' _- I Irll 7-3' Which are oh the way frat; Europe. Feb. 4, I873, Notice to the Public. I-- I lIlII`jI.| mi.-t, mu! Druggist, .\l.1rkut. -Square. :.`u.\`s x.+:.\v}: l{lNGsTt).\` ulna ' Illw 3 I".xpn-Kt for M ml '|'rain fur ht Express fur I Hxpra-as I-nr 'I'm In. |' \|~r. -_ I .:r,.\s :m\' _\\'}\1:F1g1nU;' E. .-\.\'l) (LI. umcva-zs 01'-` Sl'.IlI.\'G 0001!, ' bum`: AT TII I-2 _.K I.\'( E :51` I! E I-2'l'. ARKI{ILL S.l FKMILY mar; 'I'0B.\(`(`U.\'Is 1', Kingston." l)UlllUlI. i.l l\\' IN" GA KY 12.. .l \'. I"! I nu-urn, . 'I57:s. nf l.ulm'u and - In-'In.`Irur.'a C . . - ~ . . . . ILINI (LII '. J. |1li\'I)(;{ ..\', Alanaging Director. , m.-l1'{.L-}L n KINGSTON, (CANADA). WEDNESDAY 1:vEN 1NG. , _ I [X returning sincere thanks to their friuu. 1- 7 E nndwhe public generally for the lllrernl ` ] patmmage extended to them since opening the S Bx\7.A;AR, beg to announce tlmt they will sy.-ll i ' at cut` during the next two weeks -all Fancy i Goo-ls and To 3 in Stock, in order to reduce ' the Stock belllre Stuck taking, also to make l room for "their tmnmer trade. This in mi bogus sale, we will reduce all good` an wo ' , stats`. Come earlynnd Iechre bargains. I 1 ___ __ ___ l , GENTS VVANTED, to - sell Or ans, AX Melodeonl and Pianos, for six 0 the heat maker: in Cmsda and the` United Sateu. 'AppIy'to J. REYNER, Organ and Melollcon Manufncturer. next door to Hobart : Medical Han, Prinrseu Street. 3;: wt. 23, I872. jg 414;.-.. : UYSTERS. an quantity, in Cans or in` , Bulk. an the BA AAR, Princess Street. I ! REES BROS. I ; SPECTACLES mcv coojis: AND TOYSf f REES _BRos. | mum aroma, 47 PIIINCESS sT1u3m' WORKlNGMEN%,]| R. WHITE, 1 WHOLESALE DRUGGISL You can save Honey by doing so Ar /i |GI`IAT CLEARING BALE now going (m, nrcoaratorv to movimz to the New Hum- `WakT u4[_v!T Wake up! Ifingstou Oil Stores, iopened at Walqlr0n s. Due. '29. CHEAP BLANK m's, 1rI.A.\'mi1.~x, 1;~.I,;;,` 1 ; 1 U|un'..'.ingn, Ic:wu:rn, Clllllldil Twccds, ` Wool bixuwln and Fancy Dress Goods. R. \v,u.mw.\', ; ~ \Vils6u': Buihliugxa; Jan. 29th. ms. lltlhfll \./lAl'JI|l\-l$\\I IS preparatory to movm : in Mucus: &. W 1 DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. Jan. 30, 1373. . HEATH & tiuuws :5?` \.\I.~' I ski [~)"ILLOVV LINENS A.\:Bm<':`o"Ivri}.\'_.s" To? match. ~ ' 1OLD SPECTACLES, I SILVER SPEUTAULES, smm. SPEC-'I`A('LE.S. . LEUNITE HAIR BRUSHES, (;0sNELL S -- ~ INLAID -- ` ~ T VULUANI 1`E DRESSING cows, _ 'l'UUTH ANDJAIL BRUSHES, 'ruu'rH POWDERS AND l AS'l`E:4, 'l'()lLE'I` l O\Vl)El{S, 1.uum's vmwuuss, A'l`KIN50N's Pumrumss, manna cuwuNE, WLAVEN mm & FLORIDA wvawus. 1-mus onvcmumz soAl s, 1-'n.Avouunm 1r.x'rv.,wrs, mm'r's L AND snolifs I )|..\l.\' GREY SHEETINGS. I `mm -; 7 s17)i{" '\'\fiii'i* i: 1: 9(i'i'`:`k}i<. 1 Cheap. ' - umrrs WANTED, ' K Dleludennn nuul Pinnna lnr -Eu PRINCESS STREET, J an. 29th, 1873. Ii`3N SHEETINGS, 80 and A * ml. 36-inch GREY (;u'r'ru1\ at 5 cents. worth I5 cents. - i 1./up 01.: TFR, ORROCK8 WHITE TWIL SHEET-` INGS, 72, 80 int! 90 inches. . ~0RROCKS' I INGS, 72, E l';1AP IiIAN'k F:1_'S, i?`I.L{.\' N ::l.~x_' 1%.] 1 I `I....|- inuu Ihuxv.-rn K 'nneuL. 'l`-...... .\'BLEAUHl; D ""rwu.L m.1A1 El'l;lN?:; 9 `Ll nut` `)1 vamln urixlu n.-u.r.n an-men -nun cents, V_l.L.WlN l`ElK (;00I).s' AT -1 ~ -1 L 1}A1u'.-A1:s'.s. w` raE{E"nK6C7in'{hZ'}"eu7"E5 ; in Mwnee & w um Bnildingu. CHEAPEST AN D BEST AT \l)LAI'al'\.-IIIDIJ J \V LL11 0` 2, 2;} :sml.`. yards _wIdc. GREAT SALE gnu- E. ROSE/S. 'r%0-12:,I% ulnmsrom, on. E; RosE's,_ IIJIIIXV ~.VVI'Il.l.D , 80 and 90 Inches. PLAIN WHITE SHEEZIZ an and on innlu... PRINCESS STREET. ] Retiring from the B.eta. Trade Great Glearmg Sale LARGE portion of the Stock ha been uold during the month of December. Thu remaining Stock of Dry Goods will be still further reduced during Jnmnry, Ind Grout Barfcinn will be 'ven. , JlJ'H'l` Iazmvwm . All... m....... ..:- } NAVAL_7ORES. .J7lacncc Wadd(:ll s. uruala nur nu mu pe van. J UST EUEIVED, y Allan Steamer. via l'ortla.ud, :1 select Assortment of the Nowelt, sfylcu of Evening Dresses and Fancy Grem- almcu. Mzwnec & Waclalell, ?PA'|NT!_f AINT!! , uununuu unvv IIIIJ, gt?ANl`KAM'S GENUINE `WHITE ` LEA D, - ` JAMES GENUINE WHITE LEAD, ` COLOURS of every grade Ind shade; ` BRUSHES of all description, bc., &c., LA- 4`! m"1na market. It will run the {afoot and hem -eat machinery with perfect utinfnction, an I will not congesl in the coldest westlwr. icuzst Ann LUNG R3$TFA IS acknowledged by all who have used it - to be st once the but and cheapest Oil in? the market. It will fastest mschinerv with market Inh'nlnnm- |"lU3I-"III. I"u-{pry an-I \V:|rrrnn|n4 cumcr nf l_'rinc:- And Uuuriu strunn, Kingoton. 1 \l'lJ'Ill.`l) L 114 I ~'7i'bcIc s 'EX'l`l{A nuolmm on. / NU'l`HEll SUPPLY OF } A'l'l'lSON'8 4'_,\_ Celebrated For Ladies and Gcntlenuvu with Weak Lungs, they are invaluable. None ulou1d_ be without them. '1` ` ./lI.x1CLE./1./V 49- 00.] , I VHF} V, PUBLIC are notilicl that the pro- [mt-tm'a uf the H.-\ RIIIEFIELD STEAM 13/llLI.S' are prep.-srccl to Saw all kinds of 3 Lzlflkmbef and Custom Work uv. der- an "I Wing : cg` ' Feb. 7, 1873. i$3oo,ooo-city of 1552-} % ston Bonds. 1 r `HF. Kingston and Pembroke Railway ! _ Company offer for Sale at their-office, I `Nellingtnn Strv.-ct. Kin ton, $300,000 of Cor- ! poration at the City of ingston Conaolialated : (,'(mpm1 Bond:-. in amount: to suit pui-chair " cm at long and slmrt dutea; Applications to _ be made to y X 1 . 1.` Iv tlI\Y1.` A ll BLUNDEUS RAW OIL, ..`A\'lIRAM'l r1I.`xrt'r| ___.-. A)lEl{IUAN OAKUM. .'.'l'OCKll()I.M TAR, PINE PITCH, .s'uU'I`HERN 'l`URPEN'l`lNE, l [ .I".SSED AND WROUGHT SPIKES. HUl]l'S, WASHERS, &c., &c., - ~ ~ - - V " *7 PRINCESS STREET. Kmglton, Feb. 14th, .1873. K?` The Thermomctrical Question Settled V V v. -u no-uupvnnli, nah, DC Iiwtvwjames S. Yarkefg, Dutttnuna FI!`I'I nnnc ' K iugstou, Feb.` 1 l\. am: I . IS. 1 James S. Yarkelf In selling it at the following scale. of vices :- Less than 3 barrel. . ...75 carats per gsllon. . I 6 ll- Une to ve barrels. . Over five bnrrels . . . .50 '_' Nnmnln `Batting l'1...5.'- uver nve nan-ell . . .5 Sample Bottle: Gratin. At Janine Yarkefs. rKia:gxu;_~:`l:L_|`|. 3, ms. BENT STUFF. DRY GOODS :t~.la||1es S. Yau'ker .s`.% Kingston. Nov. 28, 1872 Hmmmou THERMQMETER 33:33}; I. \'(`II hb olulf gLUNDEL S DOUBLE BOILED OIL, 42 Print-A3.ss street, Kingston. K. and I`. R. ....>.... L'..I. '4 VERY BEST RIMS, A VERY BEST SHAFTS, VERY BEH l` CIRCLES, VERY Bl`1'4'l` PULES, VERY BEST SPOKES, VERY 1s1r.~;'r HUBS, g In In- Just 'll;ceived (Late 1:. \Vhite), Druggists, l llN(JF)$8 STREET. NO:I_CE. ,. R. Office. . 25th, 1872. r7ui'tii"cIons.| \V 1*`. C CLINE, Sec. -Treasurer. I N0. 1 I.ABRA[)(JP. m=,n|:Ir<<:s, rm. 1 LABRADOR HI-:|uuN<:.~:, NO. I LABILADOK I-u51:|:1:~.'.'.s', in barrel and half barrels, tu;,{ctht'I' w well assorted attack of GrnccX ic:1, W Liquor; and Cigar, .' Godu dalivm-ml within {In-..n mii and, 03950 Protec;1;.' u u. n-auuucu IMJUK U; I-ruccx'xu:;, All Godu t1e!ive_rc4_l_ within three 1 the city free of charge. TM: rum 6: J. CARBU I`Hl co. has this day been dissolved by the re- tiramcnt of Mr Cm-rutherl. 'l lm huninngn will ha nm.o:...a...: 1... AL... nramcnr. or Ml usrrumeru. The business will he continued by Alex- nmler Gutm, Samuel Harper, and William Gardner Craig, under the name and nvlc of ALEX. (JUIVN & 00., to whom all debt: due to the late rm Am mumhln mums. UULVN a Cu, to Jvhon late rm no nynblo. JOH UARRI r HE tiaulerligned is prepared to reccive Tender: for HARD And 8014"!` WOUI), for the use of the Kingston Brewery and Distillery, in such quantities u may he agrqed on. Full partwulsn will beziven on ---- --aw -vv up vnnv IIIII IIVIJ JIIUWUK llllll quzatities nfay partwulsn begiven on application At this alce. F. HOOPER. Fab. II. 1873. --uuI uuuno ul urn-cums I5I\lr'1f_ and BUA'l`S of all aizeu on hand, rczufy built. I13 F01: SALE OR TU lilRE."iu Ships Boats For Sale, Fancy Cedar Hkilfu kept on hanifand for sale, such an I obtained Prizes with at the Provincinl Exhibitionl of Ontario and Quebec for the put number of yearn. All ordu`-i punctually attended to; and 211' work leaving Kingston to be paid for before leavingdihe establishment. _ A Mn(`D :1 `KM r II: above are cmly I _l he upl-I cheap fur 1:: r u nxnnu BUKELY or l sttiuon s Lung A and Chest Protectors junt received by E. H. PARKER, Chemist, Market squnrc. Jun. 2, 1873. .-.JA4--w.._ T" A.McOorkell, )()A l'-BUILDER, Ontario Street, near the Water Works, Kingston, Ont. A hr :2 nuortment of first-clans I'4Kll*'II` and BOA S hand. rcmfv built. mm mm A'E36i"{fsiE;?;? ohm; > for Sale ` nay GOODS bncineu, ..t.`f;1a.1.ca for I a oonnidcrabio time and doing a large and protable trade. Amount 0! stock be- tween 4 and $5,000, Sntinlawtur reamnm; given for selling. Full particular ry calling l on or mhlrcuimg, i F. X. (J()U:9'l.`\'EAU 8. Cu. [ ` Box 304, Kingvton. ` Feb. 12. ' "Enterprising Town of Gnnanoquc. 1 unnlu I ruun F4-3, rlitl Wt: zm. Ulrcring at _|vI'iI;(m Iuwcr thflln any nthcr lmuuu Ill '1 own. Also a new supply of , N!) I l.ARl1An:u: I-ll.`lII)l\'11u Kingston Bottling Depot` ALES AND 15031123, in .,u prints. from the best Brew:-.rn m Anna 1111:! runrnsu, in quarts and pints, bent Brewers In the Do- minion. Also English Alon and Porters. BAND[ES.-Jmnca Hcnneusy u, in wood or bottle ; J. & F. Martell s, in wood or bottle ; Pinet, (Jaatillnn & ()o s, in wood or bottle. SUPERIOR. OLD JAMAICA RUM. g, lizlxc; lrlH1.~'.~' no )4 ms, (;[N,-.Jolm Dc Kuypcr & Sm s, in wood 7 bottle. JUST ARRIVED. our TOM GI.\'.~'-Bcrnard dc Cu s, in woaa ' 01' battle; Betta &. C0 !-I. in urmul r WlI:lE; i.~su1*E1:1o1: PORTS and sm-:1" :s. ` * WIIISKIES. --Ol1 Family Prom`, UM liyt Proof and (Jntnmon V\'hiskeya, the best ii. the city,a t-REDUCE!) 1 RI(,'E.S'. UEO. 'l'llUMl S().\'. than 5 V G - I HE Inulcrsigncd beg to notify the Trade that he is nowprepared to till orders `for the celebrated M()l . l`UZ\"S FAMILY I"lilN,)F \Vll[SKE\'. To accommodate the City Trade, Msnrs `James llarty Sc Co. have kimlly consented to allow nnlcrs to l>c l..-it at t_lieir Office, wliich will he" callcll for by :1 messenger from the Distillery twice daily. I". HOOl EIi., Full. 1]. lS73_ J()se];io*-nbrtlanelly. M Feb. 19. mu DU vne law nrnl are nynhlo. UARRU I`HElS, ALEXANDER GUNN. Kingston, 31:! Dncenvbv-1", I872. , 11, I873. Pianos, Oiganiind Melodeo"ns.. ')E |`HEL u.mm.~'; meets ev." 1-,,Uk_.-,_ ) my Evr;N1.\'r:, at 7;;5".,vc;.,,,.., at their Hall comer of Kin I and Brock st:-eetg, K MP. HA1 `altars: 2 Cases Finmsn Huldiea 1ronisALE camp, Scott & Dalton ING. MARCH 12. '17:-1'1` REUEIVEI) A L'UN13`l(.';\'J\lEZ\"l' of Feb. 5. MORTON S DISTILLERY. )A1}s0Nts CELEBRATED SUGAR CUB- . ED HAMS AND BACON. FURTHER sU}-Pi of l attiuon's Lung L iunt received in; Feb, 11, 137:2. Spoons, man DRIED . IJICIED . IJRIEI) . [AS NOW ON HAN D LARGE STOCK of superior I4]! '11!!! lil.-licrmtrd dc U0 in W01 bottle ; dc (Jo's, in wood bottle. vs uuw U21 ` superior 'c.;.;e:1;na;. fami `i;:oc`i:";2 .': GEORGE MP, Sectetary. 5 ` vuoor ~ . RYE rum; s1 11z1'1`s, 50.00. .u.;onm.. ~ usages: HIS. A. MOCORKELL. l'l{l7s\'l'lr4, PHUNHS. l l{UN Es, qunrts and I 1'!` with u , \Vim.-rs, 5 miicu of I873. ;'-5p;ci.1V| nttcntiml is ircctdcl to our Stuck uf GRUB GIL/`UN S] LKH (REAL I.`- ()1\ N) in Black mu] Unluurll. - , MON'l`lIEAL IIOUSE, uunus merynn shirts and Drawers. I Gents lmnb Wool Shirt; and Drawers. Hunts` Canadian Slnirta and l, zmt:s, all 9`-i'/:~s. ,(.`-.'mli4.;:1n Jackets, l`r)llm Ja.cket.s, S Ulmnln, Stznrfl, &c., cc. Alsc :1 large nxmrtulent of l)l.{l').'5.`l Il0.)l).\', in all the Saw Materials, in clullc-.5 \'nr3t.y. A full xwuvrtmcnt of l.:ulIe.'s .-mnl Cl-lll(ll"."l.H Hnnillry. ' l Ncwmtt Styles in Hlmwls mu-l, Mmutls-vs. All the .\(:wStyJea in l)rmmu.ml Mantle l`rnmm'mo4. l1'll|HII|I`H. _ ' Huml Vnhln: iu(1anruli:m and English .\1.'um- f:u:tm-ed g B LAN KE LS. At qharles Grigor's` T I H 03' HAND, ornamented in the Ixcuwu Ityle. UHOCO-LATE CREAM Dnovs, TA 1-`max , BUTT ER scorcuntmh every my, and the choicest lot of CANDI E8 of sgrocx-'1uuu1w mm.` |ALEx.Rossl WINTER I .u' r In DU I'1`Ib'n DUU'1'UQI'clh my, CANDIES of qur own msnnlnctnu. A superior lot of TAi5LE APPLES, Oranges ' and LEMONS. ~ WE would meet respectfully call the ab tention of the bile to our beeulul collection of Pnrlour, ' , Colette and Be- Ionsnt OBGAN8, also MELODEONB; NEW and SECOND-HAND PIANE8. Pu-tie- wnntinu An Inuit-nmnnt. m. -54.4... 4. .....-_ -an Also a. ve lino: UUFF E. nun: Una-W 9 11 amino at our F Inntmmnnt an uuurumont warranted lot in years. ' N.B.-Havin ongngod 5 t-It-clan Tu r from the cit olotton, lomurly from Franz, go will an pleuun in attending to all Greatly I{eclIIcelP1'iccs ,__., _-_.-_.-v. lcapitzlf - - $500,000.! MAXWELL w. srnwaz, AGENT. Oioe, Clarence Street, opposite the P931; Office. l(:nm.o..n 0'10}. ,Tan IE1`! ;i5 REs_I,=._N1'sz] eh:-nary 22. 1 l`l.lCA'l'lO.NS will Pa received by the 1' Committee on Fire, Water and Gas, at the City Clerk's Oice, City Bnildingl. until FRIDAY, the 14th instant, at 12 tfrlock, noon, from parties willing to furnish properly uipped and suitable for drawing the Steam ire Engine and Hose Reel: to all from Fires in this Citv. when rl-nnirml properly ulppea and suitable for drawin City, when required. ' Suitable Stabling wan he provided ache. Engine Home. ' Annliuanlzn tn nfalun nu what 6..---- --3-`I - uorucu will he turmsllcll. By order of the Committee on Fire, Wster and Gas. ; It all A1711-u nut nngme ll OKIUC. Applicants to state on what term: nid lloracu will be furnished. ` nu ma]... no at... r-.........:u... .. I:-:... ur-4-- ISI` THE Goons for Spring Ll Ladies Lamb \Vno1 Underwear. Hunts Merino s"I1Ir-ts and Drawer. Gents Draw 1 :....o..' H.......1:.... c.n.:-;._ __..1 n_,.,;, , SUV, '3, WESTERN ASSURANGE GOMPANY. , I Kingston, Doc. Is, 1372. DRY GOODS Wedding Cakes Imce. > Kingston, 27th Jan. 1873. , ._ _.I_...._,. .. A Large Assortment of v ' ADIES MEBINO UNDEBWEAEE. J W I ` when Ahuuu3.c..n.9(g_h_.!&,h C Kingston, March 10th, 1873. B. MAGPHERSDN & 06% FTT H. l BEVl})US T0 H'l`OUK-'l'AKINU, qH.n_DUMBLE. tr `[1118 PAPER 18`?! FILE W'l'l'll ` .ius'r nucxcmvsv AT THE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Three llorses, A . ROSS. let! to can we mum WINTER STOCK 0! Luke J. Erly. n u;ortmeni of TEAS AND I I-Z\\` \I.\U.\7.lXH \|!I NI 3. eoona| M. 1rr.A1~:_AcAN, City Qlerk. /I PRICE _ _v-- -v -av-n-I&l'Vv Toronto, Much 10.-In the House to- day, s greet dssl of time was tsksn tip with pnv` bills. M Mr now moved lorths cmontor s committee to` enquire into t constitu- t' '> nd eperstienof o:"ln:sinsss1'n this Prgzgce, known ss - antile Agencies, with 1 view of ssaertsining whether or not it is advisable in the public interest to lacs them on melt` is footing as to secure (all s_nd pyper responsibility on their psrt for,e.ll reports issued, and stato- ments made by them. He said he had had a his attention several tunes calaluito thin sort of information sn plied by these` establish-_ menu, and said t at in mnny cases that in: formation was entire] false and most in jur`-":1 ious. Ouumrf mere ants were entirely at the mercy of these agencies, who could ruin them if they pleased. It wusanost necessary" thntthere should be some legislation to meet cases where the business standing of met- chzmts was damaged by the reports issued by these agencies ; plenty of information could be supplied the committee at once. lie had himself in his possession the` onn-e cntinl papers of some agencies. The Attnrnnv.(:nn..-.1 ...:.: n.-. u. .,- V ucnmu papers or some a enciu. 'I;he Attorney-Genera mini -that thou ngcnicien had become important infbusineu I mud porhnpra they samctxmes did harm. Ha I uh:-nght, however, that they generally did :1 great deal of good. It was his opinion t,lmt4there_,shm|Il he xmum substuntiml per- ipflflu nmnvu.-.utm1 with these nlgenciel, I I ;v.;:u'n:5t wlmm :lfv[)c: crmhl be 11 than (mrrite. ~ ,v_.| l)..I.!...:_. u, ..u . -`-I1o- Ill!!! (7lU'l'H3lI. Cal. Baldwin Poaultbeo movied fottheagp A. p-riutnwnt of a select committee to enqmu in the awe of tht-'1` widow and (laughter: of tin lute Col. Comm] J. Baldwin. I-In ms- m um case ox mu wuluw and (laughter: of than He x-. . plgxincd that Co], Bnldwj, in miling a ruggimem. fur the I cfomoe of the Province. aw: jg,-cu dcfra-mlcd qt about 35,000 a`: 1.` priviue funds ; that in cunm.-qllcmce ho ht ifn part with his remaining lnropqrty and I his lmlf-pay.--Mntim ymsscd. _ . 1 Mr Clark (NnrfnIk`\ nlnus-:1 .1... ......-.-I um umn-gmy.--xunt.mn ymoscd. Clark (Norfolk) moved the mound rw.1im_,r at the bill tn pruhibit the sale uf inr ! tuxicnting hquurs as a beverage in Ontario. . of throwing dmvn-the gaunt-let of'pIl`.|hibi- , Hu entered at great length into the sulrjet ' ti:-u in the name of hnndrednwf tlzouunntlp, ' I I R I I | ngssgl; mxtlwns. ` I 9- Ttulu.-6-,,'l"..I... .I..:..I. /`I 1 - quuuon. ~ Mr Calvin said he Hui Seen 1 tom- pcmnce man for forty years, H `from what ho IMV he beliuvod the Got 1!. were inimicaltotha cause of too " ee.,_ They were striving for tempera. _ notes,` but not for tho temperance principal. (Cheerm) Thain was a. can oi Pur:ty'vcr:u-~. Morality in which the htur Inm; bv thn hmu-A /nt.-......\ ML- xnsqnn GOOBS ...c vvvlc nu'|vII I0! wm eragfefvotea, J "K P _ _ pljnmyd. (Cheen) was Psrtyvqram . in by the board. .(CheerI.) The , rt;-, vice had the powr of n inf licenlu, an'd in lm opinion it % tho *` power of tslring them um .- Ho urged Ch hon. mambo: for North llyotfollr to stick. I0 his bill. The bill was ultumatoly ruled oath!` of order. `It. `II|.._....-u .__-_*..-.q . on - new 0`! me mu respecting the lioensi*n'g"ef ublic houses and the sale .49! `itxgoxieeting iquore." (Loud La hter.) - . In answer to Mr _ anald. Mr Farewell said he had _teken no advice as to the constitutionality ofthe (lift, I . J 1 , '11 .Mr Clarke (Nos-lel_k) r ` etsed the sou, which the Hon. member or South hsd rsued. That hon. gentlemen shetlid sten'Knby his bill if he believed in `it. Cell- sieurnycy required him to do thet. (Hear, ` [git let.) , IDIHIOHI. ' ' r Rykcrt--- I'n|_ce .; .1 If. hA`nu nit I|'t'I'..nl:=` wr. ) V , It bqiug six a cluck T'TIc'm`ne row. _ After -recon ndiscuuwn urom concurning the right ofth Home 1:: deal with an _ quution.- - MI! nnhvin nah] `An I.-.) 1...... - -V III uruer. Mr Farewell mdvod tadinchar 6' the A do`:-al the bill rupncting the l:oonIi'Iig"Of * public .of inmxiumm lI':) I - ' ' ~ 7 Mr FM-owoil and he know bu bxll would" be ruled out. _ , - ` * `ll. lint./_..... ..-:.1 u .__-_ .m, V `I -A - ~3 no:-u1eaont._ _' '~ | . Mr Bobimon said it via absurd for-Ian members to give umponnoo lectures unlawful bills. A: the hon. Pntniot.-` to his cost, the tompornnce an in M ntun_:md elsewhere, alvmyn voted for I: 51% w in - ..,.'.::.f3':a.`.':.`1.`.. ::a'.`: .:; .: :::::-. who drank the moat. whiskey. laughter.) :11 the Home did not '1: it!` ' propot business, it would not the nut . summer of autumn. (Hear; hear.) "` Mrcraig, (Glemzarrv). said hon. mnmlanunw 7 Mrcraig, (Glengarry), said hon. membln-~ wen nukm fools atthamulvu in discou- mg I bill w ich thay know could not come law. Hut hear. The House had been tting ong anon . I Hon. Hr Mount u` this no :1 much :4 prohibitory liquor luv u the other. ' M? it cu; m no....-_L----`-- .__._._._:_____...__....._____,. _. vmoyzspar zvzzmva, 1430:; 1:. _:__L.-.___........ _..._.- .- I hill:-wing Hood: will is paid VlLy chmp : mu rupunuu :1; amended. V W Hon. Mr Mowat moved the second rad-' ing of the bill respecting Ccvlnminlioinctd fur taking Aidzwitn. Carried - .w'-'1 on the motion for the adjournment. Hon. Mr Crooks, in answer tnllr` Oman 4; mm. faaid he did nut know When the '- ,, durmin-Council rulgtive to nil1ny_ ' would be ready. ` ' ` Mr Came:-an vmnhl lila. 1.-31...... -.--u-- . In 3 v '13 woum Be ready. T_ ~ Mr Cameron would like to knpvr , thin of th [mp0 (1 N g u : Ac new o _ y There was no answer. me. .uoa woum-3 . do . . `U T ` utmost coudeuco l. __ Imatoly triumph. We'lIW , umul triedI:oshovH`ltI5ll,e.` npornl pmsfer lid hut N70 them .w_,5PL,rity { um /Amrch. A m*'ntlca't nus:h*:""- 3" `*3 ' The wmwlnslhes have n gn rather thf; egg, "7 m.. kg,`/d I :5 dlinninirm `in I31-ggjighu! 4: r-.--. ,:e..:..`. .;*'..: .';:*""*`-A-"W"-** ` . ' ' ha I. awful chilflren. Thgan:lll:ni1:atehH ' ,_u Churchwvnll notqepand u` nth: " i:m government wan i puniuh the invade of the tmpon1iha.--Al. ._1Ho1ulJ` \ 1.: _often In th punun me Invgd. Holy Father has the ()l_nu-ch wil . P0" pzusvcr 1 H8113 SIIEWBI. ':l'he Hume udjoumed at oy E Two ClN1`:~', 2 unurcnwlu not depend n tmponlih'eI.-N. hos. m-.u'm:I' .t'% ('0. `Ontario idrink . gI_}p|II `lull-g';h _ 1?; W in 2., 33?; ' In wit the 1511-` ' ble.` . God would-1 nlnmininnq 'I'I.d`_}t HIKY .\lU.\"l`:l, Mccrea & Bentley, lR_I_?|_AG_E _AND_ amen Pity Book Store.` hm: DAY or nasr," .u:w 'ob."20th, us,-3." ml 'I'um'l.-:l.l.l.\'u, Evil maul }.\)I||.\' lHI|L\|.| . First Class Ilazors B. Macpherson & Co;? V}\iI`l!i.ieLJ_FAf53'--ur::'ras, ' 'U.3 \V.l Pub. 19. JJARING SALE II \M .l I ` .\l.\I:t_'Il. pun}: AND hu'muEn's At the CITY BOOK STOIHZ. Ya` UII-` l-Z.\'3l..\S| .` .AL'K I.l!8'l'lR EN, V: H.'.' .\l I . X 5;). 117.1 . I !-I.\'.V\' ll.I.l'S'I'lR.\Tl'I|I l'.\I'|-1|}. ' .-u-n_I.\'u I'kI.\"rs, Sheleld House. VUUFIIICKE nrticfe in Sheffield House. ons, yrks, Table or Dessert Knives. max-r:|T\'+:n .41 Tm: .\|l-IN HI" NIH-I.\'l' l`oI&l'l'.-UN, l `Tm Wll ITI4 .4 '0'l"l' ),\'.'. By the arrival I the I-`I II! l".l-Ili l'4 Jun negived It the I..\|!||'1.'4 'll ulu-LY c'u l'1`q u,\'.~s, depend upo At Clwap Rum? TWEI-}l).`4. T1 )\Vl'1l.% . I-`ANU_\' rx..\S.\'m.-{ ' slightly ohmagul, earls. } ` run, and Rick-.'I.-l '"\7s"'i-:3:-:1: in an. THE DAILY NEWS. sf ?{;PAR LL S%. fl?!!.!%....s:,!Ai9i...!2AT1!s aaauaue cuvannmzur MANILLA cnmoorsx VI ii! 515' I A AS UFACTCRED TOBAC- UUS. ` Dnsss eoon Shawls, `Jackets, Tweeds, Hosiery Qhoice Ani`c1_s__f9r th'e Toilet. : X...-nan v-arunn I In I.uIm'I and -51-] 4 |unson'I l"l.\'EST P}-JRFUHES. - I-ELVYI` E.\'GL|8H 'l`U0'l`H, NAIL AND H.-\ll{ BIKUSHES. . _ L-:\'v _-n..v..n - u`{n.........._ ,_.\ . __ I 1 I .11 u. uA|\ -11:14:: rs.\'1: .sPu.\'s..<, I)lP()RTl-ll) soms, it-.'.. &c. For sale ' i E. H. PARKER,! - `H.-vni:-t Druggirst, Suuare. FAMILY PROBF I ALE AND xxx 1~um'uu' IN GOOD ' (.'().\'DI'1`l)N, Winte1' Stock Marked Down, \V 1N'1`J:u ":Vl`}A\ R, AT P. -- -U 3 - C. 3' J1 -. -- KW III-I UPEN TU TH |`3 PUI5LI .'Fn Friday: anal Satur-Izzy: unly during the winter l'.-rsnml wnshing Iinthl any other thy A nun-mu. --I (In: week can he accuunnmlnu-cl |ny1mti(y'ung__ tln-. pr-vpria-tnr in time. Sunday: exc-1-ta:-1. JNTERGOLONIAL nAI[vTiH 7 I872. ` Winter ArrangemcnL.J 313. toft a Passenger and Mail Train will leave Ilalifnx" daily at 7.30 a.m., and be due in St. John at 8.35 p.m. A Passenger and Mail . 'l`m.in will also leave St. John daily at 8.00 1 a.m., and be clue in Halifax at 9.30 p.m Trains will connect At Pginsec with train: to and from Shediac, and Intermediate Stations. ` At Trnrn with trains to and from Picton, and I` Intermediate Stations. 7 At Windsor Junction with the train: of the \\'inluor and Annapolis Railway. At St. John with the Us-nsoliclated European and Surth American Railway for Bangor. Danville Junction. Montreal, Quebec, 1 Purtlantl, Boston ; also with the lnta-r- ! national Steamers to and frnm ldastpurt, `. l'urt.lalul zunl limtun. I 2|-'1; .'< \ l`\`L`! I . `i N and after SATURDAY. 2llt inIt.1ut,\ . trail`;-;uv -micv-. ` Jana -.ry I man TRUN_K RAILWAYQ I say ', Mlxct V:;.|.. J. <;1;1F1)11`om), gaw & MINNES; mtzar \'.,,u L lumen : I u`... . .1..- mare .\1 m-:1:.s.=u.-um PIPES Lit, I 1 z-- -. lo.-signu. nuimhlc for NEW YEAR'S 1'1;:.:~'l-1.\ l`.s. _ J 3. P._.WHITE,% Kingston Distillery, l'.|RTIi