......u o.u nuu 6085! Several persons were 4 3...... ........L I _ . ('ll!'..-irl.--Tllc Kingston Chess Club held their limit. regular meeting in the Mechanics Institute last evening, which was fairly at- tended. ,, , ...... wan ausslsmng In un- Lding corn from the bnrquc British Lion at 1rton's Distillery, was nccidcntly struck on 2 back by a. couple of bgg ung on the hoisting Enpparatus .`;mccL\L S1-Sk.\In.\`.~4 l`o-Ma Antonin Afrighi, B.l).,a can ism, will preach in St. And 01.-hick, am! in Sydcnham Church in the evening at stmnl that at the evening E will give an accuuut of his c . 1 - -11:31 l1l(l'.I\ .u..v-'l'ho steamer Purl!- vian pa.-med Father I uint at 5:55 this morning. . to arrive by the St. Lawrence thin scszsuu, and she has made :1 splclldid trip. ..,,... av:-In` nuuclng `into the hold of th: vessel. He fell on his Ll, the conclusion being so serious as to ture his skull. Ho is receiving medical tment at the hospital. Cassidy has a I ily of small children, who will r parent s unfortunate sickness. I V urge . suffer by .~-. uuvul -Ill BIBIID. Port Colborm-, April 25. --AU Atwatcr. prop. Ocean, schr. Lzxpetitv, Hnbokun, Duusnml ('.-u.\';;li:-r, S. Blood, Mullen stcn . .. an an apecunurrs. A upecinl dcxqmtch from the harbour is hlocluulctl 1 No watt.-r.in sight. Purl 1'.n......... .c--:- ---v .-...., .-. upclllllg on the lid; of M: The depth of water in Port (loll; to I-c t\vc.-Iva: feet, The large barge built at Mill I tho p:ut winter lay Mmusrs Ii: launched on Tuesday last, and cln John Bcntly. I'lw lmrgc glided o in good stylus and Vwau witneunccl crowd of spectaturs. A ..-..\..:.I .`l-.,- -A ' _...,- . ulucnu rnulc on Mommy. The nclmoner Ccntnriqn loaded :1 comlrim-d cargo of barley at Iiiclmr-luon'u mud Swift's atorclmuseu and sailml to-lay fur Oswego. The St. Lawrence Canals will likely not be n-mly for opening on the Int of May. 'l`lIn-_ Joni]. -6` .....A..._ :,. n . .. -- Tun Awonu BnIon.xc.--X-lottor in-om" .L_ .__.|:n.. ..... Al 41 [..I:..- A._..I .... ..-n __:n I Tho new propeller at tho `will be I.-Luuchcd next woe-Is. baptism now, but cannot lens to the work of the engines: cicntly far advanced. 'l`I... ..L--., , -- - .....u.u_y nu uuvnncell. The nteamcr Mutual will be [1 (Tape Vincent mute Monday. (fcntm-i... 1....I. , _ ...... .... --u uuwpuw, arrived yes- terday {rum Part Hope with utnvcu. 1 The Iwhooncr Iliclmrdmm in Imuling 9,000 bunhela 1-f (yo nt Haw:-go. The liiuhnrdm-II`: ntoruhuusc for This is her sccnml cargo;/this no.-umu. xchonner Royal Oak has left Uuwegu >with 300 tom: of coal for Messrs J, Swift & ()0. The utemn-barge Ln Messrs Cuultlnurut mad I Hchonllcl Hiclmrd ,_-`,-..-. ....m.m, wmcn nan been l cciviug cxtcuuivo n-pairing at Purtulnolltln,` ` launched yesterday. The prupeller lirn I also being o\'urII.'uIlcIl at the same place, ` be launched on Monday. Both lu.-ul iron Ma.-urn James Hwilt & Cnfa whnrf for Clu laud. ;_...__. Tm: lme'r Amzn'.u..~ n n.vm.u..l l.`..n..,- In ___- .. .....5u ox me 5 limited, but we are 'told that :1 bril. ry triangle is now visible in the early It is made up of the three brightest Llmt are ever scenin our ln.:o....:.. ....-u. NIIIPIIIC Thu propeller Hri-utal, mvnnn .. . --- THE bion of Mars, when in opposition. piter, and Sims form the shining no triangle, and make the geometri- casy to recognize. Venus must be in the fest, Jupiter towards the ;he East, and Sims in the South. st in colour and apparent size be- e stars is strongly marked. ...._.,_.,.......... The Whig`: eontomptible stteck on Mr lieedoinld is an insult to the Orange body of Eastern Ontario, whose Grand Master ho is, and who possesses the full condence of his brethren. It makes 3 great mistake if it thinks it can weaken that condence. On the contrary, its` hostility towards Mr Mec- doneld will only inc:-c_ase tho estimation whioh his brethren hold for him, and will create in the minds of Ornngemen the ntnoet indignation at the political party which isdoine all in its power to crush them. The Cu-it Government st Toronto has insulted the Orsngemcn of this Pro- vince, and new the Grit newspapers are buginning to show their hand. After all, it is justlss well that they should speak out. The lVhig`a abuse of Mr Mscdonald is levelled at the whole organization. It is time thst the Orange- ...-._ ..L,,,I= I } I`{EMlS;:l(1l;.N(VJ>lVL9.:-_-h'I;l;`e Re )., who preaches in St. -|no|-rnwmm-..'..... ..-,I = .. , . --vwurlbl -r, Down, nut! I. ---CoVl(Jourg has an ] [ as A ...u...lA. II "' . l`o-.\Iom:i:w".--'1` Lfrighi, cnnvc-rt from 1{om:m- J n-each Andre-w x4 Church at H ul Street. \Vux4lcy.1n I 6:30. \`Vu uudcr- I ` at Hm l.......z.... , ' *` ` ho Rev. ` olbor-1;-, --`Up: schr. A, J. Ben Franklin, Hnbokun. h............. A-- -- I service Mr Arrighi V \ \ | conversion. ____.__._., Yesterday \ViHiam V ...a .a;.....:..-.- - - _ ,,,_.-.. us uuu even- will be noticed by advertise- t named edice ou l`ucsd.1_y in Italy. From Mr Arrighi'a 3 country as a. former and ac- n the stirring events of the` rmwill urn I...1:....- I ' A -.. "mu. woes. mm 1! rum] , leave the wnyu mwi.......-.. ....o I. ,_ .....5uuuul' I protection in 1 10 knowing whc Urangonnnn. "Pl... I/1 : .4 Murlnc News. Iler H.-a..o..I -, :--L ,_V;j>n-- -Yestorday afiornoon :1 . who was n..;..'...- -'- -- I-barge Lnthnir, smmsigmul to Inurut mad Mn.`-..I.;.. ......:.....; .,_-...., ....... pen rrnlnknn, ken, Iluusman, /\m.1r:1nt|n, ul, steam barge, Hallo nothing. V\'im.l west, light. ___._______ DAILY NEWS-(SATURDAY EVENING. `APRIL? 26. , ...... um- LG will, we believe, be inter- l entertaining. Ly Wylie was mined for drunkenness. y one psonqr,G:lagl1er, for disorderly conduct. a summoned on the .nui- ircuea were dilposcul of : nin; of the um Bu) 2 this nftomoon on the nears to be a very num- e on which he was im- ' and successfully in Union announced his I other reports were i _. -rvl uuuu II was assisting in ruun R-.'+:.1. 1: -- _.-__.. ...... -Iv wvluu nut nave voted I01 the ineorpontien of the Chtistinn B1-othen. Why doenft the W Mg have something to any of le intolerance I Simply because he in one of the pairty"-e pure Grit, whose blind Iolluwing of bin leaders prevents him from Acting the part of an independent Unngemm. mnot owing engineers not being suf- ad. _, ......-mu unblllrllll Will! 1 christened the imrgc off the ways was by :1 Iargc `will plzwuxl am the | `Lani... , ,...-.... $1.20 to 8l.2'2; Lar- Ic, I.ll(1~0.'lt8 {mm 33 ....v nu: unuly H0! bl: c 1 Collmrnc is said Immigra- r Taylor, the III-nun I-A -'l`ho no r..r..-. ... -....u , vuunlgluul I0 Mucpluic, arrived hlvuu M.-wine Railway Dck. Nlun 1'. p-..~.`l.. L... ` --.-bu vn -unsung up llu'8 ll HD5010` gmupdleu. Mr Robinson stated at * muting that he would not have voted fig` ingggrvunrnfnn .-.3 0|... l'vL.J-.: ,, n A - hild on the our to take the in- where the I Uuwcgo says that with oating ice, ,vuvvn- `which ban buenrr. :3 l urtumoutln,wn.n he lirmm. will iron at .'.. In`--..f L, nl .... vwu I u.-par- New York, "nu u: l|ll|lW_)' lm is ready fur '1: Han mo. . . . . .. Point during I iutlnlmn ..I._.'..A. . I A le, with ....:L: _, distill- the ___,_ ................. --u -nunvnluu. and Ill ' in rcprcumted an lmving unmc to this city simply an n tirclvraml to ll-_:ln tlu: flamu of diuennion Mnng the Kingnt.m4ir~u.;;-glen, but be utterly failed, {or the mcmba r:-1 nl the Order are not IVI`OpIlI'|.`(1 tu declare their 5 lluwconlidencu inilw Unuu'io Gov;-rxnuunt i M the dictatiiui of a cvlnterfcit Urangcnuui l like Mr M1I.edoual4l, who endeavours to ' pnntituto his position in tho Body to 2 political undo." Tlnenu statements are nimply fnlaa, insulting zmd malicious. M r I I IIRIIAIIICIIAI alhl -...c ..... .... ._, , J I -- ` , ' Clove- Dining, Drawing and Carpets, Beds and Bmldi and .\'r..-.+...,.. ea.---~ uarpcts, Beds B0ll( Statues, Stoves Utensils, and a variety nary to enumerate. Terms Cash. Sale at 10 o'clock. A Splemlicl Pianoforte, Mrs ` Iltmsclmltl-.["24 WM`. MURRAY, Auctioneer. Kingston, April 26th, I873. ALUc'1`1o1\7" SALE .,.-N-cry. - Also :1 qmmticy of use not necessary to mention, I Kill-:` Mmmtctl Revnlver, I Four-oarcdl can be seen at () Hurxnnn u Wlmrf. Terms cash. 111.. .--.. - -- --V ~ - --r_- To mluu-:sm:wIcN.'r:4. 3.` Alollymoun mnnmumicatiunu mm rt-1'1-iv:-. mg} attention. E\'urytlning'furw:nn'let| for imu-,3-. tion mutt he ngunmpanncul by the ..;.m., 37;`. I uldrcu of tho writnr nut. nu-cmu.-v.ri| publication. huts: A-.\'i1`m|tvoo{ nnthomr I. in dun l 0(|lI|`mt'.d that corn-u randy` uuly writn: on one side ui flu; nllneot ,,( l,,,l,`.,_ We cannnt umlurtaiun to return .-c]C.,tk.,q cnmmuuicationx. , 1 for ` WM '. . I As \o'I)ll Corner of Princess and Bag lowing Property, viz :- ~-Tm gy, I bet Single Silver Man He and Bridle. Also a. Qua conuistiug of Tables, Chair: Carpets, Pictures, I5cdxtc:u Secretary, I Rcfrigcratanr, (Jruckcry. Also qvumticy nnccsu.-u-v n. ........:.... Wednesday next, agnt Street, the following, `HE subscriber has received 1 to Hull BY AUCTIUN sold ` [louse/coltl April 26th, I873. _, ,9. vv) ~ in. me An rlu-Amcriczm . s -li ..n .\IuN | A y, the 23:1. at eight o'c|m,-k p.Iu. .:\Il (()4l:lfcllu_ws in _.,m,,.,,g 3,-U my-.li:u|ly mvutml. '|`,c|,,,, to bu had from the .85.-crct:v.ry. I By order of the .\'.U. I I! ll Iuouqu. AU(/`Tl()NT On AN Ou1'u..\u|4.v- Lust oveuin-g u issue of F the local Grit. journal contain: a vile tirade co! sbuso levelled at Mr H. s. Macdonxxld, ; Grand Master of tho Orangouuu of Eastern . Ontario. A more umrurrantabln attack was I novel In. a Iwon 2| gmnlc-Inznn occupying .1 public p....m.... 31: .u.w.1.....1a is 4.-lum- ' ately clmrgcul with pera.In|)ulating the cuuutry, unu:miu_g ill-feeling between Omngumcu and liuuum (I:stholics." and hr Ill um: city, on ,tlu.- M:1l|I:u'lm .`9'ut|u-rhmul, lium Sutlu.-rl.1n:l, in tin 'l'lw fum.-ml will tn! dulluc nf her nun-in-1.1M lay at 2 o'clock p.m. t:ua-ms are rcspcaztfnnlly 261:]: April, 1873. SCARCITY or Lumun, - The furwimlcru complain of .1 rcmuity of L-ilmmr ; and it this E liiculty in ex-pcl;ia-In.-ed at the opening iii the ' i i shipping unison, strange things may be ex- pcctccl in '1he courm: m the ensuing {cw -nmnthu. 'l`h gzingu at man mnv eiuplnycul M dock hands zwcc-pt work only by tho jnb, M. which rate they mzskc from $4 in $5 per lug. . Thin is nlwcp liguru--too extravagant for the shippers 1.0 continue expending, and un- lit-uu the rutca M1: ru-Iuceal to a iumlcrrata-. I ncaie, ll influx uf xtmugn.-rm will nqmil their miticipatioiln, M in the cane of the nmilurn strike. A word to Hm. wixr will :Wcrt_thu zlcriinllxt/ccrlirwllucmzcu of no inollmnly am under- taking. ` a-n-n-:.-jj/ A. Livingston, i A Rocwmn 'l'iu.\'.4.u~riuu.~-A ac.-imp has just p(:r]n:tr:.tul .| mguisli trick upon an un- .-cui-pecting citizen. He pun.-lmsecl u schuoner in payment of which he gave .1 promissory note at 30 days night. live put a man to work on her, preparing some repairs, but on .'L im- ucy pretence uuhl the nails and other trap and then v.1n|mmel." His creditor nmurn hin mlddcn departure, mnl are anxious about the hero'a" future sentiment in life and pecuniary Wzsifllrc. -nu lllilllll Illll ` `lIero'a" 5 In this city, r`11l.`l.l'lm .`'ul.lu. nu. BE saw in l'L'BLlC AUC- 'l`I()N, on : Arch. J. McDonnell, Tuesday, April 29th, V >_-_-_-:--:-- The pllbllf :11 ? strict}. y cautioned against purchasing no es at (In- News from (`an-ucr oys. 'l`|n- Inyn re-nelvr UN` papers m.|_y1-m- rclznlnr mum-rlbcrs. and any boy, use lln the [nan-r In dlulmm-st. and ghoul be Is:-ourxuu-d. Itiimzlr 2 copies cl the News can he prm-.n red at any of the llooknm-on mm m1 At the residence of Princess Bagut streets, the f vpcrty, :-~-Two (tarriem... I u. LIFE :31 ITALYL-L 1. At the rcuidcmgc of ..... uuuumg, nooks, Pictures and Pipes, Kitchen ` variety of articles not neces- ate. .n;I:BJ! illl liagnt Streets, Ul ful- ty, :---'l`wo(Jarn':|gcs, ] Bu - lc Mounted Harness, SM - s. Quantity of Furniture Tables, Chairs, Sofa, Bureaus, urea, I5cdxtc:uho and R.-.l.l3.... I lg Bedroom F ud Budding, Books, Waves and Pinnu , um ecu.-uraw the 54th An- ` Enivcrsnry of Uddfullowxlxip in ' Anwric.-t, by dining tugcthcl' at the An;;lu-Amcriczul lluta,-I I on IDA Y. the `moi. am-o i 1 E n|cu|1u.-rs of Kixzgntnln Lotlgu N0. 59, I.l).(!. l"., [will celebrate the 54th Inivcrsnrv (M.H`..lI..umI.:- =- cuplcl I f.f..f'.'.'Z. .-..u/. nlutlu: `. .5UI i Irr|:muI, rclirt 1: ll. ill fhn 7lN>|. . p.m. l'l'h:llllH an-I zwq eaztfntlly invited to attend._ .. Lu; P. J! uuu Dlllllllg, I -atnr, (H:L-as \Varo and mutiny useful articles ntinn, Kill-: and Silver Fuu r-oarcd Gig, which ::m \VM. M UR KAY, A ....+. .... ..,. um, !'uIlt'l.nl the fate VVil- : the 70th year uf hcr ngu. I take place from tInc.w:m- I-law, Hare utrcot, on Sun- .IH. Fri-:mls mul a<:qImiu- Ally attend. DI I'll). . Arrighi, I.l)., will do- HE an the almvu subject NINH mzxt at 8 o'clock ct Uhllruh, 'l'i.-l.o-. -MI 1 : nu mzxt. at 5 o'clock :t Ulmrch. 'l'icIu.-ts 20 the maksture and at t, April 30th,] nvwylii WI III an I ghls cc. urniture ` consisting of "urm'tm'c_ Ii. M:I\'l')l{, Hm. ' .3ol:u, Bureaus, .0 and Bedding, 1 }l:L-as and ], Esqja u u n IL`! 1 , A uctionecr. SALE instructions Furniture, .8, I`ictu res 3, ; nnt nu... 3.4 TURDA 2' /:'n}.s'/.\'u. Aiwz/. :.5. im4t., (Yutlurriua Hf lteht \'(-..'|r nf In-up ...... um.-rlczul Hotel , the inst. Fcllqwa-1 gum] 14:1 \ Juli, lieu.-Sec. dust rc4 cheapest 1 Warrantt-J I A sma.Il']nt of JAVA TEA, iec` fur iuvalids, being free from colour 11 avoured ; it is most palatalie. [V r\ -rww-'- --- CQFFEET Gunpowder, ' Fine Japan and Black '_I'ea Ono lot of 'I`\VANK:Y TEA per lb.' Ono Int G UNPOWDER. TE! .-cxtra. value. oU`I'|lAlH4.-r-IJII? uvcuing I.- I___l n_,:A 1,, , u . stun. s. A sma.ll'lot ' Ir iuvalids. beinrr in-an fum- ILL leave the St. Lawrenoo \Vharf foot of Johnson Street, for TORONTO & HAMILTON, calling at intermediate ports (weather permitting) on THURSDAY AF- TERNUON, lat May, at 5:30 o'clock. For passage tickets and other information, apply at` the Lake and River Steamboat Of- licc St. Lawrence Wharf, Foot of Johnson Street. .o. 51 51. For Toront<->_& Hamilton THE s7171?AME1; jg Kingston, 25th 1 _.. ___ vvuuu. `. 5 dozen Ladies Linen H cents, worth 25 cents. Special attention called to nu-\cK SILKS, part of the a S1 A1?T,AAN ;ur.nuIIuIJ AND UNBLEACHED Table J) Linens , - Bleached zlml Unbleached Sbeetings, Dressed and Undressed Brown Hollands, Muslin and Lace Curtains, \Vindow Holland: in Bull` and \Vhite, 25 dozen Lg.5lios Linen Handkerchiefs I2; cents, worth I8 cents. ` BANKRURT sr'ocxI April `)6. NOW SHOWING] at equally low prices. Don't forget to call and oxal purchaniug elsewhere. New Season Teal JUST ARRIVED AT `Wines, Liquors 185 Cigars` . ..... nu, mun 1 vnuuuly l0I' 0|. Pure Mbvcha Goifee a `Specialty l"njcnh roasted and Lzrmmcl on the nrpnnignu The best and cheapest ever offered. 3 lbs. of Finely Flavoured Yuung H .Sl~--:1 genuine bargain. Also 4 Jim. Fine Moynmn Twanka; - --......v..-.u nu ucuUL'J" th permnlmlating iu-; mum ` having : and zunu 1 1 ho (- ad, "4 prepared dcclnru vl...iu- ' V ITEAITEATTEA! ,-__ `av ROYAL MAIL THROUGH LINE. :?Si3 _' u Cheap! Cheap 1 E 1 "$3,! April 25. .-v .n.. AL CA rr. A DUN L01 , FILL Lawrence ` T0] IILTUN. cn.llimr at :.........-I U.\'I'Z.\' &, DOYLE desire in infurm (Jug: (J public that they h:n'c cam-st mtly on lmml, M: their Slmp in Princess Street, next to Mrs (1rim.u..4ou'u Hutcl, the very best RUML Beef and Ste.-bk that can be rucurecl in the city, mul which they are uelllug It 10 Centre par pmmd. ' Am-il `II; I )LEA(,'lHCD AND UNBLEACHED 1 ) Linens, , -__- _.._..r..w VVLLUU W LIPUULCJUJ l"rcnh ground on the premises. lwnys on hand a. splendidly nuuortod stock `f ~ .-, rv vuv absolutely hul .6 53.. Nn um vmm mmomuzs, xvinc-- um] _l.iqIIorn at 1:. Joseph I)o'mzcllg/ 8, I70 lI..'.......... uA.--..;. II.'__ _,. ., ulhxnb lVl`J\V J Cents per lb. :v.--ww - ' ' ` ' ' I [0 ['?UUS Bright lH`;MEl{ARA' SUGAR or ,I. I3 lbs. I3:-iglut Muse.-:.vn.dn Sugar for SI. l.ivcrpool llonse, LIVE CHEAP! I. G llEENl`l EL_lD, oI()u.`~3(f]I,I:"l)(IIl1lI!ll"l/, l' puma April 1 sqn}4_iz s`7--%_ _'"lIi:%1TIi_s_.` iot nf the I 326 PRINCESS STREET. V ;&w1-%-;a;'1'e Chance !` in this city. POWDER. TEA 40 Cents per e. , 1 April, 1373. nuvu uaueu to a few 5, above 1 piece took. 172 l rinceu:a Street, ` Kingston. n best asoraol-ted stock c . --bost value ix; l.IVElil ()0L HOU.`5E'. MSMINDE Odd Fellows supper on 1 City Council on Monday Preaching by Rev. Arrig] and Sydenham street We Churches to-marrow. Presching in Victoria. an Hulls to-morn-ow. . i-ecommended mm and hiul-|- examine before yrc. -* Princess` Street, Kingutol. gzun. " : Twankay for 8|. tnr|- 1- `EA, only 20 Cent: TEA`, only 25 alua m l(......, W SUGAR, KiI_1gston+- few piece! of stack p-commended r and highly uuurell. Yuung Hymn for they were assessed, . . anvil the bishops met at Ottawa last summer to ar- iange for the meeting of the Provincial Synod they agreed that a certain sum` should be raised by the several Dioceses of Canada. as the salary of the Missionary Bishop, and this they apportioned over the several Dioceses in diferent sums which were known to all the delegates previous to the meeting of Synod, and further were guaranteed by the bishops, esch T<')r his own Diocese. N ow this is what we termed the assessment" and what J uliu, Anglicanus says is no_t an authoritative assessment. We don't know that it makes a great deal of it is termed, but from Bishops guaranteeing that Dioceses should raise the difference what the f.'i.ct_ef the their respective amount at which if we dssiredto be ex- tremely particular, we should term it an an- thoritativo assessment," VVe may say in conclusion that we dun t eses will quarrel with Diocese should it decide to "Algoina Missionary Bishepric into ight BEIS .1 un, Agent. * SHELF AND HEAVY `HARDWARE, WROUGHT NAILS, CUT NATLS, BAR IRON, PAINTS, 011.9, A VARNISHES, cuss, PUTTY, &c., _0f which sn inapoctign in respectfully in- ntod Anwun. Mollrnux, ] Kingston, April 2!, 1873. 1 Wednesday, t"1{e3rd of April, I new Ant. nn-~-J- - THE NEW STORE McMlLLAF& KERR. grntinn Aid Society at on WEDNESDAY next, p.m. --v. the for 4 Mayor : Oice, Kingston, 23rd April, ` 1873. IIIOI. Mcuauley & Co.,J. Ulark, Clark\V'lt, J hU' A. Sutherlilid, 14".-:cpriptI`1,g W. Kirk, L. P. Richm Scott & Dalton, J. Hudie, Uhown & Cunninghnm, Wm. Mudia ___j. N com lim with the above Re: *.'e.'-=5 ` 11. 18388 S. H. Blnndhoiln, Thou. McCa.u|ey ,4 Clark Vvriszht. V oon : Tyner, Holcomb & Stevnrt, Thu. Oven-end, Thou. McCammon,v R. McCn.Inmon, H. Yates, E. II. ] Kl"rnv Tandy Bros., W. C. Evans, R. Cgnon, = 8. Math, ~ Noon at Tyner, Fllnnnn`. L GA-~~-- I1. W Bill, 1). s. Pugh. S. Uhown 4% Sam, J. l reenold, Tandv Bran. au. 5. YA: I 1 . I5. 1 Hobt. ....5..... we more appropriate, when, on reading further, we nd that J. A. asserts that no assessment had been authoritatively made, and that therefore the delegates from the Toronto Diocese at the Provincial Synod could not notice the fact." H/e must concede that "J.A." is a great on hair-splitting." When the bishops sum .-..t--.I 1, u :9. .1. 15. Feline, John Fruor; G. F. Gildernleeve, F. C. Cline, J. A. Hendry & Bm., G. S. Oldriove, . Jan. Hlrty I Co., James Shannon, 8. uckluton at C0,, R, V, Raven is .m. Lucharvlson, Jon. w.ddiE'h.m, Coulthurst & McPhie,Juneg Wilson,Mnn e John Kerr, [K.W. D. McEwen at San, `J. Carrnthen, W. Robinson, M.P.P.,D. `Donoghuo, W.` W. Canon. . G. Robe:-tnon &Son, 1"}. J Petite, Folger Bron . r. u. Henderson, Jan. Richardson, .1: Mel vnncement. - K ingston, A pril 19th, "1873. A. Gunn & Co., ` W. Bro Davidson & Doran, - Wm. A J . Brokenulnire, John M W. Power & C0,, Chas. I. 1}. J. Tandy, G. M. \ James Swift E. (`n W" '3 n. J. Tandy, Swift i C0,, 0. A. Kirk atrick, Gurney & G idden, G. . K in (Ihnrn uurney a Glidden, M. Kinghom, P. R. "nnnlu-nn , _-_- we aun- with a new and complete stock of yo me city and county, reqhest tint (he Mayor do call a. Public Meeting at an ear] day to consider the subject of forming uuc xociet . ` An we pledge ourselves in the event of his doing so to take an active interest in said meeting, and to assist in promoting its a_d- vancement. ' - Rina-on- A-.._:I nu: --A--A _ ,.-- _........... uoq, uI:llI:Vlll .{ man the VV formation ofanimmigratiun Aid Society in Kingston would be of great advantage, both to the city and that the {Mayor Meetiluu at .. ....-1.. ,,,__J -._-vuuv our to cumplz about to concede that the v might be more appropriate, f...+l..._ ...- I! ` - vvm neavo Hannnoque for King Wcdnctulay and Friday at 6 mm. Will leave Kingston for Garden Islands every day at 8:30 3.111., I and 3 p.In. l{eturningA-wiIl lea Island at 9:15 a,m., I p.m., and 3:` SUNDAY Tl{IPS.--\Vill In-vn owner It It III II Will leave Kmgltotn for Gansnoque eyery l`ue-day, Wodnesduy, Thursday sud`Fridn.y M4 .111. . W51 leavo Hanan us {of Kingston ev ` Fridogy mm. and n .."I. Mail Lino, Bay of Steamer at Kungnton. zngjltfm 'I`.....1... mm: or tram: at 10 sun. and 6 p.m., annui- ing with the Grand Trunk Railroad, ltoynl Mail Quinta and Rideau Cum] Steangrg Kingston. N'ZI}Zr_n"' 'ncuum"` Central Ru road. RnI'.nrninn# c-oi" ucnvru xuuroul. Returning--will ieava Capo Vince rival of trnina at 10 ing_wjth Bailrnn Ono of tho shove teanwrn will leave King- nton for Unpo Vincent daily (Sumlayu except ad) It 6 mm. And 2 p.m., making clolo eon- ncctionl with ~tho lcmue, Wntet-town and ()gdenlbu`r | Railroad. Oawcgo Railroad, Northern rncuso lbsilrocul, and New York Coptral ' I Misud, iPieri;1;<).1V1-tj?';';1`tow11 I . and _(_?fg._el1o. . vv Uhl"l'J ISL ! %unboat Rlmte. I Third. It is n Iuistake to any that Jul Anglicanus complains of the position of 1 porfiun of the assessment to be borne by Diocese of Toronto being inequitable &c., says J .A., and further that his remu hardly amount to A complaint. '9 W word gmmb 7 Foot 91 __.KiAngpton, 24th _Apri_l,_ I373: _Ig_E[u u |:8:l T I an. IJODIIT, , White, VVILL BE OPENED uric: vmcnwr, (ilmnvcn IL76zn,g j WOLFE ISLAND sud GANANOQUE euuboat imco Re uisition, I ' call 3 PUBLIC MEETING of x and others interested in an Immi- igciefy the Council l3hs-m'm- HENRY ` unaaen, Thou. Moore, Ighom, J. McMahon, _ dernon, John Cunningham, .|-rlson, Waddingham, er , n: w TH E` 8'!` ICA M EH8 no Captain on bond, or to FULGER & HANLEY, _ Foot gl Brock Street. In Avril. I873. _...-._v uvn-n uuu EHO it, and therefore our r correct assumption. 'l'ha.-.1 an :r- A ~- = . mwruueu m lmmi- ; Council Chamber ext, 30th inat., at 7:30 CUN_jN1NGHAM, `an-A- rnlccmor & Horn, M. Sullivan, McNaughton & C0,, ' John Mclntyrc, S. P. White, H. lfrune, Ju. Brown & Co Robertson Bron., David Cunningham, Wm. Allen V . ueo. Ncvvlnnda, Samuel Jcnkin, Richard Tonal, Matthew Gage, D. D. Calvin, liobt. wllknr 1:`. zwbcrtuon & Son, Folger Brol., Alex. Bunford, John McMillan, Fenwick,Hemlry & Co, , . Chown & 00., R_M_ Hnrnu V` Vincent on ur- () n_m_. pann...o_ vvm. nay, John Sutherland, Thou. Mom-n -_-..... ....m puuuzncu against in; disturbed, but they did kind, and acquiesced in the ` Archdeacon Palmer of the quest actly bears out the interprotut it n...l 6l..._-t.- Wm. Allen, McKelvey, Livingston, Wilkmson, Wm. Hay, Sutherland u,"v:o1;. . ro h , Arlex, MuKnlu male, . Mudie, IIII HIHW evefy t and 8.p.lu. - and Wolfe 0 ll:3O n.m., -will leave Wall... u mun, ll:3U Wolfe I., and 3:. .m. fin Innvn u'......o.... P S MEDI- nan, `Mayor, DU 10 83!! PUWW-4 We nve I lot worth mm OLM to 51-59:! each. ' roux. FRENCH, GERMAN is NBS LACE. ' GUIPURE LACW. , Houitan Co u- 1 Collars, &c., F Settu, Barbs, lwi, {O ` lovely collection of shown in Kingston. in "Europe, and Inn " styles sud patterns. W4 can a Lab M V April 22, 1873. ,----........ vu mus pom as were they correct the Toronto Delegates should no} have taken their sents at the late meeting of the Provincial Synod, or at least should havo protested against their rights be- in] disturbed, hut 6|"... .1:.: -- - V REAL [AGE RECEIVED I Dirrct George III._ And will be Iold It?! sale and mtail. ' JILJMERICK LAcns-_ MALTESE LACE in ENGLISH irunmn lnmlu GLASS` 200 ~ "' Kingston, _.-....., uwuvp HI uucembc It is unnecessary to go in menu of Julius '- Anglican tbei lnnnfinn at LL- 1| ' bemu, Danna, `U, `ALEX. m 20 'cLA5ss sms. % TUM BLERS. nuc LAcj1_.s.nuii Sugar-Cgfuroii -Bacon p . OSELLE, 8 PA RI! LIN G SPARKLING `STILL, In, I9. `w M Cross; & B1Qk'.u:- ' ff -- u _-. .... .. .1. appears tothinlf, fall 1 ground ; it was simply postponed, and i in accordance with its terms that the 1 cisl Synod proceeded to the election of 1 sionary Bishop in December. It in I!nnnnnn.--_-- L - ' GRAHAM0H Btlla ' BURGUNDY` gfunummt `J U pints; lA,Tf FVX SHIP` '1 1: U1 Ntlw , nmtn; ARIA` - -- _..... ...a.. um oyuod 0! Toronto never sent any such memorial. unruly that the above resolution was passed, and forwarded as a memorial to the Provincial Synod, and appears upon the Journals. It did not as "J. A. appears totliinlf, to the He knows simnlv u....r..........i .....n A Ncwtd __- ......,.. .. .. uuwu, alter the preamble, that this synod fuels that it is of the utluoat im- portinw that means be devised for the ap- pointmunt of u. Miuionnry Bishop with as lit- tle delay as possible ' ' " and that (/4: I`roaa'uciul Synod be and in lureby znemorahleu to give in early and mac! uriouu attention (0 Yet J. A." hays that he has the best puss}- blo reason to kncw that the Synod of T oruutu surely they ahuvn ...-..u....-.__ ,, A whet klov Ln-ul VVQIVUU on ` . adopted in 1571 -....v vuul "U 5 III unr umw-r." The llIclm)l`l.'|l ucvur Iuuntiuncd Algunml` lt meutiuucd tho .\'nrthwci-st," however, and: unruly the greater includes the less. '4; hzwv a vivid rucollectiuu of the same point being raised by the Rev. Dr. Lott at the Provincial Synm], and for 25 time there was u doubt wlwtber the Synod was not oxceeding its powers, but the Van. Archdeacon Palmer of Guelph showed most conclusively that the memorial of tho Toronto Synod covered `the case completely. So much no. in fact, that Dr. Lott expressed himuelf perfectly satised. If Julinl Anglicanns will turn to page 14 of the Journal of the Provincial Synod of 1371," he will find 3 copy of tho reaulutiou Plllcd in tho Toruutu l):'...-..... .....-'-J I -' -..v . urvvlll nvn Turuutu Diucuso, moied by the Rev. W. 8. Darling, lecundod by Dr. Bovell, in which it is stated, after the menus but .I....:.....: x..- -- I .. -unaunng w my um: ; that tho Syuoel of Tor E the I ruvinci.al Synod, i tnku charge of (in: ma ...l....A- I 1. `--"` I Sc-com!-"Juliu.~s Augli u mistakg to that tln - rl...4 u. -N. .._.- .. ...... ....um.u nyuoa, very dilfcrcnt, ns the following extract. shows : Many ' I clergymcn and layman not connected with ` l Hm Toronto Dinccrm are of opinion that this I l wnuhl be the prcfcrablc plan. (The Torunto ' 1 l)incx.-xw ewtiug imlcpunduntly, Ld. .\'i:w.~4) uml ` are willing to anoint with their money shuulul ' it be dpteil ; and if there l~c_:my danger ol (niluru in the general plnn at the l'::'uvim.-inl Isyrmd, I think it would he tar better that the .'~'_vnml uf tlw Tornntu Diocese should tnka: ; llul'l of the .~`nbja.ct with a Rim) hauul, and I. m.un'ull_v grapple with the alilliculty." Again nu page H of his palnnphluc, we renal ; l mu l inclined with other: to the opinion t/lat I/zr law! of (mu :'1'il.v will /u` fol Mr: 1 I i -3'_r//ind of the ` 'l'o/`cmtu I)iucz, to farm an 1/ul'peml'/it JIix- `l-iolutry Dlacr-u to In-t II I(.p1.... - I -- .-....,.. ..5.uuu ml, we urn: ul which in tb II "the letter (of Julius Auglicanus)" ulvocm " vc-ry strong by the nuccsuicy u! the Diocexo : 'l`urmntu taking tho wlxulc uulrject _of the Alg ma- Hinlmpriu into its own lmndn." Julu E I .\ng|ic.1nun" unyu lau "uwrcly mentioned tl: " and one of three nltunustivea." True, but u t 4lnn't think that tlupt changes the fart that l ` -lid nlvucato it vary strongly. In fact, in tl '7 . present letter, he aI:|_y24I "ll wgu only as l gunr:mtc- ngninst failure in the project, l n. named the 'l'm'onto Diocese should take; it u I xnalepcmlently," and this he submit is war : dill'n-rcnt from "xulvox-nting very ntrongly tl: f ? Immunity of tho l)iom-so of Toronto taking tlw : ] wlmlc nubfect into its own lmmlu," upon wlniu l point we bug to dilfcr {mm J. A. The n ; l furcnucs tn the Provincial Synod, in his pan: lphlot nrc hypothetical, doubtful, wavering l but to tho Torouth Synod, dilll-rent, n . pl... K-II-..,n - I 1 `Val alum. We may say that we did not_. can- sider the qumntinn one in which our general readers took may grcafilntcltmt, and thercfurv ` we rhthvr gave the general impresuiou which the letter left upon but mimho tlun the logi cal deductions by which it was worked out. Bearing this in mind. we propose to oxnuninu the three charges which Julius Anglicunuu" bring against us, the lirut of which the! lattnr In! .I..I;.... .A.._I:_____, m . , REMINDERS. I Ilium-- -- " .. -vvv. L and Good Templar-3 V. u v wort! :ede thy;-I-c;r;1 grumble d A. Annrtn H...` H..- 1;a;):r.').r 1 Monday e n evening. Lev. Arrighi in St. ntreet Wesleyan 1 row. Avat- a Dioceses uccse I vhioh, no doubt, it `might I: going before the Pr.va....a.-I 7 , ,. ..--. _...um. snow ml 'l'ur0x;t.u aunt a petition to 1 praying that body to thl`l"iI':`-1'"... The memorial 71 ncvurlm.-nt.iuncd uud eater lectiuu of H... ........ ..,,:, - I - ......-. anuslnnlllll 1!: the writer 7 5:] Hi 'I`.. ..... - .1 -- .... unuv ulu umcr B LatO~ =Auglicnnuu on this point, 700$ Turunfn I|nl-....A.... w l.,__, vvl uuuvrcllb, ng shows: ml n`..ce.a that ; Lhum }'n M... _ .... _,. ..... mm. w /mu`? l/H` /'1';/tr 'h (/11: work H/lull In} car/`/1 11 on." meta our readers will lmvu little `Wing ut the conclusion that tho lmsln very warm uurncr in his l rov. nci::l .`9'yuml 1; rather cold - -.... Auvu ovincial Led nothing of the :ed View taken by question, which ex- interprotution we put on r reasoning is based upon 11 _..., nu u-t(her tl.1at hi; remarks . complaint." \Ve were 5 rl Illtnnl .... .. U1 ..... "av: : u M1 an. Archdaxu-an P..I.....- ..A _, ,-...,.....uu, uuu 1: was I Provin- m .1... ..I.....:.... ..z - (2 into the other `st.nto~ wnnnu .. 4|.:A . ' glic;mus" uayg ; Hm n'riI>..- ..... r evening. .. rauurvw 8 Methodist .-can VU lull . it `Ln II, ' Vmunst km: ' I.ao-- -- .'-anal: nu-nnnrad to Admit int nu- IUU Iuvu-no rw- vs uuuuo 531:5!-Ilolllll nut 06 found in another column, in which he appear: to think in dial him injutioo I few days ago in his most recent letter on the shovo subject. We have no deaire to do the. `guulll, whose great tnlento, energy and pononnuo we tannin, any injustice; d gghggth we only had 3 lusty glnncent hi; luponn Julius in: A IIU Ill , pam- X, ; .1: AI' , ..,.ur ' 3 Mia- __., ..... .. tich " ndvocnfca. 3 M 9.: .. W VG VIII u-u u 131- `I-Inivlb Ill] 'lou9r,wo-onotpnpnrod to ullnitthat we _--......... n my caused a the baby undor her pr tcrim ; and there is no drama. will end. 1'11}: BABY QLfE.~"r|o all accounts, has Ion virtue and morality, :~'.-;A woman who, by sidewalk. Pity cau'se.1 a neighbour protac+..'..n -'- A-- ' _ ,-_-_ -. ...., unuugl, and make 15!] cal marvel looked for 1 lzenith in the The contrast upparc I tween these mark: 'eI 3"; ""' .iXlg Un- n which nu .u .--Fur J ulmn ed thin Asrnouuuu-.u.. planets is linnt starry triangl - Our knowledge of I c es evening. bright est stars that seen in our latitude, w ` the exception opposith Vanna, Jupiter, shin points of the geomm Venus In---5 , tin- ,._.. 1, -- uvuyle OI ungs Of swung Enppara him into the head, fracture rec treatment Cassi: family their sicknc _:it up - -/T".'. .-:".-' SA!) Accmasr.-Yestu man named Cassidy, _ loading ban Morton : a the ha __ ...---nun-an an sun: uauu. With the other Organ: of the Ontario Government, the lVIu'g endeavours to plnce the responsibility of reserving the. Orange Bills upon the Lieutenant Govern- or. The Ornngemen cannot be deceived by the W Mg`: reaeoing in this matter. W 6 are boldto alrm thatHHmurur'.: acfiuu was the raid! oftlu advice of hi: Cabinet, and it is the utmoet fully for the Grit journal: te at- aunt to ix the roepeneibility anywhere ..i.. ITALIAN REMI.\'ISCENCES.--The Rev. A. Ar- righi, B. 1)., Andrsw s Church to-morrnw morning, and in the Sylen- ham street \Vesleya.u Church in the even- ing, lectures, as ment, in the last evening on Life knowledge of the ac- tivc participant in nation, his discourse will, esting, instmctire and Rsmmxsczncm.-- B.D., . Chu r N: ______,____.._____.. Hos. W1Lu.\.\1 M. TWlED.--T gnished gentleman" appears very erous person. The date In porsonated so cleverly successful Kingston the Brooklyn announce arrival in Boston, and current of his visit to Pnrtland, Me. next piece of news will be his raported d ture on , the overland route to `. stopping at St. Pctcrsburg 0 es-.-4-----} his :1 n the way. Pxmc1'xcIz.--'l`he first 1 Club meet for practice t crs.=L..+. m...--A .. nuscu lUl' Cricket Ground. ..J .,,v , yen! [U to 36: per bush. r__..,._ ,._ Tm: GRAIN M,mKm'.-'l'he arrivals are nominal. Last year's crop must have been nearly disposed of by farmers. The prices quoted are : Wheat. from $l.2'2 ; Icy 67c ; peas 70c ; rye 60, andimtn to 36 [per lonnlu ,___ r.,...v..u were It sauce question. Theirc in the usual way. __ ['oL1ca:.-Yesterday \\ cautioned and dismissed To-day there mu only am ned '3! and costs for< Several 1.1.-m.-.n ------~ nun amuuvnun nan:-vnn-aw.--4'| Ivuwr H11!!! tho pulilin pen of Juliun Anglicumn will be Inn-A in nnnk-I onlnlnn in uhinh Ln n.n...... '