Kingston News (1868), 6 May 1873, p. 2

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The West Poterboro committee alno met, but, in the abwmce of mm of the coumel, agreed to an ndjeurnment. An agitation bu commuuccd with the object of securing the new library building for the Home of Commona, substituting the present House for the library. The .Addingun election committee met this morning, heard counsel, and adjourned until tomorrow. 7 but. the Lbhonum nl nun ..t n... ....... .-I - Iauvv Ottawa, May 5.--Mr Thou. Wulcutt, many yuan an oicor of the Indian De :4 naent, died yesterday of inammation 49 lungs. The dot.-,c;m.-d gentleman was mar: tn 1:. xhnuahhzr .4 ah. I..;.. in. AL. V . ..v-. v unvuuw, nu: oicor nurt- the married to 1| daughter oi the late Dr. Adamwn, Chaplain to the Senate, and was much rau- pccted. rnymg run: an uuxreu no presented to nor sgeoty praying that an effort uhon_ld be made to secure for Canada from the United State: the free navigation of the Columbia river, lie. The motion wu accepted by the Government u_o notion of non-condence, and a. vigorous and lengthy discussion ensued, with Hon. Dr. Tup r leading on in replly to the 5 h or the hon. member or South ruoo. In doing so he contended that it was unwise to open afresh the cause: of irri- tation with the United States, after friendship had been secured between the two countries by IIIOMLI of tho Wnlhiugton Treaty, and that in ` foot by the ncquilition by Canada of the Hud- son Bay Territory, the navigation of the Col- umbia River had been secured to Canada; that, in fact, there was no doubt upon this point; and he moved an mnenduient to the eect that it was nnwinu to originate, another discussion upon the merits of the Washington Treaty. Mr Mackenzie moved an amendment to the amendment for the per min: of cutting out Mr Bloke`: motion ; and L a Premier was not slow in reminding him of his mane.-uvrcu in this re: ct ; and foliowin thin up the Premier rought the hon. worn or (or Lambtun IOVcl'8lV to tank `(or him uunn] rculunuuu nu.) rwmlor nrougnt ma non. member (or hambton ucvcrely to, task for his uuunk rudcncul and unpnrlmtnentary conduct tmvard bu oppon- ents. After a. lengthy diucuuion Mr Mac- kenzie : nmondnwnt wu ut and lost on di7I- uion- can 65 ; nayu . Arm which ch." an. )r. '.l`u`pper'n amendment to Mr Blakeo motion wnu carried on the name diviiuu~-yc:u- `J0 ; nay: 65. IFCTI-ICII `IIIIKIIIUZII After routine buuinou and the mlvnncemont I of several billa, M} Blake olferod orewlution rnying tint an Mid:-on be presented to Her should dun -Ann-u. I... ('-..nA.. In-Cu` `Inn Iinihul ll-ah-u I"lI(5(1. R. M. Wells, Grit, cessor. crunvncnml 3.. (L. ml0n,tllc no he was in-Inna -1 WE HAVE NO MOTIVE." .-2_ _L,_l V " Emu: or 11-: FnxnIno.-`l'ho Hnmilton Tina is a tpicy sheet, rad yet itg spice is at time! of the character of low llunu, ad to give an extract in proof. Doubt.lo_1.he Hilton man thinks himself clever, but his gpadon must be a rather queer lot If they can spplaud such sentiments. Politi- cian my not be thoboot. chriuiann, but `we have not ypt. found A woe against them in tho Icripturoc, tn-1 ye cannot any In much for u drunksrd 2 1 Victoria has recently presented a suit r_| to the 79th Cameron Rnuirnnno ..: l!ol_nInIo_n Pullamc t - -.q.b...... I......._....- _...I Ll... FRI H1 4 ) l"l`A W A. DI E D. llan, Grit Inspector of - West Toronto, but mus _ _ . . .. ....,..m save me red in common with his 111: oicials should not 1 behalf of the Ottawa Nondescript, County IL .1 prominent part in n in Welland. but wzu it, Mr 0 Donnhue s South Rfllal (nu ll- vnvo pm-uclpanon in tely enforced, it is` meat, The inuence V | a petition held in y, and they are paid >10 of A nartie: mm. - ..... nuuuasnu DB3! . interest taken by 1 the ships of the from the circum- honoumblo mem- vhen Lord Henry web on the Duma- her words. of +1.. -y I'll". W (3310. ' r We would foin comfort our contemporary with the thought the: even if Providence is unable to eupply on equal to Sir John for -on yeah to come, yet on equal" to him _ may be peeeibly obtained from the other more speedily, no ther_e_uu-t be 3 con. eidenble stock of such polmq.-nun on land tknnn for ludinn Unouu-. rounncm: part in Velland, was nu N1! the Commiuion of the ()nm.-;.. (1.. U l}OIIO|Ill8'H Bruce for Mr but was not ll ummres Trunu-y but :1 com BEEN PEAS, Green Corn, Tonutoel, An Magus, Horse Raddinh, `Punches, Penn, 0 ernu, Pinespple, Pie Fruit, Straw- borriu, DOIIIIOII, to` W. R. Mcnae & Go. `New Ste:-o-Goldan Lion. w. R. McRAE & ca, NOW SboI'e-GoIdan Lian oANNE_Q_G001)s.l --o-Jvssns But it is rally toe bed thst such things gm be. The fair tune of but Province is jeopardized, the stream of emiggetion turn- ed away from our shares, the elorts of tried volunteers in the cause eutnnged, and every suspicion asst upon the country because of the ehsrsctet oi the men selected to manage the egies in Lonidon. We sre not sanguine 0} Mr Edwards success. We believe that Cocks snd Whellsms will pull the wool over his eyes as easily as they did over Mr Keek3l].st's, and am Mr mm-d. will re- turn with s [rend whitewsshing report. It is not every dsy that Geeks gels 88,000 s you to spend so essily, end he will eertnin- ly mske s strong ght to retain the ofee he has got. To when will Edwsrds go? He will he s stranger there, end it will be mi nsuwnmn `C `h D.-- 3'--- J ___.__ I)EMARTIN S BHERBY. Gl{AHAM S OLD PORT. ' BARTON dc GUIESTEKS CLARETS. BURGUNDY PORT IN OCTAVES. TARRAGONA PORT 1N OCTAVES. Moot & Chandon s No. I and No. 2 Chun- pagpen. Very 0&1 Wines. Sugar-Cured Hams, . Bacon and Shoulders, _ -..-r _ mug, nun: LAUIIIIOD, BASS ALE IN QUARTS. BASS ALE IN PJNTS. CRUSSE & BLAUKWELUS PICKLE8. 8A[Tf!l1' Crosae & Blackwell : V to u I pints. Otl:Mva..,.,....,..,. 8.00 p.m. 12.30 p.l. Iioufrvvv . . . . . . .. 2.00 p.m. 9.45 p.I'II. Bx-ockville... , . . . .. 1.50 p.m. 9.45 33.3. nu Thence Bonds are of the same page In the tzmnd Trunk, and there is consequently no tranblnipment of Freight, when in car- lands- SPRING IMPORTATIONS GOLDEN LION. cicn'rAn: .1,-mntmrrnmm nu: wrm OIAND nwlx TIAIII. Brock ville . ()ttawn , . . . licufraw u,-I,, :- We ,a.nnot. way: hnve such win me; .. Big John A. Mwdonold, And, even if it be ndnuuod tint Providence always raise: up non to _ gig!-Ila encgouciegdtin doubt. lul i! it possible to get his oqugl ffr any year: to come." - W: would fnin comfort our amhrnnm-gm. ` ERY I-`lN.;L', at 10 Centg per 1b., at 11 V GOLDEN LION. W. R. McRAE & C0., New Store. ya nel. OSELLE, ' SPARKLING HOOK. SPARKLING BHINE WINE, STILL, &c., &c. For Ottawa via. 1r6ci:_v1;1le.' .:.-- TIIREE EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY Brockville "ind Ottawa R A I L W A Y S . GANADA oenr W? Ii. .77IcRae 60 Co. rooc OI Johnson street. Paucugeru going to the West can procure Tickets vm Great \Vcuteru, Detroit and Mil- waukee an-1 Michimn ( antral Railwa I for Detroit, Chicago, ilwaukee. Grand awn, and also for all the principal points in the Went, and also via Pucttic Railrmul to Utah, Nebraska, Colorado, Nevada and Cnlifomis, A comfortable and nnnvnninnl. 117.161..- nunralxn, uoxoraao, nevada and California, comfortable and convenient Waitin Room for ladies and gentlemen an the vvha C. H, Fl'A l`{`.ll' `numb 7 VHF nlmvc Liine -i::omponcd of the fol- l lowing nplundi-I U ppcr-Cabin Steamcrb : C0112-HCAN . . . . . . ..(,'.u~r. Hlnouxl. s| AIt l'AN . Dmu.oI'. l'A:5>$|'UP.'|'..., . " Smmnl. MAGN !'I l' ......... .. M0001. (,'Ul .lN l'IHAN ,. ,, , l"AIuun.I.. BAVAIUAN CAuuwuAIu.. (mo of tho Htcmncm of -the above Line will leave the St. lmwrcmw Wlnarl, foot 0! Johmum Htrout, for 'l`m-onto and Hamilton, ever aftenwon (Mundnys excepted) at HA .l"-l'A8 l` FIVE o'clock. Also one of - 7,--- _..r. .v. -.-y vv-v. l.-U IJIUIIHI of our country in on trial, and we hope that jlutioo will be done and that too speedily own if it results in eonnigning Hot-rocks to hi: nulnit unlun In nah nu- nnur-mun nvr; o'clock. Also of the Stoeauwrn will leave fur Lfontreal eve manning (Mnmlayn excepted) at HAIIF-PAS ' FIVE, calling at (lnnzmoque, Bmclurille, Prescott and (tarnwnll, pwnung throu la the delightful scenery of the 'I`hmnmnd ulamls and all the Rapid of the `.51.. Lawrence by dn. light. ' 'nr Pzuumnu I'l:-luufu annlu at LL- I -l... -..,I 0ana,dia.n`Naviga,tion Company ROYAL MAIL TMIKOUGH LINE. n uglw. u i :'or Pusan e J'ickcts apply at the Lake and River Stumn at Uice,` Ht. Lawrence Wharf, Foot of J olmson Street. pnuuninlrnru nnin-r On 6|"-. \17..-L ..-.. __-_.-__ I Hutcheson s Aug Rooms, I BaocK__sfrm:I-:1 . r um submnm will AL-in by Auction, it his __ ` Rooms, on SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 10th, at H o'clock, I Horse, I Sat Human, I Buggy, l Cutter and 1 Cart. -nu n vs--v Also will, sell, at 8 6'cIock in the evening, 5 qusntity [of Watch maker : Tools, Wstc cl, Clocks, &c. ' I ll`, IllT I"lVIJIl'l{\`f ever mwnwon (Mondays excepted) .|*'-PAS" of the Sbemnm-u will lmum lm- Ngnluual nun-on Brockvillo, May 6, I873. I. ll. Mcliae 00., wmn wr uuuel unu gentlemen the whal- c. H. HATCH, Agent. Kinguton, 7th May, 1873. We regret to notice that the Leader in be- fi1||_ng._tn limit the pain of PIOVNIOHOO. tjud, . =- Wuiu.nnnt. vrnvn hnvn um`: -in u... -- HX SHIP MARIA ROSE, from Dublin, 1 GUINNESS l ()R l`Ell, quarts and Its. m..[:`.x Ship Rock City, from London, EN. ALF. Ix {\1YAI.)Iru jg... BUY YOU]: TICKETS -v- -v-vvbl-E X 8tore-Goldon Lion. _______________ New Stm-o-Goldcn Lion. __________.__________ New Siam-e--Golden Lion. _.______._.______..__ Sm yrna` Figs, In Canvas, _. ..... .. .. -.....5u uusru, sun It Wm be pnngstnngoiftho Rev. Hon-och can- not exercise the scripture precept and take him in rouoa unme. Pate a la. Diable. Sm-dinca, Small Fish. J. E. HUTCHESON, Auctioneer. 5 Worcester Sauce. Florence Cream. Urungo Marmalade. Anchovey Paute. Blaster Pate. Strasbourg Mcatl. Potted Game. Pntn n In `I\:..l.l.. 7.20 mm. 4.00 pan. 0.20 mm. 4.45 p.m_ 8.00 mm. 3.00 pan. DIVE boat quIlitY- II. ABBOTT, - Manager. IAUALLB. SA U CES. 5!!` Nun no To be sold by lfUBLlU AUCTION st Anotnon Hun-sf : Booms, on SA'l`iJR 1:41`. the 71:]: MAY, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following eligible Budimz Int. 1...... .. A Most Investment. uvvuu nu nvuuna all I3\lllIJ`lIl] his pulpif when he get: om. None but Pur Liquors sold at Paajl:hil1 s Jxut received 24,000 lbs. RAW SUGAR, In t and but Id ' K - f..$ .f.'.am em:;'I.."m.'2 "' "'"'" IA? PAB.KH'!-L Sl A umall lot of for invslids, bein avoured ; it in JAVA TEA, recommonled g {rectum colour and highly moot palatable. /vrx-u-u---m-.: . COFFEE? Also __ono lot sf the but allotted stock of Young Hyson, Gunpowder, Fine Japan ' BOXES NEW JAPAN TEA, (mly 25 Cent: per lb. best value in King- Iton. 01;? lot of TWANKAY TEA, only 20 Cents per . ' 64 lot aunrowma.-3 mm 40 cent. per .-exI:ra. value. 'nce, namuun. Kingston, my I. 1873: ,_..... ._. .. was ucuvy nu ma white- vuhilg lino. Ho did it wall, and perhaps ic am his gun in thin pmicuur um merit- ed 3 reward of nearly 88,000 at our money this you. ' Du; :4. :_ _.,_n_ L I - - _._-........u- vnnaaubvli (ll Baldwin and. Ruuott A N ew Maple Sugsr, and the of Confectionery in the city. PARKH|LL S. Hanan penu, Pm Wheels, Grasshoppers, to. Also justbhsndsnicc lotof `II I - uwcuriot Mssm. Orange Baldwin mu! . Rn... s and Lemma, |John Henderson,| F`l_RME___WWORKS 1| ALL THE NUMBERS, Ma.y6. From the Commencement. ._.. .. -... -ctr] no coma not tun submitted his olor to`hio eolloagueo in ooo, but ho must now inform him tlnttho G1-it: won in, and ho roeouunondod Ooch tospplyto them. That is/tho wholo bio- to:y.- Nobody doubt; it in any particular oxoopt It KoKolh.r, who say: an ooo wu prolninod to Cocks. Wo doubt that, seeing tho IIO lIcKollArhu lladoof thin Ian oinco ho got him, IO annot suppose for one nomont that the Ministry would have been - Iooagcr to omploy him, if thoy had not klbn M M CIA hnnru 5.. LL. ._L!- N ew" Season Teas VFTi"1*"e Crackers, PURE bf "THE FAVOURITE. JUST ARRIVED AT `azo nmcsss STREET. :2 -r-IT, Manufacturing Confectioners. on HZND and Black Tea COFFEE! PRINCESS STREET. vulwlllllil, t assortment I0!` IIIII llllHI_) Wf` every subsequent ill|'N`- - monthly, haJ!-ycuflo 9' manta nude on nodonb :2-U! be Acknowledged in tho NI W Auvn-rum: Tllll-- ` for first ixnertim 3 ` every subsequent _ _ medium of commnnial of Ontario Ind the Old]! the oicial recaipb 101 , l.ion.I_nnd bl ' lo M ":23i we umcm rewpu uor M, Lions and donation: hr` wknowledgedinHuNl"' `J1 A nun: nu uuvqvvg - copy.` The Nun in the on rum pnblinhed in 1 commnden that the probobilitiu ire lsnunble that 111 diculty about Mr Cu-lift; sud Hottocb Cocks III sun to ho cloarod up. We non: know that thorowu anything dubious there. llrculing got molar from n gushing Cod: olen; to lecture for $6 snight and loud. I: Guiana am -A0 I.-.- -I-- --- nurnn. pnmunou Ill ' ` nl lint-in and LII: lli uonrr noun, lunlilllp Tueodn , the 10th day I M hour 0 {our o lak h which time and Council an requiredto " aforesaid. In I The above in A taken into connidultii Council of the (built! Jwf Court Hanna. Kinnhn. HA or uukuounvy W curt use inptol, Tuesdnv. u; mu. dnv at ` am: 00 llllly ICUUIIDT I3"-` tutor in his Account And tnnnnnr ,......,. _ 3. Tlut the mount ` of such Dobcnturdl shall, 3 demption of my I * outstanding ngunnt ` ` become due and psyll . pad be duly accounted for sure: hi: Account .n payable ten year! Ill the name, bearing intcrd cgediug six per cent pot Yearly. 1. mu mo mum` g way of_ loan upon I - ` W, _ Ed d exceeding ten yes:-I, ~ ` ` , ` nut exceeding nix parent, : `A - . o""T half yearly. ` ` A . ` * _lIgl in 2. That the Wu-dcIII'r .g time being are hereby to prepare, iuue und- denomination of GIN lion may require, to tho payable ten year! Ilia: ` name. benrimz inmd Is rUB1.1suz1muy'a uum in ulvnnm. arm 1 van 5, Be it therefore Corporation of an co-aim 1. That the land` may of noon -.._. -....... vv mum-o In coo smght and Hrcningdid not knuvthonsn, be united to I00 more, more pnrticululy u Parlisnent. was just uumbling, to loan an W `GUI! MP t`..ol:.... T---- ---A am am. rl lsrfsox I; 00.,l $0 0 Q \ \w\ K ~ `WU .l.\J -II! 14 of H V |:;:.,,.:':.,a."'...v-I"-... snare momma, `nut: 31 `XI P" Aprn"2'3Znr:: ..-.. ---..... I It is e very strong evidence of the truth 3 "of the whole charge that the government he been eonpelled te nshe this public evewsl thet something is wrong, md to lny the bleme {er the injury upon the Opposi- tion papers is doing them more honour than they deserve. 1! the men selected for the heneursble positions of Agents-in-chief lied Been hem-st or oven respectable, ill the cries of the papers opposed to the gevorn- Inent would not have had the Ilightclt ef- luet upon them. But an admission is new nude not only thst thew was truth in all that was said ngsinst these men, but the up. Iurthor discloses the {net that othr-r etnigrstien societies in London are not working in any way to send people out to Onludn. The ergnn seeiis to say that s spirit of spite setuetes these societies, snd it rejoices in the fact that notwithstanding any little misunderstandings thst may have linen, there will he s. large inux of people this seeson. That msy er. may not_be the esse. But we have certainly every reason to expect thst we must get something hand- some eensidering the very lnrge Amount of expenditure there will be ineurred. Mr ` Edwards will not trsvel for nothing, and if the euro Ind heenishown in the selection of 1` sgents, the money thst is new to be paid to enable to investigete these charges ll h8VO been more nrnnnrlv -naweb . .. New in menu. Al ameug. and F".rAg1eCY Materials produced Iloy gzlozsnt Win in an Ncw 8111100 in `_ ____A,,, II C "` Ann Iullodu Fregch Ki Gloves. DRESS? APANESE SI J cmwxs ML2 1'. 9 runuwnnuuury Iv!-I num in ulvnpco, wv.~ A; .-mi -vnnvl villa BUT ONE PBIGI Superior Value in In` 'l'n'mmiug Silk! udlnlu. . ,,_-- vtf _ I Trimming Bilhlll N... h...J--~ ' ` .. _...... uull uu unvunguo gneu charge! ouuld `been more properly spent in as- ilting Him Hobart and Mr Herring in * Choir philanthropic eoru. ' IA QQnvn- _J- .---- -- - ' 51 -k and min so N .LlonIAnn-i- _A av-s m;:';lIIl`t hope for theiboot. The credit I 4.... ......o-. :- -- 4.3.1 -_ J H `i'u"q.`I` NI""' Jugfmj .1 bAas`I'.- `Tho Ontario Govern- gggq, i. gt lut awakening to tho: [act that : 15., an||Ol outugo public opinion both on ! this continent 1nd at home by the clurncur i of their ngenu. and we rogard it in A lnont hapdul sign. The Court journal unounm ; OI yutorday with :\ grand ourinh that Mr .l-iwordn, deputy of tho Minister of Public : --In. ....-..l..I I..-.._ ll-.. V-_I. -_ C|-A.._I. __ ` G.-- P buts lam: lo .2--vuu---, navy-u-J vn uuu usnunnuvn vs I uvul; Work: would leave Now York on Sotunltny to clear up :11 mutter: tint may be wrong About the onigrnuun oicc in Loudo-u. The ; orpu could not give this pioco of infonrw I tion without showing in teeth, and mu. In; at tho Opposition press for making the ; has up.-dang Cocks. Whellanu 6; C0,, no . well known. TUEBDA r mu-.vmo. Jam 2*}.-. -.-._;....-- - -_-, -_-, .. slur nail II I was heavy in tho white- ": Jhl io --II ---1 - ` Pouc: Conn, Tcumv - (Before the Moyer.)--John Williams and John Clancy, two umnitigeted loafers, were eeverellyncgl II or 15 day: pol, for drunkenneu and vogroncy. They Ind taken up their quu-ten for the night in the ltoblee adjoining the Anglo-American Hotel, but their retreat wu diecovered, end the rough: were removed by the police from that airy roost about 2 o'clock uawllv, unu-cuul, $0., IIOW On 3 Ppid through Csnada, (not stopping at the smaller places on route) still exhibit in Kingston on -Wednudny, the 23:; am. Lent bears a rgv. curable reputation, slid will likely moot with success. j ,__....._..._._-._ -__..._. - .. .. - . ._._...__._ ......-._., __. Mnvunm-3' hnn'vn.-Wo hope there I _, will I Inge nttondnnoo st eke meeting of the i Moehsuicf lnatituto thin evening, so bulincn, , .--_ ` of importuce will be trnnuctcd. T ___ 0nnsA.-'l`he elm:-ado party and Ypublic reading came off at the Court House, Odessa, last week, and was well attended, the scat: being well lled, and the entertainment giving the utmost utisfaction. There will be another entertainment on Thursday evening. Mrs John Booth is very energetic in the good work, and is well supported by the other 13- dies of the village. Bn1n'l1'u:.-;.-Ryan, a noted burglar from Hamilton, has arrived at the Kingston Peni- tentiary for a four years years residu:nce.-The Chess Club held a meeting last evening, at which several of the member; had A friendly gsmo.`--An occuiounl new crossing is being put down.--A broken plank in n sidewnlk makes a Iplendid mantrap. There are several of them around town. Not patented. .__:.__j_:} Kmxnrxrcx AND Su1'nuz.-This respects. hie rm has diuolved. Mr Kirkpatrick, County Attorney, will receive in the pay- ments for the late rm. Mr Smythe hu mov- ed to the opposite side of the street, to the lice next to the Montreal Telegraph Com- pony l Oice, where he intends carrying on bngneee on hirown Account. Mr Smythe is a. young lawyer of good ability, who may be depended upon to execute all bneineu entrust- ed to him withvdelity and deepatch. ~ - =-~ Tm: Cnwus SEABOI.--Lent'a gigantic .50., embracing the ordinary performing tents,men- `Qfi9. museum. in nnur An - _....:.`I 4_:_ Here i.".".;:.;.'.'.l.;"i.;.; >g.;.'.i', of liqnorf m-yuuuu mu-war, removal of obstruc- tion: at entrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cebonrg harbour, survey and work: (provided local authoritiu spend nn equal sum) . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 5 Belleville harbour, removal of obstruc- tion at entrance . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . To securetho testing of spirituous li- quon, is recommended by the committee to {whom was referred the petitions in favour nl P.-..r..'1..-, prance grunt to Marina 1! its], I. Kingston, Ont. . ..,.8 Nspunoe hubour, removal of obstruc- tionnntontnnoe . . .. Mlxnzuaeous Qunrrz-rrz Cwn. -- The Iovere of elauical Inneio will be delighted by the unonnunent that th`7q'=-lemons Handel- eeohnClnbel Boston is togive sconce:-tin this city, in the City Hall, on the evening of May 29th. The regular company will be an- nietod on this occasion by Anna Granger Dew, whoie epekenel u eneo! the meet acum- pliahed singers etthe day. An exchange nay: : Mn Dow has a beautiful soprano veiee, vlhicheeenu eqnally,adapted to the int:-ice ciel of the dicnlt and elegant `polacn _ and the charming simplicity of Katy ! Letter. She in the fortunate recipient at a double than of ! In the supplementary estimate: brought down to the House of Comment on Friday we `End the followinn : -vvu: av uni DUIDG O! UOEIHUIII Ffili following '1' vidognnttoarinoll .P;{'ingto1_1,0nt........ _ , 'l`lmrvday next on the grounds. The family I ..__..__ __ ____,_ __ I Tm: Hncuulu l"nornrir:-An will be; 1 teen by the ulvertinmncnt in uwther column, . the prcpriotor of this desirable property has `dew:-mined to o'or it at public: auction on 1 I I Wianaion, with two acres of land nttuhid, V gardens, cottage, and lsrge cowl: homo and . tabled, will be oerod in one lot. The build- - ingnr are in excellent repair, and well worth the attention of purcluuern. Ten building jlota delightfully Iitustod and commamlingi ! mic viewuof the harbour will be olferod M I the June time. This in one of the finest and most valuuble properties about the city. :- Bu Vuurr. C.uuI.. --~\Vu have received a blue book, containing a report by Samuel Keef- er, Euq., C.E., dated the 18th Fobrusry, 1873- on the Bay Verte Canal, prexed by a letter of C. S. Gzovulsi, Euq., spproving the name. In hi: letter Mr Gzovnki says he fully endorses the eoieluuion Mr Keefer hu arrived at both as to the selection of the boot and most cili- ciont lino fur` the canal, the proposed mode of construction. sud hi: estimate of its cost. " 'l'hure are 3 number of other reports and docu- manta giving copionu informstiun concerning this impoitant work. ::.._..__.._.._._. nuu or lImmrr:r.-'l`he Diroctoru for the present week are Maura Wm. Allen, Wm, lrnphy and 8; T. Drennn. Fun 1'0 S!-:n.--Wo lmvc lmd the plcauuru ol uxnminiug Mni. Anglia : nzock of new spring laonnotn, which of cour!u!eln|n'.1.c0 the latent zacylus injhapo, material and culuur. Indies wanting a utylinh lumnot or garment of any du- -wription should pay an only viait to Mrs. Ann- "lift! nlmw rooms, where they can make ccr-- tznn nf lnnina nun.-.rn...I..6...l ....LI. -.,.. AI ! - ... . .. ........ nvrvusa, wnwu uuuy can mane tam nf being nccmnmndntcd wxth any thing they want. Mr. Anglia : oxquinito taste in millinory ix proverbial. ftvrr '1'Iuzu.-Thia in 1. suitable time for setting out fruit tract, and every potion who has a small plot of ground ought to have one or more trams, and thereby combine pleasure with prot. Mr David Nicol, of Uataraqui, has 3 fine collection of trees which purcluucnc would do well to made their sclectjon from. 1., . I Qrr.uw All! (5il,'Ll POIIl`;|.~- imp ntonumr ` ltioorgia nil: to-dny for Piston, N. 8., {mm Quebec, being the first but 01 the lemon. Gullllllllle IO IWIIOIB WI petitions favour 0 tion REMINDERS. Pilgrim" open: in the City Hall to- ovening. , , , , _. .-.. null -yaw 103, mov- re ha infanrln n.n...:.... ._ , ` 7. .-__..-. -v......~, ..,,,u. now on rapid trip stonninn at 9.1.}. ......n.... vu rolerred r of Prohibi- | 25,000 .....w. uurcues an ueuumth College on Thunday closed with the May Day festival of crowni the Queen of May. Miss Emma Hobbs, ollow York. had been unanimously chosen by her schoolmates for this pretty distinction, and was crowned on the lawn with due ceremony b llll Lordship the Bishop of Huron in 8 ew happy romsrks. The pupils the executed some military manceuvres, an gathering about the dnisy sang God Save the Queen. Tho festivsl closed with a charming May Dsy dance __ _ ..--..._.v..u -uuu Mn Du AI` I-Izu school exercines at 2 crowmngthe Queen l-l..l-.I.. .: -._Irr - -----.._.4.__---__:-.55: The Rev. Mr Oudet, of Quebec, who has paid much attention to the subject of Archi- tecture and sanitary improvements, has arriv- ed at Uttawa to give evidence before the Health Committee of the Home 6! Common: afpoiuted to report on the sanitary condition 0 the Parliament buildings. . V `llurn... .- I1-----r - A WORK or Am`. -'l`he new St. Joseph's altar, nm.nnf;:.etuu:d by M, O'Brien, of Man- treal, the consecration of which takes place on Thursday morning, is a magnicent work of art, unparalleled by anything of the dial- cription in Ontario. It doe) not display so gaudy er an appearzmce, superiiciul. ly, an the altar which it replaces, but for rare beauty of material, artistic design, and liuish it elicits the .-ulmimtien and eulogy of all Who behold it The greater purtiun el itiu con- structed of Italian marble, relieved by jasper, and the lfgnres, erred with an e. pression true to nature (representing the death of St. Joseph farming the front) is carved b " 3 master hand, in alto rrl/Ewe, by an American sculptor. The nltar i-1 uf Gothic style, in keeping with the general arclgitectwe uf the church._ The varied color of the (lilTe.'ent qualities of mar.- hle presents a charming contrast, which will - receive an mlulitionat attraction of a silver or- namental door, for the miniature sepulchre. Sculptures have been erectdil by Mr O'Brien, in many edices of the Lower and Maritime P_roviucma, but this is the lirst instance in the Dominien where biblical scenes have been so distinctly portrayed on one block of marble. The dimness of the site mate.-ially n'e-cts tllcasf poet of the carded work, which requires a strong volume of light to rlevelepe its exquisite Work, manship. The cost is estimated at $3,000. The altar improves the interior of the Cathedral to a large extent. It serves tee to exhibit the ability and superiority of the handwerl: of the builder, Mr U'Brien, who has shown himself to bean artiste of eelebrity,a.nd the present subject will likely lead to the lucrative patronage of " gther places in need of similar handsome at. trections in their respective churches. j . __.: , Vzkv SINOULAR.--Al|othcr man, (On-an Hicks, of Pictnn) who came to Kingston sev- eral lays ago, to ezngage on some upbound vea- sal an n st-.:sm.I.n, is mix-mug. \Vhen last seen ho was ex-zeawivcly intoxicated, and wandering Xistlessly abuul; the streets, having no recollec- tion nf the locality nf his boarding house, for which he Wm) in 25cm.-uh. Vigilant inquiry has been made by his fritmds, but without'suc- cess, the circumst:mcu3 of the strange limp- penmnce of twu men, are very singular. V j J- Ownno 8nwn.-'l`ho Iuootings of the con- mittooo in connection with the Diocese of On- turio commence at the Clerical Secretary . (mice to-marrow, with that of the Mission Board, at 10 o'clock ; Clergy Trust at 2:30 p.m. ; Divinity Students at 4 p.n. ; Minion Houses and Church Nevnpnpor at 7:30 o'clock pm. um s:n:1}i-ia'M.L`d_;n;;f.i`;;_r{;.d in Corn- wall on Wodneoclay evening from Now Or- leans, where she has been passing the ......L.... Posrrox:n.-;i`hz; `ecremAonVy ti; connects. tion of St. Joseph : Altar in St. Mary : Catho- -lral is postponed till Thursday mbming at 8:30. Bnovvs up LAKE.--Our advertising co]- umnn record the dissolution of tlib Above rm, Mr Brown retires, sad It Lake carries on the busincu, and will pay All debts of the rm. . 'l'un .E'r.s'.\ or Ihrnronu, --'l'ho Buffalo ffmnmerciul Advertiser that concludes I lengthy review on insurance : We feel it to be a duty, no it certainly in a pleasure, to ln.1.ku conupicuous mention of thin time hon- oured inutitutiun, whouitho fact: in regard to it: career are so rcixmrknhly important and in- teresting. Almost everyone in certain in knowing where to look for snfe- which is, we fuel the chcapent-inuura.ncc ; and we feel per- {cctly justified in expressing the punitive con- viction that for insurance that is mile there in no company ahead of the old zltno of Hart turd." Mauro June Swift E Co. are the agent for this city a :c:~v,i:<`n l u.umM's `Pnomw,m-s.- This p:.nur.-nun, no - lirilliantlf illustrative J Bunyan : uiarvcllnuydrcztin, will bo clhibitod fut the first time in the City Hall to-marrow awning. Thaw ivho I.-nv it on its hut viuit to Kingston will agree with us that it is I. really mcritorioms work of art, and that the paiiitinigu have no equal. Tho: Prcu is loud in its: praises 0! the entertainment, for hp- nidea the scenic representation, there is an appropriate vocal and nmaicnl accompani- ment at intorvnhs of the explanatory lecture, which is brief, to the point, and distinctly de- livurcd, The communicntima of A Sulmcribcr" does not ntrictly cmnfdrm tdthu rule of the Prou, but .-u we uytnpatlnizu with the vicwu of the writer, we will emleavuur to liml space for it NI-lll0I'l'0\V. ! I F F I 4 J 1 n v: unululrul l1l7I(.[ from Ottawa. (mums, May 6.---The Pacic Rnilwny Com- rninco mot thin morning pursuant to adjourn- ment, ind further adjourned till to-morrow to see what lctiun the House will take today. A long and `rather spicy debate is anticipated on the resolution permitting the committee to adjourn till July, and members have been brought back from various parts of the coun- try to vote. I .. LI... I)____|,:,, - VI, VII VI-IT j In the Banking and Common,-o Committee tion of various kinds of food was under dis- cusnion. The fcolmg nppuarml to be in favour uf compulsory impaction. The further con- , uidcrntion of the bill mun postponed. _ I The ( hm! ......n...- -.-.__I.I.. INA this morning, Mr Tillay'u bill for the inlpdc ...-.,...u-pu ul nus mu was poilpollctl. i The Gu:mlu`l|n4l another ulambly last night which was zvgrcut succouu. 'l'l.e Uninn delegates from Prince Edward Inland are constantly uxpcuted. Thv wcumhur contimxou mzngnilicont. sl-noun 'l`El.E(:_RAMS. I In... II..../.......I a-n--J - -4-AIJIIIIUII (l'r'r Jllrmlrml him.) lflonnn mfanunr THE DAILY NEWS-TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 6. Lnuurn Cou.noI.-The ; Hellmuth on] :11 May Dav futinl Of inammation of tho'lungs, at his reci- Ituw Ottawa, on the 8rd imt., ., Civil Servica, Canada. second non of ti: Rev. Thomas .V:eI`1l60;.y::?Iy Court, Ehllhho, England, , UUSD. At Chi o lll. on Fri lay May 2nd Mrs Ann Hol:ng,od 6'5 years.` ' The funeral will take lace from her late iveeidenoe, Montreal Real: on Wednesday, 7th inet., st 3 p.n:. Friends and Mg ' nncel ere respectfully invited to attend without further notice. At 66 Veuuley ltreet, Toronto, on Satn" do , 3rd Mny, Ann Jane, wife of Mr Georg itebreed, and eldest dau hter of Mr John Holnau, of this city, aged years. a In MoHntree.l,Jen the 2nd inet., after I ellirrt ' lneu e when, . f th to 31 my meII?:l?s'I::,.nefoI.ett:rken- were unseat. Mr GI-Voschen nu yore the only occupant: of bench. uuure mag atance that warn mom when they are opposed to us ; although we do not wnm them when they are in favor of us, we have no motive ; we are pure, we are very nice man. And so they are.-Mail. vornment in the hands of tho Clark of the; Peace in East Hastings nununnr I... ll. l-AI- w_aa deprived of it last Mr 1%. M. Wells, Don predecessor, canvassed in South Bruce 1 Blake, while holding the ofice, W warned. A gentleman from whom a Commiu the Peace had been by the Ontar an-c.........L :_ LL - ' mvuur 01 ll! not wamcd. Mr H u same uroaa ground. 1 rofeslor" Mcbellan, High Schools, ran for Ton not warned. Mr John {\'T\---L-- " ` [I0 I? warned. Mr John O'Donohoc, N ondea Attorney of York, took pron favour of Mr Thompson We] nopiwanwd. --__ . -. .vv unvnl VD. Their interference will not be tolerated or forgotten. If there in one clan of persons on whom abstinence from active participation in election: should be absolutely is the oicisll of the Government, inuence" they wield is derived from tnut for the whole country, from in fund to which people All parties con- tribute. Thoir interference is A green breach of trust, sud demands severe reprobution and punislunent/ --Globe, Auguat End, 1872. So spike the Grit organ during the late campaign ; and its words are now being echoed at Ottawa by Mr Mackenzie. They are good word: and true ; but just us it is startling to i:;:e`il5o`9::l:1rei_) liikelhoney from the mouth of .. vvvnwn uy mr macxcnzlo. They as to see Gee I drop like honey from E B. Vysod, so is it amazing to hear Ru- formers promulgate a. doctrine which -they have ever treated with contempt and honored only in the breach. L:ut_ summer Mr Crooks wrote `to Mr Martin, County Attorney of Halllinmnd, wlm WM opposing Mr Thompson, the Grit candi- date, warning him of the consequences of Mrs course. Mr Crooks had no motive save the deep-seated belief, shared Party, that Govemment interfere in elections on Miniatr . SheriI Powell, of Carleton, and Sheriff Mc- Kinnnv A` '1-"<~~ Jll.IlIIUFr Sheri and Sheriff Kindaey, of Haltou, suppontcrs of Sir John Macdonald, were similarly notiliod on the same brand ground. rofesmr" Mnlnll... rs.-L . . A - --.-n -v at wvnvvuuvu IIIJUICHI ntateunan, to u that he wuno richer on ruignin his oi co than ho was when he 6000 t . During the oightoon yours which St. 011:! has been a member of the gator!)- ment he hu undo loss of it than the Hon. Goo:-go Brown did dun-in the two day: he wu in oco. It will 0 3 sad day for Cnnada. when he in nplacod by the cor- inonntt which now occu the opposici I bonchu.-London Hardly ' 0 ` scene): or me country." It weer rded as the greatest praiee that could givente a celebrated ancient resigning hise eothan In an -1..... L- HIUIIII 5 He is personally above suspicion of corrupt gain, which is more than can be said of sons of those who most bitterly denounce his corruption. Thus is no roar son to doubt, an the conttary, than is FOI- son to believe. thst he would -;m...:.. to doubt, the in non believe, he would willingly have his name auociated with gud moa- nu-as, and ground m the grateful recol- lution of lus country." In: ronrdad an 91.. ....o..a ....:-- AN IMPARTIAL OPINION. A writer in the Canadian Monthly (Goldwin Smith : azine) than speak: at Sir John Maedona. , in reforenco to the char eaof corruption no glibly hurled at him [fry the organs of the Ontario govern- ment : -..._.?._:. _'.____a . Wan Woaxs.-At tho nnmul math` of the Ihuuholdorn, held 3: the company . om, ygunhy, tho following gontlolien you Q clotted Dirocton lot the current yep, viz Icunuoorgo A. Kirkpatrick, M.P., Jug. uu, B. Deacon, H. C. Voigt, Noel Kong: ]g5g Ggl, nu, M. Donn; J. P. Gildenleve, and Dan. Shout. A: I subsequent muting j g Diroctoll, 080?`! A. Kirkpatrick, Egq_' I.P., wu olochd Pfuidont. and June: Lin. gg, Iaq., Vice-President.

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