. . .1 . \`rIII'U1I`UK. Auctlomecrs. . ..n , .. flolhiz V ..:.r. 2'- : -I.. .7ii4-,niwc_n.-.4 1 _ . -..y|.DB'BIl L . R., cornr \\'eUi1agwnl 1 N, Princes:-It. F E, Princess street. can-st. I ' DLIABILITY OF ERS. norlcs. r Princess uml 0ut:m'n` n , I`l'llIc('zm I. Boil! sdulicioxu 4 ;".`:".....".".`:':_'tr:1:n -u-an. Princeumut. me: of Brock and Un- . D. .\'. C0,, l riucc:M-xt. ,.\L'u'kvt-mjlI.1l'u, ` l rim:cr:s-nt. ($0., Vcorna-r of King and ---vvo Swift, s and Stullom-rs. \v p,.:.. . _. ..L AGENT V - than I St, Lawrence Not {-DU. \ us, Prnnceuust. St. hwreuu P Illcuuu-st. , K iung-st: .|h1iluliup.;.~x, _ I I I :--..__.....__-.----u-._. . N.1l2C.U. ttB k'll Hut l v 1 d"lY WW : .2513" 3'9"": With0thea('}]:'a.nd Trunk c(l !::etgman1l 'R9ea`f:l3I'x(1 will lune privileg . Ex rqu trains. . ' N B'_1-he June to be conned to `be m__ _ reight loaded with dispatch, and no trun- dinl`ry sh: nth in i 1:: on th Grand Trunk '_ ""'"'i`l h"v .594 "9' to onthepgintzockvillo &:(_! Ottawa Rail- Auction Salon, Advertisement: of Shipl. l:o- \ H- 4B30TT. monk, Copartnenhip Notices, Private Ad-_ " M`gr' Bmclwillc, Dec. 9, 1372. L Oiu to Let for'or Sale. squro, for pz privilege. square : dm`.-v |....a..... .1 -Aw Pricq for per 840, with the to once 1 month. _ ...... ...,uurc 11 mm: ditw Iqusre; for one yen privilege _of a \Vcl- Other Notices in eclitorial culumns,.thc ub- ject of which is to promote the pecuniary or private interests of individuals or Companies, such as Repurts of Banks, Insurance Compa- nius, N oticou to attend Lectures, Amusements, Meetings, Sermons, Acknowlcdgnicnts of Da- . nations, 6:0,, to be considered advertisements, and charged on the same scale and in the same manner an "Business Notices. YEARLY AOBEZIINTH. The square to be 22 lines of solid hrevicr. The hall square ll lines ditto. P1-inn In. . .... -~ I Bivstnxw NoTI(:m.-All matter under this I heading, lcaulod or solid, 8 cents per line, ,n_1ea.suro.-d by .1. scale of solid hmvier, over I0 lines; under 10 lines, 75 cents; under 7 lines, 50 cents. ,. ....,., .. news, `I C Notices of Births, 5 of Marriages, F K (on Deaths, 50 cents each. in mlwmcc. ., ....-s 1 qncnt insertion. 'l'cn lines, $1.25 for and `20 cents for every 3 Almvc I0 line`.-3, 8 cc` scrtinn, nnd 4 cents 114 I ....-... :7 A- Six lines and under, -$1 for ( nxt t sulm.-qu~ _ in I short time fr: vod from usin; `ellu;a Gian H phoaphitca. 1 found 1 race: of tonic 0 great power and elcrscy nn gent.-ml -la.-hi became rubuut . under xts inuence, an gzninud co: weight \vithII.--Arlv. 911:} Sec Tnrill `alr-.-mly taki- l'1'n|\n a; an (juntracts nutl Yon ` \ erLi~u.-lncnts mmlc at I Pasessing the In at ; Newspaper ublishe in t [ml offers 1: a heat modi 9 General Advertisements; in the ' I A Local Paper is the best I [ ndvcrtisa a -Local Bunineu, If you have spent money in the 1 erection of an attractive sign for) i business, carry such a jucliciolis further, anal repeat the sign a tlm Plzwe the particulars of your bu the public and I fN'EWSPAP.ER COLUMNS 1; If you. wa-uh] drivv DAILY NEWS." { Advertise ! ...-........ nqury 120 the syutcxn.--ArIr. , James H. Johnston, Esq, .\Iout.re.1l, Wrutu in August, I87] as follows: It atrnrnls nu-, tixnnny to the bcnelit I h _; own Uompouml Syrup 0 mh nanhio.-, . I I ' and Mn. nncc 1 week, 4 4 'An-I : AD \% 1<]R'1`ISE. THE MOST sucuessrm,` ADVEm`ISs:%3G, lines, cents: nn A 1'-~-*`* ' " Tradeslnen and Mercha.nts ., . "won, `8 CC"! I 50 4 wan.-u. F ADVERTISING. DAILY NEWS. ..-- uu:cels.;-1-I Iv. Porlonsroqniring purgntives or pi be cu-eful whnt they buy. .`}onI- only cause griping pains, but leave t in 1 torpinl, cuslive stat}.-. 1'.-mmn.~:' Pull WI" relieve the `bowels and :1 rod without injury to the syutcm.- ,Jnmm H _r..;...-..,- n -- n _.v.. Advertise insertions not I IIt:1x`r A --- ` THE DAILY NEWS--~-SATURDAY"EEVENING MARCH_ 22. '9; yen-, for . D Dfivnan nl ..h.-..:_, ' I Yearly Agrtwmcnta for _\d f 1 the Daily Nows `, |(f0 I of Rates, and if you do not ,- ndvnutn;,'o of typc-:4" nml ink, Ice tn .. um, nu UUIJEB C.` -"G < entry each In: punk '1 ` ,, .. ..\...u.- in cnts per lin I . It is a rare thing that eolntgunnce ton mcdicin of which in I ac.-cr_ct. Ab pent purclmsu mu] 1 fm-your pltu-c of ; )7 step a. little I repeat sign tlmmmml tin"... ...- ... nun L cents per line. n ;.....L.. -r ' Advertise ! .ml:l :AHr.` r tlncc imntiu ,' sulm.-qucnmtcrtinn. .. ........ , .uIuL' tr: each N nticcs '1 lncso rates tchc p.. circulation of any this city, this J.-ur- i medium for Local mud. ants; therefum .-x.I.,.....:.... ` * cents each ; .`. A- I, -- wsullllll xor Local 3.; therefore zzdvc.-rlxse g sleigihl, x pef line for first ngn` Hm! for every .~mlv.'c- ' ear, daily pn- ' altering limited Advertise 1 It medium wherein 1 ul, therefore 30 and r first thr-.-u him ry subsequent 1' nrdercd hftcm,-1 r l2..,. .u.-mus sup nttlc 1 tlmummd ti Ilm. our business hcfurr uvuglli Mon to L641: in fwory '5 ' Street Inn Iold. [ WE Mmi: u./DJVBISIJ AUCT L Merchant. All oods, Furniture, C bought and sold. . ti nnnu 6- I A. ` uuggoa. with prayer: and to mjnre him. The luau Tnrpey should not be hur1 bored ovur ti"... 1......- D811 Paint 1`,"n Q0 Perth Carle- inn ;:.;;,.,:.zmg;.; ._. .-._~._:_._ ,7 -,.T---- n1~-za.k_. 7; .` I =`~{3.=,a::1:3. Central & Brockvie! (.5 Ottawa: l ?.ailWa.y;-5. I 5 Gl'::1ii Broad G:u:;-`i2 1:.) (3541:;-9. : .\.'I< Mu; '1'n.;2< 4i:Iu'._`l-(Y1LL}-I. On and aft:-r .`a'gm4l:t;w. in"-I-`a-nu!-=-v-`I ' II I vml-`cl. Martha not secured unti 5 For Freight or other particulars 'l"m-thucl to" J. L. Farmer, or `Andrew A-HI; in Quebec to I -3: Co. ; in Hzwru to John M. Our! I l) ()rleans ; in Paris` to Gustave f Rue du 4 Sept;-mbrc ; in Ant\Vl,.'l I Schmitz & C0,, or Richard Berna; ` lam to S. P. Ittmnnn IL Zoon ; in to \V. Cinmn & Hugo ; in Belfast ' to I 8!. Malcolm ; in London to Mon I uh-ernmomc. 17 l:n..-.....t...-..I- - . umgn I uylu 1.4. It-un-iw: on h().`-H'll II 3 ,`.l.-Lilu um! l .I.M`-il'"- 1.. an anal frmn Inn ! .`s'uot|.-md, arc int.:mlud tn Ins dI!. I'urH.1mI :~-- z-ULYN Es'lAN, .`J.1turaluy, mu. M4,. l'H.U.`9'b'l A N. 221111 ` MHKAVIAN, 29th not I n'AliM ATIAN, . 5th Apr |(.`|l:(,'ASSlAN, H mm. '.%'(,`.'\.\'l)lNA VIAN 191,11 1` lintea oi Passage from l nrtl:nul : ; (3al)in.......................$70 tn I b'f.cv:r.1gc. . . . .. . mu IL` url 1 Arrive. A .' (L7: ."Jtt u'.1: H. . 12" All 1 I until th.fm- ! . 1.. V_ _ ,._ r--Jvlailllll wars, the mub rnjnre leaders prumi~:c`1 1 should not hurt. The Inch 2: over three hundred, an-I were hen armed. 'I`n.rpcy's relatives live in this city no wall known here; Pursuant to the 50th {I 5 ntice is hereby given, that , Agents, foot of Brock Street. ,,_.,.-.._, . : u. maucolnl Ill Lnmlnn Montgumric & in-ernmornc, 17 Grace-church Street ; in ; Glasgow to James and Alex. Allan, 70 Great Clyde Street; in Liverpool to Allan Brox., . James Street ; or to H. & A.,All.1n, curncr f of Youville and Common Streets, Montreal. FOLGER A: HANLEY, I APARLIAMENTAHY Hanna} _. II An .uxpcriL-nccd Surgeon I vmmcl. 7 Berth: secured E Freight. nr 1.65.... ..--A3 ,___--wvIVV are intended to sail betwcc ` I'nrtland at intervals during V Winter N:.vig.1l.iou. . nn -3ll'.1\n1l`.'l(S OF THE [GLASGOW LIN-E to sail In-f.w--I-n , tn, 1 - 11:1! Jan. 22, 1 n,s.vm :31; ; I: . .\.\`l|I;!`\`.' .. . .HI;'.: r'...;.s, I . l A'l`l:lI'K . nu; .-.;,; ~ THE B"|'l'I:\.\ll'.'l3I\ Ill" TH `LIVERPOOL MAIL. ' `..,,..... 'l'l , -'-:LHin:,: {rum l.i\-.-- t..|,\-t:1,\.\ ',.`Hv(.` F. -.r' 7 . (.'.`Z1iIl'I .\l;\li('} count: the body was hanging and watching the place. The eanr can excitement. Fur several hours a held pueeeseion of Monterey, am they would take Tarpey safely to trial. The gaol guards o1Te1-ed no no ehote were tired. and no one wa T"lhrpey'e wifc, sister and mother gnol and witnessed t`hc Whole ' `mad, I-nth -s ---- -- V10 4,,` Receiving Petitions I0 " PRIVATE "I BILLS I31 r.`.~` wn,r, It-`N ,~..~4 M . ..\ S .{1`L{-a;13; H; i.A LLANF TLTN"`E} { `.al'.`VI|o|;'..`\ { .'~'l'Z.~' l` Mvm \\'l.\.\' l`|'1ll' "VI A N `.1 A \'1r.-nn . \ -`.-Ilil 3. I l;\ .`s. l`[H".H."-";\:\ r('.`..\'l IA.\.' .. . 1`-`3Ux\;\'| INA\'i.`\.\' A 'RlJ.s'HI.`..\- . . 4 . .. 1' .".V.`~"I'|H.`..\' '.' h'\"l`A nlrl l '. will 7` nh'l`H _..,v\r.x uuunu ltlnd ii Qnhl L- Hy. V I/l.\ `. Nl'l'()I5;) 1: '1`:-.;2<:-;`e'.:*.'\fI,\ 1Z:Iue,`l-13'! 1.:,:-:. I ;`iiuml:t;'.'. ih`-F4-Itzlu-rib. I.`-:72. 11;; lrlrlll hl l'oI'M:uul I. x...,|.. 4. IIt:\vsp".prrs will plum meting or l`:u'1mmcn`.. lg`.-2 HOUSE U1-` IH 4!,H| \_h1A.\` "PHI \ lriu........`.(... $80. :r:r.1gc. .. $25. THE b"l'EAMEll.`4 OF A an n r\1'=" ' `--- /\.'u M .`.'I'l.~\ .\' IJH.`-.'l.\I\ | I .1\' nu Kind! of S060 -9, Clothing and mu: tn small-sums on satis- ~.Mm-t_in'u Block; Prince-u .- yawn-Unb Sin Fnncineo, Mu-ch l7.-'I Tuyoy, the murdcrer of Mr: I Mouton], thin Afternoon, csnu meat in that city. Thu nm). 6'- I wnllll uyllt Lu as r1"1`A WA .--., ;I|.lI IAN, A IAN, |`. th IA a._.. THF. Ottawa, . \w:z;.\'1~:.~'m\.'. u. A .4.-\t. small-sums mnt. m,,,._|.; p..;....... x|.- , "H .\ .`- \!lt11 xun EEK, Commission kinds hf Seoond-hand nothing Jewaln: um mr um a,(-uvq-y:I|I(-,n o! I and imilecl Mates Mails. murcn '. U. Sleight, Cape V in_:ent, I . St , [trunk raw furs ; S. bx, I tub nyaters ; E. Marti zed carried on czwh ; until paid fur. particulars ap ly in Hug`: and Allans Rae u Currie, .21 lguai Paris` Bossnngc, nnbrc Antwerp to Aug- ur Benn`: in R:-Nu-I Brock- ville > between the I 'rv:Lln Jm-inn H... Cm-le'_-" I ton Place Perth ; xrcw :1 mwai : cz.r:Rx .~i Qrr-'n:r:, . January 30th, 1373. ` COMMONS. un.-ry Im: .:ul.:._y, nml .`s'.1.tI1I'aL'Ly, unllillg at -'4: hozml nml l.uu| Irviinul :ml red d:mm.Iu-!....I (--run .. 1. li., Presontt, W. 1;: tags urgzm ; Rrilivh Whig, {ule of the Huuse, hat the time for I0 45! l : A}t: . -.-savvy!!! DU Aug- ! in Rotter- nn in Hamburg I to Charley :hurch Street - in men Clyde aml 11;; the season at` .'u'u Cull)-pus:-1 `lI|H-nun. I.-I ond-nan! J gavel ry I M.1.n.-Ir, l?v73. .. .. ':;&E"g;';t -T6001`! Bnl";'-`-3`-u.,n` . E l'F;.N_n`P0|.rgm -unvnullln AA 1) I The Hzuuilton Sp-`emit. the charge against Mr wish torpoint out this fact the Glob! haul document: the charge of forgery ha Parliament. The publish: ogher member: of the Grit Glance. The bliuhor of numbgn of t c On : pal confession, it is the bong they ojred to compound a _, the flow: ofC'o1umom . Thgg `re the la...l.._. -3 A um um! ml from _--vvl uuuullul OS. 1715 and l77'Mnin Street, Brockvil N ()nt.-Jum JELLY, J:-., ' F:-ea Omnilmn to and from the I Carriage: for pa:-tie: wishing to visit pheel of interest can be Iecured at th e oice. A First Class Livery attached. L_1sy 27. y uommcr Stablin . Marc 30. . -v--"V Albion Ilotcl, Mill-st, Stirling. ' OI{_N ACKERS, Mzmarcr. First-clan I Commercial Booms. ood Yards and disabling. ll... -rcill I171! IIOCCIQ ENTRE TOWN, O'I"1`AWA.-Thia house 0 is entirely new in every rolpectfhavin been enlarged , retted and refurninhod thi` nezuon. Fxrst-clnsu Sam la Rooms and ample nccommodntion. Omni use: meet all tn-mu uml boats. V lufi 1'! Provincial llotel, Ganqnoque. BROPHY, 1>no1>m1a'roa.--'rh*in rm il cmltrnllu l....A.-; 2, ' S Feb. 1373. lllll! II) Jr- ___.._......_._._ Anglo-American llotel. l'0l{NSON AND UNTARIO STR. Kiuglton, Canada. 15. MILSAP 8: CO., Propric I y ! mixes recently occupied previously by Drs. Evan: and M No. 15.-;` mmvwss srxyzi = nearly opposite Tandy Bron Marble Works. An,g{_ust 7. {________.___.______ 'l`l|os. ll. Dupuis. Dl.D.. F.l.C.l .S "1(J.\lETIME Assistant Surgeon U. S. :b Army, \Vashington, and Inter, Attendant ..t the Massachusetts and City Hospitals, and I Eye zmd Ea.r Inrmary, Boaton). I,-1Au.\r.1 nu-.. --- .u1u uesmence removed to Wellin nearly opposite the Post Olce. Ga 0!` country, night or day, prompt] J. JARV S 411124 ur` LUNDON, England, 1 pathic Physician, Sur eon, &c. .uu1 Residence ellington nearly ouooaite the Pan, naz..- -- -- JJ1. 13 |)umllc` __y 'JI May 1 _ , - -....... urn; 5. ll. Blou}; bx, nyntera; Martin, I hbl a March 21. A . IL, Pre.-ocntt, A. Rockwell, Lagourgan; Rririuh un..-.. I -4 -- S Diccammon, Ga `1LElK 014` DIVl.\SIUN I (J Public, Cmnveyanccr, I _-gum-1n u Hench, &.>. Nov. 27. pt- cur, Kn: )unmJc's 11 June 29 I'll.-It ',.s(.:Ll alish_ 9 Br. Macle:m's 0Ice plZ.\I0\ EU TU MACLEAN J1. CO S Drug U -Store, Princess Street. ~ .6 an L "'1 k I75 and I7`! 11.2.. n. ATE OF LONDON, J papyic Physician, Surzeon. he party endeavoured to use this charge of forgery and the` proof to in- uence Mr Dudge u vote; It is not simply the I : aonfcuion. the bout, of than men that I 1 `hey felony for u (`on in he of Conunom V ' are the leaders of the Grits. i n - L. (11.1-ments, Dentist. wzc;-1 '.\n m~;.s'Iu1;xc1: oppo I u. I Klimt, \\'.-Iiimrtnn an-......~ mI.nrl'mI:' IN 5 l'l.1rrenr-u .~5t,:-Eat, I ll 4 _.__.` --..- , .5 ...~, `_ )AlLlllh"I'l'}l. and Attnrnc -at-Law, 80- ll) licitor in (Jlnamm-y. .\ntnry Public, l,'nn\'cym|u(.-r, 32 Kitngtrecvt, Kingston; lint. At (1n.n:umqm.-, over S. Mc(}ammon s Drug Store, nvury 'l'um-uiny and Friday. V Jan. I4", M73. ' !;5..fT nu V DU 1'U DIAULEA Street.` ny 23. ` Henry B. Evans. )1`. IIIENILY B. EVANS, M.R.C. 4 0 ` n. Uixm, I51! I -4-M" " " _ , _,_. -. . . cw vv all! -l}lll9 ) .`a Ill! l.`w"l':"IHH uml Atwrnc '4-at-|.:iw,' (,3. ) u-_y.um.)`A. .\'umritn9 Puhfiic. '1 1 (J;)l|n alindtc, `Al{l1lS'l'Jli-AT-LAWV, Solicitor in (Jl:au- ` ccry, JLc., Clarence Street, between ng and Wcllingtnn Streets. VI-L i:'kp:|trick & h'mytlw._ - ,.\I::::.</:'I1;1:s mm * Attl-rncys-at-Lnw, Su- ) liwiiv-1'~' in l'h:unm-r\.'. &c. James Mccnmmon, M.D., EMm'.n ..: ul- n*.-~ n -- - -- , nae 0:30. ; Wr.~'u:v.\.\ Street) -.\luru vim 1:-rm Joseph Bawdcn, J"l'Ul:NMY-A'l`-LAW, solicitor in Chau- ,_ ccry, Not1u'y]'n|;lic, .13 King Slzmut, xgntull. 11 I`: don. ..,..-.-u. -u we uqynl Uollege of Surgeons, En land. Rendcnce and Uice :- :]c's lock, 'ellingt.on Street, Kingston. 18 ,, _,_-___ _- - ..--.--.q )ARl{lS'l`ll{S, (L0,, 'l'rust and Loan Built.- ) ing, cnrnur nf Toronto and Adelaide `m,-t:<. _ Daniels late]. 'I`( NM IVIVII ; Inv . JH'4lt-rs!t-ev- & W.- ni54cnI, L-]n;\_~|-1,-I-Q __ 1 1.. .. umcu, wclm ye-..n l'rinccs.J and Brock ts. .unh'ua.r;u1t;cc~l . |-V`Jl LKIDDLUENC (Silica, \\'u1iiugt0n : mil in Kimgsmu in IE - -uurun|g m-rs n` UIuL.\u:uu` (` (`r\'ic'u H107. I lhmvm .\"rur Iilm-dunalcl, L.D.S., (rs1xuux-.:,....- o.. I-.. I- Ric-l_mrd T. Wnil(e3n. ul'I';.n luv :- /Ht-`;. .'. lirhpatrkzk, "A`\ 4-au.nnru nu-,n........ lliV:'|czVl'(T|nai{l' 'l"utton.. ` , _-~ _---.w l::{. Ll).S., DENTAL Rooms, \\'i1sun's Black, \VcHiugLam' 1 l'rinccs.s_axul tits. ULY EVAN S, M. R.C.S., Lon- Uico, 156 Princess Street. MEET , __ __.. -v-- --,-., ' r'1m\V.\' A'l"J'Hlb\'EY and Che) )4 1".-u-4: fur the Uuunty of l"rmm,- 4, .'s`I,n:ct, King:-stun, irUlL!)'l)1:1!n1 .i,n_-;..l 'l'c;|ugrn rh (Jmup:my'a unu, July 11!, 1:57 - .,.. nun . 3;- April 14;, H72. Jmm. A M,mnos.u.n, Q.C. J A m:.~4 I .,u'rox, Q1}. -1| I4: Is:-.-y l5|IN`K .\'nu`.$:r I- Mnfuing ervicc I I :0I!. \\'r:II.r:v.u: ur- N (,`l[AZ\'(!El`{Y. Eat, Kingxtnn, lint, I`. (HI.m:|;..1..,:-.vr:,. L. cumin '1`. \V.u.mm. LEGAL, lllachar, M, and A Hznrm-u..+ . I .. S, Pn&mmrrouL .-.. u.sy; 30. I536 Ir,;shm, Unt.` X M .-\.M. to 5 l .M. 1"ri:laLy.;, dcvotcal to , , _ . -. v-A.I- Ill Ull by, tom tl attends` J.pJAl.pV 8, MJ). RIO /8:l`-l'2EE'l`S, D. , Proprietam-I. .___. nun one | m 1857. L`1'I'_V. (X26. A. :5. 1-Iu:Km'rmm<. I-'. H xzumm... u 1 . Gananoqne. m COURT, Notary zcr, Commiuirmcr in .-uurumg Scrvi` \\' 7.111.:-zv ,\.\' JE opposite the ` Street. 1357 Day) No. 156 I, 0111:.` eon, ac. Uiee 11' St c J 5333 a.'.?ai uuuur, Notary In E:,--in the pre- 'r. Jarvis. and uxgwn street, Ualll in city it] Attended V S. M h Blllla; leaves at 3:30 :v oi;ok ,auno as . mnoq daily u"i-i ti 11:30 .53; lava u":a_o ca: Vineont, suite at 11:300.!!!-d; $3 ntd`1.In.. 1 Ind 2 pan. _ Monday, {Wednesday and Fnday at 2:30 p_.In. ; loans at 1 pm. Onpo Vinoun qt phontino. UHE. Exprou . . . . . . Exyrell . . . . . . _ rand Trunk Railway Trains arrive and depart ham the J utiam an fulluWnL:-- nntun --- -~ ed under `ti: regulations of the Post 03500 baviugp Bank, `liotween the hours 0! 9 run. and 4 pm. Oico hours` {mi 7.30 mm. to 6.30 p.m., daily, Sunday: exempted. ' R. DEAUON, Poutmuter. Pout. Oiga: Kjggggton, *1 V Registered an hour previ Mailu. licgisl -..,h.., u-uuun rue 8c. MONEY ORDERS, on Mon throughput the ' ' uzul ounce. I'(-.r (`ANA every Friday 1 ERIE ounce. Monday at / half ounc0.~ I), .. A ..____j_ ._._j_.._. RITISII MAILS will be c Per DIRECT LINE (via 3 Mnlidny [L30 `-mm .\10NEY0lLl)ERS, Money Order Oicol amnion, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island. can be" obtained :11; thib, Office. Also Po: -e Stamps uimd Post Cards. as mjurcd. 16 um Int J Arrival and Departure of llalls. v...- u u nvvvlv ' NSUl{ANl,`F} Agent, Notary Public, [_ countant, kc. (mice ovtr Mr Par Drug Stare. ` ~ Kiugntun, Oct. Int, I87`). Grand Trunk nu tlzrixu dopnrt Railway. !rom tlm I!-` I` ANIEL Mc-INTOSH, Veterinary .* _,) Grazduatc of the Ontario Vcteriu fr.-go, Turontn. (Mice, City. Hntcl, Ki --uv.Q_.:v 3-4"? I )4) 41' nu`;-wens, 'Kl1\'GS'l`ON. nut QKNADIAN LINE Fmlay at 11.30 11 m I rcrcrl Le-ttera,shnuld be `mailed lull- prcvious to ho time of closing 3-.h Registration uc 8c. r "','-`1_v`\.u ` I... m I c-my-z I21: I .`inml.-ty ur- - ' - 4... {V `This Gum mu has lmen`tloing lnuiness in-Ca.na:ln to: that time lbaay secured the public confidence l p neg? every {sir claim. It bu fully complied with the awn Government of Stock: to the extent of $50,000, and is W tomm as low as the safety of the Aseurml will it, ' ` ,` M.-m-'.~1 sx IFT. Arm, A. Kfngntmx, July 20. I871. LIABILITIES. -Claims not due, and nnxuljutted , 153$ UE?'I Cash` on hand and in Bank. Ran] lam .4 . sank stock ` United States, State and City Stock and other Public S,_ lN3 DISH ll Real ]'}ut.;1.,- . Nlrn-Itcrnna. ll... I.()S.s'E.`5 mm nnf 52 YEARS" A3/l`IY A INSURANCE ` thing physici to: medicine. thu mall 13. GOING lA'I'. 1.15 RM. 2.30 A M 5.15 AM." OOKIO WWI`. I ninilana .-u--I 0 ' L.--8 ' ' dd rt o'4'tnr zrlmvann cps #1 I-1 #1 5&9: 90593900 88 asas lDM1;I uo-.`l~ll_cln`iosln. . r an -.n..,...... ,_ Ar: 4.10 4 " v1.'I'EnImnv. . ...Z_._..__.__..__._.._._. _. . ._. _ _.-..... nu wuusea to, for! (1 come. Tna y addressed the` :1! an hqnr. he 1 chars then mggon away, and oft the man` houckto: limb of 3 tree, abia; _ auchin th_e ground. The crowd I peun drew Tnrpgy np higher. ; f n lynchen drew putols and red ; A y of the dying man. At last ac- I \ ady and the mob caused intunse ! I armed men ion and doclafed nke Salinnr for 5 {sol guards offered no .-...:.a....... l L I I Jolm 5 nor any one of the ' For my tum of the Rcviowu For any three of the ' ' .` ']l"or fokur of thouoyigys .. I` `__'_ - - ' *` r ac l'00d l' ngum ..y y clsed as folloxy: .A'1i1l::'::-:da`::aN": "4 6\' E liew You-I5) every of the ___-II u` u In we Untnno H:tcrEu.1I"y (701 Kingrctun. _-|-l- 8'8 New York) ta.m. Postage 8c. ='pl' ,.- .. ~.nuall -I8 Iouows :/ I uug un.-u: physiarinns give any I medicine, the manllfaaturu crat. Abuut the only excep- is Jolmwn's Ana-lym: Lud- ve bcliove, all emlorm.-. an-I no it in their practice with I410. ` j;..;2.;3.If;"i, .89. (;4."...,;i`.."; ] -W ndin Bank... .. uuw Auevluwl 1 5 (Via P'*`IdT1' B1 1; and ".i'(x"'-`i. Pmnse 66- P 0, I In J _- ~ :-..- Ixctrnronirnn 1819,. depart .15 A.M. =CasI: capual, $s,ooo,o6o.4 y SI1_r;;t:`::lv, rinary (Zol- Killlih In ..... mums: It ahrals :ar testimuuy ; 'elluwn Syru p I. fugnul It n nerv..m_ N` 2 . s PUBLISHED: and contain: the embrace: I largo lnrninhod at 'lVroDollu-I ` AA rains: A 1.11.... m ` The -uuuurlllll en; poncpaid, 88. culture in Yde Collect. . Two volq., `Boygl ' munermu enguvmp. f _I_-' In DYOCK St `- pmnfn at ,the `Ya! I !';lllf(:-vlzlll Ii.-nilmafl; 'ew_ Y. lie, A-- Ynrk Central and Pnrlu-r n Unwc-go and Name: I ',A.holl In. had on apylicatinn. can, mny have, II ' ltcviunu for 1871 ; ~ have two at the hilt ' ' . Neither promil-I `; want to club: money in reuniting! W ` To premium: IHL. 3 ` a secure premluqg rah: early npplicaunn, . >1 9: I llljllldil m,'irc|::nlsl:n, with I ` THE Ll!.()NAl1n ~ uuly numcnhe lor. ` Ur instead of the III! ' nzitwo, three or lolpil c ha 0, for {RN 1 m 4 . PIUSIIU New Bl:.lbIcl'ib0Yl for have, wit out chirp.` U lzuit quarter of I811 of` may subscribe for. - T` U! innfnuul nl tlnn Postage "two cent: It nu ` - -I-y the quarter at tho oiling`; W . CI.I`.'Bl .`-: ` A discount of twenty lowed to clubs of f Thus :-Four copies of ` Review will be sent to - , four copies Of the fair` T for $48, and my on. ` a To club: of ten! 4 - above lixconuz, 5 tq the(gutter up-aim: ` .' P ; .' `Nm ...1......:|.... 1... ` ' { Bmcxwoonw `E51 HA fie-similo at tho }monthly: "3; - i VIIl;'n nu. .`._'__ 1L: rur DUICKIFOUCI ld\f:I'Vo ' f For Bhwkwoad and three of the Reviews . . . . . . . . . . I}... In I I - - - ....uu-an, mun nu- md LLUNARD I IA.lI'Fn .w, 1- u141'UJ.Y STE! At about one-third tln. ru [tn -n-\--._k ' 4 L cent. - now $55` mm In the weekly editinnal has a Int 0 and i nincesm o Ontario. < Notices intended to m; him: should be pu ' ` paper in thqdiltnct. r.-oN1='1RMA'.1'Io_N 0 r`UliMS of every M anddcheaply at the ` l RIN'rn 077101,. JAMEA` an for first insertion ; cycry subsequent ' Lhl , half and . gsdaouy " A .=;cuHAL TE 9, _ Clunrzp 1 I nrnn published in medium of comm ' of Hntario And the the official recai fog Lions and donatu;"l: he acknowledged in tho; } Auvza-rnmm,1`n...n ""-Eeniis or sun ~ the Ro\fivi'..j - guy of tho R..-;.-- t The nfc N|;ws' an". l'A! ER pululiwd in`: sommnn.:..u . u. .9 ut:1lU'}ll 1 Pnwt.-gn Nnrthqrg PAt/`ll"l(,' MAIL ` |'ANY H 'l'HlUUG]I ` !~'Ul.'NlA leaves may Immtln. Steam wuklyfi Ll Vl'.'l{l'UUL. '1: - May 6. ' 2 ;, `IT: I '1-umasmcn l`(nlIII mm: in ;dy ~* UTHORIZED DE L Iuvomu ....m .. .1 l HUKIZED DH Ixvotcu until`! Customs I` 61.0 ER BROS. o. maul) DUI. 140 Fulta [pd ilnnu, ul :1 I311 zinad 33'-131* un|;|c, ` ew York` Itrnl And 1:. IIBHI . _ curing nu: -lehxhty and Her- Wdt mul via...-..... M : Rockwell, 1 cut.- I printing pi'(:ss. uzearnen, 2 bxs, 2 ll. Bloulgu-im,-l Sin, Dbl nvuhu-.2 pills should }0m2 [pills nut .-we the bv)W{:].-I mns' l'urg.1ti\'-: nl clcamc tin: tn1_ .. .4 J1- icinnu ` 8 ma.nnfam...... ,...-wu mu nred f .n. : 1- In I. V rd reintnnnn -.v'cI'c _ I ci_ty am nu-nu I 0yr!t0l'.'i. |,-l 3 0! ...... u.u.mu'1'r:D LIABILITY 1` suanuzuuuvuus. - Businpsligr 1370. Fire Premiums, lea ursnc.-a. .:3:. ,.".'i Being the largest amount over v-v,wV\I I 0 WITH UNLIMITED I 3|-I A I: mm H ;u:|' I . .u.m..3, nnrrictielal. Ticket Agency. ` i-".H,t:)1: -l_[:().*4,, funt of Brock-st. V` Yen-rlnary Surgeon. .\:.1.\"ru.~;u`, n-\:\'1m., City flute], Pn` st. . ~'lL\I`iI~'H.\', J.-\MlS, Pri , . -. .u-;u:.1l!-IE. Printer and Puhlishyr. uccus-st. steam Saw Mills. .\'TI`;A.\'I .\'(A\V MILLS, Hnrrictielcl. 'l'I`:I{pt ` nu-----' SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL, $10,000,000, r : r n . . - - ~ .. uLnALVUI5, IAXWELL W. _ urgmn Ma .`-IEE .1: (30,, (lurc-st. l .lY.\'EI{, J4).S'EPH, Pri ..,. - . .1ol,lI'j .\lcU.\.\L\lu;.\' `I 1 . auuuz, JUIIN,` I .7'L7LLI \'A.\'._ .\V. I .V.-\H\'E.\I,li. T. `.\'l'IMEli &. I I48WyCI'u l}.\\\'DIi.\ , JU.>'bPJ{, King-st :lJ.|rEHSi.Hl~IV}'.' & WALKE K!l(K!'.-\'l`HlUK, A. 5., Gun 3 turncy, Untario-st . KIIIK l A'l'RlL'K & SM YTH E, Ontario-st. !{llH{l A'l`l{I(,'K & HI u;1~:1{.s, ()nt..rio-st. `-LU `HUN.-\Ll) & P.-\T'l'U;\', 'l'ru~st mul Lrmu Building, corner of Tomato and Aululnitle Streets, 'l'uront.n. -// JUDXE, JUIIN, (llznrenco-st. .~'rUL[.I\'A.\', M . H,. (fl:.r....,.- no :\1', Clarence-st. nty Crown At- ` v MAICTFURD, J. V. Noel. KUYAL, M. W. Strange, Ularencemt. ; 1:ELIAl\'Ci-J, J. v. N . _ I \\'l-.'.\I`ER.\'-M. \\'. STRANGE, Agent. Jewelry and Fancy store. !;nw11-mun, JOHN, King-at. ' I-`RH-`UR U., Sgufeld House. Princelhnt v 1! i.` I.`-_' Dun u I lnsurn ; .b'T.\'A FIRE, June: : uAu'1`1~`uu), N. 1 ROYAL. M `V `--`W , uotels. ANULU-AMERICAN, Ontario-st. 3 ALBION HOTEL, Stirling. DANIELS HOTEL, Ottawa. `'15 TERNATIONAL, Brockville. --vuovxxuun," Gannnoque. A .~1'1 1u.1\u HOTEL, Stirling. r 1 umzs & UU., Princess-st. I .3L'U'l"l` J: DAL'l'Q.\', Prin SUUBELL, BROS. corner u I tario streets. ' ' YAR Hardware. KER, JAS. S.,.Priuceu-at. ll..o..I- J u.-u.u; 5; Lu, W. , and Brock lbs. PAIIKHILL, JOHN, Lily` DE.\' 5: RO\fV_E, II II} VI l"'l'. J.\.\l ES . \'hn.rf. Iii IHXEU, '31. & UL DULVNELLY J03} HAIIBACK &. C0,, Mull.-{I5 W and R.-N-I: -an - , 1'nm-can-stu. V -uh I ;ucu.uu.\`n .u P.()YUl.`N, l rinccsz4-st. ` H-).s'.~, .\Ll'.'.\'., Priuccus-st. NIEHV & Ml.\'.\'Eb', Princess-st. wA1,n1:u.\', : hngton-st. V` Wholesale Dry Goods. IL, \\"ilwn'u Buildings, ` .\l.\L'.\'|'I|:I & \VAHDELL, Princess-zxt. _ Flour Merchant. .\l.u:m.su.\'. M.. I-.-;.........,.. f Business Dire-Wctorjr. u;rUnU, JUHN, King-at 1-`UR, Shuteld House, `.`;s` BROS., Princeu-st. Lawyers. `\'m;_\'_ .Iu.\`l~`.l>u L :--- - ,__. '4. ya-vu,vUU was put by to iI'1;:;; ,---.. w -urn or either ulau the Fumhin haul: ' ill. Tho_ nix cluuoc(klg pukmynrfw, lgggj-we f-nd . . . . 31,571,539 , unmonu n no tear {run 51.. Sun]! Fruita? 233' " `` `' 1 ' - - - l.445.al65 .. Fruit. 0m`m.nt`l ad Evorgre; ' , Bulbs, BOUOI, Vina, Home and II, t., kc Ext nl- - .1136----` `~ ` A " an". ` ICE--CLAIIENCE STREET. (Uppoaitc the Post Olu.) ._.._. \;:nr.\ r.I.I., A, 11,, 51-1! - ll NIH, J .-\.\H`L` l'riIu:< r:.'\'.'\U(3H'|U.\' & ['11. ncmu-at -i -H11.-" .v.-\u\-nIU.\ . l rim-cu-sts. _'H.\In\'n .u. `Full ,. .1 , v- osil `Io nu, laimursnc.-a. .:3:!,5.'i9,l80 V {!(un-.---- 5 s-n\', .'I:0., King-st. Notary Public. &e. ;].;_\'_ S__ (:2Ii',".l|AlIIr\ , . 1'./Ill .., rrmceua-s ' Pianorortes. CU. , cnrucr 3., Galnuuoque. lirgnn Makers. 1,. (:Ur(r.nf 11.1, mzwenco-st. ,> H., Clarence-st. H. l`., l_`Iarence-st. Liquor store. I 1.` mi - Wlmrmrcr, u 1.1: x, I _ . , ..., ...u__-n ` lhmls uml Slums. 1:mv:.\'. l'rix|a'u-.-:3;-.t,, ...vr\ L\ run'I'l. foul nil .!l-rclmnl _I( Hi \' Ix i....,..t .v a nun, Dlolfllng. Insurance. Jnrnnn H--5 * ` ..-., nuuucaa-6|? Grocers. UU., Brock-st. JOSEPH Princess-at. t Princess-st. 0.. VV. R,, m.......- Iv -vul JICTIIIIIII BL, lwinccss-st. nu vv_1'., Frm . JIcdlcal&:amimr I . STILNGE, .. u., \L nuce Hotels. 1u.s.\r n-L "fa