Jtrltk nun arch I2. . I835} ocl.-ed; I I IDLLUUILO V ANTED an active and intelligent Lad, to make himself enemlly useful about I Shoe Store. Liben wages. Apply to ` ver any ; can be pursued in your own neigh- mllrhmd ; it is I rare chance for those out of employment or having leisure time ; girls and boy: frequentlv do as; well u men. Par- ticulars free. Add:-eu I [A'l`l.lAll LIIII VI KMLI-IRJ\Ll ` ANTED Board and Lodging. in :1 pri- vate family. fur two ggntlcmcu- . l`wu lmalrnolns and n parlour required. `Apply at this utce. Huh I 0 J-V JJ\JII, I"lRS'l`-CLASS S l'()KE, with a. good ;\_ comfortable Dwelling. nearly opposite the Albion Hotel, in the village of U:III:I.lm- quc. Tho stnru is titted up with all the I:It4r:t imprnvelnenta, and suitable either fur a Dry Hum]: or General Store. Pouesuinn gin-n immediately. Apply to , JOHN F'l<`.IH.'lI.~xn`.\' a'.lt3UN5 desirous of obtaining Vl LLA or I BUILDING LOTS on the property , known as the Hex-chmur Reserve, can select them by applying to Mr Joseph Bawden, at , his office in King Street. They are the most \ desirable in the city, fronting as they do the hzu-`nour of Kingston, uninterruptedly. Terms easy, Also, to let or sell, the Residence and Stables. &c.. with any amount of land that I may be desired. .....u-pa. xuru; can ue used as three ten: ments ; large Yard and good Stabling. F( terms and particular: apply to KIRKPATRICK IL ROGERS. March 8. E will give man and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from :4 u. 3 Mel (`.111 -' 1-an `us nun-nun] 3-. unuu nu-In -...:-L. Lcrllli Elly, or: 1 n , may I March 11. _ v- -vs-ca-V, LARGE Three-Storey `Brick House, on Uutario Street. next to Mcliossida Lumber Yard; be used three tenc ; lame and Lmml sululina I`...- r nu`. 1\A1'1U1VAh 1-lU'1`EL, in the village 1 nf_V'erona, Township of Portland, situ- ated within a. few rods of the Kingston and Pembroke Railway, will be sold on moderate `terms. For further p.31-ticulara apply to the proprietor on the premises. .[4 (TH A Rl.'l`( )N _ _ _ .__v . av -vva.sv, ` I HE commodious STONE HOUSE, situated F in \Villia.msvill_-,, well known by the name of Ward : Tavern, together with the two acres of land adioinimz. Annlv to Input : 01 H are 5 uwem, together wit adjoining. Apflly to J UHN UDII 5 i Sale, 7 VHE celebrate}? French Stallion Ll()N HEART. . He is 9. pure French Gann- llm-ac, purchased by the owner in l;owI:r Canada, and is now known in the tmvxmhips about Kingston as a lir.~d.v-class farming horse. Any one wanting such a Imrsc had lmtter apply to the owner at once I: Mortnn a Distillery. C. .`lPl~`.I.MAN' f -Al-`IRST-GLASS Double [Barrel Brews]:- A. loading Fowliug Piece, Central Fixe Front, Action Locks. Apply to V. Evuttu, Armorer, Tate-du-Pout Barracks, Kingston. March 10. I . F or Sale, A LARGE 'I`Hl{EE-STOREY BRICK HUUSE, on Ontario Street, next to` .\lu[{II8sie s Lumber Yard, cmnminiug t.w.~1vc moms ; can be used as three tenements. Fur terms and particulars apply to VII: DA !-Innlz A. Dnnvbu r uuu l.'l1VhA1 1'ttUl'ls'l`, Bsrrlelichl, 1 wi1lJ)e sold on easy terma- Apply to James Shannon, DAILY hxws uicc. Jan. 24. EBLOCKADE7 GOODS! DRY Goo%bLs 2 !STORE on BROOK swam: vv '1_`R1A'l' wu.1. PAY from 54 to ss Ier day be pursued in neigh- : chance for those nut i Sale for Two Weeks only _.v iv-ru (J!-`FICFS TO LE'I'.-Tv5o large and plea- sant Rooms looking on Princess Street, -Iver my Itnrc. n uvurrrv ,xuc'r1uN `mucus, A [T1 Nu-ch ll. ;|\'L'II muuculawly. Apply no ` . JOHN FERUUSOl\'. (iannnuque, March 5, 1873. cw nuvvu ` , , PARTLI EN TS, Parlour, Dining and Bed- _ mom. Apply at this uicc. Feb. 24th. ~ run a:i:]'.t.'1i'l:-i:1 g.z[')."l.y :37" W W0 ac UDl Clarence Street. Kingston, llth March, 1873. J. Vcrmm, 7th March, 1873. Feb. 28. BROCK S'l`lEE'I'. Sale `to open am Saturday. Kingston, March 5, I873. (Y1! 1 Kingston, March 4, 1873. (Late Auction Sa.le_of Boot: and Shoes.) 7ul3I'l IP08. Al||II'CCI J. LATHAM & U()., 292 \Yuhingtou Street, Boston, Mass. :.-_-_ -v- n1vIA\II VIE NATIONAL HOTEL, in the \'illa.gc _ of Verona, Townshib Portland. situ- - vn nrumuu NIH`) FINLAY PROPERTY, Bsrrielicld, will be emw tm-ma. Aimlu in SIGN. UP THE FLAG, _ -r -_ - -vo -vvvavv masoxs desirous of obtaining VILLA 7 on the nrnuertv .'-.-v, H HST-UL AESV _Double Barrel A loading Fun/lhuv Pinon l"....L Great Pllblic Salt-, ]`E`or Sale or to Rent, 13`. pnmmnaen... wrnww an-nan -;. `C. TEEN. mr 1aru; be used three 3 For | apply THE DAILY NEWS-WED.`- ESDAY EVENING. MARCH 12.' Consisting of a General Stock of 1-- _g-Z_ UIAlI'Ia'- R. VVHITE, \Vholeu.le Drugggist, 43 Princess-at. 17. Property for Saie I RUNS Adm .-n.~.. -5 ..L...:_:.._ V: 3iLf9%{f$ run uvuuu 5 apply nu KIRKPA'l`l{lCK & ROGERS: Fol: SALE. :For WANTS. ` ,T"%_P_!`%`.'_ 1 `*`j``'` C .EiS%19_; Wa.nt_e&.- { PBi7s51e;" A 60 1'\..._LI A n -?_Ta*-A Wane?-%.% _T'o_it`aE ASH S l'( H! lc`. LB, _ AUU l`l0N 1:.um.u.\'s, :8. J. CHAR LTON. '1'?! C. SPELMAN. W. KIRK. After an ex rience in the Clothing Trade for the sat I years, would return thanks for tho iberal patronage bestowed on him, and would solicit I continuance of orders for the future. III -I-3:1: "l`lll} alum 1` nousnl Cor. Brock and onturlo Streets. Ex ieximslnlps North American, llibernlun and Sal-matlan. . rnvv mnuu: uuuus or our own im- portntiun, consisting of Exiglinh mu! Scotch Cloth: and Tweed: for Gentlemen : Wear of the Newest Pattern: and Latent Styles in the En li-h market ; also an assort- mcntnf Tweed: run) our own order from the Uanzulinn Mills. ` FRESH 'I:_l;3AS, n G \\ e promise courtesy, fair dealing and rea- sonable prices, and hope for sfnll share of. plllillc patronage. REDDEN & ROWE. SjC()BELL BRos.,] 3-`ergzusolrs Block, Princess Street. ! `\v1NF.s.` WHHOLEASALE AND RETAIL] CALVES' FEET JELLY. ` CRANBERRY SAUCE. ` LEIBIG S EXTRACT OF MEAT. COCOA AND CONDENSED MILK, con- sisting of PURE COCOA combined with Con- ulenseul Mi1k-~the most convenient form yet introduced. ' If you Want Good l`eas,! 1)1IOF. 1. -LOT'S TERBAPIN SOUP.---This l is without excaption the Finest Soup yet offered to the public. Put up in 2 lb. tins. 1)ESSICA'l`ED COCOANUT, from the New York Dcssicating Company -3. very superior article. N new GRUCEl{Y:l ;w. BEGG & 00., T WANTED, gm; mm Puma names! A. J. REES & 00 s.,| [HARBACK & 00., NEW GOODS. BROOK STREET. Kingston, Feb. 26, 1873. ` no -5.. ` \1"EW SPRING GOODS of 1 1mrt.n1:iun_ nnnntinn ..: n.-....1 Also GREEN PEAS, GR]-JEN, omen, n-`awn '1`0MA'I`0ES, CANNED MUSHROOMS, BEANS AND CEPES IN 011.. March 7, 1873. FIEESII ARRIVALS. 1)ESSICA'l`ED {ew l)csai0.n.tinxr l'.mm.a.... _.. aonlofl March, 10, 1873. Kin'gso..,'Marc|;1oth, 1373. (Jmll 0il ! Coal (Dil! 1111: PLACE TO cmr PURE LIQUORS _~ in at l_Ii-,;l:r-`st Ch Price paid fur the Iauncl. qd V i`;)-;C0BELL BROS. FOR YOUR [I (HLOUEIIIES. Satisfaction gunn- :( . 0. 1 \VA'l`ER WHITE OIL 40 Cents per gallon ; 5 Gallon: for 31.85, at sI;LENDID Assortment of Prcxiit _ and CANNED FISH at Italian Warehouse; Jsu_ocK STREET. Saturday, "March 1st. I I-`lrllld M I l,.\' I. K lincl.` I \' I-` M J REDDEN. 25:1. 1873.1 "BRANDIES, ANT ( : l:d)(I51:.s, Priuccu Street. I57 Prim-ass Stret. VVI LL BE OPENED IN Len-3: ` 7 sucmns, - and GENERAL GROCERIES, TO THE PUBLIC. (QUARTS). T. MOORE, tun . . . . . o -.._ ..._ u)!` 1` 1. ms, AND OFHER LIQUORS, SCOBELL BROS. SCOBELI2 BROS. J. A. ROWE. m-onaclotne in 1.11 colour-e, Doeekine, Cunei- meree, Fancy Tweed: in 511 their variety, and Gentlemen : Outtting. The Tsiloring will be carried on under his ownins ion. Gentlemen deeiringtohave e Good itting Suit, end made Itrictly in the New York style, can have it twenty per cent cheaper than the price now charged in _ Kingston. Special nttention paid to all kinds of Clerical Garments, Lew'yer s and Collegiate Gowns, Ladies Hebite, and Servants Livery Suite made on moderate terme. 460 SUI'l`R ma In:`..nuv,u A nu nr n-nu ESPECTFULLY nnnouncei to his enl- tonen thst he bu reamnod bnuinou in tho Rooms OVER A. B. Mc'DONELL S DRY GOODS STORE, MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON, with I In 0, new sud fashion- able stock of the beat 0 West of En lnud Broadcloth: in All colour-I, Doookinl, `usi- meres. Fancy in ;ll their vnrintv ma muu made moderate termn. 400 SUITS OF READY-MADE CLOTH ING will be ready for sale on the 10th of Msuch. Ann -`A...-... I...-.:.._ 1.1.. __,,Le ; n- Alny. person buying the making of an Gar- ment on the premises can have it cut ree of charge. Plaenn null gun! (Ian H... n-........ u--.I.. IL-1- cnarge. Please call and see the Fancy Ready-Made ' Clothing in all its variety. 9 At E. Stam-,y :~', Cloap % rltooksture. 7 At E. S1;acey s Music and Fews Depot. mew GLOTHING STORE. 'JAMES_GREEN LARGE "QUANTITIES 11:. } & J, f;,.\|:|o|,w:I:, Fancy and `Staple llry Goods, An Inspection re`spe/ctfully invited. BLACK SILKS, .' GROS` DE SUEZ OR CORDED SILKS, 1 . JAPANESE SILKS, REAL IRISH POPLINS, SJLK MANTLE VELVETS, DRESS GOODS OF THE NEWEST DE- , SIGNS, mums, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, 'nuMi\11Nas, FRINGES & ORNAMEN J`S. IIANDSOME PAISLEY SHAWLS, Also BLACK .2 xvums LACE sH,A\V~__Ls' HOUSE-FURNISHING muons, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, sHE1s'r1Nus, TICKINGS, TABLE LINENS, TUWELLINGS, LACE CURTAINS, `TABLE NAPKINS, But 0nc4I x-ice Money only. I A COMPLETE ASS()R'l'MENT OF VERY CHOICE {GARDEN & FLOWER SEEDS { From Eng?anIl and I lune .. NEW GOODS! Princess Street, ,!Kingst.on, March 4, I873. FRESH SEEDS; LI) DUNDUN JOURNAL, THE DAY OE REST, NEW MUSIC BOOKS, only 30 cunts eiu,-I1 I.) I `I Innis: .-v\v..~:`v.. -..-... March 5. _,,/, -..._, vv vv... BALFE S .s1Nu.1x<;_mc'uu m, 13 MO0RE S 11usHMlcI;nn11:.~;. 100 sco1;c.u mwmunms, Malfch 4, relpilo. San Francisco, Much Il.~- ln Fairchildl, h)pl'Sl?l.'u : k Iu_I to be in last Fr|d.;_v i ml Cmhy, but instead vi ....._ r\L-._I:- ,_,.I I 2, Cabbage, Oauliovirers, . Tomatoes,/&c., Feb. 28, 1873. Ea rly :Sp`'ing Trade; I UST ARIKIVEIJ AND NUVV FOR. SALE at the p EUEIVED--BOV)V BELLS. I: G. S. HOBART. B. So J. Ga1'liI1er.V_ Medical Hall, J AM ES (E R EEN, Market Square, over Mchouuelrs. I ARE NOW StIO\V1NG v--- v-o--v3, v-I-o nuns-vlunl I'D llli LVIIIIIIS, ` n Clnrlio `nd Li:.:py owns an with the ' rt that Captain Jack : primnpsl mun ! are hunting deer, um] as won as they ciuno : in would meet them. He wanted only I I Genngnl, Mr Appligste, and the eonnmir g I in. ~._.. ..:L...-; ...._ _,.I.?:,_, , I surmu 1v`u1 1'11}: u1vun1; ms or :1 France, colnprising the bestyarietics oi made. Sales for Rea.cIy| Consigned to In per above Stunner. These Goods have been cuefnlly selected and` bou Int in the but Marketa of Europe, and are guaranteed to give.utinfuction 1:60: in gu i_ty and price. They will be open in a few days for impaction, of which due notice will-. 3 given. ` - ' I'I'I1.- .1... an - - - -' ` no 5: v cu. ' The above Goods hqve arrive`dTand opened out for mspection. `V AN EARLY CALL Is SOLICITEDI (J.-17$-l'J1'J,:ontninng 50 DOZEN `SILK H ATS: unlurpaued in style, quality or price. hair; the balance of ounonler given` last Full, and msnufacturocl according to cum I tract. Alsonnplondid nuortment of Necktie.-1, Silk Unnhrallas and Ruhlusr Goods. 2 GREAT REDUCTION IN WINTER DRY Gbons. 1 1 WE] LAN I4` ,\ \Y I r Stoves, Parlour Stoves, `Parlour Cooliitig Stoves, Dumb Stoves, `ron Bedsteadn, ` { 1 TO 100,000 Caish Customers who `will buy for Caahrc-ookin (Stoves; liall L I 9 Goods, at the lowest rice: as by any house in the cityywit 5 PER CENT OFF OR. CASH. . ` the further -inducement of I uurrnrn urn--.-. ..._.__.._.._ ,7 ,7 Iron Rinks, Pumps, Lead Pireoa Sad Irons, Tiuwnre, Cntlc.-rig Nickle Silvernnd ,, - ,, - ...._. ...... .. nuw burmug, and will prubnhl; Inn. The chinf lire engxm.-er. it was umtnntly killml by .1" ll years growth, and purchased at low prices for cash, we are now preps:-ed to o'er induce- ments zn all kinds of TEAS which have never been o'ered in this city. All intending buy- on; will he fumished with samples before pur- clmsing, if required. r `ms (:oLvEN LION IS SELLING sf ms. of BROKEN LOAF summ fm-I AVING on hand more `than 600Backagu H of TEAS, most of which are of lut ycar a growth, arid purchased low prepsred era Wlll nu mmlsneu required. Ir nus HOLDEN _LION IS SUGAR for l USE IJULLAR. - J1u"r'J!.'l(.l!21V'1` KINDS OF FA_I_iCY I do BISCUITS, all very select. For sale I a_t the GOLDEN LION. " Epffcr for sale a small lot of Waterloo Whiskey, male from White Wheat, very old, and is said to be superiot-to eithcr . Irish or Scotch Malt in Toddy.- ' W"Im is your Grocer ?` 3l ](.'/IA L bar_ga.inu will given in the fuiluwing Good: to clear 1:110 balsam of the Stock hicago, March 12.-n.1.. n convicted of um um tthewn of Yale}: City, IIL. be Imn-_;cd at (;`alesbuI'=_3 Mn I ;. .'-...-...I I. ,, In March I2, 1873. ......,.. ._.~,_. __.._._ Feb. 6, 1373. November 8. Kingston, Feb. gm, 1:73. W, R. McRae, & 00., W. R. MORAE 65 00., WATERLO0 wmsxev. ,- . . . v _-v v. -----cu vs-vuulv I,'IlIU I II Manufactured expreuly for our Quatom Department. 1-2:` CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER AT lL.x-\7 1 IYIIIII W. R. Mel-lae & 00.,- w. 1:. Mcllae & 0.5., ---.:-., ... ..rru.-uv, -uu _|AIU VVIIIIIIAI` ' r to come without nny soldiers, and to tllroo nggons. The General will 3 up three wag;-nu and a few men an ; upon, hut._will take care to h:w(,7 5'.-l- 5 within hailing dinmmce. All wl: `A5: are Icupici-nu of treachery, and in:-; us the Iullisul will not I|Il'l I.'||llL'I'. Hunt-an, March 12. ~U\.-0. 5. Dual. 4 o.-luctcd Cllilxd Stale: sglutur, Inn} .y- lhv lwgillllufi. ` , SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. DIFFERENT KINDS OF FANCY BISCUITS. ll." Imrv nnlnnf. 'I7'..-"uni- n To Families. " `F3. 3"'", 9L0T...3 6'"? WEEDS. nn and-u...l ..........-_ .- WBRITISH WAREHOUSE. F. X. COUSINEAU_h& 00., nn..n-1 . '------ Fifty-six Packages of Dry Goods, EX LSCAND|NAVIAN." Cash! Cash ! Cash-I T Cash! INN \.V|'| N_EW S`l_`OB.E. N_.,1z.w sron: NEW STORE WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ADVICES OF LAIJIJI ..- uu, |u\.uD D VVUUL 3 HOSIERY. GLO\'l:s, &c., &.c.', Jw. I} IN G STREET, l_\' INGSTON, . ORANGE HALL` BUILDINGS, PRINCESS, STREET. `JUST A'RR';VED-% Wanted immediately at H A}: s: H AT s :i mnlnn, March 11. --The .\l:mtic cable nf I failed at 12.20 this sgfto.-ruoun. l\lr_l uughhy Smith lo.-we: Lmulun this even- to locate the fault. , ' Corporation of 11.1!-li.I.L last night. tedn regulation comlmuning the Irish .....;o.. mil ` IIIIL McNgw<:I1'i9oN. & cone, AT T] l I`) c;'.eue.- of King and Princes; Stroetu. .1. 51113113, Lxma sTr.ia_ET, K121631011} 1:x's'rmMsH1P POYNESIAII. ' \`V()0L PLAIDS, WINUEY-'$, ' l`LAI I) AND STIIIPED SIIA\VIS, LADIES CLOUDS, l}l')NT S \\'UOL SUARFS, L1\MB'S WOOL SHIRTS & I)R,AW'EllS, \' I)` I. .. 1. _, : Direct Importation I - a. GREENEIELD `YA VHE subscriber bavin th intention 6! ' _ , lcavin the city int 0 ring,_o'en for sale, in w_ ole 6: part, 1 Int PHO'N)-- (HRQPHIC APPARATUS, STOCK, ,, 14,, - r-nnn-mating of Portrait and View `Cumin, ` liulling Machineo, Manta, Printing Fr-smug Negative, inluding steretvycopic and Cabinet f Views, Frames of all killlll, Glah, Furni`-' ture. Bncktrrnnnul-, 1; Am In I 1 An vvoonen and Fanc Goods 1 cent lower than last y 3 prices. 1`- ...._`.-._ I 11 Ann 1`: A 4.-. N cnun is doubt, I Thnrstlay. _ .-. -.._.. ....- J\4Il n ylnuca. T7073:-ri\'re-1 can BLACK, oomuxuan and FANCY SlLKS-| lpecial line. ' An early ca1_l solicited at'the ` i - LIVERPOOL H0USE..z ` _ . . .z`m` n Photographer s Ap aratus and H Stock_fgr gal vnews, Frames 111 lcimluf Pun` cure, Backgrounds, &c., &c., kc, ` The entire Stock must be disponod oil April lst, at a sacrifice if neouury, by an uuly. ' , > . H. H ENDERSON " Princess, ' Much .m._ In-:2 ~ r I (7ASE;IBBONS, TIES AND FANG! GOODS. - ~ 2 BALES WHITE co'1*roN, than ever. ' ` 3 CASES CANADIAN TWEEDS. All Woollen and Farm Goods Lully`l0 than . " ' , -4 wuusa nuscv 1 New Styles and Shades. . u rm.-. ..--...___._ V 1 CKSE HARWOOD AND oxrohb S1-IIRTINGS.. ` ` Maw smum; Goons. '4 BALv.s HORRO'CK S canon, .11 Na. 2 CASES FANCY Dmnss Goons" in cw Style: Shaden. ` ' March 7, 51873. March uh, 418913, , ,,_ ....- ......-uooa 1 CASE ENGLISH 8COTCH twzzbsllf. 1 CASE COTTON TWEED8. j % 2 CASES FANCY LIGHT vmxrs, V fr. 1-mans BROWN HOLLAND, ixtrs` Va. ue. ` ` ` BALES GREY COTTONS. mcnnuunxugs ll.-UU'5, Uuruur at King uul Prmeea Streets. , - , To Bggers. McNAUGH'I`0N & -003, King And Prinnenl 81:1-an James Moore. $1"? aw YURKDESPATGHES. smut Io-mlrrs his Ila-.~i-.:n:*uion to the Qllrvll. , +3:-ll Ilka-I3` M ,. -- .- -......., ..,.. ........... nv uhl, 3 commuiatiun m Ln! ul` I|Il`_ lrinll i IIi\`orsil)' Illll. `jog-ny M 'l`larr- av.-.a|i|n.uI Ihr Imrrlllurlll. in rejectiun. V suong the lining - 7._..a-.. _- nauuaivdlrillf uu s , it it Illlod, be unablu tn 1 [.I.Z';.,'_",-"1 "llnu . cw` _ w-pu- unity-Bill. ....2.I.,. PERIAL PARLIAMENT. lne, March ll.-Yo.-ster-lay lseilpg the `unify nf Mazzini':1 death. a cl`c|[Ill!.'I.- nl duIn_uc-mt: attempt.-31 tu visit the pa- : tomb, but the police Fufused thc-m uiui|._ For as time the greah-st uxcilc- -.---J .... .. nlnapdolu, lnd., miduiglu. March 11.- Ihurn, C.u'\ iu Cmnpany wheel wuu AA . u ..a -- ... r...-.-..--.`. u... ..-nuaxu nnul to fnn a new Ministry. travails.-4|, and us \BLE w NEWS. `..V .-_. ......v.. H. v-(us. an n uervuivp member. Fatty-seven 4-f Jrhoh) _thirty-six were Irish- l lgninat the hill ; ftegn Irish mud forit; no ento.-en'memher.<. Di". Isaac But`, menxber fur were ahient. Furty\mennb.-rs v I 11. vs I'lA|. 3 culls.-at out an mble .- I0 norm :1 M-w Min islry. - -vul\I\.I nun o\.Ul6IIru' that Dim.-13 will be ` gm. ` .... -...,.,__ um: cnnwdo.-cl 1 .u w. - I NC rqtc of a 3") We vrty-sewn 1 ere ` 411:1-pp! Iegn ' 3- mennbers. 5 Ell)!!! fury OJ: memb-.-rs . .`|e.:~rI n_, .. z.--.-u .. x V { LITERARY and Musical Entertaiuuxent, '1' M X under the aulpices of \ViI?on Temple, ui Mrs, lmlepcmlcnt urJer_ of Good Texnplars, will he .-nu.-nu.-d given in \'lU`l`Ul{IA MUSIC HALL on_. f'1;.'.'.a..} i ' falling . mu-lmngml; trannctimns chiey in medium to ' uiiwt zuul frm. I ..v.. ...-,-..--w u. .......l, -.....u., M mtn-at March l`. .~ -Fluur receipt: 3,200 Mala ; markct Iteauly with a fair amount of I .1.~innun reported for lvcal use ; salon generally `hcIiI`0 strong at 6.) tn 6,15. Provisions gen- o~r:I_\' hnclmngenl. Butter-occasional tales -H Fa-r_v ilrn-;:uL1.r rates, accuraling to quality. 11:-.uiu mx-t.~ r:1nging ulu'wn to 7,00. A.-hes 1 nu.-n..nu ; Wallace. ; _H.. 7 HH .\'ubscri|cr will sell by Public Auc` - tiun, at his Auction Hnums in the Elarkct Squash-, in the city of Kingstuu, on S.-\'l`L'll-L-\Y, MARCH 15, at 12 o'clock, IMMDIL an-vuuuuu, nu--uu -- Bnnk nf .\Iuutre:\l--lS4} asked. ; dos at lS3. .\l-r.:l1.-nuts` ll.-mk--~ll5 naked, 116 oered. lhnk uf (`ammerce-~ P241 asked, 124} oered. Ia]:-.-4 at IL -M. _ Unmriu U.-mk--I03 Enskecl, 102; olforeul. lhnk of 'I'nnmtn--`.`.07 .1skcd,`. 0l obred. ` llnyal (':|n:uli:\n Bank --I01 naked, IOOQ _ MT:-red. \ : Hmphic lI`.` asked, H0 offered. CIXIII I the .1 > I-unu; Imus -|l.UUU mun; M . 00 to 003 tor new mix:--1 western ; 66 to for old do. awnt; 1321`, in GI} fur do iu stole; (355 to fut Yv;f-vlll. Harley quiet; receipts 2,000. (Fats `uirm ; and fair` inquiry; receipts 20,000 I bu.-incl: ; sales 26,000 bush :3`? 43} 10 506 for mixed wcnterng ."rl. to ."r.'5c for ulaldn in --:ur.-; .`m_,- `.0 .'v'.'-.- l'pr white-wcuem ; 4!} to i9.- 1~l.sck w-cxturu; 50a for mixed at no. Put... iirnu - rm! IIZIYI Em nun Illa--~: I. ...l . 2 :'itirling% House, Stirling, ; I`uI|nt.y of Ilastings. U VINST CLASS HUTEI.--cannot be ex- B col-lml lay any House in the County. The ll-nu-c and Furniture are now; the Bar is at. all times furnixhccl with the bust of` Liquor ; the Table Lb second tn num: in the .(,'num,y ; gum! and commodiouu Stables mnl .jhed.-A, with careful attendance ; n. gnod (`um Inercinl lluom for travellers. Charges uu_u1e- I rate. . I ! .\Ii1'Iio;: Sale of l1a_mls. i,oYsTERsx xsauaux & xxx 0Y8TERS. A good programme has been prepared mr `thc occasion, and the mullcal arr:u|g(.-Inc-uLs .51.: under the direction of Mr E. Duward. , Admission 15 cents. . ; - . - uuv I 5 1 AT R. 1'owN s; II: he, Illlm aIr.:aluu;piyo1' .s`|' `, and M_|I\'l'lKA|. WA'l'tJK, l . The lung agoluy of New Yurk horses, can wud. ':r_\- in the streets. is near an end. For ucm i_v three months t.|:e_v have been straining :unLs[njawling and falling, and some of them .hn.};pnl _v. for themselves) dying where they zezi. But the ice is noarly gone. and it`ma.y we ten or twenty years belore we have such a. w1n.o.ragaIn. 0.: Saturday exaning the exchange occ of He :~rs ! ellat & Usler, King street, Toi-outa, mil. in ..x. . The office was eluded .1`. 5 o'clm~k, Int. Ulu key 03 the door had been left in the In-'~ in~`i-le. The thiufetfcctecl an untrann.m iy cuttmg `.111: glaze and putting his hand through the .un.-rturu. ..1.- .unred and sixty dollars taken out of n - HI .-A Literary and Entertainment. nulmuuu u-muml March ' .\x.mh 6. March l0th. 1873. '. | !-bl: dried a plea ;A. Gum: & (.'u., 5 '-Jala '.~:::pcntine; W. Lewis. 4_ coils rope; T. ` ue:so`,2 pkg: ; l . Stearnn, '2 bales ; 5. H. Lhonalhc-im. ltub oysters ; Agricultural In- .-au.--zmce Company, 1 pkg ; E. Murtin, I lax --_', teI l ;'A. (Shown, I pkg ; Ree: Brn:., 2 tubs, l bx oysters ; Amecan Express I,'u., 7 pk"!. ` r "I". Cmticook, Mc.\'ee & WadilelE.".3 :1-ates, 3 bales British goods ; G. Robertson & sun, 57 h'.f chests ten. 14 cask: sugar ; XV March i`. . I r~i;_rha, Cape Vincent. H. lhyhertsou & son, I I ll. .\lg-R.1c& Co., I hxjf lmddics. ` Ahm a Ireuh ou; pi; of ml WAT!-` A L] HA .\'l E I-LS, LH)I(I.\'b', .\lI)N'I'lU'};._&IAlXKE'l`S. (.\']):'riall Ilcsputnh to Daily Newt.) I ...A......1 \I......I. in I.`l,_.... ....,..-.:._A- 0 ` MUN 'l`Rl'}AL S'l`UUK MARK ET. ".5 ...c .tpcl'ture. 5:4 Tuesday, 25th March. ` mr wmw wusterll. Ii` rminal ; `J0 to `nfnr western. LR ml and nlicllnlngcd; rccviptzs sales 41,000 bush; at 65 to 4 ui\-...I m--o..-.. . 511`... on In- ..|.l .l.. -: J ust Received, I0, 1873. CU-S l'U.\lS l.\l I'Ul{TS. ,II.\ rolnnm-rcial. (ill.-U` nu`-. `. Sjc ; u,uU n-r nuw mess." I ; 52 to 82;: kettle run-lo: . Clwc-_sc We to 17. :3 retincnl l8. Montreal, SCH I'll`, | rnp`rietur .s`|-Ll/l'Zh'!i WA (1.; `ll !'_l`3R DEN H`, Market. '.` TH E L`. M EE, Secretary $3