Kingston News (1868), 30 Nov 1868, p. 1

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-'--A-` 111/ ! JAIUILKJICJLIIJJL` lk7p`.'- large circulalirin of the DAILY zders II the natural medium for r-ntinn 4.2` .-.l'l ..._. ll _...1 ..____:_.. Spoclul Nollcou. :IlI(?A\' II0l'sl-`., RUb`Tn.\I, MASS, name. Sold b_ra.1l dvalers in HE`di< (`E25 3. box. :_v, and old Age: Manhood gene fr`! 1 "25 Pills are Anti-Cnstive and STACEYS BOOKSTORE, on I.':__ (3.. . _.___ ._ ..- 1...\..r ...... dest uni` best female physicians afnited States. Price 25 cents, ul-1L-'1 wi1Fy_ourHt1ilfulling, I1:-of Hunt's Ll-air Utoss and 1:. on 1. u1.3, 38 Bond Street, New York. pry oulmeu of oommenzhl urn bounce at wmoot be held to Lita, Adveruoemenll of 3MP` Lrusuublp Nmioea, Pnuu Id >div'n1u-I Iembcri of rum 30*` if 5110. Holvl in New Enghndl Li1u`:l_ and that "f'r.u-nI1;m. ' mueuce on the If-'* ,, _.,...., u.` zati wn which induces 1 \JLJl\t)1'oJl\l!I 80 King Sn-get. Id, cnpernling like There is not 3 `lb who has ever esc lo we Inulber Mur- KIN `LRTON. (CANADA) ] W'() M AN l Hundreds suffer on in silenc=, and hundreds 10lUlb(.'.'l apply vainly to drutzgists and doctors, who either merely tmlslizs them with the hope `of:-i cute or apply remedies which mulls them worse. 1 would not Wlsll to assert anything that would do injustice to the afflicted, but I am unlined to any that although it mny be pro- ducel from exccssive exhaustion of the powers of life, by ltthoriuus employment, unwholesomc air untl loud. profuse menstruation, the use of tea and cutfee, and frequent childbirth, it is far om-nor caused by direct irritation, applied to the mucous membrane of the vagina. itself. W hen reviewing the causes of these dtstrea-- ing complains, it is most painful to contem- plate the attendant evils consequent upon lllcl. lt la b it simple justice to the subject to enume- rule a f.-v of the mnnv additional causes which so lztrgely nth-ct the life, health, and happiness of woman in all classes of society, and which, coast-qunt`-y, affect more or less dttectly, the welfare of the entire human family. The mania. , that txists for precocious education and mar- riage, causes the years that nature designed for co:p')rcul development to be wasted and per- veried iu the restraints of dress, the early con- nement of school, and especially in the utslirullbj excitement of the bail -room. Thus, with the body halt -clothed, and the mind unduly i E`!(`tIf-tl by pfeasure, perverting in midnight rero s the h.ut-s designed by nature for sleep and rt-st, the work of destruction is hnlfacc0m- t 'ril1itl`t tl ,... ln consequrence of this early alrain upon her sysiern, unngcessury etfurz is required by the delicate Vqlsry to retain her situation in school e: e later day, thus aggravating the evil. When one excitement is over, snorber in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sensitive to impression, while the nnw cnnstant restraint of fashionable dress, absolutely forbidding the exercise indis- pensable tn the attainment and retention of or- lznnirv hnultli and eh-nnrrrh - 2|-in ninnxn-A -- game night a the cor duncin Fur Female Weaknwsl and Debilily, White or Lcucorrbuw, Too Profuse Menstrualion, Ex hm]/anon, Too Long Continued Periods, fo- Prolag Sue and Bearing Down, or PI'0l8pBUf Ut-.ri, we offer the most perfect specic known; HE[:ME()LD`S COMPOUND EXTRACT or `D`l'Tf`..]'l"T lJl1'I5LLlUU3 [UK U5If,UlL'L'|1|-H-I DUVILO, DUUULI-IPIILIJ. Females in every period of life, from infancy to extreme old age, will find it a remedy to aid nature in the discharge of its functions. Strength is the glory of manhood and woman- hood. Directions for use, diet, and advice, accompany. pnvnalna :n nvarv nnrid (If frnrn infnnnv is more strengthening than any of the pvepu'-n- Liona of Bark or Iron, innitely safer, and more pleasant. having received the indorsement of the most pro- ` minent physicians in the United States, is now OH`: red to nticted humanity as a certain cure for the following diseases and symptoms, from whatever cause originating: General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecility, De- termination of Blood to the Bend, Uonfuaed Ideas, Hyeterin, General Irritebility, Restless- ness and Sleeplesaness at Night, Absence of Muscular Eiciency, Loss of Appetite, Dyspep- ain, Emaciatioe, Low Spirits, Disorganizetton or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Pal- pitnon of the Hurt, and, in feet, sll the con- comittuta of s. Nervous and Debilitetod suste of the system. To insure the genuine, cut this out. Ask for HELMBOLDYS. Take no other. Sold by all Druggisu and Deniers everywhere. Price $l,25 per bottle, or six bottles for $6,510. Delivered to any sddress. Describe the symp- toms in all communications. Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drutz. and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broedwny, N.Y. _-_..._- .._1-... An... run in steel- UV`! uluuunni .1... None are genuine unlell done up in steel- engrnved wrapper, with fun-uimile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed HELMI -ULD'S EXTRACT OF IZUCIH7. HELMBOLDB EXTRACT gwnn. HELMBOLD S EXTRAQT BUCHU, ull un. uuuezxsny WHIIII itfce her grained charm ; ml] the: thank us for simple Bpecihca which I in relieving and curing hnin II-nnhl....u.m.. ...-- H. T. HILIBOLD. .. .-..... mg nuu turnllg .;- troublesome cum- I, I peculiar and impor- h they iuemin,lh1-Ir Hun AFH -nu u|..... _A- ). MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 30, 1868. TH E LARGEST, FEW GENTLEMEN can be n-ccouizmodnled Wilh Board and Lodging in 3 Private Family. Location, Barrie Street. Apply for ad- dress at lhe Daily News ofct-_ Sept. 21. SPECIAL AND IMPUBTANT NOTICE T0 CASH CUSTOMERS. R. `V H I T E S .I!.=.HmIc`u `J -1- Y1`HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous cuszomera and friends that he has removed from his old Stand, Princess Street, to Mr Coy s Buildings, No. 24 Brock Street, directly opposite Mr Ramage, wruchtnaker, where he is prepared with an entire new Stock of Broad Cloths. Pilot uni Bean-r, Cnssimeres, Dorslaina, Can- adian, English, and Scotch Tweeda, to make up to order on the shortest notice, and in the most New and Fashionable Styles. Has als) on hand. made up under his own superintemignpe a large quantity of Ready-made Clothing, which he can warrant nnd recummend, at prices as low as can be found in any establish- ment in the city. Call and examine before purchasing. nlust l.Tv|Nf1QTf|N JAi@TLI9I%Ez! Dealer In Bools and Sl10'es:N0. 3:5. Princess Street, Kingston. ESIRES moat respectfully to thnpk his nu- merous Cuslomers for a. liberal fatronnge extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In 1'-lnainrr I-sin nnnnlinln (`nu H-ua nan} aux..- 5|..- Clltulug uver I.` II.` lnann I Janna. In closing his accounts for the past year the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this nnnou cement in the most positive sense. Determine not to be outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BUUTS and SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remnnerative prices on strictly cash terms. Tlnnni ant-nnnra rnnnl ha nnM1.A :rnrI1A1`:nIn, Kingston Marble Worksi IS NOVV OPEN If Qlfttfli |0I'UJL'l'l" UCCQ Ferguson. s. Possession immediately. A nnl v :3, uun.-rwlsu luey will 06 put. In Iull. J E` The patronage of Cash Customers ao- liciled. 1' 1 Iran rrnnn AND BEST A.\`.\`()R'l`ED` uu Bl1IL'|-I! cuuu IETIIJU. Unpaid accounts must be settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put in suit. Thn nntrnnmyn nf {hnh l".nntm-um-n an- enabled to execute in , q` .11: gr:-A`.-er expcdnuon Lb-I my 3* me C4,, .1. order: for work will 3} be fnond. Work done II Al! 'ILl. ' GENERAL STONE YARD,i BARRIE STREET, ; 'LAMPS AND LA_V1\P TRIMMINGS, FILIIIJII IRA` l.lJL LIIEJHLJ XIJHI-II.LII=LIIU of every material and design, Headstones of every size and style, Posts for Lot Enclosures, and Stone work of every description, promptly execuled with the very best workmsnship snd at reasonable prices. References permitted to John Creighton, Esq., Edwin Chown, Esq, nnd Wm. Ford, Jr-.. Esq. lnnnanl-inn nf Rlnnlr rnnnnnlfnllv nnlinil-A 1:-'"|r.o1v'r1~:mAc Bnnwunv mo. w. F5llG'T'0NI BREWER OF THE BEST PALE ALE AND POR7ER IN WESTERN CANADA. I7:...._..L.._ `I:ll..`L I D Near` Court House. PRIVATE EQARDING. nuomnc [Tun qciormnc ESTA BLISHM EN '1`. Ever offered in Kingston, October 8, 1868. `HI Cndeui(ned,hnvin|vyH _ of Fun up Iu1T!'ru.f'I no Pnnung, sud uvinglimhl up May 12. uaml zmmnnnua. REFLECTORS from 4 to 12 in. Diameter. GLUBES. (The Hnndsomest and Uhmpeat. Stock ever brought into Kingston)` SHADES (of every description, paper and Porcelain, also the new Sturk-nL s Shade). The Subscriber would direct particular attention to his ne Stock of SLIDING HALL] BEST COAL OIL equal to Pennsylvania, only 40 cents per gallon, at JAM Kingston, 22nd Jnnunry, 1868. 1 Au. 1- uru, J I.` noaq Inspection of Sto'ck respectfully solicited. Aug. 20, 1338 gELLEVUE TERRACE, fronting on Centre` Stnet, formerly occnpie-1 by Mr William! rrrruson. s Kingston, Feb. 13. A Nov. 20. PRINCESS STREET. [ARBLE MANTELPIEOES, Monuments `AF nun!-v nunlnu-in] nun` (`Anion I-In-A-ning: -7 --1'uu-` Y AOIIIIIITI: Tbeoquu! to be 2: ma nuclei The bu}! nquuu H linen ditto. E n;e foe nqunn, (or 0043301? hill]! the pnvuegu ofnllzrin la`- moth. GOOD Comforlable STONE HOUSE to let` L on Ridenn Street. Apply to Innnn RAJTTR FUR `INSPECTION DRUG STORE, STOCK cakamcsr, _/ LAMPb FRUM 25 CENTS TO 25520. I. AIIP Tprllurhtnu HOUSE T0 LET. IAIQICIJ. Apply to R. M. ROSE, Oicial Aasignee. $1,000 VVORTH I-vuhu. 3h square for Daily pcpot .35] h nun prim... AND UCIUIU |IIlYCU5ll]g, CHAS. LIVINGSTON. JACOB BAJUS, Kingston Brewery. J AXES HOPE. 1 B29 R. TANDY. -. xi.) \JJ.4lL` L AA;lP TRIMMINGS ululillllu, HISU ll! CW DLIIUCLIL E Lilaliil-I17}. on ofSLIDlNG HALL LIGHTS. ' R. WHIT `XS DRUGSTORE. IN 1 lb Packages,1s 3d,unriva.11ed for puri- ty and cheapness. Depot. and Manufanlory, Nolre Dame SL, Montreal. Wholesale orders solicited. Handsome Show Cards supplied. Also, GARDNEEUS -` DOMESTIC COUGH RE- REDY," (trade mark secured), in bottles ls 3d and 25 6d each. gnu, unnunnn D " I REDY, ; and 25 6d each. I 1_:..I 3. _II .L_L DIARIES JUST RMIVED FOR1869. v-- ---av I nxuuouc GREAT assortment of new and choice Books and Stnlionery_ elegant and fashionable Dove, Devonshire Gi_1t, Torqunde, and Goffered Coluured Edged Note Paper and Envelopes; Post and Foolscap. Np` Q-n: nf Q:-I-nnnl TllA.nI,u_ D.-....`l..-- ht- L Ubl. uuu 1` uuxscup. New Series of School Books-Renders, Dic- tionaries, Histories, Copy Books. Latin and Greek Grammars, &c. Cheap Family Bibles and Pocket Bibles, the greatest stock in Ihe city. PPRVPF Rnnlra panhn Rnnlrl ninnnnnn unvvln uuunu, uuu "can-_yuu uyulu DUUISS. Bible: with Scotch Version of Psalms, White and Gill Bindings, very superior editions. Tnv Rank: Allrmma Vinlin Rn-innm Qkmu nun nu vu Cl:|I..u. A trial is all that is nece value as a. Cough Remedy." The above lrlv n|mn'| an vunm as u. " uuugu n.emeuy.' above truly useful and vnlunble articles can be procured from Grocers, Druggists, and General Dealers in all parts of the Dominion. Sole Proprietor, J r: A nnxmn nII7cH BULBS nmncr mom no-rmznnam. L L man culture. KICII-CSI. IIIULIR Ill IHC Clly. Prayer Books, Psnm Books. Diocesan Hymn Books, and Weleyau Hymn Books. Rihlon Iilh Hr-nlr-I1 Vnrainn nf Danlrnu Thin. nuu \_llIl unnuuxa, \er_y :supk.`l'IUl' I.'.ull1UI.l3. Toy Books, Albums, Violin Strings, Sheet Music and Music Books. Pianos and Melodeons by the best Makers. Sunday School Libraries. Reward and Cards of Merit. D Dmnnrr -- O`GORIlAN, Boat-builder, Simcoe-street, Mo Ontario. A good assortment of SKIFTFS always on hand. Boats for hire. Work done for parties at a. distance must be paid for before leav- ing the shop. March 9 ISIAH >~" -`--aU IIJI a nut prlvilagg, { B.1Thln Illnnlu II I; \ R l`nrl|un1*nl.~1r) [" Tryj?--Vardncr s Baking Pow`- der. IlI:I a 36- Try Gardner : Cough" ne- Ine4ly.--seo Advertisement. END IT` TO YOUR FRIENDS.---'l"m.l CHRONICLE AND Nnws is published every Friday morning. and contains all the news of the week. For Fifty Cents, paid in advance, you may send it to your friends for three months at the reduced rates of postage. For One Dollar it may be sent six months. Single copies, price Five| * Cents, may be had at the Daily News oce, Princeas Street. 5 Nov. 2. srJiC}s'vs ZNl\_}_ A 1_sEI(_s'r01m>. so K_lNG STREET. .0 , 4,, 4 IN KINGSTON. GABDNEIPS BAKING POWDER. Just: Nov. 6. ivggemgzgs Q` :51 . OF I-`mg ` I , ,.. =1 :1: z -..o- ~11 177). . ,-,, m.*~.`ln- `/\3' ; I 'J I W .. /5 J5 I.I.M`.I auup. March 9, 1868. nI1..lob,nnd EJT_4BLI.'~'HXlIv'1'.~ N ASSORTIIENT of very choice Bulbs con- L sisting of Hyncinlhs, for House and Border lure, F TULIPS, A VARIETY. NARCISSUS, `- cnocus, - IRIS, = 1 I-or-oirad and (`nu ugh. HI! I lIu`.LJ' H L received and for sale by I4`. R PA MACHINE S H0 PS, (IHANDELIERS, LAMPS for CIHURCH Es. E I) scnom, HOUSES, IJJX B'..J:z':;u Cnrd;, '11! l'JlUl, J. GARDNER, (`I-.......:..s ....J DRUGGIS1 S r`A(:T(m.1I:s, BRACI(E'l'9, , unnunnu, Chemist and Druggist, Nolre Dame SL, Montreal. I{['l`()!lEN, MILLS, &C. necessary to prove its Ls-.mndv" PARLUUR, IS HIIIU E. H."'I=ARKEa, Druggist &c., Market Square. HALL, .'alII.. E. STACEY. on E':...-.. 03-; FOR SALE ROOM, i GROCERS u. ulnulihl, 30 King Street. -1-- NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDIES, by H. W. Longfellow. Pulpit. Table Talk, by Dean Ramsay. Lives and Deeds Worth Knowing About, by Rev. W. F. Slovenian. Studies of Character, new book by Dr Guthrie. PoeL s Corner, by Rev. J. M. Bellew. Life of Lord Brougham. Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Ballad 1'0:-.lry of Ireland. Golden Leaves from the American Poets. Llnrvl and Lyre, by Alaric A. Watts. Scotl s Novels--Copyright Edition, complete in four large volumes. $5. NEW ORGAN will] Donblg Sub Bill, A manufactured hyJ. Rayner, Marble Block, Music Hlnre, Princess street. The double sub hnan imitates two diiferent instrnmenu, the Trombone nnd open Diapason, which has never been introduced before. Patent applied tor. Ca`! and h-.-ar for yonrsclves. J. R begs to any that having twenty years experience in Englnnd and America with Reed Instruments, he is nble to bring them to lhe greatest perfec- lion. No nddilionni charge For the Double Sub Hus. N.B_-Soi|ed Sheet Mueic at one quarter of pubiibed price, At REYNliR _S. nJvvLI a nuvc|u-~I,/lipyrlglll BQIUOD, COIIIPICIG in large volumes, $5. Bow Bells, Chambers` Journal, London Journal, and London Society for November. R0ulln=dge`s Christmas Annual, 1868, Illusvrued London Almanac, 1869, &c., &c. IILII .1 III.\AvI.II -...._-- inulc, Music, Music. TWO STEAK PIESIET '[`HE Subsrrlber begs to announce to Farmers and the public that he has re-established the OLD E AGLE FOUNDRY, and has supplied himself with 3. new and complete set of patterns for Threshing Machines, Plougha, kc., which he is now prepared to supply at. the lowest remune- rntive prices. Tlnraahinn lI..n1..I..n_s ....-...:--.I`.._ -L. -|--rA '1-`UNERS of Pinnofortea, Helodeoni, Parlour! or Church Organs, sent. to all parts of the Cuuntry ul reasonnme charges. All work guar- rmteed. H... II, ,- - - ' nInesum_"MAeHINs.! I IILI VU PYHICH. Threshing Machines repain-ed`on the shortest nozice, nl. modereite prices. ` Princess Street. 7lII'lIV1lIIrxl`I' r\r|r\rlvn- uollu nuuuti V BE best Machines in the world for Shoemnk era, Tailors, Dressmakers, and Families, at Jnlm CunnIngInam s, ' King-street, Kingston. @' Special attention given tq repairing Ma- chines ofall kinds. buperior Macmne Oil, Nee- The Howe. `pun.-`u, ` ' A large assortment of new Toy Books, Gift Books, and Bound Novel: in Fancy Bindings, just received and for sale at. very low price! A: pi... l"\I T`1f `I`It`\r\`r7L'\rlwr\u-new - um un.nmu1:uu_Llo UL` DIDLIUI 1 by Bharles Uever. Mildred, by Georgmna M. Craig. The Moonstone, by Wilkie Collins. Foul Play, &c. &u. nvnn -j- E` Consignments respectfully aolicted, for which Libeml Advances will be made. Saiea of Dry Good: on Tuesdn 3, Thursday! and Saturdays at 10 a.In.; an at 7 o'clock every Evening. Nov. 2. F. w E RNER. Auctioneer J5 Commission Merchant DAILY NEW! El DVERTtSE5fENTS for the mm mu, ' 5' A. intended to nppeu the name aiming, , should beaqntln an only In hour in thsdny in polsible. 1868. can L. 1868.] AnTHnM:I1E'coAL `(ABE 0mce-sI. Lawrence VI'_l|a-.1-1', Foot. of Johnson Street. OUR Coal is. Pure Lackawang being mined in the very hurt of the Lacknuanl Valley, Scranton, Pinaton, and Wilkes Burro, ftoln the best selected mines, and is prepared with great. care expressly for Family use, and will be screened and delivered in the best pouibla on .- dition. 'II.._A _-I--A_.I (7.11 11. -1 E__ ..__A__ . . .- Ill uu. Best selected Sq Coal for grstel oonltnnfy on band, also Lehigh Lump for Foundry (SB and Bloaubnrg for Blncklmithl. 'l'nl-rm: ash nnliu-I-all in law nan l\' 5).- ll"-I DlDllU|]l'g I01 DIHCIIIJMIIII. Terms Cash. Delivered in any pnrto! the city. `I A Ilfl Elflfrung - - . _j- | In the matter or PATRICK Jumsmnmnes, ` of the (my of Kingston, Grocer, so Insol-` vent. VI-`BE Creditors of H1: Insolvent are notied that he has made an Assignment of His Estate and Eec-ts under the above Acts to me, the und_e1-signed Assignee, and they are reqnire4 to furnish me, within two months" from this date, with their `claims, npncifying th security they hold, if my, and ghe nine of it, nud ifnone aiming the fsci, the whole attested under oath with the vouchers in support otnnch clnim. JAMES summon, V . Oeial Auignee. ' ' Kingston. 18th November. 1863- insolvent Act or 1864 and '_Amend- . ments I-hereto. %NE`-V\7 N_0VELS. Nov. 18. %Ik`oAiL?*i"\v'_':j '1 REAT reduction in Music-4;] Mercbandize of J all kinds s0M'1+:'1`I113: YI'I`I'[Y Ann 1 17 CCU . New Music twice 5 week At T Nov. 10. I 5', Link.` Nov, 14. November 4. T October 21. 1868. ._.g---_ Brock St, near the Market, Kingalon,'0nt. --- ..-.- -. run av-v Iraluvi A:***i}'_61TY BOOKSTORE, K 1 N G S T Ii E E '1`. JOHN 0321331-on. November A Umeu Kingstpp, November, 1868. uucd I0 XXIII, U136 I IT Notion in edztorinl COMB`: As `.0 promote the [$06.37 0. Indandunll or Coh pf Banks, lluurlna C vi Loctures, Alnuoellllnv` ucknowledeemcnu of ronudered udverlbeoll smo Maia And in also It! K.-J... `HE BRAMLEIGHSFEP BISHOPS FOLLY ho mm-I... raw... ' EAGLE Egunnnv. BOOK Anwus. Hr-viyn ger, Wlleeler J; Wilson, As-1| A'I , ,_ _._.._..-.-, -uvv, -u., uvu. 9 JOHN HENDEBSTIJN PIUNCESS STREET. JOHNSTON BROWN, Kingston, Ontario. CC` A": J. REYNERB `I "12. Du.-.-, JAMES SWIFT I: OL. At REYNE R S. IF THI ARI) b` Luna 1. 11 D11. D Music Stone, TI_Z-.,(- - ':1H6"ibnott __1_1 4-, nu . .=.._. mu, nnuon; and 5:11 Prime Pork rell, per lb. Pm: per bunhbl of 60 lbs. Grooaries-ssy Salt, Pepper, Oatmeal, Bl Green. Tea, Butler, No. 1 Fine Flam Tobacco and Sugar. per lb. Eggs per Dozen. ` ' `Vinegar, Molasses and Milk, per Gallon. Bay and Sn-ur per ton of 2,000 lbs. Bran per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Oat: per Bnabel of 34 lbs. THE Twenty-second year of Pn-b1icalioI:I. Price 12; cents in paper covers; 25 cut: _ in cloth. A copy of {he Canadian Almuua Onlendnr in " given will: {he Alumnae, gratin.` uvvn Iv Inn: H0 I BUM CONTRACTS. --.- - v-.-urn: I) Ulvll from parties willing to furnish u ugder, vim: Bread per lb. Frenh Beef, Mutton; and Salt Prime Pork in B: I rall. per . " 'LiIo, Soap and Candle: per 1b., and Conl Oil per Gallon. .- I7___1-;Yn\vu-v-.-.-o ,7 (W Nov. . 25. _-_. .. In.-. vq-nuuu. F rom;stJANUARYt 31 1) both dsyadnclusive. 0 It nOn'BBR 18e9' l.`|Ulll 1aI..I.nUAl.1.! A11 Hun 11.:-nu. -. .... 3| Ran: you An ad under, $2 for first IIIU ts "~r -very tuba-quell! 8:525 for first threoi rvrvry nubu-quem inlt- ~ Iico.-g 7 cznu per lino `I! I0 cvnu per hue for ever!` uuul uIyI'lnc:u3lIE. _ All the above named a lelnntable quality. Raunnlnn nf "Pg. 9....-. cunuuboll: qunuly. Samples of Tea, Sugar, Tobacco Illd C to nccolnpnny Tenders, and :11 proposals I the names of two aecuritiea for the due mnnce of the same. 'l`....A..-. _:n 4,, L, - - cm 2 Bani? STORE, The nnnmllan A lmnnan 4-... loan I ............,.. .......u5 mu oeason or Navigation 41' 1839. 128 cubic feet to constitute; Goxd. `All culls to be removed promptly. ' Further infougntioa can be obtained on lpp1i- cation at the Asylum. J. P. LITGHFIELD, u.n., Medical Superintendent. _ Rockwocd, Nov. 20. 1868. PENITENTMRY =CONTRACTS. IEIIII-sday, loll: December pen fnnlnnnlvinp 2}... DA..:......:__.- -I-A!-~ -- nun. In ~- per U"I.IlOl1. 5,000 Buaheii Potatoes, at -- per Bosh.-I. Ha A. Straw ud Bran, each It - per `ton of 2,00 lba. Oats, at --- per Bulhel. ' _ 1,600 Cord: Hardwood, consisting of &clI, Birch Ind Hard Maple, sud 200 Ootdool -Pint nnd Hemlock, eachy. - per Cord. _ Bot`: 0031,11 -4 per ton of 2,000 I_hl. Egg Deal, at -- per ton of 2,000 15:. V Soap and Onndlu, each at -pe1-lb. Coal Oil, at - per Gallon. Prim to be mad thronghn:t in non-mud ed. Gents, and :11 article: to be delivered ll reqlgilfg . | j?- rrHE undersigned will until ___ ......, , ..v.u uccvunlrur next Itgruupplying the Penitentiary during tho yell` I from the morning of the lat JANUARY in tho evening of the 3lst DECEMBER, 1869, wilhtho foilowing, under Contract, vix.:- Flnnr Nn I nun-I ll. -1 :_...--.-.1---- - - A DVEIITISING. nmuunug, unuer uomract, vix.:- - Flour, No. 1 and No. 2, inspected and branded,` in equal. quantities, 3% -per Barrel of 196 lb. Flour, um.o!led, at - do do. (The contract for our ta terminate on Nov., 1869.) Fresh BeeI,`Fmah Mutton, and "Prime" `it ` Pork, put_.up in Barrels, each article A11,-pgrlb. I Salt, Pepper, oatmeal, Peas, Souchong Tu, Butter, Lard, Rice and Sugar, each st - per 16. Foals, each at - Eggs, sI:_-- per Dnspn. Vinatrnr It ._ nan f1--- ---v--Iv--C TICK`... -11) our suoxnm 'l'.0BA0008' OF VARIOUS BRANDS.` Also, a. choice Assortment. of Ioomehul, Bx-in Root, and Mac; LIVI, and 9loy,P|pn|, llld Tobacooniwu good: in gonna]. , Wholesale and Retail. ' cu in up-u-- Kingston Penitentiary Oiaa, l'{th Not, 1868. _ I. I . IVIIITE AS. minted from his old land, lo. M, H to hi: new P:-emiaen,No. so, Prlnnukreu, where he now ohi-I for Sale 60 Bonn of Bright Vfrgink Bu-oking Tobacco of the purest and Ohoieen Bnndl. - - - 1 nnn D--I.-_.- 1' -_:11,-.u- n,, I - - - `"i','6'3'Za'}:';'x'.'.;':.'.. Lon-il1u'd I nuulug hes; in; Club Smoking, and line Ont Chewing `ro- bnnoa ;ul|o Lorillnrdh Snub [GEIVED It the Bible Warehouse, Princes `Street, nu extraordinary Stock of Bibles and Testaments, for nle at WONllEBl"ULLY LOW PRICES. Q English Gnu-1:. Rim... u-.....-.. .1..- n.-' " .. uu unnr uuul WW YEIIJES. cg English quarto Biblea, Morocco, Gilt, Befor- eneaa &c., only $8. ` Fnmilg Bible: with Rsfaaeooea, Fnnily Recon! &o., 4to. size, $3. Special Attention is called to this ohcnp Bible as tgobd Birthday or Ilarriage Gift. ` The name `Bible is above, but gilt, for H.501 Lnrge Print Bibles, full bonud,_gnod_ paper '10 punts. Pockgs~Bih1u, gilt edged, wnlor -without PulIm.,.only 22 eenu. ` ` Pockc} Bible: with claim! god Ralerenco Bibles, only 40 cenll. Teatunnenu win: or wltboht Palms, Roan -Gilt Edgen, at.9 cum. ' , School Testaments, 5 can IIII9 ant: and,` &c., &c., to. . 7 Over 100 varieties to choon from. : iolnn Henderson, _ , Prinecu Smut. Ar 11 rpiu, 40 V `IEPARATE TENDERS will be the Accounlsns Oieo until LIAIl|IIlaI\.cv __- ___i/ ~ Meal: Rockwood, 20, 1868. . RN LL. "n" 6 i""s"?T 6}: I a An : .ANl') The Canadvla_n jlililalitc for 1869-1 gs-4=: M.-"' PH Unian. VHWEIT, II - per Qnllon. lint. It per Gallon. 5.000 Bnnhahn DrA|A!nnh -o Kingston, Oct. 16," 1868. - ~ ----,-...--....- unuuu uulgg snuunn, 5111 DECEMBER. [:1 Damien -illina tn r......:.|. .. .._.a-_ _g, NUMBER 47. Nov. 11. nocxwooisiiuu `T rI1`I'\ A (`V1711 REMQVAL. John Creighton. CITY BOOK STORE, xrng smet. l`\~q J M P.\* D. E. IAODDNILL,` wnlllqn l article: to be of fair mun- ,.,., .uu.-.u;ou nnu U1!!! U1 , :11 Ioiuu rides for [Ian an. ....r... , Coll Oil nd EH nrnnnnnla nnl---A receive TENDERS , Blnck sad Flour, Riel, `b. ll rv -Ll. Tobanoonilb received at insertion; not ordcedc 4 cent: p6.r line. `Yb: `.1: nan-\lnaQn.`1 A`:-. , .4U` . BR`: U1` q!CllI97' Ill 14. No. 42-0 v---uwI1l:`- `IV '1" uizuuuxnoomboweek. 5'. YI I713? 073]] vA|n1'1 OI :_PR1.\'TI.YG IN GOLD AND cog 31;? V II` Bill L*n1.1'.\n-: .\\ lII. t.\'1).n' F.\'l;: in {he City I,` A) ST ';tnp it. . 53 FiEl< TlW 3'95 Ur. Cullit-`ea and alter ha.-1 lietsri standing Swill`: time Ch lJ)o.'k Anmlvm.-. _ Vyanf-l, pI <:[xLtr`il for-.4 prw _J%l,;,3v lmwnmtic Luluitl for Culds with liquid fuel. Lirr:Uso!,c is to Jag-,ul,s` lilac.-uniutic Liquid fur Coughs. Chl with. There nppearu to be ultv in pri-urinw tlw iunntit - I V - . . _ . y or 1 _ 4, 9*"! `Mini. as n-me has nrri\':d. A A N Jeuturs with put-.'erl'ul su1er-heut- ,0 timid ti; each replace. under , ( Atptuiu S~3lwyu_ l{..V. To 1 H .9 . lllvwpiyrv: it-rtiun of the ames, ' W0 `lulck in their action, the tubes - Ire divided into three series In` R E C E I V E D ' ff - _' _ . 1 - j_ th (iii?-1 iii)" wit `me! P '1 `HE CANADIAN ALMANAC. 11 n 7 In '`'. '""Y- The CAS.`5ELL`SlLLU: ALMANAO euiiiiilm Hm hm M" "`"` Il.LUSTRA'l`i~.D LONDON NEWSALMANAC ` ` - 3"" " * V FAMILYEHRISTIAN ALMANAC. NATIONAL TEMPERANCE ALMANAC. I, b.- . , And all the London Almanacs and Diaries in u [hing tvola.-.-e-1 up its side Lu. sup- a few days at J (2 1n_1-.-t:borI, an that the cue: Willjie I..\iCt:l'l.8ll)04L The cap- Street. {us well :i..~4 lurgt-It in the lI21\'_V. a ibaiiij-"ii.I.'f,`;`ff,T,`;`i"`:fjL; -l"" 2*` - ; g.3m1emL,lL hum he wok w V1`I{A.N5IE`.\'T Al)>V'I-Jl`t'l`I5EMEN'l`t-}.-- or the pul'pm;;_ 1", Ad,-`why {-he `circulation the_ DAN`. )1, 1r_i,_.t..ah]wu to keep them m_` Ntzws readers medmrn_fu the perfurmmce` of his Miler. the pulilicatiun of all small and trnnsien to be med aoat` Two very Buc_ arlveruaetneute, as well as larger unnounot pa have been mm}. by the Re_ `menu. Advcrtiaementaof religious nouot: -h.,,,e and 500 mm. with and S_a.bbath services; situations wanted t . pi Ur ugmg quid fue]_ BIIUBUODB vacant; houses for sale ; house u used ; um '11 W vaporized on to rent; houses wanted ; board and lodg :1 din, g,, m, fumm:B' and burned ing ; rooms wanted ; board wanted ; 8| rf~>rate.1 page mm g,,,_ In the males lost; articles found; cattle wanted Ir lussettp ed the matter inthe cattle for sale; cattle strayed, &c.. whe I` irvn-.s.... It .. - _t. .1 - ~ Ni.\U .\l.\.\`.\ - m .._,,. 1] vc LUUB uuuuutu. The "Lunson Exzrncter" 1 which the Baud of Exazx ntiuned, Irhcn CODGl UB_{ r\hnpm-n........I .. u ` -umuu and Vnnconvcfs Inland My I I Vowel depurn without cnrrying d ciuuns, who have become us- the! labouring in the colony a num- ylo Ieekbom-_-5 1n the lfuitevl States. has this exodnn been that Victoria, 8,0-)0 or 10000 inhabitants. has not 1.500. Throughout the colony, real dPfIiIted mare than 75 per cent. 1 inllloces, for the want of purcbr In-1 improvements have been aban- uted fin Dolh. ..-`uni Ul \ nlrn'dy coll richnou of the n ya! eet; and to . _ . . . _-...., -vu , cbnnctem rongzer." . _,_ t1 by United States oici u . 1 um. um v------ l'Ll ux ... i..:hI.'t kit K Vr-. .\l-.\ ' AF. S`rI:.u -'I ff"?!-+`l:een_ 3. ."" F necesury tn enter into further? a one can rait the armonry and 1'nIhna oh- ..-_ -_- I - ,7 ,..-..-uumuces 01 ms holler, rbe Two suc- ave urIepower I plan liquid l oil was to the Tnrated pi like ' llusseu p~ `ed the in the .'Cramwn, Mr Alexander Wy- ; I-nd 1' Anderson, from Messrs & Sons. 'l`heir report will soon I h ---- --us nunu 5;) per CODE. mnoces, nu -I-U pl'lVHe`Q. '` 3`-Thu oqunn to be 130050345" bun... ( mama. 1 noun.` :1: hnnni. .. _`; n --A L _ L,I.I mi-`J .....-:u cute: orncmtl Ind Vnnconvcfs lain Ital donuv-rn _:uL..... wuI.u u.uuuu:LlI1g IL Ill! nzedas "simpler, cheap- mm mm -L u-puna-:uu3"I y'{:onecz.a at Port Said Ie ttings ml! make it a md to udd to the aplen- Ucvroy is expected to be I has bceu : O |:ninal'mn=`L3 zg it with S -_ _'l , rial! from I_l--.I _-- _ _ __- --. .-_.~-.- r.._ . . . \ . _ ...,| {Land nurses in we United cents, [Sold e-Vrr_\`wncr=-. } Be sure and call for : " )l`rn \VInn-low -s soothing Syrup, 'P- At It l`..-.L- I. T)-_I.Z_- H I-`nu-lg cl... 4`... ...'- " "` " " " """""""E """"l" `! having the foe-similz of Curtis & Perkins " l_ n the outside wrjxpper. All others are bane `un- I '4 _- , I , _' " . `New `xork Museum 0! Annlomy embracmg the 'subjecLa`-How to live and what to live for; `Youth, Maturity, gener- ally reviewed; The cause I____ __zn-, __,_ I-\-,_ ,, .51` W`: _.J.. ._ ._, _..._ -_._--..-.._..___..., knee and Nervous Diseases accmmlcd fa: lringe philosophically considered, kc, Etc. Pocket I volumes cmlaining these Lectures, will be for- warded post-paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by ad- dressing SECRETARY, New York Museum of Anatomy and Science, 618 Broadway, New York." 21-cxnl par-.5. _0blain the gr. Bu! chc-10;; illalr l;y-'e. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only true and pc-rfeul Dye ; harmless, reliatnle, instantaneous; no disnppointment; no ridiculoun Lima; remedies the ill elfects of bad dyes; invigomu.-9 and leaves the Hair 3011 and beauliful blur : or brown, Sold by all Druggiste and Perfumera; and properly applied at Balcl1e- |or's Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond Elre1:l_ New York. Riolhcrs L IVl0lI1or.~!:' Nlolllcrs! :2 Ale you dmurbed at night and broken of your! ,._.l `I `:1 wt - - - -> - I Dr I-lclrcorcrs E-ascnce of Life, The only unquestionable and absolute remedy for Nervousuesa, Debilily, and Resloraliou to Manhood. The ediciue, taken for four weekl, cures as certain as water quencbes thirst. Sold 50 BONES Bl $3 (in gold), or four times the quan- lilyzfor 89. To be had iron) the Agent, ` E. BAYLIS, A...-I an I._,) u.,,_. u,_.Ir._| The urges: n}-rn tn Tnn .:u. \_I1II')J I An: all. .'1uI.I'I_;II:LlII.: auu Anm I vnu, Culds. Jucaahs`l(lncun1;xt'Ht .u 11|l`JAVE\Ll ABMFLISANUIL ALJIAJNAU. in Q1` A {`D\""Q Dnntrnmnnvel CASSELUS ILLUSTRATED ALMANAU. NEWS ALMANAC. And all II-m [n...I,... Al...._....-- ---I T`-=-A- -- 9- , Ll leadng houses in lb Pusan. L'rgnnn,Bn11'nrd Tnblu, It Every one who has 1 Phlo :-oxuoo: Liz: Pohoh. Send In re um [:70 full particuhn all ' uputnpmbomes at Lwcnndl, ' akin doua urn onion-ed Ilolq. Irnrd prrpmd by Kxpnll. A arr: And A ciu received wry `uBBOWN 1 1;" General Agdljor the In 4111 Q....._. A l.ll!: large Clrr is t puhlicntinu ! menu. Advertisen _._ J (I I - Advcrtiaeme ~ - ~ v -- an Inn`; LIGLLIIOI IIJCLIILIHIIIUI trnnswut announce- nu of notices a; wanted; houses to wanted; lodg- ing; ar- ticles lost ; found ; ; ($50., when set close, inserted for 25 cents each inser- tion, payable only in advance. When dis- plnycd, a proportionate price will b charg- ed. and Sabbath service situations Aug 4. Are yr, an n.-.; --Nov. lW1mNsIEf\"r. Auw;1`a'rIsEMETs.-- I`|m l.....,. A:__..|_ _g- .. 1 ALMA_NA(/`S: I8 5 9. l`I|Ilu-urplly of Tlxlrrlugt-. ,,_rV,,,_- A.-r,,.,,,_ , ; u- u |\.Al..ILJL14.` I. A The _ciI _-.. ......,u-__ . . :-1-B3-A.TH` SCH:

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