Kingston News (1868), 2 Nov 1868, p. 1

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.\li up uLnl.U.bA'1'1Ul'l of the DAILY NEW: in fully one-ba.lf larger than i Of IDY Ohhl dnilv innrnnl nnhlinh-A Ipoclnl Nouoeu. AMERICAN HOUSE, BOSTON, MASS, II unu uuu.l but Agent, E. BAYLLS. I Bond Street, How `loli. LEWIS RICE & SQN, Drnnrigpnu H_A L l_. S u u ugn, Prop:-_ietors. KINGSTON. (CANADA). ME)1\TDAY EVENINE}. _._ __ ..__-._-_._..__.___.j.._ __i unnux recelvllu ID! IIIGOYCEEEE` Of IO mlt pro minent physicians in the United Stntea, is now o'< red to slicted humanity as n certain cure for the following dieeses and symptoms, from whntever cnuse originating; General Debility, lentnl nsd Physical Depression, Imbecility, De- termination of Blood to the Head, Confined Ideas, Hystarin, General irritability, Restless- ners nnd Sleeplessness at Night, Absence of Masonic; Ecieney, Loss of Appetite, Dyspep- sis, lmscintion, Low Spirits, Disorganiution or Pnrnlysis of the Orgnns of Generation, Pel- pitntion of the Hurt, and, in feet, sil the con- eonitnnts of n Nervous and De`bi llts.ted stnte of the system. Te insure the genuine, out this out. Ask for HELMBOLIYS. Take no other. Sold by all Drnggists and Dealer! everywhere. Price $135 per bottle, or six battles for $6,50. Delivered to nny address. Describe the symp- toms in ell communications. Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, N.Y. Non: urn canning rlnln-A 1..-- .... :- ----I `ll Inning received the indoeuent of the phyliciuaa Unimd Rtnlml, In um. UH` UIUDQWII [V41- Nono are gonuino union done Ip in stool- onguvod In-upper, with he-oimill of my Chemical Wanhonu, and linod uu-cuuua ror an, ant, nnu sauce, nocompuny. Funnies in every period of life, from Infancy to extreme old age, will find it I remedy to aid nature in the discharge of its function. Strength is the glory of manhood and woman- hood. in more strengthening than any of the `prepnrb tionu of Bark or Iron, innitely safer, and more plennnt. I.IlUUI- l'o1- Female Wenkneu Ind Debilily, White: or Loucorrhua, Too Profuse lanatruntiou, Ex- haustion, Too Long Continued Periods, for Prolapinl and Bearing Down, or Prolnpsna Ulcri, we oh: the most. perfect Ipocio known : HELIIBDLITS OOIIPOUND EXTRACT OF` BUCHU. Directions for use, diet, and sdviee, even-v noriod life. from infnnnu In consequence of this only ltrein upon her system, unnecusery eort is required by the l delicate votsry to reteln her situetinn in school It n leter dsy, thus eggrnvetlng the evil. When one excitement is over, another in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sensitive to iinpteuioe, while the now constent restraint of fubionsble dress, sbeolutely forbidding the exercise indis- penleble to the stteinment and retention of or- gsnic heslth end strength ; the exposure to night Ill ; the sudden ebenge of temperature; the complete proetretlon produoed by excessive dencing, must, of necessity, produce their legi- timete eeet. At lest, on early msrrisge cops the climu of misery, end the unforttmete one, hitherto so utterly regardless of the plein dic- tetes end remonstrenoes of her delicate nsture, becomes an unwilling subject of Inedicel treet- ment, This is but e truthful picture of the ex- perience of thousends of our young women. Long before the ability to exercise the func- tiens of the generetive organs, they require no edneetiou of their peenlisr nervous system, com- posed of whet ls celled the tissue, which is, in common with the ferrule hrust end lips, evi. dently under the control of mental emotions end eeeocietious st an early period of life ; end, es we shall subsequently see, these emotions, when excessive, lend, long before puberty, to habits which up the very life of their victims ere nature has self-completed their develop- ment. n PIJIUDU. , eu tun uaucuuu memurane 01' lb! Ylgilll itlelf. ' When reviewing the causes of these distress- fing cotnpiain'e, it is most painful to contem- [ plate the attendant eviie consequent npon them. I It is but simple justice to the subject to enume- . rate a. few of the many additional causes which ; so largely shot the life, health, and happiness ; of women in all cinuee of society, and which, ' consequently, aifect more or lees directly, the welfare efthe entire human family. The mania - that exists for precocione education and mar- riage, causes the years that nature designed for corporeal development to be wasted and per- verted in the reetraiuts of dteee, the early cou- Inement of sehooi, and especially in the l unhealthy excitement of the be]!-room. Thne, ' I with the body half-clothed, nnd the mind unduly excited by pleasure, pervertiug in midnight revels the hours designed by nature for sleep and rest, the work of destruction is haifeccoIn- I plished. in Dflllflh AI eh}. .._I_ -.,,` I Hundreds nutter on in silence, end hundreds of other: apply nlnly to drugginl and doctoru, who either merely tantnlile them with the hope of I can or lpply remedial which mlii thln worse. I would not trial: to nun anything ltbn would do injustice to the nictod, but I ! em obliged to Ily-lhn nlrbough it Hey be pro- ` dpced {Eon exceuave exlluuuion of 11.1; glmwera 0 life, y lnborioul clap oylneat, uni! 0 EIOIDG lair And food, profane menstruation, the use of i Lee and coffee, and frequent childbirth, it is far ofteuor caused by direct. irrltntnon, applied {to the mucous membrlne of the ugine itself. ! reviewinz the nuns nr uh... . IPEIALES, owing to the peculiar and impor- .tant reiatione which they eualain, their peculiar orgnniaation, and the ollicea they per- form, are ubjeet to many eutferinga. Freedom from tbeee contribute: in no small degree to their happineae end welfare, for none can be happy who are ill. Not only ao,b'1tne one of these varioue feinale complaints can long be euored to run on without involving the gene- ral health of the individual, and ere long pro- ducmg permanent aickneee and prernetlre de- cline` Nor in it pleaaant to oonanlt e physician for the rellefof these various delicate aectiona, and only upon the most urgent neoeuity will_a true woman so far Iacrice her greatest charm an to do thie. The eex will then thank In for piecing in their hande eirnpie epeoioe which will be found eieacioue in relieving and curing almoet every one of time troublesome com- plalnte peculiar to the eex. HILIIBOLDT IXTBAO1` OF BUCHI. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU, HELHBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCBU mm W W W VVOMAN. %mumM umm` \ > W0 STEAK P.T,;3337`-I I ~. ..-_---.- :,_ Bay oi Quinta, On-nu Faun vCoaun, WILL LEAVE THE ST. LAWRENCE" WHARF, foot of Johnson Street, for tho nboro and intermediate ports. Mary 413: (Sun- days excepted) at FOUR O CLO0K, E Rnlnrnina `Aaron 12..u..-:n- ..-_-- ---3--I Gays excepted) FOUR . ' ' I Returning, leave: Br.-llevitle qrerfmorning: (Sunday: excepted) st SIX n clock, mm. FOE rates 0fFrnIoht And Pnunna nnnlv tn ll-um! gunuuaya excepted) at aux. o'clock, rates of Freight and Pauage apply to tho` Captain on-board, or to k ' J. SW'I'l'l' t 00., ~ Fr: In Aganta. O- H. HATCH; i` 0. H. nes, Dgnnnn an-n .I On Tuesdays, Pjl, - I. --. LEAVE GANANOQUE. On Wodnoldsya, Fridays, and Snmrdayu, A.Il. __.;.____;____:___________ DAILY BOAT For Bath Plcton and Bellevllle. Kingston and Wolfe Island Ferry. CHANGE -5-13 nouns. wosnmnomo uomut, mu taunt, one of the Ferry Stunner: will run :1 under: Leave Kingston dnily, Lean Wolfe Ial d daily, A: 11:30 Ill. At 9 mm. 3:30 p.m. 1 p.III. OI MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, & SATURDAYS, 3 ._m, | man . ... I. Job. and General I ESTA BLISHIEN u_-- Fntnigntd, having u very I`. . --- " av I;.n-Ia V. | mnsn O): MONDAYS A Kingston and ' Gahanoque Route. rtl'l`UH.N1NG, Will lean Onpo Vincent At 9.30 AM. on the arrival 0! the train from Rome Oswego, &c., maeting tho Grand Trunk Train: going East and West, And the Buy of Quinta neamer. For freight or pong: apply to thc Pnrur on board run In Oonnux Hucnr. "in, llurn, V ILL leave Kinglton dsily (lndnyn ox- oopted), At 1:45 PM. on the arrival of the Grand Trunk Traiiu from the West to meet the Train leaving Capo Vincent for Rome, Oswego_ &c., and the Northern Trnnsportation Company : Pm- pellers for Oswego and Western Ports. RETURNING, `DAV. nan` `T:na-A-i J. DAIITIY, ILL lean Kingston for Oswego Monday, Wednesday sud Fridny evening, It 12 o'clock. Returning, will lean Kinguon for Picton, Hill Point and Bellevillo on Tuudny and `Thurs- day evenings, at I o'clock; Samrdnyl II 11 [o clock. I: For Freig t or Pang: apply to JAS. SWIFT & CO., St. Lawrence Whuf. Kintltom Ann! an Inn CHANGE or noun. I Kingston and Cape Vincent Ferry. ILL leave the St. Lawrence whurf, fool of Johnson Street, for MONTREAL, calling It intermediate porn, on WEDNESDAY MORNING next, the uh of November, at nix o'clock. n__ |-g___,,, an I . - - - ~ 1 gxingszon, Moi. 2, 1868. THE riiuniz U CIUCL. For Puynge Ticket: apply at the alco of Folger and Broa., Ontario Street, or at the Lake And River Steamboat Oce, St. Lurruce Wharf, foot oflobnnon Street. (1 `B unmnn not, It DLL 00106`. For Paange Ticket: apply 1!. the otoo of Folger and Broa., Ontario Street, or nl the Lake Ind River Steamboat. Uico, it. Lam-gnu whiff. foot of Johnson Sin-nnr an own VLLIITT 7 3." I1.-W; M can AND 0 nuu KN!!!` DIBBIIIDOII UWCC, Whurf, Johnson Street, I` Y anadlan Navigation Company. Royal Mail Through Line. For 'l'or0nto_a_nd Hamilton. ILL have thus St. Lnwrenoo Wbnrf, foot of Johnson Street, for Toronto and Hnmtlton, calling at intermediate ports. (weather permit- ting), on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, the 3rd Not, at SIX o'clock. 'nr D-n-...-.- "I"2..I...A_ ___'l( -- -` -` I. n. EIAIUII, Passenger Agent. _ lhplun, Apt! 10. 10. _-.._-. -`v an. In Friaays, At 6 LI. For Freight or Pungo npply to Captain on card. or to wnuv G. M. KINGEORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Sweat. Kingston, 24th Oct. 1868. retry Wnnrf, fc Kingiton, October 24, 1888. _.-._., .1. vs: G. M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brook Street. Kingston, Oct. 34th, 1868. King-Itou, April 20, 1868'.` cu noun 1 '1'H.ll B. Lena Kingston, Leave ` 9:00 a..m. 9: 1:l5 p.m. ll `I71 !!! - 5...;-`urn, 1317103 var} `Lu! up Fact TYPIS, ' mag, and having tted up wan: Steamer"PIEi-{R-3-PONT, c. Hinckloy, . J:-., Easter, wilf run an under. LEAVE KINGSTON 1 Wedneudnyn, and Friday: at 3:30 I. Kingston, Nov. 2, 1868. `TI1?MgTREAL. THE ROYAL `HAIL STEAHER --.-- On and .rm'', um man, I'll ITIJIII Cunu: J. B. l|'un.uuvn. WATHTO w N, ADVERTISING, noon:-zsrnn, nuts I 'l'I.n.-nu.- On-run J. Sucuor. gu.-ug -I ALIIID. ston, Wolfe Ialnnd, I. 9:30 I. m. |. 3 pm. G. M. KINGHORN, Ferry Whnrf, foot Brock Strut. :toh-er 11, man ` 1-gununlul. .- thc TIE ITIAIII HJU `III. RD SATURDAYS, g 4 pm. TRIPS. I ..-_... 117.11, 1,: M57 H. HATCH, Agent. DUI. cf H. nuon, Agunt. u DALUIH 7:30 Lm. 'I'l'TDn Ava nnuu u.ll.IlI.l!llo Kinglton, 23rd September, 136]. ------ ------ .-__..-...:_ RANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS.-- Tbe large circulation of the DAILY Nnw: renders it the natural medium-for the publication of all soul! and -transient advertisements, as well as lgrger announce- ments. Advertieamenhof regiaus notices nnd Bnbbnth services; Iimntiona wapted; ' situations vacant; houqen for sale ; lumseo to rent; houses wnntad ;.hoard anti lodg- ing; roman wanted; board wanted; ar- , ticlcs Ion; article: found; cattle wanted; lcsttle for sale; cattle strayed, &c.,, ywhen '32: close, inserted for 25 cents each imej-- ` tion, payable only in advance. When dig. ] ,1 p `eyed, 3 proportionate; price will bg chug. em . L1.d_ SINGLE COPIES of the pun` Nlwl mu be hsd at the coutcrpf 3 thu egos, Pfuonn lH`G$,. !`kO - -un u-uwncs nuuan`, oy AIIIIIIO Thoma. The Moonstone, by-.Wilkie Collins. Dead Sea. Fruit, by Mia! Brnddon. Bird: of Prey (3 fresh Inpply), by Him Bnddon. Ohnlnttds Inheritance, unequal to Bird: of Pay, _ by His: Braddon. * vuuunwu ulnunnnloe, nuquu. [0 Ulrdl Of H] by Kinglal-:e a Invasion of the Grimm, 2nd voL Hu-pot : Magazine for October. J um. received and for sale {Kingston Marble Worksl Mons? T0 LEND. 's5o,ooo:o lend onthc security of Real Estate in the City or Goun-` try at A low 1-its of interest.` No pommisaiol charged. R. IL BOSE.` Am-il 23 ~ Anuun IIIALV l.'.IIl.|l."l.lUiU, MOIUBCIHI M of every rnnlerinl and design, Headstones of every size nnd ntyle, Pom for Lot Enclouu-ea, sad Stone work of every description, pmmpuy executed with the very best vrorlunsnnhip and at reuonahlc prices. References permitted to John Creighton, Eoq., Edwin Ghown, Eoq., and Wm. Ford, Jr., Elq. Inlneclinn nf Rm:-k raumoM'..'lI- .-I:-n-.a NEW BOOKS. THB DOWER HOUSE, y Annie Thoma. oonslone, hy."Wil`k_ie `I'\.-A 13-- n_:- p, u.- GENERAL STONE TAB D, M AND 1 really adult: those HANS that ban Arrived to-day. I will veutun to say that 3 better lot of Bugs:-cured Ham: wen never buforo offered in this city. N.B.-I`uonld only noun 52 of then. Sand in your order: early, thoy won : lul. long. [I AIJMIRE evsavrmma) `mu P0 nan sun omen. so KING STREET. CHEAPNI-ls! mI.TnxcI=.'LLnNcl_:. NI WRITING PAPIB AND INVI- LOPES. BIBLES AND PSALI BOOKS. cannon SERVICES. PRAYER Buoxs. Hum nooxs. sunnu scuoox. BOOKS. HONTHLIES. SCHOOL BOOKS. ALBUMS. Poonr aooxs, PUBSES. LADIES LEATHER mus, &c., ac. _._---. tufiiq` VH|`|`l`i;`i f.-u-lurnnz pa -uhl ` 2 the ' Born Near Court House. ., auuguucr, and no msnea his Customer: to underslnnd this announcement in" tho` IIIDI1 positiu sense. Detexmingi not to be ontdono in the price or quality of his Stock, he is re- pured to sell BOOTS and SHOES of nuriv led manufacture In the lowest remnneratin prices on strictly cneh terms. ' Unpaid account: must be Ioltled immodiute- 1}, otherwise they will be put in Iuit. f` The patronage of Cash Customer: I0- licited. snows NEW soon snail At the CITY BOOK STORE, KlNG`:ItB EE T. 72- ..4A__ nn_ 3 - V -4`- ___ ...---..., ---Bnauvlla N ESIRES most respectfully to thank hil nu- D merous Customers for a. liberal pntronnga extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In closing his at-4-nnnu 4'... cl..- ---A --- - -- uuuuu uuu Uullallllulllla Butyric Ether, Carbonate of Lythia, Cubolio Acid, Chtomic Acid, Hydronulphurot of An- monia, Iodide of Arsenic, Penulphnun of Iron, ? Sanguinuin, &c., die. 2 \. I) `IYIII!lIII AI - - JAMES HOPE uieuumg over 1' Ir"1'1iN YEARS. closing his nccounta for the put year the Advertiser has determined to abandon tho Grads?! system aitogethet, and he wishes his Ouatomon Alimrmnmlmnnt an ...I_...- h NOVEMBER 2, 1868. u..L.1J.v.L.L'Jk) lL\JI J31, Dealer In Boots and 8hoes.No.86 Princess Street, Kingston. `I\Izau>1:-a ......... _--A~- Fr.` lawful H nun. ereuil I- f?----- SPECIAL AN D IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CASH OUSTDME B8. ` ,,,- -- -.:-, uanguinuin, to. K R. WHITE. Chemist and Druggm 42 PRINCESS STREET. Kingston, Oct. 20, 1368. Aug. 20, 1333. V In. I` uru, ur., nalq Innpection of swim respectfully nolicltod. `August ll. THAT DESEBVES ADMIRATION JAMES HOPE. Kingston, 21nd Jnnnnry, 1868. To THE MEDICAf PR0F1+_:s10N. [ARBLE HANTELPIEGES, u......;.. even mllerill and anam. u..a......... .\.\l| -1-.- 131`: rlublclibor can o'er 3' new ntock ofIN- _ BTBUIENTB, compriiing the following: POCKET CASES (unsorted Iizel). OBSTET FORCEPS. SPECULUMS. G. ELASTIC OATHETERS. SILVER SILVER -A (double). HUNTERS INHALERS: CAUSTIO HOLDERS. HYPODERMIO svamems (very cheap). DISSEOTING CASES, VIAL 04333. _ PESSARIES (Assorted). Faves AN Ifnmumns. vrm li`.th.- {'!...|-..-........ .0 r _ L M. MORRISON. B ARRIE STREET, AND _-..-, -u-, wu- "L E. STACETS. ._____________ Fig na you 4507.39 WWNWEWE TANDY. H-u`#I`: 1:!`-llh: `.0 1 . nest niohzfor. Stove fins. .-Gums, my ` Gardens-,=D as I- koh Wmtznyw (um iIQve:,n gill M n:.i.l'&l , ii?! iniuuug, Aietpolinh. .35.pontu.-.5'nuIa.- _ -. a Pup-:,_dan1;~by ` -n . -_--_a....._J..`; In-uo1v"r Inn: nu:-: wnnil xnw smut mun}, " vr. *"`m:.L%;a -L`-L '-<`"'-"Db fm -I-av-to-ua- -no.-exp """"` . ta? -:. w53ev5 ; nsurl at #1212 Louu. . . _. I aw Dun `Nswi T- EASES--A-.Fonn,s of Laue: and * . acriptiunn at Law Pdnting lg .Itoai_..,`IA. D551; News ' dudnon otnzinmudm. Oicu. ...4I-. `11ENnEBs0'Nis {Bio5Vii%s'r63ia7. . . ' _ . pnmonsss'rnlm'.T as. Fresh Iiptflf` of `xsnggnanzsmu, V31-22h-l8tnrrivdI.I.`VVv" - -TL =2=::-~: . . A `sR'IUI.\'TI. ,3 ___,,,--1 '1`-W0 011331! J fi[4)N'uII?.1s8L ruur uuplus nnu upvurus at 25 cents each. . . THE `BIHLI 31:95-$. AND.rYOU'l: 8..,H.AG-` Azlldanblishodbyho'Loudon8nnday6cho9l Union. ,30 cents g:__egr,or Faun Oopial and llpwglillt 25 mnlich. . '_ . ., I llinl, I? an D|IPrI I sumption; A lnnn`l auuayuuu, A supply of Pnncreane, {bi low Indiin; for taking God Livqr'0i], |l1d"1'eInedy for IndI< tiom `r.=. V "1 "' :` `. A supply of. O_dvor&'IOII_'bo1io Acid. - A supplynf Oondy?| Fluid. For Isle at hil Drug Store, 1869 DIA_1Es. T 1869 OEFIOB JOURN_AI.S r ar*nejx,t your cdihihigu ltnnufgctnmdrjgr am gt. ,.~, Tm: cmL~n's Eonimox nu) JUVIG. NILE. lN3`!'B.U@fl`0R,.ao cats I year, or Four Copies and upwards at 25 each. THE -BIBLE`. RLLQQ Ann vnmn-ma In An- runnnm ii: .A].Bl] $l kind: to Price: very much I _' _...I. -u- All the Text Books in nu gt Queen : Eogiopolin Collegu, for-uh dnfu I-nth-lugliuh Loxiooi. Anthonk \ \-\'.\l. - - ` 1: V . GEORGE TIIGIPIOH &. 00., KING STREET, Ed 16 inform `the Pubjic that they hsvo opeuid the Stern noxftb the Exp:-cu Omee, forlzey occupiedby loan. Junta -Fiche! and Son, and no prepared to 111 [IR `nrdanin I093- I`OH S HISIIYS in BOTTLE at .\gO0,D L: DISTILLEBY prr.,'.., also rrsnnws oelenuud IX! ALI and PORTER in Hottfe or Wood . . ' enomn -rnoawaont 06. Kingston. On. 2; 1:13, ( . . 1: am: 3 iwi: In Ans AID " cum Maxine romance 01 VAREOUB BBAIDI. Also. 1 choice Anon-taunt of Ilouichum, Bria: Boot, ud Fancy` Latin, Ind Oh] Pipes, and Totncoonisfl goods in ggnoui. whoxguxn mid P.otdI._ bjllrwuj wuere no 110' otbn for Sdlel Yxrgmin Sh.-akin; Tbbuco Ohoiout Brandi. ' I An` D_ _`_____ Y _ nu -. < vuvlvvlt UKIIIIII. - 1,000 Packages Lorilhrd I It in; Club Smoking, and line 0 bun: ',-duo Lorilludh Snub. -._---~ LL w m: I91 rrenilcl, [o.: where he not orl for Sale! Yiminin Shaking 'l|'-I~---- T WHIs_-_EY S. " norm-Llgn ALE_*_5!\[l) ronun, Tpatternlf ` 5 ' -5.-"3PP`J'0fR|dg9 ~'II'oo'Il`t;t"IIlalrtl. -. A 7 u:D:;:)l;!:l! 05 Plncnnia lnuhiog, g ,0. Ioptenhu 28. .2. H. PARK ER" HAS "JUST RECEIVED" `earn! of leading nou1a.,`.r . natternl.` " ` "` ~ ' GIUBIII1 Kinptos, On 1; 130.6. __;_ College` Tin Beokbs. -vV`~ --v>T- ..-- ,.y--,-_-,--V-all: [All the Number: from Junuar last = ` ` ` JOHIVBINDIBSON, 1` - >2 _'PdtunmRtu-I \EEnen Vnrninhvfnp Emu. 13:... 41.. xingun, Oct. 1:, use. At the EITY BBOKSTORE; JOHN OBBIUEPON. inptenhu 23. '-M _ nna;van,_ A IDDELL 1: 8C0'I1`, S Gan: I'.nxIco2:.; _. - -` ` " -~ abmr.oa.; IIdlEI"I Ltth-lunliuh I.a'w:..`. . 1:*`0'i', on ma lmmnnssows nooxsronm. [AS removed from q M bk I91 Prenineu, Io. ; are IIOI oihn In. RA}. 1 rilta ii:hemiu' nruumh % 1 T 1 -'_.l.?.:1 -l?1i.bI.r3nss'_'s"1'1i__1:1:r,, 5" U -I '- L 1. `.1. IMO-scoodsqnewbynusg BIII.IIll|l||r.'- ea. Hanan. Humor. Cour Tncitul, ac, kc. REM9_VAL. DlA.BKI;:j.l" .8Q!}AiI.E. _ WWW J g! nn ` Imp--- *- Q0; P:-inn! Street, e 60 BoxI`ofBrlght I of the-anon uul -I lurch ;ud Yushl-. 5 Out Chowing To- , . 7 vv -uux (III on; I the -punt um! I. W III.` Tvbuoolrfn. mczw nu` u U} Mm UAIUUE. murgoq. I f LUB- Ir runnag gepqjn D!:!""' Eva: C`It|.|0l|A0IIIIIng dam u,...4.,_ -I:-ransul nnwl UFFIGE Under: '73: K: .o_p:_ ;l;.MotIeuz;ed to. D!,i.0 !_3",.!' '_`t'.-.Vg'c.1=Jt14'iu _;pran?ge _]Jfill}I1lig"3LfI'I[!.r on ` 1 h'snd,n;Ef1he Day `Nnzwu ;Hovsn.-;_ [[ = `uanufseturvtl prla III Renal. DN8andrf_IARl0N.I SoPiudI an l'Ul`llD10"`1I`.|!k!f'l , wIrIeE"u'i7oi"i'a-F3752 `II INK , V uaa.o,u4n_uozanuso(i}'- mnke puha_nni,.or.,Jngg- -9.4 tMr.dr- _ - H . C - nnwan STACEY. lope. 28. - ' ~ rm-Y L,....'- V*1'::'*2;.`.`.-.'.s'?`: . ....- .. -_ to Inform mm-ma. l and-the gonna:-':hhuonnaT-an ,I.9l:actionof4 V SHEET IKUSI GL4; gnd that :1}-orduu will non-with piou;':inI- nation. - Fain! Illa mi.d'o'nn M A. I: 8; Nonbanrnnn, ofi`oruh1.,'fdr'`& Agency, 1:: will keep onxhlnl A -* us.-`.. .u .4 JIUD. V. A iorrrmans. muse muss. V manuss WA-BEANT8.` z . . SUBBQNAS. .. _ A .SUJ_nlONS.ES. _ None: or nxum-2u`i'1o1r. ' no-rte:-1-n mm:-. .' ~ V Norma mauugu . .x,o;uon TO PRODU04I. ? i . shrruroar LBASES, tr. u_ to; T - Joan namusm; I ` ikmm % pmuoxaa ..x1:ux.. I [- -- g . 7`I"[ J uicll Ill-I-I-'_G.lvl'G. - ' Repakingof Sewing Iachinu nectiy 30T:3";'}t but 8010 R601: ` ' ' Doubts naad sum; lmhindoa. ..a;sg.. Itching Noodlulof All kindlfotslp. H m A Age!!! Iullid in van Canin- ; - '.:""'-'..`; 5..,.* *"<:::'a.Ss`::=7! `lllftluiiu-n-I3 -4 - ti) Dmr NEW! Ornca. _fg;o_u:p;ly.MatIend,ed _ 4 , (-__..___.__-.. ' ',LJ_..a`.-.7 .539 ES-umancsnnoih taut ho` obtainaqd. man OE1'I!`IO&TE8:-ml um.` 1.... ya v H: urns-1-. sEUTTbl='8lWIH MACHINE took the Elm P150 91! , . Afocluring` Suiting Itching, liq [gm :3 slnully `Sowing noun nI.1liu.+1i'ir1:ik. gnmpum Ooung . ap iun "ti :18, &lidl'I - PET u" 5 llfaxiufncturidg lgchiggnt ihaoiir ` ,.r 1r...-.---- u-_u--`-A V Thisjnnpw-;1hpIg t_hg W01-Id, ` KhunoIqE--1==:::- -' ' J mix` A .ari_t_h several now Ipntcntegigga "`."l:':?cIll led Wil.h:_u-Q, ' Rnnnbhu. ..`I I n vm-..-:,:.,:::;:;a;*.:;a-::'; W . . N3 1' JP - - Earn sums mu ba.'>!`Ug5p1y r.!u?;`.m. _ ;._' - '- `..`_ -,:Z!.l` v A.l.'I ' DIULH I lloyoublr nut. ! mu r tins`- peglglatlve Min; No: pggggto < T tn` -~. 'AO.,.. ucw nunuonl of G-l]l'I' IIIlTI' 0! th I31-I"iIl,' Family Christian Alnanu for 1860.` : M Nev; lnllyh and Armcricsn Novels. George Vex, the Frkudl and only Bnpihtl, Idw`D`.la-urgnew c1!ition.: ' - - { V N.-B.1OpoIlIo Smluiu. Burp `ily at 8m_4!_Tqt IhuI!h-n-SI-- suuopalll u1ply,byGo6.Io. ' Life or Lu Cum; the Apostle of thtelldh. The Hermiu--(Vol. 2 ofxhdsunday Lihurj). Rogon Politico! Economy. . . In e'm.n's Poeml, new lnglinh edition: The Oovolethod of Drawing. Row. I`4IIlI0a`ne_e Bongooks, Bacintiou Ma. Adnntnra of a Strolling P1n __r. M ,. . New lamina. of Gall`! unit auihrsu -1-Jruk nuxrll :5 {er hne izne for every` I ' . , , l 3' Ba.-Ant . P'ttuon,_ nd V guns but na?:ctedlminea,`nnd is pnpu-`ed iiI:lIq':r`ut Beat Ielected sq: cm for gun; osatihti on `hind, also Lehfgh Lamp for um! Blouburglbr Bhekmitln. `- ' r Term! 0uh.`DeHve_1ol.iL any pu-ti htip cit . I JAIIS 8W{f'l.'8U0;` *3 October 31,1180. V ~ AmnAenE'eoAL mu { 0lIIeo-st.-Lawrence Winn; Foot of Johnson Street. 1868. 0 A L ; 1868.` -21-: To uzluvn m 11 raw m SHELL OYSTERS ' ` mew mmunon nun T min NEW IIAGKEREL. "Iill1jl_50_t 7.: cg IIIIIIIQ ugodlel Agata rngmd M 41191:! to - `of kindlfo every County. Oct. 14; ms. ~%':xr.{a"a"gnU ugqgu -,_v 'f,_'."'_,[; .- pi: October 10;-` -9 mass s1-aim; ict 1:,1ees.__ Oct. 13. In Spanish mm, 5, urine. ifs Guns : [ha Ammu- ..o ...x_..__ ._ UR "P`"'L`h"'|l||.bdngIIiIcIlln "'0 'Uh%.-%h- .L.a:..... Tv.a'.. rnnsn nurn otsrnn JUST BEGBITID A1` 1` I"! T1:-__j---- vac: -- an nuns urns-1-. sEUNLis'8iWih. n_A,qgu,m thorium Pin :1: In---- P'FWi'ORr:, LI`u`..h."_ 5nai_q:._;.j;;a WIIWW will llllltl. Bll was 2: I i PRINCESS BTBIIT. 0Ys_T___ERs 1 3 j NUMBER 24. rrtvvvpq ."N I I'll Dln I... ;L_ I` ruox, ` [ wmnnnow, Johnuc. J T nuts... \`l"P|:`IrI`\1'.1~:-urn euqs _au iotlli-r Isemi-V II (Ic... .l .In..i`- . Ix _ . noon, . [1 pl, -er $35 WIN I IJUfF- A Compcni Asvhaentl, , . r n,._.1 - --- vuyI:' - PS3 A '(`PV'Qd 5 I \'L.h-1 2 ordered I _-u-4 AI? ax onci ;.a 1 V ";..:;;.1_ nfned \L_, ` IU. . 1r, for mg Ulllil . IUI V- __,| 2. /` In-nlr _ _,. Lucul, uncn touched his head with his 1nd, Ind gave 9. slight bow; and ifl topped to ulk, they were ready to con~ era: with the greatest freedom. "Why re you here Y I inquired, after some in` ruductionary conversation, of 9. ne-look- ng young man, with gparkllng intelligent eyes and good futures. I accidentally llled my brother and am condemned for ten years to hnrd lubonr. But how acci- denully ("I furthor iuqnircd. "We had been out. together in the country with no me other friends, enjoying ourselves; on our way home we had I quarrel and I stabbed him here," he answered, pointing to a part of his breast inn: bclow the nhnnI_ -...`--mu mm uuu, u-1 nuawuruu. pomun 3 part breast, jun: bolow the shoul- der. He spoke with cdnaidertble feeling, nnd with : peculinr tcndcrnesl of accent. Out ol` the host. of murderers there were vary few who had murdered `for theft or gain, except, of course, the brignnda. Wino seem: to nromka mnnv . fun! nu.- o`_`*v `H-V`-fig Ul VUMIIUIS, IIJU Ul Isllllll. proyoko nanny a fatal blow. On the numerous tout days which I511 in- dulgont. Church nordu them, groiugqlof lfhx-Al___.I -_ In, .u C; ..,.n.u mu-up nuu sulnc IIIUBDUB cuunlenum ea; but, generally speaking, no particulnr ngery of expressipn was apparonnglnd I not of the criminuls. had they been uen ' u the street, would have passed for ord_inn- _ well conducted citizens. A; I walked 5' them, each touched his head with his Ind. Ind (Tana .. ...I;..L.A |.A._, NH: 51'! usuu man man, wnu nn BYIUBIJI desire; show themselves off to the best adven- ge. When the second door wan opened, d two or three vieitorl, with the gover- or of the prison, entered, all was so order- end quiet, thet it was extremely difficult realm: the fact that one wee emidst e ' rowd of desperedoee. In the room were` ore: than 120 prieoners, nearly every man murderer. In England one murderer in e 'ght at e geol : end to bdsold even one ; en who has dipped his hands in human lood creates a feeling or instinctive horror. ere were hundreds such; and we were llowred to go amongst them and converse ith them freely; and, etrnnge es it may in, no feeling of horror or repngnnnce as produced. A phrenologist would dubtlees nd much worth his etudy in rich 3 group, and there were some queer- heped heed: and some hideous countenetr 121- hut (Inner-Iin ......r.:.... _. _---.-.-r,- uel In conalgning them to I prised. the t-it key was put into the lock on f e occnsioa of my `visit, 5 general mnve- ` out took place among the insiders. Each 3 an glided quickly to 1110 end of his own rticular bed. Some, who bud been ly- g down, hurriedly donned their jacketn; bile not I few took out combs and nu-J aged their hnir, with no evident desire ` ulrlnnv than-nanlnna n6? tn .l... L... _.i_,,, ` mm... uzux Lu \.'!IlJI.UlU, tucy ucpttuu. en- ly upon these " manntengolifor the Inn of subsistence; and than very hnrd guns urn generally drlven. Tho` nn11_tongol1 l set also an spies; they vehlnfutxmntmon tge Fha dlmgnnds nu W are 00:3 may oun ; and when 03 plund_er is obtained they get the greater 3 rt_.of1t1n explmngo for n {cw loavel, and umes sumo}:-csh men}. how that both. _|nuengol1 nnd bngsndn are caught,` aregldext '`bhatbtl1ey(r]xevor lgved `each ;1 e uc . u ngan : apes 0 an of . e extortion: sluey lnad to endure, End yl|yl' e blame ofthcxr cnmes upon the shoulder; those who encouragecl Ind Iupponedl 2:. Tbetu11lnnulengol1, on ,the other : 1 n , prone: l enr innocence ever w , ` (1 think the Governmant despynratglvy '. C t uel in conaigning them pri5ou_ F1 t ken` wan run into that Int-Ir n.n ` I 1 I 1 1 c < *|.All~\\4 \v. n uw llI.ll.III..`II"|I Iuaur. uIJUll- iaimr by the prison itself is entirely dif-` nt :0 that produced by a visit L) a_n` r~'|ya'h nr (lurn-nnn n- F .-An;-h nu-i_v..n \,. III: n.u\| IIl"'l\lVID \r| '|Ill`P;BI'\IEI lll I.uu|ur_'| - Many 0! them have been condemned, have sppenled for s uxiligntiuwn of their tones to the superior Court 3: Naples ;1 many are remaining there for 5 [cw 3: till it is convgniont to truuport thz-`I11 other prisons. where they may undergu ` punishment of hard labour for hfe. or such pcriml of ya.-nrs as the)` have bu-n Lent`:-.1 m. Tue lmpresuiun made upon- I _ , _,1,,'- . ` _s ,_ .3.-. _,L-.l...-,.: / 1 1I`ALI.\\' Bli1&}A.\'D:4. here urn few people whose company 1.1 gem-rull_v be considered more un i irnble than that uf the hrignmls at thcl L); of Italy . but at the p1't'.~`(`!1ttin16it| nnnmlni.-2 tn vluil Innnr nf Ihnln unnl In` P` SE1-.` .\1o: EvEx1(3, 5:0}: (Continued on Fourth P5305. GI): Daily Nuns. VOI,U.\llC XVIII. 1m11.\: NEWS! ` Book. '. :am*..w'wW um MM I-I - U rmed I '\ . h his re sous RT OF ADVERTISING.-- Horace Greeley, of N_ew York, _aays:_--'I:he ; pamcul_| moat succeaslul busmess `men `In this clty 7 ` `ad I are those who have advertlsed llberally and .h';!;P`lr' ' en . constantly. A small ndvertiaement._ con- md ordinr l stantly appeafmg 13 better than 9. display walked column occasionally. . 1___.I ._:.L I - `FFECT OF ADV'ERTIS1NG.-It is amusing at times to observe the stores of the merchants who dou t. adver- tise; to see tho nnxious proprietors look- ing into the streets and see the people go by, wondering why they don : come in, while the stores oflheir neighbours who do aclvcrtlae are tbronged with customers. Snme people will learn by observation, others will DOt%` Palladium. i imam HKINTING HOUSE, Princes: b Street, Kingston. Printing of :11 kind: at the Dun Nlwu Snnuc Pnnrr INC Flnuan gnuua zu. Lu mu Housz. T `THE CIRCULATION of mo Dun Nwwn in run- ......1....u 1--..-- -u_,,, JJCWHIVU U1 1 Hair Gloss. I T). (1.11, , 4. rucws 15 tuuy one-half larger _that any othor dlily juurnol published m Kingston. The circnluion of the old fzstablished weekly Cmzoxncu um Nzwn 1_s also gmuter than any other weekly pub- hahed in the county. Advertisers will perccivviothlt those jolu-null are the but audit _ r sunning ublic uttontion in this loamy. P I _'- -vvvu u - 1419:1129 Ill 1.400,, `The only unquestionable and nblolnte remedy " for Nervouanesl, Debility, and Restoration to ` Manhood. The medicine, taken for four inch. cures ts certain as water qugncbel thirst. Sold in Bottles at $3 (in gold), or four time: the {Inn- my for $9. To bo bsd from the Agent, | R: RAVLIR ---vulu 2 'j rubliabfd every Friday morllill` min: the 52:5 of the week. It 4 9 amount I f rcudiug, and Don-rt per nnnum paid u: c m G .0 '5. D_Lu-|... ! TATUTOITY DEEDB-Approved and ` I` carefully printed copies of the Short 1 Form of Deed legalised by Statute, for sale I at the Daily News Ofce. Statutory Mort- : gages and other law form: kept on hand. I l L Batcholol- | Hair Dye. This splendid Hair Dye la the best in the ~ world; the only true And perfect Dye ; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no diuppointment; no ridiculous unu; remedies the ill` effects of bad dyes ; invigorate: and leaves the Hair soft and \ beautiful black or brown, Sold by all Druggista * and Perfumers; and properly npplied at Butche- I lofn Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond. Itroet, New York. ` Philosophy of Marriage. } J. new Oourne of Lecturel, es delivered It the New York lnuum of Anatomy ombrncing the eubjecu:-How to live and what to live for; ` Youth, leturity, and old Ago; Manhood gener- nlly reviewed; The csulo of indignation ; Flota- lenoe and Nervous Diuuen ncoonnted for; Her- ' tinge phoeophlely oonlidend, lc., te. Packet 2 volumes containing these Locturul, will be for- wnrded poet-paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by ad- dressing SECRETARY, New York Inseam gar Anatomy end Science, I18 Broedwny, New York." " Mr: WlnIIow I Soothing In-up, I having the 0! Curd: I Perkins " nations. on the ouuido mapper. All omen are ha. 11:- F Are you dlutniwed .1 night end broken o! your ' rent by a lick chlld Inering sud crying vith the : excruclstilg pain of cutting teeth I If no. go It once and [It A bottle of In WlNSLOW'S ;SOOTHJNG SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little Intlbnr innaediutdg---depend upon it: Stheu `u no minute about it. Than It not a `mother on the has of the earth who In ever V` mod it, who will not tell you ot once that it will _ regulate the bowels, nyi gin not to the mother` and relief and health to the child, opentlng llh Isgio. It ts pcrfectly ale to use in on meat, and pleanot to the tun, and ls the prescription ` 0. one If the oldest and but fotnnlo physician: Ind huge: in the United Sm. Price 15 cum. _-Sold evaqwblse. D. __A. ._.| ,,u Coughs and Colds. Sudden chengee of climate ero sources of Pol monsry, Bronchial, end Lnhnntic elections Ixperisnee having proved {hut simple remedies oftoe act speedily end cerleinly when teken in I the early etegel of the discus, gecouree should 1 at once be bed le " Brown's Brouchinl 1.`rochos," J or Lozenges. Few ere ever": of the Importance 9 or checking A cough, or " common old," in its ht stage. The: which in the beginning vould I! yield so 1. mild rt-nedy,1fneglecIad soon sneaks ? the Lungs. " Brown ; $nchhl Trochos! err Cough Lounges, eny ijjetion which induces ' coughing, bgving I mam? inlueloe on the ef-I {acted pots. As there 3 luitetsens, be sure to obtain the gauche. Sold by all dealers in Iedi- V cines st15 can I box. } I Mouser: .1 ashers :1 Motion! :1 i VEGETABLE SIGILIAN HAIR _ Rmswm. DISEASES 01?` THE SCALP PRODUCE GRAY HAIR AND BALDNESS! The use of HAL.L'S VEGETABLE sAIcILI_A1I`HAIn nnmawnn, ugvaaan-oav .5351. AQJIIAIJJVIJHD win rectum is to its natural colour nd promote in mouth, Our Trntine on the Hair am free by nnil. R. k C0- Nnuhum N H Pl-nnv-Inlruu q'I`EA.M PRINTING HBUSE}, Rrl-our IT u n - . n _ . . _ . . __ _t _n uur I ruuuuu un tuu nut lcnl Iron 0] min. V R. P. BALL 5 Co., Nahum, N.H., Proprhton. 1 "-""'l The lu-goal t-at-cluu Hotel in New Enghnd, oleru to Tourilu, Families, and the Travelling Pnhlir gm-nlnmndntinnl and nnnrnninnnau ann- Iuua l|lIl3 \lI DPBI uuwul-II IvI|.I.l uuuuu. |1E|I' water cioseta, tc., nunchd ; one of Tun : meg- , nicent passenger elevators, the but ever con- : structed, conveys guest: to the upper atorey of i the house in one minute; the entriea hen been I newly and richly csrpeted, end the entire house E thoroughly replenished nnd furnished. making ' it, in all in Appointments, equal tu nay hotel in M the country. ' Tnlpcrl-nnh nmlln Rnli.-.i Rnnrnn nn {X--In an uucxu lU Luullllu, FIIIUIIIEI.` luu U)! LFIYDHIIJK Public, accommodations and oonveniencea unpe- rior to my other Hotel in the city. During the put. ac-naou additions have been mndo of nume- l |rous suits of npsntnenta, with huthing rooml, wnltr nlnumu km. nlhncii : nnn nf Tun : Inna-- ILIU UIJWIIXKIJI Ttlrflph Omen, Billiard Rooms, and (hie on the rs: oor. ` I nvuvun nvnn L an Aug 6. Beware of imitation: of Hunt`: Empire lair Gloss. usu UIUSS. Dr. Colby : Pills sold by tllDruggia1I. Jacobs` Rheumatic Liquid Cures Lune- BS5. -__ -._-'..-..-n Be Inn and call for Dr Record : Euonco 3-! Life, 11: nnlv l1nnn-al:nn-|-ul- -...: ..|.--I_.- ___._ lll I01 I-U I locality-

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