Pf'[.lCATl.\' will be mare to the next : Session or the Legialmure, fur an Act to enable Lady Smith, the Execulrix of the last` Will and Testament ofthe late Sir Henry Smith. of Kingston, deceased, to manage, conlrol, dil- pme of, convey the real estate of the Testator, to declare the intention, opernlion, and affect of the said Will, and for other purposes connected therewith. -p;_____,,, n.. n .. . . unuuncu nugtu 31 Post nld Fmlscap. New Series of S 1 . _ _ . . . .. I1`...,,' .._--- , FEW PERMANENT BOARDERS can be accommodtted run application at the "BUR- NETT HUCEE. Terms rusonable. Kingston. Una, Nov. 4, I868. V u.-~.-qr. -.\-'i3ii.-b`~.:ries School Bool-;s-Readers, Dic- tionaries, Histories, Copy Books. Latin and Greek Grammars, &C. Cheap Family Bibles and Pocket Bibles, the greatest slack in the city. Prayer Banka, Psalm Books. Dioceann Hymn Books, and Wesleyan Hymn Books. BlblPS with Scotch Version of Palms, White and Gilt Bindings, very superior editions. Toy Books, Albums, Violin Stringl, Sheet Music all Music Books. Pianos and Melodeons by the best linkers, Sunday School Libraries. Reward and Card: of Merit. non. nu..- y order. 15. PARENT, W. F. COFFIN, Under Secy. of State. Urd, Lands Agent, Department of the Secretary of State, Ottawa. Ottawa, 6th October, 1868. M ` THE Corporation of the City of Kingston will apply to the Legislative Assembly of On- tario at its next. sitting for an Act to enable thn laid Corporation to Sell and Convey the part Of the South Side of the Market Square, City of Kingston, now built upon, viz., West of the Property of John Breden, Esq.,and also TOWD Lot. Numbers 423, 424, 429, and 430. lying between Ordnance nod Bay Streets, City of Kingston. All persons are requested to ink: notice. It 111' AlVAl'IA\V 11-. run I `All [.184 At the CITY BOTOK STORE. -u nmumu uuruuzs o 12 I Nraws may be had at 1 the publication oice, Princes [Erna n-u.......,. IATEC uu: puuncauor three coppers. ....uun -.,n.n1u<`1UA'1`b.`S and Lodge U summonses may be obtained at the DAILY Nnwn OFFICE- Orders by mail promptly attended to. Devices for every description of Orange printing kept on hnnd at the DAILY NEWS Smut Pxun-urn Hour. Nov 5. uxuzvvnu. Ringstr-n.2`.!nd().vtober,1863. POCKET DIARIES for 1869 of all sorts and iies for sale hv JOHN CREIGHTON. Kingston, 3rd November, 1868. ORDNANCE LAN D3, I IiES(IOTT- JTUS 2 nnd~1, Wellington Terrace. Immedi- ute posseuiou. [nunir-n rd` _-1..`....... .9 nun: uuu.n.w. "uni. FLANAGAN, Oi_ty Clerk. Kingston, June 16, 1868. l)l1.v`;_ A 1-In suick r (3 Pan, Input, 3-`! ll] N AS~'UR.THE.\'T of V9 sin-II- ,-.l lI_._t_.L, :- GREAT assortment of new and choice Books L and Strut onery, elegant and faabiounblg V0. DOVODSIHYE GUI Tn:-rnunrin .nzl P .a'__-a `HE PATENT SELF-CLOSING POCKET DlARYju3t received Thur.-`dun. Ilw I9lh Iualnnl. nu \'uLg1('..1L U! 79!` sisling of Hyacinths, fun I1 I-a l 8 (S `J. POCKET DIARIES. %__ TANTED. n well-edgcated young man an Apprentice. Apply to OTTO MEVES, `Her. Princess Street. |rA ,(-, -, ,, RANGE CERTIFICATES and Lodge M IIIPLV ha nhfninna nlr rhn m'l`l'I.II`S, A um!-31w . NVARCISSVS, tunln Ira lI\.;!, V' A I rvceived and for sale by I2 H P: .v-, us I 111513`), New Winca_y|_ New Hosiery. New Fancy Wool Goodl. Nu! Gray and White Ooumln hew Dnchvu Kid Gloru. . Now Josephine ma onmn every pnir Iurrtnted. ` Specisl nucntion il called to 031' of FLANNELS, BLANKET8, C MASK:-5,`1'ABLl L1NINS,n.nd '1' __. KINS. ' . `A___ n, - A`------ ' *4 SfI:`IGL_E/COPIES of the um ? NR1\'u rnnw hr. 1.-.: -L .|._ __.__._ _ -1" Emmi. BOARDING. NOT 1 C E. -Jun. uun_,, cu-gnu; and mamounble nshire Gilt, 'I`Lrqunde,and Gutfered dged Note Paper and Envelopes; Jwlscap. ' T0 RENT. --.. \/\/A AL.I\J u: but: Llnlul any the counter of l Princess street, price In sum U] E. H. PARKER I":-.....-.7... n. Vnngrrgntionnl Church ual SHIRER in the Uity ve-r_r choir-9 Bulbs con- fur Home and Border J J LINTDN, Agent. Macnee J .1 nI'\Eal1., Druggist 36., Market Squirt. w. unnunl, 80 King Street. urn advertise- Ill) { 60 Rm:-I5 XXX Pastry FLOUR, 1 we 1m-rm Family I-`[,Hl'lL, " Cheap for Cash It H0 50 Tuna Full Wheat BRAN, 10 Tons SHORTS, u'..;.:...- r-- .- i -- ALSO, A large assortment of new Toy Books, Gift Books, and Bound Novel: in Fancy Bindings, just received and for Isle at very low price: (From the Market Square, }IAS just openod I! SALOON in Brock Strut, next door to C. Livingston, and will hop `on hand his uuual stock of WINES and LI- QUORS. A u.\vu.. -...____ 3 Fmssu, Fniagfhoi. Jwnlll. I forget NE W FALL V]-HE Subscribers hue received instructions from '1`. JAMES CLAXTON & C0_1o Sell at the Store, Nos. 286 Ind 288 St. Paul Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th November, and two following days, the Extensive . ---- -r- ---a v-V-"--I formerly b4-longing to the Esllle of DESMAR- PEAU, JUDOIN & CO., forming a complete :5- aortment of Goods required in the Wholesale Trade. fofming A very General Aliortment suited to l the Suuon. Consignments of TWEEDS, ETOFFES, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YARNS and E0- SIERY. Partiaa desirous of purchasing Goodl will nd this an excellent opportunity, as the Sale will Amount to over $150,000, and the whole to be sold without any reserve. I1_n-l-_..__ _`ll L, I 0 nut ulu an-uu Miinery Mantleu, water-r1roof,of the Latest Style. Two Millinerl Wanted. Oct. 27. vvumu uIucn!II11uvu.u|:ul wvu U6 mama. Sales of Dry Goods on Tuudnys, Thursdays and Saturdays at IU a.m.; and at 7 o'clock every Evening. Nov. 2. a ,. ..... .-.\.n.._y -no MORRISDNS, {:0 Sugnr-Cured HAMS and a lot of nice }lrenkf'naL HACUN upecled In-marrow at l4Il\r.`l'I~_`1Il"` MONTREAL. BY BENNING & BARSALOU. Now in Bond, and partly belonging to Bank- rupt Estates, the Cnntenll of 1`u1;1'Ru.~'. LUS1 } 2'25 Pat-gages Woollen, Silk. Cotton. .....I II._.._. 4u___n LIKEWISE, 4. ) packages assorted Linen Goods. j _--:--\J-J N./1\1\J_A2 Ever oered in Kinguon Al Ten per Cent `Less THAN CAN BE PURCHASED E;LsEwHERE. A ..II : . _ . . _ . _.A' 1|, _,|- -. ~ nu uu..n;I.lLAr41lJEID Ur.` DLDDUI 1. by Charles Lever. Mildred, by Georgiana M. Craig. The Mormsmnr-_ by Wilkiw Collins. Foul Play, &r.- kl-, F. WERNER, Auctioneer & Commission Merchant [:1 addition to the above, I. quantity of BLAN- KETS, FLANNEL3. WINCEYS, COTTONS, PRINTS, are ,&c., from their own Stock. SELLING OFF! SELLINGF OFF! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ASSOBTMENT _ ,,,, i_ _ -_vw-----.-5-4-1 -'blI-ll-I I" I-JIJIII-In A call is respectfully Iolicilnd u. -G. Ang1in's New Store, Wellington Street, two doors from the old stand. Il2I.l._`_-__ |l_..u._ - - - >' - E` Ccinaignmenta respeclfuily solicted,for Which Liberal Advances will be made. Q..I-. -0` n-- n,....a.. ._ -II.......I..-_ mL..-.:,- ,7 ju F.xl-nslvo and Unresorved bale ` mm. (ya:-smi the plnee 1 A rm;-J..- ...- _ D1%E__Aj[_Q90DS ` R. TOWN S No. 1 Fruit and `Oyster Depot, Fnrnnw nf l\n1--in -u-.3 l"'I..--...... Q.-.._4.- XX .\ an`d LCS Oyateri received daily by Express. TOWN is prepared to supply Country Mer- . chums with Baltimore and Fail-haven Dyl- lera, cheaper than any house in town. War- rnnled trash or no sale. On hand Sweet Cider y the gallon. Nov. 2. W I IULESA LE STOCK Bl CATALOGUE. N King Street, in this city. on Thursday last, a Cloak, which anyone nding and leaving at this oce will be suitably rowu-dad, Nov. 2. Freehold_Property.| ju WILL BE SOLD, by Audion, on FRIDAY, 7 November 27, Lot No. 1, situsted on Earl Street, better known Pa 3 p u-t of the Don- nelly Property, containing, by measurement, 66 feet front by 200 feet. in cepth, more or less. It will be offered en bloc or in separate lots. Terms, wenty-ve per cent Cash in Banknble Funds, ibe balance in seven annunl inualments, with lnterest at. nix per cent. ' wnr nan-Iinn1nI-H nnnlv In 11-..... `Y:-'l:-sad---'I- VNEWV N_OVELS. @;' Try Gardner : Baking Pow- der. `(:1 I-I.__.. A'1___1_-__-, g-4,4,; --, YIUUUZ int-I. 10th Iopuabc. II.`I I 18- Try Gan-duel-`n Cough Bo- medI .-lOe AdYO| |l.I9Il|0|1i- {VURN MEAL and OAT MEAL, 1f`.RAl`.Lwn uzunun _,,; 1'11:-u 3 November 3. -\ nu mru-nu nnu UA| MI`.4Al;' J `CRAB!-\I<]H WHEAT and WHEAT MEAL, R-waived at Bankrupt Stock of Dry Goods, , , ,._-... _..d .-........ Catalogues will be rudy four day: previous 0 the S916. Terms Liberal. Sale each day at TEKOX-lock. . .. . _.. __ ___ Oct. 30. .u Auul ou.\rr\1n, Waiting for the Money at Novemhr-r 4. Brock St., near the Market, Kingston, Ont. FERGUSON AL the JLCIUBL HI. Ill FIJI UULIL. For pnrliculsrs npply to Messrs Kirkpatrick : Sun. or Sale at 12 o'clock noon. October 30. `HE BRAMLEIGHS:-F BISHOPS FULLY, hv nhnrlpn Lnvnr J "7 '1' Corner of Ontario and Clarence Streets. J on ii NEW MVA Ni IP_n.... THE DAILY NEW S---THURSDAY Lv1.N1NG. NOVEMBER 0. wsms! ovsm? AUCTI(_)_N SALE -_.. , nu u:uvE_V :-p.-oper mug Iuit cl J:-erfect E: u gtnnntoed. fzauuiwsz nun, _v\'| I` l1\J barrel of lhl.` ..u A nuldl LJIK (11. 3, I853. ` ` " `l'V\4\C\.I |l"[|lUI fl)`. HI. MURl'.lHI|N'S. ugh no nnrlhqunko has been ht-anl M 15, yr-1 Fl.(Jl':'{ has tumbled, If ynu hnr|'m'| nf II... In... -_.I ,1 _ CITY 13001L'sT(5RE, KIN G S '1' B E E '1`. CANADA GOODS. __.(_.`-.. 1.1-1`/ll,I.)-II`, ' and Lien Goods, 301. ;\l()RRISON. ur Htorn. ) . .. \Au\41- ' Egg-NNING 8 BARSALOU. LOST. J GREESFIELD bujundvzced " { , DRY GOODS u . o'Iowa: \ _ _ A LSO AND I-IVIQ LHIHUIUU. II ynl] boat and rlmnpesl, don't JOHN CREIGHTUN. xnmmmimmanxa JOHN NEWMAN. Wu. MURRAY, A ru-finns-an MORRISONB. s'l.'1D HURRISLJNE. llu I.I.I.IuL1 J , Auction:-or. um. [HE GUODS have all been bill direct from the lending B83 Jr E$r.'.:.ah Mnrkeu, sud lhry 31'!` :oer grout xniucemelu to bu]"- .` New Dreu Goodl. ' New Emprnn Clolbn. New AH-Wool Reppu. . New Glace ud Gnu Grill New Hnnlle Velveto. N:-D \'..l --n..-- McDoneIl'a Red Flannel, In per yard McDonall s Hair Nels, Id each McDunell's Paper Collars, 4;d per dozen MCDQM-ll's Cloth Gloves, 15 3d per pair McDona}1`n Wines}: and Twendi, Md per yard McDonel1 s Unburgs and Mohair:-, Hui per yard McDonell'a French Merinoea, 23 per yard McDone|l'a Plnida. In per yard McDone]1's Black Lustre, lmd per yard 1: COURSE of Lectures, on 1 will be delivered during I venl gentlemen, on behalf of 1 James Church. "Fl... J2... .. ____-777 - WP`! UIILIIIZE \JLIU|ULI. I The rat to commence FRIDAY, November 6th, in St. George's Hall, with 1+ Lecture in il.' lustrntion of the literary and other associations connected with R:-nniah \T..:n....I I.*....,: .._.a .___._ _ _ V . . -- Truaty Porters in nttendnnce at Railroad Depot and Steamboat Lsudings. Oct. 28. nuulnnuuu u. um nucmny nuu otuer aasocmnona connected with Scotlish National Food and Dishes, by James Riddell, Esq. [ Tickets far the :-.nn1-an nrlmhrin- .. ......u-........ usaucu, u_y ulllllllfi Iuuuell, nsq` Tickets for the conrse, admitting a gentleman [ and two ladies, $1.50. Single tickets 25(-.., to be had at the Boukalores. Oct. 30. FALL SHOW ROOMS B1'e.'1kf'.'1. Sl1:L\v1.~x, S<)11t:xg'.~', E uunprcas l.;l')luI, r reucn Mennoes, Woolen I Plnids, Coburgs, and Winceys Woolen Shawls and Mautles Balmoral Skins and Skirtings Red, White, and Fancy Flannels Plain and Fancy Oanudinn Flnnnels Fulled Cloth and Canadian Tweeds Beavers, Pilou, Petershama, Witneys Plain and Fancy Seal, Grey and Black Lamb- Ikin .-\I.1.\\'UUL PLAi IIVIJ. Plain and Fancy Flnnnel Shirt: Gnnndian and Scotch Lamb`:-wool Under Shirt: and Drawers 7 onmmo srmam, KINGSTON, ommmo. R. R. Stephens. Proprietor. THURSDAY Evenimr, N0ve'1nher GEORGIA IVIINSTRELS,` rl1I]l:` nnnzun ar Atrn mnnnnn I \ HE GREAT SLAVE TROUPE, the only[ Band of genuine NEGRO MINSTRELS in the world, whose success has been beyond. pre- cedent in the annnls of Minstrelsy. l `I'_`-.-._.--I-l.._ _.-__ -_, ,- /1 - . _ . `AVE just received another supply of NEW 1 FALL GOODS, comprising all the New-` eat and most Fashionable Styles, and respectfully invite an inspection of the largest Lnd chenpeat stock of Dry Goodl in the city. The lollowinv area aw nf Hun I...-la...-. I:...... ...i IILU\.'n ux ur_v uvuul llil ule cuy. ' The following area few of the leading lines to which we call special attention: } l\__i1,,j_:_ n,,u~ .. v--- -- - - ..., __.. ..[....,.... I-utvuslvu , Dry Goods in Poplinettes, Railroad Cord, Reps Empress Cloths, French Merinoes, Woolen Plnidn, Cnhnraa -nri W:nr\nIva I ununumu uuu DCULLSLI 1.aEtTI1DB-W001 UDUBI Shirt! and Drawers Clouds, Sontagl, and Breakfast Shawls Children`: Wool Cups and Cashmere Hoods Hoop Skirts Ild Corsets Grey and White Cotton! Coloured and Mourning Prints Feather Tickinga and Striped Shirtinga Straw Tickings, Damask Covers, Diaper Towels Huck Towallings, Rolier Linen, Russian Crash Linen Danmsks, Stair Linen Red, White, and Blue Cotton Yarn Cotton and Lin.en,,Baga, Batting, and Wndding `D 117 A nhwv r o n First and only appearance in Kingston of the only original GREAT EX!-IIBl'1 ..- .....~-vu-J - IZgClLi'il;l%~_;I;\V and/ifqriginal I Magnicent orchestra and Full B11158 Baud. ! WAT(,`yIIi AND CLOCK MAKER, K I N G S T R E E T ,__..__. V;L;u1J \JJ_llJ\JI\.l3o A good supply of Materials or every description always RI-`.l`AlllS or all kinds carefully attended to. wn: SORN(l.T.dS;8;.DANcES. in u u 7 Iup\rIu`a\lI Ill BFIIIQEZI Excelled by none. Admission 25 cents ; Rearved Sent: 60 cent! Doors open at 7, commence at a qulrlar to 8. `I I Qrrrxrrrr nun IN 1 lb Packa.ges,1s 3d,unrivn.1led for puri- ty and cheapness. Depot and Mnnufantory, Notre Dame SL, Montreal. Wholesale orders solicited. Handsome Show Cards supplied. Also, GARDNEEVS DOMESTIC GOUGH RE- REDY," (trade mark secured), in bottleil 15 3d and 2s 6d each. A b_:-I :_ ..lI nI...L ` . . _ . . . . . A _ _ s .. ____- :5.- III-Ill IE UH CIUIJ. A trial in all that is necessary to prove its nlue as I. Cough Remedy." Thn hhnvn It-ulv nnnfnl nod vnlnnhln nrlinlnu VIII-IU D! I " KJULIKU ILlICU - The `above truly useful and nluable articles can be procured from Grocers, Druggisti. and General Dealers in all puma of the Dominion. Sole Proprietor, J RARDNER , , , n;|r.n1II,H1 U" nu; rI.I1$L.IG TO HIS STOCK OF English, Geneva, and American Watches, e;1AseoW"vi3"nsHous I-nor -T print-nu.` and Tall: _ . a . _ Q ._ .-..._- u--as AuIv!1!,Il5d each. Pnuuqae Hoop Skirts, .l 9d end. All Wool French Delmnes nu laid. `winch Factory Cotton, It 6M pt! I Pup-r Collar: 5! did nu hrw WANTED this: \!,__.._._|_,_ n DRY" GGGDS, T D V T DE` Oclober 21. Av. IVILLJJJJ. Kingston, October 16, 1868. October 31. GABDNEIVS BAKING POWDER. ,B:,)Y.APPFlL an Nov. 2. HOUSE AND 01`I5`ibi mnn nun... vnnnnu lflll November 2. ed 10 TN per ynrd : II :o is per-_nrd. an in L H per _urd :3 la La 61 ;1r_V|rd. ' French llermoel In. A Iplendad Lmeu U 5 mid per yard. .5 Linen Huck Touch, Lznen Glut Towels, Skim an -ru---uv IIl'IIIEIIvvu` Corner of Princess and Wellington Sts. BURNETT HtTuf `ARIO RT]?!-<`W'I` ITI\Ir1Q'I'*n\1' I'\\1mn' BEG?! TU EEWJWN TFcT_gREs. .-----ku .-nu-nu. A Programme replete with (FORT cneqfif uv --~-.--a'v --~.....5, -uu II uuulu R. WADDEL 8:. Co. lnrnlnap 1 R `I Inca ru`lDClJ rnctory COHC `Pnprr Md] `We hue I few more p com AND suvsn CHAINS, eumm, ac. I wt-nk. TRY THE CALL THE ATTENTION (W TH\.` PUBLIC TO DPIIUIUF, J. GARDNER, {Hmvni-Ir nlurl T '\_I1l.}l.I.V BIL`- ' Chemist anti Druggint, Notre Dame BL, Montnnl. .a Firslr-lass SALESMAN, and a. Strong, .. 1..-- _u. .u :1: 3. saowmcs, Agent. FOR SALE ` GROCERS _ -. -vnul q nut pun OI DIICK U Ierriceuble suit of Tweed. or I -At. any of which will be made but over tbnu the lowest, go to GRE -tfore purcbuni eloewbere. IN KINGSTON. Populnr Subjecls, the winter, by ae- ' the Funds of Sn. DRUGGIST S A LARGE ASSURTMENT OF $ NOW COMPLETE, and Stocked with ,Ski1't.~`, F]0\v}31'.~, I"e:Lf+l.1m'.~1, &(`.. Jae. McDo1ell | Bslmornl Skirting, 74d per yard Mc[)one11's Fnclory Cottous, 4d per yard McDoneH's 36-`inch White Cotloua, {Sid per yard ` Mcom-]|'5 Double Fold Ticking, 7d per yard .\lcDone1l`| White Funnel, 19 3d per yard McDonell`: Linen Towels, 5d each McDnm=1l u While Handkerchiefs, 3d each Mr-Dunelll-1 Table Linen, ls 101d per yard P-IcDonoH s Corsets, 25 6d each l Chaudiere. and Lake Ontario. `THE HOUSE now: WAD... ._ u __u- HE HOUSE now occupied by Mrs Onpuun T Walker, in Maple Row. Poasesaibn can be fgivon immediately, or on 1st November. Apply ; to MR5 WALKER, or FRASER I: GEORGE. 1 Sent. 14. TI1E 1000 Cheats and Halt` Cheats Tau, Greens, Jnpnns, nnd Blacks, New Crop. 100 Games Green Tea, 164 Bag: Mocha, Jan, Ceylon, and St. Do mingo Coffee: 60 Tierces English Crushed Sugar BO Hbds Burbndoes do 50 do Cuba do 400oxes do do 150 do Tobncco,Bln.ck10u 120 do do poundlumpa 260160 do Solace, and hi1"-pollndl, Anal: ....1 Iv-.-:..L; E Ex Tlmmes, Naplcr, E Per Brilisll Queen and `S000 450 1437` 100 _ -_... vy.....unu I 1500 Bbla C urrzmla , ,, 1. .... uu uu 70 Bbls Seedlesl do 100 Mr do do 20 Barrels Bunch Mnscnlel do 1000 Boxes Valencia do 1000 hlf u Figs 25 qr Chests Orange: 50 Lemons 50 Bales soft-shelled Almond: Fancy Dress Goods, gold at [H 71.3 nap van! -- 1- " ` I-n nnal NTENDING Purchasers of SEWING MA- CHINES are respectfully in red to cull and examine the LARGEST S CK of First Class Sewing Machines ever exhibited in the City, at Illhil l"lI-wntnI-n:rIAn-n9- ,-.. _. mu uvuaur, I dark and bright 150 Pugs Rice 700 Kegi Bi-Garb. Sod: 120 Bap Pepper 100 do Pimento 30 Bales Gloves 600 Boxes Button Blue, '75 um 20 Bbla Rape Oil 100 do Cod do 40 do Whale do 70 do Boiled Linseed do 50 do Vinegur 950 Jars Coleman`: Mustard Iznn DLI- n,,, - uni nu John Cunnlnglnallvs, King-street, Kingston. &`Pi-ices from $10 upwards. Special It- lemion given to repliring all kinds of Machines, Machine Needles, Oil, &c., nlwnyl on hnnd, 33` Exchnngea male on fnvounbla term: (Jet. 13. 105 hlf 563 qr Hn nLI- n ANTED Imrnedintely, I ' GROOII wbe thoroughly understands his business. None but. sober steady men need apply. A single man preferred. Apply to ."` 1! TD `lxnnnnrn - ENGLISH GRDGERIES, Sept. `.4. Kingston, 17th October, 1888. I New I .\'ov( 1 . Nov. 2, 1868. THE FOLLOWING (M003 1 t Boxes La * hlf 1 qr "" do do Boxes London Ln; Bunch M R hlf" do do _,u IN STORE AND LANDING, And 3. general sslortmenl. of Clly of Hamilton, Glcnbcrvle, llibern ian, UFFER TO THE TRADE an-. -.....-_:_.I L 1: Jonusrou . VI \RBI.I-I ALSO TO ARRIVE, FROM MALAGA, Layer Raisin: 5 u J. o.umu'r1i|ins & Go. , Smut BOY to gn with Parcels. `CLQCKS. NOTICE. Moravian, R. W. BARROW, 1n{;., Sobutopol Ton-nee, King Strut. W l NCEY 1 Layer Raisins I I'D v M. GAGE. I and 14! Deodara, Rock Cit y, Cleopatra, wuwwxieamwww h""'I>0I1ud|,i l{E.\lE)1BE] He-.Doue1l'u Prints, Gd per yard 1McDonell u Canndn. TWeedIr3l ed par ylrd ` McDnmll s Hoop Skirts, McDouell'LBalting, 6d McDonell a Wool Mumeru, 7|:d each McDonell's 36-inch Cnrpeling, In 3d per ysrd Mconel s Wool Shawls, 5: to 7| 6d 13 low each McDonell s Waterproof Cloth, 35 9d per yard Print: Canal : Twpeegdi 'Mt-rlnr-|n"|'I n D-n.._ .1 s 17 Pieces of the RAILWAY CORD, at 10}d a ; 28 Pieces NEW LION CORD, at Is 8. yard, in ....,1 ..n .n.- xv- m - so PIECES anovm AND BLACK vELvE'r:us. SONTAGS AND CLOUDS IN GREAT-VARIETY. % CANADIANJIADE BLANKETS on THE BEST QUALITI WATERPROOF TWEEDS LARGE ASSORTMENT LATEST NoVEL'r1I;s JUST necawen Rignwy ------- van`; 6 and all th-e-l:T-ew Materials. Our CANADIAN TWEEDS an the City. SH'EFlna`IELl) IIOUSE, 1J'lnIIT-_ ZEENPIBLDS LIVERPOOL tbs nln. on 2---- --.__ n-..-_. Steels, `Browns, and Bear : Ear shadeq. SILK VELVETS AND FRENCH MERIN_Q: YIIITFCV 1\Ar MIDNTREAL IIOUSE. ruuu; uu-anus ll] ELIIHCIB Vlflfy, very cheap, nnd pretty New Shadings in Cobm-gs, Lustl-e|,I Velveta sud Velveteen: Clotking Material, various style: Josephine and Dishes! Kid Glovel, and all colours, one dollar pot `I?-....u.-.1. n..-a_- - PERSONALLY selected by one of our Finn from the lending Han and the Continent, and presenting to the Cash Customer the ever oered in this city, and without exception the Cheapest. elnapo: buying only from first hen-is, we can eord to sell cheep. Black Glace and Gt-on Grain Silks Satin Ribbons, Betin Coloured Glace and Groa Grain: Ribbon Velvete, Sill Very handsome Fancy Silk: Jet and `Bugle Trim: Rich Moire Antique: end Poplin: ' Embroideriee, Ribbo French Merinol and Empress Cloths, choice Holiery, Gloves, em colnnrn . _ . ..... . . xsuuuu mcnuul Iluu nlllprll 'Ul0lIl3' colours Poplin: and Poplinettes, i grent variety Fancy Dresses in endless nriety, quit: very cheap. urettv - NEW REPPS AND ...... n Annnuua um rrezmoel on Prin- cess Street, lately occupiad by Hugh I`:-net, (who is retiring from business). Apply to lIl'TI:l Ian a nu - v-w ....u.u-;.;;.a I./1.3 J.\J .l.Jl`JL. HE Oommodioua and Well-tted STORE on the cotner of King nnd Princou Suoetl, lstely occupied by Hogan Ferguson 3 00. In- modinto poueulon given. Apply to- Jusy. 26. . J. IAWDIH, Iolioltor. ---- 10 THE PEBLIC AT Views and AN assortment of elegant mama and PASSEPARTOUT . Photographer : SHOW IEATT.-3, &c., &c., for sak- Always on band, a variety 6? Stereoscopic and Card Portraits of all sizes, and also View: of Raaideneea, S in the Lntelt Styles. A at very low prices. View: of places of intanstq Monuments, &c., carefully taken. I] III1I trn`nun....-. -_ In September, 1868. Octoer 31. all the Styles in Shawls, Oct. :3, 1868. November 9... `M "Wear. Ohea . ALL GOODS SOLD FOR READY MONEY ONLY. Kingston 51!: Sept, 1868. - * 1"'`i and all pulpiir English Scotch, and Canadian FANCY DRESS OR SALE OR TO LET. [WITH (1.-gm...-.A:....- -..a IIr-n A..-_u n-unnu- 4444:. `HE WAREHOUSE sud Premise! Prin. L OBGESIPEQL Inlnlu nu-nnimt hr t!....|.. n__--._ ..--..a, and all the NE} Svhades. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY` GQOIIS, |'NAI _'l_V nn`l-..o..A L- -_- _ .7-.uv3CJU : TAKEN BY H. HENDERSON. AND ON EXHIBITION 2:1` ms GALLERY. rw-r --v--`._..... A GREAT BARGAIN AT WILL BE OFFERED NEXT WEEK AT vuuuuu u1y|.e| I I9 best quality , pail- nlnh and n.......u-.. HUGH rmsnn, 01' runs YARKIB. FALL IMPORTATIONS ANOTHER CHAIRLES LARGE SIZED ARE NOW SHOWING THEIR PRINCESS STREET. JUS l`___B.EOBIV'lD AT THE .-.-u... J . quite new, 1, sad Wineeyl 478% - s, Mantles, Jackets, Clouds, Wool Hoods, F. GARDINER and BLANKETS are thy Cheapest. Q ,..-. Manufacturers of Great Brllnh o the chnlnant ..I...o:.... ..c n....|. AT THE Inc: 4: Wu! nutoal .- IQLL A_L_*I_... FEE OF RIGN EY & SLAVIN, IN IN ._._, -v. -an nun ll-5011. H. nnjniansoul Photographer. PRINCESS STREIT. IlcDono1l a Velveteen, 11 9d per yard McDonel1`s Brown Holland, `Md per yard McDonelI | Blankets, 6: 3d, II 9d, sud 10: McDonell a Blsck Beaver Glam, 5:: pen` yard McDone1l a Witney Cloth, 31 9d per yard McDonel1'a Glovel, Md per pair |lcDonelI a Stockings, ll 35 per pair IlcDonell'I Kid Gloves, 4: par pqir Bali: Ribbons, Drsss Trimmings, Buttons Silk Fringe, sud Tasssls n_nd Trimmings sud Ornsrnems Ribbons. Loco Goods, Flowers sud Fnncy Wool Goods ` - A splendid Stock of Plain and- Fancy Flnnoll and Blnkets at reduced prices Several hundred pieces Grey and White 0ottons,T chum ...u..;... uuuureu prose: array and White Gotten, cheap `Lace and Inalin Curtains , Damask sud Oloth Table Coven `Napkins, Towellingi, Tickingn, Shit-tings, with a very large assortment of House Furnish- ing Good: I `needs for Boys and Hen : hnnn WING to the exorbitant price of Barlogilho subscriber is obliged Io nine his AL 10 as and $10 per Bnml, according to quulity. GEO. W. omunn-I-mt ROI the px-e|nis;u of Ir Wnlhn. I BLACK. FAN-TAIL PIGEON. Any one remark; It will be handsomely rewarded. 00!. IL run buy READY-HADB CI: per xbm at the cheapest 1" `on: an the cizv GRIGOL '. yard. in Maroon Colour, Game t FANCY DRESSES bWll| III}. 00!. I4. . `W. U Frontenac Brewery, Kingston, October 15, 1868. __l__ _(_prtraits - __-. A.'.l-.-F-J.I.llJ.J. I \J.K .JTAMES DAVIS. WILSON S BUILDIN.GS. LY. BUT ONE PRICE MADE. :. & J. GARDINER. smvmss. vllu. 1 are still lower in] =ud:d Dunulr, half I Jer Inrd . www Wu 1xr:r?:uiwW; 5 Bntjn Trimniings, PW. Frinn-e. Ind Tumul- .5 uunuulllil.lII'Ul'U OI UIBII flll :r choicest selection of Good! (Importing our Goods direct, and `N0_T_1_c1:. 1 ALBUIB, yw `urine: PRINCESS STREET. "Is -I`-wrulng 10 quality. GEO. w. oamea-run. 3 tr: in-rv 3, CHAIN REPPS, BLANKETS! uutuumtwmmunlun n\\r\\\!|\+I!\V1H PRINCESS STREET. T0 nu reduction in pricl. __..--.4 .L4AV[llbl \J\./I1 see to leue your Order! WV hug suit Clothes, I' Bnnrnn 9.41 TI11qsTo1uB . nu: moans. A _. -.~.. I/11 U11!!- I more pairs of soils! z;."`..;; i Five once, g,ing'._r LOW P310` JAS. GREEK 0!` 5:, at 13 per 6d per yard, 9d per yurd, UP AVD _al Td each. .3: 54d each. .., . 0.4 ...L t of Black Ch `Y`_...: ._ - - Bar;-shin! London. um. ...uJ-,..._;, uuu says It. IS now abso- tely certain that the new Leginlnture ot the late in Republican by not less than 14 ajnrity, and probably 16 on joint. ballot, muting the choice of United States Sena- r for six years from 4th March next. cw Jersey has been carried against Grant. new York tactics, New York naturalnzr on certicates, and New York repeaters. Omaha. Nebrnkn. Nov. 5.-(`.nmn1..+.. .-.. -.. `.51.; uu-.-zucu, uuu Anon 1Ull\ l Cpe[ers_ Omaha, Nebrnka, Nov. 5.-Complete re- rna from eight cuuntiel in Nebraska. gfve Republican majority of2132, 1 Republican sin of 934. Return: from diarent parts f the State show Rop&blican gnin in same roporliun. The Republican majority can- OB fall short of 4,000. nI...n......|;.. xv..- mu r,- I` up unu uuuu. UI `1,UUU. _ ndmnapolis, Nov. 4.--Thirty-ve counhcs aye been heard from. 'l'hirt_v-one of them ive Republicm gnins of 3890. Grunt : ajority will be 11,000. Nashville, Nov. 4.-Tenueuee has gone r Grant by I reduced mnjority. Havana. Nov. 4.-The lhytien wu vu- la Paton and Balnavo hnve bombarded a port of Jeremio for three dsyo. Prui- ent Bnlnave commsndod in PIIIOB. Tho --u, nnu lag, DUB i ; Como}: 94$. Liverpool, Nov. 5, rT111`12s1~.i\` m7E{x1:,_ xmx sz question an nmendtneut I ch. which the house wil day. the 1511), when it is lion mil be carried by a la the H-muse will ajourn in: Monday. On the re-1 (House. the Premier will '-___vnatinu and that of his .. _ -- =---- _ -.-... Nlnistry. h a motion 1 erlxn, Nov. 4.-King William to-dny ned the session of the Prussian Diet h a speech from the throne; He said new rces of revenue were needed to provide beincreasedexpenditureoftliekingdom. rclntinnl of Prussia. with Ill foreign ers were uzisfactory and friendly. He d tbnt Spnin would suceed in indepen- tfy reconstituting her nilnirs on a t-Isis ch would render the future welfare of her ple secure. The King concluded by dc` ing than me wialica of Sovereigns, and popular craving for peace, would ensure cc, and should remove those groundless nf u-1.6.-1` ..`I..-.......- :- -_- -t`- ` FINANCIAL AND OOHMEROIAL. L"d"". NOV. 5, p.m.-Americnn secur IinI- I... 9*: _ D.._,I_ u... v RY BILLS. . - " '"` 'rr`*' `(ion of: new Cabinet. Berlm, 4.-King aris, Nov. 4.-La Patric says ind M1 ingame and the Chinese embassy will e in PArisinJanuary. They wilf make minions to open to foreign commerce ports on the interior waters of China; ave European consuls stationed at all ` ...---. .....__ t.L, 1-` ` ntestud elections in boroughs on the 17th, I in Counties It a. later date. The new lliament Will be summoned to meet on Ines-lay, the 9th of December, when the gezfs speech will be delivered. and the ._|,\r--. .1 ienna. Nov. -1.-II is w st urges a peaceful V Ieswig dispute. onrlon, Nov. 4.--The: .om]oh. Nov. 4.--The Pm: announces following programme as quasi uicinl : e dissolution of Parliament. will take ..u - .. , , . , _ _ . _ . _ .-.....u-H uuuuv Enuuuulcll of which advantage in too often taken he enemies of peace. .\-(n \'.... I T 7" ' ' `- I _____.- _ . _ . . V u -..-A as n|L grent cities of the Empire, and to send nese consuls to the priucipll cities of Inna El): Daily Ntws _..s... ..\.u. uuuu _\An Dennison will be F8-ElE`(`.[L'tl Speaker- bclieverl tbs: the House will be ready vcced to business by Monday, the 14:11 2c. The opposluon will probably move as l: to the Queen's rh. house will Llebntc unlil a_r_ 151b, it supposed the on large majority. adjourn until the fol. ng re-assembling of House. announce his nation colleagues in \I....:..__ It :1\ 1 . on the 11th inst. Bills, SHE LAST PA G E. the Ministrv A1`ABl.l`. \|:\u rgh, Nov. 4. .\Ir Jnh. 'l`I.l.l9.(iR.\il lI. ,__-- . . . . . .......uuun-u Id Mr Gladstone will full I to adjourn over for the In rd an opportunity for the! -. II.LI_ L nl pr securitiel l Bond: 741 ; Illinois Central L quiet. LL \ said that M. Van settlement of the esheriot London Iing, at which Mr the questions at light Hon. John alulnuulc U1 LUI in joint. (1 : 'nu-Ir n-o....-|,,._ ;n.Ii3i.. D LlDlI..L| 179 f0 \I`\,_- V ntested : ` HI! I\I.\ll nmmas Jl7S'l` RE ` GRF.ATns:=nrIment I L 1 Dove, Devonshire Coloured Edged ? [),-. ,_zr-,,u, 5 DUTCH uLas` EDIRECT FROM ROTTERDAM. %s1Acn's"Nw BooKm"E. !I0 Iil.\'(:`u STREET. 1 R ICEIVED F01! 1569. vcvvcu:-A. I `.\'or_ 4, pd "LJf|t`l