H 4-Hm,-_:Lun-.~t. J.\.\l l'.'H, Wellington xi: 1:... n.. .. 4- rellcu-st. . 1 'lurum:c-s _- .. .-uuuula DO-- I - - - $I,57I,520 - - - l,445,4__l65 tree Venn nn. D--'--Jr N0 l:=paircr.-.. \'..-':lin:,t-m 'l`c-I-rm-1.. nu, UDFIIWS. 'AL, Brockville. ` Gananoque. EL. Stirlinnr, flollnin,-1. . . nu. . 1-1'. V"-. I l'llI|_' 2g.2.I.\.\1, _,i, _- _ -..l;..... ;ne committee con- I eludes into I: y 1-cunt-king that such a `mansion of the Iigtitiona love reign should not be mined by any of the de- pnrbcnt-I of egoven-meat, nd that they Ihould use ovary mean: in t hoirpower, abroad I as well as at home, to sttai bun H ulna:-.~* fail .m-:-u-mnni HE'S`. \, Prmcess-st. mrncr of Brook and Un- I IIIICUHH-Bl. L (11)., corner of King and C4 lnl Sguuns. I : . a nu Emu-,r.~'. A -- vvunao . R (`U., l rim:css-st. ~4-st. nrtcs. ., . 4 1'1)` ' in to .pii33TI'a"" w W I55 -its` - unto to inter- Govu-nment on tho subject. Princess-st. Princess str H.ef vyvvqrylll rears om Printe very favourable ..-uu , ` Ontario-st. irli n :1 5 ubli.= iils. >-st. Princess st. M E7`:-nil -'1.'nr-.-s. ,St Lawrence \`;; `_.` , ,_,_-..-.... \/Clll zsuu we value of exchange, he made a. report thereon. It is knovvngchet the sovereign lms been valued at $4 84 in American gold, and this was the rate Ind by the act of Congress of I7-12, as far as tnueectiene of the government with lot-eign countries want. But the Finance Committee shows in in report that this in nut the true relatives intrinsic value of British and United Sun! gold coin, sill that the real value of Chu eovereign in 84 86 and a fraction over. For the better underutanding of this, the report en we will examine the I iveu of urns oyfzur for 81,000 in thzzii? ...p_.--I - ` 513. , Princess-at. -1 . 32,559,180 5-HI. Buildings, /91- .`-nut : Ella _ exgpenses, }O mcremm St. Lawrence 3,002, 740 l, 103, 929 "Bl-I. s street. \\'clIin3ton Agent. `annnn 1 f)nt.'u'in- 1..\a u,\M.;L. Most pc-)p. c. ex.-pt mon:_v Junk-r.s, b.-us`;-.n .a uul merchants, are puxrk.-.1 uiuut. what is cyni- Ioll the par of etchnngc between: Enggkm-I and the Uniu.-d Statu, am]. as :5 colnseqnenn-42, :u'rr nlrpriucd at the secmivvgly how quotations u!` Amo-an beuritics in tho: 1411141022 m:v.r.';et.- The Finance L`oIrnit.tee of the Senate, Imving isntnietecl by reoolutinn tn invealig':stc the matter of the relative intrinsic value of British and American coins and thavalue of oxclunge, Iovereign Inn In... ....I..-.I A 4-- mr Buildings, :1 er I101 , ' ICENSED AUCTIONEER, Con Merchant. All kinds of Seeo Goods, Furniture, Clothing dud bought and sold. Mnnav'tA I --- 3" ....... ....u urauu. Hunk Eastern a Ex ress trains. I-eight loaded with dispatch, shipment from `points on the G to points on the ~-I33-o'c`kville and '4 way. ' Express train: No. 1 and 2 C. C. connect at Brockville with the Grand Trunk Eastern and Western Sand I Point I Perth Carle- fmn non Place ' Arrive g 1...; GOLD C01?` BROCKVILLE `dc OTTAWA .;_:_.;___.._.._._.( .___ - uri-at Broad Gallgc ilou As:-: FOR 'r:n,'Kn'rsTIA ; ...__. 0n and :Ai t-r JEp:5!3I.3', 11 e n -` frcw Brockville, Dec: 9, 1872. prock - villg I ITn.u.\'s wru. Rrx 4 ` AIIJI uuu r:\l.IUUl, E Clerk of the House. 1:2 All newspapers wi until 1.hc meeting of '1 please insert above I Jun. 3], H37? arliamen t. y .1/uf1a d;-5 I \ !_}~ - will ex` I ..f `M A I ltrsuant to the 50th notice is hereby given, th /` / uenu I naruulnp, and there were plul|.;i3ah- round: for urgin-I that it was the duty of Pa r- inlnent tn remea y it at the earliest pus.-nil-lc nmincnt. "Let the man who had the most vow: be declared elected" was the (ljnpmcitiun rallying cry, and it irnot diicnlt to see that it was one which would carry the strongest v--tn that it was uible to olvtnin against the (Emu-tnmcnt. 'l' lore is a saying mnnu rat Inw- yers, that Jmr-l cases made bail law. w, we yielal tn nu one in deference for the august asi- Ieml-ly .sitting at Ottawa ; but if judge.-s are believed to be away-.:d in some degree by the feelings of humanity, it is nu. unnatural to enppoee that the House of Commons, .11nn-.-ii lerger body than eny legal tribunal, and com- prising for the moat pert persons not nccust.un- ed to View questions with judicial impartiali- ty. ie etill more likely to be inuenced by its sympathies. A reference to the division list elmwe that not only cvergl pm-ition voted with Mr ackenzie, but many of the independent members as well, inclnzling i even some who. we believe, will onlium-ily i give`tl_ie Government their support. .\'otwith- 3 etanding these circnnutences, the Government i lml e-majority of sixteen votee in a. House of i I. 1 members. _ Then of . the 25 absentee": it in e..perent tlut ve-sixth: are Conserva.tires. Among the Ministerial votes which failed to 1-: recorded may be mentioned tirst those of 3 air George E. Certier and Mr Abbott; absent ; from Uaneda, Mr Chanavean, recently elevated to the Senete, end 3 seat vacant. The Gov- eleo cliim Messrs A1-chembnnlt, bury), Clnxton, Connell, De Uus- 4 . -7009!. Killam, Lewis, McDonelli (Antigonieh), McDonell (Inverneu), R0 inson, . Smith (Westmoreland).` Smith (Se kirk). Schultz, Wallace (Albert), while the Opposi. ' ' M. C. Cameron, Thomp- hon may clean )1 ngarryln and Mr Blake : '1 on-king majority in a full House of between thuzt and forty. This does not look like the tpecdv extinction of the Conservative party of (Annie, of which our friend; on the other side had no much to say during and since the A working majority of thirty-rive 5 nudred in proportion- majority which (:].-ul- ntone can command in , Yet the l'.il:ulst(one lhwernmcxit is calisidcrcnl to ltrolig tlJ3t].l.Ir(1 Derby, as we l=nnw_ re. ; candy .-ulviseni his il'lt lIl5 not to be iiiiputient ` for line-on-l..n 9.. Lil A` ' -` member'of theHp- ` , 4 :` I E v I i I -5 C 1 gPAnLIAMT?f7 uoncus. wm ex Ire on YVE of next. urerumome, I7 Grace-church S: Glasgow to Jam 3 and Alex. Allan, Ulyde Street ; Liverpool to All: James Street; or to H. & A. Alla nf Yauvillu mu] (`,........... an I ` An experienced -Surgeon carried on each vest-cl. Barth: not secured until paid for. M; Freight or other particulars up ly in Portland `to J. -L. Farmer, or Hug, and Andrew Alhn ; in ,Qi1ebcc to Allam Rae &{Uo. ; in Hawre to Jolm M. Currie, 21 Quai i L_I Urleans ; in Paris to Gustave: Boasange, ` line du 4 Septembre ; in_ Antwerp to Aug- .3 c-hmitz & Uo., or Richard Berns;'in Rotter- -lam to S. P. Ittnmun & Zoon ; in Hamburg `co W. Gibson & Hugo ; in Belfast to Charley Malcolm; in London to Montgomric & illrerumome. I7 (;.-.-..-....1.....,.:. m ~ - -.. gnu nucculllgi . .a.--.v cxperiencu Hawre L_I'()rleans ; I : line (`I1 4 """"' n1 l'_;AMl`Jl{S OF THE :GLA"Gow LINE um! jtjlded to sail betwnon +1.- 4-1.. ;.__--o\uI\IVV intended to between Portland at intervals during Winter N nvigntinn. 1 c.xNmNAv1AN ..... .. PULYN man ......... .% u'1;::uvnm . .. . Rates of Passage from 1 : .uum-s acrcet; II: A You villa and Common Streets, 7 Jan. 22. _ ,( V ` _-.__............,. uuum (aelnrk). , wan 1 tion Maura { non, Mnedouald (Glengarry), Blake`: ~ other out. The Speaker completes the list.-- i The division list may therefore be taken as a J proof thst the Government have eertainly a | Working: -.in-:L.. .'_ _ LA` " nnugn royle to re Mails and l'a.sncn;;L .\'cutl:unl, are intent l urt|a.Iul :- .11: n uvu.----. _-- .... ..... .-nu--u.-nu;.;uu' Iruu nu':|IllNlH|l5 Z Vcmvl. TIIIIlIl![I'. Ilonmmm/m .\'ANDIN12\N . . . . . . . .-H00 (luilling.) UIIECAS-'lAN,........ . .3400 (l5uilling.) UANAIJIAN . . . . ...`.!4i0O `(Bui|ding.) 1-nI.YNl:.s'lA.\' . mm ('a.pt. Brown. h`A|{MA'l'L\N . . . . . . . .:4mm `.'.-Ipt. J. VVyh' HIHHRNI.-\N . . . . . . . .34.`!-I (.`u,:t.. ILS. \V.1t (IASPIAN .. . . ...3`.l)0 (kfpt. I5 m:l:I._\', N17/\N|)INA\'I.1N, . .'..330(,".? Capt, Airul. l'|{Uh'-`HAN . . . . . . . . ..30U0 Lt. I)1I!t.nn,IfI\' .-\ Uh"l'l{| A N . . . . . . . . 2700 Uilpt iiiclmrclu: N I'}.\"'|'U|3 I AN . . . . . . ..`.Z700 Capt. Nitclniu. H1 ?H;\Vl AN . . . . . . ..Q(i."1l) Unpt. Hralmm, |'l`}|iUVlAN .........2600 Lt Hmith, L` `J .\l.\Nl'l`UHAN . . . . . .3150 I.t.Arc|mr, l{.. \' .\U'VA HU"'l`lAN .. . .2300 Capt. Hrnm_'::. .\`ul:'l'H AMI:uw,\N 173: (}:1pt. Mme?-`. .-\I(JA|)lAN .......... ..|:;5o Uapt. V\ ihmn. 1'()Hl.V"l'H|AN .;.. ...`.. -100 Capt. Jas. Sal. .s`:l'. |h\\"H) . . . . . . ..Hi5() U.'I.pt. E, . 'u:nL:. 5"`. /\Nl)|H`}\V . . . . ,,|432 Unpt. H. Wyli- .',-"|'. I /\'l'I(l(1K ........I207 Capt. -Stephen, TH I`) HTEAMEIKS UF'THE Llvr.-npnm .. ... . - ._ - v u. n. I` U K} I. .~'a.-tiling from LiVt:l'pnul from l'nrtland every lnugh Puyle to rccl.-iv4 l'a_-mm...,... on nun -VI FJAMICIKS F T`? LIVERPOOL MAI .5 .-tiling from Livo,-rlnml ..u...... rm.-. 4'ANAl)A ('E;\I"lh - ' t;o;};;L.'II{r..1?'I]}; (?}}Lv.-.?.}}J.-'JE""' I !4?am:diau and llaniu-l_Hl:1los Mails.` No. 1 Exprs . , __.____ I 'l`hisI}mnp:m_y":4 Lina-,-; :m.~ mnnp4r.4cul of the uiulurnutcd Firut.-cln.~4.~4, Fulltpnwcruzl, Clyde- lmilt, Dnulrlc-Eugimr Iron .\'l.--ullmlnips - Va/mpl. 'I'...m...... 4 -M... .._ , Receiving Petitions `Under contract with the Government of ():1n:uIn fur the (,`m:v-y:un,-u of '1`an.'ulinn and Ilnilml .-:1.-mm `Mann I nuuu on In no or intrinsic v . unnihla conclusion, for n at inconvenience arising Liiifill difarelu-A n -- ~- ` `I0 45 ire XVEDNESDAY, the 26th [A CH ALFRED PATRICK, Clerk of tin. I-In--u AUCTIONEERS; PRIVATE BILLS /._ __;.x id/El Central` (`is Brgckviliel & Otta.wa;_I}a.i1Wa.ys. F . sccnre': |`raiLrht nr nu. . _ - . A--' I after .-`tiomlay, 1 I572. '11.: n.-\ -v HOUSE OF COMMONS. in lmall nun: on i_uci.- By. Martin : Block, Pnncel hon. w n .\'r "l`\\"n m |~`.I F I I A IYl'V!V1'r\x-r~n.-.. .,...a... . THE : .d and no tran- `points Grand Trunk no! `Ottawa Rail- m . .n.am.-n;;ur.-I L0 aml f , intended to he 4 THE CLERK`: QI-`FICE, Ottawa, January 30th, 1873. nl unmon Montgomr 17 Street; mugs All.-m '7n 1-. , . .......uu ............_.s7o to $30. . $25. : s'r1sAMEI:s or : :1 nm ~ - -- Ir pzuu,UI) of 3 d of the town for ` n spin visit ! I Governnnnt ... M ~ the 1 :rvnla durinn Hm connect at Brockville In 3 Inge House to mtawa. Perth I Brock- ville Sand Point Carle- tun [Leave _ _ - u u - I I I- I- I I` -rlnml every 'l'lmrml:sy, .1 very Sztturulay, culling ~:c-4.-ive on lmard nml I: {mu-I Lo and from Ireland : Idcd duauat.nl....1 #- 12011 Place mum uuengarry), and ; m njority betm-.-n H. ABBOTT, Manna th Rule of the House, ` that the time for wLIuI_I[I', I/077l.IIl.tl1IIII`TH. ,, `.`.-Ipt. VV_yH.-. l:..'~4.W.1ttu ...3`.l)0 l5m:l:I._\'. ' I-200'. I.tI)1I!Lnn,IfI\'l( `.`.. 70O iiiclmrvlnnlx .2700 .2650 .2600 `H! \'li Hrnlngzs, * I Miller. .. I350 Wihmn. ..`.. Scr~tt. .Hi50 3'u:uL:. ,I43:! Wylin. J20 Elm um mu In _mo1 to Allan Br`us., Allan, comer Streets. Llontrp.-Al ` BIHJCK VILLE. I , lbocclniwrli, ? Exm-n I 141.....- no. 2 Exprs. ! -. K 1 Zoon 1 :hurch Strm=+.- 4- ctI'on a 'hich , L of two hundred nromn-+i...._ {Al L\\"./KY. 10 45 I}!!! Commission Saenml-l......I -__..;__ RAILVVAY l mun Ireland rum] 2 dcapatchctl from Iwvllll l l. a..m. I p. In. ;- T n,cnxTEc'r AlI)/ ` . Street. I " 8 " 2 Oct. 24. n III I1 EH9 the Jgel ry 8th -`March. I 5th 22nd ll ll u in wnur power, abroaa sttain a uysten of ex- intrinsic valuation. elation. for not ....n.. .-- nuan, coma , Montreal. 5130. 4 .Exprs. : day I,'o'rmn.amIwru. Ll Clyde and season of_ 810 ;. nruwn. { ;. VV Ha. .. |{.S.\ Vnttn .. r. HI`. bun, {IN I! . . HLINF-.'_ ;':':uul Hing at Ill Imnl gt};-: Lon : .ee eoolutinn inve lative val -7...-vunuu U. = Int: m:v.r. ; ct: lmvi ng abig';iu ms I and t.I..~..I.... .: Class Livery nttac May 27. . - BROPHY PROPRIETOB. A, Clan Hotel is centmll ausineu v (J UOIIIIIIBI Stabling. March 30. Daniels llotel. CENTRE TOWN, (_)T'I`AWA.- I` rum 1! 1 the poor. /I335 1JlVel' May 27. Feb. 7, 1873. 7Albion 1 ..nw--- 4____________ Provincial Hotel, .4 I BRGPHV 'DDl\`l"h`I \~:-H ._____________. Anglo-American llotel. IOHNSON AND UNTARI04 STREETS, Kingston, Canada E. MIESAP '3; co.,`P;-opetora. - ________________,, J61 _IIiI]5|39 . IUHlTE(J1`; MARBLE BLOCK, Street. - Kingston, May 25th, 1872. ., F.B.C.P.S 5 "1UME'1`IME Assistant Surgeon U. S; | b Army, VVashington, and later, Attendant at the Massachusetts and City Hospitals, and Eye and Ear lntinnayy, Boston). 0FFIUE`AND ltESIUENCE-in the pre- Emises recently occupied by Dr. Jarvis, and previously by Drs. Evans and Maclean, ' No. 15.5 PRl;V(,'ESS STREET, nearly opposite Tandy Bros Marble Works. g August 7. `J ]')`."'-" \HuUCUSs(|r t V ` rmccss Street Ki. Ui`l'l(.`E HOURS 'r.-om "mm 1) t... In \ u . : lJA1'E UF LONDON, Eng] pathic Physician, Sur eo: .a.u Residence removed to `V e] nearly opposite the Post Oice. or country, night or day} p;ou': _ . A 1 nu... U . .l'uI.1i " I-V LSIIJN Quecnys _ 0, UnlLVeyan ` I C Nan . Zglmuch &0. or L; cer King ant g______ . . xuunn I -A1`-LAW, S1 ccry, Notary Public, l\lAlg800}1. _- _u, Mex. S. Kirkpatrick, ` 1UU.\"|`Y UIUJVVN A'l'T(PIlN EY and CL,-I II J of the l'u:u:c for the County of Front..- nu, Untariny .\'t.rm.-t, Kingston, directly 0 :1; wine the .vJmmc:.J 'l'4,-legmph Umnpany u :51, I Kjngrstnu, July I2), I57]. .l. L.'mMo||ald, l..D.., l4I;\"l'lb"l` (sxcgcssur to Dr. Day) No. 156 l rinc(::~'s hftrcct, Kin-ovston, Unt. - . *`l"l(.`!L' {rum 1) A M 9.. r. n n Dr. J. Jarvis. ATE OF LONDON, England, 1 pa_t!1ic Physician. b'lu'Qeon_ Am > J. M. Hacljary M._A.. ARRISTER and Attorno -at-I.E_w, so- B licitor in Chancery, otnry Public, Cuuveyancer, 32 King Street, Kingston; Out. At Gananoque, over S. McC:unmon I Drug stare, every Tuesday and Friddy. Jan. I4, I873. mI.I(:1'I'u1c `IN 3 (,}l:Lrcncc Street, I I!` Gilclorslmevc Walkem, I )/\|lil.`a"l'l`Il{S mul Attorxlcys-at-L:m ) . \'uV.'muun4. N..h..-:.... n..u l:.4 ,__._ ,_ __.._<,,____.; _j_._;______ I J olm Mudlc, I ARRISTEI:-A 1`-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- . , &c., Ularcnco Street, between ing \Vc1liugtouStrects. ' S. Mcllamlnon, Gananfrque, { 1Lmu< OF DLVLSION coum`, Not.-njy j Public, Unuveva.nccr_ (3nI'nInhu.....,... I '..\"|'.\. N'HH\\'. __& International noteh 175 int` l'l'I -u__-_ n. -. _ "tracts. - J oseph Bawden, 'l"l'URN E Y-AT-LAW, Solicitq: CCTV. Nntnrxr D..|.l:- 1n :7 AiiIii?i7n;'1'vuE. . __ .. _--.__ vv - uvvvv-Q )Al{liiI-.E'-1`lRS, &c., Trustaml L.,.;... Build- ) ing, corner of Toronto and Adelaide cots. luflgivnn-ick A : snnlyltlnc. |Al{lClS l'lRH and Attorneys-at-Law, So- } licitnrs in Ulmnccry, etc. A_ S_ Kll!HuA'rua1v:.- ` . L Hotel, lllill-st, Stirling. !\CKE1{S_ M..'........- n- - - u nunnn 1 A ! m to, April 16, I872. In I nun IHHI [H.b0rllc_3 \'n5y1t)Icul'H, Nutzwien l u|l S. DANIELS, r3. 7 . John Power. u-[I A\Y[\ nu.-- . Macclonald & Patton. Iu1I"|u.Vnu -, .___.._. R` -0330; ` It I urn .. -. Ml;1DICALj .___.__..( , _,-_, .. VULAGEC un ourgeona, rl. - Residence and Oice :-- k, Wellington Street, Kingston. , (_)TTAWA.'-This house ' 1n_ every respect having ed a._ud_>ret'uruisl :ed this Jqux A MAcDouALD, Q.C. Janna PA-r1-ox, Q.C. ril IR H270 n LJIANUEILY. Uliin wt, Kingntnu, Out. 1. . (m.mc|:.......x.'v1-:, L~.`f..l. cnuzn '1`. \VALKEM. .. v vs nuapecli, navmg and refuruished E16 Rooms and ample . sea meet all trams .--q >/ BUILDING sun; / and Residence Quuw norder Plants, &c., &c., assortment in America. Priced Catalogues to any List, gratis. Seeds nn 1. m :1 A.M. to ' ` Fri-Lx_ys, dc vo N, land, Hammo- . Su-axgn, &c. Office 1 ellington Street, 1: Calls in city sy, promptfy attended J. JARVIS, M.D. S, Pxmramron. wury, ac. A. H. Ku:xrA'ruum.` E. H. Smvnm, M./\. 3., ` rropeton. ________ meet, Brockville; ., Proprietor. n boats and cars. 0 visit places of office. A` W5--* N Notary zr, (Jonnnissioncr in V, Solicitor in Chau- lic, 33 King Street, `. `)fu-ut- ,` (,` Uliim \_1lBALD'l' HUIIL.--Morton stage an-i;'es on Monday, Wednudsy and Friday at 2:3) p.m. ; lesvetst 7 pm. ` Cape Vin oqnt stage! st abovetima. J uraul: UYFIOI.-Cip at 12, noon ; leave : Gmu1.m s Honn.--M Mondnv. W-I--rh 1.1150 mm. Ion -Tuesday, ursday and ; leave; at 3:320 oxck the tune days. unnoqno, duly, `vet :13 11:30 5.113. ; leavu u,3:30 In. Cape Vmcent, nruve at l1:8Qq.m. ; ave std 5.111., 1 and s r2 p.In. . +93` - ml 0Yl ICl.- Vincent stages an-iv 51:12, lesvfest 8 s.m., 1 and 2 pm? G` BALD`); [Inn-:1 `ll.._4 _ , stage Lines. M.u:'rnc s Ho1'21..--Stages arrive and depart from this plwe,u`followa :- - From Picton, daily, 5 p. m. ; lave at 8 a..xn l I S de ham, dul , ll a.n;.-`fleaje at 4 an nwsmith, gily, 11 3.111. ; leave 5: ,4 p.m. , Batteries, daily, 11 3.111.; leave at 41 Inverary, '1'uesday,".l`huru7d:.y And a n rday at 11 a..m.~`; leave aammdayl at 7 4 p.m. Ne'wlmrgh,. daily, 11 a.m. ; `" at 4 p.m. Cape Vmoent, daily, 1 p.ni ; leave at 3 pan. v 'BEAUPB.E B Hovn:n.-Bsth f l!1'l7el u. preu.`.. nix _ . . . Mixad 'I`ra.in ` Express. ; . . . . Express. . . . . . Mixe_d Train Ex , an-un_a Trunk Railway Trains arrive and depart from the J bastion: as follows z-- 4.4.---.. -( Plat Office, King: `lat Feb., 187: mo.-rus1`rs. received under th of the Post. O_ice nvinga Bank, hours of 9 a.n_1. and 4 pain. Oice hours froth" 7.30 a.xn. t4 daily, Sundays excepted. Q `l \l | an hour previous to the Mails. Registration lfee MONEY ORDERS, on throughout tha hm--' ll Registered Letters shnuldhlvrc 1 I an l_mur time of l{eLristmtin.. I-`M sv- uuu ounce. Per (`AN ADI AI every Friday at`ll.I half mm`_cc. - nun 1'4 1 UK DERS, bout the I 1: ton and ft-elnnd, New Edward Island. c 08. Card- .Also Po: Arrival and Departure of Mails. 130:1` owxus, KINGSTON; v-.-_ -- gvvrvn NSURANUE Agent, Notary Public, Au- cnuntant, &.c. Office ovcr Mr I'M-kt.-r`x Drug Store. ' Kingston, 0c:-t. last, 1872. > 71, ' Daniel lllcln osjn. ANIEL McIN'l`OSH, .eerix1aryHurgc;xv, (}rndun.te of the ()ni_m'io-Vctcriuurv 4 'ul- ltege, Toronto. Hive. Uiy Hate], Kin_u;4tm1. _` or Plan_ta, &,c., guortment 11: Anne... ' mgu, Bulbs Roses, ._._.:_ Grand Trunk Railway. ns an-_ri\Vre depart from n... I!-' lncvlull 150 N18 till? lie nstration Fee 8c L 2 . 7 l'\lII\v:w\.~ . uovernment of Stocks to th extnt af $50,000, V;1'1'l' mm. W . in reputed terms As low as the ufety of the Assured will permit. P JAM Ids .w'W]F l', Aalvgs-r, st, Kingiitnn, July 20. I87]. ` ` .- no This Company has been doing business in Canada for near 50 y ` 5 that time but secured the public conalnce by prom an g.` , evcry fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws pr<.....1. 1, . Government of Stocks the $70,900, aml Ill prepared to the nnfetv nf tho A-any-`.11 mull ......_.L LIABILl'1`IES.-Cl.rna not due, and unadjusted . 'iN[S[!i'!1_F5j!!;f-L17 ` ` I3HUU-" Cash on hand Indian Bank" RBI] ..'. ... Marta-an IL... A - nan}: stock," - United. states, State and City Stock and other. '1'>u1,ns".,c1 _ GI lIv_A_,I 14088155 PAID IN 52 YEARS ,,_. -..na nut Gillie! `[50 F Also, an immense stock of 01 Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Young Fruit, Ornamental : ,_S_eedlingn, Bulbs- Rn-M "*- Newfoundland and. 1'1-inc 3! (38.11 `J6 0lIt`!|n1` -4. 4L:,l `. 1.00-l.'.M. coma EAST. Arrive. _ In: nu no r- GOING wan. Arrive. wrni vvfnu O 5.111., I `I -M rto .a. .'ar`;`.?a.'- John V; Nucl. _________.__T_ F ESH GARDEN, Flower, Tree Sh!-ub, --Evergreen, Fruit and Seeds, prepaid by mail. A complete iudjcious ansottrnent. 2: ....+.. .: A-u Arrive. 4.10 A.M 3.45 I-.M'. 9.30 .P.M. rlnn II-`am l the I` ma RM-If `"- nuldhlvrc mailed half. I closing the 8c. \ R. DEAUON, . Ifosmaster. j "3s.-3'-Emi. ns': 'J.:uL ndin Bank... ' : . Ixconromnn 1819`, Crunnn 5] to 6.30 P-In-I reguhtimu k, between the _ , _, ..-, mumuuneu ny excess:-s, ha-1 habits, or run down by old complaints that have resisted all ordinary methods of treat- ment. Being a delicious cordial to take, fectly harmless under all circumstances, it is eminently Adapted to roam-ate, nnn.-mic women and delicate childF ._ .__ _.._.x__._.. ..4 : `Kingston Cash Capital, $3,000,001! er um:-cs " -Britaiu : !1`. ,"*1_ Prince u I W.` At +.I.;.I 3-GVIGI _n_ ma oonuuu the new :1! embraces a ~11:-ge amount at I fnrninhed at Two Dollar: sdvnnoo. Address ordu-uh ' JAKE s PUBLisHED evry I and odntiinu the nlnin-nan: A ~Igs-ma -mmunt nl The Ohr<;nic1ea -.au unzunn UV To- Scientic and Prncticil ' `Henry Ste hens, F.R.8., ' ' 1ate_c. P. orton, Profeuaxol` 'culture in Yale College, New ` Two V013,, Royal octsvo. _ ` numorgus engnvingl. fpoacpaad, 88. W M ,..-.. .. .......uu_y umoll. Dr. Wheeler : Compound Elixir of l husplmtc-`s Pancreas, the great tripod that prc]I:1:'i-1 nuur- l ishment for building up the organs and tissues of the body. The action of this remarkable preparation is extraordinary in strengthening _and vitnlizing the constitution, whether im~ paired by age, exhausted by Igloo publish Inc laolu nave two or the four _ ` Neither premium; to count to clubs ` money_ is remittedcfcliireu M ` No premiunfucanbe giv To secure premiuxin, 1]; f `L make ea:-1y, a_.pplicatibn,'` ' for that ' ' " ! Circulars, with lurtlur T` had on annlicntinn 1orVw,I.na|oon." To clubs of tenor morebm - : abnvedilconllt, '11- on y ` VI to the getter up of t e uh.` PRRMIUMS." . New aubscribcru for the . have, without chnrge,- the last quarter of I87] of me}: - -v may subscribe fer. _ 3 Or instead of the hhove, mtwo, three 701- but of , may have, as ' Reviexs for 1871 ; Inbocn have two of the four 2 nreminmn In ,. Bucxwooxfs . (A ` fac-simile of the f monthly. 1 qupn :13 Ava n---- i wweu to man: or tour or more ' :Thl1l :--Four copies of Blwkwood _ , Review will be sent to one addrgas I four copies of the font Review; sd 1 fur848.I.`ndIoan." M Tn nlnkc nf fun nr nun-n in nil .nu.v:cIvu.................... U 1 Pustayga two cents; nunxbe. . by the quarter at_the oiceof do ; A discbuut of twelity per cen_t; lowed to club `of {out or out ']'hnl :...Fnnr tn:n'ai- nl Blnnkuvm-I. A ad 0 lictin. /`L THE L?0NARD ` ,..- `um .,untUnA.lsU ~ A v -' cournmv; .- _ 104 FULTON STBE BT, ' At about one-third the_ plieo [BY THE LEONARD % 'I (}{)MPAIW`n: : 1 The Best Periodi . v, _..j_- 1 THE ennui lmnlsn Blackwood . ,4 1-ooa, and the fommtion of Hon. Dr. and Ualisaya contains the only ag< that act directly as excitants of m imparting tone to the Stomach, prc inhmnna r.-... L.. , II I Diocese of Ontario. ' as a large and iucreuing ! Notices intended to reach `N V tion should be published `I- paperin the district.` - EOVRB/IS of every vi and cheaply it the - PRINTING OFFICE, P ' The Chron}BT3 , I s the weeklv ethfiniu A` n;- 1- I-13 Is ` . ...-,,;.cuuow1enged in the Ni Anvnnnsum Tums...` for first inzvrtion". [out] I eve sub ue-at insen-t1on.,. |nm'|.% h]y, I311!-yearly, " meats made on modernto tad . 1 Ann: published in T . . 7 medium of communication uf Ontario and the Clergy the oicial receipts for f" tirms and innationn for I ` ` In-`acknowledged in the N ' u, f Tnum-.. ["Yl).Y` '1'} (3 NEW ' l'Al;J~Jll p.':13i31et<{winm I medium nf 1-ntnm....:...;.:,_ any . `_ ` - ": TERM OF sunset? r any one of `the B.evia'1` rsnytwonfthekq ' 1- any three of the rall ` r mac-xwood and any uf the Reviews.._. . . . . . . r Bkwkwood and tbrga: 4 the Review: .A . . . . . . . - I;I,-L,,,,,1 u .. - % lihckwood .'..'.i 5. ; }';.'.Q. R 1-vinwa `__. ]cEu3AL%Iy_(_sj% 7 `no central me: in the treatment of all 1 . Chronic Wasting Diseases, resulting in Nervous l m.~stration and General Dellility, is to improve the Digestion and Assimilation of- Food, and the fommtion Healthy Blood. l'hrmnl-n+..-.. . -- `V}4VVL' UTHORIZED nnwux-H L Ixvoxcns until furlinj IQ .- [S PIGBLISHED ev num in advanc,` HDV. 41 V r.1.l ( May 6. `, * 1? 3 THE FARMERS 6!! Customs : weekly edition of Him 4 . large and more so of as intended tn run`- .._,.... ...u.m-.-m. Is :1Inm.st :1.-:urt.nin ~urc. J seven: cases, great relief may be obtained. not A perfect cure. . . Pznrntm.. a'I-VIED everv an vvv 23., or W3 `Sale tol E8191 5 . powders over all nther.4.;-A:lv. There are probably a hurmlrul sons in this an-I m:ighi_murin;.{ tnwnq, ly sutfer from the diutrcssitlg _e-.`-.-cu trnubles, who (In not know that I Anmlvnu l.xIIIn\....6 :. _L - A u!` IA`. 5. mg ;bc"r1(')i Alf` Olouik - nu- BE` IN G. hot Na; HQ II-J mt] hwl `INK u:un4 Unvalry Condition lmwulcrs. 7 Farmers and others in this .-Icctiul known and apprucintml the :ul\'.-mt.-; powders all nmhnldu LI Inn. 1-. .1 -..~ -u ulIl`.'1ll_\' I Board, and did not again hold uice though ` several administrations sought Luis servic-.As. ` In 1830 he was returned for the borough of . Hastings. In 1831, after the death of Mr I Hu-skisson,.he wasiuvited to stand for Li \'~r- ' puu`l.`:v.nd was returned for that. borongli, `mit chuse to sit for the Cmmty of N0ltiu:_v- 9 J h nu. During twul a.rli:m1ents Mr D.-u:.~:un r;-presented the borough of M.-nlton. zu.-J ` -H 2557 was returned for the Nurth di'~ is`ia:z uf I Kutts.` (Ml [ha I-AH-u....-..a K` " ` 4 ,,, _-. .,muaqu uunor I concession to the claims of t rholic-s. After Mr Caum'n.g' Xinquished the duties of ho song I glnutinnu I... 1un-I -- i was rt-.'Ul7'l)9(`l tn l'arli:uuent for the lmx'n'.|;h y if New-Castle-l ndur-L_\`n_ie, i'.ll(l in in '4 ' ` v ." in c.:1nD:\u_v with-the lute Earl of Du,-2`->3. L-ml Taunton. and the late Lord Wli.~.m- cliife, made :1 long tour, visiting in the course of his travels, Canada: as wcll as (ha I Yuited States. On the furumtiun of Llri . J Cauning's administx-a.tien, Mr Demiisrm was ; I` appointed one of the Lords of the Adlll':ll- I I t '. When the Roman Catholic Eux.1nci;:'.- l l ;ion question was agitating the political - world, Mr Desnisum tmifmzmly suppurt-ad` concession tothe the R_onmn C;i- I _t!1oli4;-s. Camu'ng's death he I.'-,- i -. the duties the Adminzltyf again hold Him. .i..... `n. Wastin -rvnus in g ;1_ndGuncral Dehilixzv. in umcs, who du Mu mlyno Linimunt is :1 Lift.` Catz, urn-gt --.| ...- -......... U- --.., . uuu um! H urb 3 inc sum'3 $905,905 v3 - ' P1630 3-1111 the Funds in hands, wh us out, 25 sorts of either cl _ .`he'si: classes (150 packets) for 35. ',`5"" F.'f,'_1___ - n 1 Lanitnl no- :`1:(1mmet 1_ae gpock of one venr (`:m m Lu 1odu,,_nD W35 IUI aku-1', and was again \ n 1839 and 1300. I1 Hui:-J .?vnn.X.o-.. staldgues n.n address, also Trade; i Seed: on Commigsion. VVATSGN, Old Colonxl Nurseries , Wax-Bhouu. Plvnmun. --- -~ H1-:'I'w.I: Inn val u:nu'neu ml` the Nurth ~ ()n the retirement of Mr 1 hg w a nu.-...;....... _ -......u.u.ua.r_y lu strengthen: .1zing constttuttotx, i I I: r 1:} Ited ordinary` tre Thu rm: { 'l'i-1l::\l.\' lil:l'.\'.~"s\ I4.,'K _ Ix .. Liu L n. I092` s. ,1 u, um Colon` 10, Plymouth, I Hu- um. Iumw that 5 :1hn.np.~5t elief may I... ..1.; IW mac, f -l`u:s?l'Ve l".lllld ;of one yeara?r:c.1 tamtalpzud up ruits, *Fui Stocks. i Life Aaaln-an.-... _n_._ ,- Luca U1 me L(lII I am: Rrnuyln l.:.. --- _ ' After pay `lower, zunl providing fo Herb 9 the sum of ` co_mpletc ; um w....,n.:.- Jl uuann In J-_`>` Alu-1 u -':lAIl|1.\~l'\ pr IILyNW n: `roaot. r1"-:;u7rr.-xi P V prep -1 I gans ;his 1 x, zomplaiuta bhods and per mstances, ___ and U ,- it I II , \\`H.\'I` lb!-I.\l.\.\'D.~: (ass, 13.. Llll ul *' SI` |Ir Sllzuv J ullsb` ch mnn Jv .. aka 1` the ulu report says, "we `the value; `and one 0! our band: for the Lon- lurket. Al the true velne of the cover- eign ii 8| 86.565, there must be in the 8l,000 75.48! of each severe n-205 9: 85d. t it we IIIIIIIIO the value o the sovereign to be 84 41.49, the par of exchange, there will he of such eovereignorin the 81,000 bond 225, by which it seem: that the 81,000 bond is gun in valuation of some 19 10:. more than Ito true or intrinsic value, And of course, it cannot be quoted at par unless its? ' lllcient to equal or exceed the fictitious in- crenee 0! value thus given it. It is this which make`: the tiction of nine end a half cent diereace of exclnnce between Lonon and New York, upon which nll our nancial operation: with England is based. The com- mittee pcrly aye :-Thiu par of exchange exiete tween no other two nations. It is - entirely nrlvit ; it is nnneceuery ; it is en- noying; it in 3 nrd. The committee ite report by ' Iigti V tione Iovereige should 1 in` 5. _____..:_,; ~. Iv.-puma: [null Ill) Life Assurance [-Fund - CHI`! 4 :A!bn aauDL.LU5D' U1 ire Premiums, less Raeinsm-ances. .3 Being the largest amount over F I New Life Policies issued for . . . . . l`,.L..1 A..--A "' " axugle year ' issued .. Total Annual Life Premiums, deducting Reassurance: . . . . I WITI I UNLIMITED 3}] A nwnnr I ' 0|!-`lCE--CLAl-_l_.`i-NCE STREET. Wrligl `s`\\'H _f`. J.-\.\H'I.` & (J0 u mun" SUBSCRIBITJ5 CAPITAL, $10,000,000, H .115 -15"` Lawyers. :7_\ \\'I)b'2\', JOSEPH, King-st. -l|,l)l'Jl{.\'LEEVl & \VALKEM, Clarence-st. ~,l:{KI A l`RICK, A. S., Cou zurnuy, Ulntnria)-st.` - \lHI{.".\'l`R[UK & b'.\lYTHE, Ontario-st. lHl\'l A'l`ll1(/`K & ROGERS, ()nt..rio-st. JAIJDUNALD J. PATTON, Trust and Loan 5Zuillin_'_:, cnruer of Toronto and Adelaide .*lr.rcut:a, Tnruluto. !1':I5i`:. .l<)H\' . H um-I. 'lA.!: l'FU1{l), J. V. '.vn'.-U), \V. Str: .:l;`!.l.-\1\'L7E, J. V. '-.\'I~.'.~e !`EI ..\'--l\I. W. ` nowls. `x NI } LO- A .\I ERIUAN, Ontario .\i.I:m'.\` HOTEL. Stirling. .933 H-11.5 HOTEL, Ottawa. ".' ,\"l`lu'R.\'A'l'I()NAL, Brockv i'l{()\'l.\'(/'IAL, .n 1: Ll \ U HOTEL, Stirling. - Insurance. I`2l'.\'A FIRE, James Swift, \\'h:1rf. ...., u. u: uuh-EL. Vet:-rilmry Surgeon. - . 1>."z'm1, DANIEL, (Jity Hotel, I`r rut. Wharm.'er', \'xz'r. J.-\.\llv:.~'. .v MI W ' I I --nn|nas-. I A .. . .4.-..---.u. VV. DIKIKNCIIE Jewelry and Fancy ` `i(Il)ll"()RD, J()H.\', King-st. ;::|< HJH, L1,, Shctiichl House, P BUS Bl{OS.. Prinr-mn.nI> Busines:of 1870. rcmiulns. less Rpim......._--- A - L.\. \. F11` `::'|'I.u .1; 1 |\:l}li, U., Shcfchl Hod HS Bl`.OS., Princess-st. ....~.. .\lll"l.inII'cr.~. l'1l.|I|'Ilt.. I`-In. l_. |'riIn'(-.58-Ht, .l| f:I:\`.'_ `.`.`H.!I\\I \....I.. (Opposite the Poet Oice.) ..___ IN LIMITED LIABILITY SHAREHOLDERS. U145, Lnrunto` J<)H.\', Uln. I.` 'r 1' Stczun , In , 0 1'2 ? L _ .....-. um, rrulccuu-at {S (L '\`\'Al)lH`Il;l4, l'rina,~c.~m-st. l`IlE.s'(,\', A. 11.1,. A. IL, Market-uqu.1rc. J A )1 En`, l'riucc-is-st. iH']`UI\' 5: (EH .........._ ..r I ! IE. it UU., Princess-st. Litizmr 1 l!l'nn I" ,(__.` VAIIGIIBES, )5 was put byto increase , which now amount to-- an-~----" : Noel. . STRANGE, Agent. ' Store, Kinn_n6 uuI_ngg based on has iI_)