3 Kingston, Feb. 4, 1863. \: Dec. 20, 1867, July 1. D. Bn'nLn. President. www--anal]. _ _______ .. , CASH CAPITAL .. .. 31,000,000. AKE AND mvrm msxs men on hull: I and 1-nr-on: nl naannnghl- pup... UAPITAL liEl.l.\NUE MUTUAL um .4SSURA.'VCE co.vPA,vr. THE DAILY NEWS--MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 7. SUGAR-COATED 17 Agent for Kingston. (mice opposilo Burnett House. u ha ln'.L{.`,'3line |`Lll\l gut nshn In 1.... A'|...-.. ll IFIIBIIUDUIC Ilt. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, S1 Lair-I-nr-n Wh ULICUC". J AMES SWIFT, Agent, gl Law-ronnn Wk.-1 vuu, THUS. KIRKPATRICK. u nuauntu Inu permit. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. IRR nuns sw1r'r_ . . . . L,uvu,uUu T_ W. GRIFFITH, Manager for Canada nun: can 1: 1, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. o uvtxr 1,ngIl]l, St. Lawrence Wharf. GEABLII WILIOI Secroury. A I nnn Ann _1m`Iw.n`"i:\'+:x1N:_ DEC. ....... .... .A.g..,m` St. Lawrence Wharf Company of 4 E. P. Don, Genersl Agent. \ Ill If1Ir\ 31,000,000. `rIr1Invr1 -n. v your Inondl. u, Wholenle I $23,000,000. ; IA AN D PBBBINB WorooIterIh1ro Sauce. This delicious Oon dimnt, prououneod by lonnoiuenn "The only good tunes," in pro- and solely by Lea and Pot-rim. The Public are reapoctly cnutioned spin: 1 wortblen imi- tation, and should on tho: Lu sud Pen-inn Nome: no on Wnpper, Lube}, Bottle, and mapper. All for Lu. ind Perrinl "- Bold Wholoulo and for E: pm-t,by the Pro prioton, Worcester ; lleuu. Orouo sud Black- well ; Hem-I. Barclay nnd Bonn, London; in.- lc. ; and by Grout: and Oilnun uinnslly r HIEORIGINALOHLORODYNE, invented by R. Freeman, Pharmaceutlet, l: allowed to be one at the greateet dleooveriea of the preeent century. It i: largely employed by the molt. eminent Physician: and Surgeon: in hospital and private practice in all part: ol the world. It ha: effect: peculiar toitaelf, and which are eenential- ly dinrent to those produced by the varioua compound: bearing the name of Ghlorodyne, but have no pretence to poaneseing its virtues. It rapidly relieve: pain, from whatever canoe, el- lays the irritation of fever, soothe: the ayateln under exhausting diaeaeee. and give: sleep with- out producing any one o! the unpleaeant feeling: :0 commonly arising from the use ol opiates. t continues to hold it: unshaxen position in the estimation of the Profession an the bent, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminnnt and acientic Physicians made aldavit: that they have tested its cects in careful comparison with - those of"DR. COLLIS BROWNEKS CHLOR0- DYNE." ea-d deposed to the facts that they lound it a more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FREEMANS." Rn:-I Rnannll Annnunninnlod tn lhn Rnvnl CHI- ;a bottle of Magenta to a pint of water. ta. ILLUMINATING: Magenta, Violet, Blue, Orange; pour a few drop: into an egg cup add warn: ram; use with: brush or pen Borden of booke, similar to Ward and Loch : Arabian Nlghte, ke., may be prettily Illum- ih ' manner. . JELLY, "CORN |FLOUB, ICE OREAHS, to : While in a liquid state add oneor two drape of Magenta. A more almple or elegant tinting cannot be had (L\`l lIDrulunnv----- l)c Daily Nuns. nLAibulmdn.":nL1jY In f tinting bud. OONFIC TIONIBB will nd lngonu, Violet Orange and Pink uufnl oolourl. BLUE : For Inn produce pretty time by more, us directed shove. STAROH: Stir in: few drops of Oolour- Ingonu, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impnrt delicate tint: to. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Sauteed, &c., an rncl. the dye quickly, ifspplied in boiling vnur. ndry purpose: is A 1. BOOK EDGES ' 2 A Slxpenny bottle of Magen- ts, Violet, Urinuon or Bluo will make from nplnt ton. quarto! beautiful colouring, so- cording to absdo required. Apply with I brunh. PAPER and WOOD STAIN : Dino. OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 Black to hsl! A-pin! of hot Inner. SATIHWOOD STAIN: A Sixpennv bottle 0111:!-v din-nl--A 1/ ' ` to Lsce, Linen, 0! Inc, aye Ii sutc COTTON: Mauve, rnnnmm-n.-I...-I unu greluy prexerreu rn|u.m.1n-3. Earl Russell communicated to the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in Ilnuilln the only remedy 0! any use in Cholera In ChI(-Jrodine. ' #771,- u-.):__r In-_ ._ _,,J n---u- I ..... -.. Ian. recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Ornngo. Dye in II WHITEWASH: To nr RIIIJ - no`-3 |--' f WI-I Ullll-Jl'DUII1e. The Medical Yimu and Gazette, Jmuary 13th, 1866, Intel, It has an immense sale amongst the public, and in prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, ll. would not be than singularly populnr did it not Iupply I wnnt. and fill a place." Hnnufnl-tnrnzd hv tho Iniontnr `R':r*h1udFrs(- I WIIJI. Illll UH I PIECE`. Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Fru- IIIIII, 70, Kenuingcon Park Road, London, 8. The nnnuina ha: onurnvorl rm the Gnvnrnmant Luau, nu, neuumgnuu I. urn nuuu, uuuuuu, o. The genuine has engraved on the Government Stamp (nuuide each Bottle), FREEMAWS ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." O.\'DY'S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- ' taut Puried, dcodorieee, endjdiainfeets, by the agency of nascent or olonic ox_ygen,-iu active prin_ciple. Being entirely innoxioua, this truly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposea, Ior which all other tlieiufet-tants, on accountol` their poieonoue or other objectionable qunlitiee, are unavaihble and useless :- Detecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifving drinking and other water from or- ganic matter, ll`Id, Jtc. I-`reahcning the air of close places, and remov- ing bad smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provision: from taint. ` Counteracting the effects of organic` poisons taken into the atomach. Curing lusty provender. Freeing wheat and other seed lrom smut. Maintaining the health at plantain pout and coneervataoriea. Preserving and restoring the freshman el cut owers kept in water. Dentroying the blight of the potatoo, vine, hop, mulberry tree, &c. Wishing dogs and other domestic animals. Qleamiiig bottles, beer barrels, pickling tube, dairy utensils. \Vasbiug the hair and darkening ita colour when turning grey, Enhancing the purifying and invigorating el- lects of baths and tub; Dreesing poiaoned wounds and destroying ani- mal V1l l1.3. Treating the infectious diseases of cattle. horses, dogs, &c_ nnn trnllnn .....I.,.. on... ...... uul ac:-I, uugi, EC. One gallon make: 200 to! for use. \' n n - --- ' "` ' 1., lUI'I ILI \JllIUCl`3'T i\AUILIa'|l El'I IVUI. I, D F 8 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. M" JuLn._D'RI1LL7,Q.C. | FRANK C. DIIAPIR. `null uuu.rr PUHPOSEJ Remove: from the mouth impure an tastes and odours, whether arising frol or other causes, and couuternczs the Ind morbid secretions of curious teeth. es and sofuns the skin, and, used in tends to promote I healthy state of! body. _ ,_- _.-., .........-tuna la a colouring agent for almolt every known material, the ease with which they can be uaed and the brillian- cy of tho result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for a fur pence without aoiling the hands. |lI'|.ll'|b a un a to renaer mom clean. by in boiling;;;r_. FEATHERS: Dye in hot wuer (a. few drops of the, dye is sufficient for one feather). Mauve, Violet and Pumi- -1. uni.- N.B.-Condys Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Hunter in Water. and afford: than only known means 0! rapidly and completely freeing Drinking Water ll :-om Organic Tnint, which in lo common a cnuse ol serious disease. To rapidly purify the Ill , use the diluted uid Will] "Coudy'a Uzoniser" or other Spray-pro- ducer. 1I1\|Vr\I'rI.~ .. . _ - _ .__--- -v.u-5 sun unnua IEHORANDA. MAGENTA : The urength end Meaty of thin dye is almost. incredible. A Sixpenny bot- A tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in I 10 minutes; it will elm produce I clear` Roan Pink by using lees dye. Sniteble eleo for Woollen Goods, Faezhers, Silks, kc. WOOLLEN8: Regents, leave, Violet, Purple, Orenge, Pink, end Crimean produce the (non satisfactory reeulu. Uee nlerge quantity of boiling Inter in In earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to avoid cranes, and to render them clean. boiling ureter. F'EA'l:HE>RS: re. far Arna- `hnvs 3 PATENT OZONISED WATER, (1-on `roux-r PUu.Po5Is,) om nnd loreign xioura, from tobacco uses, irriulion secretion: nf 1-an-inn. o--oI. | - -- - ` tho Whitening n nan]. Purple, Blue [and crimson min; on bottlo or ed Ibon. 3, Msgonts, Violet and I warm water. H`) nu-uln-. ll._...._. - -` A nI!IlVUu | no g Richard T. \\'uIlusIn, vi. 1uL.IOI'I`0R IN UHANCRRY. ms g Uice--L`lnreuce Street, Kingnlon, C.W. In-1] `P `1IIf\IIlI l!IV' 1, I. R I Rmu T WATEII until! WIICUU. l oolor: Magenta, for Pink 1 n bottle to 3 mu nf -..-- cut 101' one leather). And Purple ) 300 gtllonl ndnpud u, uacu Ill Iu(.'.DI.D ' of tho whole; us teeth: "[1 pm. , the bath, ital; nl pk- _.L_| | tho bath will according to RATES, AND IF YOU DO NOT ALREADY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF` CONTRACTS ADVERTISING1] OFIIR8 `PHI [DIST IIDIUH FOR LOCAL AND GINIRAL ADVERTISI- IINTS; THIBIIORI ` ADVIRTIBI INTHI :DAILY NEWS." wunpboll, Nlowul at lllacdn smell, ARRISTERS, !&c.. Princes: S-t.-ex". Kin} axon (oppociu-:Dnily News 0500). Auxnznln. Uu|rIIu., Q0., GIOIGI Luucx Mowaf, 1 I GEOBGI Minna MAODGIIJ. ll.-ah 11. cw NEWSPAPER. comnwsxl If YOU WOULD If YOU HLVI POSSESSI HG Fur: MOST LUCCEBBFUL TRADESMEN AND MERCHANT PARTICULARS OF A LOCAL PAPER DAILY NEWS. TIMES. PLACE THE TYPES AND INK RESOLVE AT ONCE TO ..;nuuvA rnrra Solo Iinnubtnuret :-A. P. Manohenm-.1 DAILY NEWS OFFICE. AND YEARLY ADVERTISE THE LARGEST JUDIOIOUB UB3 0]" BPIIIT NONI? ATTRACT OUBTOHEB8 DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, AND NOT TO BI DRIVEN, IS THE BEST SIGN A THOUSAND 'l`OWLE'S CHLOBODYNE. The Original Preparation of known Composi- tion. From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,--1 thlnli: if you would advertise your Chlorodyns more than you do, you would help to bent. the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. [any medical men think with me, and recommend your corn- pound, but will never prescribe a secret re- medy. Cannes Kion, M.D. To Mr Towle, Ohemiet, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :-I only requires to be known to be sppreciated.t I here no hesitation in charaoterieing it (vig., 'l`owle s Ghlorodyne) as the most useful medi- cine that has appeared during the present century. In diarrhcns, colic, ague, spaems, I have found it to relieve more pain and cause more joy than any other article that can he named. No'rl.-The Profession is warned against in- ferior, secret, and cheap compound: now in the market. Each genuine bottle bears a fac- simile or Proprietors signature on the stamp oltoide. . T TO A LIBERAL AND ADVERTISE ADVERTISE`: QIROULATIOH 0! my zmwsurn ruamsnnn IN 1-ms or-nr, -rms Joumux. `OUR BUBINESB AGREEHINTS IRDIUI WHERE!!! HAY BE MADE AT THB IN TH] PUROHABI! ADVERTISE 1113." ADIIT THE IIPOBTANOI 0' AND REPEAT THB DVERTISEV -ro mvnn-rrsn A u0UAL susnmss, 1-neuron 00 um A LITTLE FURTHIB AND ERECTION OI` Al PUBLIC AND THEIR BUOOIHP ATTRACTIVE SIGN IN THE will save: vcla IH uuc 1.1553! 01 Dlll.0l'y. It was during the into war that Lafay- ette gained the name of the modern Bas- tile. Hero were imprisoned innumerable parties who had been dragged from their names and families by the birelings of a Radical administration, because they dif- fered from its views ; but now that state of `Kain huceaaed to exist, and the great Burke, who guarded its walls, is removed therefrom, anti last night witnessed the de- atrnction of hu former home from a neigh- boung fortication. Sic trantit, dc. A JUDIOIOUS STIP AND ATTRIBUTI FOR YOUR PLAOI {OB ADVERTISING BIFORR TH! I!` YOU WUULDI DI` BUSINIBC O A REY SUCH I maul, encnud exp DA_ILY Pnncosg Street. Nnws Bnnt ARI. RUSSELL sent to the College of Physicians I communicetion received by him from Menille (where cholera had been greing feel-fully) to the etfect that, or ill remedial tried, Chlorodyne we: the most e'ec- I170. The dey.eeems as yet, nnheppily, fur die- tent when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of en] secret medicine whatsoever. It in to be hoped that the profusion will continue to brand u unworthy the conduct of those of in members who by testimohlel or otherwise aid the dilpoul 0! Inch thingu.-Lancet. IPROGRAHMES Steamboat and E: fI\a-l- -4- " For seven-cl yearn put I have bin: in the hu- bit of prescribing Dr. dc Jongh | Llght-BroIrn God Liver 0il.nnd nd it to be mu cl: more ei- cncioul than oth er nrietlel of the name Inedlclno which I have also employed with 1 View to out their relative niperiority. To A YOUNG IIERCHANT--When you pay more for the rent of your bunineu house thnn for udvertiain 11 Ire nrluing fsl 1' . If i2..a.. 1...:.....T....':. 1.. 132 wz - M g your business, ` ,..... uu pursuing: false pblic can do busincnglet it be known.` Lm. " Dr. Granville] bu found that Dr. do Jaglfu Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil produces the dodud eect in 1 nhongr time min other ktndt, and that It does not emu the name: Ind indignation too often consequent on the odminiuntion of u pal: oil. nIumn1_.Tw, 13.3.. he no of Dr.` do Jonzhh Odd Livar Oil. I have boen we 11 satised with in el' mdbelcvoittoboavorypundhuoll ntt::If'or thou cues in which the anal that mbonnoo in indicatud. _-_..._. ......w. in neum, Ind Chief Analyst to tho City of London. n In In cases I hue found Dr. do Jongla Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing the III!!! set of properties, man; which the presence 0! cholnic compoundu, and of iodinc in I Itnh of orgnniecombination, no than most I-emu-hble. It in, I believe, universally Icknowledged that this oil bu great therapeutic power; and from my inventigntionn, I ban no doubt ofiu being a pure und unadulterated article. K __ _ -_.__ -auu.Ijlo DR. LETHEBY, ledicnl Ocer of Health Ind_ Cl: 9 M..- n:._ -o I -.-- r.--. I A y.l.IJ. '0.w MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, & SATURDAYS. 8 Am. | 7:30 a..m. OI MUNDAYS AND SATURDAYS, 4 p.m. SUNDAY TRIPFI Hl North in]! of Lot No. 4, in the 41]: non ceuion of tho Townnhip of Kingupn, con Mining One Hundred Acre: (put of which in under till, with n Puma Dwelling Home thereon. cl farm in on] :Len mllcl from tho cit andh onto the 0 ad Inscsduniud l Inquire as the Daily Nun allies, King. utm- LIIIIZJJ FUR IUUU. Fanny one at thetoul-Revieln For Any two of .he four Reviews For my three of the four Reviews For all four of the Review: For Bhckwood'a lnguine - For Blu.-kwood And one Review For Blnckwood um two Review: For Blackwood and three Reviews, 301' Blnckword and {our Review: udmitned u) be genuine-tho Light-Ba-ovn Oil supplied by Dr. do Jongh. It has long been our practice, when prescribing the o_il, to recommend ` this kind, since, amidst a much up-iaty sud un- certainty, we have eondenoojn its genuine- neaa."-(ExI:ut from Consumption: in Early md Reunedinbla Sugeaf ) D11 LLNKRSTER, F.B.S., Coroner for Oentnl Hiddlenex. III ......-2-1- -' ` " THE LONDON QUARTERLY (`(`J onaorvM.ivo TEE EDINBURGH REVIEW THE WESTMINSTER R8712 ( ical). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ch'h) - AID BLAOKWOODB EDINBURGH HAGIZINI t"l`n-u \ I B14393 V1 \J\IIl D EJILLVIJULUIJIJ CQQLBLKI ' ('I`ory.) . I HBSE foreign periodicsh are regularly re published by us in the nine style as hereto- fone. Those who know them and who have I long subscribed to then, need no reminder; those whom the civil wnpof the last few you: had deprived of their anon weleoue nupply of the belt periodicnl literature, will be glad to have them Again within; their reach ; sad that: who may never yet have met with them, will Assured. l ly be well pleased to receive ipcredited reports of the progress of European science and liter! lure. HTEBIIZ Hf`?! I an: Subscribers may Ob::U following reduced rates, viz : The Nrn-I}: Rrl'Iis` frnln In P 0 8 T L G E . When nut. by mail, the Poougo to unyym oftbe United State: Will be but Tjgng 1.1 Cam; I you for " Blmkwood, sad but 1 cents A year for each of the Reviews. nuuuwuag reuunxu rules, VII: ' The North Britiala from J0. ury, 1863, to Do- celnber, 1866, inclluive; the Edinburgh and (III Weatmintter from April, 1884, to December, 1866, inclnlive, and the Landau Quarterly for l865 and 1866, at tho nu of $1.50 a your for each or my Review ; duo Bluckwood for IBM, for $2.50. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., 38 Walker-ct:-cot, N.Y. ,, ( .._____. `- ---Ia\ By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh And the Into J. P.Norton, of Yale Collega. 2 Eh. Royal 0(- tnvo 1600 pages and numerous Pl'1IOE-$7, for the two volumes. By tho post paid. -.$8. DP. DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN con LIVER OIL. ' DR. DE JONGH S Oil in convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test of Iuocenful experience for twenty year: in all part: of the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the meet eiear cious, the mo palatable, and, from in rapid curative efecu, the moat economial of all kinds. Henca the universal celebuity 01 Dr. do Jonglfe Oil, and the unparalleled demand for this llnI'i- I smiled preparation. IDHAWS SEA SALT, for pvoducing 1| real Sea Bub in your own Room. The above favourite prepnrntion in strongly rccom- mended. ' Q_`_ n____._` _ -nuu\...-. . _--- SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. SIR HENRY MARSH, BART, I.D., Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland. I hue frequently prescribed Dr. do Jonglfl Light;-Brown Cod Liver 0iL I consider it to ho u very pure oil, not likely to crento disgust, and a therapeutic Agent of great value.` DR. EDWARD snrrn, nus, ledicul Ocer to the Poor IA! Bond of Great 1 Baum And 5 lug: amount of genenl reading matty-';. Price, Five Cenu. Subscription Two ` A.1.J........ 1r._,. uu, um um unpan prepu-atibn. DR. GRANVILLE, l'.R.8., Audio: of tho "Spu ol Germany." Dr. Granville} agbt-Brown eet gnhou-got othcr kinda --4 *'--` The L. 5. Pub. 0o.:1;publi|h BRITISH I:E_RIODICAI.8. , _g ;wIlntnnu.YJoUnnu;,~:: oozrmnmra _-`.LL 1'51 man or 21; ENTERTAINING BTOBIIB Alia} CHRONICLE AND The Farmer -s ifldt` nu.-1V 19 um`: Anuqutc. Un Wedneadnya, Fridays, and Saturdays, st 6 LI. um: 70; BALI. TERH8 FOR 1883. -6 `L- A..-.-n__: -.___ ob:-aiibnck number! st the It` rat-an vim - false poli you ; known`.:g-l'nux- h Ind Chie!A I Lon nnyutto Address; IJJIJ 10.00 18.00 ll.{`0 I -90 I 01 I 2.00 V KINGSTON On Tuesdays. Wednesdays, nnd Fridnys at 3:30 P.M_ l.:'.'$ vin_iunl l__.- Inndbynlcnltd .....1.. m Hun: nu IIIITU I T31 under oliaql 1541..-.. ..:.u.I ``.?`a......."' u-iii weak,` ii $3; ofnh-II.. `II. _I Il-._l.n- Hon. A. CA] RICHARD J! Huang... ll` ' Kingston and Wolfe island Ferry. cmman-3 or nouns. VOMMENCING KONDAY, 26th initnnt, one of the Ferry Steamers will run an under; Leave Kingston dnily, Lean Wolfe Ial d daily, At1l:30II:n. Al9Ll. 'z-=zn..m 1-- I Job Printinfg, in may be STALLS ,:__.j___j--... Kingston and Gananoque Route. "I-`HE Steamer PIERREPONT_ C. Hinckley, Jl.'.. Hunter. Will run An nndnr fit sanded Io. ulrxli-BIZ` Well.; at toth hfl In--. -I `trllelbliy as Drape !-`, A RRlSTERS,ATTURN EYS-At-LAW b`oiici- zlors in Chaucery-Cbnmbers Nos. 7, 8. I Q An:-hnr Rnildinon Kinnnlnn E`. W rntza-up ` 51%` `lineinu ,;w-u. Well, of Virgi d a. paonet who under thu plan by drawing 10 3. Int, and neve M word "guilty," in dsnt vno oonv If llnnrl -5-`-* ' ` Nlluwlunuld, Putlon J: Nluchur, )_-\liRl:iTh`.RS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, I) Sohcuora in Chancery, kc. Udicea-i8 Clarence S1,, oppomte the Post Utce. Kumsron, C. W. Joan A. MLCDONAl.D,Q. C. | Jnus PATTON, Q.0 Joiul M. MACHAI. RINCE OF W RITUALI Ritualis__ta seem ta trump card in the been to their 3 Q.-.-.A;aa Inn! n eekly gazette: do blic ; and now he to the church of torium Anglicnnu for them to me than they deserve ould be exalted 3 reminded that H of his Royal Hlg hom they would n It cannot be ii the newspapers t when the tempest _dy Highland uhep face the elements, pou going out ` nd in rain," to t hear that famous `am, Dr Cumming d doctor annnu Brighton, that the sermon he "hay nee of -Wnlea, us memory rema ts not entirely it was remembers ask favour for ing his audience already received t ation. In thine`: ind the Ritualiat pecl: to receive the gala 9. Prat o a rehe s that tlhelligince pause in the use road of Scott` am is an inclined ahing their juurn and confusion th "r Apparent were too far in the (1 f his new friends him, are too terri a-unann- of John Knox ; u-vuvn, Illu I70 and had be!!! ya, when the lot 5v0LUME [Em aily { nu EH8 pulp! begging your p e and space, and nidentlon my `lungs, I rennin, __ --v uill .q:ppeu-nae. I t fresh hie;-n at In the pulpit I Dlna vunnu .. Lu U LIUUU. Sole Proprietorn- I`IDMAN & SON, Chem- 1519, 16 Wornwood_Street, London, E0. .ll|'l| LLI-'I\JJ- For: Latnyette was built during the war of 1812, and was then known as Fort Din- mond, it being trinngular-shaped. It was constructed of brown stone and heavy tim- bers, and contained two tier: and parapet, there being about eighty guns. The struc- ture was about 200 feet across the centre, end was more of a defensive than oeuaive forticution. During Lafayette : visit to this country the forrrmu named after that distinguished general, which name it will ever best in the pages of history. during the lat: wnr nun r..r..... _ . .-vnunnan-C ea, as I nun nun zher artistes mu being made we] nding sucieut t to adcept all frien L hope you will a unnl-on. sun:-'~I -3 `Y OF` LIME. `PA -IGAL BTRIGT `I')`lII\'EI'jxL1 2:15 uuucu, In to turn her tale gin in a man, an an, to condemn a know. `I firmly my profession on are the exce mention scores 0 ell known. is en _ what I say. As imo society, or a the beat families ' en, :1 1' ant. -...._ II utuuoetto ygnmphlwwn ac. - xqvili -yuuu the past few I lave:-aged from 85 `WEPBPUI :- Council Bluffs a constant read: have of course can, of different of a profession I any years, both singer, and mus at any clergyma nspersinns on I be fol-lowed _by (1 memory whic- and, as ladies ca n I-\n|\1n ...._l.'__ uuu, no Iuulcu (:8 a public perfor I; an honest wo `_____ .._..__I:_, BEE LAST PA} csrged. April 23 EII`LQ.JIJP I-Fl-I\JL Fm-Rosa writes an wspnper I nnrn nail Rlna EH; 7ETi'a"". '1, -'8 Obliged, I`. . In turn hnr tn]- ESDAY EVENL1 --H- VII! VIII uood eight fa! Mon- And can WW QLIIILLII Llli Dal-I\J. II I I \}\.` I] I 'Cl'bA1 II .\JUIl' I5 feyuucer, &c. Oice Bagot Street, second door ioulb of mo Bmuh Whig ufce, upstairs. _ August l. John udle. LARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Couveynucer, lc. Oce opposite Post Oce, Clarence Street, Kingston. August 6. 0r`1`1c1~; m:M(37v1-:0 TU KING s'rm:m NEARLY OPPOSITE THE on? BUUK s'rom:. Joseph Buwdcn, T'I`0l{ZN'EY .-\T- l 3 W, solicitor I Uhuncu.-xy,.\'utw3 ruma-.~,.su-,331 street, Kingston. u `LII-`i-`[Ch`..--:`.ouLh West. corner of Dundss and East Sm-eta. U'.. [1 n'Ir I'I_'.'nlV In . nu-nun \| n uuat ouvsena. Wu. H. WILI-(I:-ION. K\\':n.1ii_. I`h|bod0, 1)ARRlS'l`ER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAVV , ) Solicitor in Chancery, Uouveynnoer, &c., .-Xuctmr Buildings. ~r- -q \ ONEY TO LE.\'D. $50,000 to lend outhe _ security of Real Esulein the City or Conu- 'try at I. low run of interet. No commie.-non nl...-.....l n II n..r\n larch lb, 6 `UV. An examination into the origin of the n; has been instituted by Assistant Fire Mar- Ibal Keady. Fnrr Tufnvnbbn Imam huh} An-1.... AL- _ r erry w nan, L KingaLon,_Ocl.obcr 24, 1868. `I Uce-33, Clnrence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. v-r., vs. -nu G. H. KINGEIORN. Ferry Wharf, foot. Brock Street. Kingllon, 24th Oct. 1869. } \..Iu.ILrI:'-'-\.:InIc|II.c uncut` I'\IIJ5I|\J|l. _ P. GILDIBSLIIVI L.L.B. | RICH. T. 1-3-- Vvllklson a Reeve, )ARRISTh`.R.S AND ATTORNEYS-1!-LAW, `\ u.I:_;.__. .__-..-_. Ulla ll-I Kingston, JIn'y 16. . _. u. -- nuusuu.-. County 0 rown A Home]. CURL Leave Kingston, 9:00 am. 1:15 pm. `IDHAPPS I'nn'I R51 52...}. in an.-... -__ J. n. smnn, 1110., )HYSICIAN, scnuscx, am, PORTLAND, Dnaidn-...... D`__.._.`...:. aulur. paws rwisu.-u In most rants`-'iLlC shapes. The magazine remains uninjured, with the exception of the burning of the outer door. The explosion of loaded shells caus- ed some dsmageto the masonry, and cut large holes in the iron doors. some unex- ploded shells sre still in the ruins. Quar- termaster Sergeant Leeson and a squad of men from Fort Hamilton were engaged yes- terday in clearing nwsy the debris from thst part of the Fort nesrest the mags.- zine, and they report that with the excep- tion of the burning joists, the re is at an end. A_ .___:__A:__ :_A_ `L. - - - .. _ Fr-)rFI'eight or Passage upply to Captain on Ltd. or to hllclc.-rnulu-ve an Walkcm, ARILISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, ____.._,..__ v_.A-:,- I|,n.|:- James Agnew, {ARRISTE R and A?TURN EY-nt-LAW,Con- , n._-. cs. __.___.._ L , .O-IHLOROFORMI cg. on CHLORODYNE wxraom PE pnmmrr. nl nnnf-no....- . I H1 . ll. llkllngaycra, TTURNEY-AT-LAW_ Goureynncer, sic. L Kmgslon, U. W. Dec. 1. uu oneuujcr r1n.nnnrUn1'_ Jr., Master, will run as under. [In-Ivlunuuvq Iuu :||L\..'|\..V|.I Uunveynncv.-rs, Nouriel Public. -'3: n - u--. -n- .- annual nuno l.VLI A A A\J[\a`L1I|~.)`l\'J.44:xIv' Solicitors, Uonveynucers,' &c. Nu}-ume, W Ll IDJULAJ, D|Jl\\.lIL\. J, Residence Hnrrowsmilh. Royal Assnrhnce Company` IHHJIUILUU IUI uultl IIUUIIU. Vessels entering trom neg were dis- cerned from afar, and the hands aboard were undetermined as to the locntznn of the fire; but upon approaching nearer, they discovered thnt the modern la.a:ile in in course of destruction. The houses on either side of the water could be dis- tinctly discerned, and persons could be seen Iulking about and viewing the con- agrntion. nnfnrnnn -1.-4-... ......l A.....l_- -1.` . .1 CHOLERA. DIARRHGA, kc. UH LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRA.\'GE. 7.'-_- AA.-IV - In. 3:30 p.m. L!l'\ AVE! nu LEAVE GANANOQUE. nadnvn Vririnvu ant` Q-o... SUNDA{ TRIPS. new-at.-an A Y ____ YT I I p.u1. G. M. KINGHURN. Ferry Whnxf, foot Brock Street. zlnhor `IA IRAQ A LII} 9 Leave Wolfe Islnnd, 9:30 a. m. I p.m. M Ktwnnnnv W.A.Rl~1EVE,M A. nu V` . U1 I.I.a.V'lJll Agent for Kingstbn ml . Towle, Chemist, Everything of an inammable nature in Fort Lafayette was destroyed by the fire on Tuesday afternoon nnd night. and all dan- ger of An explosion of the magazine having passed, the residents in the vicinity who ed for safety have mostly returned and re- V occupied their homes. 1he Brooklyn pu- lice guarded the deserted residences all night, in order to prevent robbery, 0! which there were some apprehensions. Nothing occurred, however, to require their active interference. Clouds of smoke and vapour are still` rising frotn the ruins of the interior of the fort, but the exterior appearance is scarcely altered. Inside, the scene is one or utter devastation. The supports of the huge guns have been burnt away, Ind they now lie among the ruins, useless, and in come cases twisted in most fnntaqtic shapes. magazine remains nnininn-A nun, Bl AIU I.\-ll-I..|.l.I.II` 1%. M. Ruse." WALKIH. ,uuu an n and recommend it to yi Henry Simpson I 00., Montreal, Azania. yclrll. It in the cheapest as well :3 the only 25 cents for 3' Inge bottle. B you'll like it and 3 Henry Bilnnson k "A ""` HE BEST Tonic Hair Dressing over discov- T cred. It ebctunlly cleanse: the Icalp, pre- vent: the Hair from fnlling off or taming prema- turely grny, ind whey the follicles and gland: uuuwnl to cneuge n for any other. We have not spice to enumerate the virtues accorded to it by thousands who have used it, end voluntarily teetify to Its merits. Buy I bottle Ind satisfy yourself that it is the belt remedy ever oerod. nnnrr ECIIAI-nan. L (1-1 In, . . T. - ncuaouy 6721' 0113110. Henry Simpson t 001, Hontronl, Wholenlo Agents. , _,- _-..v-gr. In an internal as well as an external remody, and is the only one that always gives entire u- tiafnctlon, and all who once use it will never consent to change it for other. hIVE DO` IDIPA In Ann:-nn-.0- sL_ _!_A- B A SPEOIFIO for Rheumatism or Lamenou of any kind, Swelling of the Joints, Sore Throat, Cold in the Head and Diphtheris, Burnt or Frost Bites, Scratches on ho:-Ian, tc.' &c., ' -. u. u-noun, us. U.,lJIlTJl.'Il.lIl, U. E. C. E. CUTTUN. M. D., Cownnnillo. ` CHARLES BROWN, M.D., Cownnlville. S. S. FOSTER, H. D. Broome. J. C. BUTLER, I. D., Waterloo. JOHN ERSKINE, M_D., Wsterloo. NORMAN CLEVELAND, M. D., Barnlton. N. JENKS. M. D. Bnrnston. C. W. COWLES, II. D. Stanatead. JOHN MEIGS, M. D., Smnstead. JOSEPH BREADON, H. D.. Surgeon, R N. BENJAMIN DAMON, I[.D., Conticook, LEMEUL RICHMOND, M.D.,` Derby Line. WINSLOW LEWIS, M.D., Boston. R. D. MUSSY, ll. D.,Bollon. F. J. AUSTIN, H.D., Sherbraoko. E. D. WORTH1NGTON,ll.D., Sberhrooke. Henry Simpson & 00., Montreal, Wholonlo Agents. GAOCVI. The steamer remained there but A comp. ratively short tim-:, in \'lF-V of the fact that an tiplibslull of the magazine was I]torncu- tartly expected. All ctforts to extinguish the ames were abandoned and the de- struction continued. Between seven and eight Lfclock 3 number of loaded shells, which had been stored in the fort, exploded with n rcmndcous report, and the iron fragments were scattered in the waters around the fortication, but fortunately none reached the shore, The friglltcncd inhabitants of the village gathered in large number: on the bluia overlooking Latajette, and suzveyed the conagrution, and at every moment. an explosion was L`!- pected. but none occurred. The dU)L ex- tcnued to the agsta`, which was smug en- velopad, and which stood out in bud re- lief against the sky like a pillar of tire. At about eleven o`clock a steam tire-en< gine arrived at Fort Hamilton from Bruuk~ Iyn, in order that the property in that neighbourhood would be protected, if it caught tire. The spark: from the burning Lafayette ew in all directions and teach- ed the shore, endangering the houses there. The srnes had communicated with a large quantity of lumber in the fort, and increas- ed to such an extent that the water was il- luminated for miles around. 1'.--..1- -_.__..._ " Phczenlx Flro Auurmu-.0 (tom puny ` HF` LUNDUN. Home II):-\l11'.I1CB Company of New Haven, Conn. ---...._.. .. .. ...,---,---. PREIIIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1867- $2,000,000. Fund: deposited in the bands of the Govormom for the security of Policyholdon. f All re risk: carefully surveyed, and tho mu: of Premium made to correspond with the risk Assumed. Y A IJECJ LIIITIIIVB RE a safe and reliable remedy in all diaetsee of the Stomach, Liver and Bowls. They are not Quack Medicines puffed up by high sounding testlmoniala from imnginary people, but are the result of fatty years experience of: t-at-class physician, and their extraordinary success is due to the feet that they answer exnctly their name. The formula from which they Are prepared, is based on sound. scientic principles, end has re- ceived the unqualied approbation ofthe medical ofeuiou. They do not profess to be a cure-all, ll: for all diaeues arising from my derangement of the Stomach, Liver and Bmz-eh. they furnish an effectual remedy. We have in our possession, over one hundred testimonials from physicians who hue used them in their practice And high- ly npprove of them, nmong which nre;the follow- mg: J. H. GIBSON, M. D.,Dunhnn:, c. 1:. f`. I! I`!l\"lVl|nu' n: n n_._- -~'I- Fire and Marlne 1.-vszrn_4.vcn c0.um.vy or puauy. CAPITAL .. .. .. .. 32,500,000 ANNUAL INCOME. .. .. 1,000,000 "I" `I. f.lDlIII`I'I"`U vxrvouvu And is prepared 1:; issue policies on terms is low as the safeiy ofthe assured will permit. JAMRH awn:--r F`. HOOPER, ----- guy: \a Tum. A. Auxanom, President ._j ' `HIS Company has been doing business in Canada for nearly 50 years, nnd during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt Ind liberal seulemenlofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws ofCanI.d| by the deposit wilh the Government of Stocks to the amount of V 850.000 _. _ A ...A li6.7 Murine lnsufce. 1866-. IICFIQBIIJHQ Between eleven a_nd twelve o`clock in re- porter of the Demo:-rat proceeded in a yawl (furnished by Lieutenant Barbour) tn the burning fort, and entered the interior. The ames were extending through the men : quarters, on the southeasterly side, and is- suing from the porvholes. The magazine on the northeasterly side was considered out of danger, as was also the apartment on the westerly side, which contained a. large quantity of broken shells. The openiugln the centre of the fort was clear of re, but the heat from the fire in the quarters sur- rounding it wns a3Tntense that the party in the place was compelled to retrent to the water's edge, and departed for the shore. `l,`_,_..'L! _, ,9 ` R Home Insurance Ifompany of New Haven. 'I'\ I.-.__-._ g-I,-..v.:.:,. Loans paid in 49 jun, Elna Insurance I Hartford Ca I.\'CORPORA TED IN 1319. CAPITAL ;3,ooo,ooo. ASSETS$4,b`50,938,27 H ULL no CARGO msxs to ma from lnlnnj 11...... ._ I` . _ . _ _..LI_ .--.__- LILJIJ li`|J \.'J1l.'\\IL} [\IDI\Q IU Ina. [r011] I I Inland Ports on favourable terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid in Canada Currency. 1 : um: uwnwr A ..,.... .z:Etna" Insurance Co. of Hart- ` furd, Conn 1PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS-_ ; 1=4,S33,543,39. Agout at Kingston, TH nnn any ruvnn. nlana BK! J and cargoes at reasonable rutea. IA HPQ QTTPT JAOOBB RIIEUMATIO LIQUID, I. __ _ _. Kingston, Feb. 4, 1868. pi!` .*-`t'~.'F'.' FIRST" I . ._-_j_;.--