WM. ] EGGr'& C0,, ITALIAN ulnnu-n.nv-~ I r you want H ood or Cual Stoves, Plou nr I lou:.:h Castings, Hurrmvs, Cultiva- g mrs, Fiullbf Lawn Hnllcrs, Um-Iers, -Dairy g Kc lt.`!c.;, (`cluetery or Ornamental ltailin In or (':|~iiug., Stauipud, Plain, ur Japnnnr Tin 1! \\'.'u'c, K ! l-*:u'riu, April I9.--'I lue trial of Carrutlwru ` fur Hm murdcrnf his wife tank 1-|:u-1-to-(lay. Tim -IL-fence: emh.-m'oure-I to prove that he w:u- .-nul is insane, but failed to do so. Dur- ing the trial the court-huuse was cmnnncd tn sanlfocntion. Man females were present, whose intefest di{not appear to ag during vhe whole day. 'A little after six the )ury .` n-tired, and about three hours after rvturncd `:1. verdict of guilty. _'I`h$ Judge rent;-uce-I him to I20 han__cd on the ll ] of June next. 'l'.s'e its NlanlrI'au-ulres. ,, -- ..... _....._y. vur contempurary re` I xnnrks: "Of all the Ininstrul troupes-um ham . ever seen these take the palm. For singing E nI'u|cinj_: and really amusing jokes they cauno; ` 1-u ln.`|Lc!I. In the lira: part the singing was ` n hat is rarely heard nut of the concert room I mu! Hm i..l..... ......I. -., .,,-V - '- " l)ur;-|:uv1:n nmm-:IL.iN 1so'1"1`I.I;~s, Al\'(?H()VlES IN 011., _ _.v...... ........5 was reauy complete and lint. ' cl.-ma orgaxuimlion in advertised to appear in the City Hall for one night only. The H:un_ : iltnn Sp4'I'h1(l)r speak: in terms of tho higlnt-it ` praise uf their performance, which we can un- _ luswitatillgly endorse from our past. cxperiencu an-L knowlege of the company, in its scvera` ` visit: to the _city. Our contempurary re` xnnrks : Ininntrul 0.-m.........-.. I---- April :5. April` I5. r'rA1.IAN wAmcImu.s~|-:. Killg.-dtmn, I5l.h April. I873. Kingstoln, lth April, I813. April 15, ms. _. . \_. In`:-1:r.7. .\.-`n lh:x|cou"r's .\xs1`|u:I..~'.. '|`u_ nwrruw evening this retilly complete and organization in =..l......o;.....a .- _..-, -7 ' Victoria Foundry Warerooms, TO BUILD UP A GITY, F you want \\'ood Cual Stoves, Plough (tnntinu. u............. A stab ; 6.55 to 8,1!) lo? conumm teohoico extra weletern. Rye our quiet and steady. Wheat rm for prime Ipring ; receipt: 25,000 bush; halal 13,000 hush; at l,56 to l,6a'L for No. 5'. upring in ntorv nnd aoat ; L7! to 1.75 for i No. I do ; L70 to L90 fur winter reul wr:rt- , ; \'l`!I ; LS5 to 2.00 for ambcr *.'.'.-x'crI1 ; L8? to 2,l5 for white ltattc and wvstom. Rye quiet. ,I urn c-unit-r ;guod inquiry; receipts l9.000 I lmgln ; sales: 60,0) hush; utlc to 65 for , In-W mix:-1| westdrn ; 6611: to 67 for old do. , nnat ; 65 toG6}c for new do. in store. Barley | dull and unsettled ; receipts 3.000. Data in fair -n-q'n.-st and utcmly ; receipts l3,000 lvuuh ; nnlrs ."),N`0 lllah ; It 50 to 59f?Tl`n` mm 1 mixed wa-stvrn; 5'2} to 535: for white western: ; , 53 tn."v34' for uhl du. Polk \'(-r_v tinu M`. l`J,`.!;'u } for new Im-ms. Inn`. rm at 95 for steam ; `J1 fn`J 7-Hie kettle rcmlcrml. Butter 3'. to 42. Vin-one I'.!c tn I6c. 1':-h-nl-um .......!.. 12` `J1 ; Tm: I`vI.rI1'. - `V. .. lL\li'l`UN &. .(n`Ul'lH l`IER S CLARE'|'. aw. ESTPIPHE, M I'}l)1)(}. u-r ucw Inu-ms. Ian! 91 life. J}; u-lined l9, ;c.- _ ,--_.d ......v.uA.u5, ll, with an entirely NEW STOCK of w I gyms s : Exanxinna: Samples and leave orders. ` ITALIA IL-nu. 8. 76:3. N0. 3 u.\u01' 1'nm:'r. .hI AN ` CALL AT TH E The finest ever imported. __._..__.._. `UR \\'lI-`l'I } B.\|{|(i I`). ,,:n n. r 4:...-.1. Mr aleumi, 0 f Stan- fwn -nInu'-..l.l.. ..,._... .7 \\'AllEll()USE. -...-J av-urnuu: amu llrlt. xx: Old (ski tOl`llll1Uf hrmnncc, ... 62...... .~----- ` v rt.-nucrml. Hunter 32 ~ |6c. Prkrolcum, crude, ~Rt:ccipts nf bogs 51,93 5 um Judge x-cntcuc :]l . P1ou_ghs Cultiva- W e 1! people. \`\'c kee nothing but the choicest grades of Cast: and raught Liquors. CANNI-:1) GOODS, PICKLES, 850., cheap, AT scomzmr. 111103., Cor. Brook and Ontario Streets. FERRY I WHARF. A-..I In ;.uul..u. LU]. Daa.lUo U l` I5, in the 7t.h Unnccssimi of Starring- _ J ton (formerly Pittsburgh), containing I07 acres; good Frame Dwelling House, Hawk Kitchen, and \Vomlhoulo Mtachetl, tilled in with brick ; .1 \Vull in-thc Ucllar ; vim;-n in the Kitchen ; a. good Pump, nnd guml Orchard; Frame Born 48 x 36 feet ; l"mlno Shed and Stable. The Farm in well wnburcul. School House on said Int. "Penna will he mmlc easy to suit purclmacrs. Title ilrdinputahlc, 1'...m=a..i--n given immediately. For further pnrticulzm; :.pply to the proprio- tor on the Farm. unuu... ..~ nu... .... -. v- I\IlAlL\l, I '0 I lI'.S'l`-(JLASS Cut Stone Houses on Queen Street, at present occupied by Mr McPherson. Alm [Art No. 18, Alwington Avenue, 70 feet in frunt by ISO fact in dentin. which for ixricc and qI;u.lity we 41 petition. S U G A R S o c `In nllalbv, LOT in the Village of Invcrury, with I K Dwelling House and \Vo1-kuhnp there- on. Apply to - DAVIH urn r lrnn III mcrucrson. . by depth. Apply to INA Al norms czusy, Ale-->, to let -5't:LMc.~. &c.. wil may be olu.-sired. ` March ll. _s(:0Bi:.LI, BROE, L nu1uuuVu LOTS on the property klmwn as the Hcrchmcr Reserve, can select them by appiying to Mr Joseph Bnwdcn, at lnisuliice in King Street. They are the most Jcuirahh: in the city, fronting as they do the harbour of -Kixngxton, uniutcrruptedly. Terms czusy, or sell, the lleuialunce and with any amount of lnud_ that [fl wn Ll: -v- n. , BUILDING LOT joining Mr Neil J in 415 X I32 fact, and in I "t . A l t M y W y 0 l`l~lm\lA --u vmunutc 1`-arm wnthm four nulus oi stun. Apply to John Brcalcn, l'Isq., Britten & Price, Socitors. Kingston, April 10th, I872 . .-v aulvllo )FFlUEh' TO Ll*IT.-Two large and plen- ( sant Rooms looking on Princess Street, over my sturc. I! uxumvn 1 VA QIIULQ X FA\ UUl{Al l.l*} "HKMS, or to Kent, 5. Q3-1, 4tl|.U Kingston, l00:wrca --:1 valuable Farm within four of King- ital]. Jqlm l'I:|.. or to A-'_1_ land Bath Rnzul. April 19. April I8. March 26. We are selling at prices that will nstuniash beuplc. " Iv uauul 'l` the Steam Saw M 1\_ lir.~4t-claus Circular : S. h`. Hersey, Foreman. 8. ..-'--- -nun-UUIIIJ II EU]. l)ARTlES I1.-wing Houses or 1 or county Lu sell, are invi u1IIIlic_:at withJ:1.mcs b`h:umun, J nicc, ur J. M. Mzwhar, solicit iluiilrnl L1 vvm April -1. u. rxplny LU ~' DAVID J. WALKER. Invemry, Mnrchls, I873. I" A VIC JU.sl' l{la'L'El\'lu'l) A NEW " UUK UF FRESH TEAS. .__.r... u. av; nluu-UI )1-ZIKSONS desirous of obtaining VILLA or BUILDING LOTS unwI_n th}:_Hcrcl1mcr licscrvc, select March 18. I I CULIUUUQ UUUD GIRL to do general hnuscwurk. A w ages good. Apply to Mrs Ju. Min- nou, Juhmmn Struct. ,__-._.._-.(.. u uu\II.Ua.|Ilc `/ ANAHIN(} ('l.EJ{K to take charge of ; Superior Court Dockets in a. Law (Mice. -S.'Ll.'xry liberal. Apply tu Meuru Hull & Bell, Bollevillc, or Messrs Caxupbell & .\l:u_c|linnc:ll, Kingston. - non x D811, uouevxlle, c Macllnnncll, Kingston. April 18. April 4, 12573. avva vi wuuvuu ~ SMART BUY VVANTED. Ap McNaughton IL (,'n n, corner 01 and Princess Streets. April 2|. _, _LU1 |JCla.l.I: UHl'}l'}-SE VAT, quite L Wm. Hrs,-lcn, \pril4l. L t. UTHORLZED inscovur on Auznxcnd md shoe. Iuvowm until further notice: 15 per dupstch. 1 ` A. SUTHEBLAND s. M. BOQCHETTE. - pa... ' Commiuwnerol Cuba... April 17. ms. stmt m""'"' 0 VI LULLUULL (EUUI) I'IN)K. `Apply to Kirkpatrick, King Street. April 17th. lo I'L`LE Apr'iI I6. ustoms Depa.rtment-,~ {`OGn-:- ALL A __: -- v -vvJ.L U HOUSE, BARN, and about 15 acres of L land Ruitablerrfor a garden, on the Lil Apply to Joseph FL`l`X'iH, Esq. kpril nu-nae 11001 (A ]y to pp DA VI Llquous. ......., u.u--u_; nuulcs hand In city invited to com- sate with James DAILY NI-zws Solicitor, 33 King "I_ r;).perty' fgf )NN ah-uh-nun "I ..l.L..:,.:__ _ 17 I Estaie Wa.1}tei. ` l)'!`lI.'u I.-, ` ll. VVIIITE, \Vlmlcsalc Druggist, 43 l riuccss-st. Farm for Sale. ` . in H... 70!. 4 Situatilon V-Agcapt. n' |l1I\'1| II y EU mvm CUNNINGHAM, Ru3l.`l.. Tinl aie,` rp_, | Aug 1...`. r Sale, I Add |'AIXl'n 1 Fqr Sale, Inn \ H T F617`S1eT,%" W: 1 (VP .... 12...... L) THOMAS FLAN IGAN, Bngot Street. 1. TIADKY ...._I ,1 , Wiited,%j zam Saw Mill; F6 `LET T f?;L9t7* -: _._. -:v--, `Ottawa, an April, 1873. ..YVaP.te@ WANTS.` (4 EUINE I`) FISHER. ' an Bagot Street: ad- McNcil s. The Lot 1 9. central part of the -nvvu Mrs George in}: Mills, Barrie-liulal, :1 ar Sawyer. Apply to ISAAC HOPE. I II A N1 , Builder, Kxngston. ' Land in city Nited com- : defy com- Apply to Apply _ at of Kmg o ' The whole of the Household Furniture and Effects therein, including Rosewood Drawing Room Furniture, Silk, Damask and Lace Cur- tnilw, Velvet Carpeting, Fine Engrnvings, Urnmncntn, Marble Top Tables, Dimn Room Furniture, including full Dinner and rank- fruit Sets, silver Ware, &c., Bedroom Furni' ture, including that mode for the Prince of Wales, I -Ming, Linen. &c., Kitchen Furni- ture, Uunl (Soaking and Hall Stovel, to. ' Hale at I0 o'clock n.m. ' April 13, 1373. (`UTAH 11-11:! 7 A Mr -2.... J. MORRISON, EuQ., M.D., M.A,, Principal l`. G. FOWLER, EsQ., Auiatnut. y mi: svmna TERM-_of the above School l T will begin on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16th. Tuition free to either male or female pupill. Special attention is directed to the fact that the School Building has been constructed with the strictest regard to ventilation, general comfort, and health of pupils. In addition to the usual H School course, of study instruction will given in the higher athematics, the Natural Sciences, and the French and Spanish Languages. NIETT. I"I`I T\fI' nn j A J. REES & 003., souTsAyn'sHqEs, \`|7ll'!'I`l`D'aA`I' AlYI\ nun..- __,-- -.--- wulvt WHOLESALE AND nmmn. HE undersigned i;_nia.nufnctIII-ii; 111 kids of Boots and Shoes on hi: um genius, \vhich_ for sl_:yle and nilll aunt ha mu-. -_._ Sydenham, Colmty High School. AUC'l`l0N SALEI Ilousehold Furniture k.. .. - E Afll Lani Wn V l!Al.4lJPl'I, B an Boo s n every in ra. 'ng aper aud (}cnera.l Stationery, in the CY Y BOOK STORE. The Largest Stock of Miscellaneous Books in town, and all the Magazine: and Periodi- cals supplied. \'\ l`ll0S. McAlJLEY & C0.| r `HE ()HE.Al ES'l` PLACE in tho citz ` NOTE PAPER and rmvmrn IHE CHEAPEST cit; for kNOTIl4. PAPERkal W1NVEL% ES of v 1- uu?ln(}cneralsSta1?ioE1ey:-v. in tlm ' nnnvz '0 ity Book Store.| Charts of the Lakes. K Parallel Rulers. Compassesa. nd Vessel i Books. Notice to Captains.` llel M arch 13, 1873. April 15, 1873. Coal 0il !' Coal 0il! .1. S 7 OF "the following Celebrated Brands, MOUSSEUX CREKANT, VIN ' El I}llNAY, BOUZY SEC, JULES HUMM, GRAND VIN IMPERIAL. From $l0 to $25 per dozen. I"I' A ---_-. -->- \a r )l P_OSITE FRONTENAC BREWERY, April 10, 1373. ._- D. -....J -vuuvvu George M. Will}l?1'ison,l '79 ....a In \n_n:_-L K _ __ v \'Vhich will be sold at the lowest Market Price, and would also all sttenion to his sUGARg Nnuv nmlliu... -; ..._.._n.. _A I - Now selling a nu {um -' Friday, the 25th of April, O. 1 \\ A'l`ER VVHITE OIL 35 per gallon, at 72vand 13 Weningeo street. Kingston, April 14th, 1873. nu. 1..-' .014 by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the residence of MISS MORTON, p11_3s_I_1 TEAS, ~ V STUCK AND NOW RECEIVING 3 large consignmentof I57 Princess Street. Champagnes, Ll... 1-1: , , - Are to be had at the g at greatly reduced pricu, NEIL DUNLOP, Chairman of Bond. CHAS. McM ILLAN, Auctionear ml I IJIJAN , _ Auctioneer. Cents We will offer to the public on Saturday Morning B ' ht Grocen _Sugan at prices that will Antonie every one. Call and examine our stock. An inepectnon will convince the most sceptical that the Cheapest Sugars in 116 citv are to LA funny! at 4|... nu! Ixntv Notice to the Public. W THE Cl'l`m_!}__ATllS A `Di! nnvnxv 'I'1r\ rvucv nla urxsm 11) THE PU}%LI'3on Fridays ..and Saturelnys only during the winter season. Persons mshing Baths any other day of the wee}: uzm_ he _ncc:ou1nuulat<:i by ngt.i.`yinI.' the proprietor nu tum. Sundays exccptml. we cu; LION. SUGAR ! We will commence selling on Saturday Mornin the balance of our Stock of Tea: at prices (2 e;por than ever before` offered to the public. hue Ten must be sold to make roan} for Large Syn-ing lmportntions. Sample: will be given to Intending buyers. ' room I01 Large 8 ring Importation: [extending buyers. {TEAS} R. WHITE, j WHOLESALE nnuumsrl W R. .McRae &` 00., Kingston Oil Stores, J. SWIFT & 00., 81.`. LAWRENCE WHABF. April 1011:, 1876. HE undernn' edbegn to notif the Trade T S thst he in now prepared to orders for the "celebrated MORTON S FAMILY moor WHISKEY. u H RYE ~ PURE srmrrs, 5o.oo. " ALCOHOL. ' (I It J. CRIDIFORD, HE undenignodbogu the in 1 W. R. Mcllae &,C0., At, the Golden Lion. UANTITY 51 the but BIDSSBURG L0 GOAL for Blacksmiths nu. March 13. ____ -14-..-.ll.K! RE OPEN TO THE PU}iLI'Jon L Jun; Saturdays only dnrinz winter Blacksmiths Coal PRINCESS: STREET, MORTN S IJISTILLERY. riB_8 IMP OR '1 ']?"J TEA! NEW STORE. NEW STORE. spnwlll. man we Uneapost Sugars ' 41-6 to be found at the GOLDEN FOR SALE. SUGAR ! TEAS ! KINGSTON, Ont. R IN G STREET. PB0l`dlKl`0R OI PRINCESS STREET. SUGAR ! TEAS ! arIcIn'll, F. HOOPER. , for um u Butter Scotgh, Butter 'I'a'ey,_ ` Cocoanut Candy, ' :1,-|.'HIlL` New Maple Sugar, _ Sweet Oranges that, are sweet, The Finest Lemons in the city, Gocoanuts Fresh, L6 LI.-IlAl1AA1u V 1 HI I CAPS of Silk ind Cloth of all kindl,V5ilb Hut; of the latest stylea, Pnnaxnu, &c., he. SPRING HATS? `W GROH has just imported per Ex- . Steamshi Sa.rmatia.ndirectIro1nEng- land, France an Germany Gentlemen: hat: a.nd'cn.ps of all the latest and fuhiouble styles of the lesion. Inch 1: nun caps or all the latest 2 season, Inch ll JOHN A. IIOOK. The highest price in Cash paid for RAW FUB8. CLARK WRIGHT. . Avril ltb. ` veneuan, Juon Gold, Alva:-oz, Nippiliiilg N an-ow Gauge, Amorioan, Young Gents St lo, the Fan-ell, the Canon, Hun-inpon, and o- minion Hot, in Colours of Drab, Block, Boa- vor, and Smoke. 9 Hats made toordet and fitted by the Paris Confornmtour. Leather but one: in stock. nU1J:iSAhl and Hamil Hat Ind Cap Manufacturer, to remind hm customersd and friendndaln the ublic en- ra.ll,a.n ee};ecul.I' tholewo ' to ;et a.yFa.shiona le 8' or Felt Hut of his own manufacture, to give him a. all before sur- a chasing elsewhere, where the will n LARGE A8R.'l`Ml'.x"I` ..: Inm nu-a n: LARGE ASSORTMENT of EU!` HATS, Cloth and Scotch Cups, STBAW GOODS, just im rbed `per Ex Steamship Pemvisn, from t e E gush, American and Glasgow markets, end at low ntea, to defy colppeti-I tion. nu. w any nus murxet nu produced. H. CUMMINS. N .B.--Ca.pt.a.inI and Stewards of vessels will nd to their advantage to `vs! at call for their suply of BEEF BREAD A D FDOUR.which m be supplied on the mail: reuonsble term: at all hour: b him. Kingston, ptil 9th, 1873. -- V . `r V `BE undersigned in returning his sincere; thanks to his friends, and patrons, re- i uests they will call at his glace of business. arket S uare on THURS AY AND FRI- :DAY AF 'ERNOON, and leave their orders for their Easter Meat I0 it will nford him tho opportunit of planning all cnutomen. The meat supplied by him will be found not infor- ior to any this market has produced. H. CUMMINR DWI. _ . Novanbot 29, 1872. ___:.`...-av I-rv\JI.I1 UL Hall, W ' LACK GROS GRAIN SILKS, COLOURED SILKS (Phil: and Fun: ), J B Norwich Popline, Printed Camhricn and Bril1ianta,_ Striped Lawns nu! Pi ` and Batiates, Canadian Double Wm-pAlp1ca.s, Arabian Glaeel Ind Balernoes, % and French Twls, Beaver Brand BI.-wk Luetres, Blwkyfsnnattu, Black RI Black Jennapine Clothe, Iron Grenadines, Fancy Printc and Chintu, English :1 Tweeds, Fancy Veetiugs, New Luge (`tn-teins, New White Sheeti N New Black Breadclothe, Black Doe: and Cassimerca, New Sub RI bone, New bone, New Kid Gloves, New Linen Sette, New Black Gimpe, New Silk Ribbon! Anni- - GREY ALPINE, GREY & BLACK WIDE AWAKES, GREY & BLACK ENGLISH FELTS. I? Call and no beta`:-e ` April 13th. CONSEIKVATIV E, CLEAR anrr, -_.,- .......-....., . mun-u I-nu an-mnmsn, me urgent brou his to. Kmgatqn, istin of.West of England Broadcloth: in Huh I and enetmn Cont: (all thugs), Oumdian, Scotch and West of and Fancy Doeckms, ranch Cnuimeru, :11 of the nest nish and nawutt Also A splendid assortment of BLACK GLACE SILK8, GBOS GRA SUEZ from 81 per yard up to 0; Buck Silk valves. in an width. and of cheap for cash. E CIDTHTNQ ll AITDI Mn nnnn - April um. _ , ,_- .._.|,..,.........- _u__ wu-uuuumunu In Iruvlr :IIInl:I1I.lll|.lllCllI, WIIIIl$q' ' [1 were coupelledto do in order to keep pace with the study illcfell 1!! lei? Trade, 9.: alnofo give their Guutormeru the odvan e of purchasing Cloth: and Tweed: yard 25 per cent lower thsn my house in the minion, have -imported thisuuon, pg Steamship: Prussian, Peruvian and Su-nntian, the In-goat and but snorted stock ova to Kingston, consistin and Blue, ' ' and enetiin C_o2_1ting(nll Oumdian. West of llhml-mi 1*-`.4. -4. ___II5I HATS l~ HA_T8 I HATS I New Hosiery, Gloves, `April 21, 1373. ,, __-._.,v At the BAZAAR REES BRO., Msnnhotn:-inn (`4su.t..-5...... _ , .-_...-, - ......... v--nun-ru-, an m vac uncut lullln IIIGIICVOIG ' gtsyo fa and GB DI aheaplfoocrsh. ur CLOTHING MADE TO onnna ` First-class Machine Hmd wanted immediately. M.-N A [TI'l`Il"I`t'\`lT L tiara Slperyardupto. BlIk3ilkVe1VetBi.nlJlWidthlIndfthobClIIk'l,L (.j...j_._.___..:__.__ .;j HATS ! HATS ! ELARK wnuput _ J l'TI-IlH .Tc`QAT'Il` -..A 1)_A._: 11,. W. GR()H S, HULESALE d Retail Hut C r hIInuf?6`El!t:I": begs to 1:1}; _, ...... ....,......w unruct-,- we can uner Bpeclal lnducementl in the following Gw Immense Stock of Fancy Dress Goo UK SILKH_ (3()l.nn1u`.n mnza n:1-:_ _,, a .- Easier Meat. -_ ........ ,............... uwlruulalin to men urge Bunk of NE S RING GOODS, een imported directrwe can offer Snecigl Indnnmnnnbn :. u._ ._...,, PRINCBS STREET, . _- -..... vn vuvuc, LVFVV DIBCK Ulipl, NOW Silk siik ff;nh1ellas a Specialty. Gloves, Shirtimz. Flanncls. Ha.lIdI-`m-nhinfu n,.n.... m.--- you purchue your 9 . u - bu IVI I, I ` ` L invite particular attention to their Lu-ga Sttvk of IT (`I`l\`I\1'\~rr\4 r-A ~--- - ' -----~ - 'vlr\/\./JUIIIIIJ 9 , Shirting,VFlVa;mcls, I-Ia.ndla'en-chiefs, oonm. Ties `aw (FIT A 117` n - .-..___ ` vv urpmp-was, Amman ulaees Penis}:-i3ord; In-and Black ,.Para.na.ttu, Ruuell Grenadines, and C ' v Lace Sheetiugu, New Gre Shoetiszh . elvet Linen Gimps, Ribbons. T....I.-...IIA-.- - -- " GLASGOW xv A In-.~u r __.. 1:... ecanolferi run; Depot. 13" kiendtd to and supplied f cheapent rates. Amil I. In`): URY PKUI1` AND OYSTER DEPOT _ V _ Street, llsrkot Sauna. u .1 P '1 sun I. Bedouin % s1..:?-,'?;x':k "`.`.'..w..a.` ` and Cloth Mnntlol and Msntlo Olatlu Rod: Lyons Silks, Mantle Velveti, all It lawpriul, AL15 n- 9 - ` ,1 F '5 Gloves, New of Coll`:-1 no-A i ,,_- _-. vv we \l(II-Iulll-Ircl"' '1 Princeu'\Street, Kingnton, I ' .= April 9,1873. \ 6 .._._....--. } Thomas RlcConville, 2 . BUTCHER, ` 1 \ uriv A nrr. n.....-----A I _. .._ --.--vs we New Deaigua_ in Black and White I `laces, Freno`l 1LAl'!'lowo_ni__AJouphinI Kid" I How... `N :--u Alarge uiortnentofPln.inandF " Drool Good: in all the New Materinla `- Colour: produced the praent uuan, `.1- uananon Plain and I and Moi! A 1.4.1 \JI \J \J\7.l}D. r Special Inducementl Good: : wgncy can- I` - - -` - mid. ll. Fashfonab 1e 0 spmm: VIMPOBTATIOIS, gAL'l'IMOBE OYSTEBS, muons, ORAN G E8, ' 000 Which oonpriae Vucompletc uuor ~NeweIt and most I Are now showing their new DRY Goons I [ D A . $8.31 NEW"; POP CORN BALLS by the Seltzer Wslct and Cu-run-ac; Wsut, ! I80. F1873- _ - .._._--o-swig 0 H nd F 'n , Gin and Omamcnta elm: ....'5?:::d:d 5351s., `N5: Shades of sauna? md Antiques, All mt on the bin, `;un -- Of th nuon. ll_. 1 l_mbo DU`.l.'Ul:IJ!.il'.C, ` )NTARIO STREET, o its the Grand-; Trunk Depot. nfpwtuh tended tosnd at .11 hounuetht elapegtyuta. _____.- iluovd British and Foreign N Lcolou AL 1'I"' ELFANT 'red Grol Agssonrumnr of G1-unandGlnoo Silks NOTICE. .KS Jupnnuo and ts, an ueo, Percale! ` A enisn Lack Ruuall mm. -` IMPORTEBS OF '. of their 6t$IbHlhmOn`Whici&i 3 gtoqdy iglprque in their Clothim ` 411.11.` J.` HAD , GLASGOW `VAR CUBE. NENAUGHTON & CD'S, 0` Ind `Pl-inn:-n Rina- J. GARIJINER, > m muck and White Raul Flowon, Josephine : Kid ads: of Ribbon. Nam Mil- EDD, cocowuws, NEW 2 ' COMPLETE OF Peruvian and . nuns, - FIGC, , ,...-._ roumu-rciul. `rmzu. s1-u. `K .\I..\ LIJW vonriunxz-rs. Tclraram In IL- Y`--5' " wgiv. Hraiu no ' -pork Iinr. Shun sold :3 |8, I110 Uul city. April 20. A Fmnk Yuerrilf ha-` frmu the (rout, ,ha\'mg left.` . I,` m., 911 `Frixhy, and repu;-:.. `N mu Ill Lava liml. Smuw yin` ,'V:en wen when yaung mat. ,`_'a evidemly Rut-pin}: 'ni_a[iun \q,'u| lhli l6|k0 {Hr tht .1 ._-.__.._:.. _ m..o._.. 11 I - Ek. April 2:. 'i1y'u( Linwrirl, ft mm-o, April 20. pril 2nd have `left M r...-...... .-.A-- -.---- um-uussmno:I' gave in L which nu nlL;~ml.sl by Queen the Uuitorl rilntcs Miliilter. . April 19. ~Nine bodies have-` orod from the wracked train luv [Ongiuoor and reman were bar 1: Up At their ,un|.A, *`-----;- V , _--_ .-gnunl. al Tc/o-gram to tlu Daily NC!-J fork, Apt 2!, 2p.m.-Gold I 2. for manna.` U rlnmlu. ; ncoipta l0,00` bbln ' I In;u6,7o:.a,35 pram I1 i`IIto8,26loroo.-"manta: II-nu mi; I `I - -'.'l u....;... ""*'.' u U---9?} Mlwd. 9| ` I Tclognph Uvmp.. ';;'.;;q-:.;, " ;.:.'..r;." : u hundred men, 18 at Ln cl... ......n. .:.l.., (l ..... n nah -4 :5.-, 4.1;.-. All? .n [his .u um |-I'I'IIl, -- INN`; nukes], !I,-~l"|onr I rut nluanly, \ val vmnm .' 4 cu uwu, nth mole -..... AL . 'u}:K .\1Anou-if. .\hlItrc-M, April 2|. H31.` :nl;...l mu: ..nr..-. .-`MAI . K ms. -;:r.n;:"= v 5,I : cit! uau.~ tIol|aluIIK1 I been rn.-ceivad. Thu agitnh-ul nll circlcu It 111-: l7nil.ud Statcsz-` tn vlncrnzwh upun tho! ingclvnu. Lcprusyiw uativu pnpulatiun of lame: tn an ularmin`-; nllllnissiooncsl lllvllclml Int H-I-nu ,-v . Ii-Inc! lllllllllgl I - no reported l.ruuac- { {Jim and nu-ulily ul- 5 |8,50. Auhcn dull at . - urn -nn.-II 15,50 00,00 to 00.0) - Dean 37 mm . ... ('0 |3I M In 9. Arrivod. ` {rum In IIA. in mr to medium ; 6 '60 middling: lrlnnlco J ' l lnnuTu y, wan l.l'.'1l)Ig:u:- ] "" " "`u"` a EALJJLLL u , oxtm mid at ILL ()PHN THEIR NEW STORE, in "b" 3` 6'49 t ' M16 Cryutal Block, on ul cu medium I ; lllivn rni.`l.lI...... ` -- * vu I0 uu.w; s 87 M90; rye - mceipta L300 9 , with I.mns:u:'- I rm.o.... ....I.i .7- .., .nynu ..I. , I885 ohrecl, I-Il{l.'l AL. \ ounnlu`1u. Iiremlstu >: v;;_:,-33733 RUTTAN_Zz_BAILLIE .1 at ._- ...u- - . -(`IA nxnnfoln 93` me at half .I .__._... : nu` Vol` `,..I..-- - ' ' ll: III. 0 lied 1... II. 10:; Nu. 35.00 opt}./V1./VG .40 ; oll` TIIE 0 E5: j New Boot and Shoe Store Dairy > __ H` ` _ L;;:: : .1lariin s Crystal Block, e` Pl!lN(JE_SS srmimr. * iEBo%6'f""X iB)`i:6fsI iof the Imam ..o..I.._ _ 1ll`Z.S"l' lH{l).~l,, SI A[{Kl.f.\.'(i I-.l()(}K, Sparkling liurguhly, Sparkling Mua(;l.l1'. I Muet k. l`hmulun'I L'llallIpf,'n(=8. - gw. BEGG & Q0. i`V!.:.}'.?1?GG cow fr.-Hnwu & GUNNINGHAM. [1'a'..\I.u.v \v;{|::;IloUsaa \`'`"I VA: in - .1 1 llrsday Mommg April 17 ! wit} - 1 entlrclv NEW R'I"n:-u ,;,`--- .. .. --. ` what nut ` and the jokes such as were T-Eslly witty. Ml` ` Linden :L<:tf.-1n:\le_primrt donna. certisinly ahuw_ t ed himself to he lint-class, his fnluetto being ucullcut. Thu dancing, both clog and other, wine, was very good, and the acting very good indeed the wardrobe of the troupe being the ; ne-at we have ever seen. ,-v IIIXV UIIUI-U of the Intent style: and but manufacture, `which will be sold at moderate price. H. M. RUTTAN, W. ll. BKILLIE. April 15. Ian J [)A LM ATINE CAN DLEN, EN(l.l.SB SPERM do., U /.Ul\' EIUT 110.,