V__ _ _______, _......... vv--u-uvvuu '|lI IL`!- acmblml this morning. ""10 bi" 50 cllillllu 9-hell: Luzulrnniluintcr oaths |mtl|3Vi"l.l Y "iV9`l Nu: -nynl mm.-nt, tho committcu 1'4,-I-'55" Nljmlfed. Vegetation in beuofitting _l;y the upring mrntlusr. 'unsiIcr.1.lolo heat is nnticipntczl mxt wuck. next or mug ad Iocietiu-'I , of not leu than 50 lb! .150 refs:-rad than: 4- M... I VSPECIAI; TIi /[:,,,. II....r......I I:.., I r in Kingston. lacphcrlon was nfpni when after a snort m. it wnn ntod leoretary ... em: wu postponed hntii thlzscgth of May, -' mo to canvass the city and county - membership to the societ . . ock the meeting adjoum . -------c lmmigrntlon llleelinzz. cym.i...: 2...~.......u:-..,. ncient llll Inn -.. ....- rcmOVed hi: Residence gory to the corner of Barrie itreets, directly bohihd hit for- Conaultation hours from 1 to THE `DAILY NEWS-THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 1. ,. ...-vw---I, "Jun Aur l)l'y|lgCII HI | respecting the city brinch railway ' pval of the ualusnaer -..o_;.... ' V-4: -I ( I `r . 1, 1373. VI":-om utfnwa. H I-`ro`mT Qnebe. uh... 1 'm... u..__.:_ ,- _- .... muse or ms can- 0 had been contributed. ice-bearers and a commit: ut stponod until 1329 Iecretnrv in ` 1 removed hi: Residence o _tho of R...-...'.. 91325 | Uhown ntnfml oi ololdtinu. .- - -:nJI_JIl III! Jlmllrwll I4I'Iu'.) an nlnllng. -4 n learn that _Mr I I an` .. -A----" u uownuu I4 IIIJEVVII Tho depntstiml huve ar- ffinu -.:H. ll- l)_.._|_,.,, - ,. vuv guuuwmen 0' of his leaving for nu wuau Ill llildl III 5 ICW V r Land Agent will must ...I. 'n WM called tn the the object of the mmxwitlm rcqni-oitim: :3 public meeting Wax Lmbcr to diucusn thr- I of forming an Immu- `ln II-u z....I .... -A A IIVQIIIIIII IIIIVU If` I Mr Brydgcu at ` ` III-nal. ---'l----- I King. mnlzn-.. LIUIDIUII l}:I.lti- __ . -... - . .. .u. uuues mwna having an ax- sursion to Bellevillc, teaching st Bath and Picton, on the 24th May (Qpoexfs Birthday.) It will no donbtbe s great success, as the nu- yu-sllelsd scenic besuty at the Bay of Quinta nods:-s the trip the most delightful that can Ins devised in the vicinity of Kingston. Then `[1 numerous pleasing clungus to note on this man by pleasure-seekers since lsst season. Kingston Pout Oi , 1 April 30, l87`3.ce j nymna, David John Hyoo , William Hutc uon, \Villia'm Harvey, Tho: R Jones, Mrs H Jnckson, Lieut-Col Kneen, Matthieu Kirkpatrick, James S tt, George ` Landry, Mrs L Longon, J M Lain, William ' Laruhoux, Edward ` Lnviolette, J mwph neumun, Thoma: Howe, Min Edith Hyland, David HYIOD. Willimn mxnmari Una: A aywarv , Mn. Hill,Georgo '1 Henry, David W Heaamnn, 'l`hm--- nenry, David Heumun, Thoma; Howe. Min 'l2'.I;n. .,......., vv unam Rosa, James Dataglnu, Capt I [cm-y Spanner, E Du , H R (2) Stmtfnrd, W H Davidson, Alex Stover, Mile: S Forse, Geo F (2) Stacey, Thomas Gardiner, James C Summers. Cullncrt Go, James Staupp, Minn Belle Godrenu, Zephirin Stevenson, W Gillctt, H Scomh, Thomas Gilmor, Samuel Sheels, Minn Jenny Graves, Charles Simmons. Gebrge '1` Hamilton, Samuel Slneplncrtl, Mn- Hammnr, Chan A Stmth, Mrs P J Hayward. Mm-v `-A` " uzbVll, Ml ! Mary Dan-ugh, John Dickson, Charley Duran, Willixim Doll Duff, Davidson. AIM glass, la: uugmar, Louis Campbell, Sarah J mm Davy, John (2) Dana, Willard Geo De:-eon, Lewi- Dsyfoot, J B Davis, Mn Mary Dnrrmrh .'ln|-- UIBFI, mcuard Court, John Comes, John - Crawford. John Cugnier, Louis Ca.mnball_ Run. uaruwcu, Willi: Cantrell, Isaac Uaugh, Frank Cohen, (J L Coleman, A B Clark, Richard Court. John .__..,._T ` 'Inuno|.urn::--8evoral mull 1 jnnignnu have arrived here -Auk 1'1:-up -gm. -L:..n... 1 ureille, M Burns, John Burritt, Mn Amelia Bunch, Min Emma Bunodiot Jami Cm-mu, Mary A Canon, B Campbell, J K Cnuey, Ellen Campbell, Min F Canlwcll, William Cantrell. hum.- _l-3| ur` I.l':'1`TERS 1-4 14 Kingston Pout (Mica, Arnwtroug, Annie J Linn, Anderson, Samuel Livin` Allen, Laura. Lee, 4 Bovire, Babliutc ' Mum Ball, Annie Morri Bail, \Villiun Merri Blake, Corlbum (2) Mitch Bone, Mu George Mitch Boattio. Alex Mitch Bcauchmnp, Joseph Marti Blswkle. Mn: John Marta u Birch, ry E Magn: Brunt, Charles M yen Bruyerc, Kate Manon Bram, Jacob (2) McNa- Brigy, G (J McMa Hrune, M McNi4 Bnrna, Jnluu II n... 46 Princess Street, May 1, I873. [Ml-um In I , HUMIN Y, Fresh Grmmlateul Wheat, Frcuh Sugar-Unreal Mums, Fine Brealzust Bacon, very nice. {:0 Barrel Hmsvy Mun Pork. 5 Tom Cincinnati Bacon to arrive. 5 Tuna shoulder: to arm ve. No truubla with Flour when you get Mor- riuun l, A [)(:or baker even muut have goml bread. I- ()l{'l` AND SHEIHKY in great variety. -' As these good are direct ilnlmrtations, the qlmlity can be relied mt. }e0rge M. Wilkinson, Morrison's l<`l0ur Store. {ASE-`*3 HENNESSYB BRANDY, J , |lI..I.. -...I l`|..-,4 .. - - )AuuI5l I ) licitor in 4 Hllicc, Ontario 8 '|v,.1....._....:. . . ,_ ,, .-.___ . Eel; n. smyme, ~ni'.,`1.: ];ARRlS'l`E and Attorney-ab Law, Chancery, Uonveyzmccr, [MI];-.1 lInbn.... uA._.,, A - A ` ' ` ' .tIIo Distrit agent, sud Mr Hitchinn hi. 9 nuiatant, have been comfortably settled in good situations. The dint:-ibution of thong strange:-I could be eocted man utiafac.` turily and with greater facility by "g `id moiety Inch II in now being ggitam, and for the otganization of _which thg public coating was held in the Council chmb" Int avoninz. rmw. H. SMY1` All persons imh,-lytcd to the requested to make payment patrick . Kinguton, 30th April, 1.873. }nnl\lDll`Jli and Attorney-at-Law, So- I) etc. (lntnriustrcct, next door to Montreal ; l`o1cgmph Cmnp.'wy': (mice. ; May 1, I873. IIIIIE Law Pmtugruhip hcrctuforc cxinting between the umleruigued has this day been diuuolvcd Ivy mutual cnllmsnt. ALEX N L I`.ul.'I:Amnnur saturcluy livening next, 3rd May. Nu "um-rau- iPIcT0'I `SALE zunvmpyorunes A MEETING will be held at the Reading ` Room of the above Institute, City ' Buildings, on TUESDAY, the an. 01 May nu_xt, at lmlf-[nut wvcn in the evening,` to re- iculvc the report and pmpmmlu an to the re- gurgnnizntinn of this Ammci:;tiun. when all 1 members, together with chase a ruuing to ba- ; come new members, are particu nrly request- I cd to attend. L1 11 IYt\IlI'I9 Kingston, May I, 1873. ' H.1;t(:-l1-e-s~1'1. 23 Autidn `i?-.<;c;B1`as, BROOK STREET. \/ Hlnls. and Quarter Uzucks lo. (Yawn Pine`. U:u4til|inu'n du. (Eases Heel mu] h'r:c:I| In, Kuyper's Gin. Hlulu. do. 1:41` or 1.E'r1'I:ns rcmaini:g in the 1 Uice. April 30th. 1873 .--s-u.nnuI- u-vv Iurlvl nere . nook. They were chiey {rum And In u: amid-nu. ..c 11.. \- May I. .-,_- _--, No Reserve. I [oMINY, HOMINY, Gr: Wlnuat. Fran}: Nllun-J`-I--.1 Kingiton, lat May, I873. _Mecl1.a:1u"i`j_c's"IA1{s-1:-i1:u___t:e- '. ' BY AUC*1?i%'<%)N ON SALE. v u - w - A . . . _ . __ WINES. Int evening. In Frzuucg tb lm sold cu ny muuml cnmmnt. ALEX. S. KlRKl A'l`RICK, ]`}|)W. H. SMYTHIC. ll! iIId:Inf4uI tn Hm l..o,. 4'.--. - ulrvv . n. ll 1 I H I`). late linn nru to Mr Kirk vv muorne. Kvobt Wrny & Wards Young, Capt John Yates, John R. DEACON, l'ostma.sfe|'. * "l l " 9 -1 VV '1' son, John :1" russell, ~W .[`1nce, Edwm-d r3m John vV$:dn(il,elrr.; Marsh . W amrnnmn Ivan- __ nwvenson, W I` Strange, F Smith, John Sipplo, J \V vun_ Jnlan V Hnntmar I4`, 1 Porter, Andrew, Jr: Palmer, C U - Purdy, Thomas Reynolds, Margt Reefc, Anna ... ..---u, u David (`._I) Livingston. Jntncq Gear '0 Mm-roll, rank Morrin, Geo Merritt, J 0 & (1 It Mitchell, Ann Mitchell, Hurry Mitchell, III- Martin, R Marten, J Mugnan, iarum ycm, Dr I. B J. E. HU'1'4,`HIJ.s'0N, Auctioneer. nuwll, J W ' nner, William ` . Mn 11:}-mll- M. lsiomusox. remaining in the '44, April 30th, 1873 H. C. VOIGT. , President. 573. .,..| u.....- FEW BU1_LD-1?? LOTS mo-e . shunted M5 Prince Arthur : L: Thunder Bay, Ont, dived for ' for this week onl; Planlun 1: terms and paxticu 5 learned of - `I ll IIAIVIJA Cotton. .. an an 10 wuu. - AHhtl)Il l Bent Print! at l2} ccntl. Double Warp Black Lustre: !m- I7 cc Special Value in Black Billu. All Wool Tweed! for 40 centa, We cents. All Wool Fancy Flannel: at 27; cent Linen Towels, very large, at 7 cents. Slemlid Value in Table Linen. Splendid Value in Shootings and 1 Splendid Value in White Quilt! at O! ,,_-... ... vvmy uvwur an Beautiful Fancy Brillianta at worth 18 watt. A..I_L.,,J l- - " ` aanvvuonni TU DILLIV u mu P.W.0. Ries .....:.... o.. n-n-._:n - rallcy ureu 61 cents. Fancy Dress c centa. FIIIIE FOLLOWING LINES are all very much REIDUUEI) IN PRICE :- Fancy Dreu Good: at 12; canto, worth 18 con. Fancy Dress Good: at 15 conti, worth 18 Sl EL`lAL BARGAINS ! A. 3. Mmwuensou & ctrs . -.---- .-.a..-4-.1, IJIIIIDB, Of which an impaction in 1 vital. Aucnu. MuMu.x.nv,- | J I(....-L V ` " SHELF AND HEAVY IIARIDWABE, ntnuvr WRUUGHT NAILS, CUT NAIIS, I5.-UL IRON, PAINTS, OILS, VAIKNISHES, GLASS, PUTTY, kc" ;1.-gnpoctlnlly in-. Wednesday; til} litf April, I Wit}! n. new tllul m.n...l..4.. ..;./, ,1, Plain I L. B. Macpherson & Co. ..._....-n, w wnom the answer: no lent ' lacked oltor they luva been written by the ntndantl. A mutant system therefore is gen- Inl in All tho districts: Sevenl mininton wore in attendance supervising the young no 5: work. THE` J:{IEn}Yn'ORE I TWO DOORS ABOVE II.0BAl{ l":5 MC CAL HALL. ____.._ Mcmnmw J5 Knlml new HARDWARE Hausa] pay I II-I\JI'4 Doors ppen at 7 ,3 at 8. u__. u____ ____.z n _..-... .uun n, Kingston, April 2|, From the St. James Theatre, Bguton, direct. Saturday and Monday, lluy 3rd and 5m. T THE GREA_'F`ST. JAMES Minstrel and Variety Combination, cuts `on Ii. l)|')SI{()(JHE'l{S hugs to nmmumzc M that he has rem-wa-4| to Mr M. l)ulan u, Saddler, l rinccss bucet. April 30. <,.___ A The umusl enninutionof the prolntionor, in the Weelcym ministry in thin district com- menced yesterday in the lecture room of Syd` enlun Street Church, gm! conclhdod to-day. The examination Ire conducted by mum of printed qneetiona iuned hv .1... lb--J------ AN no-lcct them by nppIying to Mr Joseph Bamlcn, at his office ill King Street. They are the maxi; desirable in the city, fronting an they do the 1mr|mur.of King- `ston, unintc-rrnpt.cc`lly. Tcrnu easy. Also, tn lot or sell, the lleuidcuco aal Stable-:4. &c.._ with any amuuutyof land tlmt may be dusircd. VILLA on BUILDING LOTS, I LI: 5. mo` For particulars, nco bills of the dayfil Ticlcctu fur sale at the usual laces. w, 1-,". mumx. iv A--.` April 30th. A Most Desirgklg Investment. `VPO be sold by PUBLIC ATYCTION, .nt Mumw u Auction omnn. on SATUR- 1 `:1 no Jam by runmu AIIUHULV, .nr, 1 Murray liornul, SATUR- IPAY- the 17th MAY, at 12 o'clock, noon, tho following eligible Building Int, known as Lot number I9, on the can undo of Alwington Avenue, having 70 feet, more or lcu, front- ing on mid Avenue, and ISO feet, more or less, in do nth. _ For flu-tlnr nnrf.5nu'uru annlu in `Rn-Linn I _ For hurt or particular: apply to Button 1. 1_ ric-, Hnrristcu. - Kingston, May; I, 1873. Extraordinary Attractib I -..- cu-muuwu conduct question: iulled by onninon. to uh... M... -- No. 39 Princess Street, March H. 1 Lultrou in `every Colour at 20 canto. tiful l?'n.m.. n_:u:_.- with in new and complete stack 01 Herchmer Reserve, PI-opettjyi T K3` PIHCEH A USUAL ` rs on;-.n :1}. `I . ....5..4._:.._-.- A Persons duimus of obtaining on the property known as the .__avv I\JJ.\ W.l'LL ma orzmsn .. paws I uoonanry The lnkohunotboonnhighuitinuow in: you many you-J. Th doeppnow on the hills and surrounding coimtry bu lrtuught down to the lake such tommtb of Inter an have nrcly boon loan. The we bu bocnjgto in brushing up. . Goods at 20 cent, marl warned or 1. ll. MALCHAI, 33 King Street, Kingston, _ ,,-- .....u up uuv CID . I sale laces 1-:. STANL an Agent. zi. um. , 993. am: '1'. Knit. I $1.75. ta, Wbrth 60 hi, 18' ..., -u ul nlw wnumon. lick luck stow, duck pot-pie. are all {out bill of Ian now and highly relished, I8 llfllollt A nnnnmlu-u .......-:.|....A: -Haunts. cents. 121/ A [ illvW M ED] - ; uuu-., Anna nl1II., lllu. W. SKIIIDBP. - Q God nvo the Queen--Solo by Mr R. Tmdy. Ticket; 25 cents. Rema Seat: so cents -Doorsolpanstl Cancer-ttocommonoe 3, _ ~ nun Ea 1. Piano Solo- --l roL Deal 2. Duet-The 1 ' --Mr sud.~M1 3. Song-(,'olne Mm Baton. 4. Son 1) . I m'?...`...;_". i`a 5. l'n`o-|'.ahou| ll2,_.. I) 1 V1- -.........-u ullroul nnvc commenced their nuns! wholoulo slaughter of wild duck:-, which no new expolccl {or ulu on the market: in great mnnbon. Tlw hunter: um nu lport killing them lry the dozen, Tiny an in lino condition. licked duck, duh found on tho go uul hiuhlv -..l:..|....I s:-I. In =~ 5. uuev--"rue Lonely Fisher Boy" (F. AM.) snd~MrI Menu. back to me" (Boscovitz)-- ` |Thursday "Evc;1;ing, 1st May. TANDYmOS. um: um 4.--5 awn; ` Chou-uu-Awn `Run. 'l`-unln Complimentary Concert -uvv u ` uvuvuuavj-"A null, D7115. Song--How fair thou art" (H. Wei Mr R. Barker. -uu -nu:-Us VI -lBUIII " So_v:g-"My Queen (i$lnmonthd)-Mr F . 11:01: Duet- Tha Moon has raised her Inunp Above" (Benedict)--Tnndy Bros. nna._.Wn- fair tum. .4 In nr 22-- Music at Stacey s.T unininlull ;- nun: nuncl annuerlon. Duet`--I heard 1 voice" (l[endoluohn)- The Miucs Wnlkem. ' G.._.. n|1__ A\ , .--. .. - - - . Solo-Theme Allamsnd (Leybach) Dealuchen. 5. Lonely Fisher , ,'-_ -- .... -y IIII1 Ill'$ll- inter extending from Blarney : Tower to the Grove Inn. If that were done, end it planned with treee, we should in a few year: have mu; e! the very neet and most beautiful walk about the city. We do not see any diiculty in thenetter, if the Aldermen oi the Wu-d will only teke the trenble to exert themselves. There may probebly be some little oxpenee to the city, but what weal-l that be in compari- eon with the iiruneuee benet Iyhich would bu Attained by each 3 lnbetantial and permanent i-provement. Pisno Duet`-.-Gnml Gnlop do Concert (J ac|uon)-'I!he Minot Sanderson. ]'),,.g`__uI` |...._.I - ....:..-n 1|:--_1,u . . `nu:-nun)--ml `Y. 'l'i|l1Ily. . , ` l'rio-[ahourern' Eveuing8ong (Wain!) --Miss Bgtes, Minn Sanderaun and Mr. Downrd. 3 -1 Al 71 V\IL`\ 5:\ PIANO SOLOS, Brilliant V1.1 15 Cent; 3 Sheet. r.nn .a:n_..-_. u.- ` est _ 7 (.%a..:..a,:;-.. W). 'I'no-` ` Lnlnnn ran. `Ila.-...:..... AT smsvs Booxsmusl 1 Avny !" (Auber)--01 Bron. Tandy roI., Ind W. Skinner. r` again Oh; l'\'n.._ Q..I- I... 11.. `I ! In, , I Ballad:-7F'n-swell ~ Dowud, l!'.U.0. The Prince and Peanut" (Graham)- -lVlr E. produced tlnoyreaent season, all of our own Importing, an Inspection of which is ro:npuct- fully solicited. BUT ONE PRICE ADE. Princess Street, Kingntou, April 29, 1873.` Gen Wur.--.Signor II.D., left yesterday after Ho intends to preach in Be nnxt, I-pr? I; Chorus-O hail IIIXO {roe !" (Doniz Mean Craig, l`q.n y and Skinner. 8omz..Wl`|.. b....`l-..I `lL_-_-_n: e c ...-.- wrong, uinuy and Bklnllcf. Scn-- l`hc Standard Besrer"(Lindpimter) - r. Sumdws. Duet-"'l'he N t` I" b t S. g`._.$.,,...i.."*".':".*-;:..:.....' ::2r".... v. v_2uM.:eo_ualw Pipe 1:, b (NI|I9)-Craig Brop. .u'a 'r... .'1y $7 FLRT `II! Black and White [Ace Shawls, Black Lact- Rotomlau, Lace Lappeu. with a great pro- fusion of the R I `, .__._.. v..- .v......- cup.-vu- Elegant Dusignu in Urenuliuol. N ew Shades in Plain pml Iiobod Bstintcn. An nlqlnnllcul uwgtnwnt of Josephiudu French Ki: Gloves. onsss Goons! Black and White Real Lages. j A large and choice uu.rcu.L-m, of PLAIN and FANCY mm-ss (woos in all u..- Matarialu produced the proucnt season. tn,__..-. - - .- -- pv vwuuu In DIIUCI 500 different Piacu to select from. Ulaappoll : Cheap Music. Bouncy : Cheap Music. uvuuv I vuaip MIIIIO. Instruction and Exercise Booluu. The [raga tire very mudcnlmit Pbituneonning chorus revived me. I -13 ;J____ Handwme Shade: in Raul Iriuh Poplinu. Superior Value in Black Silks. Trimming Silk: and Satin: cut on tho l;i:ui_ New Designs iILFringun, Gimp and Unm- mcntn. ` "vocu. DUETS. PIANO mm-rs, * GALOPS, QU.4muLg.Es. NEW soNas.\ DI Aun can: run _ .... - IAl'ANESE SILKH IN s'r1uPEs AND P CHECKS by the yard. analnome Shades in Plaid Japanese Silh. |A BARGAIN] F NEWEST NBVELTIES HEET MUSIC, oiuv 15 CENTS. ll. & .1. 1munNI:n| AT Till CITY HALL Handsome bluuleq 1` Hnmlaomo Shndet i Hnhalvome `Blinds; i i NEW ARRIVALS. .... mango wm ngnm he sent here very short- ly. Now we think Arrangements migln` be nulo by which the mud, ntonel, &e., which the dredge will tnka up might be tumour tn good account in place of being dumped into thochunol n was the can last you. The suggestion we docile to nuke in this, that the and should be employed tu till up the brak- ARE Now mrmmxxm. 41' vim. ll own 10 my PROGRAMME. J. GARDINEB. . 5 in (iron Grain Silknf : in Glucio Silks. I in con1.;.1 Silks. Ship on Fire Vcidt) - u, -001) Junt received 24,000 "Ila cheapest and but cut Id` warranted not to colon: Tan. _.._r-.- * Excuiuox `I0 BILLIVII. _j]; an Mu. P.w_n um. ;.i':, . I AT PURE mom] PARK`?! ooFEE; I A umsll lot of ;`l.|.Vll 5` or invslidu, being `N. ` nymn-ud g it i. and nasal for luabvl avoured ; it in put. Something New! km lot o:.TwANxA1i per lb. " \ I . I-1:gcw.Aculus-Ql Ono me mmrownzi. lb. ---ex tn vslue. ` Alnoonqlotdthlndx mo It in by such trunchui-mu mean: that the I -`now'civilizntion" has haul -such tmublu in managing Indian atfuiru. Withuut on-,r considering that the Indian has riglfta. and can maintain them, they treat them mu wu'mintl" to he butchered, poisuned nr otlwrwiw dutroyod, and when it in met by the lame weapon, misc xi. horrid cry uf ox- terminutiun. Human life under the "now civilization in not wcnro, nu-1 when, in _t|u: leading citiun man are shot down and mur- dered without any hesitation, there in nu wagon to fuel surprised at a. Iimilsr phm being iuluptoul in tho far want. when) even the Imuu attempt at enforcing legal moa- onru is rendered lutilo by the wild pu- oiona of mango Indiana and even more un- civiliaocl whiten, The Americans have unwed the wind in their I dian policy, and _i_m surprise ngod now ho felt at their 1-esp- ing the whirlwind. A .m.n M or JAVA " run I-nunlial- Ina:-um I-Q K ...;..;;. my me anus, ylrij our mrwu lAlC'LI euuta, wurth loanto. ysAuKnum NOW - *1--1`, Doti t forget to purchuing elnwial. W; nuv uvvatnlllclll IIIVIII` the impnvenont of the I the dredge will ngniu he 1 lg KL... _.. ;.|_:_n_ , April 20. nue ncsflp | ~ ~ 3 HM. 0 inc y ' r ` 3| -- ruin ~ Al':ogf'}ln? Pine `N 1\ -- Piii 'nZ["Scf1: Fmh m-o-A --* 4 . ;--II Inc Jzuuwll 61' bunny. lar ngtentio thin 3:. state room! combrbhly clnu pauengen. Ah. cook stovu and good manger: and fumlia via their mug start: an. -N wnnodiata r ` mEvoning'g I4Pn.mf., Lake EnoPortq, THE PEOPLE ! This Line oen uure: ` cognfort, ,-. V rniont A95! 20. I873. Line; I Innul I New J. mmm ,_ -_..., ....-. uunlvlllltl . I R0311 (Ink, with 250 ton: of do, consigned tu T339 d'P" h' f""' d'"'"` q`m"r'~f ` .\leuru Swift and Cu. arrived here to-day from the water" yllic coast wnuld teem to in E ,g"' die-to that `a sworn` India" "5' "3 i"'- ' The u..Ix.mx1.: lmrloour ma luillont. \At \Valla Wsllu. ll force of 1400 i P.-ed Indi.-m warrior: have uncamped, and scan!!! The Intel/ig/:.ncrr recounts the exploits hf in all the gar-guouu glu-y If war-paint an-l ! the tug W. '1`. lrbl: during the Fenian raid, f.,;;..-u an-6 scnuring the country notifying The tug liubb wiutcrcd at the City on the tho whims tn lcav.-. At Yralm. the settler R llay." I ,_-l '.1_u- -pg us:-mu. ge in being re, `N |L.,"j,.g in 1,"-gt. .,m..lmru, and cuI|unu_ Fruightu on luxulpcr frmn Bcllcvillu tn (Juwv tiona 0f :1 more than usual ,.i`.!uiiicaut chit. i Z" l'````` `' "i"" '3-ff l"" M "3"_f "*5" '`U* - , _ ` , _ . . . , . . ` . . . nuvurul other points. A: If tlu: .-\M|u1'!ul.I|n r r 3 ` 5` ' 5 ` M5`. ' , . . | the afternoon the lurk hnwrzlld was clulrtclcnl had not truublu enough on the Iucmc uumnt I ` ,_ V _ , . . , .nr wheat to lunguton at |8c. Lapzwxty, `. l,- wntll the Indiana, we nlnu mu! them cmpIgy- ; J bunch 0-1 In the horrid wurk of nnmlcr near hurt I lhu,.WmV_.l.wo ne Mel were ucccmh Garry, whom they lnwu pullnnud twu cluofn b "`i`m `tr-Vchnmu with the. md` A i Alnlrewn 3; Son, l ort Dnllu-usio, on Saturday ?0`-1"3' -i `'55 P"`""l ml ` ""'`"l' """' I afternoon. 'l'llc first vcucl launched was what 9""! A"'i`"' 3" lib '"~`lEM "l`"d W33 ` in known as a fan: and after schooner. She is lnaulud t.lwJeui|: H Rm-nl: .....I __ 1, fully launched from the sliipynral of Memory gnmgcnsn AND! Annnn ,---l% The best. and V `I! of Pinelv nar1"' - -.IrV;;cpIz L_ivrpool~ f ` riux ms mcw Jq '....o.. ..... II.` ~ [gc4_ns 1~ Tu: Mn|nn.'u.~-Du.-npaxtclues from thv ' km Beth appear tn indicntu that tin- Unitod Staten troops are cnmilnumg than ` {guano uf blumlenng. Thu)` um:-`a.r to o|.i.;){- lat one Ymnlloe whiter must. ho oqunl 9- two Moducn, `dud -a:unu-quuntly on the 25th., sixty ninv min were mm. under Lieutenant \\`ri3!.v.- to reconnoitru the Modoc hiding plucm. Thcnw ndvmuu-xi I without any intorfa`-rum-,-2 until they worm! Imldonly nmlmnlwd, and forty nine \\'|rl'A` killed befuru they nuccoedvd in getting but ufztho-trap. lt mun! be manifest to every body that Inch an event must lmvo ruultcu from tho molt foolhurdy daring, and can only be compared with the lame blunder uf x wading thew mun unpr-amazed into thu Vary jqpvn uf death. ` | OIVL- .IA-._,.-|, L, I'm A - 4' !\ F5 (fenbl `1 uumlo mute now, than i," . nauen!-v '-`-'* 9 `W],,/ M shined, and ING- wsr ill *0 `Hem , The Govemmont hnving rc-voted 36,000 for Jun ilwnvennm. of M... I...|.....- ...- .,.V - V LIVII Frl TIIURSDA r 1;rI..\"1._w}', am. gjuitg :g.j,u-,5, Antonia Arrighi, uftcriwon */for N'npnnoc- . I preach Ballnvilln .. u.....1_.. ,,_-_.- ........ nuvvovu lll IO!` venom harbour, we presume n sent here llllld. Manna, kn -vi-3-L -Nilnroda have cinnmcnccd gln nlnnahlmo ..I ...:u x - the v I 1.1.1. -Chc band of intend having unchina nt 11.. -_r- uvvl uvuu 'lUl' .'VlpllI0c' Bolleville on Sunday V-vu -J IIIVDIII U! the Conference ull pm-tics of mere within a. `ram England, r Mncpherlon, itchinn, '.I]'|l- -.511-) ' vuonu Iill ll ll, sh being ygginu, 'l'Iu.. tfny morning. St. Jgmo-' l!I--.:__:_,, . Junes Fienduinn in Sctnrdsy evening. REMINDERS. Complimentary concert to T in thotity Hull this evening. Tender: for Rnllinn m-I- - AIIIJI nnrnilaulll, I Princcu street. .I-_g|. H, I Slum: l`u2u.-Any time during the pres- ent month will answer for planting nhado trees, and as there src many portion: of King- ston which could be greatly improved sud eu- lunced in value thereby, we hope c1.ey'wu1 not allow the season to go by without prot- ing by it in thin renpoct. Q ........ u. . ruvmeuee until one is liberated. Mr. Gallagher accused Mn. Benupre with uuulting her daughter by apping her {see 3 law day: ago. The children of the re- npoetive parties ha! 3 general. squabble, in which the defendant thought her son unneces- sarily injured sud an-ogated the prvilegos of chutieing his female uuilantr-u right which the eemplaiuant objected to, and hence the ac- tion. The defendant wan ned 92 and coin. I A case of selling'or otherwine disposing of liquor by in licensed inn keeper Wu dismissed for went of evidence. ' . vuuc your!- (uroiuz MB STRANGE nu.) TllURlDAY-Cltherlnc Burton, was charged with vngrancy. She hails from Stanley street, Toronto, and in well venoiin the pnrlnnce of that notorious locality. She was in the pri: loner: pen, as few day: but on the ltrength of 3 feiuible tnle, to the effect that ulna was ex- pecting the early liberntion of her beloved lluu-. band from the lhmiteutiary, to meat whom Ilia had woarily trsvelled to Kingston, was dis- iniued. She wu employed in the House of Providence but yesterday left on some pre- tence, and in the course of her peregrinntionl about town nude frequent tall: for green gro, ouriou, under the burthen of which llw labour- ed heavily to navigate, and lulen in the day come in collilitm with RC. Hoyle, who nuiutod her to the police station, and that olcer al- lege: the ran the hardest cuo he has dealt with for years. She was sent to gnol for 60 days, And her two mull children, to the Home of Providence until tho it lilporn Mn. nllnnhmv .,........I u-- - --.. ...... , .,....,.u5 capacity, 11,000 bushels. Port Collmrno, April 30.-Down--Scln'. W. T. Greenwood, Cleveland, Hamilton, stone ; prop. Cleveland, Toledo, Ogdenlburgh, gauc- rnl cargo ; prop, Lake Ontario, Tuledo, King- stun,com ; aclirs. 1 . Bennett, Port Rowan, Welland, railway tics ; Anglo Saxon, Toledo Ugclensburgh, corn ; Dundee, Toledo, King . utun, corn; Cape Horn, Toledo, Gswego. wheat. av In - a nnnu . Up-Bsrque Pride of`Amc-rica, lchrn. Murray, Jun. Platt, Allmtrou, prop. S barquc Robert Uaxkin, Ichr. Pandora, 1 Brintol, Empire, barquu Jamie Scnrtla, Hmumond, nchr. Clayton Belle. \`Viml, west, light. { We deeply regret to announce the death of list Stratfnn, only daughter of Mr Stratton,_ rincou street. This mm..- 1...:.. ._n.--, - _ .......... ... .. nuu Lulu uuer ? munud the Jessie H. Breck, ! built. to tho ordcruf Mr S. .V 1 I uf $20,000, but that guntlcu ucr wngm 1:4 I-H we fcut bcnln ; ll {cut I0 inchuu I n-gintcr, 356 tons ; carpontcrs 390 tons ; carrying capacity, l7,( Cnnmrnn Ann`! '10 H-- .,_.,,..w, uuv uuu. gunm.-mun tllllpudud of her tu_lJio present owners, L. W. Brook 5:. Co, of 9 Ii.-mlcn Island, for 8`. ."I,0()0. The launch mu. mmlc stern fuijcmout, and the ship nu she glid- oal along tlugmiys and kissed the bosom of the, I water, l|l`('hlIl.0d an picturesque :1 Night :u- could be ula.-sired. Slne is destined for tho tim- lwr truulc-, and will bo cmninmnlc-`l by (Yuptuin Jolly, nf Klllgnton. Her lcllgtll in M2 fen-t over all ; I2 fuel: depth of Inolcl ; 26 feet `,2 in- cli-.-: bemn ; 376 tun.-I rcgiuhzr ; 400 tmm cm`- punLcr's incruurciiwnt, and is cutilnrnco-I to carry 19.000 bunbclu of wluuit. The next. vou- sul lnunclwd was a uplolulicl propellor nnnncnl Alum Monroe, Thin cmfl: was built for the hlgin 'l'rnm4purl.aLion Uoxnpnny of Part. mun- lcy, nml will be comlnzuulud by Uaytuiu l'ol- lnck, a well known and experienced toilcr 0, tbs: sen." ller length in 144 feet over all ; `. (i f_l,,f_ |...,..n . ll L... in :., J - A - - ` ` vvv wan nun v cu. i Maura Swift. and C0, : whurf-The propel- i la-r Aiucrfcn plusucd up last night from Prea- icutt, and the propeller Dominion down from i Hamilton. The prupcllcl City uf New York `(.\'. '1'. L'n.'s Linc) touched this morning. 'b-nuud up from Ogcnslmrg. The uchounvr (Mail, with 200 tome of coal, mul (!ll0Ul|Cl' E . Ulwogn. 1 1'1... |l_.ll....;Il L,,.I V - ,......... ! E the ~ II...- " Ila:-Inc Nam. ~'l'|m propeller City of I/vmlon, from Tul--In, xwith l3,.')00 Imnlwlu of grain, in diuchsrging her ctlrgn at the bloiutreal Trmnoport.-u.iuu ; (.`mnpnny'u wlmrf. Tho m-hm-m-r (.'nl-'-clnnm, {rum Cohurg, 7,400 `lrllx-hull uf wheat, is nluu unloading at the ` ` Dnllf (llK'k. `Hm M. '|`. (`o,'n- tug tiliulc, and seven burger- curryinguconlbincd cnrgu f 80,000 bllnllchn ` at grain, lcavc this evening fur Montreal. I Mmntns ('uu!c.I......+ .....I u......u.;_ .1 . - | .. B......, man vuu uvcumg lur Momrcal. Mourns ('uu!thurst and Macpllic fluspxntclt in tow uf Uuvcrulm.-nt. Uta-alucr live barges thi- `un.-uing for .\luntru.nl _-{our being laden with ' 79.000 bunhclu of grain, and one lmving I325,- 000 o.1k~utaveu.V 4 `, V `. .._ ...-V.. uvvhlII\IlI\3I: -Jllu In i;n'eck, and was nriginag uonlcruf Nucluu, fofthc sum , guntlcmnn tlinpudutl her Lent Owllcru. I. W n......:. .. ... ,: Police Court. Inn: Mn an-n...,... - . -V.,-. .....v~u vcucl V` dupth of hold rluunhn-H. .............. ._ A 3 the City Hall on America, Grace lmtrou, Scotia uhr. I :|ndnra, prnps, L. S. .. u..n.. ~;I`andy Brothers I ,,, . ......- , urs measurement, , 17,000 bushels. -Down--Scln'. I.l-._.:I; . , - um wmmm 1!! Inner remdcnce. 3 n_m. . n. n..xv1<;1.L has r U and Surgery and William Streets, :1 | residence I`-----" COHPLIMENTARY.-Wo le horn is to be entertained n1 supper at the British Amori row evening by a number of the city on the occasion Montreal. van, mat over 8500 bgan or The election of office-bearers a tee of management P Thursday, the 8th th the mcnuti " at mnour In Kingston. Mr Macphernon I pro tcm, discussion, it was ifoved luv Mr `V 1" , _- -...... ..... -v\:|Ial6I-'IllO , 7 _ cs 'tal to be 3560, leu shares 0 310 each, He also referred them to the benet of the Co bourg society, established but spring, MT}; chfirman concurred in the remarks of 1- up wrnon respecting ti; 3 `g of labour 3' " Macnhernon -u ----=~-- ' I V - -. vvllllill uIt|'It- ed themselves In the Welfsre of immigrants, immigration would be popular in the estima- tion of the latter, and the dist ' we-ietiu were established would be luibplied with laborer! when utherwise the demand conlul not possibly be lled. Msnyef these associations were formed dnrini the put few curl, end an nn instance of t eir nucceu he list] only to direct their attention to that of the Ottawa Valley which in 1872 sent $4,000-to Britain to dafraythe exsenlm of immigrente to the above locality, an were so fnvournbly impressed with the remit that thin spring they more than doubled such fund. The no. 't i th - formation of Inch 1; ?.I.".3u`Ln :21: here, . cm co`""-" '" r Mzu,-phereon then read extrgcte from the Onta- rio Government Act relating to the member- rml these aid IocIeties--the capital tolm nl uni I--- LL--- VA ` -r runner member At 9 o'clock 1 FZIITI4 Th: mnbl. ,__..- r-aw vns ' mus means rosorted to in order to acquaint the people of the old country with the condi- tiun cf Uuumda as regsrds the scarcity of mo- shunieal as well as unskilled labor, anal the mlvniitngcs that wore oerod as Tm induce- mom`. for them to migrate to this pros erous eulnny. For some years a plan was s itezl of distributing blank schedules througuout the different counties, cities. towns, vil- lagel, &c., to he lled up by head. of municipal councils and others, show- my the demands for employees in the acveral localities which they represent, which subsequently passed througliljthe Immigration l)epn.rtmcnt and were afterwards forwarded to rig:-nts in Europe who were thus enabled to I KL-lcct the pr:_npe:_- class and number rpm-I---I -.1., Eahguton, May -~%-. R. LAVELL 1... . Sllfnru 5.. - nmwa, Alnlorm.-Ln Edwin Clmwn chair, and briey stated athl . M48.` l( _-........- uuun Nlel lll. l..1..-at cv4:uiuv,;,in cump|i.1.m:.x with n. pm-M.-ntccl to tlnu Mayur, lwlal in the Council Chamber discus In-4:c.~nity,.'u|d mlvismbilnty an '_'I .'LLinI| Aid Snciuty for the city and county. l`lu-rm-utiug was largely nttemlud by nur lczuling city, prominent. among whom we nu- tincd the following gentlemen :- Mauru R. Mzscphcrson (Dominion Guvernmeut Agent), Ahlurmcn I . Hnrty and lit`. Sullivan, E. (fhown and Greenfield, W. R. Melina, I). Mc- liwcn, John Cnrrutlum. w:|u:_ - - - .. - "--I VVUWIDVVIIO Ottawa, May l.--The public accounts com- lnittcu this morning cominoncctl an investiga- tinn into the alleged delay can the part of the Militia Department in dealing with some all")- ccr in c.-nnp at Point Levis, who land been guilty of certain i_r_rcgulaI-iticn in wilfully min- ruprescntiug their eld state (when inopz-cte_l by the Adjutzuit `Funeral. After examining Colonel lluu, Coluuel Powell, Colonel Panel, Culonul Stewart and other witnesses, the com- mittcc adjourned till Monday. The Pacic Railway committee nin na- eu.-mblucl The cm: Ilu mzulniiniatcr oaths Y?` 3-.,y,.,] mmnt H... ..........:um. ..m.... ...I.. - mluuul meeting on '1`uend:I.y evening. The ship Glen!-ernie arrived ycstvrd.1y. The captain rcpurts seeing in-ore heavy icu than in the Inst. 27 yuan. Cape Range ice: is still tirln. uunll Ill (H0 L rm. lllUl'0. Thu Luvis Board of Trade hold its lirsl mmuul meeting 'l`uend:i.y evening. I N ship Vl!tvl':1\' l'l'UIII Igllellcco Quebec, May 1.--The Prnvim.-inl Police were sworn in yesterday. The Water Pu- lice will be sworn in to-day. The ne weather continues. The Queen's Bench Counsel of the election rinters vuters asked for I delay till next term owing to the absence of witueuen. The Attomoy-Gomerul asked for time tn examine the nliidavit, and the jury were discharged unfil this morning. ` The steam service on the Smmnmw .-m.o.. wul no Improved HHS your by the, MI uf twn large steamer, purchased in more. ..-......u nu uw any clock I The l)u' fnnn will be 5 wet.-Ia. Thu Urulnmlcu Ln I the committee next week. I 'l'l.n .l......A_4: - i -..- -v..-u-nuwu next week. I The dputa.t`on expect to get the Market . Battery for n puaucuger station. They ,mcL ` Sir John, Hon. A. (/`nmpbell, Mr 0 1{oilly and I utlwrs in reference to it this morning. ( uumnargoa umu Hun morning. tho Saguonay routu will be improved this by zuldition large steamers. numhsuml h. 1:,.|o;_ . ---II-I4IIII l!C|lIlIIIIIOn ' Uttnwn, May l.-`l`ho depnt `ranged for :1 meeting with Kingston I and removal passenger I ,A_ .. . . -J ..._...u. pnnlvvn inf tine- palaenVgVer Itatiou. Buuyu for the harbour will be provided im- -,mediately. Orders have been given for re- tloctoru fur the city clock as harbour beacon. sold in lot: in": few Thu nu-.l.......... I _.._x A .- .4 H --- ~ ( rrr Jlu/Ilrwll Ilinr.) flinguton 'IDc|Illl.1l0ll at Ottawa. ' ()t.tawu_ Llnv I,-.'I'hn tlnnnO..H.... I.......