nu, unnano-st. S, ` Trust; and Loan `Ito and .i.l..l..:,1.. AGENT 32,559,180 Welling 3,002,740 1,103,929 zulu 1.02111 1 A(l:X:I.i(1e ,__- ,.......-5c. N. B.-'I`he square to be conned to the or- dinnry business of commercial houses,` nnd for such houses it will not be held to inalude Auction Sales, Advertisement: of Shipl, Re- movals, Copnrtnership Notices, Privata Ad- ertisements of Individual Members of Firms Of egg to Let for or Sale. 7.---.- ,- - ....u nu: square, [C per 840, with the pri` to once a month. Half square, for d` with same privilege. k `D "IVI Bvsmnss Ifncrs.-AH matter under this heading, or solid, 8 cents per line, measured by"ra scdeof solid brevier, over 10 lines; under 10 lines, 75 cents; under 7 lines, 50 cents. ' Other Notices in editorial columns, the ob- ject of which is to promote the pecnnisry or private interests of individuals or Companies, such as Reports of Banks, Insurance Compa- nies, Notices to attend Lectures, Amusements, Meetings, Sermons, Acknowledgments of Do- nations, &c., to be considered advertisements, and charged on the same scale and in the same manner as Business Notices. Subsequent inlet-tionl hot ordered oftener than once a week, 4 cent: per line. Notices of Births, 50 cent: each ; Notice`! of Maniac 5:` ..-...o. -....L \`l,;_1,,,- - mu 1, in which appeared .tba following, whic was read in court :--I(y own dnrliu . do you think you will tire no in writing. ff an were to get a big box of pen, ten clown ttlcs of ink, and sthouuhd quires oi per, gr would not write to no more thxn I I ould dclightod to road. (Basra of laughter). CULTIVATION or 1-1:: Pun: 'l`n-- -- nuuucu on mrcns, Mnniages, 50 Deaths, 50 cntn one in advance. Ten lines, 31:25 for rst- three insertions, mm 20 cents for every subsequent insertion. Above 10 lines, 8 cents per line for first in Iertion; and 4 centa per line for av'ery subse- quent insertion. Sixlines and udder, $1 for first three inser- tions, and 15 cents for every subsequent in- ucrtinn. ` i n.-wssing the harvest circulation `of any I\ c-wspaper publisher in thin city, this Jour- nal otfers the best medium for Local and General Advertisements; therefore advertile in the V I I I See Tariff of I;a, and if you do not I:ul.-cmly take zul\`nuta.gc of types and ink, I't:su]\ e at (once to Advtertise 1 ; Contracts and YearlyA cements for Ad vertiscments made at the aily News Office ENEWSPAPER COLUMNS! ' If you would drive vour business, and not ` be driven, .. uuuguwu w ruau. gnolrl OK ungnter). or `I'll! Punt Tan H 8nm.moa.--`A Gennsn pomslogist gives cer- tsin gures in to tho cultivstion of plum trees, by which he shows that Ioodlings obtained by plssting spprovedc vsricties sre such men: hsrdy, sud resist cold sad the in- ' furious agencies of insects, lunch better than on ' or grsitings. This is supposed to dspon upon the more usble nature of the loots sml their more sct penstr/gtion into the soil tosnchv-I dcptfthst they no lsss ex- posstl_to the sction of frost or other injurious- XOIIOQ. `V If you have spout money in the -`purchase and ` vruction of XII] attractive sign for your place of , '!IlKiIlL'rnI, cm,-ry such a judicious Itep 5 little nu-thvr, and repeat the sign a thousand times. ` i'|:u'u the particulars of your business before Yhc public and ,- > ,\II:l : YEARLY AGREEMENTS. > The square to be 221ines of solid brevier. The half square 11 lines ditto. Price for square, for one yenr, for daily [at Del` 34 In6L 6|... ..._'___-I - -- ` ` THE MOST successruu \ l.u::l.l Paper is the heat median; wherein to ..lvertis_e a Local Business, therefore go and ADVERTISI G, 'rA_rurr or RATES ma. . Tradesmen and Merchants` -m.1LY NEWS. ADVERTISE. W: I No orgsn of thought or action can be em- mod without the uIintuc&oL~the blood, no organ an be employed safe] or with jggpnnity without 3 uuunlv of had 11 I-Ina-A nun-ilnltu their success to nlibural and jmlicimuruuc of If you wuulul attract customers, pa- , the privilege of altering limited month. ,,._-, .. ......... vpvu ; nuucau `niagep, cents each Notices` of , each. These rite: to be paid z mce. DAILY `NEWS. Advertise ! ADVERTISING. A-lmit the importance uf THE DAILY `NEWS-_FRID_AYgEVENING MARCH 7. % % |ALLAN ' LINE. .. -\JIJl\iv JAMES SHAN N ON, Princess street, Kingston. and `e e7.1',fo";Z.i' .I`;tT3"$r"2n""'L`1i impunity III ply heel y blood. ,W1th healthy blood t exoacieed organs be- eeue well developed, whether they be muscu- lar or intellectual. By the use of _Fel|own ` nd 8 I H h lute: th $epeetri`l:Pvit`;lized a1: no?:ied. An: Advertise ! ff ,5 f 6 17 , ft ff 1)} 5, :5 `. ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertise ! -- wt vl.l_lCI'g lL1CENSED AUCTIONEER, Commiuion Merchant. All kinds of Second-hand Goods, Furniture, Clothing II1d`Jewelry bought and sold. 5' Money to Loan in small sum : on sitin- factory security. Martin : Block, Princess Street, Kin . Doc. 20th- 1872. No. 1 and 2 C. C. connect at Brockville with the Grand Trunk` Ea.stern.a.nd Western Ex reu trainu. I-eight lqaded with dispatch, and n0 tran- shipmentfrpm point: `on the Grand Trunk to pointlonthe B:-ock'villa'nnd Ottswa Bail- wny. ' 11- A 1-rn. .-an Perth Carle- fnn F011 Place and Point 3iOtt wn: ur or Inseuocuu 3:32? Sn ' ml Ren- .fu-nuy I EROCKVILLE 85 ' Arrive I872, Tums wm. Rum AH Fonwws :- | EAI1-ive Brock- ville _--- -I--an--f-HI: Ganada Central & :Brockvi11e & Ottawa:.a,i1wa.ys. -.__. Great Broagl Gauge Route to ottawa. ASK 1-`on TICKETS VIA BROCKVILLE.' on and after Manny, December 9, 1872. TRAINR \UlI'.`l. R11}! Au Daron`..- . Leave Pnriuant to the 50th Rule of the House, notice is hereby given, that the tiu_z'e for u-;u'IIvc L1 lllvflllllo ` HE oentnl idea. in the treatmen of all m Chronic \Vuting Diseases, resulting in orvonn Prootrstipn a_nd General nobility, in to inprovo the Dlgenloli and Assinnilntion of Food, and the fonnatmn of _l-lualthy Blood. Dr. Whaler`: Componml Ehur of P bate: nu! Cdiayo contain: __g;he, only Agent: nowii tutu! dinctly u excttauto of nutrition, by f-pg-ting tone to the Sta h Li J Pncnu. the great tripod tl:::cnr e...:.:'.:l. will ex ire on WE ufV MA `UH next. Hi Alll newspapers will please insert above until the meeting of 1'arlin.ment. Jan 21 Iii-m , a "' "An experienced Surgeon carried on each vessel. Berth: not secured until paid for. For Freight or other particulars up ly in Portlaml to J. L. Farmer, or Hug` and AnilroWgAllm ; in Quebec to Allan: Rae SL Co. ; "In Hawre to John M. Currie, 21 Quai l) U1-lean: ; in Paris to Gustave Bosunge, line du 4 Septembre ; in Antwerp to Aug- Schmitz & Uo., or Richard Berni; in Rotter- dam to S. P. Ittmann & Zoon ; in Hamburg to \V. Gibson & Hugo ; in Belfast to Charley 6'. Malcolm; in London to rMontgomrie & Grernmorne, I7 Grace-church Street ; in Glasgow to James and Alex. Allan. 70 Great Clyde Street; .in Liverpool to Allan Bros., . Jamel Street; or to H. & A. Allangcomer of Youville and Common Streets, Monti-eal. Jan. 22. ' ...j_:______---_______} oxlynbllllalt-3 U ' |G_L2iG_ow '1'."fr_na; v.___---c-`I-vv J-lJ.L`-IEI are intended to sail between the Clyde and Purtland :1: intervals during the season of Wjnter N avigntiqn. -we-Qgzawzs PARLIAMENTARY mmcai ST. DAVID . . . . .. .\"l`. ANl)IH'}\V .. S'l`. l A'|`klCl\' .. -(II-IV` -vunnrlv`A`4u.'lllIJ llllll DIGIIIHUIIIIK I Veucl. , Tonnagr. Omnmamlcrn. SARDINIAN . . . . . . . .4100 (Buila1ing.) I'll{CASSlAN...........3400 (Building) CANAl)lAN~ (Building) l~`()l.YNESlAN . .. . ..-H00 Capt. Brown. SARMATIAN. . . . . . . .3600 Capt. J. W lie. IIIBEIKNIAN . . . . . . . Capt. ILS. atts CASPIAN Capt. Barclay. SCANDINAVIAN . . Capt. Aird. PRUSSIAN . . . . . . . . Lt l)utton,RNR. AUSTRIAN . . . . . . . .2700 Capt Richardson .N'EH1`UltlAN . . . . . . . .2700 Capt. Ritchie. MURAVIAN . . . . . X. .2650 Capt. Graham. PEIIUVIAN . . . . . .2600 Lt. Smith, RNR MANITOBAN . . . . . .3150 Lt.Archer, RNR NOVA SCUTIAN . . . .2300 Capt. Grange. NORTH AMERICAN 1784 Capt. Miller. ARCAIJIAN .......... ..l350 Capt. W ilaon. (iU|{lN'l`HlAN . . . ....2400 Capt. Jan. Scott. 1650 Capt. E. Scott. 1432 `Capt. ll. Wylie. I207 Capt. Stephen. THE STEAMERS OI" THE I I\lEl'!ll\1\| 11:1`: n1.n.>uur.Ita U!` 1111:. LIVERPOOL MAIL LINE .~ln.ilina from Ijvm-......I ,...-.... rm .... -3-.. -_ 1 Inivblli \I& |'l"Il- Nailing from Liverp_mol every Thuridn. , and fl-mu lvrtlmnd every Saturday, cal ing at Lough Foylu to race-ive on board and land M ails and Passenger.-; Lo and from Ireland `and Hcotlnnd,: are intended to be despatched from Portland :- ` ~. A uvw.c`v . -.- . -. .-NEIANDII-Q'AV'IAN . . . . . ' 8th March: l`ULYNES~lAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15th PERUVIAN 22nd Rates of Puingo frc;m I*m-tland : (Jnbiu.......................870 to $80. Steemge.......... $25. . '!`lJD a'I'VnA1l no nu nu... IIIIII Ind passed. ' - ; On motion of Hon. Mr Pardon, the report of` the coipmittee on the bill establishing an ital forhsbitual druukards was received. on. Mr Mowat's bill relating to oicial securities pused through committee. The House then went agsin into commit- too on Ben. Mr Crooks bill respecting municipal institutions, which in: reported with certain amendments. ' Tho Hnnn- _. 1 1 1: n UIISGI I01 IFIIB UOIIVOYBIIOO OK I Canadian ad United states Mallml This: Company : Lines are coniponed of the umlernoted First-clau, Full-powered, Clyde- built, Double-Engine Iron Steamahipo : Vuul. l'mm...... n..............:.._.. Under contract with the Government of Canada for the Conveyance of` anatllnn Allll IIIIIIAII Hinton Ilnlln. I Bmgkviue, Dec. 9, 1872. uuunn vllu UlUUl4lllg 1 Jan. 31, I873. ._..:._j._j I`872'-8.- Winter A_rrange7nenu.-`-1872-8. , CANADA CENTRAL RAILVVAY. Receiving Petitions PRIVATE BILLS Crosby `moved the second reading of : the bill tn prohibit the use of traction en- 1 `inc: on highwayn.-Cn-tied. on motion of "nu My \l .......o :. ....- ..- .;No. QN-0. |Exprl.|Exp`1-3. 10 u, ,_ _... _ ... -..-nu biu.......................870 zerage. . . . was srE}i&ii:Ii;"6p was A(1rIl\'I-c ----- AUCTIONEERS. HOUSE OFTCOMMONS. 1". Werner, I A Itnvninxvun--- TIIE CLERK : QFFICE, Ottawa, January 30th, 1873. pan on u1gnways.-Unmed. On motion of Hon. Mr Mowat, it was re- Vgolvod that the House sit on Saturdays at . clown o'clock, and that` Guvemmont or- der: have precedence on all day: except Hll. Ml rank-' hi" --1-:61-.. 5- LL- ._-A2- - I IWEDNESDAY, the 26th day xext. ALFRED PATRICK, V Clerk nf Hm I-L----- ;__._____..__.._ OTTAWA RAILWAY I .r'1u::D PATRICK, Clerk of the House. Carle- Prth | Brock- ville B e n- frew Ott wa } L-OBVB .uuu urumung.) .3400 .2600 .-H00 Brown W .3434 U.'1|nt.l{.S. ..3200 Bnrcln .3(XX) Lt Hutton. I1 . 0'h)`k L-1|! 11;. ILE. W $558 Duttun, BN1! RN It [. 2300 1350 Wilson. 2400 I[`.l!_~! nI.' 'l`lll4` * Julnulyi. _ Hon. Mr Crooks bill relating/to the regis- tntiqm ofeo-partnership was read a third limo and pulsed. on mntinn nf Han `M . D....l-.. u. -`..-_-_L Brock- um- IA`:-rive wn Place LVO Exin -fa 10 45 I\r|m Z10 no. 1Expr l 810 Arfcw bill; were read a third time and I panod and other: advanced a stage until six o'clock when the House robe. ` Afiar um... ...-......I ....m:.. .....I __ ._-A_ ueen cnusrgea, retted and reitfruinhed thi; season. Fn-at-class Sun 1e`Roomu and ample accommodation. Omni yes meet all ham: and boasts. 0 T\ Axvvunrn - OHN ACKERS, Manager. Commercial Booms. Good Stabling. March -30. -r ICII Jill. II If Wcl ENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA. -LThin home 0 is entirely new in every respect, having been enlarged, retted and reiuminhed this Samn1a`Rm.m. .1 ......n- nee ummbua to angl fromthe Boats Carriages for parties wishing to visit place: of interest cm be secured at the oice. A First Class Livery attached. May 27. - [international Hotel. N08. 175 31nd 177 Main Stret, Brockville, 0nt.-JonN JELLY, J r., Proprietor. Free Omnibus to sn_d from the boats and cars. Carriages parties wishing 111 visa. ..1..... ..c ovum I IIVVCTQ RCIHTECT 'AND ,i3UlLDING SUB- A_ VEYOR. Olce and Residence Queen Strut. nu` on nrom U I the poor. M. (:LARI, L.D.S., DENTAL Rooms, F, No. 4 VVilson a Block, \Vell.ington street, Between Princess and Brock Sta. [ Satisfaction Guaranteed. July 31. - nun ur uun uum, Jsngland, Hammo- L pathic Physician, 8111' eon, kc. Oieoi and Residence removed to V Ellington Street, nearly opposite the Post Otce. balls in city ' ht da , tl tt d :1 at country, mg or )3-pl1I'(1)`x1;1g)v Ra. Mnne Thos. 1:. Dupnis. M.n}, r.n.c.1>.s SOMETIME Assistant Surgeon U'. S. Army, \Vashington, and later, Attendant at the Massachusetts and City Hospitals, and Eye and Ear Inrmary, Boston). " . OFFICE AND Rwstlmxrntzv .-_ .u_- _,_, -u uenucx wnen me uouse rose. 1 After receu several public and private of slight importance were advanced 8 mac. I ..,v uuu uni. Luunnary, nosno V0FF,ICE AN D RESIDENCE-i.n the pre- mises recently occupied by Dr. Jarvis, and previously by Drs. Evans and Maclean, 4V0. 155 PRl,\ l.'F.'_Q'.Gr .C"l'DI.7l4VIV r.-.........J all use. J`AVllI uuu. HLECIBRD, No. 165 PRl;VCESS,.S'TREET,v nearly opposite Tandy Bros Marble Wot August 7. \; Ul we rence tor me uoumy 01 frame- nsc, Ontario Street, Kingston, directly a _po line the Montreal Telegraph (Jompn'uy u 0 ml. Kingston,` July 19, I871. ARRISTER-AT-LAVV, Solicitor in Chum cefiy, &c., Clarence Street, between`, King an Wellington Streets. ` -_._..-... _-vw...--u-`nu, Ail:-Io, EMBER of the Royal College of Surgeons,` _ En land. Residence and Office :- Dumble s lock, \Vcllington Street, Kingston. June 29. . = 01.53? UFCDIVISION COURT, Notary Pu Iic bnveynnccr Commissioner in Queen : Bet;ch, kc. Nov. 27. ARRISTER mu} Attorne -at-Inw, So- B licitor in Chancery.: otary Public, Couveyincer, 32 King Street, Kingston; Out. At Gunanoque, over S. MoCammon I Drug Store, overy'.Tuesday and Friday. Jan. 14, 1873. V _...v`... _...v- uuvnng TTORNEY-AT-LAVV, Solicitor in Chunn- I cery, Notary Public, 33 King Street, Kmgston. . 3. Feb. 7, 1873. noon pononnecl. ` ' Hon Kr }IcKe1lar had no objections to mini: return being brought down-C.1r-i . . ` _ Cl. ureet. Kingston, May 25th, 1872. j Albion Hotel, lllill-st., Stir TOHN A(`.l(Ii`.RQ M .... -_ nu - ..._u~vu-runcililg lJ- II-S-9 DENTIST (successor to Dr. Day) No. 156 ' Princeu Street, Kingston, Ont. . UFFIUE HOURS from 9 A.M. to 5 I .M. From 0 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devuled to be -_v........n.v, -rv-swan! FI-`ICE AND RESIDENCE oppoaitd the 0 Post Otce, Wellington Street. Established in Kingston in 1857. Aug. 22. ____.v ._.,.-u- -vuo-I IIIIIICIQ IOHNSON AND UNTARIO STREETS, Kingston, Canada. . E. MIESAP '& C0,, Prop:-iota . .__._____;_-.j. ,_ _ - __ ._v -`r-, n-nun: (SEIN ACKERS, Mm (`nmmnrnial D.......... Richard 'I`. Wulkenn, `H)LI(}l'l`0l{. IN UHANCEIIY. Clarence Street, Kingston, Unt. J. 1'. UILDEIL: .. .... :1, L. ltn:nAnn '1`. \V1LLKEM. 1'9: May 23. __ -- -_.. WV- -v._, ( DUN TY URUWN A l"l`Ul{NEY and Ulenln - J uf the Peace for the County of Fronts-V Hut 1 Inten-u'n Hlzrunf. Kinunnfnvu :14-.4-Gal. ....v... mu. la. 8. Wood said am it hm been 5 alleged that 400 electors had been placed I llpoll the poll books, and to ascertain the | truth of this Wu a matter of public interest. | Th. Att0I'llOY~G2u0I`al 1151] it was nl oh- I |)A ll{IS'l`El{S and Attorne s-at-Law., Cm!- ) vcyanccrs, Notaries I'uh ic. I E Mccammon, Gananoque, `1L}JRK OF DIVISION J Public, Couveyanccr, in R. Gaze, RCHITECT, MARBLE BLOCK, Princes L,` Street. Dr. J. Jarvis. ' ATE OF LONDON, England, Hammo- J Physician. Surgeon. am. mam Dr. Maclemfs (Huge pEMOVED TO VMACLEAN & CO S Drug |, Store, Princess Street. Mav 23. . T Dr. llenry B. Evans. _ )1! HENRY B. EVANS, M.R.C.S., Lon- " don. Office, 156 Princess Street. 1lacdonal_d J: Patton. ARRISTER8, &c., Trust and Loan Build- ing, corner of Toronto and Adelaide raetl. ;Al{l:Is'1`I:1{S and Attomcys-at-I.a'w, So- licitors in Uhmwcry, Jw. A. S. KIHKPATRKFK. vs---an g an 1-0 to, April 16, 1372. IJETFIOII . H; Rykertmoved for information as to ` tkomount of drainage work which had] been performed. Han In Lt..t:.n.. 1...; .... -L:....:-,..- `.7 James Dlccummon, M.l)., l`\lDL`l) .: 4|... n..--_1 n, .e. L ` Anglo-American llotel. menu 'A\YI\ ..xnn.n~.-.\ .......- t{i.1crsne;;e 3; 'w{ii{;?.}{.' lDIIlCH|"`l.\I|Lv -_, 1 `LL . (_l-(i;l(|n:>Itrick Tsniythc. nun. /71.. Cl:ments, Dentist. 11m A xv:-. nn...-.\..--...._ ARCHITECTURE Alex. 8. liirkpatrick, urnur 1 ununvnv A Vlwntnlutv I111 F. M. lark. L.D.S. {wt A1517 1- v. n. "i"i.`iachar. III, - Daniels liotel. > mnuru Anus. . .-- . IITIUU. 7 `- Mr Rykert said if Mr Bethune wan I01 for Mr 0"RoilIy in the south` Renfn-w`; election can he did not see why this Home 1 thank! supply him with information. '1 `Hr Boultbeo opposed the motion. : } MrrMcDonz\ld said this was not I` matter in which the public were concerned. um! the Q Honu ought not to be asked to supply this i iaformatioii for Mr Bethune`: pri\'ato.bane 1 1 Joseph Bawdcn, `ITIJIY Ar!` r .1`: n .. .. l)ENTlSTRY._ John Power. rnm A\YY\ -..---- lllucdonald, L.D.s., lau....--..-_ 1.- I'\ u S. DANIELS, Pam-nu.-`ron. r3_ - ~:I~oIm Mudle, .11: An-11 A117 n .. JOHN A MACDONALD, Q.\C.` Juana lwrrox, (3.0. ..:I It! Iunn L0. KIRKPATRICK. . Surrnz, M .A. ya`, 3 Works. stun: or mm Wu matter of public interest. ` Thy Attoruey~Gencral said it was of the ` greatest im rtance tn ascertain whether 3 public franc?) had been committed`, and the I mxpolue of the return would be triing- 1 u 4 ll- D..I.-_4 _. .-., I I ' F -' I Onrod J Oicev. hours daily, Sand: Pout Oce. Kinmton. ) ya excepted . from` 7.30_s.m. to 6.30 p.m.. `R. DEAUON. ` Pontmuten-.3 uruuu 'l`rlllIK KIIIWBL ' Train: arrive and depart {tom the Kinptou station as follows :- nnnun .-n._ Express . . . . . . . . Expreu . . . . . . . . Mixed Train _ UUIIU W11`. Arrive. 4.10 A,M. 3.45 RM. 9.30 P. . "coma EAST. xsxpreu . . . . . . . . lixod T1-sin Elm \ ` MA3TIR'l Ho1'tL.-Stage`:-arrive and depart from this pleee u folibw-e '_:--` From Picton, dnily, "5~`p.n. ; leave at 8 mm 8 denhun, dd] .Jl mm. ; l".AM p.m snownmith, ' y, 11 e.m.; leave at 4 pm. Batteries, daily, 1ls.m. ; leave 31: 4 Ban. Inverery, Tueldey, Tlmrldly Iqd stun-day at 11 an ; leeve same dz eat 4 p.In. Ne1_vl.urgh,_'dLily,'ll am. ; vs at 4 pm. `Ce;-o Vmeent, daily, 1 pan. ; leave at 3 p.m-_ Blenpnrh `ll .-um ,,n-u. _4-.-- -~-!- - mrou nous the DeIninion,'Greet B:-Tcif frelsnd, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Ilhnd. can be obtained at this Oice. Also Postage Stamps and Poet Cards. , ` ` UEZPUSITS reeeived tinder the regulations of the Poet Oce swings Bank, between the hours of!) mm. end 4yp.m.' AWE..- 1.-.... I " want It 0 p.lIla-` Buuru-. s Hm-n..--Bath 11:30 Ann M` """"` .1 gall. ' ' ` " - Sna: 0mc1.-C Vince 1'. stages at noon ; loagwnt 8 I.l:.,V 1 And 233;? Gzu1.n1 r'dn1..-Mo1-ton stage arrive: on Mondny, Wednesday and l"nday,"nt 2:30 p.In. ; losvu at 7 p.II. , Cane vimmnl: -4...... .L'-l.-...L=._A mgonum. . I Mr Rykert moved for the return of all . poporacdnnoctcd withthu Elgin -.-hsociation. | Carried. ' - , Mr.Bathun nmvud For the name: of par`: an to 11mm` pzttents were iuuod in the Townships of Hagan y, Jones, Sherwood, &c. Hon. `Mr Came:-an said Mr Bethune .being counsel in an electioncaso coming before nnothdr party required this informa- tion and he did not think this House was tflnnd to nnpply him with matcrjggl for skis i `of. ` " i . 5 ussvuu ` ya. Cspe V IF I [LIL invent` ltlgal ctjbntimo. I u I: " . IIIICC . . I P CANADIAN LINE (via Portland) every_ Friday at 11.30 mm. Postage 15. per lulf ounce. 1 'Registered Letters Ilmuld be msiled half 91; hour` previous to the timn n: ..I....-.... n... negulterea Letters Ihould mil an roviouu to the time of cloning the Mails. egintntion Fee 8c. J ` "` MONEY ORDERS, on Money `order Ocu throu hont the Dominion, Great Britnin injcl fl-elsnd, Nowfoundlnml mm! P--'----- .,----...... mu-I11.-D wm ne cloned as follows : ` Per DIRECT LINE (via New York) every Mon y st 11.30 am. Postage 8c. per hag unce. I [`A`M'A'I'\`l A\r `(V1-rt: - - - * BRITISH MAILS will be cloned follows DIRF`.(`.'l` `IJNIE t..:- 1r__1r-J - iEDI-- is`: 1} umuusse or mo ununo V evermary um- lege, Toronto. Office. City Hotel, `Arrival and Departur of Malls. I ANIEL McINTOSH,7\:o:;ri;n.ry Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lmm. Tm-onto. Office. Citv Hotel. Kinnton. N-`U1tA..LV|Jl.`4 Ageun, notary ruuuc, Ac- countant, &c. Oice` over: Mr Parker : Drug Store. Kmgston, Oct. lgt, 1872. nounu brief. II- ...uuu.a nuru..--nuuI 0 Arrive! I 11:30 tun. on Tuesday, urlday and Snturda. ; luvust 3:30 o'clock the name days. Vsuanoque, daily, arrives at 11:30 mm. ; leave: at 3:30 .In. Cape Vincent, anive at l1:30u.m. : gun as n..m.. I And .;i.i'; 1359;723:307 ".17. '"'.'p'.' V 11:30 am. ; gLyo_st8 5.111., 2 p.m. M - ` .rIlVe l p.:n. [nun-n fl [N SURANUE Agent,` Notary cnuntant. &c. Oice` over It Oce, Kin lit F_'eb., 18 3, nu guinea ny upcnmg :\ correspondence. _ Hon. Mr Cameron saw such diiculties when the present farm of confederation was adopted. These diicnltiea might be largely removed by :n lmrluoniuns wurking between the two Gnvermnunts instead uf the policy punm-.d Ivy gentlemen in raising n spirit uf nnmgonism. Ur Ilwlnn-D mnuml 6'..- H... -..A..... -1: _n w-us ...- )0 ;1? OFFICE, KINGSTON. I- OIOI--I-uh 2 23222 _.._j__.:__. -,a . Th` Can an has been doing business in `Cumin I 1 50 ` `. 5` thalt. timephuy `uncured the public condance H` 101.; new lilm ` , ...n-.-.. 1... . nigh. `I6 I... I-Ilu n.nv.o.IhuI -6l. oh (1-..- .1- 1 This Company for near] ye", that time has prom libs, . every fair claim. It hufully complied wit]; the WI 0 Cgngdg by .19 ( 1..un-n-n.-.5 Al Clbnnlin 6.. 6|.` nub.-at A` C III` .....I 3. _._A_,__. I . tnat tune nu Iecureu we pumw connuanoe prom And lihcrd " hufnllycompliod with Canada (1% Government of Stock: to the extent of ,000, and imprcpud to inn.` terms As low at the ufety Q! the Assured will `t, . Kingston.Jn1Y 20. 1371. MES 8 1 . "'"". 3 Wmcei United States, State And City Stock and other Public Securities uA31Li i91t's.-ciam So : ana'}in.d5St.a . Kixggston, July w-_.' Cash on hand ... ` Q11 Fnknhn LOSSES PAID Inaaymlgg... AIIeu-July 1._;111 (dc iizu-kc: value), f|--L ._ L-..) --J 3.. `D-_L mun uovernment on the subject.- The Attomey-Geneulgulmitteul the great importance uf this uubct and fully ngrood that some Court In dam th constitution- ality of theTm9:mm-s I d shnuld be estab- liahed. He did mgt think anything would- be gained by npcning correspondence. "on. Mr Czmmrmn nnw nun}: Aiimuhi... :______ IETNA INSAURANCE comm; __[}\ISUll`A,NCE AGENT. Grand Trunk Railway. Ill arrive And dang:-t li-nm H... In. 4! _y_I;'rEluNAnv. `Daniel ni}:1u'ft3s1[ John V. Noel. 1 37 3,; n- u-- 00110 WET. Ann-nu ----u--n-wuw ya-I2 ICIB IlII|'llI Hg I7]! III power: of this Legislature. an we had no I Court to decide the comtimtionnlity of the llcanreo. Such is Cuui-Laws required under I our federal system, and he huped the Gov- Ornluent wouI d'correspom1 with the D3mi~ nion Government the subje`ct.- Tilt Attoniev-Gmuu:xl.mlmiHml Hm urns}. v.0!) I . A.-4.... !"'."""."". 2`-8&8 V _ Inoonrounn 1819, Clugrn Pnnrun. cm Capital. s3,ooo',ooooo; 1., 1 Ami 0! any H0 Il|i4 AL:_ 1 have, without charge, last qnartqsr of 1871 of such ruuulu New mbucribe:-I for `Q mnv nuhleriba for, - `i Ian quangr or I571 mag uubocribe for. ;nnI'nn.I :53 6h. an nvo, wnroe or tour I K, may have, u M prannnm Revieau for 1871 glnlucribu hnve two of the logr Baiia ~ N `th ., to oo...I u`.cx . .'z.'."-'.'.".";`.. . In" money in remittad in :e`1::li:t1`&'do'` to No premiums can be ' To Iecurirpreminma, `- ;:n.k5ue`arly application, cl. . t . 1. .| I orCirculnIr :. withl:m-+.ln..- uni mrcuu;-3, with further pd had on. 3 licstion. at THE L%NARD SCOTT I ldn `l'\.l4-.... Q5. 1.119 1303! [am pubm To Scicntic and Practical,` rlnnrv Shanlmnnn 13' H i `P415: 10 3016115310 and rfful; Henry Ste em, F.R.8., 1: 9 1?-+__I:*'1`_ffrfe-.-prof; TERMS OF 8UB,80BIP'l'I For my one of the Reviews... 84 pf: - For my two of the -7` . .For my three of the Review: 10 For ell four of the Review: I2 ;_ For BIa.ckwood e Megluine ' For Blnckwood and onelieview For Blackwood and my twp , ` of theeevn ......... .. 10 {For Blackwood end three of ` the Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 For Bleckwood and the fam- RevieIve......... . . 5 P a two cents: to` = ` by I:_euqsIierter at` the oia of dulivq;_` '1' no: at tenor more, ' '.|ddi_` nbo `discount, 3 ooy rm tithe getter up of t o c uh.- Dnnnntud v-ourlu lnflllllllfeu I Tqnnto. MAI-ch [u.--'I'ho Speaker hook the chair It 3.10. A After routine proeeodingl, j " Dr. Clnrlu (Norfolk) asked whether it in tho intention of the Government to luring down I nupplamcntry gmnf (.0 County Agricultural Societies for the Ipocicd pur- pmo~of pnrchxuin _V_pnd intiwlncing into each county the st imd nut approved 0' ffnl 8fU."i. Th. An......... A-....-__I M: I -- ---- V - -' IIII IIIKCTIDO IOY. - r instead of the show, 1 Ely-two, three br 1011: of 1 - mnv hnna. II nm-tnhnu I1Blll' an ant, r`.n.u., ' Into 0. P. .. orton, Prfeuor culture in\YIAle College, Nu!` Two vols, Baoygl ootsvo. _ numerous ennnvmn. , CLUBS. kg A discount of twcutyper = lowed to clubQ_of four in Thu: :-Four,00pm of Blldki _" '_. f~ Review ' uueoone ' four ' than !ourRe ' `Ina fot"rII8 dvsoan. " uh. .-.0 ;... .. ......... :A -..u: embraces -I large amount -4 furnished st Two Donm Idvnnco. Address otfqlb unrjunwnn _ H BY THE LEONARD SCOTT . _J W ' COMPANY, ` '10._I"ULTON STREET, N , H At about one-third the price of `ill THE EDINBURGH = ~. ' I. WESTMINSTER. nzvmw. LONDON QUARTERLY = _ BRITISH QUAR1'E1LY : : Pblished Q1ia.rtcr1y-Junary . 'Uctober--r ` ' > .." an ` Bucxivootfs Eblsialog (A_ fao-nimile of the )4 monthly: W 'l`I:"DI1a nu nnnnanqnnphd 1 The Best Periodicals o - '1-In: GREAT ENEEQI1 QB -A.LW'I'\._. E rununnnu G731 , Six Dollu-I per mm: vmce. Subscriber: who 1- by muil are chnrged ve D The Ch1:on'ioleL4' lilackwoodrs I tzrmlrrxn "V FIJI? T'l.1I'\\TA`I'\`l\ n4\r\o---no run wrum Amendments. Th: Home Adjourned st 11.15.-Gu.zette. 4. 1. cent. EUISM3 or everyducri ' ` and cheaply at the Lurk Pnxxnxu Oman, Princess 8 JAMES suuwnanr Luv vus u.I.l..lUJ.B - I Is the;ld.ition of the!) - has a. e me:-eumg' ' ` Diocese 0 Ontario. Prieo '3 1 Notices intended to reach the ~ tion should be published in - paper in the diftrict. coxrximjvrzon cums WI: FORMS of every delcri ` ` and nhnunlu -L 5].- .---- '94 rnrnn. pununned in `Kin medium of communication 5 and the C1 the ocial receipt: for 311;: tiona and donations for Dial ha anknnwlmlaul in 41.- II-. none I-Iil. aonnnonl for ' J I be acknowledged in the Nun. Anvnnmuxq Tznus.--Eight` ` for first insertion; four on ` ev subsequent insertion. moenghly, hnlf-yearly, or . .. ments made on moderate terlnl. ' .5 -_-v _.._- ._ ...vq-~-uuo uvuun. The 1rom7:T - 4 weeklv edition nf an n. EOLGER 131108.. Ontario ;-. `_*.;: of Brock Street. Ticket; point: At the VW lowentnta " routcl--Rmne, ` gterwwn In Railroad ; New York Cantu] ` York Central and Hudsqn . -v Oswego and Northern Syracuse I Au`IFl(J MAIL STEA 1 f PANY S THROUGH LINE FORN IA leaves on the 15th , u ` month. Steam weeklyto QU LIVERPOOL. May 6. ' coP. . . l'1e NEWS in thq on] PAPER published in ' of commnni.-`+5.... czunm ugI_(_Er I; purpose 1: united Dhmhn, with further 1 md an Annlitmtinn EFEOIAL gq_o_"_r_I_cEs. 11113 LIIULV The Leonudseott Jun nnluliih Anu BUUIJ` I 140 Fulton St: fnbli or us a so on. - ` ` T tabs 0 ten or ndditi ubo `discount. a. mum antih -`:11 Ii [3 runusnn every 2 and nnntninn thn nail l 1 S PUBLISHED _ Dolhrl m:' [S PUBLISHED every cvni num in Advance, oitwo on UDV. 1 U UIAIBI-1.511 CV07] ` and contunn the non krnnnl A IA:-an Amount UTHORIZED mscomi! ~ L Ixvotczs until fun-tlu --I J Lnunuzlsl) Dlscolx . -A! until furthq , ` `n The ma; THE ununns _A.;c- _A: `II ,[s I wt 1 R. S. H. BOUC Comlniuiunor-of `urncl rnnoeu Stun JAME SHANNANA _.:_:j--.-----:-:.. I; up uuw vlulh PREMIUM 7 bers for ` 1 i.IP`!."' P190111 I ~I";u-3 FL the meg] I ORR ` us: gu I cen oruii . IN( Improve Nutrition. nnntl-AI his: in GI... s_.-;__, )LAlNI 'A[lG 1 (VI. :00` W` TiIi:.A I f`L .--vw LI CHE LV E! :4... 1...-_..-..._ ;, ____` Ontario Lezlulntnre. mo- \l......l. r. 'I"L_ u_._,,I, V W. :11 (I U. Then`u-ejnore than one thousand dierent kinda of pillaiu the United States. Some of then are worthless and injurious, other: are good and benecial. Old Dr. Parsons invent- ed the but uati-bilionn pill we evei' saw or heard of. They are now sold under the nuns ol Pu-noun? Pnrgntive PillI.-Alu. mun mm] nu Ch JR 1 LA Ch I! to D wwten ,Itu -- --o r' r .j. After psyment of the usual providing for all losses, claims a the mm of $905,905 was put '11 the Fundain hmds, which nowa ucnull. 0. S. STRANGi`:,5`!M:lD.... nuxwun. w. F ire Prgminms, less Reinsurnnccs. .$2,5 Being the largest amouni ,ever ' received by the Company in 3 :1 le year. . Newniife Policies issued for . . . . 3,01 Total Annual Life Premiums, after deducting Reassurance: ........ .. 1,1! I Businesiz-of 1870. I Villllufllllgel SVVIFT, JAMES & C0,, VVharf. 1-rumor and rubushe. QIIANNON, JAMES, Princess-st. ~ Steam Saw mus. STEAM smw MILLS, Ban-ieticld. .r:. n. EDDY, a 1:0,, Hull, Ottn.w.1. I Ticket Agency.` FOLUER. BROS., foot of Brock-st. Veterinary Surgeon. McINTOSH, DANIEL, City Hotel, Princess- It. . IusunAncg]:briI'PANv. Liverpool and London. orr1cn-cI.An1:Nc1: s'nn:1z'r, (Oppogitc the Post Office.) ---av. We umlcntand the whooping-cough in quite prevnlqnt in the towns around us ;` but that no cue: hue provod fnul. Some funi- liu no nothing but Johnson : Anodyne Lini- -ult. Our Doctor, however, 3: n 1 little ipimc, toproduoo vomiting Ivonlc I... .. ..1 WITH UN LIMITED LIABILITX SHAREHOLDERS. Iifilll 1IlilI((3l'.s. MEE & CO., Gore-st. REYNER, JOSEPH, Princess-st. - -- Painters. ROBINSON, BRO_S., Clarence Street. . Blanoforws. VEBER& 00.. corner I :-im-nu. .....1 n.. .. ...,......u --.u. n. .:u.n.\hx:., .--aw-ut. - Jewelry and I-`ancy Store, CRIDIFURD, JOHN, King-st. HRIGOR, C., Sheteld House, Princess-st. REES BROS., Princess-st. ` ...un.n;;uun, 5. 3., Uouuty Urc torney, Untano-st. ' KIRKPAT CK & SMYTHE, Ontar- KIRKPATK UK & l{()(}EliS, Unt..ri MACDONALD & PATTON, Trust zr Building, corner of Toronto and .- Streets, Toronto, -I UDIE, JOHN, Clarence-st. ;VALK.EM., R. 'P.~, Clarence-st. Liquor Store. '[`I{0.\I1 sO.\ , GE()., King-st. Notary Public. &c. McCAMMG.\', S., Gananoquc. organ lllakcrs. Ml -IR Ar. (20 (Ln-or-+ IE3 Planorortc Repairers. BRO\VN, UEO., \Vellingtnn Terrace. REYNER, J., l`r'inct,-.~u-`J-st. anofortes . WEBER & C0., comer Princess and Ontario- Its. ' nnart. 'HAR'l'FU1{D, J. V. No AIKUY-\[. \l \\' Co------A , nu 1.-u.., .u. \\ . : 1 l`.ELlA.\'CE, J. \\'srER.\'_.\1. Lawyers. ' 8.-\\VDEN, JOSEPH, King-st. HLDERSLEEVE & VVA LKEM, KIl`lKl"ATRICK,"}\. 5., County tnrnpv llnfm-in, ngnt. `D7x:wi-,Vhowes;er, ipoonc toproduoo vomit.` woul, mu'e.-.A.1o. mg lIIl'I'vIIDI'c I)l'l UIS, TIIOS IL, Princvss-st._, I-2" .\.\'h'. ll. IL, Princes:-at. .l.\I:\'l.~', J.. \\'c llingtun-st. .\l'L`;\;\l.\l().\', JAM EN, \Vcllin-gtnn st; ; - Dry Goods. k'UU.`HNl'}.-\L', I. .\. & UU., Prilxccss-st. Eli|.\', L. J., Prillu-su-st. ' H \Hl)l.\'I'Il{, R. (E J.,' l rim-L-us at; (l{|`JE.V FIELD, J.-V\.\| ES, l'riucca:I at .\l.\('NEE .\'. W.\l)Dl'Il.L, l`rim-A.-us,-at. .\l.~\L'l l`lElK.3'U.\', A. I5. K L'U.. 1`rinc--so-st. .\lc|.N).\' ELL. A. 13.. .\larkct-squnarc. .'\l-.IUlE, JAM ES, Princess-at. _.\1c.\'.-\UUH'l`U.\' & C0,, corner of King :11 Princess-sts. -"\'\1'.'\'.\', ALl'IX.. l rim-uss-st. `'H.-\\'\' (K .\llN.\'l;.,V'. l'rincL-ss-st. \\'.U,1|`li(|V 1.,` Wilson's Iluilulin-='s, \\' I7. -5 : nouns. I .\Nn,L0-.-\.\IEl{[UA.\', Untnrio-st. ALBION HOTEL. Stirling. I DANIELS HOTEL, Oawa. "PliU\'I.\'UI.-U.," Uanauoque. :i'l`lHLI.\'G HOTEL, Stirling. Insurance. , ]I'l`\' A Pint.` 1 ~~~~ ---4-'~ I.\"l`ERNA'l'lUSAL, Bruckvilie. , - uru('l'l'. ' I`._Ec,:u, WM. &;cu,, Ur...-L..~.:. 5 nu.\ .\'El.L\' Ju.~'t:1'H l'riu-vs I l|.\l{BAL`K .! (.`U., l rinc-as-gt. .\l.-RAE & l'U.. >\\'. 11., conic: l nun] Rrn.uL- gr. an-I brook us. P.-\kiKHll.L, JUHN, Prixlgcss-st. H l'lDl)_E.V &.'RU\VE, l rinc-as an E IKEES & L'U., Princess-st. ; -`~L,`H'1'T & UAL'l'U.\'. Princess-st. I SCUBELL, BROS. corner of Brnui ` tm-in ufr...-9; wt .\InI.I'., lI.. lirnck-sf. 'Z'.')\\'N, IL, .\l:1rk-t .\'q:|:m-. I'll! B_|{OS., l'l`illL't'.~ Ilcniisls. ULARK. F. M., \\'c|liugh-n-u -I 'l. I;\ll`IN'|`, L., \\'c|liI|;.:tq||-n ."-L\UUU.\'Al.l). .l , I. I`.-;.....` I" .\l(|l{ RISUN. _lFl'IIlI'p'.l5I.`I'o ill-ZATH & G UNN, Prilm-s.~.-sl . HOBART, GEO l l'ilIn-sn-st. .\|.-\(`l4E:\N Q UU., Prilltw-JN-Ht, -;-\m.'m.- 1.-, u u.-......- nnsurance. `.1T.\'A FIRE, James Swift, \Vharf. H .xR l`l.`n1,>n v \ v - l- IIIIlIl" .-.3.-n, -nun ;-ru-. I (`vim-4-Iimu-rs and Fruit Slurc-s. Hl'.\H`l.E, ll.. I'vru<'k-Hf. 'v'r|\\'\,' l' \l,...I, L .- u r..\u|:.|1m in, Jun). l'r|m:cxuI-st. .'-1.-.\l.'l.l-J\'. `NIUS. .1; C0,, King-act. >1 l'.\!.7l'I\_'L_ P1,, King-st. Ilggns. 4-...l ul....... 1 :e: uddnliuu' "C'I "II AII`-IV '||lI.[-5, JUJIN. King-at. .--. .... ` Boots and shoes. I'.osE. I-:D\\ l.\'. Prillccsm-st. I`Iotl|in,-.z. .I. .4. , ; I 'I' \IA ln`I) I) I)... l-I I/IlIU`;I `"0 -:..\m;. :nm:m', I-rm.-.-......c. l'()\\'ER, .mn.\', Queen-at. I ---4l __._ -.__ .u:n-Ker aquarc. _ \VEl{.\'l'Jl{, 1",, I'rim:c.~ns-Ht. ` Booksa-ll:-rs and Statloncrs. - in-zxmzlzsnx, .mu.\', l riuuusa-st. .'.I.~U'l.I~`.\ 'l`lnN .e an k'....,..o I 4IuliIII!llI'I'I l|o HUl.l)I'}R. BE.\'.I,, I riuuu.-su-st. MUILRAY, \\'lLlJ.-\.\l, Anchor Builclingn, Market Square. P... l'rilIuaesn.uf., Q ; Bsiness Director3.?1L I nu Iun,'.:p '1'. .\mmu:, Brock utn,-rt. (`mil 0il Jla-rt-lnant .'Illl`l`R Junk I::....... ru umur.n I, I1., M AC DUN A Ll), SUBSCRIBE-15 0A.'PITAL,w . $10,000,000, _.r_|5\,v_\ , lTu'g'tim-st. . nnnnnabod . ' Pu-non! III snug from impnu-C blood, or whooo henlthh givm wa , extheru in-I orthone who Ituy c oaelf. will nd m u Syrup the nnterial to bllill them up and ti`:-nic to keep thum there." D3. CLAY. - v. ' unuu, DMU-`. tariu streets. R9 12/! 1. Flour .(`l"IllII. \' u |`-i- .- V4 Whnrmiger, MEN .9 (-n e uvuun .\I., Priuccls-st. .v , `gum: u-nu. Alncomwrs. l.`\' I lv._:.. , ,. Hotels. |.-\\' .. . I .V UCI. , `Strange, Clarence-5 . V. Noel. ` \`- `urn ` `cl . [_I `|_ v. .\Ucl. .. \\'. .3"l`RA.\ (:E, '.~X"-5'4.-rat. ' |\'in:r.l> -Grm'`r.~'. 1' l'-- I gcs uuuuuy II UXCIIZIIFII 0! Illllfion, b ::';;-n tlte stomach, Liver a.m)l great tnpod that preparel nour- hhmgnt for budding up_ the organ: and tilluen of an |,.,.|y, The action of this remarkable ' n in extrwrdiqnry in stnngthening `:2 iging the constitution, whether im- 3:` by .33, exhaunted by exceuen, had 0,"; dowh_by old 0911: hint: that ha `had .11 ordunry moth of trell- hunt. . d.m '9 cordial to take, stud pe - nrler All ciqcunutnncea. it .lrclIlu-.1? IS. ` |)'I` It_.` ._ , , , Q. rnncuss-st. Iiuilalings, wan. : Ontario-st. L 1{()GI-`.l:.\', nm, .-a,._.. n: :;:aI.I.." . . .l|1I. (ll(`(I/ I . STRANGE. 's1"'{`"'l.;(l`7_.I',.r;1)1/'11` CU3"In , and ` 1 .L|s'3I'4. _. LKEM, Clarence-st. Crown At- um, L, St. _ Lawrence Vnv l`zxn::n.--At a recent trial for breach of_ pronine, the foolinh youth wrote 1 letter to In: ' in which appeared :--|_(y ovyg darling, :1... gm. n.:..|. ...... ._:II LL, ~