III lIIIIlI`I`/IND ILUEE, IIUIH-INT, l`rim:cH.-1-r;t. "()\Vl'2l{. JUIIN, Qucun-st. Auctioneers. `Ant HUI` llI.`\ll n._:.. , Jun. 22. runu nruclc sun. .\l{l(Hil.l., JUHN, Princess-st. :b'H|)i'L.\' &. HOWE, Princess ntreut. .'r.'l'J.S' 6-: C0,, Princcpss-st. T1` In nAI.'ru\' n.:.. ...~, .....h .1... \'7onI'm`t,i0l:0i'.'s' and Fruit Stores. H7\.li`.lI.' H . .. SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL, $10,000,000, ARK, I. ll `. `;;\ l ` 2.15. -1' uumuuss OI 18/0. 3 l'rc|niuma, less l{cimzur:mccs. .82,5.'r9,l6O '-,in;{ tho lnrrguat nfnouut ever mvc-,x1 by tlw Company in a tragic vcnr. .v|I-I.|'., ll., l:l'UalL-I45. V\';'\', IL, Mn.r|-:02 .`:1||urc, P35 a'ZRU.\'., |'rim:c:4.-s-st. Businosifor 1870. 'rcmiu:na. R.-imm.-.......... an :2 $'2:oi(`:unl1' [Dry (0015!-5. |u`L' J. \\'AllDLl.I., f'rincc-ms-.-It 71."... II .. -..n..-... V/IIIII I ll AllI'I J-"IIIN, King-At. ..ol.... ...... .- ...l I ' N LIMITED LIABILITY 01" :iHAREHOLDElL`|. TIIE DAILY NEWS-TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL`=`8. }1;]om~"L .. .. ;:p>|rIJI4I4, I nnccu Fluzlr Mcrchullt. I-', 31., l riuc4:u.~s-at. {S racers. `.7! Av. Hm n I V, 3., lI'3l|:l.ll0qll0. organ Makers.` ) (`.,..-n .5 ox -`lnl ll l'l'Hll5Cl . 1,70. , Princess-at. I I! nun... .. Hardware. L5. 5.. ['1-in:-nua.. `A rcllite Ir!` :1,` , In -nl ins. H IE1 Al I llIX1l'H.<'l. N` 6;. "17. LLHL V2 I rlnucsu-Ht. IL, corner Wellington nuwu uuw amolllli t0- - - - $l,57l,520 ... luv!-1'-' . Jledical Emminer V. 'l'IANGB, AGENT `lIg`7[v. LKEM, Clarence-st. ` Utxulxty Crown At- GU8U'L of run! h >'qu:u`c. lyW I [9930 - 1,445,435 - 6.303,_3I0 rears on Private very favourable -,.....--.uusuu UDLVDRAUD l.\l::rUlt1. ' The Report cf the Postmaster-General, shewe that the general bueineai of the post ece continued to expand during the year. I At the opening of the` present year there were 6,135 poet oicee in the Dominion, ; which passed last year thirty and a l half million letters and twenty-tour and a half million newspapers. The number of -ilee of annual nail travel being twelve and a half millions. The greee postal revenue was 1,193,062 dollars, whilst the expendi- ' tore amounted to 1,369,163 dollars. The - mind for the tire: time, the postal ' ` of British Columbia and Manitoba]; N1 appointments of postmaster: and many Alice kecpere were made during the year, and 657 new mail contracts were entered inte; I13 additional miles of Railway in, Ontario and Quebec have become available , fer mail service during 12 months. The w Honey Order Department shows 634 oicee uhhlished which issued 130,480 orders for . upwards of 5,000,006 dellare; 235 rm. 5 Oce Savings Bank: were in operation in [ Quebec and Ontario in June last year, with 21,069 depositors, having 3,000,000 dollars 5 at their credit. The increase in postal re- 3 venue of Ontario and Quebec, New Bruns- wick and Kara Scetia as compared with hstyear was about 9} per cent, and the increase of expenditure in those Provinces about 4 per cent. The number of register- ed letters cetimatcd to have passed by post in Canada last year, was, Ontario and Quebec 1,156,080; New Brunswick 60,000; Reva cotla 70,000 ; Manitoba 2,000 ; total ; LWLNX). Thin in All innruun nl nenevn -I--n St, Lawrence I Th St. Lawrcncau Md I I.......' ;;!4 Mid Ou- 3,002,740 1,103,929 I 1: on lot 5 tanner tgrm. ; The expenses will be found very moderate, 1 ' it is otional with the borrower either to ! Imvo them deducted from the loan or added to { the principal. - Au intern: in only reckoned {mm data of the cheque (not from date of application, as is I gene:-aliy tho czu-re), the utmost deapatch is used in the completion of every loan. [ N 0 comminsiou chxmzed either on thn m.;...'- , sun :31 x-.n.ur.I .n Ur 1:111) GLAS,GOW LINE urn: intended 0 nail between the Clyde and ' 1 , I.. .1....:..., .x,, - Put-flsnu -f inhn-u.. I@A%LEA`iJ LIN ET; ])ANGfIdIll:t0 of the Ontario logo, '1` IICIIICI KC` IIIOII IE L MclN l.`08H, Veto:-i ' Vote:-[nay Col- Ooo, City Hotel, Kinpton. mum in me gzompletaon of loan. char ed either on the 0: mt] loan or the rcnewn A pplicntionn to be addressed to JAMES SEAN-NON, Or D. D. l{OGEl{S. n|....r,...:.. 5013 Icon: 70,000 Manitoba 1,`A!77,(X)0. Thin is an increase of more than 16 per cent. on the number estimated for hat year and appear: to have taken place Iltogethar in Ontario and Quebec. Only ' -eight registered letter: Iver mis- can-ind. It was computed last yea`; that nilenrriege of registered tter: frem uri- Olll anus. oxclnnna of ngn-umoim. I... c:..,. .j_ ireat Broad Gauge lloute to olgawa. ` ASK FOR TICKETS VIA BILOCKVILLE; (On and after Mailay. December 9, ' 1972, . 'l'u..uam wna. Rnu m wm .m..- . \ i 0t.t wa Atrivoi i;I()(;;KVILLE & OTTAWA RAILWAY Perth Curle- fnn `(ll Place Sand Point ` No. 1 and 2 C. C. gzonnect `at Broclrvillc with the Grand Trunk Eastern and `Western Ex reu trains. 1 I ' 1-eight loaded xgifh diup_a_`.ch,_and no tran- ........._;. 1_,, ,, , mu real mum. ` with diupatch, and Ishipment from point: on the Grand Trunk I to points on the Brockvillo and Ottawa Rail- ` way. O 11 Arms-uunog. I Leave ' uagu vl reyuwrsu were tram vari- emeee, exeluxve of eetruotion by re, wueeene in 16,000, and thin year from Ielneeeneee, the avenge appear: te here been only an em; xn 33,600. The number of parcel: sent by pent have trebled in the he! four JOIII, being, last year 94,100. The number ef deed letter: passing through the dad letter eioe in 1872 was 380,810, hei I percentage ef about 1} on the tbtal Inn of letter: carried m mails. Dead returned from the United Kingdom eu ' {rob tlfe United States as having erigineted in Cuude, 70,717. Dead letteru eat in from poet.-etcee in Oanede, 310,- W ;_7,B5 letters were sent. me the dead Iettu ace beau; lddrezsggo were un- intdl1gi' e or imu cient ; , registered lettere were sent in or deed letters for verieue reneom, which had caused delivery to fail It addresses given ; of thwoe 2,275 had origineted in Canada and were opened end returned to thu writers. A remarkable.- inereeee sppeere in the meil Iurvice by the Allen line with theUniI.ed Kingdom. 1'hero were eenl. lent. year from Cslxadu 810,246 letterp, and 710,349 papers,-besides book: and norms, end {mm that United Sum 10l,f9.9 loner: and 96,012 uewepa rs. In the former cue an `increase 0 140,000 I ;_ .1 -Inan ma mum ......... Brock- villa Ii 0 n -1 frew I Leave Brock- ` ville lmuy 8 races. 1 ! Bun-uwurs have the optinn of repaying the principal either lr annual instalments or In I uuu sum at the on ef the term. If the securi- , ty prove satisfactory, the loan may be renew- = ed for 5 further term. x l 'I'l|A Avnnnam: :u8II L. t.......`l ..-_. ._ - J -- A iianadai Central & B1'ock;ri1ie & 0tta.wa:.a.i1wayB. ' Arrive . y um. l'.UH':|.' AND LUAN COMPANY Q OF CANADA make advances on mort- gage security of,City, Town or Farm Property, 1-1:: uums ranging from Mooupwurds, and for pcrimll to suit borrowers ; interest at 8 for lcent. per nnuum. Dnvnble hnlf v...-:.. r.. cent. per nnuum, payable hnlf yeariy `_ proved mortgages, also, purchased at the Com- p:my's rates. l Bun-uwarn have Hm nntinn ..f ..-......:.... 4.1.- 7 ,..-...-.u- w nun uurrowonl mwreu at 8 Ker P. I877`; J`aAI.~m wzu. mm as Fonwws :- PDSTIIABTER GE.NERAL'S REPORT. Tin- D-o.._L.l -|.- D V- - :5 L. .5`, ,/ A KM A'yrAN, mumsmu, -` mu (,':\X/IHNAVIAN J`.It.h ,K;:tam uf Puusago from l m'tla.nd 2 Uu.bin..,,..,, ...,.4....870 ta h`t-.-o:rnge..... . I|1L[|I _nuu- ; a 5th A l_..__..--ulva-`Irv J-ll-I-`E , I -urtlaml at intervals during the season of Sntcr Muvigntion. An experienced Surgeon curr:i4.-J on urwh vessel. Poertlw not secured until paid fur. a H4`-r Freight or other particular apply in I , Purtlausl to J. L. Farmer, or Hugh and Andrew Allan; in Quebec) to Allan; Rue f (L U0. ; in Havre tc John A . Currie 21 Quad j Lfurlcnun ; in l n.,is to (J stave omsango, E Rue In 4 Scptembru ; in ntwerp to Aug- i :s`elnnitz & C0,, or lijchard Born; in Rotter- ! dam to S. P. lbtmnun & Zoon ; in Hamburg in 313'. Glimon `UL Hdxgol; in tlgelfhxznt to Glngrlo`); .' . a co m ; In m: on on gamma I zirernmornn-, 17 limce-church ' Street ; in Hlmsgow to James nml Alex. Alllm, 70 Great (Hyde Street; in Liverpool to Allan Bram, James Street - or to H. J: A. Allan comer uf Yuuvillu au'd Common Streets, Mon,treal. FULGEIK & HANLEY, Ann-ntn fun} 1.1` |l......l. un..-.; - , _._ ,._ . ... ,.. .. _ . _. ......_,,._.,__ .__,.___ ._.__ ,,_, N ! T `HE TKUHT AND LUAN i , CANADA tnnku ulvnmmn nn n.....o Uillld I0! BNO conveyance OI Canadian and United sum Mans.{ This Compnnyn Lmes are composed of the umlurnoted First-class, Full-powered, Clyde- built, Double-Engine Iron Stemnuhips : Vezmel. Tonnage. Ocnnmamleru. . SARDINIAN . . . . . . ..-H00 (Building.) UIl{UAHBlAN.,,........3400 (Building) CANADIAN . . . . ...2600 lBuildimz.) r exact. '1 bmmyr. Oommimderu. ...2600 (B|_1ilding.) l ()l.YNEh'|AN . . . . . .4|00 Capt. Brown. SARMATIAN . . . . . . .3600 Capt. J. W lie. HllH'}ltNIAN . . . . . . ..34IM C.1pt.K,S. utta GASELAN Capt. BM-clay. SCANDINAVIAN. . Capt. Aird. . PRUSSI AN . . . . . . . . ..3000 Lt Duttnn, BN1 . AU 81'!!! AN . . . . . 2700 Capt Richardson: .\' E.`l'l`()l{lAN . . . . . . . .2700 Capt. Ritchie. MURAVIAN . . . . . . ..2650 Capt. Graham. PERUVIAN . . . . . .2600 Lt. Smith, RNR MANITUBAN . . . . . .3150 Lt.Archer, RNR NOVA SCUTIAN . . ..2300 Capt. Grange. -.\'()l{'l`H AMERICAN 1784 Capt. Miller. . ARCADIAN .......... ..l350 Capt. Wilson. ' ,(,`UIlN'l`HlAN ,......2400 Capt. Jun. Scott. fn"l`. DAV D . . . . . . ..l650 Capt. E. '6tt. pal`. AND {EVV ..l432 Capt. H. ylio. K .*.~"l`. l A l'l{ICK ,,,.....1207 Captjsteplnen. 3 THE STEAMEICS OF, THE -1 In nlr-nn;n.-.. .- -v.. . ---- vvu. uunu. LIN: Snilillg {rum LiVl'I [um| uvry Thurmlny, and Imm Portlalul every` Saturday, calling at Luugln Voyle to I'cw1'\7c on'bmu-d and lzsml Islailn and l'asuwxngc iz: to and from Ireland and :s'cutl:md, are iutenclcd-to bu duupntchud from Purtlxxnul : / slug: nu Under contract with the Government of Canada {at tho Conveyance of Iianadian and llnllml Ruin: Mn|ln.. All!) 0 I DAN] DIED UL`: 111 `UVERPIQQLI MA,l_L inns] Nxnilhur frnnn u Brockville, Dec. 9, i yenuuee occurred. ; I L In View 0! this L'H|H'Lt`Uul mm lain-rzni -v:Luf | : the Government u. Ulc In-mimnu, _\-nu SIM)` hereby enjoined to make know: '..u we pulnh-' ' htereeted in the subject as fern possible, that until the provinion oi` the l'rc:iL - nf 1 Weellington relating lie the liuhcriue lhail go ! f iateeeet the liberty of tithing in the water ' r hereeltet tqlne thrown open to the Yilhurllcn I e! the United steee by the upemtmn of thew provision: in permiubry only and iI`lbje'.'? 1.. ` ; ittempte by primtc partwe ta enforce we 1 etill existing legal restrictions which are not 1 g forth in the circular ef this department, el- Ieedy referred to; end that It Ame:-ieen Ibhetllell Iged in liehing within the three- -ile Iimituahereinbefore mentioned before I July I, I673, they may still he uulojeute-1;, to diienlty by parties under the t", meet the etetuteu ef the Dunininn of 3 ' ;w$vI U, ac. umce 4 Kmgstnn, Oct. Int, 1872 Sept. '25, 1372 aluul I o noel. ESURANCE Agent, Notary Public, Aa- colntant, kc. Oice over Mr Pa:-hot : gstore. J an. 2'2. IS7.':'-.`{.-- W inter A;`rangmwnu.-187I; -3. (JANA DA 0 ENTRA L _>R_.AlL\VAY. ii`sImANcE GENT __.___ , the Grand 'l`n-nu]. ' hxiari run or um L mica Stanton nu the other The Socrvtnry uf Stale rcu-m.!y mmuwcl ma.- Illul ho bu Lou: u1i'x.:mil_s' ml`-;x-maul by Her Iritnnnic Mnjontyl Minister .51. 'vVn4hn\gt.u: that the Executive `;vo\'s:l`lxmol|t nf the Damn- ol Unuada, us arsling tho nut ul Cong}:-rsn p's'is.4alfoo:l. tn 1. n-. Treaty of `v\'.1-alnngton as Qtguinglnto o rah:-v~ nil Juiy I, }u7.'3. 17:..- `Oeidml that {H t'n..L tuna .\tnn'rn.-:.:|1ix'm-r- Del have no X-.-gal n,;3n LU limb in <.'..n.u.. `burl, and their \'.oac.u .m- liahlx: tn s--wx:rc h doin` no; that the I):m:i.x;-'a.`. (-7-Irvrtun 1.! will, howcvor. take n=- x,u;-.x-- pin.-`v :1II mu. ulo from nhiu ' witlnn thy 11.:-m mils limit , ll such Vcllu WI I-.|va pc~rIni.m0n tn la.-En no for In that ciovurnmcnt can grn-at 1!, umi that it in not prob.|b!u that may ucnz_ur will he -Ado It the mutnucon of yrivntv partiu, lam that Ihouhl we]: a cam! occur the gum! .-lliu-~ H the Govornmout will hm mm! in ndvmng the IIIQIO 0! thu Vcucl Ind lh-1 n-Iuiu~4wn of uuv poanltiu occurred. . ll rind of this m.un.u.n. ....". l.'........| ..... t No. 2N0. 4 Exp:-l.|Expn. no 45 n.m. 10 (X) , ,-.., - ..-... . --. cu.- in...,.., .,.,..873-tin $80. :rnge...... (625. THE 7~}'l`}d1\H.\y|'l'3yl{h"1)l" TH E Aflrs-u-Q0 --- ..`_ BPE|"-W;.` j__.-_..:. inlet melatonin." "" L Mnlwmnuu 17....-__A, .. ' no. 1! qExprs.| uu wnnor '|1|aro|u of -lath:-I and 130,000 gnporl.` and in the: lung: can I consider: la dccrlubo. Thom won gouveyod to Canada 162,720 letters and 2,034 navnpnpors. There mu 3 30610000 in tho con-annmuhm.-.. ..c 11-- 820 810 JLGEIK HANLEY, Agents, {cut of Brock Street. 9, 1872. `Leave `: Sand Point Carlo- dun. Perth 1 Brock- ville Ren- fr-ow Ott'wa. Vvmuua Iwuvoon mu L lillecl States am proclaimed Jul] -1, 1871, so mr 101114: to the I`?-hcriv-1, v uuIL1_un1 go I111 until lain required In carry them int: {ion have been paused by thv nnpcrial mom 0! tin-st. Britain, by [hr l |rlizu Canasta; and by the Legi.-l:\Lur-s or !'m _Vanl hlnml on the our haml, an-I Congress ul the United Stanton the II The Hocnntnrv 1.! St-Ma .-.. .nHu hur Leave Brock- ville |An-ive 1 Place no. 2 Exp:-5.` nuns. (enlngio Iv 1u p.m. sud 2,034 con-oupoudouco of New Brunswick with England via Halifax, no doubt owingwtho menu 0! Immunit- don via Quoboc and Portland. - -Jfunfreal Guam. I0 4; ) Aplfil, M111, Manager. `the origi- EEO. `I . Exp:-3., NO. I .|lExprs. vrom `U I the poor. -_..- - vvvvnq l'.CHI'l`E(1'l` AND _BUILDING SUR- VEYUR. Oice and Reliclouce Queen I oat. 24. ' vvunmgwn. :5 run days mm.-. To tho collectors of vuntmnu nu-l otiusrn 1 Iy circular, under date of Marvin 6. I-`-}7`. , cm. dopu-taint notied cnllu-turn of cmstulnn and the pphlio in re nrd tultlkac-hr:-xtri;:_t.ionn to wluch 1 . A-ohctl Hue mm 4 - auinoct w Ion -em- V; oyul in a.nn.g on an cunua ..t the Britmh .f Irn ting-riccm Uni:-niuu. and that the pro Viuimuc -nvoon thu l'nicmt States and tire! . ; Briuiln. July mras Um \' . IIIIM: '0 H16 l3.:Il'lt|`i.'A, v nu7;i nu! an |-utn .nfT.-.-'1 I 1 an .1 no LUVV R , U'1"1'AVVA.--TI.|il bongo b_ is entirely new in every respect, having been enlarged, retted and rofurnilhed tlul aeuon. Fmt.-cluu Sam lo Boom: and ample accommodation. Omni no meet all trun- nnd baits. u l\A\T`lln1n 1-, u Uommer Stablin . Marc 30. '5 os. 1725 a.nr1l7 -N Ont.-Jam: .:'1cu.v, Free Omnibus to and from th _-v--uo- --IIUIIII 7 Main St root, Brockville, Jr. I :-opneto' r. ; e b:>_nta and can. Cnrriagen for parties wilhi to visit places of interest cnn_ be located at t ooe A First Clan Live_ry attached. May 27; .._____.Q__._/W F. . CLARK No. Street, Between 1 :-in `J-CO5 3. , L.D.S.`, Dun-.u. Rooms, 4 Wilson : Block, Wellington can and Brock Stu. Sntiafzwtion G uamuteed. July 31. _ - . -........ -uvuwng Iuullvlllqlvo BROPHY, PBOPBIETOB.-'.l'hio First A. Claullotolineontnll laocstodintlu aw-ineu part at the town, 1 View of the Phouund IIl_Ands of tho St. In mi in zlou roximnty to thc Fishing G. 1. li'Good Bnn.tn:snIl'|------ uumun Inna: fthostln lldil g::ao`rr`x;1.II.'1:_yt4:thcFishi`n:iahdhnn:.Il wuvnmagftendance for ' .1- ...... ..... ....uuuu,, uuuwu;. OFFICE AND l{ESIl)ENOE--in the pre- mises recently occupied by Dr. Jarvis, and previously by Drs. Evans and Mnclonn, ' Na, 1115 PR] Nnnrmo svmbznum `..-..v...., .1, u-n. uvnun nuu Hulclelll, No. 155 PRINCESS STREET, nearly opposite Tandy Bron Marble Works. Auguat 7. DENTIST (sucoeuor to Dr. Day) No. 156 Princeu Street, Kingpton, Ont. U1 -FIUE HOURS from 9 AM. to 5 P.M. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devoted to the 1u unu I vxznuvvn A1 I unnnx um um I (1 at thy Ponce for the County of `Fronte- nac, (hgtndo Street, Kjngzton, directly 0 )0 site the Montreal Tologrnfsh Company : at 'u.: . Kingston, July I9, 187 . nnuu 141.-`A'II'l\.V I nun . The following cih".:l.'u n-l:m\' bl on the coast of tin` Doznm Wu IIEHIII` from the 'l'Ir:LAur Wanhiugton. few days ` TI u nulls;-tars of I'IIlI.nl:|n IL 1 n. ur pun nun, England, Homeo- pathic Physician, 5111' con, kc. Uico and Residence removed to cllington Street, near] y opposite the Post Uice. Call! in cit .r country, night or day, prompt! sttemlcu - J. JARV 8, MJ). Ana. 9. `uulnllmn Assutant surgeon U. 8. Army, VVashingtnu, and later, Attendant us the Mnusnchusottu and City Hospitals, and Eye and Ear Inrmary, Boston). _ ()Pli'Il`.l?. Ann ulurwn-xrnuu :_ 4- H, ' ARRISTER and Attornerat-Law, So- B licitor in Chancery, hotary Public, Uonvoysncor, 32 King Street. Kingston; Out. At Gannnoquo, ov.r 8. `McCnmmon s Drug Store, every Tuesday and Friday. Jun. 14- 1873. I mm. 1:. nupuui. n|.n.. 3.2.0.-Its` NOMETIME Assiitant Surgeon U. b Army, VV:u4himztxn. later. Atflsndnnt L L ccry K i n;,'nto1x. John Mudie, )Al.ilU.` Solicitor in Clum- cery, &c., Ulnruucc Street, botwoun I Hing mm \Vullingtuu t-Jtrcetu. ' _._-_.-.. .._vwuu-----v-sq uncut l.Vll5l'1l . of the liqynl College of Sur (mm, L Englmnl. llomduncc and Oil cu :--- m3mblo`u Block, Wellington Sttoet,.KiugItun. uue 29 - -.__.o H. Mnnuuon, Gzmunoque, OIJIEIIK UF DIVISIUN COURT, Notary _ Public, (Jmweyancer, Commiuioner in guc4.-n z4 Bench, ho. Nlpv. `Z7, B` . ~-------o------- mm which contain antimony. quinine and colonel, should be avoided, {La -ocvure gri ing pd would be their only result. The as cut, ggtytgnd bent pill; are l nrnuns' P........:.... . L L anreet. Kingston, May 25th, 1872. ._.....__.._...__-_,__.-.. 5. mu. 7, 1373. ltiz-hard 'I`. Walkcm. "1ULlU1 1'()l'. IN (:HANUEl{Y. U (Jluruncc Street, Kingxtnn, Ont. J. I`, (hI.m4Ir-'! 2': -.':., L, Iimnum '1`. WM.naM. LII Morel May 23. llaliliilllllh` Aug. 22. Albion Ilotel, Mill-st, Stirling. [OHM AUKERS, Manager. First-clan Commcrcinl Roomu. Hood Yards and tabling. store, every 1116! Jan. 14, 1873. Aug: nmur. any 1uQ51UE.NCE oppoc J Post (mice, Wellington Street. Established in Kingston in 1857. Ann. ,____,_v .---v- -um--u -IIIITIQ FOHNSON AND UNTARIO 8'l`lEETS, Kin 11, Canada. . MILSAP & C0., Proprietors. auu-on. nuoum be avoided, sch-re: g I pin , and pins Parsons Put at `Anti-Bilioun P1113. ~ Ad:-. l!Lgn-Jul---- A1ex._s.A Kirkpatrick, . "1JlINTYUiwWN ATTORNEY and ate`. 1. I nf Hm Pmuee fair the Umlntv of `If:-mnh-. Daniels Hotel. HJNTRE TOWN, OTTAWA.- / Clltiflll naw in nvnru um-n f I ;-ovinctal Howl. Gnnnoque. I BRDPHV Dnnbntuwnnn n-1;- inc, ATE OF LONDON, England, Homeo- J pnthic Physician. Sursreon. kc. mam -u qua-vg RCHITECT, MARBLE BLOCK, ` L Street. (hunutnn ll-.. OKAI. Inwn L. elements,-Tlentlst. FFICE AND RESIDENCE opposite the _ Wellington Street. ARRISTERS, &c., '12:`-nut and Build ing, corner of Toronto Ind Adolnido nu-An * L.;...........a{& ;.;)n1. ARIUSTER8 and Attornoyl-at-Law, S0- licitoru in Chancery, A. /8. Kmxrxrmcx. )!\lH .ISv'M'}P.S and Attot-no s-at-I4`wr, Con- ) voynncors, I\'utu-ics Yul: ic. _- -_-v-vuu-nu IVIIII/I7 |EMO\7ED TO MACLEAN & C.0 8,DI-ug |; Store, Princess Street. M.-w 23, . _... ....-.. yuu K'l|rI0llI' l'urguti\'e 27Z'nia-Bum. Ubcorlulnun. courage, and rest nctiviz . f hblloctuc onpndered by Fe lows Compoyinxrd Syn) ypophuphiteo, and its ca ncxty of povor of endnnnco to t e bnini mum in Ihown in in ........-on _-.___, _.- nuvuuuaur It HENRY B. EVANS, M.1l.C.S., hm- , dun. Uice, 156 Priuoou Street. Joscspln Bawclcn, J"I'0RNE3 -A'I`-LAW, Solicitor in Chau- ;_ cc-ry', Notary Public, 33 King Street, Iggatun. an-u-u a nu m to, April 16, 1872. nnunvnla James Mccammon, 1Il.I)., h`\,l DH!) .1 LL. `II ._..I 11 n W an J. L. Dlacdonald, L.D.8. Nwam :........,...--_ .- n. v - -v & Walkcm, nntuvn1_unn , , 1 Anfzlo-American ll ;Ic- I .- K'LlnN' A \1'I`\ 1 .\*rn1 . nun p... ARCHITECTURE luueaonald & Patton. puwcr at undunncc the ifroilii in its pmpertv angina; . pennant through monml diicu|- ` .`-.! .`-M J y_c9rI have elupnocj since?` International Hotel. In: __.1 nu. .. - Iii-. llcnry ll. Evans. lftanviuur v. ...- . .. -- -. Dr. Macleanrs (mice '\`7I1I`I\ nun `It; zuvwu. ;- _ ._- i "iii. Machnr;'Dl>.:l., DENTISTRY. John Power. 511'!` A :71. u..-.. - many. I Jarvis 8. DANIELS, Pnnrnurrou. V ninbi/ii: Truly the Lord in good and kind. And all who nook His face wit` all the hint. do ever lnl 1- H5: uuntainmg gru-c. lI0'l`ELS_._ JOHN A MAODOIAID, Q.C. J/mus Pxrmx, Q.C.. / / _:I In Iowa ll. Gaze, - II II Aiifni cu -- :L_EGAL. TY: A./Sf Kinxrxrnicx. 1% 1!. Burma, M.A. /. '- . K, Princes Oictc om; hours ion 7.30 daily, Sunday: excopted.. -4...." -4....--. (I Stand vim`. I2.) Whil review the path !'vo' mod. And Hm: In wundcringn us-, W58` [ratitu E I own In Um] Far All Hi: love to am ' ......-- nu nun $IIIIWU,o Trains arrive and dopstt from the Kingnfon station as follows :- . nu-nun -_.._ Exprou . . . . . . Expreu . . . . . . Mixed Train um;USIT8 received under th of the Post Oico Savings Bank, twin of 9 mm. gun! 4 13.111. p... - . Point I Expreu . Exm-an . zaxprell . . . . . Expreu . . . . . . Mixed Train 1 -y uuugv lJl-CDo Mun-nu : Hon1..--8tngu arrive and depsrt from this place :5 follows :- ur it - , ._.. '.--cu -- nvpnvvvi i- From Piston, daily, 5 pan. ; leave at 8 gm 8 detihm, dnillll mm. ; lava at4 pan srrovnnuth, 'ly ll mm. ; leave at 4 pan. Button-us, dull , lls.u. ; leave st 4 .m. Invent?-, 'l`ueadsy,.I I::I1-I413 And .Per CANADIAN LINE (via Portland) every Friday at 11.30 mm. Postage 60: per! half ounce, - I an hour Mails. .l Tloa lit mo Ion my Saviour now. And pram: ny H-.-unly King , All Iti |le- nu.-ulzouu love ml.-r--, A-A ..niI| .....n:..- -1..- Saturday at 11 mm. - le'n've TE 4 pm. Newburgh, u 1y,ll "mm. ; to at 4 pan. Cape Vincent, daily, 1 pm. ; leave at 2 p.m. ` Bnvns Ho'rnL.-Both 0 e u-rivet I I 11:30 am. on Tuesday, at-edgy end} :tnrdIa; leaves ezlriock 121.1: 33% . uunequ ' ; VG` ' ' 3.11,: ; lane at Vincent, ` .13. enive At 11:30 e.m. ; Fave $8 3.13., 1 and 2 p.m. Brno: Omc:.-Cspe Vincent stages arrive at 12, noon ; leave at 8 5.111.. I and 2 nan. yum: uync:.--uspe Vincent stages noon lc_svo 5.111., 2 pan. Guam : BonI..-Mom-ton stage arrives on Mondn;"WoduudAy and Friday at 2:30 p.. ; an at 7=p.n. mululi , Vvllly Illd Tdlj 1=p.n. Olpe Vincent man at uomim _ -BRITISH MAIIS will be cloned as follows : Per DIRECT LINE (via New York) every Monday at 10.30 mm. Postage 80. per half ounce. ~ , ,U____....._ - vw uoxmr onnmzs, on Money om: 0on' throu out tho Dominion, Great Britain sud rolaml, Nowfoundliad Au:-rival and llepartuhre of llulu. 59:- 88 anu pun-an my I1--.-rtnl) low And in cunning min; -- Registcred Letter: should be mailed In]! :1 provioul to the than of cl--inn H-- = /E7rNA INSURANCE co] 61' HARTFORD. )m1- marten, KINGSTON. , I '"1 z'"3b., 3` -.--.v-.-.- Inc uuv :- I72! '1) VV MIIIHIHIUII III .gmugmto l. :.u riddd that Arm'nu:m Iinhe-D ' I right. Lu .'..n.ul.a tau, and their no ; the Unmimm. (;7.r'r:nm I, I-U 3-Min pn.-Vomt ~. I`:- I tinhin Yhu three -0 vouch wxll for 3 not probable nnnzpru do Imntalu-on 5 occur `.ln advi.-mg an ol the Venue! nltiu > I Vil 0! thin cuurtaoun and met,-xf Oovofhnouz u{ llmnir-inn, M In cnakn Inna-n v.. 05. ' Q uucn rL ui the '1'}-Z ` -nxli hr n:qu.`rv.:\l tn ;au|::4criiw tn t 1w.'Il|:| lL)I|~4 .'1Fprn\'1'I| by thv ( g_u`.-5.1 of flu; T;-sun - .` 1* #-l`JJ:llHt'J*\-J-IL `jun (vu ` ..'.z~ , is [uyi~: ."Lv,' Hz I !-'\Xl!";A!u,j ; `:u~i-n;r ..-\`:-zmg-; Vxmn thu 1.1 L! Luz-:`u. \9)'a*Iu on -Iu;_v, um! ...r:. L-v then .(m..,;a wiii M 1;. ~:..:m lhllv A4.-.m;|:.uun. `J, l'h.It tin: uillcurs u;_.:umm.n '.:Ix_v Instruct whcr-* U11: mnuw ,.r:x1M2r\`_1L-Atmlh: ~.':p._- - ' `hr a..:u[u 11!: rn fur tin X~'.`: Taiwlam '|':-run. .m'} 1 W.--u'i", ; U1 q.;:ulc .`-3:-jut` at UN .J..-::.ru 1, u ] 1: int |5rX',`.'uh- .`.:/iju]_ , nu-;uh`,r . This Company has been doing lnucinem in Canada for u that time has secured the public condence Iyy prompt every just claim. It has complied with the lawn of Canada bygg ` Government of, Stocks to the extent of Q.";0,ooo, nd h pupudu tcnns an liberal u my other tint clans Company. JAMES 1-nvxrr; An Kingston. Much as. 1313. '"' 5` V Cuh Rqeeiptl for 1372 Kingston, Much M, 1873. DIRK DFOCK u. n. OI! ... ... ... United State! And City Stdck sml other Securities I4mnlonRAn.lI7'Af.|fa - ._ , umwu ante: mu wt) Loans on Real Estate LOSSES/P/JAID m 52 YEARS... - min no months .. .. ;_ subscribed by Stockholder: since Dcpember llt, 1871 J I --AO- -nnai Im I QWID I--.._I_ _ 4 2.1.- Grand Trunk Railway. nu at-viva -snl .l.......a. 1.-.. 4| , ... This (at the Lord hath brought inc 3 u-uuh. . Ami uti I'll trust Him race. Until my Ilciweuly home View. And do my Snviuux-'1 law. I J. l._\\\'~4u! nsvu ucuwn Inouul no mauled hllf rovionl time of closing the ogistmtion Fee 80. ' Arrwe. LI5 T.M. 2.30 A.M. 5.15 A M. stage then. m. 1873.` GOIXIG TIM`. `An-can mow r.m G01! 0 IAUP. I-.-1... ~ WIDE `TO!-IIIIIE | In I For In His love Cu Inn ` .-.'v-. -, -nu-v--------- ---vv vvyvn-.371 `.3 `OIL Aueu-nm-ch m, _1s7:z (market m.',f',_ 2: nndin ... - ` 7.305.111. to 6.30 p.l!l.,l pied R. mmuox, Poltllnltaln E DRATED 1819. CHARTER ash capital, $3,000,000.00. `HI [-2 cA.\`AmAs !"l.s'H t~;n1:i24. III - we regulations k, between the I l'1\|'l'g_li- pnmuhed in medium at comma ' 1 H! Olltlfio llld I0 I ` the uicinl recdiptl for Java! and aomsom for: , he acknowledged in tho I Auvnnmnxu Tnnnn, `i Hen hum`, 3.3.3.; _ _ 10 lscxennnc um FIT late `. P. at-ton, culture in Yale Gallant. , Two vo1I., Boygl 46%; -numerous en `In- iuoshnid. 88.0` ` IIIIIIIGFOIII en] P'*P"'d 88. A~IIv|vvVI..ou-a una` Postage two by the quarter st Review will ....}.'.?`.'.. out fonrcopiuolthdlout- for us, and no on. To nlnhn M in no numb, 9 have two of the Ion: - Neither mniunu to ` countto cublcan In WM money in remitted direct h. 4. ; No premium can be gf .g\ To secure promiunu, _ nuke only application, I_ (N for that pnrpou is lillitd. ` Circulu-I, with lurthct \ hid nu nnulicntinn.` embnocl'I,.Il-1'10 furnished `at Two Adina mi vnnau. RBI-IN HZ I-IR , To club: of tea at man,` above discount, 3 y `to tha cotter an of _ nuuuu` ` New nubacrihan for ` have without `W: lull: :n1u-hut nl I 'n|n`nIn' have, chnrgo, lut quarter of 1871 (adult msluuhucribo for. in-bndd at 61-. -Lung an nu Iuuucnuo lot. *4 ), 31' instead of tho shun, J sixty. two, three or {our of` ,` c . mnv lunm- nmnrnmiun.` .*....5." s.....s..."'.M by uni! an ohnguljllh - _- 5.`! -3 v_y -nu-ua --v wu-.---vv The hroniolii -a I-govt-113111! . Vvu-..r ' 104 FULTON M : ' Atnbout ans-thirdtho` V_ THE nnmnumm % ` wmsrnlusmn =~ ~ LONDON qmm v monthly. FIVII _.__....-. v:_ Irv For any one of thfoviivli , For my turn of tho 7 V ma,` .Fur my three of tho ' If... Rlnnkwmvl and an- no wunovueaged in Illa I Auvnnmm Tnlu. 5:. rnhizergn; every m_ uen "1 monthly, lull-you-ly, {nuentnmaclaou ,_ Ital ! UL : IIIIUU X411` 0 smcl My, Lhu tutor; other. ` .-.-.......ol.. ..-........I ..... Elllackwoodk 1 awn BY THE LEONARD I (VIII!!! Inthe weekly edition has a lame And ' mu a sand lliocesoudg Ontario. ' ` Notices intended to ` tion should be -' ~ ` .`_` pnperinthedittrint. - " CONFIRIIATION 5 M M 1 FORMS of every -V -~ -f_ and chuply at th V PBINTIIG Um ` - |`to the getter up of 1 move auconnt, ea "I31 .g -----u nu -uvulcu, wg `copy. _ Hue Nzws ii the I I PAPER published ina medium nl unmmnninn... mull unolua DO PIINI paper jg: the distant. cunt. _ ` {Dominion of ('44; f i The Uttawn M,l'.-c-are ngu , I !'ctl.n.< personally ` 81,000 u -.4 . ' iii: having 2; gWn1n1iI!i0ll at .1 . _ :ul\'lL'eu r-uwu--l{mnc, .~ . nilrmul ; N617 York | ` York Central and H ` Hnwagu and Northern 1 1'AuI1m: MA"- - mwago Iona Nonhang I'Ah'IFIU MAIL ' , PANTS THROUGH FURNIA leaves on tholi month. Stan weeklyfo I .lVER1'UOL. Maw , {GENERAL 1;; ...... .-.., ...... .-...... lad on ' THE 7. 1')1u1zn soon! ` IAA `$uIi4-41u .....`_ r= .=:.v:a-as:.v2..~z% In gov urn..- v---(V. 8 PUBLISHED on and oanlilu that ....L44AAa'n `Q1 S(; I-.FI'3l';lSHED mum in ndnnco, ll "1?! __ ` ` .1 V lbltrt May 6. Bucxwootfs Em `.4 -:-.:I A .1 L`- ~ I inother death has oocurred from this Inys- :e`rious'am+terriMe dis-.-3..-ac; Mrs. Valiquctte ; was perfectly well on Friday last when her ; husband left the cit "for Montreal. and soon { after his departures e was seized with ill the syxnptomi of rrrebrn upinal mI'u_/I,-u'li.4, and dial yesterday morning. The rapid spread of the disnazc Iz-I becoming aIannmg.- Htmu-u Fret Press. : muxwooanaono - r Blackwood Ind Ill Ummuznb DE L Iuvmcns until L _ Customs` ""151r.nMs oI.v_ so V 0:. 3 Z$'ms s e -n rrince nnwnm Inland entering the llwnion. The peoyle have wted two to one at the elections jllt held, in favour of it twenty Cmiieclcrute iuembore against ten Antis having beeniietnraeil. The actual Ministry being defeated, Hon. Mr Pope will probebly be authorized to form a new.(;'uv- eminent, which he will, doubtleu, succeed in doing withoutdiiculty. He has been}, friend tu Confederatien ever since the nego- tiations of 1864. The very favorable terms offered Prince Edward Island in the recent negotiations were well calculated to excite in the people a desire for the alumrlenznont of their present iilolzitod and unproini-iing , poniiirm, 1' would indeed have been n . wentler had these ten: ting inducements, ` whlchprodnced e deeiiletl iunprueion upon I the Imperial authorities themeolvee, failed I of fleet with the shroud and calculating lelundere4--0t(uu'a (,'it.ir.cu. [\_,_ __ ,,_I 1 - ::.,'.;. ASE ,I:GLI ASE oqrro was into rmcns 3 MAGAZI casn inn uses. I A an Ixihnn n'X1.I-3 wu| IVQP, Irect \ I. -;:zM! , On the 16th innt.. a ewe belonging tn Mr ! John Sutherland. 7th concession Ramsa , gave birth to 2: mm lamb having six legs- I per- fe.:t.l_y developed. The turn extra legs protrude from the front sblulder, one of them Being turned backwards. A large number of people have visited Mr Sutherland : farm to see this modernwunder, and have expressed their au- toninhmcnt at` such an unusual fi-oak of na- ture. --.V4/znonle (lnzrm. In an crnl ma. km!-'4 5 DAV Ia?! ' E_.A.3E BIBBO Fiicml ,. ..-.u. vvu pi umounn. ,'l"he atom: gate posts at the caste)-n block are now finished am! present a moat Immlsmne uppuarsuce. Two of them are surmnuntcd with lamp: of uuitfue design. By some mysterious means theiglase gets broken two or three times a week, and all efforts to discover the cause or perpetrator of the smash have been unavailing. ---Otlaura Free Prnl. On Friday Mr A. M. Delislo. (3:;1Icct,n' of Customs at Montreal, paid :3:!`50O in order tu obtain a. settlement of H. suit 3.5;/Linst him for voting for :1 Government cmiali-lzgtc in I871. The suit was hm ht by Mr L:i.crr-ix, A former employee in the `uetom House, and he has handed the money over to the Canadian Insti- tute. . '1"`;_,"__-EL". GREI W _,......-........ .-as-s~w vu-Lacie. One would suppose. that the (Hahn had had experience onaugh of the lruuthmuuonit of lying to nmlm it ready to give attention to the trgth when presented tlril. On 8.1- turday last it wont out of its way to drug into an urncle 2. reference to the re nted conversation luul between Mr Pom-.-r, resi- dent of the Grand Trunk Railway, and its Londom interviewer." In the light of Mr l otte:r'e cable telegram and Sir J nlm Mne- doneld'u and Sir Francis Hincke' etetemenlra in the Hausa, the reader must be hockod~ -- we cannot use as mtlder expression -to tind that paper sayinf4rt this day 5 "Thut Mr { Potter actually id meke the statement `in quotation we fully believe, though there may very pnenibly have been June mistake about the person to whole addreu the dupatchen were sent." We have nothing to say of eueh jeurnelietic ruiuiem u tlne, except am it in by each disgraceful conduct that , membere of Parliament are repelled from ' that side of polities which iecureed with no}: en advoeaey of its cause. Every sense of decency iexioleted by to greet e ponie- _ tenee in adhering to antruthful uurtiom, , Need any one wonder tht the Grite have lb:.`en`i:h:.. in _Pu-liement {er ee W5` i ll. an Ill] Th AL. . ~---- "'4 ' I .\lr Uuppagc. brother of thd'Depnty Impou- zur If the Put Uicca fo; l`urtmto, w-nu one u! Illa`! pasusng-urn by the ifl-faunl Atlantic. but lud the good fnrtuno to be rowuml. HA: is ` mm In H:uii. au, and i3 rccovorixxg from the in- ! _xur'u.-4 he received by the wreck. I > 1 `Va see by the Umnllu 135/:/'/"; of the 52.11 | i mat , that Mr \Vudlcy Bullon h M been gnzo.-t- ` , zed Lie.-nt_n.1nt uf Compmny No. 5, 15th Unt- talion Argyle Infantry, vige Lister left the hmitva. W4: congratulate the g.-v.ll:xnt. uicer on i hi; deserved promotiun. | TI... -5.... ....L ` -H A mi.\n.\"1oN IHVI-`LE IEIVI Ah u L Iutl IULV-`. The following are the~{'-umcil'u regulntn-nu so he nlumrvcd in selecting Mn: L':1lIaullnh.!o.'a4II - uf twenty to re.-pro-u.-nt the mumuiation At } \\'imMctuI| : K . 1 '|v|___ .:__._ _ .._., -- - -- * L . IV]; II I13 ` rnngeu of my three 'l'uesd.1y, I l sion M and oh.` I '..u... vmcv, .-tutu scan.-s :0 he -:sppoiru,ml by the (`mm ~ -uper\'|.~n'ou thc Iirlg to: J. 'Hu- mist.` mm '5_'Pl' aha xvii--ate Ivy at r-sport --2' zh Inc L91: runz ilIl' \ IIIHICII. '.`. 'l'lrt_v rnumlu -shall -..`.o (Inn.-a,:l;;.yu. uamrly. murmug and live ruuudu much of 'thu mnmcu, `.!(X) y {:00 yards. On the tint .n-imr at -200 vn!-.l:. ..1..n n- ....- ullcu nmyu. uarm-uy. nvu rounds in tho in the n.fv.oruu-vn. nt- `. 00 yank, 500 yards and and last days, the .:ring at `.300 _\':u1l_a_shall be frum the nlv-mlqlnr ; -us flxu ucuoml clay it will bo in any yuuitinn. uni 3:. th other clintancuu in any pouibiun. 3. The gavlnpetituru must tiruwich the long f~'ui.ler Hillu muwd by the Gjgvurnmont. the glans of wlnic-hInIn-t be in the Itntu my wlmn nu-igiunlly irmux-cl from the Hove-rmucnt stores, Jlu thr pull all` mmct not lw lulu than N polllull. 7 U I' FIIIII !'.'uecut.ivc (. lo \\'nu|l.-:1 nu mach: 4...... .4 .. hr rm-_: unan whine): the nuloctim: fur a tu ho nmde may take place at the the reupcctnvo A.4uoiation.-o during we days in the ten days commencing my, 13th May next, qndcr tho supern- such utlicors as may be nppointud by mmcil. : Llllllllllllcu wzl ludnu, and an mu 1-: the names w :..., _Assm.'1A1*m:z- .1u:- : l`l.A'l`l()Ns. y .4: nc I.'uruurlI Hy UH. - Council. and under rlg wok plncu. Ler _~4I|:| ;u-::nnulu:uu' L -. n:unz-:3, I.) tron: car.-I be certified Ivy the as ('1-nu:-1'! .n..O .....l.,.. I In red a nu-Iv ii l'u lnnnnu zlw cl! plum I'.hur, , nu MU rush.-cc 201 >121`-` mum ms Hm L'](.'cti'Il ` will be t,c!c1.'r:_Lp|w 3 lrzqwa-re ['l'o\'E Jzuu.-, me 111 in this 90`?-run y deairu the xi vim: shall ucn4l_tr- iim Rie Annucx I-_xn.. fJ|n u'..L.l . A ..-`mdul ll' IILLIIPK` I .\'nzlung 1 W uf man .-of H: r :- > nlrlcvl wh--.4 'CC\ UH ha I ' -_...---.-., n. ; ., unuuuuv-HE. _ Liquor Store. 'l`!l()}.![ ;s`uN, m.'o., King-um. Notary Public. &c. .\IcC.-\.\lMU.\', 5.. Ganxnunmm. ' manic maaurallc ` Risks taken for three years Dwullings and Contents an termu. n .1 .-...... .--- , .1uI.\A runs, James Swift, Lawrc Wharf. l.~\l'l'FU1iD. J. V. Noel. LUYAL. M. W. Strzmgu, Clarence-at. j l15'1l.lA.\'UE, J. V. Noel. H1 U'l'l`l>5H IMPERIAL, VV. 1 . Phillips. ` Wl.~4'l`l$lL"--l\I. \V. S'l`l{.ANGE, Agent. Jewelry and Pa cy Store, L`P.Il)l`.U[{l), JUHN, King-qt. C.. Shelnllxl Hnunn D.......-n -L r L reams, '1`oront.o. .1 UDIE, J UHN , Ularcnco-st. :~'UL|.l\'AN, \\'. FL, Ularem .`.'Al.Y(l-EM R 'r 1'!--1---M-A Vl{l1}Yt';f`!1l'EZl{, J., Princexa-st. Primer and lfubllshcr. HHANNUN, JAMES, Pnnceu-st. - I-cam I-law Mills. H'I`I'}A.\1 SAW MILLS, Barrietielcl. Ticket _;,|zcncy. l<'UL4iEl{ BROS, foot of lirlock-st. Veterinary Sui-neon. . McII\"l`0.`-SH, l)A.\`1ll., City Hutel, Princess- Ht. Wharnger, . ..<\vn-"1'. .x,x.m-;s an cu. St I......,......... 'llaI'llt.'l ..s'\\'[l-"l', U0., \Vhnrf. % nnsunAuc_EjPAuv. Liverpool and London. ! I3"3"E("} -l'L.`RENCl .' STREET. ` ta vppn:-situ the Post ()tf}ce.) I 1 After payment of the usual ] providing for all losacl, cla the sum of $905,905 was the 1-`unaluin handn, which Reserve Fund - dividend and imn and expense put by to increalo r..- the Fumluin hatido, now tapitalpaid up - - Life Assurance Fund 5 Rizkn mm... 4.... +4.-.. ~ -7 / -_-.,.,., -..uvuau-an. _, ` _ _ Lawyers. l$.\.\\ 1)ls.\, J()b'E1 H, King-st. ;'l!.i)i4Jl{.*5Li & VVALKEM, i KH{Kl A'l'R[UK, A. S., County wrncy, ()nt.:u'io-at. ' | l\'Hil(l A'1'P.l(tK to .~.'\/lv'rux.~ n wrnuy, unumo-st. . K H11`. l A'l.'IlIUK 6:. SMYTHE, Ontario-st. i{H{i\'l A'l`liI(7K J: R()(}El{b , Ontario-Ht. `.iA,'iu.).N'AL{) zc l .~\'l"l`UN, Trust and Loan Building, corner of Toronto and Adelaide I rtreeth, Toronto. .Il7l)lF1 Jul-l\' m..-....-_ -L notary Public. 4 8., (zmmmquc. , Organ Mnkm-a vrygnn Lvlul-(3l'S. .'vH~1l-I & (31)., Gore-st. l{EY'.\'El{, JOSEPH, Princeu-st. Plunofortcs. W EEHCR & 00., cm-nor Princess and Ontario- ~ kits. .-..,u.v-,-g NJ uul: blllnphny ninglc ycnr. l`.`;tal Annual Life Prcmiuuu, deduvtmg liemssurzuucus ! E . E New Life Policies issued for .` I ';.':%Tl{AN(: E, M.D.... IIAXWBLL W. i -,n.nI|.:'Ul.LU, JUHN, ing-at 3 HRIUUR, C., Shelliuld House; 1- rincess-st. REES BRO.'., Princess-st. I. L \\'EUEK&. `- R!-`.V\In'n r 1 \VI'fH AlI|I.zlIII|Il7l:I Ba `rlULI)Ell. lH'.`NJ., Princeau-st. .`-lU|U{AY, WILLIAM, Anchor Buildings, Market Square. : nx-.r..s K. l,`U,, Vrlnccns-st. ~'(.'-,H"l' It DAl. |'U2\'. l riu .`~'.'l)Ul'.'.I.L, BIUJS. curncr . !'.rin .n~....o.. IA.L|n.Lhil,i| K. L7U., 1` .\lullA|-I &. _U()., W. and Bruck ts. 1`\l!|(lHIl In|ll\' Business Directo :-l u Inna x , W 1 LL] AM, AI Square. \Vl`Il{.`\'ER, l., Princess-st. ID-. ..l...._Il.._- _ AM ,1 n. ~~ .....-u, n ., a nnnwuna-nu. I lhnoiasasllt-1': and Stationers. 1H'I.\'lH`ll'.h'U.\', JUHN, Princess-st. .\lcAUl.|-IY, |`H().s'. & C0,, King-st. s'1`.u'I:\', 15., King-st. ' I! ....o_. ...-.I ul. .. .... II l'l..\l{I\', I .,'Slm.mh!cn. r.|_.u\\nuu\' w x. 1 IIiII'(l\?'{Il'C- Y.-1l{KEK. JAS. 5., Princess-st. ll .. 4 ..I.. ._...-.-... ....u. u., a.uuUual-SD. Hotels. .\I-'h'LU-AMEl{lUAN, Unt.1ri:L-st. .U.l?lU.\' llU'l'EL, Stirling. ii.-1 .` IELS HOTEL, (ntzbwn. "I N'l`l2'IZ\'A'|'JU1\'Al., Bruckvillc. "t'1{l) V l S UIAL, (Exuumoqne. .~/l"J ii Ll .'9-'1} HUTEL, Stirling. I nun non llnnn ,,_, ., --v-.-.., uvuuns. I nsurancc. J |`.`\' A FIR E, James Swift, \Vhnrf_ . . . .. '1 uu.u unnrcnco-SF. :~:.LIVl,l.l\:AN, Clarence-st. .`.'Al.Y{JM, Ii. 'l'., Clarence-st. . . u........_ (14 - ,, -- .-~ .. . , ..., .-.-abnvv. Boots and shoes. NINE, l`ID\VlN, l'riucc-an-Ht. I Butchers 1'1 \IJ I. ll .I.'I._._.I.I,_ \ n..uu\, r.,'mm.Inmcn. . vl.:t1.\`.\lMUl\', W. & J., Shambles. \I::L?UN\'ll.|.E, 'l`Hnz4., Uuttwio-at. Ifnrrlagc-. lalu-nu. .`-lc(,'|i|'I/\ -'\' 3'l'IN'|'|.l`)')', I riInc(:u.-mt. . lfloilnilxg. : I` .\l1H)lH`I, Brock utruct. (foul 0il lt-rchmlt .`A!|.'l\' l.":ll\' L'.'......;