Kingston News (1868), 3 Apr 1873, p. 2

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.. vcry nxgn-toned, uii npy at the font when by the oicisting clergy- | ruviuci.-Ll Umxncil of v: 1- .. -. . av:- S. Woons. I- Perkin: _ 11794-us A-I \JllII-I wt, wrecxea on the Anglous con 1859. men were drowned in tho mans, cast away on Blnckwat.-w ' due am. your. 46_l pay. thg `ugh-in. but-Ind _ , - ---..uv vvvnc WFBCKGQ Off coast. of Jutland in 1811, and two thousand lives lost. 446 lives were lost on the Royal Charter, wrecked the coat in werogroyvned Pu- -... um. uugisiature have voted for the survivors whatever sum may be needed. N ew York, April 2. --Tlxo morning papers comment at length on the loss of the Alt- tic, calling for 9. searching iiivsstigation to x the full responsibility, and showing hat it is the greatest naval disaster of th 1} half n....4....-- \" ,.-.. ...-u neen recovered. Messrs. Cunards have had 250 of the wrecked people provided with warm clothing and personal requisities and have arranged to forward them by the steamer Chase, hence to Portland, an eanly on Thursday morning as they can be got. 011'. The Local Legislature have mn.v he n-an-1-1' emu nave mm to be sent to the hospital. The Lady Head arrived this evening with seventy-seven passengers. She brings no important particulars further than the fore- going statement that about 100 bodies had been recovered. 250 neonle m-...,:.:-.a , ,...,r .. .....5v was uugulnlng to come ashore. It 13 a. general one, the larger portion of it being dry goods. The whole is estimated at $500,000. The scene of the wreck is a very dangerous place, and many wreck: have occurred near there. Mart ; Rock is ten miles east` by south of Sambro light, tho one which the Cup- tain lighted and took his direction from. All the passengers concur in saying that the officer: behaved nobly, especially Brady. The people hereare doinr their duty in regard to the distressed survivors. Sev- eral have had to be evening with a.-........L__ - V -- um.-uuu oy tne Episcopal Miinister the Rev. Mr Ancient who, when no boat could or no person_f would venture, swam o' with a line round ;his waist and reached the spot, giving the alrnost perished mauthe line by which he succeeded in getting safe on shore. Over twenty of the people walked from Prospect to the city during the ni ht, some of whom gave out and had to stop y the way. Every sutl'erer, of course, had his own story and thrilling incidents to tell, with which the lines are overburdened already. The Messrs. Cunards were very recently made agents of the White Star Line, and this was the first ship coming to them. Latest accounts state that the ship's cargo was beginning to is wgecks occurred near Hm-o .um-mun. unu me attyer part is buried in the water. `She struck twice on the ledge, and finally lceoled over and careened seaward. The waves dnsliing over the deck and sweeping off everything, smashing the beats and making general havoc. -The chief oicur who was the last left on the ship, was rescued by the Episcopal Miunister the who. when no hnnf. ..,...1,1 ,... ..- -.>uu|uul', mm 1-mnr.-lscn. The cabin pas- sengers saved D. Markwnlal, Brooklyn ; S. VV. Fick, Wilmington, N. C. ; J. Spencer Jones, New Ross; Sir Lewis .Levison, London ; W. G. Gaxtdncr, CmIJter-' lmry ; Charles Allan, London ; Hdury Herrd, b`witzerland ; Nichulns Brandt and Simon Cumacher, New York ; Adolph Juglu, New York; Daniel Kimmy, Spring- eld, Ohio ; James Brow, Manchester ; W. B. Richmond, Dctmit ; Dr. Cnppage, surgeon, and the t`!-It, thin1;lI.nd fourth uni- ners of the ship. The Cunnrds and others are niakimr nru-anu.........o. 5.. :......._..,a V-- -rv DIIUVODBII. cnntinuel n.....,.:. _ men or T_I_1J; ATLANfIci; :Purther Pa.11; of the $ad , `.Dl%f3.`St`?`f:_,.__. ` \ Ua'I.l"'U. 'l?hc sea was still I'0lI;.{lI, butthc \vi1}gl had gone down so that they could approzicll the lqcality without (lmugcr. The Carlatttfs p:nmengm'a, who got in curly yesterday umrning, my the I-1ght,~w:ms very dark, rainy ` zunl winuly. and they were very auxlmns. Hf tlnrcc lmmlrcd women and children the mnjnriiy were mvcptuut nf the uteurngu- s]x'iH,iI|u niml. Hm, vjmu.-I nu Hm ,.m...+ ..r I... . u nu Iuuru. 1 In: muims rccuvcreu Whl bu interred at l'l`mpm:i Village. They saw nuiliing of tho: Atlmitic. It, is nutiknuwu yet all iillt II.'|.|IIU.`4l-If the survivnrs. II, is dmibtful if any of the cabin passen- -__;.-rs are numn-,5 Himn. The disaster was so mun uvcr Lluzti hundreds cnuld know` no- thing nf the danger. \ unaz-in] hi Ol|1nM:ur:uu.- .....l 'lF:_l.: JJILIZHI U35 I 2 Halifax, N.S., 2m1.--AccoImts vm'y\con- 5 cerning the number lost and HIIVGIL Tho ' hmtent news conrm the stnteinunt tlmtmvur 700 went down with _the ship, or were uftmu waiiuls swept nil and dmwnml. I 'l`|m nun-um] :u'u now l'I!lII)l'h-`.41 tn bu nlmul. W}lr(lH 3\VUl)[a UH {UNI (ll.'UWlIHll. ` '|'hu rescued are now 1'+:pu1'tud to be about 5 gsuu mun and one child, principally German ' mnigr.-unts and the crew. As there was no 5 limo to szwe the ship ; papers or other clmzxlnnuntu the list of the lust cannot yet , he obtained. The ntezuncr Delta. has just arrived this p.m. wHh tho survivors from they wreck, I and :Il'I`:LlI}_{m|I:l|1:i are mzulo tu luhvo them w.-ll c:n'ctl fur. Sho rcpnrts that the Athmtic is llul. I-mhuu,:uu1 tllucurgu, which I is l:n', zuul vuluml-Iv, i.--. Lhurcfurc not adrift, with the cxceptinln of that ull dc-ck. I Huvpl-:nI \.'l'A:-AUIH u'iH| iviu-I :1 n:n-tun Imnu. |n;LJIn'|ly were mvcpn um, 01 the utccrngw -Iriftillg past the vhsnucl nu the crest of tho innncno w:|.\'cs, and (zurriccl sunw:u'd ` and amen nu mum. The luulir.-3 rccuvcredl wi.l bu illh-l'l`n11 n1 I :-nunn.-I \" In.-.. unulg In LIIU unnger. A special to the Marine and Fisherims Dc.-p:u'tIm,-nt, frum their agent, Mr H. W. .|ulm:itun, tiilicli llnlifnx, Zml April. 1873, s:1y.~s: -'|'hu third uiccr of the Atlrlntiu who swam amhuru reports that the captain and about 250 pmmcm;,rcru have been saved. 3~'o\'en hundred nml fty pcrinlwd. TlK3lI'8t niliucr and n lzuly arc in the rigging but can- not be gut OH . l..\-run ..'l`I... [|..h..'..........-.......... L. -1-,- I Wllll LHU UISCCIHJHII `II ':II J I ("'CK. Scveml \'c:-muls with diving: uppurtus have maivcd at. the wruck mul cmmncnccd op|:l`;l.- Linus fur the lUl|IU\'.'|.| nf l.huc|c:ul b0dicu'.'1ul n. %.{s'1I r'igZ; St. wrecked off the Lnd twn fjununn--I lll m Pu- wfg th? I Parties indebtodtol H ' aroraq ed to call and settle their account: before May. 011 50 May. naung taken Thomas Farrell into 1 ship, the business in the New Store 1 carried on under the nsma nf w.n.-...` ,_,___ v-A. 0 He also takes this opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous customer: for their atronage for the past nine years, and truete Ky strici attention to buningu to be oble to repay them all when he o no the New Store, as he intends to buy 1 y for cash, nad give his customers the beg of ten per cent on :11 grade: and qnsliries of Goods. H&'intAknn "I'lu-nn-- `I3----- ' ` ,__-- ..,..u--_v- .__. REVIOUS to his removal in Ma next to the Store late] occupied b R. Mc- Rae& Co.', a RED CTIUN 0 TEN PER CENT will be allowed (commencin on SATURDAY, the 5th inst.) on all urcues made previous to his removal, as e intends to open the New Store with an e tire New Stock of Fresh Imported Groceries, Wines and Liquors, which will be told ten per cent less than any house in. the city, as he intends to g Anchor 1 AT mm llALLlGAN S, Clearing Out `Sale G R O C E R I E S ! WINES -AND LIQUIJRS, . iv". Saturday Mornin III n :- wauauruily at Consisting of Platform Scales, Coee and Paint Mills, Carriage and Harness Trim- mings, Carriers Shaving Knives, Cutlery, CI-nets, &c., &c. ' 1 1.1 ttn-m.~...-_. -__ Hutchison_ s Auction Rdoms, BROCK STREET. pmu. Inc New York papers: with their usual ante rise, ordered the fullest reports, regardless o expense, and employed a. number of special reporters to go down from time to time to the wreck with artists to sketch the lucality and surroundings of the wreck yes- tcrday. The steamer Chase takes 150 to 200 of the saved to Portland thin n..-...;.... ._.1 -L Tn: Wssutnx KIVIVALS. -For nearly thrse weeks the annual reviva.L meetings in connection with the Wesleyan Methodists of this city hnvc ben held in Sydenlmm street C hm-ch. asch meeting drswing s larg atten- Tne Rev. G. R. Sanderson, Chairman of this district, who with ths Rev. Mr Csrson, conducts tho-revivals, writes to the Christian rOurdhu. The Loul is graciously pouring out his Spirit in this city. _Msny are found night- y at `he that of msrey anxiously enquiring A int Inuit I do to be saved?" not s few of `g. luvs slnsdy found Him, of `whom Hun in tho hr and thn as-m.|... Au __-. . xne steamer Chase takes Portland this morning, and the steamer Falmouth of the same line will take another contingent this afternoon. AUCTIIDN SALE IIARD_WARE .. ...uw uuu quulrlel 0` Hahing taken 1 hil). th lnllinmn in 55- IOIIII. A l.'ul"9 number of coins have been order- ed, and slot went down to Prospect this morn- ing. The ship and cargo were vduod in Eng- landfst $850,000. Sheis beginningto break upfrom the action of the waves stripping her of her irun plates, and the cargo is begin- ning to oat out in considerable quantities . Divers, under the direction of Captain Sheridan, an expu-ioneed hand, are ,on the spot well supplied with apparatus and us- sistence,, so that the largest portions will be saved though in a much damaged state. The weather is very mild, snd quite favor- ing these operations. A few of the disabled have gone to hos- pital. The New York papers, usualA_enterprise, fullaat ram. - VERY LATEST. ~ Halifax, April 3.-Them in nothing spe- cial from the (wreck this morning. Num- bers of citixonu are visiting the scene, and the Customs Department have some men on duty. Thu agents at New York of the White Star Lino have directed that every thing be done necessary to the colnfurt and the conveyance of the sur- ` vivoru 4w their destination. Mr. J. B. Morrow, of the Cunard line, has been in- defatigable in attending to all these mat- ters, and at the wreck Mr Murkwsld, of New York, will see to the cabin pauengers. Some of the steerago pauenger: and crew behaved very badly in trying to` obtaixr valuables from the dead bodiel. ` The cabin ranm-tn H-mt 4!... .......u:.__ o nurllcung mom to send their vessels at once to the scene of the Atlantic dinaawr for the purpose of saving anything belonging to the Atlantic that can be found. The Atlantic together with the cargo is valued at 000. The loss will be partly covcrod by nnrance. Ipeople in the Pacic, which disappeared in 1856, umll_438 on the City of Glnsow, which also disappeared in 1854. 300 ives were lost on the Arctic in the same year, on the coastzof Newfoundland. 220 persons were lost on the H uugarian. at! the some coast in 1866, and 225 lives were lost h the wreck of the Northoet in the English Channel last January. The Alentic was launched at Belfast. Ireland, in 187 ; was 420 feet long, 40 feet beam, and feet depth of hold, and registered 3;723 tons. She was constructed of iron, and had four masts and six watertight bulk- heads.` She was tted with eleven boilers and four cylinders on the compound principle. A certain magnicence marked the adornments and upholstery of the At-' lantic. The saloon and its appurtenances were very beautiful in their decoration and furnishings. - The saloon was 80 feet long, and extended entirely across for a width of 40 feet. The lounges and lime! seats were upholstered in crimson velvet ; the panels of the saloon were damasked white and pink, mid the pilasters, brackets and cornice: were of fnnlr ..:..|.-.i ..... uun warxlu ulsaswr. . I Despatches have been sent to the oieen of the wrecking Company at Halifax, `in- structing them to send their vessels of the At.lmu.i. /li......o.... c..- u... .,.-.. ............ -u -gyuuv,vv\J. The oico of the agency of the White Star Line is still` thronged with many women making anxious enquiries an account of relative: believed to be on the lust. steamship Atlantic. '.l'lu-rc is a. general feeling of sadness throughout the city at this fearful disaster. I Dn.m.o..l.... I....... L-..... _.,._; ; n 1-- y....., -uuu ulv puulusrl, DTBCIGLI and were of teak, nicked out with gold. The bed hangings, of the staterooms and sleeping lferthe, which were large and connnodinue, were of green rope and the appointments were in all rupects elegant and complete. The Atlantic arriv- ed in the port on her first outward voyage from Liverpool in June, 1871. She left on her first return voyage on July the lint, fol- lowing. This was her nineteenth trip. She wan valued at $500,000. Htar Linn :. .nn` u._..__-a Hunk! Ur.--Tho Orangomon of this city on oaid to be eononlting no to the proper eonne to odopt colworpiug the Oroige Billss Tho large majority tovour a mu: meeting and inviting Mr H. 8. Mc Donald to address them. Mr Rebinson is also willing to relate his ex- porienee in connection with the Bills. The Urnngernen of the Province look to _l_(i`ngoton to toko the initiative, so the brethren had bet- tor look ohu-p or thofwill be left behind. April 3. ' Buildings, Market Square. 'r\vo.- . . - DURING TIIIB HONTH, VERY uvil R _'l`l-an-.. : J. E. HUTCHISON. A Insulin...-- `IV 00 IIXGII d the Canon ..- uvvulo 1 - xe Store will he Ii, April Ml], : ock. - -..... nut- - uce:::nt:Te?:?e lat :____. Pu.uu:xI.-The new: of the defeat of M Huntintolfe non-condence motion by a ma- jority of 31 arrived here shout 4 o'clock yea- tetdny evening, and quickly spread over the city. The friend: of` the Premier were quite S I jubilant. and numerous telegralme were sent eongretulnting him upon the handsome ma- .J'orit!- ` L'CHISON. Auctioneer. ucnur Merino Shirtemid Drawers. Gents Lamb Wool Shirts and Drawers. (01138, Sllrtel 311 Pints, all sizes. (.mrd1gnn' ac eta, o Jnc eta, Son , Clouds, Senrfn, &c., lo. mg Also a large assortment of DRESS GOODS, in all the New M_sterinlI, in endless Variety. . "Ajull assortment of Lathes and Children's Trgmnnngl.- . In nu me new A full auort Hosiery. Newest St #11 Phs FY M_sterinlI, Va.1it'y.-'. ment Children's la: in Shawls ind Mantles. EW Styles in Dress and Maude MoNTnEAi{ "l`|ii'luIs|:,"] WINTER a. VA \J\J Uulll You can buy one- pound Fine Twmkay Tea worth 50 cents per 1b., at the Lulu A II an 1\,....-.-- _ -v sun vv uvlllal P8!` 10., I5 `I18 'r'Au GROCERY, ` Joseph Donnclly, 172 Princesa Street, Kingston. April 3. . A. B. MABPHERSUN & co. .in now comglete in every department. We have some 8 ECIAL BARGAINS in several I lines. An early call is solicited. CASES JUST TO HZAND, com] llhe NOVELTIES from the _ and American Marketa. Our vv---------s-was uvauvlll not law of when "of lines in the kw sun! the grophpts did writs." Tbs york is still in progress, with the promigc ol still gnstor results. SPRING STOCK SPRING, 1873. NEW spnlu-trmv nouns I.J Ladies 1 annfu M House, Sign and \Vindnw Shade Painntilng. Glazg, Paper Hnuging, &c., done in the best style and on the moat renaounlrlo tex-ms._ n-P.s.-I vould cal? spcial attention to some mngniceut GOLD l Al'El{ and I1l'$UORA'l'lONS. A....'I n um... WM. ROBINSON.) of English, Frcncln, Amcricangul-l (tnmulizm Mavnutnqturc, (ioltla, Vclvctu, l'luiu l u-rrlcr, Imitation of Marbles and \ Vrmlu, Htntucn, Window Slnules, _l)ecorzstioun co! every dc- ucription, will be geld at the clnuapent. rate, wholesale and retail, " AT WM. 1w|n,\*son"sI A M1ii}a1and Litiiy Entertainment * ILL be given in the CITY HALL on l'UESl)AY, the 15th April, in aid of St. John s Church, Storrington. Programme in a. few days. Th 0 Imul Lenten Service will be held at St Pull`: Church this evening, and at M. J amen Church to-marrow evening. The public are, 1 A:-ii 8. .1872. GRAND 'CONCER'l" win be given on THURSDAY EVI.-}NlN(;, nu. A...-ap, in`the UITY HALL, on behalf of tho ()rgn.u Fund of the Queen Street Wesleyan M ctllodiat Church. na- n-......._._- :_. - l.,-.. 1__,_ ESTERDAY, at Portsmouth, nCURLEI) Y RED SPANIEL. The uwmfr wiI|~ hear of tho dog by applying at this oice and paying expenses. Apt-11 3. ! `HE Annual Meeting_VoE the Kingntun Cricket Club will be held at the Mu- nn 1 u 1: o'clock. All :- Maw m'r'I'1;mv.~'-v 1E'ii'1E3zTE:I-i1t" ems. y `no Annual Meeting _o; the Kingntun at the M41- ehauicf Institute Cmnnnittec Iimmm an SATURDAY EVRNINI: A....:I .".aI. ..o u cnumcu mauwce Uomnuttee Rnmnn SATURDAY EVENING, April ml, at 8! R00./ll 1*./11'1.iI.'. -__--.. ....- ---an-5, sun an 3%. James public oordislly invited to attend. April 3, 1873. A Large Assortment of ` ADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR, J Paint Shop `and Room . Paper Depot, EAST END OF BAGOT STREI-l'l`.' -or-- ` rmsr cuss PRUNES For Que Dollar. quanavnvlbn. nvnu. L. B. Mapherson & Co s ' (31003. All Crickcters are invited to be present. E. J. B`AnKEI: | ENSl. Q...` l`_...... Kingston, April 3rd, I873. mun: IT I" in a few days. Apnl Plnuc Tones -Tho {cum} W * . ', _ k -uuump mum. men is. .pMl i:; in: en. burn: lift; and the crushing def. mot Ol|POIiti0||_ Plrty st Otuw. in thair .,.,,,_co h.` demo motwnnvou the public topic. of de `:3. put ovoumg. Th_o destruction of the Ann G Although road with avidity, un. not with the lane -pin-it an the p0liticgl We. The ban: of prominent Grit. 5,, in bi: tho day; but alter the teegption o( `ha MW in: Ottpwa at the unit of :5. you W : auofylndfI:ppIl-noo. _ ` com rising _ I{QVELTIES rit.isln JUST RECEIVED AT THE A ---._.__ T , Grand Concrt s Lamb Wool Underwear. Merino Shirtsaiid Shirt; An-I h--- T , I lkniioll it directedto our Stock I RAIN SILKS (REAL LYONS) i ` Pnlnnrn, \ ' sPE_(_J_1A L. 22 _;1.s. I LARGElAl:l:lVAL up Luke J. In-1y. cucxn C|.i73.-A meeting of the Cricket Club has been called for Saturday evening in the Hochanice Institute Committee Room when, we presume, it will undergo re-organi; ution, And take the initiatory) steps towards _ preparing for the summer : campaign. Thor ehould been inuential rally of the members. to phcethe club on 3 rm baeie,snd punuosuch teetice AI will preserve the well-earned repu- tIt`nn of the city for cricketing in put yesre. Found,` GOODS. nrnung rritish V0 51105 UK FIIU IT - 0 Wine! OI ;` taken over tlm `*':*"5~.. ..=_,._ my-ougn 150 me _ a.nd~I'naking ve `anon of the ullx nlhun-an Depamnem of 0ttun,- per 1:01! or 2,000 In-, Each piece or W nib, not exeoed .. be rmly bound at Horus. Oxnu. `WI Angle, I5 )8 fl! K1 pen-to E 200015;, ~ Emu: `, ,a..;...,...m `h Pouc: Conn-r, 'l`m7n.nuv.-(Before Mr bl!-sage, P.LI._-Moetyn ve. [`lienn.e Healey, lelling liquor without 3 license. For want of convicting evidence the cue was dismissed" George Smith, drunk, was discharged with a reprimand, which is not likely to be of much leoette the recipient. Mary Uorbury vs. - Joseph Fereu, I suit for balance of wages due the phintitf by defendant. `A After 201.}: of JIIl._ from Prince A-fthllilf` terminus of the `_ Angle, at the nu M Der ton of QJIXIIII. rue normern, urn Trunk Bsilwayl. Emignnta an ti that pachgel of II lbs. weight `mt can Portugal. Can be had at the Northern, Grad-V Trunk Hnilwnvn, Adults, :5 ; child age, half price; I trge. Extrs L Einigrinta, `IO ;"`'M' yearn, half price-; I free. Extra] I1`nnn-au.6- - /. ` After the MGI1 of June having through ticket: ` routo to Fort Garry, `inc rates :- pnce, as anonu the North Welt \I.'n.'uI - xree. nxunu Emigrant: Proviaiona will, how nl-hm. at Mhnhnul y a this ?1'Peo. The (ianallag I Tn: Fin Bnmmz. -` There we: a full < meeting of the tire brigade last evening, the | object of which mu, we uuderstanul, to select. I nunbr ofnctivc young men for a hose 4.-our l panyte be nttacheal to the stennor." In , one of their npprovahthe members therc- of wsatnnlsry of 8'20 each perhnuum. but the committee on tire, water and gas oul_'y wanttoglvo 812. There into be a general inlpection of the whole brigule in_a few days. | ( * Inventor,`-I turer, Bui mer_ and] should at once with 91.50 fan-0:03 `llacncc & Wu C31} and V I Boot and Shoe 3 'r1|unsnj ' New Boat: un nus continent. H` 37" The property ` :l_c-uiruuu of as from in viluuble, and it i that a moderate pay 8 per eclft on For terms, tc urmuar Kmdof . 7 The lguihling ` beat manner in Cornices, Truuu, manta are 5110! ` shop front in On . w. qmnmodating tho ` ricd on in 11,-; `. Printing Otlice, ` ~ f 'l'He Bookstore hu the Trade, and :5. arranged and built buudene and v-4 -- dnn, than who: ` .1 on this continent. ` `i * 1 nrmun-I... .1 Tn: horse: and lnght cutters croued quite safely today on the ice ; but the gnuialty of an April atmoupherc is do- g in; its dutructivo work ebctually. The ice is 1 honeycomb in wine places, and lgrittlu, but not very dsngcnuu when care is exercised: ' I5 I I - y W It has 36'feet . ` " fcgt in deth, ' feet) from rock . lent Cellar with four stories above is ' onliuarg kindof - uilaling r 111 |TartImI VA ninting bot 1 |'nin'u:rI &c., hu V an bcpaidto .. I rzintinuo the Mini `~ -nu uc puld I0 { cimtinuo I M arket Tilt -__ April 2. Caifaml {nut gnrl ll... 1 uuuun 'l'lU.lIITI` GARRY VIA PR ` * ATEST Vat moderate * N` E!~"l'l8`lAl!I(I.\'1. -- There is to be an| entertainment in aid of st. John : Church, ' - Harrington, on the link of April in the City Hall. See advrtisouent. K ingsmn, ANITOBA AND V 1; [ RITORIES. . Q .T"E'TV Grand I nun, W {Ivar-{ch 28th, W1 W112: ' Marc}:n;;l,I:luw?`n'a anonagjl: AKSPE :1, 2nd A Noll-Coll-'lnBsn'|-:. The agony in over. Mr "` Hilntiagton has Illuvual his resolution, and the (irito hove'hoen unuinlly lu-:Lten. \Vc hope "L they oro ntiaed. \Ve don't know what ex- 9-' uh OIIO they will nuke for being so bodly defeat- oil. If they were niiytliiiig lo.-as tlnm' CIT` f plllo-lninded people they wish to hn.\'e the 0 plihlic believe they .h\. we might |xnn;;iIn~ F that they i.a.i u..~... bril.-cal by the rorruphun M iolo, but we would not like to insult them h_\ J` loch on iminuntion. We ore leul to than re. Iloctiono by whot we hnvo ooen in the (:1-it i 1" popern. \V'o luve olmervod how it is stated N` that the announcement. seems to `have ll` struck olonn throughout the fministx-rinl |_ coup." \\'e are not told how the eunp wa- 9 otnmck," or for that ninttor where it w..l 8 pitched. Further we are told tlroh if the iu- A poor is true that "Mr Huntington,` in making , in him motion. will charge clircetly th.-t-$300,000,` I: won advanced by the American promoters of ' ` the Pacific Railway Company to Iuelulmrs of the Governmont for the purpose of corrupting ` E B the electors at the late general election, and 1 W i 1!! I l`i ; \\'I will ulocloro hi: holiel that the charge can he oultoined liefon: is Uonimittec, then we do not wonder at their consternation." What :i pity thooo ifo" are lu continually occurring to opoil Ill thew um stolicu. it all in. ii: were only true, we can easily imagine the con- lturlotiuu oi tho miniutori.--.listx4. At prenullt . we can only express our surprise at the i'erti|- ity of imagination Jvhich distinguishes ullr .. Grit oolttolnpororieo. It is now evident to us J thot there in no such "constern.ution" :u- in spoken of, and that, therefore, the cock lunl boll story about $300,000 having bcen|xidv.snc- oil by Amoricxns for the purpose of corrupting, tlwsloctoro at the late general election, must _bo ranked with thooeiothor -{ahulunu tutorial! 1 which daily no the light in the columns of the . L Globe--Inch, for inltalicc. an that canami } oboat Mr Potter and Sir John, which um 441* Protnior ottainod out so quickly .thc ulhe! day. We hope not to hour of any more-1 ` l}ov'ornmcnt defeats" for U0lllO_Vl.lIII(:, and - : thaw portion wund town who talked to glihly ' w_ on tn nnlzinu-Q will nun o`- .... .. l._ J ., ,..I.. . I (Ill _ltl'pI'il8 GPO IIIB .of. 183 ml for t e have i WEI PICS t-rnitl - `.1 d have 7-I --vvv '--vuvv vi-nail U15". WIJU LIIIRULI ICU slllll ' on the subject will, we fancy, he discreetly ` ulunt in future. 4 in `IN '1` EEAII b WUII ter wniti ` r uttere lied," word of on one si: 12 seems ppio I; t pram p:-`olmbl ` motion Ll Goorg laud. AL 9] % THUR.s1).H' I-.i'7l'I-.'.\'I.\'(.', -pe" he ye then it PP inatm Fr April terdny rmrpri edlmne `n to_li it App D.-nun. o the d` aomo on s , 1: AP tic`: cl siblo. Eh: glnily -`glut:-'. ..., .- ` from ..I_ AA " "fr" p when :11 preserve well-c:(:rned repl; I jjjw A I 1u'I I; F E app nrde *` Cad Ion! `-9&1 -. vvuuvu. um conumttce than withdrew, and the Cumniuionon, after deliberating. de- cided to increase the number " 100. The rst class to the second clan at $80. We presume that thou whoa licenses are included under the lntter caption will, by resolution cil, be refunded the balance of the_lionse fee. l Ih./mmrn z'.v.' Grulu/}m_:,-uf, -- Umlefcmled, , \ -rdict far plaiutilf34'.'7.3U, Mr Preston for . | plzmntitf 2 Mr VVillia.Ins fur '.\.-fcmlant. gj V J. 1;. b'tl.'l MIv0It CU. 110/1: rl III,-- ['|.alufund- t 7 ml. Verdict for plaiutilf .,~'2{35.-$0. ` Henry I. ulm'l.-sou 4' Sun rs. Ifobrrt -5'il.Im!lz,-- 5 Action on account. Verdict for nlaiuti - $l-l.`4.l'.Z. Mr Price for piainntilf; J. \ .`l)uug- I | luau, .-\t_torncy for defendant. 4 ,ll.....I.....o_' u.._.I. . nn... H -- [ i Tm: lnesss)`: Quusnox.--'l`he Police Com- missioners, Judge Burrowes, the Police Ma.- gistrate and the Mayor, met in conference with the committee on fire, water and gas, ep- Tpointed by the Council to consider the ques- tion of increasing the number of liquor licenses ` in excess of the number limited by the Com- missioners by them in February to 75, I. re- duction of one quarter on the number issued in former years. The members of the com- i mitts.-e from the Council, who were all in at- tendance, held a meeting first, at which, after the appointment of Alderman Drcnnan Chair, lman )n'o_ tent (he having at the timeof the a-p-ointment of the Standing Committees in January last, declined to set in that capacity) a report was prepared, and submitted to the Commissioners, as embodying and repre- senting the opinion of the Council. It recommended the increase of the licenses the same as that of last year, so long as the sppliesnt hail the necessary accommodation and produced security of an orderly and re specteble house ; that they commended this course in View of the Act which will have became law 1... -----A -- ' ' , 3.-..-. auu uql10l' _ itgre combined ; that there be three classes of licenses, ranging respectively 360. 880 and 890,- that the Commissioners give three months notice of the decrease before their next issue. The individual members ex- pressed their sentiments, which in substance were the same so those adduced st the session of Council. The committee withdrew. and H... 1 L- - wu.-u In new at the Ac become law by next lpring cannot be granted to A I than reapecti 390: tint Hm 4`-~--' uw ueIen(1.1.m:s. V '17: Qureu vs. Illary vKing/.--The prisoner was accused of stealing on the 20th April last, twenty lullnrx in money, one pair of drawers, one night dress, one pair of stockings, six yards of jean, three yards of red annel. one pair, oi;-scissors, a. quarter of a pound of wool- en yarn, four yards of factory cotton, one lnanrlkcrchief, live spools of thread and twenty yards of cambric, the property of William Hutton, of the township of Pittsburg. The case occupied three hours. A good deal of general sympathy was felt for the pr sonar who is a person of rather prepossessing Appearance. ' ` .-rpynn nnvc. The jury had not returned a. verdict up to `the time our report for tl_xi issue closed. appears;-.e. 'I"l . .. : .. ... ....-..... .. uwluulrissc. uecoru withdrawn. Du_[)'ct a! va_/ S1rl'e_I/ -An action of ej ment Ifrought to recover possession of n] tiun of the Manalmn" property, near Railway Depot. The case was settled betw the p:I.rtius. ' Fraser 0! al vs. 0 (7ormtm.-An action 5 lar to the last,aud disposed of in,the same I Mr G. M. Mncdonnell for plaintiffs, and J. 0'l{uiIfy, Q.C., for defendants in b canes. _ cums. ` Swalex rs. Swuh-.a.-This case was referred to zu-bitratiun. Judge Burroweu, J. A. Hen- derson, Esq., 1.2.0., and Edmund J. Senklef, 19:41., of Brockville, are the arbitrators. Mr V Britton forthe plainti , and Mr J. 0'Reilly, ().C., and Mussrs Kirkpatrick and Smytlxo for tho defentlmnts. '=_ l'I..a 11...... .._. 111...... v- m- mrrclumut Hunk us. A. WI:itr.-- Verdict fa SIDS. Mr Britten for plainti. Britton .(' Price mt. W. `J. Kerr and (`all-I ' Jli4 ler.~-Ven]ict for 31.556 I4`.-...-.. .'.- lVlI:-u rm: - ; urumrun -11:11 N ullrllmv r'.~`. I ` Action on promincry note. ` i fur plaintiff. Dr. Henderson f: I), Pollard, Attorney fore` I 4. .1 1.I..... .....I l..I... 1 I u , r.I mt I H. Dnath. ' H. li:ncm:m. J. Booth._ 17h.'m. Arnnxstru-lug. H. J. Dunlap. Ii. ilmm. H. \\ iI_umt. The appmnml uudcfcn.lml_ civil ,c:n-:.-:4 won- : dlspnscd of previous to tl_m mljuurmucnt of the I can rt. nu Tuosdny_. _ ~ n....._......_...I Ir:/1.-..... . .. . I. .. .-... .-- v clunsv nu` l.Ui)0. | Fraser ts. El11ott.--'l'his clamurrn 0 case `which occupied nearly the whole in , wan nished at 81! o'clock. After nblp zul reusos by counsel on both sides, and a clear and im- partial charge by the learned Judge, the jury, after fteen minutes deliberation, returned tn court with s verdict for the defendant. Mr B M. Biitton and Mr Maclmr fur the i plaintiff; Mr -James U'l{eilly, Q.(,'. for the le-" I fend:mI:. pmumn ; uuuu u-sun. Thr Trunt uml Luau Company 1:. Ca/[113.- An action yf ejectment._ Undcfeinded. Verdict for plaiutilf. Macdonnlul and Patton and J. l M. Machar nttornevs for'.. ... V..."-uu. macuonam and Patton ttomeys plaintiffs. ('m'rnu va; The-llerclumta Bank.-An actinn of delnurrage. Record withdrawn. Durfez aim .0/....I..... - -Ar - ac. MJMIN DEBS. School Board this evening. Bn_nd in Ontario I! Allin: ton/arrow ' Marluv News. i S'K!I`Ml'lI.DlIl-I. -Luwis Shicklunn has just completecl at St. Cutlnanrilnm, Ontario, nvjo tim- prupellcrs, which nro excellent. upccinucnu uf nm-nl nrchitccturc, ono of which is for (fnpt. E .\'eul.m. zuul the other for G rgiluun, Brown and ` others. They are 400 toul burthen ouch. U.upt.Jau|en Mu.\lmIch will cmnmmul mm M" l la! 0!... \'...-H._.... I`......J......o..s:.... ..l>-..-......,- these boats, and Capt. McDon:.ld. late of mm ; -- vv_-w, mu-. \'IUrU -uv-I-nu.-nu. nllvv vn uuv I of the .\'ort.hern 'l`r:nnpurL;Ltion steamcw. comummls the other. At, the same yard are two bark of full czuml site which have just` "mu-n -`olllplutwl, lnwh of which belrmg to Capt. 3 I I John Murray zunl Sun. * ' I ur u..... Sank. .l. W. Santa!-`.s'r. --'l`lire unw remains but little doulvt that the nlmvc \'cH:~'-'l during the iintcr was cut down by the ice, and with liur cargo has gone tu tlie lmttom. It will lu- remoml-ereil that at the clue of the an-:1.-mu I xilw. with other craft, was hcllluletl in by l.ln- , smlilcn clnsing in of ice ilrifts. anal all left at A\}lIllt` Sister. Lake Erie. She was since l'1`- l portocl mi` Roml Emu, hut nntliiug further has h`I9t`l| seen or board of her. \Vm-kmcu are busily employed zilmig` tho- wharv-as of this harbour in painting. repairing. rigging. and otherwise tting l .-Itcmllcis I}-rlliu opening uf u.v.\'ig.itiun, wliiuli lluc now l.ll(7l.!".'lIl, tn lm clnsu at liaml. The .v. ... . -_y ....u vcxlzwlxi and I av-nuiulu nu uuu uyuu I` in tluvqght In I l`iuI'n-1-untllmu been i Auuvvl nu. nu nu Mrn-Ium!' Bank 1 In . M. u...-...-.. : -1. :1. 1|-rum Ilml Jdllu rm1_:/11!!/Il'r. vverdict for . l'n.-atop. Attorney fur ; w'x'Ili.-uns fur do.-femlant. 1. -- x. .\_vL-rst { . Br(v'ph_\' , ('u{f The fulluuing arc the nnm in-nu-n composing. tlu.-`lirnml 1 thu-Vrcport of mu uuuing u | . v I 1/ A ll r ,_ _..._, ..u.....ucuueu will 57 1 Iprin g, i.e., that licenses nnted n ornnn-u ....A 1:, spring .\s.~'i1.-s. ._. REMIN thi a nu-us: - - 3 A. WI:ite.-- for ` ulmnti ._u~nn --my. \\'m. l.:m uucc Milos .\lcKim. \Vm. Slcth. S. \'\'.-nrtm;m. (' H, Unoth. I I.l....A l. -..... nnvcl-IBUI 3""Y Mid liquor I are be th... ..I....._. 'H|u|':.ul:;_y, April 3. H. ..v.. ._. I... ..p A ..,,. 1 HI. 1:. 1|. Cu:-`IUI//, tc. Verdict for SL243 '50:: for plniutitf; Mr ' for dc-fcmlrunt. Mn: 1/. S!e :'r/Mu'n us- "or $242.63. Mr D. r plaiutill`; Mr \\'. S. `by, ncnr the : between iixglle sumo ' Mr lfouli.-Inks: {II In-*3 ` eject- sesnion :1 nor. .....,.. 5...- ul Jury, omitted : of the c\furt.:-- , ...u-tvsn IN) ill nnnrnu-..`.l-L_' . W 1 sinr he among 1..." a nu ulhliuflll fur: u, anu M r both 1 um ex-'4`U!1 of Spain, was baptiied in Paris on the 12th inst. Queen Isabelle and Prince lnrge. The infant in very high-toned, and seemed very unhsppy Pm-kins" was said clergy- nun. and the Princess Isabelle de Bout n ece 01 the ex-Qxwen of Spain, baptized Pan : Alphonso, the sponsors, wore renmanml t... fV,____.L ti ' ` ______aa` IE-'I.S |'| SE 1.30 p.m. 29.69 37.0 SW, [8 Fair. 4.30 p.m. 29.76 34.2 SW 21 Cloudy 7.30 mm. 29.87 35.2} SW 15 Cloudy Range-max. 45 ; min 3TRamfdl 0.42 inches. The Barometer is read, corrected for tem- perature, and reduced to Sea Level. nu-v -. ..V,...... .......uaununn.--opuaz. uogs nave g0l|0 out of fashion and skye terriers have come in. --There was quite a commotion among the liquor dealers before the meeting of the Com- missioners this morning.-Thc ladies are all beginning to part their hair again, and. nd the old style very cliguiedaxid ladylilge. The poodle style ought to be banished complete- ly..--Sinec the clearance of, snow `from the sidewalks, afternoon promenzules hsiie become p0pulzn'.--April showers they say bring May owers. ' It is to be hoped so.-In elds the grass in sprouting rapidly.-Vegetation is on the spring.-Hunting for houses to rent is the prevailing amusement ; but it is somewhat dishcm-tening.-My dear- An expression used by man and wife at the commencement of s , quarrel.--Bsrgain-Is very ludicrous transac- tion, in which each party thinks he has cheat- ed the other.---Lawyer--A learned gentleman who rescues your estate from your enemy sud keeps it himself.-Grave-An ugly Hole in the ground which lovers and poets wish they were in but taking good care to keep out of. * Local Olscrv.1tious for 24 hours.cmliug at _ '7'.V30V8.I]l.__:A_pril 3_, Loc,u) SCR.\P.~x.~--'l`he scavengers were level- ling the snow on the sides of Princess street. -'l`wo Prescott ice-boats have been racing twelve miles in ten miuutcs.-People are emu- plainiug of wet cellars. The surface water has lrcen testing the weather proof qualities of house fnundatibns.-Spitz dogs have skve terrier-1: hnvn ........ :.. V nth:-r at" his popular rvh-::L : I`rnf\-.-wr K:u_Hll'm:m, I -ru::kviH.~_ ;;ivc.~' an-I ' s.-uls in the \'ict.a-rin 1 Hall of Llmt. town on 'l'uu.~ul:L_y evening, April 1 5`. '0 lmvv no tluuht the l rol'assnr will rc- cuivo tho hcztrty support of the people of V Bruckville, as he uh.-sc1'vc.1 to do, lmving labor- i ml hard to advance thc municul taste uf thu in- 1 Innlvitnlnts. 4 ,_____....;.._.-.._....._ ._-_________-___ \\'alking up Princess strout last evening our reporter saw :1 man perched on A. large pale in front of ;\Ir Luke Ex-ly's store, uufold_ iuga large banner on which w:u-1 inscribd L[untrue:l I>I..u..;. " L1,. ..._:r, I 1 - . b .. ....e., ........u. vu wmun w.'u-1 Inscrxbud Montreal House." He waited for a few minute.-I expecting a. catastroplne, and an inter- esting item for to--lays Nlsws. The man, however, got off the pole safely. The energy and perseverance of Mr Erly ovincus that he has a. large stock of goods for sale, `and intends to let the people know it. _ Mr \Vm. R,ol:in:snn`udvert.ises a large arrival of ncw`p:ittorns of Engliull, French, American anal Uzumdi.-in room paper, which will be fotiml well worth the nttontien of intending pur. chzuers. Mr Robinson also prnnxises to per- form house, sign, and window shzule painting, glazing and paper hanging in the best style, mul on the most reasonable terms. i ..........u.. tan`; 10:59 uulnv, nuruwriy occupied by Mr W. R. Mckae, where he intends to push the business (with the mid of a, Mr Fmtrell) vigorously. In the mu.-mtium the old stuck will be ilispused of at grezttly rciluc- e-1 prices Lu nuke way for the now. Now is tho time for bargains. ---.___=_------____-.-:-___--_-_-: The infant son of Mr Charles Allen I _ml tho_P:-incens (le Rn....|..... - |HI:LImn'rL'l..--'l`hu weather of ycutcralay uml tn-clay hats been chdiglntful, with one ux-- \:\:p1.iulI-' the discumfortu of wzuliug tlnrough Lhu slush on the cr0.~n4ingx-I, which in some plztccu is anklu deep. It would seem as if we ,w:.-re .-shurtly to bid goodbye to the snow and` ice, anal the displcasurorrof winter gun}.-r.'1|ly. The nleighiu-_gi'1 townwascmnp|c`ulydcslroyul hy the min nf \VL-clncsdny night.|u--l- .. I v..|.i..l.... |....-n I, ,. ., I .4 ..,.u - 2 - ` ,____ ..__........._.... A V.H`.lll.'|`Y`. ~'l'||cro was a variety of vuhi. 3 air: about the stroets today about an .q11:Ll ` number of sleigh! :md wuggonat. No man may I juulg his In.-ighlrour. V By the way, one of the ! Iincat oxelnplilicationn of patience is the.1|:ili- . ty to sit u:Lhnl_y till the luck seat of .1 sleigh | while it. ishcinu Icinurn-Iv Jr.-um. my...` .. ..........I -._, ...., . u. 71 \.-u-va\uI_y Ill Duh -`sum. wIII.'H- u.l vehicles have once more hp-an brought into universal rcqlliesitiuu. 'l'hc rohjua carolcd the a-ln-nt of up:-hig this morning wit_. cheer- tul vni u MA`l`RI.\l0NlAL~-_-Mr Edward Martin was yesterday united to Miss Linton, laughter of Jsuncs Linton, Esq. W'c wish the young couple much happiness and prosperity. N1-aw l'AR'l'.\'!-ZR:-llllf. ---Mr John llalligaln has secured the large store, formerly occupied by 51!` W R M.-Rm: \lI`h-rn hn .'..I>A...lA 4.. -.....I_ _ ........,.... \/\'IIIl\/II I : ` tlu-, l!um:u| Untluoliu Hislwps of the l'ro\inct- ; uf Q1101:-u: is to be lmhl can the Sun of May next in (`he Metropolitan: riL_y of Quebec. At that mm-Hug, the vcxcnl question M7 the Mun- trc-:I.| Uui\'cr:.ity, rccclltly :1 nubjucl. of uninten- g giun, will, it is said, he tlcuiulucl. \Vc have not_ I yet. Iu.`Il'uc(l that Mgr. 'l':L:n.-hurczun has re-turn-I ul from liumcnbut we Iuppusc he will be _b:u:k ; tn prulsicle at the (fuuncil. C-u'.\"n' 'I`vuus E. The Irish pmpuru rucciv- ' ml by the l:i.~at.I||r1i| imliu:.'1Lu that there in likc- ` l_y to he xv. lively mmtcsb in this culnntiuimncy. for the scat vnczmt by the death of Mr (Jurry. ` M. I`., tln: Hon. Henry Lnwry Corry. ll llcplmw of, late member, and Irrntller if the Earl of liclmurc, has zuldrcascul the elcctou. Mr J. W. Ellison Mncnrtlnoy, uf Clughcr, has fol- lowed suit,and it is said that Sir John Marcus ' Stewart. of I -:|.IIyg:uvluy, intcmls coming for- ward. All three gcintlcxucn are (,'ousrv.'itivcN. Thu Lcmdomlrrry .5'rnIim'/ Ii-pI` the idem r L of so many ullk-ring t.l|on|m.:lvc.~4 on " the Conservative side, and urgol the Olecturs to cumu-ntrnte their strength on Mr Curry. & runshu out any I11 I `llll VIIU l'4l`}I\ BUS` nile it is being leisurely drawn u aiz...-cl m:ul of stones mul mud. LocalW|V::nft-l-I:1;-l?`:1)_o1'Mt. _:.. . \\'mlnesd:Ly, April mu, th1a'llcv. w. M. shun, LL. ll, will lecture un the Hugue- " in tho A\IiL\'(1lliL5 H.111. Iicllcvillc. R THE DAILY NEWS ~-THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 3.`

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