Kingston News (1868), 20 Oct 1868, p. 1

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l!\KLL" F.\.\1I'.\ L` EASES--Fo 1(`oonu:..Li_,, iingnton, 23rd September, 1888. ________________%, "gut rst-class Hmel in New Enghmd, 3 Tourists, F;m1ilie:1, and the Travelling nccunxnmdations and conveniences supr- rmy oiher Hotel in the city. During Ibo nson additions lune been made of nume- Iits of apnrlnmnts, with bathing rooms, insets, &c.,nuache-1`, one of Tun : mag- `passenger elevators, the beat ever con- i, Conroy: guests to the upper storey of so in one minute; the entries have been _.:`Ll_ _..__,n_,1 ,_ I .I sot imitations of Hunt's Empi as. __ _.,...J \.,...|-\....\..` nuu luv cnzulr uuusc l_y replenished and furnished, making us gppuinllnel, equal to any hotel in rv. _C')ugh:-sf and Co (19. .5g3(`.;lIgI; S0`ll('[`.!I. lRl(`.l.\' IIOUSE. uusrow, .\1.ass., LEWIS RICE 5; sow, v. ..`.\:< OLD Dian PLI v I I cl I `RA \:~`.u`T.< tmmneu Huh 1 maxi the 0'.hor1\'pAY\'Y!!Ol ('?'.a:n| lnrorpurnhon l`uxe~:.t. Drafts and E` .u:.- :. . o 1.: r; 1}}! Sea L`c;~_v ?"g.*.'.| an! the Re` trnrko vi dcszgns pnwurvd`. Dru: T'l15'1c :3.-anon: Inc :-:<~.u.\r_v .~mn.:- Fnltntl ;-nrexi . u rrce g-1 . 1' the lode '7*.r:`.1 I Fuera Ullllllg FUOUIE, : Tull ntries .. L, .._, rl... .....: 1:: a sun, Proprietors. Helmb0lv`1'.~`l Extract Buchu,eatnblished up- ward of 18 years, prepared by 11. T. HELM- BOLD, Dcuggist, 494, New York, and 104, South 10I.h Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pmol -$l,25 per bottle, or six bottles for $8 50, delivered to any nddreas. Sold by all Drug- gisls everywhere. If no treatment is submitted to, Consump- tion or Insanity nmy ensue. Our esh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and lbs: of P03- teri Lv_ dnnnnrla nnnn n.-nmnv ...... .-.- .. ...-I:-LI- None nre genuine unless done up infuse]- engmved wrapper, with fac nimile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed terity, dc remedy. 5-. ......_, .. thing make yt broken or real as brillinm? bright T Do: well? Do ya same energy ? in yourself? J given tn ts 01 it to your live I less nights `.7 CPR`: (Ind kn: .3 Inc glcall. uuureuo, and Is a. certain cure F-91'. diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Drapsy, Organic Weakness, Female Com- plaints, General Debility, and` all diseases 0 the Urinnrv nrcrnnn 91...... ..-:..:.... ._ Is the great Diuretic, and is certain rot./disease: nf` lhn Rlnaa... 1:':A..-.... 11--..-. ,-mmu-, ueueral uemmy, and` all diseases of Urinary Organs, whether existing in Mmle or Female, from whatever cause origi- nating, and no matter of how long standing. Di oases or these organs require the use of a. Diuretic. KINGSTON. (CANADA). 'I.`UESDA,Y EVENING. How many men, from badly-cured (licenses, from the effects or calf-abnso and excesses, have brought about that state of weakneu in those organs lhnt but reduced the general system so much an to induce almost every other d'taea:e-idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, apinnl affections, suicide, sud almost every other form of disease which humanity in heir to, __.n .L_ 7 v cue: BUVPECLEO but the right.` HEL\!l-EH1` Now, reader, seltisbnso, venereal diseases badly cured, snd sexunl excesses, are all can able of producing s weakness of the generauve organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think thnt those bold, deant, energetic, per- severing, successful business-men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect heal'hT You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of pslpiz tntion of the henrt. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business; they don't become sad and discouraged; they are always polite and pleasant in the compnny of ladies, and look you and them right in the fsce-nons of [your downcast looks or any other meanness `about them. I do not mean those who keep , the organs inated by running to excess. These * will not only ruin their constitutions, but also I hose they do business with or for. ... ....u uutbu-u.l n.tu:r u U83 BIOOCI IWHHB? DO you have spells of short breathing or dyspep- sia ? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the hand `I Is your memory impaired? 19 your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject 7 Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired ot'com- pany, of life ? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody ? Does any little you start. or jump? la your sleep restless ? Is the lustre of your eye brilliant 7 The bloom on your cheek as Do you enjoy yourself in society as you pursue your business with the energy? Do you feel as much condence Are your spirits dull and agging, of melancholy T If so, do not lay liver or dyspepsis. Have you rest- Your b.-lck weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you at- tribute this to dyspepsior liver-complaint? uvnn-1.1 111 1 nru [VERY UUB ANU DE- 1\ BILITATED, whoseauffarings have been prutracted from hidden causes, and whore cnsoa require prompt treatment to render exist- ence deairable: If you are Iuffering, or have suffered from involuntary discharges, whine! - feet does it produce upon your general health '? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily lircd ? Does a little extra exertion produce plllpihllion of tho hrmrt? Dora your liver, or urinary or- .~...... _- - DDRESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DE. \ BILITATRD 1I7I'\nnnI|'.n-innn|.n-..I_-_k S publilbcd every hi Dollar-I per nuns, Subocribcrl who reaivo I no chnrged Fivo Dollui. cuuu nuu nappmess, and H133 Of P03- ,depanrls upon prompt use of El reliable Iv. uugulu nuuul. nun Male or weakness aea:e-idiocy, as, deal cues of the trouble scarcely =pecLed, and have doclored for all riaht ont- '.\u u =AuruUu prouueo pulpmuion r kidneys, frequently gut out of wt urine sometimes thick, milky, `a it ropy on settling? Or doava rise to the top? Or is a sediment nnfler it has stood awhile? Do Ha nf ahm-I `In..mrln:.... .- A----- F`x.I'lD EXTRACI` BUCHU H. T.` HELMBOLD. HE Steamer PIE;R-E-PONT, 0. Hinckloy, Jr., Master, will run as under. LEAVE KINGSTON On Tuesdays. Wednesd sys, and Fridays at 4 Pl LEAVE GANANOQUE. On Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sslurdnys, at 6 A.M. n.m. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on board, or to (`I I1 Prtfnnhw ,_. _ T--waT;._ Ilngston mid Gananoque Route. 1 Conan: Hnncnnr , `inn, u-rn, VVILL leave Kingston daily (Sunday: ex- % cepted). At 7.30 A.M. to meet we train comingfrorn Rome & Oawego. At 1:45 PM. on arrival ofthe Grand Trunk Trains from the West to meet the .Train leaving Cape Vincent for Rnme, Oswego, &c., and the Northern Transportation Company : Pro- pellers for Oswego and Western Ports. - RETURNING, Wi}1lpnvn nnnn Vino--. 1H!'l'U KNING, Will leave Cape Vincent At 5.00 A.M. and 10.00 A.M. on arrival of train from Rome Oswego, &c., meeting the Grand Trunk Trains going East and West, and the Bay of Quinle steamer. Fnr r.-..:.-an nun p......... .. -_._1- -- A` "` 8 published every Fridn] him the News of the weak. Inga amount of vending, And 5 Two Dollar: pt nun III _ Andrus add In nay Ul qumle etc For freight or[ board, or to For ` Bay of Quinta, CAPTAIN Plum: Conn, ` ILL LEAVE THE ST. LAWRENCE WHARF, foot of Johnson Street, for the above and intermediate ports. every day (Sun- days excepted) at FOUR O GLO0K, Inrninnr lnnmsu 'R..`|'l.,-.:l1.. ..-..-.. ._.._..:-.. days excepted) FOUR Returning, leaves Belleville every morning (Sundays excepted) nl: SIX o'clock, mm, nr 1-a+na nf I2`.-ni.-.l.o .....1 D......-.._ -__l_ 4.. `L- .1 ` ' " """' " "7 J. B. R111, Ilurn. ILL resume her trip: for the Salon on FRIDAY, 22nd May, leaving the Fe "7 Wharf, foot of Brock Street, on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 3 P. H. for Ottun, calling at all the imennodinto stopping places on the way. cums/(.9.TE or noun. Kingston and Cape Vincent Ferry. \uuuuu._yB 6105.`-PLCU) III 01.1 CYGIOCK, For rates of Freight and Passage Apply to the Captain on board, or to I DIITYHNI I. IV- G. H. HATO H, Passenger Agent. Kinguton, April 20, 1868. nocuasrnn, Curr". J. Dmrrn, V ILL leave Kingston for Oswepo Honda}, Wednesday and Friday evenings, M 12 o'clock. _ Returning, will leave Kingston for Picton, Mill Point and Bellevilfo on Tuesday and Thun- dny evenings, at 8 o'clock; Satnrdaylu ll o'clock. For Freight or Passage apply to JAB. SWIFT B CO., St. Lawrence Whu-f. Kingston. Ann! 20, man i Q40 Iril gnu... _______________________ Kingston and Ottawa. Route. CORINTHIAN, CAPTAIN A. Dunner. ` ILL leave the St. La.w"1-enoe wharf, fool of Johnson Street, for MONTREAL, calling at intermediate port.a,un WEDNESDAY MORNING next, the 22nd of October, at six o'clock. 112-- n._, H-' - ` U UIUUP\- For Pasrnge Tickets apply at the office of Folger and Bros., Ontario Street, or at the Lake and River Steamboat Ofce, St. Luvronco Wharf`, foot of.Iohuson Street. 11 n rrnmnn .- sugar uuu urna., unmno Street, or I and River Stnambont Ujca, St. Wharf, foot of Johnson Street. I` I1 I11 V IILL leave the St. Lawrence Whnrf, foot of Johnson Street, for Toronto and Hamilton, calling at intermediate ports (weather permit- ting), on WIEFDNESDAY AF'l`El3.NO0N, 21st Oct , at SIX u'c1ock Ii`,u- D ..... .. m:.I..... - - - K `lb! III. D1A U CJOCK. For Passage Tickets app], .3 the Foigor find Br-na., Ontario Street, at: RIVPT Fhnnmhmn 1 an... n. r Ca adlan Navigation Company. Royal Mail Through Line. For Torontohxncl Hamilton. -.--. u. u. my G. M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. Kingston, Sept, 19th, 1868. win. a, un - G. M. KING HORN. Ferry Wharf, foot. Brock Street. KingI`..:m,13th Aug. 1369. my. For freight or pusage upplyon Kurd, or to G. H. KINGHORN, Fan-I WI-ma-I .~u u -nvu!<.'H II VI no` be fgnfes, Advrrtisemenu of Ship! - pntnerthlp Noticeo, Private AW lrzdividunl Ielnh of Final, B! 1 hr Sale. I"0( Kingalon, Hay 21at,lB68. St. Kingston, Ann! 20, 1868, Kingston, Oct. '20, 1868.: Kingston, Oct. 20, 186 ___.__:_j.___ mm Mg_NTR1+3AL. THE UPPER CABIN STIAKEB. THE ROYAL HAIL STEAMER DAILY non Bath Plcton and Belleville. 1:-- On and after Monday, zm inst, WATEETI) w N, .I'I.1I.'-quare for Daily popif . Fl . wzm same prinlegl. - .`o'.8-T!.e Iquure to be COD I msry brninen of commercial 5 .-uvh houses it wil! be held 00 AJ'm,`D",_,_., -1 as._ Cu-nun D. Smonun. THE STEAIER wu.:qu.n:I . r psasago apply to the Purser on TEE ITIAKIR k THE ETIIAIICB J. SWIFT & 00., Freight Agents. n. nlxvuuu Ferry Wharf, Foot of Bnock Bxroot. ms CCE of H. HATCH, Agent. UCI of n. HATCH, A ...__ to office of n the Lake Lawrence IVJIJ Agent. .. .. .. 6'16 \I'l'I Egg .. .. .. 6 '15 Stave .. .. .. 885 Chestnut .. . . 8 75 Our Goal is Pure Lackawana, being mined in the very heart of the Lackawnna Valley, at Scranton, Pittston, and Wilkes barre, from the beat nelected mines, and in prepnted with great care expressly for Family use, and will be acremed and delivered in the best possible con- dition. ll`- __!_- _91I L, , I A - - uuu In an respects. Ben selected Sq 0a-cl for grates constantly on band, also Lehlgh Lump for Foundry use, and Bloaabnrg for Blacksmiths. Terms Gash. vnu-nu-u _.-.-__ - if UIIIUU. No pain: will be spared to give good gatigfgo. tion in all respects. Rant aalonrm-I Ra I'L...1 4'..- _..;-- _-__., .. TRANSIENT ADVERTIBEMENTS_.-4 The large circulation of the DAILY News renders it the natural medium for the publication of all small and transient advertisements, as well as larger announce- ments. Advertisements of religious notices and Sabbath services; situations wanted; situuions vacant; houses for sale ; houses to rent; houses wanted; bosrd and lodg- ing ; rooms wanted; board wanted -; ur- ticles lost ; articles found; cattle `wanted; cattle for sale; cattle strayed, &c.., when set close, inserted for 25 cents each inser- tion, pnynhle only in advance. When dis- played, a proportionate price will be cburg- ell. ,_ _._--1 0'lcc-SI.. Lawrence Whar Foot. of Johnson Street. ILL Sell until ruktt} notice, the beaqqns. litiea of Hard and Soft Coal for Family use It the following prices per ton, 2,000 lbs, de- livered in any part of the City : Tvuuuuon ` 1868. GOAL. 1868. __1_um{nAcI1E"t:oAL mu. , -- uvx Hutu, ATUM ` Sermons ; ncknovledgemv.-nu of 5 -m be considered ndvertiutn roulbc umo ounlo nnd intho _` - Bunineu Solicea." ILL HEADS and other kinds of `Jon P3111-rrna executed with ncatness and deapatch at the Daiiy Nun oioe, Print.-us Strut 'L'.I.'.|u\.;|. \lJ.' LI.I.lIJ-`ll.bl1.D1LV'J'.'-'1t `I L amusing at times to observe the stores of the merchants who don l: adver- ties; to we the anxious proprietors look- ing into the streets and see the people go by, wondering why they don't come in, while the store: of their neigh hours who do- advertise are thronged with customers. some people will learn by, observation,; others will not.-DaZy Pdladium. - paucu Lu ucu DUU LB and BI mnnufsotnro at the lowest on strictly cash terms. nnnni nmsnn.-.5. ----n I- .,, utuurwlse may mu be p f The patronage of licited. 31-mm. um urroamrr norm]; T0 casn qusmm us. :1 .L.l._LVJ..1JkJ _I.1\}_[ ID, Dealer In Boots and shoes.No. 36 Princess Street, Kingston. DISIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merous Customers for a liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In Gmi hil lnnnnntn In- cl.` ---L ---- -' uqucuunlls 0VE|' 1' IIFTHIFN YEARS. closing his account; for the past year the advertiser has deem-mined to abandon the Credit ayctem altogether, And he wishes his Customer! to understood this announcement in the most positive Icnso. Determined not to be outdone in tho price or quality of his Shock, he is pre- pared to sell BOOTS and SHOES of unrivalled the Inumn .-an-m......o:.... --=--- uu nunuuy cnsn lelil. Unpaid lcoounls must be settled in ly, otherwise they will be put in Iuit. 3 nntronapa of nan}. n.-no ARBLB HANTELPIEGES, Monuments of every mnterial and design, Headstones otavery size and style, Posts for Lot Enclosures, nd Scone work of every description, promptly executed with the very best workmnnship and at reasonable prices. Rehrencea permitted to John Creighton, Esq., Edwin Chown, Esq., and Wm. Ford, Jr., Elq. Inspection of Stool: respectfully Iolioited. IIIDCITI ! Report: T11]-`. ?.'.`F_`?._.`:`+" NEWS. ONEY TO LE ND. $50,000 to !end on the `L security of RenlEaunain the City or Cogn- try as 3 low Into of interact. charged. B. April 28 [Kingston Marble Worksl GENERAL 8'l`0Nl'-2` BARBIE STREET, before obred in this city. in your orders early, they \ I betterlot of Sug-uncured I ADMIRE EVERYTHING] l...I. arrived to-day. I POSTAGE STAMP OFFICE. 30 KING STREET. CI] EAPNESS and EXCELLENCE. -___-_ FINE WRITING PAPER AND ENVE- LOPES. BIBLES AND PSALM BOOKS. CHURCH SERVICES. PRAYER BOOKS. HYMN BOOKS. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. MONTHLXES. SCHO0 L BOOKS. ALBUMS, D,-quay, nr\r\ln:- ---- - - August 21, 1868. STALLS CSRIVAL !\'lTl'.'Rl F51` I.\`TRUDCCE , ti lcadmg bouse Pznnns, Urgnua, Billiu he. Eu-ry one tho I bottle of this Polish. we will give full pnrth u pu'. up in bottles at knit": uuun ure orde -.51 prepud by E: Ten-ito.-_v and Agancie {.1-.;. STAGET8 NEW BOOK STlH;E:' - AND J AM Kingston, 22nd January, 1868. Aug. 20, uses. August 18. N.B.---I could only mean 52 of them. Send I THAT DES EKVE8 ADMIRATION T EFFECT OF ADVERTISING.-1: in J nmnnina at. time: on ..|.....-_._ u- M Lam? :-- [ARBLB ofavarv rnnlnpiul ....1 .:....:__ u 1; .\ ll \ 1; ll Pnrlmmenlnn and Puma` U I I II I' I . _ l..\\.<.\l`T.\`'l wzlh Lb. " us`; 1;: (.5117 Dvpurimontl at gh K8` za-M `znwrpornuon for '..-"Ltc:i Unt and mkg E :~. 1 8...: Seuiom 0.9;} g?`I Reillrlth 1": its gut rmrurrd. ~, ND I really admire I l VILL further Dina nf Hand --.3 Gar. rI_-I 5-. nuoull. P(_JGKE'[' BOOKS, ptmsss. moms LEATHER BAGS, &c., .1: .-._, 31' Court House. [. MORRISON. aim immediate- rill ha nut in mm [mire those HAHS that have will venture to my that JAMES SWIFT & CO. AND W ` rm l`rmn.lal llu-dun-.1 f:u-Iuruu: l`ump.. ] C -`--` ~`F Z`-'~`~- :12: 31 . ab. ..1.._u_ ic "B`X'(}";&c., &c. At E. sucnnrs. _",.__.___- ' won t last long. tnn. nu nun. Cash Customers! IO- vuuuau Ul I.l`lll.'!YI.lle(! remunerative priceel JAMES HOPE. I ERR Hams were never R. TANDY. YARD, camp % ,] Al . IIENDlI`.RSl'|N 8 Rnnlmrl-nlm ` Book, Job, and General Pl! E5 TA BLISHHBNTA` uaua annus uz Ina rlnun, new edition. 50 ctl. Also, a lnrize lot of 12} cent Novell, including Walter Seonha, Cooper's, Arlelnul Ward Boob, Robinson Crunor, Colleen Barn, Rom Dune, Irving a Sketch-Bonk, Vicar of Wakeeld, Trin- ugm Shandy, Roderick Random, Hqhel Vnnglnn, De Quiucey -i Opium-Enter, Autocrst of the Breakfml table, Eusyn of Elia, ta, &c. T September 16. THE CIRCULATION of the DAILY . NEWS in fully one-half larger than that oh any other daily journal Lpllblilhd in Kingston. The circulation of the old established weekly Cnmomcuz an Nnwa is also greater than any other weekly pub- lished in the onunty. Advertisers will perceive that these journals are the best media for attracting public attention in this locality. ' JJL 0 I always nay-lion _....,.._, .. .... uuuu. puma tar mra. `work done for parties at a diatnnco must be paid fr before leav- ing tbe shop. Hm-rh 9 `I nan ruur uopaesgnu upward; at 35 ceun,e_:Bh. ' THE BIBLE GLASS AND YOU _ S_ HAG- AZIN'E;`published by the London Sundsy-School Union. 30 cents a yepr, or tour Ooplu and upwsrdn at 25 cent! each. ' 1.411 the Number: /Von January `on land. [ JOHN HENDERSON, ~ Princes: Strool. , RT OF ADVERTISING.-l-Iorace `Greeicyg of New York, says:--The most successful business men in this city - are those who have advertised liberally and constantly. A smn cdvertisement con-[ ~ taut] n aring in better thin a dishing 3 Luau ; ol:dcnally. ' _..-.... .5 uueumg. souls] of mrianl. A-. pattern; . . , ; . A supply of Ridge : Food for Infants, A lupply of Pancreatic Emulipn, for'O6n- sqmption: ' ` A supply of " Pnncrcatina," the new Iindi for taking God Liver 0il,And remedy for Indi- geltion. I `L"........l- At n-1_-r -- - -' '~ W3 cum L1*n'LEiIom'n1-ns. ~.. A4\ `at; 0005], iiuaxuesu Clrdl, WITH UV] If OTEII P. 8. Fresh upply Vol. 2, juuqrrirod. '[`HE CHILD'S OOIIPANIOK KID JUW tij FFzc1:JoIjaN..ij,s`r_4 V Quad` 1 l[aI:Iufaclnfed)`for mg? .( V '_ VF lb69 DIARIES. ' 1869 NOW ON HAND AT ummmxsonvs nooxsionny VIZES, from Pocket kinds "to `fsrga Qnlrol. S holding 300 Picturel.` Prices very mull lower than ever told before, Sept. 25. Andrew : Latin-E Anthea`: H `[l'..- I4 ngliah Lexicon. A. _-.' u-In All the Text Books in I Regiopolia Col!-egcl, for BI?! _ 500 J PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS" ` "'1' ``'`Y Wear. also rrnnn-s` XXX ALE and PORTER in Bottle of _ GEORGE Tlllnilnunu .\l l - x . BOTTLE!) - Amnrana `PI GEORGE Tnonip KING STREET, , E6 to inform the Public gi tr opened tbgstor net: tQ71_,ho, 91 formerlr m-......:-I L- " ` 1:1 .15 we snap. March 9, 1368. ......_-p- an-uaIh.g-j;-lurillnilu` At 1IENnEBsoN"s BO0KSl'0RE. -n-j `A"Iu'pply of Calvert`: Gurlioc Acid. A supply of Gondfs Disinfecthig Fluid. _ For talent hilDz_II-Stan, ' -1 --..-._....` - nu`! TIIENDEBSON- ST BOOK smu.` % " P310I$ BTBIIT P R WI-nah n--.-I- .1 Ifl.__--1, . _ . ' September 23. `ymulra. 0c_tobcr 6. College Text Bod ` JlI:s"l` BEEIVEB moan. aascor-r's GRE_K Ln At. the `_ utll lob Print: ms msr mzonwsn ` sUP1>Lf~ or Feeding. Bottle: of mrinn: L 0-aomux, Bout-builder, - nhu-in A ..-..a ......-..-_._ Homo: Homer. Cam- 'I`-;-: s._- Tacitus, &c., kc. ;__nu REMOVAL. v-runs U} I a reputed! [Qpmnvu a- C/I'I"Y BV(/)\0KSTORE, JOHN GRETGHTON. Z3. "" nunma1' sq`uAnI3. IIARLY Aaltllllfl. Tbeaqnlre to be 22 um around` The h.sH' square H linen ditto. Pnce for squnre, for one yelnfl 40 with the privilege ornltering month. u runsultl in Bottle or Wood. GEORGE THOHPSON k 00. )o;. 2', 1888. _ use at Queen : End In ` ' ` AND PORTER. ll`, Simone-atuet, man! nl` BRIDE LEXIOON. } abridged. . uuunu._l1lllB AND POSTERS 1" Steamboat and Egon ioh Bill: gnd Tickets, exequted expeditiously at the- ROGR ututcs PO_B I'ERB 4.1 ueen aaaeu to the Dan! Nlwilfo; Pnuvrnm OFFICE. Our two Steam PDBIIGI sud Automatic Plaun Printing Inchin- ery enablenn to turn out work in good style, with quick despntch, and at chap rates. Inquiry solicited. - Wu"! '01 "Cr! luboequent luck `bow 1" lines, 7 cents per lino won, and two cent; per line forna asertzcn, r` .jego9u__uh. _26 can I homo. n. as n-nu. 51 VII `I III`. ' ' 1: driil in yrs; minutes, uamgiuuusi '. v roI>i,re_3_.`og-l:'Tbi: - ` V ,,`.':i _ 41 mmonss `sa-an-r GEO. W. BREE L BREWER or w EALE A; BEST `PAL "nr bliunv-pun an . news of the week. For Fifty Cents. plid in advance, you may send it. cozyour friends for three `month; at the redhced rated `of. postage. For One Dollu it may be non nix month; Single copiel, prion u Cents, may he had :1; than Dailyncoe. Princgu Street. b ' A. umxn Iron Work; `I! uid. I. TATUTORY nnans-Apprvod and : .cu-efully printed `on of thovhailr Form of Deed legnliagd y Stunte, unk $39. the Day News Oxce. gututory Hort- gages and other ht fm-ma ken: an ha--I no nu: yuan] .\.1I:lW UZIIOO. E gages ntherhw ' . s:u_u.1uunu uuruss of the Dan! 1; Nxwn may be had 1: the oountur of the publication oieo, Primal strut, prla 001113: CHRONICLE I. I and other mg keptin cc. Eve '7 res . ` fj "ta % V gention: _ Gil!-I IU- teltion. `A EIJIJUII. ' 1 Egriggil `mid: ui `gin '.08'DH!=I!lRR; `of 0'10,-to. tor.--i% Agency, -- _` '_ - _ * n-:'- Tm: loo Bengal and: on zuuuaychup umber. ,Then in nill u #30, which can be delivered 19 lt,u nal. _ , [Any of our. puma: will In wppliatriimiw any potion}: weep Jpngcr if my want it are xeqneltod in law` at my shop. -n:_u_., :Tnn' an-1..-w[g`m`a `tojnrorign ' 2. ;.m an pawn um ha Inn on nuuau nlllll, 1868. the World, `and Agent! wanted in Apply to M achi'n"Ne.`a1e. or .11 kinds ._..,-:-g `J Thin in now the but Ilsnnfacturing with lateral uchpaentl, it is accent! to .::':1.w.* OVEI7 County. -n-g-._., - r-\ni--- >\ V , ~_- ---lOl9| IU'l'E%l'. .THn DAv:s'1>Z-i~"1:"1~r"'-i-.aHur'rx.|: ssii : ._I_AO.BlNE took. the I`-int Print In clad:-` faqmnng Sewing Iachine, and ;lhI lint Pt& u g: Fnmily Bowing Ihhino gt the New Y _ ark Su F15 At _RoheIterH . 8 pi. -100% beaidol: numzroumgcouuy PrilI,;FI:l0 tokvllio Fitll Prize 3! A Manufacturing Inching at the County of _ .`1i'rqplcn_np-,E,xhibitiqa, in Crystal ,PnlI9I, ' Kingston, .1868. this ngfggiuh tbq and leV'Bl. Il-,I.ll.4lQilIo'dWlb uchmentn, `it none uh. Fnidb Sewing Hnchinn. ,.nsUl 1311!: ST.` LAWRENCE 16E n0t_JEs. rrfl "Int VAIIITY OI PR1.\'I'l.YG IN GOLD AND G V A'33'a?'a Iubjoct (by of Novgmbe Kinplon, ion. 0c :11 V IIJIIND SHIRT h to uhoenpu_- objgelioii until the Ind r next. ' JAIR8 SHANNON, omen: toliu-, use. N.B.-139 nbonlimhiand it on Aulignoo. ;uuU rapxi ALE A.ND' "IN VEBITRN 6'A.N'A `Kingston, Feb. 18. Kay 12. I T W: .33.-. A H _ _ .0-hiltilthd. frotvrielor. who 8.; 19-. . `gIton,3ep(.30,188._ " -. ' '5 ` _ - `Z ` : _.~ - : A V Oct. 14, 1808.` r_.'--* + . 4- -l KID i . Ild`1GI00dIII|6Wb |_i.`L` ` ugggravswlcx ,4:-r. . Ohimnzv 8f:'.f:'l..":. 1'3f!E!v `BI E -1 h, ma. . nonr INBBLYENT A01` 0!` 1804-` i+1 SINGLE corms of tho mm: ml` bl! `Int. :1 H1: l|4\I1-L_._ -2 .......,_ uaququus, 6 In i PRINCESS B13211`; FD |'Il1lIAn-I1-I - NUMBER T3. _-_ .... run nuvifj imrs nndiunder, $1 for 611! . seats for every subsequent` ) lines, $135 for rlt thni em; for every luboequent mtg bove in Ham 7 ...... ._ r-- Banning, Apply to n. H. R081 A ` omc:.1..;..s...`.. JORDLNIOO. guuunory H.011- a kept on hand. E01:-1 ya __:- .11. 5 t.\71v.aLLnn PIANO .\'lTt'RE PULISH! .-. ISTRUDFCED, and being xi hour: in lbe Inn: -5, Urgnna. Bmiu-d Tibia, P has 3 Pine * 0! Send for Cir will particular: and d .3 bottles at 30c Ind we, 3 :.--:eu ordered at once, to 1 1 hrs-nn.. Irv I`: `-*"*` Turn up Rgna to: Apr imo-9 and under, for I! rent: fnr .~.w...- ...L`.._-- \. 'Ju\.Cl'l D Ru ):-and Bi DAILY NE` THE DAILY NE` maxxb. 3 J }'ep'.'2;;'. Phxsrxxu (pond x.-_v asp:-tun. Appl r nnd Agencies received by BROWN 3 PERI Gourd .49:-nujor lb 11% No.60 Brenna! Cndenigned, having I V H `Lu: no Pun Tnll, otl Lung, and hlving tted up .r_ `a lxtlhihrd even Ilnllnnu per Annllll. .1.-xm:.< N1-.`.lSH, ,\\~\\.~ UIF..'1`. luau H In in 10 I1-.- -1---Iu ADVERTISING. lawful V-_-, nul -`\Zor;r`: Agent in A Bram, will b. JAUIB I Prlnoeu Strut I stiou 8.? cast, suf ot ours i L`anmla`_~1 . ~ I,\_ .1! (`EU '0! II "vrculu to BRL-w_\' 3 pg 420 Broonesg j.-j.&%___ ...`.u.. -u vusc, '1 Express. Appn. tie: receivnd hv -vu IE llJC n by man fun A-- - ~k..t::ng Surf . i Lute.` it-_ ll-K`. mom and olhu D. of In be slodnl of lb] h. I _u_:rl-I` .\0[grie Pub h-n.v nu ,_I' In And it is with this soul-ruinous systtm hat some men are willing to matte a coin- promise.` They are willing to give up the gnwn in the pulpit (concession number one.) The teacher is to give place to the priest; for though we may mean nothing by this change, the action with the others is asym- bol, is speaking gure, expressing the sa- ccrdotalcharacter. They tell us so, why not believe thvm. The service, at present anili- ciently long. is to be lengthened out by the prayer for the Church Militant and O[llt:l' prayers, and thus crowd out the preacliiiigz whilst the oertory after the sermon, by the to drive away whatever of heaven has been wrought by the preacher a voice in the hoarer`s heart. Drape the tenant of lllc: toach0r q place in a priestly garment, and, creature of chcurnstancss as man is, be tor- gets that he is the teacher. Envelope him in the owing surplice, and action is out of place; he stands the official lecturer, at most the preacher, no longer. the sake of peace, we are asked to conccrlc number two. I ask my brethren, can any course be more fatal to our. success as a Church? Will our people consent long to lis- ten to preachers a reproduction of the seven- teenth century 2 Will me-nbe willing to ex- should be aTillotson or a Blair, for the man, of the schools, who brings his master`s mes- sage warm with the synipathics of n liearr. liviagand breathing I.lCId(;1' the pow.-rot Divine love; the [Drill who shows his syni~ era that he feels by the usual actions of feeling I Again, was it to the ministerial or the teaching character, to which the Evangelical revival at the latter and of the past and beginning of the present century, stands indebted ? Was it not to the pulpit 1 'l`ho desk remained unchang- ed. The utterances from the pulpit Cal- led into life the breathings from the desk. > No longer discrepant, they spoke the gains things, and mutually aided each other in producing that change which has called into existence labours tor God and liur man; yvhioh say, beyond gainsaying, what Evangelical Cliurchmansliip is; 2. system taught of God and labouring for God I A system which demands the scvciest scru- tiny, conscious of its identity with Ru.-foi- nation truths as set forth in our standards. l Besides, what is demanded by those who differ from us is consistent with their system of faith and practice. Onr conces- sions. on the nthpr hnml mm rnunH..-ol.- .... Tb us, for . change the cold, formal essayist, though `he ` inferior though he may be in the learning` pithy with his subject, and tells his l,iear- M obtain the genuine. Sold by all dealers in Medi- cines at '25 cents a box. l Nlothers: Mother: :2 Mothers! !! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by is sick child will ring and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth 1 lfso, go at once and get a bottle of Hrs WINSIJOWS S()OTlll-NG SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer irnrnediately-depen.`l upon it: there is no mistake about it. Tlirra is not a mother on the face of the earth who has ever `mud of mongy dropping into the plate, ig-used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the `mother and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prelicription of one of the oldest ani best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. Be sure and call for Price 25 C:nlg_ 4 l i Nlr.-i insIow .-i Soothing Syrup," having the fnc-s1'm`la of Curtis & Perkins " on the outside wrapper. All others are base im- itations. l Philosophy of Marriage. A new Course of Lectures, as delivered at the New York Mira:-urn of Anatomy embracing the sub_iecta:--How to live and what to live for; Youth, Maturity, and old Age ; Manhood gener- ally reviewed; The cauze of indigestion; Flath- _ lance and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Mar- riage riliiltisophieally considered, &c.,&c. Pocket volutn-.-a containing these Lectures, will be for- . V-`arrled post.-paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by ad- i dressing SECRETARY, New York Museum {of Anatomy and Science, 618 Broadway, New i York." I Bulchclor- s Hair Dye. : This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the ,` World; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, , reliable, ll'Jsl.aDl.DCOll5; no disappointment; no lridiculous tints; remedies the ill elfccls of bad 1 dyes-, invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and ,l beautiful Mm:/c or brown, Sold by all Druggists , and Perfurncrs; and properly applied at Butche- `llor s Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New 'orlc. Dr Rccord s Essence of Life, , The only unquestionable and absolute rernedv LIICII. But pence was the key-note at the late gltllering of our tribes ; peace among the brethrcn was sounded by me one side and echoed by the other; but, I would ask, "Ed Ireland? Let the offender cca: Lhc offence, quietly submi!._l1iu1selfto the order and practice and Lenchmg of his church as it [ill been for these 133i aenturies, and [hen there will be peace. .Evnngelici_L|s have nothlng Lochgngg It [A matter ..n 1.~...._.,, ..,....... u. mun uuu. pracucc. Uur ' 31005, on the other hand, manifestly would be inconsistent with our ru!e. Preaching in theirs, is secundary ; with us, primary. They can, yidlout injury, give up the teaching nililer and merge him into the |IcrI1nentu| priest ; when mcc we give up our pulpit, we us thorn of our strength Ind must consent to be weak as other HIGH. n,. was run ue peace. nvnngelicale nothing to change. It is msuer u1 hismry_ Never were they more devoted nor lnmc successful than thirty years since, when this organized conspiracy rst. showed it- self. We have, through evil report and good report, Iuatcincd the even way ; and, at thin day, it in not we thcl: are given 10 change. What concessions can wc,thcn, consistently nuke but. It the expense or principle ? And if we sacrice our princi- plen, era we no foolish In-1:1 mm... ......~.. 9 UIUCI I '49:`: ,...-, ...a nun wuuw lI"WEXpCI peace '1 ha varies: drum of dotoge is such a compromise! Our principles are God's ....a., auutlcu nu nu` cuvnnnucc, and wuy ot. If there be no analogy bcf\\:ux:u V Church and the Cnurch uf 'l"u_vn- tira, then I do not know when resumblaum can be found. It Riluulism be not the .]:;z- ebel of our Church, seductive to idolatry as was the Queen of Israi-l-s:irriug up our rulers to do evil as did the Win: or Anab- powertul for xnischjef and pcrsecutiug the truth wherever and Whenever opportumty offers, than analogy fails to teach a. most important lessnn from I great hismnc fact. j~.- ,-|.v- \UuIEU ul \lCdll|.l`?: pclilll B UlSC&3'U WHICH 13: leading on the vnals 4! our c hum-h wuuhl be absurd- Three long years (so it as proposed) 11:0 to test the muurc ufrlhis `mt- alone pl ?SC1 lpH0l] it_1_Cunadu, which has an singularly fmh.-cl at hume ir restoring: the Mother Church tumch u cnmlitmn nl` bu-iy lhal she can he uuce murr g-sing :llI(`lI'. her house md doing lhusu duties for which hvr husband chose her to bc his wife. We-ll, Mr Editor; yes, and it is well; well Ulll the mother and well with the child; lurl thn is well which the "maker und u:-: band" of };I_is Church does.` He may hluwjc : purposes alnn to those whmh prevuulm In reference to the Seven L'blJrcht:s,"'tU ru- on the candlestick of the Protestant piscopacy from its plzxcc, and who would Ive the hardihood to pronounce this sug- stion an impcrtincncu? Ouc Church, at autfered for its cwnrulice, and {why nt nun? If rl..-.n~. In. .1.. n..-I...... I.. ., -.._. ...... u..u5nu\A n< u- H: ll\l||.l\|"`lll1.I) . `Hun it succeeded with the parent . Llm 1(.' with the child 1 licnnembcr lhc nlnticrvnt*c' between the two. lsthen::u1;'cmnpa.r::suui A mild and gentle I .rcu.tmcn: 01 u. Llzxllgcl`-pits djacue when the knne and thecnutcnznug iron, removing every bre, would have-luau 8kilL in liulu else than w[u:u'k|:r_`,'. Such a \ course of dealing with a. dlscasu which is: Inn4linu- an 1|... .-. .o .-- \.~ I 7.-.. lvuxun.-IV. ll .IJV5I7l;__;\'| haractcr. "Hm hkc unnum- zsst-. _which lmsso1u_jure llu other, we are told \s that vs `auadinu daughtm i-~ m `In: tr I-Ina in c.m.......1n.a ...'.|. .|.., ._.. ll W0 have lvee n rw f..1I.....:._._ I u PHI-2 1/IECENI` 1 l{U\'lNUlAL SYNUID. TLESHDAY E ;,(bC'l{ in the hu. rl-slv D__ __ mm Daily V(_)LU.\l I. Hug nbrc, would hnvelueii 11c l lealiug !_\V'Vl7Ill is, the Three lmrlg years \\:.L:I are of lhis ripnon which Fuilccl irch body ,u doing which msc X-ll, well with M the for which maker Lillzki I:.. (\|..._..L..I.,- Ir, 7 I ' uutls IL) LUUIISU, Public, C(`|.)n`n1ULi rior to olherl ` past IERSOTJ addili rou.-1 suits ups Wmvr closets, kc. niccnrpassenger strucled, the house I newly sud richly I lliuruglily replen it. in all its lppuil the country. Te-lgr.~:ph Ollie: the first oor. A nrvnat Q ' LAS1`; -. -_' .....i` ; nuunu nan, rmcr bunnuny? What :1) is clamouring for n ' contess, is to alter the he Church of England '11 `A u` H. News. .XVIlI. "1 "` ""`." Ilugy nth Jrch in of or re the of t_o r rnug _ ii-.: 5" scouting *5` 1` - rxvxnn-r...~.n-.. a rvvo IIIJ PVIJI` Ila LI;-ur-` l nf_ : ministerial whicl . ,, I I` .5..- 11; _\ur.< -r 19. .-5 WR[' sronnts nu slilnonj H-In.-u Mnnl . ' - - ~ - ~ T - v * V V v ' I Q |.\4|.A JKJI, LlJI1l- 7,`5`e3l ruge null WI Lmn dressing ;m;hm;.g. I of Anatomy pit he desk ---- 1... ,, NH YE-`HE DOWER HOUSE, by Annie Thomas. The Moomtone, by Wilkie Collins. Dvad Sea Fruit, by Miss Braddon. Birds of Prey (A fresh supply), by Miss Braddon. Charlotte .-1 Inheritance, a sequel to Birds of Prey, by Miss Brnddon. Kiugiakeha Invasion of the Crimea, Znrl vol. Harpefs Magazine for October. Just received and for sale I ICHQUIC msummncsous; disappointment; 1 ` l llox- l York. uuwnrl: 01 nmzauons or Hunts Empire Hui-r Gloss. Dr. Col|>y s Pills sold hv all Druggisis. Jacobs` Rheumatic L`qui(l Uurcs Lume- Bess. ff the , true perfectD_ve; [ridiculous tints: remnriipa Hm ill nmunva nr n..,,a ~ Mrs 'insIow outside _ - - --~---'-5`- `1'orl~:Hus::-nrn idrmaincr H.`.Il'.t".DI.`1`ADV u..-- U~-I- II THE` (`F T} IJEASESZ--Forms of Leases and other descriptions of Law Printing kept in` stock at the Daily News Oice. Every description of printing dnnn tn n.-an `ubucn ut. ma Daily E } description printing done to order. Sudden changes of climate nre sources of Pul monary, Bronchial, and Aalhmnlic affections Experience having proved that Iimple remedies often ac: speedily and certainly when taken in '1he early stages of the disease, recourse should once be had to Browns Bronchisl Trochea," Lozenges. Few are aware of the importance checking a. cough, or common cold," in its first stage. Thin. which inqhe beginning would yield to It mild remedy, if noglected soon attacks the Lungs. Brown's Branchial Troches," or Cough Lozenges, allay irrilalion which induces I coughing, having a Dinner influence on the af- fecxed parts. As there are imitatoas, be sure to dealers ' &`1\r\'I'Il1ILvr1 rwr-nrwru At the c1Ti?'i3B'0K STORE, KIN a s 'r B E E 1*. V. The 1.-argvst rotfera to `l`ou l.I..Lu:_ nut uuuav HI UIIE uuuute; [Hf (`ll carpeted, and tin furni: it in all ila an-......1v.-n...-.9- ...-.....I ., luv uuuulr]. Ozcc, Billiml Rooms, and Cafe on I Inc-I-run nun... . r...-- rmrealed truths. We know what we say and tostify what. we have experienced when prcnchiu.-.; Evnngulic truth. Are we so foolish nsxo nnticipzntc peace as the re` `sult. at disuhexlicncc to what is written 3 lxmxtlmtionlnnst iu|`ntu:\tctl! I have no unkind IuclingsLo1n_1_,' hrnlhcr minister bo- 11`-\1\.1.x`u.1 .1..... .1. .. .... 1 -..,. r _.,, H: I August 8.

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