Kingston News (1868), 5 Oct 1868, p. 4

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`ho j9I7uliuic ntnclod n great dad of rating in Punt. A complex: Ir- eount in nnhhnhnd in ch. 135...... .n.r..n [loyal Assurance Company uuu nan.) UABUU ISLDAD IO Inland Ports on favourable term). inane nu-an-untln -_.l IlL-__`lI_ -..I:.._4 /adapted for use in the nnn.I2.1:T . They consist of three pu1tiozu- THE BAUD NE, .'-fcient Ind nrnmnt Rama:-Iv fa. (Hun! mm DAILY NEWS`--I LIVERPOOL Km) LONDON . MAXWELL w.s'mAp{G1:, A-mu; 5'.-._|? . _ _ . g- Manor can-Io Mora, WQQIID Af 41.- `DI A \l r\ L Inrvn J. n. smnh, 110.,` II-nu! np...___-_ _ ___ 3'13`. T_HR ._-AL - )1 England and British Poueuiony, . DUFBESNE, `I9 Wntlinz Street. ` 5 obtained of all Ohlinihiln n ----, uuu as WI: uuI_\ uu Luv:-urgent EGVICC uf his seconds that be consented to be ta- ken to his hotel. The wounded mun, accord- ing to latest Accounts. in going on favors- |-ly. but he imists on ghting again us soon as be in sutciemlv recovered. llartforci C:)nn. John ladle, D Au--.._ -I -._ urrcucy. JAMES SWIFT, Ag St. Lawrence I w*FEios. KIRKPATRICK. u -uureu Inn mm. P` nuns swurr, Agent, St. Lawrence Whsrf. MR Toilat Powders. Pom: In Fountains. Toilet inogu. Hair Pmpultionl. Tooth Powders. Glycerin: Toilet Enqui- lites. a own: 1, Agunl, St. Lawrence Wharf. nu vv. oxxsnuun, Agent. for Kingslou mt- $23,000,000. .:>7:1mdr:: u pup :-cg cannot runny CID DE!` 0WD, :3 as the phases, more than 3 fth of I ounount. R. _FrooIun Plurlnnouullot, It allowed o bu , t my of the pl-cunt. ngu ed by the moat ' I all: houpltnl and prints pnouoo In :11 mm o! the world. It has rlggpeollht lotus , and which no Clinch!- I ran! to thou produced by tho nrloul compounds bearing tho name of Oblorodyno, but 1 avg nn nraunnn tn mu-main: in vlu-tua('H` _ UUI-I-IPUIIIIIII UUITIUS IIIU IIIIIIU U| |Jll|UI'V,Il| I-'0 . t I 1` Vi"- vw-'v ~"* vZ-`I ? -e.* '37 ` I--- u.- x-_u . -..- ` I. - `outptoduclng an one of the unpleasant feelings lJ[l|'I'UG,Il'. VII ':.'.:.:..:: lay: the lrrl I: offer under exhausting dluuao, nudjtvu sloop with- I0 commonly nri ng from the uu ol oplnu. It continua to hold in unahuen position in the nnthn-than AI thn D:-nfnlnn 11 thh halt , Inll uuwuu nap! In Water. Deltroying tho blight of the potatoo, vile, bop, mulberry treo, 610. . Wuhing dog: and 0:11: domestic Ininnll. Clunling bottles, beer hurrah, pickling tuba, dairy utolljih. Wubing tho Inuit and du-honing iu oblour T when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating of {ecu of bath: md tuba. - Dressing poisoned wound: `Ind destroying nui- nnl virus. ' 'l`|..-.:_.. -I - - ODIIIIIIIOI I-0 nolu III IHIIIIIIIIII puuuun Ill nun Clhnnion ol the Prefoelnion 92; tbenbee ` Inon reliable, end cheepeat preperetibn. mln tend scientic Phyliciene Inede eldevlee that the here tested in much ln careful comparison wit shone of"DlL COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- DYNE, mud deposed to the fun chetlhey lound it n more certain end reliable preparation, and greedy preferred "FREEMANS." Em-I Runnll mammlnningtnd to than Rovnl guuu Iuuuer, Ina, ac. Freshonlng tho ain-of olou place, and remov- ing bad smells. Freeing mat, sh, butter, or other provisions from hint. Cognuanoeiug the ooeu of orgsnic pohons takcl into an ncouub. Curing Indy pmreudor. Ironing what and lube! and {com smut Iuinlliqjng tho health 0! plants in potlnnd oouerntoriesa D_4`.--l-_ -_A _-_4_.|.. .u A '- IIIII Vlllli Treating tho infection diuuou of cattle, hot-Ia,do &c,__,,,.._ on on make: 900 to Stbignllonnvnbdnpied for nae. N.B.-Condy'I Fluid in tho Scnndu-d Heidi: Test for Onnnia llnu. in Wu`. ....J -ar....a. .1.D.1l.aOlJUy I nnid in the Bands Orgunic latter in wit, the only known means of rnply and freeing Drinking Water from Org which iuo common a cunt olneriou 5!. _._:.u_ _, A lnn grainy pruurrvu 'rnInun.Ausa. . Earl Rulull oommunicltud to the Royal Col- lege of Phyuicinna mud to Hr FrecInnn,..lIIt in `lnnilln the only remedy of my me |lI~.Dholor| Inn Ohlorodine. - am- u..1.---1 -n-....'_ -...1 a'_..u. T-I|'mn.nuIIO`\ luau; D 1. nnnn 1. ruuxu Urllll-|.|I'll amnioc- L; em purieqeodoriloc, andfdialnfects, by tho agency of nuont or ozonic oxyg~en,--its native principh. Being entirely innpxiona, this truly scientic yropcntion is peculiarly adapted be the fotlowlng useful pm-penal, lot which all other diplnfecunu, on nccountof their poisonous or othur objectionable qualities, Ire unanillble and Ilelosa :- Detoedng organic impurities in air and water. `Purifying drinking and other mug: from or- gunk nutter, load, &c. Frnnhnnlnn oh. nu`-Al` ah... _'I._._ _-J ------ Tho girl: have taken to cricket-a game .w,hieh, but to: the petticoatl, which no not favourable togood running and elding, is a thousand times superior to croquet, ahongh, of conrae, it excludes irting. A: n g'u|a achool at Chantry, the pupils play at cricket in a special dress,"-and tho but cricketers are almost invariably the but scholars." it can only be accident. The expqrienca of boya schools shows that there is no law of connection but between uccllence in scholarship. Energy in the my quality noceuarily lavonrable to both," l an energy in too often limited to depart- ments, and not abundant enough `to over- nW,fl'0l2I| the phyaical lo the intellectual, 31d via oer-ca. vuuuw IIUITITE Preserving and restoring the freihnon 0! out down! kept In Inter. Dantlnuinn ck- |-.l:-|.; -1 LL- _-.,.,, 10 fl with -` dueer. Removes frozixthc moih Enid foreign mm and oddnn, whether 3 from_ " or other cuueynnd counts u the 41 ution and morbid secretion: of cu-iougtoeth. .It puri- es and Ionemithe Ilin,.|nd,' used in the bath.` tends to prolnotl 1 healthy mu dho viola body. H. BOLLKAN OONDY, Bnnaraon, London. `_ uluoroame. . , . Tho Medical lime: and Guam, JIMIIIIT 13:1), 1866, Intel, *' It In: an immense Qllo amongst the public, and in prescribed by moors: of`0rt.ho- do: Medical Practitioners, and, ofcourle, it would not, bg thug giugnhrly populnr did It. not supply 11 Inn: and an n pllce." ' '|`...nn~arI hv an Ynvnnonr R`l!"Ill'l` Fran. NIKKI: ooxnrs nun? ozomsnn wan, (to: 1-on.r'r P,UiMD,_)` , _ fmuuho moiinh _in:i|iiErd ind tovoig Oddhit Ihethnr nu-Edna 1'.-an o..L.. ... mun, "Iv, Aunulllgsuu L lrl nulu, .uv.Iuuvu, Du ' The genuine bu engraved on the Govarmnouc Slam outside each Bottle); "PREIIIAIPB mu I n_nn'rnnnnvnmn um: and nu n pace. lhnuflctured by the Inventor, Richard Freo- nun, '70, Kenningson Park Road, London, 8. '- Thu nanuinn bu enm-mud nn thn Gnvarmncnc uxu IIIIIIIII W6 Wfnll Ind chemical-" prcpnnuom cm` ho npplird ;; yhifi their chief an in for dyeing texgilo fabrics, may no alnovinvslnabh us coluung sgonr for Tuimoardvory huauiuimnnl, 13.. .... urv an-ovuuuuum calcining uhnou ivory huawiustesl, e one rich which any an be and and tho" hri}linn- cy of the result hing, indeed, almost Inqicnl. By their nuqalnont my Iioh at clothing can be and in 3 {av Iililni {or 1., (gr pnu without soiling thp hmdl. - . IllllnI;x'l\A u. um aye re eunlcient for one feather). COTTON: leave, Violet and Purple are recommended. LEATHER: Blue, llegenu. Violet and Orange. Dye la warm `Inter. AWHITIWASH: To color: IegM,fe`e Pink` or Roee; edd belt 1 bottle to e pull ofweter, than nit in the Whiteuin II nnul. leave, Violet, Purple, Blue and cnupn produce pretty tints by uelng one botlle or` more, us dl ted share. , ` STLBOH: 85? in: few drop! of Oolonr-- Hegente. leuve, Violet, Blue or Pink; ttheee input delicate mm to Looe, Limo, 6. Witt new urn.---1.__`= __ - Bent-nth Verdi, a Pontical town built, like 1:: eagle : nest, on the summit of a sterile rnonntnin, extends the estate admi- ubly oultivateq of n Romnn noble. The proprietor hnvtng been summoned hi the brigtndl to_nend 800 to I certain spot, applied for the protection of the gender- mcry. An arrangement wu made that 3 vicebrigsdier, dressed as n peasnnt,_should proceed to the place indicated, provided with a revolver and 400 scndi. and follow. ed at n distnnoo by A patrol of his men. On his nrriul he found the chief and lieu- V tenant. of the bnnd. My muster can only `end you, he said, this turn at presen;_ `obey in not any to find. In 3 few day; Ihgull the rest. In the meantime, hg unrge, count what there is. v we robbers wereetooping down with the nzqnut, the other drew no! and aunt them both deed. -nioua, who were posted in rt "nickel, seeing them fall, `revenge, but the gender- `\_u, and Iftero Ihort the mnleinctot-at who ad two dead on the -wnineioned officer ` mrnted by JG ?'I`-'- of the def;- nnuuuw anAV1NGB, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibrq, Snwood, 8c.,:macI lls dye quickly, iflpplied in boiling Inter. ELUE: For laundry prpoool-iii; 1. BOOK RDGBB: A Bixponny bottle of Ingen- ta, Violet, Uriuuon or Blue will make from rpint-10: qnu-tot beautiful oolohrlng, ao- ggdlilng tg Ihsdagoqnind. Apply -with n B . ` ' ' puma and -woon's1-mi: nmo. OAK STAIN: A botth of No. 2 -Blink to haul! A-pint of hm mm:-_ uuur nu Lsvnnnq 1111 mm usgenu, Vblot. u _ O ` Pink ' fl 1 . an (:1! Gt ::c"|ncoeutnl_ly colourod_with,_.th_uo dygilj _~ - . . \ INK: .A_, Sjxpunny bottto ofqgingn to : piht ormuru` or ooldintnr. > 4` " WATER` On; drop of (110 will {tint 5 quart; PRINTING oq ('Jotton, 8ilk orool in the ordinn ' wty ,BLnrm - a miss or :11 : dyes 1.; jun. nu: will pr9dn'onn`in ity of |hsdo,"`sb_oord so 1* - ....'.`1".-' "'I`'u lune, violet, Blue W `-. `.?.`. .f ..`i7`E.`:`.:. "I.'f*:':.1: muuu- In u1_Il manner. I BLANOHAHGII. .mLLr_, coax `noun, ICE UREAIB, he : While in I liqd state add one or -two drops of ltsgantn. I more uimplp gr olegsut tinting J Vt bum. OONFEOTIOHIBB villni! (gents, Vblot, nrqnan -via nl-F in-of-nl -.1-___ |::':n3't'u-:cur|J9'-"l`-h'o" `:3: any-Luna Paulo`; no "'I "4 Ilmild no 5.: Bosnia Pam. I `GINO IEO on 32....-- I`.v..l.'.I- ::.'..I. ...a ' ;;'3-_-::m.3a nip ng.=.nf1' .m..i_ 8`vv-L A-u .."?.`. ,*:':.'.;1":!';. 1z.... ""` :.-.-:-`!`9 IO Prhw`:g,wv ;.....1':.,"." `hm! ,. . `*5 5&1 . ` nu; l'"" B"i'I!Ind8:>u Iaondor to.- ` I - I v1n' cram`: A 001:!!! of a-pint of hot In t. SATDIWOOD STAIN:~ 051101`! `dissolved In I x 'PFI'l"fJ.b A nun __-_ L J- dye with unlit 51 pint of using, kg, ILLUHINATING: It `_2Ir:nzo3 1-oil ew {DID Cnlmro nu- auponnv bottle of batting water ntad; dilute tho t_le`Qf Magenta to 3 gnu,-, Violet, Blue, "'P' `_"t_-:1 mt can db`: _ -_ --------. Ivuurr Irvlu urxlxuc 1133;, 'h'h "' `-"800 otnerio ' 7 PM! PM"! the Iir. use the `diluted u` H C0dV I ()lolIilnr" nr AII-AA: R-..-.4... `EILORIGINAL OKLOIODYNE, lnvonhd by R. Froollun Phnunnu II E nhil LL: Alumna.` On an Inn pang: o_! the French uefl" SI Laurent, the Berlioz electric ligbl `'35 used as th_e muthead 3: night ind d `O work Idmirnbky. It is though: It the genertl adoption of it would hal 130830 of preventing many collinions WhiY'iI 56 :4 cu) to work 3 Ihip thus provided at night as In the day. The ship is now lighted every night in the hnrbou; bf New York to show the Idumnges ofshl llifel. `FL- f1-_-:__ n ` l'|IYG||oiol '|IIIohu ; 9: Incl ....:..'.'.'..-3 V\J\J 1ONDY'S PATENT FLUID or nntnrnl disinfec- t first nllninne nnrlnu-inn` an:-l':li.-.lnl4...o- L- .sL- 'nuwunuu'ua nu bvtintad; 537 1:10:11 1 LLUMINATING: ngenu,-,vio1.;, Orange; poi towdnopn i " In 03; -5!!! sun: water; us: with; nah or pen Borden of bookl, pimilnr to W: _ gnd Lock : Arabic: Nlglm,` ,&c., any be pro 1; illum- inant} in thin manner. IT. A Nnu A Iain rant 1 u run-so K... ..__ Luv gel In 01 ;1r1. A `v nu um nnnnnm Wouahillh *l`hhl|oiouI Oondlllalvliillllounoud by Olllnngnq-`II ll|I.-_ ._I... __-A._.n_.._1I 1- -yin! purlly `D. Iir, U `Cogudfn Uzouiaer or other "U|-UIUU UIUII DUIBIU} AL cHLon_onYNE."' iv 3- `'--'a---- lull; III |N'|llll. BOTIOIIIBB an` ulefn] loan. WN- Gjb u-e uncoeutnlly rod wit-h.thuo dni; `V _ . { --v Iv Iuvuuul 1 I'll. Bluonnd crlnupn home 11 f. _ as of 'e, "ELK ilntn On T.nnn 1,1--- 5.," V. ... -1-.-I--. The Grecian Government, by conoertly siding the Cretan inuu'tection,and publicly denylng that my such assistance was given, me lost allcontro} over its oiciels, end the committee for the distribution of food to the Cntnns ha: been uccused of gen np_t_1,-gs, and at allowing a. system of peculntion to _ grow up. It ilrumoured that e distinguish ed Anlcrilnn Phil-Helleue made arrange- Inmte fdlending supplies ol food to the do.-stiuh families in the Spekinn mountains. Flow` In packed in each suitable for tralport by mules. When the neck: were opened it we: discovered thet. one-third of their content: consisted of bren instead of our. "T 3ICI_1I Wm. snd Alford; "PW3! CM ocipletely r from Onnnin 'l`.Ino 1191014-awsm {:{IAU uuu Install`). giiponnv I (If ilfflov-AI --_.-_ v -uu on-plewly Organic `Paint, arinun dining. Llllllll IIUIIII Bpr-y-pro-. gm. TRAI2:.swi`i Mui nIRcHAu1' an rr-rnmun rum: auoonw ` 1-0 1 LIBIBAL AND Juntdxoua van or IIWSPAPIR COLUMNS! |-ADVERTISING.l I! You won. _ uvruor ousronnd noxnu IVINING, 061. 5. ll` YOU RAVI SPIN ! ION]! In fralrnonnsl AND IBIOTIOR` of Al ATTBAOTIVI BIG! A LITTLI PUBTHIB LIB BIPUAT TEI FIG}: A THOUSAND mu...-..-..-3.. .- r1u.'1>t.;o: rm rn-noumua-or . A LdoL1.`1-urn '3 TE` 3'8! Kosalssxxa _ mar: LARGI81 o1nat{I.u-Io); or AK! nwsurn runmannn In rats o1'rr.1'nmJo1mtLL on-no -ran Illa`! nnrcrug poi Loon. um k annnsimunun-nu. 66 CONTRACTS AND YEARLY Anvllmsl Iunn DAILY urgvs." II` YOU WOULD DBIYI ioun nusuwua, up now 1-0 an onnu. DAILY NEWS. HAY an MAD! AT` THE DAILY Nnws omrron. 7:7?-"5Ii on -umrt~or_u `nuns, AUDI!` you no not Annnmr uxn _ ; \ .e.;gr;a*nLo. ; u ' V `OUR DUBINUS; ADiv ERTlSEf ADVERTISE ADVERTISE! nnmu irnznxn ADVERTISE AGKEEIEDHTS ADI}! ml nrronnuon or A RICH Y6r;.w MAN. 1'0 ADVIBTISI A J uOOAL nusuusa, rrnsnnon so um _ nlrolun no rusuo Km _={~l -ran bum! anon A JUDIOIOU8 snr Iron roan 91.40: or nusnvnas 103 ADVIIRTISINVG Inc North half of Lot no; 4,1; th 41:`: ceuicn or the Township :otm-zrson, mu . tuning One Hundred Acres `(part Iyhlah In I under I ), with 3. Frame Dwelling Bonn thereon. he {nun in out seven miles -hm the j city, and In close to the ortlnd nubndnuhd ; mud. Inquire nttho D4.lW..| ` And 1 large ambtmt `of gum-u` I reading mutq-_ Prlco,,Five (Jenn. Siblppolj Two _ _ _'All3 A11 Tan LONDON quiauh o" ` , `T: hm` THE EDINBURGH EWEW 3); THE WESTMINS E KIVIB THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Fl$_ch'h) Ll_D BLACIIEWOOD S ' EDINBURGH IKQAIHI (0 ` - 53'? HRS "f i '0dbl1l . In ! nnhlinlfers |3`nP:?I lm . 1. -`f.For_ueygr-.1` yen:-I put`! Inn ii: .r ' M :`1'Y\r-tm` rain-M4-an 33'r5-"icn'_d."` W7 A? ` V xpiv1;I7o;5rront, 5-" bit-of preset-Ib`k: D . d Jongh | -God` Liver Oil. nd End ?t to be much more 7 : onions than other varieties olf thi nib $ ::u- '3l`n`4 n now`: In Iulutj l'II KI-III. A WWI. E` in the Mgarv, which an that win; the am two round: it wu ovidutly tin um of II. Paul do Co`sug- moto in out in opponent mud then strike bin blow. When the third round com- mand h In: any tn see that M. Lisa `. DIX` Gin wart rnnnh - u-`-1 ...-... I . L: v I usnun nuvcngu PUIIUVIIUDII Irv rUIlI-'I ~'l.'I published byna in the sump Ityleinilibtu I fore. Thou vihd know them and who-hve long aubicribed itovthem, med Ellicnindul-`5 those whom the, civil war of_ the_ l|`hI`- ma daprd 'of'th'e!i' Qjuoia 'keIeoIiiu'up1y~'o: ch.` bear periodiairutamun, wi1_l-belld'-'OOF&*i'e them again within their reach; and than ihoi my never yet have mot-with ihuijaill snared-` ly be well pinned to"z-aditad tnm. of the progroupf Eiiropesn" aeidnee hi LJIILKD 1.75 15"`. lo:-my one 01 thofonrReie'wa For any I-woo! Jwfour Rulun - For any three ofthe four ovicn gar all four-of ie Review: . or Bhckwoodh lhgnino ' ~ . - - For Blackwood ndonnqlavhq -. Pu Bhckwood and we Bpviour A Pm-Blaekwood Ind thngnoyign For Bllekword. Ind fan: Svblcribqn Ins hi "followlnfnhq vhf: '1a"Noo-tlhoinlfn.-nu 1. -j V fogs ma T Wheaten: bynnlhth P .1 I onhenntted Btntoq will 's;:.?i;':. P?` ; Gent : -J:-true-*!!In=-1: _In 5"`. L i : cant; I year fog the gut Tollowinfrsdn nhi. whis- for 2.50. . ""i7h'"3? "3"337uut...,"" J A I `Ir a on V ' 133; . ,' ee1nbqr',Iao6,indIiin tho: ` 'T 1 , , Weatnliuucr fronptprll, .1394, 1. ` ` 1888, lnclunive, uni! tho` La|&m r 1965 Indl8OQ,:ntJtB ' ` - -- eoch or I'nj"B3VhW",n& . " E;-wg ` `...~~ ;1;""t-'- 1 .LvUllll ll ' ." " two, ...*.;'..4J,..;,..*".*.:.?':.'.;*.,.,:..""......' ..... PRICE-$7, for thotwn winner. V By M ntnt mid. Ill ' * 3i.enryBIapheiI'_ Tofldx P.Norton,qfYnloOol1ogO- avoh: two. 1600 Maren nil Inmlronn lan-ni... :1 h ` at" r hisiun `bong! busing youfarc ' If ya "{l_U__|_. XUUNG C. d _ fake-pohoz; V_ _ :_ ,&,::heaww~t*tp "`~. EIU u-~)l, wit paid, 8?. Ocnpboll. ggwat a nlncdo-smell, is AnnO--nn . , D 7 -r"'- `-9! `-I-n-s-y- VD _ " 'G"'"m . daJo :;:.;':.*~" 3=.-~ ` an it amnukmwam "u7";n`.".?'..$ 53" "' oflmz oonneauanm on they ninm :E twenty yeti-s in in units of tbej'gqld, Io be} ' {D3, D1`. JO15Il;'(3-Il: u j T * V by tn overwhehniu wejghhal` ` A ' `many, , and by the ` tcnornwtu-nfahxpd-Inlet beyond all question, the pdre, thihNlleu- cioua, the mall: pgilhbleh and, d cunsin e_racIa,;?,hc: moat cocoon! _ o?V . Hence the unenld colebrityof Dada o | Oil. and -(he unnnnlleled demand Ian on. m..4_* 1:: to uni usa,orni.a wind $ye:`_`o:. I 4ht"veabeen' on ' ,anio`r Phynidin to Gulf; _ " I have heciuentbnrecornmepglod. ._A ' I ffcta, And iboe it to b ' `pllre' Gil, ' IT guadfdr those cumin aubct:.nse_.iI"i_;:,dicat:od.?' ,.`r -' -' ` _ I bk, (}RA1TVIIEal;f.i!8:, " Author of the Spa! (1 GIIQIIV." . _ l'U.__----ll-Ir-' ` -pr-ctic-. All III. "We! think It I grant. ogzuumhoccod Lint m` th a 'tIedIo,~ln:gcn ' ` g.3..,,. huhng Iuppiind by` 1):. ch J " M g whoa punt _thd ml Ids Iince. amidst I much certainty, we have cpndonoo IIu."2('R`IbIl!C (111133: has mg-goonuond '-i-tuna in in -uh... . _ ?rvIvIlOl fvI'>v#.'$`1--I(Iw- ` j- , _ BWw&$:a;:* I consider that the purity -. "l.;.',-, 1 M :,. ` ed inita prephntlon, hythgpprunncl ntiennp _, A A , of no good a chemist and i ` kn as Dr. do Jongb`, wbolguihg Ind` - ~ medical treatise on the 1:ll`wjtII wlifdlI I-"tin ao- jbfj qminted. HI.-nee, I deem die` 0od`Ivuv Uillold d maguinn,teuobe' I up :?nde:as regutds 'geunineI$?nd.mG`ngl o-. CIOY. ` ` - _ :: - W13` """ " " In All cum I-IJIVQ fonn.dDp. Jongixji Light-Brown ooaznm output-1.; In sum - natal properties. uno which tho pregenenl chohi_e oom}_>4_mnc_iu, nn of/iodine in 1 this of _g.u_y uuvcqugnuoua, .I. QIVO I!) (I0!!! I pure ind unudnltateii ' article." (Pllollly & Draper; \ BARRIS'I`IR3,A`I'l`0RNEYS-At-L AW Solici- tors in 0hanoery--Ohunben NM. 7, 8_ I 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingfou, C. W. -`Alta O 1hn.u',Q.0. | Ant 0. Dunn. nu`In'-HJIVII u vuu Alva Ull- I veryapu-soil, hot-likely kw nthalipeuc you 0! certa,i nty,Exwo have iI;7i_c_n_'i'gEI7_ :0- n V tact.-from ` Consul! :.. 31:1`-Re-I-I`ediabla 8tIeI.l ' P on ifbl nus. -q_nxwIcI -Irmn T` U! and;8uuf')_ ltedica1onioeroti`1[n} - am munmrffuaw. ' "W". ".1 uuvuuu vuulpuuuull, gnu Igly I Of orgnnic combination; [nu-150 mu:-` Is. It :9, I believe, universally T nckntiw that -this oil In: great thmpeutlo pover"|n from my invgatigntions, I have doubt fiil id unndnlterlte article. A in nnmw };` lledicaloou-.g.; Gfull W` 9-, Pmvwuea. mm which the M cholmc compounds, of iodine ornnic eombidauon; uni 1.53 ........n....._ Q I T :ioWdhurut-ut,.l.i. I .-an-.v . s~,_ DI';Z.50:. .4... * .'--"2 5.. -n..I..:. u.` . n -Rl'I'IeE Pnmonwam.` snnncr nnn77LL { `i Bmnlmkr nunsn, ; I _ hnicinn in n-di`nnrI In 9.1.. n...... A..`r__:_'_.n i.% l\l\lDl.lll\n3 Illll Allkldlhl II.-l1l\VV' 5 Oonveynncers, Notaries P_ublic. ; R0 Iuemu-a T. wumem, ' F03` "w OLICITUR I.\' (?HANGERY.`3wm' 0&it`e-(.`lu'ence Street, Kingston, G.W. Kim J._P. Gmnnnnnuvx, L.L.B. 1 R103, '1`. Will. 1 ___ . 44winti.t%rntn.rgoug1.,.,ff"5:} oazvmmum 1-an mvpfor. ENTER !-A.lNlNO nouns Any! #1 M1 \ I _ '3. ma JOHGIPB con . -. N (II ' ' '-T-""" `.0. A__ YOUNG MERUHAJIT--Whoa ha-nbiu. ind 51.3`.-..1 anmsan ma... ;u.ul-$5 sir uuuvcx-_aue!:;nle::nI',y.oI ur.7c`h.liongII'| . e unpqnll ennui ' ` uni-1- ` [ed urination. ` " `hr - = .` 4WnIir%rAn.t__;o`Um,1,:m,.:%; , .. 1. A- mic lama:- i: ung. , . 4, `J ', ._... 9L.'..i..1.c..--;`-.:9_14, - . .. G. - ~-*.'='A_ I-IRAQ; oh`: ale- ..._'.u.`.. _"n'.ns : .4. FAR] `FOR SALE.` DR.._BA.RLOW, 'rnnlm`!'0!r'1_aco=. nl oh- 6)...- n.b:..__ * ' 1 ml re risks eueiully nurveyed, and tho I nte of Premium made to correspond with the risk assumed. ' ` 1 I Iln ( `Dig I-ETHEBY, T `(=33-:_. 1, 1' bathe puri " or hit A1'&a.] % - -----v-v-qV' u` D.`.`i1F}`7" 0%. ' -r 3 rzzynmcr A -:--9 `P:-Wan mm `qngr ~ ` ~_o'epy nsigwud mi`: mu-kn and delight proouul; ' II, H . A. CA`? 1413' n?31nnn mggu has. nu... ma: 41.:%v1a.a Av an - - u K Fire and Marine .` : nvsvzmvcn co.vp.4m' or ovum.` CAPITAL .. .. .. ..s>wi',000 .-\N.\'UALINCOME. .. ..1,oon,0oo K A `.`Z3...;i.m';"2'a'` r.`Hoo91m,- With gromm- ?ii tID Oltnu q -5158 favoud. 3 1' Li `I 3 : ':_~, n v .O'I'-`ETICE.-South West comer of Dundls and East Streets. Wu. H. WILKISUN. W. A. REEVE, M. A. lV-.._o... l`_-._._ A n ; . _ _, ` `itzii mi owl id-up JKRIVIILDLECV -CIAVII &Il~l\JK\L`&l."\l'I.JQVV'; Solicitor in Chsncery, Couveyancer, &c., Anchor Buildings. CAPITAL ..,ooo. PRE,'([U,`.{S RECEIVED DURING I367- i$2,000,000. Fund; deposited in the hands of Ibe Goverment for the security of Pohcybolders. A\I\lal.D-LSD AJIJ ALLUHNDID-l-LAWN, B Solicitors in Chancery, kc. 05:29-18 Olst-euca SL, opposne the Post. Oice, KmGs1'ox,C. W. Jam! A. IACD4:-:uLn,Q. O. | J.unsP'n1'ox,Q.O> Joan M. llgguan. `Kin.-vufnn Innir 152 -1 vv: w-C El 30 'Ll.|IL ll. LIBII` Tl`! In: very much wcakenul; his t nub wu swollen. tad it was with dith- culty he grasped his foil. Feeling his Itrnngth diminishing he cried out to his opponont. But why don`: you stuck me, sir! All in nidcnt thu yonfvnnt to tire nu out." I do Ousagncc replied by It gastura which seemed to say, `Thu : my ntfuir." Aar I ten seconds N. do ClISg- nae changed his tnctics, and went in for a vigorous stuck. M. de Linsagnrny, how- ever, hnd no longer the strnngth to parry his ndveruryi and in n short time rt-ceived I deep wound in the right breast. The second: held him in their arms until the uni! of a doctor. At this moment. .\I. do C me advanced towards him. nnd nnid~._*~I'.l`iIl .-,... -1].-.n_ ..-- ... _L_L. I LL Imanu form favo -`R5195 A'n', Losses promptly and 1; ARRISTER|nd ATTOR.\'EY-at-LAW,Con- Paid in Canada Currency. veynncer, kc. Oice No. 4, Anchor Bui1d- JAMES ings, Marker. Squaw, Kingston. J01} 1. August 1. -- _.__ Ti Ilnlnn IHDIIDIIIIAA 1'1. 131 \ i ` `f-(?"` ;Home Insurance Company of 1 New Haven, Conn. til latch 15, 87. nacdonald, Patton an llachal-,E ARRISTERS AND ATTOR.\'EYS-aL-LAW, | Qnlinilnpa 2- l`I\..-..n-- 1... Uvcr um: nunureu Leaumomals lrom phylcilng who have used them in their practice and high- ly npprovo of them, among which are the long`- mg." 1.13. GIBSON, H. D.,Dnnbam, C. E._ G. E. COTTON. M. D., Cownnsville. ' ' CHARLES BROWN, M.D_, Oowsnsvillo. S. S. FOSTER, M. D. Broome. J. C. BUTLER, I. D., Waterloo. JOHN ERSKINE, M.D._ Waterloo. NORMAN OLEIELAND, I. D.,-Barnltou. N. II D Rnrnntnn P'-."f- _ _ lg II the cheapest pa I_e11 an the beat, being ou_l 25 emu for a large bottle, Bu, :1, -3. qt, you like it Ind recommend itto yaur friends, Henry Simpson 8 00., llontreal, Wbolegglg A man; .1. Janna, n. v. barnaton. C. W. COWLES, M. D. Stanutead. JOHN MEIGS, M. D., Sumstead. JOSEPH BREADON, M. D.. Surgeon, R N. BENJAIIII DAMON, M.D., Coaticook. LEIEUL IROHHOND, M.D., Derby Linc. WINSLOW LEWIS, l[.D., Boston. R. D. MUSSY. I. D., Boston. F. J. AUSTIN, |l.D., Sborbrooko E. D. WORTHINGTON, 11. 1)., aim-bmoxe. Henry SFIIIPIOII 3 00., Montreal, Wboleule Agunu. - ` -. _ THE BEST Tonic Hnir Dressing ever discov- ered. It effectually cleanses the scalp, pre- vent: the Hair from falling o`ar turning prema- turely guy, and when the fol1i<;}ea and gland: In not deuroyed, will progiuce a new and lux- uriant growth of hair where it ha: already disap- peared. ` '0 in OK: nlsnnndni Kn -.I1 .. IL- 1.--; u. - - V uauu .ug.g;v. On the 12th of Septombor the Marquis of But: came of Age, and the event W85 duly velebntad at, Cardilf. The family estntu nru large; the old Marquis wns thrifty and rnergeuc, And the young nublemnn nds mm:-if in poascssiou of 300,000 3 year i Imrn perfectly safe and rapi(ll_v improving _snur-as. Several Scotch counties. several Webb conniiea. a/Tarrgo number of English- men, sad I uillrger populuion of Irish- men, employed in the Lluquioioocl pits. Iron mines, ports, docks, and shipping. .-hsred the tampons of the oco-lion. There were illnrninstious, re-works, ban- quelt, lfiphal arches, processions. &c.. ;c., ud torty uteunurs crashed the British Lhund to Cu-di to tutu pnrt in the cele- bration. Thn In. lnmnin rnmm r'...1;n' - unuuuo uunulvul 1 [U IJIQUIII, In_|n internal as well as nn external remedy, and In the only one that always gives entire 3;. lisfdctlon, and all who once use it will never conaent to change it for any other. W6 hAV`Y'InI Inn:-A in nnvnn-nin cl... _.:_.___ uuuwuu. LU cunuge 1L nor other. We lnvanot space to enumerate the virtue! loco:-ed to it by thousands who have used if, and voluntarily testify to its merits. Buy 3 bottle and satisfy yourself that it is the beat remedy ever oered. nanrv Qirnnonn. Ir n ll --6---I T17`--`---` UK 1' 8%., unucu] Uvtr UUUYVU. Henry Simpson & 001, Montreal, Wholesale Agents. u A ornuu LU tor ttneumsusm or Lamohei of my kind, Swelling of the Joints, Sore Thou, Cold in the Bend and Diphtheria, Burns or Front Bites, Scratches on horses, kc. h`c.. ;uimn'aTu, m..;.Tsi.;;[ non (oppoIlro'_Dail_y Nun Qhq). Amman G'uarQ.I., Q.0_, Glenna LIVACK lawAu-_ Kingston, Feb. 4, xsei I A. u. vv l|aI:\LL"L.'.1. County Crown A ttorney. -1. II.` I JU Kingston, Jnn*y 16. Glider-sleeve an Walkem. lARRlS'l`ERS Ind ATTORNEYS u-I.AW, V n.._..-..__-__ \T--_:.... n..\..I:- -~-a--C Ill VII!!! 30 (`K9 PCT` "3 )5 C913` hration. The late Marquis found Cardin` a snail shing pan; It IS now the fourth pm in the Unitdl Kingdom. The Bug- n~h public went wild over this grand cele- Lrzstioa. A: the Time says, the young Marquis is found to represent in his blood almou everything we wish to see represent- ul. Hi] ancestor: have been hm-pdinnv `Vin. B. 'I`l||b0d0, {ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, _:.-_ ;.. ht . . _ . . __ 11________ \\'I|kIson &|ll-eve, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-s\'t-LAW, Q-l:-:A-_.. T'l`0RNE-Y"-`AT-LAW, Gouveyancer, ate. L Kingston, 0. W. Dec. 1. Jnmnn uLu.'4.! 1!-UAR U, I ` JENK8, II. D. Barnaton. W PDIITTDH II `l\ 11. lTI(\l\lL`llI)l\-L) IILVI. Al L\JI\..'lllL)'?ll`LlLT`, `Solicitors, Gouvynuoers, kc. Nnpanee. w _u_E1.17.~'ct-2 .mm;.u. LIFE A.b'Sl'R.-1.VCE C'OJIPA}v'Y. Means nnmmmo LIQUID, II In internal :1 wall can an A-|m.....'| ....__- aulxnnux unxj, \5.U., GIOIOI LIVACI Iowa, Gian lli_uIIu Iuwll-I. I7 ' W. R. Rllngnyo, I-nvv . Agent for Kiugut oce opposite hrnett House. _ 1* aunuu-5 cvclyuuulg we Wusil (.0 BC? represent- ancestors have been hereditary auerilfa and coroner: of Bute for ve centu- ries; and England has the honour of con- rributing a Prim! Minister to the illustri- ous podlgreo. Never had Bate so wealthy a Lord : never had Cardiff so noble a pro- pnetnr." But to return to the principal Iigun that appears in than descriptions, then maybe In taiatake am the ' i-H cxnee of 300,000 a year. It in $15 ,o0o in gold. I: is 7,500,000 francs a ye, 85,000, a day in gold. A princely ineomg, yu: lean than that of some New York mgr. chants. Only afew days ago a lad in Ho- bokaa fell heir to an estate of $47,000,000, which, if well managed in the eight years that separate. him from hjanajority, will poasibly be $60,090,000 or $76,000,030. in property that dwarfs that of the young Marquis. As compared with royal incomes in En land, it may be said that the Prince of aka Itarted on his career of semi- rnyalty with a third ofthe Cudiincome. Her cannot really ca her Ibld ll aha nipnxa Inn!-A oh... . 4:421. JAMES SWIFT, T. Gl?.[.Fl';'i"`."" Managurhr Canada u-nu uvvnn 1. Agent 31. Lawrence Wharf` -1 OFFICE immovmo T0 KING smnrn ` NEARLY o1>Po5rrn jrm: om Inner. E BOOK $'x`0R.E- ._ `- S-an-LAW Solid-: Jompivluwdeu -sh`: { "`" N TTORNEY A'I`-LAW Solicitor in 1. , 3: , D,._ Chapcery,Notsry Pubi1c,&c.,88King ._ _.. .-- 1 street, Kxugston. Iluhllxan-om - KRRISTER, Attor ` to. 05:0 opp Street, Kingston. ~ 4! Augnlt 6. 1 ' `nun uumpany 133 @$ EDI!` $01? in Canada for nearly wyeu-I, and during that I use has secured the public condence by nae prompt and libornl ncttlounuulufavurg (hit clllln. It has fully complied with the Inn ofcnntdn by ` the deposit with the Government of Stocks to `i the amount of 1 Phoenix I-`Ire Assurance Company ` OF LONDON. ` ____. _. . E Atna Insurance Co. of Hart- } ford, Conn spun UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS- -p -,-ywu-r Loans paid 11:49 yen-1, vvuuvvil I And is prepared to issue policies on terms An iow as the safety oftbe nun:-ed will ermit. .IAIIl!H nwnnv .___.___...__._._j_._ _ 3- 31: I-mar man. ?._j____. I`lDXAN'S SEA SALT, for producing I renl Sea Bub in your own Room. The above fnourite prepnrntion in strongly recom- mended. Sole P1roprielorI-`l`IDlAN It SON, Chen- iatl, 16 Wormwood Street, London, E.0. 2`-IV-VI vausulil LCCTIIQ . ROFESSOR of the PIANO 8 THOROUGH BASS, & (JULTIVATLON oftho VOICE. For terms, nddrou `R J.` REYNEWS Undo Slurp '1 `HIS Company but been doing L xuuuunsrs. ran lean awarded for Purity and Bxoolhoeo of Qnllty. London and Puia. BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. T PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP. PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP. GLYOERINE SOAP. Bury vsriety of Flat] Soups in lb 301. Also in Cutonl ofs Tnblou. Pomndoh, Rose and Vlotat Powders, Coa- metica,- French Extrscts, Luanda: Wnter, Dfnu-y Tooth Pute. Lino Jnicc add Glyoorine, and every delcription of preptrnionn for tho Toilet. ` ] leurs Burgoyne, Btu-bidgu, ind Sqliiro re- ; ceive lndentl lbr Yardley 8 00. : preparation. 1 Mnnufsctory. 7 Vin BtraaL m~.....n..... 1:766. Marie Insurance. 1860. -nun: .|\r- 1- CJIU-.-III Time. A. Anuuonn, E. P. Don. President. Genanl Agent. ` INCORPORATED IN 1819. CAPITA L g3,ooo,ooo. ASSETS s4,s5o,933,27. ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from Inland DAFIA An 4' .... --|.1.. 1-....- ` Home Insurance Company of New ; Hav_'enL v\ :.w_____ . -' `Etna Insurance Company or II.` _a o._.I JV..--_ \ lunch. [ ; hlnnufnctory, Vin Street, Bloomsbury, London, And Depot, 6 Rue du Gnnd Ohsntier, Paris. ElflhliI|lIQ_!1770. Alll UU \JUIU`U. All the above ll ! otrofny pg-Qpgggd (my Ex. portuion, and retain thoir oxoollout qulhlu in Any climate. 96 Strand; 128 Regent Strut; 24 Oornhill, London. 17 Bonlenrd do`! Italian, Pui._ mu. -nu.-- nlu _\'uu nuow me lo sunxe _\`uuI' hand 3' No, sir. replied .\I. Linugm ny. And yet." urged thd other. it it --My n quealiouof bun";-ry. M. Lissnga ray tgmn rephcd. Wm: me. sir, i: is n question ofprinciple and politicn1dignit}'." "I regret. in vrrv rnnrh " mm II A. re... DR. V. BAUD, Grsdusto and Helnhor oftho Medical College ofPuil, Ohie!Physig: ., Exlrnordinnry for Epidemic! in Pnil, bu H . at the Civil Holpimll of Algiers, jun in- gtoduced in England hi! OBGVA MEDI- OINES. nueixx n1uu3L. i` PERFUHER by appointment to lhilrlnjer Lies use Emperor of the French, tho Queen ` Of Spain. the *9 Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H-R-R the Prince of Wales. Queen of Holland. the Queen afw I. cuulucl lUI.' Handkerchief. Esu do Cologne. A than Ahnvn I Toilet Soap. Lavender Wu,"-_ Gold Crenm. Perfumed Vapors,-_ Rose Lea! Powder. Perfume: for the ' LI...-..II.-...I-:-I` . ADVERTBEMENTS_ for the DAy.r Nlwl, intended to uypoar tho mm Itching, uhould be sent in at an only an hour in n day :1 possible. Illllilusu _ I 7 ' 7*-"' By the comb` t` with Cress See:`i:`i:1u..f;.t`9l| Ioqino they are united with organic liferwhi I mm` render: them digestible. 1:1,. ;, -V um` stubborn mineral but than b....,,",,`,`.Y aw of an organic substance pun. of hllnololo bed I: th b II-b-w :$mnch.y a mod wmmm bk ! 10 the . A . . `:.'1.{ m`-$'.%`:`:.`.`.,.F9.`2::!t:!1 P2-e--in--.. __ ...uu_y uoulun or nurse Pll'Itl0!l.l- N E, A! efcient nnd prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yow Fever, Dian-hos, Dyuntory, and the eniive motion of the Bowoll. A gold medal '35 a`\Idd bV {bi French Gnrnrnmgnt on n. , `J The shove Pg. F .- -:- vuuuxnzlcn IODINE, ' pumy `"3 `h 3194--Price 2| 9d per Bottle of Enema, pl. Pultiou are in the ram ""'"' P the t_ute,' sud par- "*"P` f' Intanu igld mnhm RV tho nusunki--6:..- ,3 ,. uvun 1 1 UUUl' UUMHONSEB.-- adapted use in the County of Iron- tenac, for sale at the D111 New: 0506. All kinds of Law Forms p ted to circle: with accuracy and expedition. ` - A I |-wvw v- xv: runuuurrux; null rV\}lII.l\-Cl \IIsLII\.\- regret it vcry much," added M. de Cas- saguc, as he turned away, for Ishould have been glad to shake you by the hand. At this instant M. Lisugnray fainted away, and, as the wound did not. bleed, the doc- tor, who had by this time arrived. applied leeches. When returned to himself. M. Liungnrsy wished to recommcnce the com- Inn, and it was only on the urgent advice of hi: gar-nndu that ha nnnennfnrl on in. o.. Anuluvillnli D. SATIILII. Cnlul Wu.|ol' President. Bocroury. * CASH CAPITAL .. .. 31,000,000. I AKE AND RIVER__l!SK3 taken on hulls J and cargoel at renable rstes. . JAKES SWIFT, Agent, JUIV 1. HL KAI!-Anna Wimp! IUIC. Kingston, May e__ Julyrl. Agent at KingIt0u,- TFI at Kingston, Feb. 4, 1868. Oice-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. L_L Iuuluu IUITLC IIVOIIFIDIO lrml. llbeully ndjuatod__I.nd hid in Canada Currant-v )HYSIOIAN. SURGEON, 30., PORTLAND, Residence Hun-owunith. u. u. uurnnaah`, '19 Wltlin May be Chtiliiflg A VARDLIY 3 C01 Fancy Soap Hlku-Q `ad Perfumeu. Pan Iednl awarded for 'ritv Ind Rxanllnnnn no n...u.. r--;-_ - ` nmxca DUEL. jaulcliuic duel M til inijnl in Bad. A -__.__|

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