iCANNED GOODS, > xanner or we nruu, assisted by the Re'v. C. W. Rawson, Edward LeMesurierSewel1,- E39,, , son of James A. Sewell, Esq., M.D., to Enuly I Eliza, daughter of the Rev. George Vernon ; Housman, Rector of Quebec. ' ; \-olnml~'8l0llcI'S had still power to do tat on the-complction- of the contract. Ultimate! the committee adjourned until to-mm-row. A Bill was yesterday introduced, inco ating a Pumrd of Trade for Oshawa. I Owing to Hie lnnrrth 4:! tin. .`lnl...L.. .....-A.--.I 1 aung is mmru 01 `trade for Oshawa. - Owing to the length of the debate ycsterc nn Mr Jono s motion for a committee on the best way to protect agricultural intercpta, the the lmllot question had to stand over, and to- day being a Government day it will not come I up till to-monow. . John Ila;-nnnlfl in in .1-.. L- _A.-A I- ' up uu no-monow. _ Sir John Macdonalgl is to-lay to move for a committee to enquire into Mr I-Iuutingdon a chsrgqs against the Pacic Railway. I`he river is rapidly opening up, and the ..nu-bl-... C- ....:L.. _.:I; u Luann 1131.). By the Rev. D. V. Lncus, at Armntron `a hotel, Fm-mersville. on the lat inst., Mr C. Stafford. of Delta, to Miss Lnura. Adelia Lee, 1 of Lyndhurat. I f\._ 4.L_n_._I 2",; - A -- -- ` III .4 uuuuuuu. ` On the 2nd instant, at the Cathedral, by the father of the bride, assisted the Rev. I R;I.ysou, LcMesurior Sewell, lam I EAT sT,AcEY; .GHEAP B0K%STORE., JJLONDON JOURNAL. The Canadian Patent Oice Mechanics Magazine, 15 cents. ? `Storm 9 at Woodford. Wmidford, April 8.-About fuur o'cluck 3 on Saturday morning we were visited with 1 ' a very severe thunder, lightning and hail v : star-, the lightning letting re to seven! ' burns in the vicinity. Mr Alex. Thomson had his barn Ihattorod very badly, killing one ox, but fortunately leavin the rest of his stock ulnhnrxnootd `Mr Wil ia.mh_J1olloyi I Laks Sl re Lino, lr xia burn 3 ex am c0lltGlIl.:,,cun8l9tlllg of 3 quanijty of hny I Fenrf and PCSIILPIICIIVC 'l'IlllIIlCl' ' I and as smggun, entirely dent:-uyecl. The lmljoining burn was with grant diiculty iuaved. Mr Matthew Molfatt had hill burn [and contents burned to the ground, con- luisting of mm horse, one yoke of oxen, 3 two cows, f:u'Ining implements, grain I seed, and feml ; also a number of building: l in the adjoining tuwnshipq have been de~ ; atrcoyud, but have not as-.,-crt:n.izwl the loss as fyet. Mr l`honnmn and Mr Jo-lley'are in- 7su1`edin the Syclcnham Mutual and Mr Mnlfutt in the Agricultural Mutual Insur- ; anco Compamics. ,, ;_._. _v.....- -...u, uuovu I|v lllltlld. ' e-day will tell tho telo whether these hngrto can make good their bouhd voile, or whothet they must incur the com . to-pt of ovorj honourable manjur their E aI|h'-`patriotic count. The ('una4lian Mar:-th ' , ly givoo the oituhtion in I few words. If blood it could be proved in Parliament, as ` well no oeeerted in party journals, that the ' Minister had received money from i A-orieon opoouletero to be spent in the ' election there would be 3 battle ground with n vmgoeneo -, but to say nothing of chah-aac-`5 tor, who inaginoo thet he (Sir John A. Msc- I dumb!) hoe boon ouch I feel 1 J IIIJ III! CIIIIIJCCI A lire brake nut in the wooden building ou = the east. side of Norfolk street in this place, E occupied by John Sullivan) as a boot and shoe | 1-tnrc. Notwithstanding the exertions of tho i lirc-men and towns people, it extended auuth I to Purcell's livery ulaahlu which was partially : lcstroyml, consuming in its course ; the slime i.~4t0I'onf \V. J. Harris; the bakery and cun- : fuctiomuy shop of Mrs Waters, and the saloon of Robert llcalluy. The probable loss is from six to ciglxt thonsancl dollars. 9 r Froln Ottawa. Ottawa, March 3 -The public accounts committee tlxismnrning commenced an inves- tigation into Mn:-kenzie s charge-tl1at irregu- lar payments had been made on section 5 of | the lntcrcolonial Railway, Sandford Fleming, I Chief Engineer, and Mr Chandler, Assistant I Engineer were examined. It appeared that I by an alteration in the original alignment of `the line embankment, the cost of the work l was lessened in some respects, and increased in others. 'l`he'contr.'Lctor had been paid for the additional (work, and no deductions had teen made for the reduced work, though the , (lommiwsioners had still power that |t.he-completion the cnntnu-,t. ln+,im-4--In ! I innzn, (laughter of the Rev , I ; -.-2:,-Z--_:-,------- .,.....b-qa asnlllla wlc raamc mulway. ri_ver i_s opening weather 18 quite mild, though damp. BIRTH. At Yorkvillo, on the 7th inat., ih. wife of Mr Cm. P. Henderson, of a. daughter. MAPRIWH min :1`/-A--1 --a-nu.`--v._---vv I (I`rr Jluulrml Liar. ) Fearful and Destructive Thunilcr luornnfu Kingston, April 8th, 1873. April 8. Sta,tione_1" Hall. {OW BELLS. `s`.;.7:;m_fej:.;:.*.s*;;.".a.s. -vv ---v-a vs uev yvuuuu. I Well in the fue of euch en exposure, the lien. Kr Huntingten, e Q. C. an ex-Se Iidter General, en honounble man, &c. ` &e.," ee we daily read in Oppoeitien prints nuet feel thet in making hinuelf the men- key to extnct the nuts from the re, he has ldiued in_.tlio eyee of his province, lid lllhlgpteil hie party to one of the meat I clanking defeite they hue yet uutsined. ' Te-dey L.........A- -A- I-l!c\.'Y..a....I:'.;R:;:A`:Y."M..,0.N.`D. PROGRAMME. }. M. Wilkinson. 1;) cents. 0. LANGWITH, : Fire at simcbe. J... ....4 :.. 1.1.. ..,,A I BEST QUALI1 Y. PAI51 sncoxn. Church, Storrington. ......-v.-, V: n u MARRIED. r\`y- v D ; Concert to 4 In uuxu.-Archleaoon McLean has only nbloto spend 1 day sud a half in 'KiIpha, oollocng fund: for St. John'i Col. 1, Hlnihbc, u be has to uil on Saturday, 1 H: has ant, hnwnvnr ...........1.. . B th_a Glass Slipper- _ . Seereta~!') - uulloulnl, - ms Jsxeeuency has been planned to order. and it is hereby ordered, that the Vil- lage of New Glasgow, in the Count of Picton, Nova. Scotis, be an! theune is ereby co - atitnted and erected into an Ont Port of Cu:-' tc_n_ns_ wjth warehousing nrivilemem and in BA uuuuwu and amend il tons with warehonsin attached the Port oi HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVEVNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. On tho recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Customs, and under the` ro- viaiona of the 8th section of the Act3 io., gap. 6, intitnled : "AnAct nntnmn, I-Ii. tiI-....11...._.. 1.-- t I; up. intitnled Customs, _His Excellency .. us In me am secuon of the Act 31 Via, An Act ' un me recommendation of the Hon. the Min-`afar of Cuutoms, and under the provi. sinus of the 8th Section of the Act 31% Vic- toria, Cap. 6, intituled : An Act reaps-ctin the ()ust.oms, His Excellency has been ple , to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Town of L7nlv.:uy,0:1ta'io, belnnd the same is hereby constituted and erected [into a. Port of Entry and a W.-xrehcu~xi.1g Port. \\f A ll lllilrrunnur HIS 'CELLENCY THE GOVERNOR- EN ERA L IN UOUNUIL. ' -u-u-cu-, on uv uni In Inn on asturuay, K` Ho has got, however, upwards ' J IIHI ` HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. On the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Customs, and under the provi- sions of the 8th Scctliofin of Xhelilct 3Iat Vic- mi , Cap. 6, intituc : n ct respectin th: ?.`ustoms, HisExccl1encyhaa been leaaeg to order, and it is` herebv ordered, t -42 um the Custoi:ns, His Excellencyhu `Tenses hereby ordered, 1: at the place known as Jordan Bay, in the County of Shelbmne, Nova Scotin. be and the same is hereby constituted and erected into an Ont Port of Customs, and Placed under the survey of the Collector 0 Custom: at the Port of Sholburne. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk Privy Council. April 5th, 1373. nmnop ol I-oronto. . TERMS :-Board and Tuition, including Vocal and Instrumental Music, Drawing, French, German, and all other branches of a thorough Education, 8240 Ker annum. The School will re-asem 10, after the Faster Vacation, on WEl)NESDAY,,the 23rd April, 1873, For further information apply to I}EVEl:[.E\'.Im\`w.e Ir.-n u ...... _, I QORNER of PRINCESS and M()N'1`REAl. (J S'l`REE'l`S (formerly the GERALDI ` SE). ---The proprietors having; leased the 0 Hotel, are now refitting the prelnises, withthcir we-ll-known reputation, they are prepared to furnish all who may favour them with their p:stmn:v,;e with suit- nlsle accommodation. and at nnmlm-..+.o ni........... unuur mum wxm cnelr p:m-unage with snif- accomlnodntimn, and at Inmlemte charges. The Table will be provided with the best selections in the mn.rl.et. The Bar will be furnislnud with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. hood Yard and Stahling attached. WILLIAM VVAGGONER, (JAMl`Bl`IlJ. MCMILLAN. Kingston, 8th April, 1873. `Bishop Strachan School, W YKEHAM HALL, TORONTO. CHURCH INSl`ITU'l`l()N FOR THE A HIGHER. EDUCATION OF` YOUNG LADIES, under the Prcsidcncv of thn In-A \JV rung. Two resqmnsilnlc surcties, whose real signa- tures must. be given in the 'l'c-udcr, will he re- quircd fur the due performance of such Con` tract as may be entered into Payment for the Beef and Mutton furnish- ed during the first month will be retained un- til the completion of the Contract. 11 II-llill|`jlC EUUCATl.ON OF` Presidency of the Lord Bishop of 'l3nronto. TERMS :-RnaI-A anal 'l`..:A..',__ :,, 1 Q- AVG D cepted. 'l` .. uu.ruen's umce, and no Tcmler will be I ceivcd except those written on sand Forms. JOHN (JREIGHTON, \)\r.....1.... d .150. 7 `Ian units Will be I the \Varden of tinry until vu uuuug um nrsl; month wxll be retained Forms` of Tender will be fumished at the Wnrden s Oice, and re- ceived ex-mmt {"11-an ..,.-:o+.... .. ..-.-.1 n-_-,- Kingston Penitentiary, April 7th, 1873. It. M Auluuan mu reunnwa m Iungnwn for six monthu. Oice at Muclean IL U0 ! Drug Store, l rinccss Street. April 8. ` gnesn BEEF AND MUTTON V 1ENl)E[{.S will be received 1 the \v.'u'Jnn 1.` 0|. I14-u I April 5, I873. On the recommedation ._[i..4,f,gr Customs. under Mm --on-vi April 1rOVE[:I_~'MEN'I` HOUSE, o'r'r.Aw.-1-7 01!!!! 8l7PPER.-After the uuutl weekly , nt.Tte do Pout Barnclis lut oven- go` the band of the 14th P. W. 0. Ries van ouhrhined at an oyster supper at Mr 12, kn-an rutnrnnt. Market Square, by gjgr Intthowl. It in needles. to 3.1.1 :1, mp [throughout enjoyod the reput, ad joilod heartily in ucribing all honour to * .1, "but entertainer. April 8th. The .....l:L 10VERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, T . u. nun mac: unul nlaolun II I f}EVEl2LEY JONES, Esq , n 1OVERNMEN'I` HOUSE, OTTAWA. I" R. M ACLEAN has returned to Kingnmh & VV`cdnc2day,`2nd day of April, 1873. rnmnxr: ' Wedncadny, 2nd day of April, 1873. PREsEs'r : ALBIIDN lI0 l`l<}l Wednesday, 2nd day a uu oecuon 01 the Act intituled respecting pleasgd heueby .:x_v, ():ltB'iO. belnnd the l'In1n :- NOTECE. . . n\vuU\l-3I.lg KUIT. \V. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk of the Privy Council. svvu saw an Ulll ran of Glu- hons' privileges, and to be Port o Pnctnu. ' "`R'l`H, uni], at the Otce of the Kingston Peniten- ue lurmsneu at '10 :n on mail`! wnrrnn J of April, 1873. ' "l'I"J V" 2 Secretary, Masonic Hall. n I uni, Warden. ,,,.,.., -non. - The Board '.._: Public 3*.` 1,333; held n meeting last evening in ....., u.uuuuuuu:u.1JJ, rIul'll!,' H `e in grant vagty, Tomato, Igquu and `I: o!tho.nootupg-q.ydo'd kmdn, and a. general assortment of Fine all of which may be relied on. For tab by E. H. PARKER, MARKET` S0D5AEl;` Fresh Garden Seeds! The Growth of 1872. SEEDS rmf_ _imT sans. CAULIFIDWER, LENOBMAND, Paris, &c.. Cshlnga in nasal: um-3-4.. m.....-;- ~._._,vv..uu-, uuuuvvi, GO. A la a Msnufacturen` ilnnh-upt Stock of IE8 -AND GENTS UMBEBLLAS, which will be cold at a. very low price. A . - 4 NEW SUN UMBRELLAB, including a mum. bar with the Patent Bolt Attachment. The NEW WALKING STICK PARASOL8 --vsrio`uI materials. . The lw FRENCH BELT and Novelties in Ladies Sou-:,.Colla.n, Sleeves, to. V A 1-..... IK-_._a-,4 I Call and get 3 sample of our'25 CENT TEA qefore you buy it. . Klnuufnn A....:Ia 10'"! -u 5-aunts nuu qullpllrl OI UOOCII. Havingtaken Thoma Fan-ell ixgto partner: ship, the business in the New Store will be carried on under the name of Halligsn & C4. Parties indebtaedto J. Hnlligan are request- if to call and settle their account: before ht ay. on `B0 - May. He also takes this opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous customers for their atronage for the past nine years, and trusts y strict attention to business to be able to repay them all when he 0 us the New Store, as he intends to buy large y for cash,` and give his customers the benet of ten pet cent on all grades and qnsliries of Goods. I-Invinntglrgn 'IV|...__-- n-_-n :7 A nae an uo., a tuuUUl'l0N OF TEN PEI`. CENT will be allowed (ceimnencin on `SATURDAY, the 5th inst.) on nll urc ues made previous to his removal, as e intends to open the New Store with an entire New Stock of Fresh Imported Groceries, `Wines and Liquors, which will be .sold ten per cent less than my house in the city, as he intends ---.- `-vs-vu noun. IVI IUIIBVB I110 Flt undo npproaclus to H. Jetto, to perform this nngntoful tank, but through 9. some of lhuno, ho refund to lend himself to it, pro- only his patriotic mtg to any bthor 'ono-y of lfontrosl more cynical than him- _Iol[,Ipromino which he has kept.` The opposition than add:-cued thomulvon to . Hralntilgton, knowing his hontility to the Pacic Railwny. It in generally re- jl that HA I-an-Ailgal 5...... cl... ..AE.. ... -1 en for Cash and Cash Only. .... v ..v -3 um: um l'6l.l.IG_V8l In ma next to I the strum Intel occupiedb .12. Me- Rae & Co., RED CTIUN 0 TEN SHOWQI lcllnlnnnninn nn AT J0l:lN |uLLIGAN s,[ Anchor Buildings, Market Square. r mm of the Queen Street Wesley: Church. ' Ii Pmgramnie in a few days. Clearing Qlflt Sale GROCERIESI wmas AND uuuons, .__j. GRAND CONCERT will be given on` A THURSDAY EVENING, mu April, in the CITY HALL, on behalf of the Or an Fund of the Queen Street Wesleyan Metb int , RIIIHMIJND & BOYDEN, April 5. ` thorouglily acquainted with Canadian Farm-. ing operations. and cannhla nf m-..-H....I|.. a..- .__- -_.. --u.-war . 15 ll gauursuy porud thst he recoilod frun the odimu of ' pond, but the opposition exerted > ,powgr, and summoned Mr Brown oiio. And Mr Huntington thn danplu OI;-0 Li- .l.-A._ _. - Ix mun-uugmy acquainted vnlm Unnndmn Farm-. ing operations, and capable of practically in- structi-ng Emigrants Settlers. April 4, 1873. _. _.. -'vu- -`vvv--v, '.l'ETE'-Kl()I(7-PONT BABRACKS. Tuesday & We nosing lfiellngs. April Sthand tln. Under the patronage of Colonel French and.` the Oico;-I of the G-nrrinon. To commence withithe BEAUTIFUL DRAMA in Turn A:-.1 .- DELICATE GRotJND} Acimiuion 25 cents. Doors open at 7:30 ; commence at 8, (VrlIA`l':II3I nun...-an no -..--.... - ACTIVE voum: MEN] IApn'1 s. Amateur l`lIetricals,l "l'E'l'li|-,r|`l1 'nn\1rn I) Aiifl (Ana "'* *1 -... ,,.........., Now that gives u very peculiar Vitnt u. the opinions of > Mr Jette, tltl his cum petriote the Nationals and it certainly seems `thet the end to be gained is rather fur distant. It is here bmadly stated, tl|.it' all theoe who are excluded from the contract on dileotiood." and will no doubt oppose the magnicent undertaking to the bitte; end, or until they see that they cannot help themselves. For this purpose they got Mr Huntington to move his resolution, rightly judging ' that as Quebec is almost uuonimous in favour of the proceed- ing, it would have far greater power for 1 Quebec member to morea reoolutien, which will be the dew. m..\.~ tn the Indertaking, if it can be proven, nu ` Iuettor in whooe hands the completion vi the `ork Iluy fall. Lu lllinerve, takes view, end Ililooureeo as follows. All is new explained. People Inked at first how it heppened that s simple lieutenant of the Oppoeition, and not Mr Mackenzie or Mr Bloke. should have had it in charge to move this vote of censure on the Pacific con- }. But After the explanation we have ' jnot reed (the extract above from L'Eeenment) this mystery is easy to understand. The Ontario Opposition did not with to toke the initiative in 3 proceed. in; which would have resulted in the fell of tho Hiniotry, end at the same time the Ueokhg upof the contract with Sir E. Allen. They suppoeed that it would notur olly proioke the prejudicee of Quebec in otteching e eontrect so popular in our Pre- vinee, end they had recourse to s subter- fuge, they chose the proposer (denoneieteur) from Qtsehec itself. We believe they rst smmscln. m ll 1.- .- ..-....._... i I April. 7. um um" Whhll --vsr_io`uI materials. ------ VOB HOT X BUN `I leave `our order: early at the K1 STON BAKERY, Wellington Street Ind Market Square. II, J: W J tvnnrlun.-nu Ho'r x` BUNS. lvuwiv Jvu uu, II. Kingston, April 3, 1873. ___; New Silk Capes, N ew Cashmera Capes, New White Cloth Capes, New Silk `Jackets, Apinly by letter to o u-.--... A.-- April 7. vvlulllvlluv wv uo STAFF`-SEl{:GT. H. HYDE, President. Gu. F .E. HUMPHREYS, Stage Manager. \m-il 7. To oonciude with the so.-io.cLmic Drama nntlntl ., . - ,, , I TII Slcllt 0l`r.-lt has appourod A uonoviat wonderful to us, lum it mu than , tho lab uovouont of L1: Hummgdon was . ' undo by him, According to the organ: of I Iooppooition. he is 1 nun of stainless H honour and most um-ight conduct. and ` .... `'1. __ ;u-., _ I -j. )REVIOUS to his ram-zvsl in Ma aim to Store occlfpied b . B. |.e & Ca. 4:. RED TrYI'In1\'r n mum Imu- I101! MANITOBA or other > Provinces of the Dominion. a. nnmhdr of ._. ._..._.__.._j.___..:..:__ _... ...:...._.. Grand Conceftg WANTE 1 PRINCESS sTRE`i. In MALHIUDA other Fr Dominion, a. number of Just Received, (Late name 8 w..1ao1I)' 25 Cent Tea. V _L'ILEU'l`.-COL. DAVID SHAW, `* Kinnnban 'thun protable to (lac Mimutry wliich hail . To-day Mr Ilmitingtoii nmkoa his mu- 4 M tioll on the l a.cirir Railway. This motion nuglnt to receive a strong support iii parti- ' Cuba` in Ontario whore :5 general dinsatisfac tin prevail: regarding the muhuor in which 2 this ooloual enterprise has been organized. -W0 have always been of the npinion for our ipart, that until this project was compleped _uId in opergtiou IL was more prqudicizsl. not it going. All trim in crv/u:I..l an v/"Ts aatiacd, and have united in make the pm- pun] change hands while there in still tins.- to do-no, while those who set it on fqot, um- __._,,__..I - .1 _., , W I l DURING TRIS HONTH, um we Dl.'4AU1'l in Two Actl, u-we u-up Au on min: 5.)!` unrv. H. E W. J. UKOTHERS. Iill vne DO entitled v 111 -3nAvv, V Kingston. Gocoauts A... :..:.`.:... ,.r;.-r_L,,.ai t' . `L 1,... ."""'....u Obtllllld. ` = "A School will In opanauu 3! uicicnt number y. Kinpton, April 1873- e` 1` 1 DU.` ll. Kingston, Apl 4,1813. """` Notion. ~ _... W PARTIES duirmuol 1 % ' to I Privuo School A! L jnium n Cal-n-unu.-`I. hangings: llmotxnonb. T; :.L..| tII....o... halal A n...o:.... 1... f_ IOOOIIBW County. s I the 4 tin ii: ;:.`,x`2;`... iii. c....`Z"" of Kingntog, . , LLUAU,` At 10 o'clock s.xn., forth`? account: And dalnnndn I Comer Brock` Kingston, April uh, lmi Gaining Glaz1ng,' P -I `eco;sti: ag, Wall: I I0:-.1.,,., I 0" l, ' to -I-HouAs7 F rod Wind suds.` u tiigga, &c.,tc. ' _. ur A 1. ben1~Di._eous % I en. Ku~zos1"oN`1>.uN1' % . BAPEB llouse & Sign ; _- -..._. u.vunu\.u., nun ' lnonvor an ex-S--In-nor Uonoeml. '|`hzn 7 Inky all be qllllu true, and yet. we fear he ! unybounly n csu-paw in the ha.m_la an i .3011 designing men. Thz our readers; nsy have nn oppoortunity of soing how '5 tin can wands we gnu two extracts from ` French Cnnadisn papers, one L Emum-M, W ufslll of the Part: N.m-mi l {polls II follows, ` I11`- J... `I . ll , , . , A ,, N1.Y '15 CENTS 0 containing 9 to 50 U Pianoforte Pieces. 35 N . YOUNG LADY 8 J I w , ROW BELLS. ' ` *EVEBY MONTH. FAVOURITE . WEDDING B14 .L msuuuu mi 11g 15 cents sin 1 1,." I just reoeivges Wm lluuuu 8 hereby `van, that: V _ of A it for the that r we nnunon. Lugs: -In o'erodinKinptoIgtth T Initialled 191.5 nasal `l:'I.._ Reefis Expected o1_1_ ....- -.u.u;a.vu. L1 01 and Envd` N -BOXES OF 24 [ oonts- w 5 rnvue acnool wlpw bin at thorough lnuineil all! 3! other ltuihz, will hp`lc'I;'lI po ll 6 Wt ' V ~ nbtagncd. `ml, ` REE B 10;; cmur rAnm }~ V BIBLES, call st M ` uvrculzns 5 cheap, H *1 mm CANADIAN- ; RECORD 1. > ninala nm..1.... _ U(/'lY( ~RAJY:f0ND, J atie 0 mm? ' Leave order: ' AT Hnxnznsoxqvif `ifiszm g7;;.m-;;,% mm, YOUNG LADY'8 t Ilenclnrnnnh V confection: ,. , By order. AID`? "A1232: s: Kmxu . Cloth ct!` JUST Lgtther mu gang gm. For Me Musical FOR Join ' Joan: .... ._v..-.. n uu nit u. Lu {of every ronom-co. and 1 . ' ' - - -': l to T Ad. uaung _n}u. tutu \ nmunanuomra In rebxr. . ithr pctmon 0: tavern keeper.-4, etc., to the 'i_"K ."'lty Cnum_:il, and having had an mtcrvn.-\v act, wmh them in regard to the amine, aim unmmit- . tee retired to the pohcu cuurt and and ndoptcd _ brawn` ' Lhc l'u'nluwiIng ro.-.]mrL I l I:-t. The cnlumittcnz would respectively Ite- -nmmumi the \'umu|i.~`~|oIl1:I`.i that in thr on-nt -1` It In. 1:2 being issued h_\' the Uowrnln-aux! ' _ ` at lmtzxzlq, in.-hcvxng amid law is tn lw six:-1'11} Ins Iuotwn 5' put 1.: tuIcr':-:nui,th.'1t grunt Clllbllglfn by um] `rt par. law may be m.1-in-, thi.-_a uulunvittec wotn'4l ru- ld.utiacV uulnmcnul the (`uIu|nmsmuer to lsaue |1u::In1`.~' _ . the same its last. year to any hulluu prupcrly not 111 kllpt, and an kept by parties at` good character. , rgsmzud` L . ; T|.nu.t liccnrcd htlllugg bu` so cl.'uas_iIicd :1.-1 . to gl\ c In-st. second and Hunt class he-un.sc.~s. '"" `W .uul it agreualvlc to (`uunnis.~i-.Iu.~r. said hn'.\- I up his sea to be uh:Lrga~.1 at the I.:'.. at $60, $50 Jud $90 so classied. 3 Thu Cuuunittcc Wnuhl rccununcml Jlllll :'--pm-(full.\' request Mm `mnuus:.inner.s to is uh; three Inmlths nutnzu `ul thr px'.Hic iv;-!'m'u the granting uf lit -.':,`s for 187%. Ilotifyung thu puinhr uf any uh.-ungu in lhc laws fair the l1-:cu- sing uf huuzun-:nl'emurt:1imneut." `I/HI the urv ' __ ` Mayor's Utiicc. April 3rd . nlvls . f I to " To thc Chairman and Committee on l`avcm I I $ 5 i i . a f thuu tllululrrillg nlu L'I)lllInt:lld.LLllI press.-II 4.'l LlI.llI the lady run t : pulled huu bodily fl ' mm HI her grasp ti Ht-r zwtiou w;L~4 witw UH DIILMI, an-3 ntint .4}v*!ct:Ltt;I`.s of the nu prnptil-lulu on this on wuuld uufmubtcdly ' I/nu/1:/: Ilui/_u /luv:/c ; .'.ir:s lxuk .1bm`c ruf Mr Ah-x. .$1uith, lire Tm-2 l'x.1;-m rI~;m.\ us. and wc liuul its - xut.-n-stile-C as -.-vcr. |IoI.+s(.'.~iH(`.3' xuurc tI|;u| my be l't.'.'|d with [. other vuutenta arc l rusX;_ytcriun.~.. of the is .1ckno\vk-dguxl on I. 9 lugt: 1-luduwmcnt Fur 1.1:. in 17 ciemocr upd the Inky, _ kc _m'1 2. W U! v-ad the II Dun-n u... sntn B.-snk-- ol Ctlllllnercu Rank-106 I"~'"`."* "1 Grun-no ly noninnl. Id rmly at 916. Butter G Sc ; medium :1; 15 to 2 1:11 at 6.80 -.__- Tho regulsr qunrterly Ineoting of Frontemsc County Tenple,-1ndepondent Ordor of Good Tonaplan. in to bo held to-mo:-row afternoon in I the Ornngo.Building. In tho ovoning '5 social ` is to take placenznder tho nubpiceo of Wilson Tonplo. Sevonl good upoakere will be pro ' sent_, And n good programme of music and lit- enture will be presented. The ticket: issued or ti; ontertsinnont that was to have takon plaoo on the 25th of March are good for the occasion. ~ 5; 3: for 0. 2!} 1,71} for nd mushr- t=:.=1:.*~;=':.v1 _ ' Shifie Eabagnci. _ Gnm-no I |..I.lv stun . own, `_'[)I Celtic` -u-u vuulun uni EV dreue: are expected. g_-_-:--j F3; I U M, ~..,,;] 1910 for Mtddl HEW YOB. no].-I .h........ ..-u..m,-nu uuau .-u uuun J nnmzul Ml'_ ; Mahon. eldest son of Mr Jo}. McMahon, has ' i passed a creditable examination at the Mili- tnrychool, and received a second-class certi- I cute. I I 1 W www Ior - Radltnr qu E1? wquiit nu, Apru_ u what eontm -.. .u.-n-in. ,_____-......,.. ....u-..-nu.--1uure will In: 3 tiempe-1.x_Ice meeting in the Pr nitive Metho- dist Church thin evening. Interesting ad- ornected. `streets (lat: Garaldi House) and a good munc it is. The proprietors are thoroughly retting and refurniahing their establishment, and I when completed, it promises to be one of the most comfortable hotels in the city. Messrs Waggoner and McMillan are well and favour- ably known over the Province, and have hosts of friends who will gladly-, no doubt, call and pay their reapecta, at the Albion. and as there | i; a good yard and comfortable stalaling. good wines, liquors and cigars at the bar, and an_ excellent table, those who call once will gladly call again. 9 ,, y ........ .. nu -.-uucz In 1 unccua ILnH- .\1ontrc.-11 I 3.... an un window 1: up 1. -~~ o --~-- : Poucr: L`m'm', Tvlzs-Ix.\'v - (Bcfnrc Mr: Strange, P.)-I.)-'Mnry icdfcrn, a. v:v,:r:mt, went back to her old quarters in the county gaol for |5"daya. Agustua Strauw, was charged with drunkenness aufi va.grnncy. He 7 note a coat. from one Lamay, of the same boarding house ; but as the latter declined to prosecute, he was ned only $2 for intemfunu ,__ _.__ ...a......,.y. .-r I a Lam.ay, same ` nnce. A case of wages was "dismissed, the I parties concerned in it having settled all Git . I ferences without the interposition of the m1g istrutc. llmwonhip again took further cvi' deuce on behalf of the tlefence in the case of McLaughlin vs. Barnett, and reserved his do-. cisiou in the matter until Thursday next. I Tm: AI.:;u;s-:-Thia is .t;};e_n-ame chosen by Ueurn \\'p.ggoner and Mcllillan for their new I, 1 I hair] on the corner Of Princess and. Montreal utrentn Hat; ll--ali ll........\ .....1 , W, , I I 2 A special meeting of the City Council was :held last evening in the Council Clmmhc-r. ` 1 Present : {he Mayor. H. Uunninglmln, 1').-.q., .' ' Aldcrnmn Allun k.....|... 4-~--,... A-I cm c'u'..&i. ' i ` - coxuvsIc.rr1o.\', From Mr J. Penfold, Manager of the Bank of British North America, requesting the ` Council to inform him ivhcthcrin the event of ` the Bank requiring the premises at present Ou- cupied by Mr Byrns, as a tavom in the city buildings, the Co ration would be willing to cancel the lease o said premises, as well as that of the premises occupied by the Bank, and grant a new lease of boththe before-mew tinned promises in favor of the Bank for .-x term of ten years, renewable for a further period of ten years say, at a yearly rental nf 3 100 per annnm, taxes payable by the lessee, I the Bank to make certain alterations, subject ` to the approval of the Corporation. Rcfurrt- to the Committee on Citv Prnnerrv A Lo we approval 0! the Corporation. City Property. , ,. 9 > _ 3nlayor's Ullice, April 7. The committee on licenses met` this after- noun to receive the reply of the Police Cum- niissioners, and have much pleasure in test: f y- ing to the Council the manner in which they were received by your committee, aml cuter- ecl into the feelings and wishes of the Council l as expressed by your committee in res th pact to rpetitions from tavern keepers, etc. Their ' reply will make known `to the Council wlmt ` they are willing to do, and express their most liberal way met with the wishes of the Council. Your committee u-m.l.l ....1,. your cnmmittce grateful thanks for the ,|_`_ r-,___, :1 . in which the Comgnisaioncrs have your cunmittee, and so fully complied ' vnnu we wunos of the committee would ask the (-,`-ouncil to retund the sum vi 320 each to All parties that . havo paid the City Treasurer over and above ' the scale as now laid down by said Cuxinmim 4 sionera. The report was received and adopted. : ' - ...........-..-u un: \ uIuIunwIUur:r`4 LU l5~ lzLs_t.' hum gum `.2. -,'l`hu.l. he 4 give; Iirut, clay I.:'.c3. 0! 5` ': 1'2... ; loo. .'l4lVllDlllt-y 0! your committee recon; LIIU Council to remit. the afmmmt in v:z., twenty dollars each for second-c crux and shop licenses. rjpu ) H, (`n\'\'r\-.:u.n 4'1... ruy, mu 1:. unvmg um-n luuhd dlmcult. to :11! crmiuatc hetwccn parties applyin fur lxcunscu and as the new licenses act recent y p:Lssu:l hy the Untnrin I.egisln.mre will pr-:ba.hl_\" come in- f-T ion-c next year and which will I:eccsa`~:n`ily rcducv the number of tavcrms, Lln: L'omnn.- , , A. .-.nn.r. l......_ 9.. I... ..l I . . . --:- TEKPIRANCE `Mannie --T `..._...._._-- __.,A' ` ' " 1 1 `,nunf.v l"-_...l.. ! Mayor : olco, April 3n1, The coliiniitloc um licenses met this ftcrlluull, Przaeut : .\li`h:11ucn Allen, Urccnlia-lrl, I c`\'ur- _ ` m.-wk. l cl|l|-`III and Mc:I\'clvc_v. Ru.-mlvul that .\lilerm.1n |)rruu:m act as L'h.1irm:ui pr-I rem. ' , Having met the ('-ninnzmioncra re-i;:ml v fthr petition of the` l"it_v Cmiiicil, run in to amine. , ' lliiknwiluz I1-|mrL n I 4 ' Drcmmn. I \ I0: . . Ixuuull. I. )l`KEl\'t`)':' '9 nnrlcrstaml that Mr John Tlnonms M:-_ Ink-.. ..I.l....4 ...... -: \:_ 1,1,- -1 u. . . uu.cu.~s:.-s or Luv city 01 lungxtoll. (`venth-.-nnen. Thu Police(`uxnluis.uohur:s h:x\'- mg c.1refull_\' conga-red the racnluxxwlnaizxhm .-uhmicted to them by you this muruiwic, ."o.:.~4- pocting, hotel, ml-min aim! tzwcm and shop II- I.-cnsoza, and being desirous of according tn the.- vxcws of the City (,`uuncil as e.\'prL-used by you '2: tar as the Commissioners 'c;xn cunusisn-ntl_\' .I-: so, the Bum-cl has decided to x the num- Lmr uf \m......... nu. .-5...... 5.. 1-. I... . up-cut . I Tuzv AI.um.\.--Thia the 2 A` an.` Aldoru'mu Dreunan snort Utiicc.-,"A1 1 IT;-uses of thv city of Kingston. Gdlltlellleil. The"()lit'e('u!nl|1un. ..._, .....,w, u. \,unnu|;;nu. Allen, Brophy. `.'.1.rson, Iavingston, .\lut.c:L|1u, Md . l"r1uc-, Ruurk um] \\"h|!u Mnyofs an met this aft.- the following. .. .-u.u uulzy mniitbee respect `n ; , ateful thanks fnr th- :j-: -"`I-'he-;eq `will be A '; .. D..' __:;:_, ll .. ucuna tau-I hr . 550 .1 uualu In LHMIB mu`: evening. ' I Meeting of the Board of Audit at the Court House to-marrow. ! APr1zI1zxnEv-Yeaterday a A was inued to examine certai which a ntplon game fowl was I secreted. The bird was foul friendship the complainant did I the otffender. A .\'<'H1-:\I 151:. - A young man is lcml-lpcntinng It ulyuuttlxu l r0vim:c just nowitryiug to 5011 lmgI1Sj'.'\\`(`llcl'_V' as genuine. His plan is to --`H1 at a [vX'l\'.'lt.\: resi-lcnce and say he has been .-cut lay :1 fricml of the flumily. He then diu- pl.'I_vs .1 set of jcwcllry, leclariug that ho pur- ; ch:L:4ed it in Germany as a present for his sin. _ l ter, but having run short of funds he is oblig- ` ml to sell it. He has visited several places with more or less success. Beware: of him. in 1 4 I.\'sn'.u.x.A'r1o:~'.--At 3 regular meeting of e Kingston Meclmnics, No. 374, Sons of Te-perance, held at their hall, Wellington street, on Monday, April the 7th, tl1efol- Ilowiug oicers were installed by Bro. 8. S. Hersey, Co. D.G.\V.P., assisted by Brother \Vorkmun, P.\V.P. : W.l ., Bro. F. Tracey, W. A. ,'Bro. H. lflicllnrdson, ' 1i.S., Bro. W, Drury, A.R.8., Sister M. Gill, F.b'., Bro. Dillon. Treasurer, Bru. J. Jones, (`la-3pla.in, Bro. J. Scott, Con., Bro. Owen Jones, A.(,'., Sister M. Bailey, 1.8., Bro. H. Knapp, U.S., Bro. VV. Baker, Organist, M. A. Jones, l .W'.l ., Bro. S. S. Hersey. - front iilessrs llacuee and Waddell s new premises requires the prompt attention of the ' condition quite long enough, and to avoid ac- ; ciclents should be immediately repaired. 3 -.. ., .........,-u.u uuewzux In I ' I _ committee on streets. It has been in bad` , i, , ____._____, . D.\.\`GF.ImL's Smr.wu.x,-Thc of Messrs W: l5l(|5VITl-l-3.--A long strip of blue water is i visible from the whnrvcs, running down the icl2.1!nIcl_ of the river for .1 con.~sidernblovdis- ta.x1u.-.--lcc-bouts make qewral trips to and lirmu the islands each day.-A good south xviurl would clear the harbour of ice, it has become so rotten.--The vessel captains expect to make a more in nlmut a week.--'l`he "cor-' pur.tioIil:rigale has been at work_on the ' markets. Several of the streets are adorned with ranges of nijniature mountains on both sides, which await the arrival of the art de- I taclumeut to remove them.--Tho Garrison 'l`hcatrica.ls play Time Tries All" and Deli- cate Hrounnl" this ovening.--The g_as men have not got the pipes into working condition on Queen 1-street yet.--Tho thunder storm of Sunday is said to be an infallible sign of early [and rapid vegetation.--Owing to the state of 1 tho roads, the number of gportivo Jehu s I about the city has been small during; the past ` i couple of days. Sar.-xh s Sunday Out was V from .1 like cause divested of much of its plea ' i sures.--l.:1.st Sunday was Palm Sunday ; and I was observed by the usual festivities of the E 7-.. __ festival, This is called the Holy Week." ' The streets are in :1. fearful plight. Oh, for line | weatlzer ! I I _ , , _ _ 1 }Ill-.':v`_(l~Z'l`S.-~-'P}l0 heavy rains of the last few i l.i_vs leave swelled the creeks to .1 large ex- [` tent. in some localities sweeping away bridges ` I and washing away railroad tracks, and doing generally a large amount of damage. On Sat- } urduy n culvert near Scarborough was w.-whed I away. A gang of men quickly repaired the I alamnge, and the down eifprezn `on Monday 1 was only a. few minutes lam, _.v.., un- _ mnntlls. . ,, _ - I I ANu1'xM~;u.-'l`l1c meeting of captains and vessel owners, to consider the present strike .of the sailors for 8'2 per day, was ndjoumed 9 I `from we evening can to-night. 1: will Lei ? held at Mr J. s. Millc-r a Royal Hotel. j __-, .-nu ullc uuwll G1 only minutes late. I r . nmnux DEBS. Garrison theatrical: thigevcning. Board of Trade this evening. Meeting Board at A...I:4. `A Tm`: T.v\.\'l. -'l`ho capnuious tank in the new nrr s`..-mun wzus tilled with water to-day from at h_\u|r;mt to test its water-proof qualities pur- filnttory to being pormzmcutly covered in. - The uumeruus friends of 1 he planned to see by his card ing columns, that he has n _.4.... V..-J - I ` ` .\'n;,\.~' ur 2':-1:Ix:.'.-~'I hat cheerful bird the ` .-row is just now plentiful.-tboul. the neighbuur_ mg liclclu, and the wild Italian grinder" has `turned Lu turn his hand again in uur 1.uilst,_ V ;.ml almost every man you meet has n co tl l `1d'is'ed." All these convince us that ac- ruplillg lbw poetic im'itation the vernal sprmg, cthcrczd xniidm--as" has c-ouw." How long um bluuming virgin of four tjmusnnd year: m age, intend.-4 tn stay we know not, but not lung We In-pe xf rzhc doesn't bring more pleu- snut, WL'IE1l8l . ` l z.x:~'m l`l-.l:l.\.\ for April lma rc.-wlu-cl 1 contents as pleasing and i|Il<::'t`l.lII'C' -.-rcr. Jo2tiug'.s from Uld Scotia :1 sectional interest, nunl ` m.._y l'|.'.'|tl pl:.-Lsurc zunl pfolit. 'l'ln.-i coubenta` specially interesting mi rusl;_ytcx iuus.. Aulcl Kirk. $98,704.60 lmlnnlf of the Queen's Uul_ I 3 l.-gu Fund. | l .A .\'onu: Arr nv`.\ Kmmrrox L.un'.- jAn ilmtmnce of courageous conduct on thel part of :3 lady, occurred an Monday nftemoou, , as the urnml 'l`rnuk train was running in to the p.'ns.~enger xtnti-m, fr-uni the cunt at 2:10. ;`-lr.-. linrk. who lives near the line, saw a poor ; \\reu-l- laying luelplcas directly across the " rails, where he had fallen, it is sapp`oaed,' while under the influence of liquor. Mr: Kirk, rirtlllg that llstaut deu.t_h would bcl'n.l1 lnm, emleavourcd to amuse him to a some of his danger, by calling him, but without effect, ' as the man VIM apparently uncomccinus that an engine of death and destruction was even I along on its lnission. \Vith I pres;-Inca nf mind amlgn-.10. ex- l u-uuu to when: the mam lay and pulled l)1) the track, and held him till the train had paused. ` llul` witnc:.4c-l by scVcl.I.l nliicq.-rs of ; Llur --ml, 0Lln.l's, who were lwcuhlilesli :xLL`|Mt Hut for i\lrs Kirk : i ncczisiun .1 curoncr's inquest I have been necessary. -I .'/ml_;:/z 11::-u/I. [We believe tlint the .`-i ru ru:'o.-rred Lu is .1 daughter if v Mr llruck .strcut..j meruus <;f r. Macloan will 1 card in our advertis- ns, returned to King. ` Intends practising for the next six THE DAILY NEVVMS-TUESDAY EVENING.` APRIL 8. `1~:b--Ycsterday search wanant .o certain premises in I supposed to be 8 was fnnnpl |n.L -_A- 7' _.____:j REMINDERS. M-..'....l.. `L1- - av -uyyul|l. 30 DC found, but out of not prosecute __- sidewalk in I.) .1 J11 | ; 1 mtgar Dojvdrd. ` Song (seIected)-Misl Gillard. Sbug (selected)--Mr Grylls. I . any: aauu U Piano Solo-Mr Edgar Doward. .R3cading--Mr Alexander. Song-Thq Disobedicnt Chickens-The Minus Christie. Song-Or Che in Ciels" (Dunizetti)--Mr , Jenner Fuit. Duet (lelected)-Mn Christie and Min Gillard.` Song--',I`he ,Sl:orm~ (Hul1ah)-Mr Edgar _ Doward. H CITY EALL _.ox__ ,iTuesday Evening, 15th Aptil, LV AID (IV E rlst. John's ; ; 1110 Muses Christie. " n ; S`b1-1g-The Village Blacksmith (Weiss)-Mr 1 Eflggr Dgjvanjd. I anon: 11531`. I Piano Solo-Mr war Dow.-Lrd. = licading-Mr W Song-A ta 0 Cars (Balina Fust. `Song---Uindaerilla, or the G15: , *_ The Misses Christie. ! Sbnz-``The Villa... nI....1...--aw A iusical `End `Literary , ` Entertainment `April 8th. Paaches; Cherries, Pears, Plums, Raspberries, ' Pippins, Corn, ` Lobsters, Tomatoes, Salmon, ;French Peas and Mushrooms. I .. Q Also a full assortment of Crossc & Black- : well`: Pickles, &c., &c., kc. 0 o'clock. Admission 15 cents. (3 I An. , _ v - uuu - - IIIVIIUI A New Edition expected. Fancy Stationery, Note Paper and En- velopes, Purses, \Vallc-ts, Photo and Cabinet Frames, Chromos and Engravingzx, AT E. S'l`ACEY S - Music and News Depot. . --,._ --....._-. auu -ss uuunlngloll H1811 ` `llidnreieed deerly thst his duty as :1 Que- b'ee Dellher necoelitnted him to move a reedntien, the aim of which was "in se- eiuting all the dissatised to Jake the Pacic contract change hands. And ffervith eli the rongee under Mr Derioii, c and all the Nstionels under Mr Jette equally understood that they {would pieage theelectereef our Province, end of Montreal in pertieiihr, in moving the control of the Pndc enterprise from our Province ! In J ward All theee tine fellewe new that the .. wee e eplendid one for their party, i tht the ministry in their opinion, was let latter ef the position." w.n :.. n.- c... .4 -,