Kingston News (1868), 23 Apr 1873, p. 2

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On Tuesday A. Ksrch, of , 22nd am, the ` IIOII. If A nun..- tho reuotubncu of our rule. As, howevor, our aid in this, way it: constantly roliciud, or rnther we uhould nx in many can demand- ed, as something which cannot. be refined, we think it well to gin thin public notice that %_n _do business on business mim.i.1.. ...a until 11: wan to gun thin in do business principlu, and dos! with chsritiu not as nevnpaper pup;-ig. ton, but as citizens." my swung _ think tbzt it _II III FIJI!) Oil! or bulineu nun ; but we lcienc to state the cue, ' is kind toohov howevcr 1 ..:L.j , nu ma: tne ropricters of a newspaper, more than any at er bueinees men, Are to be ear- to transact business for nothing for All Veheritsble societies. No one expects s builder to erect in asylninlier nothing, bccsu it is intended for e chantahle purpose. and ugh of course the outls on_ building an asylum end inserting en vertiseinent are very dif- ferent, the 'nciple ie the sense. There ere very few these institutions for which we do not do in our news columns more than the price of hell 3 dozen advertisements, Gen at eonsidereble inconvenience as well as cost, which would be another reason, if say were vvsnted, why we decline te_ho put upon differ- ent footing than ether business is enillcient `to. stete the -o.I.....e .4..- :_4.- :.A_:I- . " u uuqrull enaorle no Herald : sentiment: : We distinct! decline to advertise gratuit- ously, and we n no elvvnye. We are willin , like other citizens, to contribute to cbnritab e and public objecte, according to any menu, and our judment of the claims, which there things nu. ave upon us. But we cannot ed- nit that t e ropnctgon of a more thug: _any buemeu men. be ex. mwrvrroun Anvnm'm.w.- l`ho Montreal Ilerakl of an-cent data that hits the nuig on the head in to an! to gratuitous advertising. We heartily on one the IleraId disglnctly ndvcrtiua mum-6. run}, nnu nut : wh` our neighbo1u.-Mail. `V-, -nuuu` yuan ulu LJIIIIIU Ll I0 Ill] ly opposed to his dilstory tactics. (:2... -_:-._ ..__.... ._ ' 8 80,612 3 84,021 $147,782 Ineteuoin 1873.. 67.270 03.76! ._._.._._ . ._. .._._ 9141.792 m7,7s2 1! there be my stability in the rules of u!- dition sud uubttructton as taught at 1 common school, the sluovois correct ' ut unfortunate- ly Arithmetic with n Grit is not the art of computation by gural, but the lcieuce of guring according to the exigencies of the Party, end that why we never agree with neighbo1|r.-Mail. Mech.M1{ic . .-_:- ace Lagialatiun . . . . ,. Supplementary .. |38Cl'CH|l'y l(GgII- train . . . . . . . Rogintur Gene: nl n.....A, _, A ncumu-c and ublic Work: Crown Land: Of- n; , -.uusuuu run LED l'I'JUl'l4I. At detrsction our Grit nei hhuur is non- parcll. iat uubtrnction he is n. h ockhend. He published a table of gures soversl days ago showing the difference between the expendi- ture of 1871 and that of 1873, snd yesterday he danced in e maze of capitals and italics to show that the Reform Government had been maligned. If the organ will look at Public Accounts, 1871, Statement 29, pp. 134-5, it ,will find a comparative tsble of the ex endi- tnre from 1868 to 1871, and we may ta. 0 Mr Crooks Estimate for 1873, p. I, anon authori- ty for this year : expenditure. Now, having furnished sstislsctery texts and references, let us institute a comparison between the cost of the De zsrtment of salaries nlune, in I I870, 1871 an 1873, omitting the accounts of 1872:! re rly belonging neither to Send- I field Mscizloiifld nor to Reform : I nanngvjnu us` n:aLV\l|.u'LLVAJ l'IJl.\u\.Il'Jl\.I.. ` London, April 21.--The recovery of near ly '5 quarter million of dnllare of United `States bonds, which Ind been obtained by McDonnell alias Bidwell and uucistoe, on the Bank of England forget-ion, was made to-day. The fact; eoneerning this are as follmn :-On 5th March Int, a trunk, said to contain wearing apparel old end in nu, mu delivered at the ocq of the North At.- l.I'I'.il3 Exnrnnn Cnnnnnnu NA ,4 Ifnnnntn was universe at me once of the North At- lantic Ex ress Compan , No.-4, Margate, London, y a person cs. lin himself 0. Los- siug, of Tunbridge Wells, ngland, and ad- dressed'to Ms/or Geo. Matthews, New York, to be kept in ml at Express office No. 71, Broadway, New York, until cnlied for. Tho trunk was duly forwarded by the Express Company, and was kept in bond by that Company until last Saturday, when a. woman calling herself Mrs. Geo. Matthews presented an order for its delivery at the Express oiee, duly signed George Matthews. In the meantime the Counsel for the Bank of England had re- ceived some infonnatinn in regard to the trunk which led to its detention by the police until to-day, when it was taken pos- session of-and examined, and found to con - tein a quantity of wearing apparel, old and in use, two gold watches, some various articles, three packages U.S. 5-20's and 10- 40 s bonds rolled up in soiled linen. amounting in all to $220,950. The bonds were found to be identical in class, amounts, and numbers, with those advertised by the Bank of England to have been obtained by Bidwell. In the trunk were found cnmdn nuns 01 nngmna to nave been obtained by found cardn and card-plate wiith the name of Goo. Bidwell, and a. variety of memorxmda, bills, &c., showing conclusively that it had been shipped by and hnlunged to him. Out of $300,000 obtained from the Bank of Eng- land by those forge:-ies, all but about $30,- 000 hns now been recovered. ----ur-u uvuv nun Uvluyvllt K ID in! work of tho count:-y_v. Tho rnlling stock in 51:0 to In inc:-ouud, and oven the bittcrut ._A-.l AL- ..-_.1 __,--A "VII I I- Liout. -Governor : ann C ornoo . . . . . . . .8 Executivocpuncil and Atty.-Gow oral : Ollioc .. Treasury Depart- ment . .. Smenu ecretary Re ' . N EXHIBITION L M`fy g ninn--- .._.___.___._. (innvlroun Anvzm'mxu.-'l`ho Veraldof data than lnitn - FIGURES FOB. THE PEOPLE. lttlah--$3.... A... nun - u -`BTAHRIED. one no Mania untimcnti: ' 0 us, contribute m ahnrioaI- - BI BTH. `urn:-nu -emu -uvuvevue Ir vllv love lull DIAUIU III the St. Iawrence. Thin was only one pound. Mr Cenchen showed 5 wonderful eeprneee to convince the member: that the lieu of the government for 3.000,000 wee getting nether eheve to the rear by the ieene e! the 2.000,M0 el bends under the [elven echene. But ee it ie the epinien el every eherehelder except twe, and ndther ef thou the redeuhtehle Hr Creek, the hu oppeeed every eehe-e for benet- ting the road, we my be sure that it in st any rate feeeihle. The intention in now to rule] the whele rod with steel reile, end te reduce the page from ve eight te leer feeteixendelnlf, endthue teheveetiret? cluereedeble and eenpetent to do the ` real: .6 on. .......s.. 'm.- .._.t:_- _._-L z- '7; 1,200 3 H SA LVAVRIZZI. 1870. "G. E. Jwxsoiv 0 Jsne :0, 1154,31 8 month: and 17 uvvnya. We to ` according our >{ th claims. Whinh O}--an 7,l65 8,784 5,712 8,063 "or vucws u will be held in 1 -emtionnl m......:. oppononio of `tho 1:056 any undo: tho new u-nngonent. D nnncnkgn I.-- L--- :_.:A_A:_, _ v v vu Iuv IIIIIIUIII or well for It 7.053 I 0, 36!) 99.884 8.725 4 a wife of Mr J. I871. 9,495 7,639 A 8,765 i 1873. 1,495 8 2,500 ` .}ll I1 1 An I 4,055 26, 942 49,730 1 7, 700 ARE 12,130 CI Univ \llIIIC JIIIIID DIX W IV. 3*. reading by a majority of 99. The giouna of opposition sun that the Grand Trunk opposed the umtmction of the Northern Caloniution road, intended to connoct Quobed and Montreal by the north shore of 61:. Kb 74---_..- TL}- __.. ._I... -__ I-5,440 ! Georg 200 ` LARD! Lib: Fine S1%ug'a1f-Curecl llalhsl GLASS SETS. TUMBLER8. GOBLETS. DISHES, ASSORTED SIZES. BOWLS, do. . do, SPECIE JARS, ALL SIZES HOOPED do do LAMP CHIMNIES, - _.- -._,--vu. Luliel will please take notice that we get our Real Lace Goods ditcct Ii-om the maker! in Europe, and have therefore the newest styles and patterns. We ave 9. lot of Int aeaIan':vPsttornu Wolilth rum 01.00 to $1.50, sforo onto one . - Benn, barbs, &c.,,for1 lovely collection `of shown in Kingston. T -,1:,.- __2|| - ' Hrmiton Collars, Maltese Collar: Irish Collars, &c., Fanchiona, Coieurl, loovu, Settn, Barbs, &c., `forming together the moat lgvely _eol_l_qction Real Luca Good GLASSWARE 2 CIIOIC Club Inn held i_nu:-uliah, JV nftcrwnr-In, ' Mr Mingayc clmirmnn, when 1hL-_1f_;||y.,',, nollhen were press.-nt: -P4 1'. \\'nHu~in_ , Jena Ken-nu. J. Wilma, J. N.-pk.-.-, n_ Ignh, (5. lmrnlord, (`hm-1--n Ta) lot. A H 1 Both, 7. R. Dnltnn, M. Gage, (nu. .\l\.\-" 1'. w. Nun, W. in. m.n,;.,.., l(-plmrt 1" Burns, Wm. Irving. ir, Wm.` .\'m=h, E. H. Smjthc, llohurt (`-.11". .Imwpl l Bull and John`. Firkin. Alter sotnu discm-niou, it was decided 3 that the club should meet (for the present on , Friday and Manley cw-mnp es the Mechnnice llltitute. the moniker: bringing their own` head: and men until those of the institute end club were ptecured. 'l"hu next meeting ' for the election of otlieen end drafting of 5 rules will tnke place on Tuesday evening. Mr } John H. Behr wu ulnuimounly elected pity gaunt secretary of the club. and was re- quested to communicate with other -clubs for s ecpieeo(n:les,tc. 5 glmu. mom: G00l|S! `RECEIVED THIS DAY [W 1}` PI3_3 5` 00-. w. R. McRAE 8: 00., Now Go... 11-11-- 12-- CANNE_]_)__GOQDS. l Direct from Eurape. Very O1_ Wines. Sugar-Cured Hams, Bacon and Shoulders, Crone & Blackwell : l `I (I 1 Avril 22. 1373, Tn: Gun Tnusx.--Notwizhunnding p the very active ourtionn M Mr Cnuohou ` and n oorponlh gunrd of members acting I ` with him, the bill for unending the ohnrton ;' ' oltlIoGnnd'l`runk hupuaodiu second` nA4.I}-- L_ I -.-:._:L- .1 an 'I`I.- _.-._.. BASS ALE IN QUARTS. BASS ALE IN PINTS. UROSSE & ,BLACKWELL S' PICKLE8. u u S: A I mm; W. 1!. Mcllae & .l_.'J pmta. SPRING IMPORTATIONS GOLDEN LION. Parties wautin Plant: can obtain them for n. few days. 1:40 .5 low Strawberry l lnnu. Aprly it this ofce. April 23, 813. I NI) AND VVl`II.l'l'1 l`laADl'l3DISIKllo-'- JIZIMERICK LACES--Beantilui Goods. MALTESE LAc1:s in new designs _ENGLISH THREAD LA(/`E8-E.logsnt inodu. W: R. Mange & Co)`, :l(e):;ELLE,, SPARK LING HOCK. SPARKLING BHINE WINE, STILL, &c., ac. [)EMAR'I`IN S SHERRY. GRAHAM S OLD PORT. , BARTON & GUIES'l`ER S CLARETS. " BURGUNDY PORT IN OCTAVES. TARRAGONA PORT IN UCTAVES. Moot 81. Chandon 5 No. 1 and No. 2 Clum- mznea. Tun Ln-11.: Bn.L.--At list tho groat 1 ovont of tho aoooion in comummatod and I tho bill oonforring power upon the Pacic Railway Cotnmittoo to examine witneoaen andor oath baa bocamo law. That tnuat 1 aatiafy the irroooaoilabloa if any thing will. They aro now in a pooition to begin work no aoon ao Mr Blako roturno to hia Parlia- dutioa at Ottawa. It wil be a jolly {area if tho tino of the Homo has boen 9 taken up for moro than a wook in unoarth- E in; a Ina:o'o noot, and that ouch will in tho_~ toanlt lo now protty generally acooptod by I aoarly ovory body at all connnant wh tho oou-ao zaattora have boon ta-king during the pat {ow wooh. . .,.REEsg "AK LACES- new so luhioublo. [BEEN PEAS, Groeu Corn, I Alnarunm H ...-.;. `ll..I.I:..I. ALEX. Ross; Breakfast PX SHIP MARIA ROSE, from Dublin, 1 GUINNESS PORTER, gun-ta and no. ' _ cAs1=:s_4Nn mus. amsswanz, |ED AND WHITE RASPBERBIE8.-- I. Ii;-Mun uun.6h..: l"I-nlm null ghbniun hlngun BEEN Tornatou, As aragul, Hum Rndaliuhjfaschea, 1, U emu, Pineapple, Pie Fruit, Straw- iul, Dumona. kc` . ii: Ship Rock City, from London, 31 A011 vgv zsuu.--n-r. __ _ ____ v mncpnerson, immigration Agent, is working {{:}`Ax: Coi.u:usL suu-- i win. undefotiglble industry in aid of the pub- _w. [um that this esteemed lio meeting, which it is intended to hold .0.` of whose death we gave a ) shortly, and has succeeded in procnring"'the :;:1t%lel|`|;':. yuwrdgy did not on retiring signotureo of about 200 of the loading citizens on Puhamom receive me appointment 1 to the petition to be presented to the Mayor. 9 . (3 W. , 1 Lac. , He is anxious to enlist the corporation and the at Count of cumms M 0 idthiit eilua- i Worden of the count! and as many of the 5' 9 the w_mmry I rflmgn at P"?, i Reeves as can be induced to come forward, so than in the winter of 18. to en " ; that a strong society for the city and count) melt end his oonzuccoedec . him as col1cc r , Ins) be formed. of the above port. Celuncl Siinpw """`" n 1. this country in 1814 and on the arrival _ V A L|(:nr-never: WAsrzD.-A petition for of Lord Dnlhoueie no Governor General Of * _ ` : transmission to the Dominion Gqvemment in Canada. woe appointed his Private Secretary. ! ~ ` ` _ C j~now l`0f:i\_'illg the signatures of the citizens to ` III: 1822 he V88 5`l`P"" ""t" ` W. l min effect: that there are some dangerous tome at Cotcnu dn Lac, and was snbsc-qneIt_ ; ghouls below and in the neighbourhood of Oak 3! elected member for the then County 0f I Point, at! TVolfe Island, in the Province of Ym.k to the House of .-\.s.~semNy 95 L""" Uutario; and that for the protection of ves- I51 irlnwss Street. ._..._..._. New Store-Golden U611. N ow Stol-e-Goldan Lion. New Store - Golden Lion. New In Canvas, best quality. A Magnicent Lot of ' Store---Golden Lion. 5 Worcester Sauce. Florenca Cream. ' Orange Marmalade. Anchove Puts. Bloater ute. Strasbourg Manta. Potted Game. Pate 3 la Dinble. Sardines, Small Fish. wgcmer the Loco our " In 1837, during the unfortunate troubles - in Lower Canzula, Col. Simpson was uom- ` unndant of Fort Coterm du lac and the Dietrict, and in 1838 it wmnthreu-_jh 1xis7in- tervemiun that tho auxneaty w..+ granied I by Lord Durham to the unfortunate in- Iurgents. ln 1:5-t1`on the union of the, Province: of Upper! and Lower Canada 110 resigned the Cellcctonshnp 01 Uutean an lac ; . in order to enter Parlinmeuz an by :5Lu;ute Collectors of Custom: were prohibited frmu sitting as member. ALA-.. LL- ..I... At 0|... G-.5 u-i6-.I Dav, runs mus. SAUCE8. .- Q...` n. 00., lulol smAudcmyuHndohthhe.ifl.I hmb eartilythot slltlupcnolunsm in the vort.iunanbinoonnoo_tionwibthacar- ryin1ontofthouidmtornnun.nunm- A-- St. John, N.B., March 22nd, 1873. Referring to the Grand Gilt Concert: in side! thoAcadamyofHtuioiII thioeit,I h.f.b' W till lllml nan: `- uurvll, uq. . WM. 5. OLIVE wu. 1uNN.ud*, ' . 'B:uinou Mumps-I, P,O. lrlimnit b P. 0. Order or Registered` Letter to JOtN C. BOWDEN, Box 529, Hontrosl, 20., and Tickets will be _ - land not to your address. Ticket; for uh in K at tho Book- store: of Mcmnloy I. 00., Stacy, and J. Hendonon. DIHILTOBS. JOHN awmaxz, 1213. nvxmx, A. M. mm, M. 0., J. '1'. srmavus, 14.1). 1 n Anus...-.....--._ _ , ,, _ --..'_v--. uw mun uuu amounting to . . . . . . 030,000` 01' about one chnnoo in nino. l:,O00 Ticket: mwy will be issued at .All Tnckeu will be numberod and register- odintluli on BooIu,nndno 1'idet genuim amleu pa for. v _ GEORGE E. 8. KEATOB, M.D.,'Pruidont. 1790 Cub Gift: amounting to chance i uunuu. -so --vu-u...... After the clue of the first united Par- lihuwnt Cel. Simpson mu appointed Com- missioner of tbojlntercolonial Railroad and nally was appointed on `.}~.r: Cemxxnissiex: (er the payment of rebellion lenses He: lyuhtterly lived in quiet retirement in; Kingston with hie Ien Mr W. B. Simpeen. ' Oellector, and was highly respected by all ; IIIO enjoyed the piesuure of his acquaiu-:1, a-_.. [City sea.) .7311 K7.`-/, SAINT JOHN, N. B. my uh, inn, 7th .11 8th, 1572, 4 _ GIAND GIFT conwznn, 4 st which will be givon any 30,000 00LLABS IN 0A8H in the following dint:-ibution 2 1 (mum can GIFT or Jlogooo l " _ 2,01!) 2 ~ " $1,000 each. 2,000 2 -- ~ ram -an - M -. purl! vn Ann Aowlzniv or ywsm, ELIE`!!! `lazing -0 I WROUGHT NAILS, OUT NAILS, 0 VI Aucun., BAR IRON, EAINTS, OILS, vmzusns, cuss, 1>`p1-rt, u., gltwhiah an inspection in respectfully in- I Kingston, April 21, 1873. ` Joint T. Kllll. lWednda.y, the 23rd of April, I Call A. ulnar nan` .._._`I.A.- .;.. _L ,4 snnnr AND HEAVY HARDWARE, J. ISEHBTBONG, Secretuy. ` Cmnmittge of Management on behalf of the :-Junee '1'. Stoevee, 14.0., 11. w. ` /Clplllii ` A Ilsher, .P.P.. R. P. Monvern. _ . Iunm-ou.-.W. Rm... Ir... n v 7 uner, n.r.r.. u. I . Moaivorn. # Inrwrou.-W. Bnezo, Eoq., C. E. L. `Arvin, TWO Doons ABOVE noun-"5 mum. on. HALL. IVEDNBJDA Y 5n..v1.vo, APR] McMlLLAN & KElllLl Specication: and drawing: can he noon at the oice of the Mechanical superintendent of the Company at Montreal. - Tendernto state the nqmbere of each sort of Car and Set: of Tmqks t can he delivered by the 111: October, 187 , and the price (or each Car and Soto! Trucks. Delivery wilLheve to be made at Stretford and Montreal. mew HARMARE Houss, No. 39 Princess Street, 600 Catt]; or Box Freight Cars. 200 Platform Cars. $000, sets of Trucks for Box Cars. 500 Sets of Trucks fur Platform Can. ~ Four Grand , Gift Concerts 1-u';w-u A_ .__-_ TENDERS will be received by the under- signed up to 5 o'clock on SATURDAY, the 3rd Mny, 1873, for the following Roll- ing Stock, viz :- ` MEETING OF CONVOCATION for the cloning of the present session will he held in the Lonvocgtion Hall on THURSDAY next, the 24th inet.', at 3 o'clock p.m. The ublic ere respectfully invited to sttend. `radugtee not bein students are requ ted to meet with the Pro euon And True in the Senate Chamber at 2:45, and to appear in Academic Costume. Y `D IIIIIIY Am Queen : Coll I 22nd Aprief Tenders fof`ROLLING ` STOCK. | Wednesday Eieing, 30th inst | Eftcwgiiilg ITANDYBROSJ A qmmn .7 Complimentary Concert T0 WHO)! IT MAY CONCERN. . mu April, 1373. -___-.__.__..-.___.-.. Tho Programme will spposr in I few days. April 22. 1 4 ..g_..._.,_, 4 Grand Trunk Railway QhZ*zI'*nii{;7. with snow and oonplogo stick at OITYW-HATLL mu. ma" ormczb ' ,,,,___ ,,__, r--'v-vv- ---n_IuIAIIl 2 [f The Anny And Navy," proposed by the ,g President, respanfiod vI:'od|vky.nM1E Stohzsrt for tho sunny, and r ort nary; I "Alnn Mstor Socioty" by the President, ro- t sponded to by the Principsl; Tho Sister t Universities" by Mr Mo l'svisb, rospondod to ,'h - Mr Stewart of University Collog_e,Toronto, and Mr Cameron of Dslbonsie (Jollege,`Novs ` Bcetia ;. The Principal and Professors of tho 7 University by the Presidentnospondod to by Profs. Williamson, Mackerrss and Ferguson ; - I "The Boys! College of Ehysicians and Sur- l A goons, by Mr AIox.s.nder, responded to by Dr - TSkinnor and Mr Wslken; Tbs Grndnsting 3 Class by Prof. Dupuis, responded to by 5 Messrs McL:u-en and Donald ; The learned ` I `professnms, as represented in medicins snd | law, responded ta by Mosors Mccslnmon, , Hogan and Mncdonnol; "The Ladies by the | 1 President. responded toby Prat. Watson, Mr , I Molnron And Mr McGuire ; "The Press by . ' the President, rospondod to by Messrs Ponso _ ` and Robert Shannon. After singing the na- , i tionsl anthem, the company broke up after , ' having spent 5 very pleasant And sgreubla . g evening. all e, pri , 1873. IOMAS M. REED, Mayor of It. John, N. 3., Dolniniollolcnulo. nr `Aw or nu J. B. MOVVAT, Ritrnr zoo each. 100 each. 50 each on ....|. aw ucn. 10 such. 5 each, King-can Put onus.` Aptil 2, ms. ~ nos-r or1r1o'l`i STAR `Gui `PURE .1I1l1.$E so so: llsy. 1 Furniture sale at Mr Kin I Sciopticon exhibition in . Church to-nor:-ow evening. Hal. -5 |' ' " "' d Liquors, which II ` ' Jaenu thsn my house in to . -`A He slao take! thin thanks tofhilu ` Mn 0 or 2, ..._.u....3:.`L A 1. V '.`i.'L a..u:... .` .. hil muunnnu 45- ` ` -e`]l for Cash Anchor 1 REVIOUS to ' the Store In . ` Rae & Co., I BED ` I CENT will be ` ` ----` 53! Ki-won. April All ` -v-stung! lL'4`\< I ; Conveuuwne In Quinn : 1 , . - mg. l- n......_. _.r Water slicu: JUQT Ill Jseph E3 co-ii ._,. 3 Ursnge mus meeting in the Vic Hall to-narrow evening. Annual Convocation in Queen : 5' marrow. A`! I --u nunvnnvou uvvvn BBC nun: IIIIOT B00161) held their lent, end no fer ee enjoyment wee concerned, beet? meeting thin union. The society in now inn more proepel-one condition then it hee been for yeere, end no it becomes more ouriehing,theee little reuniaau de famille become more common, end ere conducted on e I more extensive ecale. The enpper leet night wee e credit to the teete end enterpriee of the Ineuegore. The chair wee occupied by the Prooident, John Mclntyro,Eoq., B.A., end Mr. MoTevioh,M. A.,oceupiod the vice-ohnir. The Very Bovd. Principe! Seodgreoe, end noerly ell the Profeuore. were preeont. The pro- eoodinge were commenced with preyor by Principe] Snodgreu, efter which emple jnetice ` weedoneto thegoedthingeeo liborelly pro- vided. After the mine! leyel toeete, the fol- lowing toeote were proposed end drunk : `Th: Ann: and `Mann 1! ...._--_.I'L._ u WW-M. UVZID WUKU l'0P( "Tho Prnninnlv. um-n4..l.A A- I... _ _ , , .7 .. .... .......u...9- an nmuun " on their promises, on complaint of the police. H They were all diuniued-eoIno having cleaned ll 1 their yurde ma outbuildings, ma othoru 1-:1.-;phdgiug themselves to do likewise at once. . Bernard Foster, one of the boyu, disorderly on Bu-rack street on Friday, was ned 81 and W I cant: A Cumon To Luv Buuxzu.-Lewiu Biglovv, n carter, was charged at the Police t , Court to-day with depositing Ive barrels of i nuiunco on the common in Victoria Ward ' centrsry to lsw. The deiendsnt sdtnitted the nccnestiemrbnt pleaded in extenustion theree! thst he was ignorsnt of the lecntien ol the V . proper nniunce ground, end tlnt he was di- ' rccted to do so wiihent being nwsre of the ol- feneivenul of his conduct. He Ivu ned 810 5; nud costs, or 30 dsys imprisonment. This Iijndgznont may Act ss s caution in sinilar 9 cum. Sovcrsl thnes during the put winter 9 I the police have reported the deposit of eifel on I the ice, and inwn couple of instances on beck : streets, but the psrtiee being unknown to the h ; nutlwritiu escaped thst punishment which i use their due, and the city has been subject ,' te expenue in the removel of the nninnce to 7 0|... `I....| -..-.4.-_ I 4 1 < I in . lvl nu-nvw. a .Qm'....o:,..._ , V - -- Owrrn Sv1>nn.-Lut evening at the Bri- tish American Hotel the Alma Mster Society I Int. And as far 1: nninmn...o ..,... fthol -<......_. .___; -'..._.__, moncos it: career under good auspices. It I1 I ru_:adJ cunsintu of twenty-two momboru, and II | won an funds are raised will enter upon I.eIe- graphic contacts with club: of other citiou. i T 1 Sr. (woman's DAV.--'l`o-dsy was the snai- vermsry of St. George, sud Shskesposre-the I draguu-slaying Knight of Cnppsdocis, and Him ilnuortsl Inn] of Btrstford-upon-Avon. I The snnivennry was celebrated by Englishmen irunsny parts of the United States sud Can` ads by {sun of vsrious description, but gens- ` rslly by public dinners. Kinpton obssrud th_s event by unfurling s fsw ags. smut-ncox ExIIarnox.--In soother col- i umn an exiibitioxn of views by Mercy : sciop- ! ticon is announced to take place on Thuredsy jevening for the benet of the Congregations] ; Sunday School library. We Inderstend that 1' many parties have expressed A desire. to see u uciopticon exhibition. and, with many others, ` will no doubt avail themselves of the opportu- nity thus sfforded. -o- a.-..-uunnuua nlu uouLrrY.-Mr It ' . . . i 1 Mncpheuon, Immigration Agent, in with undefntiiznbla indnatrv in uh! ..I H... ....1. }`ux,|-rm Cock 1', Wzuxuwn'---(Before Mr E strangu. P.M.)--George Thompmn and Jana '!'.1)-lor, drunk, were ned 82 and 81 roopocb wc!y, nor 3'.) days in 31501. A number of per- mm appeared for allowing nuisance: to remain 5 nu ' _ 5 i~now I0f:l\,'illg Uutario ; ll stls navigating the waters of the Rivor St, ; Lnwrencc-,_it is expedient that a light-house i be erected in that locality; the petitionera ; therefore pray that 3 light-house be placed on Pisxnire Point. The members: of the Orange Society will lmvjc the pleasure of hearing the Grand Mas- ter speak up the sulvjoct of the Orange Bills atftllc \'ict,nri.1 Music Hall to-marrow oven- . mg. Mr .\IcDmm!d is I uent speaker, and 15 he took a leading part in the discussion of 5 the Bills, having charge of them, an iutcru4t- i mg speech may be expccu--.l. l Tux lxmolurlos Am ocu.'rv.-Mr Ll ...-.h......... I......:..-;:-.. A ___. onyuu-v nu vllv 9 legal quarter. T .. _-. .....,,..u.u - w-morrovv :on the Congregational |oD0'0W Ir J . E. Clsrk'| reaidonoo to-mop ry nle of progorty on Wolfe Inland REMINDERS. r Kingboniu to-marrow I in flue ('45-.------14 ' I Collage this even- 9 Victoria Music Collogo to- :- I Dzusnn ox LAKE Onnnro.--The Roches- ter Union of lat evening Itatel u follows "On Saturde night a disaster occurred en Lake Ontario 5 t ten or twelve miles out of the month of the Genneeee River. The steam . tug Mellie Spencer went on Iridahy to the I Onterio pier in Wayne county wit I lerge now which was loaded there with iron ore from the Ontario mines for the blast furnaceet 1 Charlotte. The ecow was well laden with about 130 tens._ On the vny hack a ml. .---- wu noes} Tsril nu cause of it: light Jvnft. in shallow. Eatea, an old ml business. The B t V.` ,.`,....,._:l xrom the forV1f:i:_ovblut fun C;;h:;lotte. vny a gala tug wu o` Lyon : Poi the heavy us. There three men on board who were rescued h E98. which us: in comm....a .: n-- uexterl venture in ten the West Indies, vb: print an znolaue: dim or Idle one, In: in tj coal market in Engsud I speculation.-N. . H ,,,_ _-_....., ....vv-v- vv vuull. Lrrzs.u.u Cezanne C'o.u.s -ro Nur- cum,n."-We learn from Cepe Breton, Nov: Scotin, that the eteemehi Greet Eutern, after laying the new At ntie eeble,, iete take 1 csrge from Cow Bey, C.B., to Europe, en her return trip, toconeut of 15,000 tom of `cool, and that one of the princi ehippere in Cape Breton hee centrected tn `the mone- ter etenmer in fteen dnye. Who `ever theught that the magnicent Greet Eastern, ' when ret oated, would become I dingy col- liert But the employment, even for the none, is an honourable one, end, like the larving of ocean ceblee, notebl in the eervwe' o `h nmanitr and progreu. S will have the merit of i lnetrnting that the matter of car- mg cools to Newcastle, like Bard Timothy gextex-`e eending worming em to the Inflies, where they Mono 1: Ha!- .,__, nu wngulul K nit the N ort-lg-;m Colonization Rsilvn "`I`:lemo and the Quebec and Ontstio V8," scheme, both of which no in the hand: of Sir Hu 11 Allan, and compelled Sir Hugh to abandon is charter for thuerlprojocu to the tender mer- cies: of the Grand rank on pain of having ge- ceu to _'t_het_1ncial_ gin-clot inxhe interest at an 01 me uruna Trunk pain the financial circles interest of the Pacific Railway blocked to than. ceu w me nnancul circles in .the int Pacific Railway them. Tu-..-..-... unA-, Errluon sq _ M. Preu|:ty:AtlI?;tth"e1yml`1:::'it 3:" thbrity me tho uma Trunk Bsilwfsy co'.'.7." any hp infarlergd in England .,.;.... ,5,` ..""".`:.."L.;...:'.i".}.`" -am IO e t; ' :7 `I019 ! which Are in thts-14!-.n4I.':g n:._e. you to-do urmer near mgton He ha}! been 1:: bad Bmvmlnville, Apnl 21.-Solomon Abonu ham, aged 22, non of Henry Abonnlum, I well to-do farmer Hsmpton, in Darl- ington, hanged himself vantm-dun .lo....--- -- The suction sale of Mr J. E. Club : furni- ture, at the hand of William and Bsrrio st:-ecu, tnku plaoc to-norrow, Thursday, It 10 o'clock. 11: Charles McMillan, auctioneer. } V. .--.-pun-u -uv -LI l\llI`IlUl'BI TNICGUCC ' marrow, Thundny, The sale Commence: at 10 o'clnak_ ll: Wu. Mn..- --.4:----- _ ,,,, .-... .v. ;. xlcraul. 02:14:10.- er last swam -m ..+..;-- A We beg to cull attotion to the wciinn 21.10 of furniture at Mr Kinghorifl rxidence to-I marrow. Thnrndnv, Th. ..I. r-..........--- -A -novllvvv, LIIIITUIII 10 o'clock. Mr 1 3 I Dcruzz up Bznnwrm Mxss1'nu;.-Last evening this star compeny performed to an au- dienco such As has not filled the City Hall but on rere occasions. The room. reserved seats and pit, were litcrnlly_ jsnrned to the door. We cannot too highly praise the enterteiment. Bearing an unpnralled reputstion in the tree veiling iuusicnl prefessinn, much Ives expected from these artistes ; but even expectations were excelled, end the large sssennbly were greatly plessed with the proceedings. The` singing was deservingel speciel nfunticu ; the dancing was executed with the ease, grsce sud agility of experts in the ert ; the lvurleeqncs were amusing ; the `jokes were novel sud pro- duced much leughter ; the musiq in the over- tures er nccompsninzents first clues, and their svsrdrebe rich, and fully meriting ithe lemurs- hle comments of the press generally. Their short stay is regretted. We cnu unhesiteting- ly endorse the "cmnplimcntsriies of our con/reres respectinghe stsuding eudreputstion oi the troupe. , - 1 1 I 1 RASCALLY.-A few weeks ago some ruifmnn um had as number of palms of glue in the M oxlist Episcopal Church on Irock street, Later they repeated the offence by demolislr I ing several lights in the St. Mary`! Un- thedral. `Still uudaunted they htirled some stones through the windows of Sydenlmm Street Wesleydu Methodist Church last night, the missiles after entering the edice, struck zmd injm,-ed other articles to a sliglnt extent The police have been acquainted with the facts; and it is trusted the perpe- , trators will suer the consequences of their rowdyilm. ' ' II(1l`VOd'WfU-f leather hose which arrived from New York a few lays ago will be tested this evening nt6| ! o c}nck by the steamer. | ` 'l`m=: 'i`||ovsA:vu Isx.A.vus.-Sozuc American ; npeculatoru are said to have bought up all the i 'l'hous.1.n:1 Inland group in the River St. Law- ` n.-nee that lies within the United States boun- dary, and twn or three of those bqiongilg to the Dominion- It in further said to be their intuition to obtain by purchase control of the whole Canadian gr-oup,g design tofwhich the Ca- ,- -- ----v-Jul Iunlu M} U! lrllclf whu1eUaua4liangroup,q mulinn people on the adjacent mainland are strongly opposed. Dr. Brown, says the Belle. ville /ntel/Igencer, has moved for infonntion in the House. . ...u : uvcxuyclu House. . . rr m umrmu ldllr.) `_ Arrival out or the sarmntlun. 1 Montreal, April 23.-'I`ho stoamor Burma- tism arrivod out to-dny. `rt-}Snin"`1itihvAviC Ottawa, April 23.-It being St. George : Dny hunting is displayed from every nvnil ble point. l`ho annual dinner takes place to night. (PI... -.__'_L_ _ Th; printing committee have thin I.II. do- cidcd to increase the rates psid to J. B. 'l'sy- lor, the printing contnctcr. Mr'MnKnu \\7..1..I..L II is 1 , I- --vv\Ao'1a There was an emueing scene in the House but night. The Governmontvwzmted to pass an item at one o'clock, and then adjourn. The Opposition wanted to adjourn at once without passing the item. In order to carry their point both side: then commenced to talk non. sense, and after keopingit up for an hour, the item was passed, and the Home adjourned. Sir John A. Macdnnnld 1...; ..:..1. ......- ..- .--... ..... ,....w, nuu one name uuoumed. Macdonald last night gave no- lieu of a motion to increase the moinbcrl ul~ lowanoo to $1,000 ; to add 82.0) to the gala.- ries of Superior Court judge: ; to appropriate $75,000 for increasing civil service salaries and `for other purposes. "I'll Mumasxcu lsa1'n'v:1'r.. -The feeling evinced It the meeting last night in A good ' Ilglry fer eucceu of the Mechanics lnetitute. The heating wu large and inuential, end ` the interest in the movement will no doubt he pely increased. Our worthy Meyer throws hie inuence hoertily into the emu, sud cen_ ` I deu it one of the meet importent move. '1 Incite that Love been started tor some time in l 1 xiggm. Au eh employer he promises :4 la gxett himself to induce workmen to sun Qhgelvee of the benet! of the institute 5 under its new conetitutien. It in hnpod Q, `M employer: will do ]ikOWla(.` Another 9 i ...,|.gu.n, Mr Mingaye, Ihould not be omit. 0.11 mention (or his lervicee in the matter. It ` 1 gm hum {ten the report in mother column ` Q h In: been et no little trouble to Itartj x e Ievenent, luring ebtbined A list of over no ciciuu willing to join the institute. 1:43 ; M be new hineeli. It is hoped eleo'( g neeheniu will come ferwerd and nail . Va of the ednntegee offered. Betidse 1 5. ,.digg room they will have the use of the .5 `way, gndeheuldeuicient fuulebo ruined ; c ,3. henioe will be pnrahued for X..- ,::.x:.i....a The Kinuten (.'hn..l .-., ..... ynluulll` couvrwwr. _ - _ Mr'McKay fright, NJ . for Pontiac, con- tinue: very ill. }Iin constitution in said to ha permanently affected. The river is very much swollen by the oods. vuuvl kn The weal last night. THE DAILY NEWS-WEDNESbAf EVENING. APRIL 23. .;.s.;.f..; .,"Em;,;;,,',,S. "`".;::a; gxcpm riidny. I I I{ED RASPBER! 1 /u,...;......: I . L"|'|d`|n. Alml rt-mvurv of near- l a.rticu wzmtimz obtl D ,_ . __ v.. ....y wall-ll Iva nun her : weather is still bcautifgl. Severe front I izht. on, b thel u command of Capt. B. navigator, who nnderltood hi: 3 new was not very valuable. mril used for hosting on be- M rift. The water At n..o..:- ., .. .. u - uuuulltl (I rr /llrmtrml Lilw.) gl `Int 4-! cl... n__.... Ina : LIJU Ill!` 1- Wu. Mumy, 1 , ....u- uuuy wrought high 3: di rs, in not I vilionnry t 0 present state the ,,-- ._...u ; ullvlrlly 1 uendixfg when they broug t high gdigpon, Vilionnrv ,-- .-., vdllllllle d he: inter :1: Ontario CI! .3 W-Xlll win: ya I,_..,__' "r, mu man house. Tho Kingston (:h.o club hoonjslwtion mum mum. g...` n mu-11BI'I'ION OF by A. Marcy : Sciopticon the Basement of the Con egationnl Church on THURSDAY EVENII} at 7:30, eciuly, for the benet of the Ssbbath Schoo library. Admiuioml cents. ; .--~y Sciopticon -j.. ___-_._.__.____.__... ilnilpition. I of matters of importan umuunu or the members will be held in tbs Rsadin Roan on TUESDAY EVENING, the 2% instant, st hslf-psst seven o'clock, precisely, for the consideration as connected with the Institution. A full attondanse is requested. ...,.......w w uwna mtbout ' In Inveary, Alice June, of Mr Robert Osborne, ogex days. AMEETING of 35119 Reading; TUESDAY EVl71Nn1a -1-- M4 ' ' OI ll days. rum 8!. {he funeral will leave ,,,,l .. -ova` o the residence of his son on Tlmnda morning, the 24th in-t., at 10:30 o'clock. ricndn and acquaintances are requested to attend without further notice. Q Inversrv. Alice J. .....-----A - - - U1. El). In thin ity, on the 21st inst, dance of his son, W. B. impnon loctor of Customs, in the 85th yea Lt.-Colonnl, Jul... Q: ____ -- A It the resi- I . . sxmpuon, Faq., Col- year of `hi: sgo, Lt.-Colonel, John Simpson, formcriy Collector Custom: at Comm du lac fo , 1- many ear: member of Psrliament, for the County 0 Son- lan ea. L. I ` " ----- -no uvw uI[Dlp5I-Glll-. Kr Osuchon has been imitating the role of 0. Fun: in the Local Home, and by talking" npilut time delayed the vote sud tho business of the aountry {or throe days. We fancy, he will now give it up u i bud F job, nding that the House in so unmimolir T I- ........A .- L:- .uu_.-__ . .. 7

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