~u-- --\A\: 511 \Uu..If.' LIFUU GUI HTQS. imagined how we would spenk, an thank, and talk, when we came ml destined hnbhrion in the Caty of 1 ried bin: in his prime. Shall be Tlorn our Phriumu .........r..-.. - '7 lietu.-i tu me nntlttttuu limes: Sir, I have only returned, within the lost day I or two, from a kind of exploration whi- h I bar bevnvmaking through the back country, in order a to am for myselfwhethwr there were yet It-ft any i tracts of unoccupied land [it for settletnentu l i had heard so many and such conictingncconuts of the quality and capabilities ( f these regicr s, tbttl wan prepared to lind, when in fact was 1 the casr. that the land win as diverse as the opin- ' iuns ex;-rclsed about it, and that one man might Visit a grmitic belt which runs between the southern part ofthe Muskoka Lake, and to the north of Bobcnygeon, and return thoroughly con- vinced, by the appearance of the region, of the utter futility of any endeavour to settle it up` Iucr-.9nnf'ullv- mt~..1,. .... -L- i - ' ' -an-41:. More itnporlnut, in my eyes, however, is the question of supplying 1..bour to meet the great demand for it which was apparent in every place through which I have passed. Forms are only half cultivated for want of hands, works are left undone, roads unmended or unmade, Ind many enterprises are not attempted, because 1')0ul' is every where so scarce and so desr. It is s leading want of the Dominion, this wsat. of workmen, and it a proper supply of the impor- tant rrquiiement were provided, it does not re- quire much genius to see that Cnrads would be twice the country thntsha now is This fact has been impressed upon me at every turn, ever since I left Quebec. on the lnverns on the road, oi;-ring high wsges lor common workmen, and too ofieu without re- sponse. Every farmer I have spoken to has tnrped upon this grant need of his clue, and township and county councils I" concur on this one point, and express the some great want. if the question is reullv liken run in . ...,..... I have seen notices smxed ' ..... uuc pulnl, nun express the question really taken up in a strong Ind energetic way, there will be no difficulty in Inpplyinglhia demand. It does not require a not outlay in order to induce men to come here; but it does necessitate that the outlay, Whatever it may he, should be expended in a right direction. Eng`nnd is a good deal over- crowded now, and wages there are ranging, in many places, very low. An English working man is 1 calculating iniividun|-and ifjou can show him that he can save more and be better 06' in Canada than in England, to Canada he would come. But the `tptormalion must be plac- ed within his reach, as he has neither time nor money to expend in hunting up information or visiting ocea lor himself. He reads his weekly pape r, and that is often the sole literature he has time to indulge in; and it is with this fact be- fore us that we should endeavour to arrange a p'n.n for placing within his reach the information about the advantages he may receive by coming to Canada. TL- -,I__ 1 l V I ` A gentleman in Detroit has discovered a menu of applying steam power to street can in such a. way that there will be neither nnoke nor sparks, nor more noise than in undo by 5 sewing machine. The discovery has been tested I in Detroit, and found to work well, and it will probnbly be introduced on cityjnilroedl. Beside: its chenpnesu, it oere the advantage of heating the are by steam pipes in cold wenther, tn nd- I untnge tint man be appreciated by all who ' Imnp the toes out of their boots in ltreet can in vain ntternptl to keep out the front. -.-.,...., ......... u. nu: uuuuu nurse, who are calied upon in it to_exerci5e their inuence upon Gon- gresa to pass an internntiomri copyright law. The address assure: them mg: the adoption of such 9. law would lead immediately to that of: . similar one on the part of the North and South German governrnentl. ` _____N . u. . IU UIDIIUS. The plan I have been advocating chiey rests upon this point. Let the Government obtain regularly in Canada the leading particulars of labour, wages, and cost of living in dierent lo- calities here, and let their information be pub- lished in England, in the way that it is alone likely to Inset the workman : eye--vi:, in the papers that he chiey readn-ttnd then, if more can be obtained for his labour in Canada then in England, to Canada he would repair, to the benet of himself and the Dominion. Luv .uuu.uu:uu,--awrural Gazette. There is now in circulation among Germnn authors a paper addressed to the publishers and litenry men of the United Blues, who their innannn lIV|l\I| nu The volunteer movement is extonc` through the Province. Five cotnpnni been rlised within a few days in the Oc Dorchester; another in the County of and still another in Lotbiniero, countie were heretofore unreprezented in the force of the country. It is now all but that no draft will be required in say the Dominion_-Mos-urea! Gazette. Thom in mug in ..:.....I..-=-- ,{,_.____.___. Nearly fourteen million dollars in gold have been derived within one year from the sole of ecclesiastical property in Italy. One of the grandest weddings New York has ever seen will take place on the 24th inst, at an up-town church. Over two thousand invitations willl be issued. Japanese papers elete that the following im- perial decree is posted up at the gates of Yoko- bamn and at Homurn: The Christian religion heretofore being strictly forbidden, still in the name manner as formerly is strictly interdicted. The devilish sect is strictly prohibited. Th: nnnr ...n....:+.--- ._rI:I_:_ 1-. - Trtins Arrive and depart from the Kingston I Station to follows; ___,_, __..-..... ....v- a: union pl. D|Dlle(1." The poor authorities of Erie Co. have some- what become impressed with the idea. of the Toodlea that coina are hnndy things to have in a house. In a late inventory of the public pro- perty at the Poor House, twenty pine coinl Jre put down It I value ofeight dollars. It is rumoured thttt Mr Vanderbilt has made an offer to the Great Wenern Railrold Com- pany of Canada to lease that road for ten yearn, with 3 right of purchue ct the end of the lease. Should his oll'er be accepted, the Great Western Railrcnd will to all intents and purpose: be- come 1 part of the New York Central Railroad, ter Company will be removed to Hamilton. The fnllmrina mm... 1.--- L--- ` ~ - ` _. ,_.,...., nu. vv acuzuvuu I0 LIIIIIIHOIJ. The following peer: have been elected to-dny, to represent the Scotch Pearl in ma Houne of Lord: :-Tbe Marquis Tweedale; Earl: Morton, Home, Haddington, Lauderdule, Airlio, Leven nnd Melville, Selkirk and Orkney ; Viscount Slrathnllnu ; Lord: Saltoun, Sinclair, Elphin- atone, Blantyre and Golville ; Earl Kellie, and Lord Rollo. jj _._3__....__. __;__ LYNN UN EMIGRATIUN TO CANADA. [1 .. - police mngillrntv of $5 and $2.50 Inssnull. committed by nppellnnl in xt. Mr Mudio frr appellant; Mr J. ur respondent. Verdict for the up-' ,___ -4 .....-u. ijufgtimg to express their unfeigncd gloss lhe county has sustained in the 1 me late Judge Dmpcr. ' Jnu-a Fianna v. I ry reported as follows: Tbel :Recorder's Counboglenve to > lU'JJ. l ; urrnigned for ausaulling I auillv In A rmmmnn nu- ml`. extending all Five cotupuniw have an County of 9 Quebec, uiere, counties which euted militia Inow cermin inid in -nu ch... .2 h]I\.'l . Jnlu DAVID, L`..___, - -an n u-nu part of 450 pm. 510 " Saturday, Dec. 19.-At lie morning ses- ` aiou 3 number of bills were advanced to the V Iecond reading. The bill respecting chart- ` era of incorporation to manufacturing min- ` ing and other companies was read a third L time and passed. .1. n A.I,'|._-|_ __. LE- A_....II.._.._ A`.- A: 2 u'clock, p.m., his excellency the Hon. William Pearce Howlnnd, C.B.. pro- l ceeded in State to the Chamber of the Le gislutive Assembly. His Excelleny was lccompanied by an escort of the 13th Hus- ; ears, and was met ut the Parliament Build- Hugs by n detachment of the 29th and their L Band. A stu of regular and volunteer of- . cern, including Lieut.-Gen. Stisted, met l the Lieut.-Governor at the Parliament ! Buildings and were present in the Chamber while the assent was given to the following ` Bills :-- ,. I 3. An Act to alter the Law of Dower. Ind to regulate proceedingsiu action for lbe ze- jcnverv of Dower. I 4. The Law Reform Act M1868 5. An Act tu explain the 86th sccrion at the Hamilzon Debcnlurel Act. of 1864, and {to legalize (if peccasary) {he appliczgtinn of the rates |CVlc(I by the City of Hamilton {under the I)-law referred to in that sec- IUIH * 1. An Act for continuing the Legillnture in case of the Demise ofthe Crown. 0 A- A... .-. __....:,I. r._ n_.L- ... rnz. nu uuau. mu Inc LIUHIIBU UL l.|.lU UIUWLI. 2. An Act tn provide for Oaths to Wit- ` nuns:-s In-ing administered in certain cases. ` for the purpose of the Legislative Assem- x` My. -4 n.. A. on.I......|...1r..... ..r n.._.... __.| :-nun: yxzu 71-. Llpl BCILI IBIJU , 94 An Act to define the privileges, im- munities and powers of the Legislative A - s8|'11l)l_y, and lo give summary protection In persnns employed in the publication ul Seasioual Papers 10 An It-f On not--1. 0|. 3...!----.~-J --~r J \JuLu|l\I Lnululll uue ABSUTKDCC UOHIPEHS. , 16. An Act to amend Chapter one bur.- dred and nineteen of the Consolidated Sm- luus of Upper Canada, so far as it relate: to Fees to Sberiffl. His Excellency and staff Inning retired, Amy.-Gen. Macdonulcl moved lhst. when this House adjourn inland adjourned til} Wednesday them}: January at 3 p. m.- Carried. Isluu. 6. An Act to divide the Township of On- `rafruxa into twu Muninipnlilies. H 1. An Act to amend the Luv :1 I0 I: '|rVnI|a E 8. An Act to anlln-srize and empower the I | Corporation ofme City of Kingston to tell ; sml cuuvey certain hands. I D An Ant it` rl..n.... .I.. __:..:I _-- =-- I |J9uaIuu:l| 1 ytll ` 10. An Act to secure the independence 10!` the Legislative Aasembiy. 11. An Ar-r tn nmlm ham... u..,...:..:,... r..-` f"Sing|o copies of the Cnoucu an Nun, containing the aura of the week, may be bad in wrapper: for mniling. Price 341. each, issued every Friday. ` \_...... In nu; ; Iuvluljt: Ul lllllfll). 1 13. An Act to legalize and conrm the J survey made by Alumndv.-r Campbell, Prn- vincial Land Surveyor, of that part. of the Township of Seymour lying north-enst. of the River Trent, and norm-west of Crow River. g-nup- 14.. An," Act. to nmend the Registry Act and ta further provirle as to the certicates of Married Women, touching their consent as to the Execution of Deeds of Convey- BTICC. .......-.- uuuunnnuli A In lhe Legislative Anetnbly on Friday, on the item of Literary and Scientic incum- tiom: BIRTH. On the 19th in|t.., at Kingnton, the wife or A O.Nowmnn Esq. Royal Canadian R1u' Be`; ofl.dnugln4 er. ') xvl uln. uc5IuInl1VC IXBEEIDUII. ` 11. An Act to make better prnvisinn fur the dealing by Executers and Administra- ` tors with Murtgagcs. `\ An AI`? rnr Ohm Lnirnn -\-.`A-...!,._ 1' urn a -1 nun .uuI Lgllgdb. ` 1?. An Act for the better protection uf Game in the Province of Ontario. 13 An Ant tn 1......lI-- --J " " Hr Cumberland said he was glnd to "see the items, aid to the Medical Faculty, Vlctotin Col- lege ; and aid to School of Medicine, Kingston ; It thus two items covered the whole ground uken the other dny in the College debate. The principle then contended for Inn not Adopted in voting mid to these inalilulionl. Hr Cnlnm -In. .-....-.a .L_. .n.- n__ V lu vuuug I10 I0 ulese InBllI.I.lli0DI. Ir Coyne also ugued that the Government were inconsistent in voting than anon, when they refused aid to men inllilntionl in the Sec- tarinn Grants. The principle Ill precisely the nine. These institutions were under Sechrinn control and guidance. He would ask the hon. mambo: for South Bruce, how he could vote `aid to such inmiunninnn .4.-- 5:- _..._- ~r-- - _.____.________ A Portleni ledy attempted to kill 3 re! the: had invaded her parlour, when the enimelflought refuge by running up her gu-menu upon he: beck. This no elermed the women that the ed Ihrieking from the room and tumbled down euire, turning A complete some:-null, leading on her beck. The re! was killed. I An Act for the incorporation bthe Onturin Mutual Life Assurance Company. amend Chnnttar nnn ||nr_ SINGLE COPIES ofthe DLILI Nrwa mny be had at the counter ofthe pnblicationbtlic-3, Prin- cess IU'I!el.. Price three copper-I. I. I Walls. 9 I mcmber for South cc inltilnlionl utter hi: rec These institute: were under the 0 seem, even though it was a matter: ing Medicine. II: D...-R... T\-- `LU, - . . _-_.- .. .....u 1uI!ul.l'.l.l.lDII-I. in future he would, if he had the honour to occupy his place, inqnine more fully into the working of these institutions. Besides, the grants had been in the eetinmtee for several years, and had been continued, thinking that in the intereetu of Icience it would be bet- Mr Blake said, that of course the continuance of theae grunts lhii yen:-involved their continu- ance next year, unless Government came to I dif- ferent resolution early next year. List session he had understood that the Government were to IUU7 Au: we ameuument. (Hear). Mr Sinclair thought lhu the present debate revealed the existence in that House ofsome who. were not supposed to be there-namely, the ad- vocates of sectarian grams. On a former debate, all had disavowed being favourable to Inch grants; but it now appeared as if these hon. gentlemen had apoken with a-reserve. Ml Cumberland intinnoln A.._:_.1 1. , - `cu.-amen nnu Inolien Wllll Mr Cumberland distinctly denied having any feeling in favour of sectarian grants. Mr Ferguson proceeded to descent on eeotarian grants Mr E yre called lh_e honourable gentleman to order. question before the House. Mr Ferguson renamed, and contended that the College: cared not under what guise they got the money I0 long as they got it. Under the resolution of the member for South Bruce, -._w. u must 5I.uUU IIIB 1 dam} 105;; 3. tho_Hou:e wu pledged to support superior edu- new name. Then put! other items carried. On the next ixem--aid to Canadian Iquituto and Athcmeum, Ottun. llr Oumberland inquired what the special claims of this institute were ? Hon. Ml Wnntl nah! In. !----54/-'- ` ' no -nu uul. IDOW much 01' menu of thou inatitutionl. torocc nun-.. t..lI_ :(- - uuua put II) I] the ndvoca that n.........:.._ The (House then adjourned. SUPERIOR EDUCATION AGAIN. n Ihn I nuuuuu un I.-Inn. I In town end village there are door: end win-3 down closed against the weether, there ere un- ;nz logs huped high, there are joylulfeces, there is healthy mulic of voices. Be ell ungentlencea and harm excluded frcrnfthe temples of the household gods, but be lhoee rem:-mbrlncee ud- mitted with tender encourngement. They are of the time And all its comforting end peaceful reeseunncel, end of the history that reunited even upon earth the living end the deed; and of the brand benecence and goodness that too L meny men hue tried to tear to narrow shreds. i LII; IJISLA TI VE AALHEMBL Y. THE ADJOURNMENT. 7 ..- .- -s- nun null. ' G,-h0I recent motion ? u control of the ru 3 mane. or .a...:-...--- Iuu lclunuuc anam- In future 1hv his ml-AA :.u~..:_. will-ILIIJI Ul u.III r of ndminsteu Ottawa, Dec. l9.-Tho Rnilwny Commluion. or: had a lengthy meeting to-day. Mr 0. 5. Eng, or Ilnguon, was appointed ncrelory, sad Ir J. 8. Intel, of Quebec, Iuiunnt secretary. Two Ieclloni of the nilvuy, 20 am such. tram Riviera dn Loup euunrd; one from Renti- gauche lo Dslboulio, and one from Amhgrn to River Phillip, will be advertised to lot nu! momh, tender: to be noeived up to the 8th of February. The Bob. Ir Chandler left today for home ; and Hours Wninh and Brydgel late by apecinl train y.o-night. The Commissioner: will visit the Maritime Provinces, to enmino tho line, in a few dnyl. Mr Rou, Ibo Iccretuy, will rental! at the bend oicajnre. Bright : eloquence la well illuatrated by e ain- gle qnotatlon from his apeech upon the diaaatrona Crimean eampalgn in 1855: Many homea," be up, may be rendered deaolate when the next newe arrives. The angel of death has been abroad throughout the land; you may almoat hear the heating othie wings. There in no one, an when the tint born was alaln of old, to I[-fi.n- kle with blood the lime! and two elde poata of our doors, thnt he may spare end pan on; he teltee hie vletimefrom the cllllo of the noble, the mansion of the wealthy, and the cottage ot the poor and lowly, and it h on behalf of all. these claeeea that I make thia solemn appeal. 7lIL_-- -I.2I}___ I- 1: II-__..--I_ _.g __a._., Three children ln New Brnnewick got utrey. One, e girl, wu sbout six yeer of age, the others four and three. It will wild region, end in wild wnther, and st the edge of night. from signs i' seems that the six year old girl soon felt * sure that there was no hope of their being found that night, and so took measures at once for the safe keeping of her little ones. Putting them in the most sheltered nook (he could nd, she then stripped my most of her own garments to put on them, and then set out to gather dry see weed end brush to cover them up in end defend them. A large qnantityggf this hsd been gath- ered end piled nbout the babes into: sort of nest, and there they lny when the people found them. still alive; but the six year old tnstt-om and martyr lay out on the shore deed of the cold, beside the lest pile of brush she had been able to as her, but we! not Able to bring in. ( FINE ASSORTHENT of New JEWELRY, A PLATED and FANCY GOODS, consisb siuing in-Gold and Silver Wntcbes, Chains, Locket.-, B1-ooche:,Sc:.rf Pinl, Ear nnd Finger Rings, to. 8:. Jet, Bog Oak, and Rubber Good: in great variety. Cake Baskets, Curd Receivers, Genet. Stands, Tea Sets, kc. he. Mahogany, Rosotood,nnd Pgpier laehle Work Boxes, Wm- ing Desks, Ind Dtessing Cues, Purses, Ponc- monnniee, with so endleu nuortmeut too nume- run! to mention. All` to be sold at. the lowest ponible prion. H` Please don t forget the old Shad. 1`0ys! T0z$7"'f0Ys! Q SEE FIRST PA GE. 'I`he LARGEST , % HAPPY Vl_E_WJl.L BE! Christmas ct New Year are Boning! uunsonn Gnnngtgu, to. tc. And I choice ualmtment of Fish tnd loll. Sauce, Curry Plate and Curry Powder, Pickleu, ta , from Oman and Blackwell, London, Eng- 1 Boxes Freak Lemons Keg: Fresh Prunec Cum Itallnn Bitten " John Bull Bigaen Vermouth Bitten WoIt`e |-Schiednm Schnnppa, to. Ice. The most complete uuortment of choice ENGLISH at FOREIGN GRIKJEBIES. AND quail-I English, Scotch, and Ggudian Al: I , pint! and qunru ` English and Cuudiu Choose IlcKinnon n celebrated Bbcuiuin great vukty Raspberry Jam Incl Jelly Red Ournnt Jolly Blnck OIHQI} Jun and Jelly Goooehm; Jan and hi! to. Bottles Oherriau `V . " Damon: M (1-._----- ` -Ivuuu rorl Burgundy, Port, lunln Brandy--Henneuy ` In-tell, Sayeri, 86., &c., 18,48 and IE wood or bottle :1 irppgrtad by 4 nu. ____ __ CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAIPB uuu noxu " ` Bole: Black Basket L yer Raisin: Drums Sultana Boxes P1'ime'Vnlenli| " Keg: and Half Keg: Iulngn Boxes Prim: Eleme Figs, only 2|) cents per box Boxes lung: Figs, 3 lbs for 25 canto Boxes Citron Peel ` Boxes Lemon Peel Boxes Orange Peel Pun lixod spice: - Oinumon, Allapiu, Cloves, Ginger, Inca, the Pale Brown and Golden SHERRY Oozens, Domecq, Gordon & McKenzie Gmhanfs very old Port Wine. Bandemnnh Port Wine ` Iuden Port n...........:.. l'l--- |' ` -Pennrtin, ` _____j__.-__._. REMEMBER THE BHILDBEN. SHEFFIELD HOUSE -nymous oommnmcauons can FQCPIVQ no nuenuon Everything lorwuded for mnetuon mum. be meow- puned by the nune sud addreu or the Inter; not necannly [or pubtunuon, but u evidence of an- I.r.~enm:uy It is also requesxed Lint correspondents ILLI nuly l`l':1cUI1 one side of the sheet of paper. 2 cannot. undertake In return rebecued comrnunlcalmnl. JUST RECEIVED ._-. I W R. MCRAE & 00. have reduced the price 0 of GOODS .for the Holidays. Quarter Boxes Layer Raisins Halt` Boxes Rn.-- I:n--I_ n - - ` |`I NNAN H ADD] anon]: uuox, mu. `DIGBYE, ca. 80., ALWAYS ON HAND. Y1.--- TOYS ! TOYS ! CALL AND EXAIIINI BY THE SUBSCRIBER, PUB fiuff i?EsENTs, ':f$__3p`: i ;1JGl`1Il*_Q `L1f:i0<.` And CHEAPEST LOT IN Tan 0111'. r not` OTTAWA. NEWEST, CHARLES GBIGOB. J. cnunronn. KING STREET. _ van 3311. V. Elcksetco. ell, Otud, Dupuy,` 1834 Vintngee, in ` by onraelvu Iv LIIBICI 1 Porter, pintl Ind Moxb EVEN]-NG, DEC. 21. Tic. kc. One annual. * ` ` 1 Gus Horrochl W Black Satin, r 100 Dozen Nnpkhi Cheap AUc'rI.dN JAIES DAVIE u-ml, sad BENNING 8 L will not ate: 1'!!!` the folowing uni : '3:-I nnIuInn-n if KI.\'GSTO.V'# OBSER VA TOR Y. N, F. Dcrcxs, A.!l., Observer. [This is by Iontresl time, from which deduct )2; minmea for the dierence between Montreal ma Kmguon time.] i {UH LUIQWIIK Ill: Very Handnouo I-`ljwi I71 no then. - in mm and Tuillul 25 Pioou Bhaihlll Bridal and lnfkl .I.-.l.. .1 MOATI I-IE KT. 5 GBIATL Haul, _M In-king $1 Gov IQ I-`RON % cums NE Dec. 19.--Johu L em for Birkenheacl, rrespondeucc he I nson, showing tilt. efriendship that e Laird himself mad ards friendship, in before the Liver nvited Mr Johnson t esmbliehmcnfaud listing peace bet. `ca. Mr Johnson, lack of time would of the inviution words: ` hsrtanding you aym rn brethren during e much pleasure in cc, and hear your 3 Travellers (guide. .9, -.--.-__. _- , Dec. 19.-Despatc e report that the mar Pacba, has b ernrnent to iuvnde Dec; 17.-The Ne '51 says:--The re of the Bank of E ay,ahOWs that th vault. has more cc. 19.-A resoluti ity from arrest for has at length been rity in the House. , Dec. 19.---The in wars to control t the troubles with metal fa1Ting of in , and much diataus ed that Russia wi c any material aid. Dec. 18.-'I`he repo Greek steamer Eros Dec. 19.-Tbe Ti menting on a speec Beverdy Johnson 3 A .I__. n.I_..r...-._. .|.u-v-.-, -v----_ _ , says that thenum y is that trie! mu vation of peaceful land and America the American 0 nld, lllcrefoae, be ...;.'.;mg.as 5% Han frontier. . 19.--The Jllonit ing details of the answered Hobart t and immediately (1 of Syn, where 5 In of the 'I;urki 9. announced his FDAY EVENING, I despnlch says 111 ill await; orders fr : the gequest of th fore using coerci T0 CURRBBPUH DEN I3. e blockade, on c should be escorted frigate, there to a proceedings for th wing despateh has ring. date Coasts reek ambassador i dad of the gunrant ion of Greek snbj he French envoy, enl, declined to e Sublime Pane J2 mailg ec. 19.-Tbe elect a are proceeding 'ea. There has b ...._- , WIiWiW?mWWW1I\WWM majority of those formation ofa mo nt. Governmen at a treaty of pen id-ered as an acco nn 1 DQWEPIPQI` says Greece; have not -`A nAv ` 7i`ELEG1 up the naval c hue been innu- to avoid a sin: els, which could he G-reciin can - --.I III] |v\a\J .T 6.-1: is said has sent a. note t in relation to the :2 Greece and T St. Petersburg n powers agree t reece should del order that nego f the question ma CUAJU II II no un. nixed min 10:00 a. m. u. H ll the Athenians ective war with- ions from Nsupli nth, protest agai men: as injuri inn: --_--n ( . -.._,....., inns expect I Turkish provin in. '- ices from At cut of Greece ha " feusive ch/ax-act .00 7-` "- 1- says the my of 1856 con ;on`both the Gran la asserts that 1 Great Powers reece intended a Turkish ial n of them. . 5.13 n at and] 30.-V-12/QueeI;] 3 visit: to Na OOLIC IAI1`. :30 pm. Mixed {ruin 3:15 LIB. H II h N n -\r-a-I --:- THE CASE OF WHELAN. Toronto. Doc. 21-The Court nu the verdict of the jury at Ottawa ! Wbelau case. ` astounding, but it is neverll and held up in tho Ameri justly if it he truc-u.~4 then ` of the whole affair. A.-I reg J elective dangera ,, -_. _-._...D - wurking of an elective judic only in Indiana. In New E more particularly in New elective system is giving a su amples, until at length the 1 ..n M1 - .u.\nG.l......,. ... E _,_l,__.,, ........ .... n.uEu.u suu pruple LIIIVE 1.05! I all condence in and respect for the bench The Evening Post, apropos of the charge lngninst. the Judges in Indiana, is pointing out the danger to society owing from the condition of a corrupt and corruptible bench. jgnd admits the existence in New York of lthe same state of things which has driven i the Indiana regulators to work so terrible I! condemnation of them. V nrgiio frnm :1 single instance. There is uu i abundance uf examples to illustrate the evil working of the system uf an elcctivejudi ciary ; but this one allegation is enough to set the people in every Stale where the Jelective syzucm prevaili. thinking of than 1 \ __.._....- ...\..., .. .. nub ucxcaaulv U.) nu. Iuul. UUL DOHJIDE ` The wznzer sun goes down over xuwu and \'il-` Inge. on the 39:: it makes ll rosy path, as H xbe ` Her.-d lhd were fresh upon `the water. A few ` more moments, and it sinks, and mgbl comes on, ` uni lights begin to sparkle in the prospect. Uu : the hillside beyond the sbu;.elssI_v-diuoed town. I uni lbe quiet keeping of the trees tbs . gird its! V .lage nee; le-, rm-mbrnnces are cu: in alone, i planted in common ute:--`, growing in grass, en- ! I ! tanned wulb Lbe lowly brambles Around many a mound of earth. 1.. ...__ __1 _`n .. - - E .11U:v1cIP.4L NOHINA nozvs. Oxusuo WAlD_-TUBES cnndidntes were no- Ininaled In lhil Wu-d, viz., Messrs William Ford, jr , June: Shut, and Tbomu Baker. CLTAIAQUI Wum.-Mr William A11en,retir- ing Aldermnn, wu rt-ncminuted, and also Mr Fnnciu Tracey. G. I .____, --"l'* " " - .__..._ - .-ac; . I St, Luruucn Wum.-|{r George Brown, the retirmg member, In: re-numinnled. Messrs Samuel T. Drennnn, who hu come forwnrd in relponse in nu inuential requisition, R. Carson, and Dr McLean were also nominated. The int two, however, subsequently withdrew. I Vicronu. Wuu>_-Mr John Braden, nnd Robert 'l"omkins_ Fnorrunc Wu.n.-Messrn G. Dnviduon and C. Livingston. Srmnuxwnu.-Hr Aldermnn Gildenleeve. Bmua Wum.--Hr Aldermnn Gibson. Mayor, Vane: or Poa1'nIoUn.-The following can- didaten for Reeve sud Councillors were Ieveraliy proposed and Iecondad : Reeve-Wi1liam Mudie, Esq , re-elected. GonnciHor|-Messrs Thomas Carter, Thomas Johnston, Jnmea Fitzsimmons, James Fisher, Thomas McCnmznon, Thomas lic- Cartby, and John Winhart. Minruar Tin;-rn1c.u.I.-We may remind those of our renders intending to enjoy the dra- mntic unuaemenu gofup by the military of the advisability of securing ticket! in advance. The plan of the sen: has been prepared, and every facility for choice is norded. The Ron cy` Ettnckvalc and the Irish A1101-icy no the al- tnctionl of Tuesday night. The City Hall, it my be expected, will be well lled. rn31{13\~}5}:{\7\711Iz. Buwmaxnville, Dec. 2l.--Frederick Cubit was elected by acclamation Mayor of But manville. POIJOI Cocrr, |londey.-'I`he one of Joseph R-ockley, Adjourned from Saturday, came up lhil mu-ning. The remainder of the stolen goodn, consisting of A. woman : dress, 1 pair of drawers, end I wnterproofcoet, were found by {he detec- tive and produced in court. The prisoner con- fessed his crime, end prayed summary judgment, end was nceordingly lent to goal for one month. The complaints ngelnut two la.d's, one about nix- teen nnd the other about nine yenn ofnge, were put over until to-marrow morning. The charge! were for uriking his {ether in the can of the elder, and for unruly conduct ln the other. Their nnmee were not learned. Nnv InoLvIu'rs.-The following in: gnaetted :-D. W. Urquhart, Perth; Hunter, Ecupelerz A. W. Bernier, St. A Peler Bigg, Belleville; William W! North Williunnburgg Williun Carl [Owen Sound; L. O. Prefonuino, St. Louis Pelletier, Iontrenl -, O. B. Tnylc East Slutford ; Joseph Grlin liam Kennedy, Buckingham; David Doc .. . n v - nulah salriuol Joseph Grlin, Br(;|1Io-;_- Dead, an; H. Laporte. St. Norbert: G I-go WI2 Enninkillen; Jun % cl Fergulon, onnnll Hubert, Clarence I ngulllilllll ; Jlme Oluence. n: A. :1. ulephens has be of History in the Univenit; nid lhll he had given up tionl. 2:10 mm. ` 1:? AI Quincy, I|l., is t G blood-mark` It in I pen-ten of a. silver dollar, and on 1 form uni outline of the as could be drum by 11 deer in the cc: of lesping. , especially oincl the oath u.__ V T?-oj |londny.-'r In:-Irlnu -1-I:....-.....I r.._ G . | '"" " """_ ese ll'l't`Pi\1l.'~'ll:lL" outbursts of vengeance. '_l`l|vre is another point nl' View frmn \\'lIll'll is initrago nm_v be lwkenl sit. The l_\'na`li- gain lung its only palliation in the ex- encc ufn cause. An impelling cause is id to exist in the corruption and inefficien- vfilie courts in Indiana. The Reno: and l`ll" gang lind nnide an inuence with the `ilges: an-l these criminals, though fre lemly arrested. escaped the ('UlI8L'\1LN`nL'`~l their crimes because the Judges were al- \_\'w nu their side. This explanation is toundiug_ nevertheless published Id in American prt=s.~-aml _~.1..:r:.a... .-... .i._ ._.__. . .`-`PE(`1'.-1 L TELEGR.-1.1(.'~'. _j_.__j_;____j___ . Stephens been elected Professor Univenitv M n.........-.. to :- 1-`R031 TORONTO. 5 Ell .... which they are exposing them- alding In it. Nutoriuus1_v. the m juxijciary is bad nut ma. York State. and Alarly York city, the vc. sustained in the . _ ,,..wus ueet, about the size mud his right cheek. The deer are as perfect 11 an artist, and Ihowa. leuping. The condition of auirs between Greece and Turkey continues critical ; but the cue is yet more hopeful than it appeared from the news of Saturday. The probability ig that the proposition for I. delay of ve days ` "'" ` '`P` negotiations will ptg. vent the future spread of hostilities. Gfeeca would appear to in no t stue of pre- peration to cope with Turkey,notwithstand ing the designs attributed by Turkey `O `h; Greek government. Nor doe: Russia ap- , Pear inclined to carry things with a high hand. There should be little diiculty in patching up this outbreak; though Qreek instinct: and Muncovite intrigues are sure to trouble the "sick man as long he "35 in spite of the`protection which is norded him by the chrntian powers. The East: em question will probably be the plague of another gencrntlon of statesmen. Ruasin, it in cleer, will never be ntieed until she holds dominion in Conutnntinople, and the Europenngovemments hue n common c.?.``;. in preventing her from eiecting such so an. cronchrnent. It in ibocnue of this struggle the: this nfnir between Greece and Turkey l in viewed with such interest in Europe. -I - ucrinlu Ill!) 51 I perfect deer, nboug 1 Id hil rinks -L--L I, , __..~. -us the crowning shame regards the Ameri- it is not necessary to German with ucnrioul perfect deer, nlnnno .5. .z.- ' numuuutn wuum unve VV 7 W 1' has been m` hmk M-I Sir-Compluiula are mm}? by consumers of n v i `W mmw duds late increase in the rules of the Water Company. "`m`_ W . In many cases the rates are now so oppressive mm `."'Th"` m'm".LA and intolerable, lhl the use of the Company : N` wuhm the Pm W water has been armndonad. This is to be re- ` gmlted; for it is an acknowledged fun, that the Iuulzh ofa community dt-ponds very much upon | an abundant supply of pure wnler. And muni- 1dl|l`i"llS lW1d'"3"`3 ml \ cipnlitien in this, mud in every civilited country, Lead have inspired (or \ have expanded ms: sums to secure this rinrqua . 4 _ M .. mm... .\r .... w . . La ml` the western coun- L lvn-clning, more than of horror through the ,,-__._. unullliliuyg `refonnine, John ! ; :1 Taylor I 00. Bronte ;Wil. am; Duid D-J " nquunn - Bern: 117:]! ...~u `DUI-ICLI I IUIEIIUF ty of Georgia. It is all political upir tl.1i-niLir;-gu u`f zzuccession uf ex- 3 people have lost. ect s rg: Wilton, ; F. The nsir in the g-uol-yard at New ~ Albcny hi! i docp inm-out for the American ` I vuilllllll t the I. NIL- . -_.__ .- \4\4Inl\d -nus nus: `In-I ` non to health and good morale. in Kingston, lortunntely lor the public revenue, the supply `has been ttchien-d by private enterprise. A supply has been uninterruptedly maintained for twenty years, very satisfactorily to consumers, but unsatisfuctorily In the unfortunate stock- holder-', who can t lllulill. pity. Ibelieve the raising of the rates is injudicious and unwise in A commercial point of view. But whereforetlie pity. The consumption of water being so great and the working expenses so large, than a lair interest for the capital invested was not return- believed, the new rates are injudicioul, what`: to be done `l lwill show. And it is I motel and public duty of the City Council to COD:ll.ll`l' this matter. Many Aldermen, conscientiously zeulms for the interests of their constituents, think it their duty to light the Wnter Company, but these Aldermen are short-sighted. Un- sloubledly the interests of the citizens and of the company are identical. Once let the stock- holdtrs of the Water Company receive a lair re- turn fer their investment, and consumers would receive proportionately liberal treatment` But, .no: to put too line A point upon it," among the consumers there are some who -sre-simply d..=- honest. The man who wsntohly waste: the water, or who uses more than he would do were he to our l.)V'[Delttl'a, is mnuttu . |hi.l. ._ . :. increase ? Simply because the old rates didn't t ed. It then the old rates didn't pay, and at it ..o....... auc Luau wuu waulonly the pay bytneaaure, is morally n lhiel; and it is known that Mr more water is daily waaled [ban is legilimrllrly conlumed. And so uh- Compnny loses money, lhe runes are raised, and the honest cansumer must pay the piper! Bu! how is the evil to be obviated? It can only be mitigate-d-unlesa each consumer had a metre, which I suppose ia impncLicable-by the Inn r being turned ot! ,aay on Sundays and every night. Waste would at least not occur then. But. in such case, we;abould be all burned up in Ibo event of r:--and by the way, res usual y oc- cur at night, or on a Sunday. Now I come to the object of ibis communication. Two or three years ago. a clever Alderman proposed to the City Council the construction of (CHILI hnrlorarnunrl in A...:-_L.u- -1, - I ,,..u,n.ncu HJ we buy council the underground, in desirnblo places here and there throughout the city. These tanks to ht l-1 save ll thousands "of gallons, to he frost pro -fund water tight,and to be kept alwnyaftl. l was astonished It the very small cogt of each; I thin`: 18:5 than fty pounds mm the estimate. Being convincrd cf the great. value of the pro. poiatioa, I an: surprised that it has not been acted upon. uitn in-..l-...._.I...t_ ,r.I Gk ICU UPIJYI. Quile independeully oflhe obvious advantage- snch I lcberne would be to the Water Company -nn advantage so great that it could at oncq afford to lower the rates very considerably-nn immense advantage would accrue to the city in every cue of re. The last fire, the other Sun- day night on Svdenhnm itrnnr ia ... -... m..-.,, curly cute ul uru. ine inst fire, the day night Sydenham street, is an apt illustra- tion. The site is high gt-ound-nesrly on the level of the reservoir. Of course the wster owed slowly, end the old story-no wster,wns in every month. Here were two or three large houses consumed, and numbers of unhappy wo- men end children turned out into the inhospita- ble night_ plainly becsus-there was no water ! The reservoir was full and the water was ` on," but-there was no water upon the hill. Just such other cases here often hsppened before, snd may happen ngnin to-night. Whsten er- gurnent for s system of tank: I Were they in existence, say twenty of Hull, slwsys full of Inter, there would ever be an sbnndsnt supply for sudden emergencies. In the nature ofthings, s short time only could elspse, ere they would be paid for to the citizens. And what would be the saving to the Water Coin;-soy were it en- nbled to shut o" for the periods named above ? The astonishing unonnt of one thou- sand ve hundred million: of gsllons, or six millions of tons of water, would be Annually saved pumping! The rsising of every gallon of water seventy-ve feet costs money, sud such s vat nsving to the Company would en- sble it to reduce the rstes by nearly cue hslf. _L,L up 1.. -_.--..._,,....u pr:-nu nppallnnlfl nuns Wil J of! the roll of eoutsblu. Maura Britta Price for respondent`; Ir Thlbodo for : lant. Jam: J!cGuire jr., appellant . respondent, uuu1L-An appeal from I c On behalf of the citizen: at le.rge-in the in- teresl of the householder and other rate payers, I would urge thin improvement upon the chy eutborillel. And will only further add, that I am not 3 etockholder in the Water Compeny, and have no interest whatever in their prots, but that my property in Kingnlonpeys over $400 annual um, and the: I an e lerge Inter Run Puma. 215! Dec. uuun wuulu no III III! ICIIIOII. Before the jurors retired the Recorder advert- ed to the death of the late lamented County Judge, W. G. Draper, to whoee Inelliqry he paid a_very high tribute. Ktmley appellant or. lcPlterto.vt respondent. -An appeal from the conviction of the police magiau-ate for assault, the particulars of which were 1-epmted in the Daily News at the time. Ktueley did not appear, and the conviction was conrmed with cone. The appellant intended to withdraw the appeal,bnt had not given the "7 legal notice. A1 ll}! `All. nnnnr ..lt`t.....A, :1 - -- _, ....-.. Vv\ \-luv nu uc uiu. An: ibe Dead re- be Shut out 1`; on: our Christmas reme|.nbr|n- e 7 Would his love have 30 excluded LI I Lost frit-n.1, lost child. 1051 puront, sister, brother, husband, wile, we will not so discnrd you`. You sbnll hold your cher- i lsbfd D.ICxS in Gui` Christmas hnnv-la and he n...- - ........4. The December sessions of the Recorder : court commenced It ten o clock on Mondny morning before his honour, the Recorder, Mr James O Raeilly, Q.C. Mr John Creighton, the Police Mngistrete, occupied 3 seat on the bench. There were tteen case: on the docket ofthe court. The neturelizetiou papers of Peter Farmer, of the city of Kingstc n, were rend in court. The following are the names of the grand ju- ` rora who answered to the roll call: John Bra.ni- gnn, Jamel Brown, James Davis, Robert M. Ford, George S. Fenwick, William Hayward, Denis Knne, James A. McDowell, Robert M- Moore, William Mu-tin, Edwin Roee and Denial Rigney. n:_ L, , - - ..wc-ury negnl node lat. Court 1 Kiu|Iey,v.be preunt I o coat` relpondeir 1 3:1. _ `CUU%I.I. His honour very briey nddreued the grnnd jurors. He informed them that the calendar contained {our cases, two of inrcony, the prima- ers being in gaol, and two of uuult, the occas- ed being onion bail. His honour dened the nuure of assaults :5 Viewed in the eye of the law. n'II._ ,_-l ' ,.,_-J . His honour look evidence of the Iervice of summonses against jurors who were n`bsent,with a. View of inicling upon them the ne of $10 as appointed by slatnte, with the exception of Ho- ratio N. Garrett Ind B. K. Bbaldou, who were excused. r'I:_u_ - " , mu man u we queen`! eoerulng houle. Hi: honour deplored the fact that notwith- standing frequent reprelentetionl but been made to the city council to provide a workhouse for such vngrenu, no steps had yet been taken. He noticed the: the counties of Lennox and Adding- ton had made 5 move in that direction which would tend to relieve the ind ultrions clue from having to support, as at present, lhil class of lazy vagubonds. He hoped this would, ere long, be remedied in Frontenac. I1- .....:-.a-.a .1... 1..-- -A- -k-! - - Lcnulsulcu 1].! 1` roll IEIIIC. He reminded the jury of their duty to vigit the gaol, sad in conclusion referred to the Inc at of the leginlntnre for the abolition of` the Recor- der : Con rt, and informed them that the present court would be its last Ieuion. R.-.0`.-u- at... z....... --..:...| .|._ n - , u . nun. The grand jurorl were informed that there were in goal 215 prisoners, 10 men uni 15 women, the grenler portion of whom were vngnnta, whose idle procliviliu were encouraged by the provision made for them offree board and lodging in the county glol without the necessity of working, the gaol quarters being known among that clua u the Queen : boarding home. | danlorad the fact mm .........:.n. Dec. THE DAILY NEWS--MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21. ________________________________________________ ...,. av uuLlru you: xou snnu nolu cher- ' p'nc.s our Chnaunu beans, and by our L:.ns:mu tins: and in the unsung or immortal hope. and on the birthday of immortal mercy. we ml. shut out nothzng `Th- -.------ ` RECORDER '5 C0 URT. l"IRh.' A N!) WA TMR. LIKE. *3 of Quarter Sessions, Edward t nppallnnva In: attack ntnblu. Mu-n n.:....- ---a r__ vs. T. J. Habec -An convic- I I- 'f.':___. as u name Wll struck Britten and Thibntln rm ----- lion of the pnli costs, for an ass (lcloher Inst. h Mclmyre for re: pellanl. Th- ll.--...l I. 'lI:'|llIIl| The Grand Jury brought In Irma hilll cabins! Churlt-I Le Page, larceny ; and Uhnrlel Rappe, I. common assault. n. uuunnuu assault. Charln 9 Le Page was placed in the doci, and arraigned for ale-sling a sum of money nm0un`- ing lo $58 from the sisters of lhe Holel Dieu, on the 91}: M` Nnuumr.-- |..... ._.n _u_....a-.: _-. _ .:I METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS FOR` was WEEK ENDING DEC. 19,1368. z ...., w giuo Iru'!'I me sisters 0|` Ihe Holel men, the 91!: of November lust, and pleaded not guil- ty. Mr J. Ilclnlyre defended the priooner. Tho pnrlicuinrs wt-re fully reported in the Daily Nun II the examination be-fore lbe police ma.- gislrn1e,9.'d lht'l'B was nothing additional of in- terest in the evidi-nca vf to-lay. Ctllrle RJIHIJH haina urn-qinn-H I'n- -u-uni-3-~ -mum III we cum-nca (`I to-My. Charles Kappa being urrnign William Robbs, pleudvd guilty I aault, uni upon the ap,.enra1 nhlinarn whn an.e-A .1.-. u- u,. ICIJUI I . Tbvy _beg to cougrnlulnte the court on Ihe small number of clues lhal have come before; them for conaideralion, I Thar hurt: -:.:....a .|.- _-,I ' ` ' ,,, __ ...,..-..' Pugvu-u aunt IU I UUILIILIUIJ DI- plainsmgwho stated that Mr Rnppo hr! ntised him for personal injuries sustained, the Court lined the accused the nominal penalty of one shining and coats. "Hm an-nnrl 1...... ____-.. 1 1 n -- aprenrancn of the com-1 , ,,._-._ V... '\II um nuuanunla L4lulE,Il]l1 [0 [DO an successfully; whilst another man, who might. have the courage to push on beyond this grnnitic belt, into the excellent country which lies be- hin-i it, would form a totally opposite opinion, and return, oil have done, well pleased with the coun=ry us a whole Then: out bejo doubt of the ext tence of u very lug; proportion of lint which is lit for cultivation, and when this is all used up by in-coming settlers, and the coun- try is mcrc opened out by lO;l.d9`, then even the unpromising granite may bclound to be of some value. y uulalllla uuu CUBLB. The grand jury grmdjury of the Recorder's 1 ||.|CIll nu UUl1II|dEl'|l|lOD, They hue visized the gnol, inspecusd the wsrds and cells lborough1_y,aud found everything in I remarkably clean and healthy condition, The prisoners had no covnplaiuts to make of ` the treatment received by them. , Tbd [rand iurv Lrn In non..- n...:- ..._r.:_AA1 - um Lnsuunaul rccexved by them. grand jury brg their: regret at the loss sualnir dnrnian nl IL... I-.- I I n |:5Il7|. II Int` [0 demise of the I ,,___v.- .u uuavssun. Mr Frank Lynn [nu addressed the following 1| letter to the Hamilton Tamas: l 1 gm T I'.uI1Ai.nI-v -..-~--~ -'-" g or IT!!! nncI.Irno1l Executed neatly, chesply, And expeditiously a the DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE.