,,,_ -...., nu.-yru. Be sure and call for Mn \Vlnslow I Soothing S having the fac-timik of Curtis J: on the outside wrapper. All other: an itationa. ,__-.. ....... bu - u-utue UL nun WIHEDUWU !SOOTHlNG SYRUP`. It will relieve the poor little: sufferer immodia1ely-depend upon it: there is no mistake about it. There is not I used it, who will not tell you at once that it will` regulate the bowels, nnd give rent to the mother and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly Info to use in all cases, and pleaunt lo the taste, and in the prescription. 0. one of the aldest and belt femalo physicinna and names in the United Buttes. Price 25 cents. Bold everywhere. D- ....._- _- 1 )mother on the {no of the garth who has eve} l , , , , .. .-_v.--v--gg. Are you disturbed st nigbllnd broken of your 1 rent. by a sick child suffering Ind crying with the lexcruchting plil of cutting teeth? If so, go at , once and get 1 bottle of Mrs WINSLO W S !Rnn'rm\rn Qvnrvn v. Coughs and Colds. Sudden changes of climate nra aouroes of Pul monnry, Bronchial, and Asthmatic nffcctions Experience huing proved that simple remedies often Ict lpcedily and certainly when taken in f the early stages of the disease, recourse should : at once be had to Brown ; Bronchial Trochea, or Lozenges. Few are aware of the importance ` of checking a cough, or common cold," in in first stage. That which in the beginning would yield to a mild 1-emed_v,if neglected soon attacks l the Lungs. " Brown`: Bronchial Troches,' or ! Cough Lounges, allay irrilntion which induce: coughing, having 1. manor inuenou on the af- fected parts. A: there are imitironl, be Iure to obtain the genuine. Sold by All denlers in Hedi- ctnes It 25 cent: 3, box. 6 Mother: !: Mothers: !: 1;aKi.1vs VEGETABLE SIGIUAN HAIR . ~.. - - REEWAR. V DISEASES or THE SCALP 3 ,` PRODUCE GRAY HAIR AND BALDNESSI _ 1` The use of EALL'S VEGETABLE =.s1cILun HAIR BEHEWER ` i will renon it m in ......._1 ....1....- ._.u _N , __ -.._.... ...-1u.u, nun wlu ycreaze 3 new growth when it has fallen 01!`, as it furnishes the nutritive principle which nourishes the fund: of the hair; lling them with new life 1.311 colouring matter, and giving 3 hulthy con- diliou to the whole brous ma|s.-Dtamattc Chrnnir/a Mental satiety or excessive thinking land to deadeu the viulny of the scalp; ila elfecls are to `produce a febrile aeclion of the head, which jcauees gray hair and baldneas; and although ` gray hair: uiay be honourable iu old age, yet a premature blanching, or loss of hair in the young or middle-aged in to be regretted, and as it is natural for as all to desire a youthful appearance, are W-Otlili` recommend to those aicted in the above manner, the use of Hall : Vegetable Sicil- ian Hair Renewer. This preparalion will aooai change gray and brash] hair to in original l colour, and make it of silken texture; and will , Crpjll n I--- cu-A.-L _L__ 2. L,_ - u - I --"1 ' The inrg-est rat-clue Hotel in New England, 1 olfera to Touring, Families, end the Trevelling _ f Rublic, nccoznmodntions and conveniences supe- L1 not to my other Hotel in the city. During the _ ; put season additions have been made of nume- fi rour units of apartments, with bathing rooml, l | Inter oloeele. &c., etuched ; one of Tun`: mag- ` moeut pueenger elevators, the beat. ever con- ` , Itrucled, oenveye gneeln to the unper uorey of ' 4 the house In one minute; the entries have been i ' newly and richly cnrpeled, and line entire honae l ihofoughiy replemshed and furnished. making . at. In nil in Appomunenu, equal tu en: hotel in the country. r , Telegraph Omee, Billiard Rooms, and Cute on . i the first floor. !--..-...-.-.u unLn nu: I will reuon it to its natural colour I `its growth. ` Uur Treatise on the Hair lent fret DDDATlLn_ xv. ----- Hnlfnqnu-o for Daily paper 315 F with arm privilcgv. N.-B.-Th square to be eonnoi 3!` lnnry businelq of commercial born I : --....n rma-. n will not be held to hduqlol 151:1 -'3. Adfertiu-menu Al m._~.._ nA--- n uur noause ll R. P. BALL 3 Co., I` Lclrgrlpn L i oor. quick 1` and he sunk down into an arm- chair dead. Three doctors were soon on the spot; they bled him, but in nin, and declnred the cnuse of his death to be I cerebral bzemorrbage, inutnntly ext.inguish~ ` ing life. jju special Notlccu. AMI-IRICAV HOUSE. BOSTON, mas ._ I- . :- Balehclol- n Hair 1 l!_3_;_;)rd I Essence of Life, .1- . . _ _ _ A . -'!,- I ---v-u DUI I.LlI: I'UlJla OI your 011310886 an for advertising your business, pursuing a false policy. If you usmesn, let it be known.-FIu.1I- imitations of HunL`a Empire u free by uni]. 0., Nashua, N.H., Proprietors. IUUJVHIBI I for Sale. LEWIS RICE ct SON, f Perkins " are hue im- n as oun, Proprietors. 5YI'np, ICIJCIIJ-in 1- sad promote KINGSTON. None are genuine nnlen done up inf'ataol- engraved wrapper, with fun aimilo of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed Helmbo]d s Extract Buchu, eutnbliahed 1113-. Ward of 18 yen:-3, prepnred by H. T. HELM- BOLD, Druggist, 494, New York, Ind 104, South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pu. Pawn -$l,25 per bottle, or lix bottles for $6 50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Drug- giltl everywhere. If no treatment is Iubmltted to, Consump- tion or Inunity may ensue. Our esh and blood are Bupported from these sources, and the health and happiness, end that of P05- terity, depends upon prompt me of I reliuble remedy. Is the greet Diuretic, and in e certein cure for diseuee of the Blndder, Kidneys, Gretel, Dropey, 0:-genie Weekneee, Female Com- pleinta, General Debility, and :11 diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether exieling in Male or Female, from whatever ennse origi- nating, and no nether of how long etending. n x nce n_ M0 with - 1..--L HELHB(`ILD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU "hose they do Now, reader, uelf-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual exoesee, are all cap- able of producing I Ireokneu of the generative organs. The organ: of generation, when in perfect henllh, make the man. Did you ever ` think ti At those bold, deant, energetic, per- severing, eucoeslful hunines:-men ere alwnyl those whose generntive organs are in perieet healh? You never hear each men complain of being melancholy, of nervounneu, of palpi- tation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in busineu; they don'tbecome l and and discouraged; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face--none of your downcoat looks or any other mennneea about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inated by running to excess. These will not only min their conetitutionn, but also huainesl with or for. Diseases of these organs require the ` n Diuretic. ....m uruugus about nut. in those orglnl that ha nystem so much u to i other dueue--idiocy, Inna abctions, lnicido, Ind form of disease which 1: __..4 .L, ' ... um uuuuu altar II III stood Ibile? Do you have lpelll of short breathing or dyspep- Iin `I Are your bowels eonuipoled `P Do you have Ipolll of fainting, or rushes of blood to the bond 1 In your memory Impaired 1 Is your mind connontly dwelling upon this Iubject 7 Do you feel dull, Iinleu, lloping, tired o!oom- pouy, of life 7 Do you Will! to be left alone, to get ewuy from everybody T Doe: any little thing make you uert or jump ? In your sleep broken or rentleu `I In the lustre of your eye as brillinnt 7 The bloom on your cheek or bright`! Do you enjoy younelf in Iociely as well? Do you pursue your bulinell with the some energy 1 Do you feel on much condence in yourself? Are your spirit: dull and ogging, given to me of melancholy T If so, do not lny it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you rest- yleu nights? Your beck weak, your knees week, end here but little appetite, and you at- tribule lhil to dyspepaiqor liver-complaint`? uuruaats 'I'U THE NERVOUS AND DE- BILITATED, whoee euaringe have been protracted from hidden ceueee, end wboae celce require prompt treatment to render exist- ence deeireble; If you are Inlferlng, or have suffered from involuntary dieohergu, whet of- rect doe: it produce upon your general health ? Do you feel weak, debilitated, eerily tired 7 Does a. little extra exertion prodnee pelpitetion of the hurt T Does your liver, or urinary or- gene, or your kidneye, frequently get out of order? le your urine eornetimee thick, milky," or ock)", or in it ropy on settling? Or does a. thick scum rise to the top? 01' in n Iedlment et the bottom after it bu stood ewhile? V00 have IDAIII nf nhn-e I-...-.I..:__ -_ x DDRESS TO THE NERVOUS L BILITATED. Whllllfnrinnnlngwn In--- E. '1`. HELMBOLD. ,.- -uc an], In OPGPI1 [0 gun} he fuored. Wotk ~ In of ESPECIAL AND mromunw NOTICE | To msu CUSTOMERS. !:I:?sMES* HOPE uuzuumg over 1' 1r"1'1s:11:N YEARS. In closing his accounts for the put your the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the moat positire sense. Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pos- pared to seli BOUTS and SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remnnorativa prices on strictly cash terms. nnnni nnnnn-.9. ._..-a I..- -_.L.I..1 2,,,, if - Bay of Quinta, CLPPAII Fun Conn ` ` JILL LEAVE THE ST. LAWRENCE WHARF, foot of Johnson Street, for the shove and intermediate ports. every dsy (Sun- ! days excepted) nt FOUR O CLO0K, ~Retu1-ning, leaves Beevilla nun n......u.... IIIIJH BLIJUPICCI.) I` Returning, Bellovillo ever; (Sundays emapted) at SIX o clock, I For rates of Freight and Puma-n n O . H. HATO H, Passenger Agen 1:. Kingston, April 20, 1868. IU JLLVLJJLJ Ill, Dealer In Boots and Sl1oes.No.36 Princess Street, Kingston. T\`l:I<:'n:n:-Q _..-s ----~ -_.. _-- vvu, nnlllaillllo ESIRES most reapectfully to thunk his nu- merous Customers for a liberal pan-onngo extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In clnsina hin at-nnnnm 6`..- cl... ..__L u .1, utucrwlse may will be put in suit. 3` The patronage of Cash Cuuomarl ID- llcited. ' JAMIE HOP]. Kinxnou. 22nd Jnnlnrr. 1388. "'a".T: puuuayu emepted) SIX in. E Freight and Pusage apply to the Captain on board, or to . J. SWIFT I 00., Freight Aguntl. O. HATCH, uu nnncuy GIBII terms. Unpaid eccounte must be eettled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put in suit. E The! nnltrnnnan nf` u-h nnllnn-A.` .... DAILY BOAT For Bath Plcton and Bellevllle. 1- "" __ THE Steamer PIE!-2.-REPONT, C. Hinckloy, Jr., Minter, wi run as under. LEAVE KINGSTON On Tucndnys. Weduesdmyarnnd Fridnyl :14 PM LEAVE GANANOQUE. ` On Wednoldnys, Fridays, and Saturdays, :1; 6! AM. Kingston aid Ganaiwqne Route. LNG, Will leave Cape Vincent At 5.00 AJI. and 10.00 AM. on nrrinl oftnin from Rome Onvego, &c., meeting the Grand Trunk Trains going Eat and West, Ind the Bay of Quinle steamer. For freight or passage spply to the Punar on LA-_J - - Counu Huwxu` . qll, llurn, V `V ILL leave Kingston daily (snndnyl tx- cepted), At 7.30 AM. to meet the train oomiugfmm Rome pelleni for Oswego and Western Ports. RE'I`nmnnr_\ I `j' CIIANGE OF IIOUB. Klngsto and CR3 Vincent Ferry. fl JAI Kinpton, 22nd January, 1888. 1 1 zrsuuxr, 22nd May, leaving the Ferry Wharf, foot of Brook Street, on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 3 P. M. for Otture, calling at all the intermediate Itopping places on the way. For freight or pasuge npplyon bond, or to G. l. KINGEORN, Ferry Wharf, - Foot of Bxock Street. Kingston, Hey 21IL 196! ,, _-.-`-..-v )n 6 LM. For Freight or Pnuago apply to Captain on mud, or to G. M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. Kingston, 13th Aug. 1868. _.____.__f___?} __?______________{_ Kingston and Ottawa Route. 01". J. Dun-rnv, ILL lean Kingston for Osweno Monday, Wednesday end Friday evenings, nt 12 o'clock. Returning, will leave Kingllon for Picton, Mill Point and Belleville on Tuesday sud Thur!- day evenings, M. 8 o clock; Saturday: at 11 O'clock. I..- 1I_-!_L; v- u. M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brook Street. Kinghwa, Sept, 19th, 1868, U UIUUI. For Pas:-age Tickets apply M the ones of Folger and Broa., Ontario Street, or :1 tho Lnko and River Steamboat Olce, St. Intranet Wharf, foot ofJobnuon Ht!-pat nuu mver steamboat Uice Wharf, ofJohulon Street. ,, ` - -. 3 ;An\llIlJV-- WILL leave the St. Lawrence wharf, foot of Johnson Street, for MONTREAL calling at intermediate portl, on FRIDAY, MORNING next, the 23rd of October, at six o'clock. n__ nAi, nu. . Fm Ilny 21st, 1868. For Freight or Passage apply to JAS. SWIFT & CO., 8:. Luvrenco Whuf. Kingaton, Apnl 20, 1868. :--:j----:_-j THE CHRONICLE I. Kingston, Oct: 21, 1868. THE ROYAL HAIL STEAHER ` 11 Q uxu l.C llluler. r 1 I, or to mu M0_NTREAL. --u: THI UPPER CABIN STIAHIR _.: _____ IL, J __ \ruuIaV1lJ J. B. Rrn`, llurn. _On nndx WATERT0 w N, ---j S P A R T A N, CAPTAIN J. B. Punann City of Ottawa, J H 12:... `ll---? n6Jc/u|.=:s'na:n, IV.-- 1 r\ I aflnr Monday, 21:: inst, nil: rruln. Q: gu anu W eaten: RETURNLNG, nn Vin..- THE STIAIIER run U UUUUL eve St SIX 0 :-Junk n n I `PEI ITIAHII G. M. KINGHORN. 'h|u-f fnn-f D-gal. DA..- nu. J, aunuug um rer eat, Jppinn nlaou on th- ru uuau - fIv;;u-ay. Sen ACUI of H. HATCH, Agent. mornhll v -um u1nuuun.'11unI ol. the DAILY News is fully one-half larger than that of any other daily journal published in Kin ston. The circulation of the old establis ed weekly CHRONICLE .-um Nnwa in also greater than any other weekly pub- linhed in the county. Advertisers will perceive that these journal: are the best medic for attracting public attention in thin` locnlity. ABBLE HANTELPIECES, Monuments M of every material and design, Hesdstonee of every size and style, Pom for Lot Enclosures, and Stone work of every description, promptly executed with the very best workmanship and A: reasonable prices. References permitted to `John Creighton, Esq, Edwin Cbown, Esq, and Wm. Ford, Jr., Esq. Inspection of Stock respectfully solicited. on? T0. LEND. ;ao,ooo to lend on the Iacurity of Bcaluato in the City or Gonn- try at 1 low rate of interest. No commtulon charged. R. 1!. R082. April 33 I Kingston Marble Works. GENERAL in your orders early, u botterlot of Sugar-cured bofbre offend in this city. AND I really ldlll thou HANS that Inn nu-rived to-day. I will` vcntun to` any that . . ., .. L}1'\Jl', rune Business Cardl, Btu: HY! I`-`I31 OTEIR VAIIITY 0 nn,..-:--.. .- FLY r.uu11.\` .m1ux.u.., STAGETS NEW BOOK STORE. AN D POSTAGE STAMP OFFICE. ` so KING STREET. cnlzu-1u;:ss an_T1axcnL_L|2N_cn. --.- INI WRITING PAPER AND ENVE-. LOPES. manna AND psum BOOKS. cannon smmons. PRAYER BOOKS. Hum BOOKS. smmu souooz. BOOKS. uozormnms. scaoot. nooxa. ALBUMS- POOKIT nooxs, magma. LADIES` LEATHER mes, &c., ac. .-.__ u. -uy, 15029. Any information required an to q` I And snmplu furninhad, may be had c tion to the undanigned. I |'\ `I `|_[._l'\l\1vu- . .......-, 1 an. 1,500 Yu-dl Brown Cloth. 1,500 " Yellow Cloth. 2,000 White Linen Dill -- 2,000 Black Linen Duc 6,000 White Flannel. The above-nnmed Good: to be deliv Kingston Penitentiary on or before ` of Iny, 1869. Luv infnuu--n:.._ _.__s - Aug. so, use. ----- VFHE undersigned will receive '1' til Monday, the 2nd day 1338, tor the following articles, vi 4---... - August 18. N.B.-I could only nature 52 of them. I. DI-III-'rC`53I| 3 those who -u.L.._Al._ Luv unvu mulllid OI U1'IWlg. New Temperance Bong Books, Recitation: kc. Adventure: of a Strolling Player. New Edition: of Gall : Annals -of the Pu-ah, and the Provort. Family Ohrintlen Almanac for 1869. New English sud American Novels. George Fox, the Friende and early Bnptiuu. Hone D'Art.hur, new edition. N B. Specinl to Students. Luge anpply of Note Bookl, Text Boolu, and llincellnneoue Ste- lionery CHEAP. JOHN HENDERSON. Oct 13, 1863. v--null V7 0 PRINTING [JV GOLD AND 6'01 Irv:-un --...____ Kingston Efntm CONT_ACTS. THAT DESEBVES ADMIRATWN ---- ENNYSONB POEMS, cheep edition, 011! cents. The Spanish Girl}, by Geo. Eliot. Life of Lee Oneal ; the Apostle of the Indie: The Hen:niu--(Vol. 2 of the Sundey Librar` Rayon` Political Economy. _ In Human : Poems, new English edition. The Cue Method of Drawing. Temperance Sonar Rnnln n...:.-u___ - _ ._u uuuul ll` HUI] . D. ./E. mcooun-LL, Wnrden, Kings ton Pe Kingiton Peniuntinry Ofoe, 1 13th Dam}... man nitomiuy. EE&EEEEEi$J: "aa13E NEW-B-0OKS. Oct. 13. 13, 5-nun r-cuwlnunry U1 131i Oetobet, 1868. CTRCULATTON of the DAILY WE ii fl`IU nhn_HaI` Inns`..- I.`-.__ -:-- Inns Ion Aural : C hm-s and under, $1 for tint this i :1 I 1 LCIVS for every subuequenlinlcti ;o mm, 31,25 for fun um-o in-uni 7 ccnu for every Iuhueqnentinncnia. Above 1~ lines, 7 cents per line for I on. and two cenu nor Is... rm -----` Tnrn or .. .-- urnnlnil VI Jun RED CURRANT JELLY. Jan New HONEY. Gun: TOMATOES. Can: COVE OYSTERS. Box TOMATO KETOHUP. B0] RASPRERHV Vlllln A n 1 139 Box 1 . s. REES . IILL STONE YAB D, BARBIE STREET, \ 1 re OCTOBER 9 1868. J U81` RECEIVED .AT Court House.` - 1 PRINCESS BTRE ET. I. MORRISON. ... uuurt`! 1: van be held hididil 1-.-s, Advertisement; 0! Shipl. ruw-rlhlp Notices, Prints Ad ' ljvidual Iembcn of Fmnn, Beau 9` ` * " . LUJIIALU LIETUHUP. : RASPBERRY VINEGAR. I 31107 won t but long. I Brgwn Duck. Duck. ,by Indian. . Library). wnomy. iii: '31"sj'ac., 1: E. S'l`AGEY S. ________._-__.. Hams were never - delivered at the r befm-n Hm An. A... utuvurleu II 10 raafore the 6th day quality, age, be hnd nn nnnth... B. TANDY. M 5 TENDE BS un- y of November, viz. : qunlity, l on applies- Send B, only 40 - -1Iu.J.j DJLILV IV A U .1. The large cirnlstion. of the DAILY Nnws renders irtbe natural rneaium for the publication of all small nnd tnnciant adverjiaemente, as well us larger announce- ments. Advertisements of religious notices and Sabbath services; situations wanted; to rent; housu wanted; board snd`lodg- ling; rooms wnntcd ; board wanted; ar- ticiea lost; nniclec found; cattle wanted; set` close, inserted for 25 centaeach inner- I lion, payable only in sdn.noe._ When din- A pluyed. 3 nronortinnntn m-en. ..m 1.. .t.--- nituationa vacant: houses? for sale ; houses came for sale; cnttlu strayed, 650., when nun, pm . P1-yedn n.'l , wan ! gum: or no ruins, new edmonfbo ctii M Also, a largo lot of 12} not Howls, including Walter Scott's, Cooper :-, Artemnl Wad Bosh, Robinson Crayon, Colleen Burn, Notn Dung Irving : Sketch-Book, Vi of Wakeeld, Trio: mm Shandy, Roderick Run om, Kabul Vaughn, De Quincefn Opium-Eater, Autocnl of {he Bu-ukfan T.sble, East}: of B111, 843., e. ...n..-...l.-_ 1 As 4, uu. ao. nr ty 30 "_ mun she. do. In glootlllm 40 " ' in I) 00'!!! 30 Wide aide Won-ld, ' mm do. :5 -4 Foxe I Book of Harlyu, do. 5 Piigriufs Progress, do. 5 Richmond : Anmls of the Poor `do. 5 Bunynfa Holy War, do. '5 ` Byron : Pootical_Werh, eompldoodltiah, 81,00 ` Burns Poems sud Lllurl. Inn Bra an (I In nyruni rowcal Worn, Burna hum, largo Bn.odi|., 31,25 Milton : Poetical Worku,.in clogh, 50 cent; f`.owpor'n do. do. cloth `gilt, 50 cent! Galas Annahsof tho Puiuh, edmonfuo cu : if 12} Nnvaln. hm...u-_ publilhed every Friday morning & paint the News of the week. It : 3 amount of ruding, and it . Douu-u ponnnnn paid undvud: dgjggn an ck. I-L|l-l-- Agood 0 GORMAN,- Bout-builder, Biuooo-street, uaortuaant vofSKIPE8 Boats for hire. Work done. for . far Lain... l..__ -.....,a un nnnu. Boats for hire. parties at a. distanc must be paid for before luv- ing the shop. - 1U'I'.1 11111.7 JUVE- L. NILE INSi`RiII3E3``x,3o count your or Four Copies and upwards at 25 can stench. - THE BIBt_.l: GLASS AND Y`OU'1`H S...lAG- JOHN HENDERSON, , _._ 7 1 Princes Street. If` an CHILD'S (:4 --__. HBANION AND 311.3. msrnuo-rm; an ......... ...- .. "iWB"cnm1r 1.1::-1.-1.1; no1m_mxs_.' r. a. null up; _Vol. ,2, just arrived. n lupply or " Pncrutiua,"-the new race for taking Cod Liver Oil, and nrpetly for 3 geation, , A supply of Calvert : Om-`bolic Acid. A suppiy of Candy's Dininfecting Fluid. For nle at his Drug Stark, _'A'I'n-r:-_._ ~-~ ms JUST RECEIVED SUPPLY of Feeding` Bottles of A. patterns. A ~- * A supply of Ridge : Food for Inat- A supply of Pancreatic Emulsion, fox suuption: '4 A lupply of " Pncrutina,"-the I: to geation. In-nu: 11 I. 4012 September 16,. ensbled to En. .-.....-_- - 1869; DIA_IEs. 1869 , ,_--I 1- I All the Text Book: in up I Regiopolia Oollegel, for said 4 it lIENl)EBSON B moxmm, Tam onion of hunts AGNIlW,. &c, has been removed to B130 second door south of the Britiala WE upnairu. ('|n..I.-_ - :3. `i:`.;`r2} SCHOOL utsi "r'1iI}'l. . HURTS. `Rmsmm ADVERT! T 7 . lf2C"cinlltihn, ?---__-___._._____ $11.1. HEADS and other 2 P]~`lE'l'I1a. 374:1:--64. ! -=-I- ""'.r -.-I D *1ImmE nsow Swan. Dnrununn n_..__ B0'l"l`L I none J uuuumg 300 Pictures. ower than ever sold before. Sept. 25. ) FFICE JOUR.NA`LS.for no Ianufactured) fpr gala at H ,` I-I-nu`. .... - (A --- xtyear (Canadian -r\I" Sapteinber 28. HEN1IERSON S nooxsroluc. VIZ ) BS, from Pocket kind: holding 300 Pictures. wer g__. - fo Inga Qtluto. Prices very much 7. nun unlrlnl. Scaqrznrc to be 22 lines of iolid ,1, be b-uifsqunre 11 lines ditto. . ' ylullrl ` 0cto|;er 6. Al the Kingllon, V1 IDDELL {FIG I?) miuulv UIIIJ In IUYIDOO. WIIIII dil- , proportionate price ill! be charg- I nuvuliu UTE Fmh supply of Kinglntds us: ` , _.---u uuuu, IIITUKOI, be, 3:30: Strut Whip omen; I. uuulrl par nnnnn paid in ndvi Addmuudnnoun ELL 8 SCOTT '1 Latin-English . Cl Hones. Homer. Cant Tacit '3 Gail: Lnxmox. `I ` Lexicon. II at, uju; .nIs'r n-1z_cnIv1=:n,, upturn-n`ll'.eI', AIIIOCIII 0 `.2, 8c., 8:. 6. H I S K E Y S. `- n ALEEAND PORTER. kEMQyAL. 1!lABll-II` sqIJA'Im. -...a.. . a-uvu urr llllluu V . Pancreatic Expulsion, for Goo- _ . ., n... ..,.-u uvlll u-OI OI` .- I week, 4 cents per line. ice: of Birth. Kn ---- - THE ` in: A ND NEWS, tina,"-the medium , Indi- :___3-j___ ' kinds of Jonl I II.-On...` ---I at Qnoalfn and Books. r , ._ -,-,--~.. Bi SINGLE COPIES of `tho DAILY V N'nwI:uybehadntthocnnntura_- the publication otoc,` Prtneul Ituot, prion ' ` time oop'pcu.' - _ ~r1rI-I L' Lilli-L`-I-'5n"1'M IO Onnomcu. um NEW: in pnbnbod evqry Eridny morning, and ooutamo all the new; of the week. For Fifty pair} in advance, you may send it to your fri fo: three months nt the reduced rates or postnge. For Ogre Dollar it may be coin !_i_x months. Single cousin, n.-3... num- ..,. plulll nuuul II I pdstnge. D: ni_x Single Cents, mnv In I.-V-I -- - _,....... uv ZUU"I rsmns .\'o~rxcn "-All matter ng, Ieadcd or solid, 8 cent: per 2. ; A tale of solid Brevicr if over I` :0 line: `:5 man, under 7 [inn I.) nor .\'oUcel in ediwrisl column, :ch 11 to promote the pecnn|'y' C: no of Iz.dindua | or Colnpldg 15 ofiianks. lnaurnnoo Comp-It .- Lund Lecturcl, Amuoemenu. vns , acknowledgement of D -3 cousndered advertisement! Ind ~ name ncnle And in the lube .'IH Nrnlirun " style, with quick agspawh, rates. Inquiry solicited. , _--.rv uionms. single Cantu, may be bid st the Prinocu Street. __________}, teamboat -and Excursion Bill: uni! Tlcke executed expeditiolnly at tl_1'a ._QA_n.1 Jlmu 8'.rux Pnrs_n-tun n......... --yucca, CXCCHI -DAIIa`! I Princcu Stteqt. . BEST PALE AL} 117 718138. Zl'ab.18. J PQIIJD... 25 cans: shank.` ;PP f|:!?:Iu ,"1"".-`*:_', w. . ` `-`I ll. WHITE ~ Clenlu & In-H3311,` H: . 43 l?.l,iIHDE88 818331` gr ' ' 3': I ' ` . `l ` - , AuvJ|.IllOD|' LIV Blunt; Poerino Rm. Houdini 110110! '1' HOTIOI uynllllls. EXAMINATION- D ADHIT. OF nd to! - in-Ivli XI`- of ~0hicheting,.-Dunluh, Iufncfurera p I and plied to order. - BLODEONS and luau : llld Hun inhla makau, which bur cal and on accop HARIOHIITIB UK (EU- 1in I nah on hand; or ` P ,r_` ` on the Inf city of L { nil! a qnnnlity on , to Lay pa-nu nquliig : Any of our 'pntroni1vill be mppmajag J WDIJI I` I-2-my shop. MUSIC AN__13 P1Ar_os_; ,,.-. -I-I-lllll..l IUD OI? or Frontenac Exhibition, In ` Kionmqn, 1888. Z lac.-him at lln con, til Palm; 3-pus. `-~.__.__.. Prpdaor at the Kingston, Sept. 30, I .--_____-_._..;--+ ; , sownm m or 1304; E In the matter MJOHFE I-bx. an Iuoluat. APINAL DIVIDEND 5 PH: _ HIET bu been` subject to ob F.` jaction until tbclad day of Novel!!! Dell: - Kinzuon, ma ` B D 1-. _ able-:1 execuu in the but nn.nut,`I grater expedition than my odlu Pr! C.u_v, all order: for work Vith V :2 fnvored. W'* "' " "- _ an` I've-Sodlon Innher. Tfmf .h...._|.- "' -- A .1 .r J mmm...".."I1' " "._`- 1'-11414 ALE AID .1-"Ia WESTERN lton. Il'ab-1lI- OAIADL LET, F1! "riimu ma .-___;;,_ DEEDS:--Ap ,L NUMBER 14. mm u worn: in good- and at chap I ` , . .'n_.iT'-3 tli 14.3 in; a my in annntitvnn I-- . ...-uuynlloillr PRINCESS 81331 ; F '.r-032 :3 u III~`.\ Ill GIIIIT, `innu-nlnry and (`Holt 1. J :\\'5'.\\'T\t rm-gut vh lho Pug UIIRWI. .r.: :E- our IN-gxnrlmonuot lhg q l"! vs '.5M\ "\f`ll1nn Tnr Fa---r _ _ ....a nap rJJCY ITPI rinung, and having tted I THE DAILY NEWS Pnnlnrinl llardlare I rat-lnrmx 1'0mpa|y '9 2.` Ir ;.*v~L'.. .2; II] the sglegug` I Avrv ms lumen: RIM and I0 \>. 1..~\Tt'Hl*..`. k.\ Uba`, jg, 5 211:: II. mic, :0 the Trldeonb. .1- ndge z the mazl (very .I An . .`- ---so, I KRUII Hum cenu perm UAIL Y NEVVS - -4; .I-wllu UYXII. "Fer '-mm. pnynbb 1. Wha .l'E%iYA lhoiv nnnnx ADVERTISING. .1.-\ In {:57 Ne-\\`_~' ("Yin _ . Appliu xd Agent-res received by BKuW.`o' I PBRK General Aycsufov` Mt Iflihi No.00 B:-oonatl insertions not ordered 4 (`Outs n4v 1:-.. JAII8 Fl Princess Street Xi .._, ,,_, .-Compnu_vs Age h Runs, wi} xlL:'\ :. I zrcumr Io BRvW,\' k PER 420 Bmome SL,l. #43 all CIT l `.1.-DC ' lnwfnl avails` 1 um: Irzms, 5 li E T C I] [33 nuc. :.":-sea?!-5! .. yen uuu Iur 1 line for every Iii ll WT dons; it 3'05` 41"u`n0 .4 ...-nuuu . 'l'ornuIg.j ""8 - Very)-II-I ' "us, for Book 511131` nn 3' 1~;iS11 Fnn Urden yggjl ina-nun. 1|. . Kigulon, Agent: in] -xII L. _ I-}.grn5(`I,` ruucrlli Bleunbdl No B`! Dug "'PlFn -at-.u. Bill Book: EL .-.- nun. 1 nix` .\`nr.< (F r STl|llIl|`.b AND K ing'It 0757 , -,-- \.nunI.I5hI|.Ul' IIUU a. female relative ; the mother of the Coun- tess had joined them at the nation of 00: coming from Baden-Baden; the suite con- sisted at three ladies and two servants. The party arrived at Snrnaburg by the tram at 3 quarter past five, sad a carriage tnok them to the hotel. The Countess; who ._L-II 1 -...... ... - -iunlucl pun! nve, ma The Countess; iajn bud health, was assilted to her apart- lI1enl,M. Wslewaki himself giving all the orders ud helping her `to ascend the last few Itairl. He seemed in"perfect health, talking to the persons about him; there was no appearance of fatigue or of any un- ugunl state. On entering the rlt room he made the Countess sit. down and asked her how the felt; then passing into the next room he suddenly nnllpri rm hi. a.......I..--- ,,-_ r.-.........u- nuu ' uuutsl DI the play are always at hand. Mr Fischer. says the ladies who frequent the theatre make a point of changing their dress two i :.r three times during the representation, in orrler to display the richness of their ward- robe, and they are always attended by ser- vants who carry the necessary articles of dress for the purpose." The young ladies, in _ their social gatherings, employ themselves in making pretty boxes, articial owers, pocketbooks, &c., and in painting fans, birds, and other trinkets to give away as resents. Ponderousw books at etiquette Rave been written to teach them how to conduct themselves at ten parties, where they chat about current_top1ca, talk scan-. dal, and otherwise conduct themselves after the most approved Sorosis" manner. When they die they go to the eternal rest of Nirwann. THE DEATH OF COUNT WALEWSKI. Count Wnlcwski died poor. The fol- lowing account of his death appears in the ozrrrier dc Baa Rhine .'-C0um. Wulewaki, member of Lhu.Prlvy Uuuncll and formerly Minister of Foreign Anirs, died yesterday evening, at twenty minutes put live, at the Hotel de ll Ville de Paris at Btruburg. He: had telegraphed in the afternoon from relative; mdtber joinefl tlnem/at nation of On: ,,f.( ---_.._--vu { The Pittsburg Republican says Americans 1 generally have quite confused and errone- ous notions of the every-dsy7 life of the in- habitants of Eastern countries, particularly * that of China and Japan. Our notions are to too great an extent derived from the psr- r sonsl appearance of the Chinnrnen we see ; ,3 in our streets. snd from the labels on teal chests and Japanese trays. Those who have seen them st home think differently` of them. The trsveller Drumrnond says that the Jspsnese `indies srn the most fun- cinating and elegant women that he ever saw in my quarter of the globe. Music, dancing, the` theatre, tumblers, murnmers sud mountebsnks abound to give them pleasure. Puuclt, who, many people think, is It means of smusement peculiar to the English, appears in China, and has been trsced in Tsrtary. and all through the Asi- stic continent, to the Bosphorus sud Corf- stantinople. The Japanese are fond of and excel in private thestricsls. Their public theatres have three rows of boxes, in the front ones of which sit the young and pret- tyladies, or those who fancy themselves h such. Printed programmes and books of I ' i`~ I point nf r-I-tannin.-. H-..-.:- 4---- - l -Recr:rd. if 1`, uuxuun IIIIU \ IIIIICUPYIIS. 8` Chapels hi the Uuiversitie: modern thing, than :1 vocal tween the Church of En; (`k.....|. hr nu..- -_ H So swells each wind-pipe; Au intone: to An ' Hnrmonick twang. : --Pope'3 Dunczad: quoted in Johnson : Dictionary, under In1one.' \ Wuul-J J--hnsun. 3 Higzh-Churchnmn. have ` kg: r'1iiL'u[:-J i'HY4nlI;n-T h-x.f1r\.n.... -.... -I-1 ' _ ,,. _ ........--.u --\1.ur-U ll. .1. "When we pray. s:1_v." Sec.) `J. It is the .-a`r\'i'0 of " feigmul lips," an art taught by music-In:| and learnt l_-.~ proticients nf-`I tar much lalmur and pains, and that in the unholy use of prayers, fur the express pur- pose of learning to intone them In puldicl (See third c-ommtndment.) 10. It is n. au- pvratitions. and therefore; profane thing: as it rests upon the notion that it ought to be used as :1. sound more reverential. and com sequamly more areoeptable to God than the` sound of the uutuial mice. (But see Pa. IXVL 1`-` ] If in n incrnnnn .'\C` u _ .l V Eh: mnily Nuns. r LE` iL,Bc5 f. 26 gr L-aBa.'[L.4sT 12101:. 1. It-i L..- .1, JAPANESE AND CHINESF-.~ l.\'T0.\'ING -WI{.-ET VOLUM E u ....-,-.-.u;, uuu u ween [u':u`LIse:1 mam Cathedrals m hm d21_V'-1'.` Pxzsnnzn. ' Rt:-one rm I :0--- Except the Litauy. I 8 every 1 nine of I largo mad `I've per nun gj: ,_..__._- .\-um. \|)uL :.!<.`(` I Vlt is an instance of vulun-l r." if God does not I-quire it; ' time and Jalmur and pains tof Art. is clear-l_v an humiliation. us nut require it. 123. Its inu'o- ' Uzuthedmls. and into College' the Universities, is rather :1 . I '. than n mum! .-m...._\.....- L, XVIII. .t the; L`: `es: 1-ur-| AI-lgun I. >pu1u`.i\- E) "`*`"- - 15 su- ' 3 thing ; ght to 12: md con- han the` "_\'ulun-` : 4 lllnllrnlru I - , _.~-..-_vv -. --I.n`I, The only unquestionable and absolute remedy for Nervousneu, Debility, and Restoration to Manhood. The medicine, taken for four weeks, cure: as cermn LB water quencbea thirst. Sold in Bottles at $3 (in gold), or four times the quan- Lity for $9. To be had from the Agent, E. BAYLIS, Aug 4. 38 Bond Street, New York. TO A YOUNG MERCHANT-Whe.n you psy more for the rent. of your business ` house than You We can do business, [TI Philosophy of Marriage. A new Course of Lectures, as delivered It the New York Museum of Anatomy embracing the aubjecls:-How to live and what to live for; Youth, Haturity, snd old Age; Manhood gener- ally reviewed ; The cause of Indigestion ; Flam- lenoe and Nervous Diseases sccounted for; Mar. riage philoaophicslly considered, &c., kc. Pocket volumes containing these Lectures, will be for- warded posbpaid, on receipt of 25 cents, by ad- dressing "SECRETARY, New York Museum of Anatomy and Science, 618 Broadway, New York. __ -r ------ -.1 !!- Tbls splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes; invigoraws and leaves the Hair son. and beautiful black or brown, Sold by all Drnggists and Perfumery; and properly applied at Batche- lor a Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New York. Beware of Hair Gloss. Dr. Co!l)_y: _s ---un \.lIu35. Colby : Pills sold by all Druggiltll. Jacobs Rheumatic Liquid Cures Lume- uess. Brpubliabed every a Dollar: per nnnum, puynbl aubocriber-I receive lbir.1 ; In chm-ged Five Dollan.