HI; 5 ` " N *1 Ws. ILL leave the St: Lawrence Wharf, foot 01 Johnson Street, for Toronldaud Hamilton, calling at intermediate pnrts (weather pennih 'imr`i. on TUESDAY AF'TERN ( )N Ihn ith ulllllus {IL ILILCLIUCUIPELU pnrua [WCHLIIET ])El'IIIll- Hug), on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, the 19th |Nov, nt SIX o'clock. I1`... I`) .... _. m:..I..... .......1_ -. .\__ .1:-, p I nu!` , IL DIA UCIUCRS. For Passage Tickets apply at the office of Folger and Broa., Ontario Street, or at the Lake and River Steamboat Ufce, bit. Lawrence Whnrf, foot of Johnson Street. I II 11 I'IlIf'1l'I ~ ILL leave the St. Lawrence wharf, foot 1 of Johnson Street, for MONTREAL, ` calling at intermediate porn, on WEDNESDAY ` MORNING next, the 11th of November, at six ` o'clock. | IT..- I ! . _ . _ _- H"?-I.-A- -.__I_. -1 `L- -1..- _l U UlU\i&- For Passage Ticket: spply at tho oice ufl i Folger and Broa., Ontario Street, or at the Lake ` `land River Steamboat Office, St. Lawrence i ` Wharf, foot of'Jobnaon Street. I ("V U IIINWVTS ` CAN`. J. Dummy, \ ILL leave Kingston for Oawepo Monday, Wednesday and Friday nenings, at 12 o`c ock. `D,\n.____ _:n *l--_- I'r9___.-_ e__ 115-.-- U LIUUKA Returning, will leave Kingston for Picton, Mill Point. and Bellevillo on Tuesday and Thun- day evenings, at 8 o'clock; Saturday: II 11 o`clock. For Freight or Passage npplj to JAS. SWIFT R CO., Go `I ..----1.. TI.-.-_I Kingston and CE Vincent Ferry. Connun Hmcnr . ~n., In-rln, V ILL leave Kingnton dull] (Blndnyo ox- vented). At 1:45 PM. on the arrival of the Grand Trunk Train: from the West. to meet the Train leaving Cape Vincent for Rome, Owego, &c., and the Northern Transportation Oompanfa Pro- pellers for Oswego and Western Ports. ' RETURNING I.II.llI.JLIAVLL`\." Will 19: Cape Vincent At 9.30 AM. on the arrival of the train from Rome Oswego, &c., meeting the Grand |Trunk Trains going East. and West, and the ` Bay of Quinta steamer. Fur I`:-ah-rl-ut nun nnnannn uni-11' in iha p'FIAF nn IIVIIITI PEI IDIIIIII @111 Ill " - Au:-ordQIox.hoP Kingston, Nov. 9, 1868 Kingston and Wolfe llsland Ferry. CHANGE or nouns. l(1om1ENc1N M0`f5o-.n', zen; instant, one .5 0L- 'IF-_.--u Qua.`-nun-n --:11 gnu run ..-..In-- . (-j`\lJlI.`JA`\JIL`\.I .II.\J&`IJlI' EIULIJ I-UI|Il|'UI-IO of the Ferry Steamers will run an under: Leave Kingston daily, Leave Wolfe Isfd daily, At 11:30 a. m. At 9 a..m. 3:30 pm. 1 pm. n,_ Ilr!|`rI\ AWL` rl!1'V1.1C|I'\ I 17:: L :1 Amnh I vf ...u.- 3a.... 011 MONDAYS, 'fUEsb.urs, & sA17i:}iDAYs, , 7 Ram '7-'10 nrn Kingston, Nov` 9, 1868. Klngsion anil Gananoqne Route. For Toronto and Hamilton. HE Steamer PIEER_EPONT, 0. Hinckley, Jr., Master, will run as under. LEAVE KINGSTON - On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 3:30 D M I-'m' LEAVE GANANOQUE. On Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdnyl, at 6 A M . }% Ta`~)1EW1I0_lV TREAL. .\\lb BL. ` Kingston, Apnl 20, 1868. DAILY BOAT For Bath Plcton and Bellevllle. I U]. QUIHKU IlCl:i|-I-ICF. For freight or passage apply to the Purur on nsu-ri nr tn UQLU1 UL IIU G. M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. Kingswn, Oct. 34th, 1868. -"-J "- V-----I Gurus FRANK Conn, ILL LEAVE THE ST. LAWRENCE WHARF`, foot of Johnson Street, for the above and intermediate ports. every day (Sun- days excepted) at FOU`R O'GLOUK, Rntnrnincr lnnvnn Rullnvilln avnrv mornintl I]! B}GB[)lu) It 1` UUII U uuuuu, Returning, leaves Belleville every morning (Sundays excepted) at SIX o'clock, n.m. Fnr rates of F1-sight and Passnze IDDII to lb! (uunanya excapleu) M: aux o'clock, l.m. For rates of Freight and Passage npply Captain on board; or to J. SWIFT 8 00., Freight Agontl. L I"! I3` `.|'I' 1' CAI. II Lllll, U Kingston, October 24, 1868. O. H. HATCH, Pnunger Agsnt nngmn, Agdl :0, ma. L 'Fc.>r Freight or Passage apply to Captain on nerd nr tn DAILY .\'L:ws] UIIUI UK EU G. M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brdck Street. Kiugal_.on, 24th Oct. 1868. ULIIJ Leave Kingston, 9:00 am. 1:15 pm. on MOKDAYS A5310 sAT'UKD1?S, ' 4 p.m. QTTKTIWA V TPTPQ ' On And after Monday, 2111 inst, rm: rruxn ~ CAPTAIN J. B. Funanllvlts. CIIANGE 0!` HOUR. THE ROYAL MAIL STEAMER SPARTA N, WATERT0 w N, ROCK ESTER I` . ._ I TI . -.._.._ TWO STEAK PBESSBQS C.u1. P. Fmuu, 7rHns1*sAunR Bay of Qulnle, .__.-_ `ll...-- 11--.. SUNDA`lL' TRIPS. ....-o.._ 1 I .....-_ TI EU `V E53611-I 1 SU RETURNING, nn Vin!-ant DULVUAL IIIIIID. ston, Leave Wolfe Island, I. ' 9:30 a. m. 1. 3 p.m. G. M. KINGHURN, Ferry Whnrf, foot Brock Street. wfnlwnr `)4 TQGQ RX). LYVVAI` L I `_/`.1. St. Lawreneo Whu-f. DQO Orb c.' H. HATCH, Agent: 1!: Eu O.H.HATCH, loom Luu, Agent. 5: TA BL1.~'H_vEN1'.4 `HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous 1 customers and friends that ho has removed from his old Stand, Princess Street, to Mr Ooy's Buildings, No. 24. Brock Street, directly opposite Mr Ranmge, watcbmaker, where he is prepared with an entire new Stock of Broad Cloths, Pilot nn] Beaver, Cnssirneres, Doeskins, Oun- sdian, EnglishjanvlSro1chTweeds,to make up to order on lhe shortest. notice, and in the most New and Fnahinnable Siyies. Has sis: on hand, made up under his own auperinIendence,a1nrge qunmily of Ready-mnde Clothing, which he can warrant and recommend, at prices as low as can he found in any establish- ment in Hm r-irv | Wll Family, dress at 1 Sept. 2 I WPLENDID Auortment of Tempernnce Sang Books with and without music; Reciution innd Dialogue Books; Band of Hope Melodies; ` Interesting Narratives ; Bound Volumes of Tem- iperancePcriodica15, and a. very large quantity of books having a re1igious, temperance and moral bearing. For Sale at. Remarkably Low Prices by John llnnderson, Princess Street. _...-.-..- -.-asp-.- -ya.--ac. .n.r.n.-c AND PRESERVE YOUR LEATHER. RANK MILLEFUS Celebrated Original and - Genuine Leather Preservative, and Water- Proof Oil Blscking. For Sale b y m nmvu-I: Tiuuame AN!) cmnuno ESTABLISHMENT. ODERN CAVALRY: its Organization, Ar- mament, and Employment in War. By Lieut.-Colonel George T. Deniaon, jun. For Sale ` PmVAf|-: 9ARmNc. ELLEVUE TERRACE, fronting on Cenlra 1% Struet, formerly occupied by Mr William erguson. Possession immediately. Lnnlv in D II DPIQW Butyric Ether, Carbonate of Lythia, Catholic Acid, Chromic Acid, Hydrosulphuret of Am- monia, Iodide of Arsenic, Persulphato of Iron, Sanguinarin, &c., sac. ll 1ITI I Il'IIn l'\I_-_.!_A. ____I 1'\__ _,,n,` mi um um; JI:uL Iu un: CH]. Cull and examine before purchasing, CHAS. LIVINGSTON. (`n..o.-.l..... D 1 oco October 8, 1868. ...__ . . , _...' ..... Ii. Chemist and Drugglst 4.2 PRINCESS STREET. Kingston, Oct. 26, 1868. SPECIAL AND IMPOHTKKT Norwicx T0 msu cusmonmxs. :7.%. !M1..<~ Dealer In Boots and shoes. No. 36 Princess Street, Kingston. -rm ~n~1r\1-um May 12. ESIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merous Customers for a liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS, Tn I-lnninrr Hia nnnnnnlu Fnr fhn Vunuf unnr .`nA Teeidtal Book Store! I74\|CIJLIlUS UVCI 1. IL` LLEIIEJI J IHILLELD, In closing his accounts for the `past year the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he Wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the most positive sense. Determined not to beontdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BUIJTS and SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remunemtive prices on strictly cash terms. ` Wnnni o.-Ir-nnnla rnnai lad nnhlm-1 :rI'IIrI'uA'.|r`:nI'1a_ .. .. . :` ..._,.,`_. . H... .\":1;cv*9 .n ?dn!orin1C0hlI-5'1` 43 :0 p.-ornate the pecuninr] I, r-."}2..rJ.ndua`I or Compnlli (Banks. Insurance Com (1 Lwrmrors, Ar!mDl1 .||1I ucknowledrmeutl of nnszdernd a 9` me sale and in tho lif- I...v..... UH BLIIUI-I] UIIELI |.Cl.I:Ll.=. Unpaid accounts must bei settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put in suit. I?` The nntrnnncra nf nah 1".natnmm-n nn- Oct. 29. 1:, ULUCXWISC LLICJ WIII UU PU`: ll] BUN-. 1 f` The patronage of Cash Customers ID- icited. T I IKHVQ 'I"l'l'\T\T (Kingston Marble Worksl 710 THE MEDICAL PROFF_1SION. GENERAL STONE YARD, BARBIE STREET, FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated L with Board and Lodging in a. Private Lnrwlinn Harri Hrrpar A nnlv f'..I- AR- October so. AINDIJIM AIIQL` LJJIIJI. LDLJIJIJ, KLUIJUIJICLIIB N of every material and design, Headstones of every size and style, Posts for Lot Enclosures, and Stone work of every description, promptly executed with the very best workmanship and at reasonable prices. References permitted to John Creighton, Esq., Edwin Chown, Esq., and Wm. Ford, J1-., Esq. I-..-.-.n:nn nf Etnr-E I-nnnnH'n1Tv aniinitn Near Court House. i.\'.\I., `IHE Subscriber can otfer a. new stock of IN- STRUMENTS, compriaing the following: POCKET CASES (assorted sizes). OBSTET FORCEPS. SPECULUMS. G. ELASTIC OATHETERS. SILVER " SILVER " (double). BUNTERJS INHALERS: CAUSTIO HOLDERS. HYPODERIIIG SYRINGES (very cheap). DISSECTING CASES._, VIAL GASES. TITRQEATITIFE I _ _ _ _ 1,1`; Unnx LU unuv u. qpuu,uuu I-U n:uu uu. LLII! security of Real Estate In the City or Goun- try at a low rate of Interest. No commission charged. B. M. ROSE. Anr 13 . KEEP YOUR FEET nnv RANGE CERTIFICATES and Lodge` Summonses may be obtained at the DAILY Nnws Oxnncn. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Devices for every description of Orange printing kept on hand at the Dun Nzwn Sum Pnxnnto Houu. JAM Kingutdn, 22nd January, 1868. I 1A\Ll \Jl.'I:L3I`4L3. PESSARIES (assorted). I'm. 1' am, 41"., nos-.1. Inspection of Stock respectfully solicited. Aug. 20, men. uurguu. April 23 JUST REc:-:Iv:6./ .lD\'[IR'l`l.i-ISG. ARBLE MANTELPIECES, Monumenfs A4`;-.w-an-v -|nnfnr;n'| ant} rlncicrn nnnufnnn Iu.u uuruu luu uuuglug Iu IL FTIVIILC Localiun, Barrie Street. Apply for ad- ; the [Jae/y News otce. 01 mums ANn"E11EMw4Ls_. FONEY TO LEND. $50,000 to lend on the mu-n1-Hv nf Rnal mfnfn in tho: nitv nr (L-nun- 71` KING STREET. JOHN OREIGHTON. .u1nu:n]_ Apply to R. M. ROSE, Oicial Assignee. AND T. DRIVER, III Y1_:___-. lJ(\I T IJIKT, I 21 Princess St. JAMIE 1 Princess Sxnet, JAMES HOPE. 1 D09 R. TAN DY. j N 1 lb Packnges,ls 3d ench,unrivu1ledfor puri-7 ty and cheapness. Depot and Mauufucloryf Nolre Dame SL, Montrenl. Wholasnla orders solicited. Handsome Show Cards supplied. Also. GARDNEIUS -` DOMESTIC DOUGH RE. REDY, (trade nnrk secured), in bottle: 1| 3d and 23 6d each. A o_:-I :- _I1 AL-A :_ ___.__ __i_ . . -._ uuu as uu CICU. A trial is all that is necessary fo prove its value as a Cough Remedy." ' The nhnva lrnlv nnnfnl and vnlnnhta nu-H:-Ina YIIIUIJ Eb! ll: " UUUKU ru:1neuy.' The above truly uleful and vnluable articles man be procured from Grocers, Druggiltl, and General Dealers in all parts of the Dominion. Sole Proprietor, 1 n A Dnuun DUTCH auLas DIRECT FROM ROTTEBDAM. LL Bill uulture. H LJLIIIIUUBI DI'C_"uH. 1,000 Packages L0l'iilal'd'I Eureka. nnd Yacht. in; Club Smoking, and ne Cut Chewing To- bueoe ;ulno Lorillnrd'| Snafu. LL Lu Lu: Haw 1 I.-unucu, nu. av, rnuucni Entree where he now out for Ssle 60 Boxes of Bright Virgini: Sn.-oking Tobacco of the parent and Cboiceat. Brn_nds. ` 1 mm D...|..-.. 1....:n....av. u.....I.. -...a V-..I..4 IVIXTI 7-"..- Ha cm snormw TDBAOUOB OF VARIOUS BRANDS. Also, I choice Assortment of Hoeruhum, Bria: Root, Illd Fancy L173, and 01:} Pipes, and Tobscconisfs goods in general. fIYL..1..-_`l- __.l 3-5-21 [ AS removed from hil old Ituud, No. 23, to his new Prenisen, No. 30, Prineeu Street, where he rm! nnrn for Ruin an Rnvnn nf Rrlal-u GEORGE THOMPSON & Co., KING STREET, . _ EC} to inform the Public that they have opened the Store next to the Express Oce, formerly occupied by Mensa. June: Fishel sud ` Son, and urn prepared to ll all order: in HOB-I vrnwsa WHYRYEVR in R'l"'l"IJt cu Wnnn nc UH, lull IIU preplreu I0 llll Ill UEUUII Ill ZUR- 'rON's wmsnnrs in BOTTLE or WOOD .2 DFSTILLERY prieol, also l'I8HlR S celobntod xxx ALE-and POB'1`Eli.in Bottle or Wood. GEORGE THOMPSON as 00. 73---].-.. l'\.AA 0 'IIt'.`D GABDNEWS BAKING POWDE 1869 DIAEIES. 1869} Vnnunsasoivs BO0K swan. PRINCESS STREET. P. 8. Fresh supply of Kinglakdl Crimea, `Vol. 2, just arrived. Nov. 1. M O GORMAN, Boat-builder, Simooe-street, . Ontario. A good assortment of SKIFF always on hand. Boats for hire. Work done for parties at a. distzmca must be paid for before leav- ing the shop. "Mart-In Q IRRR W H I s_1 E Y s. BOTTLE!) ALE AND POBTERo 11310, Just. received and for sale by 1! F! P} ed, :u :g I veryl Fug: Tnvu, for I ._, - . 5.-,,.a ..._ Nov 5. noMsn__9n means \JLllI.LlLlUJ VJUIHLUUU, llulu QIUVUE, auu -11 L , Iron Work. It dries in a few minutes, leaving beautiful jet polish. 25 cents a bottlo. Prepared any by . .._ _` ..... _...- W . Wholesale and Rouil. R. W-HITE, JCEiEM1B'I' as DRUGGIETJ 42 PRINCESS STREET. n-_.L no Kingston, Oct. 15, 1868. FRONTENAG BREFERY` N ASSORTIIENT of very choice Bulbs con- L aiming of Hyncinths, for Home and Border tum. emu. w. Fiinlelmu, BREWER OF THE BEST PALE ALE AND- POR2 JR IN WESTERN OANADJ. `I1YZ.....-&A_ `E.-.1. i 0 m`'rv.ai \'TH \I Q\ll.\\IE J Kingston, Oct. 2, 1368. RANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS.-- 3 The large circulation of the Dsnxl News renders it the natural medium for .' the publication of all small and transient ' advertisements, as well as larger announce- ` ments. Advertisements of religious notices and Sabbath services; situations wanted; situations vacant: houses for sale ; houses to rent; houses wanted ; board and lodg- ing ; rooms wanted ; board. wsnted; ar- ticles lost; It-ticles found; cattle wanted; cattle for sale; cattle strayed. &c..L when: set close, inserted for 25 cents each inser-l , tion, payable only in advance. When dis-l , I p1`syed, a proportionate price will be charg- ' L OI . IIJU B LIU P- I5 March 9, 1868: FF ICE JOURNALS for next your (Canadian Hnnnfnctnred) fur lulu at LIV K'A1\I.I.DL.HJ.`I.ED [Ur IIl=IJA.l.laI HIEIVD intended to npponr the lune evening, I.1:0\11dbeB6lliilIIt0Il l]I.lIh0ulillh8dl1 Sept. 23.` I n nu; an K'mga:<;n, Feb. 13. WEE finest Varnish for Stove Pipes, Gratu, . Chimney Cornicea, Dumb States, and all \n Work "I`ULII-"S, A VARIETY. NARGISSUS, CROGUS, H 11115, n I v-nnniva Ant` In- 5.1.` I... Buiiiiiiiik " SET. IUD G-.....o 1 Y......!..l-. 6`..- Q0--- 'D:...- (1.. mum STREET wan, x.mGI':'xr" W. DVERTISEMENTS for the-Dux.r Nun, | Inhahn On nnnnnu Hun cam: nnanina 4.: A 4.4. Made as good as new by using REMOVAL. S. P. WHITE 'F5f3 XRDNER, Chemilt and Drnggist, Nolre Dane 31., Manual. rr BIIU uy E. H. PARKER, Druggilt -tc., Market Square. FOR sALTEi IN KINGSTON. .. .~` .,._.U._ ;|.\ PRc..|;]." be Sundny my \I.. I .. 1. GROCERS DRUGGIS1 B B. P. WHITE, Tobaccanlst. TEE BRAMLEIGHS OF BISHOP'S FOLLY, by Charles Lover. Mildred, by Georgiana M. Craig. The Moonstone, by Wilkie Collins. Foul Play, &c.`dcc. Av:-urn I `1JJ|J\J` A 1:1-go assortment of new Toy Boo Gift Books, sud Bound Novel: in Funny Bin Inga, just received and for sale at very low prices A- .1 IVTFINVV 1-..-..-.--..___-- ._________.__.__________,_.__ F. W E RN E R. Auctioneer dz Commission Merchant D--..1- BA. ..-_- }_....._v.- 0'! VI IJIIQIII Brock St... next the Markeg Kingston, Ont. f` Consignments mpccifnlly Iolietod, for which Liberal Advances will bu made. Sales of Dry Good: on Tuesdays, Thuudlyl and Satnrdnys st 10 a..m.; Ind at 7 o clock every Evening. Nov. 2. 1:: T0 ARRIVE `IN A FEW U111-- SHELL OYSTERS, maw ununon Hnnnma. AND 1868. c o_4\_ L. 1868. ANTHBAQIT F _ mon_, ------ -4 NEW 1_OVELS.' rA`K , run-nu:-IVIII VUHH IHIIU' Once---St. Lawrence What; Foot of Johnson Street. UB 0031 it Put: Lsokswnns, being mind in tbn 1ery heart of the_LuckawnnI. Valley. Scranton, Pituton, and Wilkei Burro, flom tho but selected mines, and is prepared with unit can exp:-unly for Family us, and will is screened and delirerod in the but pouiblo col- dition. Best aalectod Su God for gntu constantly on hand. ,l-IIO Lehilh Lumn for Fnnndn nu` ucu uuiecllu 01}: van tor gntel oollltlny hand Lehi h L onmq V Lad Bloo obu-3 for Bl`ncksI'rJnli':ll:a.or F `I. Terms Huh, nalivnpul :. -..- --_. -1 1.1.- -nu DIIEDIIIF` EDI. nucllmllnl. Terms Gash. Delivered in my part of thq city. . JAIIS SW11 ! 8 00. October 21. 1888. Henderson's K Bookstom NEW-00Ks. % TENNYSONS POIKS, chap edition, only 40 oezmu - ' The Spaiilh Gipny, by Geo. Eliot. Life ofLss Cunt ; the Apoulo of the Indies. The Hermit:--(Vol. 2 of the Sunday Library). Bogart Politics! Economy. _ In Henna : Poems, new llnglilh tdition. The One Method of Drawing. New Temperance Song Books, Recitltionl 0. Adventures of n Strolling Player. ' M New Edition: of Gun : Alnlll` of tho Pal:iIh. And tho P1.-avast. . l-nu uaazcuguuu Do`! to lmof big IM.` and the public that he ban on bandsn \ selection of ' ' } SHEET MU_S_IC." `.....a .1.-. .11 .,.s,., , uuw uuluusll U1 \1I.ll.'I AIIII-ll Or `M Fifi And the Provost. I M Family Ohrialinn Almanac fox 1869. New English and American Howls. George Fox, tho Friend: and only Baplitl. Hone D A1-thnr, new edition. If n a___:_o ._ n- . . - ` 'VUluI.l.|'Jl-I- * Having nlso made an arnngamentgwh Hear: ;_A. A: S. N ORDHEIMER, of Toromo, for an Agency, he will keep on hu:d_ 5, _ ,, ____- - -.-----, -uvvv vunullruo N.vB. Specinlto Students. _ Lugs anpply 11'-' ` Note Books, Text Books, n_nd Hlnoollgnnonu St tionery CHEAP. JOHN HBHDIBSOH. Oct 13. 1888. November 4. MsI0 AN2 1jIAN0`s. At the CITY 13-(V).(;IJ{1-`()r-I-(E, K 1 N G s '1' B E E '1`. JOHN OREIGHTOI . November 4. ' rnnsn BALTEIERE overruns. JUST RECEIVED AT T` 2`_j.-?-- Oct. 23. I I`ll'Ill'\Jl"IJl'Kl Z of Steinway, Chickerlug, Dunhnm, and othu good and reliable Innlmu, which heohn at , m:nuf|etumrs' price: and on acceptable tang. I MELODEONS sud HARHONIITMQ no-n.:'....:_' "f.:*az3s*;3:.*s`:'.:a a':;`;.:5`i1% ?.:`:r`;$.~.% and Mason : and Hamlin : make on 11;. nd or lap-` plied to order. - ' . `Il1'\`nr A 1-an nu. . ...._ Oct,ob;r 21, use. --%.j_--.j- LEASES-Forms of Leases and. othn: l_[ descriptions of Law_Printing kepti; {stock 1.1: tha Daily News Otc . Every description of printing done to orrler. FEDS. MORTGAGES. MINING LEASE8. DISTRESS WARRANTS. SUBPCENAS. - BUIIHONSE. NOTICE OF EXAMINATION. NOTICE TO ADMIT. NOTICE OF TRIAL. ' NOTICE TO PRODUCE. snmrroar LEASES, ac, an.` JOHN` HENDERSON. PRINCESS STREET. September 7. - in .4_\'[) can Oct 1:, 1868. xmAunnmA_mu cum: I] October 19. uuxnspunn, T TENNYSON. Llff lid. SINGLE COPIES of the Dub! 9 Nun may be had at I118 counter qf the publication oee, Princess street, prion i. three oopperl. ;:-nu spun, Lonanniow, ma nooma, All for ONE DOLLAR, At llENDEBSON BO0KSTOKI"-1. PRIN C183 BTB.Ili`l'. Octnhar 19, 1 END IT TO YOUR FRIENDS.--'H:e 1 Cmomc1.1:.nm Nnws is published 1 every Friday morning. and contains all the [news of the week. For Fifty Gents, paid in advance, you may send it to your friend: - for three months It the reduced rues` of postage. For One Dollar it may_be eat nix months- Rinala nnnioa nu-nu I-I-g c Jrlu Ll-Ill! uulmt Ila may 15 XII nix months. Single copies, prmo nu Cents, my be had at tho Dailymsc-ies, Prisca: it:-not. A Sept. 28. `HE nndenigned begs to iniom his :.s.;..a.% .. Dublin that ha ha. an 5.-.: . a.. September 7. LAW 13_gANK'. NEW MAGKEREL. mANbI=oIi1'Es Inna hinknuulnn T|....I.-_. ,,, NUMBER 29. OYS1_:_1)RS i PEI!-W055-S STRI ET. [Tuna ya savior if of! sder 7 lilcl v I I will meet with pron;-I at- j nnwmn suonr. 1` in 111321 uj reveryl dated 0 In ' DAM U1 Funarlu 3:33 1' pail!` `B,,.,u.` The: l`rmImI:'.! lTna1;\ an} ` f;ulur;m; tummu . X. ` ': -EI.Y'.'.|-nnI_.'L|_ CV6` jam AN , who marcucu -uw .... . of mmnled curiosity and pomp sn comi- ' no uhfnrp cbildrrm made way for her! er. I crave mm M fty, but calmly ur- cd her mother to rake mother clnnr. mm: bad seared heraelfoutslde her hus~ d, and baby intended to in between and the governess. lhia arrangement ; nmpiinhed, Ind A wniter who proered a : b chmr summarily sent into disgrace. by uurolled her napkm. read the mam: efu1`:_v_rem|rked thu. the Lkcd swger_4_ igrnelv went in for dinner. Of ten or } e`.re dashes that child usud CV'ery:nne` ; iated nn 3 separate glsss of cluret, uudl lust xed the ufccriuns of her ovemilled 2 le person on some Cheesecakes. 1-`rrsrl lie her own share. than she sidled up ` her governess, rernnrkcd in American`, Lshe had not had hall enough. and, in; nch. that the lady oppmile was clearly ghah, and. under cover of her cb;1'.:cr, mu. .m'.a .n.1 Lnhad the Door woman}; ` ness. large meeting was held at thetgcusthis nernoon, Senor Olozaga in the chair.` 80- l oral epeechea were delivered urgently cell~ g for the immediate abolition of slavery ; the Spanish Antilles. An immense num- r of penons were present, and greet en- usium wee maniteeted. Pnrie, Thur|dey,-La Libertc publiehel I. . HF AU\i r;l .'l`l:l2{E9".- l;)I'2\(`c' RT _ Greeley, of New `iork, sziy:':_-The most su<;<:w,~'slul business men in this city are 11105;: who have advertisu-il liberally and constantly. A small u.dvurti3crncnt_ con-l stantly appearing is better than a Ll'.lS1)l{1 ! etter from Gen. Prim to M. de Girardin, ' `59l*"" "'-l0D3Y- ___ n which he reproeched Prim for not pro- "`* I _, _ . lniming the Republic in Bpnin. Prim `TEAM PRINTING 1lUL`lP_3 PT"_`395j ya there ere not 3 euicient number of L Street, Kingston. 1 :-inting of all` 1 publicane in Bpnin to proclaim. I. Repuh- ' ic. At present, all that the Republicans 11 do is to propegate their principles. If he Republicenu cen pereusde Spain to be- 0me Republican, they ere prepnred to al.- isfy the people. In the meantime, Prim ye that he end the Republican party can nly bow to the netionel will, end he sees ith utiefection that those acting with the epublicene pu-ticipete in then views, the 0st eminent member: of the Democratic i arty necondiog their efforts for the estab- uhment of liberty upon I. Iolid besii. Medrid, Fridey.--Letters received from slag: of the 20th note that Iome disturb- ncee hue teken piece in tint city, which kinds at the DAILY NEWS ':l l`EA.Vi l R1NT Isa Hocsiz. FFECT OF ADVERTIS1NG.-It is 7 amusing at times to observe the stores of the merchants who d0u`t adver-` tise; to see the anxious proprietors look-ll ; ing into the streets and see the people go i by, wondering why they (lnn t Come 10.1 while the stores of their neighbours who do l advertise are thmnged with customers.l `Some people will learn by observation`: others will n0t.-Dru'ly Irllarclium. l. 1 EW STYLES OF` TYPE I-IAVEl been added to the DAILY News JOB` h D C r 1 l t 1 I :1 kl owever were not attended with any eeri- ua consequences. and order in now restor- nister of J untioe sun of the d_. A decree he been published by the pending the peyemnt style, uusl grunt of 51,990,009 retlltothe , PRINTING OFFICE. Our two Steam Presses and Automatic Platen Printing Machin-, eryenable ueto turn out work in good? with quick deepatch, and at cheap nun. Inquiry solicited. EHSU, IIIU. UUUVI L-Urn: v: ..v- --......,., 1erI_v sto'.e mud bolted the poor -alias. Then she turned to her ' .-her. but her mother had puoed that h. and we thought she wu at the end of resources. Not 3 bit of it. In the: iliest and cahnest of trebles she ordered head-vniter, then about fifty feet 013`, bring pups some more cheeu<;akes,"' tcbed three, und pitting one on the gov- esl pIate--sir.he: out of a theory of res~ ution, u we hope, or un idea of making an accornphce, as we fear-bo1td the ct two, nnd then nudged her mother fur I `l"-l 5 ,.,,Zl!___L _--._n...-an I l l I X r --- --b...;.s.~n-zuu UH Inc \IC|JIA'LuJu}.= vuL(.u y the-constituent assembly of 1854, with ly some Slight modications uecnuiuted y unsung circumstances. Thu \a'm..m. l'\' u..m;.. w..-:.. -...,1 1.. enor Lorenzann has sent I circular to foreign representatives of Spain abroad, ` which the Minister explains the causes,; meter, and political bearing of the re-! union. Spain had under the rule of` _. ___L 1-... A_- _ _ __.___A,J AL, _- 1' - - v - - vu um: ucxnccu Lunl. sun uuncIan.1=I- secondary educational institutions] all be opened on the 1st November. The me decree ordain: complete liberty of I. ` uses of education, and suthorises |_ny Q Dlniard t-\ open an educational establish `| eat. ` I Cl LWU, I|.|u Lucu uuugcu I-Ivl I-uvv-\a- -v- A irmion. With insignicant vuiuionsi circumstances she was the typical Am.e- ` nfemniecb_i1d u encountered in Swim- _.I 4., ___. :_4__~-_:-._. --1$ L.n|nf.\V I V r_' f!!! lo:-ay uuvu. uklnlu LIILI uuucl cue Aulc Ul last two monarch: presented the sad` ctucle of a loyal and generous people 114- l lll_V devoting their wealth sndtheir blood the benet of kings who repsid these he- cacriticen with the lrlackest ingratittide. 1 e people pguie.-ntly waited until the cup suering was overtluwing. Th:-Lt mu-i nt having arrived, the people have taken it ataa upon the ground of modernl pular right. The circular treats upnnl question of religious liberty, stating` At the u-*-elcsu legal obstacles hltlmrto own in the way of 0:lier creed: woul l . Ippenr even as they haul already dlS`l pesred from the habits of the peopla.l conclusion, the Miuiatersuyn that tbel Anlill rnvnl-n`,.n ..m.iA nnnnn nr\ ..i...m .,.- U] HLHI LLHP IIIYI. HJJIIO Lununcu that continent, we are bound to say, ` differem, their main cherscteristica be- I I portentous gnvity, md A certain L , but real, politeness wonderful W he- ' d. ' Outside the table d`}wfe ,the lust} nantof self-restraintseems to be thrown i btlconies ere turned into play-rooms, 3 gen into race-courses, till the entire- ldmg seems given over to shrill-voiced, peptic, high-spirited little impl, who in hour or an extract to their side: I coamo- i inn assembly of all colours and ages, kc them all as wicked. u themselven,` _- __- L-,,_.I ._ _J..I _..I- bl.-. ...|: l J "5"-ll-lg l.'lIL'UlUSLBDCeS- Tbe_Miumer of Public Works and In-T rucuon has decreed thin: the Universities ` A lb1`r\nr'r--rv _.l...._..,.__I :__.:..-s.....-. . we Are bound to udd, rule them all h the most areas aplomb.--London. .5';ver< ELI: LUSH) `Ill 38 WICKUQ II I.l.lvI.I.|ac|I:a,| --'~- ---"Iuuuu \.\)u|\l hnuil.) uu lll ll Ln id) be? countries. Incl therefore thg Govern- Bnt Wu in hopes that foreign nation: ould not refuse I0 entertain friendly rel _ us with revolutionary Spain. 3[Mir1 'I'hursd|`y.--'l`he Oicial Gaze!/cl omulgntes the commercial law and mm mt. reguhuiona fur the depnrtmenps voted Y tbI*L'()nSl i!ntnI nunornhlv nf 1515.1 wivh ID ICEIJECI-l_H(l II UUCUUIICICU lu own 4.` sad, the most indepondcul, self-helpful, 1 vcdy little imp nlivc. Male children; M that nnnHnnnY Ca urn hnnnd tn REY, ` \ Ul.U.\lF. XVIII. E UK Nplug. AFFAIRS `IN SPAIN. F.\'|:Nl.\'G, NOV. 1 :5 pubmbed every Friday - mm the News of the week. 1` g large amount I, nsdlng,_nnd il 1 Two Dolhn per pond ill I` k`H1l.l`R1-'..\I l'li.\ \'l*Iirh. in any hntr-1 nnlinm\|it_v` uf H UN TIH DIS!-1.\bES or Tlli1?.\'t`\I.l' !rPRUD['(`I-I. GRAY HAN`. .v\.\'I\ 1'._\1.lI.\` l Coughs and Cnlds. J, Sudden changes of climate are sou.- imonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic 1EI:periem-v having proved {hm simgv`. often act npeedaly and certainly who: > the early stages of the diam-2, recon _ -_,. 1. L. I .- 5. I-__..... . n--_..\ ;\` "CA\-luknnuus ya - A u - u . -...h ...-... . ., ,,, D `once and gel . bottle of .\Irs Wl.\`5LOW`S, jSOOTH1.\'G SYRYP. It will n-lieve the pmrj {H1110 sufferer immediatdy--depen1 upon it:r `Ethan is no mistake about it. There is not a` `mother on the f-.125 of the em-th who has evcr` .\ . ". ,i"!I _, , :~usad it, who will not tell you at once Lhn ; regulate the bowels, and give re~`L to the llnud relief and health to the child. opera lnagic. It is perfectly safe to use in a land pleasant to the mate, and is We pres: 1, 0. one of the oldest ani best female {-1 '1 and nurses in the United States. Price 1 '1 Sold everywhere. .u.- This aenaid Hair Dy}: 1 world ; the only true a_nd pr` `FQHAYJQ in,vun!un.n-m.: 1. n-'5 Lrucnuxi, t . . ' ruhculo I)`, :_ I __.-.___%_S ~-,, 7 "- . 1 AD\'l:Ll .TIbI.\'G.- 1Iu1'ar'c ` suy5:-The this city u.dvc-rtiscmcnt con-i disp1:xy| 1 nocasioually. ' _'_.: 7` I .(\:if ` }If)L'SE, Princess? [L of kinds b"rEA.\1 ` \Jl\.- ~..-.J ~.__..-. Be sure and call for , \JL Ll. ILALIA LI] \\.u. ;v 4-l lb the; `stores adver-`L i look-I : streets go ; lby, why they iu,l `advertise customers.E Some observB.tion,i Dr Rot.-0rd`~' I-I-sent-c THE DAIL EVVS. Balcllclns Hair Dye. fa:-n'('la|I .\utl.-cw. 33} H A E. US `VEGETABLE s:cILIAN_ , 5`, HA1 R ` REIMWER . LI-I\\'I2~` Ill :0f l.i3'vL`, IS publinbed ovary lawful Dollar! per wuum, pljhk Subscribers who receive their In chug:-d Five Dolhn. KINGSTON. (CANADA). MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9. 1868. w 0 M A N. yvanaanan Navl_2a_|l0n company-1 nuonme AN!) I vvunar. vvuuiu nut. I wnnu DU IUIUIH lllllvlllllx" Inst! Wnultl do myistica to the nl Eicted,,but I `am ohliu--it to say that although it may be pro-i .l:itc.J. from excessive utiianetiun of the powerli air and food, profuse menstruation, the use of we and ctflue, and frequent childbirth, it is Mr ottcner caused by direct irritstionrapplied to the mucous membrane of the vagina itlelf.: When rr-viewing the causes of these dintres-- ing coin!-ln':n`s, it is most painful to contem- plate the nttvndnut evils consequent upon them. It is b it simple justice to the subject to enume- rate a few of the man? additional causes which so largely ail`-.-ct the life, health, end happiness .9! woman in all classes of society, and which, omsr~quently, ntlect more or less directly, the welfare of the entire human family. The mnnis that exists tor precocious education and mar- riage, causes the years that nature designed for corporeal development to be wssted and per- verted in the restraints of dress, the early con- nement of school, and especially in the nn'r amlthr nvr-itnmnnr nf H-in I-.:l'-rn.nm of life, by lubuliuui employment, unwbolelomaii "Hm. I` l`liBH`.`\J In consequence of this early strain upon but syslem, unnecessary effort is required by the ddicaxe votary to retain bur aitnauon in school ` at a later day,1hns aggravating the evil. When `nno as-r-ilnmnnt in nvpr nnnvhar in nrnnnnnuivn `as u anacs urn], luua nsbsnvuuus aux: uvu. vyguu ~ one excitement is over, another in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sensitive to impression, while the now constant restraint of fashionable dress, absolutely forbidding the exercise indis- pensable to the attainment and retention of or- ganic health and strength; the exposure to night. air: the sudden change of temperature; the complete prostration produced by excessive `dancing, urxst,-'1? necessity, produce their legi- timate efifect. At last, an early marriage caps t"1E-<'llmaX of misery, and the unfortunate one, hitherto so utterly regardless ofthe plain dic- tates and remonatrances of her delicate nature, l becomes an unwilling subject of medical treat- , ment. This is but a truthful picture of the ex- lperience of thousands of our young women. 5 ; Long before the ability to exercise the func- tions of the generative organs, they require an education of their peculiar nervous system, com- ,]`u_=ed of what is called the tissue, which is, in ` common with the female breast and lips, evi- , duntly under the control of mental emotions ;and asso.-iations at an early period of life ; and, as we shall subsequently see, these emotions, when excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which sap the very life of their victims ere mtzire has trill`-complete-J their develop- rnn-1! Dirpctiona 1%; nzp, di-t, and advice, accompany I~`<-malt): in :-very period of life, from infancy in vxireznry old ngn, will nd it a remedy to aid nature in tho discharge of its functions. Strength is the grimy of manhood and woman- ` hnn Hundreds suffer on in silence, and hundreds 1' mhvrs up]-ly vumly tn druggistl and doctors, 'ho eilhur merely tantalize them with the hope r` a cum or npply remediu which make them vars. I would not wish to alien anything" mat injusuca n9 -. ..hlI . .l on -1... -L-n ..IaL_,,_L :. _.,__ L- _,, ! is more strengthening than any of` the prepara- `I Lions of Bark or Iron, innitely uafer, and more ?. pleasant. mineut. physicians in the United States, is now oil`: red to alicted humanity as a certain cure 3 for the following diseases and symptoms, from ` whatever cause originating: General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecilily, De- termination of Blood to the Head, Conuaed `K Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritnbility, Restless- ness and Sleeplessness at Night, Absence of E Muscular Efciancy, Loss of Appetite, Dyspep- `Lsia, Emacistion, Low Spirits, Disorganization . or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Pal- : pitation of the Heart, and, in fact, all the con- i r-nrnirnln nf a NPFVnl1 and nnhilitnln ntntn , . '| having received the indorsement 0f the most pro- `. :.*_Iu,-,H.lC.~ > yuuuuu u| luv Ilunl L IIUUI lu llll.`-Ir, nu LLIU \41.H.I' E comitmts of a. Nervous and Debilitalud state ` of the system. To insure the genuine, cut. thia `nnr Aalr fnr 'F[F.|'.MRf'H.T] .Q 'T`n'|(n nn nlhnr Book. Job. and General . Ul LLIU llllalu. LU |l*I3\.IfU LJJU SULIHILIU, ULII llll ; out. Ask for HELMBOLITS. Take no other. l Sold by all Druggista and Dealer: everywhere. 1 Price 51,25 per bottle, or six bottles for $6,50. 1 Delivered to any address. Describe the symp- ltoms in all communications. Address H. T. HEL)-IBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouae, ` 594 Broadway, NY. I Knnn urn nnnninn nnlnnn nnn nn in IRAQ`- lECI`\1[1HI.'1-." EXTRACT OF BUCHU. U3`! DTUHUWIJ, 11.1. `| None are genuine unless dons up in Imel- iengraved wrapper, with fac-aimilo of my Chemicsl Warehouse, and nigned TH. For Fr:[!]'H` We-aknei! and Debility, White! Leucarrhue I, Too Profuse Menstruation, Ex- ueuon, Tuo Long Continued Periods, for olagsus and Hearing Down, or Prolapsus ~:ri, we off .-r the most perfect specic known HEL.\IBOLD'S EXTRACT BACHU. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUOHU, .4 auuuun, nuu espccmuy III Inc excitement of the be]!-room. Thus, my half-c1olbed,nnd1he mind unduly pleasure, perverting in midnight inure designed by nature fornleep he work of destruction is half accom- .-3 cmrP0l.\ D EXTRACT OF |')l!A`._.IT' H, '1'. HELIIBOLD. Royal Mail 'l`ln'm1gh Li n 0. THE cunonfcis M