Kingston News (1868), 30 Oct 1868, p. 1

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uh I Ullr `non hand. KINGSTON. (CANADA). FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 30, E ]j`E\lALES, owing to the peculiar and impor- tant relntiona which they sustain, their l peculiar organization, and the office: thay per- ` form, are ubjrct to many eulhrin . Freedom `,from these contribute: in no anal degree to , their happiness and welfare, for none can be whu are ill. Not only no, but no one of these Various female complaints can long be svifretl to run on without involving the gno- 11-ul health of the tndividunl, and art lung pro- iuiuc ug permanent Iickuuaa Ind premature de- cline. Nor is it pleasant to conlult. 5 physician for the rnliefuf these various delicnta nhctionl, and only upon (bl most urgent noceuity willna "!'l|A unrnnn as far nut-rilihn hnr an-nntnar ah.-on I `lnl Ulll llyllll Ill` IIJUOL \-II_Vl-lb LICUHHIIIJ WIIIr`n' I true woman so far aucrilioc her gn-moat charm `as to do this. Tne sex will then thunk nl fur `placing in their hnuda nimple Ipuics which ' will be found eimcioua in relieving and curing almost. every one of those troublesome com- ; plainu peculint to tho sex. 1 Hundreds sulfur on in silence, And hundreds ` of others apply vainly lo drnggiau and doctors, who either merely tnnulin then: with the hope nfn. rum nr annlr remndian -hinh nu}: than: vvuv cuuun uavlunj 'H'lI.IlIIlIU LIJBIJI Wll:-LI ILIU IIUPI of u. cuxe or apply remedial which make them worse. I would not. wish to union nuytling that would do injuluca to the icked, bm. I am obliged to gay lhll. ahbough it may be pro- duced {rum uceuive exhaustion _pf.1he power: of me, by laborious employmerft,- unwbok-some air and food, profule menstruation, the ule of tea and cuee, and frequent childbirlb, it is far oflener caused by direct irri'.at1on,appiied to \be mucous inc-mbnme of the Vagina itself. ~hr.'1 ratilwina lhp nunqnn nf 1b.n,n riian-an _ LU lull! u.1ut.`uu.:'I.HU'IIUE Ui l Vllgl llell. When reviewing me cause! of 1be=e diauoa - ing complain 9, it is most painful to contem- plnle the auendanl evils consequent upon lhetn. It is b n simpl justice to the suhj-cl. to euume: rare a few of lh-* rnsnv additional causes which so largely a :ct the llre,heal1h,and bnppin-.5: ef wumnu in all clnsara ofuocn-1y, and which, cons-squantly. al-ct more or less dixectly, the `welfare of Lhe enure human l'ami_ly.~ The mania `that exists for pr:-cocioul education and war- rxnge, causes the years that nature designed for corporeal development to be united and pH" veruad in the reaLr.:inu ofdreea, Ibo early unn- m-uaent of school, and especially in lbe| unheallhy excitement of the bet] -loom. Thus, wilh the body bnlf~clotbed, and the mind unduly excned by pleasure, perv:-Hing in mudnighr reve a (bu h-mrs designed by nature for sleep And rest, the work of destruction is hall'accoIn- 1 plzahed. In nnnnnnnrru-A nf Hal. A-u-In .o--'._ .-._.._ L-_ A punuuu . In consequence of this early strain upon her Jyetetn, unnecessary e'ut" in required by the , delicate `rotary to retain her nitnation in school ; at a later day, thus aggravating lhd evil. When ,one excitement in over, BDOLIIQI in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sensitive to impression, while the now constant reetraint of faehionaole dress, absolutely foroidding the exercise indis- pensable to the attainment and retention of or- ganic health and strength; the exposure to i night air; the eudden change of temperature; 1 the complete prostration produced by excessive ' dancing, must, of neleuity, produce their legi- 4 timate effect At last, an early marriage cape i the climax of misery, and the unfortunate one, hitherto so utterly regardless of the plain dic- i tatee and remonatrancee of her delicate nature, becomes an unwilling subject of medical treat- line-nt. This is but a truthful picture of the ex- perience of thousands of our young women. i `Luna hafnra 1|-rm nhililv In nu-cynic- .I-... t'....- PEKIVUGU Ul. luuuauuuu ul uur Juuug WDl'. l Long before the ability to exercise lbe {unc- ` tiona of the generative organs, they require an edncationlof their pecnlinr nervous system, corn- } posed of what is called the tissue, which in, in common with the female breast end lips, evi- 'denIly under the control of mental emotions and association! et an early period of life ; and, as we shall subsequently see, these emotions, -when excesive, lead, long before puberty, to ihlbltl which up the very life of their victims are nature: has self-completed their develop- ment. cu A- 11-_.__v_ n7__L _ . . _ _....| '\.-l,.'l!._ 1-nu -. &c+%mom'cI a1 _ For Female _Weakneu and Dcbility, Whites ] or Leucox-rbon,.~Too Profuse Menstruation, Ex- hauslion, Too Long Continued Periods, for Prolnpaul and Bearing Down, or Prolnpsua Uteri, we oer the most perfect Ipecic known; I EHELMBOLHS COMPOUND EXTRAbT OF` BUC:-JU. um :-.:uunu lUl.' use, ulet, III-In I-I-IVHZU, IUGUIIIPIUY. ` Females in every period of life, from infancy [ to extreme old age, wiil find it. n remedy to aid Hnature in the discharge of its functions. Strength is the glory of manhood and woman- hood. Direction for use, diet, and advice, sccompnny, ` Fomllaq in nvau-v non-ind nf lifn, frnm infnnnr is more strengthening than any of the prepari- Lions of Bar); or Iron, innitely Iafer, and more pleasant. having received the indorsement at the most pro minent physicians in the United States, is now on": red to afflicted humanity to a certain cure for the following diieasea and symptoms, from whatever cause originating; General Debility, Llentnland Physical Depression, Imbecility, De- termination Of Bl00d to the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irriiability, Restless- ness end Sleeplesaneas at Night, Absence of Muscular Eiciency, Loss of Appetite, Dyspep- sia, Emnciation, Low Spirits, Diaorganintion or Paralysis of 1128 Ozgnna of Generation, Pul- pitation of the Went, end, in fact, all the con- ootnittntn of n Nervous and Debilitaled state of the system To insure the genuine, cut this. out. Ask forHELMBOLD'S. rm no other.` Suld by all Drnggiste and Dealer: everywhere-. Price :Bl,'25 per bottle, or 3.: bottles for $6.50. Delivered Io any address. Describe the symp- toms in all communications Address H. T. EIELMBOLD, Drnw and Chemical Wmehouaa, 59 Broadway, N Y. Knnn QFQ onllln nnl--n Annn nut in -oa.-I UH` IJlUIUV'J' J.` .1. Nose an genuxuo unless don: up in steel- enzrsvod wrapper, with he eimilc of my Chemical Warohonac, and Iigned > HELHEOLDS EXTRACT OF BUCbFiL'. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCBU HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU, NV 0 M761; ?li$Tv3M;i*ili NW B `I . r"" In ~ . OLD. I Islrw-.ABFeli1 TWO STEAM PR - Canadian Navigation Oompany. Royal Mail Through Line, .--n 1 For Toronto and Hamilton. To 1`|.ll.l5) Uu 051 L: HLJAI I Oct , II SIX o'clock. I..- D..A_ .._ 11!: _I_, v\r\. II. BIA UUIUCK. For Pusluge Tickcll npply at the office of Folger and Brua., Ontario Street, or II the Lake and River Steamboat Umco, St. Lawrence Wharf, foot of Johnson Street. II 11 l1Al-11VV vclulu` as nuucxlucumlu ports (weather 'pCl"[llll.- ling), on SATU RDAY AFTERNOON, the 31!! On Q! RIY n :-In:-I ILL leave the St. Lawrence wharf, fool `of Johnson Street, for MONTREAL, calling 1! intermediate ports, on SUNDAY MORNING next, the In of November, It In o'clock. D-.. n . _ _ _ _. llI'..1_,._ _,I . .1 no - UUIUUIL. For Pu-age Tickets apply at the olcc of Folger and Broa_, Ontario Street, or at tho Luke and River " eambuaz Oce, St. Luu-nee Wharf, foot 0 Jnbulon Street. IV I"! t-tuna:-urn Returning, Iyill leave Kingston for Picton, Mill Point and Belleville on Tuesday and Thun- dny evenings, at 8 o'clock; Saturday: at 11 I o'clock. For Freight or Pansage nppiy to JAR RWIPT 1- nn nn1Ho.n Kingston and Cz_1-n-e VlncentFer1'y. II I; \ It .nu-:I!:nr_\ X ILL -leave Kingalon dnily (Sunday! u- cepted). At 1:45 P.M. on the arrival of the Grand Trunk Trsinn from the West to meet the Train leaving Cape Vincent for Rome, Oswego, &c., And the Northern Transportation Company : Pro- pellers for Oswego and Western Ports. D`.T`lT`D7.Y!\H`1 nmlunlrlu, Will lean Cape Vincent At 9.30 13.51. on the arrival of the train from Rome Uswego, &c., meeting the Grand Trunk Trains going East. and West, and the Bay of Quinta steamer. Far F:-ah-pin an .-............. -.._I_ ._ .I._ n__.._ -.. Kingston` and Wolfe Island Ferry. CHANGE or nouns. __ - V--J nluwu-Inavnni 11 Ill I\lI.I -U BUUVI - I:;nve- Kingston daily, Leave Wolfe Isd daily, At1l:30:un. At9u.In. 3:30 p.m. 1 p.m. (Tr 'Il(\IYI"| AVE! '|"I'1`IPDl'\ A Va L n A uwvnrx .n 191-: -.-r- y.--.-. | ; P_.;;_ 0! MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, at SATURDAYS. Rnm =I '1.-an-- \"I n" 'Klngsion and Ganatihque Route. T , _,' _..-. ... -_... -.. ---v . IZEAVE KINGSTON On Tuesdays. Wednesdays, and Friday: nt 3-.30 PJI. unin v I! UANANUQU E. On Wedneldsys, Fridays, nnd Saturdayl, It 0 ALM. DAILY BOAT For Bath Plcton and Bellevllle. rd en-ry lawful yer mmnm, pn_Vlb_" - .1 ..,......., -l- - " ` ' V` I.I.|'L[I-I`, IUUI UI Juun'Ul;l D`rU'l, lUI' I-II. above and intermediate ports. every day (Sun- days excepted) st FOUR (YCLOCK, R-nu-ninn In--an lzullawlllg --our Inn:-ulna `II ! I1ll$Il|-Eu II: I` KJU I`: L} |JI.lLl\JQ, Returning, leaves Beilevillc every morning (Sunday: excepted) at SIX o'clock, nan. En! paint AF Fa-iuhl ant} Pnannan nnnlf lnlhn (auuaayn exoepteu) at aux trclocx, I.l:n. For ates of Frei-,1 ht and Passage apply totho ` Cnpmiu on board, or to ' .l' sawnrr J: On, Kingnton, Oct. 30, 1868 wn. .-..u . nu n uuq--, - M ILL LEAVE THE ST. LAWRENCE M WHARF, foot of Juhn=on Street, for tho 1|-nnvn and inlnrrnnrnfn nnrwn nu-an-v (int (Qnn- o.H.~1u1'oH, ' T ` Passenger Agent. timing. Al. .1 I- {WOMMENCING MONDAY, 26th inltant, one I hf lhn Won-rv .qlnnrnn-n -1]! u... -- .....A__ _ Kingston, Oct. 30, 1868. ' :51. Kingston, April 20, 1868. my ul qunuue ueamer. For freight or passage apply to the Purser on card. Gr Lo Al)VEIiTlsl.\'(n'. 'UGlI\.Il \.ll I-U G . M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. Kingston, Oct. 2411;, 1863. 1' any vv nan, Ix Kingston, October 24, 1868. __: _.r_-..._..-.j:._.._._._.-_--. `3'*")1{ MQQJ TREAL. L emu For Freight or Passage apply to Onptdn on out-1!. or to VGA II, III III G. M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brook Street. Kingaton, 24th Oct. 1863. DU N1. Leave Kingston, 9:00 am. 1:15 pm. 1HE Steamer PIEITREPONT, 0. Hinckloy, . J1-., Master, will run as under. - I In I try: -Irv-nu-unnux-up IILL leave the St. Lnwrenoe Wbnrf, foot 0! Johnson Street, for Toronto Ind Hamilton, ug at intermediate ports (weather permit- .. `SATURDAY Al'1`Emunnu n... '11.. J. Dun-av, / ILL1eave Kingston for Oawego Monday, Wednesday and Friday aveningu, at 15 ck. r.nmunun.Iu uuaunl, noun lnllanf, 6 of the Ferry Sxeamers will run :5 under: _- 'l.`:-_-.-_ .I-:I._ ll -, _, 1-rv -n v .. . .- `qvery Friday In I `cuts of the week. 1` I r "`A;___ __J In o 5.111. l'6U I. 1 . III. 0! MONDAYS AND BATURDAY5, 4 pm. SUNDA Y TRIPR WATER P7: .. N, Couuu Bmcnr. 911., Hunt, wow . _. __--.. On sud me Monday, Ill! lnIt., TH : ITILII3 THE ROYAL MAIL STEAIIER CIIANEE or 110113. Bay of Qulme. Cu-um Fmuzx Donn, -r r vs: nvvvu mu .-._ - LEAVE GANANOQUE. IIHAVI F`!-idnvn -n nin- : (fnuxu J. Sucrsoi. -t-:- '"i{oT:T:?~.?i~nn, f`.o..-. I l"|........ AND Cu-1. P. Fannns, THE STEAMER I SUNDAY TRIPS. `I A___ II` 'I'I'I ITIAIII | D [LII]. G. M. KINGHORN, Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. Mn}-nap OJ 1 BAD EU `UH: IV Clcfu mcrunxxxe, r\n V':__-_o use uppry lU JAS. SWIFT t (.`O., St. Lawrence Wharf. 5 19123 1 HIITD. Leave Wolfe hlnnd, 9:30 A In. 3 pm. 1.: Irnrac.-nun YET H, HATCH, A 4.- J.5WIFT I 00., Freight Agtutl. CUE cf 9. anon, Agent, .lu\Jfl, Agent. 1,500 Yard: Brown Cloth. 1,500 " Yellow Cloth. 2,000 White Linen Duck. 2,000 Black Linen Duck. 6.000 While Funnel. The Above-named Good: to be delivered It the Kingnon Penitentiary on or before the 6th day 0! Ila) , 1869. Law :nrAIlIt-Oh-non -.n..:__.l -_ .- _.._I-AA L U1 -LI 10031. Any information required an to quality, &c., and sample: furuiuhed, may be had on applies- lian to the undersigned. fl 3 u...I'\nuuu'r SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT N0`l`lCE T0 CASH OUSTGMEBS. l(`Ll:l .\ N I) N1`? ZIAMES HOPE, Dealer In Boots and Shoes, No. 36 Princess Street, Kingston; "i `Ila:-rs-Inn VIVHE undersigned Irl receive TENDERS un- til Monday, the 2nd day of November, 1868, tor the following articles, viz. : ._ _- v --, --..$..,`v-.-u DESIRES most respectfully to thank 1;: nu-l Inerous Customers for B liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. I In nlnnina Bin nnnnnnnn F.-.- I... ..--a _..-- .n__ wucuuiug uvcr 1' ll` Anon I LAND. In closing his account: for the past year the Idvertiner has determined to abandon the Cran system Altogether, and he wishes hi: Customer: to understand this announcement in the most positive sense. Determined not to be ontdonl in the price or quality of his Stock, ha is pre- pared to sell BUUTS sud SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remuneratiu prices on strictly cub terms. nnnni nzuunnann rue-no I>..--nI...I :__.-::_._ CIIEAPNESS ind EXCELLENCE. uu u\nuu_y Iillu terms. Unpaid ncoonma must be settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put. in suit. E Thus nntrnnann of nnlh nnnlnunnon .. 5;, uuwrvuou way Will Do put In IIIII. f The pntronngo of Cash Customer! lo- Iicited. smears NEW BOOK smnal |I ADMIRE mavrulnei 1 better lot of Sugnr-cured Hams were never nnd General! before oered in thin city. ]Kingston Marble Worfs u-rived to-day. I will venture to say that In your orders early, they won't Int long. Kingston enifentiary ` CONTCTS GENERAL STONE YARD, ARBLE MANTELPIECES, Monuments ofevery material and design, Headstones of every size and Ityle, Pong for Lot Enclosures, ` and Stone work of every description, promptly executed with the very been workmanship and It reuonable prices. References permitted to John Creighton, Esq., Edwin Chown, Eaq., nnd Wm. Ford, Jr., Esq. TI-Innnnnn :1! Run? Iuannnifnllo -..1|:-ll.A omnr T0 LEND. 350,000 to lead on tho security of Real Estate in the City or Goun- try at a. low rate of interest. No commission nhnrnn `D `II nnsuz Naw BOOKS. V `Ill! UUWDR HUUDDI, U] ILLIIIIU luulllg I. The Moonstone, by Wilkie Collins. Dead Sea Fruit, by King Bnddon. Bird: of Prey (a fresh Iupply), by Miss B1-addon. Gh:r1otte`s Inheritance, n Iequel to Birds of Prey, hr in: R:-nrlnn Ui. HE DOWER HOUSE, by Annie Thoma. Fig.3 a... III...:. 1.. u:-- n__.:.a-_ \Jl.lIl.'lU|.l.B 3 llIl.lUl'll..UE, I IBQLIBL ll) Dll'I18 OK I by Miss Bmddon. Kinglnkeh Invasion of the Crimea, 211:! vol. Harper's Magazine for October. Just received and for 3:19 Near Court House ' `IIQLV LJLLH L` L El-I I JJJLII AUJHLILJHLV I LL? .1 The large circulation of the DAILY Nnws renders it the natural medium for the publication of all small and transient sdvertisementa, so well as larger announce- .ments. Advertisements of religious notices and Sabbath services; situations wanted; situations vacant; houses for sale ; houses to rent; houses wanted; board and lodg. isg; rooms wanted; bosrd wanted; sr- ticles lost ; articles found ; cattle wanted ; csttle for ale; cattle strayed, &c,, when set close, imertetl for 25 cents each inser- tion, payable only in advance. When dis: plllyed, s. proportionate price will be chsrg- Es . ` " A" 1 mm. w. Eifistxemu. . _ nvannsnunms for the mm Nun] BREWER OF THF - A. intended to Appear the same evening; BEST PALE ALE AND FOR? N-`H -Tlhnnldholcntinctuurly Inhourtnthddny IN WEHTERN CANADA. upuubh. | Kinpton. Fob. 18. I D. J. lhoDUNBLL, Wu-den, Kingston Penitentiary. Kingston Penitentiary Omen, % 13th October, 1868. .\ JAMES HOP]. Kingston, 22nd Jsnuxry, 1868. At the CITY BOOK STORE, TK ;_N_a_ s_'r_n E 1; 1'. N.B.-I could only secure 52 of them. Send August 18. Unanuu 1 c-es: strain 1 1 In. 1- urn, .u-., naq Innpection of St.o`ck respectfully Iolielted. Aug. no, 1868. `INE WRITING PAPER AND ENVE- ! LOPES BIBLES AND PSALM BOOKS. cucmca smavncms. Puma BUOKS. HYMN BOUKS_ SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. uonmuns. scanot. BOOKS. ALBUMS. PUCKIT BOOKS, PURSES. LADIES LEATHER BAGS, am, &c. THAT DESERVE-S ADMIRATION IlII'K$l- April 23 go:-no----.-.- Kinglton, 28rd September, 1868. ND I rally admire thou HANS that hue l gm; ' ' " P0 TAGE UIHIP 0FFlCE, so KING STREET. he c ;-nneii vL.-..-l `ilANSTENT ADVERTISE MEN TS.- ' _l AL. I"\.:- I , __.. -___.-I- A: M. MORRISON. BARRIE STREET, iVl*@!t~iW NW -CU. D. J. HAGDONELL, Han l'{.-u.-a.._ `D . _ . . . _ .. AND ___ __-- _-.,..-. At E. S'l`ACEY'S. R. "DANDY. 1868. LS remoted-om his old stand, I to his new Pr-xnises, Ho. 30, Princu where he now olfnrs for Sale 60 Boxes c Virginia. Smoking Tobacco of the pa: Ctoicest Brands. 1 nna I:-....I.-_..- 1 ._:n ,g. -. - XIIIIIIEEL IJKIHUH. 1,000 Packages Lori1hrd I Eureka `and Yacht- ing Club Smoking, and ue Cut Chewing To- bueou ;a1ao Lorilm-.1 ; Snua'g_ nomzsnc mans AND OUT SMOKING 'l`0Bl0COS OF VARIOUS BRAIDB. Alan, 3 choice Auortment of llcernhaum, Bria: Root, and Fancy Lgva, and 6113' Pipes, and T0blCO0Bil! I goods in gumnl, Wholoqle and Ratn. n as ---w-_..-. GEORGE TIIOIIPSON & Co., KING `SYYREET, E6 to inform the Public that they have opened the Store next to tho Express Oce, formerly occupied by Mona. June: Fisher and Son, and II`! prepared to 11 all orders in NOR- . TON ! WHISKEYS in BOTTLE or WOOD 3: DHTILLERY prions, also l'ISHER'S celgbntcd [XXI ALE and PORTER in Bottle or Wood. GEORGE THOMPSON 8 C0. Kingston` On, 2 Ian: i-n`drev i Lain-English Liexicon. Auction : III --- __ llluu I Horace. Humor. Casu- Taciluu, kc, to. H I 1 I I All the Text Books in use at Queen : and` Regiopolia Collagen, for rule 500 i PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS -- E SIZES, from Packet kind! to large Qua:-toe, holding 300 Pxcturel. Price.-I very much lower than ever sold befra. 3 Sept. 25. I V IASUPPLY of Fe`-ding Bottles of v-sri-.93 puuerna. - 3 A sI1pp1_y of R dgo= a Food fnr Infants. A Iupply 0! Puncreuuic Emulsion, for Con- lnmplion. A nnnnlu n4` Al D-...-.-..n:..- H .|.... _.._ ._-.::._~:_ Ilul.I.|pIIUu. A supply of Panczealine." the new medium for takmg"Cod Liver Oil, and remedy for Indi- gestion. Ksupply of Calvert : Catholic Acid. A supply of Gond_y a Diainfecting Fluid. For 52.19 at his Drug Store, TWHISKEYS. BGTTLED .u.1c-s_Aan' roams. IiENl)EiiSON S BO0K STO$E. PRINCESS STREET. P. S. Fresh supply of Kinglukl Crimes, Vol. 2, just. arrived. 1669 DI.a_IES. 1859} TWO CHEAP .l.l'l."l`LE MONT]E[l.lE8.: ' HE CHILUS COMPANION AND JUVE-g NILE INSTRUCTOR, 30 cents 1 yen, 0:` Four nnnitu and nn-nu-u cl QR mun: Aanlvl L DIME ILVDILLUULUIL, JV XIII! S ,8`) Four Copied and upwards at 25 cenu each. TR!!! RIRLW. r`.l.A!-In nun vnrrvr-I:I-Q u r uur uupu=- uuu upwnrua Ill `to menu encn. THE BIBLE GLASS AND YOUTFFS HAG- AZINE, published by the London Sunday-School Union. 30 cents A year, or Four Copies sud upwards at 25 cents each. `_All (ha Numbers from January on Iund. JOHN HENDERSON, Princes: Street. M O'GORHA'N:.Bost-builder, Binrcoo-street, o Ontario. A good usortment of SKIFFS always on hand. Boats for hire. Work done for` parties at 5 distance must be paid for before leav- ing the shop. "ninth Q `ICED 1. ummuey uornloes, -Dumb Stores, and Lil Iron Work, It dries in n few minutes, leaving beautiful jet polish. 26 cents a. bottle. Prapnred only by L D AND I R. `W]]l'l`l;:., `Chemist; & IIl'Il|'[lll,l BEDS. 42 PRINCESS s-rnnr. " `ID3794955- 5,P,_,3_ `l MIN-NG LEASES. - ____. ` 7 g . DIS` REES WARRANTB. I Z ; SUBPIEVAS - a summonses: F` It ONT [-1 N AC B R 1-: W E R1 N%'l'I$E 31-*1` E.XAD.\lNTA nos. _ .- " U [C ' A- . ' i E1116 STBEIT WEST, KING! )1" W. NOTICE OF TRIAL. _ NOTICI-`. 1'1) PRNDUGE. ; 9E` I;E`%;E`;'%3(`)51}_G1I_II;r:}` srnuronv LEASES, an-. to. 1-. 32.91 .l0;:.\ EH mllltinm. ` ' PRINGBSB STREET. ` 'Ki1untnn_ `Duh, 12 I -IMIIIH 7- Klngoton, Oct. 15, 1883. 4 Kinguon, Oct. 2, 1868. (Hlege Tixt Books. September 23. Sept. 9. .lUs'r RECEIVED, IDDELL 1; sccmvs amen: Lsxxcoiv. ` II It _I._:.: _,_1 At the OITY BOOKSTORE, ` JOHN CREIGHTON. Sentnml-u-991 . v nu; ma Inup. llnrch 9, 1868. ' FFICE JOURNALS for next year (ansdinn ': ) Manufactured) for sale at - NOW ON HA.ND AT " `nunnnuson-s Boolmomc. u-nuuIaI1wiIl\lI\ OEIQ I `HE nes: Varnish for State Pipes, Grates, . Chimney Cornicel, Dumb Stores, and I. l )1! Work M M %u133JLMH ------ --n `vvu -u nun U uiu` BRUNSWICK` JET`. H5111`. nnnt VA-mink I`..- Do--- 11:--- 11-. .1. A J. 1. Made on good an naw by using REMQVAL. J1&ST RECEIVED. E. P. W;llTl-I MARKE1: sqiman. s. P. warm, Tnhgm-nhin n. r-olnlp. pecuiify I Ho. 22, D, Prinouc Street, of Bright ' parent and L. vvnllnv, Tobacoonint. uux ll Jul3L.J\J\JL`o ab:-id ged . best selected mines, and is prepared with ll care expressly for Family use, and wil be aanerud and deliterod in the but pouihloeo.-u dition. I!..o ..-1-_n-.I 0 4- A ` ` T0 ARRIVE IN A FEW l;AY$- SHELL OYSIERS, ENEW LABBADOE HERRINE. ANN o"IlII'II'Hv"h ~ 01ce-sl. Lawrence WharI; Foot of Johnson Street. Henderso1i *z-r.-lL3{)ok Stori \ NEW ooxs. unuuu. Belt selected Sq Coal for gut: .on hand, nlso Lehigh Lamp for J nod Blonlburg for Blacksmiths. Tenn: Cnh. Delivered in any city. LEI ~`EJ(EA'4 TUIHF :11 I TENNYSON B POE s, mgp ..;.,.., . O30. ' I 'I`ha Q......:-I. nz, -, - -- - l eenu. l The Spanish Gipny, by Geo. Eliot. Life of Lao Causal ; Ibe'Apootla of the Indh. ' 1'l'bg E1erlniu--(Vol. 2 of tho Sands: Library); Rogers Political Economy. M Ma Hemnu's Poems, new English edilioi. The Cave Method of Dnwing. New_ l`emperauoe Song Books, Recjmuu la. , Adventures of a Strolling Player. iziew E-tilions of Gall : Annals of tho |l",7h. and the Provost. 1 |:,- I- I-~ - ' `:1-an 1.1: V :3 rA'.l`l'l'.I'I.' !!U'l`;KLl'WI'N . ucamz took the ram Pi-in u .. Inn ..v -' facturing Sewing Mathias, Ind the l'iuLI xi.-,0 in: Family Sowing Mnchine at the Nu! Yo. k - Stale hit, ll. Bocueuer, eopt. 18G8,ohuia.u l numerous County Prjzn; also took sh; PS: I Prize as a manufacturing Machine It tho Conn`: of Frontensc Exhibition, in Otyltul Pulsed, KioIt.on,'18,B8. ' This in now the best Hmufuturinclaohine in the World, and with several new pI.touIod:av- , ! tnchmenu, it. is second to none us Fhuiiy i Sewing llnchine. Every glwbino Istrsnlod for all ya!-, I used with care. ` Repairing of Sew_ing Hnchinel null} done at A , our Snla`Room. | fl-..-Ll- _.:,_J n-_g ,, up .. _.- ___.... .. .......n, uur euanon N B `Special to Sm(l9uIg_ Note Bouka, Text Ba okvl, uni tionery CHE.-ll . unr-.- _ ;...=.. mnuuns or Un|l's Annals of! `E New English and American Novels. I George Fox, 311: Friends and early 3 Llone D Arthuv, Dr Iv edifion. 1.. (.- =I.egIslauve Aasembly 0-! onrlo a Toronto; 2nd October, 1808. =1 I FWOQICE I3`HEREBY GIVEN. thst the last` I | dnf for recewnng PETITIONS for PET- VATE BILLS will be TUEEDAY, thoulh Ll ` November next. - ' CHARLES 1'. GILLIIGB, ` - -m..-1: ---- Eln the matter Df JOHN 0. Fox. a l A mun DIVIDEND smwr nun-A an!-stone Inn ..|.:.._.:.._ , umchl Auigneo, Kingston, mm October, 1868. f * N.B.--The above dividend is only psynblo up ' Inch of the yorkmen as are entitled Q geeoive is --------Z-.-:. __ |-.-.-.._..._.._._._._--- - -r ` ` _ - o--nu u gun . ' AFINAL DIVlDENDSF-!EE_`i`bu hee`npr.- pared, subject to objection until the `Li | day at November next. 1 A Irnn an . -..._._ _ -_- -7--. - .. ,,-___,..._:..._: IT31: DAVIS PATENT snumzmggwmg E the First pan .. - ..___ -`Eng 3 very! s` Trru, for ..-.-J __ Ullf ROOM. . Doulerenedsewinglf bineoil '. ` ing Iuhino Neodlu of lllkndl {at '33: sew Agtllll wanted in every County. Apply to `lf|b`I\A ; pug` -1.; j HE unaenigued begs to inroni his {man and the public that be has on had n ma selection of SHEET MU`S`IC. An any .11 ..A.._. -~ and tint all order: `i umion. l!l,__2 _ c ' ' wuuou. ' ` Having a1|oma.dean srnngeueuqwith Hear! 1A. _l: S. NORDHEIMER, of Toronto, for M1. i Agency, he will keep on hand . -r..u `cl `III I 33 lo! Steinway Obickeriug Dilllhl ma on,- :good -as rnnmg mm -., whic1l:n'|.. om... : mnnlnc urers prices and nnnoomoms and n .:?:nu'.'r?.'.``f.`T'. l.IInuIuucI.u|'erB' price! and on Aoeoptnblo toms. llELODEON8nnd HARMONlUlS.oi'.Princo's plied to order. EDWARD s-maxi . I Sent. 28. and Mason : and Hamlin : make on hand, or In; - " VHAKESPEARE, TENNYSON, I 1\1V Oct. 22. October 21, 1868. 0m 13, I868. rnnsn mL'r:373:m ovsmns. JUST RECEIVED AT 1'1 rw -r`*`*` &XfBa0i3iN_.LY anal? 2' -uuluz, All for om; |m|.1.Aa,~ At I2 -`aw R ~`*i.\ B -='-Karuim, PRI.\C_`ESS s1*:zr:1;1-. Oc b`ar I9 Oct. 14, 1868. Sept. 28. Iupunhu 1'. momsmr. Aaron 1864- "LAW QANKET . PlANbFOR:TE8` ._-- n1.:_I_ -_2, ` NEW MM)`/KEREL. 2 PRINCESS STRE ET. O NUMBER 22. uvn LONGPELLOW, and Iln JOHN HENDEBSQN. _.yv- AND Live1:eTi-'1: any parts! tho uuucs swmw qo. 7-.-r--ra-\JQ will meet with ptouapt af- A T55 L I. nuns saunas; nnI..:-: A --x.___ JORDAN C 00. Les summon. omcm Auigne. 1 868 . .- grates eonltnnr p Foundry use hs '83 mi: .6! Ni-Jemllnannn Rn- . an Insolvent. 5, IIIII OCH?` he .3 .QlI` CA-- - _ IUORE, 1 -{Q5 " oth- I`... ,. etch .\ i~;I`. `crew: UIAACP IA u CJUII New n|__ I A/.-YQ &DI Fall Ucll IHLIE. 7 "What, you rst, Nelly 1" laid her father. ` coming in just as the clock struck. ( He was 1 tall, spare man, with ne fea- '; mree. that would have made him handsome { ~ but for the air of gloomy severity that! I frowned from hi: thoughtful brows. Thisl .9 Verity wns a characteristic of the men 01" me _'IunLingdon race. They were kind , and ggrierous enough in the main, but , Me,-D` implncable, and utterly unyielding; , 5 Ce [0 be staunch friends sud bitter foes ` ( ._bcue,- framed. indeed, for good haterii um gond 1,.` am. No wonder all their I wmnemkinal stool.` 50 SW9 Uf '-[19m- vl A\'.11:,-'5, {mum had for some years past dc- ` voted himself entirely to 1139737! Pl1"9UlIB.l .0 that ghe had enjoyefl VET little Of llld ` ' society and companionship. They met at meal times when he would Mk her Is few . indi'erent questions, and she would an- swer them, and she was too much afraid of 1 him to demonstrate any particumr aI3'ec- :: I IIIU euo` 31 race lull?! 15 than 91'!-_ 1 entire enj ll`lLJ`K`Hr(D. U3 3 |\}"l|lg llI|`l `3l"'I'; |lIl".lIL- EU` `I chilj lamped white i f-we whiter thvm ever. .\':1r ew to her at once. "Lord's muss] upon us. Miss Na-Ely? ` W117, whatever`: the mnuer 1" "I've sprained my foot, murmured the gir"., her tel!-tale face bctruycd her. :. a~ But how, denry ?--how did you (L35 alnnnv _ other 2 Bonk. Job. If 1 tell you. will you promise me faithfully never to let. any one know! "Miss .\'ell\"." cried Wilson, aghast, ` when the II.ory'wa.s told ; and you walked home all the way from the brook, will] your foot in that stazei Why, it`: enough. to? make you lame for life. And. where : your HUD ' ".\la_vn't I read for you, or write, papa. '5"; she heul asked timidly sometimes; but the response was always 2 "No, thank yuu, my dear ; seclusirm would not be good for you. Run aboutl and breathe the fresh air and ride your` horse. I shall be very well." u But on this evening, when she would fain have been silent, her fnther was unu-l ` anally talkative. Wl|ere have you been to-day, Nelly 2"` he raked, as soon as be had taken his seat, Wu; he should have asked that question t.o~(.lay, of all others, the first time it l1a.(.l ver been inconvenient to reply 3 l " Out In the woocls, papn, and I-Iatrain-l ed my fuel. a little." l " Huw did you manage that T` - Put my foot in a hole. and twisted tbel ankle." . i ..'I'\,.. , 4- . ... 1 \ -u. papa T` \ r.n "You go in rst, before he comes out of; the library, and I'll be bound he won`: ask no questions." \ \ `\'.al'.1-`.irnnon`` inln Ihl (`;l'I:I \f!-fl\t\l'l`\ and UU I{LlCE5lUI.IDo } Nelly limped into the dining-room, and took her seat at the table before the next [ bell rang. & "XVI-nut Inn r-If Ynllv 1" u Ear fnlhnr xx Th; "'l`lmc comes of your romping ways, I` suppose. Yuu really are too old to go ncmg nbout now, Nelly. And, Nelly, 1 have something to any to you. ll (`Am |r\nv'\:I ." ..../I L.__ \_,__. I-._..L L1.Z...'I- 1 \Vl-ll-`.'I' I\'l~Il.l.\' III'N'I`I\'(-'IHI_\ . tri ` Yes. papa`. ;" and her heart beat thick and fast with 3 great dread. .` H I don't wish ynu to go suywbere near the lower part of the wood fur the next` month. ,I heir Lord Lsnghohne incoming } to thc Court with A puny of ruer, and `I don`: rilonie you to be seen by them." | Nelly stopped her head over ha-r plate in uh agony. Could her father know auyv thinrv? i uuu as ung? THE Lord Langholme is not a desirable ac- quaintance for young ladies," proceeded Mr lluntingdnn, with the frown deprnd- ingun his brow; and as he runs after every prznicoas he sees, he might. wish to force the honour of his acquaintance upon yr-u, and I'd sooner Ice you dead than have anything to do with him." Van: nunnl nno I-no nf--RA nqnn nn;A MOVE IUJLUIIJB Fl-I `IU Wllll IJIILI. You need not be nfrsid, papa, (mid Nelly, ruining her best] with spirit. I would not speak to Lord Lunghulme. I lIC| IIIUC A "I must have dropped it." I'll send Foley to look for it tonight. ! mm`; the first dinner-bell." t 1-`mun v7\'a El): Dailn Vt )I.U.\IIC XVIII. __.____-_---; the publicuion (Continued on Fouth Page.) lthru copporl. .|.u' -uu ouv nu-u -uu .......; perm Ncms. in` r. --- ~w-u u: we `ecu. u H amount f fygdmgy and {.1 > Dollars per unnnm paid in ad! Addnn (`Ida-an m .5. p..p.n-In WW` `mm M .V'I0lII(`ri!i YR!--(her.-S: Nlolhe:-5:2,` 11 Are you dismrbv-d at night and broken of your FPS . b_\ :1 sick c'zC1'd suff.1-lug and crying with the . ,.LI Ir... .. -9 3 Mrs \Vlmzlow s Soothing Syrup, `' . having (ha fu-uzrndh of Curtll 3 Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All other! are bue im- ' . . v l Philosophy of Marriage. 5 A new Coune of Lectures, on delivered at (ha | -New York Museum of Anatomy embracing Lhol :subjec1a:-Eow to live sud what. to live for ;l l Youth, Maturity, and old Age; Manhood gener- ally reviewed ; The cause of indigestion; Flalu- 3 leuce and Nervous Diseases accounted for; h[ur- tinge philosophically considered, &c., &c. Pocket L l volume! containing these Lectures, will be for- I 1` wsrded post-paid, on receipt. of 25 cents, by a.d- i jdressing SECRETARY, New York Husenm 'of Anuomy and Science, 818 Broadwsy, New 5 York." i ' l Butt,-hcIor s Hair Dye. This splendid Hair Dye in tho beat `fix the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, l reliable, imtanmneoua; no disappointment; no } ridlculous ti:-Ls; remedies the ill eecls of bud ` dyea; invigorate-3 and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful black or brown, Sold by all Druggists l and Pexfumers; and properly applied at Butche- Clor's Wig Fnctury, So. 16 Bond street, New 5 York. ' : Dr Rec-ord`s Essence of Life, I The only unquestionable and absolute remedy _ for Nervoasneaa, Dehility, and Restoration to Manhood. The rnedicme, taken {or four weeks. 1 cures a: certain as water quencbee thxrst. Sold in Homes at $3 (in gold), or four times the quan- * lily for $3, To be had tram the Agent, Ii. BAYLIS, Aug 4. 38 Bond Street, New York. 1 E Beware of imitations of Hum.`s Empire Q Hair Gln.-as. ` Dr. COIl)y's Pills. sold bv all Druggists. I Jacobs Rheumatic Lequid Cures Lame- nuns L4 uuIu:9Iu;_; nl. VLIUILD l.|) lJll;`ClVG Luc stores of the merchants who don`: adver- tisez tu see the anxious proprietors look- ing into the streets and see the people go `by, wondering why they don t. come in, while the ST(_)|'c3 01 their neighbours who `(lo -mlvcrtise ure thrnnged With customers. .xv I, _,:u I, ____ l __ ._L....___....._ TIIIVCILISL` IIIU LlllIlLl`r',ULl W ILL] \.|.I5l\)lllL`I:- 2 Emmc peuple wiH learn l-_v observation, others will not. Daily Palladium. l II-l \IL llIJ'lJIIILLllL\\.oIn':I.I.LlllI|.tCu AX Greeley, of New York, says:-The ||m+=t successful business men in this city mo 'lm~_u: who have advertised liberally and cunratuntiy. A small advertisement con- stantly uppegrirrg is better than a display cnlufhn occasionally. '\.,r 11 .I \J\. LVLI lVI.I.'Jl\-K./I.I'L;V 1* VV LICLI J'71-I 1 p -3' more inr the rent nf your business buusu than for arlvertising your business, you are pursuing a. false policy. If you um do |ms|nes.a,1t it be knowu.-FRANx- v-y 1] SINGLE COPIES of the: DAILY 9 ' Nzwu may bc bad It the count-.-r nf 1110 public!-Iion oico, Prinoou street, price i thru concurs- \JI\l -..._, .....--. Be turn and call for , A] OFce--3I-1, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. b`I:FECT 0E`_ADV ERTIS1NG.-Ic is .4 amusing at _tiu1c3 to observe the r .1 I , , 4,L_ ,),,_w_ 44,, largest -. In. I`.u. YET: for` ADVERTISINGf- Horace ., \' ._ T'.'.__I- _. _. . "FL- Royal Assurance Company 0 A YOUNG MERCHANT--When ygu n .n rnnrr. Lxr rho rant nf I-vnnr hn.:-inns. LIVERPOOL :1-ND_ LONDON, MAXWELL W. STRANGE, I ..-...A 5.... L'l.._-n- THE special Notices. :I{lCAN HOUSE. twsrow, MASS, rs:-class Hotel in New Eughnd, urist.-, Families, and the Trnvelhug; umnmd.-uimns and conveniences supr- uh...- H.n..! Qn who n -rv I1...-imml... IIJ VI . C11 LNILLV KI, Agent forliiugston bnl ms mu Ra

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