Isf I-lit-no an}! UPM-'.('!II"lI with y nrv l!|VZ|l|l.'lh1g,'. .\'um~ Mm II III 'l" lu\l)lN(}.. &C. - AT IIINIIBI0N'8 Bookstore. -awrummpl Hnnl.ndc.u- nun oncred at law pricing. AT IllSIIEI0N'S Bookstore. Cu` lll1\'IIll:17'0.".s' Lu .L-.0... JOHN mmoznson, PI-inn:-A `hAnn II ill` -'31" JUNK G%ooD,S% Q W 'uI(lt:ll s. , ISI3. lvri m M ii} fl VBII. ' Allan Steamer. v;a nent of the Now -:+ 1-Luau creamer. lent of the New.-st I and`Fnncy Grena- .1|nP:('h- "\'l)hl(: I 7nfr.1mu< C CL] N E. um-,.'l`.-.-.........` if` on-k.-star-.:. PATTISUN '8 Price only `HE BEST VALUE CAN BE HAD, furl rl Caah, at l AI{KHILL S, in TEAS, (JUFFEES AND LIQUOBS. , .: 0. . ... u\I|\.1 u:u.aL4-3 15! 'l`l.ll'}"BARRI`}L. Aim) .1 fresh luwly of Sl*2L'l`ZE|{ \VA'l'|`Il{ nml MINERAL ATER, 1 ` A1121, TowN sl ~0YsTERS! ')l{AN(H-`..\' SELEGT XXXA 0Y3TERS.|I n::ANu;.;,9, LEMUNS, .j.. FIVHE under-`signed begs to-notify the Tm that he 13 now prepared to H1] orders : the celebrated ` .\Iu1:'l`0N s FAMILY PROOF WHISKE vuoov ~ RYE PURE s1'm1'rs, 50.00. AlA)()fIQL. March 13. OLD T0}! GL\'.--I5crna.rd-& Co s, in weed or bottle; Belts an (Jo's, in wood or bottle. 1 WlNES.-SUP . `HES. ERIOR I 01{'r ; Wu lSKIES.--0ld Family pm 7'rouf and (Znmmnn ur1_:_., rung 5| March 10th. 1873. GIl\'S.-John De Kuyper & Son's, in wood bottle. .. `non nnu ["0] BBANDIES.-Jxunea Henueuy n, in ` or bottle ; J. & F. Martell's, in woc bottle ; Pinet, Uaatilluu an Co's, inn or )o'ttle. SUPERIOR OLD JAMA in R. (.gnAl'Es, l)A'[`lS, AI l Ll-$5. P01 omm BALLS BY 1'1n`x1s.AunI:L. {rash lulnnlu at um-I uw nu. In . unu- / Kingston, `I John Paw`/z/till, .j_ r mm mm of J. u.-U:I:U'J'uEu.~sa on. J, has th1'r-dsy been diuolvud by the ra- tirumunt of Mr Usrrutheru. Tho bgti will be continued by Alex- amla.-r Gmi ;_fS_QIli'{1cI HnrpcI_-,- and William Gardner (,`rx'u," umlcr the name and utylc-'of Al.lo'.Y un L'_.. .... . - /\:.m\. uUN1\'r-'&.:,(J(). ~ luv to the law firm are`? .lnI-I. .2... [Lung . and Chest Protectbrs. MORTON S DISTILLEHY. --I all ulzcu un lmml, NATTE UR TU IIIHH. .N'.'||1', I".'I.ucy Ucclar Hkil n:slc,1IIclA' M I utilill Prnviucial Exhibition: for the past. number of A II .,.V I ,,. V... .-r -nun. ull Nllllnl ] uI.`lLM 1"!!!` skill}: kept on lmml and for n:slc,1IIcl ulrtuilwal l'rizeu.with M. the l rnviucial at Ontario and Quclmc All nnluru punctually attcmlccl to; and al worli leaving Kmgnton t,n be paid for hu{m-.- lunviug tlw entabliuhmcnt. ` A |l..1uu-u nu. - TEA 1 TEA 1 KINGSTON, (` C A N A D A 3. can J-VJ-IJ \JUl.'5UI.]., \Vn.tcr \Vorku, Kingston, Hut. .\ lnrg ` .`u0mI'tlI|ulIZ uf Iirut-clam; SK ll"F-N and 136 NH 3 --I" all uizcu rcmly built, In` FUN `l`:.'uIl Nhilnl I ...-nu II`--~ l_)HA'I'-[5Ul|.IIEl{, Untnriu ritwct, mun u.- ) FRUIT AND OYSTER DEPOT, King Street, Market Square. arch 10th. 1873. Fol). 10. HIKUCK S'I'lKl'I to open on Sntlanlny. _..., March 5, I873. . ll! pupa, I uuniniu RUM. ` JUST ARRf3B.}WiNf vol 2 the cit \I`UI'l llEl& SU-1:!- l:Y` or l nt.timm'u Lung _ null Uhcut l'l'l7t0(3tv"rU jmit rccuivual I) H. l'Al:Kl._l{, Uhcmint. Market .l;uI. 2, L833 *(_ 2 Cases Finn.-Ln Htulclies u A. Mccorkell 5 2` :\ I`- I.I`:l{. Hut.-|n'.. N:o....... . "-`T Just Received, )ARSON S CELEBRATED SUGAR ED HAMS AND BACON. l.ocKADI' ' dobns 21 .....,..-;,- auu wnmun utylc-'of ate are qyablo. JUH; UAlHU'I`}H-JRS, ._,_,-'.` ALEXANDEIR GUNN. ` 3%? December, 1871 {I.---.__ - ,, 1 mm SAL!-I 1'HlJAI'. net, Untillun in wood JAMAICA PR1 NC ESS STRE ET. ALSO I wood wood or xtillun L'u'n, .`.. ........I Scott J: Dalton. A. McUUl{K ELL. uumly umlu, FUN uu Nhilm ] m.'LL n I Prizuu with ul ol... *9 Audion alc c ' \vH1sM:Y. and SHEB. nuuu 0!` 111 \ if A If` I .x}}n.J.:srw.iz1 on CodSh- I 2 Trade And every 4 let: for .l{ CUR- ------..~ -v yrvplrea` ll kind: I Lumber to order, and w 8 G70:-k and;-. taken in Sawing of Lumber and Feb. 7. 1873. ' 1. f to MII.1m.:` or Itnknn in I- -:. uumr ULASB HOTEL-cannot be ex- celled by any House in" the-County. The Home and Furniture are new; the Bon- in at all times furnished with the best of Liquors ; the Tnblo in second to none in the Cuunty; good and commodioul Stable: and Sheds, with careful nttendnnce ; 3 good Com mercial Room for travellerl. Chu-gel mods- rnte. ~ V NO1'_I_CE. V `HE PUBLIC are notied that ' _._L_ _p_tieton of the BAIIRI:-Jrnn n4 ul UHF. hum of , THE FLAG, HIUX .'|( srrn l.'l.VII Stiriii;;House, Stirlig, I (`nu-..4.. -9 -n_, xi; J. REES & 005., ""ir`I.': .."5.i`'7`:`+`.` ,, ---. Coimty of Hastings. _._..._ I411 HST CLASS H0 l'EL-'-c_annot Feb. 26, I873. March 13, 1873. {GARDEN & FLOWER SEEDSA From Enghmd and ; }m..9 . Mo1'rison s Toronto ' Store. _(,`m:i {iii ! foal 0il' Au FTIUN l'lllL'lv;, A I` A CUM I L m any W BILL W. 5 (mice, Ularcuco Strcu Utlicc. Kingston, 27th Jan. Capital .4nDI.I MAXWELL Ulhcu. (Ila:-mu-n \IL` I H`. Cabbage, Cauliowers, Tomatoes, &c., 3 S\puci:LI attcntiun is directed to our Stock of nuns GRAIN HILKH (HEAL LYUNM in Black and (Julouru. ; I ` F JUS M0.` 1 I A 1 Fl I55" J l.u1i4.-n Ln on-m.-4 Mu] H4'hL~4' |.:m ~'v.~x.: I.':m - ..n -K I mm! V f:u-,turcl 1 n ru L5l.lU the pro- Lpsrieton BARIU l&I4'I ELD STEAM _nre gnpored to Saw All Lana. .: an we l riumnm,ru. kl'l`l`iI ugfchl mas Ii./V ASSURANGE GOMPANY. HEAD ()FFlCE, TORONTO. G. .52 1 IUBART. UST . no 4 .1us'r mscmvx-so AT "THE 5 n|m'1mA|. ll0USI}," Nov. I3, I872. , . .- "V. -iuumim.;u. Hnml Vnllw i ruetnlrml v. 1 \v,\'r1v:1c wm'n: mi. per gnllun, at u v nu.- I'l'lH'I ..-\'l' I"1H{ h'l'.'l-l|Y_tuu ,_ . mun wmu Ullol0l`W(!M'. Alurinuu Hlnirtu and l)rn.wcra. mm-a` l.:unh Woul Shirts and Drawers. ::' I!:m:uli:m Shim: and Pants, all Hi: -'nr.lig:un Jackets, l'nl|mJa.ckuts, Santa '.'.-mlx, Sc.-arfu, kc. lw. Alma :5 l:Ir,.;u zuumrtnlont of IPILESS |':'UUl n all the New Materials, in umllems Vnriut` _\ full xunmrtlnunt of Ltullcu and Childrr l....h..-.y /-Illilyn Ncwunt. Ht 'lm in .` All the how Htyl l'llIIllIlmru SST ARRIVED AND NOW FOR SALE at the Medical Hall, [J Lrunl) \VmI l;`I'llL-5' .\lu)-inn. `-r nnn mu rn.n'"" wu-in -A BLANKETS. I57 l'finc-ss Street. HHMINY - -v,vv-rv xwrmr. smanrnc, AGENT. Street, oppqsite the Post! PLETI-J AsOR'l"MENT or VERY , UHUIUE 1 ' other Seed : ".l"""', Mich ' I)-n u-u I. Vwn~."n:1: n,\nu;.us.s. -- v-_-III rll HEAD .. ..... nulrbl mm lrrnwcrs. ` -' nizca. ,:un Suntngu, &c., `I HUUIDS, nu Ynriuty. : I Ulnildrc-u ,- :1 France, `comprising the - }-I-at \`:m'.-tics of ; A Largo Atumrtmont of i M El{I.\'U U`.\'I)Elt\'VEi - - -L $6o6,'ooo. L! in Uamuliau and Engliuh Manu- G. 806 PT, Pnprietor` }{()TEl.-unnot xy the-(`nnnou Luke5J. Erly. as Nlmwlu and Muutleu. 3 I Style in Dream and Mnnltlc: l.l`\ _"' :, um.-n .134 Morrison `s Darwin, umk-.rgm:u -.\.-1 `c M.-furc it is U A1` M1 {mu.a'm\"s. .uuur;l'll! ' Saw ` an-t.....1 . \ll:l{|{l. ~',O.\";'- ' I I suitable for Hotlu.-ds. I `M ,. ml Underwear. Irtu mm In.......... . 1373. S4 '1 )'l`(_', H n-r;vr. no )/\Y mm ' Cullninting of 1 Ge )3 n ~ Flour 35 Cents EVENING. MARCH 22. `HI 1 1 III: rm- . 1- 1 M` j. I `soils, :4 -1107, . ---- .-- 1-IIIII VI-I-lull MANUFACTURERS, 4 HEAD OF PRINCESS STREET, Kin . All work done with neatncu an des- p-_t:~'h- nhll I\ HTS, I"I..\ '|uoIsmgpI, eavern, ( '. ijlunvln nod l|'aucy Mu (mos. Mmunmzv & 00.] FUR FEBRUAK Y. NEW MAGAZINE FUR SUNDAY _l{EADING. , ` [City Book Store. pawn. Jovenber 29, 1872. 2 3ALli.s' ' than ever. 1 (EASE IH Bl (;'()U[).S'. 3().\':w', Tl 155' . Feb. Nth, 1873. ` .; 142151-0.3` F,\NC\' I)RE.`%S New Styles and Slxaclcs. ;` 1 (JASE ENGLISH .`:L()U'l"(}H ; l (EASE U0'l"l`ON 'I'\VI'IEDS. : 2 CASl'l$-1"A.\'(,'Y LIGHT PL 25 l IEUE.S Bl{(IWl\' Il(H.l..5 vallu-. l ` HASH ; .' Rv%"'353s. 2 am; on BROOK STRE`E`T, _. ..-. .. ,....,u 'l'u :mivc--l CASE J%l.A(`K. mm! l",\Nl'Y SILKS >-a p<:;i.'Ll I . - 3 (JASICS U.'\l\'Al)JAN J`\\ J All \\'mvI:I| ZHIII [":Ll1cy`}nvgvI3 went lmvor than last. yc;Ll'.-L [1 rice HUNG l.Al)Il.`S' ,g.Jom:NAI. -,1,-arm: i MAILUH. ' . ` P`.-\MlLY IIERALI), uvmw MONTH, BOYS OF ENGLAND, YOUNG MEN 01" GREAT BRI l'Al.`\', And PENNY II.LUS l`RA'l`El) PAPER, A Juperiur S'I`EIN\VAY sonablo term. Also a few Piano: to` rent. We feel condent that our own Imtrumentu will continue to sustain their wcll-earned regytation. ` actory and Wu-erooms corner of Princes; and Ontario Streetl, Kingston. `Huang . (`rs for sale on rea- .e\'ms' srlalm (.'m>Ai>s. ._ _._.'-vvuvvl-Ill! .,E ALWAYS It on hand ORGANS and M~EL0Dli%PNS of the best`-Cannw dun make, and have now m stock some ex- cellent ENGLISH UPRIGHT PIANOS (mule by Broatlwood, Chapel], &c.,) to which we invite attention. A Juperiur STEIN \VAY on K Pinnna cur m--s I|r-- Direct 7--* Pianos, 0z"gf:11_`s:_._:,_1_1d_Me14cJdeons. 1171:` A 1 u- M arch 7, IS73, ._.._..- ._.., ._._ FAP BLANK HTS, l"!..\7\ ,g:.;| 'l'v'Oki'|lD|. Hear.-r. I ' . 2 #7 -_,.-nuv- An ezu-ly cu." so-liuil, THE DAY OF REST The above are only Ili will be sold cheap for mu . J . 4 BALE5 HURRGCICS COTTON, all Nos. `.2 (_1ASkb' F.-\.`\'C\' (:()()Us' in \'cw Mccrea & Bentley, Illa 4 1 A M A G 11%aa 4; 0 0 I! s 5 A. B. MAGPHERSDN & airs " fJUsT THE GQODS {Ar Spring 1 7 1 _._A1-_ 3 ` . I i Kingnton, Sept. `B.-\ LES GREY co'r'roNs. l u l'iw following Gnmlr: ' |lH('K.~" wm11-: T\\'ll.l. INNS, 72. 80313:` `J0 ilM:|I.'.'4. web. 26, CLEARING SALE: \VIil'l'E (JU'|."1'()NH, GREY C()T'I`0NS, TWEED8, TOWELH. 4...: TOWELLING, mxuv _F'LANNls.`L:.-J. htly dam od, zml will mug. as ` At the CITY BOOK STORE. UASE HARWUUI9 ANII `. 1`I.`\';.~:. ' m.Ar:K w.s"rm 15 .'Ul`2I.VEl) AT TH E .~wmNu I-x:qN'rs, J;\NA DJ AN J`\V l'2l'.'l):4. 1-. '~'lth. I373. W H1. l`| 4 `u'r'r< >.\', ,. ....un.u. HAS]-I 'l'V\ l-?`El)S. TON ,,.`v,,,,,,_, Importation, I -|iu.'il.o,-cl at the Ll\'E|H'UUL JJHlJ.7'E, . 19. 1872. - v 7 1413116. l l1Il\"I'.'-'. \'\' nn: 1 - ---- `I R 1'18, s will be :- ,-vu. WEBER & 00. F) Ax n '|'.xx 1; y km". 1_,'ul.nUI_:l-in lim.-. .--..- ..r. JAXI), extra : fully W per nx [ ` ulxc.'L].ur ` V I8 Wu _..,.,.. ... umv vvnuluulrlllll U! 079?] Il No cmnmiuion char ed either on 1:! loan at the naming.- Applicationu to be addressed to J AMPS an AM we cnequo mot. tn-om dsto generally the` cue), the t used in the completion of I I an] loan or tin nu--- and It in optional with tho hm-mw'cr either to have them deducted from tho loan 0] added to the AI interelt is only reckoned from date of the cheque (not from dzto of application, as is - I gcm_:r_nll}j utmost de:nn.h-,h :. I vuv run: an we and or the term. If tlie securi- ty rave ntisfactory, the loan any be renew- ad or 3 further term. - , The exnennnn will In 0...: ..._. _.-: |.-an save 1 _; I 1HE TRUST AN D LOAN COM PANY 1 OF QANADA make advances on mort- gage eecunty 9! City, Town or Farm Propertfy, in same rengmg from npwnrde, and or period: to unit borrowers; interest et8 per eent. per ennum, psynble half year] . Ap- pruved mortgngee, also, purchased at t 0 Com- pany : rates. Borrower: have the option of repaying the principal either smuul inetnllnente or In one Inn: at the em of the torn`). If ty_ prove ntiefactory. loan mu. 1... .....-..-, unu nlyl/'|)N I)-HAND PIAN ES. l'n.rtiun wanting an Instrument, or wiuhinfg smut one to a friend, will please cal and ex- nminc at our Factory on Gore Street. Every In.=mrumeut yarrnuted for ve yearn, NJ}.-Having engaged 3 first-clau Tuner {mm the cit of Boaton, fonnerly from France, we will tare pleasure in attending to all Tuning, Regulating and Unpping, that may In; r(.~qnirc(l in the city or country. (1, Ill L IN`- ` ' E would most. rexqjcctfully call the at- tention of the public to our beautiful` collection of 1 a.r1uur, Cabinet, Celeste and He- smmnt()RGANs, also MEUJDEONS, S1-.'W and SECOND-HAND PIANES. wanting Instrument. m- m:.I.;.... ... .._ VV". (`, :sgN VVHAINS LEAVE KIN(N'I`()1 _ lows :_ _ [my Exfpruuu for Mnntrenl.,.....` Mixed "ruin fnr Night Express fur " [my Ex n'rm< for I`nrnnto and Night laxprr-an " ' Imy lax for l`nrnnto at Iaxprr-an Mixed Train for Toronto. ,. aamin;ggj%n;u]Lwzv;L . ...uu.s wul uunnecl: ' I At Paimwc with trains tnzmd from -Slusclinc, E ' mul Int:-,nnc1iatc Statiuxns. , .. f At Tmro with trains to and from Pictou, and I Intermediate: Stations. 2 _ ! At \Yiuhsur Junction with the t;'ains_of the I Wimhmr and Ammpulis Ritihvuy._ . ' 1 At Ht. Juhn with the Unnnuliclntcal Euro mul North Amcricxm Jiailwuy for Bulngnr, :l.7l\"i(`. Junction. Montreal, Qlai-lm-, I'.rt.l:unl, Huston ; nhm with the Inti:r- mztimml Su.-.-uucrxs to and frmn Eautpnrt, l mu] Hustun. LI`-_"`v[u 1: 3 nuvnu . pcan` ,' H372. tl), I873- ( Kingston, Dec. [8, 1872. --------------____ A few nu... , --__---at I 1 VIRGIIJIA MANUFACTURED TOBA C0. . ' Feb. 4, 137:4. _....__s._ _..___. General :s`u| {.nil'.-any Uiihm, Mnlwhollg N.B., Janu.1.r_y lsth, 1873. ....:___.s. -_.. _. . ..-___ ugvnuil. wuuls'1'Y of Labia : and At- A mum . F'INEsT rmurumxcas. BEST ENGLISH _ TOOTH, NAIL AND HAIR. BRUSHES. FINE SPONGES, IMPORTED SOAPS, . For sale by H. ARKE Chfnuiut and Drgggist, Market Square. .-._...-.__...__...__.. _._.-_.... _ GhoViE-Artic19__f;t>r the '_I'oilet. Aw AND xxx uounrrmu, _'I1;iIn.\'u s.u.:-S now going ..r mtory to movin to the New store I Slaucncu & '1': ulell'_aI Buihlingu. r 'A'_l` 1 ~A.R;KI-IIL`L S. nu pen-as mu be round v mod nu-, . it i:'optiou.1 bnrrtfvlzr eithecr 1: the lam nr ..m...: 4... |PARKHlLL S, Pfg _-'._- ::AM|Lv PROOF! _.__-.- vlll I lily` OP]-IN TO THE I UBLICon Friuluys . 1 and S:ztx1r1:uys only during the winter mason. Persona wmhing Baths may oth`c1-day I of the week can be a.ccmnmodn.tcd by notifying the yroprictur in time. Sundays cxcevptud. mus vii? nuns 1: E UHIJ L'un P`ri:l.'w.~' u A - ` 2 v n nuruner wrm. expenses will be fonund cry modern, _ in opiqnnl u hm-mwer sick... tn Druggist, new more D11! new den 3,: PRES `T15. burrs nu smins Jan. 17, I873. amzwr `VARIE1-`(_of Lu mclw luurn `nun-.-...-- __, .1. 0 :1m1`02%*. 15, and after 8 ATU R DAY, 1: ":18:-iellmsr .-um Mun rv-.. Kingston Distillery, would 1 ta-nh'nn (J H... Winter Arrzummncnt. more MEERSCHAUM PIPES left. w 3, suitable for N EW' YEALVS {ES `T15. V Notice ,to the Public. {'1' l"ORGL"l' THE T M A I )1-2 AT '1` H E nenaareuodto JAMES SHANNON, D. D. Immmn ll IVUKBUH. LEW]-`5 (JAl1'V'EIJ., :s'upcrintemlent_. Mnm:t._on.' N. H.. KING S'l`l{E ET. 4 1 TUBACCONIS1`, Kingston. FAMILY PROOF sf mun . . . , . . . . (3 . 1| (1. J. llYl)GB.`-I, Managing Directm KIN(N'I`()N an `ful- :9 of E n rlespstch in I every loin. 1 either nn H... ....:,.:_ . , uvery man. I I the origi- _ ..-.r 4.1 .1. , aluzmtity, in (`null or i Ali, l'mu:uu Street. BEES BROS. uni! . C. MEE & (:0. 1 ouTm: IN `mm m ...u . -:'v'.l '|ll- u.~:zvu~: n., and in: due in -St. l q.~4s_cl|gcr and Mail . John da.ily`n.t 6.00 '.1x at 9.30 p.m` I 1 I II II `TI 1 It, Square. jranleadlogio Lubin I. and RFUM rm, `st instant, I n wiil lr.~:rvc~ znlllu in Q; I I873. [1 RICI~J TWO Cl-IN'lb, On the fol'lowinga:t'1'x-r-dn;`i:`totu' m J home. As he approached his hodloi my 1 of yvung children ed out of the from gd` and ran towards him, lhoutiug `l'luIb-l"` a 2 Here comes ! Oh, pa, hilt, ;I 4'll._, P _ Pf; , _. nlml In an. an... 1 ----' lav comjg AND mvs Ii ?EES"BROS. \ ~ zunre pa! Oh 51:4! to ace you !` Hurrah `(or !a '1`ho:biuhop _lo_o_kod at the chilrona [Is uuualo; 1. 1| t ` """ 1' the bishop Irnilzdp g0:d'|-yn;_Id:;'+ : s E Oh . -_ ` g the IittIey::egyM' "`"3" """`,"` I But `law, a... ....;Ii us. .. ..: mi ,_ -.._.--. - ` L Q But I nay I am not," said the `gevorely and frowning, on ought who tuohamed of youualvpa. B9:-`t on know where little story talk:-ts? in Ian- dalou for you to ' In. o-..n. 5.. 4.1.2.- _to'lkI-1:61 L. itory dalouforhoueouolstothitrn ~---rnru , u no roan an no ed down the itgoot. {N RM The bishnp touched -San Fnncilcb, win-, 1.1:-wd hi: purchaus, und mu just about 6% go: untho train with his one_ hundred fm~ty-tun: organl, when a to handed him. _ It contained in! A ` I he the seat that the palm-nVInirod'l(vi; 1* had just had ldnughtor. ,ThiI induoI&`Ihi?' bishop to return to tho city for u pllqtw f u-chain an addition! Ofglll. , 0 8:: lfoflmving Saturday In M , hinne. he honing . .. ` W- ...... umuvy 11: led Ill! cu blg I began again: to bimruwull to ' H--. tendrly kiued all of Mn. Path 1 3 wr.-ru at homo, and startotl for the dqpotm while In. Potts stoodat the various min-W down, and wuvgd her hnndkerchiafl`it'hlfIi ` -alITnic4pt the ivmnan with the turn $5 and she, _in a fit of shunt mindednnu. - one of the twin: 1;: the I and brandillpn. i at Potts: lmgd dowtnztho stgut. ,1 w - Thu Sun Frsnciscd 0653- g ` mu nimn big one_ hundrod III/-I when , -!ll_:,. h:mdo_d hing. , It ' *- "-'I' mum-nexnusrgrx out there on the fence, Mmthehsul not enough mouth 01-" ` to` gs: arnund among the ohilah-on,_ at a funk : ily now htnod, and so, rastllorjhan loom to. -bup:u-'tia.l,`1_1e determined to go R M. 8.1:: Fmncisco for em hundred in fqur mare.. fgrtyzo H .........., mm nuempwd with such urnel twist in guns acquainted with his new, sons and gfghtern that he not the whale uno lmndrml and twenty-ve and the trial to crying, wlxilu his own original fteen, Mood aronnrl and joined in the charm. v Than the bishop want out and sat` on tho: garden, fence to whims n Itick unldf think `V while Mrs Putts dintributod horn m l`we1r1t.y-three di'crent place: and `soothed. 111.!!! more. , So the bishop retracted hi: c f bi uromoll t tenddi-Iv In`-and cl" -3 Il-- uo I10! IIICGII W Ila tllt--" ` `:1 " `Y -` `!Yes, low. 111- husband` Williim Brown. died on Mandny, an?! 0;: Brigham had A vision, in which is jib `(II- rccced to sea! In to you ; and lo hopdr!` `. ed the cei-cmony at once, by :2. "T111-th-th~th-under 2" obnryod :" ` up. in a general sort of way. = ` "And darling, we are all living` now--we and the nor children. ` ` "` Child run ,' children` ! exclaixngf Biihop V 3 Potts, turning pale; you `'t an to; ' 5 my than in a pack of childrentn6 I " ' "'Y6"9 IOVQ. but tmlv nun` Iu.....I`---I U'- *1 I6. J{(_).'.9' E ?- . ........a U1 we nrmesas been -grasp in his, while the re carried his nmbiclla and I of the parade to remove :; score of small boys. - ' When the binlmn ram-In -~ -.-r-.-- v 7|. rscort: or small boyl. binhop reached the home, he wont around among the cradle: which lled-` Hm hack parlor, and the two second-story 4 moms, and attempted with OJIDBIQ mm to new ' cr_ying, grim -mi n..- = My nnure us pack of . :' "Yn, love, only one hundiod 1 fwcny-ve, not eountinglo ` f triplets. ` A ' _ VVh:1-whsx-wha.-wlxzl,-"ivl1I.t d .y ' M gI'._x:4pud the bishn , in" a cold pdripgifatloni one hundred an twent ' : It in too much--it is awful ! . u uul tho biizop set down and grained; VINO the late Mrs Bruwn, the brides, stood- amuml in :1 semicircle, and fanned him witkn their lmnncts all exce L the rodhairod ans,` ; and nhb in her trcpi ation made an fntili effort to fan him with the coal Icuttln. _ Hut uftnr 2. _1.:I.. u. _`,a. . rruvrb w ran mm with Icuttln. But after a. while the binhot banana u'- 1 x-nmuilurl to his new alliance, nowing wall i.h.1t|'rnl:est would be an wclked lmme, holding my many a ttlo immls _u{ tlne brimles as he could eonven " r-up In red-haired woman - MI 1 I ' ' > -` uvailin ; la in (`the Ii DWI kuv w ullosall. 1 em lled with blitllelul serenity when I contemplate the feet; but really I do not understand why you should rush into thie railwey etetien and gm; me because ` your line are active end` our gigeetion good. The precedent is ;ii 18 dngeroue. "Oh, but we didn't" they exelehed: in chorus. We came here to weleallevyog ~ became eu` are our husband. P on me, but there must be none lit1e--thst is to lay, u it` were I `lllniu think net. Women, you` have 7' your man ! Oh, no, dearest, they shouted," we were married to on while you were sway l ~\v1... w --- -:-- -- - - A .-nun ngm well while , It gmtitien me, "to learn that noun 0! you hdboicn prey to diusau. serg_nit_y when I llod contomnlnlm {Jun hat - I--t -.., .uuuuUl`I WC Sf. I9"I. have came back! Welwmehome! aelmm: . Jcur, dear Theodore ! Welcome nee mom to the buum of your (easily 1" end then {in uxmro core of then: fell upen hiemeek and cried out hie shirt {rant and mailed him. The bilhop uemed eurprieed end enlar- ruued. . Strugglingto diungqe hilili,` blmlmd and mid: " y L ` Really, Indies, was kind of thin M W cuough--it is imm-outing and all lint * 6'-mro mmt be some kind of I-l '11,, `en nwknrd am of o-excuse me, ladies, `hut ch ne ueml to be u it were 5 :!iht',mle- understanding aont the--f nu, Bbbap Patti." * We know it, we knew it, deereet,"'tl|ey exclaimed In choral, `gsnd we are I0` is) son you safe, safe at home. We hit all I -L-on right well while you were any 0. remarked thn fins...` _ _ 5-`. .. unvloy III IVUIIUH {'3 ` '1``"....,.`' '.""33a'f.`."L`ua I m. I B ' . twenty of them Funhodpig, throw tlloit Argus furovlrld his nodk, Ind Hind him, 01015111}- Ml R. `WHITE, WLESALE naucclsp, In`; "011, Thoodon 1 I'mvac0me|-ugh: vh] acnr. H111. 'l'l....A..- uameymumcnt. depot, he now a in the ladies him. 6.-4....A_ 1 A` Hut just u be uni group of wmsui ` apparently an 1;: app:-chad. ti , ......n no came back with aen [ nmuthmrgnns in his vahue for hin darliip.` 1 He gut out nf tho train at Salt Lako. think- ] mg how joyuus and exhilarating it wmd he at home on Chriltllnl morning than the whole ftomn uf thaw mouth-aI'guII would~ be in upcrucicm n on -iifuront times It the uameymununt. int antorod tie qopot, _luq _:uuv group woman` u....ia.... Bishop Potts of Salt Lake City win tho lmsband of three wives and n ht father of ftconinterastin r children. wyin the winter the bishop 1% mm: ahunhl have I and timo for Olmatmu, :51! he ccmcludod tngtnke a trip down to Fr.1nciac9 to see what he could nd for [them in the shape of toys with which to K gratify and amuse them. The good bishop I melted his r::u'pet-ha.g, ombracn Mr! `Path mm by one, and kissed each of then Impo- cinnateiy und started upon hisfournoy. ` 7 8 will any-an :1 Ian. ..-~ I nunop Potts. I ate:-mingd tint lilo - uunuoly und his ]oV1-En; He was gone 9. little morn than I ! when he came back fto_l_I but I nluuth-urnmn. in I--'- - Bishan Pom. nc c:..n. 1 ,.,, .... `an: an-tarp. 1 t vyuus exhilm-atium it --H1 I llllll, uulvw'`, 9' P`. but win Hurrah for nn 1 .60.... .- .... ue uuulu oonvenwntly M o woman :11 und marched in front ubntruetion . oyl. t,they shouted, ie I away 1" ned the binhenz van 'Rt.\1:;.'- twrw! ,v'voarou--no 7nlmm-|In-- ' J .....uu--nu _|l III!!! I" ;n Vllilb. n, stood. , with lpt M ntirm maa - 3-4'5" uuu vucn or men III I his jiurnoy. .19 than n in ft)" week muoilu` A -:--n Stuck taking. Alana;-k;|In.-n I.lIcli' summer tr.u|a-. This in 1.-. we will rmlucu all good u 1 `nuts eatly and secure lmrgnim. >RK|NGMEN, _.3'1?`u:K wm'rr: .: gar" , . ('n1`[`u1\',.' \f&,`l:\_/YA`i[l .\"X-II.~-V. |.I.V,I'lN.i . 1`< i-1TiIi Yl., E. ROSE S, at W: E . . A UCTION BA B6, tr" r lonejby doing so , he bulls STREET. Pnlxsss s1'1:1-xilfr. W`A_l,h.: \ViImn.'_q wm '1'I9'I:. .\]VlT' ug l l"|`a ,\'.s =2-2. * 2? ` lootadudlwel.) I: uumlul In tIwIl"fr'icTIIl~ ` go-m-rally lur flu! lllwrul - llwlll aim-v gaming u- mum-1: tlmt Llwy will It I an two: we.-elm all Fum-3 Stuck. in ureler In {L-du.---`l Icli taking. alIa_,v_;tVIII.1ka- l mer I.r.ul.- 1'1... :. ` PLACE. | al1l|'on'.~a. Imul II) In r r; 1'u.\' `- ch;-ix 1.- rZ-`.`..I - ur flu. I SHE?` IGAINS, C` Dl \'IN(.; LE'l l`El{. BO()KS.-Ve ock ouhsunl offered lmv prices. ' Ill-Islnamtmu-u uudi LI JJJ. IV N'ruN1.~iu New ma Standard u:`:.hIpt50n 83 per yea-, commencing at Works. A vieikihgsmn and Vicinity ` I g.\ujr_n-; _.m-; v1.s1'rr: s1zlc'&*=m...,.......;.. JU.\"l' RECEIVED, By E " Portland, 5 zolect assortment I ; Styles of Evening Drones ami`Fz I -lines. -mun uEN_DERsON, lurch mu 1373. P"" 3" ! LARGE portion of the Stock has bun ,` ;\_ wld during the month of Decimbcr. 1 The remaining Stock of Dry Goods will he iintlll furtlu.-r reduced darng January, (Ed I Hroat Bar Jinn will be 1'ven. JLTST [I:l`.RI\fI'n`l"\ .. AIL, 1'1- , .. _ _. ---oovllllll IDLLI} v 1Al{'l`l-I -01-; SIZES` g CaliIfut and Larger sizes. A `II II um .. nu - ;;u"rm:n-;~ I Great Clearing Sale I alsdl .- ]..'.7Il(,'Il(. 0 K. and I . R. R. Olce. Kiugntnn, Folg. 25th, 1872. I -..___ , -,._-- I'wenty Drawing R0611} and Concert Room Vo- cal Duets, Wmh l i.1nofmte accompaniments, on 1y `.0 n. ..A.. I..- -n H, +381 Ll. H E,ADS - m.ANK Nsn l`ii~! AND DRAF'l`S. BLANK HI-)(,`l-Zll"l` BOOKS. `ylill.l cm `Ir nvjlgplllnu % Retiring fro_mv the Retail Tfde Kiaguton, fan. 3, ' 5 . 91.. "I (:1. Iv;.?1./3* Sroat 11:5 .-{s.. KI-ZTJVTE 733;? JUST !){ ECElVED, y All 'orlaml, assortment u c-uuu;wn Slnact, Kingntun, _-nratnm M the Ci"t'y 0! King! '.-up:-n omln, msmounu 1 -r-4 at long llnl Ilmrt Intel. -0' Ilmde to EENDING LfR'ARY? " |UN'I'Al\ll\7n nu, ELEV !!! VIEW. ax` Isl! 3.`), 126! Nlacuee Waddell, {CHEST AND __L_`l]_lj_I_}_` L(,3(,'()UNT _BDUl\'S. Nth Pianofonte accompaniments, Pri `nuts for all, o_r 35 Cents post fn.-c., NOTHER .\'UI`I LY 01" L Celebrated -. I Ilry an ut tlu`-m. PRINCESS STREET. t I.-he Just. lleceivecl