Mills, in Ottawa, ` Buthcl Mills, inf `_ Llqmm [)z.u.z1:. mluvcu at H1 _ )yul Artillery, by and dressing him :1 pretty clever ns nru irnvurinbly is a perfect nraunub IV . u 'l'eiegmphic It Ualed onia . J. 11;; _/I/1' ( Emu. ] uu-` 0 cu.` 5 oung .la- y . new gmno, . u go, They ch the girls: um.-(...,L .. ;' duubt 1' the ,,- .._- ,-.-......... .. vnu we uono With vantage to All the interest: concerned. `r nllnninon I--Ah--* - l4t(-, vim`- :ttc' Unit I `wgyi r zmuxnoun I of being a mat. in was utterly impossible for h: `V make his explanatio,-nu om-liar in tho 5. lwcanse ho had been called upon to pr negative, aml had in obtain frmn 4 y Britain the cvidcnco which was uece to disprove the charges uuulp. N 0 was in pqusession of - such evidence n t thought would he satisfactory to the H ` He might claim the right to make statement, but he did not wish to - I that right. 1 I Mr Cameron said that the ho , I could make a statement at any time , 1 place he liked, but if he had any evi ( to ;ofl'ur he should do so before a colnn ,1 ap iuted to hear it. _ _ ho Fe ,-ac-Ions Falls Railway Bill mu '1 51.1,. I n. gent} -........, mm mr number, of Belleville, two Ca.- u.-ulians, were dec|.'n'ed fit for foreign service `in eiiginec-ring and other military tactics. `There were sixten candidates went up for . above naimd were the only two not pluck- edi They will both leave immediate] to I I I , . - . . u I Join their rczflmonts on foreign service.- on- `. .' ' I nu vs - -- - examination, out of which the two gentlemen" i .. : ADVA!~`(3EME! l` IN nnr. g a recent examination of ` [ of the donut: in l``---"'-" ;luU I , . ,l.w.. U1!` 1' lI.Il'l)1H['Tl Ill! ize the Dominion tn Hm! ln...:.. ..., +5 : up rununeu so near it. 10 Fcnclons Ru a third time. Mr Fnirbuim mmlc a n i /.e Duvninim. I ..,.:..I , , ,_.- -......-.---us uuguc men, Ind man: to enact 4nd fuminh better- Ichol houua. We hope to ace thin new in (mun anti-ntu dealt libornlly with, as we no pa-loaded it can be done with ml- ' vnnlnun n All u. ino.--A- - -~- ` mg H!!! II mr Lucnellnr said ho had nln that it utterly impnssible I exnlanntmu. .....I:.,.. :.4 . mm nub gumy or the c!mrgos_n t him ; but he thought that any ( 1 made by the hull. gentleman nuulo hefnru :1 cummittco. `M, ;f,.I(,.ll.... __,,' 1 u - mm wmv:I.pulH1c:L|-mil! Xwligiull uxclmling pcrsuns of thlll.-ruut;I ; wurkm] by uu-mm of wcnst'o:Ith ` Thu mmemlmlurt. W4 lost, I `V:-uml the third time, on .1 Vote 1 A to Itn-urnnuv--l- H-u "7 I .c um Ilumll I that `budy I. . ,,, _- _.-.--xnuolxlll up ` Turontn, March 23.-lu the Home to-day I ` Mr Mcbmmlal muved the third wading 0! Q , Hus bill for tlm incorpnrutinn of the (kungc ] ' 3 A-s.-mciutiun of Fhumern Uutnriu. , I f Ivlr 1:-.u4cr m.".dc nqotlu-.r long pouch, and g 1'1 , made a mutinu :u,/min! thin passage of the t ` hill. on Hm gruunzl that u: Ur:m;;u Imstitn- ' . (inn mm a pnlnicul-.1nIl rvliu I I c I W ,,11Ia.:wgoc1:ntxrnn, f, ax`-I I [nut .. 1 - -- ' ,, . - Ontario Legislature. How " run In! fut {Ln inm..m.......;. .. I -I ....... ....., ...-uuu u_y .71 (.0 22. ` of the Government, with the circ `A Muwnt, vutml .1.;::nimt the Hill. miuurity were the xm;xulmn-1 for I : , zmvl Frovltolnnc, As we rcmarku Mr Iiohimavm v.':w almcnxt wit/tout Y Tm: Ulu.\ uH I.\'t:u diviuinn lint sh(:w:4 1 ` Hill was carried by 3 * uf thn ` ... , ,, -..-..5... may any oxplmmtionn I undu gentleman should be mule ' Mr McKellnr said he nlrowly stated hut yvna ut_terly impossible for him on _, _...-______ ,__ , 7- - - -v, - g city of over $130,000 in cunnoction wit EuL'r.rrio.v-.u. E~'Tl.\lA1'K.*4.~-lftlw Reforln i the Education Dopartnieut alone. Still Govermuont can claim credit for no other 01-111) 9' U" 511101111 Will TH-III, thing, they at lout Inn-o at proud boast that I W U10 fllfllwt curnorl of Olltario, and mail tho] have supported the eclitcatioii of the j in l- "dl"b' P 3 """m"""t )"""` 0 country with in liberal lunnl. although :omo- , "d|"~'l3l0l|; '1 lilwllc U which cannot ln what nftho expense of their t.'0llllI[U(.')', , 9'"-tlnl in any ullwr country , in the world An examination of tho \':u'imIs itmms nfnup_ " for to such an enviable position Inna thii ply under this head alums .-`i inurlcud .-ml . lwblu -colony obtained. Our uyutoin hm gratifying increase, and argue: woll for the boon in time the pride of every pvlitliciii {mm-3 wggru of mg cQ_|1utr5', `rim bgful p:u'ty, which calling itself nuupoliticul, anal course puruuotl by the hue Hon-rnment him 1 we uru huppy to two tlmt-amid all ellaligez boon improved by their Hl|cc\tMr1'H, and we I of government; tlu;_nmin idea has pouoeimocl fool uonrod that greater etlirioney will i`0|Il` people of still further building up iunl uurk all the various services Ir.-uclittml by ,` collodntilig the noble odirleo wlwsc foun- tho expenditure. A new it --u which .'tp- lotions wore lnid, amid much fear illltl poured in 1871 for the tirnt time, that for trembling, in the years of the decade ending inopoction ha: been iniercauml this y(:ar.Wlfll I850. Gatheringiinprovcments from by 5 very roopectatblo gure-,.'tlio*:unoum, all quurtorn, and wine bleininhus, it in . for 1872 being $`.!6.:!50. and " {J 3 the noblut monument of tho volnntau-_y gf. 137; 021315. The next item. in one w.- f--rt of it people to H 1Ullllll'.`1l priceluus lrea. uqourry wzuinot increiucd in all. um-l it kure tuthcir children, illlll 'chi|dren'u chil. IIIIIIIH IIIVO boon dnublod. The item in to 'l'l| - oid poor schools in the back townuhipiy K .6,(I)0. Anybody who has penetrated into I ' Uur Ottawa telegrnlnu point out how tlu "10 mil! "194 P8? 0! I9 00111103 . and " vote of tho Uppooitiou in the Centre 'l'oruntu who hu there loan` the wretched hovolu : vane emboruuen the House. In order that the when pupils and teacher! are eooped up 1 election petitions before the House may be i for months, will we that any rouunnble ; tried at all, it will be net.-emir to btin v and . Amount should not be grudgod to aid and . P-W II Npvcial bill for that purp<)iue. It Erould ti in d.'.],,pjn` a ban" am `I 19t.'l'VOI.l|cUp'Ulitiotl rightif the 3overn nient `gilt Th. "13 nd it hard ` would udd (Ii.-ntre Toronto to the lint, onollilltolloko both ends moot at hrnna, ; ' --r----- - om ---.__. and tho burden thoy voluntarily iiupoue, ` Tn: TP.)tl'B|!A.N'lv! L'wui:.-N Iponrthonulvoo, for tho pom` effort thoy 3 tier the juriilietion of the um. do unto, il out of all proportion to the r ti.-deal witlra matter which mu conceded to Amount borne by older and woalthier lo- be the law at the Dominion Parliament, the If Inch on amount were voted in r "'P"3D0" Iltelorinl, praying for t.he'prohibi- `mu `gy. u`. kc} pkg m..]y.nuuh tinn of the msufncturc or trnlc in intoxient. to II! I-ho lnioonhlo pittonco doled out to ;:'ftl;2:;';mWn;` withalrnwnj 2: few til! 014"- ;:.d `maa, t:'h:r::th.4b.:.`l`nt'l....Tl.lEhtL Kb...` llmiliibigu-v li:...:.-1.1.. po.El,`wn`-`flung for n at coming un. rio Legislature .. y`ll`Il av uni: mumgnslu tenement , class (.1 little above lliyinlun) street. chrcc ~ulmt.1uti.1l dwelling lmu.-sea [ property, which are always `rented t .l able tcu;:nt.~+. l urmms_clcniriug to i ` m:y in real azntntt: would do well to l tllcrsu ;.rupcv'tin. ' L .1-1':-5.4 ]Nn`l1l:ANL'l Uomrne \'.~ l`hiu com- p.-my. whu.;c clmn;;n: nf zulvurtizwmcut appears ' in another column, :.s_ .`u:kim-wlenlgcul as one of ; Lhv lcndiing Amuric-sm insurance institu- } LHIHS. It hm in un cstublishetl fty-four yu'u'N, rum-iving itn charter in l8l9. Its totnl .-ms,-t..~4 are Iigurccl at nearly $6,000.000 the '..`.'l'4il x'c"ript.3 hut. year amounted to $5,000,000, and the li.:.l:iliLi6.-:4 an puliicu during the put sixtcx-n munllm entinmtml at $9,000,000, inclu- -;lVL' uf the heavy lon:ses.irouI claims resulting {mm tlu: g|'c:1t(1hir.'Lgo and Boston holocuustu. In Lila: :mu'.-m uf the long period of the com- p,.ny'n huxiucnn tl';um:v.:t.iuIw in Cuuxula, it has LIL. I`rI;IIl:ttiun uf 1..-in. ...-.......o 1.. AI.- .4` cw-ning. -A nu.-thou] of :'uLLing down tree iluluctricity has just been patented. ~Mn _()'R-xlly and M(:lut.yru left to ' Spring Aer.aiZe.~4, which opens nt Napnneo lay. -'l`hu weathur (Inca not prevent. co j In-:din;;. Another popular delusion" - 1 white!` tigers in Lhu lap of spring ; and ` 1 Lin: only ruhln'n' now seen is that which 1 . Ler i.-_pcrp::Lmti::g upon spring. ' Non.-ax . The rough:-, as usual, on the ar- |riVuI`5'f upring, are bucomiug restless, and fnuxious fur n-.xcit,cmcnt, and failing to get in- \'.[vaul in man unity with the public,nro acting Iqunrrclsmnc xunuu;,r thmn.w-Ives. The police I nlnqulxl unptum as few (Ad vn ;r:mt.~o. Uwr um: humlz-ml barrels of apples fx-gm Os- ; wngu ha.\'- nhm been clopmsitml at Mcuru Jan. I Swift and (7u'u. wharf by the utago line. mu uuncuuwnn would h_nva any chance gacceptcd by the Parlxmuont of (Jan- I! lh'.\'xvAI, Mmcrlmm.--'l`lnesc ucrvices are jcuntinuml uzwh ensuing in the Sydunham ' .S't.:-cat Wu-slay.-nu Mutlnoclint Church, and on Q the whulc are well attemlocl. Huulwu m:I,I.. A nuw ball from the cele- ` ))l';LLt:Il T:'n_y rll \Vu'k 4, hibw |n`cll forwarded via the l.'.Lpc Vimmnt Stage: (lmnpany to the Mu-Llnmlist Church at Brewer's Millu. I thc rt.-:5 , .,..- 7.1,... gnnnllclillzl. [r Czuncrnn said the hnn. gentleman (I not appoint :1 night fur making his nnuuf. Much wnnld depend upon the : of the businuus of the House. The gcntlmnzm hzul not chosen to reply to any denmncls made upon him fur mt- uxumu pun-Imslng -0 has of the I` News, from Carrie-r I oys. 'l lu- boys l `I'I`i\'I' the papers only for . rs-nlnr sulm-rllu-rs. and any boy ! v- hug the pn her is clislnnu-st. uml ` should lw hu-arunrnmwl. sin-.rlr i I coplra of the M-vvs mm lw prm-urn-cl | 1 at an of the Book.-smrc-s and at ,l tlllno '1'. ; `J ,..-..- -.........yuuuu nu uuuxum, I5 I13! L. r--putntiuu of lacing prnmpt in tho satis- rtury .~:ttluIm:nt uf just la,-nnzuulu. .uI4ll H mfl. nml (.10., m'c,&|m xigcuxta fm l\'inguLun. ,_...._._.__.__._.._._.__ Suit I us. ally A .im mutinn to mamorz1l- iuiuu Legislature, With 1|. View passing :1. prohihitory liquor .~'r.\'I's~:. ~ In noticing the movement I c;-tats nmrkettm Monday v.u`uniu- y unuttcal ,1 nuticc of mm of the lincnt in the city. \`Vc refer tn the two 1:_-.: uf Sh` [:a.'u.- Hope on Queen :nr tlw W. M (Jhurcln. A is I-H, `_ u`L'un street 1 Mn: of the and plan}-m:tc.4t, in Hue city, and Hunt unit-.|.l.. L... ....:...n -L -A p-puluw deluulon" the an- mnt. nf (,gucc:u'uL`ullcgo Io-cturu hunt. lawn trees by ,y -x\h:uarn ...I ll,.I..o...... I..lA- `A> ..LL....,` AL- . ...r. uIill'lSll Al'!HY.--At tinn junior olccrn at one x En land, Mr G. `V. Mat- [rs attnewa, 'of Drummond illiter, of Belleville, ::l:n'ed foroizrn -m...:.... 'i|J' It ; Fall's Railway mu was read um .;o.-ui we noun to-day I i 3 I." I I ilgflinh . vuwl th;ltthI.'Ur.1lI;,') `ic:il- null r--lir_;im:4 mmocintiun, mm at villi}.-rum; rvhgmnu, and 1' the Uppouiticm, rcpottad in the m4 wcmfoziths mul l...l...... ! lav. is [zonal uh--Iv 4- `~' ' Uttmvn, March %. _ importance to-day. The Opposition held 1 csncul yesterday. It in unit! an attempt was made to bring Blslse to 1 the point again, At the recent appointment of whips for lobe oii Hon r BR! l`l:-HI Armv.--At n olccrn nit ...... um punm! are strictly cauntiom-d against pun-lmsing -0 loss 'l'lu- nvu nnnnt--.. 9|... -..__.-,_, - - .. -unu.-nulll. wugmns, 11!! f wcrufonths and lodge: mus lost. marl tlm 1.; .........~ uvu.-ac! Upll um: : to reaped mmmlcniriug in goat Ino- wnulal look after u,-out-mA1'u' A"rn.-Thc that 'll.e pauxagc of the 3| to '22. The mclnlwrl cxccption of Mr wt Among the u.-xulu,-rat Prjncc Edward remarked yesterday, mcnt r_: pair. ? I ___....._._;. IVIUH necessary Now be as ho urv tu thu H....m. --..v-vuvu llll I IIII` inn) l'lu:r9 are l nu |...u...-.. ..-.... AI ' Im_:/at Gazrtte of : following tele- url Dufferin. to -The delegates left Uttsvm haw. ,_,- ..-..,... upon prove It Lin Grant necesmsry n:ul_e. ha ` hon. gentleman time and :1 evidenco vro committee nlrowly le_for him to r session DON tn noon-n. .- .uuUU as no u House. this [II n. 5.-----A W.a'D.i'L'sDA 1' m71;.\'1.v;, JIA Iwu .. the to- corner ..." 4I..A .|..l.. _ ..-... u-v upon4t.ln'u .. ..-....,,,; Llll force in which the -' liven-ad co" .... .. uuu urn aay or a Parlinnu which the speech was deliver Mr Benubien. Mr Palmer and Mr Stuart ` t he opposite View of the can. . The Suenknr rm-M - -- ` ` ` _ , -_ ..- uuvv II UIDCK. - PRIOIIDEN1 xs'rABLIsHI:D. After the presentation of a. number of peti- tiuns, praying for the passage of a prohibitory Mr Mercer took up the argument on the Wilkes petition case. The point in diepute being as to whether or not the fourteen day: allowed for putting in election petitions, com- mences with the first `day of Parliament, or the day in which the speech was delivered. V Mr McDonald (Invemeu), spoke. against the motion, which `was to admit the petition: could be no other intcrpretetien of the law, but that the ret day should be included. Mr Matthieu quoted authorities to that the tint day of Parliament Wu thet in speech wne d.Ia........: -- --V tlmt - Dominion Parliament. (Spgal Carrrupomlence to the Daily N81 Uttmm, March, 25.-'I`he House met ` terday afternoon at three o'clock. Pllfnlru-r nu. . -- ---~ ` .. ... mun nun Mr Boyd will recount the House Restaurant in future be I with skimmed milk. I A se_vere snow storm is in progress. ---------} STEAM Pnugyun Huusef m. msu,me Muskoka Retuming Uicenwill be brought by the crgcnnt-at-Arms _boforo the Bar of the House to-day. He has with hizi the legal advice received from Mr Boyd and the Hon. J. H. Cameron, on which his actinn was founded, and it is thought that nothing can be done in the matter. A prohibition committee has been (aimed. d recommend that in fut... I... ------r - __.- ..,........V - warrant, regarding tho ro- cciving of pctitinmo, was given for fourteen days from the dny_of the delivery of tho speech, it is cln.im_ecl that all the petitionn`bo- fore the Home are Invalid and out oi order, and a motion will be made to quash them. Mr l5nH,the'Muskolm Rm.......:.... 1 ma! - A-- I I .....; plllyllllllllll, reported u 3 lay, gum! awry in told. I nmke liruu, of \'icwri_1, tho. ' semi, but no he in the only I that p.....:_-.. - - -- ` ` _ _- ._ ..y u- vuv only ill , that Province, he declined the honour. Neil: has been reccivotl that Sir George Cartier will take his seat in the House during 5 next month. The writ for West Durhsm election was dupatclwd west on Monday night, and receiv- ed by thy Rotumiug Oiccr, Mr Robert Ar- mour, I.-at evening. Aueinuu Al .....I._ --~ `, IAIIU |5VnIDg. . A question of order, somewhat in will come up in the-. House to-night, , As the Speaker : warrant, regsrdin ccivimr nf m.o:A.'...... .,..-muu, Illllr III I , I \1 ..;. I, I , .... ...;..-nue an (no contractor. The Dominion Rie Auoci organized in nhnusl meeting 2 '5 conunittoo (own. 1161...... ll ' ` " _.-.-,.u. alter KI ctrrxjmittce altered the report to : ; no censure on the contractor. . The Dnminim. Inn. A M - -- ..... .. uuruull W l5nll,the`] u. L.__. ,, ,-`,-....... - vuunuln Nil `EDI Ip- puintuu.-nt nf election conntnittoei uni too late, and consequently none of the election po- titiuus can be tried. Thurs is I rumour that the Government will introduce A Bill to enable the glue! to be tried by the Senate. M r Blake arrived in town lut night. 'l`n- subcommittee on printing met this morning, and listened to n ntatoment by Mr Taylor, the contrwtor for printing, in reply to the charge made by Ms Hartnoy, clerk, to tlno committee that tlio work had boon unaccu- mry delayed. Afton-an long dilcuuion the nlnnmium ..Io.......I AL - Cheaply and From Intawa. Ottawa, March 26.---It is at: the votoof the Home on Monday the issue of the Speaker : Kvsrrnn comtlittd l-A- N 1 ` I for tho lutlfew day: ; wind north-out. Muntrenl, March 26. -Weather cluudy and cold. It is raining and hailing slightly ; with wind blowing from the oath Brantford, Mm-ch 26..-Yeswrday after- noon n heavy sleet storm commenced, ac- cmnpnniecl with 2 nqrtheast wind and con- tinned until this morning when it commenced snowing heavily. The snow is over nix inches on the level new. Strntfurd, March 21 ing all night, and util` hour (ll sun.) Abe fallun. The weather I nintnlrnnl I`---`A ` .. .-..- .........,. u u snowing hard. Goderich, March 20.--It in vs: There has been a heavy snow stun o'clock, the wind north-cut. T1 the lako still remains solid. The . Hf n.'|.vir.'|Hnn mll I... ..,_m I - ...- ...-.. wuul nuluullll sand. The navigation will be very late Huron. ` n. - - -- -.---_.-.....w. us, uuromewr Z9, 9! Guelph, March 26.--The wealth: and stormy. It in snowing hard. Goderich. Brim-oh on _n :.. _- London, March 26,- The wind for the last few (lays has been from the north, and weather cold and disagvooable. Snow began to fall last night, and up to this hqlr (193. In.) about six inches have fallen and there are no signs of a. break. It is drifting badly. Quebec, March 26.-lt is blowing hall a gale from the northeut with light snow. 'l'hennometer 18, barometer 29, 93 falling. 26.--Tim .....n..... :- Mu ..- _v. `ova 3-IIIIVII uunu. Hxunilton, March 26.-L: wind blew Btrrmg from the n panicd with snow and uleet; night`t.ho'wind full but snow fall and is now about three i love]. .....-- -....b nuouila -uuu nvvlllllllgg Ottawa, March 28.-- l'he weather yostor-I day was exceedingly cold for tho union. The thermometer all day stood plumb 15 degrees nbuvo zero, with strong oaateriy winds and slight. sprinkling uf snuw. . Thin morningfit/in snowing pretty heavily, strong wind {min tho nurtli-east. 'I`hernmmut,ur 22 degree.-u abova zero. I1_._.:lL--, It 1 ~.- - The I-1Ator|n 'I'Ill'OllKII(V)HI.` I Vince. Clifton, ()n't., llnrch 26, 8 |.m.->4 weather is cloudy, nining, freezing :1 very heavy north-wont wind. At 10 tho Ijain turned to now. At 11 21.1 mu snowing fast and storming. , ('lM.awa Mural: QR _'I'l... .......n.-.. .-_ T0 (`0RR|')Sl l VN Dl-`.5 TS.- .\na-nylnnuu connnunicatiumt can rcuuivo nttrntiull. Everything furw:mlmI for in~ tiuu mun! In: :u::-unnpnni--d hy tho nauw : uldruu of the wrjLcr- not H(`rL'1lS;ll`_\' nblicatiun, but as :'.\'iu{<'llc('uf zuuthunti.-i t in nhnrcqucxztrcl that cul`rc4IpmuIclltu \` only write on one side of the sheet uf pap '0 cannot undurtnko tn return l'cjL'c1 cmnmunicatiunu. .....~ , .-..-..a. nu. gnu anuu-C Alli `aid-twu'i..hI:usanl live hundred dollars pi mile aid for the Prince Ed ward Railway. - -a-J-a 1.-vuvn -AI- IJI U- "VI-ll :-r-`11Iouh'Iul Lilur.) V Prince Edward Railway. Pictcm, March 26. --'l'he Home has pau- H twu thnlnmntl Hm: lunulmul A-ll...... -...._ st-may L" fpr:1,r;g:I;AMs. .. .. u,1:;nrm,mg L ac, 1 n I mater fa. h, weather is my If in nnn--3-- Muslwka Reta:-;1ing (!tcer;wi1l Sergeant-at-Arms [vice F. Cameron. on Whhnlu I.:. "'B `wind continues ouow inches on L l, 26.---It bu been snou- nt, still continue: up to this mu.) About three inches has re has been very cold fGW dnvn 2 nnnrl nn-41. --A or Parliament delivered. as also did , _-_.,,...........-m at "wmpl" {or . (`ake on Lory told. H --v-- ---"` ` Steam Printing House. zrch stated that by 9 Monday, the time of IO Hnnn.Iuu- - -4..----` 1-- AI ' Campbell took the can, . `_V_ ___ I, uuum on H.011 It Wu voted to orifl, the whip for Non Oppositionipt Dclinal :1... 1........-- - Ir, sbmewhnt into}-eating, louse to-nihl:_ Auc:>ciation bu jug l00tilIl in um ....:I...._. ,__...J, -..u uuuv VI 1- ivsrrnnt for the comnizum --"- `- nt, regarding ` Llivnn (.n- l------`- - A ' ' "J v stonn; `L _, , .... III Olllog 3 News. Ioum mm. un- 7 ~--- -.-_7 ,.l The public-. strictly ` Ixalnu mu-clmsimz 4-uni.-.. ..r u...| .4:-nu Ill` Ithe nort. , -...-.--o nut JIIIW in the railway nu:-cu: Unt Iuppliod -nut night .. ....-n. V `utoconvoy strong `--us/I1 The ico in Veg. Mai-:5 .~lH.-\S.\'U.\', r-.;. r i..c"..1a :5; llliyl [1 hughtor on excitement, damage to1 Opgiosition member for like sevoritg cold. `Jsincu of March, at the father, bythe Rev. '1`. 8. Chambers, of 3 bury, Mr Peter Mccallum, third son of Mr John Mccallum, of Storringtomtto Mary Jane, third daughter of Mr Samuel Ks no. `DIED. In Kingston, March` 25th, Cstlmrineneliet of Mr Thoma Givens, aged 80 years. The funsrsl will laktplsce from her son's residenee(Capt. W. Givens), Division street on !1`hursdsy,. Friends sud Io - Mn..a. me nousc, alwa I heard with res deliberately find who pack into their an-gu '70 it force Patterson or Blake (I Huntin gtol wet, are mm convi mom: over and power. '5 that. ,.-wuuu ul_ argument. The style of _Pa.rlia- manta oratory, an we can easily rheive from gluletone and Bright : and Bares! - speeches is fullness of language with fullness of 5 many. While their sentences are well ronn ed and clear, there is no bombnet, no straining after effects. Indeed those men in the. Dominion, such an the lezulcrs on both sides of the House, Blalxe Huntington, who are alvvave heard mm. ...........+ ,___- ...._ uuunr an-gums culstzd to 1 Wilkes :3 that. ___.__.______.._.__.______ an us-pecuuuy raw!!! httend: In the To! uhfppl Pol-tlvwd; on 90! Mm-qh, CM.1_mvin`a, the `beloved wife ml? Wi"nm Buuth, aged 64 yous. She did` cnn. Their orawry is 1 calm doliberateneu of pactnus of_ argument. mentary nratorv. ms nu- JUU gruau uewcs-or the young Incu1bor::r-hgv have yet spoken in their style of. delivo . ll Patterson, of South Brant, and Mr W" 1. Toronto, seem to forget th on the stugnp, and address ' cuts. 'l`l_:e:r too inated, luck: in" ifn'7T;n"a}:g ._---.. o--oJW-,. Wfunzs um 'P.u1'Imsou.--MA dent of the London Aduertiaer 1 great defect-of the you{|g_ meu_1b_er vet gnnlznn -'- M5- .__..,,... ....u suug would be to make it 3 feet 85 images as far at Bollevie. The Board 3110 resolution: in favour of assisting the_ nth Sincoo Junction Railwa Company, winch it is proposed to run throng the west- cm portion of the County of Simone. connect- jng with the N orthorn Railwa at King. This 13 a. null road to tho projccte Hamjlton and N orth>Western Railway. `Nun-on ..... n V ~ n -.-o At a meeting of the Toronto B: on Monday afternoon it was decic mlize Mr L`. J. Brydgcs, with a ing Toronto made the eastern to: narrow gauge portion of the 1 Railway for the present, owing that trstic now Iubru. One of said Mr Brydges gold him thakt In changin the gauge wnuld be fget inc on at Ball--"'5 '11.}. - the the .. .. . gn-unmprovcuunt on Mr McDnugull. I It is curious tn note how people uh:-ink {run black-miil Edgar. Few members can to be can speaking to him, and h is being made painfully aura of what 1. dirty piece of busi- nesh he allowed himscll to be mixed up in. $ - _.._..,..__._..__. ,_ .. The publishers of the Canadian J for u premium of two hmadred dgl. llnrv IhI:I6n.I L- A - Mr O Reilly, the member for South Ren- frcw, is winning nuny political and potions! friends. Even the .Mucken'/jeiteo admit lain to In a groatimprovotucnt Mr oaonln lulu-inlv 1-.- "ISAILLY NEW; nc nuulclldlll gsrd to Mr hug foundation, L.'.,_, cu-culstcd ycstcrd.-'.y in re- evin a retirement in without And emanated from tho 0|ii>osi- ..... nu: wunury In promotion of ihcploject. Mr Ross, of West Durham, ukod if the Goveruxnmt intended to propose a duty upon gnin imported from the United `States. HUI. Mr Tillnv tlum.-1.1. u_- . -- _,__.-_ ....,,mwu nnnn we United `States. Mr Tilley thought the-qlustion pro- m:Itur6`aI;d pnlnir. Wlun the Government introduced it: tariff system, the hon. gentle- man would nd himself snawered. * = , In nnuwer to Dr. Schultz; Hon". )1. Lange-' vin stated that it was the intentiomwg the Gov- crmnent to ink for an appropriation for bridg? ing And improving the navigation of _Red In waiver to an enquiry by Mr Edgar. ro- npecting Immigration Aid societies, Hon, Mr Pope stated that Immigration Aid Iocictiu had boon formed all over the country, and that Inotnbors of then had pononally canva- nod the country `in promotion Durham, ..I....a in .L. ........... .. wuurucu a anon or drain at or noar the village of Harrisburg. in accordance with nuurvey mule last August, havingjlnat object in view. ' ll._ :1 r Mr Gibson asked whether t intended to construct a ditch "gnu `I... -F444 -l " Hon. Mr langevi said op_erntioJnx woninl be commenced in that work on `the 10th June next. " Mr Fiwt naked {vhcthnr Government -had taken-steps for the construction of a light- house at Matias, for which were voted lust iouion. \ ` [1 , Q: o Expculitiemsly executed at clu- DAILY .`n:ws _ 1 - ... .-..5uuu u rourclnent in without 'on|;d'uion, 0p}oxi- ion. M.-o', sow. noun 3.. ...:....:...- _.-, To the sauna member--'}lon. Sir . Mncdonulal ntated that it was: not tl tion bf the Government to recommend ..: -..,-A-I 1 -' - -nun In answer to Mr. Wilkes, Hon. Mr Lange- viu stated that the Government iuul received no communication in reference totraiuferring Garrison Common, Toronto, to that Corpora- tion. -.-.. v. uuu uuvurllllllll I0 TUOOIHTIM: mhlishmeut of postal ch.-live-_ry in 1 cities. ...,-...... vuu unume uuny on Unrmdian tobacco. In answer to Mr Wallace (Albert), }{on.Mr Langcvin stated that `it Wu the intention of the Goyornmcnt to vote a sum for the orcctiun of B steam fog whistle at Cape Euraje, Bay of 1.. ...._...-_ L, .. ...... _- nnw uI.r.L'l'loN. * A motion by Mr Cmitigan was carried, ar- dcring the Speaker to issue a writ: for a new election in the county `of Kent, N. 13., Mr _C'utler, the Grit, having been xinseatml in con sequence of being a. (iovegnlnent official at the time of his election. ` QUl.-|'l'l0NH mr nncunmm. . I in answer to M. De St. George, Hon. Mr Tilley stated that it was not the intention uf the Government during the present neuinu on abolish the excise duty Cnrmdian Bllswt-I {'11 Mr \AY:.1l...... 1An_,,.. .. `- rvn -. M. instnted than it ....u.- ;...,,-z - -- .. vvv nu vui hon. Mr La;Igevin 1 art ,,,u_ .. -.... .......uun: on me Home on the aide. Even the grsnte-faced Lambton relaxed his usual saint- severity of countenance into an audible grin. The vote proves nothing as between the GoTrornment and Opposition, the question being raised simply be establish :1. precedent for similar occasion: in the fixture. The vote was an open one, and only l48 members re- corded. ` items which must by the Raefurmari We n_.ll know the -J a... .....-t I Question" was then called, and grestcx- I citemcnt among the Opposition side of the House, who, knowing that some of the utrongeot of the Govarnmcint nipportern-hul spoken ngaiugat the motion, felt pretty sure of carrying. their point. The member Imirig called in, the motion was put and lont,~ye:u4 72; nay: 70. The result wafrocoived with the Government side, And terrible puunding of benches, uni other to the furniture of the Hanna the Ieveritv nf mmu-........- :-L- -~ "' ' mm In!` Luther nflgr mug or the Toronto Board of 'l`r:ulc v dc cided to memo- U. nview to hm - o wnninul of tha rung`: of Grand '1 ---Ir ed Mryoan. r_v| J Dpjfml" on guru s\z:!5;9:;'1' , , . -- vvlll .onlon lays : ' members who 1 g style of deli..- ,___-...5.~u, wuu II`! I: men who conviction, and ' argument everything cal- . Hard on ,._ `LA u wuucrs both side: wind 1 i respect. am m... - N KW Rl.7L'l'ION. .. ll,, rs mnssnnng their constitu- u uttensnce and com- b. The Bf:-heive Ll `:1-ael their are We" -- -_,..-.,.; n amount. of 34;; mm 1-- n Llully 1; l'I...LI- --- -. .... urnnI1'l. l'IIII nt, to the dell]! I. tho speakers ` thakthe next its]! 1 be 4 I Bclleville. min of -mi-H-n : had recived no such Le- rhetlner the Government '. drain up-I-Ln-.. .- A. ver--`}lon. Jnhn A`. r the inten- rucommeual the eu- `l;.Iiu...... :.. A .7, annmun on! 1.1:: Grand Trunk V _' to than Jnlnnn I Monthly bl- ollnrn for Lin .. _.-.. uuu. cu- | town and` "i`ubo I in pan! years :ation and the gold aver and ,'R.efurxn gav- 1' one voutigea of apt may with But a change he dreams of ny other ros- rtll Hllblilhzd `..|'.:.... -u Annsummm; New Spi H-0.`-IIIUIISII III!!- . I I `.1 Wh:f;mIhI* ` for flnomuelvui March 25. I Ritzlnmondi Mmrn ; ana n-mu uyn! new to merit I (noun ncntnnnnmn 5 wnm watoop In ALI KINDS, tllc alford arid trust: by _ nan in nun-it A (grand mu ununx, n ` hands tmkoop ALI KINDN. u: intend! count, in-the _ -..v av mt: ngght then! .. -```A .t: NEW_ smun ; NEW spnmo; NEW rLA1N,f NEW PRIN NEW wnlmj NEW KHIV.li_ NEW ARAB `ii mgw anti!!! NEW BLACK |lJU'l{l toUali ' 4 .c.a:.,.a`. 1."`s`a"m [in up our ma - 4.23." '0 nix, (me uaownig` rm-uivnd I. I V ld.w::l',`.V9. very o II ` Irinh or Scotch ICU lust your- the ner- _m 1 [law Pnlrgr Eoerfot WhilkOy,4 A very Alt` `-1 3- `- 'r":*.;..2.:.%': UNE DOLLAl;._ W E ~ yLur'n growth, III` AVING on M I of TEAS, ~ usuih, we no new mum. III all kin been 93%;? in ' rs W1 nmuhd` j` 1-h.-using, if IUIIDU '11! papa-r. rc_|m-teal I wmm 'P'":;*;.:::8~ A ....:I ; ,` L0 NIIIUJV rec-mods! -x J H100 lowest T SIGN `OF gonvincod as most of us equal interact to the ciw resident: of thin county. nay; Tr` E \I it o b `the II [W witl Univ Wills nl I , -_, ...- reasoning! or the town council of Belleville, contemporaries, we notice last meeting of the as published in our that I communict wutern_ cities, should pursue a nicipnlitiu i moving in the matter, we ought certainly to I IOW I10 unnecunrv f.nmI....-- 7 -vii ..... uuuc mucn to lurther this schcl the perseverance of Mr Mscphe this city, in endeavouring to for the requirements of the dist:-ietr under his direction mendablc. Lately he was on a. ton Ottawa Valley, where he guthuru valuable details and observations, : parted important observation: to um and others regarding immigration By tho proceedings of the Iteetim l council of R.II-..:n_ _, - -- A 1 is we rJvumn'|o.v,--A unrcity of farm and gene. |'a.l labourers is arousing the authorities of Osnnilaito 1 renamed and unprecedented ac. try, and in -devising feaaablc means to foster a. healthy immigration from Grout Britain. The appointment of efficient and energetic agents by the Dominion and Provincial Governm has done much to further scheme Macphenon, of emlaavaurinn on -----' ' ants ; and ~ , being xx welcome relief from th 4. , "V.uuwA11u>" MARCH.-- this month serve to verify the enstitioul maxim, that if March came in l lamb it in mm to go out like a lion. It 4 in very czzlmly, the ethereal atmoap e prce cold, sn.l lczuling us to indulge in the be consolation that better days were At ll Stern winter does not like to rclin supremacy, and in The clmngt antiquated quiuh excmplicntion of severity. To-(lny h little resemblance to spring, The, railw: sidewalks, etc., are feeling the depressing {Set of the mow-storm, and this snap : xipel the hope: not an early opening of n bi.-ity. 5 will l',lIfU||ibit0I'y liquor law, I,... -clown nlllilll uruu, praying for the prohibi- f oi mahufacture or 7 But large number! of petitiune uking -n|nuy of them signed by thuulnmLc,-hnve been pouring into l':u'- flizuuoht, and on Monday night Mr Bmlwel] ; L3o4l the pneeege of more etringcnt legislation ; then uxinte at present. A` large and inuen- 5 tin! committee wee appointed to deal with tlu; wlmlc questieu, and u it cempriuee not a few member whe have given much thought to the Iubject, we may expect e verfexhauetive re- port as the result of their labours, Although 3 it in net expected that the Uovon_x_naeut will I pan 3 prohibitery enactment (the Dominion l tinencu not permitting of no tepid 3 t of $2,000,000 of nuuel revenue) yet e system more rigid in in previeiene will be adopted, by which the Isle etreng drink will he kept within legitilnete bennde. liqnurn, wne witlulriuvnl day i 1 EllH'(A l'l0.V,--A u-:1 I ' ' 1';-lection ` necessary bring ` purpose. would ' scwo the Opposition right if 1 ' ' I . ..,,............ Ann. nu mo umumnu hurled ';nIhputstthoJmrnal nu mm child : , ,,_ .,- -....-., ....; luluu 01 every polmenl I ~p:u't.y, an-I x elmngen - ' with (hstlmring innpruvclnents M trxumuitin In their '1 nin-n. , ,. -..-_..- .......u.. upunuuure III that `city of $l3U,(XX) with `the b`ti_ll, , many amounts runuify zuuilt tin building up mngnilicent system of juducution, ulilwncsn to be in world, 4 7L... o.. ......|. ,,., -. -... ..........,. Tlwrc urn other-items of illcreuac too numerous tb mention, but we have gone Llnruugh the Wh-rlu`of the items and Iind I that the total mcrcaue In nearly $5U,U()O. 1 It in soynewllut ronmrkablu that nearly the '} whole of thiuuouuy is expanded in "I'uron!,u am} that tllojnmiuteuzmco of this Depart- ment untailu an annual expenditure in that lcitv uf uvur Rltmnnn 4.. .A,..- -' ' - . Lu uur country. and a credit to its originu. l tor. But it is not well V mm:aged,' and its atuckh not at all times vi the best descrip- tion. Let us hope that in future it may Lulu. :1. leap forward and be `what. it was in- I handed, a uieful means of distributing l sound and lneultliy literature to tho ymmg of our country. l 'm...... _.u,, -. - - i play compared in tho bluts fulminutod ' inst the hook-room. It interfered with ` Iegitinmtu trade, it was an archaism-. n blot 1 I on our fair fame, as hindrance to trade, and A n vestigu uf c:uunl advantages." And yet in still lives, aye, and is invigorated, by a f [7 uruul E u . n - . . . . . . . -. 1 " ` , ., .7 `I ....- 1- llIV|!UI'lIl-UH, Dy ' great increase under pure Reform uuspicus your. New v'hu.t is the legitimate can" clusiou I The book-wont is an advaiituge, and it great one, and 3 must useful adjunct in our educational system, uml lccfurmors know mu! fool in to be so, and duupitu thuirnhid huwlings of tho tllulm in I [nut yours, for it. in` mm as silent as the I i ' (min K38,60() tu350,000, or $ll,b00 in um: I I gnnT"ubout. it, it is to be maintain- ed in. increased ciciency. If one nlf tkie amount of business talent lnasranctciizud it, which nmrks the uthor do, purtnu-nt.s of the otco, it. would be a. priclu Vmmmged,' 1 . ........ an In EHO n in shelving his teeth with un on: of bear two The railways, , depressing ef- vv-Itorm, will no navi- _ ,_ -.... uuuwr, we ought I unnecuury tardiness, `of smut be that it in of citizens as well as the unity. V_, _ ---...., uuunvvl nun um. you mmo it] ppcnnuoo. But all the ansthonnu hurled ' W m. u . 4nu-nnl --- ----A V` " " , _ . . .. 4 If IEIIIEU , atmosphere no: the prceeding pg balmy hand. pets relinquish its excmnlim.o,:.... .: 4- V ,,. ,-..v uvuulllll nitting reduction 3 of n dir , rnn-u -.. `L- , .. M.u:cn.-'l he changes Of p nup- `hat calm: in In... - , - --...unvnu mstten. he le, on (ncnhen-nn --'-W ` _,.... .-----um-Eva. nuu yl ` e, llular nun: l!A6'----- ------- -e alriuvni ,-usuy 1 ; linv niuho \l- H ' _ .. uvufl V V gathered vats -.. - _-_--.. ....,.- Lrch like a E: came nu-gal ..L.._.. O ,_'_____ ___- _ ..... VI uuucuuon and the Book-mum. We have been gold and over spin, that as soon as a Refur_xn enllent ceme into power than the clerk egee would be swept the beeom of deetructien. But In come over the lpirit of the dreams llefermere in this as in many M and I0 nd id Journal with en iucreued grant making it now 31%) II Igninet 82.530 for last year. Let M the additional grant will infuse emne life , into the concern, ld tint we I|u.ll_ eoon be able to hell our venereble friend in 3 time that will I0! I03! it An Journal. We were delighted to receive the Januery num- Iaer for 1873 on the 15th of thin mouth, and the February number hue nut yet. made its gppgrurce. But ell the .n.n.-...-- I..._-V - v the -......... an we same time ho a link I (111 to Avoid injurious statemcntl. ' gret that such mi;fortun;s _,_r..-u_y an-I re- slwuld bafll ciur public iuutitlltiona, the paper in qucution should at the same time ho little more c:n-d- I stntemantl _ .. .... nv nuunu to thin charitable institution yesterday by stab 5 in; that the house burned W 8600, on which carelessly th nnce. The lwuu was of l and it is quite 5 number 0 Royal lnsurancc Company refused to insure it At all. While expressing sympnty anal ge- misfortunes institutions. Hm . .... __ ere was no insur-' ittle or no value, f years since the" _, Tm} Fm|:.-'1`he Whig ah this ) x 8600 nn mL..',.1. ..._,u - -- __-A_._,__-_....._._ - 'l`r:1.1c l`he Mont: Company have opened oic. Springs and Upper Brewurs J at Liagar in Quebec, and at \ the State of Maine. I:suu.wcs.--C aptnin Uuurneen, on British Amen-ican Insurance Umnpzmy is in the city on business connecitcd \ company. On his way east ho inspc wreck of the steamer Quail, and `rep so much destroyed as to be past repa service as 3 passenger boat. She ma; vetted into a barge or some such cx-sf` u_---j__-- n uurrxu FAMINIC.-'- butter famine in Bellovill butter is scarcely proc Yesterdays: high net ' for butter of ordinary quality oulhe Ill: and the supply was far from being the demand, even at that retei _:--1-3.} There p c at present. eq u l l'm.u:u Uouwr. \\ ;:n.~mnu.n.----(Before Mr Stnwgo, P.M.)--One drunk was lined the unmalamount and told to begone in haste. Peter Lee, a negro, was brought up on remand, charged with auinulting one Thonms Fit'/.im- mom: enrlyiu February Inst. The evidence was convicting, and .pn'uuner was fined $10 and costs, or 30 days in guul. This Le is the ; same individnl who has been before the pre- sent judiciary on so many ocezwionn within` a short time -tho innut nntahlu Ene /with which he was connected being an attempted kidnap- ping of one of the late Royal colouring the victim black, in woman :-9 attire. He is Ichcmer, butdliu maclmmtinim fuilcd. __,. ..........-...-. v-Us unug to meet the vieeeofn. third inspector, and aiford all three eome edditioual reuuiuerhtion {er the preparation el paper: for all teachers ex- ! eminetiuru, and the examining of the can. mm. for int clan certificates. There i... e new item of 02,800 to aid teacher: In, l etituue, end an increase of $7,608 for the euperuuution grant. This item provoked 3 ejeod deal of diecuuion, end was nally peeled on e division. Not that any of the lenlhere eppoeed the grant, but because they were diuntieed with the manner in yhieh it the doled out to the old and faith- In! public Ierynute. It is felt that they might to get thie money as n metter of right and justice, and not bi: compelled to sue for it in such a manner as will wrench every bit of self-roepect out of every ap- plicant. Anuthe/yzebjection wad the making the reception; "of it conditional on a 1eteed- contributidn on the part of ovary male teacher of an` amount of Q4 yer ennum for every yqpr the applicant 1 ha tnnght. We tire gled to see, however,` 4 ant )1: Mount propoeee to bring in A bill ' which will eecure to every teacher on a.ttain- 1 g` the ego of 60, a yearly allowance to cheer hi old age for the haruuing tail of his fresh it yearn. The salaries of the Nonnal echoei I tucker: are increneed from 814,845 to 815,- ( 810, and that awful item of contingencies, 1 av picking: end stealing: for all and eundry 9 pggpoue, in increased from` 86,100 to 37,. l S. ` -vlllilllu . . - nu wu:nn.n .1 View to tlu: cxtcimivo agricul tuml and oral labour; of tin.- the sun has cumnmnceal tlw Lu of rising before 6 n.m., am! will so for uevcml numtlm to cumc. remain up a. little later in thc the same benevolent Jc.-sign. V his liabiilfis old Sol, and it is In... ....L __ ' .. ... V.-uwuul! DU U ! lie will also i the evening with f Vary regular in ! an pity that: he has not mum human imitators. 5 .. ...n..,m .~uw.~mui-;x'r.-'I`iw young ` dies of the city are introducing `a cnllctl Kins me quick, and ict me go." have frequent rchc.u'::uh4, at which f gum nuvur late. but I.huy_ arc im_t perfect in V ` their parts. They rumumlmr "X-Linn mu quick" well enough, but wuluwhut thuy forgo.-t_tumy mud let an gu. Anal the yuung men are no forgetful and occnuiou-wily no im.-rm that til-'y won : "prompt" the girl: :1 singlu thin; I I 1` _ [HEM---.'l'hia in by Our rapmtcr who my 1 Ililfffrc hi: nun. 1-.n...-:. .. A I .. . .. n , _. -nuuu.ut on go: (slung, i tn__;ctlu..-r with the pres.-int high rah: of tuxcu. Tho.-re an: Msvcral of uui- inure.-h:mtn whu Ilu uuzliiug but a liquor lpuainesn, and are quite illnlo Lu pay double the amount ufjiucuuc that the `grm.-er null liquor iucrchaut---as they ncll , twice the amount of liquor. It will Bu nhld 3 I why lo we take nut :1 license. Well air `the f reason in that if we don't. keep liquor We may l as well shut. up our shops, an the grocery hIai- 3 i uc.-on ulbm: will not Huppnrt any man ; and `I 'thvru are lot: of us who don : ncll cno'ugh~` liquor to pay this present liigh run: of liceiisu. ' 1!. 1!! u-': wuridcr that so many of KilIgtoll'P ; `V be t mm: haw: had to leave and March as liv- i in}; mun: where cl-0. A 1-, I l l 4 l I -___...__...._......_... A BU'n'm Famnuc.-V- I`hero nutter famim. in I-L.lI,._:n., A .. ll uul wpurlcr who L umrrntcu his own cxpcriuuuc J --Ea]. Nuv .. . ---um.-. nu: 1-5: I .LIIIIl\UlI 4l.l | l" I4Y4('/ l`Il'l" tiun, dues Mr (,`Iych- nn.-1.n,t m.sinu:st- nr other (iov.~rnm-Int ulli-rcrs :u' nut men I enuugh to vote which way We chmnac '1 1' It is no fault uf mine that politics are brought to hear in thew elections, and Mr (.'Iyde'u Ict- 5 tar tn the W/Aiy of _yuz4turl.a_y uutwithnt:nu1- 4 ing. I voted for the man I ounsitlsrcnl the `boat for Keen-, :unl curt.:inly In since his. -,.-.... uni: unuuuy uuuccwu on mmr prrpor+y| Did it even strike Mr Uly-lu. and uthcrn 0 his kiduey,t}1:tt it in a very mrmu, cnntt-Iuptimc piece of spite to whine over :1 Gavan-nmcnt of cer exercising his right by law to vute Mi municipal uloctioua? To .-my the. lamest, it is : uowanllyuct, for to .1 curtain extent they can he clmrgcal with ilhpunity with doing what it might be dillicull:-to aljspmvc, auul as a ruin the public are only too glad to lmlicvu f:xl.~w u-.-- I cuutionti . If I vnt.4:-I for Mr \':u|lu\'cu Hlv l4t(-,-I1-L'- { Dear Sir, -(luwernxnunb nivzialu huvr hard ' tinms of it Imw-:1--l2L_y::, If tlu-_y own prnporty Huey are tm_:ml llkv nth:-r people, and em-n tg ` their salary : hut heaten cnrxtlinlnton think the > have no right to c homu- the ma-n who nru spend the money collected their prorporty Did it eve. nu-Glx.-. M. l'l...I.. .....a ..n.....u .. We now some to two whic kn been swallowed by R: with: nary wry face. all In Oulqy thst Inn been ruined in pan lglillt the Journal of Kducation Book-nmnn I. I......` 1...-.. . I - (`rorr-spmulc-znq-4-.. TU\VNSHll' (DI-' KiV.\;F:.~'/l'(!.\' l')l.E(?'1`i , , . 7:_>.j: l o1>L'1..u: Am:.~snu2s'r.--'l`he hf fhn r-u air; :..A -1, ' ` THE DAILY NEWS--WEDVESDAY EVENING. MARCH 26. A Uuoclm .4'.\`u,1 rwlnvhi e Bellovillc Goml um-ccly procurable at any price. | as thirty estate were paid market, ply being equ:iJ/ to i mtg: , __._.-v. - uvsl ro, brou'g.l nt Ll: in FeIruar_yl:Lst. `ing, I` dnl whu hm: hnnnu l...:.._- -I ptnin on of m Illrzlnnn n.......... yr :-- Montr`cn'I offices at per 1' plus. -....I A " " nu. umuug no.1 In, nmmoncell l;uul:n|:lc p1.wticc '0 continue to du j month. 1.1. ......... u.., _ :.. - 7 4. __ _ ' I l.m.. `Au cxdlnngc my. , wn t'XtA:lml\'u mrripull u....l I. , .......-.-. .... '3-uv an uwrualou 63, fat inspection of thus an Amount . in not down no aguimt 84000 for 1:: the additional cost living to mac vimnul. than! a............. H - Iuf w(hVn cno'qgh* .119 license. or 1: iicqrch a clan ahawcd its animus to i hitufion vanltnnlm. t--- A V` ' l1:nv- ow-:1-a|2Ly::, ml like` ` the; L54, .1, -I c v I "-or M r \'.-m r (,'I\'da- nu.-n , ,,a _..- ......_., urn.` I mwr h-|\'4' n-at nzy tlmughl. 1! run- vaut.-' If the city to I-,-use- n the :III and nulmm licenses, but thv rshop Iiccllnea at Inch :- A-.`Lh.-nt the young Ix.-ginuur hm: . fair rhauco: to get along, no high '3] of Iuurulmutltwhu iquor M0 the iquur um.-rchaut---:u it liquor. It mm H.. i 1 F ,_ -...........u, Inn: at me ` `umncu :-mgcuts, 7 incu with that ay inspected the . :1` aurlreport her 3 beput repairing for r may be con-' i 1 . I I 9 I r craft. , l.l(_'I`;X.`s'I`}S. ) '. 01' THE DAILY NEWS. .-.0 .... ..g I I -- ,,,_. .,...... "nun. at :1-54.3: L-uly, the Pulim ..o .._. ,. v - right, l \'Vith agriculturzzl, huIL1cul- I ulmng ncllolr, f than Luul-.|.l.. ... . -A1 ..__... vv ..u my mwruu concerned. For Collegiate Institutes and High? School: the `nut is itwroaud 82,000 3`! :' fotinlnoction thine An .nnn....o ..t ..-..- .-,. E