- v v---vu.- IWANTED A NURSE. Apply to . A. F. Mncphel-Ion, Queen Street. M arch IA. V`V Ml`! one o'clock. Ila.-I1 0.1 "IIIPM IIWDU ...Il ouses and I;t;-I;13;aj; V ANTED A HUUSEMAID. Apply to Mrs Dyckman, Emily Street, before o'clock. J. Vcrons, 7th Mai-ch, 1873. March 18. 1 Kingston, M_arch 4, 1873. DOIICIIDHI. l).1ted 24th March, 1873. --vvI APAR1`MP}NTS, Parlour, Dining am] Bed- room. Apply at this office. Feb. 24th. vu. apply :0 DAVID J. \VALKER. Invernry, March 18, 1873. A1'lII March 13. W lnverary, March 19th, March 21. :v wv- av; LIIMIUC 1111; NATIONAL HOTEL, in 1 _ of Verona. Townahin at Port o clock. March 24. IIIIUU. March 21. nuisns ll'|:l.:. A(lllrCN8 4 J. LATHAM & C()., 2`.H Wnlhingtrbn Street, Bostun, Mass. MAN that understands FARM \V(|RK, K and nhn Ilnnh-.niua Tn uueh Iilu-rnl mmue uool fAN'I`HD a. Nurse, Cook. Apply to Mug, 1) L: ALVILU A UHFJESE MAKER, take charge of n Cheese Factory. Inquire from Wll.I.IAM IIITVI " ' 1:. wm1'1:, Wholesale Druggist, 43-l rinceu-at. 17. L Property for Sale C IONS Janina... ..t ..Ln._:__:_, ., Ir: H3t1f6I_E[ ya.-.4..- :13 W i DAVID CUNNINGHAM, Builder, Kingston. 8. viii Sm; For Sale, , "l`_rIr Aau n..L f'cFaI Inn VIII l\ A ;.;.': MT`! PET _ are [.615 %m;a; H. Lilly! IA JOHN Y. PARKHILL, Kingston. Wanted, Wginted. W2~% Wapt. WANTS. WILLIAM DUFF. H1, I873. DAILY NEWS-MO.\ DAY EVENING. '7 Cut `Stone House: -. present occupied by C. SPELMAN. I. Housemud and S'l`l{ANHE. I. inn Nlh-am 3 n nnunn. King Street. Mrs teen Street. : the village rtlnnd. situ- |Sale of Real Estate.` IENGI-ISH, SCOTCH ND TWEEDS, `PLAIN AND FANCY WO( I BLACK, BLUE AND BM TIANQ - nunun, DI TIANS. Mmxrons, ` wwr 01-` ha I... |AMmAIE[lR_Ti{E)_QfR|G_ALS,| Tete-du-Po_n-1;_Barracks. THREE NIGHTS Only I Monday nveifng, March 24, will be produced - can lIII.-_4.___ __ -.._(__.ay--V11 THE DAY AFTER THE WEDD!NG; Romance under Diiculties, The Limerick Boy. The People s Lawyer. A In ....`I ....L-..L-.'_--- H - 0 BE SOITD BY PUBLIC KUCTION. on TUESDAY. the lat day of April, I873, at 1'2 o clock, noon, at the Auction Rooms of William Murray, Auctioneer, the HOUSE AND LOT No. 6, on the north lids of John Street. in the Citv of Kimnc-. ..... or aonn aurceu, the mposed '1 Pem Iroke Ilailx I-l'..Ib remnroue u.,-mwsy, lately occupied by Mn Holt. The House is in good order, and there in An Orchard on the premises well stocked with Fruit Trees, and a good Well. The Lot com- prises one-quarter of an note. A satisfactory tit]? given. of our own import>ti nirablc styles of the I Under the 1 `I... smw ANID MIIVNES , 1873-Spring Pashion's-.187 ` Gent1men*s sjiring and Sutmper Wear \ ENGLISH, 'l`\)V'l'`.l`.Q HE Subscriber will open T MART in the above place April, and trusts b strict nttt nasal and punctu ity in mnld merit a share of public patronag I,.,_.- NEW SPRING G_0QlDS.' FANCY PRINTS ...-.... .. -uurl: ot punuc pa References are res ct lowing gentlemen :`-Ge Uhown & Uunnin hum, Bailev & (Tn '3` ---" IAMMENSE STOCK] [CALL AND SEEI NEW PERCALES` unown cl. Uunnin; Bailey & Co., 1`. /jUTCH AUC'I`ION IHHIMS, The Alicante Port,` , .r '- v, Rccevnnmenaied by ihe Medical Faculty, for lnvalids, sold by IIARBACK & C0,, (I`Dl'\l' Ill) Stage Lhnag,er.: March 21. , ' A full and entertaining programme. Admission 25 cents. . Doors open at 7 ; commence at 8 o'clock. SERGT.-MAJOR J. MORTIMER, . President. STAFF SEBGT. HYDE ` For t, workmanship Ind price, we 1 be beat. ` ,,_ , - -.vj, MERCHANT TAILOR. Kingston, March 2], I873. Three Door: below the premises lute MrG. V Mr H. Dunble a, ly occupied by nnarnlln. (SW 0-PEN and read for inspection, I chige selection of ew Goods for ,_\' THOMAS Mqonn, ......-- - --- vv r-v-uvvu A Theatre In anllpnar, IE l'\A\I Al---u -.._ _-..__ m,Asr:ow WAREHOUSE. patronage of Colonel French and the officer: of the Garrison. New York, March `ll. `Tho gallows Incl to-day fur Foster '11:: executed 1.-lever. Inunlurun. At 20 minutes befuro I0, :. cruwd of Dcpu`y Sliuriln and about 151: peflolll who ludgailud admission towinu.-as tlloomclltiou slowly mad; thcir exit frum thc sauna, up to :1 late lmur last night l*`mm-u clung tn the hope that :5 ruxlliw wuuld cmm {rum unne_qunrter. ll seemed to Iran hid: in the ourh of his Counsel to obtain. 1 writol 1-rohiliitiun from the Supreme Court . to prcvcnt tho -Sherilf from carrying on: tho execution, but when this last hope fail ed he learned to begin to realize llll ter- rible condition. Oeamiuunlly luupolre ta- his kodporu, deputy shdriu, but remained tor the gutter part of the time buried in thought. At three o'clock this |ll0ll|l;.' Footer rctired an-l slept soundly until level: when he was iwakelwal. Ho refused loud. and only pu-took of 3 single cup of Clrt about half put seven. Shortly befcrc cighl the Ran. Dr. Tying arrived. At ten at t|:(- gstoul lurderofu Raw nlnoul the Sh-~:'.'!| Autlu ountlellllotl mun came `nut the Slu.-ri1r`. - pneodod hiui. The priwner wall in :s suit 0! black _; his arm: were pini-med bullilld his back, with 3 new nape panning over lln clbown. The uncertain Iwt-Iliug nfrhis chem and his heavy breathing betriyecl his drenu of An igubgniniuua death. He denoted several. lnoiienls to gmiyer, aid the nwnnnohnm l4-o......l AL- .. Al ,- I `D cozmnas, xwz mm N VENE- ' .~m:mu`ovEauoA GS, ENG LAND nuoabcmgs, uncuuamy In making returns, to T3 patronage. `s respectful] made to the fol- :lemeu:`--Geo. sher-tmn .6 H-- ARE KICEIVIFU AN .__`;_-.;. GROCERS. respe;:tful1y the .:"-Geo. Robertson & gb`m_ Jgman Jnhnnhsn - an AUGEION 9 place on the tint of J attention to busi- h)t y making blic patronage. ;---ueo. nouenaon & Son. gbsm, James Johnston, B. WcAnley, City Book Store. J. E. HUTCHISON. Ag D CANADIAN Dunbleh, in cunied bv To Buillers.% W 7]`-XENDEBS will he roeei ed the do -, signed until noon of v'I'UI1 gDAYI,m25{ instant, for the Muon s,' Os ate:-`u, and Painter : and Glazier : Work "two Hound, , to bebuilt for John Melntyro, Faq. Plans and specications maybe seen at my oico. ' ` ______ -_-,.._-..... -. `u:| l' nun uu Juoucaom pulled the In-use um hung about lliinecf to the houk nupu.-nded fun. gnu (nun. The black cap was pulled over lliil face Ind all withdraw, and the cun- denncd, hovering on the g-alga of the dark vllloy ol tlenthnntoud nloiu-, the mmcle-r 0! every limb twitzhing with drcml at [In {Ito with which `he stood face to face Fus- ur undo nu rennrlm whatever while uln OL4 ..*nI .I.I `If yin: wamt Good 'l`eas,j Cor.` Brock aid (Data:-lo : onv Goons zl I At E. StaceI s1Stationer;s | _ __.. - -44- n: U 01" CANAD4,;,Stlti5ticu MI 1. tion of the Dominion. ,_`Ptice 26 uts. SCOBEL`-LA BROS, Princess Street, Kingston, March 4, 1873. 187 3 Smillg-'l?1'ule 1873 _,_-.....,- uuuuo U1` '1 111$ NEVVEST SIGNS, LAC]-IS, masons, mmvans, 'I`l{lMMlNGS, FILING!-)8. 8!. oP.i'Am;NTs; HANDSOME PAISLEY snmvm, `V Also BLACK & xvum: LACE sHAwI,s- HOUSE-FUBNISHING GOODS, BLANKLTS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, TICKING8, TABLE LINENS, TOWELLINGB, V mus ovmuuxs, muugu: NAPKINS, Money only. s V I A-1, l But One Price inad ::;Sales for Ready Berlin. Ilarch 2;`. 1'. day is :5 holiday in I Berlin. it being that :un\'n1-rnay uf nu. bin). 1 of the Emperor \\'illimu.. I-`lag: are ying 9 {rain the public and private builJiuga,`:md v .11.. city -in he illuminzm-l-~ta-night. 'rm- ! Emperor in novonty-six years old tn-dsiy. i Purim. Hatch The FrI'|Is"| nml Herman ! .0o\-crnucnh have exchanged the ralilicntiour of the treaty fur the 1-v:u'n:|l.iu|I uf I-`r.-unto. Ilulrid. March `.23. -The zunwml-l_v in run- sidcring I run--lntiun for the :Lppuint|ncut of pofnanolt. conluiuioners. cunxpozaml nf the number: of the House to watch over tlu.-Gov rmcnt after the adjnnmhcht -If '0 Chillgcr. l,h|ecnutowII. XI.-In-In '2`.'. Arrived. the Ca: \' 4, \' ._I. mos DE SUEZ on OURDEESILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, REAL IRISH PUPLINS, SILK MANTLE vmugms, DRESS GOODS OF THE NEWEST DE- sI(;Ns An Inspection resm-,ctl'ully iuvitedu `Goods, INEW GOODS 1! DLARGE QUANTITIES Feb. 28. Kingnfmv, Mu-ch l8th,`l873. DECO. The lowest Tender Bel nfn , H-'l" h7'e not nedusrily ye; :epted. -- I L: JOHN POWER, Architect. Queen smog, Kingston, mu. March, 1373. March 15. uaw vom(_'nEsPAIcHEs.; ` BLACK SILKS, (mos 003131 IUST PUBLISHEl)--Tu1; YEAR BOVOK CANADA," ; tptistiu lagillzh un A nice tutu. Arriving Every Day `IHE PLACE TO GET PURE L1qUoms'I , ` _ mat Early Spfiwzg '1 `rude. ` `. 5 1" ( ` no T0 SCOBELL BROS. 1voRfY`om;' I anon-mums. Satisfaction gum: ad. , , . ;l;LI:3};DID Assortmeint of PICKLES _ and CANNED FISH at A ll. 62 J. Gan-d%iner. V,OMAN S by Jnmgs uyn, ~ AT E. 3'l'ACEY S Music and News Depot. are]: . NEW SPRING ,~__.. ...-.. ...._..--c uupons Uompnny to native the pachge, in order tbs; it night he nttuhl in the interest: of justice. The following proposition `wan screed ta :--The attorney of the Bank of England give bonds to the Safe Deposit Company mu-cufc the-In {III ll eonuqucnca of any unit Whisll light be institnud by A. lhruu it . and the input; nkeril ngrecd afn-r attaching (ht bold! deposit tlmufln th-2 name uf tiolhgtifinthislh Do}-out v.-mlba. ' ' upon the putnuhr wuss no fummlly dulivur lb pekqes to the company whg-n the dc- puty nhcrilfwu to attach thmn. 1` , l nnpnvent was earned out Hun aftqerxafmll. ROW York, March 215. ~-!n9pm:l.ur "W;-'.;lv_ MARCH 24; A. Ross . ARE NOW SHOWING SUITED mu THE IMPORTERS OF. J. Gmnlnmx, I GOITOV SCOBELL BROS. SOOIIBELL .E ..--w lurl, lllnrcli 225. `W of IO Pulls.-1:, arr".\'cc| hurd tu ill IO `3$hip Celtic fur l..- ,1u;u'-.. taking to England the pens: 1- -u in lady under the name uf ! hsorgc 5I;u:UuI or The lane; was idenl ydhldny n I well known uv-indler, ` attempted some two year: sgo, in this "fnA -I-3- L ' ' `A V 5 Oranges fcinhe ' ihb would begbme acquainted with the important `bird 2 reunite: sub of Blxicb nttrub. 1.6 in ' ed for I who wish gothhaye in atnctly tmthf'1l1tl.apreuenn- tion 0 e in `eat, not sectarian or Qartial in Its t_reat..ment.. mil} `in uymq that g.,_thmg It as It really It: orin tep- y$_`,nm 15 A ugly; ,wn;U ALL NEED or panda: Ill Iuhvreannent. Truth conIii:tli`n uyin t at 5,1: ingibIsitrea.I1y' `or `re Isulagny 1 thin as it :-call is. wofk mbdri ' :0: cute pricel. ` V Much 19th, 1873. x ` n say, maue tram ` V . I-I vgr; olarman saidto be sup Irish or sea ;~M_uu`in Toddy. ' -I`. . - - I IAVING on hand more thnh eoompakagesi of TEAS, most of which are ` of `luv! year : g1-oivth, and purchased atloiptieeu for ' -(_:agh,_)ve are mg g ;to olfer induce-`A meats m all kind! 0 Vhhh have never be e`n offered in thiicity. All intending buys (rs wilaellllllidl-`will! samples before pur- chn'ng..if.t'equire45 .`/ /A, , . ` .A V Dmrnum L .7 -.:-.-r,-r- ` , ,. `en `:M,'a'_2.':.'- ,."w. V; 1 ; 1,..- ` 1 KINDS 0,1, FANQY M w. -BISGUIT8, nllcttoryzselect. F. at the GOLDEN LION; . < _ ` I mam. fnivmwunsgf M The L Lidn Eimvnrzs, PILOTS WITNEYS, I TWEEDS, FULL`r!f.0THS, i BLANKETS, vunxms, R FANCY DREUS GOODS, . FRENCH MIP.RlN(Ila`u rlturnuna HA1! U Y DR ESS ' 1 FRENCH M ERI N (SE8, LUBTR ES, 1:114.--ug.-. 1 GREAT u-v -uocuviuo NOW Yb, Much 22.-T11!` [nu-kn'gu 01 bands recoiyod It the past ier, direct;-d to A. Biron liiclwell, care of the Safe Du-, pail. Company, were roturmsd to the post -0500 by the company; they nut lmmving the mid Bfdwell. The uheritf nltuclncci the pachge, but subsequently the post Inter received innlmctiuns from Wuh- is yoitr G"rocc5r%?' Comer 9f`Kin\g and Princess Streets.` , . CASES. containing 50 DOZEN SILK HATS, {msurpmea in -9113. quL|iy,or 12 being the balance of our order `van lust Fall, and manufactured according `to con- tract. Also: splendid assortment of es.-kties, Silk Umbrellas and Rubber Goods. V ,_v._- --v `{\J",` All the abovavwill be sold at FIVE CENTS. which are worth l0_cen_1; r Cake Also 150 Donia ASSORTED SOAPS, ALTHREE CENTS ; sold dldewhere at 5 cents. Call at once and cupply yourselves, as `you may not again meet with the. name dppol tunity._- __ - - ' ` Existence and if]/)eii(1`:, llluuratodnd Explained. _j__ s 18 A noqls ,wmcn ALL imzn ' would bmmne umnninlm 11730.`: n... we have just received from Montreal 3 Ucrnuignmegt of 150 Boxes of all us`: well-lsVjip\4v1`1 HIGHLY _ PERFUMED soAI?;: Of the followiuz oualities, viz - Kingu'on., Ivfeb, 27m, 1873. oo BOXES sum-*1..owEu, I00 BOXES BROWN wtwmm ww.11.% Maul: &-co.\ Feb. 6, 1373.; bu; an-htoquently u uucuu nI_uu:IIL`ll W. 3; co}, March 12, 18:73. wAInLoosgE(E[ ; " N19, 5) BOXES TRANSPARENF Eb6 3`'} 1QUE. ' * ' above will a 41:01.50 ASSORTED SOAPS A'l mnpw-n . p SPECIAL bargains wan-be given in the [ollnwing Gnodi to area} u; .1 mnae& 0..., `/r\I.J-.1.` J_J.L.I.`J "AND SAVE AT LEAST 50 PER cam . W, Mqge Co. 0`3E?xhibim%?'z u--u-ecu MacDonald. klulltied wh city, ` to obtain, by fund, 8]-i3,000_ from `Jay, Cooke J 00., and is believed who War- flll, the chjef of the" gang who the Bank of England. 'ndui-..a.._ It - ~` recently de- /.,;)__._y- wu --u-III` VI-IIIIIU Manufactured expressly for our Custom 1 G CLOTHING MADE TO ORDEII AT _ "NE'Ws'1`OR`!-'1 $IGN_0!j`.T{.E GOLDEN LION. V -_ --.. --...,w-u-5 uiuanuw, VIZ Z. ` .1 -- : D SUNFLOWER, BUXES- HONEY, H70 BOXES QUEEN S |WN,- `I BROWN V WINDSOR, 100 BOXES ROSE, I00 BOXES MAGN GLYUERINE, Q00 BQXES GLYCERINE; also 50 BOXES EUONUMIQUE " ` E III Hm ..I ..... ...:n:__ -4: . vnv ........ -- ~ 1 To Eamilies. \ V,` (2; f. ,' / (- ' ' ron'er}J.-Hula a man 1. of W.-.er1`ao` Whiskey, made from W ' Wlu;.}_, ` ld_,J superior vitkcf ,` adt LION I8 SELLING 35 .-,ot Bxoli-war, summ for . I0 GASES spmNc1`V9}gjy%:'&f9EEiW: Manufactured exnv-mm TOR SALE BRITISH WAREHOUSE. A NaE3ai,,5 CABLE News. {"010 U sfN-i3 A & ' AND SAVE A'l` l.lcAu'v m om. ....... - REDUCTION IN WiNTER DRY Goons '1>znwVs'ro'n1i:'\t _1'v"E\ v' :8 'r.(:`11;E `;i v uunlnn lu\MB H S I_10s1.v31{Y, GLOVES, &c., am, &c. r-"YoU'7ro1LET' SOAP ___..Az'I__ -- - - u I V I it following qualities, viz : `IN! 1 llIYli'u_ I.|'f\\TI:I\r "T. ... ".1 "L". 9 j1W~!-`.1 . \ -~- -ur no commutation of O'Brien : IOIIMMO VII olcislly suthoriud yesterday. 0'35 Vi 50 hken to-norrov or Tuesday to an Albany Pilitgntiu-y_' New York. Mu~-|- `'0 " AT TI 1 IE ,r uis gagpqitm. ,h4m u,,s.puuon of , , lcavinitlw city in,` ,1 , .0307: for male, in` ,w do or. ' _, ,PHO'l'0- (Eli/\l HIC APPARAT .3 , K, 142., gcmpisting of Portrait` and: Yinun .(`Am-nu ` of _l ortmit mull y:a.'g'Vc-ieiiil A ' - ac:h1msI,,,B.!u`P*| I"-'-M \xu.n L IIJU ` tu.'l'Al.SALl'UB, lo-:unistin1.h:f and: Bulliuir aahimu, Hugo. `I: _ V- ..---av-u U lulfg _ ~ `. _ V. --. `I-.1`I'lW a:MlfGh 5. . -.1 :,;I' -1; ii-mm .._.._. ,_......._. 1.. .' [A name: 31:31 Lu;i2;1.1;inmu;soAL I A % rJ9~i%i:t:5te:ei:? 1.. ILL- wbor. 1-mlns, wmcnvs :1 PLAID AND STRIPED saAwLs, V A ; LADIES cmuns. " V GI-:N'l"S WOOL SCABFS, - ' " "~ mmws WOOL SHIRTS-8 nuwn, vF..~s. am- Am no - " 1 ,..V%,;;. g: `K'i1)n'g'q{:`qn `Fo}`I_n .` -a rv--cum-y. EX STEAMSHIP Povnizsuil, M='w-. - m _m . _...M . . ~. I -- - -._-v-uuu I10 REDDgEIN{, F I v I `.lu '-I/-HI ' mext. Door to I Rue" " i A t. tregt. " ; '""' ngyect. , sow OFFERS ew ,at,,5 lb; - A!D1`id APPIEH ; % .% .;`_.` uhfi I ' 1 `.5 5 ""`t:, ,_ _H"~::,;.$i0*#.`;g-+7., \ , `WI: z, `4;';:;_`?`;. .I_ an; 9,, =-ISM: n..;.. i. lbgeh 21.`. nu Ill lllltt dncoudvuctol the Euglih .' ' bland: ' ' . . 'z/r;2'*"$>`lKt"l' yioo LATE L-BEAM zvisat; ~ ' . 1 vv - 4. . A .. _. _.....-u-wt vn - ' M- :0` .= `v " my guorcmsntwugs .un_ E. . .. , :.r.' ` 11!!) I H. DuMiT.E. Sweet: 2 Sweet Womgdl! Sweet Omugs?! 'If`l|I AIIVIJI 7InnAu- u...-..._ . 1 non I-u-61:53 . g ' =,r:1:i;:m1v:H1H';iIu EAII Fudisiawtkidllw *.~7.`M`l[Th.f.!l'Y"4 ul` (lulu 1 Department. iu};NAU(;H'roN t cos, `.2 Kind and `Prim-nu. Eh... lfllfttllruuw u. uu... . .. _ 'l:\|\ri:\. {run New York. -.-. ..-. , I `I ,..n_...l ucNA_U(x`:HTON C0 S, King and Princess Stream. I -4 . J':lI` 2. .. 4%. rt... --.._._.1..- -u-xv: -my 1",; '~w`Hag-`.'-' _1.I';Iu., mm . ,r..u_1o `net `- ; balamzc of-I P F 3': the u1:A'old`.' Igtun, llarch 23.- The warrant to for the of Wlocisllv Anllnnpiu-A ---L ` I 3 ml. sail--d for New I}-until There- ns to xnpany why!) Icll This nr 7 I . ,___ _ ... .. '" *5 "* Mum:-I. "' Wvtintnanot [war at. .'l....I __ ,,. '--w '1'; '3"""" Bxltml. the nm..i..o_._. -. I tjl England then Ilil l".m-mn... 0- . .--u, um cu-day `ln.u.`. -> `g .\'r"'- ) 'uuuo`l| 1 who `run pmomny objociionobh .m nu I 13:0 Gutamsh government refuses to I I longer necognino Corbett. * lhiladelphin, March 24. -Jnmcu Bowkcr. n . n prnmincnt mpulvlic-an puliticinn and ox-Inem- ' . ; but of the City Uummil, cnnnnittml suicide thin . o morning by Imllgillg. _. [ ` my Yqrl. March 20.- A ma, my Qt _ I I"ari:-, from Liverpool. - ' `('ineumat.:mcus. which am said to have come l 3 tn light. make the thoury of Uo0\l_grich'a mur. IV der nttrilmtable tn 3 revengeful mistress more than probable. ` : \l-..`.I. an 11--.- - -:_.:I-._:.__, ,2 W...., In, In rollml numbers, of $21,000 by ihc operation, hesialu cbtaining five per cent. in- gcrut for money for which they have to pay only four per cent. ... ..- - 11".. mm Sleiglm, I bx; I & ($0.. an lu- Sac of the newspapers in reporting th Hon. Mr 'l'iHuy'u reply to Mr Uartwright. rel pocting the rcccul ule of exclmngo, represent- ccl him as lmviug uial that wnu: luul lgecn wlcl at 9} per cent. The lnwat price obtained for auy portion of the30,000Ito_|-ling sale! was 91 per ant. while none as high so 10;. Exchange :5 now quoted nt to 8!, and the Government have, tbetelore, uncle a clean-`gain, of I} per cent, or, in round numbers, of 8),000 the cbtaining ve per cent in- :6" Single copies of the CIIIKONICLE AND NEWS, containing the news Q! the week, may be had in porn for mailing. Price 5 centl each. Iuu every Friday. 3. That the amount realized front the sale of nuch Debclturol 3111]! be spplied to the re- leuptian of an benture or Debentures ontatnnding Int` e County up they shall ome due and from tillltll time, and be clnnlyhccouizted for by the said Trea- surer in his Qccollnt current, in the usual form and manner. l\'h'W YORK MAltKE'|`S. ( S prrial Tclc_r/rum to the I)uil_:/ .`\'m.-R. ) New York, March 24, 2 p.m.~-Unlcl llfg Uutton l9fc for_ Middling Uplands. Flour gm-d domand; ieceiptn 7,000 bbla; mics 7,000 bbln; it 5.85 to 6,75 superne state. western ; 7,10 to 8.40 for common to extra state ; 6,55 to 8,00 for common to choice extra western. Rye our quiet and Ito.-sdy. Wheat quiet. and rm; sales 6,000 hush; at 1,60 to L74) for No. 2 u ringin store and aoat L725 tn IJ6} for '0. I do; 1,70 to 1,351 `for wntcr red wentcrn ; 1.80 to L95 fortmuher western L 1,825 to '.!,l5 for White state and \\4:nl:l1|. Rye quiet. Comlinn and fairly Jclive; receipts 23,000 bushels; snlcs 43,000 hush ; st 655;: to for new mixed wcutem ; 66 for ol-l do. aoat -, 63.9 to 6-4 for do in dale; 65 tn 66 far fellow wea- Lcrn. liarle quiet And rm. Oats uteaaly in fair a_leman ; receipts 30,000 busing sales 30,(X)0 hush; at 46to 49 for ncgwmixecl m:\\' mull. Lara`. quiet Ind steady`; 8 7-I6 c.ob'5_c for steam ; 8] to 82:: for kettle ren- -_lcrL-al. Butter 323043. Uheunn I`?n- On '7`- gunrcn Z1. - .... Sleight, (`spa Vhcent, S. Davis & ($0., I tub oysters: K. D. Dlnucy, -I8 MIIII a bple-c; G, 'l!, IL, Uoaticook, Mncnec &WVa&lJell, I can I5, 300415; R. & J. GarIim.r,v lmle_B. gvodl-, G. Rubertmn It Go. " .hhdu sugar, I halo. d *'-- "1 Be it thenfofo enacted by the Municipal C"P0ratITin of the County of F'rontnnc- I. That the Ann: ..I ncmmm L- ..e, '1 I ,.-us . ' `.2. 'l hat the Warden arull Treasurer for the timc be Jnpnpurc, iuiue and sign Debentures of a denomination if 8100 and upwnrdu, as occa- xiun may rotre, to the amount of $20,000, payable ten year: after the date of issuing the ulna, interest at a rate not ex- ceeding six pp ccnt per nnunm, payable lull year! ` . -a 'n._..;. ,, - w-v -- ing are hereby authorized and required. :uu,uu wu,.:u and 0,10; and 50 bbls tine at 5,00. \\'hcat~-uu I`:-poftetl tr:unmcLioun ; .`m.1.-ntiuusnumitml. P;-a.snnmin.1l. 'l`imot.hy nu--I nun-ket quiet ; as.-Ilmu at 3,00 Lu :!,I() per 1.": lbs. Hatter market quia-t and Indlninml .-holwv -~puhI ntrzuly at 7,00 ; pearl`: nmnu olfcr V in; ; Inarkct Iirm at 8,751 to 8.90. wow mr steam 5| 0821: -lcrul. 3`: to 43. Cheese I --tr.-I;-um, crude. gc to I9} ; rulil Ulniu.-uln Mnunl. oh! It 5- - [I I'll} EAS it is neceuaryvand `expc-client tint thenum of $20,000 be 1-med by way of l_oan, far a term not exceeding ten years, ' D- 31;: - -- `..,. 1......-uu m we voullty 0| Frontenac- I. That the sum of 820,000 be ruined by way of loan upon Debentures for stem: not a-x-ceding ten yearn, bearing interest at 3 late not exceeding lb: per cent. per nunum. payable half yearly. ' nun excwdnn 0 'l I..-` A \.,....." .,-.-1. .-u-v ow .-nu" ;v|uiI,I Muntreal, March `. 4.- ~ Hour receipts 2,: bblu; market quiet and newly, with small sales umstly in brukcnlutu nudninglehundrcdu Ln LIE: :1l (mile; filllc" at (3.40 to 6,50 ; or :lxu.u'_`. .nt -3.1! ! to 5,922`; strung |.1keFu uupcrx 2:43.00 t.a6,.':0 and 6,lU; and n-mm-I h-nun-...H...... _ |,urmr no. `.5 nngln W010`-CVIIL 2.! \\ utl4:l1l. .u-tivu: reccibtl ELCKII) I I-ll I-rIV To Raise $20,000 to.'Retire Deb_e_n1ures. ....... ....- mu , nun cumpcucu to glVu up thousand dollars `Ind nally escaped, sincu which time he has not been seen here. MONTR EAL M A I! K FITS. (N/I1'l'4'.al [0 l (lil_l/ `Vt `54.- rccei w sale! and single] Hm 5.-.:1l '.1.i::u: fall.-v at 11.10 5.. 1 , _-_. - --....-.. .1. \r\4Il uunwuxun Montreal, March 24. _ Bunk of Montrunl---186i asked: 1S6 otfcrcd ; sales at 156;. Merchants` B:1.uk-ll7 nuke.-al, lrlf offered. Bank of (`.uInmcr'c-c ~~ 126 .1skcd, I251 oercd. Uutarin l.'v:|.nk--l0.") asked, I0-11 (vlfcrctl. Bank of 'l`nrout.o~-20.": zukecl, 20.55 olfc-red. Roy.-I.| U.-Lu:uli.1u Bank ~19. asked, I0] nlll-red. ' Q . I'l7"?I'('. -IS IMPORTS. Man-h :32. ` :_ '1'. IL, Tarontu. M. Morrison, 2 lnitialricd fish. " ` )o., Sarnia. Heat} lunn, I bx. )u., l rescott., Hrdu-nnhiro. I bx. 1):... Mnntreal, Jmu Kerr, 1 url cue. ileiglm, Cape Vincent, W. U. llunn. I pkg, I . D. Dmloy, 30 lrbls apples; 8. Davis I hale ; . . Stearnc. 4 bales furs; 8. II. lumlhcim, I bx, I tub oyster: ;*\Vebcr & u... 1 bx; I. Swift, 1 pkg; union: 1: Cunniughnmyl eating. 3 March 24. ilI..2..l.- AI--- lv.'_ ,. - I ux; l'.l'. uum .' lflululhcilll, 4 1 haul . .-....., .......u, 3;`: uu I: Ulnicago, Nlalch :. 4,~ll mmtu. I-.703 MONTREAL '1_'3cK MABKE1`. ofv A BAY-LAW` A $31` I\l\f\ A Commercial. `,.u; am: no uuls tun: trrunmwtious; Pu.-us numin.1l. Timoth ' tn trket at 7.00 : Henri`: l'|1'n|n nor..- .,~|3c(:.ci. ptV.l-`:'I,68 ; ship- Ua ily u':t.) u urr Iwule ren- lleule l2u to We. 5 rulineal 20c. . W0 FIRST-CLASS 1 on Queen Street, at 1 Mr Ila-.PI'mr-Inn, ln.:g~s.c| _1_ queen Bu-cot, at pf Mr McPherson. Also Lot No. 18, Alvin sees in {root by l80!eoind Apply to I ........u.u nu uu: Olly, irontmg as they do the harbour of Kingston, uninterruptedly. Terms easy, - Also, to lot or sell, the Residence and Stables. &.c.. with any amount of land that mag be desired. arch l_1. av -I-l\IIlI Ob`FICF8 TO LE'I`.-Two large and plen- 'nant Rooms looking on Princess Street, over my store. I ! It?! I lrnn , .._ .___ 1: :-r a. VA IJIULIJO 1 JDEBS will he received by Maura. 'J_ ' Kirkpatrick and Rogerq, Ontario Street, until the 22nd April, 1873, for the purchase in one block of the rcmiuea on Princess Street, known as the slluglun Property paving n. fur-it-nu nun -..:4I -A.-..-L .t In! I one moon 0! me Jallnglnsn having froiitage on mid street of 101 feet and a depth of I56 foot, and being composed of Let num- her seven and part: of lot: numbered Six and Eight as laid out on Int 24 now in the city of Kingston. Upon the premises are erected three substantial frame bnihlin In, with neceg. nary outhonsel. Tenn: Czuh. 'litlo good. For further nrticnhxrl, A pl to D. Callaghan, James S nnnon, or to If pntrick & Rogers, Solicitors. llnbhj OALI. Il--..I. Io-in rcmluea Princess '- - -- -vvuov, LUT in the Village of Invemry, with A Dwelling House and '01-Iuhop there- on. Apply to DAV!!! I YA! vnn 1. UL U010, HEART. He in a pure French (,'.-um- THE celebrated French Stallion LION Khan ' Horse, purchased by the owner in Lower Canada, and in now known in the townships about Kingston an 3 rnt-class farming horse. An? one wanting such is 3 horse ha-1 bettera. p to the owner at once 1: Morton`: Distil crv. - y `[113 nAnUNAL HOTEL, 1 Verona. Township of Portland, situ- ated within a few rods of the Kinguton and Pembroke Railwny, will be nold_ on moderate tcrnu. Forfurther particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. V J. CHARLTON. Verona, March. 1873` - For Sale, A-FIRST-CLASS VAULT DOOR having 3 very superior luck (by Gotten-ill), with inside door and bolts all complete. A9911 , ,`,,, - nvrva UJ AVA LJ(HI.Ua PERSONS desirous of obtninin VILLA or BUILDING LOTS on t e property known as the Herchmer Reserve, can select them by applying to Mr Josenh Rama... .o _._- .... _. vnlv JLCIIELIIIIUI" LIUIOTVG, select by applying Joseph Bawden, at his oioo in King Street. They are the most desirable in the city, fronting they do 'l`iu-Inn nu... none mm better alpply Morton : cry. "' 1" l'`IRS'l'-CLASS STORE, with 3 good [A comfortable Dwelling, nearly opposite the Albion Hotel, in the village of (}snn.uo- que. The store is tted up with all the latest. imxrovcmenu, and suitable either for a Dry G or General Store. Possession xzivun immulintnlv A-mlu in ur, uooul or uenenl store. Poslessit given immediately. Apply to - ~ JOHN FERGUSON. (lnnanoque, March 5, I873. IVGIIJICUQ /V E will give men nml women P-ll.N']N ICSS THAT WILL PAY {rum $4 to $5 re-r day ; can be pursued in your own neigh- nourhooal ; it is a rare chance fur those out of employment or having leisure time ; girl zmul boys (rcquentlv (In my well as men. Par-' tiuulars free. Adclrcsa J I A'I`l1A\l l. mu I0 toent. Two uousns T0 m:.\'1' on King Street North. Rent 35 each. Possession on list May. Apply at this aice. March '24. man cmlt unucruI .:I.nus l"Al(M wuxux, and also Hardening. To such liberal wages will be paid. Apply to licM., office of this paper. March `.20. \ V . V ANTED A CHEESE MAKER, to ` Y......;.... t...... AN'l'ED A BOY, from 14 to 15 years of age, to learn the Grocery and Liquor lmsiucss. Apply to Jnun V DADIIIJII I VVELL EI)UUA'I`El) YOUTH, accus- tomed to uice work, and who writes a good band, wants employment. Apply at this uice. \I......|. 0|