but I ICU . _ , ._- -.v-nvub a-vi IBIPCUUDR HIKE. on dogs and indemnity for louel sustained by sheep-owner: from canine doprednlionl. Several members spoke against the law II aordiug Incililien for dishonest persons to extort. payment for nheop, killed otherwiu th-n by dogs, or dying through dileue, old age, or from want. Also, to lbe great diiculty expnienced by as- sessor: in getting anything like an nppronch to the correct number ofdogl. Mr Dav was in lava... nr .-_:__ - - w uI|.I.I IJI carried. I]. u. / __- us -uyflvll. Mr Spoor reiterated his former objections. Moiions or the chdracwr of the p1-are-at one would pour in thick and fast, he nnticipnled. Mr Sbibley would won for every such motion, no matter how many, no long as that; were no houses of rufuge provided for the indigent POOP. Mr Joyner knew the pruent one serving of sympathy, Ibe method of relief the [I10-HOD. U. h-- -~- ` to be do- nnd although objecting to II a rule, would vote for -cu-nu pull! ll] [DICK] ` many, p 3;. v-__-, - Luux puace wun met [lowing relull ;- ' Yeu-Tbo Warden; Mean Barr, Co: fray, Hallidny, loyr-er, Mills. Moore, Iludi ry, Playfnir, Hcorey, Sbibley, Smith, Su-sebum, Nichols and D.-:_y-18. Nny-Mr CnmpbelE-1. Mr Cox. uonndm 1.. u. n:-L,-V .--,-uu uIu1pDu.`-I. Cox, seconded bl It Nichols, moved for a grant of $30 to n por man in the townahvpof Buzrie, John -4-, who had twice broke ' and had no mrlni of support. Spoor :ei|.ern:a-d hi. r,..._-- --2 .5. uI},BUC0l1ClQ(lD]HlHI.Idi8. ' ' Mr Campbell requested the reading of the item! of Mr ]ollop : bill. Thmo wu, be said, too much oflucb julepu lhrull down the lhroau of Ibo Council (laughter) After the rendina n! lhn in... u- rI--ALA-- ....u.u. in we uouncll (laughter) reading of the items, Mr Campbell objecrcd, an on extortion, to the amount of -n item of 75c for, u be upreued it, "caning lwo wubtubu," Ind insisted upon I division, which took place with me! Mowing YeI`:ThI wnl-than - u----- " "' '- -._}- -I-znulo uh] III!-I EI|r--I On motion of Mr Spoor, seconded by ll: Burr, the sum of 32.5 was granted to Mrs Rule, mat- ron of the pl-)1. A motion for the payment oftbe committoo on County Property for their attendance At the sea- lion of the Board at` Auditors, was the occasion of 3 discussion among members as to the notes- aity of web tnoton, the law authorizing the pay- ment of such utendanca. No mot.ou was taken. A motion {or the payment of a bill of Mr Jo- lie, amounting to $tb:l1c for coopcring, rendered to the county gqol, Ill brought up by Mr Day, seconded by It lludie. `Mr Cunnh.-n .........-.a ..._ _-i:- - - U , , ,-.... H- sunny (in lb Ameri-.':Ln ;.;`n`e:-nment the justice to any that they lame hm! tine g-ml sense t yield tn his arguments, annl not allow I pm.-c::nc_ei\N1 but 2-rr~vue=;us notion tn stand I in the w:1_v ofu. settlement uf pressing inter- national claimi. I: can no longer be charg- ecl against the .\mericnn puternment that Lug uIVIlI0n Z- Yen]--The Warden; Menu Ba. Cox, Godfrey, tinllidny, Joyner, Mudie, Perry, Plnyfnir, lcworuy, SI Spoor, Nicbolund Barnctsn-18. Nu) o- lulu DI] and Fnir-1. ucunde` II-m ...m .-.l on: _.- ,7 lunl nu: rates were loo high. Hr Joyner moved, secoudel by M! an 5 Drdml reducing the amount I o"_ Ibe rue payers to 3160. Mr Bar fell thu the passage of -n..v,l u-._ rnijr character. Hr Spoor had determined to vote for some r ducaion, I4] 5200. He thought, however. 8250 Hr Spoor however, 3250 was Loo much, and $150 nol nucieut. The Warden was pl'.2cecdiug.lo put the unend- meut when it was withdrawn by the mover, and the original motion In carried upon the fO1l0W- mg dinlion :- V__., BL. I'I'V--l -can LIJE L'I undrrvnlued Ir zilrncbnn Ipnke in Iupport of bin motion, and nminied Mr Dly Ihnl ho had one: laid lhal tho Ilselzlllelh of Pittsburgh wanted adjust- in; Mr Day explained that he did not mean tb-\' Ihe uueuum-nt nun of uecnniry be lower. He merely menu that a thorough ndjulilnent was nqui~ed. u. q......1..-_ ..__'.--J -- - -- - Ly, wouu raahxe $40 per next, In ll\`|ll ru, Mr Slrnchlu perched tbnl that the rules high. Jorner mound, --nnmh Iuuly. Hr Smith laid it was all very well for the | member fut Kinguron to tilt thus, when it Inn A well known fuel that she had in Pittsburgh bl-I boen over valued Improved fnrml, be laid. could be purchnued than: for SL7 per acre, and the avenge vnluo of farm! In about 311, whzla large portion: of the eatimntt-d land he would not have upon payment of tho lsxel up- on them. The member, no doub', he laid, WI! in favour of lb: action of the I3OI11t|IilI\`,bul be forgot tbru Kingalon Iovruabup, wh-no land, Io lent the city, woull re.-nltxe ,, ... -...... _.... \J-lIlIIlII. TV'1-`hc Directors of the Longueuil Ferry. bunt Cumpnhy inltead of having the usual lunch on briugingnut their new bolt, have i ~determiued to set aside the mm [but would luvu been thus spent. fur the relief of the Red River seltlerl. ~ Mr Slmchnn mound, seconded by Mr Smith, brought up his re.-olulion lo the eecl [hat as the cquglintiou committee had over useued the mwnsuips uf Piluburgh snd Howe Island, lb: run payer! be r-lneved to who amount of $250 u.n _ . . _ _ . --:-- psau Mr Day oppoled the mmion, He law no rea- son tor the reduction. Tho eqnnlinlion com- mullet had done their duty oaretully sud lniriy. pa knonn fncl lhal aha Ina in D|o-L__-_L claims preferred by English and American ` cicizuns. This news is matter for general! er-ngratulatiunn It give-1 aw.-zurance ofa con- I I.iU`:\Ilf`e oflhe molt amicable rehtionn be- tween the United States un-I Great. Britain. It exhibits the triumphs uf diplomacy. , The Alabama. c.;rre.p=mJenco in its beginning Ihowel the agents of tho twu governments to be \1i.ulJIQ(|'lC1l_?OPPUSELI to each other, and (Le spirit of` mutual ucrirnuny and uppr nirinn Imr tnnrlnj ..l`......... ....... II " ' FROM OWEN SOUND. , Owen sound, Oct. 17.-- Last night and early this morning mow full to the depth of four inches, accompanied by I very heavy wind, which it is feared will do damage to the shipping on the lakes. The schuuner Maple Leaf nan in here with losn uf jib-boom and tlnee of her crew injured The Itealner 1-`rant-.i| Smith is at preuem. in port. waiting till the norm in over. I A number of iunlid Iuldiera were lent to Quclu.-c lay but last evening to go homo by I the Austrian. 0 !-`arrell refuses to nppenr before Juurice Cuursul fur examinntiun relative to the Biue Bonucu nhir, disputing his power to compel him to disclose us I witness in- I formation be may have gained in a. profel- nional way. _}_____V( 1 .. .. Sturmy I Int night. 17: I _ _-_~.-- ....,.u n --gun-1. } Montreal, Oct. 17.--'l`l|u summer Beaver, [ formerly the Lnprnixie ferry host, has Leen put In nppmilinu to the Dagmnr, to run be- tween here nml Unrillnn. I .... . - The proceodil d at half put I hnir, THE COUNTY 00 UNCIL. SPECIAL TE'LE'GR.4.llS. FRO MONTREAL. ' and cold; aid to have been now .. -.......m.:u we mw In good if`, but was, lake many other laws, ; according to in Ipiril. No ac- I. -Wnrden; Burr, Campbell, 7, hnllidnv. Joiner Mills Unm- lclgh-wing I that Mr Dny bad meant were hum ' Composed of Messrs. India, V VI`! nnnn'nr.d In a..-.....:_,._ l;rid1_7_ Oct. 16. ling: of the Council were resum- .two o"clock, the Warden in the J at curucnnll, `IIIOVCG a present law respecting taxes Daily loan: nuu.a.....a L- wuuu u:!u_ 5: _secouded Campbell, UCIDE the Amount m h. .-|.-.. mu, ntllri DI.I.'|', Llmpbell, liduy, Mill.-, Haoro, xir. Mc`m-..- .u|.;L.|-.. u_:-L DAILY NEWS--SATURDAY EVENING OCTOBER 17'. puseu or Messrs. Indie, apponted to iriveltigale I by M!` P1-ivfmr, um`! M1- v- -- --B -1.-un _:. {Meurl 00:, God. . Ml"9_. Moore, Iludie, Per. I`. Shlhl-w Q...;.|. c:____ _-_ ur- L `resident: town. A Jeparalion from tbs .nd rs-nnl-I rhm-a..-.n The prospect of a. settlement of the Alt- bama claims and the cuunter claims of the English gnvernment against that of the United States was never better than at pre- sent. The new .-kmericnn Minister, the Hon. Reverdy Juhnson. amid all his public ' Ipeeclrmaking, has evidently been most ac- 4 tively engaged in the proper duties of his of'- I ue. Ila has been able to settle the pre- >1 liminaries of: treaty of naturalization, and I I I he has succeeled in bringing the negotia- tiim concerning the depredatiuns of the . CJnfe.lernte cruisers to a greater ntato of ad- 4 vuncetnent than was befure possible. It is I nnw Hate-1 that the scheme of a mixed cnm- ` 1 mission, as proposed by Lord Stanley, has been accepted by the American Minister.' This CC)1Z.`I]l'|Sl-in is to hold its sittings in LrDllI9n. and I-sane -inA.-.r------ -- "'- bu bean held for the `llolllerv onmn... ._ K 4010'". Moore; "`1'*L shibley, Smith, Lsn-18 u.ru ID 1DY?II|g3lO PI-ayfmr, Ind op- lenu nflhn Onirrn _ -.--- nvl II-IU ' COHIPIIJ OH H ` our dog in good nfhnr I. ma |l UBLIIIHEIVI L to be taken uunc, rer- b, Spoor, ` moved ,...o-_-_ __ , _.,_- ......:._y III we opposite}; direction from that of certain puuilhment by: getting rid almost wholly of the public uibunalu in the normal manngrment of insolvent eltuten and commit! that management, as it prints mat- ter, entirely into the hands of the creditors, who by the act of insolvency become the owners of , debtor. nsseu. At the name time we are heliu- I ed to think that creditors, at the expense ofloma [ Iacrice, though probably A _ very Inn 1 one, i might thomuelvn indie} hereto and app}.-oprlato puniuhlnent In numoxouu` can when any now . - ~'r'"'." now a vast and pr:-'..bie cut 6- lurnanuling l.i,Ih prices in kn-I. If we ucw L'Ir(1|ApI'lDj' I i: It-n !uC| of L: prtstnt. lnuu lizic n \I`i`l I-v lnuuglnl *0 heal of lelt-glnphxng. attended (I ndm:-nun m p;l(`t`. The pu llkdy lu guru, tbwu-.7511 the ca Du! Idea. The emp|u_\'meutol _ , __ ........ ... IHC montroll can quoted by the Leader ' and may I150 ob- 1 min {ecu which justify an indictment. eitbertor fraud or perjury, an wal done both in the Hon- treal case and in that one of which the Leader render: an amount. That in one of the be-natu which the present insolvent lnw hal conferred; for before its enactment there would have been no means either to obtain good! fraudulently conveyed away, nor to discover and expose v;1- lniny, which if it do nothing else should set a mark upon those who bsvo prnctiled it. and prevent them from rep sting their evil practices. It Ibonld be underllood on It`! hand: that that is the extree point to which an insolvent lnav an go-tbnt it cannot be conver ed into n It.lpple- ment to the criminal code, and war never intend- ad to be so converted. In fact, our present in- aolventlnw, conforming in that relpect on we iudge entirelv to rt... ...:.:. ...- .L - a __._._.-..u;. unvv. We (Montreal! Herald) copy from the Lssdsr part of In article upon the operation of this law which shows two things: First, how rogues cheat their creditors; Second, how ditcnit it is for the crediu rs to punish them. ['I`h- article rrfetred to has Already sppeared iu the Daily Neu-s.] The Peat point is one of izreet-we be- lieve, of controlling-iniportance, end it is one which uppelrl to us to be too little appreciated by those who sulfur from the present lax slate of commercial morality. It in been our tot to h.ve frequent conferences with gentlemen who have had only too just return to complain oftbe fucilizy with wbictr fraudulent lransacli-`ns sre carried on under the very eyes ofihe persons who are defrauded, without these 1-alt nding menus to help themselves; undtit has usually been our duty to point out to these sn"ei-era that the pre- sent insolvent 11' eords them, so fsr as law can, exactly the remedy which their case re- quires. But in the last anlljsia the evil comes to that point indicated by our Toronto contem- pornry--the point that i.-, where it jury is invok. ed to nd the rogue guilty, and instead of do- ing so, acquits him and leaves the wronged pro- secutora little more e loner than he was before he began the crimiml proceedings. So long as we have juries such as now whiiewssh our cri- minals, we cannot hope to obtain frequent con- victions ngsinst obnde s, whose crimes are not of s kind to excite much indignation in the jury. men class. You cannot punish nntilyou eon- vict; and you cannot convict, while you have juries who you know beforehand hsbitunlly let looee nearly every person accused of oences of which violence is not no element, sud s very isrge per ceotnge of those who are sconsed at of- fences in which violence in an element. No in- solvent law, therstore, can meet the case of pun- inhiua f's-.nAnt--- J-k-- ' ' " vvvrsuul ul our posaenrou. It two lhiug|--capi'.| and labour 0.: relolrceu. and these, if proper` can promise you, to their adv: yours, but if you neglect lhe o; ofers, all that ha] been done or I will ultimntely fnll int ) lhe hand energeuc rivnl. I an lit, flllhfully yours, w n . more than balanced [ha udvau sges of an un- .. mu." appears to me to be a strong and ed- tlitionnl reason why the Canadian people should ' throw aside thl slotttful indoleuee which in re. t dut:.ng what rmgltt be apowertul state into a mere province waiting for the int opportunity _ to but Ittsorbed by its more active neighbours, 1 yet I can see nothing in the relstive ednntagoa ' of the two countries which should end enuch ` a miserable feeling tzf despottdency in The O9.- nndlan View of the cue. Wb3`QYr the adven- tngen the States mny pout-u are counterhelnm eed by carrelpon-ting dlsadtmntagel, end it. re- quire: only 3 little energy enl pet-eevrrmce in taking care tint these relations, udrantnuea and ' dtiutlventagea ehottli be properly put before the work-people in lingtur-d in order to secure Cn- nndn her full ehnr- of popularity ntnongst them ` whit-h she certainly bu not hitht-rtu possessed, 5 and for which Ill-` has no one to blame but her- self. Suppose the American do give more we.` gen I-tr their |uhourere-thetr wen: are paid in gr-eubnclu, end the cost. oi living in proporion- I noly high. There are dtuiuntnges connected t with prairie lnntis in the genre ty of lUt'l and Wuud, which one lllitmis fartnrr at least to`d Int: ttrnhered wit. The climate 0! Gnnarl 5, which is true of the great bugberts of those who tnke the deepnldent view of the case, I believe to be more lulled to the Englllb rtee than that which in produced hr 1 hotter :nn-nnd the certainty of f.iture of run English ne-I1-r on wild land 1 do not believe in, but I do believe that the ex- nmplea of this wttnt or out.-ce.=I here been se- lected from E clllel 0 men who mull not he te-t ken it fair t-emplee of Englilh energy or Eng-. ` lteh Iklll. They are merely the feeble results of R feeble nolicr. aid 11 F." ntm'...... .---- ---~-A - vtnrlll ut unulul. i have been informed that it ll tuelese forl Cnnnde to compete with the United States for the inux of people coming westward, n 1110` State: have so many end euch Iuperior resource: 3 which rnult entirely outbid those cf the Domin-l ion. That people, even if they came in the (int 5 , inltence to Uenedn, can never be induced per- I mnnently to remain there, u the prices etfered ! for lehourin the .`-"tale: would soon drew them [ 1 t I l away. That the best prairie lnudl welt of Chl- cego would necesnrily ettrnct all the eettlere who might turn thwir Attention to agriculture, * or even if mine could be induced to go back and settle on the Canadian wild lumll. they would necessarily reenltin utter failure on account of the difculties of clearing, and do more tnilchiefl I than good. All these and many other nrgu-V i niente egniuet tanking et-pa towards opening up 1 the country or lu energetic action of any de- i ecnption_ have been reiterated to me in tneny l forms, and which would have applied yure l ,1 ago when the first in-xperieuce-d European |et- l tlers come to the new world, but I conieu that, ' although the proximity and rivnlry of the Unit. I ` ed Stnlel appears to me to be and I tlitiom-l tube the Camdinn n..-...i. .i.....i.i um um -unuu-.-, um um no I complole damper 0!] IN]: elfnrl that we bsvo made, or movem n: we may ' endeavour to faster in the mother country on \ behalf of Canada. g I I...-.. L_.__ :_t- , , .1 .. , . - - ~ ... ... ....... u_v uvluc un u_c Iwnulug men I] mu Province, and which, if they really Ioprc-sent the ` poiiry In be I-IOp'ld with regard to omigrnliuu for the future, I ill be I complole damper any I made nr I'l1n1Irn`n' -n m.- Toronto, Oct. 11,1889. I-I-IKIII. With this conviction I but come in order to ' ueif Irllngemenll could not be made has to ; furzhor I scheme which I believed would be IO agreeable Io Canada, Ind means adopmd for the lltilfnclory uttlemem oi` lhn inu-unhg omi- gnnu, and I confer lhnt. [have exporinnco-1 no small feeling of disappoianueut on ler1r|i'~glho ViL"WI held by name of ate leading men in thin Province. which if uh ....n.r .....-..n... u... IIIGRATION T0 OLNADA--VIEWS OF AN ENGLISH AGENT. Sir--You are gin-ad} aware that I Mn, for some time past, In England, advocated a system of emigration: 1. Canada, under the impression that any plan which would It-cure an mcrc-nae of populmion and cmm-quu-nl inrrcmie of ten- nne and lrldt-, Iogelher wilh I dvcreule of tho exialing high run of labour ID the Dominion, would receive the cordial uupport .m1oncour-age- mom of Ibo Cnnasdmu people and govern- ment. I`I1:.L .. - - - - *nlearm1be matter of cunrae by I. pubiic are thus lb -ugh c-nnpnnies need , empluymcurof the telegraph ` - I in h-nwum of 1.: muuuga-I1, cumpw I I in husme-on mzmrrs ll steadily increasing. sud ihcfe ehnuld he euuugh to supply bull. Lml at rrruumrative rnul. _ . -~ -~v~-- -v --vvv-vvv Jul" aeu. proper} |upporlcd,I omise advantage and to opportunity that to may yet do, timntely inn hands of your more He TEE INSOLVENT LAW. .. ....-- -.uuuuJ 15 IU DD IIDIU degree ' our posnenwiou. You oniy requira -6393`! L0 dVplnnn inn! I try: ml II .. uuu nulvcl U16 WIODECG re iml Solongu 'h I '0DdO' I. Whol rimon 59.: mn- ....uuuu. xou onty requira [ to developo your 1 'IC. orouorw Illnnnplntl T .33 -u I yvxI1:'l'r'll.ICI Ill -relalions, Ibo` md an ant hilhau-:.. n.-..1.....A ; ru, W. Fan: Lrn. -_ :11.-rI_JllU . a by 5 me ' _ 3| 5| nri-are ---- IICU ril p ,,- _- ._ ....u no lur chief pu.u`i era. and west. I: was the fare of _lw inst vrnlure of this kind, the Prminrial Iiuv, In he d'D:|0| be.-I by the M00- ln.-ul Tchgrapll L.`Inp.~w.y. winch latter is a cnnceru, it: stuck ; n no pngeonl, P0! 00!) Salt, per bag Hay, per eon lruw, per ton Wood, per cord - . Coal, . . Hides, per 100 lbl. . sheep ! dl 1 0 Lamb Skins Wool, per lb . . 0-If-kin-._P-t.' -- on -DB.., rs. uuncn Turkeys, each Geese, each. . _ Ducks per couple . . Fowln, pa; couple . . Wild ducks, per pal: Pam-idgel, par brnco Woodcock, Snipe, . Golden Plover, " ` Gray do Wild pigeonl, pot eon] Sa.lL no-r H-- K83, PEI` rlnnan A- ` uuru, per 10 lnnow, do `Butter, do (fl`QIil') `glitter, do (packed) ' EPIC, .. 1 Eggs, per d'o-zen Hrkv: nnnL Flour, per bbl., Sup ext.ro.. No. 1 Superno .. Do. per centnl . Corn Maul, per cenul Barley pct bulhol . . Rye do . Peas, do Oats, do . . Buckwheat do . . . Spring Wheat, per 60 lbI.. Corn, . .. Timothy Seed, per bulhoi . . Glover, do . . Potatoel, per bulhel Turnipu, per bulb . . Unions, new dry par bulb. . Begun, per bulbol . . Tomatoes, per buuh. . . . Appleu, Canudn, par bub. . Apples, per bbl . . Pumpkins, each PCB", per buih 0 o 0 o Grnpen, per lb. . . . . Cucumber! pickling, Hawk . Cnbbugc, uch . . . Vegeubla marrow, each Celery, per head Beef. per 100 lbl B.-cf, per lb. . . Pork, per 100 lbc . . Mutton, per lb . . Lamb, do Hams, do . . . Mesa Pork, per bbl. . . Prime do., per bbl. . Salmon, froth, ouch Pike, fresh, per pair While sh, do . . Ban, per pnir . . , _ Eel: each , , I Lard, per lb .. Tllllnuv -fin Saturday, October l7.-Flour dining. Barley declining, 1,50. Rye rm. Ont: unchnngod. Bu: Butter unchanged. Tallow rm- 8c ((13 Sic. Lu-d none. Fresh pot} 7,00 light, 7,80 heavy. 1\, Onrego dejpanohes of 12:80 1 port: B.-sr}ey quill ; ofered 31 no Bay of Quinta. Recoipu 2|` _ K _v-- ---- -III II. '!ortgnge|-Aro` ollaring to pay 7 per cent; Inn 11011 asking `if to 8 per cant. Exchnnge-Hu advanced to 9}, which it the closing price bbth hero and in New York. llonoy-Vry nbundnt. { .-up-n_y uulli In ll. Rnilwny Stock: 4 ever doing. I Mmm-I |.n..:_- Vv(| UUIUI. Montreal :1 3150 to I ricbneu of I . property. Mm-n..-I bf: fhu - yluycrly. - Montreal Gorpontion Bondl-A10 without chnngo. The only transactions reported Into long daled bondl at 92]. Canada Debenturu-'l`hero has been I vary active demand for all deocriplionl thfcngbont the week. Dominion ock bu bun Iold at 2 pmn.. and in now held for 2}. HOFKRBIQIZAY` Orina In uni ' -A- *`*" -nu uu nIu ('l.'3. Royal Canadian Bank-II rather Iran, with |al-I ll 9|}. Mont:-I Telegrnph Company-1: to-dsy procurnblc nt 130. but bayou wilhun udvnnoo over 128. ' Montreal City Passenger Railway UODplI:-- f Holde.-3 ask Ill; buyers only olering10'I. Montresl City Gas 0ompny--S:ulI nlea at 132} and 133, which would nun he paid. ~ (V. ..-...CE._ __! ,.- - [ Richelieu Nnvigutlon Company- ` largely deal: in u 111 to 113. Rnilwnv Stm-in .-A D.--uh '~' 1I'C|lClI,IlOl0ll1. Gure Bank--Hal been Out the week, and today ` and no buyers. I Rnvnl I"!-n-4l-'-- I!--`L ..v..-up un 'Il WCEI. Ln Bnnque Nntion|le-Noitber bnym not ` ulk-rs in lb`! market. _ Union Bank of Lower Onnndn--Bayou continue to oer I02, with Iollon It 103. 1 Eaalern Townships Bnnk-Hu bean doclt i in at 96, at which It in llill cloud. [ Ontario Bnnk-SnleI reported at 100} to i 100;, wh:ch an Ihc closing nun. Bank of Toronto-Thorouo buyers, but no Iellerl, I16 to HT. * 1 very heavy through- ` 10-day than an ullon -I 35 5-l.rchnnic|' Bank-Il inquired for I! OH. Ln Bunquo du Pouplo -II nlhcr hcsrior It 105 to 105} La. Bnuque Jacquec Onniet-Bu.Ieo town: exlenl. II. 108, which [men would Ill be paid. Quebec Bank--In inquired for at I.bequou- liens of `all week. [7_ D _ _ _ _ __ If . mg, wuu uuyeru u 13%| and collar: at 136. ` Bank of British North AIneriou-Hu boon {dealt in to A null extent at 1041. It It ;now held for 105}, with buyers I! 104. City Bank-I| Icarco nnd in dalnnd at 10:; to 104. Molsonu Bank--Nona in market; 108} is of. " Cred for it. Merchants Bank of Ca|nda-HAl been dealt in at 106 to 106}, cloning Inn 3: tho Must T130. ` Mechnnica I.. II......... 1-_-.. - -- - ` Montreal, Thundny Oct. 15.- l'boI'O II 0 Head] demand for all Ibo leading oocurldu, and I` price! generally luu advanced. Bank nf Ilnno..-I/rV---hl---L'- ~ I punt! grncrllly IIIVC .d'IlIm. ' Bank of Montrul-0onsld0nbIO lloulll have been placed II 135, 13 III 135`. elon- ing with buyers II 135} and collar: 1 British Nnrlh An...a-- n-- L--- I gbgotutgly give . pt-stnluut to insolvency, which if not nhetlutely freuduleut, ``5P|'|b 5 `M ` extreme of recklessuese or negligence to the very verge of it. Our opinion is, in than. tho! it would enewer the puvpose of eetebliei 5000 who expect to live end to pay Ioe. in the thun- eelves to lose e few cents on the doller on e few in eetstes for the purpose of closing the mercantile-. cererrof the lueoiveuts If, for O!- { etnt-it-, such en iusolveet houee heeheeu uned- iug mischief among honest tredere by pushing buslnoli st losing prices; or if hevlng III" 3 capitol, it hes built up e large trede by tuoensol lortll obteiued et ruinous retes; or i( the per- sonal expenses of its member: heve been neui-_ feltly or s. kind tebrieg it to grief et lest, in soy or all or those cases it concerns couunereial morality, sud ulti-etely the lei: prots of felt ousiness, rather thst the cereer of suche rnt should be stopped then thet e dividend should be obtained by means of errangetueut e little larger then would perhepe he obteiued By e sterner process. In the tint ceeuthe event would be e lesson. No eppsrent gel: to the in- solvents would result, but on the contrary seei- l hiiotiou of the work of yeere-of work, which being built on rreuduleet beees ought to be en- ` uihilued. in the second cue the younger end more thoughtless men of business in the ctllllllln i any have set before them the specteele of emer- ? son who. perheps, beget: business without eepi- J tel or with s very smell one, end who hes both traded end lived e reckless life; but who he! i had a cepitsl oreeted by the process of nut pil- ; ing up I muse of debts, which, like those of the I` he old Irieh gentlemen, ere worth something, {eel then psyiug them off by e composition. 3 Remember In pay your GM Account ` Ly the `.`.0m and save the di.-cuuut- 3 1., .._.,..--...c- U: u:uu o'cIooI lo-day ro- quiu; 32,30 for up Inks; v 2|,ooo ; nlu noun. HONTREAL STOCK IARKIT. KlN(iS'l`ON MARKETS. `la main; Co:npun_y-Oontinue|dal! :33, notwllhunnding the undoubted the aunt dopom on lhl companion . couple will ll! :11. \ sud Bonds--Nothing what- dull _.--v -----uru`II.DC, HYDE port I trie lower, n vol] unt] mrougno an alien II 35 .`ao:npcny--.`l'bru have L noel: n mag, 10:; H`Su~gIe cupm or Vtbo Cnnnmcnl no Nun. coumuing the novu uf Ihe.-Jv-ck, may be had in Irnppe a fur umijn, Price 3d. uch,:` Luucu` over} I-`rmay. r- . {W T A }\\J\?`: . I09 550 050 [Ina lour and de- ,oo. When wuk. Buckwheat loInr_ ' o'clock to-dn I130 for Inn 13}: 4-_- --..-. -r0'J[h e, mnnlp - ._:A, n 1' 0 THE pzorml .:pcouI, on me ouur h|nd,`is landing a. In proportion of her coal to the Upper Purgveincu, and Montreal and Ontario to- pitnliltl Are inveuzing lu-goly in III! mines, both of coal and gold.-8i:. John Telegraph. - ' Commercial travellers from , wick have done a good des -v . wry. :'l`un: wx-rn nu Una: Pno'mIcIs.- the Upper Pro~ 1: three in New Bruns- te injure the business of the houses which they represent. We understand that in some instances beautifully got-up packages of samples have been exhibited to conntrytradera, and, on the strength of these samples, to- gether with low prices and long time, large orders have in many cases been given. When. however. the goods came to hand they did not turn out equal to the speci- mens, and ntnch dissatisfaction resulted. This fact, we believe, is true, more especi- ally in regard to clothing and boots and shoes. Indeed we will not be surprised to hear that, in both of these descriptions of goods,` dealings with llontreal and Kingston will be suapendgd. Whether the fault lies in the goods themselves or the incorrect representstfions of the ti-avel~ lere" we are not p re to say itivel ; but our in:pressior:pi.s that ourpoB't. Joli: workshops can more than hold their own in; the articles we have named. In twesda, however, and in agricultural tools (in these, at` least) done ; and in many other articles, perhs _ ' including fnrs, we shall be able` to buy more cheaply in Montreal than elsewhere. Floor, of course, we are liound to in- port from Ontario ,1 y, large quanties of U. B`.r%.our have been arriving in St. John and Halifax of late. It is a fact, however, that more wheat is raised in New Brunswick this year than for a nnrn-- ber of years past; so that our general in- rt of our will not be so large as usual. e enormous ulllntities ohm. ...a i.....:. vinces who have be a good trade may continue to be _ .ScotiI, on the othar hm will also nifoct the our imports. Non d, is 1_grge coal to ch. 17...... ..' -uuunrl Ior Int` (HUI! mm Kingston lime] SINGLE`. COPIES \ {I} had al Ibo cuuu er nfuh>- tvu rh~et. l'|'-ce It: - _-- r...`-w-vs eve eelv llfll4IUCC, v The wellointorrned Rornen correepondent of the Pall loll Gaectte eeye in e recent let- ter thet-Cet-teinly the popnletion of the Ponticel Stetee never evinced eo much diecontent, end there ere ineeeeent ernell collleione between the people end the troope. A few deye ego there wee e bloody etruggle in Rome, end eeother et Monte Teeteccio. To-dey there wee e eonict on e lerger ecele et Roeoe Gentereno, be- tween Tivoli end Snbjeco. Therebble were here joined by the ehoplreepere. end were only put down by e lerge force, which they compelled to re two volleye. Both eidee eneteined e Ion of killed end wounded, but I cennot eeeerteie the number, though it ie reported ee eoneidereble. The enthor- itiee have eent to Rome for reinforeentente. Greet excitement preveile et every int, end the people loee no opportunity 0 men- ifeeting their entipethy to the Pepelini or edherente of the Pope." "I"n.ue- 1-_- --- "- * . awe cum 1- Lu ling lll llllpl-Ill. uterus- tion thq can ign song: of both` litical parties 3, upon an of note are to 34! ran the audience: on both side: ; and every ticket holder nny out I humlcu ballot to: his or her preference for the Pruidacy. 1'1... -.11-:-.4...---I n---- -----~--:- - -___ -..._-- - ._. yv---y -w --v-s vw- -- . .-. It is the intention of President Johnson to pay s visit to this country as soon ss his tort: of olos expires. ll: Johnson has non: yet bun in lnglsnd. and be has freqnontly rsgrsttsd his rut of fsunillsrlty with lnropoon nolrs sntl notions sfnos ho has oconpistl his ptsnnt posi- tion. In Istsrnolrss withhrdgn Ilnlststs has lncrsnod his dssln to so tho oonntriss tbs] rs- pronent, and vs hslisvg ho bu infolsd It Thornton, snr linistsr at Wssbington, and Ir Rovordy Johnson, of his purpose to come to Inglald soon snot nut Inch.-Enyldshpopsr. Noxt week, s most sin Int sntsrtsin- ment is to ho given in two sllo st once in Boston. Music, vocsl snd instrumental, is to be snppliod by perfonnsrs ofrenletnincnco; s glen club is to sing in impnrtisl alums- tho cunnnima nnnnn nf hath ....I:.:...| Oct. 11 . Rnomnn nus nu, HADDIIB. October 14. w. In the ironntniu of the Tyfol hundndu of Iho would and children come on: when in to bed Han, and sing until they bur their Inu- lnndl, fathers. or kothorl nude! from the hills on their ntura hone. On tic than-Bro! the Adriatic, tho win: of the uhcu-men count down about mom, nod may a melody. They sing the ant verso and linen for some um; than may sing the Ioeond torn, and wait until they hunch IIIIOI {nu tholnhu-on, IBOISO Ihna a-nl4I-4I L- ck- __..-.l- a- .I._- _-_ _II-_. Ij liD-IWCU IT-IXWWKXU than guldod by the sound: to their own village. I. x- n._ :_.-_.n_.. -1`:-14,45, . r I run: nr Ive Slnlaun II fullu RBIVID this day L Onion, very in. 3 null lot 91' Pu-tnggo GREAT REDUCTION i. B. llolao 4: co. :17, mm but mnux 11.` noun a. Go. 3*`; `i$i`ir?..**' r.**.::.':....1*" NEW FALL FERGUSON .- -~->I IICIIEIIITIIKIK :I"\`llP` "lP1|l'.|.`.l`1n|_y_ mu! o-lpeli lb: DAILY Nr.\\'.\,`JuH l |ll.\'l'l.\'u nsaauupuuuamugmpaa. nutbo abundant. wuuuocnaunqlov Ifyon wutnlu nltofllnct Iervieanbh mi: of `fund, or: Veongsuyofvhieh win himdolitllr `[0 ml: runuo 11' um on as buy nunrdunl Inn 1 the ..........*::;'.. :..,. """'-'* GRIIIFIILNB LIVIIFODL H tho place to hryou Onllu It 3 propcr ning nil` OIOIX, 1 perfect it b (annual. - `f Octolher 10. |:8dln|jId4hoIrLAl7.Gl-I` no-an 31-00: or u: Spuni-h Rnrnlutiunuj cause icing v'is.inmion Ivy the mode dxbcraslum u! the Santa. The ex _--.yur-u CIV 1 - 5% HAVE BIIOVID to I50 Pnl Olocd not 0315:: `b 2:O'l.:Slock of` cnfxr sxmnn Q III! _ : AT THE sronnsa BLANKETS I; r x u-r_vwm. lm um? Domlcd by the name . essutllw. Inf nun JOHNSION I. Kq W! I nnovnn .. .5. 1.....- _ 1 OI 5 3-'r~~jATURE ; ml .1-59dv 0| v,vv;WIl pdrllo. 10: .1WuurI .....-_|.-_. '3`:-rwhut, -I... L iii-73-H ux: ga u: aoI_3?3- -LBY .~.({cEHn5 EvE.\`1.Vu, bff - r ";;uro4 F5`-3': i"fZ??'_:3..J other great It-it'gra"[)h enterprise hag` lnuoc ed In Can.-A-'I, and ils promoters,` llu; enc-~urug.mrru1 they have ulrrml_\m' with, are snxigunnue ufcnmplu-re success. J Law cu-np.L_\ is kuwstn as lln: Ncw __ ,"I~. . -. `con :1 be no idrid, Riff :3: IE 1": .- nlthy 01 [II ._tlIro O0 [mac I ,,. . ......uu- uynuuullj uuu UPPU` or tended ufuture: war. llnppily, the on ufu mixed cummission has nally \ dilcully. Mr Seward would ap- hare abated his earlier pratonsiuns, ave withdrawn bis prupo.-ml to make gnitiun uf helligerency in the South- les a matter tn be passed upon by e to` n cv-mmiz-_I.~'iun or to :1 foreign Lorul Smnlc-_v rmly resisted that on the best uf ground.-, and we must L..,..-:_.,.- .. trnl 73? S I-.'_I-' FI}n`.\' T PA 6' E. . I 3.30 mm. Mind Irnin 0:45 a. II. i -1 6| M ` h_v Montreal time. from which doduct u for the dnernuce bouuen Monuul mu lirnr 1 'I`rnn-Ila-rm liululu. i" and drpnrt from Ibo _lluI.u ` >lutiumu}' is at`ll n moderation alums. emanci- Mixed. train 3;] u I. a V - ~--- -- ulI||u':I3 OI I-sll nigh upel` ufhxs 1!!-`on, grain laden, fr., H In nonla Hug a...` I... __g,. , , Ibo Dun KIWI may in` ~ publimlliun 0501-, Pr1n- ` ` .,_...o ...x-\.:' 0 unceru, maintains the` . _ L the shun: maul my on has .1] ....-.... I ...'l - _ 9 appointment, w` mlar with the: ulsu learn that 5 ice Draper has i . ,1 l, u-`licl. Kingston I ,,,, ....... ..-.cu, u-nu umcngo -j'gr;unded on the shoal on Snake 1 V Ipot occupied for none day: put by . . er Dennoe. Henri. Calvin and J , erful mg William, under the mags!` Jucnn Dcnvlly, wens to bar relic! 5 some hours work, Iacceedld in el!e lease. The water in Luke Onm.-io I , ally low at the present limo the dd I : Iboal of Snake Island is much incn The Montreal Bank Igen: robbed rectntly of n bag c( | gold. No clue to the thief. ... ....m m: qunnuou Delete the prelenl. year. The amount of taxation in the U! in 1860 is laid to have been four thirty-lwo cents ll bead. lu 1868 head is let down at twPn9y-three do alalemwt is mud: on Vhe authority mar, Direc1or of the U. S. Burem ucu. ...5 mg wan: cusses very mu nupp|y.-Horunal Harald ` The new Paris station buiiding erected for the ; Great Western Railwny, in room of tbs! del- I 1l`r>_V-ed by re luv. mnzer, nu openld for busi- I ue;-Ijodondny. I _ In unr mvllrr at me loan. On me open mark; Iherr 'I very little good paper rff-`ring. Any quo- lalifm: being except on]. Remittance! from xhe country have iznpnved, and in fact, nll the Banks here are better nblo to extend commo- dmion unn Ihey have been for none monuhs pre- viuul. Stocks are rut; active, the demand be- ing for some chase: much greater than tho Harald The Illuuhted London New given a. [uno- ramic Ikelch of the any of Arequipa in Peru. dcllroyed by thn earthquake, and other mantra- non: of the same dinner; I photographic group of the Chineso Embasuy, an engraving of lhe two-horned rhinocorol, nedrt piculrel, Ole" It is supplied at HendorIon a. I Fnu.~'cuL.-The abundance of rcudervd lhc procuring of funds at I` `some timpn Ilnll-- -6` ---~-- -' I prortur Flh A.'~'ClAL.-The money hu ing [be Bank: for . some times matter of comparative use at 7 to H pet can for good business paper of than dunes, higher rate: ruling at some Bunk: accord- ` ing tome cl-nu of names. Round amounll on ] ca 1 have been lent at 4 per cent, and uhort ldnlp I-...-.... : _- ` due1;n.naac ions bv.-[Wren Bunlu at 5. Choice single names have also been readily discounted at rates nnging from 6} to 8 per cent, according | i to the nnIm- an we 1216 market van Iinl. .......a .._u - ' uc-u yupcr UI lD0l'l lk'I'J ha pieces are executed with mnrvelloul precil on "-London Times, January 18th. Nu human tongue mull discourse morn mel- hunus music Ihau is uttered by the metal ungues of then magic bells; no Iuch perform Ar.-cc has been beari in London within our memory."-Jlorm`ng Pool, January 14th, 1866. "Really lnnrve|louI."--Talagrcph, (London) I -_-'-'*-'_-_ - h , A Gun Mcsrcu. Tan-r Go.uu:o.-The fol I lowing exlrncu in copy from the English, Irish iandl Scotch pron, complimentnry of the world i renowned Alleghani ms, who appear I! the City Hal on Thursday and Friday etoninjs, October ! 2'2 and 23 :- l , ,.__ _- "It bu the charm of nave}! and an-"-I al1 ail Gum 1866 (1111 `Fr:-dfrtck. The latter veuel I'll lighaenod of! portion of her cargo by on of the Montrnl Transport.-no: Company`: olerrom lhil morn- ing, and now. in company with the tint, in dis. cbnrgiagher on-go at the Atlantic wharf. The lchoontrl Antelope and Lucky are n!|o dia- cbarging grain It me name wharf, the rs! from Toledo, lhl last from Chicago. During the dnrkneu of Int night the Icboonar George `I-`nu an-.:.. 1.4.. r, -*-' l _ ,, __.-. -x.-.u uu luv H.031 OH VOID! I J! .\'u'l't C'arn:rn--W. H. S'ewnrt,l':turn17ng `uni Pr; Howe Island is included In the Ian. Wolf; Ialand-A: Town HALL H. Hitchcock, 'reiur;mg 1 Fccr` E Garden 1aland--Al: place where the Council ` in }`-el , G Charles, returning ocaih Pmmouzh -Al Town Hull, John Craig, re- ! turning ocer. r Wu-r Anon.--Tbc nchoonrra Sweepstakes and Monwrey, laden with when from Chicago, got 3 ground Ian night on the ntoal 03' Pain: _j___._ Mxnxrnr Scnool. -T | have obuuned cerncauit I V5 itliuln J. Speck, Bel !AIlen J. Lloyd, lsnrrie, I , Pugh, Portunoulh, second \ i Fun S!UW.-Ll:l night the city was visited ` by Ibo Ii ut fall of may of the salon. The ,In-nth: for some LOLIM prevsouu in: cold, and the tempt n we uhimnlcly fell to 25} . j The durnfoa of the wow (All wu brief, but | the weather null comiuugn cold. ....v-4 ,_..,, .-.,.` itiiii, ittmiig In the con- :kll'l1('C0l'lL|C prop]:-, the new provisional ignvernment has both the _will sud tho M vii inuti__igiii'i.lci|; .|:ill`eI' tn eatnhliiuli :11 tiecdful reforms. The ittteuliim nlmreign puwcrs appears to have been fuvuurnhly attracted, and n `diplomatic |'dCU_g[)lliUl] of the new re- `giuie in Spain will not long be wiinl~ jiug to cmwu the work which has been '50 speedily in Spain. Wiih order ruton.-ii, and freedom guaran- iiccuuiplishcd `iced, the Iberian peninsula will become I I tiuourite resurt tor tou'rii.-ts, who have been 7 lung shut out from visiting that beautiful [cnuutr_y, at uucd so pictureaque, an rich in `-`hiszuricul nssuciatiunl un-J nutique ruinl, `and In genial in it: climate. We prog- nnmsticato 3 ock uf English tnuristn to M Spain. To thi high recomineudationloftho medical faculty an in its ualuhriiy will now he joined the peculiar attraction: of the uvuntry itself, and the knowledge that :11 may he enjoyed frce trim: the unnoyunct-I of ;,'IHcrDutUuL'e8pi0Fugl nnd tho ditferent tiiuilraucea which huh! hithertorentrnined in... .,i.;,.\. ELSCI"l0l.-MOJday and Tuesday nexuro he -ppum rd d.-.1_\l I`. r the election of the coun- Vv melnba: for u}..n'...._--- - 9' ' ` Tu: the visitor. - V-~~..-__ ..... v.`.- nu-uguu pmxnuI_qmc:l-tlw rs: not uf the serial win In eI|mH em] in the extinction nfalnveyy in lhv Spanish culunieu In the West Indie-I, . . ` 1 mad wipe out llw lust lllllll nl the foul Mail I -.\-Incl: In diagram-cl thu rulr of tire while I man in lhe llupivxll n-gmns u!" this heu1Is- l ` phcru. .\les.-nuns to make religinun liberty um: I mun: mun.-, bu. n livmg fact` have men in de-nca of the |)r0p]t.'. nruviuinnul 1 patinn 1 Flu up -, -- ..... ,...asu.. nun we canger I increased. [-1- the new English Act pharmaceutical nu are to undrrgo an examination before re authorized to dispense poilans. The a must be qualied before the end of the L year. II novelty both for the eye r"-1 Mall Gatetta, January 17th, s of slave rhil |I_q:Hutl-ll)B _ I , , _, --.-.-u-I `rtunoulh, ucond-clan. -....-v-- u ucvrge hden, I :-ym Chicago to Mainland, Snake Island, the 0`... .......- A--- - -- - -Tbo following caiotll [certicates duhng the tut week: Belle-ville, Iecontl-clnu ; yd, ucottd-clan; John E. umth .-...... -I V I ___. v--.... uuu uuccll ,under mmngument 1 hunt on L.-- _.I:,A- - rvfereuce cummin.-ion p-wcr. rm] prop Mal best gruun the ;.;`:ra:-nmen tI'.( erruueuu: agency It Hamilton `III bag containing $5,000 in lbief, iilulreu has been formnlly 8 first tha n lunieu IuuIiva,' plain of Mot L`\'ll I -ml heuns-1 I I I... .. I:......_ A`- .. L _. .. IIJIJ u uucu DI.l|E5 Eve-en dollar! and the tax per Hy-three dollnrs! This e of Mr Del- `_ Rllrnun nl 2.4-!` L United Stu IPFTI fnnr Hull--- .._.l be of Ir relief, and after ad electing her re ....--:- Ln, , . , _ __ ...u. 1 by the schoon- uuurny 0! If Del- Bureau of Stalin. ,_,.__ _-. .. z`.s.-io being nnuIn- danger of \ho~ .1. :..-,-,-,: Belin, returning ,_ _ uv-wvu- -Buck ! pow- n...___. .2 II _. V--.-u-.-4 -nu Lnnulullu carre.p:;nJew 1 ulinunetrnc-ull_v up mutua litino purtendc-1 ufutul lnggesliun uf a. 0,- met th: )1. pear to hi Ind tn have N I 8:01;; . ll'_..l,_.: i \herc- IJIIICICLI, 01' I the patonteo, , -.--- -.-cumin. Fens are entertained for the safety of the Algomu, which left Comngwood for Fort Wil- Ham on the 30th u|t., ninco which time she his not been heard from. Since turned up safely. The llontrul car-wheel works have con- tracted for B00 change-znttgo wheels for a com- pnny in Kingston, who hue coutractcd with the Grand Trunk to furnish 100 box- -i`-'j A preliminary meeting been purpose of ennblilhing I pottery 1 Vlnrgo scale in Nova Suotin. uvu vv nu LIKEU. A cocnmillee L Srncbau and Day idvel the pelilion, handed in by It posed by Mr Burr, of 54 resident: oftho ship of Pllmerllon, for fro: munninirmlhu nt D...-I-..-: - ` ' .....,, .. . nuucrllon, [or municipily of Bedfox-d,and report thereon. On motion the Council adjourned until ten dclock lo.morrow morning uu women we Uouncil I morning. mu correct number ofdogl. De] wan in favour of taxing e1 the Inn: of $2, and every bitch 84. Mr Cnmpbcli considered the luv enough in itself, 0 not curried out Ipiril lion Wu taken. ` ,_,,_..._....:..__ Iuv |.uu>HUl.l Mr Day oppoled the motion. Mr Campbell handed the Warden for his Ipeclion a motion for the immediate 1 house of refute in lnverary, and nn impromptu plan of the building "laptop thin Iortol1hing"', which canted none merrlmant. The motion III In- onction of r ._. . ....` the recwgnil em States to