- cuged tnl lziil-, to 2:; in exiem;I.'i:iu of their osnc-2, appearing however to fez-l more uhnm- ! ted to be obliged Io acknowledge lbil the police- ` ! men, reinforced by a couple Li` iheir commie.` ' | had returned last night. and elscled their cup- a firm Ilmin NM: Hi-I"---` '-""--:- --"` " `i I -- ---~ --.-- ----4 nun-\u ILJCII hay-' I, than the disgrace oftbeir present polilEou_ The diagnce of the! E051 defeat was the tore kbn I f.-nu-ed. They were ned $5 each, which III | _ _ _ , I .-. _._)A __:J _; A. s 1 .- _-_ .,- .._.... vvn|I\Il wan; It once paid, and hits I lecture from the bench ~ they were Allowed to tiepnrt, which they did by expressing their full intention of Iuppresaing their apreeiug propemitien for the future. George L[cArthur broke A couple of panel of glass in a. house in Ontario street last night with ' a stone vrh'.ch he threw at a men who bed 1:- sauited Lia: by hitting him with his at in the ` in taverns or on the public ntreete The court adjourned at fteen minutes to twelve, the gel. lery evincing uymptoms of itmnenne utiafnction 1 ur, in return for the ion of a pipe he In: re- queeted to return. The court ordered him to `on leaving, Mike O`Shnnghneuey remarking, `be dad `true I rouzer." replace the glue: at once, and advised him in future to rpond Sundny evening elsewhere thnn `This is by Hontrv.-I time, from which deduct ` 1.1 minulrl for the ditreucr between Montreal J and Kungston mac J : The County Council of Huldimnad bu voted ` the iibcfnl mm of 300 for the relief of the peo- 1 pic of Red River. 5 I Ill ,1 1-: - , PI , _- _. K 'r. -- _.-_ _-.-.- iutber Point, Sept. 28_-The Iteaunbip Da. I mascul paued inwards, at 11.45 pm. yesterdny, with 7 shit, 9 intermediate and 104 nu.-euge passengers. as; -1 A - -- -- } the use of the bridge by the Tbtwny returns for August show the ] the existence of Ibe late re Great | tern $260,017 in I868 against iages, and that the petition 1 $270,183; Grand Trunk, $62T,T:3 in 1868 and others for gas lamps be; ngninlt $600,799 ; frqckvillo and _ Ottawa, ` tion was adopted. $14,115 Iguinu $10213; SI, Lumnce Ind Ot. Alden-mun Kinghorn said] L519. 39 359, against $9,518; New Brunswick ing a fuller report from the 4 and Ulnada, $10,837 against 37,549 ; Enropenn looking for aomelhing resp< and North American, 316 4.60 agcinut $15,517 ; I engine. Nov! Scotin, 825,343 nzainlt 322,006. ' Mderman Allen, the cbsi: I .. D ____ ._.a. C_:_,_,. no -' ""' 3*` , , ,v-,--v -.----- yvugvvv. Prescott, Sept. 28.--A Lacrosse match between Prescott and Ottawa took place on the Fort eld today. Prescott won three Itraight games in 58, 4, andif minutes. Between two and three thousand witnessed the match. Play good and very fair. Compauiei numbers 3 and 5 of the Ottawa rgurnon artillery, having nished their eight. days dr1'TfIeave here for home to- morrow. They will be replaced by more from Ottawa. Hamilton, Sept. 28.-It has been dis- covered to-day that counterfeit four dollar bill: of the Gore Bank have been circulated freely during the fair week. This is the zirat counterfeit of the Gore Bank bills, and can only be detected by examining the numbers, which nre larger than in the original. The extent of the fraud is Is yet unknown. Poit alhouaie, Stpt. 28.--A re broke- out this u.m. in the foundation of t.helight- house here, which did considerable dum- nge. By the timely assistance of Capt. Quackenhush, with the tug Young Lion, it was checked and the lighthouse saved. The ligbbwill show the same as usual. Ezrrnapnrzn rs O'r'rAwA,-The astonish- ing uke by which Ottawa became the Capital of the Dominion found the inhibi- tanta of the village totally unprepared for the honour. The little Municipal Council, accustomed to deal with the small interests of a small out-of-the-way town do not ap- pear as yet to have realized that it has to , deal with a city nominally at the head of the country. The Parliament Buildings, on which au.mnch money has been expend- ed for the benet of Ottawa, looked neglect- ed and (ieaerted, with an unsightly tumble~ down board fem: around the grdunlia, giving the city very much the air of n slat. tern who has put on an expensive silk dress above a rugged pctticnar, and gone out with face unwashed and hair unkempt. 1 The Government have undertaken their part in clearing up and making thingalook respectable round the Parliament Build- ` ings, but the Ottawa papers complain that d the Corporation refuse to pay one cent in . levelling on Wellington Street, a work m:_- i cessary to allow of the ornamental perma- nent fence being put up. The cost of_ what the Council is called upon to do is estimated at $400. Probably the Council think that a Government grant ahould be made for the purpoae.--1lo1m-cal Herald. uom ` t on 5 5;-rec . _:.1_: 1. ` I . The regulnr meeting of the Cily Council was ` I hold last evening (.\Iondn_v) in the Councxl Cbumbcr. In the absence of the Mayor, Aldero F mun Liviputon occupied the chair. l3_-___o ll)--__.__ LII, Ix l (\ rs _. V ._--7-.. ---_I...._ ...y ........ ` Present: Aldermen Allen, Brophy, G. Brown. 1' Chown, H. Cunn`ngbAm, J. Cunningham, Dil- Ian, Gibson, Henderson. Kinghorr. Livingston, I Mchlilinn. Nelligan, '1`. Robinson nnd W. Rubin- T.-nlnl mi Sunon no ful 1 The minulql or the last meeting were read and 4 ndopted. nnuunnnn squam- lll UV nu: |.|r|I\. I Akierman Kingborn moved, Iecouded by Al- I` I dermsn Allen, That in View of the present high I gtuxalion exming in the cily the Council nd it 1 ililvxnrdiclnl !n ornnt ch. I-nnnnoi ..r .1. ....._..:_- --<-wu_uu tut ncu ntver settlement. Alderman Allen conlldered that under the: present pre.-sure of tnxca in the city the Coun- ` cil could not grunt the request, and fenred that before the commg winter should hue pas-led our own poor would need all the assistance in the power of lb- city to give. Alderman Gibson was of the 1-nme opinion. 7 He was well nssurcd that tb~re would be much autferlng amen; our own poor during the up- prunchxng winter Alderman Hendernnn Iupported the motion. Alan-tman J. Uunmnghntn thought it was the ~ duty of the government to take measures for the ` relief of tho sulfrreri. AMI`:-n-..... ('1 `D-..--- -r- F A communication from the In-creury of n pub- ` l lie meeting called by rrquut by the Mayor, and ` `, held ou Tuesday 1:31 , in aid of the s1-n-era at , ` the Red RIVVEY Seltlrmem, asking the Cnrpora-7 Hwn to print 3 sum of 500 fur (hair mlinr _., . ...-......-u \;AI'\IuH nu um cu; I.uu uouucn um] I! iuupediem to grant the request of the meaning, but would advise lbnt n uubucripdon among the inbnbilsnll be instituted for the reiiaf or me suf- ferertu the Red River Sememenl. Ah-I.-.-....... AH-.. --__:.I-_--I -I--- * I \ I lax-nu Ul IHU Iuurlcfl. \ [ Alderman G Brown was of opinion that the g I more cquitable way for uh city to aid in lhe re-l | liefof me wants it! Red River would be by n l ` vole oflhe Councll If s.:bs('ripLl0ns were Bel I on foo; nmoug the iulmbitants the burden would E | real. on the shoulders of a few benevolunl .ndlvi- t duals while rich men like Mr would not L cine A Fan? \lI\ I|\\4 u.-Q... ;_71;II-Ilutlll, naI\|u uu: uurpuru-` grant a sum of $500 fur tneir reliel'_ wgg. nni by the clerk. 5 .ox___,_ v-_, u . . .. T .-\. - \\.H>. Alderman Kinghorn replied thnt Mr -- might be an extreme case perhaps, but he (the Alderman) had no douht but man the msj- my ofthose who were all: to give would do so chu.-erfull_Y in aid of the charity; at any rate the chance should be given them to do so, No doubt those who Iigned the requisition calling the meeting would wish to give, and should be allowed the chance. .|i.-1--..-- 'I" "A! 7, V l ` - I 1 l l l tlut AIUWCIII \ Alderman W. Robinson ngreed with the mem- ber for `Victoria ward lbat iv. was the duty of the government to provide relief, and he would also ; like to see lte County Council taking measures in lbal direction; the formers were making more ; money just now loan any cTua,ol' uh puhhc. 3 and lhould do u m-lhing for the 5:15?-rt-r4, fur- . mersl-kc themselves; they (the farmers) ware; notorious however for never doing nnylhing ofi lhr kind. He Agreed with Ali:-rmun Kinzborn ` ] that an opportnniiy to give should be afforded _ those w'Lo wished to do :0. Alla---1-.-.U r`V..-... __L __ l ,,,11 , . . 3 var I-IA.u Ivlautu LU UU tU. ` Allerman H. Cunninghum should V0'!e fcr the . resolution. 'I`h<.-re was no doubt about the axis. | 215-502 nf lhn dial:-nun `I No.4 D}... _...I L. x.___ tir. have been highly elated because they mu-2 enabled to puts a bill to prevent the Militia of Non Sc-otin llxqng called out of the Province, except with the consent of the lvcal government This triumph. however. The Anti-Punfederzxtionists of Nova Sew` I | -`is short-lived Its only lmpmtance % `Haw-II---Iuu. sunny Wu: IJU UUUUI IUUU1 [D8 Elli-| ` lesce of the distress at Rad River, and he knew I !that there were runny in the my who wouldlr I cheerfully give mvurda their relief, l Aflrr nnn-In 1-nnns.-satin- .......- .I._ -_.._.. .1 wucnvtnluln `IVE Lu-1-Jul uCll' |'Elll'l. ` Afur some converntiou upon the source of lnfortncliou received zrom xhe settlement referred ` to, Aldennu: Kinghornhl motion In: put and. ` csuried. - - A communication In: rend from the: Water Works Company, com;-I-xining of the waste of Wt9I'OC('8':iC'Dd by the fountain in the Market F Squire being allowed to run after market hours and during the night; she by the unneceuary use of water by the n brigade in cleaning their ` hose. Referred to the committee on fire, water I and gas with power to net. The relolution was carried. THE DAILY NEWS--TUESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 29. Severni petitions relating to tues were retar- red to we Court of Revision. A1.-I...-........ '1'` D...:_...__ L-_.:_.n 1, ..` 1 u: an Lulu], rtqucrulug Ina uounczl I0 order '1 ! lb? measurement of u lot of none broken by her ' hu3b|ni,Who was at. present in the hospiul, and order the immediate payment for the work of ` breaking them, the being in very destitute cir- cumnunoea. Grn:ned_ E ucu LU Iuc -..uun u1nen:uDn_ ` Alderman T. Robinson handed in tlie petition E of Mr Barry, requesting the Council to order 1 | [HP rnnnnnnnrnnnl nf n Inn A!` non... L.-._'I.__ L._ n I Alderman Allen brought up the report of the l comrniuee on re, water and gas, which recom- mended rbe payment of 37,60 to Air Luke Wood, lessee of Caxaraqui bridge,u n remuneration for the of the bridge by re brignde during in the mnlitsry cot- I l ` of Mr B. M. Britten be granted. The peti- Mid be had been expect- | in: renort the cnmmiltpp and 1.... I vugnuc. chnirmnn of the commit- tee,vus glad the subject had been mentioned, but i he was resolved not to bring up the subjecc of the steam ve engine again, He had brought it up once, and this Council had had 1 chance of obtaining an engine-, and bind refused to accept. it. He thought iha time was come when it was advisable for the city to obtain a nun: re en. gins. As to Ill merits the Council knew his opinion upon that point, and it had not chang- ed. " f Ludermun Gibson did not think the time was come for 1113 city to procure the engine, it (the city) wns too much embnrrsugd with taxel just DOW. `Alderman Allen conlidered the Alderman for Riduu ward was penny wise and ponndfooliah. The way to keep down lane! was to begin to cut down the most enormoua and least protable Of `be exDEDIEI._ Dan l|'In nnnlnnl R-A Repeal party cuul-icommnnd a majority. 31- though I slight one. in the Legislative Cu-uncil. The bill itself has been nugatory by the actinn vf the Lieutenant Governor. s... uvnu we mull enormous and least protable city s expenses, which was the present re establishment. The engines were well known to be of little uce, and the outbreak of an exten- sive re would email losses of so seriousa nature as to sink the coat of atesm re engines into in- signcsnce--tbey must get two e|gines-and with these and their accompanying 1,090 feet of hose they would be quite independent at the We: ter Works Company, which company by the way he considered wen u fsilure as it at present exis- ted, and should be taken out of the present com- p|ny s heads as soon as possible, and placed in tbnl. of the city, after paying the company: fair price therefor. He felt sure that the company would be glsd to gel! to the city for a fail equi- vnlent. The Alderman pointed oqt the imbecility _ of the city keenintr nn tho rt-eaem 1)::-Shaun nnrl ....v.... . uu nnuclmnu puauwg otu we nnoecuny city keeping up this [resent useiesa gnd expensive re establishment, and the beheta lo be derived from the ndopliotbof steam re en- gines,which would pay for themselves, be aid, in two or three years. I. Thar: hnina rm nu.-. L.-..:_--- LVLN :- j York, four times more populous than St. Peters, burg, twice as populous as Constantinople, con- M lain] ttvc_-thirds more people than Paris, and one_-fourth more than Pekin. : - : . London is ve times more poputoui-than New 3 u IWU UL HJITCV yelrs. 'i` h_er_e being no other business before the Council, on moion it ndriourned ll ten minutes to nine o clo-k. ' 7: The Journal of the Tekgraph says that Ibe Western Union Telegraph Company willerect nearly 6,000 miles of wire before December next: withnut satisfying half the calls nude upon it ` so great in the demand of the present year for i 1 the ineana oi coveumuqicatic-n. I 1 It is becoming the fashion in Paris to: pfksons ` tpllowing s fonenl procession to ljgbt the}: Pin and cigars. It was noticed, the other ii_s y, as being 1 very slngnlsr mark of respect, tbs! there wss not one person smoking in the whole ot sfunerslprooesslon. vuuublli uu Hill nine o'clock. CITY COUNCIL. COHICIICATIONS. 'born The Steamship St. George, from Glasgow, an 1` me tlte Merritt, for P.ctou, with 5 general cargo r from .\!onIn.-nl, C0HlIlI-`d yesterday rnoining, u' Indian Love. The St. George was slightly in- ! jured_ but the Mrrrm was cut down on her lar- Ouurd bow to within six inches of the water ! rigged edge, nnd is now lying at Alkinson s wLnrf,wi1h l both pumps going. Captain Mom. is waiting e_ for instructions from lb: owners, Messrl Rimtner ybingon plgbed (0 know how it Urumtuond, of Monlrtal (Pilot Noel wasin \ a .ign._=rg of the rgquisilion) charge of the Martin, and pzlul. Lncbnuce, oftbe ml, mm-ring, `St. George). The following are the di'et-ent ly one! atniementl. I.L: _,, 77 \ .."nn_, 0.- A,,|- :1. (`I - . _ .-.. As was to be expected, Governor Doyle has ` re-erred his assent, and the matter will come 1 1;; the notice of the Guvernor General. | )1am'.. matters belcnging aitogemer to the` cvntrul of the Dominion Government and Parliament, of course it will not be sanc- tinned by the Governor General, and there- BIPOETB. .n.... ...u. uau uccu ca }JA.IL' l | committee, and been . respecaing 3 Mean: re was RAILWAY SYSTEM or n`m'nsn1 ! INDIA. _ ` uuu uuhuucl. U pusscugfrl (U U0 CUUVFJPU lu- I crease. The amount expended by the Govern- mnnt so far, for the payment of Interest, is only I l: ,(-u0,000, and il hul saved um-e times that ` Iutn In the carrying of troop, military atoms, ` maiia, &c. Inlia is n far-nruy country, and therefo e we luke 1i'.11a note of what 'l-Anlpires `.\lhtre We beiieve, however, that the progress thus made in1n 1way en erprise in India, is fur ,gre.nter than has ever been accnnpfisbed in may {O '3?!` land. lha Unit:-.i Sign-II inc-Ind:-rl -Mnn- tot `ration, and nearly 2,000 miles now being con- structed, while it is zenerslly allowed to be the * , te_v and constructed the road, Gun rnment. guar- , vided between the Government and the shen- ttn Empire extend, and the quantity of freight A few years since there wits not 3 nlngle nflle ` of ratlwsy laid down in the_whole of British In-_ all Even ten years ago, at the time of the ln , dian mutiny, cotnpuntively spt-sltingpnly s few miles had been opened, nnd the troops forwsrded ` in hot blI5tQ in the direction of Cuwnpnreunid , Dellti had to march slowly and pntnlnlly along the greater pert of the ditnnce. A mighty Chllgti lies been wtought within s short space i The railway system of Indus to-dl-y l time. includes over 4,000 miles of railroad in full ope- ntost t-icis-r.t in the world. These lndisn mil- wsys have been constructed, not by private en- ` terprizs alone, nor solely by the assistance of the Oovernmont_ but hy the two combined. ' Capitalists, in the first place, edvnnned the mon- nnteeing them five per cent interest on the money ll]V~Bh-d. Anything beyond ve per cent is di- holders, ts certain am `unt for surplus spitnl be- ing reserved. The shareholders are thus render- ed terfeclly secure oftive per cent interest, with- out any doubt or pemdventure, while the Gov- ernment are also gainers by the arrangement. - Some of the roads in the nt-ighbourhood of Cal- cutts and Btvtntnv are paying admirably, and every year the amount rxpended by the Govern- ment for dividends becomes smaller, as the trade and manufacturing industries of the Anglo Indi- nud number of passengers to be conveyed in- crease, The nmnunt .--rmanrlnd he then nvnrn- `Ht:-Inc: LUHH HIS EVCF UCD ECU llllp-IIHUU In IE1 io land, the United States iuc1uded.-Mm- (real News ` . `THE c0LL1.sx0 AT QUEBEC BETWEEN I THE GLASGOW AND MERRITT. D|."\|Y|-HC|-IlI- { The Steamship St. George arrived o' Gil- ` mouria `wharf, at 9 p m., Wednvsday, uni come to anchor for the night; about 2 u m . juatpfler lifting her ancmr to come into por-,1he Menilt, outward bound, run znto the starboard. bow of lbe st. George. The Merritt. according to the Pilot and Captain of the St. George, at empt. d I to cross the bow: of the latter, and had she not `struck her and thus lost. her headway, would have rm directly ashore in less than one irnlnnln " 1 "The Merritt left Quebec, at 12:30 n.m., end l when near ludinn Cove, saw 1 lhip'Jligi1I. on I ` oar srarbcarrl how. Could not distinguish whe- ` it or I . was a sailing vohel or neu.nnh.p u Eight. The pilot ordered the wheelsmnn lu pul the helm a port, which he did, and opened lhn ship`! light 1.11 our you how. When he saw lhe light drew- ` lug close he ordered Hard upon_." From the ` U310 the light wes xat neon unlil the 8;. George ` sirucl: us. I5 or 20 minutes mun have elapsed, | and our helm was sport all the time. When the ' struck us, the p;12& and myself were boll: knock- ed of the bridge. We were heading direct for ithe Ioutb 511010.` A: the moment of uriking_ l we heard orders on the St. George. "Stop her" And_ "Back her." The Merritt was in the south channel all the way down. After the col;inlon, | the Sl. George pvoceeded without making if we requrr.-d uaislance. Six or eight inches more i mull have sunk in. Quebec, 24th September ' l86B."-J{omreal Hera/J. NOVA SCOTIA-'I'HE $50,000 SECRET SEE, VICE VOTE. rrcurd. on1_v_ will remain to attest u-:-we folly uf 3 malcuutem faction. The Halifax Colonist up :-On the notion of David Dickie, Esq., the sum of $50,000 Secret Service Money has been voted by the Home of Assembly of Nova Scolin. An nrI'\l'|nn! .n....'l on 5.16` My... -.I....I- ZLJ _, , | LQJJLIIJUIJ vs nuiu |_)\.U\LD. I An amount equal to half the whole rond mo- ! my of the province in here voted nway at one I swoop, nod for what purpoue? There is no one- '. my at the gate! There is no reason given for 5 this enormity. Men of Non Scoiin, how much ` longer is this reign of terror Io last? Martin 1. Wilkinl in n Imhlir-11 Rnhaaninnn l'.`lh. ' ..,...,5... LC mu A=Au U1 u::uU| Iu Inst: nurun 1. Wilkins is a puluienl Robespierro. His genoci- aten are in oven, and nothing less, to countenance 1, the voting away of $50,000 of the people : ' money, And refute to declare in the resolution for what purpose. I In CI ROD a Donn n- Infn n..'|..-.. __.I An: nan | nu: vlrum. purpusc. Is $1,600 a year for hi: salary, snd $1.600` r_nore in the shape of fees, and perhaps lt;_rico 51,600 more as nes and forfeitures-i| not thin enough for Mama I. Wilkins? I. C`) Knn .... .. A-|...-.._A- . n Ann -- - cuuzaxu Lvr munlu L. `IVIIISIDI I 1: $2,500 as a, delegate; $2,000 as a treasur- er, and $2,000 more for public printing, not enough for the services of such 1 man an Wm. Annand? I313`... .L_..- 1 2 ml` 5 .0 - - IILIHLIU I . Fifty thousand doilnrs of the people : money is voted away tor some courupt, dishonest pur- pose, or the serca would be named in the reno- i lulion, fI'\__I,, AI 1uuUn_ Twelve month: ago the same man who haye now Voted $50,000 of your money lor corrupt- in; one mother, were nlnrrning the electors with the cry tbu rhe mnrk-:1 of our province would be gluucd with American rroduce--butter lei.- ling for tea cams, and beef and pork for a couple of cents a pound; and no the farmers would all be ruined. Is it so ? On Ihc contrary, butter and beefmaintam their old prices; and in order to gel rid of this balance of money in the Trea- aury, $50,000 have _be_:: yoted away in the shape of Secret Service Money." " ` How mach of Ihin in In an on 1n...|..:......... 4- Ul IJKUIED LDFIVIUU luuuy. How much of this is to go to Washington to pay Mr Stiles, the correspondent of the Chrom . clc J C'itu'zen, for the trenuonable trash and an- nexation arguments plradcd weekly in the col- gtpun of those journals `? Whe can ten ? A rpm dawn can H-an loarlnn -4` 1|... __-__,__, , ynluul UL nuuuv Juunuuna I I! [I8 CSIJ lell T A A few days _e_.go the l_ea of the precious go- vernment in tho Home of Assembly propoged 5 bill for levying a. tax on the Eastern Counties: Anligoniahe, Guyaborough, Internal, Viclorig, and west of Cape B:-et.on,to pay back to the people of Pnctou the nmount of their railway taxes. Better take a part of thin $50,000! Why ;u|-I n can an uuzuuurnu next . WBEK. $50000, nearly one-lhird of the entire Edna..- tion Grant, corruplly voted uny, for what ob- ject nobody can tell, except, perhaps, the favour. ed few in=o whose pockets in in expected it will enntca. 1; find its way . With S. Hnnlinadnn `R In}: nu-Hun :n oL-; ing his canvas: is certainly one to provoke ` L" rnment. $2 far he has issued nu address,