V- .au- Agtnt at Kinglton, TC-I `lUl'I7, Kingston, Ihy 5_ q--- `HIS Company ha: been Cld f`m- nan:-Iv Kn nu.-. DA1LY NEWS---WEDNESDAY: ...uu\.uI.- . I I _ CASH CAPITAL .. .. 81,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RISKS taken on t 1 and carcroea at rs-a=nn.m. ......... MRDLEY u 00., pnrfnnu.-a , i,,_._ -...._:. )HYSIClAN. SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, Residence Hnrrowsmith. quvcvvv d is prepared `to issue policies on terms as r us the safety of the assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT, ; ___. gnu 51.111 mums mans taken hulls 1 cargoes at reasonable rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Fuly 1. St. Lawrence Wharf. 1. sun u.ruu\J V mu 1!} AJLVU D ! l.HI5`l' NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. _-.. .-... -u- -uuuu wuL'|| WI mlllmun who in Mexico still lmguage of the Aztecs we cum Juarez himself is a man of 11 Island, Ind unless snme 01 his 311 enemies are Imlians also, it imagine where they can all ( la n slmrt time, llI)WUV(:r., prubz lua Presidential 4-ls-Minn um Royal Assurance Company _ .-.u...uu I: warned against in- :rat, and cheap compounds now in t. Each genuine boule bears a fac~ Proprietor : signature on tha stamp nbnnnpw - EUGENE RIMMEL. `UHER bv Ihnninhnnu-+ on 4|--= L1V_IRPO0L A ND LONDON. MAXWELL W. STRANGE, Agent. for Kingston 0-83. Clarence Street. Slgnor Carlo Mora, EQQl\R nf |k.`DlL1un A. man _ ,, ._..... ucl:LulLUeU1' as appeared during the preoeut n diarrhasa, colic, ague, spasms, it to relieve more pnin and cause an any other article tbnt uh be a Profession is warned against , cheap colnnonndn v-0- `- J. R. Smith, M.D., I;xr nu-van.-.\.- - _,_. /,(,_____,,- .,...... llurlford Cbnn. |-__ um.-, wulcn are secret chri- the market. Many medical me, and recommend your com- uever prescribe a secret re- Cnuzus Kmn, ILD. Chemist. Mannhnnmr John D Anna-nan An. `I -... CAI km my doing business in .- nearly 50 you-I, and during that ad the public condenm hv Hm woo. nrdley &-C')'. ;~fn`1"e;:`:`1:-e\`;.iwona. Vine Street, Bloomsbury, , 6 Rue dn Grand Ghautier, 1770, IUD, THOS. KIRKPATRICK. A__:__....;_._._ 0., Fancy Soap Maker-o and Prize Medal awarded for ence of Quality. London Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Prepsrationl. Tooth Powderl Glycerine Toilet Requi- lites. Agent, St. Lawrence Whuf. :2 ; nnmmr '1'. P. Towlo, Chemist, . on CHLORODYNE PERMINT :of Standard Works form. -nun unu v.;uUu:_',u uu tucu unuua, luu, LD- deed, had it been otherwise, it would not have consisted with their traditional policy to embark in thejoint stock venture. That policy has always been expressed in 5 reso- lution to wait until Mexico, by sheer force: of collapse and gravitation, should tumble into the bosom of the Union, and, in the mesntime, to warn off All other intruders who might intercept the prot or spoil the game. France received it warning of this kind as soon as the termination of the civil wnr enabled the government of VVa.sh- ington to give it. and the withdrawal of the French forces from the eld produced the downlnll of the empire, and the ascendan- cy, such as it is, of Juarez end 3 faction. Now. however, it is alleged that even the Mexican chiefs, inured as they are to anar- chy and brigitndage, `can go on no longer. Perhaps the truth of the story, if there is truth at all in it, would rather be that Jun- rez, discerning his own inability to main- tain himself, has sought the aid of the United States against his rising rivnls. At All pvpntst wn hstvp has-n infnrunml .-1 Cauua Wu.sol' Secretary. ll nnn Ann E. P, Donn, General Agent. I11`! Io-In $23,000,000. hulls of uu.-ppm-. ASK for Lea and Portia Sold Wholesale and for Export, `priatora, Worcester ; Menu. Oman: wall ; nun. Bu-clay and Sons, L: to. ; and by Grocers sud Oilmon -_----wnuuuv 09; I4 This delicious Condiment, prononnrzjejiu by lonnoieeeura The only good sauce, in pre- Ired solely by Lee and Perrine. The Public and Pen-ins Names are on Wrapper, Lube], Bottle, and StOPlIer. Ask for Lee Penlnrance. _ by the Pro prigtorg, ; Menu. Urnnn ....a llI--L an any n1uuNS' Worcestershire This delicious pronoun Lea I unions, and should see thu_t [foo undl - ;-nan ordinar llu out. I my BLENDING sgziu :-.u nun uC\.uuCu tut: .1luL'LlL';J.UB IL time had enough on their hands, sud Jun!` h<` if hnnn nfhrwvicn it u-.\n1.- ILLUMINATING: Magenta, Violet, Blue, Orange; porn I few drops into an egg cup add warm water; use with: brush or pen Borders of books, similar to Ward and Loch : Arabian Nights, &c., may be prettily illum- inated in this manner. BLANGMANGE, JELLY, CORN F ICE CREAMS, &c: W add one or two drops 0 simple or elegant tin OQNFECTIONERH will LOUR, bile in a. liquid state f Magenta. A more ting cannot be had. nd Mnngnon 175-` V ` ;..uuLU`u'l'.tAl"H [II dye with water ; a. pint of water. kc. nrnnnn - -~---- - " witow SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly, ifnpplied in boiling Inter. BLUE: For laundry pun-poles is A 1. BOOK EDGES: A Sixpeu ta, Violet, Crimson or Bl cording to shade required brush. PAPER and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 Blnck to h__lf__a_-pint of hot water. unn anunt A bottle half 3-pint SATINWOOD STAIN; A Canary dissolved in 3 pin PHOTOGRAPHS may be din win. _-..._ . - nuunvvnou: To color: or Rona ; add half a bottle then stir in has Whi` Mauve, Violet, Purple, produce pretty tints by ` more, as directed above. STABCH: Stir in a. fewd Magenta, Mauve, Violet these impart dolicato tin &o. unvr 1' Am an . ..---.L._ K wftow Hif. Fihrnn Qnn ----` --, - ..-.--.u, uull, CU WUOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory results. Use elnrge quantity of boiling water in In earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. Dye in boiling wnter. FEATHERS: Dye in hot water (a few drops of the dye is sufficient for one feather). COTTON: Mauve, Violet and Purple Ire recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet and Orange. Dye in wnrm water. WHITEWASEI: To color: Magents, for Pink bottle. to 3 poll of water, in Whitnnim. .- ---I sLENni'1G"Jzae of the dyes a produce in innity of shade taste. U10 nu uunost incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yu-da of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce 1 clear Rosa Pink by using less dye. Suitable 3.130 for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, 80. Violet, pllvsln r|-----~ ' _ 4 V V UDSON S SIMPLE DYB8 FOR THE PEOPLE. Any one can use them; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossible in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and, beautiful chemical preparation: can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile (ah:-ice, they are also invaluable as a colouring agent for alnfoat every known material, the cute with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minntee for a few pence without aoiling the hands. MEMOBANDA. MAGENTA : The strength and beauty of this dye is almost incredible. yerda Bonnet Rihhnn =- ` .\.., u an LIKED ruc nut`, tut: l:.\p<:llu.lCui would have a better ch.-.r.c-e of succcss. \\'han England, France am! Spain combin- ed to send an expedition to Vera Cruz, nn ocr wu made to mlmit the United States tn a share in the emerprize, but the propo- Fll Wm-`u devllnml 'I'lu-~. -\n1.-I-in-inn nr thnr ` I "' Se. N.B.--Cond_v'a Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in Water. and affords the only known means of rapidly and completely freeing Drinking WaLer from Organic Tnint, which in so common 1! cause oi serious disease. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with Coudfs Uzoniser" or other Spray-pro- ducer. UONDY'S PATENT OZONISED WATER, (ran 1-on. mmrous,) Remove: from the mouth impure and Ioreign late! and 0d ours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts tho in-Iunion and morbid secretions of curious teeth. It puri- es and tofu:-ns the skin, and, used in tho bath, tendsto promote I healthy Into of the whole body. uup, muioerry tree, kc. Washing dogs and other domcst Cleansing bottles, beer hnrrnls, dairy utensils. Washing tho hair and darken when turning grey, Enhancing the purifying and in [beta of baths incl tubs. Dressing poisoned wounds and d mnl Virus. "I".._..,. a E .. A A ` ` ` . _....- .-.-uu. destroying uni- Treating tho horsea, dogs, &c_ One gallon make: 200 to 800 gallons ndapted for use. LYB I1--- infectious diseases of cattle, i1.l)l'%liDY'>S-I;:&.'ilEwI\W FLUID or natural'di|inl'ec- ' tan: puries, deodorisea, andjdiainfects, by tho agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,--its active principle. Being entirely innoxiou, this truly scientic preparution is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, lor which sll other disinfectants on accountof their poisonous or other ubjectionlsinie qualities, urn unnvailable and useless :- Dctecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifying drinking and" other water from or- ` garlic matter, lend, &c. Freshcniug ing bud E-fI1t.`llS. Freeing meat, ab, butter, from mint. I".-u......_---2- .. -I or other provision: m - the air of eloso places, and reu1ov- ` Irulu LIIUL. Countcrncting the affects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Mu.-Jty provander. Freeing wheat And other seed from smut. Maintaining the health oi plants in pot: and conservatories. Preserving and restoring the freshnou of out owers kept in water. Destroying the blight of the potatoe, vine, hop, mulbelry &c. Wu,-ahina An..- -../I A-|-- ' nuns uIuurO(llnO. Thu Medical Timu and Gaattte, January 13th, 1866, states, It has an immense sale amongst the public, and in prescribed by score: of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply I want and fill a place. Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Free- man, 70, Kcuningmn Park Road, London. 3- The genuine has engraved on the Government Slump (outside egcb Bottle), FREEMAN` S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." l CHLOBODYNE, invented By R. Freeman, Pharmaceutlat, is allowed to be one oi the greatest diacoveriee of the present century. It la largely employed by the moat eminent Physicians and `Surgeons in bolpitai and private practice in all pat-ta ot the world. It has effecta peculiar tnltleif, and which are essential- ly different to those produced by the varioua compounda bearing the name oi Chiorodyne, but have no pretence to poseeeaing lta virtuaa. It rapidly roiievea pain, from whatever oauu, ai- laye the irritation of fever, Ioethel the Iylteln under exhausting diseases, and gives aiocp with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feeliuga so commonly nrieing from the use oi opiates, It continues to hold its unahaaan poaition in the estimation of the Profession as the beet, moat reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and ecientic Phyaiciane made allidavite that they have tested its charts in careful comparison with those of DR. COLLIS BROWNE`S OHLORO- DYNE," and deposed to the facts that they iound it n more certain and rulinbla preparation, and lzreetiy preferred FREEM_l.NS." l-Inrl Hllunnll r-nnu a . a I ninnenrl 011 pk. Dn--I I".-.I -uu urcuuy prclurrou "rnr.'1`.'Iil_1NL'J." I-lnrl Russell communicated to the Royll Col- lege: of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in ` llanilla the only remedy of any use in Cholera was Chlorodine. '7']... u._::_ -1 In-,,, , , I /`I y .._u iunworcoater Oman and Blak- M London; lo.-, unlnrully vurup oz aye will I Cotton, Silk 01-1 v. ... n|l\IIA Luau A l1L ape.-ctahlc chm nf Hlxnmillmn at sight and 01 inquiry. \\'u< suppose H any the scum] (`um ct-pt thnr. it 1 nI|\nn- I..._...._ H. BOLLHAN GONDY, Patentee, Banerses, London. -jj- \\., us. : domestic animals. ea, pickling tubs, darkening its colour 93'. all n uutuu. no pull of water, Whitening nu maul. Blue [and crimaon using one bottle or ed vu "GU61: TAIN; Sixponnv bottle ad pint of boiling Inter tinted; dilute the ;a. home of Magenta to n "?e::ru<.irops of Colour- Violet, Blue or Pink; .to tings to Luce, Linen, in the bath will ' shade, according to ucu; (unite the Invigorating ef RATES, AND IF YOU Do NOT ALREADY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF u` on H: nus usuuuu SLlC( the extinction of the ill ccrtliuly um. eszalalislu .1. 1\l- .... .._.__ ___ CONTRACTS ran LARGIB1 omounn-mu or ANY Imwsnrn PUBLISHED nr nus W CITY, -rms Joumul. onus nil gnu nnnnl g_ non Loon. All GIHIBAL ADVERTISI- IIIITS; 1-nlnlronl Anrlnrlalll I'll nun! ynwu." POSSESSIKO ' [ DAILY NEWS. A LOCAL PLPIB Ir YOU mu sun noun In 1-3: runonnnu up IBIOTION or u ATTRAOTIYI am! you You 1-LL01 or wanna: GARRY HUGH A JUDIOIOUB ST]! A LITTLI IURTHII AND RIPILT TH] SIGN A THOUSAND TIMES. PLLOI TH] PARTIOULAR8 0]` `DUB BUBINIBU 1] YOU WOULD ` ATTRACT CUSTOMERS ! THE MOST IUCCEIIFUL iTRADESMEN V MID HERO`!-IAIIT Nnwsrgnia conunumi ADVERTISINGII THE PRESEVT AND FUTURE` MEXICO. From the London Tumu. We are sure that any view of pa \..a_ I. ._-.. TYPES AND INK ADVERTJSIL HAY BI HAD] 1'! TEB DAILY NEWS OFFICE. I8 TH] 3381' IIDIUI WHIBIIII II` YOU WOULD DRIVE YOUR BUBINISB, AND NOT TO BI DBIVIR. JUDIOIOUB U5] 0' BESOLVE AT ONCE TO LGRBBIIINTS ADVERTISE! TI'ESl)A\' I-IV'l:Il\'_lNG ,7OCT.- ADVERTlSE'_' ADVERTISE THEIR IUOOFIP 1'0 A LIBIBAL AND ADHIT `PHI IIPOBTLIOI OI 1'0 ADYIIBTIBI J noon. nuanuae, THEREFOR! GO AND Lkiilxf g 4.:-:1. BIYORI THU PUBLIC AND II THI FOR LDVIRTISII G El): Daily Nana. L! D LTTBIBUTI BI] TARIFF OF ORANGE CERTIFICATES an summonses may be obtaine Dmr Nun Or-nun. Or_ders nnuuu no IIII nu Roma. V` 'Al`JLJIl rnuV'l`1J.`lH_ HOUSE P1 D Street, Kingston. Printing kind: at tho DAn.r Nun Bum ] H0!!'I.l' V __-___- ...-.. ......e.- urxuups or me name medicine which I have also employed rith 3 tie: to heal thdr relative nupe1io_ty."- ' ` ____;.._.___._.___) nnwm cmrow, fmq, 1-.no.s., Surgeon to Chnring-cu-on Hoepvihl. _ " For Ievenl yearn put I have beef: in the ba- ouiou: than ogher `viriiltigis of the seat {bah ...I.-=-- -----~-- - a----- J DB. . .r- lnthor of the `.` that Liver Oil prodn time than other the mall: Ind B-3,, Spu ol Gerlnanp ? Dr. do! b no: u..%.s`.,";.,.5' 1dnd_s,_gnd that iudigeutou mo sun It I3 !I|.lBl\'II'Y IL] llllIL' Iilllll Ur Jfmron, |he nuivo chief, who at. the If ins faction succeeded in power on nmctinn i'l-starred empire, has 01.) um. eitahlislncd even as much or- :- . as near an nppruxinnation to pl'IC(` as 11811 l1. H`nIr Hun ivnnno-v'u| :n\Ivur1\n\nnr m In C01]! pale oil. DBJBARLOW, r.n.s., ,.Benior Physician to Guy s'Hospit:l. I has frequently recommended persona con- In 111 tmuIhIn foild Dr. dc Jongh u Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing the llama net of properties, `Among which tho presence 0! chohic oomponndu, and of iodine in I state of o L `a combination, are themout ropurklblo. 1&5, I believe, nniyemgy Ickhowledged that this oil bu great. Iheupulin pbrar; sud from myinveuigntions, I have no doubt ofiu being" 1 pure and unadulterated article. .-Z SHXL Kinnntnn `D._'_ L.` STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, nu LANKESTEB, l`.R.S,, Coroner {oi Contnl lliddlelex. I consider the: the `purity of this oil is secur- ed In its prepantion, by the personnel attention of no good 1 chemist nnd intelligent I physician ll Dr. dc Jongh, who has ciao written the best medical treatise on the olljvilh which I am no-` qmiuted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oil sold under hm guannteo to be prefonblc to gay other ~ DR. LETHEBY, Hedioal Olcer of Health, and G] 0).. 11:... -1: -, vuu Illllnl Ul U00 LIVE!` Uil Wbillh (ilk gdmitted to be genuine--tho Light-Brown Oil iupplied by Dr. dc Jongh. It has long been our practice, when prescribing thq oil, to rgommend this kind, since, unidat I mubh variety And un- certainty, in hnfe condauno in in genuine- naan.--(Extnct from Consumpuhn: its Early and Relnedigble Stagesf ) DR. EDWARD SUITE, 13.8., . Iodicn.l_Olicer to the Poor I4: Bdu-do! GPO` Britain. We think It 3 great advtnuga chit there `n 0110 kind of Cod Liver Oil wbich`iuuIIivnIstlly n dmit_ted smmncr MEDICAL o1=mIo'Hs. BIB HINBY IARSH, BART" l[.D., Physician in Ordinary to th Queen in Ireland. I IJIVO fremmntlu no-.~.:'I...z n. n 1 , ,__,._-. .. .. ...y u.n~uun:u, Ill- Iu the States M (Jentml Ameri- m_-I races have recently increas- ;r.r. wlnle the hi-e race has de- all strung.-r stories are afloat an opinion. It is said that the i are expecting to _recnver their rimr ohm. ..-.. ._-/, . - -;-'V---- In: till-IIIJEIJ W have frequent! reocribed ~ I-ism-Bmmcod Lizegou I e.:'.'.;. I '8?` DIIPR I-u-Lb 'I:'I-..I- L. __-_- DR. DE JONGIPS Oil in convincingly proved by an ovetrhe! weight of medical testimony, and by the practice: test of successful expqience for twenty year: in all put: of the world, to be, Beyond all question, the purest, the Inoatecr cioua, the moat pnlnnble, and, from its rapid ..-.v v: .u n.i7w}5:33'n-ma my, % 13 Do- cambbn-,1B'5 , inluuivo; the dirniury the Wutnuhucr from April, 1861, Oo'*Deeo7_Ilber, 1866, inclusive, and tin Quarterly tor l865 sad 1'866,`ot tho run of $1.60 3 year for ' each or-_ any Review; also Blsckwood for 1866, Tag Lhoxlnb 5001-'1'-Pu b1ishiag 0a., 38 wn.lknr.n-h-out `H `I m L. 5. Pub; oo.U;pub1ma A * The Farmer's Glide By Henry Ste hens ofldinbnrgh and the Into J. ,PaNo1-ton, of do Oollege. 2 vols. Royal Oc- hvd, 1600 page: and nxuneronn Bng1v1ngs.' P_`BIQE-'l, for the two volumes. Br 0-- .. ..P.;>..s...* .:.~.%..,..= - on In ' ` t K of mo United sum will B6 but 1'g,::' $22!,` Gena I your for Blnckwood,"-and b [ Gent; 1. you for nah of the Retiown. . TBRIB 103 1388. - For my and of thQil 0lIl'B9Yiol'l - For my? two! Jun Ion. Buion-. - lorusyt!-`bc at tho tow Iaviun For :1] fonfofthe Ravliwl `- For Bhckwood I Iggaqino . . For Blnckwood and on Review - For Bhekugod and two Revipn - For Bhckwood and thr_oe Beews - For Bluakvord and four Bovien - Subscribers may ob;i:btck numbers at the followi? redncod rates, Viz : `e c......-.. 9: I TH] LONDON QUARTERLY (Oanoervnivo TH] BDIH.BUBGH.`R.lVIEW (Whig). ' THE W'lSTHIN B'lTR~.REVIBW (Radial). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Fret clfh) nuoxwoons norsxrnan nagazxn (Tory. HES! periodicals in regularly to pnblilhod by us in tho um. Itylo u humo- fon-. Thou who knowotham and who have long uubocrlbed to then, need no runihder; those whom the civil tor of tbdhufow yum bu! doprivod of their not woleoino iupply oftha but pm-roman mums, 13`1n than npin vhhh their vb: my ncver yet Inn uotwith them, will abund- ly bnwoll phuod to rooein unedited rcporu of the pronoun! Eaxbpan scion: nndtiuru tun. - [Tan noun but of Lorna. 4,1nau4m can caution of tho Township of Kingston, eon tninlng Ono Hundred Aurel (port of which B nndu thgz, with I Pram; Dwelling Bonn thereon. form in on} noun milu from the city, and 1| clean to tho ottlnnd msendnmlud ~ road. Inquire at tho Duly Row; omen, Kinc- nton. T And 3 largo amount of general reading matter, in 1 Price, Pin Oentl. Bnboctiption Two Do Ian L11 :.-_... 1"! R5 T PA (_ . pose- 'i="a1`<':--sz, not paid. 88. volumes and Eng: . _ -......... um: yum outer kind_s,_qnd tint on not cause indigestion too consequent on tho |dmini:truion of the ail. nnrrrsn rnmonlcus. -.-_.._"I 1 run? nun JOU`.B.N;L, _ ODIVTJINING ALL rm NEWS 01' my wmx, Bl'!'EB!'l'IKIN`O `STORIES AND .SKl`l'0] J _ I _ _ _ _ -______4 ,3 CHRONgI;_uAN'D NE-w; DI JONGTS LIGH'l`-BBOFN COD LIVER` OIL. FARE FOR BALI. h a China! Anal n__tp atzlglndon. 7 { |'U'l'1` `Publishing 88 Walks:-street, NJ. I political Ir:-lmnsive, should iu~ cxther our readers or :u~'sinn of the atfurs oi ..... , .,,. __,L . n u Addru; I auvvai of all Haunn for Daily with an privilege, EB.--'!'he'|qnnro to be oonnii `nu: lpnaineu of commercial sub hanaeoit willnoibe held to ., them: ' - ---- -1--I-U IL lllll `_%,.. 13?: for we. 1' Jr 3995- `h!7 r*!1'!_8': o??z'2"ti'3 ; '1 month. Hal! 1 % wlili an`3".-Tu:;';.,D` ~" l'.B.u-The'Ianir- in 1.. -..__;.h': uul-Ir] Agvnu. 'd'b?o?."v;':` nadpt: nit an er 4 can ` , Othcrlotiwl in oditarhl on % of which in to_pro:aop_u,t_hn f _ av-u-wqu_:unIllIiXIlIOC oneeIweek,4antlpIt|ini.- lotiuIutBh-Ih|...50ctIItl Do :1 ' .50 " Do ofDe1u...50 Buunu oncn. &-- headin.lnu1od-----' "-`- ` j-- _ -11 Tan! 3! Run punt 6 line; and unilcr, $1 for Ind 13 cent! hr every blequllil 10 HRS. s1.35l3 int um-nln -11 so wean! xvr OVEl']'I`ll%i `I linen, 31,35 me am an-uh; 1'! cennxocenrysnhpaqnent W Above 10 lines, 7 cents` m 9, fn..g`woeuu per line kiwi BROWN 1 an nook, Job, and. 33 1'4 1zLI5H1m.1: T".`..'3.:`;.."".*.:'k- Job.Prhthg, and lining ittallpti-i .`*:..'*'%*.,:..'* A no hohu , Piqiln l::t1le:?t?iaoPoEah. Sent! l we will givdfnll pu-cnlnngnd d Ii;-ntupinboulu It 30cand 60e,< ` vents the Hair from falling otfor turning premi- turely gray, and whey the follicles and glands _ m1'L_InE POLISH! '1 {var m-monvcnn, aid magi .11 leading some`: in tho nu-ai Puma,` , 1`lbIeI;.FIlI fa.` Ey:_1;y_`_oI3_o 3139 fig! .I Pilllo aha -Singkrulpiu inbulrd Golan: Pno;1n"`i:;uouowI: . Bingie oopiuippopercovers,.... Bythe 1oo, u A H V B; the 100 " S I facilitating the dxiiii eueaof disaster toveaaels. Daily News Omen. ~ [ nun Aansnnax to be 22 um otnoliii The lnlfaquuu 11 linudltto. a. `norm for XIIAPI, far (can -AA- 3`- King." The Sacred l.nn': 1; 1:- Pctkinl, Author of Tho. nor, The New Shining Btu-,._ 4.1.1. 101' um use 01 1391.1 fgcilitating drawing manna! i-no. 9.. .......L and at price} t_c:'_d'3 :17 :2 :2 *:.:.-=....u:..,~ nut . I Wear or to the Con , Ilene : Inn 1 :2. nnrnmwcns; 3`. Hot. A.OAl(PBELL mng.m,._ 2 ; nmzuan meow aim, aamncogk. Hum. B10! mine as 801:, 1-... w. n. WIL80N,sQ.,8incoo. :- Eu. JOHN ommne, London; " BULL, Kim, Inspector of Lifp Auunnee Company. . ~ July Ill. 1887- Dressing ever discov- ered. It effecturally cleanses the scalp, pre- falling otfor when are not dean-nvmi will ..--:.i- } taem-nng_ comm. A 3:; ':..:.r:..:'.";=.';'.:..':`;..":g LOOKS, LATOHIB, R100 54 can men for sun, to the Q? at price: to do sin ti ` ~ any but 30!! Int! . ~n-E3 "s=-c.-e-"" e:........ ..... rnccnta}-k 4...........u._- rut!` uracil I 0 t a I 1. xunsw-rs bu with ma; - and (ha other Doyicrhnntmcl Dent; Obtain Incorporation for Lotto:-I Puent; Draft: sad {4 Print: Biill during the Copy Blglm and the Raohlna. warn: IIIII lIl`nI Drgwingyspecicationn necessary to wean Pnten pnndolneajptoltlral 1 I uofhm odololt nnd othc 5 uv-us nun (luring mg 5`; Copy Rights Be; marks and design: progund, Dniimn Sum-inui.-.... -..; -_?_ --7-an Z '- mulvrma 11? com) ' `-gov I IIZII l m1'ancma_r'y and [Id-d-._ .. Jul] 13:. 1867. - [ARIJHIQ PB0 I'E8TB.N--B,-.h for the use of Notari th an ' _ .- ..........unu.u tun vlrll accorded to it by ihoussnds who hewa used it, and voluntarily testify to its merits. Buy a hustle and satisfy yourself that. it is the beat remed;(e/:c_r offered. non:-v 52:.-.---- L "' ' nu: um um: DAILY N E1 - -u-u. run! Allllllaj [Ola h QQ ling` AR-Ill HENRY Gjlfgh linannl-nu`-p -.. A mm. 4 ` mu In an internal as well as : and is the only one that aim: tisf-ac-Iion, and all who once flflfllbt-I" A- - `.... ngcucn-us rave-wen ny BROWN 8 PERI Gencrl4guuoj_pr ti; 110.420 nnl I` _JI`JI1 FLARE mrqnn POLISH 1` Ronumun -`-M h-=-- J35-I11 Princes: smut `E IJUIJ 'IO UH H. H.- G...- ( S A SPECIFIC for Rheumatism ( of any kind, Swelling of the J Throat, Cold in the Head and Dipbll or Frost. Bites, Scratches on b &c.. _,.lm.:mw.,:! !Mm+?'r' W M ui`.\m:'imI\M ?"`":~l Fxinslw-` mo IRIDA Vtlll the` II III IUIYO k 5.00 Al. . am 00`. Returnin Pbint inn! `lnnh RE a safe and reliable remedy In of the Stomach, Liver and Bowela. not Quack Medicines puffed up by hig testimonials from hnnginnry people, result of forty years experigpco of: nhva: ..... .....J .L.:, , Rbyall _ U I III Inning at IORMN | nhup'E THE` 307' -4 A I.` a Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY OF 1 -CAPITAL .. .. ..1 ANNUALINCOIIE. M ___ _.'.__ gtnl F. HOOPER, Home insurance Com an of 1 P 3 New Haven Conn. 9 _j CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. PREMIUMS `RECEIVED DURING 1867- $2,000,000. Funds deposited in the bands of the Goverment for the security of Policyholdera. f` All re rink: carefully surveyed, and the rate of Premium made to correspond with tho risk Assumed. JAMES SWIFT, Agent. 8!. Lnrronoe Wharf Kingston, Feb. 4. 1368. J-IIICS Agnew, BARRISTE R and ATTO RNEY-at-LAW,Con- veynncer, (cc. Ofce Bagel Street, second door south of the Brmsh Wing Olce, upstairs. JACOBS BIIEUMATIEIJ LIQUID I5 ll infnrnal -. __v _ ,,_.__. .. ncu as an external remedy, 1d always gives entire sa- afaclion, who once use it will neiver pn,=eut to change it for any other. We have no! space to enumerate the virtues zcorded by lhousnnda whn n... ..n-A =- dor swell nrdercd government. We wish, too. the Mexicans may be able to pay their debts, ur at any rate that the country may contribute as fairly to the wealth and welfare of the world as Japan or China. If the Americans can bring this Ibout they are welcome to their own allure of the ldvamage. C*PlH"|l. Pllowat &. 1WB.(::_r;'-:.;:vDlI, I ARRISTERS, &c., Princess Smxi, l atou (oppositefnily News Oce} AI-Ixnmnn OAIPBILL, (,_`,_G_, GIORGI LIVACI MOWAI, Gomu MLLIII Imononunu. March 15. G7 ARRISTERSATTURNEYS-at-LAW Solici- tors in Cbnucery-UbamberI Hon. 7, 8, & 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Jung 0LE11LL\',Q.C. | Flntx O. DEAPIR. "` -_`-(:`il;lII;r._I)_r-:per, (.i|Idcrsl1'e1'e dc \`Valkem, ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYSJL-LAW, Conn-ynucors, Notaries Public. Rloluird T. \Va|kem, WOLICITOR IN (JHANCRRY. K Ufce--Clarence Street, Kingston, G.W._ J. P. Gu.nI:uLuv:. L.L..B. | RICE. T. WALKII. -_.-...........- gnu nn1u1\..1n.l-A1-LAW, 35 olicitor in Chancery, Uonveyancer, &c., Anchor Buildings, U .0l~"FICE.-Souxh West corner of Duudas and East :51;-eels. \`Vu, H. WILKISON. W. A, REEVE. H. A. _ ___.___________.__ llncdonaltl, Patton dc ltlnchar, 13.-XRRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitors in (`.h`\I'I(`n|I'V An- \Vl Iklson an Reeve, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, `oliciwrs, Conveynacera, &c. Napanee, B 5 C. W. _ U Doc. 20, 1807. Kingston, 4, 1368. UK March 15, 67. \`I m. B. Thlbodo, ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW7, Salim-itnr in f`h..m-nr- I` -------- *- 'l- RELIANCE MUTUAL L1 FF .45 S URA NCE COHPAJVY. [1 "1 iv - r b.JLl'CYl3. REEVE, 0113:; Crown Attorney. :_}j r__..... my U ulgu uuuuumg 115 but nrl the forty experience rst-cln.as , and their extraordinary success is due : that they answer on.-cl: n..,:.. ....-- SUGAR-COATED James Agnew, `I-TD ..n.! A 'I""I"4\r\|Vr1vv -nu, u. If . )0.1ALD, Q. C. | Juus Pnrol, Q.C Joan M. Mncxnn. [gn'I7 I I Agent for Kingston. Uco opposite Burnett Bonus. 57. u \.a u.'IuL't'l y, CC. Clarence SL, oppoute the Post `on. C W. aliable all diseases Liver Thcy are ; high sounding nginnry peonle. but arc the . . . . 1,000,000 '1`. W. GRIFFITH, Hunger for Cnnidn Montreal, Wholeulo ! an external `my live: entirn Rn- autism or Lamenesl >t Joints, Bore Diphtheria, Burns horses, Jzc. \ TU , Conveyanoer, &o. Dec. 1. 0; V D UBLIN. $2,500,000 1,000,000 Pl`l'!`l:I vv/1'l`UUT PEP] Solo llanulncturor :-A. Hanchauer. the market. E aimile of Prop outside LIQ. OHLOROFORMI 00.012 CHLOE WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. __ l[anulncI.uror:-A 1 "`--'- ` sch bea riatol-'5 t} _ ...... .,. .. .....u, .nuI.uU|' or standard on Chloroform. Sackville-treat, Piccndiy, London . to beat the others, which dom- pounda, out of men think with me, pound, but will medy. LLD. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York In-itea:-lt only requires to be known to be appreciated. I have no hesitation in characterising it (viz,, e-nvc.a The duty seems as yet, unhnppily, for die- tnnt when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or rule of any secret medicine whatsoever. It in to be hoped that the profession will continue to brand :3 unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such thinge.-Lancet. TOWLE S CHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation of` known Composi- tion. From Dr C. Kidd, Author of An l`.ly.1..--t~ EARL RUSSELL sent to in; College of Physicians a. communication received by him from Mnnilln (where cholen had been grniug t e_a.x-fully) to the e'ect that, of All remedial tried, Chlorodyno was the molt e'ec- tive.; urrn__ JN . cuuluel xor me Glycerine Handkerchief. Eau de Cologne. All the above are carefully prepgred for E1- portation, nd reuin their excellent qualities in any clitnnte. 96 Strand ; 128 Regent Street; 24 Oornhill, London. 17 Boulevard doc Iulions, Paris. Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfume: for the HR nrllrnv-nhinf nuuusuic RIMMEL. )ERF'UlIER by nppoinunent to their Majes- ties the Emperor ofthe French, the Queen of Spain, the Queen of Hollnnd, the Queen of the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. uclvu muents ror xnruley Mannfactory, 7 London, and Depot, Rue Paris. Eltnblisbed 1770. Amu nu unrtonl or 3 Tablets. Pornsdos, Rose and Violet Powders, Cos- metics, French Extracts, Lsvender Water, Cherry Tooth Psst. Lime Juice and Glyoerine, and every description of preparstions for the Toilet. Messrs Burgoyne, Burbidges. and Squire re- ceive Indents for Yardley J: Co. s preparations. Mannfsctorv. 7 Vim. um.-. nu--- - nuuunnl G UU.,l"l Petfamerl. Prize Purity nnd Excellence and Paris. DD4\\'IT|1- Irvruvnn... A l`IDllAN S SEA SALT, for producing a rent Sen Bub in your own Room. The above favourite preparation is strongly recom- mended. Sole Proprietora-'I`IDl[AN Jr SON, Chem- im, 16 Wormwood Street, London, E.C. , BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP. PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP. GLYCERINE SOAP. Every variety of Fancy Soaps in lb Bars. Also in Cartons of3 Tablets. Pomndnn Rnun anal Tr':..I-- n ' " % And low I: v'I'UJJ1 Losses paid in 49 years, -ulu uuulpally nu neon doing buainecs I Canada for time has secured public condence by the prompt and liberal settlementofavery fair claim. It has fully complied with lhehws ofcnnndn by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of Ann l\1\4\ zEt,na'-`Insurance C0. of Hart- ` ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS-- $4,833,543,39. r.I\lnAu nah! :n :41 _...---- " uuu Auu unnuu 1\'la'1<.b' to and from I I Inland Ports on favourable terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid in Canada Currency. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, July 1. St. Lawrunoo Whuf. _ -_-...-.. uuucznl AKUIIL. .. , INCORPORATED IN 1819. -CAPITAL 33,000,000. ASSETS s4.eso,93s,27 ` H ULL AND CARGO RISKS and Inland Pm-tn nn an-.~......L.I- ...-_.- _.Z-: Home Insurance Company of New Haven, T} R.-u...-_ .-..u- :2; II! LVllll'II' PROFESOR of the PIANO 8 THOROUGH BASS, & CULTIVATION ofthe VOICE. For terms, Iddresu MR J. RIYNERJS ldlllo Store, . r_r:___. _ -. - [$66. Marine lnsnrziice. 1866. 5.?` 1lI.Il`ll TIOI. A. ALIXANDIR, President. uuruuz. u1u.||r:lI Its OI pure llJ("u[] supporters or is hard to come from, probably before Presidential election, we shull hear more of the nt'gtrtid!1U8 (-r projects alleged tn be on foot. Our own interest, such as it is, can only lie in the restoration of Mexi- co to the condition of a civilized Sate un- C wanna un Ilm ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Lnw, Oonveynncer, kc. Utco opposite Pout Office, Olnronce Street, Kinguon. August 6. -1 owph . Bnwden. TTORNEY A'I`-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Notalry Public, dsc., 38 King street, Kingston. Phwlx Fire Auuranco Company OF LONDON. A .... _. v.,,,- ix-Etna Insurance Company Iln-I f.-....I rI'_..._ ~- --- OFFICE REMOVED T0 KING STREET` 'R[_\ (]I)]){\Q.Y'I"1J' 'l"`Ll"|3` r1`l"I"'K7 OHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, M, PARL t_he con. 1 PhViin n nnrn--..-1--.. St Kingston, Feb. 4, 1868. July II D. Sn-nun. President. t`Ar171 .-....._, 11 O3co-83, Street. Kingston, March 20, I862. .._..,.. un\.ITllh nuns. IL I'tfS!|)l'lH.l0D, in 1'ucr,of the old lncuthcu monarchies is an- xiclputed, not by any l`orcil)Iu revolution, "hut by the e;muLu.neous decay and extinc- mm of the cunqueriu-_; 1608. Whether any mun ideas have found l.ln:ir way to those speak the me cuunut. any, but Indium own inmmnt mmr. ..