W, .......m wn minute! or the taking of the vote on Mr Hunting- ton's` motion, And when he had shown that ho haul Immistakablo control of the House, that it was his intention to move for acommittee to bo appointed for 9. fu- ture day. Any other stateiuent is simply imaginary, and is due to chagrin on the part. of Mr Mackenzie and his followers at the utraiglit-fonv:m_l course pursued by Sir John, in connection with this nmtter . r IIE Al)V]R l`I.`$El{ has 1 small quantity of MQNEY 'l`() INVEST. If any one }{ishes tn anulrcsu him he can aav Z. l).u1.v _;_ ox xv-(min 'l'U INVEST. }my on},- `wishes anlrcsu say Z, DAILY Nnws oicc. Principals only need apply. Cf 17,)` (`ff in St. Georgc n Hall this pvuning for the sumo object. ('niouul Jarvis is expected to take the chair. '6 have no doubt there will be a crowded audience present. At St. James Uliurch the Rev. Mr Wilson preached in the morning, and the Rev. Mr Mulock in tho ovening. Much sympathy is felt for the Rev. Mr Kirkpatrick in his bereavement. The Rev. Professor Mmckerraas preached an elo- quont and impressive sermon in the ovning at St. `Andrew's Church. _ _ - us. I Z V ' I ` FRUIT ANITOYSTER DEPOT, April 7. Initialled Note Paper? and Envelopes TN `hnvlnu an.` -1- "` ..-. -..a.- \JL`I Superior Cherrgwlliskey, ad the Celebrated Chinnnwn n-4-I-L qA'l'(JHEL`3 AN 1) ' .-hm. _.____.._.___ Tint princ; of `gnu-Ion, thus Hamilton Tina, in just now. trying to sub 3 little upibl by ruining tho wind about the dotails Q! the oxponditure at Ottawa. on cob-him, md government advertisements in newspapers. Now in this not done with out a purpose. The Ontario "groai moral IIIOI" oxhibitod so-e v It in great Ii:;1')`=;cte'(i-;>.11-_`i_'110te_s*ci;3;:<-:-,2}; --v v.. { __ jju v WW [N noxlss 01-` -24 EACH. Price so cents, ' ' bl'Ll'I.\'l)ll) Ab'SQ|{'I`EN l' just reccivm} Fun CHEAP FA1u1LY}.and P(5CKE'I` BIBLES, `call at Henderson's. v UUY RAYMOIH), by the author of 1 Katie Johnston : Crnan " YOUNG LADY S JOURNAL for April, at Henderson's. . _ r-I ' " )Nl.Y 15 CENTS PER` NUMBER, cont:I.iuim_v 9 to 50 smm. um-.- )u1:s1s.; IN j____ ARPEIUS MAGAZI N E j:lendersou s.` YOUNG LADYS JOURNAL. _.__ _.._..-.... .........,. than in a rut gulf which will not is bridged, we hope, in Canada. Hr Hewitt nuy as well sound dumb on this matter, for neither ministry ! noroppouition will embark on his craftji We have now 3 household anlfrugo of 3 var law nnnliamti-n ..a'....A .....: ._- L_- up! nA1.v1u.\1), by t; | Cross. Leave orders VI{[CK OF THE .\'UR l`HFI.|<)E'l`. YOU AND 1 (}ALl.()l . :m|.Lu-; l)Al:LlN(.', ,|. Xv. nA.\./IIL4 cheap, lULV(i LAUX' ` J1:s1~;.; (;I:iEA 1` VAIUICI`-Y AT Hl5l\'I)El{SON`S B()()KSTORE. BOVV BELLS. EVERY MONTH. FAVOURITE. VVEDDING BELLS. AT HE.\`DERs`ON`S BOOKSTORE; AT, 1iENl)ERSON S BOOKSTORE. AT HEN DEl{SON SBOUKS1`0RE. AT H I`I.\' I)l'IRS(),\"b' I5()0KS'l'Ol{E. Leather Goods. -........., .-nun`, vu uue IusvJ\.'I't, says: I "The withdrawal by Mr lihhu of the i statement in relation `Co the appointment of 9 tlio roturning oflicer for South Renfrew Insdo by him in the Committee on Privilugx- s I and Elections, yesterday, and repeated Ly , `him in tho House in the face of positive | denial by Sir John Mncdonald and Sir ' Francis Hinclrs excites the strongest feeling. It is felt that such a statement ought not ` J dence, and that it should have been prompt- = I withdrawn when contmdicred by the gun- tlolnen affected by it. Yet in spite of such ountrndiction and of the explainitioiis 3lH~ tsining,` it, Mr Blake in most ollensivo ' _ and Mr Jones having receivvvl no satisfactnui-y _ explanation caused his arrest Linc west of London. In the course of his work he found it neces.-am-_y to discount :1 couple of notes at linnclon. For this pnrpo.-e he made two notes for $l}5vt):iiiil .h'00x=a4.li, and it is alleged forged the name of Mr John Jones, of this city, his lrrother-in-law on the baclr of them. l`he notes were not piud at maturity and on recei\'ing protest, Mr Jones: . at once wrote to the prisoner for an explana- .to have been made without positive evi- . - tion. Shortly afterwards the notes were both put in suit by the bank. lulr Waddell :ip- a |'a\.'ll'\.'(l. shortly afterwards to he in the city. " torins pledged himself to proof if the com- )lr Harper, Manager of the .`-lercl-ants" ; Bank, of London, testified that he knew the I prisoner; that he discounted two notes, one mitteo was granted. To-day he admits that he hsd no evidence to sustain his position, ' to create want of condence alike in the-:o`is sad stands by.his own confession in the position of having otfonsively made a charge without any foundation. connection with the proceedin Huntington's charges, it is hel the utter recklessness of the loaders in their personal asssul I grave 3 Taken in gs on Mrj d to prove Opposition to upon the ` Government. The effect is to strength the b Ministers in the House and the country, and the } dens honesty and wet of the Opposition lea among their own friends". 9 lhsnoon Sun-rs.ii:2.-A Western Re- form paper had `I few words the other day on whst it is pleased to call Sir John's Bogus ! Eloction Bills. This sounds queer frouij snchs quarlor. The Refrain press lllt\'e' been roundly asserting that the Election | Bill was 1 pure Reform measure, its main plsnhs were stolen from the 0p. position. If Bogus then, it must be so be- cause it was adopted from these purists I which is a hard cu_t.ia.t them. But the psper goes further, and shows its real senti- ments by quoting with approbation the views of s certain John Hewitt in the Work- snos. Now Mr Hewitt is entitled to credit in any ways, but on election matters he is ` imply sn enthusiast, sud when he talks 1 st manhood sursge, he is simply raving. The thing is sbsurd in this country. ` Mun- hood sursge and the ballot sre whst this advanced reformer wants, and he calls ing of the hind. V He may have very strong foolings onthe billet question, but ho is Olllysrocont convert oven to that. But bstwoon the ballot and manhood suffrage s wnnt mu: .`i.:..|. _:n \Vaddell s upon L`. W . Cooper, of Toronto. and that - ,` `e latud 23rd of May, I871, and the other filst of "May, ISLI, with his (tho Ilaxiagci-'s) zip- provsl. John Jones was ondorser upon both. He had known W's4.l-lell some months previous to this. having transacted other business put the Bank. One of the notes was secured. _v a mortgage ; the other has been pnid by Robert Weddell, another endorse-r. The un- paid note was cbl-lateraI security for .1 draft of The draft was unpaid at maturity. It was originally for 8600, but was renewed for $700. The Banlg hind another note made by"prisouer and endorsed by Jones. The Bank sued all the parties, but still held the draft and one ` note. The third note for $850 was pruducgd in court. )1: Jones, who prosecuted irrespec- tive of the Crown, pronounced his signature to the notes and other documents held by Wsddell as s forgery. Ho hsd never written them himself, nor had he ever authorizud any other person to do so His name appended to a po7er of attorney, purporting to have been given by him to Jones, was also s forgery, and he alleged that ho hsd never a furnished Waddell with blank notes for killing 1 in with such amounts s.s the prisoner desired. ; The case occupied the entire day, owing to the gisat-_number of witnessss examined on both sides. At 5 o'clock Mr Boulton ..a.1.:.s...d"n.. ` jury with great earnestness on behalf of the .1 prisoner. He was followed by Mr J. 0`Rei1ly in his usual forcible and eloquent style, suc- ceeded by the Judge in a. very explicit 1 ch. The jury then retired, and after a s on deliberation, presented a verdict of ty," with a recommendation to mercy. prisoner was sentenced to six months in the common g5ol.-A very lenient sentence mitigstod no doubt by Mr Jones having peti- tioned tho Judge in his favour. M.ondnv_ An.-n -1 For Mechanics. Musicalliijou-,_ V I: l\I .V\',rnn nun -.---.__, _R00m Paper. LARGE SUPPLY OF FOR APRIL. New Music. I:NISHCALTRA. VERY: FINE, La1V'1'b` FER NUMBER, each :9 to 50 Songs, Hymns, or - 3. 35 Numbers now ready. J UHN HENDERSON, Princess Street. ' _.mu:< HE1\'DEIiSUl\', Pu-(um... Q6...... , I-.--- -vvvuu in_govcnnnont OdV0l'ti|omouu_ Fun]; ' hand tint. tho Miniuor of Emignu... M QOICIS Othwn mm. Damn .1_,,,- . AT H EN m:11sON's. TI . AV ELL! NG BAGS, an ulL1m`U.\ , Princess Street. , --d , fawn. Whilkies, 3 Old Rye. fur Apl, at CAULIFLOWER, LEFORMAND, `Paris, &:. Cabb in Lettuce ,and` R.z:fi:h kinds, and a general as `Fm. nah: 1-... great, variety, Tomajgo, of the {nest approved sortment of Fine Sgeda, '11! of which may be relied on. signs rng:HnI Bu-103.? NEW SUN UMBRELLAS, it-Iclucling a. num., her, with the Patent Belt Attw-:hIneut. The NEW WALKING STICK l Al{AS()l.S -vnrious materials. The NEW FRENCH m'`.l;r and Novelties in Ladies Scarf: Jullarn, Sleeves, Sac. ' 1 A `1...._- In I ,,, __, -v.....-., uuucvcn, at A large Maxxufactlin-cm l%:mlu1uf. $.L.\l)l ES A N I) G ENTS" UM I -I1: ivhh-In null I... ....I.l -1 - . -7 IFresl1 Garden JSeed`sLJ , The Gi-ow_h_ of 1372. ` I . V ,__ __... vunw nnuuliaf CK gout st Ottun. some 33,000 1 van: in -A..-..:_,, Cnll and get a sample (if our E qcfore you buy it. ` Kunmuh... A...:In in-A He also takes this tlpportunity of returning thanks ,to his numerous customers for their patronage for the past nine years, and trusts by strict attention to business to be nbleto repay them all when he 0 us the N ew Store, as he intends to buy large y for cash, and give his customers the benet of ten per cent on all grades and qualies of Goods . H:m{m.+;.1..... rm......_- n_,,, ,1. - . .... ynuuo uuu quzsurlel ol uoous. Having tziken Thomas Farrell into partner- ship, the business in the New Store will be -carried on under the name of Halligan 8; Cu. - Parties iudebtedto J. Halligan are request ed to call and settle their accounts before 151: May, . 25 Cent Tea. ` REVIOUS to his removal in May next ti ! P the Store lately occupied by W. Ii. Mc- Hae 8; 00., a,REl)UU'l`IUN OJ!` TEN PER CENT will \ be allowed (commencing on SATURDAY, the 5th inst.) on all In-chases made previous to his removal, as e intends to open the New Store with an entire New Stock of Fresh Imported Groceries, Wines and Liquors, which will be sold ten per cent less than any house in the city, as he intends to Anchor Buildings, Market-Square e11 for Cash and Cash Only. thnrmtghly acquainted with Canmlian Farm- in m)era.tiom:. Alla] l'.A!I!`Ll|`n nf 1.:-u.-Hnnllu in- .,..-uuuy,m_y ucquzullwu Winn Uanmlmn Farm- ing operations, and capable of practically in- -structing Emigrants Sc-ttlcrn. Apply byletter to , LIEUT.-COL. DAVID SHAW`, ' 7 Kingston. April 7. - w..u.vuuw wuu uuu JJU1. UUVVUDTI. XL1m-TUBE on gnu above subject will be A delivered by Van. Archdeacon McLean, I). l_)., in St. George s Hall, on Mayday Even- ing next. the 7th inst, at 7:30 o'clock. ' Admission free. Uullectimi in aid of the P-uilding Fund of St. J0lm z4 College, Munituba. \ April 4. Glearing_ Qut Sale G R 0 c E R I E s 1 WINES AND uuuons, j H JOJIN 1|,m.m`ws,`| wrlw: mum. Mm`; 3531 LUMPLEHIGH GOAL FOR SALE j In lots to suit purchasers Apply at the Kingsljon Foundry. \ ` 'hA\`lhQn\? n. v.1.n.`~ Mgmgif-bba and the No1'thw-e;t:.| I I311 >Vl\x.1 Admwission 2.1 cents. connncuce at 8. Ant! A nu ..u..,.... .- IHGHMIIND & BDYDEN, ] ``13E1,Iq_A'i5iii ':RoUND. I all an o. W.;;'rAr'F.sr:Iu;T. H. HYDE, Pmsaflenc. GK. I!` J`). IlUMl lll{_I'}Y+, Stage Manager. April 7. ` . ..H ....b-.; uuuIuliM:ull'(:l'H l'o:llII(l1l|)|1 Stock of >.L.\l)l AND -ERLLAH, which WI he sold at :1 ycry low price. .-_-v your All I-IIVCIWIU Ulldoriocgutbhstlr April 4,_ 1873. Amateur l`lu3atn'icaIs, TE l`E-DU-FONT BA RRACK S. Tuesday & Weedncsda Evenings. April 8th and uh. Under the patronage of Colnm.-I French and the Oicarn of Hm (:9.--.`:...... the 1 I 1...-.. Jun uuy I6. Kingston, April 3, 1373. M.ai`c'|\ 12. `1AULlFLOWER, LETVORMAND, J &c.. Cabhmm in or-ant vagina. l` New Silk Capes, New Cashmere Capes, New White Cloth Capes, New Silk Jackets, ' I To conclude with the Sorio-Comic Drama untitled .:--- _.__ _ [1011 MANITOBA or other Provinces` of the Dominion, a. number of _. _._.,.j ._._,.j -_._ ._ ,__ __;.| BACKING Dows.--Mr Blake was very ` I = hold s few evenings since in charging the . Government with permitting Mr 0'Reilly ' to nominate his own Returning Oicer for 3 South Renfrew. lt was of no use for the Premier and Sir Francis Hincke to state in ` the most positive and emphatic manner that I the statement could not possibly be true, inasmuch as Mr Quenlly had been sppoInt- ed st s period long anterior to Mr ()'l{c.-illy having been thoughtof for that constituency. Ho (Mr Blslre) knew better, and if he could only get in committee he would prove the truth of the statements. In fsct, he ulhsd ; the proof in his pocket. wen, so am... 7 took him at his word and promised that he ; should have s committee when the House I: i not on Friday afternoon this was wlmt l hsppened. Mr Blake, before the orders 5 of the day were called, clsinied the privilege H of the House to mske s brief explanation I ` with reference to the statement he mania I the previous day regarding the appointment 1 1 of the Retuniing Oilicer for the South i g Bsnfrew election. He found that the } l evidence he possessed might possibly point t to the sppointmcut by tho Govornuu-nt uf 3 3 s Returning Oicor other than for South f Reufrew, consequently he withdrew his : chsrge." Just so, haul Mr Bloke taken the j trouble to look into the matter "carefully int he would ligve found that there was no I c grounds for such as cluxrge. It in to b . ' Isnnnal that I... will I... ......-:..I L 1 it I f C WANTED PRINCESS STREET; 310. 1 PIG IRON, tlust Eggived, < (Late Macnec`& Waddell) DURING THIS MONTH, patronage ox Uolmu.-I Fran : Oiuori of the Czu-riamn. DAVIDSON & m1:AN, Kingston 1*`-rundry. r 25 CENT TIEA Stock of [CR LLAH .nvunu- uu ruin: it cuurge. II In I hoped that he will be careful how , mu-ght in such utra.I1l:I.cti0ll again. Ottawa correspondent of the Mn: Gazette, writing, on this subject, says : Thu Iithnlrn-nl ha .\.I.- lzI..l... ..; ,' Cocoanuts 1...; L- ` Are now`nnanufactnl"iE tiouery. ThoT ` ,5 at the lowest II _ be obtained. / Ash 1 7 opunflvi auici;:to:nI;bd:r apply. ' Kingston/April 4, j I _L to :1 Private SCIIO01; _ reccivg a thorough , W` with other studies. )7! ' oice up to 20th April, '39`. be: ...m. "and fl I * !For the million. I ,.nr,......a :. l(:.. """ .. `:1 ,`3.f..!.f ..'.".::.'.`. n. no Ir uulcl 5.111., I0!-Fl :u.-counts and dcmzuully Uuuury. IS lnenjelvy givenfthat ll of Audit for the Cl will be hehl at the bol?" ' of Kingston, ' ' rL_1rr-I 1': ;_ m Alum; for the ;0n Wednesda nnvt Corner Brock` ,,__--.. ...-u nary qll govunnnnt and `in an n:..:-._.. -- n 0rd or prom 'ly attan V Jnost V` n xgureu W llul tions, &.c., &c. G 'n' , P ` ` mu. ....."'# &c.. &c. - THOMAS j(IN(':S'l`ON PAINT PAPER M ` JUST. R; At Thomas . 1; SPLENDID Asson H) PATTERNS rm V rican and Ca.nId:ilII ` n:i.rt nf Htnmnna llglw rn_:an uua uansmln 5 part of Stamped, Golilw ` ` Q ` Embossed and Plain ' Vi` Borders of the heat J ` 4 Figured Window sud % Iv , tion-5. &c. llouse & Sign " HONDA) IL`Vla`.\'l.\'G, APRIL 7. 6 I5 ! Hnuse,PS_igh and W` (Hazing, ape; Iiugng best style and on the `. yrs I>f. wouiid stmm magnificent GOD |)A`Il}()liA'Fl(JNS. ` 73 April 3, 1873. _.. - -- -- ._..--_.__1..J...[ of I-Iugliy French, . Msmuhwturc, Uoltb, Imitation of Msrblu Window Shafles, I . -ription, wil be tvghuleuale and ret:.a'.i,H H WM. ROBi Prngramme in 3 {cf `m-mugn mlstaln to .1 future day. April 4. iFn tlzlc ?::'YQ' ALL, .. Ill`! 0 e Church. H? ska` 1. `l-,- pr"g.mmm6~i`_ _ ..____._-_ _z3:Taitg }i{m9. NEW PM?! . we 2|(lVcf]%` if A3 Sale was to uh (thrnngll mistake), n ` to day. a3A i.sb n.1 `TR. ' Paint Shop} Paer EAST `END olni W )ARTlES desirolu N Scllad maivn :1 than-nun! Inmiil i5EE".`B --v-nvuuu. IJUCI V9.0 Scott npont non-ly r the munon. o'ered in K ___...._.; L 6anrectioV*~* iy order. A I UV wgae me 1.: By order. .1 uuucr. M ALEX. S. KIRK?` 9 . F if To-day o vn naively ruudation. proceedings Mr I, held brave - ..r..-no-v IVIAI wnuacu Illa ul FUEL. ' .`-Ion.-h:1nts' 3` n`nt:.-I, f dated May, I i ll- I....l L.._.._._ In. 3 1,1. - I ! I I Publi ,` Q[)Ml:il 4, I873. }It{o. ho ilk The ` nntroul i! I e for th `:;;| Ev] PM We learn that the Government is about to appoint three Queen s Counsel for British Columbia, and it is said that the gentlemen [ selected for the distinction will be the Hon. J. F. Mccreight, late Attorney-General`; Hon. Geo. Anthony Wulkem, the present Attorney- Geperel ; and the Hon. Alex. Roche Robert- son, late Provincial Secrets:-y'of the Province` ' Mr McCre"ght in an Engliuh lawyer, the two other gentlemen are members of the Cenedien Bar, Mr Welkem being a brother of the Mean Walkcm, of this city. _ j I l [:3%-,J If the union ....... I .3 . Mil.-hrll cw. E'cclr.u.-)lr Britton for plaiu- I tilf; J. U Rci|ly,Q.U., and Messrs Kirkpatrick ! 8. R0 er: for defendant. 3. 'rdnrr vs. Nfcholn, rt ul.fB. M. Britton, for plzuntig N. L. Morden, of Napauee, for detendnnt. _ 4. Clark: on. Pope.-An action for slander. Maura Gildersleeve IL Walkem for plaintiff ; ] J. O Reilly, Q.C., for defendant. 5. Ilulden vs. Cataraqui Brizlyc C .'--Mr Britton for plaintiff; J. O'|{eilly, Q.U., and 3 Jones Agnew for defendant. ' . Th. nan:-6 ......- _- -7 ` V` ` I`! ihly but r 10 u 199* envv Th: coin I'D n:;1oon, and the Judge pro- ceeds by the afternouu train to Ottawa. ......-. uun.Iu U.\.--Ill` rearnaide for GI-sci Egeftii, in now makiu menu for a tour of the Province by She plays in Hamilton next week. I wont nine years age, and remained therein till his death, about two years ago, and that the plnintiif was one of two only surviving heirs of the deceased, the other being the said Michael Kinsella. Mr E. H. Smythe, for the defence, contended that the plaintiff had not established in good title, inasmuch as nine years possession was insuicieut, but his Lordship held that when A plaintiff claims un- der s person who died seieed there is 3 pre- sumption that such person died seisedji-n fee, unless some paper title be shown in rebuttal. A verdict was accordingly iven for laiuti. Mr J. O Reilly, Q.C., for p iuti" ; essrs J. Mclntyru and E. H. Smythe for defendant. This was the last case tried, and the follow- ing cases were nude remsuets : 1 1 IJ......-n- .- ml, A . -... ...-uo was mine rennsueu i 1. llarpelleua. The Agrirultmvtl Inn. Co.- ` Mr Mclntyre for plninti; J. (Ylicilly, Q.U., ' for defendant. v I -. ! tilf ; 'rlAPr on NJ.-1...]. .1 ..7 D 1: u. Monasy, April 7. Davern ea. Green.--This was an action of ejectment brought to recover possession of a house and piece of land, situated in the town- ship of Pittsburh, and known as Kinsells s tavern stand, t odp perty of the late Edward Kinselln, decease . The plaintiff claimed title so one of the heirs of the deceased. and under a deed from Michael Kiuella, convey- in to her his interest in the property. The dellendsut claimed title under a deed from one John Devlin. who claimed by possession. It was proved an the rt of. the plaintiff that Edward Kinselle entered into possession about mno veers gen, mu! m....:.....: u.-..-:_ nu- ! nawara Iunuua had pt nine and th I death. about twp van!-I can '- , _, _ __. ....-... .,_, .....u-.-s. 1 m: pnnx sued all ; ' still `V I i irrespec- ijive , I so furnished 3 occupied great-_11umbei' the- 0`Rei1ly a. ?ity," he to months lenient E _ ` ... ...-. ........ uuu.-us, uuasucn uuuurzluc, JUHII - I L`. King, Robert Mid-lletvu, Jouph Shcrbiuh 3 , and Juhu Spoouer ware nnlcred to stand mlidc ` g ; Uu motion of the pri-som:r; Cuunuel all the l V witxnusses woro excluded from the trial, till , cnllccl upon except A few professional I ~ and other wit.L.moa. Mr Scnkler opened ' l the cane. Ha cx lained the facts as I i " llelicitai, sf'_`tlw trial in the olice court. I < " ' Mr Wsl:.lell was the contractor for the onus I I _ut.ruct|on of part of tho Xlumiuiou Telegraph his; 'jwork :1; E ` I he -$1,351) and -$800 -wml: l n...I .3 a- ..n,...,..1 :.. If .!;|_ , .x. 1. I ..- .......\. uvvir uwuc nu -3-J-rv JXMI -3UU Htli, i is . {bane} them. The I _ ftiun. bnth ipuh in -Mr 5 ` in having sntisfactui-y f caused arrest. \I.. ll..._..- Il-- ' " `I E I I 9 ` Hun-n land sale, and that it cost 86-10 to gm 1 .- I divert attention, and it does no. 1 I `lnattmount in sdvertiaing his oelobratod I - tenders for coal for the Government House, ` whilotho amount of the tenders did not ranch _ that sum. The fact is thenmrioaccounts on Unis head are In glariugly absurd that tho murler fools it must kick up a. dust to It finds fsult with the item of cab hits in the Do pu-tigiont. Well, perhaps the item lull be large, but tho little thunderer must ro- , E member the Ottawa miniltry have not bod- ? rooms furninhod in the Parliament Build f my, and canoe conch dmnask" lounges - ' E and it in plonant to ride oven at the pub- `I lie expenu. i _ .._.- An`uovv wt uuenuzu court rose at noon, .....a. 1... .u_- _..,, . __j_ GRACE Ecm:m'oN.-Mr 1 .... r;_.-- l. ' ->v-5-u um: gnmmrunyy morning at. H I u clnck, Mossru. ()'R.oiIl_v, Q.U., and senklcr f l nppc-trod for the Crown, nml Maura. Boultun, 3 Q.C., and Snouk's for the defence. The pri- ' lsoner challenged F. R. Chown. Phillip Froo- I lman, Robert Gage, Francis Good, William; l llonuuif \Yilliam Jucklun, James Keely, J. . Lucy, Alexander Morrow, James .\lCnf- jgggy, James Raycraft and George Rnnoun, Maura. Benjamin Arkwright and` John Ar` Etlxur were clmlleugod by the Uruwn, mid: ` .\lcsnrii. John Boning, (.'h.1rlcu Coulimuc, John '9 l l` Kinny IlAI..u-O \H.I.lI..o.... l-.._. 1. L-I, _L: i ~..-.-... ......~...-.. I ` - _ Saturday, April 5; . ' W 91"?" W. Wtulclell (1-_'orgery,) -'l'hisI Hrial hogan This (SM.I|rd.1y) morning at II E iufclnck. Mmuru n'n..;n.. n 1' .....x u-..I.I-..i sprig ilssize; u-;_.._I,, vlr Fearnaide, the agent making arrsnge-_ by this lady. woe]; rvvul. . Mominy, Ap;-i1 ll am. an ....A..`___ , ,_ /_;_--_._ SQt'1u.~i.-lf you want :1 hearty laugh, rc.-ul the corruxpumlcucc of Jinuiol llrigg.-1, D. B. , in the JIui[.-- Now is the tim_c to send in your spring mlrertisements to the DAILY NEWS.` lf you are getting new goods let the people know , it. AM: you guiug to hear Archdeacon Mc- [ L-zan, at St. George : Hall this evening. He lectures on .\la.nitoba..-Uarpets bought by the iyard are worn out by the fcot.---I{emomber the School Board and Council meetings of this evening, and the (hm-rison Theatricals to-mor- rowaud \V(.luG3tl1\.y evenings.--Tho Pierre- pout hiul steam up to-day. She will not at- tempt a trip for some time yet, however. } -Tho ice is still rm, not enough for horses, a but sullicicntly strong for comparatively easy passages by the ice boa.ts.- \Ve have gone through :2. succession of weather changes since Sa.turd:Ly.-lt was very foggy last night and the air is damp and unpleasant to-day.-The assizes closed to-day.--The scavnngers are cleaning that portion the streets occupied as wood market No. 2 to-day. The whole city will need a scraping as soon as the snow dis- appears.---'l`he lire brigaile was not inspected to-day on account of the disagreeable weather. -'I`ho hose company : washed and polished their apparatus on Saturday evening. Ai\1.\ l'ECH TIIEATRICALS. - The Dramatic Association of the Garrison Artillery produce an attractive prgramme for Tuesday and feduesday evcxu'ngs--t,wo sen-in-comic drama: entitled " Time tries all," and Delicate Ground." Those who attended their last en- tertuiximcnt will not hesitate in patronizing` the performance again. I ,1...---j__j __ f Scuoox. BoARD.-T1:e School Board special meeting for the transaction of ` bunt bu sinosa, in the Library. __ _ New Lm.-oMo'rIv1-:.--'l`ho Canadian Engine and Machinery Company tested locomotive and tender No. 8 for the Intercolonial Rail- road to-day. _,., ..........\. .....r.uu.. --in pursuing such a l course as may he deeiuml expedient to insure the success of their strike, the sailors should be very cautious to do nothing which in ille- gul. What cannot be clone by fair means can- not be accomplished by foul means. This morning several m-nrincrs knocked`-off " work to acquiesce to the requests of the Union. No intimidation has been used so far to our knowledge. Directly an Attempt i mmle at compulsion, the authorities will in terfere, and the joll be worsted. " y mariners may expect to l v , . _..... .. `um ;.., AUIINIFAI -- (oemrc, Bl! ltrangn-, l ..\I.) -I.c-Wis llcrtram and EJw:ml' | Mrxnucry, both Frcvxcll U.1n:u.1.ns, wore ned ` 3'. ur 15 days each for clrunkeuness. Mostyn I vs. .\lary Reagan, and Mostyn vs. Mrs Kelly, i selling liquor without license. Dismissed. g Mr Reed, wzua summoned for allmving a vici- E 0.1}: log to run loose. It attack-ul pedestrimm ' a.-nl in mm iuslzmcc pulled it lmrsorug out of Dr. Evanu sleigh, and then, when the driver 1 aliglltcd ta rccuvur his 1-rnpcrty, utt:u:l'.ed the" horse, wlncln running away clamaged the cut- ter. The undo wa.sdi.s-miusecl. ;\lr Reed pru- nuissi-lg to secure the canine and coxnpensate k the ct-mpl:15nant fur all dmnagus. ___________, r We` hupe tn see a large meting at St. Guorge's Hall to hear Archdeacon .\IcLean'9 lucture un Manitoba this evening. A collec- tion will be taken up in aid of St. John's Col- lege, Mnnituba. ! .-... ..., \..,.....u -u vwimx 01 rue VGSSC-I In '1`.A'El1;?ln'illl:|iti :1.u<'0(ie to the tc_ruIs of tho '.'niz-n. The proceedings were conducted vcry mlurly an-I narmuuiuusly, the speeches being somewhat characteristic, but containing noth- I i ing to invite the sailors to commit infractions u. the Ian`. ---~- - _A.; J. .u.um or TR4\m;.r-'l`he quarterly meeting :1" the lluurd of 'l`rmle.- postponed from last x-seek, will be; held at tho Council Chamber to- morrow evening. A full attendance is re- quested. ,-._-....... .._ .. vvvv -nubv an uuu ounonvvl ---cu... -\'un-nr1LmNu.--A. L. Smith & C0,. of Al gonna. have nearly completed 3 line steam ; lmrgc of about 450 m lumber capacity, also a tow barge, n consort for the former, which will carry 300 m foot lumber. Both tlu-so vessels are of strong lnlilcl, and will be ready I I for lmuim.-as lu-fora navigation is nprllctl. l An Uuwcgo rm lm.-n also n vessel progressing 5 toward completion, which in to hoof full canal lvoizc and similar to tho schooner J. S. Noyes, ' built at the same yard. Mr Cash, of Algonac, [is also building a barge of 400 In lumber i capacity. l ll..l........ n u...::.....1 -: ur-ir.. l..I....-.l `L-.. 3.|NL|`.|li\` L1uvs.'--April the Iii-st, the tinw allowed (as per civic proclmmition) for the ulc-Qusing of the city of all offal and impuritio at \',l:aton.-r description, has cxpirodmnd many plnps, reported by the police innpoctors,'uI heiug in need of `such, are yet uutotwlmd. l'wo pcxzwmi wcru summonccl this morning bo- fnru the l olicu .\la.gi.stra.t.i.- Ion tliil Iccnunt, I Inn} nrnrn nun-nu'...`l a `nu: .1-..... I... y ..-... ....v . .r..\,-. .-.-.b...u-an. 'v_u gun: -uuuuup, but were purluittc-:1: few clays longer to com- , ply with the law. 1 4 .,..r...._,. K ` Mr mac n. Rzulfonl. of Wolfe Island, has purchased the sloop l')|iz:\.but.h, which he is liming out for Gr.-ding on Lake Ontario. I 1'1... ..,.|.-........ I.'........ :. ..,...-;....... .. ....... - uvulus vuv nu uu-an-5 vu I The uchouncr Faun in rccoivilw a nmv . I ! m.LiI|:n.\.I`.. mul `aumlry other rupmru at Gzurdcn I Island ...... u. nus; vvcun. Rr.m.'u.1`. --'l`ho barge Sominblc, which was built at Point l'eninsul:\, Lake Ontario, in 1817. and for many yearsa brig-rigged craft on the lakes, though htterly a barge, has heon rebuilt at Algolnaq the pact winter, and will continue as :1 tow barge in the lumber trade. Till 0x'nuo.Smu|n..--At lest the Crown Journal" ef the Pure Reform, hm Illlonlced the resignation of Mr Speaker Currie. We believe" says the Journal decennial, "the eule reason for Mr C_urrie liking thin etep wan the impreeeion thnt he eelhl more eectuelly serve the Govern- ment and his party, if relieved {min the re- ltrliltl the peeitiuu ef Speeker imposed Ilpoll him." Oh, indeed ! you believe so ! 3 Are they much in went of help then l We thought that u Geveruinent uuifonuly eupperted by three fuertlu of the Houu" would not want any more he.p, but it up peere we were mistaken. The relation: o` Kr Currie with the Govexunent have been, `In! an: nennb nu.-Ji..I " T\ -l -' " Do I\'o1`HIs(; ILLEGAL. -Ix m..._.. ..... ._. L- 1 1 .3 Murine News. Irv. ON TIE Mm`)-:.-~'l`he strong easterly wiucln of Saturday drove considerable quanti- ties of ice out of l.:i.k:- St. Clair, which during the (lay psfasul there mm,-l1 brokun up and weakened. It is probablu almther cort will he Indeto reach the St. Clair River by the first of the week. nu. . .- .,_._, ..: ..., - intimidntion be w were employed ` , \....`~.-,\... . hit they be i THE DAILY NEWS-MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 7. _, ...,.....xu..uu \Il|IIbiLUl\!. ax"-.;e aLteml:u|cx-. of" sailors. mu-lc lengthy spccche, '-Vn.ln:L'.4 and their means v.- .~cntuneI.|ta f thum- msdc.-rstuu-_l, if was unani- \ . -,. lum:uul $2 })('I diam ; that exercised, I-utv. who-rc par- a: lower gures than tha : imluccd to quit work un- r owner of the vessel in .-mh. +.. H... .......,, I -- The u.hurwisL- uncu- port held :3 nncctilig on 1 . .`.lurph_y'.- HLI.luull, duh Hwy discussed the cunsizlcrcd cquimblc. . , I`fnI|1":nx-.a no" .. hold I. l-no.-....L.'.-.. -J 1A- ,. _._. -.-- ...v--an-evuo Iutvu VICKI, and at cordial." Doubtleu, me Globe uy no, and do we not know that nei- ther the law lamented George Washington, I net tho Globe; could tell 5 lie. But as we. ` once mid, Geordie in awfu economic 0' the mm-II . -In pursuing such a. nwnaian In I- :...... .... `impor- Mr ..- -. -......... ....-.5; men were wrm.en)n the. books according their works." A sketch was drawn of a. criminal tried M: the tribunal of an earthly judge, the evidence produced, the jury retiringto consider their verdict, the audience waiting with hushed breath, the criminal on the rack, with intense anxiety. At last the jury enter and pronounce the word guilty and the judge sentences the prisoner to death. Acomparison was then drawn between this and the last grand aesize, when the dead, small end` great, shall 5 stand before God. and when the sentence shall be either of eternal life or death, accortling to the position occupied on the right or left hand of the Judge upon that dreadfulltlay. A gra- phic appeal was made to all present to lead a Communion, though these were all good in their way, but according to their works. The reverend gentleman concluded a. moat eloquent and inipressive orrnon by 3 PP-1 for libgml contributions in nid of the chur. in Manitoba, _and adding that would '. . .-<--- " Tm: CnURcmt.--Archdeacon McLean, 0; Manitoba, preached in St. George's Catlmlra` yesterlay in the morning, anal at St. Paul's Church in the evening; at the latter church there was 2: large congregation, the service . was renal by the Rev. '1`; Bousclcl, aftar which tho Venerable Ax-clnle.1.con took his text. from Revelations, 20th cnp. l'2th verso, And I. saw the lead small and great stnncl before Goal ; and the books were-. opened, and another lmok was opened and the (lead were judged out of those things which were written. in the. Mcssrh VV. and J. McCammm| are deter, mined that their customers shall have the best of what is going at Easter. We have re- ceived the Fergus .VI:1lu Record, from which we nd that at the fair held there hut I1uos_ day they purchased nstecr l,7I0lbsweight, for which theyp.1i1l$l l0.50 ; an-l two two-year-old steers, for which they paid $200. Mr Reed also brought six rstprize steers from Mr VValker, and Mr McC.-Lmmon purchased two first prize cattle from Mr McDermott. A number of ne cattle were also purchased at Guelph, which will come to the front in good time. Tm-: Dzluilsr: AGl l`A'l`luh'.--Tllr! captains and vessel owners hnlnl :1 meeting at Mr I. S. Mil- ler's Inn this evening to discuss the strike of the sailors for $2 per dicm. The demand of the latter threatens to iuterupt or perhaps destroy the arrangements of m.-my of the for- mer during the appruzwhing season. The wages requested by the sailors is in excess of those for which most mates have entered rm agreement. A strenuous chrt will therefore he nimle to defeat tlm-object of the union. CIHCKET (J1.-un.v--()n Saturday evening the Kingston Cricket Club hcltl. their annual meeting in th-: Committcu Iioom of the Me- c~liauic s Institute, City Buildings. It was well attended by old refyreseutatives of the club, as well as many new applicants for memborsliip. After the due discussion of various routine matters, the election of ofcer- was proceeded with resulting as follows : V 4 Prcsi:lent- Mr G. A. Kirkpatrick, M. P. Vice-1 rcsident-Mr E. J. B. Pcuse. Secretary-'l`rea.surer--Mr A. Jones. Executive-Cmnmittcc -~ Messrs Galloway :md Price. nuuiugulll wno supports the Gaverument ; the Speaker decides to be unobjectionable. The other six are (objectionable and conse- qnently the petitions in` these cases fall to the ground. They aect the election of the Hun. Mr Carling for London, and Hon. Jnlm II. Caqieroxi for Cmxlwoll, Mixiistria- lists and of Mr Smith for Peel-, Mr Hutton for Contra Huron, M!` Edgar for Mnucl; and Mr Ross for \Vust. Milldlescx 0pposi- tioiii. These six uwnnbcrs will accordingly hold their seats and will be cmupetenl: to sit. am Election Committees Most of the objections were of a formal character and owing to the cnrlessnc-ss of the petitioners. i I STEAM I-I)-w`;r.~'r:: PR.\<*r1.-1:. --()n Saturday the steam re engine was taken out for th purpose of testing the new hose. Sh: was stationed at" the corner of Kingand Princess strectw, and threw successively one, two and four streams. The perfurxn.-mce was suogss- ful in every respect, in shnwing the working capztcity of the stu-tuner and the quality of the hose. AH of the four streams Werevjectcd higher than any of tho surrounding buildings. vary low gnslication olrod, and we have d lower than II income franchise of 8400, an than so ..-..u 1.- .I__..------ cunnucuon wun ocnor lmel of railway. Sir John : motionfon Tuesday for a com- mittee to unquii-u into the Canada Pacic mihmy cuntract as previously brought up by Mr Huntiuton is likely to be the subject of wry strong discussiun. H. is hulinmul Hun ------3A5-~- Iulnu vuuu. UUUYSC lilly W1 p1'|l'8ll(V. Ottawa, Apri1_7.-~'l`hu Speaker ha.sdocid- ad can the objections against recognizzmccs in seven election cases, the rocognizmiccs in the petition nguinst Mr Shibley member for Addingtun who supports the Gaverument Speaker decidus to he I1nnh~i:..--H.-u.Ll.. nunwr cunnccnwn wlm um Umltula. Uentrul, it more direct, ruutu I. Luke N ipiss- ing nml one which has not so many lithculcios of grzulc as the mute previously pruposed. It will be noticed from yester- .I.1y s report of the House that Mr l ,onnbic-n introduced a bill to extend the powers of tho Cmnpzmy and to enable them to` make connection with other line}: of railway. J ohn motion'on Tnnxrlav rm. g. ......, In u-ry nuroug umcussmn. It is believed the opposition members will hold .1 private mucting to-(my to deter- mine what course they will ()tLawa.. April 7.--~Thn Slnnnln... 1....=.1n..:.l Illllllax. A nnmlioruf gentlemen loft early this morning for the Upper Ottawa district to make nrmngements prep:i.mtor_y to the pruning at the pull: of the grant of $l50,- 000 to the Northern Colonization Railway Inch is now to ho: oxtumlud north of llcup River to Mntt:u v:m, thus securing a. huttur connection with the Omnula. Central, 1; mnfn direct. cumin 9.. Lulu. \l'.'..:,.- compmm me and nnuou .-u.. A prevalent disease km-wn in the pro- fession as ccrebro-spiunlmeuigilis exists to n coxnsidoyable extent in thin city. A few fatal cases have already m.-curred, and the doctors are p||7,z.iml, not merely at the course. bu't the source of the disease, as it affects not only grown-up persons but children. L`:.. I4`.1.u.....l l(n....u In... .....i.....`l t..-_. cnuuren. . Sir Edward Kenny lms anivod from llnlifax. A g... ...l..... ..l ..,...Al.....n.. I..'L ......l.. `L2. nnd xsutar Mommy. The Hen. Mr Papa has intreducod I! measure fer the registration of births, marriages, and dcatlm and fur the regular publicatiun of statistics. From the ex- plenatinn uf the hon. Minister itaeoms that the measure has hcun so framed in to ac- compli:-sh the end aimed at. A nrcndaut nu- county Irom sale. Parties seem to have foyund their relative strength, and the businessllpf the House is likely to procucd rapidly. The session will not be so long as was exnoctotl. There in to be only an udjournmoiit of Good Friday and Eutar Monday. 'I`lun "on Mr Pnlm lmn intrndncod ll [1 :1 .-~:um:-um ., From lbttuwa. (')tt.aw:i, April 5. ~ There is .1 rumour that. great mineral wealth has been discovered in ()Hu.w.-L County, and that the Quebec Gov- -ernnyent, in the interest of the revenue, will wgithdraw all the public lands in that county from sale. vsu-timu mam to have (mind .._ ._.v--v ---uvun-v VI QIVU, nuu IOWOY H1811 than it would be dgngeroua to go. Amid alltie heterogeneous man of `views and ` pinionu hold by the loyal opposition, Mr I I nllitl. in uni-n-u-..-..L...I _._.1 n.:_ 2. -- Exam 2 Pa I . :- ms l E(3,l_z_\ L_ iwxllnfannis. FINE OLD SCOTCH. _ BRANDY DISTILLED. FINE SHERRIES. _,,,,;,, 3,4 .`KF} $p:-:17` u,` "Bosh gm - ~ vi--I" u -aux I141 Ur 0ranges and Cocoanntsl 11t.\n1r ravxvvu Old Irish Whiskey INISHCALTRA. " OURIER BAGS, Satchels, Purses, Pocket 0 Books, Wallet:-1-immensa variety of styIes---New Goods bought less than last year : prices. . JOHN HENDERSON, Princess Street. HE CANADIAN PATENT OFFICE T RECORD and Mechanics Magazine. 15 cents single numbers, $1.50 per year. No. 1 just received AT HENDERSON S.' nu; 10 unnla 11511 containing 9 ` l ia.nof0rtc Pieces. Nun Sir J ohu's notice of motion for 1: Com- mittee, with plenary poworu to investigate the absurd charge made In Mr Hunting- ton : defeated motion of Wednesday last, has produced consternation in the Opposi- tion ranks. All sorts of rcasonn are u- eignod for the course pursued by Sir John. At first it was charged that it was through the intervention of His Excellency that this step was taken by the Premier, but that View having been lzmglied out of court, it is now said that Sir John has been forced to this course by pressure on the part of some of the Ministerial supporters. Ono "statement is as {also as the other, the truth being that Sir John himself stated in the dining room of the House, within ten minutes of thc vpuuolu new by the loyal I Kevin is unropruentod, and his frantic appeal to Hsckonzio will not waive that Itdrdy North Briton one peg towards a Vl8W cllinciul And impossible in the present can of public gpinion. `