Ins: | The nuthor of the picturesque epithet, cape!` bugger, is said to have been Captain Pur, a delegute from Nnnnemond to the recent constitu- tiounl convention in Virginia. His phrase is al- ready established among the resources of the lun`|1d.[P, and is likely to become pennnnent. One conlequence which it bu produced is, that carpet-bug: can no longer be sold in the South- to anybody, and merchants with a mock of ti-It nrticle on hand Ire in Ln uncomfortnble predict- ment. Nothing short of I trunk will now nerve the purpono of any trnvelling Southerner. No bill wu found by the jury in a prose- cution ngainst R. W. Kelly of the Central Canadian, for libel. __. _..., .... .n.- _ ;Iolm Sides, 9. respectable farmer, re siding on the 6:11 Concession of Pickering. committed suicide by hanging himself on Monday last. - T1__ r1`_AV`V_ 7,... -.-.~ .__-__-J --.-- Hon. Charles Fisher, M.P., is gazetted Judge of the Supreme Court of New Brune- wick. Attorney-Genenl Wetmore was an upplicant for the oice. The writ is not yet issued for the election in York to ll Mr Fi|her s place. : navvu. Albnny, October 1l.--The bottom hu gone out on the voqnllo level of the Erie canal cut of St. Jobnoville. 111:} by the net. ":1?l 3.`P. P22}..- -}.-puun cu Ln tutu. New York, October 19.--'l'ho Itenmnhip City of London, from Liverpool, bu ar- rived. _ If _ I LIL___ r\ . I II III- -, -- v- .--- ~----- -v- -ry-~-0 THE ATTEMPT TO Upswr A Tmm.-The ` investigation into this matter is still pro- : ceeding. Numerous witnesses lnve been _ exnmined, and several other: have been 7 subpcenaed. Among those already ex- amined are Denis Doody, the two Blat- terys, father and son, who live near the culvert in which the posts and ties were placed, the Gerenus dud others, and every exertion in being undo to trace out and discover the guilty parties. Mr 0 Farrell of Quebec bu. we understand, been subpoe- naed to attend, end will probably appear 5 on Mondev. Thin nluhnint in tha third n- . ` Monday. uueu nu awenu, incl wm probably Thin nttempt in the third or fourth which has been made to uplt B unit: in the same nelghbourhood, Ieverll of the wilnenen having testied to the luck. It it believed tint robbery In the object of these utt.empt|.-1l{orm-cal Herald. C0 . HERUIA L. The yellow fever hud- 3'? dnuxrzoop Skiru, at In 101d uch . uu puny per yud 0! all Factory Oalql, Priou y; market du and still ng When! unchanged. Pork steady. Butter "_ AIhPl-nnvn ninurlu uusnrl lteady. V3 b RANSIENT ADVERTIEEMENTS.- H13 The large circulation of the DAILY V0 NEWS renders it the natural medium for 39" N the publication of all small and transient i advertisements, as well as larger, nnnounce~ Dd mentn. Advertisements of religious notices and-Sabbath services; situations wanted; 3T9-TF9 situations vacant; houses for sale ; house! 15`3bP9' to rent; houses wanted ; board and lodg- ! IPPO ing; rooms wanted; board wanted; ar- 7 ticlea lost ; articles found; cattle wanted; plat cattle for sale; cattle strayed, &c., _when ant (linen incol-lat` fnr 9.5 nnnln nu:-In Innnu, , 7 ---_ u-~-- -uv-lll5I$ The shore to be delivered to the Auinant Superintendent of Stores at Kingston. on or be- fore 15lh December next. Forms of Tender cm be obtained ct this otce, all other informnlion from lhoAuiaLanl Superin- tendent o!SIo1-ea, Kingsmn. A sealed nntlprn at` an. n........:.. ..... L. ---- TENDERS in duplicate will be received by tho Scnior Ooznminuint. Oieer, Kingston, un- til Noon on the Mb November, 1868,for the sup- ply of .: uuuuu Ul ulurzu, nluglw. sealed pattern of the Moccuin can be seen at the Military Store Office. and I. nmple of the Moccasin will be required to accompany the Tender. ~ JIU\.\JlD|| I ..'U|nIIlI l',1'VDel'e no i! prepu-ed with an entire nu! Stock of Broad Clotbl, Pilot and Beaver, Cusimerel, Doenkina, Can- adian, English, and Scotch Tweeda, to make up 4 to order on lhe ahoneot notice, and in the men A New and Fashionable Styles. Has aw on hand, made up under his own I superintendence, a` large qunnliiy of Randy-made (Nothing, which he can Inn-anuud recommend, ` at prices as low as can be found in any eatnblish-l ` men! in the city. Cull nd Iv-Ynl'n:nn lust`.-.-g -\..-..L_.-I-- __:. BDTTLEII ALES AND PORTEB._. GEORGE THOMPSON dc Co., ' KING STREET, EG lo inform the Public that they have B opened the Store nut to the Express Ofce, I formerly occupied by Messrs. James Fisher and I Son, and nre prepared to till all orders in MOR- ` TUN'S WHISKEYS in BOTTLE or WOOD at I DHTILLERY prices. also FISHERS celebrated T XXX ALE and POR'I`ER'1n Bottle or Wood. aFI\pQp "I"|3l"I|ll. )Ol'\\f I. raga N THE OFFICE of JAMES AGNEW, Barrister, etc, has been removed to Bugot Street, second doorjouth of the Br-ma}: Whig oce, upstairs. ('\:-unis... n 'su:Rrs and banana, ` 1.000 pairs Moccasins with smngs.l Th. .'b...-.. .. L- 1-1:! Kingston County Grammar School. `HE Subscriber begs to inform hi: nurneroul I customers and friends that be has removed from his old Stand, Princess Street, to Mr Ooy'l Buildings, No. 24 Brock Street, directly opposite Mr Ramnge, wqtcbmnket-,1vhere he is repu-ad Broad nlmh. `W [NTO the premise: of tho uudenigned, in the early part of September Ian, A large brown COW. The owner can obtain the Cow by prov- ing property and paying charges. JOSEPH LANGWITH, Oct. 5. Lot 7, 5th Con. Kingston. - `HE Autumn Term, begins HONDAY, 12th '1 i::Ht_ A full attendance is requested. By order. 'l"IJt'\u Ifvnlrflnalrnrntv N O T I C E. Legislative Assembly of 'l`..-__ _ _..r,........--.u .-......v..--up-; vs. uni IIVO Toronto, 31st August, 1868. LL application: to the Legislnture of Ontario for Private Bilia require a Notice, clearly nnd distinctly specifying the nature and object of the application, to be pnbliahed as follows, viz : vnn.. A notice inserted in the Ontario Gazette, Ind in one newspaper in the County or union of Counties atfected, or if tinge be no paper publish- ed therein, then in I. newspaper in the next nenrest County in which a nowspnper is pub- lished. .._L __.:__ _L,1I L- A__.!, 1 4 - Such notice shall be continued in each case for a period of at least six weeks duxing the in- lexval of time between the close of the next preceding Session and the consideration of the petition. Whom it in intnnn tn AI-n! . 'I`..I1 I..-:.:_. THE Subscribers, in consequence of extensive elterelione ln lhelr Gallery, will be unable to take Photographs for a week or ten days. Due notice will be given when bueinen Ihall be resumed. D . . _ . .__1__. 11- .- - - I Rnghsh nnnlactnn. ...-uuauu. Priming from Negntiveu nlrondy on hand will not be interfered with. SHELDON at DAVIS. - ` October 12 .. uln um mu rccelreu Instructions to sell, , It the ARTILLERY PARK BARRAOKS, on WEDNESDAY, October l4, Iennl --r.-.-_ Z bolongiz Wwbere it is intended to erect a Toll-bridge, such notice must state the rates which they in- tend to ask, the extent of the privilege, the height of the arches, the interval between the abutment: or piers for the passage of rafts and veseell, and mentioning also whether they intend to erect I drewbridge or not, and the, dimensions of the same. :1 n 11-... _ r..1-I .I_-__:_.2_, HORSES run SALEi BY AUCTION. H.I.I.IC. N.B.-For 5 full description, use the Ontario Gazette. IVIIIDT DIE! HI l'IVfVlrr\u-n 1L.LA.V\J-I4 \.IJ-llII.LL'L\Jl.'Xl['JE H1111 .l.40(lgB Summonsea may be obtained at the DAILY NEWS OFFICE. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Devices for every description of Orange printing kept on hind at the DAILY NEWS STEAM PRINTING Hotel. _|_c-' unnta Iun_y U: uuu lb ILIE COUDIET DI the pubhcauon oice, Princess street, price 1 three coppers. ' 11d JQNGLE COPIES `of the D25;-1 2 | Nnws may be bad at the countu-`of H19 -nnhlinnlinn nH"'Ir-n prlnnnga app...-.9 ..-.__ TAIIOHINB AND OLOTHINO ESTABLISHMENT. FERGUSON BR( \..uI.uu .IUl ulna;; uuuycu, wt Wuan set close, inserted for 25 cents eucl1inser- tion, pay4ble_on_1y in advance. When din; nlnintl n ru-nnrn'n'nnnn nu-Cnn -EH15: nl-nu-op, LIUIH lJlI:=lUIU_UU]. II-I _BLlVBI.|C. " lieu um` played, a propoj1.Ioqa_.t_e price gill be charg; ed. ' ` Puuul 3. October 6. JCLII. nu IUC Call and n October 8, I888. ..... nun -uu A uu-Inn lll DOIIIO DI Wood. GEORGE THOMPSON 8: C0. Kingston, Oct. 2, 1868. Commissarint Oi ae, Kingston, September 22,1868. October 9. October 12. October 1.2. ~ BLANKETS ! October 12. `HE JAMES n, hnl hnon --nn...-...I .. D--- --j J . Ll - . . .iE?. ,i%'1:t;:.:.:';.2A1-=.:2",s`:<:~.: ::.$L'.~ Y N excellent PIANOFORTB, cheap for c L A I to pp J. J. LIHTON. October 12. A ....u.._-- RANGE CERTIFICATES and Lodge mav be nhmima.-.1 nt um vx*H1s_IgE ?. --_-H-r gin: to Umceri of the Garrison. Sale at 1| o'clock. Terms cub. - J. J. LINTON, Dbf ll. Annlinnnm sfR}CYED. . \..,. l examine before purchasing. CHAS Llvmn: l{I+1VIQ_VAL. HORSES 1?)1i7C1'fE';; Noggcls. CHARLES '1`. GILLMOB, Clerk of the House. Lb) uruer. T HOS KIRKPATRICK. vcnun-J pllrcllllllg. CHAS. LIVINGSTON. DAILY NEWS---] 1.;-an Ax). Auctioneer. an: I V , Auctloneom Onlarlo. I Hull 4 so clean Linen Towels, 5M each, 01' 5:31 ` dozen I VIEW: The promotion of the settlement of the coun- try I shall endeavour to further by seeking to tune the Beck Ronda completed, by endeavour- ing to Iecure the passage of a generous Home- stead Law, and the ndoption of I more lfbernl policy with respect to Free Grants of Public Lan e. Education has been greatly fostered in Onnude for many years put by grant: of public money. I believe that most good can be done with such grants by adopting the ehnnncll which the vari- ous denominations of Christiane nmong Ill have selected for the expenditure of their own menu, and l w`ll advocate the continuance of the grant: to the several Colleges in Ontario which they have hitherto received. 'I"ln- ......_. n _____ (A ucuuilru no my c:rL1m1 support. I z-hull endeavour to no you as far In time I will permit, between now and the Election, and will be ready to explain my view: on All public questions. | I-no-sn.-i_- o ANTED IMMEDIATELY, on experienc- _ ed NURSE to take care of on Infant 5 few month: old. Also A Young Woann to u- siu in the housework, nnd devote : portion of her time to needlework. Apply to In R. J. Cu-wright, King-nuoet. ' Oct` 6. ~ ARLEY wsnted at the Kingston Brewery, and wfll gin Une Dolls! uni Six Cent: and up suds, Iccording to quality. ' JAO0B_BAJU8. N.B.-D. Douohlu it tho only nthoriied Agent to buy. 48 lb: to the bnlbel. Kingston, Sept. 19. - L` any wgrucemng rn.'1'u'1U11:S for PRI- VATE BILLS will be TUESDAY, the 24th of November next. CHARLES T. GILLIIOR, ' Clerk. unvu uuuertu received. The present Government of Ontnrio bu mat the just expectation: of the people in thc econo- mical administration of public niirt, and in entitled to my cxrdial I-bl endeavour m Ina um. .. t.. .. -=-- Legislative Assembly of Ontario Toronto, 2nd October, 1868. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tba lui dn. 3* foxreceiving PETITIONS for PRI- VATE BILLS I? ha TITEQHAV oh. 01.1. .1 In_ the mutter of JAIIES BOYD, HUGH ROSS, WILLIAII CALDER, and WILLIAI FERGUSON, trading under the rm of JAMES BOYD I: Co.---Insolvents. PUBLIC notice tlhateby given that in virtnn oi the power invented in me an Auignee of the photo Innolventa, I shall ohrfor Isle by Public Auction, on THURSDAY the fteenth OOTOBBB next, 1: Twelve o'clock, noon, at J Linfnnh Lnntinn Dl|nn1- gll oh- _a-...-a Garden Island, 23 Sept, mes. _, _--.- --nu AUWUII, UQI OCH `_Uur Tnbh Linen, 5: ll ION pol : city in price or quality `An other Good: nounennioudu | Dr] Good: Store: in pan! ' It the Insolvent Act M1864 and Amend- ments thereto. UUTUBBB Twelve J. J. Linton : Auction Rooms, all the: interest And estate of Hugh Boas, one of the inoolvenu, in the lands and tenements undennentianed, be- longing to the me of said inaolvont. `Int J, Al `Ln! Hnqnhgn `I ! :_ cl... 0:.) --_ Ivuula Iv Luv culntu Ul nauu IIIHUIYUIJE. 1at.-Part of Lot Number 17 in tho Sud eon- ceuion of the Township of Kingston, Inc! which part may be better known and described as fol- lows: that in to uy,bouoded on the But by the fogty-foot road. on the Want bv the Annirur vs. I!VIUll`V\l IRI Iv llllllll D1 . 2nd.-Thnt certain parent or trust.` of had known as at part of Lots Numbers Sixteen lnd Seventeen in the Second Contxssion of the Township of `Kingston, and bottbded as follows 2 thst is to any, commencing in front of the esld, _ Concession, at the South-east angle of lsid Lot Number Seventeen, thence Northerly dong-the Ellt limit of the said Lot ten chains fty-two and a halt` links to a stone monument. Thence Westerly pnrallel with the front of the laid Con- ' eession nine chains fty link, more or less, to a. stone monument placed inythe centre of the said Lot Number Seventeen. Then" Not-therly along the line hetween the Esstnud was mm ; of the said Lot twenty-one chains thirty-eeven and s hnlf links, more or km, to 1 crols cut in shinaeltnne Rock. Then Sonthowesterly at an angle of about Seventy-three degrees and Thirty- leven minutes from the Inst mentioned side in a direct line through n Beech tree thst ll landing near the centre of the aforesaid Lot Number Sixteen, nineteen chains sixty-thxee end I hit links, more or less, to the centre of IBM Lot Number Sixteen. Then Sontherly along the line between the Esst and West hnlnl of the last mentioned Lot, twentpeight chains twen- ty-eight links, more or less, to the front of the said Concession, and then Easterly llong the heat of the lame, twentyqight chains fty links, more or less, to the piece of beginning containing by sdmesenrement Sixty-six sores two quarters and fteen sqnnre perches of lend, be the same more or less. 9-A I also GIIA ._A nan ._ `Ll`__AL__I_ -23, 1 -mu. uuu nu w any, uuuuueu on me all! by the forty-foot road, Want by the Anniug Farm, on the South by the lsnd of George An- drewu, and on the North by lnnd which belongs or belonged to William Ely. 2nd,--1`hnt new-lain hnv-nl on 5-... A. 1--.: `I --\/IIZIJ C ENTLEMEN : The death of your late nem- T her, Sir Henry Smith, boring rendered re. cent the representation of the Count of Fron- tenec in the Legit-letive Anernbly o!,0ntnrio, I am induced to think that the offer of my service: might be acceptnble to the Electors. Long identied with the County intereete, nnd hgvin` an on old member of the Oonntf Council, end an Warden, become thoroughly conversant with your local enire,l em, 1 think, inn position to be of service to you in the Legillnture. [III] of you too have had knowledge of me in my bueineee trnnrectione, end you cnn than in both respects form an opinion of my tneu {'91- the honour which] seek at your hende. Azricultura will hnvn in men n -.a--. --A --4:-A ..vuvuu YVIJIUIJ I IIIDI II. J U||I' IIIUI. I Agriculture have in me 1 warm and Active friend, and I shall alvuyl be ready to lend my `aid to all mrnsnm huing its uduncelnont in viaw. 'I\I.- ___---A3- " Tolhe Electors or the County of Frontenac-_- _ (1 12|L`Ml'Il' 131:1-any .- mm: sAn_L_m BABLEY! 5 ll.lC IIILIU IIIUIE U1" ICII. 3rd.-Lota 224. and 227 on Northerly side of Queen streeL,.iu the city of Kingston. 41h -Psm: nf Lot: 127 um nu nn n.. M. `V ` our (Mocha; Depu-uncut in And Cuuonou will End is lolbcil ad _rtu-rm their purchases and ocular: null- have enmined our Block and 188*` `prices, which um be round fully :5 god * under lb`: and Clothing Bum: print. .i *1 us. aanmrmh SCDLQIIII`-r 1| V-nsvu wucvt,.Iu um nu Ul nnuguun. 4th -Pl'!l of Lou 127 and 134 on the cor- ner of King and Earl streelsjn the City of King- Iton, and being 88 feet on Earl urea: and 71 feel. on King street. . th,--'l"hnt harm] nf `Anti `Ivnhup an.-..-.....I ..n' IUCI; UH ll]! HIIUUU. 5th.-Thnt parcel of land` being of part of Lot 24, formerly in the lint Concession i of Kingston, now in the City of Kingston, com. prising part of plot. laid out by John Dunn on a portion of said Lot 24, and which may be de- scribed as Lot No. 1, And part of Lot No. 4 of the town piotlaid out by John Dam: on pan of said townlhip Lot 24. 6th -.LnIql grid '3 Manama`! rant` 3-. II-|A (1:0- Ilu LUVVIIII-Ill) HUI. C1- 6th.-Lolsl and 2, Mont:-ell 1-oad,in the City of Kingston, containing `by ndmeunrelmnt '1` no Lore: and Twenty ppleynnovre or less, indi- cated on a. plnn in my poucasion drawnzy A R pl|l'l'I7_ P T. Qnnmvnr (`gin-I 3|.a,n...+....I-.....' cued plnn niy poueasioni drawn bj A. gen-y, P. L. Sm-yoyo_r_, Quad luggteglaber; 4. , V . ' " ' -macs: Kinnton. 11th July. 1868. Octo't;e-r 12. Kinpton, 11th July, 1808'?` SALE OELANDS. 9,000 Yards A 1'-to 3I9ck at cunts, In 1 fr-W1. I-Int-1. and wooL Ilgj-n: _ ____._ mi ad. -MONDAY EV1sNING.% OCTOBER 12 P n 1 0 E L 1 s 'r.- ' id, am, cud, ad, ad, ma, Hid, ma, 1. (id, and 1. ed. This Is an EXTRA SALE, for 10 days Clearance. GREAT CHEAP SALE Of` 12.21;- DOIJ BLEI-`OLD TICKING, D. D. CALVIN. OR SALE, the two Stone Dwelling-Houses on the corner of Wellington and Earl Streets. Also, the two Dwelling-Bonus of CHARLES JOHNSTON Kjntuon. Sent 21. use _.__._j.-_-....j__.._j:.- `LIMESTONE FOR SALE. IMESTONE, as for Lima, Building pa or Bnlinu, for sale at 1.11 times at Ban-ieeld, near Kinglton, one mile from Untanqui Bridge. Convenient what! for Ihipperl, euily mule out from the hut at Cnuruqui B 'dga, from which it lies in 3 north-easterly direction. Apply to H. STRAOHAN. 1 love: than may 4 ! when . I'll ,.. . - no: and Nspnuu laondsniud Bond wil be sold st Public Auction 1: IA B`I'IN S BOTIL, Vmap or Gnu-nqui (formerly Waterloo), cu Wednesday, October 21, 1008, 3: Tan o oloek L`. The Lens of the Illd Gnu will be for ONE YEAR, commuting at Noon on the 12th (by of Novonbor, AD. 1863. * Tho condition! of lhtulouu :1 follows, viz. : Pu-tin Lenin; thunid Gnu must be pnpuod, with two npprond In-akin. to cum: lnln n....a. ....... us-mu; muuu usuomuubo In-otiu, enter Into Bond: (It the clan of the Illa), for tho faithful car.-yin; out of the contract, otherwise I dcpoait of 10 per cent on tha unonntof the Isle until tho laid Bond: an executed. _n--- FEW GENTLBHEN can I with Bond Ind Lodgh Family. Loestion,BnrrioStree dress at the Daily News 0609. Sent. 21. S`_______,___ HOUSES 11)}: SALE. - _. _-v--an -llllllll Will bu teoaind by the Committee at the lane place immediately afar the aloof the `roll `: from parties willing to supply BROKEN IITAL for the Ilid Bond, for 5 period of A The aid lots! to to subject to tip sppnonl of the County Engineer, and to he demand in Inch qmntitiu from time to that, and at Inch plneu u the aid Engineer my direct. Bnretiu will also be nquind from parties contracting for the devery of the Brokln KIM], BY Ordnr nf thn n........:..-- -- l'I- - - The Leno of Toll Gate No. 1 on the Waterloo and Sydonhun Kncndnuiud Road, will be sold It Public Auction at COUNTERS INN, , --.- __, __.:. nourw, { `at Twelve dclock noon. Tho Lcuoof thb hid Gate will bofnroll YILI, oonnuaciug at loan on tho noooad day spams Road. The furnishing of Btokcn Inn! for the said Road for on lth told at Auction immo- diueiy ant: ah the Toll Gate. By order of the Trustees. J OSEPH NICHOLS, Ohairmqn. Tons 1'0 lEA8.| iiltston and II; I-nal I Maw FALL Gt Maple Nook Cottage stlll for sale. FOR pnniculu-I lpfl} to Oct. 8. W. LIGHTFOO1`. 9 THE HOUSE now occupied by In Captain Walker, in Mnple Row. Possession can be given immedintely, or on In November. Apply V to mm WALKER, or FRASER 8 GEORGE. Boat. 14. KI Ootonon of the0ItyofKingstnn will 11 to the Leghlntive Assembly of On- M next nltung for on Act to enable the said Qgrpotntion to Sell and Convey the pen of the Udall! Bide of-the Nuke! Square, City of Kingston, now bunt npou, til. West of the property of John Breden, Esq., nrd nlso Town Lot Number: 423, 424, 429, and 430, lying between Ordnance and Boy Bugm, city of Kingston. All person; on requested to tnko notice. I. FLANAGAN, City Olerk. Kinntnn. Jnnn m `Inna PRIVATE BOARDING. 9% I s?.; u nun UHIBI lllll 0! JOB urrnta executed with autumn and h at the Daily News olca, Prince: @355 ALBION RESTAURANT, MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. CROPS and Bulk: It the Ihormt notico. huh Oyuleu always on hand. Liquor; and Oigurl of the bout quulity. Billiard Tablet. 8. THORNTON, Proprietor. Sept. 18. -ICII Ii In: Sept. 21. UHARL Kingston, Sept. 31: 1'3`- 4*!-'9', ' April 24. ' `HE GOODS have :11 Ian bought for ' I dirrcl from the lending nunufoctll I the Brian: lnrketu, And iv, an that `~ to oer grout inducement; to buyen. '9 * New Dreu Goods. . ' New Empress Cloths. ,1 New All-Wool Reppl. 3' New Gin; and Grey Gain 513!- New luuh Vdvoto. Net Velvotorna. Nov Winooyu. New Hockry. Nat Fggcy Woo} Goodt. Sow Guy and Wbilt Consul. 5 how Dnch Kid Glov ,1 New Jonphino Kid Glonl, t ovary pa`: vnrrnlud. l { E spacial amnion in and to our of n.uuLs, nnnnn, 01.01113 1' usual, 1`; an Linus, ad unnl .3115. I A I...` ll.-.I_ .1 an n-g_--. - - cyu-ry DI. ulu nroxin lilll, By order of thc Oonmittoo on um. Sept. 25. TENDERS F03 BIWKEN [ETA]: VH1 L`. _...:_.J I-- Al - ` Sept. .- .i. r. w. my, cum... Waterloo and Sydenhnm Road. County Clerk : Ooe, Kingston, mh Sept, 1363. `HBIao:uofGuugn.,1 l11nn and H'.-._.. I.l-_ GOOD Plain L Apply to `In: -. zunnnli K'hg:t_on, June l6,_ 186%. an-n a;`...._! _ j L , ID HEADS and other kinds` of Jon Il'1'IGexnnnh:,rI til`! nnno-n-n --3 NOTICE. W ANIED, 3, at `I'M per Yard. win nu srmussnznn, Portsmouth. or more Icon. 4. L- LBMEN be ueonmodnted :1 Lodging in I Private 1:, Barrio Street. Apply for I.d- y oce. COOK. Wnhing given out. l .\l.l. AND WINTER DRY 5-p.rmk\c: I `Ti. "s"'i'1uoaAx. `nuuu, I County Clerk. County Pru- UIIIIIII uruu uooul. Baum Scarlet Nsppod Cloaking: New Shula in Waterproof: Ghee and Gran Gnin Silk: Alllls DAVIS has just completed his Fall Pmchuu, and rupee-Ltfully miuu an J of certainly the Lsrgeu and most Fuhionnble Block evor clued in the We will, u nun], ten :11 out Good`: at an annual: null manna on the dou,l'uling enn- vinced that tho principle of 3 Ready Honey Trade In a loud out for both Buyer and Butler. D bl !'olIsero!orLndizaD:enna Sontag:---allnhu. Gtlygldwhihcatui E::'pu;u emu. in .my vnriaty White and Oolotnnd Bhnkets French lerinou in choice colours Plunelh-all nolonn Yard wide R. o ncppu Brocie Sum Good: Onnndhn Twudn, Onudinn E:-siuy Ghent Dru: I. _ _Bonutiful Jacket Ingrid: Wineiys. Skininu. Oahu-I1 mm. Q.__I_. xv___, n 1-- (__ _ an. uuwmvv UUIVIIJI Yin: w_id.7'if._C Bountiful Nnnned Olnnl-Ina: nnnvl IIIIU OIIITI-I "ll Pnozunnr selected byonn of our ma. mm the .2 out naus- nd the Continent, and patenting to the Duh Onntomor tho cbolout Idontion of Good: our oend In this city, and without out than tho Cheapest. Importing on: Good: dixoct, And buying only from nt hnndl, In an obng to all chap. ` * Block Glnen and Gran G1-nil Silks Sntin Ribbon, Bnn DIQ Trilllllillgl, Blltln ' Coloured Glue: Ind Groa Grnini Ribbon Valvntl, Silk Fringe, nod Tank Very hnndlomn Fancy Silk: Jot nnd Bugle `hi and Ornnlmntn Rich loin Antiques and Poplin: llmhmmau-. lllmnn, .... n......u. Ih.-.... Glaasgow Warehouse, i R. WADDELL & 00., L 250 PAIRS WHITE BLANKETS, % 200 pairs can BLANKETS,, 25 PAIRS BLUE BLANKETS.% ` 1868 I cry nsnuloun rnncy nun Poplin: French llerinou nnd Empnu Cloths, chain colour: - C bnldru. 5 W001 rnclllill lfllll IIIII HEP" Uloul , ` Poplin: and Poplinanca, in great nriety \ Fancy Dunc in ending variety, quite low, my chum And man: I .~ -nu] um-u Ln cuuiuqq VIIIIII, QIIIIO I very cheap, and pretty | New Shading: in Ooburgl, Luatregnndwinooyl I Velvet: and Vclnwenl . Cloaking lite:-is], virtoua utyln Josephine and Dachau Kid~Gloves, best quality and all oolonrs,- one dollar per psi: Illnrllah Rant:-In gun! n.n..u._ MONTllEAL novsn. B59100! THE WAREHOUSE nod Premises o_n.Prin- ooustreel, lately occupied 0] Hugh Pnuer, (who is retiring from business). Apply to nnnn in Auto Kinsman, Sopmnl-nu 30, 1868. October 8. Beptamhur 19. . Of nfnlv lhn Lawns: Bepuhbtr I1. - uf~~- -- -v vv-. ---- u-.--_-.-_ .. "vg_g -1,. `,1, , _u_ :3 Wear. Clean. _ ALL GOODS sou) FOR READY norzmr omxr. BUT om: PRICE mm D L T I1 A 'I1`I\`I"|Q-..-rs ` Kinguon 51h sep., -nee. Views and Portraits l1 assortment of clean! mums and ussnunrouts in the lat: sun... A, Photggmphu- n SHOW IIATTS, &c., &c., for sale at very low prices. Always on hsnd, I nrinty of Stereoscopic` llld Card View: of plug}. 6! ;` Portrnitl of all sizes, and aim Views of Ruideneen, llomnneuu, #0., carefully anion unu Ill turnouts," one count Engllsl Scotch, and alum: In September, 1868. October 6. SILVER HI Conmodionu and Well-tted STOII on tho comer of King and P:-Incas Sauna, Lulyooonpiedhy luau Ferguson & On. In- ndinlo pououlu given. Applyto _ _ Juty :5. 1. uwnnr, lolldtor. MADE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST Srpteubor FOR SALE OR TOJLET. -- - ;u;y;1p11'1VlIJ.NU for - - A FANCY SERGE for BROCADE POPLINS, - - FANCY SHOT CRAPE" CLOTHS, BERLIN WOOL SONTAGS, - PLASTIQUE HOOP sxmrs, - NEW LAMBSKIN JACKETS, - SCARLET MERINO coasms, A Pair of Finest. CANADIAN BLANKETS, A PRINT DRESS for- A WINCEY mu-zss for A FRENCH`MERJNO for A pAN'nv atwnnn 1-, 0!` rue! AID sun: nu mu. WILSON S BUILDINGS, TAKEN 81 IL HENDERSON. "- AND ON EXHIB1T1ON AT HIS GALLERY. TO LET; n vnsno--.---. JUS'l` omnm OUT, rulul Kinpton, llth Bepumbcr. GENTLEMEN s CLOTHING flnhih I` A MAGNIEICENT ~S'i:OCK HUGH FRASER, 01' ans nnnn, FALL IMPORTATIONS _ ,_ .- -----_--,.. -.... V-us vluwl cu [un- , 011131.13 Gnzaon. TYI.-E8 AT IODIRATI PRICES. THREE GOOD TAILORS WANTED. um now snowme THIIII LARGE` SIZED 3| . be cleaved out, C9-9 3 YOU CAN BUY :[ ommm Afr run GO TO THE S, WELLINGTON STREET AT ululqun "uncut, Uilladhll E"sI|ty. ' Wine-1-. Bkirtinsl. mm Shswh. Jackets, and In Hnnndmhl `Janna l`gu._.n_ ._.I Q... JAMES DAvis, HONTREALHOUBE. Lgwc;I-zplnllincurhlu Nu up, wit fihgTdmhT.uT:c2i h Lucy lu-puluttnontof E6nnIl`Irni|'n- `G M V . cnsxr EXI-|lBl`il;llN 11. nnunn;nso11,Pnotogranher. j PRINCESS BTBEIT. %:-:-%--~ . Inn_ naval any LUAN UUIIPANY have 1 Funds for Investment 1: their umnl nlu I Interest. on the Security or imp:-o_ved Real In- late. Loco: End: for xed peridds, or rupnylblo by nun! insulneuu. Fulllnfornmion an be Md at tho Olen of the Oolnpnny. nal. I. Tagcivswtor Buys am [erg Iuinn ROGRAMMES AND rosrnns `(Steamboat and Excursion Bills Iltl .'I`1ohctI, executed expeditiously 1: the Dan Nun B-tux Pun-rule Bonn Prilpoou Blreot. FUNDS won nuvnsrnnwr. ran TRUST AND LOAN counmr for Inventn-u-m AI llunir .....-: ---- .1 R. WADDELL up Go. Corner of 1_-ineen and Wellington Sh. if '.{.f.` Xii13i;`` ' %Slal75 39 L, n. PRINCESS STRET. nsuus, 1868 rino.'Cubmcr1, And A >`I ECIAL d'r-ectod to our LARGE LECTED STOCK ..r inrgu Stock of ncw I A ed I New] ` lav` 1 1 Soul Bowl I uvsnl-ool. noun, than Lav nth-u hm... 5- .|.. .1... - AT THE STORES IR Macnee Wa JonusT0N 5 W` V ' vi .1, u\. n_,/ u .=:h\~` BLA NKETS I nuxcnss snnr, PRINCESS STIIIIT. -- vvvilo riifizx a nu nu.-\ v rwl. `O! rd by Ge-on-,1: II n .~n|-uni-.. I.` Genilelnen '1 . 0lh8f;0_-il d .- lent cityd` .111: payard, hl ur quality `-` s.:.'.i ;oauI.ndHd{HIln;II . very low priest, II (bl A LSD BLANKET ATTENTION I OI` Gentlemen`: Lunborod 1 . Lunhnwool b-e box: ,,_,__ -. .-_-.- ._..-. -....Vu Madrid, Oct. 10.--The Provisional Junta has issued n circulnr invoking all the Spanish ofcinla and citizens to join in preserving order, nnd thus proving that the revolution just accomplished means not not violenco but pence and justice. The eloctiona for the member: of the Cortes have been xed for the 15th of November- Olozogn has left Paris for this city. John P. Hale, the Americnn Minister, has waited on Serrano and congrntulnted him. Gon nles Brnvo's, Secretary, was mobbed yester- dny and badly hurt. Gen. Prim come up- on the ground and made nnpecch to the rioien. Ho deplored any act of violence- He aid the people could now utford to forget the wrongi of the former servants of the Crown. London, October 11.- Mr Gl:d:tone`s address to the elector-I of South Lencubire in preined by the Liberel orgenn, who can- trut its frank end positive tone with the vegue end negative utterencee of Mr Din- reeli. The Tory journal: do not take up theNo Popery cry of the Premier, but rest the cleims of their party in the Perlin- mentery cenvus on the brilliant foreign policy of the Ministry, the mecca of the Abyeeinien wet. the necessity for the de- fence of the Church of England from the danger: by which it in eeeeiled, end the mnintenence of the strictest economy in public expenditure. On the letter point, however, they ere nturdily nailed by the Whige, who point out the wide incontinen- cy which exints between the precepts end prsctice of the party in power. Th- (`I-1-..- .....L._-.._ .._- ...__`I-Z_- ---- i- - --r --- - vtsuv n-- as nulculswusu. London,Oct. 10.-The preliminaries of n naturalization treaty, similnr to thnt recent- ly concluded between North Germnny end the United Srstea, have been nrrnngod ht- tween Lord Stanley and the Amoricnn Min- iiter. Madrid, Oct. 10.--The Pruvisionnl Junta has isuod n progrunme guarnnteeing many refunm. Among than are ndministruive decentralization, universsl surnge, reli- gious libcrty, freedom of the press, right of public assemblage, radicnl changes in the Iyltem of educntion, right of trial by jury, And equality of all men before the Crown. Judges of Courts no to be appointed for life. ` _ ___ r__.d, -.. r_v._-. The Chinese embaaay are making progreaa in their arrangements for negotiations with the Britiah Government. It is reported that r Bnrlingame nd: Lord Stanley is- not unfriendly to the policy proposed by China, and that he ia ready to treat the queation on the broad gronnda of civiliza- tion rather than from the purely Eugliah point of view urged by the London Times. It is understood that the ambassador: will be received by Queen Victoria on the 20th of October, alter which they will make a visit to Paria. I - election. London, Oct. lO.--'I'he lenders of the Jun- ta ll Iladrid are Inonnrchical in their pre- terencu, but have Agreed to accept 3 re- public, if the people no pronounce tn the mzsiulrid, October 10.--The United states Minister bud I. cordial interview with Ser- rano to~day, nnd notied him of the prob- nbla recognition by the United States nfzer I lapse of one year. ._r-- v. .-v _,.-u. Florence. October l0.-The Italinn guy- ernment has officially recognized the Juarez government in lexico. 77 `I -_,l.._ f\_A-|.-.. 01 I1, (`I 1 . -.-uurv I esdcy) n'-sinn (`ABLE NI-I\V. Liverpool, Oct, 10 -Rev-rdy Jghnsnnl will receive the nddreuof the cnrpurute :m- I thontiea of this city on the morning of the `3`2n~J inn. Nsples. Oct. eruption of Mount Vesuvius in threatened. Berlin, Oct. 10.-RepnrtI having been re. ceind hero of luvieuness and disquiet in Cubs, the merchnnta of the vnrious cities in Germmy have united in 3 request to the Government to send ships of wsr to that Illmd in order to guard the interest: of German Irnderl nnd otheril. -qI 7eri|, 0et_.._-11.---The reference to Schles- wig made by the King of Denmark in his speech at the opening ofthe Rigsdng induces semi-ofcial journals hero to declare that France is pledged to the treuty Qf Prague, end that Prussia must not depart from the obligntiona of that complct. Fears of en European Wnr have nbued. The Prune, however, say: the Irmories of France were never bunier than M present. ll-A-id r\..; 11 'I'||._ 1---: I___L_ _r n .....-- cu-up -- rnvwwn-II: Madrid, Oct. 1L-The local Junts at Se- ville, the reqnelt of the United States Con- Iul, gnnted penniuion to foreign `residents to build 3 Proteltnnt Church within the wells of the city. Don Rivero bu been appointed Mayor of Mudrid. All the pro` Vince: have formally recognized the Iuthority of the centre! Provinional J untu now in session in this city. FINANCIAL AND COIMEROIAL. London, October 12.-Connol| for money 96} ; Bond: rm 743 ; Stock: quiet ; Illinoin Canal 94! ; Eric 32. Uverpool, October 12, 1:20 p.m.--0olton tends upunrd. Brrsdstui quiet. Corn bun)- nnl. Bacon declining. Tallow 49:. 7 - -- - v-vluuuuw-vb. Havens, October 10,-Thou hue been informed of the progress of` events in Spain, there have been no politi- cal manifestations ; everything is quiet, Pbiledelphie, Oct.10.-TheInternetionel cricket match was resumed this morning. The weather in delightful. The English Eleven nished the Iecond innings for only 69 rune,leeving the United States` Twenty- two to nuke 131 to be 3 tie. At 2 o'clock they bed lost 12 wickets for only 20 runs. NEW Vm-Ir nnlnhnr 11 _RnI1lI1 gh the people A --...-: wcy ulu was 1;: wncxen 101' only IGU runs. New York, Octoben 11.-8outh A.I:neri- ` can sdvices to September 10th have be neeivod. Eartbqnnkea had continued on the noutlnrn cone. of Peru, but they hud canned ndfurther dminge. Six bhouund houses were destroyed by the _previouo shocks in Areqni which would cost forty million: to rcbni d. Provisions have been received all dong tho coat. The Iulnrorl were nblodntly supplied. At Iquique 107,000 qulnull of nltpetre were wubed g- smw: LAST PAGE`. BY -TELF.iGR.\l IAI. New York Press 4 .uo.\'nn EVENING, OCT. 3; 11): Elailn Nuns Despatches. The advent ofthe Montreal and Kingston 1' buyers hue lnrgely advanced the price of fruit in the Niagara district, The:T1'ms . says good apples are now worth $2 per barrel on the trees. This is nbout. 75` cents per barrel above the averageprice paid in former yenre, and is attributable to the partial fnilure of the crop, while the dc mend is constantly increasing. Surely, no 3 more substantial argument can be adduced [i In favour offruit culture than the wholesale . l price of $2 per barrel [or apples. Tun A...-.-n."-...-. ..n T`"......_ . fl`_ , _,, rru western. uye nour quiet at 6,00 6 8,50. Wheat dull and 1 /23 2c lower; receipts Are 165,000 bush`; niea are 48,000 bush M 1,60 ((3 1.65 for No. 2 spring; 1,77] for No llpring; 1,79; for amber Green Bay; 2,157 for whim California; 2,40 @ 2.60 forwhiie Mi;higen. Rye quiet; rcceipls no 7,400 bush. Corn opened rm and cloud dull; receipts are 34,000 bush, sales In 76,000 bush in 1,17 @ 1,19 for un- sound, 1,19 @ 1,20 for pound nixed westcrn. Barley scarce; receipts nre 65,000 bush; ulee are 9,500 bulb Cnnndinn western It 2,35. Oats opened very rm, and closed drooping ; receipt: are 138,000 bush ; sale: no 32,000 ball] at 74 @ 75 for new western Pork buvy. Lard dull. ------o:------ No: one of the [span in India. axpreueu any- thing but disgtul at the nppoinment ofEar1 Mnyo II Vicerey of India. NEW YORK IAREITS. (Spend! Telegram to Daily News.) New York, Uct. l1-Stockn heavy. Col- hn rm nt 26}. Flour dull; receipu are 25,600 bbls; sale: mm 8,100 bblu nt 8,75 @ 7,10 for Iuperue mute and western; 7,50 @ 8,10 tor common to choice extrn state; '.', . .l 6 8,25 for common to choice ultra western. Rye our quiet {ED 26 Inter - rnnninu: -In 14-: nlhx I .1 ; uu-uulpulu plpetll-ylt THO gfflsl l`Cpl.|bIiC own a. debt which in at leul one-third 0! all the property in the country, whiie the debt of Great Briuin is less thnn one-tenth of in mean! of paying. Four hundred lost children were restored to their parent; by the police of San Frnncinco dur- ing the you ending June 30, 1868. 1%.- n__._._._. hf; -- - ,_. _- J.-. u-...... can: av, 1900. The Prototype says the first mow of the noon nude in nppeunnco in the neighbour- hood of London on Thursday morning. It did` not nnount to much.` .,. A - IONTREAL MARKETS. (Special Tclayram to the Daily New.) lontmcl, Oct. 1`1lb,-Flonr--Superlor Extra, 0,00 to 0,00 ; Exltl, 0,00 to 0,00; Fancy, 0,00 to 0,00; Welland Cam] Super, 5,25 to 5,30,- Super No. 1 Canada wheat, 5,25 to 5,50 ; Super No. 1 Welteru wheat, 5,25 In 5,30; Super No. 2 Western when, 4.75 to 4,85; bag our 1,150 to 2.60. WboIL-Onnada Full 1,25 to 0,00. Spring, 1,20 to l,22; Western, 1,13 to 1,20. 0An=per 32 lbs, 45 to 47. BarIey-per 48 lbs, 1,215 to 1.30. Bulter-Dnirv 20 In -24.- .m....L ayplv upccunuon are acun In the Sula of New York, buying by Lbe load Ind pnying A! high as 35 per bar :-ol for choice varieties. 5 A Plnilndolphin pnpenlyaz The republic | debt which in at I... ...-.._.L.:..: ..:-n .s. ,_-__. .- .--an.` Arthur George], Gononl-in-Chief nnd Diem- tor during the last days of the Hungnrinn revo- lution, bu ncoepled the nnperinlendence of n mannfsctnro of bricks and tiles near Buds-Peslh. As the can were lenving the Windsor (VL) ruin-and nution one evening last week, 6 gen- tlemnn on the lruin inuulianaly put his band out of: window, when bin new but was sudden- ly snatched by I. thief outside, who instantly dinpponred. A telegram has been received by Mr McKeo1rn from the English cricketers at Philadelphia, stating that in will be out of their power lo ll`- rnnge 1 mulch at Hunilton \his season. Th` II-pl--.-I -._.L__ _ I ' ' ' ` ......=,n.. .. mu, 15: iv 1:. pur|ey-per 48 1,215 1,30. Bulter-Dniry 20 to 24; store- packed 20 to 2-tr-_ Asbes--pots, 5,60 to 5,70. Pearls, 5.50 to 0,00. Gold In New York at 12 o clock_ 137}. Port, less, 24,50 to 00,00 ; Prime Mesa, 00,00 to 00,00. Prime, 00,00 to 00,00. Pena, per 66 lbs 0,96 lo 0,97. Rye Flour, 0,0 to 0,00 l7'lour- receipt: heavy; dull a declxning with little doing and Pen slightly better. neglected and drooping. A|hea-pota Pearls less inquiry. ,_-_-d -- -_._._ Two lhounnd book! were written about the short European war of 1866. Pamphlet: were probably iucludud in the count. Apple speculators actin in the Sula Yorhbuvinn hr than Inn ! ...A ..--:---- __._a_ _ ..._..... .. uuu season. The National enthem wee hissed lut Thnrldny night in the Music Hell by name few ruene in the gellery. Hr Cool Burgess, of the Minstrel troupe, uid it wee the tire: demonltretion of the lame kind be ever witnessed in Genude. The members of the Orthodox Eastern or Greek Church in California, who number about 1,000, are about to erect a church building in San Frencieco. Considerable funds have been i ruined in the interior of the State, to which eddi- tionl will be Iolicited in Sen Francisco, and it is stated that the Czar of Russia will also contribute euicient for the construction of III edice which will prove an ornament In that oh: A -.x--=-- '_,_-, .--_.l... v-qvvv uu-u. Ion! Iulrr.-Gold 137). Silver buying It 3;; telling at 8 per cent diloount. Ameri- can currency buying at 7]; selling at 73; starl- ing exchsngo 9;. Fnighln to Oungo 4 oenu, Aznericnn currency. Kingston; October l1-l7`lour dull and un- `changed. Barley inn and ncarcer, 31,48 the top of the market 10-day. V\`benl-buyera offer- ing $l,l5, Ind none arriving. Rye upwudl. um unchanged. Buckwhell We to 62. Corn none. Butter rm ; store packed 200. dairy 22. Tallow called for; rough 5c, tried Bic. Lnrd in reqnell. Deepnlchoa from Onwego at 12:30 p.m. to-day report-Whe|t quiet; our: firm, It $l,l'l to $1.16; hula} rm, Mlel 20,000 bush ll 32,25, receipts 65,000 bush. II..___ \I.," V =........wu. nur we conltrucllo or edice prove ornament to the city. A minion- nry has been sent by the Bishop of Silkl to a- date. ` and fnncy ;