an wm-K dons w I patch. l Nnvembcr. 9, I872. impuru-4| direct. frmn reliable (rm f $-ulunncn in Europe and America.-1.. :~,`i. RING ? S'l`()CK V IIU-l.E`5ALE and Retail Hat and Ca Manufacturer. begs to reInindJn : zusu-Incm and friend: and the ublic en- : A.-rally, and en ' y all those Ir 0 win to gut :1 l"a.nI1ion:| la Silk or Felt But of his own manufacture, to give him 3 call before pur- clmvaiug clnewhcrc, where they will nal n l..-\|{I3l'J As.')R l'MENT of I"!-2L I` HATH, (`lath anal Ncutch Clp, STRAVV IIUUDS, ljnot ivmmrtc-1 xx.-r Ex smmnuhin lama:-... I ; GARDEN & FLOWER sews i \ mun nun ncuwn U8] jlv-at ivnportu-I Icr EX from the Bug sh, A tnarkulu, and at`low 1 tion. '1... ..___- -1 -L4 1 The name Goods are Vnmntinn J is nnw a-uznplote in mu.-r_y alcpartnicnt. \Vu |..1\'c suluu ..\'l l`Z(.'|Al. lAlH.\I.\'H in several Hxac.-s. An --arly -::\|! is wlicitccl.` ...v ..-..u,- nu vuv nuuunl uyxeu Ill F015] the Harcourt, lfcmeo, IIazcppa, Venetian. Juon Gold, Alvarez, Nippiuing, Narrow Gauge, American, Young Gents Style, the Pun-ell, the Canon, Hnrringmn, and. Do- minion Hnt, in Colour: of Drab, Black, Be vet, and lnolse. `A? HEATH, AND GUHWS, Druggists and Seedsmen. ` mmwn mu, Ill Colour: of Drab, Boy smoke. uh` Hats made to order and fitted by the Purim Uoufornstcur. Leather hat cues in stuck. '|`Iw highest price in Cub paid for RAW EU as. cmnx wmaur. April 15:. April :6. u. klll; A1` 28'!` S'|`Yl.| in liU() l`S mu! Sll1)l.~1 1 at Inmlcmt I ri.-ca. April 2. 1 .1-`I83 .ll`.Vl' TU HAND, run: rriniu; all t|u.- .\'UVEI,'|'Il'2\' Qrnm the Lritirl :1-I /\nu~ric:uI Markets. Our Grand Openmg L. B. Macpherson & Ccs .r_ I urr.-401., Judge of S1-sninn W.\I.R::n, h'sq., Mcrcluunt. A. IJul`M.'.Ima'l), Sugar lictiucl In Iv... Is, In -- E. ROSE. H.\l'[.l I-'I.U\Vl-Jim. 1 1-:I.:::|:\". Moog; T 5: Btiirf |l'|l'|IA-In n-nag -- --- IA IHMG 2 ES. I lA'l`S 2 I {ATS !{ 9.LAB.!wR!=tI.T, % Wr_#l'I-}\-l-\".l:!'FA-<:`':l"U`RE'E:&-`,',' AH 01-` I l!l`,\'l`l`H..Q s-x'|'nm.-vr :::.... ;,\I ,\ H II",.\ cu-ry vaut" pf out 1., 1.-1; :-llu-r with many new kinnls` nrJ:;rticIIl.1rx m--9 II;-nth K (hm adv-' Lint. uf Harden, Ficial and u. with brief hintu on tln-ir cull true in any zuldn-at-. rm-In I3. I '81` l:l4II'l-IIVEID AN I-1.\ |'l'IN.~1|\'l-Jmull culuph-ta Anaorumsut uf '.\.<|-:.~: .nv.<'r T0 HAN? Hus .\'H\'I`.l 'l'l Pg .,....i CV IITED {KKHUU I nnam of the leadin styles, in F-It! I 0:110 Harcourt. lama. ll91Il|l`|'n I FOR HOTBEDS L-PRING, 1873. . 1 an, `I .1ruh I , Judge of S1-sminn-_ mu , Mun-I..n.r vupa, HIKAW um)I).`5,| Stcamulnip l`ruvi.-m, . American and Iilnsgow row I-ates, to defy com;-eth n\ nullllu lic- hl I-`hm ;-r uir clnltivntimn. I ']_"'``"1 "" |Shirtn, (iollaru. Tics, Scarfn, Uottun, l'ur.umIu, Sunuhzulcu, l.'ml;rcllM, all p FOR CASH. W 1`-I{UHh:u1 just. iluportcd per Ex- . Stcalnuhi Sznmuatialnalircctlrmn Eng- lnncl, Frzmcc mu H4.-rnmny (usntlcnu-Im lmtn anal c:|.p.~4 of all the lntcrtt zuul fuuhiuuztlrh-, style m the m.-wwn. 1-u-ll ms IAAIIIY I ',u's or Silkaml Cloth of ,.nm...1.., :5 Ilatu of the latest utylc-n, |'a.muu:us, kc-., like SPRING HATS! smuuuews HALL ,' Prints, Marseilles, Batiste, Dress Goods, Lustres, Paramattas, Broadcloths, Twee , Vestings, Silks, Velvets, Velveteens, Table Linens, Napkins, Towellings. Lace and Muslin Curtains ,h'hirl..-c, (ftyllnru, Ti.-u .\'r-'--- -1 I Family Bibles, Illustrated. Pocket Bibles, Il1ustrate_(1. Church Hymn Books. l/till nd UHRUMUS [AT STACEY S{ nu-n|;,'un In lace UL 'lllriiery. \Vc invite yuu ta 1 ...-.u,r..w r.nmU'I'|I-`til. l)I`.l:.s`.s' I.;4mU.~', l`lll- Uullltlu '31-p lilack Alpm-.13. l'.'m:u|iu.u 'l'wcL-ls a mu-I |)i::;;nn.1l l'lnv:L]'iI|g.<, (`lump Int 'I'\oiH'sl .`-Mk Uml Slueclilugu, 800 Pieces liczmtilul Print-4 (czhmlp), l"ull Stock I 'ni;._{llH in Lzurc Curtains, Clu.-.'1.p White and Ur--y (`utt Hmzinrv UCTIONEER gm] Commission Mr,-r chant, Brock -Street, Kingston, l)nt., 1 Machine. Needle}; and Oil always an hhinal. J E. |lU'l'(1HE.S)N. Am-il I9, Agent for the celebrated Elias Howe Sewing L1 uuuu auu-.n.:, a we we In-and 0 Trunk Depot. E 'csseln carefully attended to and supplied at all honu at the cheapest rates. Amil 1. I873. .100 nu-I I)i:..v..-.` -vv _-v-\.aa.n JJI-I-IIJLL LUVVU15 Ulla '.I.'8nD18 g Which mu:-t.|) mcc, regardless of v.1lm:, an we hnvu mnntlacr lot of 8.50 1 I E a way from Iurnpc. l'|c:uw nuticu Hm fnlluwing l ll(,`E LIST, bccnum: it is 40 per cent less than usual prices. V I00 Vllozc-.n Hum-yv(,'un|Iv Tam clu I00 [0. (in). Inn: at 8 cents, or 90 cents per luzen. extra large nt I0 cents. ur $|lI,ln -..u- .l...,.... C(bN.\`l5l{V'A'l`1\ l-3, 1 Call and sea Ix-for you purellmu: nllr _A`[;`ril liith. .\l:m:h 29th, HATS I iiifi'8 I HATS I (fall and 21-! ll: I\.ll N __,, .. mu: .mlI`N A. ~ M .':rclri`H'st, , , _ .......,v./....... .-mum as :9 cents, :90 ccntu clnzcn. do. large cents, or $1. I0 per cluzmn. I00 _lu. do. BIL-:u:l|ccl, pt I2; cents, ur$l.40 per dnzcu. 50 do. do. extra quality, If} cunts, or 31.50 per aluzcn. 50 Duzcu Limen Iii.-up:-r Tuwuls at H) cunt.-a`. or 3| per luzcn. 30 I)--zen Fina (Elms 'l`uwula at >}l.50 per dun-n. 50 Iruzcn liatlning Towels, 45 inches lung, at 2; ; cents; uwh, wurth 40 cents. Alxu 500 Y:Lrd.4 Linen Russia Crawl: at I25 ca.-nt.a, wairth 20 .ccutu. 7. ; Iluzcn Linen Tabla Napkin from 90 uulltu per dnzcn. uni` Thu nlmvu Goods are now rcruly for inspect:-m. tlxrnn, -' - - 1l(")()KS'|`()lI73 AND ART (iA|.LEl{Y. April I9. meopeat raves. Aptil 1, fi[:|')Y &'. |5l.A('K INcii.lSll l"l'Il.'X`.\'. ZIIEY 'rhiin;is' mfvonirille," " BUTCHER, KINGSTON, (C.\N.\[_).'\). SATURDAY EVENING`, ngzun rt-cmvul .'umthc1 500 Dozen Linen Towels Vfnirh Inuno I... ....|.l _A ,., , NTARIO STIIEET, optoaite the Grand _T`I`,'k D.P`- .. '5" '*:!- cm.`-11.1! in ST EEECEIVED J. E. llutcheson, LU! GRIT`, XV. (}l{()ll S, {!N(} l ll'2(,'| ISEAI/' ln...l.l.. w...... 1- A LARGE Q6Nl()NMKNT [JP A x_.rI.\'r:, 4'\'. BLACK Wllil`) A\VA'{l`;.` The Latest News of the Day IS THAT I see the line assortment of JAMES MOORE, BRITISH WAREHOUSE. I573. U. & l'l{I N1} ES.`-1 .`.s"I`li l`lFI'l`, u `:'-vmcx ,W)VV COMPLE'l`E ` .H.~ Iutnll IML IVH cs (czhmt ljurtaiuu, (u.-.1.p ` cx.-uuim: the Stock, as tin: Spring lnnlpomltiolas M` \/ linvu again r 1' 7 "l`|I"UI. In'.i:.s'.s` uamns z`ll l:|.|'.'|u l' R. wmnmza wms sultbiucs. uwvnvu. F. X. Cousmeau 85 00., . ORANGE MALI. )&UlLI)lN(}S, PRINCESS STREET. (7.. _. .- *1.-. kl ,,_ ----`- --cvonvsol-5 VILLVIULJJLV N u, Lisle aml Silk H micry, Lialc,Si1k and Kid Gloves, puruhmu-cl on the bust terms, and will be sold CHEAP - .V ..-. A u 1; Jul. \J 1 received mwthcr (.'-nsigmncnt of . l"l'l-__'.`I_. , `I up. -- -I , I '..?.""l _---v LN` .'Iml)>'., TI] 1'} (flllAl l`}S l` BLACK SILKS, liuu and Englisln 'l'wv.-call, Pretty ergcn lx-sl Hulk l. mlrullun, all wisltlus l'l:Lin zunl Twill ), Mnurnin;.;Hmnls(.1ll kinds), Good ml ('4-ttunu, Clwnp Fancy Blxirtingp null _- Huml.-6 are all Ulumpcr tlmn last season. WE Icgpfof 1 I , Hraiuing, (:I.-ziI:g. Dcunrzuiug, \`V:Llln 1 (M1. . &c. Urdum promptly nth lmmt rc:uum.'1He tcrmu. :()orner Brook and Bagot ,Sts. . `I HAL In-n Vw. & J. Mccaiiimon um The B|'}.S"l' M EAT In-pt conatantly on` lmml. Stczunboatu and VL-such! supplied on the ulmrtust notice. M...-nl. Inn. In-m -: I lunnili, I i No.` I3, h`llAMBl.IC.`4, KlN(8 [`()N, I am.-I. a:*a...1.. s.;z;.rs`: [ The Grov:th_ of 1872. |sI;ps ron__ 1101 BEDS. I `1AULlI"D()\VEI{, LLEORMAND, Paris, to &c., Cabbage in great variety, l`um.-zto, Lcttllce aml Radish of the most approved kinda, and a general assortment of Fine Seeds, all of which may be relied on Fur sale by iE. H. PARKER, M A H. K 15'!` SUUA B E. Eiamasc J5 Sign Painting, ETHOMAS McMAHON '. -` t'V`!A ,,.;-i-._._--._.._ajr- New Wall Paper; m.\':;.'rnN mnvr suur AND mm ; PAPEIL um-01', AT McMA.6ivs, ('1;/`II"7' of Ifrur/c hml "aunt Kn.-....:. , Lil`;1\'l'? \vAN1`ED, to null Or 1, `L M4,-lmlcmu; and Pianos, for six 0 the heist makers in Cnnzula and the United sates. Armlv to J. IHCYNER, ()1-rrnn nut` M..!...I...... ` new mam.-rs In unmma and the United sates. Apply to J. KEYNER, Organ and Melodeon Manufacturer, next door to Hobart : Medical llall, ] rinr:csu Street. > Oct. 23, 1872. ' Wake up !# Wake -up ! u. n1ALl4|!)A1V nu returned to Kingpton U or air: monthl. Olcost Maclcan t 00': Drug Store, Princes: Street. April 8. K ingntun, April 5th, H0 lll0lTU IIOCICC`-. March 27th, 1873. A951 5. nrumx nun ANS(,)lL'l'MENT OF NEW l'A'l"l'l`2l'.NS from the European, Ame- can and L':m:uli:m Markets, wnsistin in urt of htmupcd Hold, Bron /.041 and En: - I Papers, Plain Tints, &c., Uold=and Plain uni. n4 ui the latent dcsiglls ; also Plain and :4,.r-ur.-1 \"c"imImv h'|n:ul:.-H, Vornic--J9, |)er:nr:L- IHH. t".'.c',, 321:. .___,__ '1AULH"L()\VEI{, LENORMAN D, / &C.. Cabbnuu in urunt. vnrinu 'I` _._ _-._.-;;;..n.-\/AV KJ, Q/' /lrurk hml. Bag/at Strrwta, h'l'LE. \'IDll) A.\'S()R'l`MEN'l` NEVQV _ the lllrlnllmn Am... CENTS `VANTED, I Mulmlcmm nml Pimmu `air air .31 )l`.. MACLEAN has returned Kingpton ` ,for Mnclean & JUST Ff:-:EzIvEp Lilu.-ml Iii.-ncuunt to VVlm1esaIc Buy- HK SQUA B E. BUTCHERS, H A Ll Ill lo"l II I \Yl1u lVlnI N01101:. Napkins, . ....- |..o ..t Q9111 ;,V l'ancr-Hanging, Room- | and Ceiling! Calcimincd, nttcudcd to, and on Use rmn. h, I873. N, Ontario. Pianos, Organfgggld Melodeons. E ALWAYS lump on hand ORGANH and MEl.!)Ul'.'()N.S of the best Cann- clmn make; and have now In stock name ex- wllunt PJNHLISH Ul lll}H'l` HANDS (made by lromlwood, Chapel], &c.,) to which we invite nttantirm. A suneriur H l'l`.[\'\\'AV t,.- -.I- - --- we Iuvxw ntwntmn. superiur S l`|`Z[)\' \\'AY for sale on ren- nmnublu terms. Alum a few Pinwra tn rvnt. '0 fuel cunliulcnt tlmtnur awn lmullllualnta will mmtiuue to sustain their we-c;u |u.-11 rcyntatinn. I":u:torv mu`! lVm~m-........ ..........- ._c n_:_. C7 CH()U()LA I'l'l CREAM DROPS, l'AFFEY, BU'l"l'El{ SC()'l`CI|, fresh cvery day, and the choicest lot of CAN DI 1418 of our own manufacture. A supcrinr lot of TABLE APPLES, Oranges and LEMUNS. Also 2:. var tine ausortlncxnt of TEAS AND CUFF E. H. DUMBLE} Mnrnh OI ` L,ouncy,;goo and commodious Stable: and Sheds, wibh careful zrttemlance ; a good Com mere-i..l Room for travellers. Charges made- ratc. ' I ` 11 A1111` our-I .. rcpmaunmx. l"xu:tnry and \Vnrcroums cnrncrof l rAin<:m-.n and Untarin Streets, Kingston. WEBER Pt (.30. {(1. ....L.... a_-.. III um-.. " _ __._v, nru-onaba, tounty of Hastings. ll{S'l` CLASS 1-l() 1`El.--cannot be ex- celled by any House in the County. The House and Furniture are new; the Bar is at all times furnished with the bcgt of Liquors ; the 'l`ahIe is second to none in the County ; good and commodious attmnlanr,-e 2 n lnuul r-,.... Gents Furnislling Goods Novelties in"I:_i_e_. wigw smm; GGQEDS NEVV SUN UMBRELLAS, `including a. mun bet with the l`at.cut I. -alt" Attachment. The N EW WALKING STICK PARASO LS - various materials. The NEW FRENCH BELT and Novelties in ladies Scarfn. Collar: Qlnnvnn lu- `__-.._ nvvvv,UUUo giAXWl')Ll. W. .S"I`llANGPI, AGENT. Ullicc, Ulnrcncc Stu,-ct, opposite: the Font Ulljrcc-. ` capit II A VIII I) 9 Uicc. {Stirling House, sailing, I`.n :1 nl \' (sf ll..;.o:.....,. Ilum-co, Sign and \Viudnw S (Hazing, l n.pcr Hanging, &.c., he-at I-style and on the must rcn K5` l .S.- -1 would call special attention: to Home nmguificcnt GOLD l`Al lCl{ and IJICUOIL-\']`l(),\'S. April :_x, |__ d73. _ ,. ...., . yravlaun, window Sh:ul(-24, Dccuraolln of every de- scription, will be tmltl at the cheapest rntcs, wlmlcsglo and retail, EWM. ROBINSON. AT WM. ROBlNSON Sl `NEW P/e.':"1'n;1{Ns R 0 0M I ./IPER. v 141`! A3%!!.i?!!?.@?;E... 99.MfANv. March 21. f Feb. 26, I873, V Kingston, Sept. 19. I872. . _. - ......__. ....._...- M :m:la 3| . mcummm & BDYDEN, EAST END OF BAGOT S'l`REI'3T. uw L1 nw 1'lb1\Ul'l IILCIII` and Novelties Scarfs, Collars, Sleeves, kc. A lar e Manufacturers Bankrupt Stock of LA [I225 AND GENTS UMBEBLLA8, which wxll be sold at a very low price. 1-m.'gsem.,27u. Jan. 1873. April 4, 1873. Newsilk Capes, New Cashmere Capes, New White Cloth Capes, New Silk Jackets, Just B.ece?v:a:1 3 Cases Sweet Manges ! Sweet Manges ! Sweet Oranges ! j .....g IN THE M.-H'.Kl'.J'l' .\'(,!UA|! J lust lhaceivecl, PRINCESS STREET. -w------C: %YIIII "I HEAD ()l"lv`l(Jl, i'URO2\"l.`(). ll, I01.) W 193:5-;: A LARGE-I AIIIIIVAL OF (Law Mzwnce In Waddell) uu Iv nnuuw nnzuw rmntmg. Izmging, done in the I reasonable to-nus. G. $4.10 FT, Propriutor UIJHII AUR: . Shade Painting. ` xyging, - -- Q 59$: McI)0N |'1l,l. H, Market Square. _s6'0b', oqp_. - ..... .._, uuuv use all lIl llIPIUa First. It in an mistake to say, as you have done, that the letter ulvecntce very strong- ly the necessity of the Toronto Dioceee taking the whole subject of the Algenu Biahopric into it: own hands. I mentioned this in one of the three alternative: now before us, ex- plaining the` principle_"en>,-which it was based, and the mode in which it might work. But I really have not committed myself to the ul- vicscy of this plan, in preference to the more general plan on which it wan at lint proposed this Missionary Bishoprio should be establish- nni 'l'h..-. (IDA 1`(n| u`Io-A .L..-_----X--A- ~l - ....... .....-.uu.u , uuuupno onwluu Do elalllslp od. '1' here are doubtleso strong points of re- comnacndation in this plan. Many clergyman and laymen, not connected with the Toronto Diocese, I have reason to know, are of opin- ion that this wouldbe the preferable plan, and nre willing to auiot with their money should it be adopted; and if there be any danger of failure in the general plan at the Provincial Synod. I think it would be for better that` the Synod of the Toronto Diocese should take hold of the subject with I rm hand, and Inanfully grapple with the di- culty. But _as I was one of the llret to pro, pose immediate and united action by all our vdiucesen, under the control of the Provincizq Hyuoal, so I still think it would be a great advantage for us all to work together upon a bfoad and clearly dened basil ; end if yon will refer to page 10, you will nd that I most cxprcosly state, that if we can only feel assured of hearty co-operation throughout the church, then by all means, we should leave the matter at the disposal of the Provincidl Synod, and by anticipation accord to that Synod, an evidence of hearty and general sup- port. And again on page20yonwilllO, I-It I `assume, almost so a matter of eonrse, that the duty and responsibility will he left to `the Provincial Synod, and that this will obviate .....,.i. .a:a:....n.. :.. 41.- ...-_ .1 _.:-:_., __ .__ v ..-._ -..-au-vow . TO THE EDITOR O7 `flll DAILY llW'I.~ Sir,- -1 nm favoured to-dsy with a. copy ol your paper, in which I liml a notice of my re- cent l.etter" on the Algolna Bilhopric. \Vil1 you kindly permit me to correct two or three mistakes into which you have inadvertently fallen, and through whigh you have uninten- tionally done me an injuutice. p;',_,_ '4, g ,_ .,,:__|,.. 4... -,.. A- -~ -- ' - vv uuncc heroes gone our actions View - Proud cream with soldier-joy l`houl t rent, near Rhine, 9.: German :5 II brunt." lxwcd Fathcrlnnal, calm rest thine ; l"iI1n stzmals and true the Watch on Rhine. l'J'en bhonld my heart in (loath ow cold, No foreign force shall e er thee old, Rich no In water is th ood, In Germany in hero-In ood. Loved Fatherland, calm not be thine ; Firm stands and true the Watch on Rhine. Whilrt in our veins one drop still glowu, \ V|nilv.t still unc hzmd a unln-c shown, Ur till me arm a rie lmlaln, No lumtilo tread thy strand bcholalu. Loved Fntlicrlantl, calm rest he thine ; Firm ntmul and true the \Vzst.4:h on Rhine. The oath rcqoumls, the wave rumo by ; High in the wind the banners y. Tn lihhm ! the Rhine of Gcnnany 1 We each and all will wardens be. Loved |~'M.hc-rland, calm rest be thine ; Firm ntzmds and true the Wntcln on llhine. l1ln' ' "HI VILU W ) . Al I K` M.. '~4 S200 $|.,l:I p.m. - l`, A b'Iu:-nrm, hcrv :{I:I.m ova. Hnvm nf Pump: ow,-zy .-nuduy Loved Fatherland, calm relf byovtthinls - Finn stands and true the Wutch on iibine. Through thousand heart: it glances swift, With answering ash bright eyes: uplift. Our sturdy youth, who (can but God, Dcfundn his border : meted sod. l/wad l3`atherla.nd, calm rest be thuw ; Firm stands and true the Which on-Rhine. He Iifta his cyan to heaven : own blue, , Wlsuncc heroes zone our nation. vi..- DAY LILY, I$l.l..'l-3 AN!) svurra-2. Gumou, ugxnu nlvnulns. DAILIA8, NAIIED \'Al:Il'I'l`lES. Pmllas, -- " Iumznu vmm, vmI.I-:r.~'. `?I:Iu:nNIAI. I-Hmx, he. _,.,.,,..,.... uluyu, nu-uvnun av-an Will UUVIIFO much diiculty in the vny of mining tlu_ no- cguary funds. It In: only an gguunateo against failure in project that I united the Toronto Dioceu shoqld take it up indo- pendantly, and that, for this nun, tho nun- born of the other diocuel, night not In III- willing to nuist, and this, I napootlllly ub- nit, is very diluent fun ndvoesthg wry strongly the uccuity of tho Dioouo of Torontoukingthowholnnnbioct iltoitlown To Rhino as weapons clung and breakers moan, ! to Rhine of Germany 1 Who will our river u wsrder be `I Loved rest be thine and true thn w.o,.|. .... ` ' I A subscriber has kimlly forwarded to no clue I following translation: of this popular` German war sung, and says itia as litcral u the emcr- J gcncieiof the verse will permit. It bursts u call as thunder-tone, As weapons clan and breakcrl it im; (of (:.m-........ u I nc um ms cyan to heaven nvenn with mlrlig.-.:.... urn... mu Jmm :4 (Juum-1| (Portlmout l0:30, Evening Service 7:00. Ben ovcumg. s'Im-;us (jnurm. or Cmuu'r'u Morning service nt 0 An........ .. Iii M( . 1 l1 .,.. .. n- 1.71 uuuxwn (Queen Street)--Morn- ing S4.-rviuc 11:00,: Evenin Service (free) 6:30.` Sn`. .IAma.~4`u Um/'1wn( nion Street)-Morn. ing Service 1]. , Evenin" Service (frcc) 6:30- Al I. SMN'v.'s' Clwncn-- 1-ee(Division Street) Swviw 3:30 p In. only. 32". Mum's Unum.-n (Bm-riccl-l; vMm-niug H4514 ?-:4: :00, l`:VUlI;3l,'.', Service 7:00. __ 81'. Jmm (uum-u(PortImouth) Morning Bantu free in the evening. llc Worship. . S1`. GmI;nz s Cxrnznmu.--Morning Service l|'U0, Evening Service (free) 7:00. 51. J'A1'L'n (jnuuc (Queen Street)-Morn-_ ll-.00, Evenimz Service (frm-\ I:-rm , .- v .. HA Tl/RDA Y EVENING, APRIL 20`. ___j.____ _--_-_..__. ... ..ur.mra xvuznzonu-`r Cmruul 1|) -2:150p.m. :..~m.w. Mvmlnmwr Cmzm-n 2; Morning Service 10:30, Ever 515:0. :|:.:u\1'luNAl.. Unmuru (\`Vc-llingtmn .-a.. nu; on vim: H:O0, "Evening; Scniu: mm Lu .4 Nruoon. (Mounbrc-.11 l{n;ul`;- -:2|Inl.r.v 1!!!!) n.m., mrvioc `Z:"0 um. Cor:'VcspondI'|``eV:V:q THE ALGOMA MISSION. vrllu noun;--- -... _.._ _ , .1 - 7.- VVAUHT AM RHEIN. Mmnzom:-1' Cmruul I). III. Iwn (Brock lvlvening Ser- (Putt!- T 1 PRICE TWO Tc mum as uuggeuud Ivy the Home of and hufthe subject been mentiolod in H10 1'1-uincinl Syn9d,_ _the|-0 were dologotil ff l_'oronto yreparod toes]! in question tho oqulip ` ty of dis srrsngmuent. But no inbr- uutim: wu vouchufed ; no resolution VII propoud ; no Opinion mu naked ; sad in can the letter of the Metropolitan, recony pub- lish. d thin quouiiou of uueumoilt is referred to the Synod: for d5v4cumnio'| um! dociuion. . 1'; o in not uniky that some exception will be tak- :-:n to the proportion: suggoutml by_ the Math)- politan. Thin, however, wiil be (logo, if Jon M. MI, with a. sincere desire to do jan ` " and yet to advance the eubcrprilua itmelf, an (I in so far as my "lottgr" in 1'-nnwmod, I DIME" rupudiate the charge of having comp'uodf' uf an arrangement which Inul nnlr. |...... :..._.-n T ARRIVE AT "A '-;|-:-plhznlll-I .-,.....-nwrguvz uuugu ul nawug "0I`l[I'Iill_" arrangement which had not been fun!!- ly proposed, and which without the vote. of such I-iynod could not be dedniply undo. \IT'|L LL..- __-lA - -- -' ' ` " ` ' - ~~-- -- --vw v slvlilllril 3'1"- With these simple correction, I shall hon put myulf right with your readers ; and but . ing due this, the way in ope.) !m- ndineuufdu, of the whole question, as It in! barn ed in mv latter. An In th. u....:..:uv 1.. _. ...., .....,... .,........un, an no uni IUVII pI'I!OII- my "Letter/ Al to the spirit in which my "Letter" wan written. I can only say, tint I wu-most ea.-.iou_u to wgibe through- out in 3 ephit perfectly Ivarxxmuizsg with the subject, and in full accord with my aller- actcr and position. I f I have tsrrml in this matte-fl have done it most innocently ; and the cloning sentence of my "Letter" in enpraho uive of my feeling and desire. My aim he licen to promote inquiry, and to lecilitete mrangcment which my work for the good 0? V the church. The subject must cignge smug tion st our Synod: ; and we shall be the bet- ter pueparcd for its diecueeion, then, if V mun .1 it a time now, it might luvobeen advisable for some other member of tbeehlueh fa have` opened the diecueeion. In dainig Inyeell, I did, ebove .11 things, wish to e right judgement," and to manifest L` epiritf endif yonheve timeto reedelitlle` more carelnlly my Iatter," `end without evident'prepoeeeeeionel your mind, [it you will Admit that you have ed. in none pertienleu, both mynleening myepirit. Aeendid a1aguio-onhouIs.- (.4 -_.l.I J. -u._1.t:~M.:.i`ae. -1-A. -wn-unnw M! Di! IIOFEO by 3110 9` ' Lo lacing inequitable, I {Act which none 0! iii clerical or lay delegnhs noticed It tho Prlwlio cinl Synod." 1! you will mad carefully _ny (I. mark: on pugu 9 and I0, I think you will :4` mil that they hardly amomii to A (:aJpll`lII`U." I am reasoning on A general princi la, III` II no doing condemn the principle of "nudi- nncnt." But if it. he ummuu-.. o.l..a. u.:- .4. ........,muuu or another meeting of the Provin- | einl-Synod ; and the report or! the generel_ 1' committee wee intended to forni the [ruin of future wtien. That committee never'met l and therefore never reported. In the chemo of any report, we cennet fell bagk upon the reeolutione of A former Synod ; end even if we would and did Imo- qn on proper conclitiane, for the eetalsliehneut of 9. Missionary Biehopric. at it bee netdone u yet-; it bee not been eeked to do it, unfit ...,...a vvuilwlllll vuu pl'lll&'lplB 0 "lIIi' at." he noeeuary that thio wh- ciplc Ilwuld be adopted, than 1~uu.inuiu ii it should be done equitnbly. I could not cog- plain" of inpquslity in the auoumentg, and dulagatcl from the Toronto Diocezu at the P33- vincial Synod. could um. nnci.-,.. .3... Illa 1' L-. me ,.-- -........ w n w;your running therefore, in band upotls 18100 once your mistake as too nub! ,` Fact. Our proper course was to hnvqpwoibll the report of tho committee nppoinhdby $0 Syuodu, by which all those technical dibub tiau might, or would have been removed. In legiulntiug in the absence of this upon} without any meciu sud nh-id a..:......u... `-"'- ...,,.....m-.5 III we nuance of this my pueciu sud oicial information if all, we have become involved in tho _ . entanglement ;Ind 10 have now virtually ' begin ngnin dc nova. ..-.-,..... ..-.u my wrouw uwoezu at the Pr- Synod, could not notice the "fact," cnune no unmmunt had been nuthoritntinly umulc, and the subject um-4 never intrbdnid. There had boon rulnoun of B propoud 00$`-` mount as unggcutod by the Home mbioct baan manta.-...I 1.. 43.- , .... .. In conjunction with the other Synodi. ` that of Toronto appointed a. comnittuio make inquiry, and to prepare nrrangqnontqin I anticipation of another meeting the Provin- ` einl-Synod : and tlm .-........o .1 LL- ' ;i'hird. u is . mimic to My, tint _ Julius Anglicsmu complains of the portion of the II- usnment to be borne by tho Dioou Toroiiv being ineuuitabln. I. (ma; -1.3-1. .....- .1 n-- :3: 5'3! llly argunlutl, I` shouldlikotobonvod funpanouli-pun-.~ 6on.-Ian,danrnir, varytrulgyou-3, 441:..- g __ .,, , .. a roiefrool to was adopted by the 1 at its section in 1871. This In ever, never mentioned Algbma, 1 render: the district to the Pro ltatfecta `the whole question 4 Bishops, sud was intended toq I |l,...m;n..-I an. I -` vv--u II I , crodit for I __ , _.._ hsnds.:' I am has bconlels, t} have thought upon the subject, nbleitiusesmed to nstlut Dioooss should take up the qua dently. and it my be that at H: I shsll strongly sdvocatc"thst present I , hue not dotw this, letters. or my speeches, or my and it -' -_.., -. ..., -pwcnu, com it is, tberolure, hnrdly lair - lit what I mn-t -----"* ` ,<.- ...v avrvl s should questiolrindlpollv . the proper time "strongly plan. But at t either in my , my connu-..+.:.... . _, ...u.uure, nu-dly (air to r most respectfully lilo l. gin me lsim. It in a. mistake to say, that ` mt know that :1... saw! 1-` "`--A9` 1,, ......-van uni pun. B ,hsve cithcri r content! |_ (Jun:-.l....- L- " ` ` ~- -- -nun. ; r A1; a A.'-o.:.4 ., .. notice to the Public. ` vI'I`I' I:A'I`IIs I lnlnvu ...,. ...... ,,, .--, v----: I"`' ' "Janus Aivaucunu. M, ---v vuv Ul' I the more dad- me that the Tcronb 9 up the mm.:....- :..;.... --~, --vuwn III -|, ": ' 5|)! wnverution, - hm-dlv nip I. ..z......_' .Cl~ NTS ll, tinonoum l gt tin nu--- `*" ..- vi -201!!!` ; me ` u -..l-.'... -- -sauna) : uulgt nu wlnlning 3:: Inc acrululnln Mu in time. Sm: BULB~3 J. URI I H M Hm, -- urn-;.1'rn'l`ll|-Z | l Saturday: ml 4 I wlnlailau 5:: ~----u-r an All] 4I.A:l'IlAIn :-[AIL-lull-I ;urprtm- v:-, -of I"-nllnl ran Juneau \"n:Ia, uf lh-clu-nu-r, |/101.:-1.22." Crz. |m'?u7 Prion-In ll'(`'l. !iw.:asIon. sr AND LUNG RRLTV-A Just Ih-rt-iwcl but .-s`UI'I'l.\' ;m',gm'rrI.~' NI I-." -.?."_ .`.*...'TEa 1- and Retail 'l'o|u|rronl.~I. i |il N6 I'.\'.\' .\`I'l`. |".l'l'l'. HA0 8. \\'I.iu-). Hru Ii-cool I`. I2!!! A 1*! SIM! I-rnh :3-are iIg\'aIv|:\hl'. Forlanl lo I-In ~. ~, III. .\Ian-|n 2|. I571 -emen s Spring Summer Wear MoRR1soN s {onus `MOORE, \lI`I`A`Il \ \"l' 'I` \ ll ALI` ?-Spring Fashions - VOL! ,"sl_! n Hiftf r--r-~_ -on-I IIHIICID 0| ` V`I|lt*~tte-I in ca In-.fuI '. nil MI: the priccn, H. KING H'l'l!l'ZI mrlyan-ship and prire, NOTICE $l'liI.\'1Z U\'I'I|i( |'2NIl..\N| I -I2! IDNISI I"l1 Ilt U -.\l. Rlmilllbl. T0|2I)S'l'U |"l.|!l.'l{ .\"l`U1HI. Bil I 0lIM'\!o_n 3] Al-til. I578, -'.-\x"\' \\'}uu. 4'0.-\'l'lNa;.~', r: _.\.\n Iu:uw.\' vn:.\a_: uc `nut. the lmtrlwl can ` n by wtriut alto.-Intioon tn I-u vi- famuralole shun 4:! public .\lF.l:t`H.\N'|' '.l`.\|l.R. VIKATIYM. l'A'l`l | __.. .... ml l'r.'Ml \' fur ixuqu-. inn 0! .\c~\v (Sc-och-_l tli Pmmzcrmas. 3 I IOBART. '1; nun ; on rn-l.1._yu r -luring the winter rkullnu any uthcr clay Iml ::.:--I lay uul.ifyin;_' 5 1 o*\u',. lplml, I . WHITE, 0 Manufacturer. a `\\` `\ `I \ i \\\\ i .;I u..- Inn vritl; \\'e.-\k.l x...... ..|.....u.: 13.1 IN '0.-\'l`l .\' :.-3, In ulu 1.: rms, v.\.\'.\m.\\ CI.A|{K. V an-u....l.. 4. umusn. vcnwho Me hrs purclnaw I, and judge- .\'.`(H.- X -L nix largx mlmrh-.: KZIIIUAI. ..f hull.` and : -1873 `THE DAILY NEWS. `New_.Boot and Shoe Store . Ila:-m-0 It Wacldc-ll`x New ltuiicling. `.1 IHCAD 0|-'|"l('E FOR THE l)Ul\lll\'lUN: .\'u-. 9 S1`. h'.\CI(.\Mi-INT S1,, Mu.\'11u'..\L. l{l;'HlH`2|i.* IN (:l{E.\'l' l\"Allll'Z'l`\'. Call and see my stock, And the h.1ml:u-uncut Hunt. and Slaw shop in the city. " 3. MABPHERSDH & co. E ssonIsHL%IM`PEnIAL L 1J."sl'l.\.\'CE 0Rll AM' A Capital [,_6_'o,oo0 Stg. :;ArgI_2I_A_t; Ann"'sIi;iuH II: 1 1n...--_ ~'EW Pnmc nnv nouns! ...----- 1:: I tlil-II\I HE.-\l=) U!" l lll`.\'CESS 8'l'lH'}H'l', Kiugntu All: work done with Jncatncu and do unto .