Horses, Fa,rmi:1l:g' `Implements, Waggons, &c. ---v ---uvnr VIIUI-II WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. .;-_ HE undersigned in manufacturing all kinds T of Boots and Shoes on his own premises, which for style and nish cannot be nur- nued, and cheap for cash. Orders for ien nnd Gcntlexnen n_ Fashionable Bout! A gn-rpuuur . u r. ., _,.____.__..____._.._.. cnolf SALE` r vun oguucnlnzr commenced on the lat of _[ Apnl making his celebrated CHI-IISSE, and bags to notify the public in this vicinity that he will be able to supply the demand. `XIII tin`: Inivixn AI $TAcEv sl Family Bibles, Illustrated. Pocket Bibles, Illustrated. '1 Church Hymn Books. Call and CH ROMOS Kingston, April 17th, 1873. smmm's HALL] l I ll April 17, 1373. Pr. Bsllou, the famous specialist from Nov | York city, in stopping at the St. Lawrence Hotel, Cape Vincent. Ha cures my case of rhoumstism or neuralgia without medicines. He has cured Cspt. Howard and Capt. '1] inolaley, snd-is curing Miss Jones, sister-im lmv of the Folgor Bros. Those nlfsctcd with thoss discuss should go and we the doctor, as such An opportunity is soldou ou:-od.--A u.'v. - - ----v vv uuyyl IIIIU llllliillllu _ VVILLIAM DUFF. Kingston, 17th April, 1873. ' IVHE Subucriloer commenced 4 celebmh nd ban to nntifv Hm ....I..I:.. .-.. moKs1*onro:' AND ART GALLEIIY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCT In cHE Es_Iz_ BLUYERE rulr neavy Working Horses; `2 Grey |: Colts; 1 Pair four year old Ponies, l and gentle and well broken ; 2 Lum- Vaggona ; I Set Double Hnmeu ; Com- L Ron 1' and Mower; Horse Hay no , ay Forks, Iron Roller; Iron ghg; Iron Han-own: Fannina Mm- U '4'-5 _Cummencx'ng at 7:30 4 172 Princess s_t;eet, JUST RECEIVED NOTICE. A Llluili (IONHIUNMMNT 05 A. SUTH ERLAN D, Princess Street, Kinguton, Out. 873. :06 the fine uuortgnent of -_--_-...u g 5 J. E. HUTCHESON, An.-Hnam... $20, cash ; all` over; furnishing npprov,ed interest at 7 Der cant A. J. BEES, P. GERAGIITY. at, Kingston. ION D o'clock. MURRAY, Auctioneer. '3. L'C ESON, Auctionoer. April 19, I {he mu: nnmnsm. Rooms, April. Call and got a nu before you_ buy it. 1:1. .4 - -- - uy lici attention to buoineoo to be lblo to repay them all when he the New Store, uhe intends tobuy lar ey for cub. uldgive hie cuetommthe bene%t of tonpercen on ell grndoo and qulirieo of Goods. He ' token Thoma Ferrell into pertur- ohip, zlhnfbnoineoo in the New Ston will be. carried on under the none of Hellign & Co. Parties indebted to J . Helligon ore rogue- ed to cell and settle theiv ocoounto before let May. A--n - - nu . vonnouy-ho of the Star Groc hop: I sharp dye to the buiuu. ulna, tau 43., no aptly unght for. Stoc 1 1r 1; 1 ported Groceries andLiq`:1orI,\:hichmwill be sold ten `per me tlzu than any home in the city, ll be intolull Chap by the Tub or Pound. PREVIOUS to his roman! in M3 next to the Store Intel occupied b . R. Mc- Ruk. G0,, I RED CTIUN 0 TEN PER CENT will be sllowed (commencing on Anchor 1 GIHHJERIES, &c., STILL commvns AT 3603611 31.50. 1 ,.--.=.., uuvn '1 he Casket Lyric! Accompaniment, conti Scotch and l4'.....I:..1.. The Treasury Hymnal, with Instrumental Accompanimcnts, containing 48 Beautiful Hymn: by Horatious Bonor; Music by spohr, Haydn, Mondeluohn, to. Only 75 cents. . The Children's \Muuical Com li0ll--I vol- gzmo of 40 Pretty Little Bal, Hylnnl, urscry Songs, &c. PI-ice`8l. '1 1... n--I--L r .. uuuu n, m.aarzwak_a,`Jung:innn'Ley- bich, H3113, Benedict, &c. 75 mm. ' The Home Circle Collection! of Piano Music-3 Large Volumes, each containing n.l_>out 200 pieces. 82.50 per volume. Motzlez-'3` Bijou Pianilt, com by Schumann, Bndarzwalxy. bach, Heller, Benedict, Ehappelfs Fashionable VD: taining pieces by D kc. 60 cents. nee Book, eon- Albert, St:-auu, Labitsk y, __--_ , vuu gausvl. Chappelfa Standard 1 ing 72 Reels, Country Jigs, &c. 60 cents. 'R4.6I.........!_ n ,, rns+g.}pA1_\In\( apnea, Uhappc]l'n Second Album De Danae, con- taining 53 Sets of Quadrillel, Waltzes, Polka, lac. SL25. Cha.ppel1 s Third Album De Dune, con- taining 57 Sets of Quad:-illes, ,W'altzeI, `Polkas. &c., by Godfrey, to. 81.25. m........n'.. u.--- n-- , - _. _-, -..unu, mu. .1 Be'othoven a Sonatas-6 Bl Red Cloth ; Gilt Edges. 82 (`ln........n-- cu_.,. - ,,-._... The Schubert Vocal Album-'-44 Son , comprised in the pulnr series entitled '1 9 Fair Maid of t e Mill end a "Winter Journey, with Accompanimentu. 81.25. Chappelra Fim: Album Do Dunne, con- taining 80 Qundrillea, Waltzes and Poiku by |) AIbert and other popular composers. $1.25. ITL25. 7 Sims Reeves 9?) Tenor Soup, with Accom- pnniments. 81.25. The English Song` Book, con`taining 44 Popular 8 I-gs` and Ballads by Balls Hstton, Lee, Mncktay and others. 81.25. ' _ , ;.., ...... um waning politician! on both sidos have been compel- ` lot! to acknowledge that its attempt was 3 3 lsiluro. Why then repeat on 3 larger ecsl. o measure which was abauduned by both ' parties without one word in its favor! The ` Ionoto as at present constituted Has worked 5 voll. It hos pl-ooorvod its dignity and its ! _oolf-roopoct. 1: has shown itoel! . good, couutorpoiso to the more populous bunch, ' ls: oompoor, we lullj boliovo thst may `a , dai-cried ochomo hos boon nippodjn_ tho inin oftho oonoootot, from tho rm oonvic- it tion that though it might xnak : tallying cry in the country, it would not I W impooo upon tho man --J--- ---' *" r 1118 ROYAL VOLUME, comprising 73 of I the latest and best Minstrels Soup, with Clmrusca and Accompanimonta. 81.25. St. James` Hull (Ih:-istyllilnltreln 75 New Songs, with Ubonmss and Accompanimento. 3! .25. lrluns ROYAIL VOLUME Infant mul 1-..; '| jaoox AND MUSIG stoma] 1 - - -- 1 I 11 II I New Maple Sugar, cum: noun nwsw SW` that 93 "9: mums The Fmest Lemons in the ei ,_ Goeoanuts Fresh, Ab LL- `BAVIA .2 `G. s. `IILOBART. I III HI I!` "onus (oi Itrict nth . w.., .4, `av Chappell's New I nil Dieces luv Vinn- Chappcll's Second gigging Ollnllrillnn W-1 Song OlII11&l' Sunni mad R: U51 ARRIVED AT um maznxcn. J HALL, 3 splendid nuortmant of Bulbs um! Roots from James Vick, 0! Rochester, comprinina : nu): Aivvvl I comprining : At Henderson s John Henderson, Clearing Sale 25 Cent Tea. xd sample ofonr 25 CENT TEA )uV it. ?A, April 14, 1373. ' - BUBRUM. DAY LILY, BLUE AND WHITE. ULADIOLI, MIXED HYB.RID8. DAIILIAS, NAMED VARIETIE. PEONIES u u MADEIRA VINES, VIOLETS. PER-EN N IAL PHIDX, dc. Ln.mM AURATUM. Lyric Gem`s, witlf Pianoforto muimcnt, conthining 170 of the old and English Songs. Gilt numuun. ilarket squgre. ------ A CHOICE ID ! OF proud unong ouruelvgs, h Int] 0. ...L..-_I _ .1 - - BULBS! nnce Book, contain} Countrv Dances. Hm-n--- LONGIFLORUM. ROSEUM. .PiINGE8S STREET. u--6 Books complete ; :3. Dance contain- Danccs, Hornpipea, , containing 37 pieces Ikp,` Junzmnnn. lev- rnuauuug 37 piece! I Jungmsnn, Ley- Victoria llisic Hall --0'..- Thursday Evenig, April 17. [union uui{nnIu' own! ...--....-u, gnu ' naturally inclines to the views he has im- $ hibed in his earlier yearn, and if we could ViO\V the luccelu of the Senate at Washing- ton ll tho summit of political wisdom, we * night luvs I good won! no say in favour of 3 politiul ilnlnorality. Thu 11 noun ... 1.... PRESERVED GINGEB {N BOTPLB, AZCCHOVIE IN OIL, BARTON & GUBTIEWS GLABET. A _81'. ESTEPI-IE, > 1113.....- The l'nut ov er imported. - WM. 1EGG & 00., I A o.-..._.._. , PALIIATINE CANDLES, mwusn sum 4...` ozoxznrr a... 4_a-2! `vV`\ ITALXAN WAREHOUSE. Kingston, lulu Aptil, 1878. W I N E S ! ITALIAN wmmlousla GRAND ASSEMBLY cuowu & cuunnmum. Yictoria. Foundry Wafprdoms, ` , _, __. wv `JV V ITALIAN WAREHOUSE. April I5 ' Gnnuu BALI...--T Ilv .1: M... -Iv.-A L - IF you want or Cool Stov, i longlu or Plough ' Caching, Hu-rows". 0i|1t.ivu7 tors, Field pr Lawn ollern, Coolers, Dairy Kettles, Cemetery or Ornamental Railin or C`!"utingI, Stamped, Plnin, or Japan ` ,Tin are, . ' _---- CIl9&I of the latest styles and beat nnsnufactnh which will be sold at moderate prion. H. M. BUTTAN, W. l. BAILLIE. Am.:I IK In-M Use Tits lIlanufa.ctI Ires.l ` with Ill` entirely NEW STOCK of B0mT_`S4_|AN _IJ: suaes Thurday'Mor1;1'g;-Apr 17, [New Boot A113 Shoe store] Mal-tin s _ Crystal nlpclgl Ki-Iwonv lulu April. 1513; li'Exn.n;ine Samples and lean on-darn. laugh Donully-ho of Grocery- kaqunohnrp oyetotlubnninnu "A Buttr `Sc' ~t?:-h, T Butter Taffey, Cocoanut Candy, F:-`uh eve}: morning .4: .91.- April us, 1873. mmcnss srmzmux " Z _____ # _ RUTTAN & BAILLIE Land Plastelf. S. MUGKLESTUNA AND 00. Water Lime, [EST BRO8.. SPARKLING HOOK, ~'........v-"-~"~ I. BEGG 8:. CO. Kingston, Aprimp, I878. ..5 Lu we hands of the Dominion` Hjniat ry, it would d , u REEMSI .39.':.. ______.. FILL OPEN THEIR NEW STORE, in hs Crystal Block. on L 13yi_g_G%&;00., NO. 8 BAGOT STREET. Pljaster Paris, CALL AT THE `III! 4. 1.0911, At the nAzAAI'z. OPT!!!` I evo?y morning it the EJVI./Va an The proposal of Mr Mills to confer the nomination of Senstors upon the various 3 local Legislature: is simply absurd. lt is I! only by An extreme stretch of courtesy that T ouch s method of election can be called nny- ; thing else than a slight variation from the l pnsont mode of procedure. And we fell to } soe thot submitting the ulection of Senators : to 3 body of so limited_n number, and to s. locality where more party politics would control the whole aair, would better it in ; the lent. Seriously oinsidermg the matter, p the gist of it in that instead of the selection V in the hands Dominion! Hilliahvr if -->--'`' ` manufacture, rate m-icon. 8p:o`i-lo` man L thoccmpnyot ` W; `1'oIdoIItoIhhIlo Carmdobduoknd bytho lot ocular. caohcarnndctol ~. 1-\,u-_ L--- L-I._md `Q.OOOeuof we zen: April, 1973,? hr in; Stock, vi: :- aoo can. or ~ 200 Platform an 500 sets or `null gs: - mu April. non Unrnuauo: In-n Dolivcryvllnntohn and Manual. and on. of All ly1uortholonnl,:,_ V Joan A.. qLEAB~GBI1',4 M V .;|` . -, anmr ALHIII. [spams 17. Ch;:`ru-Awgy"` -- can 811:; sndTnndyBmI. I8. God love in -...... -vvssu; us euppurl. One great argument with the sG1T15i-`tors of the change is that the present House of Lords, so to speak, is dry, dull, and un- ` interesting. Well perhaps it may be :50, but does the proposed ohsnge hold out any , prospect of en slterntion for the liottcr. . Previous to Cenfederation, we had an elective Senate, and We have yet to learn ' that its proceedings were more nitorestmg, ` its speeches more brilliant, or its bright: perticulnr stars any more luminous that at present. The fact is the sphere of duty -. laid down in onrconstitution for the Senate is of so limited a scope that the proceed- V ings mnnofni the nature of things poueus ; that public interest so reedtly accorded to I the popular branch. The legislation of ' the present day is elrnost wholly made up_ of urions schemes for the expenditure of money in one or other of the nuinberlese _ Isys which the ingenuity of trade and ceinrnerce has devised,` and as no bills prn- ' Vidieg for a` money expenditure can be Originated in the Senate, the consequence is the extremely circumscribed area of its l ectieus. , l April mu; Grand E A-'llcnu-.mIu-r to pay 'our um Account by mi 20111. mu mauve tha- discounl. . ` Trio (ehrionotl and guntlcnid are lllieallliiifll .. J ' . Du';__u;||'.:':I. Avril 15%. W. Gm Ax Euurtvn si`.V.\Yl'.. The proposal of the Iutnhorfor B.:tlnv<-ll to mnltoltltionuto of the Dominion cl:-rt n vn duervoo more thsn I pnumg notice '1 ho srguinuntu advanced Dy Mr Mills do not seem of that cogent character which would necessarily be or pootod in introducing I motion with such 3 radical clungo in view. Nor do wo- soc V thnt his Arguments agsinst tlu prosont Iyotoln have any weight. K0 clmrgo of ill ` favour or psrtislity against the Government ' has as yot boon made, and until such than us the Government has abused its powor. ` we think it right to loan: well enough slono. This may seem the vary acmel of Tory principle. but this an ljrdly be said, {or we hold thst until than 1'1 something to 1 Inform, reform for its own sake merely is r mischievous. nnd uniieqeuury. If s fair and decent case an be mule out for the 4 change, `by all tnonns lot us have it, but u matters now stand the Sennto hm: shown itself worthy of support llssn as-....o ...........-_.. , .- - ~2- rung: lI'c0Il II I I1 ' va Il II... THi'R8DK Y h'|'.'.VI.\'(}. APR! I. :7. 101' M! E`! 1 FE `ai`lg l`ll;.'.;a. ` already tried and I s, amrthe leadin have hnnn hQl""" ` - .. vunv UVIUIFLJUII Dominion ` .._-.. AL v - la. ;)rio;;;+ You at lake. ' uunnxn UDDD. Sula?! fancy goods by` Hutchuon, auctioneer, st his room-, thu owning. rand nuembly of the Union Qusdrille Club at the Viotorin. Music Hall thin oven- ing. 1`1-____g :_ ,1 1 0 -' in aid of tho on-gun fund Quun Street W-. 11. Church this 0 in the City Hall. .._..,, nu ueu-ennui. udlltlgl EEC `CIIUIDC o I devetion. Going at the call of the mum-1. y : ties to attempt the restoration of peace, be i fell beeide Cenby, dying in the discharge of duty. He dieii well. and his family should ; be remembered by the country he wu tem- , i ponrily eerving. -.... ...., .......u use no ume In lumishing ; the unto `unto n needed for this port, for '9 an at the ruumptiozi of navigation on the V We Tm: EAFLY B1rw.--The papers are correct: ` 1 mg each other in regard to the "early birds, and the importance that attaches to certain ` Apecles in the lcldtlll w'hi:.-11 exists between I the time or their nrrivsl `sud the sdvent of! spring. The sppcarancc of the swsllovv Ins! I will looked upon or: s proverbial sign of sun-shine 53` : and plesssut westlur, and sent s good many I}'- I into ocstscies of delight. The bird subject is aha of precious small consolation on such a day as this. _ ,, ____ . - . J_.._. .n...- ,-u u`v w uuinornll uonxerenoe, In 1860 he wee e delegete from the Cali- I fornie. to the General Conference which met [in Buffalo. Ho eervod three quadrennial terme ee editor of the California CIm'3t4'an Advbcate, eiciently discharging the reepon. eible dntiee of his oco. In 1868 the Gene- ge_l_Con{eronce changed the grade of the Book Depository et Sen Francieoo, and made it a bunch of the Book Concern, Oleoting Dr. Thomee editor. He eorved until 1872, when the grade wee again chenged to that of e depository. and Dr. I Thoma reported to the Biehop of the Celi- 1 fornie Conference lore regular appointment, gm! Ill nluvivl an M... 9.5-1..-- ::_L_: (A u Iorull uonuronco ton rogular appointment, and win placid in the Potalnnu district. He was I man of spotlou chauctcr, of great energy, 0! unfsltaring courage: and gonuine V n I A _,...... ... susulu vim the lately` CULLAl's)-_~_7I-,1-`;-"d-l-.;"'-trik. is V i arrived Englishmen might well remark, d . ' ` Wet n blaweted kolony !"-Just think of _ W311) 3` `W d- H l`3" had ` `,`'t i having another ying xisit from old Boreas or E , until iWm3""` f'"l .tl" '" k. " m ; `hie equally unwelcome slisdow.-Net prot-- _f humiliation to the o'er of 8 reduction on I , _ . d ti:4liermn.n'u.-.\lnn advertises, then reslizee. n l the rate of wages xed at their public meet- -Boss" Tweed has taken 9. trip through ling. Several vessels have shipped their 6 V _ Ontario, end is now at Montre.el.-An love 1 crews st 81.25 and 81.50, and it is said I City hen lately leid en egg with en inscrip- ' there will be many glad of employment ; tiou on it.--The cityie billed"by the ngentof ' at still lower gures before their services I Duprez & Benedict's minstrels.-Ms.n respires, L = will be urgently required. `inspires, conspii-es, end then expires.-The __ _. -. New York Star says that the devil's king-pin Gonro Auun.--A requisition, we un- i in ruvn.-No chain is stronger then its week- derstund, lies been got in circulation, for i cut link. No word is stronger then s wink.- 5 eignituro previous to being presented to { ``"l*V5 my l'lP|'"i|'s" 5' *9 Pfihf 58, - th. Mayor Hing . public meeglwi ,3 when he kissed the girl.--Whstever the res- * I interests of immigrution. The. requisition ' ` l""' `" 51 t ' f""(" " 5! ' 't) things dressed is only a fornisl document without which " ""7 y``5 "b9't ' ' " J . ' ` rk . III ' rnnsnl -I----L A`~" his Worship could not be exnectm} .tu can. l ' ` 3""'3 " " `"" ` v J ! Sxrwu or REV. Du. '1'noIu.-Rov_I I , Elouar Thomas, murdered by the Modocn, {VII widely known through the Mothodiu Episcopal Church. His early ministry was- }`:xox-ciud in the Gonueo Conference, but _o want your: age to California Conlmnco, . In IMO `IA HIII - A-I.u-L- l---- l`-- "' " I, CULLM-sIn.-The sailors strike vir-5 tually end. The league out circumstances them to bow in , E _}ing. Severalyeeeels employment; 1 - : Cxwrwu ol Scoruxn.-A meeting was I I held in Toronto on Tuesday evening in the ` E Agriculturel Hell of ministers snd members of { 1 I 1` the Church of Scotland, who wish to maintain 5 l their connection with the present. church, and | E ' who ere opposed to union with the U. P. : i ` ` Church on the terms proposed. Many speeches i I ' were made, end nally it gas resolved to op- ' pose the union on the proposed terms by every ; 1 means in their power. l n . .,..., - mum uuuunncnc, wnnout. which expuctowto com- ` vene 3 meeting of the citizens. _ uunuuu ; xu.uu-any, uuvvul ll ll||I'1.|l|, JOB KC i Uomncll, and W. Uunn,fnur boys of an average ` age of 15 or 16 years, were charged by Mn: ` I Spankey, of \\'iliia|.nsvilIc, thu residents of ' 3 which place are subject to much annoyance I ifroui their disorderly conduct. They were` severally fined BI and costs. Charles Beam- iuh, who was accused on Tuesday of stealing money from Michael Llcuill, an old pensioner anal venerable taper, while in I state of glor- xous intoxication, was yesterday dismissed. 3 There was ni evidence to substantiate the. -Marga.` ' ;' ..-.....,,v. . ..-..,-.r....,.,. \_,pu|u pruvcuncu IJIII I he munot drunk, but the pulico ocerl who u-uk him under their protection even-ed he V Wu "fully three nheete in the wind," and la- l i-oring heavily," and consequently the Magir ! mute mu obliged to pan J amen through the I i dcgreod, which cost 82. Mary Brunuon, Jruuk, and Margaret. Ooakey, a wandering re. ` -` fugue, were lined $1 or 30 days in yo] each. | ' Jamu Fricuduhip, Edward Hnran, John Hc- 4-........n .....u w 11...... :....- n...._ _. _- ,, n l oLlcl COURT, TIwn|luy-(Beforc Mr? .smu.g... } .M.)-Jameu c.1.m protested matf ho Unl'lInf. drunk hut Oh- ....II... .2...... -..|. V I TulIl.--We hope the citizen: 7.5" .|,, their public upil-it and enterprise into the work of plsntlng trues ,~.,m,,g.,iu11y_ ` The cost. in very trilug, and -much my be lonointhin wnytohammly the city. The front of chr Court Huule, NIL` '\)uoen'u College ..rn.umln, and nonw char of av - p.,|,|.' gugjgu. noun wuuhl he vnutly nnpr wed by a row 0 lmmiwmc trees in front of. thug, ' xy entering ` nnmiuated in his place. At the Annual vou- ... .,.. ...-..... vuuuzu. : no Hlulligrnccr : cuuntry folke" eepeeielly nultln that uheuld Mr Baldwin decide to accept F ternliuien the Mines II ` the pi-otfered puionte, hie wtum, would be I "Marie and her eieter V gladly welcomed by theentiro comrunity, and I ind this we: {allowed by that Mr Uzwltield will be remembered withthe g H. Fletclncr, on "Burns kin-lent feeling: by his parishioners of Christ mun." Thie Wu a catch: Church, and by many penmm of other relil [And seemed to be highly gioun denomination:-, who have made Iii: :w- l audience, who npplsuded ; quaintnncc iluring his reeidenee in Belleville. {in delivery, Alto: ma` ` The Rev. W71). Irwin, auintan minister of `chair the meeting we: 4 St. '1' human` Church, bu resigned, and the ;' doxelogy and the bgngdic`, luv. W. J. Mucklaeton, of Camden East, 1----_._.. Mr Moeve uye "Seven try Ines-ting u! birth chllfchcl N10 05360" of .` urn neither sung by hi: in hunt year were rowlocted. man" ml: the locisl on Mon 1 -..-.. , .,........r..uu I..uUslC.--'l' regular monthly l"'b 'Pi" v """P| 1l `meeting of the social in on of Church was '0 W07 ' Plnthli """' held on Wedneeday ev ing in the basement. 'l`he attendance was ery large, and great in- ""|`0l"'l" ""}"""`l`) terest was taken ' the proceedings. After NIL` uthnr .-, by ,9 n,,._ ., lmmlemne gamma w V The pl ures of hope," the production, we l'}cc'Lv.exA1'wsx. Cunt! mu -1`ho Iiellevillc , believe of s yeng lady, which was read by Mr Intalligrnccr states that Ute Rev, H. Coaleld, `G . Maxwell. An anthem, Music th, ni Christ Church, Bella ville, hne resigned, ow. eh I" was next given, after which Mr N ing to hiu parochial (lnties having proved too I y{cNeil gave a paper on "Our parish and ite much for him, and that the veetry has tender- /fiparisllioners," being hieterial and personal re- ed the oilice to the Rev. A. ll. Baldwin, hi miniscenees oi the town of Paiely in Beotland l`nreuto, who was formerly nneiatant sinister Thin was very highly relished by the "Old at St. Thoma` Church. Th /rltelligrncer , cuuntry iolhe" eepeeially. Altera short in- ' $| |'IlilliOn Burton sang a duet- the return, . song/ -very nicely, comrnnnity, g by u paper from Mr D. with the "Burns-the poet and the man." carefully prepared paper, ] and highly appreciated by the it frequently during another anthem by the ` R? l). assistant, choir closed by singing a[ St. Thurman` (Yl-mm}: luu -a..inm..I ....I u.- I .I-...I , - -- opening with do tionnl exercises, oondueted r Gray, the ghoir sang two versee 0! s p In. The tlrot item on the pro- 1 a very well written paper on REMINDERS. nfund of the owning _ ,_- -v--5 IJIIUIIBYIY. punishment no light, but it my have the aoat of quietiug and convincing them that tlwy cannot do u thoy plane, Although out of light of police ooon. Lu ox, lhcnun.-Four lively youths, composing a noisy band when conduct at Williamulllo mu complained of some few dsyn sinco,'vIei'o ned by the magistrate ! Cu.u.m:u'u Cnuucu.---1` tnrinu `mu-Ida... ..I 4.1.. ..,e I ' you fret." the hilly." puuuu movod, sad the men dropped, on alighting on the ice, and euuping the min- fottuno of hi: chum, who became i-marud 3 hold of the boat, and blubborin` II but `he could under the circumstance! ojscnle cod : "Ho-(fru-1'-r)-haw(!ru-r-r) on to Billy." He was ooollv gm-....a nn--- r-u|oaUl nuuvuu, IIKI I ` to the tuck in water. him he upiod his 1 ,___._ ._...._._--... ... .. .. - HAIO on I'D us, Bu.Lr."-The geuips have added another little incident to their catalogue of nmueing sun-ice. I t is this; The other day the engineer: were working It the wheels of s steamer. By some means the paddles moved, and the slink..- an AI-- `-- ,, _, -_-_...,-...... .www.-Anoutsdozen mere pereone were summoned belore the Magistrate, in reference te the remove] of nuisance. Of course when. theyend they ere compelled to bee the music" they gen- erally menege to attend to the jobbery" before attending ceurt, or eendently ee- eure hie Wenhip thet they will give the subject their eerlieet attention. _ But when notied of the illegal condition of their premim they would ebviete e net emeunt of nuiIence" by way of ieeuing and ur- I ving eulnmeneoe bv tlm n.o.Im..m.. -_ s -- -. ..........w Ivy way or tuning ving by the outboritiu sud the ; p olico force, had they done as diroctod. I I ll? ..., yvuug :nen,;xt we can't) _ i like young men, hanging around church door: I` on sundny mornings and eveningu.-l.-low din- } mal Illd bluk to-dn -n 9 -.-u In An tionuf: , .... an-um-_y murnmgl and 678 i` to-day syn! __--......., .. anewarae in another quarter of the barracks. Time Tries All v and Delicate Ground" were reprodueed, a favourable notice of the character and proni nent features of which has already been_pnh_-V liahed in the N Izws. With one or two excep- tions, the dierent roles were sustained by the some performers, who, one and all, excelled themselves in the vivacious and skillful play- ing. A farce, Hit him, he has no friends, was unavoidably omitted, owing to the late- ness of the hour at which the preceding pieces terminated. There was en impreved change in the auditorum, but fer audiences such as attended last night, it is in.` adequate and unsatislnetory in many respects. Extra taste was displayed lest night in the er- rangements, which as far as taste was con- `cerned was lacking nothing. The quadn'lle ; band enlivened the programme with selected V music. -_ ; .\Ixsczu.Asv.-Tho home cimu{t-w|lking 1` about at night with the bshy.-Tha , |:olon`v !"_Ju.o. n.:..n. ._......- .- uuguouuy IIITIII` ] I . `it; delivery. F a 3 benediction pronounced. I - I. ...-..u-on .|nlA|'I`lUULLl. - TIIB Garrison } Dramatic Auocietion geve lut evening their eleventh entertainment, under the patronage of Lioizt.-Colonel French and theotlicere of the Battery, who were yreeent with a large com. 3 puny of ladies and gentlemen of the city,mnny I` of whom appeared in ball dreu, attending an assembly eftewarde in another {quarter barn;-.In H'!`=--- "`-1~ " AVNv1uxc: ALL Rouxn.-About ndoun IIUTQ DQ110111 Inn: mun:-Inn-3 L-'~`* " J up-u, consuming mgr: and Jew preeeure, were a failure as an experiment, have been remov, L ed, and are being replaced by new machinery " (mm Meeere Devideeu and Daren : Foundry, Her {.th(`l'9PId("O. are being else replaced by 1 the ordinary buckete. She ie receiving eave- i ral altcrstions, all of which tend to her in- Horuvcmout. What 3 eplendiul bent fer the i Cape Vincent route? l [ Swznnm owner: of thin bun tiful bout (Mann Vulgar, Nickle & Co.,) um: giving hat 5 complete overhauling. Her on. I ginu, which no constructed on I new prin- ciplo, combining high and luv an axnm-:m...o 1...... L--- --~~~ i Mr nay: `;So;e.n` ws:t;}; tlh 1 mung {nmily or "II I Monday ovouin` ; Victoria Music Hall. I Auzun Tunrnvmu. The Garrison )rnmatio Allocintinn mm. I..o -..-..:_.A L- . \..u---n}-uu-urll-I -1') hung coolly answered 't uia :1: ":::y.:l:;:or 1 evening at the DAILY NEWS-'l`HURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 17. regular monthly .. L... .'_ AL_L,, - `V vs: up the gunc" Ell"? Qt "Ann no].-- STAR GROCERY, Joseph Donnelly, "who it hereby nutho ouch partnership. OTICE is hereby 'ven that the Partner- uhip which hufeen carried on b the undersigned under the nuns of A. RE & Co., an thu cnty, In: this day dugolved biv `Tux! ctnbtnt, Ind that the `llnunneu wil en ert carried on A. . B 1 , moi :. aa.a.i1g`2'. :: debtennd receive all credit: on Account of A J `Donia Handsome Bookeuc, Extension Di ning Tabla, layup Dinner Set. Lama Bul- u-rycu, nanuome Dinner Set, 1.4 room Mirror, Window Curtainl, lw, Tenn: cash. 8510 nt 10 o'clock mm. um norm scum, all tlie I-louuluild` turn and Eecta, consisting of Drawing, Dm- in , Bedroom and Kitchen Furniture, among Ir ich are ;8ix Octave THE lublcriber will sell at the residence of J. E. CLARK, Eaq., corner f William and Barrie Strata, all the House ld Furni- yuro gm} consisting of D.-ma... n.-( AUCTION SALE ._ oy._ Thursday next, 24th Aprill-1, ms. ._..-__ 30,000 CIGARS, various brands, five or nix Package: Tobaccos, and a large unort- ment of Bria: and Meerachaum Pipes. _1' 11 nnn-n........-- _.v5_.. Saturday Evening, f`,..n.........-:_- -L " ` Hutchson s Auction BROUK STREET. I suaxnupi sruckl cuj. McMILLAN, Auctioneer. Kingston. 16th Ayril, 1878. _____._._.__-.-__-_.___>* --......., nu, rorn, Iron Iro;1 Ploughs; Harrows; Fanning Mill; Cultivators ; Sleight: - Cradle: ; Scythes, &c. uuun/m--Under $20, all over` mouths credit by , domed notes with 7 per cent. Sale at I o'clock, sharp. IIIII Iltrnn nu- relmanco 01 Princess Stu