Ma "rm: I.\IQL'IS[7TI61f\I( 707F`7E AIN. Tho Spnnish_penpIe Ippepr to nail` )~ thcmsvos nfthelr newly-Icqtlxred freedom I) In cxprc.-4 their detvstrxtrvn ml" what was _ . ,, done in the rm1ntr_\ In former linu-s. when JA;"K pn'c.~'!T_v :m-1 delpmu` iul1ue1u`<-5 ruled lbw -. ,,n 1 1'.', 1.,}.Jr I-III-I uu \/UIUKUU All the above'nre carefully prepared` for Ex- portntion, and rotnin their excellent qualities in any climate. GA Rn-.n.l . 10:: b....-... n.__,. .. . n . ... u an ULIUJILC. 96 Strand; 128 Regent Street; 24 Cornhill, London. 17 Boulevard dos Italians, Paris. _..-; IDMAN S SEA SALT, for producing a real Sea. Bath in your own Room. The above favourite preparation in strongly recom- mended. u..I.. n___A'--,-- nun...-.. . __ _f_ ___I,_____ ,. ._ -.....u. -44u-nay. TOWLFYS CHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation of known Compani- tion. From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of Standard Works _ on Chloroform. Sackvijle-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,--I think if you would advertise your Chlorodyne more than you do, you would help to beat the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, bnt. will never prescribe a. secret re- medy. Cauznns Kxnn, M.D. Tn Mr Tnuln ('11....-..:.+ ll-av--l---A-- many. Caannns To Mr Towle, Cherniat, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes:-"It only requires to be known to be appreciated. I have no hesitation in characterising it (viz., Towle"s Chlorodyne) as the most useful medi- cine that has appeared during the present century. In diarrhoea, colic, aguo, spasms, I have found it to relieve more pain and cause more joy than any other article that can be named. No-rI.-Tbe Profession in warned against in- ferior, secret, and cheap compounds now in the market. Each genuine bottle bears a fac- simile of P1-oprietor s signature on the stamp ontei-'30. LIQ. GHLOROFORMI Co. on CHLORODYNE WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. solo Manufacturer :-A.. P. Towlo, Chemist, llanohutor. `Ann nuoanuu neat to the College Of Physicians 3 communication received by him from Manilla (where cholera had been graing fearfuily) to the effect that, of all remediei tried, Qblorodyne was the moat. e`ec- live. 11 PINL- 1,, ,,,--- LIVE. The day seems as yet, uuhappily, fa: dig- taut when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profession will `continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of thole of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such thinga."-Lancet. pg,-`.1-py nun rur-rv nu-.n_----_ [LIE l.lU.CU. Sole Proprietors-TIDL{AN 3: SON, Chem- ists, 18 Wormwood Street, London, E.O. JACOBS` RIIEUSMTIU LIQUID, CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, kc. EARL RUSSELL seat to t_bo Col|_ Y)'|.-.-qaini.-..... .. --n--------= - III uuw U diner-out." EUGENE RIMMEL, Toilet POWd!'!. Portable Fountains. Toilet. Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders. Glycerine Toilet Requi- sites. tbe College Ltinn ronniv-A L- l I ATTOI{NE3' AT-IAYI, Solicitor in It _ Ulmncery,NoLm_\' Public, &c., 33 King ulrnr-1* l\';!\lf|.|1AllI ` OFFICE RE'.'\`[(;VEl) TU KING STREE1 NEARLY ()I l`OSITE THE CITY BOOK ST()I{F}. A -F`-uxru `J... an: -\.rIu-' _)ROFES-SUR of the PIANO & TFIOROUGH BASS, & CULTIVATION oflhe VOICE. For terms, address MN`. J. REYNEWS Mule Store, Kiaglton, May 6, .- r? @..\.._.A Phaanlx Fin; Assurance Company OF LONDON. . Home lnsur:mce Cmnpmxy of New Unveil` Uonu. CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1867- $2,000,000. Fund: nnncho in Hum hnn;ln nr H. (`J ..... -..o ;z,uuu,uuU_ Funds deposited in the hands of the Goverment for the security of Policyholdera. f` All ne risks carefully surveyed, and the rate of Premium made to correspond with the risk aslnmed. I I IITNQ Evrvvrnrn Flre and Marine I_VSUR.ANC'F.` COMPANY OF DUBLIN. CAPITAL .. .. .. _ .. $2,500,000 ANNUALINOOME. .. .. 1,000,000 '1`. w. GRIFFITH, ll.__.,._.._r._r\,_ x 1566. Marine lnsufance. 1566. -_n-- gnu:-1.1 \./IJIIII. Taos. A. Auxamza, E. P. Donn, President. General Agent. IHCORPORATI-JD IN I819. CAPITAL 33,000,000. AsSE'1'Ss4,65o,93s,27 ULL Ax!) CARGO RISKS to and from Inland Ports on favourable terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid in Canada Currency. I A uuu urnrnm . ___. .-Elna Insurance Company of iI___nt'.__,l 1`, , Home Insurance (`ompany or New Haven, 1'`; u._,,,,,, Etna Insurance Co. of Hart- ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS-- $4,833,543,39. r ____, _,5x - John Nludlc. )ARRIS'l`ER., Attorney-at-Law, onvoynncer, 3 &c. Ufve opposim Post Ofce, Clarence rr-of Kinrntnn g_ \/IIzLuL,\:l _y , mt-t., Killgstu uu\u wusu v-usunu her the-Mrs a piece was being penurur fbrist was repre- npprt-ssion Ind m- s hanged himself .x.-- n now"... 4`. Agent at Kingston, mu `- \.au\.I,I Losee: paid in 49 years, 1:- THIS Company has been doing business in Cnnsdn for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt. and liberal settlement of nary fair claim. [than fully complied with the laws of Canada by the deposit. with the Government. of Stocks to the amount of quuuuvu And is prepared to issue policies on terms as low as the safety oftbe assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Whnrf. Kimnmn, Fab 4 um: J. R.TSmI1h, M.D.,Z )HYs1cmN_ SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, Residence Hm-rnwamilh Kinguton, Feb. 4, I866. ARDLEY &: C0., Fancy Soap Maker: and Peufumers. Prize Medal awarded for Purity and Excellence of Quality. London and Paris. BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP. PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP. GLYGERINE SOAP. Wan. u....:..._ _: :w._,, n uux untunni BURY. Every variety of Fancy Soups in lb Burl. Also in Cartons of3 Tablets. Pomadea, Rose and Violet Powders, Cos- metics, French Extracts, Lavender Water, Cherry Tooth Peale, Lime Juice and Glycerine, and every description of preparations for the Toilet. - II__.__ n,,,, "* ' " 1mm U1Ab"l'ATlZED IRON, For strengthening the Sysm;n.--Price 23 9d per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purifying the Blood.--Price 23 9d per Bottle. `J The above Preparations are in the form of Sweeunoala, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticulnrly adapted for Infants and Mother: nursing. RV than nnvnkinnoin-. .-.6` .I._ r,, - -A uurmug. By the combination of the Iron or Iodina with Cress Seed: in a state of germinntlon, they are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The irritative and stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ab- sorbed by the blood without injury to the Itomach. Agent for England and British Posneuiona, E` G. DUFRESNE, 79 Wailing Street. May be obtained of all Chemists. urunui, WLIISIC Llly ugh`.-J biases And ap- nph awaited them in f-:11 is sold. When arcs enterud the mar- 1 by El deputation of I-umely of Indie who uul shrimps.--Both x-3 Are What the fair urn." This had, no rich IL- R.-Lv------ y I u1\1 LoamlhLV'1'B I01 1 intended] to appear :1 should be sent in at In early \ u polalbla. I UIICL. Messrs Burgoyne, Burbidgcs, and Squire ire- coive Indenls for Yardley &: Co.'s preparations. Manufactory, 7 Vine Street, Bloomsbury, London, and Depot, 5 Rue du Grind Chantier, Pnria. Eatnb1iabed17'l0. R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the D Medical College ofPsrie, ChiefPhysician Extrnordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late MD. of the Civil Hospital: of Algiers, haejult in- troduced in England his ORGANIC MEDI- CINES. ` They censiet of three preparations- THE BAUDEINE, An eicieutend prompt.Remody for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Dian-hues, Dyeeutery, and the excessive action of the Bowels_ A mm: ......:..1 V 11111: DAUUISINE, efficient and Bowels. A gold medal was awarded by the French Government to Dr `V. Bnud for this valuable preparation. .( Price: Smell, ls lid ; Medium, 43 5d ;`Large Size, Ila per Bottle. TEE DIASTATIZED Fnr ntrnnathaninn Hm Q-~--- BILL HEADS and other kind: Pnnrrme executed with neat: despatcb at the Daily News office, Street U Dec. 20, 1867. Jj DR. VICTOR BAUD S ORGANIQMEDICINE. July I. D. Sunun. President. u l L)l\./l.(1$V. DU llLYl'\n\JAV' Residence Hnrrowsmilh. 1:."- On Wetlnesday randon visited St. were accompanied Hinton, Holden, and uninitiated scarccly ml signiticarce in the _=!mrt-9ighred poHLi- _:anzl their guide rs: market, where they 1.91:`.-J biases: And an. .. _ - V - _ v - .- ' LKULILBTJ. CASH CAPITAL .. .. 31,000,000. ARE AND RIVER RISKS taken on bulls and cargoes at reasonable rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, July 1. St. Lawrence Wharf. bl Kingston, Feb. 4, 1868, Al Oico-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. REl.lAN{)E MITTIHL LIFE ASSL'Ix .ANCE CUJIPANY. DVERTISEMENTS for intpndadl on ---- -- Mliuynl Assurance Company h ignor Can-Io Mora, [L\L*:\n -0 .1 , nv n \vr\ n, rI'\Y11\ J on-.pI| Plnwtlen , LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.S'l`RANGE. Arvnnt 4'1: 'F:....-n- Vilurtford Conn. called the "grant II n Agent for Kingston. Uice opposite Burnett House. :7 LUKI, THUS. KIRKPATRICK. HE]. JAMES swn-"r, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. JAMES SWIFT, Bl Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf 1'7. Lll\l|"I`llrI, Manager for Canada Cauxua Wu.soI' Secretary. 51 Ann nnn ___._____.___ kmds of Jon td With nnornmm ----` nu rv. min-LLLVIJE, Agent. for Kingston eat. uuucz nmus OI J03 L neatneas and 'gwn. nno D-'-~--- ` ` Eton (oppns'm>:DsiJ_v Nvxvs (1016:). irnnnphcll. lllownu & NIIIo3n:'=1 (3.|l, Mumlonnlcl, Pnllon Jr. Muolnur, )ARRlSTERS. 310.. l`rin(~os! Shim`. Kinsp I ARRISTERS. AND ATTORNEYS-M~LA`W, Solicitors in (tluanoary, &c4 All-1-Avrmn (`AuI`nl1.l._ 0.0- H`mm:_})-`l (`Jan-nnr-n Sh nnnnn-Mn H\n Paul __.__________ the Dun! NIWI, the. same avnnlmr , , . . . . :11 unit evening, M an hour in the day $23,000,000. nuucaa ulJ(1 e, Princess IIEUIUUJNA1. ULu..U1u)u 1 mm, 1UVv1|u.-.u U] R. Freeman, Pharmlceutint, is nllowcd to be on: or the greotst discoveries of the present century. It is largely employed by the molt cmlncnl. Physicians and Surgeons in hospital and prince practice in all ports of the worlul. lt lms ofll-eta peculiar to itself, and which are essential- ly (librenl to than produced by tho nrioun cnmpoumln brnring the name of Chlororlyne, but have no prntt-ncu to possessing its virtues. It rnpirlly relieves pain, from whatever canoe, al- lu_r:-I the irritation of fever, soothes the nystrm umler oxhnurting diseases. and givr-a sleep with- out prorlur-lug may one of the unpleasant feelings .-o commonly arising from the use of oplltel. It continues to hold its unahuen position in tho estimation of the Profooolol no the belt, moo: reliable, and cheapest prepantion. Emlnnnt Ind scientic Physicinna made aidnvlts tho: they have tested its cecte in c.|reful comparison with those of DR. COLLIS BROWNE S CHLOR0- DYNE," and deposed to the facts thus they lound it a more certain Ind reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FB.EEMANS." I Ic`n.l Dnnaall rvxmmllninntod In H1: Rnvnl l- and greatly prelerrea "" Earl Russell communicated to tho Royal Col- logo of Pllysicinnl and to Mr Freeman, that in Mnnilln the only remedy of my use in Cholen was Chlnrodine. In: A u-.::_,.r 'IV:...... .._..I I]'..'-..u- 12......-u 1110}: Umnroame. _ The Medical Times and Gazettg, January 180.1), 1866, states, It has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singuinrly popular did it not supply u want. and (ill a place. Manufactured by the Inventor, Richsrd Free- man, 70, Kenningmn Park Road, London, 3. The genuine has engraved nn the Gruvernment Stump (outside each Bottle), FREEMAN` S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." 10.V'DY S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- (J t.-mt. puries, dcodorises, snd:di.-infects, by the agency of nascent or ozonic ox_vgen_-':ts active principle. Being entirely innoxiolu, this trxy scientic prepnrstiou is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, for which sll other disinfectants, on sccountof their poisonous or other objectionable qus.Iic.ies, are unsuikble and -ans-`nun ' __ ICIUIILIIIIJ Pl'CP'Ill'II.Il.Il.I I. PECUIIHTIJ llpveu. [Of I and useless :- Detecting organic impurities in Air And water. Purifving drinking and other water from or- gnnic matter, lead, &c. |<'ron|1r-ninn tho air-nf olnan hlnrlnl and In-`nu- BIHIU JIHILIICI` IUIU` GIL. Freshcning the air of clone places, Ind remov- ing bad smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from taint. Countei-acting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Musty provender. Freeing wheat l.nd other seed from smut. Maintaining the health ol plantain pougnd conservatories. ' I , 1 James Agnew, ARRISTI-Zfiaud, ATTURNEY-al-L:\`\`F',Cou- veyancer, kc. Office Bagel St:-rel, second door south 0! {he Bn:u~`a Why Uce, upstairs. .| ntvnnl I r C|JllS{'l'VLUr|t`H. Preacrving and retoring thgfreshness of cut owers kept. in water. nnll.rnI:ino rhn Might nl H... n.-.a..o... -:..,. LLUWCIB l\L'}JL HI Wlllvr. Destroying the blight of the potntoe, vine, hop, nmim:-rry tree, &c. VVa.-ahing (lugs and other domestic nninull. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubl, dniry utensils. `.'n_-1.:...-. 01-... 1...:_ ._..J :_,|_-_:-_ 9., _,v, um! _y unensns. Wan-;hiug the hair and daxkening its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and lnvigornting cf lecns of baths and tuba. Dressing poisoned wounds md destroying ani- mal virus. Treating the infectious dineues of cattle, horses, dogs, &c, nun rvn.Hnn nnn'l.p.... nnn ;. can __n,,_ ,1 - I uulau.- uu53' Q20. One gallon makes 200 to! for uie. `V-r` n .` n..., IUI u":. N.B.--Condyh Fluid is thu Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in Water. and affords Lhc only known memm of npidly and completely freeing I):h-:k'mg Water from Orgahic Tlint, which is an cmnnmn n cause 0! serious disease. To rapidly purify we air, use the diluted uid with Candy`: Uznniser or other Spny-pro- ducer. WILKI l1l'\l1 rm ORIGINAL OHLORUDYNE, luwnted b! n -n_-.....-.. vu.-..........o:.o is allowed to be v--\rAV -u-nu II L|.A1I.|` (yon -romrr rI:nrosn,) Removes from the mouth impure and loreign mates and odours, whether arising from tobccco or other causes, and counteracts the irriution and Lnoubid secretion: of carious teeth. It puri- es and when: the skin, And, used in the bath, tends to pruruote I healthy state of the whole body. '|'.'I' 'Dt'|`I"YlI|vr f1t`\ \v'v\-v UDSON S SIMPLE DYES FOR THE PEOPLE. Any one can use them; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossible in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparation: can he applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a colouring agent for with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing gen be dyed in a few minute! for a few pence without soiling the hsnds. MEHORANDA. MAGENTA: The strength and beauty of this dye is almost incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce a clear Rose Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, kc. WOOLLENS: Iagenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory reeultl. Use alarge quantity of boiling water in an earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILK8: Brush them with soap and water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. Dye in boiling water. FEATHF-RS: Dye in hot water Ia fan i-1...... almost every known material, the ease no renuer tnem clean. Dye of the din in nnhuim .\ .-.......umu; uyu m not. water (n. few drops dye is suioient. for one feather). OOTTON: Mauve, Violet And Purple an recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet and Orange. Dye in warm water. WBITEWASH: To color: Jlfagentatfor Pink or Rose ; add half a bottle to e pnil of Inter, then stir in the Whitanina .. ...--n n .4. . n. n non. : `[0 color: Magenta,` for Rose; Whitening ll usual. Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue [nd crimson produce pretty tint: by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir in: few drops of Colour- Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impart deiicuo tints to Luce, Linen, &c. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling Inter. BLUE : For laundry purpose: is A 1. A Ritnnnnw I-uaool- -0 It__.( _ EA AND PEBRINS'Wo1-oestershlre Esuoo. This delicious Condiment, pronounced by lonnoisseurs The only good sense," is pro- sred solely by Lea and Perrins. The Public are respectly csutloned ngsinstworthleis ini- tations, and should see that Lea and Perrins Names are on Wnpper, Lebel, Bottle, and Stopper. Ask for Lea and Pen-rins Scuoo. Sold Wholesale end for Export, by the PM prietors. Worcester : `Kenn. am... ...a nu-.. own :1 noleanle nnu for Export, priotorn, ; `Hours. 01-one and Block- v`r;ll:;.:E|:s. Bu-cl:-y::|`d gtilll, Loflion; Q: well ; Hours. Bu-clay and Sons, loa.;snlb1Gnoouud0lhoI M...-nu . xv: In uuury purpose! II A 1. BOOK EDGES: A Sixpenny bottle of Ingen- la, Violet, Crimson or Blue will make from 3 pint to a. qnnrt of beautiful colouring, ac- cording to shade required. Apply with a brush. PAPER and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 Black 1:0 half ll-ninf nf has -In---- unn nun;-: A. oome of half a-pint of hot water. SATINWQOD STAIN: A Sixpennv bottle Canary dissolved in a. pint of boiling Inter PHOTOGRAPHS` may be uted; diluh the dye with water ; a. bottle of Mngents to 3 pint of water. to. fT.T.TTMT\T.|mrun, It - --- * puu. 01 water. so. ILLUMINATING: Magenta, Orange: pour in few dunno =- . um xuvu uu uotton, Silk or` ordinary way. BLENDING some of the dyes in produce :11 innity of shade, .~ unto. UUCI n connvs PATENT ozomslm WATER 1..-- _-_ .1. 1;`.-ux 0| August 1. l~'i."'~ S 1~:1c 1~*1'I.'e~` 151*. ULI simple FINE`!!! H. BOLLKAN CONDY, Patentae, Bctueraon, London. 1. uyu Ln uoumg water. water (n. few drops am fenhen, the blth will according to af dye will tint n qnrt. 11, Silk or Wool in the 9 300 gallons adapted '. JJIEFU. And I large unount of enenl reldipl mltter is publilhdu. Prion, Fin Cents. Bubscripnon Two D:)llsrI per A j`I,,_.__. TAIIDL1 `L1-u--.._.' E] North half of Lot No. 4, in the at can oeuion of the Townnhip of Kingston, can mining One Hundred Acres (part of which II under tillnge), with I Frnmo Dwelling Home thereon. The farm is only uven miles from the city, and is close to the Portland mncadnmized road. Inquire at the Dsily Nun ofoe, Kitti- limit THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Qonunative THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (wh'gl.d THE wnswuxnsrnn nnvmw ( icnl). mm NORTH BRITISH Imvlzw (rm ch h) `Uh \\'IlkI.u0n .1 llvv\'v, BARRISTPLILS AND ATTURN`l~1\ 5-I-LAW, Solicitors, Puuvvynm`ers, &C_ Nnpnm-0, P W I uzlnianu mrelgu penuulcuw um ruguusn] ru 1 published by us in the same style A! hereto- fore. Those who know them and who have long nubicribed to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few years hnd deprived of their one welcome supply of `the best periodionl literature, will be glad to have them again within their reach ; nnd those who may never yet have met with them, will neared- ly be well pleased to receive accredited reports of the progress of European science Ind litera- tnrn AID `suoxwoons EDINBURGH IAGAZINII (Tory-) _ _ IIWHESE foreign penodncals are regularly re nnklial-nu! hr nu in Oh: nun-m nlvln An I-ml-atn. LIILIZLV 1' VII I-UVUA Fol-any one of the tour Reviews For nny two of .he four Reviews For my three of the four Reviews For all fourofthe Reviews For Bla.ckwood e llngnzine - For Blackwood and one Review For Blnckwood and two Reviews For Blnckwood ind three Reviews For Blackword and four Rgzicws I u o ; A u A - When sent by mail, the Postage to my pan of the United States will be but Twang foug- cent; as your for Blackwood," and but ght Cgnt; I yegr for each of the Reviews. Subscribers may obzin back numbers st th following reduced rates, viz : ` Th; Nu.-H. l2-'t.'.L ham 1'........ 1n9 4... n. 1 IUIIUW ll-Is rcllcvu I'II.lB, VII: The North British from Jnnunry, 1863, to Do- cemBer, 1866, inclusive ; the Edinburgh and We Weumimler from April, 1864, to December, 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly tor l865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 3 your for each or any Review; also Blackwood for 1866, for $2.50. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., 38 Walker-street, N.Y. By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the 13:51. P_Nort.on, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Oc- mvo, 1600 pages and numerous Eqgnvings. PRICE--$7, for the twain volumes. By the Don paid. $8. 1 nxun---at no-tn-id. sa.` DE. DE JONGH S Oil is convincingly proved by An overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test of successful expo:-ience for twenty yar! in all puts of the world, to be, beyond :1] question, the purest, thc most omen- cioqs, the moat palauble, and, from its rlpid curative effects, the mosheconomicnl of all kinds. Hanan tlm Imiv-runl r-nlahuhu II` n- A- 1 -_._LI- uurun-u enecu, me mospeconomicnl ofnll kinds. Hence the universal celehnity 0L Dr. de Jongh'| Oil, Ind the unpcrnlleled demand for this unri- rdled preparation. 1 1 rvI:uu't::3uu_\' nun. rrluuy E. o'clock. Returning, will leave Kingsu MiLl Point and Bellerille on Tucsr day evenings, at 8 o'clock; 5 o'clock. For Freight or Passage apply ` J55. SWH L`. I._ ...5....-u.u-u vuu ulvcr mu. 1 consider it to be u very pure oil, not likefy to cream disgust, and I. tbrapeulio ngenl of great ulna. SELECT MEDICAL OPETONB. SIR HENRY IIARSH, BLRT., l.D., Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Irehud. U T L.-- 6'........_.I_ .____-,1L , 1 n - __._,_.-..._ ... .........-._, w on-Iv gucuu nu Lanna, I have frequently prescribed Dr. dc J h Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil. I consiaeeisozfb: van nure oil. not lilu-rw tn 9...... .a:....... _; DR. EDWARD snrra, F.R.5., Iodicnl Ocor to the Poor Luv Bond of Britain. ut-I-r, .1. u .. aalliuln We think it 1 great ndnntage thu diets in one kind of Cod Liver Oil which in univernlly ndmitted to be genuino--thu Lighfr.Bl'0WI Oil Iupplied by Dr. de Jongh. It has long been our pnctice, when prescribing the oil, to recommend this kind, Iince, amidst a much variety and un- certainty we have condence in its genuine- nesa.-(hxtmct from Commmminn - in IL-1- iVt_Li_'g-e_x'1`:'1i;; nose.-(hi xtrnct Consumption: its Early md Renedinble Stages) DR. LANKESTER, 1|'.R.S., Coroner R3 Central lddluex. I consider that the purity of this oil In secur- ed in its preparation, by the personal attention of no good a chemist and intelligent a physician :5 Dr. de Jongh, who has also written the best medical treatise on the all with which I am no- qnaitrted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oil Iold under his gunrantee to be preferable to any other kind :1 rognrd genuine-nee: and medial a- cncy." II cacy." Kedical Ocer of Health, nnd Chief Amlylt to the City of London. nu In all caseaIhava found Dr. de Jong '5 Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing the same set of properties, among which the presence of cholaio compounds, and of iodine in a state of organic combination, are the moat remarkable. It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this oil has great therapeutic power; and from my investigations, I have no doubt of its being a pure and unadulterated article." DR.|BARI:0W, F.R.S., `Senior Physician to Guy " I have frequently recommended persons con- sulting me to make use of D5. do Jongtfs Cod Liver Oil; I have been well satised ' ` 7 March 15, DB. GRLWLLE, F.R.S., Author of the Spun of Gerlnnny." Dr. Gr:nville| has found thnt Dr. do J ongh | Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil produces the desired eect. in n shorter time than other kinds, and that it does not cause the muse: and indigestion too often consequent on the administration of _tho pale oil. nnwm ourrou, 330,, r.1Lo.a, Surgeon to Chu-ing-cross Hospitnl. For several years past I have been in the In- bit of prescribing Dr. de o Light-Brown Ood Liver Oil, and nd it tobe much more e- cncious than other varieties of the same medicine which I have also employed with 3 View to test their relative superiority. 7 A. A YOUNG MERCHANT- ` pay more for the 1_-e_n1: of ya 1.-.--- nu, - - To MERCHANT-When you rent your business house than for advertising your bu ' you are pm-wing I fnloe policy. If you can do buiuqlot it be known. `-Fnn- Ll. The L. 3. Pub. Go.:l-5:). publish A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL, ' "7 oo1uIN11'a ALL 1112 NEWS 01' THE wg,,`,; ENTERTAINING STCHIIES AND 8KI!g.i 'is'm'rIsn r__nfbn1cALs. Ji\J\J'l.\ n.n.'l.1!1DID AND POSTERS E Steamboat and Excursion Bill: and ickets, executed expeditiously at the LILY Nun B-nun Pu-mm... tr---- LL11: ;1AYVI I: E:-inccu Street )R. DE JONGH`S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL. W :\`.-.I an}. CHRONICLE AND NEW; The Farmer -3 Guide YARN FOR SALE. rosfigz. It hv than {HA Dnnfn TERMS FOR _1868. -1 LL- _.._`D_-____ DR. LETHEBY `A_ddreaa, vBoudo{ Great Kingston and Cape Vlncm Ferry. On And after Moada_v,a1stinat., `I oil`! 1 0.00 I 2.00 I oVU 10.00 13.00 16.00 unc Bow: JM"Es'" "ii Daily News Oice, ~ HENRY dill: Parliamentary lid Pl '1'**;:.*:1*::.*.;a,"'D-`:',.,....."*"-I-3 meat Obtain: In rpm-gum Letter : Patent; 0131-um Privnm Biill d ' th E Gonv Riahtrrgl I: 19...: ` xuvnw anus \l.|uII'l.Il` In. . 5` Copy Right: nnd the Re` murky and designs procured. Dun inc: Rmciagein-...A IIICTBU Cllu QCIISIII mum. ` Dnwingo,Spoc tinned necessary to menu Pgunu pared on roeeipt of the 195.] M .` ,.` 4 REFERENCES:-_: Hon. A. 0AlPBELL,Kingg_- * RICHARD JUSON, Eu, 1] \ ' ` ~ luau. RICE LEWIS & .o - W. H. WILSON, n.q., sineodr "1 HoI.JOHN OARLING,' -\ V. 5 BULL, Elm, Inspector of Life Assurance Golnpnny. " July Int. 1867. RE now prueing an 15 A of Ameriun Psttcxn LOOKS. LATCHER Intn. .5 an Aunanan Illicit J. LOOKS, LATCHEB, Kldu oar.-p them for min. in Ha. In-L. .1. 1.4.: r..11. on me Irnrm or Trunk Trains from the West to mee leaving Cape Vmcenl. for Home, U: and the Northern Transportation Corr pellers for Uswego and Western Po RETURNING 1 `VH1 !.s--- 1"--- 171--..-. oer them for salsa, to Q3 " and :1 price to 0 DUI wj any but HOME KADI , direct to the Knnufnc , WeI1.;artotheGoInpq':3 ' A leuru Evan: & lung .3] Attended to. , -7" uu llII..I.VI.`l .1 .I.\\JLIlDI` V " .1.`/.1 for the use of N ' facilitating the drnwil.Ig,.ng' casesof disaster to Yemen. Daily News Oice. ` ` HE NEW SABBATH BOOK, Ta: Gown Perkins, Author of "The " net, The New Shining` ' King," " The Booted Lute, Wu will send n. nnuqimnn nlug, " Luv IJIIEIVII bile,` ii We will send a. specimen M any address, on receipt of Gown Pnomn is ufbllovi 7 inglo coyiea in paper eovun,..m' By the 100, u W Single copio in board can .',` By the 100, u I BABBATH SCHOOL HIT` i0NTH.;v3; ` We publish a New Sim; ' . Sendf M "W .*::,.:... rALL's UNRIVALLED T mrunn -- JUST 1NTnonUcm, sllludinghoupum. boiueonhin Polinh. Send ` we will give full porticnhlj I is put up in bogtlea at 30c, A M u-u I _uua=u In umereq at! ,1:-=d.wP'v-if W _ nnown as` 04-Iurddyeuafor "ll. Lillian DAILY NEW Book, Jgb, and Gonerl B'S1"ABLIS.HI:li Tm: Undenigned, having . or Pun an Fuav b Job Printing, and having TWO BTIAIPII is enabled to execuh in tho_ M with grater expedition than` in the City,.11 ordcu for may be fnro:-ed. Work dd: I`II`I`.I, ---J -as I`I'!LIo "ru;.In or RA 6 linen and under, $1 for _` and 13 cent; for an _, 1 10 lines, 31,25 for n! 01'! N50! Above 10 lines, 7 cents- tion, and two cent: 17 cents for at insertion. n..|._-__,, - 0 an pa-line) At I.-1U AJI. on H from Rome Uawego, A Trunk Trains going E Bay of Quinle steamer. FA! r..,:.-.51. . . n . . ....._ ""51':e7{uens inn:-uoiu not - ._7 once I wash. 4 cent: per ' Nmiees oirthm. .50_ Iuredby iIc_l100fI0lid:- under 10 lines 75 eentl, ' , _ Other Nation: In .a:...:.t . wuu IIIIIU prlYuOgI. ` . N.B.-'l'he Iquuob bu nary busineas of ooumin-' such house: it will not be 1 Sales, Advertisement of $ n...4-. .._l. I- U ...-. --- nu`-Jh of which is topmmoto th9- `T ' intaroata of Individual! ' Reports of Banh, I'I.l.IIaYA.j Theuquom to be 22 linql The half square 11 linllll Prion for square for` $40 with the priviliaga 1 month. _ _ .1 _m t1_u---_-,: I I IllUluKl- _ Half square for Daily -1 with auto prlvilegc. N.B.-Tha ln-rd 9|. Ii u|VlQI1I.| Ilfgx-Bale. _ 8 publisbo way Dona: per " Sabin:-ibera who receive tlssl IrochArg9dAl'inDoHuIa ` "'*`~ .W IEOIIII '3' Two Dollanpor 0! _.,i Alldljmllcl E 5 WATE1{l`I) V N, CoLuux Hnacnr . 9:51., Muna, \\7lLL leave Kingston daily (Sundays ex- ` " cepted), "- Ar 1-.1 : DH r\n ch. ...:....1 -1` .L_ n___; pnrulallnlp no noes, l"WlU`l individual Helnben of Fl:-lI,'1 for Rain ' 1"` P '.9>'~ Blues, nuvernsemeuu oz 5% partnership Notices, ` II individual Ilnml-an 15' I`!--u. PRINTING LN 4 J"! TH)", Lnbeln, Hnndhlll .I-III-EII, Hnndbills, Pnmnhhn-, LIIIIWJDII Pampbletl, Invitltiolly Luv Blush, Poating Bills, Concert Bills, Railroad Bills, Cheque Boob, Busineau Cards, THE nm* I .0!-`i-`ICR.--S0u1l:\ West corner of Dundtfs and ` .x. l._..... ADVBE uur I Ulru BROWN J ADA Q. J" 110.420] follvuring is an ext I gen leman connected of New Zealnnd in r earthquake :-Ou a th ofAugust. the watt.-r oticed to be very Inns (3 impaction was fou Hing at the rate of 111: t every ve minuses. ghout the day to 2:. gr snd from telegrams r thlt. it aectod the w _: 1\:I ._ 7_.`.|-_nd_ bei Eh: Elailp RIDAY EVENING, thlt IF ELICULIIJ ouu vv of New Zmla.nd._ bei `e Province of Otago. I nd that at. the Chan rut dnlxlge, washi nqdj drowning 3 Ma on the east cgsst of I. grant extom". Fro collested, ir'u ppenrs by. thrgsz: distinct vol ocality in judgvd to t01.h:_ eastward of He disturbing inuence , which gave us` a g "mates to ten, on the f Atfgunt, which wa Is Nspier, and also bury and Otago. nt fteen years ago a. f the Order of Jesuit d of a. series of mine at Frnnkfort-on-theshl : If anyone can pro y of Heidel ritten bysJesui: in w ju ent of Vhtt fnc ` `be end jusries either in those or in pny to that person book, 1,000 orinsR ` Yer, on the other .prodnced this proof, ` -Order that dingr y word of mouth or re to be a dishonour _ -2 .L- `l?..:..--..:o:..s VOLUME X mg T1i1'1:sn\\" E\`+:1_:~:(;.'N0\'. 19. A letter is going `Ll: spars, addressedjot 2 this moment hip land, written by Dr. dfbd fhl 1RIh I LIIICUE sncescor, Mrs E! , who died of.. in escaping from h re, October 5, 17: down in the :1` lo was savedban for the admiration the rights 9! untried we tunings, sud up party ropruomod ill 11! fortune: plsood at I nernl viun, somowhn. _ by I cltrect up _ r Gladuono to mu 1: question. inlveaton Civilian remulnble stuem 51". Heidenheimor Ye just received A dinct from Chin d_irccI. to Galveston gm Bmu:.-Mrs. New Hampshire, h ible printed in 1599, 5(.`-brintophei Burke *mont. excellent 1:: 3_I_A_rblehedd ft);- mm l.:.... n :9` unpugn II I labo n the nwful act of p ea : on Friday morn the constable in tb admitted that ha ha 0 and hnndsd them 3 Itenler were pro What in NM "-1 I-II\I Wllllcjl IIJ .IJlo , du_d the _18I.h 7:: follow: :--Alth ow you, having take verty, can promise _A ' t, _ne,venh-lets e demanded proof '1 Mind `by your pub point out any juri kc the srbitration. . 1 xo um u-mu-anon. in: as nonginry ; ti Icy has replied to .iI: that it could not that eect was :1 tin, undiika the er. I look forward 4: nuswomcnd gign, 0 reply has II ye`: -vs --cuter s What is the -`val demanded. my Lo lln ..n .L- mcmit timo Pym "'88 sac!"-ed; I lrnrl .. ___-: WOHMEXCIXG MONDAY, 26th inslut, one of the Ferry Slenmera will run as under: Lento Kingston daily, Leave Wolfe Isl d daily, Atll-30am. At 9am DOCTRINE OF` - dunno Inn wring; ad 5: Club, In -1-.:'.s. L... U Ann I.` ' LAND. .,...r. |J.|Aln I ; p.u1. OI MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, & SATURDAYSv 8 mm. | 7:30 mm. 0! MONDAYS AND SATURDAYS, L 4 pm. SUNDA TRIPP} Kingston and -(i1an0(iue Route. A V H; t&iNUb"l'UN On Tuesdays. Wednesdays, and Friday: at 8:30 P.M. ` LEAVE GANANOQUE. On Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, at 6 AM. W-uvvu uuu Intermeamte pol-ts_ (379174 days excepted) at FOUR O CLOCK, Rptnrninn `dawns D..H....:11- -_.___ `ll ! uxuepteu) 8!. IUUH. U'ULUUK., Returnmg, leaves Belleville every morning (Sundays excepted) at SIX o clock, am. For Panza nF pFa:rvkI .....l 'r)-....___ -__I__ A- .1, , kuuuuaya excepted) at 511 clock, For rates of Freight and Passage apply to the ` Cnplain on board, or to I nnvvfxrn n ['1 sjj: "`---2j>- I 11d STNGLE COPIES of the 2 | Nzws may be had at the cou the publicuion oice, Princes stree ` three coppers. Auu umnvn. Jun; D1`. LAWHENLYE V WHIRF, foot of Johnion Street, for the !\bOV0 and intermediate every day (Sun- dnys excepted) FOUR n*m.m`.r( ,._..V_ , not teach C. H. HATCH, Passenger Agent. Kingston, April 20, 1868. x, ONEY TO LEND. $50,000 to lend on the A security of Real Estate in the City or Coun- try at a low rate of interest. N0 commission charged. ~ R. M. ROSE. Anril `Z3 EASES-Forms of Leases and other descriptions of Law Printing kept in stock at the Daily News Oice. Every description of printing done to order. DAILY BOAT` For Bath Plcton and Belleville. TA/TUTORY DEEDS--Approved and carefuily printed copies of the Short Form of Deed legalised by Statute, for sale at the Daily News Ofce. Kingston, Apn! 20, IF 'm. ll. 'II|ihod0, DARRISTER AND .v\TTl1l{.\H-ZY-AT-LA\'", ) Solicilor in Chancery, L`uu\`ey:mccr, &c., Ichor Buildings. o---_:- -..._ \\'. R. Rllllgng 1-. TTO`R.\ h`.Y-A'I'-l.A`\'_ umm-. W nn.L|...L'S.\l Will lean Cape Vincent At 910 AU nn kn- `put. of the market with him. The honour. wclu |c\.cnv:u `Fl-ll u:II.gH:u LIIEECS snu piuusc-. But tiw triumph the market win-re the the honourable candirlan-s ket they were re`<.'('iVC(l t.be_ must buxom nml]_v dies retail roles, sniln-n, nml of the Tory cantlivlnlea IQ! call |unn.lM~mt- mm." .1oubI,gruat muunce wizh the shwomeu for they gave the Tory gcmlemen a. mom: enthuainstic receptinn. A iillxom vendor offnh linked her arm in that of Viscount Sandor}, and insisted upun pmmengdjng ,_ Able candidate acceded, um] 21 most imp. ing proceseirrn was farmed, led by thg gb- wife and Lorri t-`rand--In, iuiluwed by My Graves and lheir Tury supporters. When the party reached the end of rho ti.-h mark- ct the climax uf the dvm W35 reached. A female liahm.-ller, who has not long been married, rushml from behind her Itlii, embrace-J first Lnni Sanalon and kluod him, and then did ditto to Mr Grnvea. It has not transpired whether an cnndidntefeiurnecl the saturation, bu; mu patroittc kmmg if file _strwife wu up- Piguded to the}-chm. kissing in times pas; farmed no ummpnr_tan: part. in politics! cannuing. A Clncil-date mr political hon- our. 7;; 3; much cxpncreul to ki-.-3 the but- chef`: wife Ind fondle hhnr children n he was oxpected to issue hi! address. It wns said some years ago thu: it curmin ducheu curriod 1 Scotch county for she Whig: by kiuing the doubtful vo1.ers.-L-carpool Her- vunu, Us by G. M. KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, fool Brock Street. Kmgatun, Oct, 24th, 1863. terry W nan, I Kingston, October 24, 1868. LII 'Fc.)r Freight or Passage apply to onrd. or to u.m.1uNut1UK.N. Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. Kingston, 24th Oct. 1863. LIE! SCU- April 23 DUN]. Leave Kingston, 0-00 I rn 'ILL leave Ki: Wednesday L `HE Steamer PIEHREPONT, 0. Hinckley, . Jr., Master, will run as under. ugston and Wolfe glsland Ferry. clusctz or HOURS. V... ....u . nun u , VILL LEAVE THE ST. LAWRENCE Wfnw rum at v.,;...-... 0-..M> t'~- -L- `...-1-nI'uu , .Ii:!:`r~It'( .` 1. J <.*|*1*.i.\.`(.:|; or norzin II UU n-.Lll 1:15 p.m'. THE ROYAL MAIL STEAMEP. IA aunlu 3.30 pm: uh 4. tru an r uAulU inCuu.|I:I. gight or passage apply to the Purser on 1- Ln Bay of Quinta, CAPTAIN Faun: Conn, 1- 1- u . --_ __-_ _, - 1\I.n.\J\.w|- Glmmn G EORGI , .1!`- L-cu}, `- P..\f. on the nrriml of the Grand ins meet the Train ye Uswego, &c.. rlhern Company's Pro- Uswmrn and W'Aarm-n Pan- ('IIIIII.`l-V. I Cl l regularity and the last train Itation is wrap`, the earl_1."m-n-nil R0("Il I-HTEII, --_. ....u Ina uuuun LEAVE KINGSTON. 3 `K7nAn....A..-n --1 F-75 SUNDA{ TRIPS. urrcon-u n I ;__- Tl ;uL'unA LDIIJ. axon, Leave Wolfe Island, |. 930 3 I1. I. 3 pm. G. M. KI.\'GHUR.`I, Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. lnhar `)4 1.9851 iugston for Oswepo Monday, and Friday evenings, at 1') ., I I||lli'B.V lJIl`_" `I I`-Kl .iJ_v N:-\v:I(`Ia1\3q`a'). rum (`A.vIl`nlx.L, Q0.` I.I.'vAt`x !\luwAI', MILNRS .\lAoDoIllI.!.. sramaaz tbe arrival of the train kc, mee1ing'tbe Grand East and West, and the I- w. A, mmvzc, M. A. wt-IIK. au\| Iv uuu H11 remorse there inn "es ban tat" . G. M. KINGBORN. '1.....r (2.... D_.__1_ c:u._,_ _______.___..__. PIES DAILY counter of street, price J. SWIFT & Co., Freight Agents. non for Piston, .:,_ ,,.1-mu __ Captain on I\I\l|-lk`IIl.'lI\.n)` -\A`l I'll l\'l\|`IlILJ l\\"IJl\ V`, ` I""`\"l'5'J'l U \| I) Ufvel U`1ccs-18 Clm-once S1,, opposite the Post Street, Kingston. Oice, KlNGS1`0N,U. W. August 6. Joan A. MACDONALD,Q. 0. |Jnms Pnnon, Q.0_ T A_, _ JOHN 31- Mww REM( T, f___A__ `I`__|__ In wnu unvv u.~I'u Lnrlll III |-|l"I| |IIzIL'I.|t': l_v approve of I:l10I`n' unmug which an-_ ing. J. H. GIBSON , M. D._Dunhnm, C. E C. E. CUTTUN. M. D.,Cnwansvi11c. HUA DI 1:.` nnmuvu u n n 4 _ . _ -_ U. 11. Utll ILHV. .71. U., UKIWHDSVIIIC. UHARLEH` BRUWN, .\1.D.. Cowanaville. S. S. FOSTER, .\I. I). iiroolna. ` J. C. BUTLER, M. D , Waterloo, JOHN ERSKINFI, .\{.D..Wa1erloo. NOR.\lA.\' CI.E2V'l-ILANI), M. D., Bnrnslon. N. Jl-INKE`, .`v`[. D. liarnsnon. C. `V, (`U'\\'LF.S. M. D. Smnstend. n 5` . _ ; _ ., 1 TA\I!\T \If.l{`_` |l n V \ mu L4r..`_|. .Yl. U. DUIDBICRG. JOHN .\HClG\`, .\l_ D., Smnalead. JOSEPH 1HlEA[N)N',.\[. D.. Surgeon, B N. BENJAMIN I).-\\l<|_\'_ 31 D , Conlicook. Ll-f.\IE['I. Illl,`-HIIIUND, .\l.D , Derby Lina. 'l.VSLU\V LEWIS, .\I.D., Boston. R. 0. .\It'ssY, M, D., Boston. F. J. .u's'rm, 31.0 , Sherbrooke. E. D. WURTHINGTLIN, M. D., Sberbrooke. Henry Simpson 5; Co., Montreal, Wholossle Agents. S A SPECIFIG forheumntism or Lameneea of any kind, Swelling of the Joints, Sore Tbr0at,*(.`old in the Head and Diphtheria, Burns or Frost Bites, Scratches on horses, he. 5.. Int D.1il1_J Ntms. Is an internal as well as an external remedy, and is the only one that ahmy: gives entire sa- tisfaction, and all who once use it will never consent to change it for any other. '.'i- hrnrp nnr ann:-n In nnni-not-Q1!` vk- ..-:-o...... \_;uu.:r1ll nu Uurluge II. JUL any omer. `Ye have not space to enumerate the virtues arcorded to it by thnusauds who have usxed it, and voluntarily testify to its merits. Buy A bottle and satisfy _\'0'.1rse1.f that it is thebeal remedy ever om:-red. rv, __ cV:_,,, A an . -. . . --. . . lCLI.l'C\.|_I C ` Fl UL1\.'ll'U. Henry Simpson & Col, Montreal, Wholesale Agents. HE BEST Tonic Hair Dressing ever discov- ered. It effectually cleanses the scalp, pre- vents the Hair from falling oor turning prema- turely gray, and when the follicles and glands are not destroyed. will produce a new and lux- uriant growth of hair where it has already disap- peared. It I: Il-m pk-annso an -,.11 .. 41.- `L--. L,:__ PTIITCU. IL is xbe cheapest as well as the best, being only 25 cents for a. large bottle. Buy it, try it, you'll like it and recommend ilto your friends. Henrv Sin-nncnn h n `M.-mo-.m1 un...1-....1.. Juu u um: u auu recummenu 11. to menus. Henry Simpson t (.70., Montreal, Wholesale Agents. THE DAILY NEVVS--THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 19. u\.a;;;.va.- auunnanllbd. )ERFUMI-JR by appointment Io their Majes- tie! me Emperor of the French, Lhe Queen of Spnin,1be Queen of Holland, the Queen of the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.R.H. the Prince of Wnlei. Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the U--A'.___Lf_I ICIIUIDCB I01` I Handkerchief. Esta de Cologne. The nhnval ordy Johnson non American 1