l.`HE/VEARTllQL' AK E IN C.-\l.l P: [`IDMAN S SEA SALT, for renal Qua T-!..n\a . H r . 1 . . _ . __ x5e-In Iur nnglb and Blililh POIHOIBH E. G. DUFRESNE, 79 Wstling Street. May be obtained of all Chemists. > Royal Assni-(ance Company , __...q.-g DILL HEADS and other kinds of Jon I Pnmwma exncnm with ...........-- -- J Tiny consirt of three preparations- THE RAITDFIHP LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W. STRANGE, , Agent for Kingston :e-33. Clarence Street. furlm~,lnsur:1nce. I566. JAME:$ss\.\'1FT,Agmt, St. Lawrence Wtmrf. um, THUS. KIRKPATRICK. LIIp\.l|;' ll.l|v|\\.J xu nuu IIUUI on fn'.;urn.hle terms. rand liberally adjusted and ` rr-onov }.a.nL\.I..J| L41-4,411 L\ll.`|-I Anruh-uni! QUIIUP I 1) tors in Chancery--ChamberB Nos. 7, 3, 3 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, C. W. JAMEH U`R:1LLY,Q.C. | FRA.\-`K C. Dxumzn. U GDJUICU NIH Uri. muss swxm, A _-_ H-mu Age`nt, St, Lawrence Wharf. RR Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders. l`_l ..... .... 'l'!-:|-. n, Auvbll L uwucll. Glycerine Toilet Requi- iites_ .-, Cm nus Wmsox` Sccremry. 1-.1 AA.-\ AAA British Poueasiona, 9 Watlimr Street, nvu. : 5d ; Large Lrnu: body ,- V_r----- Aaxbasl l.\JL\ `LID `Q PEOPLE. Any one can use them ; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossiule in this small pace to enu ntrata the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations `can be applivd; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a colouring agent for almost every known msrerial, the ease with which they can he used and the brillian- cy of the result being. indeed. almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a lew minutes for a few pence without soiling the lmnds. MEMURANDA. MAGENTA ' The can-.:.-at--L .....,1 L_A4 t'--- Lug-.2...) DI.lJI'hEi U1. J Anyone:-.1: enu: wondcrfn p:epura1ions`c'm b4 dyeing they invnllxnhln .. u <;TJci-Qiu}{c'&_iv;.|keufvw 1 ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAVV, Conveyancers, Notaries Public. Richard T. falkicm, WVOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. ` . llmm. ("1..--....- c._..... 17: ____ .._ n 111 mnMUKANUA. [ MAGENTA : The strength and beauty of this ` dye is almost incredible. A Sixpenny box- I I tle will dye 20 yards of Burma: Ribbon in 10 tIJinn'.e3: ll. will (Han ?\P:`.rr1nr\ - -'--A uluru, 21.: uxrecteu BDOVE. STARCH: Stir in: few drops of Colour- Magentn, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impart delicate tints lo Lace, Linen &c. ' $ 1 Gail. WILLOW SHAVINGS, wg. H-ir Wiku-as U..,__.__ 1 a vvnuuuvv unn.vmu:s, \`\'1ukc=r, Ivory Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., altmct quickly, ifapplied in boiling water. BLUE: For laundry purposes is A 1. BUUK EDGE.~`.- A Rn-mam." I.~--'- -= .,uu.~.. rur munury is EDGES: A Sixpeuny bottle of} ta, Vialet, Crimson or Blue will msk` spin: Lou quart. of beautiful colonrit cording to shade required. Apply * brush. PAPER and WOOD STAIN: Ditto, OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 B13 blr 8-hint nf hnf urnfnu unn 01211: A bottle Of a-pint of hot water. SATINWOOD STAIN: A Canary dissold in 2. pi: PHOTOGRAPHS may be dVO with wnfnr - In hnH'- i-______?_._.__._______._j___ LEA AND PERRINS Worcestershire Sauce. This delicious Condiment, pronounced by lonnoiaaeura The only good sauce," is pre- ared solely by Lea and Perrina. The Public are relpactly cautioned againatworthlesa imi- tations,and should see that Lea and Perrina Names are on Wrapper, Label, Bottle, and Stopper. Ask for Lea and Perrina Sauce. Sold Wholesale and fnr Evans-0 l---- on. n uvuppur. 45:; re: yea and Parrins Wholesale and for Export, by the Pro prietors, Worcester ; Messrs. Grouse and Black- well ; Messrs. Barclay and Sons, London; & - to. ; ml by Groom sud Ollmon unlvoma . ;a\JL\J\1[\-KLFEJD be tinted; dilute the dye with water ; a. bottle of Magenta to a pint of water. &c. ILLUMINATING: Magenta, Violet, Blue, Urange; pour a few drops into an egg cup add warm water; ue withn brush or pen Borders of books, similar to Ward and Lock s Arabian Nights, &c., may be prettily illum- inated in this manner. BLANCMANGE, JELLY, CORN FLOUR, ICE CREAMS, inc: While in a liquid state add one or two drops of Magenta. A more simple or elegant tinting cannot be bad. CONFECTIONERS will nd Magenta, Violet Orange and Pink useful colours. GELATINES and GLUES are successfully coloured with these dyes. INK : A Sixpenny bottle of M agents to a pint or more nf nnlrl mun. ...... .1 ..m.pcuuy name or Mag: more of cold water. WATER. ' One drop of die will PRINTING on Cotton, Silk or nrinnlvn I7-In ` v\JuIU1l.\JI\. 1.1 uunuunnx. k Uicc-C1arence Street, Kingston, C.W. } J. P. Gmonasnxnvz. L.L.B. | R1011. '1`. WALKEM. WATER.- oi'dy`e tint a quart. Wool in the ordinary way. U'- - L'0NDY`S PATE.\'T OZ=.)}7 ISED WATER, (ms: TOILET PCi:Posi:.~',) lemoves from the mouth impure and foreign astcs and odours, wlietlicr arising from tobacco Ir0l1lI_`!` causes, and coI.:uter:ict.~3 the irritation Vx`|d morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- ics and sofu-ns the skin, and, ued in the bath, ends to pr ,-mote 3 healthy state of the.whole podv. ({._;:_-_ CDSONK3` SIMPLE DYES FOR. THE Anv nnn r-2n rlun o|...-- - --- Ll. D1 Yl1lA.VI.'\ \ Patent-se, Batu-1 H. BOT.L.\IA.\' c0.\'nY, P2fnnr.m IL. ,,,, ,... |uL_) pIu.'_uLnst::l 15 A I lof Magen- maon will rnnlrn from ._ .. I ....uv; uuunug water my tinted; . u.n.A. J: A Sixpennv bottle I pintof boiling water `V be tintml - dntn 9|... 'ickc>r, Ivory, Bane ilf` , \IfPor~f Chm A..- .-J uuuu: Ul Jlugeu. ue make from | ifnl nr\`n--`-1- ._ _ - - --unruxnv, I3.-X RRISTER A ND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Couveyancer, &c., Anchor Buildings. "Magenta _, .-..,._,, up-uc,| ,aLtmct the dye IE WT.PT UUIUIIIVIUKI EC` ` with a Black to fl` HE North half of Lot No. 4, in the 4th con cos-siun of the Township of Kingnton, con mining (lne Hundred Acres (part of which is under tillage), with a Frama Dwelling Houu tlwreou. The farm is only seven miles from the city, and isblose to the Portland mucadnmized i mud, Inquire at the Daily News Office, King- . utnu And a large amount of general reading matter, in; published Price, Five Cents. Subscription Two Dollars per sunning` . - 1 T I `ITWI -hr:-4.1, TERMS FOR 1868. For any one 01 thefour-eewa For any two of ,he fou_r Reviews For any three of the four Reviews For all four ofthc Reviews For I}]:1ckvirood a Mugizine - l`. . I')l,..l...v.....l Aux! A..- 1')--!_._ rm". [.mIn0N QUARTERLY (Conservative 1 ma EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). ` THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical). rm: NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ch h) I\1l'| I `ll lllil\.IlWUU\J B Ksll-I6 Kc.-r Blaz:-kwood and one Review `r`u.~r Eiluckwood and two Reviews For Blackwood and three Reviews 3 For BI:-min-zord and four Reviews Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the loilowing reduced rates, via: The North Britiah from January, 1863, to De- rember, 1866, inclusive; the Edinburgh and the Westminster from_ April, 1864, `to December, I866, inclusive, and the London Quarurly tor 1865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 I. year for each or any Review; also Blackwood for 1866, fur $2.50. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., 38 Walker-street, N.Y. ..--_._ mu. g 39,3` Try Gardncr s Cough med)`.-506 Advertisement. .J1l.l'l`\Jl\Iv\J\JllIJ muzxuuuz.-u-- (Tm~y.) *HI<;:`.l-J foreign periodicals are regularly to [ published by us in the same atyla as l.:e'reto- fnro_ Those who know them and who luv; long suhscribd to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few years hwl deprived of their once welcome supply oftho "nest periodical literature, will be glad to have kbem again within their reach ; and those who ._ ..,_._ ....a L...... -_..a. ._lsL 41...: 1.I'l _ _ _ _ __J --a-V-aaapvn r u a _1 n. u 1:. . When sent. by mail, the Postage to any pun nflhe United States will be but Iygnt fa-at ` Gent; a. year for Blackwond, and but 13] \ Cents 9. year for each of the Reviews. tutu] ugnuu VIIIJJIII I.h|!.II nxowu, auu tuvuc VVIIV may never yet have met with them, will assured- ly be well pleased to receive accredited reports` of the progress of European science and litera- tnrcl By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the lute J. I"..\*o1-ton, of Yale College. 2 7015. Royal 0:- mvo, 1600 pages and numerous Engnvings. PRICE-$7. for the two volumes, R17 nu. AND .-:LACI-IWOODS EDINBURGH HAGAZINE LILV U, 1 (JUL! pgt Kll numerous Engrlngs. PRICE--$7, two volumes. By the post paid, $8. _ 1J.lI- uu I'UA`Uu E Ull IE IJOIIYIDCIDEI, PTOVBU l by an overwhelming weight of medial testimony, and by the practical test of successful experience for twenty years in nll parts of the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the most emu- cioua, the most palatable, and, from its rapid curative effects, the most economical ofnll kinds. Hence the universal celebrity ol Dr. do Jongh`I Oil, and the unparalleled demand for this unri- valled preparation. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONB. SIR HENRY MARSH, BARE, H.D., Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Irahnd. H `I 1.....- f.....~.___;l_ .. , V 0 , , _..-_.__ ... ._.........-J u-u nus gucuu Iu Lrillllu. I have frequently prescribed Dr. do Jongh : Light-Brown Cod Liver OiL I conaidiiiit to be A very pure oil, not likely to crelta disgust, and a therapeutic agent of great value. - u u ---u-r -din D II C |l.lW | Medical Ofcer to the Poor Luv Bo'u-do! Great Britain. We think it a_ great advantage thnt there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which in nniversnlly admitted to be genuine-tha LighteBrown Oil supplied by Dr. de Jongh. It has longibeen our practice, when prescribing the oil, to recommend this kind. since. amidst a rnnr-'1 u...a..o. ....I..... nmcs Agnew, ARRISTE R and ATTO RN E1 -at-LAW,Con- veynncer, &c. Ofce Bagel Street, second door south of the British Whig Ufce, upstairs.-,1 August 1. t,...\.uu-..' vvuuu HICHLIAUIHE IIJU U1], IIU recolljmen kind, since, amidst a much variety und'un- (tertainjy, we have condence in its genuine- m-.;s.-(E`xtract. from Consumption: its Eirly and Remedinble St.ages.") DR. LANKESTER, F.R.., Coroner for Central Hiddlesex. I consider that the purity of this oil is secur- ed in its preparation, by the personal attention of so good a chemist and intelligent a physician as Dr. dc Jongh, who has also wrizten the best medical treatise on the all with which I am ac- quainted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oilsold under his guarantee to be preferable to my other kind as regards genuineness and medical em- cacv._ Mediical Otcer of Health, Okn ("25- ..l' ......_...... -.,-uu.u un ucuiul, unu U019! Analyst `CO the City of London. lrrall caseslhnve found Dr. de Jongh'I i Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing the some set of properties, among which the presence of \ chulaic compounds, and of iodine in I state of organic combination, ate the most remarkable. It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this oil has great therapeutic power; and from my investigations, I have no doubt ofits being a pure and umdultcrated nrticle;" DR.|BARLOW, 1`-'.R.S., Senior Physician to Guy sjHospit:!. I have frequently recommended persons con- hltirng me to make use of Dr. do Jong`h | Cod Liver Oil. I have been well satised with its eects, and believe it to be a very pure oil, well UR. GRAN V ILLE, F.B..E., Author of the Spas 01 Germany. Dr. Granville] has found that Dr. do J'ol:gh I Light.-Brown Cod Liver Oil produea tho desired effect in a shorter time than other kinds, and that it does not cause the nausea and indigestion too often consequent on the administration of_tho pale oil." ' The L.-s. Pub. 00.35: publish EDWIN CANTON, ESQ, F.R.0`.S., Surgeon to_ Ghnring-cross Hospital. For several years past I hue been in the ba- bit of prescribing Dr. de Jonglfu Light.-Brown Cod Liver Oil, and nd it to be much more e- cacious than other varieties of the same medicine which I have also employed with 3 `riewto was their relative superiority. . . | To A YOUNG MERCHANT- new rnnrn {nu 1-Inn -.-....a. -1. _ TO MERCHANT--When you pay more for the rent of your business house than for advertising your business, you are pursuing a. false policy. If you can do busineas,,let it be known.--Fnat- LIN. 3;?` Try Gardner : Baking Pow- der. ' 15. ~._ rI-I___. 4-w - - A Steamboat and Excursion Bills Ind Tickets, executed expeditiously as the Dun Nun B-run Pnnmm Horn Prinuun lm-ml A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL, ooymrmne THE NEWS or my W131, " ENTERTAINING STORIES AND axing; pun! LIIWI H Princess Street. )R.` DE JONGH S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL. DR. DE JONGH`S Oil is convincingly p-roved overwhelming weight of medical tnntirnnnv CHRONICLE AN.D NEW ;::1`1`I.`:-H If1:_1zIoB1cAi;s.T The Farmer -s Guide DR. EDWARD SMITH, F.R.5., Ina:....- I-rs cl... `D.-..._ `I -_ n--__.1 _. mam poxiinjn. urn I. atrceld. Wu. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVE, M. A. County Crown Attorney. _}_ DR. LETHEBY, TAddreea, and Chief Analyst London. IOW 10.00% 12. 4.00 n nn A 16% 13.00 15.00 hr Hnunvanf Parliamentary and_ ` ' 0 Q t a I I." 1 TRANSA~CTS bmnneu with g = sad the othet Depunnlntl` ment; Obtains Incnrpqrationtar Letters Pnent; Drafts nndjj Private Bma during the Bomb, Com` Rlnhu and the n_..a.n..' IEIVIIIU IDIIIU uurtng In Copy Right: the Be! mnrlu and designs procured. nrniincm !H'npr-ir-nnnn nu: filklson & Reeve, I%ARRIS'I`EP.S AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, KT _ Sunnifnra f`.nnu-nuunnn-5 D7,. ..._.._ . l.|-llfl DIIII IIUIIKII-D j)|'UCuI'E(1' ` ` Drawingspecicationa and otfig necessary to secure Patent: `of pared on roceipt of the lady! up nuns. 31019 LEWIS 8 8011,! W. ll. WILSON, Esq, Simcoe, , Eon. JOHN OARLING, London; BULL, Esq., Inspector of Agg Life Assurance Company. [ m July lat. 1867. Q` _ T; - anrrnmmcns 9- V. " Hon. A. CAMPBELL, Kizsgatu.,`-- BICHARDJUSON, I:sq., Hum ` ~ Mum. RICE LEWIS .1 son, `IT ll II7I`l,QT'|\`l [Ian Q:......._ The Provincial Ilarawa facturngg C --v--- --'15 vvul BE now producmg :11 the j. of American Pattern `l *1 LOCKS, LATCHES, KNOB; afar them for gale. tn the Tr-4.". IJIJLIILIJ, LJEILIJLIJJJLI Jg ofer them for sale, to the Trade and at prices to do away with ",`..* unr I-mt Flll IIA hi! n.J.:r.'l`l III Bl. PINS? I0 UU HWII In any but HOME IIADE. Orddi direct to the llunuhctory, `liq West; or to the Company : ;$-g lean-I Evgns & Evans, wnl` attended to. -L`; Lu.1..|.I.:u .I. nuJ1.|lDAD.'- for the use of Notied` facilfiiting the drawing up at; cnsesof disaster to veuels; `f Daily News Oice. xcxuuu, 4150.100: on "All! Tm ne_r," " The-allow 8tu,J_..'$ King, The Sacred Lam, Le. " ' Wu will and n nrndnun '.a'J-LI if: .i`xf'.e`I.'i'..p'":.'?'n'-.&,;y,Ii my nddrcsa, on receipt of tiy G_oI.nnJ?y.oI1sl isuafollovlragg '` ':%.`.: $53? *'= Mr r:-v 0 BciIly- 6:. Draper, |)`ARRISTERS,ATTURNEYS-at-LAW Solici- Ir\ ["I..-`nan-n (`I-..,-...L..-._- \Y-.. LIEQEILI LLI and kept 1 ty. Th.1 Vin my zmw SLBBATH P 3091:, Tu: Gown ex-hj Anthot of The ner. Shininc anus umgw copies Ill paper Y8l'.',.,`,; ,0 By the 100, _ * .`s'.`i Singla copio inboard con:-I,...; ._ B7 33'. 100:7 --v-`if SABBATH SCHOOL, HUS! M MONTH. ` We publish 3 Hanson`. 2 yin; tang. Sendfor ucireul I BROWN s ~ _ 420 :~ - ' s-nuns UNBIVALLED PL 'ln ll|l'I'D`D naxt It u an nuuuug I:I.0l.`IRl II. In! _ Pianos, Onyx, Bnlliui Tnhlgl, kc. Every one who has I Pnugn bottle of this 1 o1ish. Bend for -m 1? 1:83.. Cali _._L8_.I.._ -_j -H uvsuu us nun ruuan. XIII]. I01 we wiligiiofullpu-ticulnu null input up inbottleu at 3Dcu1d ' half: dozen are ordeaad Mona, ward prepaid by Abr Tu-n'to AndA U '- `manna rid o.42_oBrooIneE {El_ Di:&;1-signed, having u!`-Pt.nI an Pucr Tull," , Job Printing, and having tted upang TWO sun rnni is ennbled.to execute in thong; % with greater expedition than any I in the City, .11 orders for w`o~.-ti mat be fnvm-ad WA. .1... _ a u. uuv uu._y, nu omen 10:` VD!!! ;nay be mend. Work dons -1 ITVLI, i DAILY NEWE nook, Job, and General I} . `*4 ES 1'4 BL Isazumg _,_i -- I'l`YInIu \lL'-ULLUI GI-JOHGI March 15, 67. o um-5 am; under, $1 [or and 13 cents for evirym " ` D 10 nes, 31,25 for En`; _ " 17 cents` for every subsequent` nu uculua nu cvury ILIDBCQIICIIII > Above 10 lines, 7 cents per_ tion, and two cent: per line for once a. week; 4 centiper line; 1 ' Notices of Births. . .50 cents end` Do onmn.gu.5o -- ' w Do ofDeu.ln...60 :- Busnuua No'r1c:a.-A|l 3 hoadingendad or Iplid, . . nu-edby sscsle of nolid Bra under 10 lineal 75 cents, undel` Tl Other Notice: in editorial of which is to promote LE5 interests of Individuals or` ` Reports of Banks, Iluuraii` ' tq attend Lectgrea, Am___ _ A Sernions ;" :cknow1edgemanu,,> --to be considered adv ` on "the same scale; und'in`iq, Business Noea." T " . ._....~l - ~ .' runny `l'h&annratn|u'2"1Al:n.-n?` . ' _ H nun! 49 g - .`l'h9Iq% ~obez2ungaqf_ The _aqnun.11 Iinui _)_ ' Price fox-`square, fog one $40 with the privilege of nltenn M; 3 month. ` .,...*"*`:'.`..f'" {* *3 N.3._.a`: ... ...:'_ .. 1... and wnu Iullli prwuoga. N.B.-'1'ho nquno to be nary business of coin ' ` `~ such houses it win jioie held; Sales, Adveroemiliti bf `SEEK runntnnndffn KIAA... `D.:-A- -1|` cues, aavernoelnentl 01' Bill: tnerdiip Notions, Pnnb` V mdm leniben of for Sale. .5 ,...,.......< .,..,{ ;..,.aA_% Dana. 12-!` Bubmnnn 332 `$3.? M II ! charged u Donut. _ Agua-all UJVIIIIJIHII-III} IT, ' _ IIITURE P0 1;: UST INTRODUCED, Ind` ` ` all leading: honns-1 in Hun ` ramrmra IN aow I U1-'F[CE.-South West corner of Dundgg and :F-[ KI:-on-I: ucu. uvxnuuuunu, Inn 3 leading house: in tha- IIMK. nll Rillin-J HID s bliahed T runny` ' [.51. u.. u...':'3- J [ABINE PRO1`;VEB'l`S.--.E4 I..- 4.]... ...... -3 17-`; _`- -51 'ru:cum7IcIA nouns, ` Labels, Hnndhillu, Pamphlet, Invitations, Law Blanks, Pooling Bills, Concert Bills, Rmlroul Bills, nnurultu mus, Cheque Books, Business Canada, 7 THE DAILY Anvlan-nslni mo.-'a`E m. 'l`h|hod0, ).-XRRISTER AND `I Rnlihntnr an nh........... n ........ -_ `Alderman H, 0 should inttod I of the butt 3 the loading nnduyu. Aldannn G. -0 L. L-) L... The tenour of th 11' to be fully in 1.- n.-..-nmiu-on in uy ll Incl ! Il mu tuolctlon, soul a-- OLA -5- Alderman Livia 700 for the Ho rnment grunt be 1:3. `The luyor plallhlfl wcre p iahy, G. Brown, nnninghnm, Gi Eivinguon, Nellig ' Thu Clerk rad -- --`Link :`p- to IPPUIIII I cu devise menu 0! nring tho appron Aldcnnu Gildc -I to obtain from for the relic! of -Alderman W. opinion tbs! en wn poor, ind the the Housed` IT Alderman Kin -9 --.-I-an ._. --n H-..-Bu-J 9 TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Conveyancer, zc. L Kingston. C. W nan 1 y. praying the th the custom p much, he said, w After some aligh lea 1-enukod 'th 3'1 )ffI IIIIUT Elissa in every ml I deeply Iympntht ilv in {hob and ;.;.'."'.- loin. .. pillei hously. L . t Aldermnn Kin committee on _ 0 payment of our Ito amount of bmighs u Q3,0`I9 5 wt Aldomun 01:0` 3 poor relief 1: Ouucii, ll there In did not go to it clothu prov Alderman Giioo A II .%_2AA_. : Hall governngns `Alderman Allen n-.__n..._nL_ D0 Ila tun, um P _ be Oomnntteo to I D 3I3a`1 m.`.:?5"z`.. 1- Inin on--ovs noun 2 Anvil lo scant to the high tun lb: chacity Aldo!-nun big nlttnn of Ila- QJEIUII ville ILJA. u...._; 4. u .u.; L\JLLAVI'4LL)'lIl.'IJ5 VV, :it.or5, Conveyxmcers, &c. Napanee, yuuul ' scouunmoo of ni-(I Tunsbu V sne Ultl xv-u , which were ndl .10 Foster, geq Io! an infant El): VQL1 d, and 1 The 1 In. In! th \V. R. Mingayc, }'1:`V_A'fr Am` rw _ _ _ . _.. l`JID~J, Ln... 1 llll.L'(`bS nJL..'. 41 "' 1 rposile-:Daily News Goc-;. ALExANDBR C-AMi'BRLi., QC Gxomn: Ll-IVACK Mowar, 311L535 MACDOIIBH. (`.7 -`I .,-1; itaiu, Upnca L;`.:.1\v\.]`nv\rl to!` Al Dnnsuu. The Custom House ia lorril,-Ty (lurnagu end it in questionable whether it w:ll ml/L of repairs, no general dues tin; ._).55-_r-ucu appear at rs . sight. The chimney top the north end of Ilia building fell 1: 1 first wave, injuring a. lady and getlcm who were pinning. The chimnr-v on 2 west side is twisted in I clirectiorf npprig to tin: of its original one. Tlie earthwal genernlly solid and firm, iiecuuic an lung. ed by the vibration that 3 stick I'.`0`l'uj pushed down several feet without. \lllli(`ul Ravarnl of the nuhlir: r-lnr-kc irl`lf'\V'\ Llb Dec. 1. `HE I . P It is the cheapest as well an the best, being only 25 ccuts for a hrge bottle. Buy it, try it, you`ll like ii . and recommend it to your friends. Henry Si1Ilp:nOll J: Co., Montreal, Wholesale Agents. CH(!I.iERA, DIARRHCEA, azc. :`AP.l. RUSSELL seat to the College of Physicians a. communication received by bun from Manilla (where cbolara had lam graing fearfu1l_y)to the effect that, of all remedies tried, Chlorodyue was the moat effec- Livi- " The day seems as yet, uuhnppily, far dis- tant when public opinion or State in1erf'er- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profession will confmue to btmd as unworthy the conduct of those of its membnrs who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such things."-Lam-et. 'I"(1'I.Ii`_"'~1 nmnnnnv-urn nun: uispuani U| uuuu Luiugs. -'A.lVlt'L. T()WLE'S CHLURODYNE. The Original Prepa.rati0n_'of known Composi- tron. From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,-[ think if you would advertise your Chiorodyne more than you do, you would help to beat the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe a secreU"re- medy. Cnsnnns KIDD, M.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :- It only requires to be known to be appreciated. I have no hesitation in characterising it (vim, Towle'a Chlorodyno) as the mos: useful medi- ln lhni l-Ina nnnnnl-of` (In.-1.-.n cl... .... .._n LJBLIICU. ~No'r:.-The Profession is warned against in- ferior, secret, and cheap compounds now in the market. Each genuine bottle bears I fac- simile `of Proprieto:- a signature on the atnmp outside. LIQ. GHLOROFORMI Go. on CHLORODYNE WITHOUT` Dlcbvnnurnm vv 1 IJJUU I.` HERVE! Sole Manufacturer :-A. P. Manchester. -u.-ma uununuu; law} an um: muss IIIBIDI mem- ciue that has appeared during the present century. In diarrham, colic, agne, spasms, I have found iv. to relieve more pain and cause more i. )V than RIIV nthpr nrnln that non Inn l0l'L|.lulu:1_y uunsuun "fun nu__|unr/u. Tho ferry Iteamer Contra. Custa was nem- __Angel Iilsnd when the shqck occurred, and the sensation was so pecuhnr and so strong 1 muked that the captain and passengers t thought the vessel had struck ts fuck. Aknnt mm hundred feet. nf lhn m.....1..... l.Ll\.l|\4 J. named.` \T;\..... ;l`_1IE DAILY NEWS--MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 9. S A SPEFITIC for Rheumatism or Lnmeness [ or any kind, Swelling of the Joints, Sore Tnrnar, l,'nM in the Head and Diphtheria, Burns ur Fxusx lJ'.'.u_=, scmzchea on horses, &c. In JM'Ul3.`' RIIEU.\l.-\TlC LIQUID. |`HE REST Tonic Hair Dressing ever discov- L err-d. It effectually cleanses the scalp, pre- ages the nail` from falling o'or tufing prema- irciy gray, and when the follicles and glands :0 not destroyer}, wit! produce a new and lux- riant growth. of bait where it has already disap- I--1..-ed, V. I FF.` A .\`.\'( Fire and Marine ve_:.vc.: cum-.4.vr mu 1)(/TIILIN. '[`\l. ._. .. .. .. $2,500,000 \l I\'l`Ll\IL` lthh nrm . Auunu u. no usuuvu mun: plun and CAUSE joy than any other article thnt can be Id}, l{! \N1`.~|`I MU'i`l3.\L zuunun uruu 1.10. UHLUR WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. vfnnnfnnrlnnan -__A B W`--`- ` uiuwu uuvvu cuvutul nu. vv\u1}u|_ Ln Several of the public clocks an The one on Tucker`s new Luihlifag 1-`: at ve minutes before 8 o c!or.-k, m hour and minute hu.n.1 h-av_-: >'ilen`Li_\' ed out the time of the ahock dun, forenoon. The large p`.-uxlulum Clo private houses also stopped from M seven minutes before 8. A _..... -:po'.......... .,.L ._...__._.._ : , .u 1n':u1cc (`mllpuny of lluveu, Uuuu. .. .. $1,000,000. hb:n'|-in DURING 1867- : -1 firm: nnn 1 as well as an external remedy, one that always gives entire as.- all who once use it will never ge it for any other. tspnce to enumerate.the virtues by Ihrmsunds who have used it, V tr.-10:5.-u on Inn. ....._!n._ I"L._ _ r A1L1\'Iv wory, in`. un Hr n n |Jnna:s PA'l'TON,Q.O` . hlnruau. :\HY LU ILD LLICll.lU. IJUJ It yourself that it is the best JA.\lE.`3: .\1E.`3 sxvwr, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf yl' oivpoane the Post. IUIUH I-nu-I)A= I-I`-Avlv L). A. mun sitting in 9. job waggm of the guld renery s:-.39. he percoptibly literl up and 5\r\.'LAj'(. and forward with 8. motion all enough to throw him off his se 'l`ha-ran warn I1 urea: mnnn nu uf the Goverment ..-.--|..._I.I...-- urn-yvd, gnd the 1-spond with the HI I .-IN) . ILIIIILV I.- . Towlo, Gholnin, John Nludlc. r mm.{Im:n l ARRISTER,Attorney-nt-Law,Conveynnccr, 1 R. Frecrunn, l |uu`uJ:uc:,-umI., he. Uive opposite P031. Uflice, Clarence one 0! the greatest. (CI')V(`lif'B Street, Kingston. ct-ntury. [L In largely employs: August 6. e1nincnL Pln_v.~x'uc'umauml h`u:-m.-unr= , , ,, , ` private practice in all parts 0! tlu OFFICE I{E.`\I()\'F.D 'l'() KING HTHE}C'1 NEARLY ()1 l _(,)51'1`E 'l'llE UITY BOOK STORE. Joseph I-Euwdon, TTORNEY A'I`5I A `U, Solicitor in Chancery, Nuwig Public, &c., 33 King street, Kingston. ljhuenlx I-;Irq-. .\]..ir;.n.m (7(;|;1p1|n}' 01*` LONDON. 1566. Tnos. A. ALn:xA.xnnn, E. P. Donn, President. General Agent.- INCGRPORATED IN 1919. CAPITAL .; As.~;ETs$4,e;5o_n3s,27 ` ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from lulnn-1 Ports mvuurnble Lnnupu nrnn1I1|I.' and Ii|mr..1'|\: mliu-nnri and . UI.|uu`I.l. vv uuavw ---u.n. uu lll ncun. '1`here were a gren: many panics the forenoon, somg of them having origin in fresh shocks and Others quite cnuseleu. During one of lheg women were Irnnlpled down by 11.3 on City street, below .`d0nIg0mcr_ fortunstely neither was injumj. Th- fan-1:1 nfnnrnpr (`..m:r. (`Hana an Home Insurance Company 01' New liuven, h L -wv /Elna lll!llIl`lllI('0 Company of} Ilurlford liunn. I fo1' Conn jEtn:1" Inmrallcu C0. of Hart-` PAID UP CAPITAL AND sURPLUs-5 s4,s33,543,3u. 1 v `HIS Company has been doing business in I Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public contidence by the prompt and liberal seulcmentofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws o!'Cnnad.-1 by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount. of 5550.000 2-Ignor Carlo Mora, I`)ROFESsUR of the I IA.\'U .3; l`ll(RnUGLl n.x.\-.< h, (`.lYl.'T`l\.'A'I`lH\' .nh.. vuu:I4:A -I-pv-v uv And is prepared 1:: issue policies on terms as low as the safety oflbe assured will permit. JAMES .<\vHr1~ J. 1:. Hmilh, i|l.l)., )YSIClAN, S(?I{(}EON, &c., PURTLAND, Rt-~.=idc-nce Ilnrrowsruilh. [\.`lI'l'uD.\JIL Ul lIll..`,l lJ"\AV" 0'5 III lI\.IrU\1LI BASS, & Cl7L'T`l\'A'1'l()N af7beV_U1UE. FUl`Kl`lD.-`i,l1dlll`lf:I! MIC J. lEYNl1iR':5 Music warns. Kingston, Mnyt EUGENE RIMMEL, ERFUMER by appointment to their Majes- ties the Emperor of the French, the Queen of Spain. the Queen of Holland, the Queen of the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Ilrliggouguv. Lu 'c:5:` I]! one bu `mu LruCb; r` . dime :hed.on thenforgtdh f`_=`=t M the m::rt::l;(s;K. wharf Wu compiegel , ::dB of Folsom sue; the whsrt`; workmen); rocked. and C3 (_ the debris. Theloug riengagenlremovixiu side of the wharf wa`bin3(il::]1t1i f: .,mm I 11?, is now Nina located. Agent at Kingston, TH Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the Lia.-.AI...-..L:..r nun nnu nlvnlt ulono I.-IILELI Ull uunu and cargoes at reasonable rates. JAMES h'WlFT,Ageut, July 1. St. Lawrence Wharf. cIuu.|ra xur we u1ycerme'1'o|let1ieqni- Handkerchief. sites. Enn de Cologne. All the above are carefully prepared for Ex- portation, and retain their excellent qualities in any climate. 96 Strand; 125 Regem Street; 24 Cornhill, London. 17 Boulevard dos Italians, Paris. 1`ID3LAN {manning a real Sea Bulb in your own Room. The above favourite preparation is strongly recom- mended. UV`_ n__i . , -.--\-_.-_ . -- _j_____.____..__ ARDLEY 5; CO., Fancy Soap Makers and Perfumera. Prize Medal awarded for Parity mud Excellence of Quality. London and Paris. BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP. PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP. GLYCERINE SOAP. Every Variety of Fancy Soaps in lb Bars. Also in Cartons of: Tablctl. Pomadcs, Rose and Violet. Powders, Cos- metics, Frencb Extracts, Lavender Water, Cbcrry Too-lb Paste, Lime Juice and Glycerine, and every description of preparations for the Toilet. Messrs Burgoyne, Burbldgas, and Squira re- ceive Iudenta for Yardley Jr Co.`s preparations. Manufactorv. 7 Vine Sn-mat RIm-.m.h.1..- uclvu uuuenla I01` nu-may & Uo.'s Manufactory, Street, Bioomabnry, London, and Depot, 5 Ruedu Grand Uhsntier, Paris. EItI.b1isbed1770. R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the D Medical College ofPau-is, CbiefPby:iciun Extraordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late MD. or the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- troduced in England his ORGANIC MEDI- CINES. -..v, .,uum-u. or Luret: prepM'Bl.10l1S-- THE BAUDEINE, An efficient and prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Dim-rhoaa, Dysentary, and the excessive action of the Buwels. A gold medal was awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Band for this valuable preparation. Price: 13 lid : Mndinm 15 xx . T -~~- .. ......... IUI um: vuluuule preparation Small, 13 lid ; Medium, la 5( Siza, 115 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON! For atremrthnninn the Boat- Qhc Daily Nuns :.L1;aL1JJD, uuu OLD er Kinds of Pnnvrma executed with neatness and despatch at the Daily News oioe, Princesl I.uI:`uuCu. Sole Proprietors--TIDMAN & SON, Chem- ists, 16 Wormwood Street, London, E.O. _j- DR. VICTOR BAUD SORGANIC_MEDICINE. uuuucvu Luna U1As`:b1'A'.l`lZ.ED IRON, For strengthening the Syatem.-Pric 25 9d per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purifying the B1ood.-Price 25 9d per Bottle. `," The above Preparations are in the form of Sweetments, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticularly adapted for Infant: and Mother nursing. RV Ihn nnvnl-\Cnoaz~._ A5` nL_ `I ' uusulug. By the combination of the Iron or Iodine with Cresa`SeedI in a. state of germination, they are unifd with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The irritetive and stubborn mine-'rnl has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ab- sorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. Agent for England and E (1 HTTFPDFQHD Prn rn...Is , --V \.II.`rDPlIl-N-' Street STATUTORY DEEDS-Approved and carefully printed copies of the Short Form of Deed legalized by Statute, for sale at tlie Daily News Oilice. Statutory Mort- gages and other law forms kept on hand. A1 0:`noe-33, Street. Kingston, Magch 20, 1862. _ `-_ . ......-..-ni. CASHCAPITAL .. .. 31,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RlSKS mken on hulls . ..n,I n.._._.... no ..,.....n.....ll.. __n..... ly shaken, hut. A1;IriS`[`E[ \ and plaster atom (opp<