Talivposnte the Post 31,000,000. 7?:-.v.vn I5 Dlachar, |'D\T`V -. 1 A II? ---- - Mace... ._ .-acll, --__ 111 . .v.. '-at-LAW,Con. . A linhnr R.-.:m_ .-;,5`o3,E{o'u' 1 1,000,000 I l'F'I'l`Fl 1867- .c:.uv:u_y ere!` orrerea. Henry Simpson & Agents. ..... uuoo use IE 1 consent. t6 change it for any other. We have not space to enumerate 1 accorded to it by thousands who ha` and voluntarily testify to its merits bottle and sntisfy yourself that iti remedy ever o"ered. nnvarw Ivn-..-.,._ 1- I` ' ._.:_.q.-4-11.3.1 19 an internal as wellas : and is the only one that aim. tisfaction, and all who once to I nor am. +.-. ..... ---_.r... nu:-. LLIB rs: quarter shows that the post oico de- partment has` sustained :1 loss of about twenty-ve thousand clollarsin consequence of the reduction of the letter ntes from ve to three cents. The estimated loss for the year was (me hundred thousand dol- lars, hntas it is believed a considerable sum of old postage stamps were held, it inbu- lieved the loss from the reduced rate will i be less, when the year a returns are in. i In the biography just published of a=' popular evangelical curate, who was in his way a rival at Brighton, in England, of , the lamented Frederick Robertson, a. letter appears, in which the deceased clergyman nnrntea an anecdote of Lord Stratford dei Redclih and the Crimean war. He asked I me," writes Mr Elliott, "to dine with him; i and after dinner carried me to the bag; druving-room, away from the rest of the company, and let me into mime of the ac- creta of the Crimean war, amongst which was this: that, not being supported by the ministry at home us he ought to have i I been, for three days he was in distressing 1 anxiety, knowing that ;_)e_a. war, ll-unulnlnrl in 41-... I,-|- of any kind, Swelling of the Joints, Sore Throat, Cold in the Head and Diphtheria, Burns or Frost Bites, Scratches on horses, &:c. &c., ' ..u....u.u uunv n.LAND, M. D., B N. JENKS, M. D. Barnston. C. W. COWLES, M. D. Stanstead. JOHN MEIGS, M. D., Stauslend. JOSEPH BREADON, M. D.. Surge BENJAMIN DAMON, M.D., Goalicc LEMEUL RICHMOND, M.D., Derby WINSLOW LEWIS, M.D., Boston. R. D. MUSSY, M. D., Boston. F. J. AUSTIN, M.D., Sherbrooke. E. D. WORTHINGTON, M. D., Shel Henry Simpson J`: Co., Montreal, Agents. 7 result of forty years experience of: ret-clash physician, and their extraordinary success is due to the fact. that they answer exactly their name. The formula from which they are prepared, is based on sound. scientic principles, and has re- ceived the unqualied approbation of the medical , profeuian. They do not profess to be u cure-all, but for all disease! arising lrom my derangement of the Stomach, Liver and Bowela, they furnish an etfeetual remedy. We have in our possession, over one hundred testimonials from physicians who have used them in their practice and high- ly approve of them, among which`are]t.he follow- ing . J. H. GIBSON, H. D., Dunham, G; E. C. E. COTTON. ll. D., Cownnaville. CHARLES BROWN, M.D., Cownnaville S. S. FOSTER, M. D. Broomp. J. O. BUTLER, M. D., Waterloo. I 3 ,,._ -__.-.-.r HE:a safe and reliable remedy in ail diseases of the Stomaclr, Liver and Bmoels, They are not Quack Medicines puffed up by high sounding testimonials from `imaginary people- but are 2.}... quuarvv " And is prepared toissue policies on terms: low as the safety oflho nssmred will permit. JAM RH RW'II"l" nu THIS Company has been doing business in Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that lime has secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal setllementofovory fair claim. It has fully complied withthe laws of Cnnndn by the do:-panic with the Government of Stocks lo l the arnnnni nf -u-: uryuuu. wu } the amount of Q-t,ooo, Losses paid in 49 years, .Et;na"A V Insurance Co. 1- /-I 1 (__.____ A comparison of the race hns`sustained dollars le` esti cm ~__-._,---:;J\J\_/ \,'u. U1 .l.1ZzI.l.'l.a"' ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS-- s4,s33,543,39. Y..-....... __2.1 :_ . ` _ _ .__.-- ' tlowph 'Bawdeu, ' TTORNEY AT-LAW, Solicitor in `I t :L`l1EziJ.ceryt, Notary Public, &c., 33 King 3 ree , ngs un. jj. ' Home Insurance Company of New Haven. n RAID-hl -- LJLJIJ 4:15.11) unnuu manta to and from Inland Ports on fnvournbln terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and r paid in Canada (lurmncy. .m.m~:s SWIFT, Agent, July I. V\.t. Lawrence Wharf. INCORPORATED IN I819. OAPI'1`A[..$3,o00,o00. ASSE'l"S$4,650,938,2 l { HULL no CARGO msxs and P01-In nn fuvnm-.51.. o...... y - .......K.... [ ucuurlll agent. | JJIOI I..IIII I.l I Taoa. A. Am: mum, \ President. o\u;-A.._.__ , _ llnrinc Insurance. 1366. 1 Store. I` ur ` l;|T;:nix FIro;1'\us;(r`n.nce Company OF LONDON. g_,_. . .z A RRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Oonveynuoor. ; he. Office opposite Post Oice, Olsrenoo `. Street, Kingston. ' | August 6. r T T iiplin liudlc. 12.3.41 gone on compari lhjcves in history ! Now all London is ngeg to stare at him. Last. Friday his church was lled to overowing, and if he 13 mlowcd to preach next Friday, Lombard atrcet will not hold his congregation. All his friends, too, are now rallying round him us a martyr, and even our Gullios consider ham an ili-used man. If his Protestant cncliea can only succeed in upsetting his cm or smashing his-hat, be is a made mar- l_\'r fur life-perbaps at lint, after so many nniures, the founder ofa sect. .Elnn Insurance Company of IIIIPI I).-4| f`th--- 1 OFFICE REMOVED TU KING s'nu:1;'r i NEARLY OPPOSITE THE urn L BOOK swoma. 31 Kingston, Feb. 4, 1868. . .xuu.n.'ut. I Secretary. CASH OAPITAL .. .. 31,000,000. LAKE AND RIVER RISKS taken on hull: and cnrgovs at reasonable rntee. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, July 1. St. Lawrence Wharf. II D. Sn-gnu. President. nnnr: ------- .. ----v- 1.43:: -1: lI.IFIq l)ROFESSUR of the PIANO & THOROUGH BASS. as CULTIVATION of the VOICE. For terms, address IIR J. IIEYNERS Music Ktnra A1 Ofce-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1362. U- :4 Agent at Kingston, vrn `LUIU_ Kingston, May 6, J. R. smnh, 1rI.l)., )HYSICIAN, summon, &o., PORTLAND, Hadrian.-4. I-l.-...._.......:.|. ` ,4--- nu.-n'\.IIc33\.I "r0ugDB"' in t order. I: would be as well, however the police to take all the necessary pr nons. We are sorry that we cannot gratulate the police upon their managu on Friday. Taey deserve the pram mood temper, butnothing more, and g.<)(l temper has been attributed to n -v:' Protestant sympathy with the ti and dislike to Father Ignatius. It WM 1. .bIy due nuher to the policeman`: i live respect for a. good but the mob hadconslated ofordm It stnntiam 3: the attack on Mr Lyne. If so, all the Pt nuts are by no means wise in : ;_-cueration. ' Vie have as little aymp 5-; they with the eccentricities of Mr I inn. fnr rl.:=. ------ ~ bottom of u L unulnn, DU 1`b\Ir`aUlV, Residence Hnrrowstnilh. ._j_;_.}._____;., -_.r.__.__.__ _.___. Buyal Assurance Compmu THE DAILY NEWS-THURSDAY` %Ev1!rNmG;% LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W. STRANGE, Agent. forliingaton 9-33, Street. - Signor Carlo Mora, ?Q|-}llD 1'5 4L.-. `DI A Ln) n. mnn - SUGAR-COATED .__- ----`as! VJIIIIII llartford Conn. Vuuuucuuc U] ILIIS beral sgttlregzt ofovory nnplied with the vith P .. mm as an external remedy, m always gives entire su- lwho once use it will never an mim- pave nu enumerate the virtues ' have used it, estifr its tnar-it: 13.... - ....vu.u LACILU El H`.-K. But it igintolerafb/leathat they should msnlt ladies and clergyman, guilty of no other oence than: at ofgoing to 3 church _'o- :-r ` must no longeru be considered pecliar L.) the mining districts, London may in future shore the credit. We are not without hope that the gene- ral dilgust excited by their conduct any keep these well-dressed roughs in better however. for ring .-..-.I--- .%e'9-000. Col, Montreal, Wholesale Luu, THOS. KIRKPATRICK. LIDLUII I. Stainatead. , Surgeon, R N. Goalicook. D, Derby Line. H.D_. Rnlnn -nun ul VUAU. W, Sherbrooke. 2., Wholesale - ru.-.-vurwu Will PETUHK. JAMES swnrr, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. ma us wuo have merits. Buy I If that it in n... 1...: r an external Mus (lives entire n..- --u C manna Wmaol Secretary. Q`! Ann nAA 0:500. . Barnston. _ , ha... ....u_vno1.u|4. nut. `DIS disgrace is nothing to that which the well- areued "rogues" have inicted on London. In theory, these men represent the educa- * nun and manners of the entire community. They can understand such phrases u liber- ty of speech. freedom of conscience, courte- sy, humanity, decency-pbrases which have wry little meaning for the regular rough. their oence in 3 hundredfold aggravated my the fun that they sin against knowledge. It is bad enough tbtt they should create is intolerable that I . IJUILI, General Agent. I lD1n ac. : is the bent s the virtues nun -..~..A IA of Hart- $23,000,600. _ -- A Illlllu .._ --..,......., uuuuonad againstworthleu imi- I t.ationn,and should use that Lu. sud Pen-ins Names are on Wrnppor, Label, Bottle, and Stopper. Ask for Les nod Pen-in| Snuco. Sold Wholesale and for Export, b priotors, Worcester ; Hours. well ; llolan. Bu-clay And 8onI,L on 8c. ; and by Grocers Ind Ollmon u I GU. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, 8 Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, kc, attract the dye quickly, ifapplled in bol BLUE: F pgvnzi and W001) STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN; A bottle of No. half 3-pint of hot water SATINWOOD STAIN: A Sixpennv bottle Conan din.-.I....a =- - - ~ * ull-CU U1 JenCh0' Our neighbours will assuredly laugh, but we wish they could only laugh. We would then gladlyjoin. But. untortunate~ :3, discredituble as the disturbance is, its consequences are still more discreditwle. The modern reign of roughs" in nntionnl disgrace enough, but still the rough" is uvowedly an outluv, who has counterparts -Alfie: the world wherever there in 1 LUIDCB or stealing. It is only became we allow him so many chances that he is pecu- liarly a disgrace to` us. Nevertheless, it makes an Englishman ashamed of his coun- ny to nd tbst in brond daylight, and in the open streets, a foreigner shu been rob- had with as great impunity Ls ifhe had been xvavelling through Abysainia. But this "roonp.-." `nu-.3 4.41:-`J ' ` .. uannnl To color: Magenta, fa or Rose; add hnlfa. bottle to n pail ol then stir in the Whitening Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue fend c produce pretty tints by using one he more. are directed above. _ STABOH: Stir inn. few drops of O0 Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue or these impart delicate tints to Lace, to. Til f I'll`? ""' ' "` u: me dye is suici COTTON: Mauve, recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Orange. Dye in I WHITEWASH: To of RM, . mu |....n- _ Get Ill FEATEIEBS: o! the dye i fV_l')'!"I*n\v . I _- -4 V. uunvuul lilo for Woollen Goodl, Feathers, Silku, kc. WUULLENS: Magenta, Kianvo, Violat, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the moat satisfactory results. Use alarge quantity of boiling water in In pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to avoid `creases, and to render them clean. Dye in boiling Inter. F'EA'I`EIEB.S:_ Dye in hot water (3. far 11....-- `I IL- 1 ....u wulcn way can be used I cy of the result being, indeed, By their use nlmiat any article be J`:-arl 1.. .. I. - - ` ME! MAGENTA: The I (`VA LI -ha.-- :__ can with which they and the brillian- qt_`1t_:e being. indeed. llmmn ---x-A u] welt use nlm be dyed in 3 {e without soiling 1 u `ll. Cm |l'I'r\| uu'.r.:l n GONDY`S PATENT OZONISED WA1 ....us I: muncne-1 at Lhuusaxudu from tbs pulpit. Only the other day all England was laughing at the much ado-ubou!-noth- Lug which the French made in the affair of y-ung Cavaignac. What muss Frenchman `kink when they bear that Lombard street- zmberto than synonym tor all that sounds wild incnsh or commun sensu-waa for two Lmurs In an upmu because a nut. over-wise p cachet had compared us iuhabiunu to than of Jericho? nr nni.-l.h....._. .-' " mantel! auu OOOHFF, rhetbt or other causes, and cou and morbid secretions of 1 lies and softens the skin, ..\..c:.u, uuss, EC. Una gallon makes 200 to 800 gullonn adapted [or use. !\'_B.--Candy: Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Mutter in Wlter. and nlforda the only known means of npidly d completely freeing Diiuking Water from _nic Tnint, which in lo cummon 1 emu cl Icriou diuue. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with "Uondy s Uaoniser" or other Spny-pro- ducer. ,.n nm-._ / . . .... horges, 1 Q v n u usnmg dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tuba, dairy utensils. ' `Washing the h when turning grey. Enhancing the purify facts of baths and tubs. Dresing poisoned wounds and destroying uni- nul virus. Treating the infectious diseases of cutie, dogs, &c, air and darkening its ooiour ing and invigorating ef ilunlnrcrlactilng the u'ect.s tak:-u into the stomach. Curing Musty provendor. J other seed lrom smut. Maintaining the lzenlth of comervnmrlen. Preserving and restoring tl OWBlB kept. in Inter. Destroying the blight of I bop, mulberry tree, Sic. Washing dogs and do Clcilnsincr hnnln. L....- u.,_- mun, nu, neumngaou rark oat], London, The genuine has engraved on the Government Stump (nut.-wills L l`.l| Bottle), FI{EEKAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODY.\'E." WO.\'DY'S PATENT FLUID or natural dlainl'ec- ' taut puriea_ deodorises, and:di-zinfccts, by the ngency of nascent or ozonic oxygt-n,-ita active principle. eing entirely innnxioua, this truly scimmc preparation is peculiarly adapted for the fullnwiuug uael'ul purposes, lor which 111 other diriufcr-mnt:z, nnnmrountof their poisonous or other or-jectiormble qualities, are unavailable and useless :- Detecting organic impurities in air and water. Ptlrilvlng drinking and other water from or- ganic mutter, lead, &c. Freshcning the airof close places, and remor- ing bud smells. l:'-....:..... _. , u_v= .3 nunontlucrgdible. A Six; tle will dyo 20 yu-dl of- Bonnet 10 minutes; it will nlno prodnc Roan Pink by using less dye. Sn for Woollen Silk VuO'Lr.misa- I---A--- " ___...y-spat`! A. IAGENTA: trengthunnd beauty of this dye is almost iucrgdible. Sixpenny bot- Bonnnt nun.-- :- IILIPI 0|! NFECTII an -rum. nun nu 5 place." Llulllfuctureazi by tho lnvent,or_ Richard Free- "'5": 10. Keumngaou Park Road, London, The manninn lma nnrrpnvnal nn :1... (1......-..J......-.9 __-. a.nu\l. |lIlI IUI veccive is iaunchc-i : nulnir n.-.1.. .1--- I 'IJllsUIiL|JllVllJ\OlLIl-JUIVUIJIJVII. I-VUIIEDUUI R. Froeman, Pharmacsutist, is sliowed to be one of the greatest discoveries of the present century. it is largely employed by the most eminent Physicians and Surgeons in hospital sud prints practice in all rta ot the world. It has elects peculiar toitsei , and which are essential- ly different to those produced by the various compounds bearing tho name of Chiorodyns, hut havo no pretence to possessing its virtues. It rspidiy relieves pain, from whatever cause, si- iays the irritation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and givessl With- out producing any one of the unpleasant lings so commonly arising from the use at opistos. It continues to hold its unshaxen position in the animation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, snd cheapest preparation. Eminent Ind scientic Physicians made sidavits that they have tested its cficcts iu careful comparison with those of DR. COLLIS BROWNEKS CHLOR0- DYNE," and deposed to the facts that they lound it a more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FREEM.iNS." Eur] Rlmunii n-nun ..... .-.:n..a...l on LI... D;.--1 rV..I nnu gr:-any prclcrrcu "rtu-ursm.1Ns." I Burl Russell communicated to the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and to Mr Fmelnnu, that in Hnnilln the only remedy of any use in Cholera was Ohlorodine. 771a Medical Times and Gauue, January 13th, I 1566, states, " It has an immense sale amongst the public, and is preaoribod by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did ll. not supply a want. and (ill place." Mlnllrm-tnlr-ml hr: min: lnunnn... D:..|.....I I`... ` r HE ORIGISIAL oioaontnr. :...m..: by R Fl-nan-I-n Phnrrnnnnu-O in nlln-ml in ha lg uuu smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, -om mint _..... uuclu mean. Dye in b IEBS: Dye I is sucient for one 1 'N: Manna, Vin!-t --` .. .......5, mueeu, almost mngical. ulmiat article of clothing can minutes for a `few penop :3 the hsnda. "gunn A uh: 5 luv unnus. MEMOBANDA. Thu an-gnnol. .....: u;lhls H338 GIG. Suit: oodl, 3. ant` ("-3--AA~ _-, ...-5uu-.-, violet Ind warm water. for Pink :1! a. of water, an anal. crimson bottle or _ed 'IIET. \ the potatoo, vine, e, &c. ....u.. -nucn comma m acvus indivicluuily, but as I larg sorta ofaxrucities. A mau n he told tlnt his domes are c.vnversau'on pruay, but who trouble of crossing; the am-en charge or combunng all tb mtcristics of Nero, Helingahu lore? Ami Uni sun nfvmh \'. -lt\f:|1n;-!-- W -v I=Iuu'ut.I.'II.Q gag mu. `Vnderful and beautiful '33 0811 ha Annlim-I . _|.:I_ nouth impure and Ioreign hether arising from tobacco counteracts the irritation ;ol' carious teeth. It puri- !kin, and, used ilrthc bath, hecltby state oltba trim`- _, .. .. uvuuug water I (9. few drope ant feather). Violet and Purple ere Magenta, Violet arni ureter. ,,,, .-, ...._u, no. ants, k, 7 earth..- __.-. .. uuyunuy DO!- I Ribbon in produce 3 clear less dim. s:..:..m- --~ sr ' the freahneu of cut Freoing wheat and or other provision: of organic `V ,_ -um-ubllh Lulll. H19 z-euaiziva meu--tar more practical of buainess-would be impervious, that which consists in accusing them '|n|"iI ;r'n..`lu- I---~ ` -uu. we unman- , almost '0 Glotlnnv na- plums in pots and 1111100 I CID`? Suitable Alto f'Oolonr-- Pink ; ace, Linen, WATER, ,._--cf. lune, Am) XI` YOU no N01` ALREADY TA! ADVANTAGE or C TYPES AND INK , BESOLYI AT ONOI 1'0 CONTBAGTB, um YIARLI Aoallltllrrs DAILY IIIIWB. Possnssnm -ran LKHGIB1 PUBLISHED IN THIS OITY, TIIIBIOURIJL DAILY ..... m \.UUHC:v' --1an.iu.~`, clerg 1'--reigners. Ou inquny he Ive only reason for this exnaordin Hill Igfortnigln ago a clergym. markuble for lnis-rcccnzrmitnes common sense, ventured to d very strong terms ofnbuse, the 4 those who do lmsincsa in Lam And I this in the heart of I --...:.-n ADVIRTIBIIIIHI A wmorousa - A -um-lsI_ IURTHII um nun` my 510! A THOUSAND TIRES.` PI-ADI TH] PARTICULARS OF "OUR 817813388 A LOCAL PLPI8 1: you run any-r run! 111 TH] muons: I un':ujc1-101101 A1-1-Iuo-rrvr s to: mm 1-1 0! BUB} HAY J DAILY NI I! You wont. Anna-r ounroltlna an Autism! ram: suaorvv 1-0 A mnnn. AID T mmoloul `II or I'lWlPLPll[00Ia'UII % midst lrubcru-an. 'I`R'ADE'S$'ME(N MID Mano;-IAic1' mum in IIPOITAIOI or AD%jVERT%ISIN`q1 _..... TEE LONDOEW TIMES ON THE MOB- BING UF FATHER LYNE. Whut is the meaning ot all this disturb- ance about I-`atlier lgnatiua, or Mr Lyuel The thing is so childish that we scarcely know how to notice: it seriously, but, it hm yroduced certain cotisequa.-rim--i, which are 21 diocrulitulrle In tl.iscir_\', that we cannot venture to treat it with the cunu.-mp: that H deseive.-I. Fancy what It foreigner mun: h.-we thought who t -nuud bimsell in Lom- ti-irrf street on Friday till;-i'iiuoul In one nt the ltusit-st parts int this busy city, dur- ing its busiest hours, he finds the utrcct lnocl-Led up, and trnti.` almost stopped, by A large \\'L-ll lll`L':'~Ud ml\|i.wl1nsm'111 tn lanvv nutliang to lo but yi-ll vutsi-.lc thu gates uf .1 church, and now uud then, to insult just rinse persons vi-Em would seem must l1ll- ` 1...` In nnn M ,., .. I8 TH] HIST UIDIUI WEIR]!!! 0100* Dawn roan 3118113, AND NOT 1'0 ll DBIYIN. ADVERTISE`: ADVERTISE ADVERTIS; 1'03 Anvnrrsnya LY BE MADE AT TUB NEWS OFFIOI. u0OAL mun .-1-anlron so an BIIOBI PUBLIO LID Gil): 0 1 EUJS. >01" .1 ?-IN THI 1'0 ADVIBTIBI oAnnr* Ind Prlidu Q" V _ .. your bani...` % ma? P-'"'" "P|i-=1. . I bunuqluig 5. h,n_,,__ 7 ml: ya urvcu per tthere is an night be I v "--we chinimc , onoklad d'0hd- Oil ' ' ggg-Rh--_oh.. T ulllttclibe DIIIIIL gulf, Id .. r. we bottom this |Mr Protes- : their n." sympathy ith Lyne. his very reason we should never F persecutiug him. But. for this m how mam` m-nnln m,...m -_ . Khan; ugh-Buown : F?! 03': 3 lii Joann! 'lC:IIIlIllIo.' I ya to Us ,,._ -m.` T, .,4_,., an: mum. eomroulanorunjlndl. ~Haecthe uni { d oi1`,.`mn'hg uipu; A Jigand to. mf` ;_ will IAIIILY J V otmmn, ooxfdmma ALL nu: NEWS or 2'31 \1f""" use STORIES un` an ,__,, .,.... no In uuge trucities. m nt 5 ion \ fcroasiug; satu-er. I the 3 elingahm ud of vim'e1 !.......x E,`1rq.,-. r.1_w.s., ,.'-LII guru in In noun it wmwu held. &1a,AdVartiseIIonb of Shipx _ Hades, `Prints 1&1 Reuben of Finn. Hal umllnln V ........ ...... .......w.1~..-.. 7-." . tu_ .1 J . `1 :::.=F'{;..':?.%:'*`*".;.?';".i..; omu%xoau1:o7if"nu, _ Xq-`w once: '.`I- . ".*i-..*' ` ~*-..?E-:1 ,- --,._...._. nuuac specl c- 1s;ut'n'l Cuuulrics, the my ofspeecllaud freedom t`1llHI.`~(1)IrI_T. If there i he utmo.=c licence ofnpeu n permitted, it is the `is any ear: of alousze tn thought that the nen-~t..r run:-.. -----*'* 0 ",,,;:_.uuer,vl nil.` mung. -mu! `1ioll3h:un".5`la3'~9'Vb`*"?: ~* ~- x7 ea-auncmtr ._ * Abonl0lino':7'F' %` ` ' tion, 3'. i...-don. fll`llH1;[I'lIj- H.B.-`hso square to in coma .-Ir Hnknu nf uununnurhl THE cnnouiii 1).: Do orn,m.s..,%.ao4_-I ugh um.---H Ina-uni-rI__AII " V no` omu:num- 3 nu: um um; many people would ever aer he was preaching in ' fur the nexr. ten year: he paring it to every den of y to he rh nexr.Frislny, ,4] e I uHvinn ........a 1-: ~ *`WWW% .. ...... ..unu uIIII.lKU- ` Kl" `atlwr Lyue I ;|in la Ill F'uncy :1 :il`:cI`Im(1u Darts in Iliin ..:._ - | l 1 o , _ . . ......, :5 Iain}! 1e J` `of de mean Lt, dine him ;. ried :2 wur, amovgsl . he `van in (Hat-..--1 ` receipts from [hilt `Ihn I\r>cO -42-- u\d|In out the ens however, for 111 the nl-M---"' --W ,_.v........ 1 I.uU|.}IU' y con- management praise of xthiug their ,-cu attrihnrnrl on - )-~ .. .3uuus. 1: was pro- intui- od and coat; If -d nfnrrliu-....- -I -~ ' nu,` an we Worst char- , Helingahalus, and Then- ort ofvnmcntly feeble in- l:LL Llmusauda In uch mint nuns: '3`----'*` ,, ,_,.,.....\u uzugu, UUC ould join. Bununtortunatev s still .of Du! afill rh- 55-A..._Ln .-, at {he regit;1z`1'1'-`;.-3-u;.;1'. c mdredfold in : `able rhnr Hum -I----' ` man it is n them. not large body. or all . nm_v not. like lo' es shabby, or hli ut would mkethe c tn n.-sent. the ; the char- alinxrnlmlna nun! 'l"L - , uI.CIll\|UUl 1n one. . ` any, 1 street` t\".'Wl1|1 \'l`n`lI1 tn L-.. . ` w W U ,4 M L u w WV _......J 141 LLIUU-I was probably, su-called Pro- g.' .I..: fnrn h u`\ `that III the Ill-nA>:.. ..-..:, uuc ULIC HI ofcun- fthere is place e ofapeecb has pulpit sbuie to which I I mar cl... -. Id toyysv-s_<`)`1".r richer: ?n;1n`n inc... _5c1`. a. ..~.u-o. `roughs rnrn-9.... V_., .-;. precu- inr na- U. thi F. HOOPER, 12111!` Fire an Marine INSURANCE COMPANY OF 1 iCAPWAL .. .. .. ..1 lANNUALINCOME. H H , 332,000,000. i Funds deposited in the hands of the Govennent i for the lecurity of Policyholders. 1 JAMES swnrr, . __~,_______________ Home Insurance Compal I I J New Haven, Conn. CAPITAL .. $1,000,: I - PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING :12 nnn nnn . .._____.______ J James Agnew, BARRISTER and ATTORNEY-a1 veynncer. tc. Oice No. 4, A ingn, Market Squan-5 Kingston. August 1. V U Dec. 20, I867. :\r\I.1-llva AND ATTOR: Solicitors in Chancery, kc. 0ices---i8 Clarence BL, op] Utce, Kmoaron, C. W. Jon A. MAcDo1uLD,Q. C. | Jun Jnlnl M `H. .1...- . W . OFFICE,-South West corner of Dunda East Streets. Wu. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVE, County Crown Attorne r ``T____________________} vu mmn uu mu mm lmir `\|H`....uH WI. v _.________________ donald, Patton RARRISTERS AND A'I`T_0M .QnI;.-am... :_ n-.--- -- uvullu ls. IIIIIIIICIII, [_3ARRISTEB -AND ATTORNE Y-AT- LAW, Solicitor in Chnnoery, Gonveynnoer, &c., Anchor Buildings. ;____} I Kingston, Feb. 4, uuucrueeve an Walkem, ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Conveyance:-I, Notaries Public. Richard T. Walllem, `IOLIOITOR _ IN CHANCERY. OIee--Clarence Street, Kingston, G.W. J. P. GrLDln.sLnn1. L.L.B. | RICH. T. WALKIK. .........z . n.n..:,n 1. 1 urn.` an I :5-at-LAW Solici- [or] in Chancery---Chambers Nos. 7, 8, 8 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Jun: O RlII.LY,Q.C. | FBAIK C. Dunn. The New York World aaya:-Two or three infatuated persons, probably driven mad by protracted tortures on the street railway cars. or by the spurns tient pedestrians of the omnibus take. have made up their minds to introduce into New York the modern French velocipede. This is simply a contrivance for enabling able- hodied persons of a malicious turn of mind to make catapults of themselves. Such persons, leaping on avelooipede and putting it to lull speed by rapid pulsation ufeither leg, can launch themselves with terric force and fury againu the leg: of their fel- low-crcaturee. No matter what damage they may inict upon their victims, they can always get out of the reach 01 an in- dignant populace long policeman can reach the spot. ---j before the nearest 7 _ l Campbeu, nlowat as 1 Bmmxsrnns, &c., Prince smn /nnnnI:o..I`I"|..:l_ u./ Kingston, J'nn'y 16. J GEN M. HAGHAB LuuuIJ_y V! an IIJVDIIZCU. In time, nowever, just as the poor man I was on the point of abnndonin the place, a stranger cumu to his cabin. Ii was a ge- ulogiat and a miner of particular experi- ence. He had trained nrich vein of mineral through a. long distance, and located it at last right in the midst of the poor Weinb- mnn s possessions. The two man went to mining together, and before two yum secu- red independent fortunes. Right there are still some 0! the richest mines in the region. RELIANCE MUTUAL um ASSURANCE comp.-4 "3 yn If - I `LU. The poor fellow went ant to his place in I the dead of winter, wallowing through a deep snow all the way, Once then-, he found only a wretched little cabin, which would but poorly shelter :1 man at. such a ` season. However, he lltltl on hopefully l sud patiently, condent that his day would soon come. So he wore out the long, hard winter, and when spring nally came he was found hard at work Will] a will. In spite of continued labour, he kept on month alter mouth, loath to leave all in which his money was invested. In Iirnn Iun.........-_ .,- A -` -.u5LI.u\.'l unu um I whole for 3300, am thing, for the rogu ,lnu'ing a large fo ` little (or the land I ed. um March` 15, 67. --&n-\/`aria gARRI8TERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitors, Oonveymcerl, lc. Nnpauee, W. .. nna uuu urunge, xncrelore, that the I tllrt-c bankrupt speculatnrs should succeed ! ` Ln rnping in the huiieving \Ve:lshman, and Hnduue him to purchusr their old traps, ` together wnh the land. He purchased the ` C300. and tbnnohr he hurl . ninn A ormpondant of tho Chicsgo Repub- lican, describing 0 vim. to Ibo lead re-j gion of Illinois sud Wisconsin, tell: thiii story : y 011 nl` thn vinlnmt -ah.-- :.. u:_-__i r--:-` `V0 R. TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Convey; I |i':nn-an... n my 0 RelIly & Draper, gnzmswn RS,A I"I`ORNEYS-at-LAW Solici- 0.1811091 ?--..havnhnvn un- THE ROMANCE or A LQD MINE. W W M m \"||\\.\s.. ` H! ` m . xunn I1: I -5 [-14 Kingston, 0. W. g_______.____._._. Glldersleeve do Walkem, RDIQTDDG -_.1 Aalunrxv-.--------- wilkfwnr dcgllecve, fC}'I`f3Y\ A'lVl'\ . -:____7 ...,.un.-3, c., rnncess '8M3?, Ki: I (oppoai1e:Daily New: 0306}, Anmumnn CAxrnIu., 0,5,, Gloss: Lnucx Matti, Gnome: llu.n| HAOHZI-. Wm. B. Thlbodo, l'I`l`,D J Mn A II'I'I\(r|.-vr-rr Agent for Kingston. Oice opposite Burnett House. :7. A nu mun. lie purchased ` 330 and thought he had I nice or Illa rnunpc hurl noun-nrl I.:... .L. _. -South Dundaa and .uux:uv nu L 332,000,000. in [hit hunt`. :- . 1868. uu, nuu I-|IU|lsI.IIv IIU Hill I DICE n rogues had assured him that, 'ge fortune each, they cared on which it was secur- Qll nun} -at- LAW,Con- Anchor Build- . Kimnlnn. nI-IQ\4Il..UDI - ki17oRT'nYs.a:.LAw,_ mu-v 1 n W. GRIFFITH, Manager for 0 mad: Princess -8Tn3_~,-.9, Iv ma... non: .._._... ..: wt Al` I. ' Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf _ Juan Prrros, Q0 AOHAR. ' -3...` -, Conveynncer, &c. 7 non I nu gn-V DUBLIN. II IU LIIIUU he awok