Tb ful.urd : 1. ' . . uwa e-to |ix.fo:t n::hF'""' "d" " .-I-2| nn I u .-nrnncc Ilnrtfurd .,._,.._.,, Losses paid in -19 yenrs, ma maroon.` Agent II lxingalun, `mum nun. Kingulou, Feb. 4, 1863. JACOBS RHEUMATIO LIQUID, r. .... .-...-~~ '1`1u4;- DAILY NEWS---SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 12. guns 1 I, an I D. Sn-:m.n. Camus Wnnsox President. Secretary. casn CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. ARE AND RIVER RISKS L.ken on bulls 1 und cargoes at reasonable rates. JAMES SWIFI`,Agout, JULY 1. SI. 1.1-lwrn-nan Thu:-I ax Kiug'I1on,Fcb.4, 1868. CAPl'I`AL:_ l\LA.|\-ltLL\ IIIPI of Temperance E Sunday nnernoon, E BEST Tonic Hair Dressing ever discov- sred. It etfectunlly cleanse: the scalp, pro- I the Hair from falling o'or turning prema- y gray, sad when the follicles and gland: at destroyed, will produce n ma: nn In-, til-1l.I.\.'\'i`lC .lUTUAL L I H: .4 ss URA NCIE cu.uP.uvr. SUGAR-COAT'ED A5.-nt for Kingston. I nice oppoiilc Burnol J|l\'HUJ. J.-|..\ll-'28 SWIFT, Agent, 5!. Lawrt-nce Wharf. `$1103. KIRKPATRICK. naaulcu WJH permit. JAMES SWIFT, A gen I, St. Lawrence Wharf. [R9 JAMES SWIFT, Agcnl, Bl. Lnwreuoe Wharf -(`ompany of Conn. E. P. Donn, Genera] Agent. `l'\ ILY 1.-..n n . ultlr rllu, Manager for Uauudl ROBBERY AND FIRE AT THE EXAHINING W.\REHU[':'E, M0.V'I`RF.'AL. :1 ll` 1., ngvut, Lawrence Wharf. TS s4_e Po. $23,000,000. -u House. muppar. As: for Lu and Poninl Bold Wholudo and for lxpon, prletoru , Woroutor ; Mann. OIOIII well ; luau. Bu-ohy any @995, L: 7 v gun` I... I`!--~- -4 An 1: nw.u1NB' Wo:-oeuenhiro Sauce. Thin delicious Condiment, pronounced by Ionnoiueuu "The only gbod Ienoe, in pre- Ired Iolely by-Lee end Perrinl. The Public union, and should nee that Lu end Pen-tine Nunee no on Wrapper, Label, Battle, sud Btopper. Ask for Lee. Peninrenoe. _8old Ixnm-1 1.- .u.. n_. . -......mu on uotlon, Silk or` ordinary way. BLENDIN G Iomo of the dyes in produce an innity of nude, \ tube. simple or aleganftilavting ca.nno.t :0 had. OONFECTIONERS will nd_ lngenta, Violet Orgnge and Pink nlefnl odloun. GELATINES nnd GLUE8 coloured with than dyes. INK: A Sixponny bottle of Hsgentn to 3 pint or more of cold Inter. WATER ' One drop of dye will tint I quart. PRINTING on Cotton, or Wool in tha ordinnrv In- nra Iuoooulnlly l VIVHEORIGINAL OHLORODYNE, invented by R. Froomnn, l hm-mnceutlot, ll Allowed to be one ol the greatest rliscoverioi of the prelent century. `It In largely employed by the most eminent Physician: ind Surgeon: in boopitul and privnto prnatioe in nil puts ol the world. It bu elfecta peculilr toitaelf, and which Ire essential- ly dilfurent to those produced by the nrious compound: bearing the name ol Chlorodync, but hove no pretence to possessing its virtues. ls rnpidly relieve: pain, from whatever cause, ni- luya the irritation ol fever, soothe: the system under exhausting diseases. Ind gives sleep with- out pmduolug any one of the unpleasant feeling: Io commonly Arising from the use at oplntel. It continual to hold it! nnuluxen position in the estlmntion of the Profession as the best, most relinblu, and cheapest prl-purul.ion_ Elnim-nt Ind scientic l`l1_v|icinnn rnnde l.HldaVlLa thnt the-.y hnvo tested its ell.-,cta iu careful cumpurimm with those of DR. CULLIS l3ltO`WNl-1'5 CllLORO- DYNE," and deposed to the hats that they Iound it n more certain and rt-linhlo prepnruion, Ind Kreltly preferred " l-`Rl'}EM.1N8." F.-rl Rnannll nnnunun-`in-nu! In uh; [Inc-I [`.r.l_ Oannry dissolved in 1 pint of boiling Inter PHOTOGRAPHS may be tinted; dilute the dye with water ; I. bottle of Magenta to 1 pint of water. etc. ILLUMINATING: Magenta, Violet, Blue, Orange; pour a few drops into en egg cup add warm water; nee with: brush or pen Burden: of books, similar to Ward and Loch : Arabian Nights, &c., tnzy be prettily illum- ineted in thin manner. BLANOMANGE, JELLY, CORN |F'LOUB, ICE OREAMS, &c: While in I liquid state f Magenta. A more simple elegant tinting csnnot be Ind Gl'.ITI2!u -.. _-- - -- 3? SEE Fl .. .4 n n ADD: To color: Magenta, for Pink 31! a bottle to A pail of water, the Whitening u nnal. Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue [and crimson produce pretty tints by using one bottle or more, an directed Above. , STABOH: Stir in e. few drops of Colour- llagente, llnnre, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impart delicn La tints to Lace, Linen, to. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibreg, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly, ifnpplied in boiling water. BLUE: For Ian ' V-.. unnlni A bottle of half a-pint of hot water. SATINWOOD STAIN: A Cannrv diaanl-...a z- i ""1 K7375`-I |Jrl'|Ur'l'l7U 7' l'I \I'AI'Al..lIVU. Earl Russell connnmnicated lo the Royal (Jol- Iege of Physicinnu and to Mr Freeman. that in llunilln lhu only remedy 0! my use in Uuolera Ins Chlorodine. ._ '1'I._ Al-J:_,: rn-,,,,, - :1 .. I: ,,.,_ 1n.L . IT I UUIUIVUUIIIE. The Medical Wine: and (}:;zette_ Jnunry lfllh, I 1366, lulu, II. has an imtneuse sale Among: the public, nnd is prescribed by scores of 0rl.hu- dox Medical Practiiionern, and, of course, It would not be than llngulitrly popular did it not SUPP`! u want. and ll 11 place. Manufactured by the Inventor, Ri<-heudrFree- man, 70, Keuuiugtuu Park Road, L 'IHl0n. 5- The genuine lma engraved on the Gmn-rnmeul Slump (puuide each Bottle), " FREEMA N b' ()RIlu`Il\AL UlILOI{Ol)YNE." !0.\`DY`S I ATE.\'T FLUID or natural disinfec- L uint puiics, dcodmiscu, antdisilnfcccs, by the mg.-nay of nascent or ozunic oxygen,-iu-i ncLive principli.-. Bu.-lug entirely iuim.v.iuu.a, this truly !'ClElIl.|C nreuarution is ui-nulinrlv ml.-nu.-.I r...- _,- .. ,-..uu U1 oonnet tubbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce I clear. Roan Pink by using less dye. Sniluble else for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silke, to. WUOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most utisfectory results. Use a large quantity of boiling water in en eerthen pun. RIBBONS Ind SILKS: Brash them with soap and Inter to evoid creases, and to render them cleen. Dye in boiling Inter. FEATHERS; Dye in hot. water (e few drop: of the dye is eucient. for one feather). COTTON: Mauve, Violet. eud Purple ere recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet Orange. Dye in warm Inter. WHITEWASH: To color: end nuIn.uI|lJl. Cnunternctiug the effects of organic poisons take-u into the stomach. Curing Muaty proveudcr. Pruning Wlh.-at u- d other need from smut. Maintaining the health ol plant: in pots and conservatories. Preserving nnd restoring the freshness ol cut owcis kept in water. Destroying the blight ol the potntoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, &c. Waalnitig dogs and other domestic nnimala. Cleansing buttlea, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. Washing the hair uud darkening its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating cl- fects of baths Ind tuba. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying nui- mul virus In - -- - - - .......-u us no Clallnon a cause u! serious disease. Tu rapidly purify the air, use the diluted dull with "Con-I3-`s Uzoniser" or ulher Spray-prm ducer. tIl\|I'l'\I 7I11 p. , _( - `run LUILET rr:uPosm,) Removes from the mouth im ure and Inrei n P 2 arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the irritation Ind morbid secretions of curious teeth. It puri- lies and scheme the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to prumow I henlthy state of the whole body. _ . -u- an. any one can an them ; uny- Lhing can be dyed with them. 1:. is impoaalole in this small apnea to enumerate the many use: to which these wonderful sud beautiful chemical pa-e`pnrat.ionI can be npplir-d; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable; u n Dnlnn-E . . . . . . -- -S.\'l`l'l{l`.\\ F.\'l-I.\'1NH_ hi-It ` cy of the result being n-null uulcl use l:I [or dyeing invaluable II It colouring agent for nlxnolt every known mnrerinl, the cue win: which they can be used and the brillian- , indeed, nlmont nngicnl. By their use nlmont Any article of clothing cnn be dyed in a law minutes for n few pence without Ioilingfthe hands. MEMORA NDA. MAGENTA: The strength and beauty of thin an a.. .u....... ;_--,.--- ..c...u-5 we inn.-ctioua diseases of came, nurses, dogs, kc. One gallon makes 200m 300 gallons nduptc-i for uie. .\ ,B.--Condy I Fluid is the Standard Scicritic Test for Organic Mam-r in Water. and iffardd the only known means of rapidly and complrteriy freeing Drinking Wager from Organic Tail-L, which in lo serious Durifv Hm air nun II-in All...-..J A--5` a . - v- -v--aux `JUEPOBEI 15 A 1. EOOK EDGE8: A Sixpeuny bottle of Eugen- La, Viqlet, Crimson or Blue will make from npiut to a quart of beautiful colouring, ac- cording to ahndd required. Apply with n brlllh. |`l-,1,`-. .-_--/ . LCI uoivovs PATENT nuuuii Ill: xne and dye is almost incredible. A tle will dye 20 yard: of Bom I0 rn'InnIna- .'o _.-n I Uosuws sT.uPLn mars FOR. PEOPLE. Any `ans: can be dud um. .n..._ 1. 2-- Hg the infectious diseases l0Rs.&c_ /__.- . uuu.1|.J|`4|J (ron TOILET rI:urosm,) nun Ila- ........L 2 \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\\\ H. BOLLIAX CONDY, Patemee, Batten-sen, London. ,- _,......5... nuu ucuutj OI mu Linc:-edible. Sixpenuy bot- IO Bonnet Ribbon in ii: ' I }ooda. Famhara Run... L- ..-.y;-an Lvun. am} ac:-edible. Sign-n... hm- n -nun WILEY. 1f= to A nail nf -nu..- zf niyo wn, _.-..-u |`\Jli nun ' .h imnmulnln ` OZOXISED WATER, the bath will ncoarding to Vo:'oouon-uhiln IIIOIIL Drnunnmna L- `Q VIIIIII g.ux' P0: by the Pro - Crane and Blnck- l hl. Lnllnn . L- \IIl`|\`lII 3 l ATH Military .\'ervi( .r\n g leltlle fabrics, ` Arerinl, nu. ...... `lilull 2 hluk to THE nuns, AND II` 7013 Do NOT ALREADY TAKE ADYANTAGI 0!` Hrs: AND IN: Bnsonvi A1` one: To CONTRACTS ADVERTISINGI] CITY, THIS JOURNAL onus 1-3: new nnmn l'0B LOCAL an cmmul. ADVERTIBI nmu-s; -rnnnuonn y ADVIRTIBIIN THE } DAILY run.-we." ` JUDIOIOUS Us: or ' gtnwsparna connnmsxl ll` YOU WOULD POSSESSING 5'87 I _! (F .'~,`, `-ma{{s{oarr* guac`as.;;a.;;;` '1`RADESM1L`N AND MERCHANT PARTICULARS OF ;; LOCAL PAPER DAILY NEWS. j TIMES. PI-ACE THE YOU HAVE ADVERTISE AND YEARLY my nnhunn AT THE DAILY NEWS OFFIOE. THI LABGIS1 .-.vnu..`-~.vu-| using L`I'*1III 11.300 1- I : I-Evening Sn` SPENT HONEY ATTRACT CUSTOMERS IS THE BEST AND NOT TO BI DRIVEN. `MON A THOUSAND TO A LIBERAL AID ADVERTISE ADVER l`lSE'_ OIRO ULATION OI A G REEMENTS .u La:-Iu.IlLllIlb' VI RI rihrm I-..s given. an Inn arm.` ..n% :1..- `OUR BUSINESRJ ADVERTISE! IEDIUH WEEREIII [N THE PUBOHASII ADVERT! '1 ADIIIT `PHI IIPOITLNOI OP (ND REPEAT THE T0 ADVIRTISII A uOOAL BUBIJFISS, THEREFORE G0 AND A HY ITIWSPAPII A LITTLE FURTHER n IDVELLI. [Cpl an while on aw` a gal! picked up and du-I . He `W53 gold watches nook the mat- II d d glad lie I stop `l'I.! -u commntmg, King 1`f. On Tu P..\l. 0|]! Wlnuli. Illu nu up Iuauu: . chickgu with_its head of ?:?g'}'f,: more g1r|I._ I-ll_I establishment in better Lbun 3 msmmomsl lgency. KND ERECTION OF AN DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, BEFORE ft" PUBLIC AND PU BLISBID IN THIS AND ATTRIBUTI THEIR SUOORHP `ATTRACTIVE -SIGN [34 TH]. A J U DIOIOUS STEP TOR YOUR PLACE FOR A DVERTISING -.--vva. A nurrlul Solo Innufncturor :-A. P. lhnchener. ; BIB TABIIT OP IF` YOU WOULDQ 0! BUSINESS CARRY SUCH ;. meumootl . tad Tlcketn, executed Dun Nun ' Pnn.- as.._-1 PROGRAHIES Steambott and E: h-|_-4, lDWIN_ TJANTO , Surgeon to Chu-In " For several bit I Dr. do Ooqo [Ever Oi Ind ind It T 1:80., 1.103., g-emu Boqaihl. J ugh`: to be much more a- oft_ho(uIInn " dunno ugh:-Inca DR. GRANVILLE, F.R.8., Author-ottho Spa at Germany. " Dr. Gr-Invlcj has found thnt. Dr. de Jon Light-Brown Cod ' ofton consequent. on the pale oil." - , - . I 1-.3-M _.._...-.- No'r|.-Tho Profusion is turned ngninlt in- ferior, secret, and cheep compound: now in the market. Eech genuine bottle been I fac- Iimile of Propriewfa nlgnetnre on the sump I InUI.I Coll hen il." __..._... uuuyuuuun, um OI Iodine. in orgunic combination, are homout :1 It in, I believe, universally acknowle this oil has great thernpeutic polar; my investigations, I luv; up doubt a 1 pure und unadulterated u-ticle." _-........ uunx: ul neum, and Chief Aunlyst to the City of London. hull cujnfhuve Immd Dr. de Jolghh Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing the same set of DIODE:-ties. among which the preleneo of chulnic compounds, and of iodine. I state of thomout remarkable. universdlj acknowledged `that; A and from * ofiil being II `III NOTED lllll DI uvu 19. 1, III tun sun cl: 1 (union of the Township of Kingllon, con mining Om Hundred Aau (pcno' which II under tillage), with 3 Fun: Dwelung Bonn ' thereon. The turn is only Iona miles from the -15- gun! I. nlnnn in Man `Pnrtlnntl mu:-AlInmIA4I| IIIOIBOI. `lull urn: II (III xvuu nu:-cu Inn. us; city, and in close to the llgonlnnd mueodunizod mu! lnnnin gt. thn Duh Now: one; King. Oil], Inc ll CIOIO ID in: ruruluu ulnuuunnlnnul road. Inqnin st tho Duly low: omen, Xing- non. ucuuun], in [M70 cond neaI."-(Ex:nct from `.'C1 and Remedkble Saga) I consider that the nrity ol'_thil oil in secur- ed in In prepurnuon; _ the personal ntcention of no good a chemist and incl-.lIigIn_t I ' LIQ: (SIHLOROFOBMI 0 . WITHOUT nps'fI 1i`3-. ` Rn]: IInnn4`_-n...__ . A I . ? THE LONDON QUARTERLY (oonoonum iTHl la)lNBUR.GH REVIEW (Whig). `THE ESTMIIIB`-l`EI-I. REVIEW (Radical). 1 ram NORTH Bamsa REVIEW (Ireo eh'h) LID B1.AoKwooDs EDINBURGH nucuzuu /`Dr... \ I Vungjil IIJIUIKII WIIIJILIBCII SIC IV`UI-lI, I` published by us in tln tame style at hereto- fore. Thou who know than and who have long nubeallnd to then, need no reminder; those whom the civil wit of the last few year: had deprived of their once welcome nnpply or the best periodical literratut-e,wi1l be glad lo-hen them agninavithin their rueh ; Ind those who may never yet have met with them, will sum-ed. ly be well phased to receive accredited report: ` of the progress of Inrnpeuucieuce nnd'lil.en- I ture. mnnuu nrrn 1 one LUIC. TERMS FOR 1888. E For any one of thelour Reviews - For say two of Jae {our Reviews - For any three of the four Review: For all four of the Review - For Blackwood`e Magazine - - For Blcckwood and one Barley - For Black wood and two Reviews - For Black wood and three Reviews - For Blackword uud four Reviews - following duoed rates, vii: - The N A Bn'u'aLfroniJnnuu1, 1863, to D cembor, 18 8, inclusivo; the Ediaburgh and the Weumin: from April, 1884, to December, 1868, incl '70, and the London Qllarte-rig 10! I365 and 6, at the rate of $1 60 1 year for each or any Review; aluo Blackvood for 1888, Ior $2.60. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., 38 Wnlker-Itreet, NJ. __.__ DR. EDWARD SUITE, F_BLS., Hedical Oieer to the Poor law Rondo!` Great Britain. We think it a great ndvuanguthnt than in onekind ofCod LlVel' Oil whieh in --=----"- Idvulngo Oil which ; Admitted to be geunine-tha Ligl supplied by Dr. do Jongh. It has. practice, when prescribing the oil, 0 this kind, nince, unidat I much 1*: certainty, in IIIVC condence in neaI."--(Exam: rm... an-------' `liltnvnvv vuuu nunawuvuuu ananuanussiyl (Torn , _ FIVHBSE foreugu periodlcall are regularly so nnhlinhnd hv nu in tin isms Itvla nnhnvutn. Wk 2; '41` V ifs g I ' en aunt. In 011.3: to any pg:-1 oftbe Uniled States will bobm Tyeng you, Can" a year for Blackwood, and bn `ght cant; a your for ugh oftbo Reviun. Subscriber: any obtain back number! at th following rntes,vi:: Th; R I I2-J9.`-L |'_4;--' I'-_,.-: Inna ._ vs l pound, but will never prescribe 3 secret re- medy. Cannes Kmn, M.D. To Mr Towle, Ohexnilt, Mnncheeter. A Surgeon from New York writes :-I only require: to be known to be epprecluedm I have no heeiutien in characterising it (vim, l`oIr|e e Ghlorodyue) u the men neefnl medi- cine the: hu Ippeared during the preeent century. In diarrhea, colic, egue, spurns, I here found it to relieve more pain and come more joy lhln any other article the: can be nnned. thin rnnrhnt D--L --- ' ' - The L.`a. Pub. 00.1150 publish The Farmer's Guide- By Henry Shphenn of Edinburgh nnd the into J. P.Norwn., of Yule Oollege. 2 vols. Royal 0:- uvo, 1860 pages and numerous Engnvings. PRICE-81, for the two volnmat Ru -1.. un. un aununb ml in convincingly proved by tn overwhelming weight of medical testimony, Ind by the practical test of successful experience for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the moat ema- cioua, the moat pnlatnble, And, from in rnpid curative eifecta, the most economical ofnll kinds. Enca the univernlcelebnity 04 Dr. do Jongb | Oil, and the unplnlleled demand tor this unri- ulled preparation. D Luvu, wuu pages and Engr: volumes. post paid, $8. '- And 3 large nmount of genenl reading mstt _ ' Price, Five C4-nu. Subscription Two 30:13. ` T A ""Ir- fut nrzulit IARSE, BAR'I'., I.D., Physlcmn in Oadinary to an Queen in henna. I hnve fl-pnnnnu u-u....._.'L-,a n, o HI! DR. DE JONGITS LIGHT-BROWN GOD . LIVER OIL. DR. DE JONGH`S Oil in convin `v nn n-nu-`h..I...;-_ _-:...|... -1_, -- in_giy proved SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. sm HENRY nunsn, |>mci..:... :.. n..a:_-,/ - -BlTI8H 1:n_n1on1cA1i.` Hill North half of Lot No. 4, in the 41]: cos ;.....&..n A! oh- "FA-nnl-min nf Kinaulnn 1-n __ ,I...-....-- -- --nvnu vvu-IyUIl" tion. From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroforrn. Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,-l think if you would advertise your Cblorodyno more than you do, you would help to beat the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the mnrket. Msny medical mun t|n'...I.- _:oL _- -*3 no G 12 L 1: nah HES AND roan} R3 and Excgrginy Bill: did Avnnu 1.-.! -- A wnzu rum: Jotrmqu oozrzurzvzzm rm: mm; or gym ENTERTAINING BTOIHIB All! /J I j 35 A59 1w 01 311 `,0 014 FARM FOR SALE. 1 Live. ?.ETiTni'v':r';u Light-Brown 031 Jonah. In hu I.-.... 5.-.. ....- In AL`-IJ Excnnin gxnaditinnaln -A ~|v *' The day seems as yet, unbappily, f:ll'diB- taut when public opinion or State I1.'lleI'fer- enca will prevent the advertieetnent or male of any secret medicine whstaoever. It is to be hoped that the profession will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the diepoul of such thiuge."-Lancet. --nu--- ..._ ..__ -( I1, and` Chief 3! London. Address, _ um mgus-brown Uil It haslongbeenonr IO Oil. to nnnnnun-1-A - ---uvwI CIIIII `III "P ` `lid the 1323 13.00 15.00 1 ttaunplwll, Nlowul dc 1luc lb.-\l{l{lSTBR.\`, kc Princess 5(r\`-.~., Jtnr 3 stun (0ppuilE'_l)nily News Oko). - 9 Anxumtu (,`AurnII.l._ Q.0., up-mm: I.|:vu:x Mowgt, (leonun Mluln Muanmr. \lnuHr-I1 IR :27 IUUV 10.00 12.00 Inch house: it will ` - Sales, Adwrsunui T Uh . [nu-tn-nulls ' Ebola.` -IDIIID, -nuwvrniill Frmollb `Radon, ~ di_!i_lual Instead I 5 us uuu _ `Price for aqnna, _ no with unprmlqo f umonth. ~` ` u_u___;__ 1.- -n_n_`.'I " DUIIIIII ROTH-.""" `holding, landed or, ` a red ,_7 ` n'Il:|derb1 0'iinod 73 Gil, I thnr Nnnnn an ulmni uuucl LU IIIIX ID Other` Noticqin. edit: `of which is to pmmotil intal-n nf Tuiilii Snlilquutl . _ oncc.-AIank.4eUl|1~ . Notices or3inu...5o ` Do ofI1n.rriIgu.5O " ` `11514 nuugnuu scan. no mo uouege Of Physicians 3 communicstion received by him from lanilln. (where chalet: had been gt-sing fearfully) to the eect tbct, of all remedies tried, Cblorodyne mu the moat e'ec- live. -T/1il?l&3_ Daily News O 1. anablodto % with graltat _' m`tho City, all may he favored. -.C`I'.- 17 uforaulyl PIEIQ `nh. Latter! Patent; ' P:-into Blill during` no-. JOHN c.mn1n", - BULL, 1:..,1..p.g Life Ann:-nan The l /' nanny Parllamelmri ` b Ilia oi-'-ii`:-`'.s.a..m `*'|" ! I0 pond on neat ;-, 3 I j.__ The Provincial 1 ` fuel * ARIInnu' sunxxs unniva ifll 5.: Ol.`Al1IUTI-` LOOKS, LLTOHHQ oer than for us]; can uuvnu, unlvllj one: for g. and st price: to g` ' ' nnv Iran nnnu HA. .. `.. 15 I may but HUI! I1 _ 2.";'.'z`_ `_"_f!":.!':-I--nu ulnan In :1 Weqt; ortothocq Unt: Iran: I: IT`. 3 V. attended to. "l`lDMAN`S SEA SALT, for producing n real Sea Bub in your own Room. The above favoume preparation in strongly nonm- mendedr ' Sole Proprietors-TIDlAN & SON, Chem- ists, I6 Wormwood Street, London, E0. Duwua a navy VIC\ul\-IIH6 IUFPEI. An hour : time suiced for the girl; to dreu end then they all proceeded to church when every one of them was married,` During their brief career of four week: in the restaurant they had been wooed and won by young fellow: unions to nd com- psnions for life, but who, owing to the pg- culinr mode of living in San Francisco, had hsd no opportunity of forming female sc- qusintuuzzel. This morning he was with- out vuiten. Ind he is rushing around like - nlminknn fth its hand AR` I.-...l.:.._ :.,_ I :24: `_;;,|;..L1 ` DU'I_ N for title fgc itating the cnsewof dillllal 131 Dgiily News IIl.II|I I Tbeaqnnre to be 22 The half aqua: ll ` `PI-it-A fnr gnnnun n I` rxzzrmra Lin FE. BULL En. Iupuq - AI IIInn o " July m.1ss7. `T I .-ll. LEAVE GANANOQUE. Un Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, :16 AM. :.". :1', Hnndl-ll DA1I.iw tour: `in I r, whereupon th The olgiggt, sud, a the` one `to form `I.-`-r:\r Frzight or Pusage apply to Captain on board, or to an rvw.....-..__- __ .,.;a4I'- ' Fun BARON 30' of the late 'Bu'o twenty million fr: property they in than wan born in dea J all : M. Frank! immense wealth he othnr persisted in 'd the old lady clin only by the cland around tha house I ensure her theiigh of which `met humbl A -\ in-urnannn mat him. The to Euglanqvhe jar vetoed by I}: the case of sup establishments. , n u-n.\_ol.I- There is aometh this Jewish injun -II `J3: I-doc n 'j Klugsio-I-1 and Wolfe -Iland Ferry. owing fnu eon :n:..-.l 4 gm uuuu saint`, 1, : tr ail `gm 1: longer be on vol! unlnppy min, t dismissal, wt: 1 exenn, hi. the B aermobisfug him lnncino tn 1 nted yesterday up nature we! on! the inquirur was of this multitude illneu which ha d at an early in u there some mi lid his watch exlng wrath as` e poor lrennbhng ` 1', he merely held heed, saying`, i_ `: "ff 1" malt Ii I Hutu: 19: nun.-. . An immense seven large dn .5 0-}-n nut hr H UHEU. DIIUII an plirlla boil nnu-3 house near princely chnesu n Bone. Manotb `H115 I.l!:II'I3ll uquu all `dis play 0 `ch man dies. Ac 1 men nre equul house, neccnd. , followed by all Hank: and n [lowing new :1 Iillio-mi.-0 will belonging to t I BIUIIIIUIIIIIIIIK llll VOMMENCING MONDAY, 26th instant, one of the Ferry Steamers will run an under: Leave Kingslou daily, Lean Wolfe Ia. d daily, At1l;30s:n. At 9mm. 3:30 p.m. 1 pm. nu unu-n.v_. mr-n--an .u.. . ,...._-__ )LUME" 'IV'vn Lu ..`1`_``. '.` E ,__...-.. . ._......... 1 1) n-yum-.`er, kc. door suulb U! ILIC 5 August 1. .l uhn iludle. 3 . ARRISTER, Auurue_v-at-Law, Uonveynncer. 1) ac Ut;-c opposite Post. Uice-_ Clan-Due llreet, Kingston. Ana ll] :4 `c'a'..rLa'.' '" A pril 23 __ j_.__.. .t__----- Kingston aim Ganunoque Route. - 0 Rv|II)` & I)rn|u'r., _) ARRlS'FElL`4,A1'TUllNlYS-M.-LA\V Solici- ) tors i1nClnn:1oery-\.`huInberI Nos. 1 B, I is A |_.\ __ D ..l.l:_ ._ I . . _ _ _ n ,`.. I` ll? ..u.|.----u-{-{s- ax. \\ ulI.u-nu, N . ~AK|i|.\'TRR\` ntnl A'l"I'UR.\'lCYSl|l-LAW`, I) L7ou\`--yuucx-rs, .`iuIn:n'! Puhlu-. uculuu Luc: L`Uunu:l' mr money takers, and the remainder were instructed to pass around the bash." The novelty nf the thing made it take immediately. The restaurant Wu crowded from morning till night. No one thought of eating lgzsst/laan twetrry-ve cents wurth (you must. know that IP81`- son can get a fine men] for fteen or twenty cents), and when they dcvoured thirty- seven cents worth they would toss the money take.-ra a. fifty ccut piece and walk awny with as nonchalanc air. The prnprEe- mr was in ecstzwies and walked ahnnr .-..1.- .uL..n-sun \'||\'k'|II.h Il.lE..a Llll ISUUK AIUKIS. Jo.-cpl! Ifawden, 'l"l`LI1{..\'b$Y .\I` I.` 4/, S-nlicitur 11: L L`hm1corj.`.Nn:u1j T ul,vli(`, tn: , 3;iK1ug strut. KLn:vsL.m, J. R. Smith, l!`l.l)., )HYSICIA.\'. SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, Residence Han-oirsmith. Alf ', 4: u\ Il'|'I J mu U`RIu.1. .\lnrch I5, retry vvunn, I Kingston, October 24, 1868. U. M. KINGBORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. Kingston, 24th Oct. 1865. rxnuaws run] Epn Rnuh in `van- ..__ 5: Oioe-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, I362. >1-`FIVE 1:I;.\1mni 1~:I>-1:) 1~:1.\L; L-'~'l1aL1.I NL;.\i{[.Y 0l'1`051'l`E THE CITY Ia. 1.1!: ..InuL` -..-nu.-U, In mined : gL; _L- I-`BE sneimer PIE}:-R-EPON'I`, 0. Hinckley, Jr., Halter, will run as under, I ).L{l{1>`TE I`: DU N1. Lean Kingston, 9:00 a.u:. LIL-.. ...-- r.---. | I [J-I-IL I MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, I SATURDAYS. 8 1.111. 3 `L30 mm. UN MUNDAYS AND SATURDAYS, | 4 pm. SUNDAY TRIPS! CBOLERA, DIARRBCEA, ta. `ARL RUSSELL seat to the Coll` .1 DI-m.i...: . _ . . . ~ m - - - -i-A- 7 'row1.n:~s UHLTORODYNE. . Original Preparation of known Compoai- ONEY TO LEND. Q-50,0u0to1end ODID1 security of R1-nliEstuxe in the Cily or Coun- It a low rate of mlerest. No commisenou II-om`! D U Drxt` n . `It. Nllfngug 1`, '1` [`UR.\'EY-AT-L.\\\'_ Cunnvynncen &c K:L1g~'ur1, L`. , UIEC. 1 gun I D nxnuolu Tuesdays. Wednesdays, And Fridays at 3:30 B0521] Assurance Company Of Cnudn) [Nl (`(`ItIl`}'--IIluIl'I of Pull llv \\'ornl||p. .a.uv lI.uJ. 1:15 pm. in. II. ll{lS'l`H{ AND CHANGE OF HOURS.` U, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL WJSTRANGE 1...... r-- v;_,_- , ._- . . _ - .9, wulvu l|'U BEEF.` : with me, Ind recommend your cam- ut. Bowls, won from Nnw vnu-L _-:--- ~- V... ._.. -. -...-..-.n. WL-EEAVE KINGSTON . lB..A..--.I__- __.I D :1 Junu-u igncw, 1;.:u.1 A {TUILNEY-at-L.\\".',Uc ..1_ . n\Z . l . SUNDA`I1 TRIPS. xoarnn u I ..- 9... IX JV LILILIA LLDII L3. nou, Leave Wolfe Island, I. 9:30 I In. :. 3 p m G. M. K1NGauR.~i, Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street. ftnhnr `)4! IR!-In lfIlILZ'I_Y:`\.'lIl'IIll\.lC|I AIIVF. I aildings, Kingston, 0. W. ,1.) U. | `Finn: U. Dnuln. 1` _7 THE WAITER GIRL EXPERIMENT IN SAN FRANCISCO. Some weeks ago, wrilea a San Francisco correspondent, a shrewd Yankee arrived here from the East, and after looklug around fur a time, and nding that fully two-thirds of the people of San Francisco boarded in restaurants, concluded to go in- to t_ba! business. He had observed that all the rtstaurant keeper.-1 employed fat. lazy and dirty Yankees, Dutchmen and Chimn- rneu for cooks and waiters, and be conceiv- ed the idea that if he employed girls-neat, ridy, quick witted and good looking girls --!or waiters, he would secure a large cus- tom innnecliuxely. u_ ,_,.,..._.a;_,,n, .(`. |Jun.~1Pn1-on, QC Hltnnua gt Ituctc, ATTUii.\'EYS-III-L.-XVV, :_ynncurs, Sc. N-npzuz-.-c, I`l|ibud0, .\ ["I`UR.\i BY-:\T~L.-X `W, w. A, Ri-`.1~lV'ls`., zu. l.\.C )u5u\ |`|.|l.'l:K, Bl.`\'LJlbL W/my Ufce, upsluir.-3. v- -nJ;ILn.1\Jl:\I, Agent for Kingston -9! . Torin,` Ohomiat, 3|. L` U CULLH'.l..ll5 R. N. ROSE. the College of Minn 1-Anni um-I hp . V 'K In-ruu. It in the cheapest as well artbe belt, being only 25 cents for a large bottle. Buy it, try it, you ll like it and recommend it to your frieudl. Henry Eimpaon & 00., Ilontreel Wholeule Agenu. .. 5|jJk|.I nu: \.iutc.nt_) uu tue sput_ and the names extinguished before they had made any consid- |'.|bl rrogress. During the re, Mr Perry dis- covercd the premises had been broken into. and the cvfntentl taken nvrny. Then wns I plcknge of gold wuches, belonging to Messrs. H 6 A. Sandrrs. with seven! other vnlunhloo, taken tron: hi desk. The robber then. evidently, en- tered the private oce of the ocial connected with the Customs Departmenynnd forced Mr Mc- .\'idcr`a desk and took therefrom $l5. and some coats that were in this oice. Having done thin he descended to the basement and fired a qusntity of lull paper, which, however. did not burn as well. as nnt.cipnted, and left by the cel- lar window. Mr Perry at once gave )1: Penlon his ideas as to this whole Inir Mr Penton at once pnt detectives Bouchard and Murphy at work on this inforrnntion, and in less than two hours the incendiary I33 t..i.l,QVCl rd in el tavern drink, and endeavouring to dispose of the Inches. Bonchard took him in the act, and c- nteyed him to the police utntion. The damage done by the re will probably be covered by $2,000; and the building was insured tor over $100,000. 15 tro nriant growth fall! euacculuy cleanse: the ing clen yed, produce A new and lux- vf hair when it has nlnndy diap- uuuncul. Lu cuunge u tor any other. We have not space to enumerate the virtues accorded to it by thousands who have used it, and voluntarily testify to its merits. Buy 3 bottle end satisfy yourself that it is the beat remedy ever olered. Henry Simpson 8 001, Montren1,Wholeeele Agents. In an internal as well as an external remedy, and is [he only one thnt always gives entire 3- tisfaction, and all who once use it will never consent to change it for other. We have not nnnr-n on ...n......-...- .s__ ,- . o A ornUu."1U for Rheumatism or Lameneal of any kind, Swelling of the Joints, Sore Throat, Cold in the Head and Diphtheria, Burns or Frost Bitee, Scratches on horacs, to. &c., -. u. umoum, m. u._ uunnam, U. E. C. E. CUTTUN. H. D., Gowlnlvillo. I CHARLES BROWN, M.D,, Cowanaville S. S. FOSTER, M. D. Brooms. J. C. BUTLER, M. 0, Waterloo. JOHN ERSKINE, M.D.. Waterloo. NORMAN CLEVELAND, M. D., Barnlton. N. JENKS, H. D, Bsrnston. C. W. COWLES_ M. D. Smnatead. JOHN MEIGQ, M. D., Smnstead. JOSEPH BREADON, M. D.. Surgeon, R N. BENJAMIN DAMON, M.D., Coaticook. LEMEUL RICHMOND, M.D., Derby Lino. WINSLOW LEWIS, MD., Boston. R. D. MUSSY, M. 1)., Boston. F. J. AUSTIN, M.D., Sbarbrooke. E. D. WORTHINGTON, H. D., Sberbrooke. Henry Simpson & 00., Iomresl, Wholnnlo Agents. CAPITAL: .. .. s1_ooo,ooo. PIUCMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1867- $2,000,000. Funds dupoaited in the hands of tho Gonnllenl for the security of Policyholderl. f` All rue risks carefully annoyed, and the mm of Premium made to correlpond Wllh the rank uulumed I'lunII|x I-`Iru Anuulrnlme Company | a\l.` l 1\\TI\(\\r Home lnsumnce Cmupany of Nl'\: lluven, Conn. Fire and Harlne 1.VS(,'RAN4L'.' CUJl1 .AI.\ l or m/1:u.v. CAPITAL .. _ .. .. .. $3,500,000 ANNUALINCOME. .. .. 1,000,000 '1`, w. uamnra, \L........._t'..._ 11,- J, When urrested Duncu: was in n lnveryn kept by one Duggno, in St. Pnnl atnet, his w.y to the Sution, threw a wucb, which was immediately h-nded to his cnplor by a soldier. oeuched on Arriving sud eight watches were found in hm possession. He took tcr quite coolly. Said that be was that he was arrested, :3 it wu time put to all the villainia he had been colnmmmg, and thnt be was Accompanied in his plundering expedition by I nan nunsd Mcalliner, still at large, who nlmoat ightly. slept in the Sutton House, and thereby um-mined that the police called in their night watches at six um ,|nd for nahort time than exposed none places to rob. bery.-Gu:tt. RE a safe and reliable remedy in all diseases Anf the Stomarh, Liver and Bowela, They are noc Quaclr Mealu-ix.cs puffed up by high sounding testimonials from inmginnry people, but are the result. of forty years experience nfn rat.-class physician, and their exlrnordimny success is due `L0 the fnct that thEV nnawnp Aunt-u l~...:.. n---A Pujslullll` nnu uienr exv.rnorumII_V is they answer exactly their name. The formula from which they are prepared, is based on sound, scientific principles, and has re- ceived the unqualied approbation ofthe mrdica Drt)/`ssion. Tlnw (in nu! nu-nI....= on k,. - ...._,, ,-I ucun-u uu: uuquunu-:u approbation ofthe mfdical prof( .Ision. They do not profess to be a cure-ull, but for all diseases arising !mm any derangement of the Srornm-h,Liver and Bowls, they furnish nn effectual remedy. We have in our possession, over one hundred testimonial: rm... nk.L.1..:....- ....-c-.-um ncmeuy. H u nave In pOS8L 3EIi0l), hundred testimonials from physicians who have used them in their practice and high- ly ||pp|'0V0 of them, among which areftbe follow- iug; J. H. GIBSON, M. D.,Dunbam, C. E. C, E nnwrnn u n n-----=n- - ` FA Huumcn, lgii. xliirliit: _ln !i71ll':Tl$t~.`. N56. `vIJ1.!o\Jll\J And is prepared I3 issue policies on terms as low as the safety of [be assured will permit. J A M I-`H Qwnr-I~ x Home Insurance rompuny of New ; limen. \ n ; zEtn:L" I1l>`l_JI`Ilt'L` Co. of Hart- f'IJI'11, C0111] PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS- ;4,s33,543,39. '_____ .,. "HIS Company [ms been doing business In Canada for neariy 50 years, and during that time has secure} the public condence by the prompt and libernt settlement 0fL`VBl'y fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws of Canada by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of $50.000 uvu.I nu.uuI:lJns&t1Jj - He accordingly nnsacked the employ- ment ofces for recruits. and nally sccurunl twelve pretty girls; [Wu nf these he placed behind the counter for takers, lrnnnri Hm-llaah " 'Nm........u.. ..t.u , ..-