Kingston News (1868), 9 Dec 1868, p. 1

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: teething siege, on any consider- LEWIS RICH Sc 5054', HAu:s VEQEIABLE SIEILIAN HAIR M _REWEWR. ,Cbeu1 for Coughs." n, _ n _ child lil1'i1. bad injurious. KINGSTON. :(CANAI)A).. WEnNEsDA'Y EVENING. |.n:sIcut.u ul tuvuanl-nun Us uun yuuug WUIHBIJ. Long before the ability to exercise the func- tions of the generative organs, they require an education oftheir peculiar nervous system, com- posed of what is called the tissue. which is, in common with the fcmale breast and lips, evi. dently under the control of mental emotions and associations at an early period of life ; and as we shall subsequently see, these emotions, when excessive, lead, long belore puberty, to habits which sap the very life of their victims are nature has self-completed their develop- HIPDL For Female Weakness and Dehility, Whites or Leucurrbtra, Too Profuse Menstruation, Ex haustion, Too Long Continued Periods, for Prolapsus and Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Ute-ri, we offer the most perfect specic known LIH'C'JllUl]B 101' U58, Q10!` GUM IIUVICU, BUUUILIPIDY. Females in every period of life, from infancy to extreme old age, will nd it a remedy to aid nature in the discharge of its functions, Strength is tho glory of mnbood and woman- hnnll 35 1'4 BLISEI .-J . _ l`HK l":denignnd,l't 2"." of PL: `in run LI`: Jot. Pnnung, and hrllf EU bu luv tuucuua uttstnortlue O! the vagina itself. When reviewing the causes of these distress- ing complaitru, it is most pninfnl to content- plate the attendant evils consequent upon Ih-m. It is b:It simple justice to the subject to enume- runs a few of the many additional muses which so largely atf,-ct the life, health, and hnppincas of woman in all classes of society, and which, consequently; affect more or less duectly, the we-ltaru of the entire human family, The llJ'IDIt| that uista for prrcocioua education and mor- rtnge, can` the year: that nature designed for corporeal voloptneut to be wasted and per- verted in the restraint! of dress, the early con nt-men! of at;h7ml, and especially in the unhealthy excitement of the bal -room. Thus. with the body hall -clothed, and the mind unduly excited by pleasure, perverting in midnight revt.-'5 the hiura designed by nature for sleep and rest, the work of destruction is hstlfaccom pltslteii. In 1`|.`In:n1nI\nrII\n nf thin .....I. -.__._ _i-- l I ,|IIllT'|l. in consequence of this early strain upon her system, unnecessary effur. is required by the delicate voury to retain her situation in school at a later day, thuanggravating the evil. When one excitement is over, another in pronpective keeps the mind morbidly sensitive to impression, while the now constant restraint of fashionable dress, absolutely furoidding the exercise indis- pensable to the attainment and retention of or- tganic health and strength; the exposure to night air; the sudden change of temperature; the complete proatrntion produced by excessive dancing, [D.lBl, of necessity, produce their legi- timate etfect At last, an early marriage cap: the climnx of misery, and the unfortunate one, hitherto so utterly regardless ofthe plain dic- tates and remonstrances of her delicate nature, becomes an unwilling subject of medical treat- ment. This is but I truthful picture of the ex- perience of thousands ofuur young woman. Luna hafnra tha nhililv ln 5-(arr-inn ulna P.`-an, Directions for use, diet, and advice, accompany. Fnmnlnn in nvnrv nnl-ind of life frnm infnnr-v l k`E\lALES, owing to the peculiar and impor- tant relations which they sustain, lheix pevulinr urgnniznliou, and the L fuea lhe_\ per- furm, are 5 lbjt-ct to many en'--rings. Frreulom from these (zuutribuh-B in on small degree In their happiness nrd well`are,`l'or none can be lmppy who are ill. Not only so, but no uuc of these various I`;-Innle complaints can long be surfered I run on without involving the gene- ral health ur the nnllivldunl, and area lung pro- |.H'l lIldDellI. sickness nud premature ae- Clie. Nor is it hlannnnl In I-nnnnll u ..I....:..: ,, uuu-us prrumueun ucxuess nuu is it pleasant to consult n pliyaicinn {Jr the relzrful Lhese Vu.l`l0|J8 delicate u`-wtiona, and only upu the most urgcnt necessity will II. true woman :I) fur sacrice her greatest charm no to do this. The sex will the: thank us for placing in their hands simple specics which will bri found riv icioua in relieving and curing almost every one of those lronblaorne com- plaints peculinr to the sex. Hundreds auffur on in silence, and hundreds of others apply vainly to druggists and doctors, who either mt-rely t-mtaliz.-them with the hope ofa cure or apply H?I]18dIl-E which make them worse. 1 would not wigh to nun nnything that would do injustice to the nticted, but I am obliged to any that although it uny be pro- ducel from excessive exhaustion of the powers of life, by laborious employment, unwholeeome air and fuud, prufuse menstruation, the use of tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, it is far oftener caused by direct irritation, applied to 1119 mucous tneinbrane of the vagina itself. inz c0l.'lJ[`lAil1`I. in man! n.i.-ml: In ..n...... HEL3rlBOLD'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF BUCdU. is more strengthening than any of the prepara- tions of Burk or Iron, innitely safar, and more plenum L hnving received the indoraelnent of the most pro- minent physicians in the United States, is now otfe red to amicted humanity as a certain cure for the following diseases and symptoms, from whetever cause originating: General Deblllty, Ienul Ind Phylicl Depression, Imbecility, De- termination of Blood to the Head, Confused Idus, Hysteria, General lrritebility, Restless- nese and Sleepleesnees at Night, Absence of Mueculer Efciency, Loss of Appetite, Dyspep- sin, Emulation, Low Spirits, Disorgsnintion or Paralysis of the Organs of Generntion, Pal- pitntion of the Heart, and, in fact, all the con- comitazita of s. Nervous and Debiiiteted lulto of the system. To insure the genuine, cut this out. Ask for HELMBOLD'S. Take no other. Sold by ell'Druggiste and Dealers everywhere. Price 31,25 per bo:tle,`or six bottles for 36,50.` Delivered to any address. Describe the symp- toms in all communications. Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug And Chemical Warehouse, 694 Broadway, N.Y. ' . None are genuine unless done up in steel- engrnved wrapper, with {no Iimile of my Chen-ticel Warehouse, and signed 4 _ .__- -1-.1-.r -. HELMBOL[)'S EXTRACT OF` Donna pcnllllio Ilochrpllinholhll HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BAGHU. HELMBOLDS EXTRACT BUGHU, VV () M AN-. H. 1`: HRLHBOLD. ruliar noy >Lfuea F--rings. for nnna can b... BUUHU` .v u n unn numnnn cnn De accommodated A with Board and Lodging in I Private Family. Locuion, Barrie Street. Apply for ad- dress at the Daily News oice. " Sept. 2| . |Kingston Marble Worksi [GEN]-:n_A1. STONE YAR D, ` {or &k. ---- uII(.B'.'*| L'UFl'Ul)L laleka pu"(:h-139. I n u very large sun he lobhy at the tin mprnatmu of the : cw Territory was] A 801 ubmu 1.-3 snnn ulties which have [Id [be rr-nuhI;.... ..f 5 s.-'rz. nqum to II- ` nary buline 0! Much bounce it wiunot bl j ` .':'|le|. Adverunenienil pun.-uhlp Sooel, PM-5 zgdlvidull Iembcrl of '1 IA nu-nvuwu urn nut, lnluantvlla ESIRES moat respectfully to thank his nu. tneroua Customer: for I liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In elnninnv his nnnnnnrn fan oh. -5.. -..-_ 4.1.. cnusuunug uver 1'11: lnnan 1 nnna. In closing his accounts for the peat yenr the advertieer bu determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this sunouuqement in the most. positive sense. Determined not. to be outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he in pre-' pared ta :-ell BUUTS and `SHOES of unrivalled mnnufcctune at the lowest remunerative prices on strictly cash terms. Unnni 1.-mnnnm Inna`! lnngnlmi :-un-.I:-s- -- I `HE Subscriber beg.-110 inform his numerous cus:o:nera and trim-la that be has removed from his old Stand, Princess Street, to Mr Co)`: Buildings, No. 24 Brock Street, directly opposite Mr Ramagei wutchmaker, where he is prepared with an entire new Stock of Broad Cloths, Pilot an! Benn-r, Cnssimeres, Dorskius, Can- adian, English, and Scotch Tweeds, to main: up to 01-Jer on the shortest. notice, and in the most I Naw and pIh:r.nnI.1o Qontm. vvuu nu cuura new DIOCK. DI L'vl'O(] Dorskix I I New and Fashionable Styles. H:-H BJSI1 nn hand ruan nn .n..I_.. uc-v nuu rnsulonauli Dlyle. ale) on hand, made up uu-ler his own superiulendence, a large quantity of Ready-mad: Clothing, which he can warrant and recommend, at prices As low as can be found in any establish- men! in the city. Call and examine before purchasing. CHAS. LIVINGSTON. } flntnhm-R mm: -.. SPECIAL AND lDlPOR'l`AN'l` NUTICE T0 CASH CUSTOMERS. IJ Utufll I-lly Will DD Pl.l(u.IU lull. f The patronage of Cut: Customer! I0- liciwd. v . ilinan u-.-.-.... ARBLE MANTELPIEGES, Monuments ofevery mamtiol and deaign, Headstones of every size and style, Posts for Lot Enolosnm-5, end Stone work of every description, promptly executed with the very best workmanship and I at reasonable prices. References permiued to John Creighton, Esq., Edwin Chown, Esq, and Wm. Ford, Jr., Esq. Innnantinn nf Qlnnlr noannnifnllv anlinhnrl 1} curcet, xormerly occu; Ferguson. Possession immediately. A nnlv Ull Ilflclly CIEII l.9I"mI>. Unpaid accounts must be settled immediac- ly, otherwise they will be suit. 3 TIJQ nan-nnnnn of null: nI1nInrnnrn n. . ncc xor square, tor 11 yo mm tbo privilegc at-III ' A month. IS R. \V II I TE S it`_,._?...,, Dealer in B0013 and shoes. No. 313. Princess Street, Kingston. | 1 T\'|'1`..'-HI'JF.Q vnnnt no-nan!-l'n'IIuu on H..._L Lz- _.. LAMPS AND FBONTBNAO BBBWEBI` rmm a'rm:n'r wtwr, `KINGT. n- " w. BEST AND BEST ASSORTED` '1' H I`) L A R G 14) PRIVA`}E _a_oARbm%c`. Inltosiujs" AND cLon{mn X; ESTA BLISHMENT. Subooqncut innerthllld once . not. 4 mm ptrlb-` Nauru of Eartha. . .50 CCU Do ,0! In-nageI-50 ' DU Of Detlbl. . . 50 ~- cs:-suns .\'or1cl.I."--An boa-Jxng, Koadd 0| loud, . urea by a scale of solid uuier .~o Zmeo 75 mm, III! `- mber Sauces in odltwhf of vim-b :3 Lo prouotl K muruu` of Individual: 3 Reports of Hunky! ` lo Jtlend Lectures, . sermons: ncknow|edguI||' ' -(0 ho conuderod yd an Vhn nuns- .--1- --J| 3- I | I I-nu` HHUIUIM3 lfUll1 Q [0 |Z |l.'l. UliI1]t"l|'. GLUBES. (The Hnndsalm.-at sud Uhenpost Stock ever brought into Kingston). SHADES (of every description, paper and Porcelain, also that new Student`; Shade). The Snbccriber would direct BEST COAL OIL equal to Pennsylsania. only 40 cent: pr-I gallon, in R. WHITE'S I\ nrrm r\rI\/\lx`l`\ particular am-ntion to his line Slack ofSLlDlNG HALL LIGHTS. October 8, 1868. ~--vq. JAMES ROPE. Kingston, 22nd Jnnunry, 1868. VNOV. `.0. May 12. Ever om-rad in Kingston. `III. HUI, `In III Inspection of S|n;:k respectfully solicited. Aug. 20, I888 Kingstlrn, FEE` Nov. `AD. .._q___`_. 1 ;ELLEVUE TERRACE, fronting on Centre` Strcet, formerly occupied by Mr William! rrzuson. FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated | l'ilh Bn-rd and Lndn-a`...-. :.-. - D-:....a.. PRINCESS STREET. 1453]! "ll REFLEOTORS from 4 to I2 in. Diameter. QDAn1;'IcI 1-: ,,, 1 GOOD Uomforxahln STONE HOUSE to letl` L on Riduu Street. Apply to JAOUB BAJUS. FUR lN:`PEC'I`HiN DRUG STORE, STOCK mo; w. Esmllrun. RDETIHEP 0]?` THE BREWER OF THE PALE ALE AND FOR? ER IN WESTERN OANADA. _;-_ 'II_I an U0 UFO IIIIIIIIIIQIULI. 1 CHEAPEST, BARBIE STREET, --...______g LAM1 b FRUM 2:. CENTS TO $20. LAMP Tnluurvnq HOUSE 10 1.51.4 T6 LET; ..-. .-._-._ . .__ VV OPEN tlllll-Cl} , A pply to R M. Ociul $1,000 WORTH AND J A CUB BAJ US, Kinglton Broweryw R. TANDY. . ROSE, Assignee. `r ;vA :1! \JJ-J LAMP TRIMMINGS. LAAIP TIMMINGS. OF` ourdu BULBS j DIRECT mom norrznnam. Bottles which the Pauli Ladies we-r unar- nugel are more allrnclave than a small pair of these nice small SUGAR CURED HANS at MURRl:ON B, but 1 donht in F PEOPLE may say Ihat those small Chum; agne .- L(U\I lIJ|'PVOfy Abovo In lines, 7 entl um, :34 two cents per HQ 7 ` nnmzaon N I lb Pacl:agee,ls ad each, unrivalled for puri- [ ty and cheapnus. Depot and Mnuufnnlory, Notre Dame SL, Monrrenl. Wholesale orders solicited. Handsome Show Cards supplied. Also. GARDNEECS -` DOMESTIC COUGH RE- REDY, (tnde mark secured), in bottles la 3d and 25 6d each. A -:..l :.. _ll AL_L 5- ,,,,,, uuuu us as " uuugu n.emeuy.' I The above Iruly useful and nlunblo articles can be procured from Grocers, Druggisls, and General Dealers in all parts of the Dominion. Sole Proprietor, I J n A nnvnrb I-puu as vu CIICLI. A trial is all that is necessary to prove its value as a Cough Remedy." The .b0V6 It'll`? nnnfnl and vnlnnhln nrr-In: E Try Gardner : Baking Pow- der. -51 M 1`1__.I.___I.. 1-1__..._.L nu- IAIJI . 3" Try Gardner : Cough Re- Inedy.--ee Advertisement. ' 'L.1.I.\I \./.lI.l\J'JIJlll\l.L` Ul IIIU. JJALIJI .1. Nnws is fully one-half larger than that of any other daily journal published in Kingston. The circulation of the old established, weekly Crmoxrcmz um NEWS in also greater than any other weakly pub lished in the county. Advertisers will perceive that then journals. are the hen media for attracting public attention i` thin locality. " END IT TO YOUR FRIENDS.-T'nL CHRONICLE AND Nnws is published every Friday morning, and contains all the news of the week. For Fifty Cents, pnid `in dV`m- You may Send it. to your friends {for three months at. tlu: 1-.n..-..a ......- -5` I nu uuvuuuu, you may 3800 I5 I40 `lilld for months at the reduced rates of postage. For One Dollar it may he sent six months. Single copies, price Five Cents, may be had at the Daily New o1ce,- Princees Street. G. DECEMBER 9, 1868. BEAUTIFIIL BREAKFAST moon Ialuunu. Half pqqgrg fa`- nrh n-1......-a.;|.__ -7 ____-__-.__..,- _.._vvn.v Received thia day at Morrison's. The beat Pastry Flour av. Morrlsorfa. The best. Family Flour at Morrison's. The best Ki1u~Dried Oatmeal at Ion-ison`a. Corn lea} fur Johnny Cake at Morrison's. Flour, Flour, Down, Down at Morrison's. Everybody Buys av. 0rrison'I. Lev. an the real come IO Morrison .-:. `I-' --r-\-\--._.-..-.__ Nov. 2_ Lnzu, " J an received and for sale by 12 n m .;v.;.l J-Il\}_l.IlI.IILKJ\J To onto Flour _Slore, 40 Princes: SL, November 28, 1863. Nov. 5. DRUGGIS1 S IN KINGSTON. G 1!lI)NEB. S BAKING PGWDER. N ASSORTMENT of very choice Bulbs eon- L aisting of Hyaciuths, for Home Ilild Border lnf. I DOUBT IT! `HE CIRCULATI2ON/of (the. mm \T--run. 5.. l'..II_ _.... L_l 1--..-- `L..- run! A V , Tbelqtnutobe zzunad The bfnqusn 11 than PH:-a fnr nan-.. In- 4-; U "ramps, A VARIETY. N ARCISSUS, caucus, H nus, .I` I-nnnivvn anti fan -ml` ku- `i\a'1"[\i'd1i'i%'1"Q1~I. DI... sh--- 1n n_:._..__. NW (JHANDELIERS, MACHINE SHOPS, LAMPS for CHURCHES. SCHOOL HOUSES, L A M P S , HALL, IPFIUIUF J. GARDNER, ru......:... .....z' DAILY Book. Job, lid 1 FACTORIES, . |Jl\.IJJI Chemist and D1-nggist, Notre Dame 81., Montreal. BRACKETS, MILLS, &c. Kl'I`CHEN, PARLOUR, v .-.;a. ;.-4 ' DRUG sT07aF.. II D-`IV ll 1:. H. iunxnn, Druggist #0., llntket Square. FOR SALE GROCERS R O U M VFEE ILLUSTRATED NATIONAL PRO- NOUNCING DICTIONARY, Price 25 C-Olilll. The ILLUSTRATED PRONOUNOING POCKET DICTIONARY, Price 15 cents. Jun: ..nn:..r.A1... mu nrn'11vn A. `n- ,- iiu.ic,"7rJ|@g':, MIJSIB. ,_. _, ...uu-an vuuul `I: V}; the Home Sub Ban. N.B.-Soiled Sheet Music at one quarter of` published` price, I t DDVUEDPU l\DNER.S of Pinnorortes, Idodeom, PIHIIII or Church Organ, lent to Ill pan! of the Cnuntry at reuonaoh charges. All wotk gna- auteed. A7-.. ll ,- [BE Subu-r ber bags to nnnounee I9 Puma?` and lhe public Ihntt. he has ue-euukill-bod the OLD EAGLE FOUNDRY, and but sdpplid himself Hill! I. new and complete Iel. of pnllerny for Tbr.-shing Machines, Plongba, kc, which he` is now pr-eplued I0 supply an the lowest remune- rnlive prices. Thrnuhino Iznh:n o..-..:....I .. .L- -L-_.--. \ g A H G1 nnuvu prlcrl. Ttu-uhing lacbinu repaired on the shortest no ice, st Inodente `prices. _;Prineesa Street. A JlIFIWR l'l'l\T nnnuru EAGI..E_F_'_(_)UNDRY. Iunsunu_a_MAcnms. CITY BOOK STORE.| the `lime; IUIIC EIICVII VIBE best locbiul in Ibo wotld forshoeuak: ere, Tailuta, Dresunnkara, and hmiliu, at Julnu Clnnninglnanms, King-street, Kinguon. E`-Swain! attention given to repslriug"i!n" chines ofall kinds. Superior lhchine 051, Need` dies, to... | ~ Nnv PA [FORSALE| 1 uunn I. ulurlunnttl, rnco 16 cenl._a. Juan published by Wu. OOLLINS & 00., of Glasgow, nnd imported direct by gag: _ JOHN r`.R1aInI2l'l-nu wuxuu pun-nu nuvnuucl `III! II BIILIE. Sales of Dry Goodlun Tuesdnu, Thursdays and Saturdays at 10 1.111.; and at 1 o'clock every Evening. Nov. 2. UR Goal in Pure Lucknwun, beinghmlnedilln tho "yery heart of the Lucknwnnn V1110], Scranton, I_ i.t.lst.on, and Wilk_es Barre, fzom the heat selected mines, nd is prepared with gt-you care expressly for Family use, And will be ncrecned and delivered in aha but ponible no - dilion. D__n _-I_-A..J _J'A I'I-_l I__ __-A,- Ill IIUIJ. Beat selected Soft Coal for grates consul: . ,1 on hcnd, nlso Lehiglrhulnp for Foundry tee and Bloubnrg for Blnchlnilhs. Tprmn nnh Dnlivm-Ad in an-' -nu -3 50.- II E S PnrIIa|u~u.;" L4- I8 UMJIIUUFS IUD l3|IClIl.[Ill[Ila _Terms Cub. Delivered in any put of the city. JAMES SWIFT & CL r-lnhnr '2`! I ERR muxmnanv CONTEACTS. IUILUWJILS, I.I.llIlUI' \)(IUI-FDUD, Ulla :"-' Flour, No. 1 and No. i, inspected and lmsndo, in equal quantities, at - per Barrel of 196 lbs. Flour, nnLo!lod, st - do. do. (The contract for Ion: to terminate on In Nov.,1e69.) Frank Raul `Punch ]lnon._ -..I ulL.:._-n n-u. F. WERNER. Auctioneer at Gommisslun Ilercmml % -u-1- 3 Consignments respectfully nolicted, for wbich Liberal Advance: will by made. Raloa nl Plan flnnrln nn I`non.l_.-_ II'||.__..I-_-3 run` - nun:-iv: I - VIII-In I FUIIU 0flIe-I. Lawl`en_ce WlI,"|irI', Foot of Johnson Street. _-.--.-- \HE undersigned will receive TENDERS until Thu rhlny, noun- Becembo-r next for nupplying the Penitentiary during the yo I. from the morning M the lat JANUARY to the evening of the 31st DECEMBER, 1869, with the following, under Oontroot, vi1..:- Wlnnr n I and Wu ll Snlnnntntl n-1| In-um-LA ` 1868. no _A L. 1868.] V. IOU?` I Fr eah Bold, Push mmon, sud Print Salt Pork, put up in Bcnah, uqh quick st-- per lb. 1 Salt, Pepper, Ununenl, Pan, Souchoug Tu, 1 Butter, Lard, Rice and Bugs:-,_nch at - per lb. Fowll, each at -- Eggs, nt - per Doun. Vinegar, at - per Gallon. Ililk. nu - per Gsllcn. 6,000 Buahelu Potnfoea, nt - per Bulhcl. Hay. Strut and Bran, each at - per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Data, at --- per Busbel. 1,600 com Hm-vlwood, consisting of Beech, Birgh and Bud Maple. in'equcl quantities of etch, llld 200 Cord: of Pine and Hemlock, ouch nI.- net Card u-uu, uI.II.| OUU UUFLII DI rule and nme all-- pe: Cord. ` Son cou, .1 e per ton of 3,000 lbs. Egg Gcsl, at -3 per ton of 2,000 Ibo. Soup And OundI|,`-sob it - per lb. Coal Oil, :1. - phi Gallon. `D-:... A- L... -.-._: -n_,- ,1 7 h -- v__ `w. M Emlnneu Clrda, v:rI IVIIY can ujw I'll.'t I'l.'|v'0 IJV GOLD -.-. v... _- run vwnnvug l: rio$s to be lined xhniqgbnul in Dollars And Cams, and nll Article: In be delivered II requir- ed. | Kingston Penilontiary Ooc, | mh Not, 1368. 3 "! BEAT rnduciion in Musical Mercbnndise of J Ill kinda . . cu---o..--....-. S<.mE'1`HIT`:% NEW- ; I IIII7 r\l'\r\ gnu crll I P11 UICCU. New Music twice A week Not. 10. `IUD, cu.` Nov, 14. October 2 1, V1 868. Brock 81., near the Marisol, Kinguou,.0nI. ANTHBAEITEBOAL mun lllnn us In_.._'........uI1|."-__ '1-"inner, Wheeler & WHSDI, and` ` E1 JOHNSTON BROWN, K inasn.nn; nnlnl-in A: J. REYNERE-I lnaie Stow, Princes-at. D. E. IAGDONELL; Wards: Fu UIICCI I) JOHN CREIGHTON, King Sheet. IDJI U11 DIIU II I Kingston, Ontario. Al RRYRIWS. At REYNEBJS. 'n'uTci"i1hoz 1 ._IA E__ bL,,_, - ['| HE ILLUSTRATED NATIONAL PRO- NOUNCING DICTIONARY of tho ENGLISH` LANGUAGE, on tha huh of Web- ster, Won-outer, Wallcr, Jobuuan, &c., with an ' Appendix mntainiug abbreviations, foreign words, Ba-ipmn amen, fauna of nddleu, it. 250 Engrninpu. Cloth 35 eenll. II, The ll .I.l1.Q'l'nA Inn DD n|ln1T|tnrun "W _ 'iE'_Xnn|iAu. All the new Ind popnlnr pleeu. A nice Ai- norunrnt and pmoaredjo order. : Helodcom and Conaertinu for uh st (`\4.-___I.. an - n Iulu tau nngrsvlngn. race 15 Oellll. Tenchen nn Puentn are Ipocinlly rcqnoolad to enmino these boon, as they are by fa the best ever go: up :1 then [.riq_eI. Ilhlinu -- -unnn- -.-g._ -_ _.. 250 Engrninpu. 1:. The rL1.Us-my!-no Pxfonouuoxna POCKET DICTIONARY, on the ulna basil an ibe above edition. Strongly bound in Club, with 250 Engrsvingl. Price 15 Tenchen and Pl!-nnln urn. unnnlnu FOR CHE1}P BOOKS mi "'s"E'AT:'E'Yvs. so nun: s-nnan'r. :% 43,, :: `nun )1 Run null 6 tan and under, 81 RI 5 xioeu for everyll . 10 Loan, 31,25 for int . rrenu be every W Abovo H... 7 ...... nrl % Tu: Illunmtod Proaouneiog naeu.....;..};. receivegl. A mural of Gbapngu. no Engraving, 320 pages. Only 15 Conn! Tho Larger Dictlonuy 400 pcges, no hggumu 3,. gratings. Only 25 can. K At-1-nun: Tlnnka Ila-..-..._.I-.....'.t ---- AlL__.__ gruvlugu. VII Ill REID. _ Account Boob, enorsndnmq Luge Albums: for 200 Phologrnphs, eleznnt, pad of III kind! sud sizes. Bought for 01179:, very ebea " ' DA] Books. Journals. I.u'htm.-n- um...-. ...I A FINE PORTRAIT of the Rev. W. I. PUN- , BHON appear: in the November Numlnr of the Nut DOIIIIOI Ila:-rmr. \- Price 10 cents. The Portrait my the he had on cu-dhcud for framing. Onlywlo cent: nah. nuu -nus. nuugu: ID! Iuvor, very pup_ _Dy Books, Journals, Lcdgan, Manage; Q Dunn, 1869. In: Q-oh. nf Q-Lag!" lL...I.- I _.g- ti ,1 un-Inga, Loot. New Series of Scboai` Books, Lnlin, Greek, Frenrh Gruhlnau and Rudy:-I. nu-bu...-nu ,-_`..__._____ -WA 1'1 "12'1'*`c'o , *0. Hanan. 13., In:-_n. T `NIILL luvov Kinguon daily (Sundays at`- oopud), and wutlnr permitting, \ At-~B A.l.', obnncting ll . Days with 2 PM train for Benn, Dance, to. . am:-rnamxd, Will loan (Juno Vinizant In the `mac: of yuan ROSS, one oftho an of James Boyd t 00., Inuolrontl. FIRST and FINAL DIVIDEND SHIRT bu hoen prepared, subject to objection until TUESDAY, the fteenth day of December current. r In: ureauon at '1'uUA8 l'.UOXWOB'!,l_IY,, l_ lat_ot the City at Kingston, dooeuud, cg hereby not-ed to and by poor (pt-rpdtl)`, or loan It the odious! tho uirderlnou orbit fogs the 19th day of December inglnl, augu- tnenl. of their nccouml, the .fnll paxfticlll/ll ! 9` their claims, add` the natntcjzf thd ueburltioi (if any) held by th, and tho Adtnhiururlx will immediately thereafter pt-peagd to dinribqtu the null of the Intenta qngougnt the pLrlie_|._pn- tilled thereto, of wliuaa hhiuu Iho'th'on' IE1! have nolinp. nu! `ll uh. In... .....t.. .....u .11 Klnxston_angl cape Vincent Ferry. uI'|`uIHlulu, ` Will Onpo Tinbant At l0.l6 A.l. a!`PniII`ftoII Reno and 0unego,meoh'n `Gaul Trunk `Ink: gu- ing Rut nud~Wcll. ` Fnp fn-lain (In .....-.'- -_._I_ -_ L V - I STORIIS uuuu IIIIIIIIJ, OI wnun euluu I116 HIDE IE lure notice, Ind (II the h,u_I notion , did II who have not pn~in;thoir plninl vill~ho,xs eluded from my thus of Inch uuu. \ OAIIPBELL, MOWAT, & IAGDONNELL, Solicizorl for Adminiitnu-I1 ' THE Twenty-neond your o'fPnblieuIiau. Price 12] ndninpnpot cents;-25 ants in clog; . . A copy of the Onnadisn Alanna Onlendcr II given with the Almanac, gntll. IALQ. lI.....m_n.. . "1' ."~'_31'-' .. em mu mag nu-. mmmn in. m..... I'm-"Inna AB resound than bit old clad, No. :1, :9 hiou1_rPr:IIio,eI,No. 30, 2:-inuumot. wbonho now pogu for Sale 60 B010: of Bright Virginia Bn`otTn g l`oh'ut;o of the pnreu'|n'd Ohohut-Brads: - - - 1,900 Paqht Inlillal-lunh Ind Yach- ing Glnb mokin , and n: On;Q|uIiu 1'0- huoou ;nIIq Lori lard ; Snails. g; nn an---`- _--~_ -- - A - ---u` pawl u-gnu I |7|ViTI'n% As 1'IA%i :"""'i: I In 3, AND 1-av-vrutlvilw 'CIV$`X_ -' ' H A AND ` 6111 an oxnaa uuuoroos OF VARIOUS BRANDS. . Aldo, a choice Aqlgrtmeqt of Aloqraghln B1-in Root, and `Fancy Lug. Ind Olu Pinu Anu, 3 came; Aqlgrlmeql or oe_r:gluqn_ I Fancy Lug, Olny Pipes, and '_l'obscconin n'_good] In general. . . ' un...t...:- -..A `D-a-:l TATUTQRY DEEDS-A . V96 nd carefully printed in the Bhon Form of Dead logllised y tntuta. for-add us the Daily News Olaa. Sumter; Holt- gngu Ind other luv forrnu kept an luna- LEABEB--Forma of And thq ducriptiom of L-JV T.P_ri:-Atinx ` in stock at :ha__Dni|1 Nogym. \ _ description of printing done to order. 3,; Dec. 2. Klngllon, Dec. 3, 1868. ._A._...: oumrnsr NEE PIJBLISIIED 1 my aunt lIIIl- VIZ. "rie'canaaYa'J1nan" ae'ro'rTs'o'." wan onaim otrEoiusr.uoxwont1_nr, Ialgof City Kfllilnn. dannuul, an -- --u-uv--a-n- uvup I Wholesale gnd tnil. Kingston, Oct. 15, i868. 'i&Fs' E:iIE'a'aT}io'-":c'i'Qr.. 80 `KING STREET. na. 2. name w_amI9ns,. has an J1nsoLvIs*u'r A01` or 1864. _i5U-NS_HON. :-- Oamnancing llpnd-1. 30th int, 17'! QTIAIII LT. STATIOIIERY. rm--- . -.:__ New wllictionaries. - .--w- I-- anghuu i. I};1"ls neninmasom, pnmcnss s-rmzn __REM)_VAl._. NUMBER 55.- mun IIENIIEBSIIN. Dbtlflrucl Qlnnnn dmtnsc, -Will Glelzltol. ll? war`: In nu-4-. vnnt, I EAUIJUNHELD. `tor Admiuiiuqu-Ix. , -__..-v-: CITY BOOK BT03-I, 'I'n.`u Bong. I.2lVlFlJII\1I", "Pl-{INC ESS STREET. a; P: WHITE, _ ` fobnoaoniu. In DUQI, 0lf`!.icial Auigneo. ,WLWwiV% EWEW iii? , nova; News Gourd; AND for nlogi. Dnily *4 Q LIHI1` la`e sling.- MSK1 m uuvtl um: 5352:! 1; . I. 133-, _ uni anon Q ll Aii .. auvcaxlgrlll run for a reg.) I! ah.` [I -r-u. ucl U ~ 3 pr will all. ._ .-......u..- :1. I Mr Sundeld Macdnnnld is the hardest I rorking mm in the House. He is always I: his place, rmsiutmnmg A careful watrh rver ilslegismtiun, and he has somethilg ` rotnlc-'1 and iusuuctive to say upon every ubjecz uf any importance that. is brought p furconaidcrauon. Baaides, he does a` mdigious amount ofnice work. , V _ --~-_~,.v- --\.- \_;nnr-ua, nu: I|'[|U|L|L' pd 3 Board u. Eugmeers, at lhe heard u!` which `IGHI Beauregud, to devise a plan for lhe horough `ha nage oflbe city Ind its protection from_ overow` io;nparaliv:-`I; 0 General of Wu Mayor Convuy, of New Ur}; -1 uf lb .l"__ r\_ (. _.v...:x. m.a|| Au LIIU ta cnmmzttec to examine E B:-rna.| n...--..`.`; .._- -A` -` '1'll F. `Committee {a examine and report on xllegcd Corrupt. use of the money in the ks. purchase. He says that in his opiu- I. very large sum of monoy was used In lobby time the bill for the up I nrinunu of money to pay for {her Terrilorv was Dendino in (`nu-at---I vvl Ln sud] in: Daily V4 )1.U.\H~`. l naistory for `he creation of curli- he held next. March. The Pope confer the purple on ten prelatcs hua lling all the vacancies in the rllelr. which he desires to see com- * he (E:-umenical Council. On this he Pope will restnre the Roman llerarchy ml Scotlantl, establishing an Glusggllw, and confer the cus- lt nu Archbishop Manning. Me Register says Southern plant ` her off today than they were be- ul. They are free from debt, and more fur their cotton than ever -`.>nm:rl_v they were alvnya one :bL, and laelunged to their t`ar:r.ors. i have lenrnml pnnnnrnu n--.| ---- er OI C: u: l;'.AI'!. ` {l 1"l'| Ll" FAIILY .........-u. nu uuujuu-1_`. Au l;t')SHl- V ban nyear from the tune he o_u1!- ' _\'. _.Within that period. from a -Iy obscure oxcer, he has become l "World-wide note. 2 Congress, wim is conspic- 5 m; winch be has taken in no of frauds, is collectingl luzion lhnl. he will introduce urly in the session, calling 1: examine and rs-nnrr rur- -n a large trade of late` mtier. A: Port Huron,` ztd 2,367 yards nf su- { ugzleal through Canada s way to the seaboard, 1 out. This seizure is` a portion of a huge! .1. L _n f\`_;l' r\-1 -- ung, has nppoiut- Ih hnav` ..r ..l.:..L has departed fur umlnav in cons'ul- ,.n,_ XVIII. 1 huge` on II. that] Be sure And call for .VIr.-* \V|nulow's Soothing Syrup, having the _!L1'~.nrnIle of Curtis & Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are base im- , Philosophy of Marriage. ii A new Course of Lectures, as delivered at the , New York Museum of Anatomy embracing the 1 subjecla:--How to live and what to live for; , Youth, Maturity, and old Age; lnnbood gener- nlly reviewed; The cause of indigestion; Flam- lence and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Max- riage philosophically considered, &c., kc. Pocket. , volumes containing these Lectures, will be for- warded post-paid, on receipt. of 25 cents, by ad- dressing SECRETARY, New York Museum of Annlomy and ScierLc,_1_8 Broadway, New 5 JUL-Rx% IE1 xsws _or an ` j--v-_-v_v- u _.---- _.'-.r- | This splendid Hair Dye in the beat in the I world -, me only true end perfect Dye; hennleu, , reliable, instantaneous; no diuppoinun-out; no Jridxculous tints; remediee the ill effects of bad | dye-3 ; invigorate: end leaves the Hair eofl. and I beautiful black o1-brown, Sold by all Drnggista . and Perfumena; and properly applied at Batche- lor s Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New L York. W Rev. Sylunus Cubb thus writes in the Boston (`Amman Frmrmri * We would by no means re- cummeud any kind of mo"-dicine which we did :nol know to be good-pqrLiculntly lo: infants, But of Mrs Winslow : _Soou:ing Syrup we can speak from Lunwledge; in our own family it has 'proved jn blessing indeed, by giving an infnut troubled with colic pains quiet sleep, and its parents utihrokcn rest at night. Most parents um uyprecire these blessings. Here is an article which wvraa tn per:'ection,tmd which is harm- less: for the sleep which it Iords the infant is petfectly n.tursl,tmd the little cherub awake-3 as 'Lr.ght as :1 button" And during tut process of teelh ug its value is incislculable. We Line fr.-qurntly heart] mothers any they would not be .L .`_r u | ,. RI "Host. salutary relief in Bronchitis." . Rcv. S. Sxieri-uim, llorristuwn` Ohio. "Very benecial when auffrring trom Colds." . Rev.S J. P. A1s'nn.sol,SL Louis. "Almost inatnnl reliefin the digit-easing labour of breathing peculiar lo asthma ` I Rev. A. C. EGGLIHTON, New York. "They have suited my case encl|y-reiieving Imy ibroil so that I could sing with ease." l '1'. Dcciunxr, ,' Chorialer French Parish Church, Montreal. As there are i1Li1u.li0ns,be sure to obtain the i -- _--v--- -- -. _----.-..-.r en -a---1, L'1`he only unquealionabh and absolute remedy I for Nervouanesa, Dehility, Ind Reiloratioa to ' Manhood. The medicine, taken for four weeks. 5 cures as certain as water quanchea thirst. Bold I in Bottles In $3 (In gold), or four times the.qnnn- ' lily for $9, To be had from the Agent, - 1:. BAYLIB, Aug 4. 38 Bond Street, New York. I uvunusu, AIlaLlt.J., I1'he largest t-at-class Hotel in New England, iotfen lo Tourists, Families, and the Travelling - Public, nccommodelions and convenience: supe- rior to any other Hotel in the city. During who put Ienaon additions have been made Qt nume- 'roua suits of apartments, with bathing rooml, fwaler closets, &c., attached 2 one or Tun : mug- `niconl passenger elevators, the been ever con- structed, (`nnVt`-_T!I guests to Ihe upper storey ot' {the house in one minute; the emrie have been `nn-Ilrlr and rinhhv nn.m.on.l -...l eh- ..._.:-,x L,.._, It is the Cbeupfzsl preparaliun ever utllsn publac, as one bottle will 1-131 lnugc complisb male than lhrte bottles u her prepnnuion. Uur reneuer is not a Dye; it will lhe skin as others. I. ..:n L--- .|.,. n_:_:-_-_ r,n:,_ It will keep the Bnir from falling out It cjennses the Scalp, and mute: the HAIR SOFT, LUSTROUS. AND SILI-(EN. Our 1`:-cause on the Hair sent free by mail. R. P. HALL 3 L`n_ Nashua, NH, Proprietors. F. r sale by 311 Druggfisls. Dr. Colby's Pills impart Tone and Vigor i to the Dc-gnstive Organs. i Bcautifui, Soft, Strong Hair is given to still who use Huul.`a Hair Gloss. ' 'r,,..|...a'I:n.-........:- l':.,__:,1 1-,. n_:_ :_ l nut uuusu Iu uuc Imumu; lue entries nave Ix-on `newly and richly carpeted, and the entire house thorn-uglaly replenished and furnished, nmking H, In all ils appoinlmenla, equal tu any hotel in the counlrv, 19 me only inf-nlhble Hair Pu-panmon fur RRSTURING GRAY HAIR TO ITS ()[{IG[ NAI. C-ULUCR AND PRU.\lUT|NG ITS npnu.'1u TIIE -nu vvuu uac Lluubn Lllill KIIUBB. Jucubs"Rheumatic Liquid for Pain in Lbu Bide. } ~33 OLNADIAI ALlA!iAG.~ - ' : GASSELUSILLU8VPRA'l2ED,A}JNAC- ` ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS ALMANA0 FAMILY CHRISTIAN ALIA-HAD. { NATIONAL TBSIPERANGKALIIANAC. And gll uh. I_n..A.... n...-_-..- --3 TI?--=-`In "`` `114 15H1"!SLNUl..Al.aIlANAU. And 3.11 the London Almanacs and Din.riec`in a few ch. 9.; 1 Quhnnnvnn nAAHa.nnnlF Bro\vn`s Bronchial Trocllcs. `I have nwer cbunged my mind respect them from [Le rsr, expecting to think yet be LUV.` nmuulry. Tel. gmph Office, Billi nrd Rooms, and Cafe on lba rsl. our. I r\I'I'1Ir! nun . ...-\.. llln \V'EiI;nu"n gtiliilllg Syrup. Nov. 24. l)r- Record : Essence of Life, .- _..'I..._-,...-_...__-n_I- 4-; ,L,,n,-, I recommend their to Puiblc l};e;ker4. Rev. E H.CL1u=m. respecting .-:n rs|',e1p-ecling think better lhntwbich I began thinking well of." REV`. Hlxsw WARD BIRCH!-IR. ' Fur Throat Troubles lhey are a speci-.:.' \vnn- , Couuin no opium or anything '1 n . . II` n. r '.\u elegant combination!` r\_nr,\| AMERICAN IIOUSI-I, BOSTON, MASS, ALMA_l_`IA(JS. 18 6 9 . Bazlnelol- s llulr Dye. an-.I.._nI:-I Ll_:.. I'\__ ._ AL_ I...` Dr A. A. Hunts`. special Notices. STAOEYB BOOKSTORE, 80 King Street. =1 utllsred lo the eboule lnugcr M1! ac- -Ie ot any I;.\n

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