..... ....., was mic unit on the programme he read `with his accustomed success, a tien from the recent writings of Mrs H Beecher Stowe, entitled Mrs Elde l it:her." The next reading with by Mr Alexander, which was well received bl audience, styled Nothing to Wear." McCammon next read a. selection from o the best of Irish writers, Samuel Lover,\ kept the assembly in constant humoui Dr. having certainly the exiviublerltcgl keeping his audience interested ind Nam Mr Meeves and his highly interesting fz sung several pieces between the readings, from the applause which followed the r tion of their music, it was evident that had made themselves decided favourites. concluded the lirst part of the prograz After an intermission of ten minutes, Woods again read a selection of a. pat .~l.m-one... t...._ n: J TEMPERANCE Mm~:1'ma.--On I fter serving than-.. ...:n L- - U ,_,, -...........u-uu III WIIICII FH8 HUltII(,`P of nnisic has been held in allngcs, the clmrnnn with which it is so conspicuously nxsociatcul both in private and piihlic, am] the elevating tcmleucy which its cucoumgoincnt produces .-mmng all classes. The clm.irmnu likewise ad- vertcul in for-cilrlr terms to the peculiar fasci- nation: of literatnrv, its prodigious inuence on the mlvnncemont of civilization, showing that a close and constant intimacy with the polished and vigorous writings of standard au- thors, if not A preventive to the conception of crror,will powerfully stimulate to the removal of the g\rosaer faults of our nature. Mr Samuel Woods, M.A., Rector of the Kingston High School, was the first programme, and he read `with 1..-- -..,w- ~ _........a nu vIul!BU_3. I he c I; cunstml writ _..... .....-, --u um L`\'UlIHlI_! in Frltlay last. The church was well lilh-cl, n-any hzwing tmvclleul miles to attend,aurl such was the interest that tho proceedings-I Ill!` nut ti-rininnte till` ::.fl.ur I I u'clnck. The opening uxcruiscu uf a religinlm clmrzwtcr were cmuluctcd by Dr. McCnmmnn. The chair WM occupied by Aldcrin.-ui Moln- tyre, who addressed the audience on the im- port.-uicu of cultivating a. musical and literary Mute in cvry community, pointing out the diutinguishcil cstinm.l.inn in which the ucicnca-, classes. vurl ".1 3.. A . .. - LI'ncu.un' EH1-I:n'r.unMsm'r.---A literary clIh'l`nilIlIItglIt of n higl place at the \V-sluynn Methn Murvalc, on the c\'(:llillIj of Frida .L.___ l, ,, .. .... . _ W-.. _._.. ..- _ . .. _..__ . - They could do so, and he hoped they would (liscouiiteuimcc all funcml presents. No per- son who know him would charge him with not desiring to pay proper respect to the dead . hut he had seen so many evils from the abuse of the present system that he desired to raise his warning voice` ngniiist it. Returning to the subject of the discourse, he said his voivc was now silent in the tomb, and while we cannot avoid shedding a tear to his memo- ry, we don't sorrow as others who have no hope. . The chants and tunes were solemn and appropriate, the last hymn (Luther's) be. ing joined in by the entire congregation. -_ -... unuunc. U1!` munuel l.A., ts ith selec- tlie Harriet Stowe, "Mrs Elderkiu s Thus. ' was w..|| n.n..:m..i 1... -I - _ G ,,__........ -. uuuue uelm lenomination who are favuural The present is a time in WM 5 making immense strides in which its adherents are I msandu avnru .I.... n- - - ' .__ I 11', Moxmv. -- (Before Mr - I'he spectators gallery was orning, which. nun "'4 `- ` .... ..... -um an murucnon to report it." Well who tlnaukutho Govoninient for that. Did not every member of the Gave`:-nment, oxcept Mr Mount, vote and sguk against it And wu it not carried against them. most nnqutionably. But we are told thnt III examination of the division list will than that it was not nude 3 party quution. Bnfornpn voting against Reformer: and Tori-no voting against Tories." Well. we M` IIOHIVI I Inn! at :1. `I! ~ ` ,-_-._..... ,....m.-ry ucmg Jlowcd), Mrs Storms, of Wil- rd elected by a majority of `instead of keeping the cake, listributed it among the au- ninating a most agreeable en- Ve must congratulate our ction nn elm ...........-A=~ ' ,_ .. .- .n..uyuru11ce meet- nurch, which will doubtless 3 numbers of those belong- nation favourable present in n H----- -'- ~' ' ` , _-..-...b vv|.u1 u_y uxr I H08. 1 by the Dr. one of writers, Lover,whicb ly humour, the .11`, H... .....:..m..":,._,_r. .- , ,_. ........-uc -:_:_u:_u1iy....0G- co 11;] /amused.--I shighly family the rnmnnn. .....I .5 uucuueu towards the whole country al, and them is now eainlnfn-A l-- 4` ` ` - ...,.....=. zungston is " the age. In this city lce has many hundreds mer. and -In I----- `l:'l`AlNMF.N'l'.-A musical and rluept high ordor took 1-sluynn Methodist Church, b'(:lIilll! Fritlay last. lh-I. rl Illa-II \|/nu H... :..;, , A -u ..._, ....u-uuunuls Filllly ;ween readings, and ich rendi- they lecided favnnrihn 'Im:.. +_-_.. .--On Friday evening 2 a. temperance meet- whi..}. ....`n .a_..I -- rf progmime. Mr Han r-5' - -A , --,........... u. mu nouns, and that the Home actually ordered the jocted bill to be referred back to the Committee with an instruction to W. Ulanknihn (Snug:-.........a 3-- Al ` -.....va are re- . People : eyes drunkenness, ,,..! 4.-.... 0 '- --.- An uuw I v for the total Kifxgston is Tn 4-1.1- nil-~- . .....c 3 which .A..._',] - , ......vu., um .7 `any This -._.... curs, wmcn Account: Iuciently forythe able manner in which they ` ` 4 -...-v--cu Illa Of withfwhou noting there in noth or tending to vulgarity. Mont 4 have held leading position! in {:1 New York, which Iuic 1|-J` on-~-' 3" ' .... -. ....e unslul, sumce it to say that all the artistes ncqnitfed themselves ereditobly, and won the golden opinions of the audience, which connpletely lled the house. The com- pany as 9. whole has fev:equa1s outside the .tbo legillation of the House, and .`.-__, ...-n-_y-s tune care TO HAVE 8 'lljority of "their own friends on the cum- Illittou. It is admitted, however,- that the _Governnun t are relponlible for ,-._-- ..,........umu versatmty. It was accurate and correctly portrayed pic- ture of the sensations of N ew York life, insll phrases. We will not detail an pleasing and strikingly s'tt1-active characteris- tics of the drama, suffice it to ereditob , opinions of +1.. ---IL-7 slso an ypf the ........v nuu -5n1:}menl;al fen of the performer: had an] play of their remarkable 1 also In o--w--`- `V ` Tm; Hxnzwox 'Com>ANv.--Auguist-a. Duly : interesting drama, Under the Gaqlight, con- cluded a. most successful and satisfactory sea- son of nine nights Houee Company in the City Hall, on Satur- day evening. The plny was 9. bombinstion 6} comic and Igntjmental features, in which some Derfnnnnrn 1...`: ..-.-L A ` ` of the Herndon Opera. -. .. . .1.-awrro. -'1`ne Kingston stole 3. large quantity of goods f chant at Cape Vincent, with wl residing no 3 domestic," has escape and arrest. Although wmpam she in as cute as any "profession: Trunk to-day, Euberti Prolviucegf 9 Mr w. s. Williams, or Napzmee, intmls vi- siting England abmit the first of May to at- tend a. grand meeting of Good 1`aInplp.rs from `all parts of the globe. ....u nut. and take notes. -Y V.-u-so. The members of the strcugthul their hands E the bill. The Orangem nu.-I L.I. , .-.,._, vv-us unto uue. 'I`here are such things in Cannda-in King- ston-a.s Iloman Catholic Episcopal C'orpo7:a_ tions, constituted by Act of Parliament to en. able the Roman Catholic` Church to hold real estate, said corporation consisting of the bishop of the diocese. VVhat if the Protestant mem- bers of the Legislature would object to grant an act of incorporation to that church 1 Va would never hear the end `of it ; and yet I contend, and, if necessary, can prove it, that on the grounds of intolerance there would be more just grounds for them so doing than for Scott, Fraser & ()0. to object to the incor- poration of the Orange Society. As an Orarzgcman I favour the principle of allowing uuriltgman Catholic friends all the privileges of citizens which we enjoy ourselves, but the remarks of Scott, Fraser & Co. on the subjects of intolerance cannot be allowed to pass un- noticed, hence this letter. TI... n......_-..-r -' - _:_ N or Dm'u:c1'1ro.-The `tnln '1:-an .---~4" ` , _ --._....u-av uuvwulg out _me__b1ll. No-not evegwl nu oycry one knows, that" ghey `uaya take care fo have I'Iliox-itv ulmi. nn... :_:_...1. V -- .......... um uc rcaa og (my one who pleases. Can this be said of any other secret organization 2 Did Mr Fraser, M.P.l- ., ever read the oath taken by a Roman Catholic Bishop ? I assert that as far as the charge of intoleranceis con- ce.-'rn'ed the Orange oath will compare fa1_v`our. ably with that one. f'[1;_A___ __,, u _ , 5.--- --... .........u an: urange own. It certainly cannot be said that the Orange Insti- tution in a very secret one, when the oath taken by ifs members, and its rules and regu- lations can be read bg who pleasec. Ii! nnv nthnr can-at ..-...--.'_-L:,, - _ ,, . .----- uuon\I A ll5H`I . IVHIHCU against it was quite uniiecessdry. The Grand Master of Eastern Ontario, Mr Herbert,Mac- donald, voted in favour of the Christian Bro- ther s Bill, and his libel-nlity in so acting con- trasted favourably with the intolerance f Fra- ser, Scott, & Co. ` u- 1.1---. - .n.., ucuuv, E4 bu. Mr Fraser, the Kingston_ Reform lec_turer_ spoke a great deal about the Orange oath. It certainly be {mid fha} 41.- n......~- 7-41 London, 01:17., __ ., --.---uu a/s'4|J1.l.1`J- To `run EDITOR or Tu: DAILY NEWS. Sir,--Mr Fraser, M.l .P., the gentleman whom the Reformers of Kingston brought to Kingston last summer for the purpose of le. nonneing John A." and lecturing the ()r:L11g" i{(:i()r[]1Br8~'lIli others mi their duties dud/ring the election, is l_.'cp0rl:cd to have said that it would be an evil day for Canada if the Orange Incorporation Bill were carried. This is a most V y;x_xusing statement. 'Jhe only object of `the bill was toenable the Orange Society, as a body, to.hold real estate. As Mr Mowat very truly said the passing of the bill would not ' alter the position of the society in any way, and the cryof Messrs Scott and Fraser. raised ` ` lJ.....L.... . 7-` -...w....u Frnm all pn.rt:`of _t_hc7'cuu1z;`..-_, we hear that the Urzmgexncn are indignant at class legisla- tion of Cranks, Scottsc Co. If `ayoxm A. dig anything like this when would vile hear the end of it ? ` V ,....m m we urnngcmcn who are their Trientls. All flu (,'t;mu'r1'utivI.' m_eJnb_crl voted in favour, of iuuzryrpnratiuvn ; ahm several Pus- furnwrn, but thu Government were dead against it. Mr Hcrbm-I: Mactlnllalgl, Vthc h'r:I.mlMnstcrof Ezultcrn Outarin deserves credit fur his `pluck in lighfingvthc battle in the llouse'fur the Urnngclncn, and we mgst give honour to whom hmmur 1:; Inc, and thank Mr ltnhinuon fur appusing his lczulcrn Ln the 00' cu.uinn_ ' .. ... nzwv -J uuu byu whether they will 12 prepared to stick to that policy. Any cry at all to hound down John A. ; Will they now be so ready to cry out against the Grit lenders granting to the U|I|"l'Htill.l) Bmtlu.-rs what` they denied the 'Urungemen uf this l'rn`\'iur:u? which is sonne- thing they might we]! raise a cry about. It in to be hopr,-I that vote of the Ontario Cabinet in the Hnusc ycsterclzly, Mr Mowat exceptcul, Dwill prnve tn the 0|-:mgcmcn who Ifriemlx-u. All /I... Iv...._.........._--._ _-_,1 - - .., ....-. nunnvn ur rnr. Imihv NEW.-'. Till`! ONTARIO G()VEliN M ENT AN I) l'H it 0B`,f\N(t.Ei\l[`}N. Sir,--"`Strn.wa uhow what way the wind blows ; so the action of the no-cnlletl Reform mlministratinn at Toronto, in relation to the Orange Inenrpnmtion Bill, proves how grate` ful the Grit lezulers are fun-{tiny snpport they received from the members of that organiza- tion. What will the Grit `Orange-man of Kingston think of the leaders of their party now? A great many of the-in place their at- tachment to Orangcism far above the petty politics of the Province. We will see by and to ".lnln| A . \H:lI LL- ..,-r- _ think the conduct of Mestrb. Scott and` >1 _ Fraser and other Grit Inoinbers is dcserving -.......... `VI wuuvaw party hatrud did not crush unt all lnfticr desires ` would attempt to with-n the breach betwm-n Onngcmcn and (`uthnlics in order to gain I_ political end." If the wortl pull- icisu"' be substituted for `journnlist" in the above extract we cordi.-dly and hchrtily concur in . it. We of the severest I-probation. They have at- ; tolaptod to _widcn the breach between Onngenen and Catholics by their bigoofcd And fnhntioal speeches, in which they lmvc boon aided by all the other member of t'7[m-` Govcrumnt, cxcept Mr Mowst. We are told that the Government are not to blame for tho 'cbmmi:teo throwing out _the__bill. evenrinT--- ----`--' W` ` March 7th, 1873.` - '-r-I 0 leading the th , Iucient or they I them, too, utres of ly forth 1",. 5,.,'man.u`o.`.: ' 1'0 Tlllc EIJITBR (H? 'l`llE DAILY NEW.-I, I I1`. {\`N'I` A lain n1 n7 mu. m u u.-um . u . . ... THE ORANGE DEBATE. `PHD I1-nurnnn 1... ....... _ .__ V . ..v.uvnuu, 11$ Bip` dtitectiilll Although, comparatively young, its professional thief. 5 Government did npt ir by their opposition to ` Orangemen should commence --Yours, &c., . l\ , March 8th, 1873. dorrcspollllelicei ,-_._~... vrl 1uy :1 1 ample scope for the dig- able venatility. It l Iof New Ynrlr m. :. -1! ---..,..-on name wno :of from a. mer- nt, whom she was escaped detection L t'lI1'nunpnL:...I._ ,, e ,_ _ A _,__ ` ~-nu. -m.uun; In.'LL me szud Wn - `than nut taken his .s-at Ill ,lhu Ha Tu . 035303 l5t`URl 0BATl0-V 'ACT--Th9 I the said John I3-srirzun um_:ht In I ) Ie lcrnpnleug of the G;-it journal. ate returned as nwinher for \\'.st I :-i _ conduct ef the gon-rnnu-nt and their lup- .n;j.u,]y ma ,m.m,,,v gnduvourimz to " this l;:l'ii:).llIi'llllElJ.`Il1i tlI`.'\it.tllnu:ii-I ' . . z . -' 2 1- . . . defend the governnn-nt from the chargo mu` "Tm" " H M W1 _ . _ `House as member fur \\'.-st 1` of faction end mtolernnu. and if pusslbic I xnvin V, hm\erur,- tn nil c:Imlil:1le te roll it on those dreadful] Tory j.;urr- {urn tgiieir rig!!! to emit`:-st Hiu mid .1. '1, .9. ad tn ML endem..".ig {U ' Win-_v thini; prulwr. Ill .f_xi'in_ :1 n i""-` P``*' "P"' M" 0` 'T' '*'~'."` .I..;',.}TT".'i.L.".iL';'.',,.'..`.i |i:ti"li'I;l:li.'iivluiiiaiif. unhumw d'_'p:`.t" f"_' "'9 0'g !""" John ll. (`:nm-run rn,-w in r. potnwn B-l` It mdwd very (I mi rngiiuiiipliiuiontcd tiiv lmnmnrrrlrle -`Tory journal: ehnuld take the liberty of _ _ _ _ onjtis position nf ic.'u|ul' of line 1-; .xpr*m` '5' .p""n `nth regard t" th" Thi main object of his SP\'.'ci1 wn: thzlf while a 3':-n' (".'l||.'I1il`llI pr Irro_'iic :I by xfriv-I ymr/_u '-V-iv. w--1" fzivrgir of thn L'U|||'SL` "l`tllH7.<.'Al l._y .\ !hc_:.wl|ul-- Vnilllll-2 uf Eu-..:li.~l| praw- -li:I.n'i *tric:Lll_y up;-a~n-ml to :m_yt||in. porter: in opposing the Orenge Incorgorzp tion Act. \Vo: sliuiulcj prophcsy_only plen- eent thing: of thv lnignteal nnul inml.-.m._.g epeeches of tin "Tory" Scott and Mr C. F. Freeer. We are told thet no jmmmliaf who wishes well for Cnnad.-3 or whose party widen to ichu" . 'J."'"'""`""" ; MrDoriun thou xp-vku fur. .-:n.l M: In _b_" enwt h"`"-V _.gnur.'i:i.iI1st tiwnxu-tinil. :unl (`bell : .n.d F w5:\. l\IilC(ia)ll.'liIl ilrumu mnl :n'tcx' In) _ . _ I ~ -.1ilnke an lI.'1ndsuinc cfiniplinimit on t Gr mmbe" '5 dr"g -ihio In.1nnL-1' in wiiiich havhaul p.rc.~wl the have ;,3_mL._ hc_,,,.,,,.(,,.,;,.,; .,_ -.i.. kind I}.-in,_; nl-mu. anal hiu .-zpn.-4-in :4.- it nianifi-sf. :1! tlw pr-up--r vi:-w It the i;.Ii|I.jm't Hm uh:-Iv llI.'lit'l' 5 I`-:f.'I'rcd to :1 cuInInit.tm- with nrilux` ;.ou;rt' iinlm-li:Ltcly' un the lIl;|.Ux`l' Umlso. AN Imsu OUANG EMAN. ' Kinzlton lauie u If Gang`- t_-__ -- -__-nv AVILUGIJICDZ, 1 nothing otfouliye, lost of Hum. om- ~~'v AN ORANGEMA-V . J. I on.` nu yururyd P10` 7 ind mm .5 n.. ---'~~ ` ------Jy ENE he 3. : who AHARBACK &0o., `WANTED: % ALE ANDVPORTER BOTTLES j The public are strictly cautionml against pan-hnsiII,<.: conic-s of the. heirs from I`arri-r lluys. The boys l'( (`(`l\'t' the mum-rs only for . lar sllhwriln-rs. and sun` lmy M-in tllr |u3wr is dishonest. and slnoula be I.~'t'tIlIl'l|l.'.'l`d. Sin.:lc- 7 copies of the News can Iw prm-urn-cl at an` of tlw Bookstore-s and at ` [Illa n hu- Also a fresh an n 1 of SE and MINERAL giTER, March, 10, 1,873. ORANGES, muons, ` 1e: sale. . uruaun (100 acres.) At the same time and _ PINE SAW LOGS wil 1,500 to 2,000 ,,.._.....V-. In place a uantity pt 1 be Blt, `say from Pieces, now lying ln Elbow , Hicbiubrooke u Terms easy, ti) be made known at time of G. Highest Cuh Price paid for the . urunc nauwny will run through perty, and the whole is within tlm the rising village of Parham. `Also will be sold Lots 13 in tgenth Concession, (66 acres). 5 Half Lot`-1 in the Eleventh Col Portland ([00 time and -.1-M - ~ Fourth, 16, 17, 18 and 19 in the Fifth, North Half of Lot 18 in the Third Concession. On this laataneutioned half lot there la a clearance of about twenty acres, also a Log House and Barn. The proposed Kingston and Peni- broke Railway will this pru- tlm-p ...:|._.. -: March 10th, 1673. ll an ' of I this 0 in-. I Acres kaim. ........- J of `Land in Hinchinbrpoke. . `um ouuscnner wul sell tion, at his Auction Market S uare, in the city4 .s`A'J`UR9 Y, MARCH I5, IIOOXI. l THE subscriber will sell bx tion. 312 hill Annfinn Auction Sale of Lands`. ..-.v..u vvnanuuu lflillel` 1103108. . In this city, on Saturda. , the 8th inst., Elizabeth; relict of the late .amea Kirk, aged 47 years.` The funeral will taka placc from the resi- dence of her non-in-law, W. Kirk, No. 35, Princess street, on Tuesday morning, at 11 o'clock. Friends will please accent thin un- rnncesa street, 2 will 1 tice. At Pictqn, on Sunday, the wife of Edmund Boyle, ' ua years and 7 month. The funeral will take place fi-on dance of her smwfather, Capt. W. King street, on ednesday at 3 1.11 and acquaintances, are rectfu1 y : attend without further notice. In this an... .... G4,, - `- H 1 March I0,` I873. . .__.._._.__.:__ ,, ,.-_, .. -..... u. mcunns nu I:oo~ott.en had a. fatal issue. Here is a ndiinstnnce. Yester- day (Sunday) at Portsmouth, N ow Haven, while a boy was handling a. gun, heavily load- ed with buckshot, it nccidently discharged it contents into the body of his elder brother. causing instant death. Thig is :1 painful onty come of Sabbath de:ec`ration--a brother s m gone-his own embittgred to his dying hour-- loving parents thrown into the -deepest nor- row--all through playing with a gun. Boys take \varning-don t play with edged tools. * 1 A boy s J issue. .1-.. IL! 1 ST. PA'uucK a SOClE'l`Y.-Thu adjnurncd meeting of this society takegplnce this even- ing, to prepnrq for the celebration of the l7_th. ' Tm: Wnoxa MAN. - ',C_hom'u \VheL-lei- s name appeared in the Police C/'6urt intelligence in Saturday : Nzwjr as having smashed the wimlows of Mr Thornton : rcntauravat ; the insg-Vrtiun`of,_-_..Il`homaa Wheeler WM q mistake ; J nseph Wheeler was th oendcr. } I GROCERS, Prineisu Street. HAIJLY HUu'r.--On Slzturtlny a m Benjamin` Robinson, an helper_ to u employed in repairing the propeller l ipg at Portsmouth, accidental] y fell 4 of the lxatchways. _ He struck thlz ll: steamer, and was` badly "_injured a shoulders and gpina, but not, we l_e very serious extent. FRUIT AND OYSTER DEPOT, King Street, Market Square. `M1, gnu. 15-m .... nu ua mu: I4Ul'|l B_ auppar. has preached in Rev. Mr . during the pastitwo Sabbath , > . .1 Mowrmun.-_Rev. K. M. F___;nwick prczu,-hd last evening in the Fret; (3hiirch,- (Iota sfrect, Montreal, on the occasion of Ipoeialfoerviccs in uonncc`.im'1 with the dispensation 01 `tlfu Sacra. Inc-nt of the l.m-l n'Sm....... I-.... -V -- , ,,__-.,-..... n-uu ulpu UIIPBIIHIIUOH 0! l.urd s_'Supp:r. Rev. preached `in R..- M- In. an`; ;ga"" a:,.`;4_g;'..." *_ Drwwnn IN nu: Ian.-~0n are informed, a span of lmrxcs 1) man of llnweilsliznd, broke a in the St. Lawrchcc, Satu rulay, .wc: elongiug tnmm 8 few miles below King- nrough the ice` ston,aml were drowned. We have been InmMu to ascertain _a.n'y further particulars. ._.__.._..j._---i Down on nu: Lrqvolz` TnA1rmc.~-~Walkcr- ton,V~Berliu and Port Hope, have decided to is- sue , no-licenses for ialoons this year,,und in Berlin the tavei-n licenses have been adVBIIc'c(I from $48 to $100, and the shop licenses from 841 60 $75. So much for th success of the tefnpcrnnce movement. ( At the meeting of the Alma X on Friday evening, there sent, the time was principally w cussing the conversaziona which intends to hold in nfew weeks. marked before, since the soasonj a close, the preparations for the I L:-- |-- , -- _ ___ -.-., ..u..-sun ya llrWlUg F0 close, nal examina- tion keep the studnts' busily employed and allow them no leisure, no that thcre,will pro- bably be no more debate: this sesiiorn. 912-: V MoN'r:uuL.-l{ev. nut 1-uu....'n.. .'.. 41.- T.` in ~ GRAPES; DATES, APPLES: ` ' com: BALLS BY THE BARREL `; (QUART85. s love of reartixs has oc;:bft.en had V, Hera in 2 ant! {nab------ " , mu nucnon Rooms in the -e, city of Kingston, on at 12 o clock. 1.. .. .. wu uuu In the Iin the community to be I, And we In gmch inclined h tltlhr -a-'-` A` *` ` ..`.........J 16:! uuwu one ays. e 5:11] of the was _injured about"? the ' l_eani, to u extent. F SELTZER WATER TER. ,....., ..... pI'UpUllel' xsruno, ly- h, down one - . Ha sf:-n..l. 51... I_,_-u n -- DIED. LI, , WM. MURRAY, AnnH........- On man named 11, mvechgiucs, ina tha m-.m..n-.. 1)...- V - uvvu an: L`: > 8n.bbaths.. .. vuv nun: mater society being very few pre- | spent in Ii:-v saziona which the society weeks. A. ..... .... R-om the reu- Uant. W. pnffanunuv _ Mater Society. 3 van: four 1... - Il.I.VI I7IIrI'lL' II. "IKlI' {he ` nung BI: 11 u ;:ept tinia um! u U It RA \5, Auctinm-er. -.`....._, uywllll nu ma- the Au we re- nnn 1:1... .' _ J ugn mus pru- L three miles of the Thir- ). and South ncesaion of ,.,... .1. Ul.lIlIJw/1` Rev. Mr l"rm4cr Fel|wi:|s s pulpit ;h:;.. F \ ' ` 9th inst, the r Publi Auc- nm in H- .uuuu auc- voms the `ii !-Ulftxn A-\ |l'0ll'l we W. Patterson. .m. Friends 1 invited to ndisn precedents, neat weight to the Ike. Butherengsin 1` dinclsimer. Sir thst Although he pnrtv voh 5- -*` `mg no le- n J : drawing to r-. nnl nvnnm u.--;~uu.Ill\:B, r Bruno, ly- I nuyn r.-... V _: A 800d programme in: the occasion, and the musical"! are under the direction of Mr I"! `K nnnbn LITERARY and Musical?` upder the " of W Independent order Goodi, given in VICTORIA MUSIC W3 , um ANNUAL MEETING` holder: of the Frontenac veutment Sociqt will behold ` t3ry l Oiae on EDNEBDAE ` March, at the hour of 3 o'clock mos. _ __ Q` THE ANNUALVMEETING. the_Front_en_I _' vnntmano :t--:-;,, -- - -u be in inhed. "$733: of tin? Gas. ` * and " 1 ' d " a .;":";..",.. `:'::P ;menni.H&`=4W tom ire: in thin `t II II! Suitable subung v"v,ill In pm] Engine House. ' " Hones will be furnished. on De nouse. plimuu to `state. or By order nf 9.1.. rv........:u... _` are under are direction Admission l_5 cents. .- ...-u nu truer The only ppuible r it ..:n L . A Litera:;c? ~ Entertiin M PPLICATIONS will h roceiq ; A Committee on Fire. Wgtr the City Clerk : Oioe, bity ~ FRIDAY, the 14th justnt, at A noon, from parties willing to Kingqtorg, March 3, 137? Kins-ion: March win, uensed Mill introduced. New York Deni: superior g_:-ticle. yet tin: Kijngston, March 10th, 13. tioneer. ` nme gwen. " ` W- - For terms and conditions , Kingiton, 8th Marcia, 1873.` -1 _____________, Tuesday,` 25fh ...uuu Lruei, Inn A prises one-quarter 0 title given. I fermn -3 -- ...c wpouea zrerminna 0? Pemgroke Railway, lstely \ olt. H ` The ouuejl in good . , Orchard on the premilu I Fr'u.it Treea, I-n`d good Wd; .1. n '1`U ESDA CALVES mgr JELLY. A . CRANBERRY SAUCE, LEIBIG S Ex'ri:Acr or: Sii _uuuncil of` the Countyuf The nboveis 3 true co cg taken into con ' ' ' , C xrt House, 16 ton, " J Tifesdnfy, the l0tJl:g3ny of`-J hour 0 our o'clock in Q`. which time and place ch.` Council are required yo gun`. aforcsairl. Kingston, 8th March .gv.", in RC]! m. a o"""W "'9 zhccumo due and puygbuf` vaml bu du_ly accounted {oi- uurer in hm account cut-rent; and manner. That the amount ulna of such Debenture: shall by` dumptihn of any Debentug outstanding against; the Co . .hcc;t/110 mu-1-'-" aim) ma pafable the game! bearing i and 9' 8100 y require, to am ten year! after 5`. Interest Italian Wa -... rvnqulll (II Inc I. That the sum of jg) ` way uluan upon De 1;. exccedingltcn years, I " Imt cxccet in mix` 1- 2 half yearly. 15' pe ' 5; q-1..-; LL- "v ` Be it therefore engctgd Corporation of the Count, W M . 'l'z_tt sum or In-..` To Thi-cc Jllor 17:67:-ff6`i pore return, wee untenable. He elluded to the abuee thet had been heaped upon the neturning oieer who he believed was a. very respectable men, end remarked tbet if hie character was what hon. antle- men op ite repreeented it, it would jnet W C III lllllknlnive an -u--, u. lflc yes mgnufactn I'K'1. .7..., ,..,,. iq oii _..,...... London, ,-_ -..-...,-my yeare of ublic ser- vice. (Loud cheetl.) He (Sir fohn) went on to argue with much force, and amid fre- quent chem, that e ground taken by the hon. gentleman oppoeite, with respect to ' queetion of the West Peter- bore L. IPUIC been human}. I Ilnnn 5L- -A ` omter `sndred cm. In 45} to 1 state rnew Ina ic kett 6 12a 051 13% ` Arrugll I1 [quotable] haxv 19' W.` `one am; of his way to make an at the hon. gentleman who had hincolleagueu Finance Mihter. -He Julia) highly extolled L110 cluuucter and of tlut gentleman, and aid thstif the . member 0 posit; twenty- ve [It'll held ll hig a place in the estznstioll de people of Canada, and en ' y. ed as brilllelitl reputahon as Sir F. Hirlgks now held and , the hen: member would have earned I great mood, and a great rows:-df `t -15 f bl` - (Ifud'cbm:T yneflslr r.`l.....'.'..r. ____,....... vi nu course, the more no :- xr nddwin voted ngninst it, and to -.f himself, he Inch ham: to England 3, Bgllgr, 1 distinguished legal mom- .h`.,g .5.` Home of Commons, snd the lonnrd precedent! md nnlly In-iniI_l . lIiI,gU.I. It franc lnptive irri`-.m:l Local ` W tam. ` rocciyts 65 to j for cl w 00` I ltaady. ' .1 72. ark, M }c for stead Iphlii ;` 7 In 9.. I MON '1`! I I "fl rgalzmliq ...w.wu snowed that it was appreiated. Sir John Macdonnld ridiculed the hon. llolnber for Lambton for moving an am- Udmentinconsistent with the motion of hon. member for South ' ting that he at any rate would not v where that hon. gentlomm was up- A inted to lead. He thought House was :* entitled to know - who ~ hiucolleuueuFinanm Mi-`- =-5-u Bruce, thus _g,|U H) to 8, Rye ll -. nsnlug [ mg, .775 _tu Wintnr :- fnalue ` auto M ontr I 82}. mm B.` xii-ght ty it g ma] vuvuuuvu us-perate reveu e, and battle (1;I:gerous `to less than go 5. Sir John then got up to close 1119 debate, and we would be doing him a grevinus wrong to curtail one word of his speech. It Inn in his usual style of cutting home to the heart of the affair, and the way it was received showed that it "Sing Macdonnld ri.I;....1-.: `L- - `XITQI hal: Eu 7 ir`:,"I Cam _ Itovn kw! F7 P Colfo rpgu \/A L, , Ma F9 for` Ql IT R E: {vol -ll5 . . _ . `<- -syn ; tn the leadership of the Opposition, for he ` soon row and nioggl seconded by Mr Dur- inn, an afnondnlnt to the amendment to the following effect, that :-- 'l`hcHouse deems it properin the Inutt:-r of the return of W: at Peterluu-uugh tn act upon the precedents of the Pnrli.-n'ncnt of the Province of Canada in the Oxford, Iii-nt, Bcnuhamols, I. -agnt and Lcimox and Atl- dington cases, and in conformity w ith lllnsu precedents to assert its j|l !'ls4llCtl0n and Inaintain its privileges, to forth with ruulruss the agrant violation of law zunl duty ap- parent on thspapers, which has been cum- mitted by the return of the (lefcatecl an the successful candidate; and this Hnllsu -1..- clares that Mr Bertram should have thu right to take his seat, Mr Cluxto the right to cont--st his election." After several other members had aired themselves, including S. M. Bodwcll, Mr Blake again got up to reply, and l)cc.'u::e exceedingly eloquent over the great justice of proceeding: with the llnsineszs ul tho cu"I 1iIt'!'y vl ll'ie a single constituency was unrepresented, and went on to criticise the arguments advanced b ._ ` y the Ministerial supporters. At last He ended frowning, and his look denounced Desperate h dangerous C an an: I n having in- ruthe Mr Mackenzie had also been in the nmm I .........u, uguapcuucu Dy moving. That th$retnrn made by the Returning nicer of-"ihc member to represent W1.-st Peterboi`o"in this House, and all papers co1111ectd therewith, he refcn'vxl tn zhe Select Standing Committee on Privileges :mdA_Elc-ctiom, to be appointed in pm'- ? sutmc of`the order of the House nmdu an i the 6th instants,-witll instructions to pro- 1' ceed wfthoutrdelay. an-1 cnqiro zuul repnrt to this House, the proper course to be ml- nptuulg in order that the rights of all parties may 50 duly protected." (()hcurs.) ` After recess the debate was renmncul by several members, and it would appear that I I thus advanced over the heads of ublcr men the V ,_-..D. ._;u. nqluuljnl th.Lt both were su_1f'ering;{ a stntel caused some little laugh r, bu rectod by Sir John rcm'nrking.t not think so. He continued to codonts, agended by moving. That tbs;-..o........ ...--1- I -' 'l`h:tt it appeztrs Ivy the pull books and 5 . other papers tmnmnitted by Gm-r;_ro Bnrn- ` ham. lhu returning Ol ll('I.'l' nplmintetl tumm- dnct. the last. election fur We-st l uIa.-rln=ru . I ' that. two cmndid:m's. John I -ertrmn and : ' Willianl Clnxtun wcru nmnin.-ntad : that :- I pull was clemmuled. gmntml and tzulwn ; that utgtln: rlmm uf llw pull the illcl Mr Ba-rtrmn . I hml the l:u';_rest lnnmhcr uf votes. lmving I'c' ` _ ` relvcd T-1.3 votuu while tln- snlcl Wm. Cluxlun ` ' rm-eived unly T05 vanes; that nutwilh.~ j ing tlufsaid returning 1-River has not rel urn ed the said John llcrtnun as duly olectml; 4 j1mthas.rat.nrn`elas duly vlectoul thu .`4.'ll.'l 5 ` `Vin. t`/lnxtun; that the .-mid Wm. (`luxtun . vhaa Hmmc ; that I . l h:n't- hue-I: I W. st :-M-v-1:g_x-of m , ` this l :|rli:nn-m. ll.Il1llll.'l.l.llM':\lal-lollll lh,-r ltmln hzunright tn Ink his son! in t..hi:<` 1':-ta.-r5~-rn', . ` j saving, (':llMll(l:ll(-`B:1l.. rl-a- 1 turn their i`-t;5l`.l cunt:-at mid w?-. `Iinn. emu..." .|.;..a. .... . _ , ._ M-.. . while I :-w [by .n:/.`', M" by nlv l||'l' ric:1ll_y nnytlli wing ifx-sf. at ljmrt '.-no IlI.'IH'l ......- ...u;,-mar, out was cor- rJohn rcm`nrking.tlmt he did 1 . addnce pre- . ` .endcd bv movinrv - ,5 .. .... ;uuwcll, JVH` rto sent ng 1 I went ed by It (1 had power to deal with such a subject, and - lo: ti-oas_on and in prison could hardly be I -...-u, as t W knew it would, in a signnlatfer n making all outs of V the days of the Ottawa we red. The great organ had cant: I on no account must a a1 -. absent, and they obeyed aonable alacrity. The tram far Peterhoro the subjed speech, and we aredoiqthegeh V injustice when we say kt he A the whole matter in a very fair and ' light, {run the viewadoptediyhisside -A House. He viewed the can from di I atand points, and set great weight 1113. argument that not a particlod work ' be done until every section of to con _' was fully represented. He then forward arguments to show that tb Ho instsnood the case of J. _0'Donovan Bossa who was unseated in 1879 for the eeoney o! Tippewary, but he must surely have been aware that a man who was qnder sentence It and proper person to take his seat inthoeouncil of Parliament, even if he would, by getting there show his gratitude by voting against the government. He then, appealed to Canadian precedents and seemed to attach In :2 .\lrU (,`. . 821' J- . l 5 vy > , so on P:-.'.-;I....-_ ...u In-u u-rum! uuu Med Iicvr '1-st Put;-x'1Ia=I'u'. um! I In-Ininntculz 'n.nlc-xl tzxlu-n; I : gr 1.` 1-uh... L... -..- V5615, H80. to fl He knew many families who` by extravagance at` fnncnh. the rich to r-M--* ' ..........cu nom Humans viii. clmp., 25 v., But if hope for that we see not, than do we with patience wait fur it." In the course Of his remnirlu the reverend gentleman ea.id,of the deceased that he waited not for a dying hour to prepare for eternity. His life was ` hid in Christ. In a. lucid interval the day be. fore his death he said, All that now remains is to lay `good bye. Hie work was done. Au. upright men of business he was greatly esteemed sud regretted bv A" u1'-- I--- - ' nag upright ` 1 "g_ ._,._,l , Tn: LATE CAPTAIN Pv'rNAM.-St. Paul's Chnrchwas densely crowded last evening in consequence of it having become known that the Rev. Mr Mulock' intended preaching the funeral sermon on the death of the late Cap- tain Ptttnam, who was connected with the oongregntiou for a number of years. The text was taken fnom Rumans chnp., v.. u|2..lr it |._'.., -' -' M [:5 I uf hi ,_.- unillll ggkvcted cold. I". ' U-lcssa, from Whd yesterday to Ca 1 tives of the dec (`lunch of Eng]: __,1 1 .........u. uugmnd, t . reml by the Rev. H. f\\'udey:u1 Methodist I ` .lm_h H... I.:,. n ngnt to take hi cm several ing of thOppoeitiQ%sws which was themselves, inc Ge heve Xe such w P `Io: them hu re. Blake gm II|l0d,lI eh III signal *8! fer ho have been justice of proce` ts - ` camm-y'wu unrepresented, a.rgume_nts ed v si supportegr `Al eyed from ~ *1:::`:,,;:"2; P, "11 own.` . `tuck l -nethevesupposedwuthes . _ I we `mums of the received showed Mam Lan V on. mom :.ad|:ent incorai 5 hdicsting }. the subje V speech, wesreoloigthr 4 " V lightrun viewedoptel iyhissido ` upon ` e mtmeluso nw the s 9100, that J _o Don `:1; 11` thece J rf `one on qnder h 1 in h"ll see: )3? in the council Parliament e I there show E . 14.4 run:/11'1", an Mouth, Es-q., of Odessa aim-c she w.'I.s on :1 via stun, where the writ: mchzlguthering. Hw w`sV nr nu .... ..._ .- ually busy dufing ' Hm past. week. It may have been that his vic- tims were not more numerous than on other I u--cnsi-m.~r, but only better known to the ' miter. Mrs .\lcLaron, the subject of our no- tice, was wife to Mr Mcbarcn, of the Mount i trust l'4'J'1l7IIl'III I', mu! .1------'-*- ` `` "' ~ lu'\`|.\}. ll. mu lml,l `I ha in the muullm of [VI] ; very much of tho (loin; `. .-nihn.-n'_y`-mu.-at null}.-r ;ni__;ht. at most. He by :l[I]|U.'Ill_ tn the II: un- wrung mum, In the constituency by pro- on-tlilng to the tmnsaction of public buli- ; nuns until it was represented in the House, but 110 might call the hon. 'gent.lcmn.n's ul- n-ntmn h) ' nlmlllcr august trilnnml ` that had taken a dibrcnt courau, Hu- ` l.--V,-i.~s!:-turn of the Province of Ontario. _(HL'.'n' hc:II`.) He remembered that Mr a;S:|mHin.-Id l\I:u:4lun:;M hml nmvud Um ud- " Hm! in--Mu 'uvQ.v-.. .-........: .... .. A 3'uIn'mm-nl uf Hm! Hun.-ac: my the -'1'm|||d ..4l. an `J ,-----=5 DI"'V e, or any person than I the brink of eternity < gloomy pm'talu. She l 'l'hurmlay very sudd lluau ..C .'._n_.,, -' .., IuI|.`u'_y u-ummu nor my sunmmrydisgmax of ca.~n:n \\'l|ivh the law. pmvided n. settled ; mode at` trying. Tlie hon. member for Snuth lh-m-u had dwelt as great deal upon ` the wrung mum to the constituency hxmsaction of nuhiin Inmi. l'lnu.llu|1sull|cn divided mud Mr Mac- un/.ic'.-4 zuncndmuut was (ejected by a vote 5 39.`) to 79, and the zunendlnent of Sir John L." carried on the mine division. And wo *:1y:xhI that the member fur Addingtun and in Mt]: cases witn the Ministry. ` : ... luv -uuur. uuu nu-ro would he I `_ u.("optilIg vithvrnf his statements. ( ` He then iim-u.m-(1 lhu Ellglish pr: that luul boon cited showing th \\`'l'u }|l'ccc(l|!lIts that smtuinod I ` uf the nmttur, and hu prutcsted.n against l':u-lizuuent erecting itself ug-lvitrzlrv tribunal fur the mlnnnnru E wortlny of only cmumro and reprolmtim was just as likely Lu be wrong in mm cu.- in the utlner. and Hu-ro would he tlilllgt ;m-outilm 'il,l1vrnflniu uo.,.o.........4. /nu.-. _._, .. ... Iuu uunsy wmcn 3 single !ituu||i_y`-H1I1.~ot for a. week or a i__;ht. (Sir John) conch y upgm.-ulin_ Iluuse to sustain 1 ".1; so -clearly the unly I-mfe constituti nu-.~:e. (Cheers). '|`hc. House then L` hp of lyfnof the community we leave 9. It is too late in the Evin to .... -. .--.... \.|I\;u nuuwulg Lllilla qwy his new protcstcd.stVrougly into an :n;jluitr:u'y the sulnnmrydisgxmzl of nmvided n m-.n.led __..._._. z Knuc.--\Ve .l.':,I -' . ---u(UlIIl`l..~ was kindly in I-ln..l. 6'..- ,, _._. ...yua.n.-II, 01 we 1` ".'.rru/zim'/', and laughter of ] 241., (hleusa. It in only a. few I ~ visit tn I... 6-:1----b -* ` `.-_,....u-u. auu very Q 1ose who were acquai ) well regret her death. ...._.._.___._...._--- ..u vvul uncc, and he ..: nu]-n\;nUlll.iIlIVel, 1'4-ml Mr Mucdmmld out of the I and tnuk it tlu-nmulvos. (Lmnl 3, (cl nut, therefore, he t.huu;,r|nt, -ullm tyln,-no genlllnen to talk f delay which single can-_ mt week or a I`...-Ln .. uwwe learn, to, I who hAd,boen ruined trail. He called upon a such ext:-v--'--" ,, ,_.- .._,.. uvuuulg In ng ` 15 nber ms it. ` and nanltlnvn--- -A" ,-_ _-...5 mcumcrs 0] (1, the funeral nervic: Flees, of Bath, in int Church of the vi Jy tcxxtlereu _ and for the occasion. L'Jn.I A - " ` _ 1 .. .. - .uv n_uuuu mcuned U Italian utter wanit of natu- luhip ' by the Comniuionor of %in land: to this Incorpora- ti Bill, not on the timber quea- ting will go B withdraw from the Govunmont that nee of the country. 1" ` E DAILY NEWS-MONDAY EVENING. MARCH 10. _. \/III ..,-cm.-e I30 our wr, and to the relatives 1). Mn: McLaren was I who lmd the pleasure .,I 1.-- _.. - - - ,,......V v; U18 innocent of the mat 5 Boyle was for'ma.ny aun, where her kind Lined her the respect ads, who will deeply - -..... uuc [unsure er sudden death has r the entire commu- ,- .... -an un MIIE emed in Kingston_ another cblumn. )1` some timb past, 'eek ago we made unth nu -..l._n. , ` -_ .-...5ouuu, ner son-in-law, I` zen ailing for some e to go about as She was of a kind I very greatly res- acquainted with - I` no` In -:vAvwIlUlI' I rum 1', and the benedic- 1 H... .......--. hereof is M the withereth, the ` our God shall I-nun 4|- A ` ..., \.\uI|JIIlLIUlI to sustain what conut itu tiunal .. -xul v Act: I in I 01... ...'I1, ... .... was 2 ,1,.-4.I, I - \u it |Ul'l/-' ) concluded Iuinin Vlf IJI|gUl' Ill 5. (Cheora.) prccedenia ; that they Id his winn- ., ..- uu Villngt FIITDU, I'III' E L] ud- ua grnulld `ll of thr ince, nml mhl lmvs a ' Philip uv weeks _;_ ur- . ........ 2 chair I from gntion 1- I ii:-John 5' m urown Lands .` D in proposed clutter. '1 Q I0 be obtained by tlium r-...1o;.... e-.. 'i"he I , _ Poucx Comm`, Mo Strange, P. M. )--The a] crowded thin morning, good indication that H"- on he . 1-.nr1sANCE mm:.'rmo.--On eVCllll after service there will be me: ing in St. James Church, douhtle be attended by large helon iug to every denomination favonrab to the cause. with ` Cnmula, and in r. cruited by thousands every day. I coplc eyc are being opened to the evils of drunkennes: men's minds are being directed towards more than ever before, clamoring for its subdual, ` bill before the Local Legislature tot: prohibition of spirituous liquors. Kihgston i not behind the spirit of cit` the cause of temperanc enrolled under its banner, and we have n doubt that they will show their zeal in th cause by flocking to the church on Fridag evening. _ uv uvv bl! 3'olock, 1 gun-) L- ....v. Bcuctuuuly distributed -Hence, thus temninating tertainment. We congratulate friends in that section on the commodious and elegant church which they have erected, a cre- dit to themselves and an ornament to the community. A description of it appeared in our columns some time since. ,,,- -.--...._, yallalll 13110 K programme by `reading 3 selection from (loud Words, which was well received. The securul part of the programme was interspersed with,m__us_ie by the artists we have mentioned, Anuintc-resting feature of the entertainment `was the disposition of "n large cake of pyra- midal proportions; several stories high. The morlux operaridi w.-Ls, nominations were receiv- ed for certain young lzulies in the znulience, which noininnitions were taken down by a re- tnrning oicer duly appointed. Then every one who pleased and who paid ve cents haul the privilege of voting for either of the fair candidates. The candidate who had the ma.- jority of votes was awarded the cake. The contest was very keen, and after being kept up briskly for seyeral minutes (bribery being freely used and allowed), ton, was declared ,._._.--.., .--A Woods pathetic character from Dickens. This piece presented a pleasing variety after theexceedingly humor- ous pieces which had preceded, and was ren- dercd in unexceptionable style. Mr Thomas Alexander followed in another selection from the same author, gnd was loudly applauded, his rendering of it being very effective. Dr. Mcflainmoniconcluded the literary part of the 54;.- ..m`l ......s ..t u, .3 ,,__._..V.. `II vcn llllll again ` from :1 |.l.-9.94.... ....-:..;._ -n This piece pi ,. ......, .....u.u nexermere and believe e word of it. We contend tint an exeminetion of the divieion list will show thet it was 3 petty queetion," and thet tllejovemunent end their friend: voted epiuet the measure and the Con- eervetivee and their friends veted for it. We hen no right and-no delire te epenk ` for either religious party on a question of ti ! nature, we are on friendly terme with Full. Wen-eof opinion that too much ilpettence he: been attaiched by the Com- ener 0! Crown Lands and Mr Frase iplvpoeedc -r ""-A`-*'"