For Female Weakneu and Debilily, Whites or Leucorrbaa, Too Profuse Menstruation, Ex- haustion, Too Long Continued Periods, for Prolapsul and Bearing Down, or Prolapsua Uteri, we offer the most perfect specic known: HEL.\[BULD S COMPOHND EXTRACT OF RTTPLJTT Directions for use, diet, and advice, accompany Females in av:-.rv npriod of life. frnm infnm-..I is more strengthening than any of the prepara- tions of Bark or Iron,inni1ely fer, gnd more pleasant. I P-.:r|r:uL:u Ul. tuuuisuuuu In our young women. I Long before the ability to exercise the func- | tions of the generative organs, they require an ` education of their peculiar nervous system, com- l posed of what is called the tissue, which is, in common with the female breast and lips, evi- ,dently under the control of mental emotions and associations at an early period of life; and, as we shall subsequently lee, these emotions, when excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which up the very life of their victims ere nature has sell -completed their develop- ment. Hundreds sulfur on in ailencn, and hundreds `of others apply vainly to dr-aggists and doctors, : who either merely t.-inmlize them with the hope ` ` of A cure or apply remedies which makg [hem l: }worse. I would not wish to assert anything `( `that would do injustice to the aicted, but I `am obliged to any that although it may be pro- 1 duced from excessive exhaustion of the powers '! 1 of life, by lnboriou employment, unwholesorne ' 1 {air and food, profuse menstruation, the use ofq tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, it is} far oftenor cnnscd hy direct irritation, applied tothe mucous membrnne of the vagina itself. i . When reviewing the nnnann or am... a;........,| i reviewing the causes of these distress- ing complain`s, it is most painful to contem- plate the attendant evils consequent upon them. It is but simple justice to the subject to enume- rate a few of the many additional causes which ~ so largely affect the life, health, and happiness of woman in all classes of society, and which, consequently, alfect more or less directly, lbs tuwuc muuuua memorane or the vagina itself. I welfare of the entire human family. The mania that exists for precocious education and mar- i rtnge, causes the years that nature designed for corporeal development to be wasted and per- verted in the restraints of dress, the early con- nement of school, and especially in the. , unhealthy excitement of the bal`;-mom. Thns,| l with the body hslf-clothed, and the mind unduly excited by pleasure, psrverting in midnight reve.s the hours designed bv nature fnr nip.-n PILIUULI. L In consequence of this early strain upon her. delicate votary to retain her situation in school 5 at a later day, thus aggravatingthe evil. When , one excitement is over, another in prospective l keeps tho.-"mind morbidly sensitive to impression, . while the now constant restraint of fashionable dress, absolutely forbidding the exercise indis- pensable to the attainment and retention of or- ganic health and strength ; the exposure to night air; the sudden change of temperature; the complete proatration produced by excessive dancing, must, of necessity, produce their legi- I timate otfect. At last, an early marriage caps 1 the climax of misery, and the unfortunate one, hitherto so utterly regardless of the plain dic- tates and remonstrances of her delicate nature, becomes an unwilling subject of medical treat- ? ment. This is but a truthful picture of the ex- , perience of thousands of our young women. I Lonrr bafnrn the Ahilitv In arm-nits- at... In... system, unnecessary effort is required by the' =AplIuu u yncuuure, purvarung In midnight dosigned by nnturo for sleep and rest, the work of destruction is halfaccom-I , phlhed. In nnrmnnnnnr-A nf this .x--'I.. -a_-:_ __-, 1 UH`! LJITUILIWI , 11.1 . None no genuine unlau done up in noel- engraved In-upper, with he-oimilo of my Ohenaiul Warohonlo, and signed we ennonie L I `1`E\[Al.HS, owing to the peculiar nnd impor- 1 tun! relations which they sualain, their ipeculiar organisation, and the olces they per- form, are ssbjvct to many suerings. Freedom `from these contribute: in no small degree to their happiness nnd welfare, for none can be happy who are ill. Not only so, but no one of `these various female complaints can long be suffered to run on without involving the gene- Irsl health of the individual, Ind are long pro- ducng permanent sickness and premature de- cline. Nor is it pleasant to consult a physicinn for the relzefof these various delicate affections, and only upon the molt urgent. necessity will`,a true woman so far sacrice her greatest charm Has to do this. The sex will than thank us for irilacing in their hands simple specifics which will be found elmcioui in relieving and curing almost ever)` one of those troublesnmn ohm- ., ..\ .......- .........,.uu. nu Acnlwvllli nuu Cllrlg every troublesome com- `plnints peculiar to tho sex. 1 HILMBOLDI` EXTRACT OF BUCBU. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BACHU. HELMBOLDB EXTRACT BUOHU, w OM A N. I, 1-. IunoLD. m;{ria:'i{nEE;sToN On Tuesdays. Wednesdays, and Fridays at 3:30 P.M. untxv nu UAR AHUQUE On Wedneldsys, Fridays, and Snttirdaya, at 6 A.M. Kingston and Gaioque Route. DAILY .\ I-ZVVS .Ul- For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on board, or to {'1 ll trncrnnnnu nu.LUt1.1\I.VU, Will lenn Gnpe Vincent At 9.30 AM. on the arrival of the train from Rome Uawego, &c_, meeting the Grand Trunk Trains going East and West, and the Bay of Quinta Itenmer. li`m- I`.-ni.-in I\- m..........- -....1_ 1- .L_ -n,,,_,, Kingston and Wolfe ls-land Ferry. CHANGE OF HOURS. (WOMMENCING MONDAY, 26th instant, one I of" the Fm-rv Rlnnmnru Ir:-H1 Pun Int .....J.... , 1\J.l'IJ.`llI.`J.L`ll.JlA.VlJ' muuunl, DLl] HJIIIIHT, `J of the Ferry Steamers will run as under: Leave Kingston daily, Leave Wolfe Isi'd daily, Atl1:30a:n. At9a.m. 3:30 p.111. 1 pm. Pu. llntvn nwn mrvnnn . -u-.-. . .. _.___, -._- ,.-.-u. 5 ON MONDAYS, TUESD On... DAILY BOAT For Bath Plcton and Bellevllle. .-..` u... -`-...--;.`.r, Ournxn Faun: Conn, ILL LEAVE THE ST, LAWRENCE WHARF`, foot of Johnaou Street, for the above and intermediate ports, every day (Sun- days excepted) at FOUR (VCLOCK, nnrfnl-vnn Inuvna Rullanilla nun:-w 1-nnrninn UlLIU\;Iu I Returning, will leave Kingston for Picton,| Mill Point nnd Belleville on Tuesday and Thurs- day evenings, at 8 o'clock; Saturdays at 11 . ldclock. I For Freight or Passage apply to . JAR RW lF"T`kr`n nu] U1 |.gulI.llB Ile.[l]8!'_ For freight or passage apply to the Purse: on board, or to I1 II rvvuvn l'If'\'l'\lf ! cnlng nl inlvrrrle-lin iMORNlNG nexl, the `o'clock. 'D__ n-___...- Pl",I. U|llpor uann pun muuv A-ddrC_IrlnIlnI.bPIh-3 IAIl'_ U |.'.lU|.Jl\- For Pnseage Tickets apply at I Folgr-r and 1':-ns., Umatrio Street, or .and River Slmnxhnnt um, S Wharf, foot ofJohns~m Street. nrvr tun man: nnugauun unuy (annuays ex- W sewed). At 1:45 P.M. on the arrival of the Grand Trunk Train: from the West to meet the Train leaving Cape Vincent for Rome, Oswego, &c., and the Northern Transportation Company's Pro- pellers for Oswego and Western Ports. DWTWDKIUFI unis cnuulllcu) BI. EUUIL U l.Il4U1..-A, Returning, leaves Bcllevillo every morning (Sundays excepted) at SIX o'clock, am. For I-Alan nf F`:-air:-ht and Pnaunan nnnlv tn Hm 1 at. Lawrence wharf. Kingston, Apnl 20,1868. CIIANGE or Iiciiflt. I jlilngston and Cape Vincent Ferry. \LJl.Il.I`\1ByU U19!`-Pl-CU) PH: CIA U CIUCK, 3.1". For rates of Freight and Passage Apply to the Captain on board, or to J QWIPT A: no o. H. Huang ` Punnger Ageit. linnlinn, An-'1 II. `III rIuv., II BIA OCIOCK. For Passage Tickr,-ll apply at the ofce of Folger and Bros., Ontario Street, or at the Lake and River Steamboat Lrice, SI. Lawrence Wharf, fool. of Johnson Street. I1 I1'r1AnIr'sr-I N W n'r~lnn'| , Oonuun Hmclmr . 9:31., Marla, V ILL leave Kingston daily (Sundays ex- Lo 1.4K Du .. .1... ___:__| _r .1, n '1 . TWO STEAK PRESSE3. anadlan Navigation Oompany. Royal Mail Through Line. For T0r0ntu-u_ml lIamll_mn. THE ETIEAIIICB Cu-um A. DUHLOP. ILL leave the St. Lawrence Wharf`, foot or W Johnson Street, for Toronto and Hamilton, calling at intermediate ports (weather permit- ting), on -FRIDAY AFTERNOON, the 6th Nov., at SIX o'clock. `I... D........,.... m:-I._... -, . . .. ... - r urry W nan, 1` Kingston, October 24, 1863. u.m_nmuuum1. Ferry Wharf`, foot Brook Street. Kingston, 24th Oct. 1863. Us-nu. un. uu G. M. RINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. Kingston, Oct. 34th, 1868. I nulugur agent. li.nptoI_, Ann ! 10, 1808. Kingston, Nov, 5, 1863 Kingston, Nov. 5, 1868 VHE Steamer PIEEEEPONT, G. Hinckley, . Jr., Master, will run as under. 1' 11: ACTYII 'I*rr\-rrIr\oII4\\-u $31) Leave Kingston, 9:00 am. 1:l5 pm. __ . _.___..., _ ..._._-, CAPT. J. DAIHTRY, \/TILL leave Kingston for Oswepo Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, at 12 ock. mm. | ON MONDAYS Ah FILL -0 THE ROYAL MAIL STEAMER On and after Monday, 21:! inst, TUI ITIEAMER `J 1: 1\1('1`1I4:A1,. LE AVE G ANANOQU E. nldnvn F:-irlnvn anrl Runn- [EH-l|ll'1l| leave the St. Lawrence wharf, foot Johnson Street, for MO.`w'TREJ\I.., inlerme-lime puns, on SATITRDAY '1 non rlm `HI. nf N'.u-omh..- nl ..- WATEi:T'P0 w N, Bay of Qulnte, CAPTAIN D` SINCLAIR. mwwww -=.r-r-cl; IIGCIIESTER 9 (`Anna 7 T`|.......... SUNDA{ TRIPS. menu 1 I A.--. 11 'ni1;:`7s.i'EAn::E J p.1;n. I G. M. KINGHORN, Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. Etnhnr 9,1 I QED Eu uuu II can-:IU RETURNING, an 171-..--. ma mu nswgj ESIISU llpply ll us. swmr & C0,, Go I ..... .. I'I*L_ G. M. KINGHORN. l.....t' L.-. n_.._|_ cu--- SAYS, & SATURDAYS. I "I.'}f| 1! run IZJU ll_[II, ~71) SATURDAYS, 4 p.m. . TRTPR DLJ. DJVVIIJ 1 Q L\J., St. Lawrence Wharf. Ql I. llll I}. Leave Wolfe Island, 9:30 11 m. 3 p.m. M Irrnannmxr J. SWIFT t 00., Freight Agents. .L'L|. 0." H. HATCH, Agent. ADVEI I at the ofoe of` , or at the Lake` U. l ____.. W 1\JIl' Agent. |Kingston Marble Works] GENERAL STONE YAR D, -us.-uuu All` 11 ULIIBLIIIUAIJEQ Butyric Ether, Carbonate of Lythin, Cu-bolic Acid, Chromic Acid, Hydrosulphuret of Am~ `monia, Iodide of Arsenic, Peraulphate of Iron, Sanguinarin, &c., &c. II IITI'I"I'llI I'.l 1`: , - A - - :.-_\l;..;4 -- 7 Dealer In Boots and Sh0es,No. 86 Princess Street, Kingston. ESIRES most respectfully to than]: his nu- merous Guslomers for a liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. Tn nlnuinn HI: nnnnnnoa 6`..- 0|..- H..-` _-__ .1 , uu ll|llC.|-I uuzau IEFHIS. Unpaid account: must be settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put in suit. g The natrnnnon of (huh nnufnrnnna an, 13, uuuurvvxsc Lucy wm ue pull 1:: llllt. f` The patronage of Cash Customers: so- licited. 1- . nun.-. -....__ .and General '3 AILDUB AIIILH LDIUKLEIUIID, .UlII-IIHCDI-3 N1 of every material and design, Headstones of every size and style, Posts for Lot Enclosures, and Stone work of every description, promptly executed with the very best workmanship and at reasonable prices. Refarences permitted to John Creighton, Esq, Edwin Cbown, Esq., and Wm. Ford, Jr., Esq. Tnnneolinn nf Shank rt-Int-r-Ifnv lnlinitn SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT NOTlGE T0 CASH CUSTOMERS. JAMES. -_..I9.13F:z uueuuing over 1: 1.1` 113411.11 I EARS. In closing his accounts for the past year the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the most positive sense. Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BUUTS and SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remunorntive prices on strictly cash terms. Wnmni n.-r-nnnnu range has aanlml :..........I:_n- ONEY T0 LEND. $50,009 to lend on the security of Real Estate in l '7 City or Goun- try at a. low rate of interest. 0 commission charged. R. M.` ROSE. Anvil `ZR `....\.. .u...,:-_ .Ia.1lnL1IC:J , nuuuu V mumes rI"1'em- l`pPr:`uH':E` l o1*iodic-als, and a very large quamily Iof books having a religious, temperance and moral bearing For Sale at Remarkably Low Prices by Joli n llcndcrson, Princess Street. (`PL 9. ? AND PRESERVE YOUR. LEATIIE R. FRANK MILLER S Celebrated Original and Genuine Leather Preservstive, and Water- Proof0i1 Blncking. For Sale by 7"` TWDIITEVD ODERN CAVALRY: its Orgnn'uml`1on,Ar- ] / umment, and Employment _in War. By ' Lieut_-Colonel George '1`. Denison, Jun. [ For Sale I R. ZWEIITE, Chemist. and Druggist 42 PRINCESS STREET. Kingston, Oct. 26, 1868. RT` OF ADVERTlb`ING.-Horace Greeley, of New York, says:-- l`he most successful business men in this city. are those who have advertised liberally and constantly. A. small tdvenisexnent con- stantly appearing is better than a dinplny column occasionally. ' `--- As- RHATH aCm.U[_ 3` `uv'.Z`I.\ Pg` -` Y ` T's qr...-:.._!s(!`,L~ II JUHI FRANK- ` . , "|PLENDID Assortment of Tempernnce Song; I ;\ Books with and without music`, Recitation. 'nn(l Dialogue Books; Band of Hope Melodies;I `Tn!(-rvsting Narratives; Bound Volumes rf Tem- `nornlnrreI (A1`iodiun1n, and in vnrv Int-Ira ....-...:._ xulvi uuu Lummn (,'B.|'.`| OE 8-CCOIDDJOGBIBG A with Board and Lodging in 3 Private Family, Location, Barrie Street. Apply for ad- dress at the llui/Vy Nawn oico. Sept. 21. nun nuu FIISDIOUBDII Dlyles. Has also on hand, made up under his own superiutendence, 5 large quantity of Ready-made Clothing, which he can warrant and recommend, nt prices L8 low an out be found in any establish- ment in the city. Cull and examine before purchasing. CHAS. LIVINGSTON. Octnhar 5! mm: I p omen, rormerly occu] Ferguson. Possession immediately. Annlv At the CITY BOOK STORE, KING STREET. ] October 30. JOHN OREIGHTON. Near Court House. `-HE Subscriber begs to inform his Inmerou 1 customers and friend: Ibnt be has removed from his old Stand, Princess Street, to Mr Ooy a Buildings, No. M Brock Street, directly opposite Mr Ramage, watcbmakor, where he in proyu-od With an entire new Stock of Brood Cloths, Pilot and Benn-r, Cnssimercs, Doeskins, Can- adian, English, and Scotch Tweeds, to make up to order on the shorten. notice, and in the most New and Fashionable Styles. Hill l-1 nu hfl rnatin nn llI'It`.'a- his run- To T-1?3i6K I'I PR0FE_ssI0N. PTRTIV A'hl'(E BOARDING. .u..~u. JAMES HOPE. Kingston, 22nd January, 1868. .~Isl~;Tl` v u. r Inn, .5 r. nut] Inspection oi! Sto;:k respectfully solicited. Aug. 20, I868. uni gcu. April 23 mtomne AND GLOTHINB ESTABLISHMENT. "y 22. October 8, 1868. Teiotal Book Store! `HE Subscriber can offer a new stock of IN- STRUMENTS, comprising the following: POCKET OASES (assorted sizel). OBSTET FORCEPS. - SPEGULUMS. G. ELASTIC CATHETERS. SILVER " SILVER (double). HUNTERS INHALERS: CAUSTIU HOLDERS. HYPODERMIC SYRINGES (very cheap). DISSECTING CASES.` VIAL GASES. PESSARIES (snorted). ___._-_-_ 3ELLEVUE TERRACE, fronting on Centre Striet, formerly occupied by Mr William erzuson. ZRTISING. FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated | with Rnnrd and,.:..... :. .. o-:--.- `IIEILP YOUR rii: DRY- ARBL E MANTELPIECES, Monuments nf nvarv mnvnrinl and rlplinn nnnatnnnl DRUGS AN D7}-llEM[GA.LS_. u-:.. IJHL-.. {V__L-_,. .|us1' RECEIVED. BARBIE STREET, *TO 1ETf -1-. .n....-... . ._._ dl-nn.. Princess 3-`Incl un-u.c|_y, ` Apply to R. M. Official ` AND T. DRIVER, l_. 2] Princess St. R. TANDY. . IELJIJIX Assignec. 1.. ummney qornxoea, Dumb Steven, and. :11 Iron Work. It dries in a few minutes, leaving bountiful jet polish. 25 cents a bottle. Prepared only by R. WHITE, CHEMIST G5 DRUGGIET. 42 PRINCESS BTREET. Rant 92 BANSIENT ADVERTIl$EMENTS.-* `: The large circulation of the DAILY Nzws renders it thcnatnral medium for the publication of all small and transient advertisements, as well as larger announce- ments. Advertisements of religious notices and Sabbath services; situations wanted; situations vacant; houses for sale ; houses to rent; houses wanted; board and lodg- ing ; rooms wanted; board wanted; ar- ticles lost; articles found; cattle wanted ; cattle for sale; cattle strayed, &c., when set close, inserted for 25 cents each inscr- tion, payable only in advance. When dis- played, a. proportionate price will be charg- ed. tiaruiufafe`; (tummy ' '} . . ..|..Lu, j 0'GOR.MAN, Boat-builder, Biincoe-street, 0 Ontario. A good assortment of SKIFF8 always on hand. Boats for hire. Work dons for parties at a. distance must be paid for boforo leu- ing the shop. ` Mm-r-I. 0 1 am: GEO. W. OBEIGIITBN. BREWER OF THE BEST PALE ALE AND P0122511` IN WESTERN GANADA. Kingston, Feb. 13. H381` RECEIVED ASUPPLY of Feeding Bottles of various patterns. A supply of Ridge : Food for Infnutu. A Iupply ofoPancrea.tic Emulsion, for Con- sumption; A supply of " Psncrentine, the new medium for taking Cod Liver Oil, and remedy for Indi- gestion. A supply of Calvert : Cnrbolic Acid. A supply of Coudy s Dininfecting Fluid. For sale at his Drug Store,` FRONT}-JNAO BREWER! KING s'rnn'.n'r WEST, xmorr nu " w, TWO CHEAP LITTLE M0N'l`IILIi.4;4g. IFHE OHILD S COMPANION AND JUVE- NILE INSTRUCTOR, 30 cents I year, or Fonr Gnniaa and nn-vu-an at on ......a. .-..1. 1- AND OUT SMOKING TOBAOGIIS. OF VARIOUS BELNDI. Also, I choice Anortment of Iloenchnm, Bria: Root, _IId Fnnay `Luvs, Ind Ola; Piper, and Tobscoonisfa goods in general. Wholeenlo and Retail. GEORGE THOMPSON & co., KING srnmnr, E0 to inform the Public that they have. openod the Store man to the Exprou Omce, formerly occupied by Messrs. Jamel Fisher and Son, and we prepared to Ill all order: in MOI} TON'S WEHSIEYS in BOTTLE or WOOD at DI-ETILLERY prices, also FISHERRS celebrated ` XXX ALE and PORTER in Bottle or Wood. GEORGE THOMPSON & CO. Kina:-tlnn not '2 Inna Q 500 { :PHOIOGBA?H ALBUMS I . Do l`l'lElII] Hip" Vol. 2, jun arrived. .vLV:v-u Dy uwx a pisaxu an . n. 1].. I'_:;,.I L nxun uIc1nUU1`UI, 30 cents J08! Four Copies and uplurda at 25 coma each. THE BIRLE (`.l.AS`.l Ann vnnvrmn u r our uupnus nnu upwnral at `JD 0011!! each. THE BIBLE GLASS AND YOUTFPS HAG- AZINE, published by the London Sunday-School Union. , 30 cents I year, or four Copies and upwnrdn at :5 anti each. [All the Numbers from Jdnugry on hand. JOHN HENDERSON, Prineeu Street. ' I _ WIZES, from Packet kind: to large Qua:-toe, holding 800 Pxcturu. Price: very much lower than ever sold before. Sept. 25. 5 -...-...-v.-- uuuuu-'nyylvVUu auu D care `E fully printed copies of the Short Form of Deed legnliued by Statute, for I810 11. the Daily News Oico. Statutory Hort- gsguusd other law form kept on hand. I. P. WHITE AS removed from his old Itsud, Ho. 22, to his new Pnmines, lo. 10, Prinuoutreet, where he now oora for Sale 60 Boxes ufBright Virginia Staking Tobacco of the parent uni Ohoicou Brsndu. I nnn D-..L.._.... Y --:I|,_m_ - 1 - - u uvnuuu I. uruuui. 1,000 Packages Lo:-ilhrd a Dutch and Yncht-M ing Club Smoking, and ne Cut Chewing To- bacco: ;ulno Lorillu.-Ya Snuia. 1869 D1A_?fs. A 18691 T TATUTORY DEEDS--Approved and . carefully l1.'.~....... ..4' n.....: :.....::.....a I..- a .... ._ .__ _,., W H I s_I E Y s. BOTTLED mus AND Pom-En. nomssnc -i:|aAns AND Sept. 23.` _Sept. 9. -Is Ivl-I6 Snup March 9, 1.868. UDUHUH '. Kingston, Oct. 2, 1889. Kingston, Oct. 15, 1868. n1r.NnEasdN*s BO0K 31031:. ~ nnvun-an un~I'r--. FFIOE JOURNALS for next year (Onntdhn Innuhctured) for sale at -uI`aIvGIvVI\ll'\ OE In WEE nes: Varnish for Stove Pipes, Grater, - Chimney Oornioes, Dumb Stovel, and.a.1l )n War? 7 BR]iNsiiiI"ciE "I 331. `HR npnl: Vn-nigh (mu glnrg `D1--. 11.. 71. D .~1.V[J COL NOW ON HAND AT IIENl)EBBON :5 BO0KS'l'0BE. `ElW!WE%% E- H. PARKER rt . n rrvnan v.-..-.--.__ A1 .1. .I. Made as good an new by using ._-_....r__. .. -rvI(.-- -upuuanzg PRINCESS STREET. Fresh supply of Kinglakdl Crimes,` mu an-iv:-A REMQVAL. `MARKET sciuzum. 8.1 . WIITB, \ Tobacconist. .\1t5:I1 uunuIuncLI:I:I' pnou suntan necoptshle tsnnl. MELODEONSand HARIlONIUH8.ofPriuce 1 and Manon : and Hamlin : nuke on hand, or nap-1 plied to order. , EDWARD STACEY. Sept. 28. 1-:- E EDS. MORTGAGES. MINING IFEABES. DISTRESS WARRLNTS. BU BPGNA8. SUKKONSHS. NOTICE OF EXAMINATION. NOTICE TO ADIIIT. NOTICE on TRIAL. NOTICE 1'0 PRODUCE. STATUTORY Lusxcs, kc. [nun 'n'nmv1n-n-u... Tan: mms mnxr smrr1v LI snwnm uoaum took uaenm P1-in ms nu...` fracturing Sewing Machine, Illd thelinc `P113 as I lunily Sewing Inching at the New Yogi State Fain-,1: Bochouter, Eopt. 1Icc,%beaid a numeronu County Prizes; 1110 took tho! Fifi! Ptine at 5 Manufacturing Ilaehino at ttdcomly of Frontenac Exhibition, In Oqntnl Palace. Kinguon, 1868. This `u now the but l{`nnnfuc1u1-ing.I\n'o|iu in the World, and With lavanl net nnfnni-2.4] -., . u uw ma non unnntlcturingluoliu VYo:d',l, seven! new pateufed M- tschmentl, it is lccund to none as Family Sewing Machine. - Every Hnchiu warranted for one year, I mad with cut. * Repairing of Sewing llnchinu until} done all on: Sula Room. ' i Danble rened Sewinflnchine Oil, and Sew- ing Ihehine Noodle: of All kind: fotnle. Agent: wanted in every County. App} to Inhnnn n. .-in ____.:__._._.j_____..._._._. MUSIC AN_I_) PIANGEL - vun uuueruguea beg: to Inform his friomlj and the public that in has on had I in Iolection of ' SHEET MUSIC ,___.--.....-. -I.I'.I.\JlJ1.\J. and thnt all orders will mo.-at-with prompt II-I unllon. Having also undo an arrsngeuonluith A. In S. NQRDHEIMEB, of Toronto, for in Agency, he will keep on hand I`l,l'IlY\JI'IJl_K I H (1 _` of Steinwny, Ghickering, Dunbnn, and othog good and relinble makers, which he om-rn ac manufacturers prices and an nccoptnbla l`3|'lI1I. MELODEONS and HAR.IlDNltnm...r 1:-.:..--_ . not ordered on -:-- THE underlignod beg: to Inform { -AI-..4:-.. -2 UR Goal is Pun Lackuvans, being mined in the Very butt of the Lacklwlul Valley, Scranton, Pittston, and Wilkes Bu-re, fxani the but uolected mines, and is prepuod with gross care gxpreuly for Family use, And will bu urumd and delivered in the but possible mn- dition. n___ __.,,_ . - -, - - - , , ___.--, _..-. an In.I7P-lUI.I Wll KITS Best selected Sq Coal for [rates constantly on hand, alto Lehi and Bloubarg for Blackamitha. Term: nch n.1:.......A :- ----- - ' -' gh Lump for Foundry use ' auu DIDIIDGFE [0 Terms Cash. city. HoEiferson s Bookstore`. NEW EOOKS. EN N Y&ON S POEMS, chap edition, only 40 cents. The Spanish Gipiy, by Geo. Eliot. Life of Las Canal ; the Apostle of the Indie . The Henniu-(Vol. 2 of the Sundny Libnr_y).;, Rogers Political Economy; ` Mus Henna : Poems, new English edition. The Cave Method of Drawing. . New Temncrnnoe Sana Rmln n..:.o:....- L- a.uc uave melnou OI urunng. Tempcrnnoq, Song Books, Recitation kc. Adventures of n Strolling Player. New Edition: of Gait : Ann]: of the Paris]: and tho Pnmmu uvw nuuluuu oz uura Anlllll of the Par`; . and tho Pwvost. ' Family Christian Allhansc for 1869. New English and American Norah. George Fox, the Friends nd early Baptists. Home D Art.hur, new tion. ` up a_-_:I., n. . - ._. --nu, us. :1 win Ilvllo `VI\Vf:`B. Specinl to Students. Largo numly of Note Books, Text Books, and Iisoallanoolu Sm- tionery CHEAP. ` in nu *l:ruu-1\-Inna.-`.- EA.SES-Forma of Lease: nnd;_ descriptions of Law Printing kc] stock at tho Daily News Oce. 1! description of painting done to order. Cl I IJC Bonn 11d. SINGLE COPIES of the DAILY, 2 NEW: may be hnd at the counter of the publicnion olce, Princoaaureet, prleo ~;.u.1n.I 11 IU IUUH r'm1sNl_,)S.--"_I`Eu.. D Cnuoxucnn um Nxwn is pnbnluid every Friday morning. and contains nlltb` news of the week. For Fifty Coma, pikh in advance, you may send it to your Iris.-nd|.~ for three months at the reduced nues. of postage. For One Dollar it may Ive uuqr six months. Single copies, price Five Ccnts, may be had at the Daily New ometgd Princeso Street. ' = 1863, con. 1868. .-...-uurnulln IIIIHI. ll 0l!lce-t. Lawrence Wharf, Foot of Johnson Street; 1* \, uuuuuuuaua uluy ue omnmeal -It mo`- Duu NEW! 01110:. _Orders by Q3?!` promptly Attended to. Devices fur any description of Orange printing krpuaur. hand at the Dan! Haws urrnuc PBIIIIIO Hour. T0 ARRIVE lj A FEW DAYS-- SHELL OYSTERS, NEW LABRADOR HERBIHG. AND NEW HACKEREL Sept. Soptmnbor 1. Oct. 14, um. " it KKILIOIJJII 3 ` _e pm,-uniar] 0| or Culnpl ace C on: pr-916': __Oc1.ober 21,1868. Oct 18, 1568-* EXTBAlIll0|N_A_I_I]|. em 2" l:'.| October 19. Oct. 23. wnnxnapnanm TINNYBON, '[.(`Hl(T ......--an uuuvn IIIII ' room, All for onus D0141-AB.` At IIENDEBSOPE BOGKBTOJIE. PBINOISB BTRIIT. I Octobnr 19. musn n.u.'rfi'6|m otsnns. . ms-r nnonwnn A11 I.` ("'1 `l`n1%1-`rug \END IT T ` F`-nn run:-on-u .- PEANU u I`\'l x 'RANGE CERTIFICATES and Bumfnnmun mnv In nl-.o-.....I -5 5 uvnu I Jill A); 1+f. "s ." REES . jg-- |.uxJ.1\1.|'4 \J1IaI\l.l..l.` IUAIIJD and IJCK summonses may be obtained -at 1 [.7 NIEWI. niilnw (`I-tin-M |- 5- th: NEWI that ha `land .4 .t.- --.- PEI!-(CBS-S` srmn-. 0Ys1__`_1;:Rs 1 NUMBER 26. : nnlclalnunl. Delivered in any portal Ibo JAMES SWIFT 8 00. .' I68. "6} rGvnLLBw, and "DH ___________ T YOUR FRIENDs.`.-_1-hm is i.nhI`iaI.ur JOHN HBNDIIBBOH. Jonmxnrdo. Lot Pariqli, .&c.8a.' . "ex; % oroome SL, ;_othcra Inns` 2.. \_ \_,u_l..-....- 11591110111 . 46 A i'ri1i:i`i Ix inusta L roome St. I 1 A ' :1 : nun- Le for 51" r every n _ I K very Turf: nu: ": r P 3: 1;? v...r..-nl OI icamboltq `P .11` .-.. `ll: ...,\.... \I'I you.-.u w uu: fall]! lL()yl :1 foot, and enter: the famous ' Freres Pro- encanx.` "She is shnyl alone, always teased in blnck, and deeply veiled; she car: no ornnments to attract Attention, 0 iewpln Invn nun hnnnrifnl hlanlr ..-....I- 2, ur -.unc: u: I Luca III Ippneu lu, In!) EIIUI no ulvl not `lawfully interfere. Honey wu than oely med, and lb! help of one of the en} mar- al: obtained, when Mills was bnndcued Ind ken on board an Arneriuu Icboonerjasubuut sun. It in outed tlnt the men was fright- lly Ill-uled by the oicerl. The American Consul at Lnrnics, Cyprus, as made, by the aid of a peasant, an im- eusely va.luab!e discovery of Phmnicinn nrl Greek antiquitf in an ancient Greek urial place at the vliof Deli, the site of rlalium. once the capital of the kingdom. he surlucc of the burial place is described from Ieven to eight acres, the Greek raves being some three feet deep, but ha.v- 3 six or seven feet bc-Imv them I stratum f Phuxnicisn tombs of stuns, nud*oven- haped. In these were found vases, stun- '.".3j8We1Iy of gold and silver, precious tones. coins, weapons end armour, house- old and table utensils, ornaments of vari- uq klmln Rm 1-,. .1... ...|....:_ _. 44:. ,.z vnxn nu`: LDU no utensils, ornaments of van- us kinds, &.c., &c., the whole constituting us: of the most. inntrucfwe recoveries for my a day. A Paris paper says : Every year, on the tune day, at the same hour, A beautiful wo- au of about 35 come: no the Palais Royal foot, fsmoug Frown: Dr... vali uu Uiululcuul LU nurnct Attention, ojewels save two beautiful black pearls in er ears. Without saying a. word to any me, she wsllrs quickly up the stairs and ntcrs the privste room No. 4. The pro- rielor of the establishment, who knows er ways, orders liar dinner, consisting 3]- anys of the some dishes. Thole are 811 lwecl upon the table at the same time, and he mysterious lady is left to herself for bout two hours. No bill is msde out; the nknowu visitor leaves one of her pearl ear "ago in syment. For twelve years, we re told. a e has come thus, Ilwsys melan- lioly-looking, always dressed in black. ho can she be? The waiters hue sur~ med hot ' In Princouo aux Perla. " ___)_- ._.____._ Considerable reduction: are about 5 be made the French armv. Ton nix montha furlough!` 1' company hue just been issued ; and are to, followed, we best, by other measures of 9.` ilnr chnracmr. Those who penis: in their`! lieflhll the Emperor has been meditating an ' lro-French campaign sgtinu Prussia. and V ' with Spanish lroopl holding R.omo,1will ` courne cousidor mm the collnpse of tho ha: i urbou monarchy bu noceuitued the post- uemont of warlike projocu. Much seuulion has been cnuocd at St. John! the forcible Abduction by lfuilod Sires um. axis of; man unmed Hills. The run: ind been rlinnul 6'... an..- ;\l'.-.... .-.-l --n -- I. --. nus U: n luau unu.|tu ull. I U? IIIIII H111 dicled for some offence and on 2` " art} il Not appearing when want: :, h-c- are net to work, who traom - '- 1. J b0 Chief of Prtlice wu npplied ro, whn uic 111:! nm laufulr lnlgrf-rn ll.-um: -.- In4li-_-:ging out the foundation for .-`me cw buildings in the Place de in Bastille, tuned It the entrance of the Rue Saint M ntoinez` some interesting discoveries have en made. Massive blocks of solid U1R.~Of]- have been come upon, which no duulxt` longed to the ancient fortress that stood n this site. the rs: stone of which was id by Hugues Ambriot, prevot of Paris, the 'l`2d of April, 1370. Originally the aatille Saint Antoine had but two towers. t two others were soon afterwards add I; and the edice was still further enlarg- in the reigns of Charles VI. and Henry The Bastille, which was raised for the rpose of protecting the capital from the tack: of the Bourguignons and the Eng- h, afterward served the purposes of in te prison. Henry IV. deposited there r safety the royal treasury; and Sully is us, in his `Memoirs, "that about the or 1610 the King hsd stowed away in: e vaults of the building 15,878,000 in` in, besides l0,000,000 put aside as 1:3 ing fund. Some passages, steps and lie almost perfect, have $een met with; d among other remains of past ages a` e cannon has turned up, which shows` t the boasted invention of modern times : not new, but dated some ve hundred` are I-uck. The progress of the ex ` vations. which are constantly bringing; i e interestinu object to light, is watched _th greet curiosity by the Pnrisians, whoi ily surrounded the place in large num- ,l'l The Pnril correspondent of the In Pu.:1..'l Ill`: ` .-\'I`l'F..\IP FED AS." AS."?INATIUN ('l|l{I.`1[`Ul`1ll"Zli l`LLl..\l.\.\'. Tlll 1is1).{\9 HI-I`~?1:.VlNU. URI)! RELICS OF THE PAST VUI.U.\lF. XVIII. `it. GI): Daily Nuns. any on lorv iron l'L~IVV1 John. ' L , ` 1* J-`Val L \_lL `LII Y |JI.UlLk11J-\-1. '10 L amusing at times to riserve the stores of the merchants who don`t adver- tisc; to see the anxious proprietors look- inlr infn Hun an-nntn nnrl man the nnnnh: an .....-, .u um.-.. uuu uuAI\)uJ |.u\.|_un.,uIuu Avun ing into the streets and see the people go by, wondering why they don't. come in, while the stores oftheirueighboura who do advertise are Lhronged with customers. Snme people will learn by observation, others will nnt.-Dal3/ Palladium. [IE CIRCULATION of the DAILY NEWS is fully I-ne-half larger than that of any other daily journal published in Kingston. The circulation of the old established weekly CHRONICLE AND NEW: is also greater than any other weekly pub- lished in the county. Advertisers will perceive that these journal! are the best media for attracting public attention in this loaslity. TEAM PRINTING HOUSE, Princess L Strcet, Kingston. Printing of all `kinds at the DAILY NEWI STEAM PRINT . II __._ - `H`Ki.Al.. S VEGETABLE SIGILJAN I I`liI|[iI'L`I'I GRAY HAIR AND RALUNESSW ` The use of HAI.L'S '\'F.GET_-XRLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER Phllosoplly of Marriage. l A new Course of Lectures, all delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy embracing the isubjects-_-lEIow to live and what to live for ;| Youth, Maturity, and old Age; Manhood gener- ally reviewed; The cause of indignation; Fla.tu- lence and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Mar- l riage philosophically considered, &c., the. Pocket l volumes containing these Lectures, will be for- wm-ded post-paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by ad- l 1 ...-u-unnn--..nxr u,_ u,_1, |L__,.___ u... 1,... '7-.- -... ........I . _. _- .,`_-_, `Cd hi Jdrosaing SECRETARY, New York Museum ;of Anatomy and Science, 618 Broadway, New iYork," _. `Book. Job. In-ware oi imitations of Hunt`: Empire Hair Gloss. hr. Coll;y s Pills sold by all Druggiats. Jacobs` Rheumatic Liquid Uures Lame- HPQQ .n_ K/L-nu.I\J .4. I liulo sum-rer upon it: `there is no mistake about it. There is not I `mmher on the ne of the south who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will ` regulate the bowuls, an} give real to the mother _ and rumrnnd health to the child, opmnng muf -\\ ___-_ I ` magic. It Is perfectly safe to use `in all cases, ` and Neaeanl lo the mus, and is the prescription of` one of the oldest ui best female physicians. and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents. Sold everywhere. YI, 4,,, ._.I __II IA- I)V`VERTlSEMEh- TS for the DAILY Nlfls A inwnded to appear 1110 me '"`8a should be sent. in at. 3.: early an hour In the day I as possible. Hrs \VlnsIo\v s Soothing Syrup," having the _r'ac-aimila of " Cums 8 Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All other: are base 111-] Law! an xund Ur` '1'11'1<: 11A\us i` been added to the DAILY Nnzws Jon PRINTING Orv-xcz. Our two Steam Presses and Automatic Platen Printing Machin- ery enable usto turn out work in ood Iyle, with quick deapatch, and at e up nun. Inquiry solicited. l-. u:, Iva:-u 1.1111011 UCHPHLC Inquiry solicited. IIr\IA_\ Plnu II\.nII_v ljllai-1'\(`u` ulnl IIIIS l'L`Lll UUIISU thoroughly rnple-nisln-Ll and !'urnishnd_ making it. in all its Appointments, equal lo any hotel in` the counlrv. -1~..u .1. mm... n;u:,...: n.\,...`. '....I r`..s.. .. LUU ('UU'lI|l';\' . 1 p '1`:-lv graph Umce, Billiard Rooms, and Cafe on ` the lirst oor. I \ I II`WI'lG nun : 1. Gnu wlmm-rs: Iouncrs 22 mothers! 2! I 1 u, , :_,,, .v-uun-1--o u-v--v-_.- .-.__.-_--__--- ! Are ynu dislutbed M. night and broken or your ` : rest by 8 six-K4-hild aur c-ring and crying with the I 4o.\cruc`.& pain of cutting teeth I If so, go at` once and get a bottle of Mrs WI.\ SLOW'S SUO'I`llI.\'G S`1'R['P. 1: wili n-lveve the poor; l{`FI~`l:l/(ST; UF ADVERTISIN_rG.--It. is A aln116-rincr at timpq tn nTinr=rw=. the Aug 0. \lIL \..`._, .V_---. Be aure_und call for qEW STYLES OF` TYPE HAVE hem-1 ("r`.n(I o.` u.. n..... xr.....- 1-- special Notices. AMERICAN Ilovsl`-:, rzosrmz, MASS, J36 ilu BalcIIcIor s Hair Dye. I splendid Hair Dye is the best in the ; the only true and perfect Dye ; hannleas, e, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ous tlnla; remedies the ill effects of bad iuvigorauas and leaves the Hair soft and Val black or brown, Sold by all Druggiste exfumers; and properly applied at Batche- Vig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New Tlccorcvu Essence of Life, My un-'1vae3tim1al)1e and absolute remedy rvousness, Dehiiily, and Resworation to uni. The medicine, taken for four wegks. 4 certain as wmr-r quencbes thirst. Sold M on $3 (in gold), or four times the quan- $L~. To be had from the Agent, E. BAYLIS, A uh lI-._...l L'n__-. \Y..- 'V'-_I_ A B publhbod Ivery lawful 075% Doilnn per uanum, pnyfbb 5* Subocntcrs who recexve lbclr are chnrged Five Dolhn. v T ..A (`annulus zuul ( `oldl. II. l). 1lLdI-J, 38 Bond Street, New Yot. LEWIS RICE & SON, Proprietorl. thv Hair sent free by n v._ .`iu.shun, N H , Prop: 5.1.5.. | natural colour and promme `New England, the Travelling 1vnn3nnr-no mum- KINGSTON. (CANADA). THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 5, 1868. ulrecuons ror lISe,u1et,anu auvnce, accompany Females in every period of life, from infancy` to extreme old age, will nd it a remedy to aid nature in the discharge of its functions. Strength is the glury of manhood and woman- bood. having received the indorsement of the most pro- minent physicians in the United States, is now on : red to alicted hnmnnity es in certain cure for the following diseues and symptoms, from whatever csuse originating: General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecility, De- termination of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability, Restless- noss and Sleeplessness at Night, Absence of llnsonlsr Eicienoy, Loss of Appetite, Dyspep- sia, Emacietion, Low Spirits, Disorgsnintion or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Pel- pitation of the Heart, and, in feet, all the con- coinitante of e. Nervous and Dehilitated state of the system. To insure the genuine, cut this out. Ask for HELllBOLD S. Toke no other. Sold by sll Drnggists and Dealers everywhere. Price 51,25 per bottle, or six bottles for $6,60. Delivered to any address. Describe the symp- toms in all communications. Address H. T. HELHBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, N.Y. Nona urn nnvnsis-an nn`nnn Ann; -- In no..-` 8 published every Friday Inonlh` um: the New: 0! the week. 13 large Amount ! reading, And 5 '1' D Han ' in E ' ."......;"'...22.`. .`.".'...u-u