E 7 BEATKETS: U. The Papal corvette Cm u-cu or-lerml to Marseilles! the Que:-u 0fSpaiu. .9 IX l|..._..-- x. 9.--The Jumn will bring a . F - Curlcs mr nhohslnng slavery ' ? s at the IEVKpil'1li0;J of ten 'I..1.~`I' I`.-IUH. North America-Selleu ask `.r Inn 1 r)-Read.ly rveablo at 116] 5 rm-form gum-,3: 1U? and 108. I %k-Buyers M96. Lower Canada-bellerl 102. -The CL: iii: in good domnnd : seller: today under i J I Cu}-ans in this city; Id be represented at ` - provisional Junta! FERGUSON BROS: that the Duke and } I -Nominal. No nulux UUIIJ ' and ....__ 4 .. r. .7. Sfothing do- `-.m.-Go1d UFFPDV. *1 E (,_,..._...u\.s. agalllal. bk msuggeet one plan to tlmn gather their cla ,me u`maL1irti11;__',an(l wa. There werethir Let the thirteen No noses of the thirleu LEI: , 5. no doubt protect the be. he must confess they ;._. as uxuacs man made water gush forth 4 lrom the wilderness-surrounded rock. Sir William Logan, in rising to respond, spoke of the remarkable cont basin over jwliich they were standing, said it had taken him seven years to determine the coal f buds of South Wales, and the Coal beds of ; Nova Scotiu were innitely nore l)lIlpliCI- 1 ted. He assured his hearers that Nova Scotians had much to be proud ofin pos- sessing a province so rich in mineral rc- sources. I I 1' I 1 | The Springeld Republic. Boston letters, recently it turned up in that city, noth | the interest. of $100,000, cc L lying idle. Tina an.-- I nnn -Jnuu lul. ' 5 The year 1860 will Intnes the two g;-eaten enteypriui I witueued--: he Suez Canal Railroad, No gclipse of the Inn 30 Iernuons gpon the nature hnu -- -I A- _ ___ __---vv-9 /I M, ,h:; `y other house in me city or de- I IA? nu] the I ...., uuuurea years. A. '1`. Smnrt pm-pone: are block in New York, divided menu, to be offered us home familial of ruined merchants. lion of dollnrs. ` eclipse fnvoumble for qb- I Ilervuions nature of that celesum body :5 lbs: of the 13th Angn. 0311 0C" f` I i two hundred YEAH ` uvul 53 III`: `ha E T. Sta--pr nu cu; um 1, saw me, a Canadian. along" side uf me is John Bull, represented for the occasion by our (Jill lriend Sandy Keith (whose back received usubstantialevidence I of friendship Iron) Mr. Howe : open palm.) On the other side it the United Sure; rep- resented by Judge Jncksrn. When John Bull gets a little ery, and declnrel he will not stand any more innultu from brnher Jonathan, our mission will be to assuage his kindling wrath and to leg him for I our sakes not to war. `When Jonathan threatens and grows i say we have interest ul pence. Our missio the two sections of the . race, In kce uaolenc we may . in the preservation n is lying between great Anglo-Saxon p the peace between tliem-to ! act the blessed part of pencemnkers. Mr I Howe said ifany of the eaters of PICIOU lmd ` agricvance aga-nstCani1diuus,hecuuldonlv . l:n.ur-any V- - __m,,_, H... :1-alu u: Ulllillll rearest clans, select thirl Ithe must rth)`-_r, and send them up [1 '3. weretltirteen privy coun Nova Scotians pl ` thirteen Canadians. would be the result. Providence Nova Scoti9.ua,1 they ran some risk. ` ever, they might kill off the [irst lb `Let them wait till another thirteel selected, and repeat an the fresh ba.1 old unernrinn ml in -=----- -`V - ;side I.II` 3 UI _. wumon u1st0ry- we and they have 4 had, the hundred years of effort in the same ` direction. " When Robert Baldwin was ` working for responsible Government in Ca.- nada, he was aiding, by his vote and voice. me working here for the nine thing and aiding him by my vote and voice. remember the hundred years yet to come of closer agreement, union, friendship, than had in the past exinied. Let us remember the humlrerl years in the past of friendship, and the hundred years in the future, and forget all about the one or two years of es- trangemenl and of strife. In referring to our luture Mr. Ilowe said that the great Nur- tberu nation now being built up had 3 grunt and special mission to accomplish. Here am I," said he, Canadian. along substantial evidence Mr Lining : n-"~- -" ` received a friendship Irom _ D, ..... \lAl tux; unat LIJIFEUCU. Let thirteen were batch the operation. and in time they wnuld no _ dnub: dc-populate the country and subdue ' than. l'h:1tWn.-s the nnly plan his judg- ment recommended. Mr Howe in conclu- sion prupoaed the health of Sir William Lnguu, passing a high compliment upon the man whose fame borne on the wings of sclence had own to the uttermost Parts of the 8l`[l.l. He pave nn nm-nun: n - -=-=- _ ,_ _-_D... .... ynuusli um country In Lnfaruy by proposing that Sir John A. and [us part; should be pelted with rotten eggs, ` he had lairly boiled over with indignaliun. He had penned I letter, and nothing give him greater satislacI.ion_ But a wrong has been wrought us. Let us not blame the Canadians. They never meant it. If there were any feelings of hatred they should be banished. Let us remember the hundred years of common history the sum. ` _ --_....._., manque noul disagree. Herc am I with I. Canadian alungsidelnf me, i whom 1 hate and whom at ihis instant by ,1 the instigation uf thv (`CVH I am desiio-is to t sin), but he has put all n'u.-ipcius, including I knives and fork in ul my way. Beyond [are officers of thc B "sh army. On` lhc ' i other side is It citizen 0 c United Slaves. I '{But here we all are in the "wilderness, amt ; 1' lbnllgh we dilfcr, we cut our diners with ` ;|puacc and goml will shining in our coun-I` 1 tciiaiiccs. :From this juxinpositiun or 1 pL'XbU|l5 Mi` Howe took his lexi, which was UIIJUVI X (CI!!!) I Fnncy Dru: Goods, at All grin.-1, and and I dCl|l'b! -(_._-- _..-wk-., l.)1uu| lll]CU (`U- I I-vgium upon the hardy industry unrl enter- : prise of the [mop]:-. spoke of the vastness of its territory. of the wonderful progress I i: haul made, and gave it as his detiberate conviction, that the United State: were a F my gno i mighbnur, and lung might they remain so." He then referred to the Cana- dinus. declared that Nova Scotiaus had no cause of quarrel with the people 0fCanada; if Hnrn n-.... .----I _ ,_-._.-_ ...... -1uvu econaus had If thue was anybody to quarrel with, it was the six Nova Scozians who had wrought us wrong. Bun as for the Canadians they were a. ue, mnuly, ' noble hearted race, and when a miacreanti press had sought to plunge his COl.1DIl _V in [ IN prnposixm that Air Inn... A -_4 - { _ ,,- _. _.. ..., .uu; um tell, WINCH Inn vxaunuutinn of the position! of ..\'uvu ; Scutiu with reference to Grant Britain, tilt" . lfnilcil States and Canada, together with `, hcr11ut_t' in the future. Discussing the ri- ; 1:iLtnnsnf.`t)Vu bfcotia with Great Britain, I I he said we eanuot glit England. Canada. j tried that once, and she got u lot of mus- ltsts nnd put murhles in them and set mtn * tn n: them art", which thpy did and then 1 ran nu"-.u'. Tbt'_V were big fouls. VVhat. ' would Neva Ecotin be if, withnut men, llluikcti or marbles, she attempts that garm-.` Grent Britain he nverretl tu bk the lgrentelt maritime nation in the globe, and E ili\'*:]:\'. with_ber seucmis: larger than that of i France or the l'nm.-cl States. In) rennin so fur the next thousand years, which was fur en.-u3_h in the future to look Iorwsrd to. j lhe true pulicv of Nova Quiinn ...-- K -- ` _ E. 41`! uuL`L' Ill you lllllll lullke. Every man is reuxly to y at In m i-_:hhuur's throat or to ing him out 0 11):: country, because both (lisagrec. Hen alungsndelnf me _,._ ,, . . 7 The Ilulnlux Reporter in its account uftliu opening festivities oi" Drummoud Colliery in |.\'m'a Scmin (an onto-rprim in which Canmlinu capital is largcly invested) thus l Tbllurli tlw apccch of the Hon. Joseph llnwe :- An lllli spa.-och is of considerable import- > nncp we will pr!::.~L*l\t it to our rt.-u;lcru strip- i pad of the ornturicnl lvuves nud foliage which loaded it. We will give the denud- lvd trunk and the main branches. Mr Howe * ns! spoke of the extraonlinary medley pre i Sulllcll by the company bcforu lnm. Scrip- ] turc fnlcl of many things lmnl to be under- ismml. lJuLll1ul)anlrSt thing he bud un- < llt'rlkt`lJ for many a (lay wan to understand till-1 gmllering. Nu ll)l'L'(' nf you think ` y lzisl C;nada Delgenlureu--Snl vu of Currency Flvu during the week ll 90, and 0! Dominion Six per cent Ilock gt 101 ; holder: of the latter being lu-dly very rm st 102. Mann-Mr l`.-------~ =-- ---'- "" J ` -u-uny very nun 102. Mantras! Corporllion B.` l89l oerod at 9J,while for! 105 In ofered ml refused. Montreal llnrbour Bondi- Exchnngv.--Ver_v little du ` tho nnniual rule being 81 H: -.-_./ Mu HU\\'1:-J'-SA F/I13:h:L:11 Ix;i'1/iEE'MM01~:D CULLIERY. The in |\'_,,._, u..,..:_ , ~-- -...... n... uuuu: we c0lDplQllOI1 gr the world has evar 'ed""IhO Sun. noun` and elm. `D-..1A.. geld Republar.-an uyn mat a box of 9"`. lost in the mail, has W nothing being lost except cnntninpd in il whil- L-'opltl'nb9|' 21' . .-J ul lllCiCLU[H Ul .l`lCl01] [Ind agannst Can11diuns,hecuu1d only 1 I a obtain redreas. Let! 1- thirteen of`, th1;__',andscml to ():ta- 1 were thirteen councillors. irtecn Nnwn R:-miam. ....n `L '3" Pl1I'p0_Ie_I erecting nu immense V into family apart- house: rem free for the lined nun-l.._a.. 1. _:n --_. _ _n In cutrvrmei lne WOIICI nu and the Pacific witness tbs completion gf rnriua lhe Inrld hm: nvnr uaru. Bondi-Nolhiug doin. (HO d0illD in Ran]: RQI1 , , , _ ._uu-nnuu, LIILILISII `an How- rst thirteen. FIfII'|`Iul oI.!.. --- .--u-u-In Irvin` IUUI CITEIJI. contained in it, while .... rIL{Il'\'u` lllclunllg t 3 vu in theviluleruess, sent |~`1.liniha;n nu an-~- ` V V l .- uun \.\llllI.` ' /C juxtaposition or` ok Hm hncirnu. ._r \ wn. Scotin was a Great Britain. n.-..: P`: \-`'A/' w|.l P--v_y UUUIJUIHOTS. J pull the Duels wouldi `Ina Hn,.s:.` ..,. .L , ._ Bonda-SixeI duo in `or Seven per cent stock uuiaulllllil UOIDK. doing in Bank Him; In Q nan`-u IVIII [ICU IOU [DC It will cost smil- _...B uu uuu uu ' E `V ms N rage | , ly Inst 01" Herc lungsnde Inf lhi .-npuus, V `V31: R;.\v1|n.I I T 1 J____( uunnlu. 11!? Nov: Bcotia ! |r\I1u-..-....I A .4 LLICJ IJUYU In udwin l ..-...... :_ my I HUUILI :,though ma , unny Ho` GREAT EXHIBITION` lJ!_'.|l'IUlI. | Where it is intended to erect II Toll-bridge, i ' such notice must state the rate: which they in- K lend to ask, the extent of the privilege, the height ofthe arches, the int:-rval between the abutment: ; or piers for the passage of rafts and vessels, and E mentioning also whether they intend to erect I. I drnwbridge or not, and the dimpmions of the ' same. no 1;I__ _ t,'l'I J,_, . gin \/L1_u.zuun11ULV 0! the DAILY 1 NEWS 15 fully one-half larger than that of any other daily journal published in Kingston. The circulation of the old `established weekly CHRONICLE AND NEW5 I is also greater than any oilier weekly pub- ' `!lisheci in the county. Advertisers will lperceive that these Journals are the best media. for attracting public attention in I this locality. __n-.,-..--.v -psuvpuulj Ill Ulllllfluo L Toronto, 313: August, 1868. I LL applications to the Legislature of Ontario A. for Private Bills require a Notice, cleurly i and distinctly specifying the nature and object ' 3 of the application, to be published as follow, `_ viz : ` VIA . V A notlce inserted in the Ontario Gazette, and 1 in one newspaper in the County or union of ~ Counties affected, or if there be no paper publish- Hed therein, then in a newspaper in the next l nearest County in which A newspaper is pub- shed. i Such notice shall be continued in each use I for a period of at least six week: during the in- |le1VB.| of time between the clone of the next ! preceding Session and the consideration of the pexi=ion. `Ill-H.-- lb :. 1..-A-1--1 -~ - ` "" " IIU-IC. N .B.--For a full description, Gazctts. run-1.:-.p-..-. _ _._.-..... U... H.-.unu~..a nnu Jgoagel U Summonses may be obtained at the D/{I13 NEWS OFFICE. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Devices for every description of Crnnge printing kept on hand at ;he Dun NEWS S1-nu; Pnrnufnzq Hovsl. ' i N o -[1 c E. _Leglslatlve Assembly of 'I"n......A.. an A_` 0 AYOUNG MERCHANT--WI1en you | p my more for the rent of your business house than for advertising your business, you are pursuing a false policy. If you can do businesa,let it be known.-FRANx- I `IN A TILL open on MONDAY, 5th October, in his new premlau, Princess Street, for- merly owned by A. Foster, where he will be pre- pared to supply his old friends and cultomerlg ` with the choicest and but articles in his line, and at moderate prices. G n 111-1--an LEASES-Formsof Leases and other! descriptions of Law Printing kept in stocp at the Daily News Office. Every` I description of printing done to order. I I '|`H. Klngs County Grammar School. Ogtober 3. October 9. `NI-J! September 14. Smoked Salmon I smoked Salmon 1] .....-.,-....u. yulrl, an mien into and state of decay that it has been tnkun be modelled and recut. .1! - -u-vnu ulull IXUUIK Wu..- MTl1_e heir: of Weber, the greet composer, hue lately received I Inn: of four thonnnd franc: from the rule of his Ivorke. This in the remit of the prolongnlion of litcruy ownership for the period of twenty years. The statue of William, Duke of Cumberland: lhe hero of Culloden, whlch has been standing in the oentre of Oevendllh equlre, London, for ninety-eight yeul, bu fallen into web I rapid down to ., _. . - A German snlnu denorihu his bualuu upon his nlgn in 3 single word, ninety: Hinterla- duugunrttoriigwehrpstrolncmh|l|In!shriocnur- boileuchof. Described concisely in English he is manufnclurer in chief of cartridge socket: for the Vetlorll bunch loading r a." BBOCK & PRINCESS STREETS *3}: CIIQCULATION of Wwwq `:1 full ...... `L_1e --,-rv--- bRANGE CERTIFICATES gaff. dgg may obtained an, Hm. --:- [E Autumn Term begins MONDAY, 12th inst. A full attendance is requented. By order. Tna I71-nvn.mn...... CASE SALT ED). G REAT RED UCTION REMQVAL aglinh nnnnfsclum. Bl-ICEIVEI3-';'HIS mu: rAQD our-n vu-......-.-. - B 0 X E RAISINS. VALENTIA RAISINS! S. P. VVIIITE CHARLES T. GILLMOR, Clerk of the House. -- .ES NEW VALENTIA IS. `V. II. lllcllae at C0. Dy uruer. THOS KIRKPATRICK. WATER SALIIUN (SMOK- Juan nch lorinou in all cologn, cannot in bones: IPD Hagan l`---3- ~` " Spock! |lV1!;I-l'ks;1Vil ulzlod lo nr large 8' ,9 FLANNILS, BLANKIT8. CLOTBS, D MASKS, TABLE LININS, Ind TABLI NAP` K151 ' AND W. B. Mcliae & Co. DAILY NEWS--E `D, sea the Ontario ; . vv 1.] I ll, Tobacoonist. the DAILY `.I.......-_ .'L Ontario. V/-------V---r -I-111 IJIIIIJBBI I | The above to be delivered to the Alsistanc Y Superintendent of Stores at Kingston, onor be- : fore 15th December next . I`........ -9 -'rv..A , M c - - - I ] r ENDERS in duplicate will be received by tbe' Senior Comrnilsariat Officer, Kingston, un- til Noon on the -uh November, l868,for the sup- ply of Forms of Tender can be obtained at this oce, I all other informalioq from the Assistant Superin~ _ tendent of Stores, Kmgston. I A Iealed mama:-n nf` :1... u,........:_ ___ L- -, 1 lune lull] IJel.`El1I0(-I` DESI. I F\l.L .\.\lI JAMES ALEX HENDERSUN, D.C.L., Barrister (' Attomey, cfc. OFFICE PRINCESS srnnmr, KINGSTON. 1 1 . 1 1-000 Dalrs iioccasinswllh Strings. Tho .1-mu... 4.. L- .1 uruuculr uA LJIUICH, xungulon. I A Ienled pauern of the Moccasin can be net: at the Military Store Oice, and I. sample of the Moccasin will be required to accotnpauy the | Tender. ! ,`_( __g,, 0 _ A.- I (Witneu) HENRY B. SMITH. Legislative Assembly of Ontario` . u v - - V -" VT` -V "Toronto, 2nd October, 1868. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the last N duty for receiving PETITIONS for PRI- VATE BILLS will be TUESDAY, the 24111 of ` November next. v AID DlLILu3 1 next. HE Partnership heretofore existing between T the lite Sir Henry Smith, Knt., and James A. Henderson, Esquire, 1: Barristers and Attor- g ne-ya, hsvig been dissolved on the 18th instant, I by the death of Sir Henry Smit_b, all persons to when: the Into Partnership stands indebted will send their accounts to Mr Henderson, by whom :11 debts due to the Partnership will be received. Mr Henderson practises and cnrriel on busi- ness upon his own account solely. Kingston, 25th Sept, AD. 1868. MARY SMITH, .. 'un vnrnun ul Anna Aumsw, Barrialer,_ [ 1 kc, has been removed to Bugqt Street, ,secoud door loulh of the B:-itnh Whig ocae, npnlnirq, ` I nnink-n R tB0m.1~;n ALE-S-A1\`D roman. ' GEORGE 'I'II01IP0N 4!: 130., M KING STREET, EG to {inform the Public that they have opened the Store nut to the Express Oce, formerly occupied by Messrs. James Fisher and Son, md ITO prepared to full all orders in MOR- 1`ON S WHISKEYS in BOTTLE or WOOD at DISTILLERY prices, also FISHER S celebrated XXX ALE and PORTER in Bottle or Wood. GEORGE THOMPSON & CO. Kingston, Oct. 2, 1868. Education has been greatly fostered In Canada I for many years past by grants of public money. ' I believe tbat most good cm be done with such grant: by adopting the channels which the vari- ous denominations of Christians among us have nelected for the expenditure of their own means, and I 17.11 advocate the continuance of the grunts : to the several Colleges in Onrnrio which t.hey| have hitherto received. 1 l E r The present Government ofrntnrio has met 1 the just expectations of the people in the econo-l mical administration of public affairs, and in entitled to my ctrdial support. I I thlil eDdI|I`(I:.1"In non -nu -- "A- -- " j- ` BARLEY vnnted at the Kingston Brewery, } and will give Une Dollnr ani Six Cents I and upwards, tccording to quality. IA nnn DA tnu JAUUB BAJUS. N.B.-D. Donahue in the only authorized Agent to buy. 48 lbs to the bushel. Kingston, Sept. 29. n I IANTED IMMEDIATELY, an experianc-` `I ed NURSE to tuke care of an Infant I ` few monlha old. Also a Young Woman to n- aiu in tho housework, and devote a portion of be: tine lo needlework. Apply to In R. J. Cartwright, King-street, Oct. 6. ` .ll-IIIIIELI IU [By C! Tdlll 1, endeavour to see you :5 far as I will perrn_it, between now and the Electiul : will be ready to explain my view: on all qneouons. i-Garden Isfund, 23 Sept., 1868. The promotion of the settlement of the coun- I giv try I shall endeavour to further by seeking to to ' have the Back Roads completed, by endeavour- ` ing Io secure the passage of a generous Homc- { E : Mend Law, and the adoption of n more liberal ; '* policy with respect to Free Grants of Public I Lu: '5. , foalered j ; I Inc -u-.... ------ - r- ' Oct. 5. Commiasariat O1~_e, Kingston, September 22, 1.888. uuuvua vvunuu 1 BIGK ET. your Dill Agriculuurewvill have in me n i . friend, and I shall always be re Enid to all mclaures having its: view. n-u.- , -- - u`UI'ul nun Hoop Skirts, II II loid each _ peony per yard of 111 Factory Conon PrLnu imam: saggy: BABLEY! To the Electors or the Oounty or Fl'0lltCllllC- ENTLEMEN ; The death of your into mem- G ber, Sir Henry Smith, having rendered va- cant the representation of the County of Fron- tenac in the Legnlstive Auembly of Ontario, i am induced to think that the offer of my services might be acceptable to the Electors. Long identied with the County interests, and having as on old member of the County Council, and no Warden, become thoroughly conversant with your locnl n'.sire,l am, i think, in 5 position to be of service to you in the Legislature. , Many of you too hue had knowledge or me in my business troutnclions, and you can thus in both respects form an opinion of my lnesl for the honour which I seek at hands. .AEricultura`wilI Inn in m. . _..._.. --= A 4 .pIll1l.'l`._ Qciober 8. `HE OFFICE OI JAMES AGNEIW Barrister . kc. been removed In R... -no 43..---." mn`s?;_`.=`r1T.E. GOOD ve yrnr old HORSE for 5 _ quire of t'.!'ll'nDl'1`l:` nnnnn-nun . .-... FOR BALE-A I October 5. IILU U]. GEORGE ROBERTSON & SON, Wbcl-ast'.e Grocers &c., ` Onlarig Street. WHIs_EYs. THE --t - Iv uzxyi. Sew Houery. New Fancy Wool Gooll. Sow Gray and White Conan. how Dachau Kid Gloveu. New Jaoepbino Ksd Glono, E11! 850'` over; [air wunntod. ail Attention is culled our 8'0` AUIPLGI IIIAIRDIIIQ ntrvllcll I'll REMgyAL. aper Collars. CHARLES T. GILLHOR, nlnr` ` 2 . new Grnnd Overalrung PIANO. ADMI I`TANCE--4n hill! fl:-and I"'|n-..-n_.._.. nu I \v , _-J..... uuuun. nave warm and active ready go lend my its Advancement in Lxecutrix. JAS. A. HENDERSON. .~`PI-SCI.-`H, 2 L A TEsT `s 1?:1TI"sA'r10r3.= McD0 N ELL S _,.,..,... | as tinge I ,_.I . I nnd uh. 'l.`l.,...:.... 4 D. D. CALVIN. qunuty. JACOB BAJUS "1. ....l_ .....L -,,, run as nu` I3 ume: Election, add ` in-n t\n n'I ....|.|:-i LIIIIII, Executrix. 'ElIJ`ITI\IRh BIG SHOW OF HOURS OF ADMISSION- : sale. In- ?.TS_ and DRAWIRS, of ILI1 CH pubnc` slant Dnr and Sydenham Macadarnized Road, will be sold at Public Auction 1': OOUNTEBHS INN, ll: I1-'u--x_-- - ' nu. LWITIVU OVCIOCK Roan. ' The Leela of the said Gate will be for ONE YEAR, commencing at Noon on the second day of Feb:-unry,A.D. 1869.: The same conditions of sale to be observed In at the sale of the Gate: on the Kingston and Nnpnnee Road. The furnishing of Broken lletnl for the said Road for one year will be sold at Auction imme- diately after the sale of the Toll Gate. I By order of the Trustees. I JOSEPH NICHOLS, Chaiunsn. JOHN CRAIG, fy_____ he I AEIDJ. ITH-lbli, KINGSTON, Prize, Hamilton, 1864. First Prize, Landau, 1365. First, Prize, Montreal, 1865. FirstPrize, Toronto, 1866. First Pr-Eze, Kingston, 186?. Diploma, Paris, (France) 1867. First Prize, Montrsgl, 1868. Also at Hamilton, 1868. Be- sides numerous County` Prizes. `After; careful Aunt-niu-uh... ---I - -I- ~---* ,,-___.- . on uuvnnu IIBIAIA Will be received by the Committee at the nine place immediately nftor the sale of the T0113, from parties willing to supply BROKEN METAL for the arid Road, for is period of one or more Yeah. The Mid Metal to be subject to the approval of the County Engineer, and to be deli.vered_in such quantities from time to time, and at such puoel as the said Engineer may direct. ,,Sul-etiu will n_lo be required from nertie: comm-u:.... r..- u.- .,..uuuues n-om tune time, such as also parties contracting for the delivery of the Broken Metal. By order of the Committee on County Pro- petty. 1-gun----A lon numw, the 2 October, AJ). at Twelve o'clock : Thu I.In 4-J .L_ __:.| ru . uu II II` II` 7' II`. hue been nwudod Prizes at the nriouu PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION! u follows: Fmsw PRIZE, KINGSTON, ms. `nu: Prize. Hamilton. 1364 Pi.-.. 1>.:... r ....z .- on-.u:u numerous UDllDly Prizes. - After; careful examiggzion, and I thorough test of sewing of all kinds of work, for nearly five hours by well Ieleczed and competent.-Judges in Kingston, and the other Exhibitions, our In- chlne was declared to be superior for all kind: of work over the followlngzlachinu, viz: Wheeler t Willows, New York; llliu How, Jr., New York; J . ll. singer I 00., New York. Agents wanted. Apply or by leltnr address, JORDAN 4|: 00 , Gonenl Agenlu. Oce and Sale Rooms, Martin : Block, P;-in. cess Street, Kinguon, Out. Oct, 5, IRRR LIVERPOOL HOUSE, uh- no... .-.-|-... 1.-.... ._ .1._ -.._ - ,_ ._ -1q.r" NTO the preqxisel of the undersigned, i I gulf put of September last, A lnrgel COW. The owner can obtain the ing property and paying charges. `lnannn 1 ......__-_- Go! by H6s1;s 1133. Vvicdnestlay, at Ten o'clock a.m. 'l`I.- I -...... ..r -Li 'Klngsi`on u'1d N;;anee Ized Road. , v ---- -- va-I LJI.L.lJ.I.`J. IMESTONE, fit for Lima, Building purposes, or Balinat, for sale at all times at Bnrrieeld, near Kingston, one mile from Uaunqul Budge. Convenient whsrf for shippers, ' from the draw at Gataraqui Bri it lies in a north-easterly direction. Apply to II. STRAOHAN. April 24. TOLL,T0 LEASE y with Board Ind Lodging ` Family. Location, Barrie Street. dreu at the Daily New: ooe. I sent. 21. I AFEW GENTLEHEN can be County Clerk : Ooe, Kinglf-on, 19th Sept, 1868. AT THE STO RES =3: LJIIUCI null` Oct. 5, 1868. Oct. 5. Maine Nook cottage sun tor Sale. TENDERS F08 BROKEN METAL Vi ha 1-non!--.-I '5... .t__ n - P. W. DAY, Chairman. Waterloo and Sydenham Road. u wanna .__._A_ Kingston, Sept. 21, I868. urn: III HIE Sept. 21. ---_?.___ Sept. 25. rmczss srnnr. ...--v.-L;-4s._2L \JL`J 1 nr Rn`:-no 5*..- --I- ALBION RESTAURANT, MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. CROPS and Stan at the shortest notice. Frelb Oylterl always on hand. Liquor: and Cigar: of the best quality. f` Billiard Tables. 8. THORNTON, Proprietor. Sept. 18. U: Double-round. Sept. 14. ______j_:_?;______ LIMESTONE F9}; SALE_ t fnr Li m . n . l.a:__ - L, Oct. 6. FOR particulars apply to ! GOOD Plain L Apply to M v vuuuulolll iel Leaning t IUD Ann!-nm llltiii/Iii` vamwnnnnb. PIINC3 BTKIIT. t\uI| 1IsL -._;-___L,,_ BIND. A mp mock of cAnPI:'rs, in nruuou. TI; 9-ml. 1-rm-1. and Woo naAa-an-a-n _ _.._.___-__ STRAYED. ,i_ .._-..-nasucu, nu llll nt large brown 3 prov- - J03IPH LANGWITH, Lot 7` 5111 Con. Kinguuq. run- .\....._!_A L .- WANTED, WMM VAN snuusnnznn, Portsmouth. COOK. Wm -_. .-u- , 13 0ctob;r 21,'1sos, Terms libenl. Jr on lei: N_o;;;`t:::. M R8 WALKER. or FRASER t GEORGE. . Cubncre. and N accommodated in 9. Private -ie Apply for ad- I ooe. 23rd day I. 13559 ' w.L1aHrroor.3 nnlu, Bounty Clerk. I Vuhing given out. of PERSONALLY Iolocted by one of but Finn from the and `the Continent, and presenting to the Out Out em aered in thin city, sud without exocption the Chen] buying only tron: nt Innis, we _cn.n nord to sell clnlp. Black Ghee and Grad Grain-Silk: _ Satin Ril Coloured Glace and Gros Grains Ribbon 1 Very handsome Fancy Silk: Jet. and I Rich Maire Antiques and Puplins Embroid French Merino: and Elnpuu Oloths, choice Moniary, nnlnnu-a nu...-u manual and mnpnu choicei Ifoplina sad Poplinettu, in grant I-u-iety I Fnney Dresses in endless uriety, quite now, very cheap, and pretty 1 New Shading: `in Gobi:-gs, Lustna, snd Wincayl ` `Velvet: and Velveteen: . Clothing Material, mioua utylea ` Josephine and Duchess Kid Glovel, heal: quality, and :11 column, one dollar per pair ' RPII'l!lI IIIIAI I`lhInn1IIn- --;.a-- THE WAREHOUSE Ind Premises on Prin- eeusu-eet, lately occupied ny Hugh Fraser, (who is retiring from business). l Annlv to ` V-Linen Torch, an each, at 5. 34 pt . nru. wlue mayo Kappa Bra Chane Drool Goods. Betntii Scarlet Nnpped Olonkingu New Shades in Waterproof! Glace And Grol Grain Silks AIRS mvts bu just completed hi: nu Pqgchnuglnd mrpoeuuny mam In [nlpeetion J of oartninly the Lu-gut sud Inuit Fuhionable Stock efor otoi in the city. ` We will, :1 mad, Idl all out Good: at an oftrilnoly snaldnncu on the" coat, fooling coil- vinged lho_5_4ho__1:gti.nc7i_g_:(l(o gn,Bggdy lousy Tradehiwundonofiarboth Buyuirnnd Bullvel-. Double Fold Serge, for India D1-can Sontag:--all niia. Grey and White Cotton: Empress cloth: in every variety I ghitc and 0:10:35 Blsnkou ' . F nch Ila-`noes in choice colours lanuob-'-'-cl eo can V Yfrd wide hays Roppa Broche Stutf_Gbod| `nnldinn Twaedl, Onidinn Rain-v Dz-on Good: I-I....ua..u 2- 4--. --V - - - -- \_ El Oonnodlous and Well-lled STORE on T the comer of King and Princess Btrects, luelypccupiod by leunlorgunon & 00. Im- mediate pououion given. Apply to - Juty 2:. J. BAWDIN, Solicitor. [868 M0NTnEAIZ"noUsE. Glasgow Warehouse, ,R. WADDELL & 00;, 4 250 PAIRS WHITE BLANKE'l`S, 200 pairs cant BLANK".TS,% % 25 PAIRS BLUE BLANKETS.% A Always on hand, a variety Views and V uliartraits Kinglton 6th Sept, 1868. BLANKETS! _.-- vs--nu-n-nn-Il_ J E` III} Wear. Oleap. ALL GOODS sou) FOR READY MONEY ONLY. sepmnavm 19." um nu amount, dollar 7 V I English Scotch. and Canadian` FOR SALE" OE TO LET. Kingston, September 30, 1868. {___________, October 3. ['RI.\'CES8 STREET. MADE TO ORDER IN THE LcIll'Il.'l" 1101 Apply to TAKEN B ! H. HENDERSON Ix AND ON_ EX[iIB1TlON'AT HIS GALLERY. A Pair of Finest CANADIAN BLANKET_S,- A ls:-Irv.-u-v.-.- A PRINT DRESS for- A WIN CEY DRESS for NEW FAIU.'LGO0Ds l'ID`l`I Il'n An mun WILSON S BUILDINGS, WELLING1 STBD .~TOC TiUs'r OPENED OUT, __E.___._:..'_ A MAGNIFICENT LSTOC HUGH FRASER, 0: JAMES YARKIR. v-Io 1113:: Lu "3. pa m-acne ututroodl Beautiful J sch: Materials kings FALL IMPORTATIONS r._._,-_-r: led lending Hnnufoetnterl of. 0%.: Brian. , Guutosnor tin choiooet election of Good! , Cheapest. Importing our Goods dhoct, and ands, ' min stun Ribbons, Satin Drag Trimming, Button: os Velveu, Silk Fringe, qnd Tonal: mk. Bugle Trimmings and Omunenu ud lmbroidarlos, Ribbons. Lace_Goodu, Fiowm imp:-on Hosiery, Gloves, nnd_ Fnncy Woo! Goods ' . - - A splendid Stock of Plain and Fancy Flannel: | And Bhnkeu at reduced nria-1| - LATEST STYLES AT H THREE GOOD TAILORS WANTED. ARE NOW snowma THEIR LARGE SIZED cnA3Lzs ,__-,... -nlu van: 1 luvs OI plages a View: of Residences, lionnmenu, tc., ' YOU CAN BUY dnmxm 1.1 ml. GO TO THE OF` demon: SSEPARTOUT8 in the Latest Styles. , for sale at very low prices. .a 11.-.: 1n--- V- - .4 mum:-3, AT n. lmnnmgson, pm-s I Dlsvulrll. unnurea P! can Grey andwhito Oottons, cheap `Luca and India Curtain: ' Damask ugd Cloth Table Coven A` , `Napkins, Towaings, Tickingp, Shh-tings, with I very lnrge usorunant of House F'utniI'u- lug Goods 1; `Needs for Boys and Hews uh-an. 5. nylcuqlu mac: or main sud Fnncy reduced prices 1 Several hundred pleu Grey cheap .. ......... mu _mr noun nuyurjnd Bullet; -'S:nu.p--alI White datum `A White Oolonnci Flannel:-'-'-all colour: -Gnnndinn Twaedl, Hui} Wineeyl, Bkiinga, Golmrgl, P_laidl Shula,-M Jl'ckell,-6lld- flab Household Iainenn. 0 pets, and Fuiainp Giovu, Ribbon, to; to. - - JAMES 1)AVIS," MONTREALHOUSE. ---n (FEE TRUST AND LOAN COMPANY Funds for Investment at iha.-ix lisaml rn Interest. on Ihe SEUi'ily of impmved Real tnte. 1_-.__.4 - ` m1I:)aus lands for xed periods, or I annual innnlmeuta. Fail information can be had at the Company. _ Stpt. 5. _/ `J uuuua U1 uu uescnpuous. Tickets Ing- concerts, Excursions, Sunday School pic- zifs, etc. May be had upon silo;-t my/- mg the Daily Nan . 4 nun, etc. Da may De had .7; Na om... JAS. GREENFIELD. FUNDS FOR. _ `(ARES AND _ TIC`I{ETS-- / Cards of all de2c: GR_IGOR- auu ALVA}. IIUILETI descripuoua. cfrtn. EX9f t1nu Ruin-I3-L- _ -_---p.-.4 Uh IJUQ corner of Princess and Welfnglon Bu. _ ...._._._..___._______ _,_. uuas \IJ-`J3! FHLUE MAI I. & J. GARDINER WADDELL 8:. Co. 1-.. ;-- - Slam/`n98, mu: mu` TON STREET. MODERATE PRICES. D ONEPRICE Mum. Q A `"7-f-`-rs .--. s ofintereot. , carefully taken. .-uu m mun II5n1alr9m(:I rily of Real Es- Plu:tv:::r::pher. prgxxc I-:ss swans? - _...i.~._7. V {?Wi::. 'l`E!IE1\"l`. the Oeo of $045 1AA Macnee &. Waddell,`j .- rcpoyublq by ~ -- nus_;nI:- Tickets KAI`.-...I N: , ban OI BLANKETS! LARGE u- -I I]!-I , in I eolonrl, at Hdgs ATTEN TION Lnnbowco! pud Half Hoot; Lunhnvool Boa. .\'r;\\ FALL GOODS] ,nlnpricntE{ and Montreal lining there being to-day no over $2,. uaull U1 DHIISU 50!`!!! Am: 105; and buyers 03'4" 103]. Cu; Bank-l`bia stockis and scarce. There are no self 1lI.1 vulvu uaul UI 1.40-I E1103 and buyers M102. Mr:-huni.-.1 u....I, Ir---= `on closed ; guy, Fe )pIes' Bank--Has declined since last week, there bemg today Idlers In I05}. Uutario BInk--Hnl advanced Ii per cent on the quumnun of Inc week, and could to- dd` be rsudilv Inld in rmuul ...........- _- --A A 1 and Customer: will nd it to their ndvunngc ll. - ._-;v_ wr Clothing Department in now wmpldtgg run no their purchases and orden until they ' ~.v- unmxned our Stock and Alec-ruined oi prsou, which will he found fully 25 per all under the mud Clothing Eton: prion. v tut <.`_u'JI.nll day` rsudilyl On-,r G? 132%- ..-L.-.. \II =... Iuuiluu uuinuu. 1' New York, Oct. 1D.--The steamer ` D@U[>t`Ll1l',l, lmu) Bremen, has arrived. P::i`aiclphia., Oct. 9.--The Qrst innings of-`.h": 2;`. was concluded for 47 runs, leav- ing Uh: English clevcn 70 ahead. The se- Cnnvl innings of the eleven was commenced, &H'l when time was called, one wicket. had fallen lUr17runs, with Jupp and Smith at the hat. The game will be continued tn- mnrrow. The International baseball match bt:l't:tD (ght of the Crmketcra, with llarrup (:1 the Olympic Club as pitcher, against the Athletic (gbumpion Nine, will be pl:|_\e.d I..o.!\'!. Monday. The Cl'iCKI:l:l': will unl ElCCI:l.)[ Ilse odds of extra men or nut.` G0!`-: Bank_[; Eng |L...'..- n,_u, 1 -u.vI:\. URI Iluck offered. I . ..v- uuuquc .1 llllillq - qliuiat u `a p u-ely nomizn, at Eastern '7'owoah1ps' gals- r..:.._ r K) -1- -A 4 Edgar rmer; Spirit: Pmroleum dull It 1| 6-1 . Rened Petroleum 1: 5d. Liverpool, Oclooer 10Ll:-Cotton, Upland: .0}-J: Bxcoa duh; Rened Petroleum rmer ; Corn Zia 61; Tallow rmer at 483 9d. , _ _ -_- __..r--p-.-u-vug New York, 0 :r. 10.-IIOraca Greeley was nnuxiumtc-i for Congress lu-night from the ` fth CID{igf>aiUD3l District. gmu Francisco, Oct. 9.--Tha Franklin Huuse and three adjacent buildings were 1.r_arncd lass: night. A number of lives were 1-`we bodies have been recovered fnun Ihr` rnlna Loudnn, Uctobor I0, p.1n.-Conuls fl 1' money Mi, Bonds TH ; Illinois Central 95} ; Erin 3_'I. .._-- --\. - nu-JIIJ ULI miauppliml funds; the Established Church is n umik of p:1:tUpp1 .`9Sl0l'l ; dimstablish- merit will give the clergy of that church nmre ~c-vpe ; the interests of the Irish pen- plc: must be cared for; the revenue must. be applied to public and social works, and not to rcliginuscsmblislimenta. Mr Gladstone closes with an appeal to the voters of South Laucuslllrr to support the onl_v_just'polic*_v which Eng] and can pursuc. Lumlou. October 9.-'I he Newmnrke! THC-E: closed to-day. Sizuah won the rs: race : Wild Oats the second. (hr Linen, at In ION puyud, beau cry in price or qushty ': All other Good: not mentioned, and kept by lb \ Dry Goods Stores in pn.n.I, will be round n the Ez`CEv.\I`:` mt" Suuth Lmcnshix \'mwtng the progress of reform he ;~ru`+ r`-ll to L`I'i'.iI:i7.: the U n-unnxcns, cspecin-H_v; cs`-nde creai-.-1 l.S'.A[lL'|Kt"'. In re-guru he s;1_x.a [ht nun policy wuulv I-4.: uh: tricnd of the Irish l'EL)U\l an: the pmpo.-itions en.iu\un;-n: ofxln: churches in E.-(:tlId!I1 I CI . Liaison! Merchant .n-`.1 New York, October 1011:. 3 [-.1 "iii. ct LU Hg. Montreal Tel r1 L4...-- - 9 I take lm` .... -A IUFU m mukel. _ FINAYCIAL AND COHHERCIAL. '.~:\ I'L'|.~b ..{\' WE\'P`..\'I.\'i3,` 061`. in. from 12: 6d per pair no pieces or Whitu Cotton. It rid per yud,_; Iorb ed \ .\lcnn~dn'u Kid Glovu. 50 per pair I -xv yards Drug Good: at `lid 1 Double wxau. Iohnin, in .11 714 pa vnrd _ PAIRS Winn} Binnie-I, llighlly!oI'.I_eI,: `u-uni-`I. E Bauque Nations};-._ Nomi, 0:9 DJICIV l!l()l'-.i:uxl- no In-v ,, . .5. ueal Telegraph Compnny---Sellers nt Lyfj r.-fusing to pay over 125. s-he-u Navigation Compx.ny--Nothing do- ll :0 I13. Passenger Railway GoInpnny-Booh ;|.~llers st 110 oz. div. ' Gus Company--Buyera offer 132 to] I I 1 L-W York Press Despnlchel. .,l_ A`: \A\- n ulul. urm, Oct. 9.---.Vlexican advices stale `ulunel Dominguez, one of the leaders hilt: Vera Cruz rcbu.-lion, had arrived Capital and been pardoned by the we. Estimates of revenue reccip'I n u ensuiu-_; year show there will be a nf ii! nnillinn rlnllnra as Bank--Books closed. ' r\D1:' B.snk-SeIlers at 106, buyers at ' I he Daily Ntlll ).\"I'REAL STOCK MARKET. of Montresl-Con'indeI Mendy at i, an winch price sales look phce to- i B=m|i-.\'o sale: in this market. No `ed. .: Oompsny-Bu declined; pollen at 33, and no buyer: ` HI GOODS burn all been bought ft! 0 direct from the 1.-sding l:|n.1g.au'd'l he Bnmb In-ken, and lb y Ire that club 0 oer gnu xnducclmnu to buyers. ` New Dreu Goadu. New Impress L'luLbI. New All-Wool Repps. Ne! Clnce Lnd Grog Groin Silks. New land: Velveuv. New Vrfvetecnl. New Wincryu. New Jonpbino n! ujnxa as lulu. B-Lmk-NorninaHy 96 lo 97; Indian BnnE-Mn ha n.....'.. Tburadny Oct. 7.-.-.No.t much Inc- Stock Market, although money 'i.'.Cipl obstruction to business H nm.nn: of necuriliel offared for '.\i.;.i , October 9.-Tl1e Right HOILYV. one has issued his address to the ! I 7 , , , , ._..._. .-.u.. as. no: reform in England, in to cmiciz: course of the nl, condemning the in- ; amu.-s:a.-~=. regard to Irel|nd.ll u [run wuuld be to minke; ricnd people. He Hhc for ex general :t in Ireland. and i J 1 I J case against the Established aggravated by [Ina fact that it is ` 1 of the rivh; the nrguments in 1 its continuance are 1 salire on ] ):.,.| .I W - suuu In sum wees, um could mold in round. unoums at put and Fl '_ ;Ia.cqu0s Camer-N |`.| Ll-I .\ l1\\'. -Unu1eublo at 40. N0 1 l`l~1Ll9.(il{.\l'll. YSUIUE Kingston, 13th September.