I Flbl U\J\.`O . `L ` B will 've men and women BUSINESS ` THA VVILL PAY from 34 t-.- 8_3 3 per day ; can be pursued in your own neigh- f honrhood ; it in a rare chance for those out `~ of employment or having leisure time ; girl: 3 and boys frequently du as well ulnen. Pur- Lticulars ffe.` Addresa - _g_ 1 --` J I A"Iu'n1: L run Wm: ; cnnbeuled asthree tell arms and psrticul.-u-I lpply $0 KlB.Kl A'1`B.lUK & Feb. 28. J. Vet-onA, 7th March, 1873. Kingston, March 4, 1873. 1 ! \l.'|llIl|-Ul her luuuh.-I l'f_ `' (DUI. I7; \ . .-u. I us nn :5, rnrluur, Dinin; I-mm. Apply at this otcc. I";-Ir. 2-ith. ,. .. .. ---uuuunaurly. l\],|[l|_\' U i , ._lUH.\' l*'l;'l{GL'h'U.\'. (:unaunquc,, March 5, I873. ......- mu-.-nus ; h. Iiolmrtsun and Sun I half In raiscm: Flentlu & (hum, I sack ganlcu .-u-ml.-4; I"ra~-'r at George. 3 Evil: nope; .\l.1--In-a:`,& \\'mlulo:ll. I xkgwui snlnph-H, 2 lmla-9. `Z cases Hritiisll gum .-I. iluiglna, Papa Vincent, 1'}. Mackin, l. bx nyutcn; J.` Hendeugwn, 2 pkgs; Sheldon Jr. Davin, 1 pk ; E. Stacey, 2 pkgs; T. Ital inlon, l i ,; Rees Bros, 2 laxs, l tu_l: oynterlg . alilen, l bx;_ R. D. Smith. 1 bx oysters `; A. Ex Co. 5 `ma, 2 pkgs. ,,- ._--.-.... -.u. ynvcuzlllllgi mr the ulay were referred to the Superintendent of Police.-, with po,wor.-.\'. Y. vruld, NIUN, It will he I ...l.......4 ..... -- J. LAT!-[AM 5:7 292 Washington Street, Boston, , I I wuuou. 7 \.\'TEQ Board and Lodgi \-at - fan-Hy, for .-.70 gem Imam.-a uni .; 1...;I.mr rm-...=... nuuu, LARGE }'l'Hl .EE-STOREY BRICK IIUUSIS, `on Ontario Street, next to main : Lumber Yard. cuntnininn lnnnlvn m|pnN.cluclI|l, :ue-l llital l.`.u~ln qr General Scare. n iuuuu1l'I'ut1-l_y. Apply tn . .lm|\' l`I -v n-Ivvo '.-\lK'l'MENTS, I'nrluur, Dining Annlv at this -v- IUIJ-III!` ` FINLAY PROPERTY, Barriecld, ill be sold on eaav t(srn1l- Am-Iv tn , nunuv. ' R. 'lII'l`I'}, \\'l|ulcxa.|u linlggiut, 43 l rilu.:I`.`ss-st. " ...n,.--vn- nun LII. I'U81`I`t:llI. HUI` l -o fnrnu-r secretary, on the subject. mum-eulu-r intcutiun of guing. ammuu law cut" her In-altlu w`i|l permit, to St, or tn Iiuynld Vi , sq as up be near |I:|Iul during l\:i play in the fm-.1.-A 'im(n. , |`8t1lS I M .\ D.-\ M E ROCHEFORT. II I... n-..........I.....__I u . - a.u LlUu,\ ' _ '~T-l |.A.5'.S >"!'1I'H 1'1, ` ivix rn.rurtnhl: lmwllizxg. nc.-sr1_v u an Hazel, in tin: \'iH.'Lgu44f I he return: is littcvl` up with `pram.-Iun:l|U!, zue-1 sunitalple Cit : uls or Gcnurnl Np...-.. I ... (`l'Si`U\lS I.\lP()l{'l'S. \l-._ _| - PA'[`RICK`S D.`-`.Y.`=` L....IA.. 5|.-. __ 7 I " For Sale, -afpal F`.-n1: vh N P $31.93.. A `V w... . For Sale, 1. TH1 . Iv: l`..N'l'l R Pp_1_' `Sale. .-\.~'..\' 51': Ha I.` T..1:et- { T9...Ie.t- `Want_ed. -Wanted. A {:4 u \n 4 -1.11 \"ll|oGllU DIal'.U8.B, IIOXI 130 `Nd, contaxmug twelve I 8! three tenement-. For ilfl llnnlv tn dresa J. LAm.A.M &c o'., DD Street. Rnlfnn Man u uuun no ulc L`D0[lBl' III!!!- will disperse. This arran e- sly uatiufactory to the Police 3 nfair was settled there and n of the proceedings for the d Suuerimmxdmut. at rd Lodging, in n pri- ' . geutlmen. Two dour required. Apply at P w" lI! nur an 1 x , narnencld, x eaay tcrml- Apply to LY IV zws oice. E .11] in. guml rcpuig nn. Hunts um--It-rate. ~ \\'illi;Lm Newman, on C. SPELMAN. L Wt l'I'l1I' I oice. "nu .1. . 5 "III. np[;0_4jte H ' 'u+_~I H.111.-zm - up Mr}; :1 1|. [the vill ' rtland. niatfn`-3 ng and I304]; an UU. , an, Mus. rtllliuu :1. 1hE r v'.... fl on:`| 1'1`. JAMES HALL M1NsTRE1.s-`-25' Songl, with Choruaes, Symphonies ml Accompaniment: for the Pianotorte. Con- ' tents of Book III :-I, Norah () Neal. 2, What Norah Said. 3, Violets under the Snow. 4, Maudie Moore. 5, Our Captain's Inst Words. 6, My An el Boy. 7, Belle Mnhone. 8, My darlin wells over the sea. 9, Allie, the Blue-eye Blondc. 10, Come from afar, thou Birdling of Beauty. 11, Lit- tle Sam. 12, Oh I he kiued me when he left me. 13. The Mother : Blessing. 15, Take me back home. l5PFax-ewell ! the Dream of Life in o'er. 16, VVI-ite me a letter from home. 17, Knt McFerrm. 18, An el Nellie. 19, Thine nnge. 20, Mary : sitin' st the Window. 21, The Prettiest Girl know. 22, Kiss me, mother, kiss your darling. 23, Kiss me goodbye; darling. 24, Mary, Oh! come back to me. 25, The Musicians (known also as Johnny Schmoken") All the above eomrs for 30 cntn nr -v-at ausu an "aonnny DOIIIIIOKGR") above songs for 30 cnta, or post . free for 35 canto. JOHN HENDERSON, Princess Street. _ jsomzs AT I:_NDERSON S.l Kissed me when he left me. Onfy 30 cents for all the above a post free for 35 cents. Jni-IN! llwwnunu. l/SIN for n -6..- ` 1'1`. JAM ES` HALL MINSTRELS -~`. .' ) 58 Songn, with Choruses,` Symphonies hand Accmnpnnimcntu for the l ianofortc. Contents of Book II :-l, She llceeps with the angels. The Sigh of the Breeze. 3, Riw the Hell, V .-Ltchnmn. . 4, Nellie Rav. 5. nlm Nip... DEZIITS. Only 30 cents for all the nlmve songs, or punt {rue 35 cents. JOHN HEN DEIKHON, Princes}: Street. jstmus AT 1E_ui:sou s.l \ nusueu me In my ureams. to m mother. 18, Call me not back f rum the echo cu shore. 19, There are. as gmnl huh in the sea as ever were caught. 20, \Vhcn the Waris over, Mary. 21, Somebody`; cunning, but 1'11 not tell who. 22, Goodnight and hap- py dreams. 23, Kissing on the Sly. 24, A I.-ightin the Window. 25, Footsteps an the Stairs. ' _!7, Break it gently songs, with.Churuues,ASymplmuics and 1 A-~.,-mnpznnimcunts for the Pin-mfuitu. (`mutants 3 :5 liuqkl :--I, Come Home-, l:Ltha.~r. '2. \\'h-:u I ` Johnny cmncs m:"`ching hmnu. 3, Jnnt bufc-re the Battle, Mother. 4, Just after the Battle, Mother. 5, Babylon is Falling ; or, I'm gng to shoot. 6, 'I`r'nma, tramp, tramp, the boys are marching. 7, 'mpthu l*`l:1g:xrn1uu1 me, boys. 8, Dear mother, I've come home to (H0. 9, Is that motherbending u er me. I0, Annie of the Vale. ll, Sweet Evelina 1?, 'l'lu- IL.-n Cunvcntion. 13, The Little One that Died. 14, Wake from thy happy dreams. 15, Pm lonely since my mother died. I6, Mother kissed me in my dreams. 17, Break it { mv mother. 18. (tall mt: m-.1. I.....I. 4-....... .L, Q1`. JAMES HALL MIus1'nF.I,s.2r. . W I a I Asnnus AT _H_E_NIiEHSON'S. vq+oLE_sALE AND ntiiiii! ,____ -.---I-1 I \Ve promise courtesy, fair dealing and rea- sonable prices, and hope for afull share uf public patronage. REDDEN & ROWE. TIIE CHINA T Iloustf FRESH TEAS, WINES,` I-`er|zuson's Block, Princess Street. .. u... I me newest: I'a.ttcI-us and latest Styles in the En rlish market ; also an assort- nu-ntuf Tweeds roux our own order from the U:u.u:ulian Mills. After an experience in the Clothing 'l`r:ula.- fnFTlnc {nut 21 years, would return tlmukn for the ibcral patronage bestowed on him. and would solicit a continuance of orders for the future. K " anu would I fl'.F.I|S. when Alvonldna (TQn-ueu can be made. vluvv nu nu.-' UUUUS of ow I` portutiun. consisting of F sccntcln Clutlm and Twecds fart -\\'cnr of the Newest l'a.t.tcrns English market; 2112 IIIPIII . nf 'l`wnn1Ia an... n--- -- Cqr. 5 , Ex Stoanllnslnim. North Anwriq-,:un. Illbrrnlun and Sal-Inatiaun. ilf you want Good I`eas, I SCOB ELL 3110s.: Feb. 25th 1873. Blu Kingston, Feb. 26, I873. NEW GOODS, new .~n-mm: hoops nf( Illrttillll. 1-nnuinthuu ..6' Ems PAPER mg rum wn-n `HE PLACE I`U GET PURE LIQUORS _ in st 10 I`() S(`0BE[.L Bl{O.5'. FOR YOUR I GROCEKIES. Satisfaction guaran- :d. | sPLlv}Nl)]l) Assortment of l l(,`KI.ES _. and CANNED FISH at at11rda,y,wMarch 1st. J AS. REDDEN. Brock and Ontario Streets. p.;`:` "BRANDIES, A NT \VILL BE OPENED IN ALAS YSUGARS, and GENERAL GROCERIES, TO TH E PUBLIC. EIIFI. JOHN HENDERSON,_ " Princess Street. [Ii: mt. T. MOORE, 1130, AND OFHER LIQUURS, x BROC K STR E WI`. 873, - .~u.\'. r- 57.110`. { >`-UUBl*`.I.l. BROS. SCOBELL BROS. J. A. ll()\VE. our own; nu- lnghsh an-l r (}cntleIucu's _ I and nlan an nun. ...+ 3 songs, or ` New GOODS! [GARDEN & rmwsn szsnsl From `Engluni. 1 ` h And : /A COMPLETE ASSUR r 1`MI:'N 1` 01-1 VERY CHOICE But One 1 Money only. Princess Street, Kingsto, March 4, 1873. FRESH SEEDS. _. RI, [)l:l'lSS GOODS OF THE NEWEST DE- SIGNS, - 1.Aum.s, masons, FLOWERS, l`l:lM.\lIN(:S, vmnass .2 ORNAMENTS. IIANDSUMI-I PAISLEY SHAWLS,. _, A... BLACK .2 WHITE LACE sruww xunusmrunnxsnnuo GOODS, _ Hl._ANKE'I`S, FLANNEIAS, SHE_E'l`lNGS, 'l`I(:KlN(';S, mxms LINENS, . I`0WELLINGs, ` ` mcr: CURTAINS, TABLE xurxms, I 1,,` L- -. ..-an uLul\D, REAL IRISH POPLINS, SILK MAN'rLE'.vELvE'rs, }In:I':ss NEWEST UIIIIILI Cabbage, Cauliower Tomatoes, &c., .. . I LARGE QUANTITIEE A n lnsm-.ction 1 _ Feb. 2;}, 1373. t.a:* Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, R Li)` urunucnouns 1n all color mares, Fa.ncyTweo in Gentlemen : Outttin . . The Tailoring will be Auy.pe'son buying the lnakiilg of any Gar- ment nu the premises can have it out no of charge. |'le:uoc call and see the Fancy Ready-Made (fluthing in all its variety. I u 4-..... ___., At 1.}. Stacoy s, o Cheap Bookstore. lI{ESPEC'l`FULLY announce: to cus- tomers that he has reaumod buameu in the Rooms OVER A. B. MDONELL S. DRY GOODS STOKE, MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON, with 3. lar 9, new and fashion- able stock of the best 0 Wut of England Broadcloth: in all colours. Doeskim, Lansi- rgereg, Fancy Tweods all tlmir nu-e..+.. ....a BLACK SILKS, (21:05 DE SUEZ OR CORD] iNmG+L 0RiT . `-` \ ;g.3MEs GREEN 1 G. HOBART. , Eu rl Ll arch 4. IYUNIDON JOURNAL, THE DAY OE REST, NEW MUSIC BOOKS, only 30 cent ]5ALFE S SINGING METHOD, 18 MO0RE S IRISH MELODIES. I00 SCOTCH MELODIES, EC EI V ED-130 W BE LLS. \ In gswn. Special Ilericnl Gs senuoIneu Outtting. The Tailoring : rwn inspection. Gantlm ~ M: March 5. 2.11 ARI at the every other 5 1:. 42 J. Gan-linjer. Medical Han: D ESPECTFULLY L tnmarn flnaf I... I. ' ARRIVED AND NOVV FOR SALE Ply Spring '1 Trade. JAM ES GREEN, . Market Squsre, over B/lcl)on nell'a. I J. ARE NOW snowmq FE CORDED SIQKS, JAPANESE SILKS, 9;` II'\io\-- ._ Price made. Sales for Ready SUITED FOR THE J and Franco, comprising the best,va.rig-rtfea of J9 IMPORTERS` OF J. GARIDINER, Aaauufm. - Seed suitable for Hotbedl. ~ respectfully n`!/ltcd. oloun. Causi- I all their variety, and tag. ,8, cent! each ` `Anna:-A- WADE AS I) BU'J`(Il{ER .5` Fifst Clas.; Iiazors Spoons, Forks, Tale or _ Dessert Knives, At Char_ls Gi'igor sl E7`- Pncess Street, Kingston, and Rideau Street, Ottawa. j AR `I0 DUMINWNTHERMOMETERI We /a1'2c`a Small lot of Cherry WILisIc`c;I/ on haml, vry ne ; also about one `hundred doz. I)a-wc s I 0rtcr, well up. LARGE portion of the SI _ sold during the month 4 The rennailnilngtock nf l)ry- I stlll further reduced during . Grnat Bargains will he viven. JUST RE!!!-ZIVFI) All... urnat Iinrgams will he vivenf ' ' JUST RECEIVED, y Allan Steamer. via Portland, :1 select assortment of the Newest Styles of Evening Dresses and Fancy Grena- dines. Great Clearing Sale A | Retiring from the Retail Trade ./Vlacncc Q` W"u,(Idcll -s. NAVAL`_:% li;()RESV. UFBIW3 Feb. 19. PAINT g__I3Xi I~Ff:l Is selling it at the following prices :- Less than a barrel. . ...75 cents per One to ve barrels. . Over five barrels ... .50 Sample Bottles Gratis. Feb. 281.11. 1873. ` sT0cK z~f % EXTRA MACHINE 0lL ; Kingston, Jan. 3, I87.` . n4|4A|L/, JAMES GENUINE WHITE LEAD, UOU)URS of every grade and shade, BRUSHES of all descriptions, &c., &c., A4 1....-. on -' - - - - ~ - - v- 7 PRINCESS STREE'|'. Kingston, Feb. 14th, 1873. l)LUNDEL S DOUBLE BGILEI) OIL, ) BLUNDl'1L S RAW OIL, BHANI!l{AM l5 GENUINE ` VVHI` JCAI). ..-..__ AMERICAN OAKUM. STOCKHOLM TAR, . PINE PITCH, - SOUTHERN TU R1 EN'l`INE, PRESSED AND Wl{()UGH'l` SPIKES. BOLTS, WASHERS, &c., &c., uuuonno or an uescnptions, At James S. Yajl;1"s, nu..--....,, . Ai Jan1e`i'!:t1~':l,(e1"s} DRY GOODS At Jaliue Yau'ker s. BENT STUFF. Harback & 00., can eat machinery with perfect utisf n 1 will not congeal in the coldest wen `_' action, ther. Macnee & Waulclell, " The Thermometrical Question Settled Sheield lglouse. Sheleld Hoqse. VERY I VERY I VERY 1 VERY I VERY VERY , __ .._- -auuv u Ivcnlrul Jamegsw S. Ya1:ker Fr. %v MARCH 7." By the arrival ofthe Just received at the < PRIN (JESS STII l'}l'}']`. At Cheap. Rates, .nzunuJ. J ' BEST E ' BEST. ( ' BE`~'u"l` I ' BEST .` ' BE?!` 1 ` RIMS, ' SHAFTS, '. CIRCLES, ' l'()LES, .` Sl ()l\'l'}.5`, ` HUBS, mail scale of cegts p`e`r gallfn. :h of December. y- (lnmls will be Lg January, and ` Stock has been ! l U ROGERS WHl`l`lS '7 mr. uuuulsn mun us SELLING 85 lbs. of BROKEN LOAF SUGAR for ONE DOLLAR. w. 1:. meme & 00., `I E o'er for sale a small 101: of Waterloo Vvhiskey, made from White Wheat, very old, and is said to bejnpedor to either Irish or Scotch Malt in Toddy. _V HE GOLDEN LION IS SELLING 851 P SUGAR. for {GOLDEN LION. Jon: - 5ruwIan, sun pIll 0llI-I00 IGIOV PHD I0!` cash, we are new to eer induce- ments in all kinds 0? which have never been offered in this ci_ty. All intending buy- 1-rs will be furnished with sample`: before pur- chasing, if required. VKW. ll. Mcllae & 00., _ 'AVlNG on hamlimore than 600Pnck as of TEAS, most of which no of year : growth, and puichued ntlov prices for proared induce. 30 at thc 9 u1r'r`191u1V'1' KIN us OF FANCY do BJSCUITS, all verylselect. For sale the (-OLDEN_WI_;l0N. Wlao is y our Grocer ? ..,.., .nu-IAVIII uuuvi 1T~o`. 1in"kSj zifps, Lead Pi , I Goods, at the lowest rice: as ed I 5 I E.l{.CENT OFF `OR. CASH. . 1_ sTni:ET, KINGSTON, I TO 100,000 Cash Customers who will buy for Cash,-Uookim 1 Stoves, Parlour Stoves, Parlour Cooking Stoves, Dumb Stoves, , I Ir on Rinks, Pumps, Sad Irons, Tinware, Cutlery, Nickle _Sil _ Goods, lowest 'lII"il'_9.I an M1 Lu on." I......... :.. 41.- 2; -- -- - r ' EEAVERS, PILOTS, WITNEYS, TWEEDS, FULL CLOTHS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, FRENCH MERINOE8, LUSTRES, `unu 1' Ian 1: 1 11 I9 UUBTOM DEPAETM that the cheapest, most stylish, AT THE GREAT REDUCTION IN WINTER DRY Goobs __.`._.,- - -_. `.p <- .-.1 - After A very ncceful year`: `business, take this ` friends and customer: forthe very kind and libenl p Thev nnw lmmalm bl... ..-_.- .1... _u__.- .... -. vcry Iucuealnll year: munneu, take this ortunity of thanking their numerou- for the putt mug` 61: have heretofore roeuive_i. They now hope by the same close attention to tnsinen, with 1: air Iuudcautiml in direct importatiom, to be nble to offer extra mduccmentl. In order to nuke non for that Spring Im rtatiom, they have come to the onclusmn to sell their PRESENT STOCK AT C1 )S'l`. 1%`; Sale will be genuine, and no Lunmng. THE CUSTOM DEPARTMENI needs no comment, as the that cheapest. ntvlinh. And n..+ n..+.`.... n...........5.. ....- .- L L- public are now convinced - To COM MEN CE on SATURDAY, the 9th February, Kingston, Feb. 27th, 1873. , I Tue Goods hnvo &heen carefully selected and pe, and an guaranteed to give ntinhction both in V ` few days for of which due noee will AN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED? . v ' _ ` Cousigned to bought in than II::.6 W. R. MORAE 85 00., Twmmoo `wmsxzv. i\'ovember 8. Feb. 0, 1375. ux F ch. 3, I873. w.T.1:. Mcnae & coi, PECIAL bargain: will be given in the 1 N E W - s '1' 0,11 E , SIGN or THE GOLDEN LION.` 011 Exhibition. DIFFERENT KINDS or FANCY BISCUITS. vervnnahmt, I<`...- ...I.. To Families. ` - Grand Annual CLEARING SALE at 1)-Ry` GOODS and CLOTHING, , * IIIDXYIVD -_ 4': AlII'I I !\'~ .uu .. A BRITISH WAREHOUSE. Cash! Cash: cashi Cash! Wnntecl immediately at WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ADVICE OF Fifty-`six Pakeiges of Dry Goods, n ..- ---- EX "SCANDINAV|AN. ; 00II1NEAU' & 00., NEW S'l`0_RAE, McNAU.GH_TON & C0,", NE_W STORVE. uvuj nun, ,, JJIIMIYH HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c. , uuuu any, all IJII I-llllllnlg. 'MEN'1 public are now ` h, and best, tasting (iarmentl, are no bohnd on! At mcNAUGHT N & C0 S, (turner 0! King and Prinoeu Streetl. . Cash, Uookino[8taveI,'H_lJl Moves, Stoves, n ` re, Sad Cutle , Silver Ind ,ed by any lmusc in the city, wit the {urthernduocmont-'o!` SH . ,- ' vvu, ORANGE HALL BUILDINGS, PRINCESS STREET. ---------o-.~ .---.__._--___ ____ ....... van uuu ; nnguuy In buy.-a tueciptl -26.01) bulheln ', sales 3l.l as 46 to we for new mixed wesl 5|} fur old do. in lure; ; 48a to 52: uahwn . JR ... An I . .1. SHIELS, KING srnm, KINGSTON`, -, fnllowing Goodaito clear the balahce of the Stock. :_--- I HE ndP Railway- 1` Comgiznyqfez-_forS$sttheitoce,' Wellington Street, Kin saoo,ooo of Our- poration of the City`of ' Conlolidntod Coupon Bonds, in amount: to suit .pure!no- era at long and_|hort data. Application: to bemadoto n I` .s......._ A. and 1'. 1:. K. Oice. Kingston, Feb.-%tb, 1872. !.iI1.aiaL1M,zv 19 co; E A (uu11.White) ,D.-uggigu, $3oo,oooOi;; ` ston Bonds.- ., my runmu are notied the the pm- - rietorlof theBAB.BIEFIELD3TlAH MILIQ are pupuoid tosaw allkihdrd Lumber. to order, and Oultom Work Ihdu~ H ken in Sawing of'Lumber and Shingl. Feb. 7, 1873. , . I Fqr Indies and Gentlemn with Weak I Lungs, they are invslnable. None Jbotild he V } without them. `V = ' cmzsr Ann Lubm BRA:-4 WOOL PLAIDS, WINCEYS, PLAID AND STRIPED SHAWI8, LADIES CLOUDS, UENT'S WOOL SCARFS, ,LAMB'S WOOL SHIRTS & DBAWEBS, VEH. In-_, in In: - ` 1* I "--V" I5]. illuc.-agn,| March 7.-l:. I lplueutl, 7,099. pA`]' R. TowN'sA ' vv-.1- nuuvnxvnll, 'M_ALAGA GRAPES, . ORANGES, muons, 7 CRANBERBIES, | APPLES, mus, . , sELEc'r AND x 0113 ` AIMIMINERAL WAT , 20 Barrel: at P0? OORN BALI8. " WOOL wmcnvs, PLAID AND s'nupmn nu; Kingston, ' not 23, 1972 mun` Am) ovsmnrnnwr, Feb. 20th, -1373. ' ' n 42 Prlneess Street, Kingston.` NOTH EB SUPPLY OF . PA1"l'IBOI_l 8' L celebnaa y, sud clone positively on tho.l"It March. SELEGT tivsrtns- xxx ovsnsns. Pvisilc notied cm the `. mm of the BABBIEFIELD nun ., - .... .....-.vs..-an an -1 -vau- y Urn; nut I-Iadocn. \\'e will send a messag- I protectiun tn all who come Gut. Tlu. niuion` in a fnilnre. (Signed) A. B. .\II-:.u:uA,\|. The terms ulfored by the commission wen- lmt .\l.u.locs nhuul gu nn Klomatlt re~;'u:-- ation. when they luul bu'n.hef0r0. ,R:1!l'!cz' do this the Indium determined to ht. Cummulding oicon ire now deter , " hand to uccupt no terms, but |1llcun(litinnl rnnder. It is tiov believed that n--tl:- 3 but ghting will satisfy Captain Jack. 5 Boston. March 6. --A fire occurred in " .l\_.._ _,,_A._ .1: - Juteceiyed `JUST RECEIVED, (`III . o...... `NOTICE, iames Moor. ' an n lxlllll-(ll. L` In-gr.`mI has lwcll I llczulqtmrta-rs;_' P hilcl March 41]}. Tu G`-rhimlmn Dm mcriur, \\';uhin-;t .7 ..,--u-. -'1 Ilu AIIZIUIKIS -lmtically refuse all ulll-`t'sa1nl prupositi my propose tn nu.-rt in full force Hum 14] Applcgixte with nix unarmed mu ` va bed. This undoubtedly In rum-hcry. W; Are utill willing to em in :1 ('(vhru.l'ulH,'II, hm. `not upon` nan` Thaw hnvn --n ........n-:.... ..l 011 ,, ___, _. __....... v.--n uh: U1.'|:l.ll'l'9(.l Ill ruburn centre this evening, destroying nix i new-cu dwnlug hnuuzs and stores, `in- ler with 1-no church cmnpletly and an- Ihcr partially. The entire Dmuagu in sn- nt frunl $751,000 to 8100.000. I or Orlaainn, March. 6.-T_he muxnhcxs 0 Fnncau Legislature, who were nrrusr. [this afternoon by the police, were r.vl. zujb iluun :u`xu: .':sr-In. 1'1;-a Flu-:;;:n Leg: `~ -. .>| raw vnnx _DSPATGHES. - nun - puuvu I.i\';-rpool . , `I -..-us-----. --..._.. H. 7-hn En-l_vn I`:-msun. . _.. u `I The I P:\l'|i:mwm almost cut I 1872 and .\`1..~;'.|ia|'nl' I roll! {mm 1837 to the 3 l"l.\`.~\.\'I'l:;\l. .`\.\' H l'U.\l.\l HI >ABLE NEWS. mulon. March u . Ix N EW YUIIK MARK HTS. J.\"l'|31 . num1\c-r of l :urli:\n death . . ..u,- `an.- :i'hoy have z ly- .u..m.f.TT...'.I.'.i.'. (Bod Inc the Queen, `A. H. lhcxn-r, B...a.....;.,. rommcrclul. , ._ cilcu, Man-h Ii. :.\l.`;s`rm'K' MARI I ,, uuucll -,_uu:s ;u,uuu u mixed 5-gum ; Itore : 48: 14: 59.. 5... . ....-. ....'-. .-uuuu. : this hour the c r vcuu\`n` weaker-II. liarlcy I lighuy in huycru favour ;. I50]! 3|.0l.I) bush - ..,.-.... . nu .u.uu--cs rm ullk-`rs and prnpositinmz. in Iuzwlnrun .351. .z_ ..,, V, ` 3--I:weipu hug. 15,101 ; H:\':|ll:o_ Segre` _-u-y .n_.._ Win up u 4 - ` "- I . .F10lIl T\5k7l'i[nl8 l,Zl[]) s at `Olly but with lirlner at 0pq..`"".' Wine advance .3... ..._ unnah-4| 0.. Il....... Ho` --.. u... .. 4-.-... I1 7. ~- Arrived, and B:\Itinuv1-0. .-umiuually from 1823 vi the House of Com :- year of his retire \'im~-mnt Us singtnn . diml last nigln 1n -. He v:m mcmlw ..-. ` . ......_, TlIo Mada- Thonms Lm\`r_\ ` mm for 'I'_\'rum'. -The following` ml, `J07 ..lI'..... cu, I I I anu.-1|. I, 121-; ukml. |U|` nlkeul ; : city in very ycrn IBVOIIP ; IAIN bush ; |ggf_(Irf| . Km. I, 2.1!: ask:--I. I ulfcrcd, I00 .\I:~rt:h 7. , I82; lukoul. L I I I asked. I"I -I nuhnul !'I|iL'l .\ I. F II!) Ill ' Harley favour : I lllllefrz Hu- ' 7 `HE celebrated Freich Stallion LION _ t1l::Ali'l`. He is a pure French Cana- `umn Horse, purchased by the OWIWI` ilr `lower (lanzula, and is now known in the f'H<-wu_uhipa about Kingston as 3 tirst.-cl.-Ls: Zimrnung horse. Ani one wanting such :1. - I-one l_nul better appy to the owner at once t Morton : Distillery. - pr .|.u; nauunv 1 I (3 SPlc`.l.MAN "[11:13 n.-u`LU.NAL HOTEL, in the village _ of Vcrona,_Towmship of Portland, situ- ate`; within :1 few rod; of tho Kingutun and ` [-m'|,fokc llaihu , will be sold on moderate ! 1;...-m,., For fun. er particulars apply to the I Igropriewf 0!) the pl'8l|ilI. ` | J. CHARLTON l Vemnn, `Ml. March. 1873 I '|`*'.;. ` - vo Iwvu-av! V i T a bargain. All the furniture belo ing to the Wolfe 1.}.i.j..i17 C11-:lEF.sE 1Ag. 'I'HI{\' \'-o- 13..---- u `Ir - a A an mu-gun. an the fnmitnre belo ing Inlnnd CHEESE FAU- TUKY. Vata, Pa-cues, Hoops, Urnne, \`Veigh- "JS UNI. to. Address, ' . 1'. s. BENNETT, , "I V_Volfe Inland, Ont. ;_ uuuszc, `on 1 couioi X roolul ; can be used a tennn psrticul.-u-I | :v-um av. uu|ULUc ,'HE NATIONAL l-IOTEL,#in 1 I , of Verona. Tnwnnl-min nf Ira... I-x. Hogs: I y 111:`. l'11VLAY PROPERTX will easy term James Shannon, DAILY NEWS I ` Jan. 2-}. `- ()7: 1 `LU 4|-Ell: i` `1U'l"l`AHl'Z.5' TO LET, near the Hrmfc lun. I E For pnrticul:1rsn1nply to \\'illi. ! the prcnilcs. 1 Fri. `JR .1.-mu-. Mme. limthcfurt ha: heenauppnrtcd I in her illm-as I-y hcr wish tn join her children. ` nhu \u-re rntrm-tml to the can: ofnfricml \\|m rs-niulus at St. .\|:u'Lin dc Fe. where her 7 j huuhzlvul is new conne-l. She has already haul - } new-ral inlcrvicws with M. Ih.-strum. ha-r ]hu.~sl:unl'u l\'I... ` ' " ` ` I ` \ \.\TEQ Boa , - fan-Fly ' iv-.drnom.~ azxj 1,.. ` this ni-:e. I-'..1. I-3 , Iv auucu. - `v.f.\NTI-JD A GUOD GENERAE slin- ` - VAXT, to whom liberal wages will be V gin-n. Apply at this office.- Feb. `. 4!.h._, g _ -_.._ % j Wanted. 1:? \\"rnn n.......: -...1 . J ,- --V J-l\IUO ( )l"I"lI'l-`:4 To |.m'..:I'wo lnrgcmul 1.1.3.` mutt Huolnu looking ml l'rim.-cm; Street, n\'cl" llly aturc. n uvnm... 1 us. :.ni1u\.l\o ll.-1!. " I | | 'l`hc.di_iculty that arns'e betwe--n the Ifolice 4 l'unllIl|l8|0nCfl and the st. Patrick a somatic: ` about the line of nmrch to be pul'Il_lO\l by the Ipnrmle oirthe l7th inst. was amicably: e_et- ` tleul yeeterulay. A culnunttee nf the societies ; called upon the Board of Police ya.-stenlay and ` lprnpmed that the parade should adopt the ` line from Twenty-thircl street and` Sccoiicl ; ; avenue to Second"etreet end the Bowery. to ! (':ux:il street, to Centre, and thence to Cham- ` here an-ct. where they will take the sidewalk ' and continue to the (_.'ity Hall Park, entering I by the hut gate. Passing throu h the park, the rolulun will go through Broaa way tn l4th at rm-t. around the \\'.-ishiugton monument, Mung Hth street to Ninth avenue, to Thirty- fourth street, and down to the Cooper Insti- ' tute, where they will mu-nt being entirely (`umniiesioners the I` then. The details ' lay I Police. with nnnmr __ \` V -II-- - ' I I ` 1: i } V i sl an n.u I llls I -V. _M:u-ch 7. 1' IL, l'm|ti.-onk, .\lcNeu & \V:ul:l-II, 6 I-.1.l-s. Alnt'I'it_.':l1IgtI(u].`; A. Gum: & (`c-., lnl-ls ('|lIl'.'lIIlE| (S. l{ulu:rtsun.1.ml In I r.-nisc-u.<: \\'alulo:ll. uigln-, Henderson. nk-,.-- sI...I.:..-.. 1. )1` l.lx T sm':I.-4; rr:1~ i .\|m-m-c ,& V . case! Nluiglnt, l inlon. b