|Tims. Ma-.\l l.I-2| .t cm! sru-:.\'nh Assortnxcnhnf 1-u:m.|:.- _ anal CA.\'!\'Hl) man at 42 l r1m-c-us Mr:-cl. lilmzuton. Kingxton, Nov. 28, I872 Haw man: I`! r.r.un- ll1\| ` M I Irlun win. new dusi rm-, suitable fur NE'\\' Y HAH`.\' VI! EH1`; TB. s. P. WHIT 1 NUTHER .`4Ul'I LY l A'l`Tl3'4UN'h' L Celebrated lit, worlsnumihip and price. we can't. IL ' Q 'ro1um/1;o rwun sro. 1 Kinpton, March 25th, 1973. NEW SPRING Just lteceivml (Late IL White), nlggintu, YOUNG MEN 0|" Hl{I'l;;'l' I -|l'l'.-\I.\'. An: TU fsrrr 1-um: I` . '()53"{,. NO'_|'_LCE M l'}|I(`IlA`.\"I` 'l'AI'IA blil 'l'U[3.-\CUUN I31`, Kin-,;utuII._ GU TU P'n'o"fmIuas.1 scunl-IL]. lilms. SC0l. pl'.Ll. |'.[lU.\`. l.l'3L'nl:s lIAl.\',~4 H|ll:II`|\".~ t'.\.\l-is ` F.\.\t`\ I Styh-n am! .\h.1alea. .uIu -VI'.Lv\n\II-ll.-\.Vl`l l'JA`.\'l . l".U`tlL'8 wanting an lmstruinc-n`., ur \si::hin-g to pm- scnt uueto a friend, will pleas}: c.1i| and c.\- muim: M. our Faictory on Core Street. Every Instrument w.1.rr:mtuI for live years. .\'.i':.-Hn.\'ing`_ t:1Ig:i;_~.--l .1 |virv.t-chum Tiuu-r {mm the city of Bo-etnn, fuimurly frum I-`mum.-. we will take lFit':|:~`.'.h' in .'il.L-titling tn :1 Tuning, l:n_:;l:;ting anal sjapping. that may in: -mlnirud in Hm city :1 4::-uulr_v. . 1` \lI.`I} I. [ILL )l.AlN and ORNAM ENTAI. l AlN l'lN(2, I l .1p:r Hzm vin f. Qilnzing. Uraining, &c., '|'r:unqmrent ulnar Fancy \Vimluw Shzulcu. .\'IIN-\\'IH'|'IN(} in all It)! lorasnclncx, and cm rrsuminnlrlc tcrnm ' ._,_,__-. Hr XVI`: would Iuoxt respectfully call the at- tn-ntinn of Um ynlulic to nur I-ealxtiful uullcctimunf l'arh-ur, Uulninct, Ucluate anal lic- xmlmnt, URUANS, also M l`I|.Ul)l'}U.\'f\', l\'l'I\\' zuul .\'|".L'Ul\'l)-HA.\'|) l'lA.\'I')h' l';urtiL-:4 w:u:linr_r an lmxh-mm-u. ...- u .... on ...... i Albion Ilolel, Wesl,poI'l.. (H10. J i1A(,`l.l-J. Proprietor. u=REsNTs: ( N and after SA'l`UllIh\\', `llst instant, :1 l':u4i4e!IgcI' and Mail Train will lCflV(' Halifax daily at 7.30 :\.m., and be due in St. Julm at 8.35 [.m. A l :wncIv,;t-r and Mail 'l'r.1in will nluu lc:u'c St. Julin cln.il_v at 8.00 :1. m., and be due in Halifax at 9.30 p.m 'l'r:uIm will cmnluct `I872. 'il|tl".l`AI'l'8llI( I873. /u. I :uI|.mc wun Irnum. mam! lrnm Sllcclmc, and Interns --.i w 41. cimuc. .r\t 'l`rnru with trains to and from l'ictr-u, mnl Interim-Ii.-:t.c fitatiu-Ilx. At Winulmr -hnwtinn will: the trnim of the \\'iml.-mr nml Aunapnliu liailwny. At. Sf. Jnhn with the l1u:uoli'alntml liurnpcnn and North American liniluny fur l$:ing_;ur, Hanville Junction. Mnntrc:I.l, Qm,-her, Purtlmul, l.tm| ; nlun with the Intr- nati-mnl Stcanu-rn to and fr--m l'.':ul|mrt. l nrt.Ia.ml and P-tmtml. I uwlu l'AlI\'l.'I I | ICIICFZII IIlN Railway Utco, Mom,-mu. N11, `Janna.-try ISM, 187: . Lu\sr3 (.'A.\_'ADl.\.\' 'l'\\`BlArs. {mun mm nAILw.| lf|\I AlN-S LEAVE K|.\'(:s'TON 'AnIA'u . _] Idn lmy `Ex Mixcul ' Night I |).'L\I E! nxgnt I |):\`y Ex Night I Imy tux Night I 5|ixm| ' ')l.AlN l .'unr llzumium mI.m:.... 4: h1_Il ..s"l`-(:l.A.s`s Ac-x,7o_31Lxov.a'1'1u>x fur _ ('o1nmrci.1l 'l'r:wollcrs. Gum! Hmnplc iumnn. &(:, `$3oo,ooo- City of Kin};-i ston Bonds. umllll, dc. ~;\I:u-`cl: Z '. HE Kingston and Pembroke linilw.-1_\' Company ulfer fur Sale at their nicc,~ \Velliugton Street, Kin stun, $300,000 of Cur- pomtion of the City of iugnton Uollsniiciiltml Us-upon Bomls,- in aimmntu to unit purclmiu urn at long and smart dues. Applications u. be made to ~ F, U (Ji.lNl'I, Hun _ l`...u....o-..- bu SI ; ma mmias. .KiII`;Mh)ll, cu. K. and I . H. H. (')l lic,-. Kinguton, Feb. 25th, 1872. lI=F`l:'..I:|' %S`E%EbSl AT HEATH & cumrs,1 .lll., IIINI DC IIIIU In II` o I-..:........ tumznzn & rmwsn suns`; imported direct from `reliable Growers-and` Scgxlunen in Europq and America. ` KINGSTON, f(`AN.\I)A). FRIDAY FMQNING. APRIL 4. 'l`OMATOE%-evcry variety of cntablishccl ` merit, togntlner with many new kimll. For rticnlan we Heath & Gum : De- -- .='='-'~ `c s 0 Ion mm and - "I `; '-31: A.-`4`1.i.. Lu their enltimf" CABBAGES. iity Bogk Store. i CAU LIFIDWERS. ` czmnv. Druggi.stsA and Seedsmen. U51` HBCEIVEI) AN I-I.`\"|'EN.\S|\ E and` complete Assortment of | Imln mr t Ex -as for Express fur ']'nrnnto and west t Express II Train for Toronto . . . . . . u go I u mwu : Ex wcss fur Mnntrcnl, I `....:.. 5.... to FOR HOTBEDS ll (.'0IIl'I('.CE - will: 1,r.-rim. to and from Sllcdinc, rm -..i.-. 4: rim... rrfn. Jwnlssuwa C0,, Prolaritetlvrxl. . IS 1372 ; [fCI||\'V'II-I ` Ir 1.. run: II Iillllll. l;E\\'lN ('AN\'J`3l I. 41.. . -........ ....ls run In` I an \ )uI.I., (lcm:ral Sllpcriuta-nah-ut N 1%,. u .1. I,Ir~I.|,-cozwa 51:-urly I": njapping. Ill nlll|ll`_V. 1% ..u... - u. .1. mm I-nun, Malnagipng Ilinrctul "SHJE & I ) _ `l.|J if 6.00 a l :|l\'lIHluS, .. II}... 5.. n u, Sec -'l`rc-zumrur. 1 U0. ful- I gum! -BU1l.DElI., OntaF'w_ Street, near the Water \Vor|u, Kingstn, Out. A lnr vi n.unl'tln!lIt of first-clans SKIFFS and BOA :4 .uf all sizes on hand, ready built, 14?` FOR i .'~'.\|.l4) nli l`U lllI{E. (v-II Ships Boats For : .`:Llc, Fancy Ucdur Skib kept on hand and for sale, such an I ubtuim,-d l'n'zcs with `at the I :-m'iuci.-Ll lJxhil)it.iuuu of Ontario and Quebec fur the past number of years. All orders punctually attended to; and 31` work leaving Kmgston to be paid for before `t'l\ ilI[,; the cnctnblislnmcnt. ; A kl: u1\lv I111"! I Frcrrt Impurlulitm Z mg a-I.1>(1"(}__1i(__a;1; i,;.;e`;t;;;. Kingston Bottling Depot] ' (.}INS.---Juln| Dc Kuypcr 5:. Son's, in wood Imtllc. _ 13)!` ID 'I`il ..p- I...` |U|'|`lll~I K HUI'l'l.Y of l attison u Lung jx zuul Ulwst. l'rutcc1.oru junt rcccivecl Ivy I`). H. PAIKKEIL, Chemist, Market Square. .l.'u|. 2, I873. {JLS N( )\V UN HAN D A LARGE STUCK uf mlpcrior um ALIZS AND POI'I EIl, in quarts ism] pipt_s, fmunrthe beat Brewers m the Do- ii ILKNIDIE. .-;J:uncs Hcnneuy I,. in wood or bottle ; J. &. F. l\1art.ell u, in wood nr IJUHJC : l iuct. Castillon `L Nu; in u/mu} "d'l;\'ll%-3.--SIIl`EIlIOR PORTS and SIIER It `IS. W H IS I 5'15. 4 ""41 l"z,unily l'rm>f, UM [UN I r-nf anal l,.'ulnnmn \V|niukeyn, the hen it. thus uit_y,nt. l{l`3l)U(}l'II) l llUES. UEU. TIIUM PSUN. l.`..I. r. r mm mm of .1. CARBUTBERS .t c0. has this day been dissolved by the re- tirement of Mr Cnrruthcrs. The business will be continued by Alex- zuulcr (hmu, .\'zunuu1 Harper, and William H.'u'cIuer Craig, under the name and style of .r\l.l$X'. GUNN & (JU., to whom all debts Inc to the late lirm are nyablc. JUH UAlll{U'I`HE1{S, Anal l'l'2S_.\'\' ll.l.l'.\ 1 l{AT|-1|) |'A| |'Zl{, I ) A l:.~m.\I`.~'. (=l~}I.I)I5l .A l`I'}l) SUG. I~}I) HA MS ANl) l'.AUu1\'. I `HE undersigned begs tn notif the Trade that he in mow prepartul to ti 1 orders for the celebrated nnnnru-..g-4 . cu . unit Iv I`r\r\1\:1 c-u-.-..-...... J UST ARRIVED. vvnvlll nv\.\| 171:1':<'.s FAMILY moor WHISKEY. ,8; vnooxr '- '~ mu-3 rum: Sl lRl'l'S, 50.00. ' L AL(.JUH()L. Feb. I0. )1'J'l`IIEL I.U])(iE meets cvery-'I`HU1LS- _ ) DAY EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock at their llnll corner nf Kin and Brock streets. GEORGE K 9M1 , Secretary. R. WHITE, .lWHOLESALE DRUGGIST ! | ' I 3 i \ r|1Hl: HEW!` VALUE CAN BIL` HAD, for 42.... .9. l'AI:l(llll.l. !~l, an mums 7 H11`; rn-.31` vAI.ur. UAR run nau, I0! _ ` Uxuclu, at l A|{KIlILl. S, in TEAS, ` (,`Ul"}"EI'}.`+ AN!) l.lQU0l{8. AI.u;2\A1V um: Kingston, 3lut I):-oemlmr, I872. A. Mcdorkell, )OA'I`-BUILDER, nenr ) `V830! \`Vox-ks. Kinm.ui n, (hut A Ian-mu MORTON S IHSTILLERY. nun Ann I'IlI'l'II, in ism] pints, from the 1;: miuiou. Also English Ales and Porters. or uonuc J. dz. 1*`. nlarteln, in wood nr ; iuct, Castillou J: Co s; in wood or Imttlc. SU1'I'}lLlUl . ULI) JAMAICA RU .\1. 3,]? 'I`0III GL\'.-I'ncr1mrd& Co's, in wood l'X` battle; licttu IL Co's, in wood or lmttlc. IM)L'L ILUM. IiugsI0n Oil Stmvzs, M arch I 7!. J 0/m Y`. Parlelzill, TEA ! TEA! NEW M.\(.\ZlS I-I I-`HI: KAIPINU. I./Ill OR '1'F'R, u--4 Filnmn H.'uh|iL:a rm: s/u.1: UI-`H:}Al .| Nqgpicri: rm nynmc. -A LEX ANDER G UNN. I Innulvulsnc I RH`) AISU sq-on llulton. m:1Nc1;s's s'r1: wr. "K. MvU()llKELL. m,-u: uvni. r.-1.. as. 1373. |A.1.1u\ngs & Capital - - 2 $600,000. MA.\'\Vl'}|.l. \V. .H"l`|`.ANf$l`}. AGENT. Uiue, Ulnrcmzc` .`.s'hI:ut, oppnnitn the Post ()|ll':'c_c. ...4.... "VAl. I,__, In-.. [Stirling House, Stirlingl County of llastings. HIST CLASS H() l`l'J.--cannot be ex- l celled by any House in the County. The House and Vurnitnnrc are new ; the Bar in at all times furniulncd with the best of Liquors ; the '|`al;lc lb sccmul tn mum in the County; gmul anal c(m|mmllm?. Slmlnlcs nml Slxcalu, with c:srcl'ul n.tl'.<:ul;uicc ; :1 guml (Juan uwrcial Room for travellers. Ulmrgcu modu- rate. A In Luv/`urn n.,,,, - . 'I`|lE urn` IMTIIS} IKE OPEN TU Till`) l'UI}I.I'J on Frinlzuys _ and Saturdays (ml ' {luring the winter season. Persons wishing {htlm any other day of the week can he n.ccmn|nu1n.ted by notifying_ the pr01n'ict0r in time. Sunday; (*xcuptmL 05` when A|w-nigh`; ('1-.-1: rm-tu 1-nn ho maa. _,,,. _-_._.- . -.._--. ".. ___._. -..:L \ W ['13,-`: ;::'i-'1i`~' ASSURANGE GUMPAN . J ust. Received, I % oY.s'r1ms! SELEGT & xxx 0YSTERS;| ORANGES, LEMUNS. Zl. number 29. um. \(`0al __0il ! Coal 0il! .Mnrch |:;,_I.1 H Alan 5. fresh supply nf Sl'II.'!`7.l`Ik \\'A'l'!'Z3; mu! M I NEH A I. 'I\'A'|'J`.'l ., 4 AT R. Towma Kix;gat:x1, 27th Jan. I373. - A Fch. 26, I873 |FRESH SEEDS.| A COMPLETE ASS()lK'l'M l:'N'l' OF VEl' QH()ICP) - \cAanEN & rwwzn SEEDS} THIS PAPER Ilbg FILE V Glyn`! nun -Vualluv. L':\.`5l'2 |'I.\'I:I.`lS|l S1 'n1`I'll '|`\\'l-IICIH (.'Al-J I `I I I"|`U.\' 'l`WJ'Il2l PS. CAl4I".'4 |".\.V('\' l.lHl|'l` |'|H.\"|`.. >`I'II'l("I'l-\' l5|{II\\'.\' llUI.l..\.\'U, cur.- [From England and France, comprising the bent varieties of J. CRII)IEORD, <';1'.Am:s, DA |'l~,'.s', Al l l,|C5. __I'Ul` cum` m1.:..~.' HY `um: r..u:nr;r.. King Street, Market Square. March 24th, 1873. ' ENDERS will be received by the under- signed until TUESDAY, 15th April next, for the complete erection of 3 SCHOOL HOUSE for School Section No. 13. ncnr nuumu nor acnool mcvwn no. 1:5, near Brewefl Mills, in the Township of Pitts- burgh. Plans and specications may be seen 31:, a lying to the undersigned. The lowest 1- not necessarily acce . CH 8. FORREST,- JOHN MILNV , MARK ROCHE. n.. I... Au|a\lu:ntl in D IAII .Nll IIOXI, IO!` I'vl|8 Olllllplf IITISCIIOD 0! I BUIIIIIJLA HOUSE Section No. 13, `II:-mun-,r l Mllll. in tlm 'l'nwnnhin uf Pitta. Cabbage, Cauliowers, Tomatoes, &c., UST ARIEIVEI) AND NOW F(`ll SALE at the , nd every other Heed suitable for llotbcds. (2 I..\Iv'lt`.w .mlf|:.\'.-\I. rm: IAIWII. Feb. 28, 1373. Notice to the Public. \\"A'l`EI`. \V}|l'l`E_.U|L 35 LR In-.r nlhm nf, ' MAISH LEIJL Or by npplying to P. MILNE. Pithbnrgh, March 11, 1873. FRUIT ANI) ()YN'l'El{. l)ll U'l', ,HEAl) (`)FFlUE, 'l'0RON'l`0. G. S. HOBART. Medical Hall, I57 l rinm-ss `tr:-ct`. 'I\lILl'u VV [Q14 an, at "THE DAY OF REST, K [NO STIKEFYI`. To. Builders. A. (J. S(Y()l"I`, |'roprictm' ; . Tm! Oiurian Ilw0lP0l.A`l'I0l Bu.i.s.- The action of the Ontario Ministry has or- cited great dissatisfaction all over the Pro- vince, :md muttering: of the coming storm are growing more distinct. We cull s low extracts from our exchanges. The Oshawa V imlicutor says : mi... .4... -.,,,;_'u,`*f 1.. ' V n - , vrwuvvtvvxlt nap - . The case stands thui, Attorney -General Mowat advised the Lugillaturo to put the Bills, and then turnaround and advised the Lieutnant-(lovemor not to sanction them. We should think that no one mor thenhis uld friumls will be aetonishorl than the Premier should coudoeend to clitreputahle a. trick. When he took otlicu we were told tlmtwe haul no mere politician but in states- man who would be guided by principle, but in this case he has resorted to an arti- 'ce which a ward politician might be - mod of. What the Orangomen may ' of this act we do not know, but we fancy hat the contempt with which they have be 1 treated will bear fruit." The Ot wa Times has a long and able article from hich we take an extract : nu ~ - - - -- 'l`he very consists in the Liv.-u wmmt Gove for the sanction of l`ho,Hon. Mr Mewnt especially llistingnishe |n'anch.< He voted both 1 in the House for both bills. believed they were right in; equitable in detail. Wherefore, he have advised the Lieutenant to reserve what he himself had up There can be but one explanation, an this that the Mowut Cabinet has atteml to play a. very shabby trick upon the minion Government for the purpose of de- taching the IriIh'Roman Catholic supplprt and tagging it on to the tail of the Clear Grif. fm-Mnnu, plus llnml in wnrtlnr than M!- uu... "no mean an: vnunuvu . in part of the traneactioe ini|try'e advising thu r to reserve these bills e Governor General. an eminent lawyer, in the Equity Committee and anu Egglllg IL (Ill [0 EHO PRU III Elle UIOQl' Grit f.'wLiun. l`he deed is worthy the ex- l'r<-mior of Ontario, Mr Blake, but we did think the Christian politician" would have been above such shalphinasu." ` an .u -1 . u `Irv. no 9 --run Iunrvvw uuuwnn -nu-v Even the Montreal 1Vimm, which geis- ernlly has A good word to may of anything grittish, in an article on the clan M the Onthrio Legislature nay: : LEVI`! ...... .....-".1 .._......bl..... 3.. ......-...-A:_... -1..-nu Java:-onuviapuv -uJ- . J`hc principal sensation in connection with the affair was the withholding of the menu from the.Orange Incorporation Bills for Eastern and Weutern Ontario, which was tutally unexpected, not a whisper of the intention of the Government to refer them to the Governor-General having rain- erl currency. Many feel disposed to b nine the Ministry for` their undecided position on this question, and the fact of their throwing the responsibility upon the Dem- ininn Government does seem rather in con- tramt with their bold stand for Provincial rights in the matter of the appointment of Queen's Counsel. The indi ation ef the Umngemen against Scott, w om they re- garal as the instigutor of the move, In in- tuluw." l`l... Il..II....ZII_. I..l_Ilf..-....- .. ..s ..'...s . ....I .. .. \.l " '"'|'. nvrrlm smrcll, man. ever; '51. -me c-I...a...c lot 0! cannn-`.4. Q? GVI1-Inn.-. LUINM`. 'l`lue l`-clleville I::.tclIjgc1wer of y'ulA-play has nlso n Lmg and interesting article which we regret we cannot liml ruom fur, but fr-ma which we take the following extracts :_ Four of the sworn advisers of the - (iuvernor vutml uteadily n. ainst the Bill, while the Premier, Oliver owzit, nrot nnly vutml for the Bill at every stages, but uptake in favor of it, declaring that it: go could do nu lmrm, and yet at the 4: one of the session. he advised His [Innnr the Guvcnmr not-to asscntto the Bill, but tn reunrve it furtlw sanction ur rejection of the Govci-nor-Genernl of Canada. I m. fa; ... . up an .. 2.1 | any \nvvvInAI/n \JUu\iIl vs van: The I1`ate(lv`gcm-,er charges Mr Mowafwith strunglillg the bill at tho instigation cit Archbiahnp Lynch. I I this be oorroc,'and we haye no reason to doubt it, Hr Mow would have been wise haul he remained 0/ A the Bench as his carter an Premier will/Bo` . likely toyoyno to an untimely en'd fol- ' ; ]I:'u`.'iHg is the c.xh'act : . '..rm.-; 1 11 ..._. ,.u.._ .I._ ::.._[.......I:_._ . l., .. ..... -........... V ""'."lmt Mr Ma-wat. after tho ii t reading 1 uf the Hill, suu;,rlit 'nn intervie with Arch- ; lrislxop Lylugll, in 'l`uronto, and/pledged him- :_ .~:.~,!f 10 airzmglo the Bill. in hayond question. ; (NET in. ux-nuuimn in such that it phwol this 1 (;`m.r-,;:-, l,u.-3'-ml the pos:+i,}{ility of a doubt. ; .`\..<,;s:;,v his {act in view, we ms the neader, v.'; cum: not what hiipolitical or religiouu views may be, wlr he think: of such xx pulltlclanl 1301 mg forth in tho Legisla- | tivo Auombly [with an oil tongue in {svour o`f the 'Bill, oiiwhilo at t 0 some moment pledged to angle it in some tiny orothor. That the man Cntholico tlnemulvu will look with contempt upon such conduct there is no doubt ; and that tho Protutontn, Conservatives or lufornerl will abhor Inch liypocriny, will be manifest whenever the opportunity presents itself to oxprou an opinion, we cannot but boliqyo." 1 'I`I.. I!..AI...T1I. /Int;-..,L. 1.0115 -3 blag nun-4 "1 ------- .., uv -..-....-- --.u -v..v_v-. 1 . I [In lJr,tI,ev7le Ontario, one of tho most subservient of the Grit papers, up : 6'Y`l.- (\.......... .`....-.. I ll... _..--.L.-- I- 6: -uvu- -1. any `nlnv Iuvyvo- now - : The Oran e pz-sis of the country is try- ing to work emselvu into 9. state of vio- lant fa:-mnnt aver thn refnlal a! tin Limit- lug U7 WOTK IIHUIBICIVGI I10 3 `FIFE UK VIC` lent ferment over the refusal of the Lieut- enant-Govemor ta uuction their Bills. They claim that the course he pursued was on the advice of the Government, which may or may not be the can." VI... .115... -1 AI... I`|..4.....'.. I........... .. .......o -1 v. ----J nvw nrv vunv v-vu The editor of the Ontario known 3 great deal better, than that the Liouunsnt-Gov emor might do as ghue with the Bills, irrespective of chzluinimy. He certainly could not (and if he could) would not do anything of the kind. ~ w- ..-.. ....-,. .1.-. n.- u......... n-n.."u... at r1}/"D31 E? 'i5:71}3r7f:T `Z372 uni vuu-5 vn vuv nnnlino . We are sure that the Roman Csthoiia of Kingston don't care 3 button-top for tho ` act one way or other, and for that math: neither did the Onagemon at the contact. But it in now a very difet-out msbur, and we shall be greatly Iurprizod indeed if ~u'-..<.... 11...; ch. n-....-'.--1.n- An-. t_ WI: Dual: DI: `Laura -unrnuavu up . Hears. Murat, Scott, Frur & 09., d;gn t regret befare many wogh pain the insult which they have out on the numbers of the Orange Auocintion. IALI-`S: nm:\' 0 rr ru o.\'.-. The following is a list of the cabin pu` ' angers an the Atlantic, obtained from the agents of the White Star Line :-N. Brandt, John Price, H . Kruger, S. W. Vick, Albert , Sumner, J. Hewitt, Spencer Jena, H. Wellington, W; Gardener, James Brown. H. Camach, J. llurckwsld H. Bench, B. Richlnondl, w. Men-it, iv. shut, H. sum, Charles Allen, ,A. `John Briudley, T. Levinaon, Mu. ndnon, Mn. Monill, Mn. Shut, Min Dsvideol, Min Rnndon, Min Brodie`, Mile Baker, Min Merritt, Mill Sheet and tge ui Role. ?*{% a*jn%f%i3%{L [PRICE '1jwo `CENTS. ' motign lost, but :_1_ dtvieion being called I6!` Dominion Parliament. Ottawa, April 2.--In the Bolueof W. yesterday afternoon, the great future. OI n` terelt wen M:-Huntington : want of oonildnllet . motion. " ., ` On 1:11 otien be at to the Home the 8po:k':r, than vlvnee ond cries of early? from the tion, and loct" from-the _ vernment I . - Q`! . The Speaker then proceeded to declare til V 411 IV`. uovernindnli benchtl. to tho linaster to the ante: ship At ' ` tho oout of Nova. Scotia, naked for ' information the Government M joct. He took advantage of t ` urge upon the Government the, further tectian to shipping by of mm-e ightheuuu on the count. Hon. Mr Mifnhnll I-mu! rim}. :1 or mgntneuueu the count. Hun. Mr Mitchell read what hzul received, and eonclnded by exp regret tint the foresight that inspired the A vemment in nkimz an nunrom-intinn M1 3!!` ::*:;:.::..":2;":.:.'::;'.:'.:',%,'..,,..' mm... Mg `ingalighhhip :1; the point plmut ` vemmenv 1n ulung a. ropristiam t 4 ingsli hhhjp he punt plant A ` wnere me auuter mu`! oocm-rad had but lowed so soon by so dreadful an ocean An interesting: discussion hm]: 131::-,1 -- ~-- -unulm.-Lur--. I _ | A "I"-"5"! lot of 'l'AI'.|.I-3 M`|'l.|-`.5. Urmlgul -1 1.zuu.\'.~4. Min A ve ne assortment at 'l`EAS AND _E;&DUMBLE.' interacting discussion` took pint S, n y : mnti n I r correspondence tl::i:neqI1alit;nf:be salaries of the i the name standing in the dierento` ' which continued until nix e olno House rose for recent. M. Mm. ..........a u.- .-......; amuse tor Mr Mills moved the Ieoond . tn compel member: of the .-my l rwi`nce where dual allowed. ta resign before for seats in the Domi after a lung Incas; . ' ' was allowed, Hon. r Tapper chang", ` intended moving certain amendmonh cumnlittua. / An, 51.. ;...AL-,.5:.... -4 -..._- ....2_-_. "` cmnmlnwc. / After that action ef sou: uni ~ ` lmninou, the: one adjourned shortly `- ten o'clock/. . _. .._.._.j_ 1'xaz/"Division on WEDNES1) l`he' Ottawa correspondent of tho Nil!` describes the scene on the diviiioli ntingtonfs motion of want of - n ui``ll)oiui|nionk(;`ovorument :- ings too I most unexpected afternoon, when instead of I wauc haul been looked for the ' tingtonu motion was (In diam vote without any iinpm-tance attached by _ genL~iuma.n b statuuuzotu will ute `. in.-xt [mlay s debate in the Senntq ` - Mm: uherxon resolutions come up. tota. cnllnpm: was never witnuudi igunmininu ruutc of the Grill Whp - umruing IIOBII jubilant over the ulrmxmu that were to be main. ' `Ll! misml rcvclntiqgn of Minintcridl his now turns out, had reference to 59 `rianu made to the Americana Allen month: llr:{rore"(:'$verI.met < charter tothe go in unii ' of which he happens to be onto!` " barn. The tam in 1 to: pot over, Ind the Mt: haw lounod House of Umnuwua in not 5 court ` for the upecial indictment of Sir H i '1` he question everybody naked his when the nuunberizivcrslsnnoonoai the Oppoaititm ptod u, course. It is evident they hit bid! ulimiing away from them. and M uaursc. II II evuwun tney mu mgr _ uli uping away them, sndthoy pa led to even 1} fatlrl utepin lll ` `, so rally their wsvori folldwoll. House had. been Jul], t 0 GOVOHIFKQ ` _ ity v /uulal have been exactly forty. " H ` ` the members were calledin tho ~ ` um munon thcright,o1',tho`- % some uenutiorn was obocrvnbla wild Cartwright and Omchon, the fin` rose from the 3;: disk : tho the MnnItnIl' ' ' ' to V agnj ` ` ornmsnt. '_Mr Stewart Cllupblu Chipman who not in tin from olther side, and`; uosgznduuat up W ; txeuovu-nmon,mi M . M of places with Menu Cauehon who can scarcely refuse it ham meet for Parliamentary - ~ npecu lrullnelulrypruyu-nan..." W la inconvenience about ` " condition of things. No.-ma: wmcsnsedbythopruenoointlu `-V ' leading Toronto nrnslist who I ` ta aunt in the orumtinn of the It`! nan-nlr Inuit `IA 1"] hi! 6` Inc`; IJQ ` ` DU 351% In `I19 IOHLIRFIDII III` ` meat, but he willlail uglh lib` this imu-nev. The ancitammn ` -Mwmm men, out no vnuuu umlu In! this journey. Thooncitanumt ` _ evening in intense, Hill who d tl theOppont4on gym! `I ` tI:girw:au|t vote on that undo ' as with weupponuon gpcnl ` - thgir laut - ' day. It is only hit to ma Ipnlliant statgmcnt on the ' much to do with the tampon of The bolt has shot and nobody In The fun in the Senate in an var eonuquenoa. mi .i`.I`.,.-wt in mm. nun aluvvn vvn-vvuiuvuvvvn nut huuoob'octinltIingCnqIIl';"" -doubt wil be nllopd -gdnuuu-. Q present than they an alert! to ` ` whole question to1ho nui- nminshon. Mtsnntimc it would` ly unfair $0 emhnn-nu the Englilll ` by allowing garbled nutenqmtl it til ` ` teteptto be sent home foftllblfw` straying our gust national project. A _,.. _-., 4. __ I; .\l.\\'A\'s 113.. .... 2..~..;.`. T and .\llv!l.0l||luS.~` . ch.- `or Anti-Biliou . - Adv. Pills which contain mtiliony, , ` co.loInol,Ih4mldbauvoilud,u painuwonldbothniroulynllllt. must. ndbeut nillian Pl' ti`: at -hndoecun-oclhndhannf" um: u.-\: ~ m.\.;.~_ '"' -.. vv ----.---J , cAI:IzI_A_1::%_An:2 swan} I runuc we mind that the pro- luzidanu the .|\Itl1l:.FlE.li'[)|:4'fml-i$'AM In In ' oi I | `o |"P"" V I '-In u.-hgxunhuuushangna. Cutout Work under VOLU .\H'`. X XII. -NO. I371 nos, 0rgax;_s:_r:_xnd Melodeons. ' |I.\l.l.`$ .\\ IIITH GREEN FIELD % lake.-H1-I havu nmv III L ENGLISH l'| I{Il3I|' ky` lit--.ul\v.-u.l, Chapc-ll. ha 50.. .M,.-n1i.m - culy all Iuliciml s`! the - -.-n-.n...... Chemist and Druggint, .\l.u Mccra & Bentley, Ilueh 2|. M1\-NB-F AB`-T-URE'l;-,' AD OP I I!l\'l'|.`\l.l u'rI-vi.-'r I(:......o M u cmr name mu-|;z~;. ...u... ..;._| 1-'......,-a:.....1. fully I0 _p1-r 1 t that Int 'yc-an u priccai. . : up ...I'.n rm-....... Sweet rauga-.~' 1 Sweet (Images 1 Sweet tbrangcs ' I(l'nl A-no ...... . 'C I \u`\-`I : Il|u l'\' SILKS -3 n Isl Ma _ ,,,,, , . --| C.\SI'I l2L.\I t'f)l.(Il7Il|`l |i n` HIIKH an urll `l'3l\'l-ID A1` 'l`IIE vvUlIlUv' I18 I YT\`uI\9, l!_l:Ab `oi? m:I.\'m-;~m srnzam, King: IRE damn with In-atria-nu nnul iron: vr:mu:.u:\'. mum. "S'l'|'1l.\'\\'.-\\"' fur uh: on ten- Alan a few |'ialInu 1. rent. n:.I....o cl.-.0 .m- um I: lnul nun.-ntw I.l.\'|-:l%l`nol. Iimxsnz. NO:l_CE. Ll)?! BIISILISI, l\llI m. with mmuwn Am dw- I :uI-:A M plum:-t, 'l'|l'L` -|..u n. uyu I npecml line. Iuvlvv IIIKH: Van-vu. \\' Iilill choice Articl9s_'_for the Toilet. .-\.\'h n.\'|-`u|{p; I l"|`I v.\` . '1 ITTI US . AND F`.-\N`\ Inrlu-.1 Squsrc. SIVNIIAY . OOIIIO l'x- I |'lA.\'H.s ' Prim-u-u L-In-apcr FAMILY |IEl&.-\l.|). THE DAILY NEWS. % GVUT `I EN nyf 3 1873*-Spring Fashions---1873 ' 1Gentlemen s 8- ring and] v ~ Summer ear | 5:-;.\'u1.|su, surrcu AND v.-\.\',\n1.\x| 'rwr:n-zns, 1 2-mm Aw FANCY wum. U().\'l`l!\'(:.\', I ::!..\1'K. BLUI-1 A.\'l) unmvx vr:~.\'|-2.] ` 'I`IA.\'s. ` `J: 1-:I.1'n:s's, st-ulxm uvn-:ucuATIN:.~s, \'.'I-`.~"|` m-` l-1N(:l.AND BROAl)Cl.U'I`lls, An. ` I ,.. .. ) " ' ' " ' " ` - ` . ` I- *1 0 1'0 .\'L'(|BEl.L li[lU." `"01! YUUIK ` \] _URUUEl{l ES. Satisfaction guaran- ! . mu`. ioav GOODS :1 El you: mull Goml '|`eas, ls` 3 sl i||`."|` `aule 187 3 manumz cnvmumm | MANILLA GHEROIJTS. i E 1 K - ~% } I 3IIAT VAlllI'2'|'\' J |..'. .; ,. . 1 At- 'li-nu'n |'l.`I|Ls'T PI t;;~.l". 12'4"" m us-L. .11 -. `I. - ' BAIB`BkU;|!:;I HIUI nl. .` .\||. ARI ml! smx: -- w` `M H. rut-d`l;1`*.."l.s:l1v_I.In,Iv .\n.\l>~. , 5 H; PARe Claeuintnml ln......;.e u .,L... ~;......... V I RUIN I A MANUl"AL"l`Ull|".D 'l`UIh\U- l`lI\` I | lb`, |A few more Ml'II'll{.S'Ul|A|.-'.`\I I;ll !'2.\' la-ft. -I.|.. I..- nu-xv vs: a I. Qunnu .l.....n.- .-!' alir mtu iuqu-rmtion of all tho tin-w and ulc- rimlnlc styles of the no.-awn in ...'~:`<-;ss:i,|. 1;`sm;-.:., - or. llrm-k and llnlario .s'trm-ts. tcnasw AND LUNG 313:3; I l , ! wise.` and cenct.-mm with '3.-Lk Lungs, they no invaluable. - None" should In.- Iitlwllt them. \ YUW UPI-ZN and I-only for inupertiun, `.\ rhnico selection of New Good: {or `VIII-I l'l..-' 3.. at ! I:'vm:\' umgu. ma CL Emv 5- '00.} Kin-,;nhm, Mm-1. 2:, I873. Kiugutmn, March l8t.Ia, I873. ` `HE umlcrui nod leave to inform his I friend: an the :1 lie in general that be u intends commencing msincnu on his own ac- ? aunt, in the Shambles, st8'l`A|,L N0. 3, on ,$A'I'Ul{l)AY, MARCH 29th, where he in- tends tn keep alwnyn on hand MEAT DI ` ALL KIN US, the host the market can sord ; and truth by strict Attention to busi- `neu to merit I fsvmlrsble than of public ' patronage. 3 . 1un-mcx cuuuc. Arriving E'ery Day I Patronage. 1 PATRICK . .N.B.--Mute:-n um`! owners of vessel: are r rec u are are ru- `porticulaly geltooltocsllbef p h mg elsewhere, and Ink the prices, and judge for themuclvcn. March 25. THOMAS MOORE, `rpm: PF.'-E-BLESS POTATO, the Prolic ! Putnhn \NInnrI'n nnlinnn, nml thn \ Importlalinwtw to Farmers. I u v unr. l'I`4l'4Ill4l`25I run zuu, use rrounc ' 1 Potntgn, Willisrd'I Seedlings, and the Mirnsx Potato. New Clover IIId,'I"unotIIy Sect]. ,s"P'|Ie and other vnrietiot of Oats. W "04 Vltiotiel of Seed Peas. %bIlhII1I PURE FIFE WHEAT. Inch as P'"`l " Pmttble tojho lunar la.It.nca.son', moan-ivest IIIYS 01" B.\l3l..-\ND,